What you need to sell a franchise. How to sell a franchise - instructions for pre-sale preparation and search for buyers. Legal side of the issue

Every successful entrepreneur thinks about how to create a franchise and sell it. Business growth and its market expansion is a natural step towards increasing profits... Today, hundreds of franchises are already operating in Russia - read our article on how to create your own competitive one.

Which companies can launch their own franchise

Many entrepreneurs, thinking about how to make a franchise for their business, believe that only large and very well-known companies can launch successful sales of their own brand. However, this is not quite true. Of course large company it is easier to find a franchisee. But practice shows that even small companies with the right approach to developing a franchise manage to grow rapidly in the market.

What you need to start your own franchise

The company that decided to make a franchise based on operating business, must first of all check its compliance with the following requirements:

  1. The presence of a well-known brand... When people buy rights to a brand, people pay first to be able to operate under a famous name that attracts customers and guarantees quality of service. The company must be known at least at the regional level (better, of course, at the federal level). An unknown organization selling franchises is not trusted and in high demand.
  2. Having a successful own enterprise with a good profit... If you are selling a café or store franchise, you definitely have to have a “sample” - your own café or store. Franchisees need to see an example of work.
  3. Long-term presence on the market, not less than 5 years. Some entrepreneurs are trying to launch a franchise within a year. There are cases when a businessman started his own business for the sake of the subsequent sale of franchises. As a rule, this does not end well - the franchises are not sold, and the business falls apart.
  4. Willingness to develop business plans and advise a lot... The franchisee needs full support, a lot of advice and assistance. If an entrepreneur is not ready to delve into each situation individually, it is not worth starting to sell franchises.

The right approach to developing a franchise will allow you to quickly grow in the market

What exactly is the franchisor selling

How to franchise your business from scratch? The first step is to assess what exactly you are planning to franchise. It should be a ready-made high-quality product known in the market. but entrepreneurs buy not so much a business as an opportunity to work under a well-known brand, receiving through this profit, as well as entrepreneurial experience.

Selling a franchise differs from regular sales, since in this case we are talking about the interaction of a businessman with a businessman (b-to-b), and not with an ordinary buyer. This means that marketing techniques will not help. the wow effect is clearly not enough for another entrepreneur to pay you... Be prepared to provide serious calculations, business plans, and reference manuals.

Franchise formation

What stages does an entrepreneur go through when selling the rights to his brand?

    1. Trademark registration... You cannot sell a franchise if the brand is not registered. It is necessary to contact Rospatent with a corresponding application and a package of documents. The name of your trademark must be unique, otherwise there will be difficulties with registration. The procedure takes 3 to 6 months.
    2. Drafting model contracts with franchisee... Franchise cooperation involves the conclusion of several contracts at once: license, for the provision of services, supplies. All forms must be drafted and reviewed by lawyers. The entire success of the franchise depends on how competently the contracts are drawn up and the terms of cooperation are clearly spelled out. Entrust this question to professionals.
    3. Determination of the terms of cooperation... First of all, you need to set a price for the franchise. There are two concepts: lump-sum and royalties. Lump-sum is a one-time payment that entrepreneurs make when joining your project. The lump-sum contributions vary greatly: from several hundred to several million rubles. The price, first of all, depends on the brand awareness.
      Royalty is a monthly payment for work under a brand name. There are several approaches to setting its size:
      • percentage of profit;
      • percentage of the margin;
      • fixed amount.
    4. Development of materials for the franchise... The buyer of the rights to the brand should immediately receive calculations, a set of instructions and recommendations. It is advisable to be supervised by a manager of your company. Some companies are very responsible in the selection of partners and even organize special training for them.
    5. Determination of requirements for future partners... It is necessary to decide in advance on what characteristics to select those who wish. Most often, the criteria are:
      • the presence of a premises of a certain area in the ownership or on a long-term lease;
      • the amount that a partner is willing to spend on starting a business;
      • experience in entrepreneurship.
    6. Promotion and advertising of the project... A very important stage is the search for the first partners and the sale of the first franchises. You need to tell potential colleagues about your new project. Create a separate section on your website (as, for example, at the Dodo Pizza company), where you describe in detail all the terms of cooperation. It is also useful to post information on special exchanges - platforms where buyers and sellers look for each other.

