Where to download presentations. Adviсe. How to download presentations from the Internet

Annotation to the material

PowerPoint presentations become more and more popular and necessary in the classroom. They bring joy to children, facilitate the work of the teacher, increase interest in the subject. How can I do without them in the age of dissemination and implementation in schools of ICT? Yes, just not! For the convenience of teachers, a new large section has been created on the portal, where you can download free multimedia developments in all classes and in all subjects.

PowerPoint presentations on all topics completely free

There are many resources on the net that offer ready-made free presentations, which can be used at work, which are useful to view at your leisure. But often they are so difficult to find, preparing for the next lesson. Our portal has not just collected its media library of wonderful interactive works. A clear structure has been created that allows you to prepare for the next lesson in a matter of minutes, since visual aids on all topics are not piled up, but are laid out first by subject and then by class. On the portal today you can download free presentations on almost all topics for subject teachers in their disciplines.

  • Literary reading, literature
  • Music
  • Chemistry
  • natural history
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Maths
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Labor training
  • History
  • English language
  • Social Studies

The site is updated daily, new topics are added. Very soon, those items that have not yet had time to smash will appear on this list.

A significant place in the work of the school is occupied by the educational process. Presentations for class hour located in the left menu. Multimedia works are sorted by topics. Such a system allows the teacher to choose the right material not only in preparation for the next class hour or open extracurricular activities but also when planning work for the year.

Download PowerPoint presentations for free: Grades 1 - 11 in all subjects

The electronic material is collected in order to be able to use it. At any time, a teacher or a student from grades 1 to 11, a librarian or a parent, a teacher, a small preschooler or someone else can download any presentation offered on the portal for free. And for this there is no need to pay for something or register somewhere. It is enough to follow the link that offers to download the material.

Let's be friends and cooperate! Join our group and make your life easy and lessons interesting.

500 years of the Tula Kremlin

2019 marks the 500th anniversary of the Tula Kremlin! And this event is marked in the calendar of educational events for the 2019-2020 academic year. The event is recommended to be held during the school year. We have prepared for you a set of presentations for class hours on this topic. It is much easier to download ready-made than to develop it yourself. Energy saving...


PowerPoint presentations are becoming more and more popular and necessary in the classroom. They bring joy to children, facilitate the work of the teacher, increase interest in the subject. How can I do without them in the age of dissemination and implementation in schools of ICT? Yes, just not! For the convenience of teachers, a new large section has been created on the portal, where you can ...


Children at any age learn the material better if they see it visually. A modern, well-designed presentation in mathematics on the most difficult topic is a convenient means of presenting new material in the classroom, consolidating existing knowledge or organizing an extracurricular event using ICT in mathematics. The use of a presentation in mathematics is becoming especially relevant at the present time ...

Literary reading

Lessons literary reading should be useful, productive, interesting and rich. Great help in their organization and conduct is provided by ICT, which is increasingly confidently entering every class. A reading presentation is a powerful means of influencing a student, which maintains interest in the material studied in the lesson and makes them participate in the search ...

The world

Presentations around the world will allow the teacher primary school make the subject the favorite of the majority of students elementary school. With a competent selection of visualization, an accessible explanation of new material, students awaken an interest in studying each next topic, a desire to learn more than was given in the lesson. After watching a presentation on the topic of the world around us, small ...

Russian language

A presentation on the subject of the Russian language for 1, 2, 10, 11 or any other class is relevant and necessary in the lesson. This is the best visual tool that helps to explain the material to the teacher and arouses interest in children, encourages their motivation to learn and discover new knowledge. It's not just a fashion statement or...


Presentations on geography are used in the modern lesson by the teacher as often as a map and a globe. This unique manual allows you to easily explain the most complex topics, from grade 5 to grade 11. There is no material that the student could not understand. There is no topic in the lesson that would be uninteresting. You just need to know...

Technology (labor)

Presentations on technology (labor) are an effective means of increasing educational process children in the classroom, where you need to be creative when working with various materials. Most elementary school students are distinguished by a pronounced visual-figurative thinking, so it is important for them to imagine in advance the object that they must make. Seeing on the slides the presentation of the lesson of labor (technology) ...

IZO (fine arts, drawing)

Art presentations are the best demonstration material, which, thanks to the use in school information technologies, will allow the teacher not only to teach children how to draw, but will also provide an opportunity to acquaint them with works of fine art, the work of artists in drawing lessons at school. Conducting a lesson in fine arts without the presence of visual images is impossible today. Drawing presentations...