Delve into all the details of cooperation

Some companies offer the creation of a turnkey franchise, that is, they study your business and develop all the conditions for working with future franchisees. Such services cost 200-300 thousand rubles. This is a rather profitable option, as a franchise from professionals will be more competent. But on the other hand, if you are planning to develop a franchise network seriously, you in any case, you will have to delve into all the details of cooperation.

Franchise Group Employees

For a new direction of work, you will need new team: several employees who will be involved in the promotion and sale of the franchise, as well as accompanying partners in the first stages of work. These should be trusted professionals interested in the development of your network. Their remuneration should directly depend on the number of sales and the success of the companies in the first months.

With these employees need to conclude nondisclosure agreements confidential information , because due to the specifics of the work, they will have access to a huge amount of data, including your profit. For such a manager to work, a set of documents is needed:

  • presentation of the franchise;
  • questionnaire of the future franchisee;
  • network development strategy;
  • working conditions for a franchise in short and full versions;
  • requirements for the franchisee.

Hire trusted professionals interested in growing your network

Features of work after the sale of the franchise

Often, entrepreneurs only aim to sell the franchise in order to generate income from the lump-sum and royalties. They do not care if the partner will perform successfully, how he meets the requirements of the company and how his actions affect the overall image of the company. This is a losing option in advance. In franchising, reputation matters.

Information that franchisees are performing poorly will spoil the opinion of the entire company and reduce the income of the entire network.

Therefore, it is necessary to be ready to advise partners, monitor the quality of their work and fulfillment of the terms of the contract, as well as analyze all work and identify weaknesses. This is usually done with the help of CCTV cameras, analysis of reports and mystery shoppers.

Not all entrepreneurs understand that working on a franchise assumes the identity of the goods and services offered... This means that a customer visiting your store in different cities receives approximately the same choice of goods, the same quality and service. Standardization work is not as easy as it seems at first glance, especially when it comes to services: beauty salons, gyms, establishments Catering... For example, it is necessary to ensure the same taste of the same dish in all establishments of the chain. Only a serious development of the cooking technology and impeccable adherence to it will help to achieve this.

A franchise assumes the identity of the goods and services offered

The main risks

When selling the rights to work under their own brand, an entrepreneur always takes a little risk. The main hazards are:

  1. Unprofitableness of opened establishments... It often happens that the main company is doing well, and the newly opened establishments do not generate income. The reasons can be very different: from poor advertising and promotion to miscalculations when buying a franchise. Often, goods that are popular in large cities do not find a response in the regions. Sometimes franchisees are not ready to work hard and hope that a famous brand on the sign will bring them income without effort. Each such situation must be dealt with separately.
  2. Reputation damage... If the franchisee does not perform well, he will ruin the reputation of the entire network. It is necessary to focus on this when training and concluding a contract. If a partner deliberately violates the working conditions, you need to immediately break off cooperation with him. If errors occur for reasons beyond his control, the franchisor must help to sort out and solve the problem. In any case, cover the course of events publicly: it is important for clients to know if low quality work is satisfactory for your company or if you are working on problems.
  3. Unfair partner... Having received business plans, calculations and other unique information from a more experienced competitor, the unscrupulous franchisee breaks off contacts with the head office, slightly changes the name of the company and continues to make a profit. Most likely, it will be possible to solve such a problem only through the courts.


Starting your own franchise is a complex process that requires serious planning, analytical work and promotion. However, this is a logical step in business expansion, which will bring significant income and a leading position in the market.

Hello dear readers! Today I am publishing a long-awaited cool article in the form of an interview, the guest of which was Alexey Kornelyuk. Alexey has created several businesses himself and in partnership, packed them into a franchise and is successfully selling them.

In his arsenal there are such businesses as:

  • Copywriting studio "KEY-SAY";
  • Coffee Space;
  • Hookah "Contrast";
  • And in the process of implementation there are several more business projects.

With Alexey we will do a couple more articles, but today we'll talk about how to properly “pack” your business into a franchise and start selling it. In the article we will try to make out all the subtleties, but if we miss something, ask questions in the comments. So, let's begin!

Hi Aleksey! Tell us a few words about yourself and your business projects.

Hi. At the moment, I am developing a regional coffee shop, Coffee Space (our network includes 25 coffee shops). At the same time, we are developing in the online business - a copywriting studio, where our team issues space selling texts to our customers. And finally, a hookah bar. Already a more serious business, completely different rules of the game, but this does not prevent us from becoming No. 1 in our niche. At the moment I have packed the hookah bar into a franchise and started selling.

How did you come up with the idea to sell a franchise?

I will not say that an apple fell on me, as on Newton. The idea of ​​scaling was laid at the very beginning of the path. Company growth can be accomplished in two ways:

  1. The method of increasing your own points - the so-called branches.
  2. Doing business according to the franchising model.

Obviously, the first method would have taken more time, so we started developing according to the franchising model.

At the present time, franchising is associated with "easy money", because any entrepreneur, having looked at a neighbor, wants to create his own franchise. History remembers a lot of examples when such franchises burst, like soap bubble... Packing a business is hard work.

What business franchises are you currently selling?

Now there are only 2 projects: the Coffee Space coffee house and the Contrast hookah bar. But today I will tell everything by example. coffee business, because the hookah franchise was launched quite recently.

What did you initially do when packing your franchise before selling?

The first thing to do is register entity... In my case, it was LLC. And register all the OKVEDs.

Next, you need to find a patent office to register your trademark. The registration process will take a long time (usually from 4 months). it has several levels of agreement. Your name should not contain words that are in common use, such as: Russian taxi, the best pancakes, delicious hot dogs, etc. Otherwise, your registration will be refused. Our LLC is called "Coffee Space". The price of the issue, as a rule, is from 15 thousand rubles. Here the specialist of the patent office will answer you in more detail.

Then comes laborious process franchise packaging.

Well, of course, the promotion of the franchise and the search for potential franchisees.

How did you sign the first contract and sell the first franchise?

Surprisingly, the first franchise caught up with me when I did not expect it. In parallel with running a business, I keep a blog in which I describe my steps in the business field. Simply put, I am writing about how not to do it and what follows from this. So, my first franchisee found me through my blog and literally talked me into selling the franchise. At that time, I had not yet finished packing the business, so we agreed at a kind of discount. Where he gets a discount, and I am the first experience.

How many franchises have already been sold? What are the difficulties, pitfalls in selling a franchise? Maybe some nuances or problems from the side of the law?

Currently sold 25 franchises. I would not say that problems arise precisely from the side of the law, since the law does not bother you, as long as you do not brazenly violate it. There are pitfalls at the stage of paying a lump-sum fee. Once, I took my word for it to my franchisee (woman 35-40 years old), who promised that she would give 25% of the money after the opening of the coffee shop. After my arrival and full training on my part, I never received any money. Having lost me, this woman closed herself in a month, fate played a cruel joke.

How to properly package a franchise to generate interest in front of potential franchisees (what exactly did you do)?

Before packaging a business, you need to initially demonstrate good profit... People buy from people, but buying a business is still a rational action, where numbers prevail. And if your business doesn't make money, but is adorned with a BIG RED BANTIUM, no one will buy it anyway. Give people what they want.

A franchise is essentially a business in a box. The task of any entrepreneur is to delve into the past and thoroughly remember the process of creating a business, then break everything down into small parts. Such as:

  • Preparatory work (this includes work directly to create a point). Working with landlords, printers, printing houses, furniture makers, coffee companies, etc.
  • Step-by-step implementation (this includes a business scheme, what to do and in what sequence).

If you are thinking about a franchise, then your business must be successful. How did he become such? For example, in our case, we can look back and remember which of what we implemented was financially beneficial and what did not.

An example of a financial growth instrument. Suppose: we are introducing a promotion to provide employees shopping center(in which we have trade point) one free coffee. Based on 120 companies, 2 flyers each. We calculate the cost per share, which includes Handout for the employees of the shopping center for free coffee (120 companies) these are 240 flyers:

  • payment of the shopping center of 1 thousand rubles for the conduct of the action;
  • payment for printing 240 flyers (here in each city the price is different);
  • payment for coffee (the cost of a cappuccino or latte varies from 17 to 30 rubles).

We summarize the costs of a marketing campaign, and then fix the growth of buyers and revenue.

We fix all this and include it in the packaging of the franchise so that our franchisees increase their profits and return on buying a franchise faster.

As a result, it turns out step-by-step instruction, which even a child should understand. But it is worth noting that I am sending exactly the mock-ups of the brand marketing. Since this is included in the cost of the investment. Our designers rework all materials to adapt to the new city and location. Change information and send franchisees. And they, in turn, for successful activity, must gradually introduce everything that we recommend.

Those. your arsenal is an agreement with a franchisee, documents for a patent, a scheme for opening and promoting a business. Well, plus already working with franchisees for consulting, training, etc. Right?

Yes that's right.

What is your franchise (what's included in the package)?

  1. Trademark rights Coffee Space.
  2. A detailed guide to opening a coffee shop "Coffee to go".
  3. BRAND & MARKETING: Basic material package.
  4. Assistance in obtaining necessary equipment for a coffee shop with a discount.
  5. Software.
  6. Applied set of products and ingredients to work with.
  7. Technological maps, instructions, secrets of making branded coffee and soft drinks.
  8. Assistance in negotiating with the landlord.
  9. Consultations on all emerging issues: legal issues, taxation, choice of location. 24/7.
  10. Selection, training and internship 2 baristas.
  11. Turnkey business. Full management of the opening of a coffee shop, on-site visit of a specialist.

P.S. Let me focus on the last point, since we were the first to practice visiting a specialist. It's one thing to start a business, and another thing to make it work. This is exactly what our specialist does (sometimes I myself am a specialist, I really like to travel around the cities of Russia).

How is your franchise sale process going?

I prefer to work on a prepaid basis (we have 30%). Thus, we secured ourselves from wasted time. Although I wrote that buying a franchise is rational, it also happens that buyers can be people with a predominant emotional side. And, as you know, emotional people like to "change their minds." So, initially we issue an invoice for an advance payment of 30%.

After prepayment, we do the following work: we are looking for trading place, we bring down the rental price, help with the signing of a lease agreement, help in creating a 3D visualization of a coffee point and provide assistance in finding furniture makers who are ready to create trading island according to our layout.

After signing the contract, I register it through the patent office where I registered the brand.

How do you promote the franchise? Which promotion channels are most effective?

  1. As I said, the first is the blog. This channel is effective in that, in fact, I am selling without selling.
  2. SEO promotion in Yandex and Google. You should of course have a good landing page.
  3. Business forums with separate sections for selling a business or franchising show themselves well.
  4. A good result was shown by partnership programs... Where the business school sold my franchises to its students (by the way, the woman who didn't pay came through them).
  5. Now I started to host the franchise, in the so-called. I cannot say anything about this yet, because there are no statistics on efficiency.

How do you control your franchisees and do you control them at all?

I have no royalties (monthly deductions), which means there is no control. You have to give a spoon, bring it to your mouth, and he himself has to eat. My new project already has a quality department (but more on that later).

Who advises your franchisees? Do you have a staff for this?

While this is being done by two people from my state.

How long after buying a franchise do you advise the franchisee 24/7 by phone?

Throughout the month, this is the period needed in order to understand the intricacies of the business and join the stream. It is worth noting that for this reason I have no royalties.

Are your own coffee shops operating now, or have you only focused on the franchise?

They work. I will say more that in addition to Coffee Space, I began to develop 1 more coffee shop, but of a more serious level. These are premises on 1 floors of walkable streets with seats.

You say you show numbers. Do you show your earnings in your Vkontakte public?

Excluded. I am not showing numbers for one simple reason. Numbers are bad for people. We do not know how to empathize and rejoice (except for relatives and, possibly, close friends). But envy and intrigue, we, oh, how we love. So why add fuel to the fire? That is why my blog is not called “Goal 30 Million or 100 Million,” but “Enter the Forbes List”.

What is the income from your personal coffee shops in your city?

I cannot come to a general figure, since there are bad months and good ones. If we talk about a bad month, it is 50-70 thousand rubles. Good 110-180 thousand rubles.

What franchise packages do they buy more often? As far as I know, you have 3 of them?

That's right, there are 3 of them:

  1. "Standard" 179,000 rub.
  2. "Optimal" 239,000 rubles.
  3. "Exclusive" 299 000 rub.

Most often, the second tariff ("optimal") is purchased. it includes a very nice bonus. At the stage of project completion, we agree on the arrival, then I or a specialist leave for the opening and spend 1-2 days with the franchisee. We organize a master class, training on working with cash register, with merchandising, marketing, etc. In general, with everything that is needed at all stages of work.

Personal departure is available only in the "Optimal" and "Exclusive" tariffs. But it is worth noting that the customer will receive a ready-made high-quality coffee shop in any case, regardless of what tariff he has chosen.

Have you started selling a hookah franchise at the moment? What's next?

The next step is the DPS rec recording studio. I managed to pack the successful experience of one entrepreneur with 7 years of experience in this industry. Then next in line is a coffee shop with seating called Coffee Woods.

It turns out not a bad scheme! Do you create a business in your city, make it profitable, pack it into a franchise and sell it, increasing your income?

Yes that's right. It is hard work, but the earnings and growth of the company are increasing significantly.

And finally, by tradition, give some advice to those who want to pack their business into a franchise and sell with the same success.

Work hard, customers won't find themselves, much less just buy. Combine common sense with new technology. But it doesn't matter if you are not working on a product.

Today, a franchise is a very profitable way of cooperation for both parties.

A modern entrepreneur will prefer not to start a business from scratch, but to develop a business with her help. The benefits are clear to both the franchisee and the franchise owner.

The first invests money in the merchant's commerce and thus wins several years when he buys finished project, getting the opportunity to develop on the basis of a well-promoted brand.

Second for pretty short term can not only launch, but also distribute the brand throughout the country and abroad, transferring the rights to use the business to third parties.

As a result, the network begins to develop faster, gaining popularity. For this reason, many companies seek to sell their own franchises.

Franchising in Russia

The Russian market is developing more and more rapidly. She has long established herself from the very better side, thanks to the speed with which the brand is promoted and the trust and support of consumers is gained.

Statistics only confirm this:

  • 80% of those enterprises that used the franchise have passed the five-year milestone, are working successfully and with growing profits;
  • about 60% of firms that started to develop their niche from scratch collapse before even a couple of years.

Think carefully what conditions of cooperation with the franchisee you will put forward. You will have to soberly assess the attractiveness of your network for businessmen and set a real price for your logo so that both you and your franchisees can receive profit.

Do not get into a fever, get acquainted with the proposals of other sellers, instructions, terms of the contract, in order to understand how business processes are organized today.

Declare yourself. Your potential partner needs to know what the franchise is for sale.

How to "package" a franchise?

You are going to sell a turnkey business, which means practical experience should be transferred to the theory, which is passed on to the franchisee. You need to know how to do it right at the most favorable price.

Your activity must be registered with the tax authorities.

In the patent office, you should register your logo and name - the main features of the brand. Before submitting documents, check their uniqueness in the register.

In this case, a business case prepared specifically for future franchisees will be very expedient and not at all superfluous. There may even be several of them. Any such case will allow your partner to find solutions in difficult situations.

For reference: Case (from Latin casus) is an unusual situation, the solution to which cannot be found in textbooks.

Be sure to state:

  • benefit for the franchisee. He must clearly understand what exactly he will receive from you - support, software, training, goods. In your proposal, the buyer should get an answer why he should buy this particular franchise, why your business is special, different from competitors;
  • requirements to the buyer. These are both the amount of fees and advertising fees. Also designate an area of ​​interest for the development of your now common business... And be sure to indicate as additional requirements for opening a representative office the start-up investment, as well as the size of the premises that can provide comfortable activities.

What action algorithms will help you find and retain franchisees, as well as ensure maximum network performance?

Anna Danilova,

General Director, "Masterboard"

You will learn:

  • How to sell a franchise and develop a franchise network.
  • How to avoid mistakes when selling ready business.

How to sell a franchise? We became interested in this issue back in 2009. Our production technology does not require significant costs, allowing you to create a finished product right on the spot. Moreover, it makes it possible to take a non-standard approach to the design of borders and paths, for example, apply a special pattern or embed backlighting. For Russian market on initial stage of our development, it has become an innovation.

After analyzing the experience of using the technology in the USA and Europe, we came to the conclusion that the demand for our products in the regions should be high. Then it was decided to develop the regions according to the system of organizing a franchise network. For us, this is a winning way of development: it is difficult to control a huge number of our own branches, both from an economic and organizational point of view.

In addition, according to our observations, the quality of products and services is noticeably higher when an entrepreneur works for himself and risks personal money and reputation, rather than finances and the name of the head office.

For us, the benefit is that franchisees regularly pay royalties (service fees) and increase brand awareness, thereby increasing the demand for products. And we provide consulting support, expand the regional network, improve technologies and pass this experience on to partners.

The number of partners is growing every year. As a rule, we sell no more than two or three franchises in one region, the number of franchisees depends on the territory, population density and demand in a particular region. Today the company's franchisees are represented in 25 regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. let's consider step by step algorithm development of the franchise network.

Step 1. Identification of a potential buyer of franchises and a ready-made business

About 70% of our franchisees are newbies in business who are interested in technology and want to start working for themselves. A franchise is a greenhouse business, as an experienced franchisor will always help a budding entrepreneur. This is the main lever of influence on the future partner. We give franchisees detailed instructions on starting a business with estimated costs at each stage, which allows you to bring a new entrepreneur to payback as quickly as possible.

There is also a second category of potential customers, which includes the remaining 30% of our partners. These are entrepreneurs who already have their own business and are ready to master another direction. They are already familiar with business processes and understand very well the value of the market niche found, as well as the described production technology, business building and support from experienced colleagues. Communication with them is built precisely in these areas.

Franchise agreement: errors and standard template

How to draw up a competent contract for the sale of a franchise, told the experts of the editorial office "Commercial Director".

Step 2. Promotion and development of the franchise network

As with any business, in order to sell a franchise, it is important to use as many promotion tools as possible. There are no casual partners in the sales of a ready-made business and impulse purchases... Therefore, you should always focus on those categories of potential customers who may really be interested in your offer.

If we are talking about finding established entrepreneurs in a small business, then promotion should be carried out in their environment. We find such businessmen on major exhibitions for franchising or construction, where you can visually present the product and personally communicate with potential partners.

The stand usually contains a stand with product samples, a border machine, a flower bed made using our technology, and the installation technology itself is demonstrated by videos. If the format of the exhibition allows, we conduct master classes and demonstrate the process of laying the curb. All this allows us to collect many contacts - both potential customers of decorative borders and potential partners. Communication at such events is the simplest and quick way to convey the idea of ​​a product and its manufacturing technology to a potential customer and replenish the client base.

The Internet is an effective promotion tool. About 75% of buyers come to us from the Web. To work with experienced businessmen, we post information on large portals for the sale of franchises and ready-made businesses. When working with startups, we use other communication channels - groups in social networks and SMM. For dialogue with young entrepreneurs, this is the best platform... Here, two directions are effectively functioning. The first is maintaining your own groups in the social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, YouTube, where news from our website is duplicated, photographs, video and audio materials are published. The second direction is the placement of interesting information in the already created groups of young entrepreneurs and landscape designers.

Much attention is paid to SEO-website promotion. The site is the face of the company, and its good position in search engines is the key to success. A special role here is assigned to the uniqueness of the content. Our main goal is to help site visitors quickly find information that would be easy and interesting for them to read. The more often this information is updated, the faster search robots index it.

In addition, on major franchise portals, we place advertisements with cross-links: this helps us to further develop the franchise network and raises the site in search queries. We choose low- and medium-frequency queries: it is easier for them to advance in the search results; promotion on high-frequency queries does not always bring the expected results. It is very convenient to control the return on advertising through statistics provided by LiveInternet and Yandex.Metrica services. They allow you to quickly respond to changes in traffic and check the effectiveness of the Internet campaign as a whole.

As for planning advertising budget, it all depends on the efficiency of the channels used. If you calculate your target audience, correctly allocate your budget, you will constantly monitor the advertising market and use new tools, you will receive a powerful and stable stream of requests and will be able to quickly sell your franchise.

  • Development of an agent network: search for agents and partners

Step 3. Create a commercial proposal to sell the franchise

Find out what each category of clients expects from the partnership, what they need, what attracts them to franchising. Most new partners like the system of work itself, when everything has already been invented and it is enough to follow clear instructions to get results. That is why the work of a franchise network should be based on the principles of maximum information transparency.

Our company regularly holds open doors (discovery days), during which potential franchisees can briefly familiarize themselves with the technology, equipment and methods of work. After acquiring a franchise, all the issues raised are covered in more detail in the training course. In addition, we organize annual conferences for partners: for two days we share our experience with each other, talk about new technologies, and summarize the results of our work. Be sure to talk about negative experiences in order to prevent franchisees from making mistakes.

All improvements, new developments and ideas are systematically received by partners in the form of mailings and in the course of personal conversations. This is followed by control, assistance in working with customers and other consultations.

Pay special attention to the attractiveness of selling your franchises and turnkey businesses. Fast payback is always interesting. The average payback period of our franchise, provided active work in the region - from three to 18 months. However, this is not the only characteristic that attracts franchisees. Many entrepreneurs agree to purchase a ready-made business with a long payback period if they like it. A franchise can attract with the beauty of the product, its novelty or originality.

Step 4. Preparing for the sale of franchises and a ready-made business

The flow of customers has been created, the next step is to turn them into real customers. At this stage key work leads the sales department, whose task is not to miss out on potential partners. One of our founders developed own system training of sales managers. The program includes several blocks, such as getting to know the company's product, cold calling technique, sales in our company, checklists on sales rates and cold calls, objection book.

In addition, salespeople should be responsible for having customers themselves, rather than relying solely on promoting the company. Contacts of potential franchisees, regardless of the category, can always be found on the Internet. Therefore, in the absence of incoming calls (which is extremely unlikely if you follow all the promotion instructions), sellers should devote part of their work time to finding new customers and communicating with them.

Step 5. How to sell a franchise and keep in touch with a client

An important circumstance in franchise sales is keeping in touch with potential client... If someone approached you once, but did not make a decision to buy a franchise, this does not mean that they will not become your partner. In this business, everything is more difficult than in regular sales. You can buy or not buy something just according to your mood, and the decision to start own business for many it is comparable to the decision to marry. Future franchisees need to weigh the pros and cons, someone needs to consult with relatives, someone needs to analyze the market, study demand.

In our practice, there were two cases when a year and a half passed between the first contact and the acquisition of the franchise. And all this time we kept in touch with future partners and provided them with information support.

Step 6. Development of the franchise network: customer support and control

To sell a franchise, it is necessary to conduct pre-sale support of a potential partner. The latter often does not have free funds, and the price of the franchise is very high for him. In such cases, we advise on the possibilities of lending, obtaining subsidies and grants.

Our company participates in the "Business Start" project of Sberbank of Russia for lending to franchises. By the way, this is another good promotion channel: Sberbank receives a lot of requests to buy a business. This sales tool should be included in the arsenal. However, it should be borne in mind that certification and approval of the sale of franchises and ready-made businesses is not easy. The main difficulty lies in collecting all required documents and the lengthy process of approving your project at Sberbank itself. However, participation in the program will once again emphasize the reliability of your franchise model and create a positive image in the eyes of a potential client.

In addition, we regularly develop promotions and Special offers, we hold draws and provide customer service. For new franchisees, there is a “Quick Start” program: at the initial stage, our consultants optimize the partner's advertising costs, help to choose solutions for promotion and launch advertising campaign... The program includes no less important issues of building an organization: hiring personnel, consulting training to work with customers, obtaining subsidies and benefits. Within the framework of " Quick start»We also provide franchisees with the opportunity to create a website. This is a very serious support for inexperienced entrepreneurs who are unfamiliar with web technologies and Internet marketing mechanisms.

Unlike working with your own networks, the control system of a franchise network is very simple: it includes the provision of quarterly reports to the franchisee, which indicate the amount of work performed. This data is centrally processed, and based on the analysis, individual support strategies for a particular partner are drawn up. Someone needs help with promotion and sales, someone - with production and other issues.

The entire range of the listed services is included in the licensed part of the agreement. Thus, the partner, paying for the license part of the agreement and further royalties, can be sure of our assistance. Of course, all these support measures do not generate direct income for the parent company. However, the commitments we undertake attract many new partners.

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Information about the author and company

Anna Danilova graduated from Moscow state academy business administration in 1998 (specialty - "small and medium business management"). Since 2009, he has been managing the Masterbordur company.

"Masterboard" is a franchise group founded in 2008. Implements ready-made packages manufacturing business... The company's franchises are represented in 25 regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. Official site - www.masterbordur.com

Before packaging a franchise, many businessmen have a question - how to sell a franchise? Why will they buy it from me? How does a franchise sale take place? Now we will talk about the very process of selling a franchise, and I will tell you how to stand out from your competitors and make it so that people buy from you.

In general, the process of selling a franchise is different from selling ordinary goods and services, because when selling a franchise you are not just selling - you are looking for partners who will have to work with you for a long period of time. And starting from the very first touch with a potential partner, you must show that it is you who decide whether a person can buy a franchise or not. This point is very important because a person who wants to open a franchise business is looking for a strong partner who will help him in business. If during the sale you bend in front of a potential franchisee, then what kind of power can we talk about?

To make sure that you can easily stand out from your competitors, do a simple test - submit bids for all of your competitors' franchises, and most of them will beg you to buy their franchise. It looks something like this “Please, I beg you, buy our profitable business!». How can this be? Is a profitable business going to be so hard on the forehead? Of course not!

How to show what you really are strong company and do you have a really strong franchise? It is worth making a selection of franchisees to show what exactly you decide with whom to work and with whom not. How does this happen:

1 - A person leaves an application for your franchise

2 - The manager contacts the lead and after the conversation sends him selling materials: a presentation of the franchise, financial model, and necessarily the partner's questionnaire. What is a partner profile? This is a kind of indicator of a person's interest. In the questionnaire, you need to make 10-15 questions (experience in business, what investments are on hand, what is most important when choosing a franchise, and more), and send it to the client with the words: “Fill out the questionnaire, and if our manager approves you, then we will communicate further , will you have time to fill it in by the evening? "

3 - If a person filled out the questionnaire, then he is really interested in your franchise, and you can work with him, especially since you already know enough information about him that is in the questionnaire. If a person is not ready to devote 5 minutes of his time to filling out the questionnaire, then your franchise is not interesting to him, and there is no point in wasting managers' time working with him.

4 - 10-12 hours after filling out the questionnaire, you can call the person and say that his application has been approved (if you want to work with such a person). By the way, always in the questionnaire you should ask a question about when a person is ready to start working on your franchise, so you will know whether it is possible to close a lead for sale immediately or not. If a person is not ready to buy now, but he has money (judging by the questionnaire), then it is worth motivating him by the fact that the franchise is exclusive for each region, and you already have those willing.

5 - The purpose of this conversation with the client is to schedule an interview with the supervisor. If a person is ready for an interview, then this is a very real client, which can be closed by 95%. Prior to the interview, the manager advises the lead on all franchise-related issues and sets a date for the interview with the manager. Usually the interview takes place on Skype.

6 - At the interview are present: client, manager, leader. During the interview, the manager asks the client questions, communicates and gets to know him. During the interview - the manager seems to be on the client's side in order to give "friendly advice" if something happens.

7 - At the end of the conversation, be sure to say the phrase “Thank you for the interview. Today we have another Skype with a client from your region. After that, we will confer and decide who we want to see as partners. In 2-3 hours we will call you and inform you about the decision. "

8 - After 2-3 hours, call the client and say that you have chosen him, and you need to sign a contract.

9 - Sign the contract and get paid for the franchise!)

At the moment, this is the most working scheme for selling franchises. In the following posts, I will tell you about many other secrets and tricks in franchise sales.


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