Biology presentations, which can be downloaded for free from this section, open up great opportunities in professional activity a creative teacher who teaches his subject. The use of these electronic visual aids makes the lesson interesting and understandable for students of any class. Students, thanks to the presence of a presentation on the topic of biology lesson, not only listen new material, but also...

natural history

Presentations on natural history are one of the main means of visualization in the lesson when students get acquainted with the nature of the region and the Earth, with natural phenomena and minerals, nature conservation and certain types animals or plants. It is impossible to describe the essence of the phenomenon in words, just as it is impossible to collect pictures for each lesson in order to give a concept ...


A presentation in chemistry is an additional visual aid in the lesson, which makes it not only attractive, but also understandable and interesting. Due to the fact that on the big screen or interactive whiteboard there are clear schemes, reaction equations, animation drawings chemical processes, video from the laboratories of scientists, each phenomenon studied is perceived consciously. Presentation on the topic...


Computer science presentations will help schoolchildren to study this difficult, but extremely important for modern society subject. This discipline has become so relevant that the subject is introduced from the first grade and studied until graduation. Where, if not here, to show students the enormous possibilities of the computer in our lives and teach them how to use it to achieve ...


History Presentations - Best visual material to study events that happened thousands of years ago or were very recent. Looking at slides filled with illustrative and textual material, with video inserts, students feel the era of time, see the life of people, feel their mood. One textbook in the lesson is clearly not enough, and then to the rescue, ...

MHK (World Artistic Culture)

MHC presentations, which can be downloaded for free right now on all lesson topics from the sections of our website, allow you to create an ideal environment for school students to form in the lesson core competencies on the subject, to study the main trends of the world artistic culture, to get to know famous personalities whose activities influenced the formation of culture ...


Literary presentations expand the role of literature in the general educational process. This is the visual material that serves to create interest in the subject among students and along the way improves the quality of education. Today it is not easy for a schoolchild to socialize in society, but this information culture that will be obtained through presentations on literature in the classroom will help to do this. Boys...


Presentation by English language(English) will make it easier to master a foreign language at any stage of its study. Today, knowledge of this language is becoming more and more relevant. It is spoken not only in Britain. Most of the European population is fluent in English. It is spoken by the American continent. He confidently conquered Asia, so we will also have to...


Physics presentations are an excellent accompaniment for the lesson, when the educational material can be remembered and understood without much difficulty. Today, almost every open lesson is held using these visual aids. This is certainly good, but it's time to conduct regular classes in the form of a lesson-presentation in physics. You say that this is impossible, because it is expensive ...


Algebra presentations are the modern visual material that will help the teacher maintain students' interest in a subject in which numbers take precedence over everything else. Teaching these lessons has its own specifics. Here you can not do without the usual work at the blackboard. Here you will not be able to get the right answer until it is built in ...


Musical presentations become a real decoration of music lessons. They turn an ordinary activity into something fabulous, alluring, magical. In such a lesson, even those who are not very strong in mathematics, who cannot remember all the spelling rules or remember the dates in history, can reveal their talent. Music presentations activate children's activities, create ...

life safety fundamentals

Presentation on OBZH is the visualization necessary for the teacher for lessons. It is she who today has taken a leading place in the piggy banks of teachers who have a computer in the classroom and wish to conduct classes at a high level, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, recommendations educational programs thinking about the interests of children. In our section you can download presentations on...

ORKSE (Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics)

The presentations on the ORCSE are a multimedia visualization for conducting a new comprehensive training course within the framework of schooling. The introduction of this discipline is not at all accidental in the field of Russian education. Today's schoolchildren receive solid knowledge in mathematics and languages, they master the secrets of history and learn about the world around them, go in for physical education and learn to draw, but...

Social Studies

A social science presentation is an excellent modern visual material that can help students feel interest in the subject and be active in their work. A modern student should feel comfortable in the society in which he lives, so it is important to tell in an accessible and understandable way about all his problems, components, processes that take place there, professions, ...


A presentation on geometry is the visual tool necessary for a teacher that allows you to change the approach to teaching students this important subject. The ICT used in the lesson allows the teacher to form a modern schoolchild's spatial mathematical thinking, without which it is impossible to deal with theorems and solve geometric problems. With such a construction of classes, with the right selection ...


German language presentations are a wonderful material for learning this foreign language at school. Electronic development of lessons for textbooks Bim, Voronina will help you get acquainted with vocabulary, talk about Germany, its sights and great people. These works contain information about big cities and small villages of unique Germany, about...


Presentations on astronomy allow the teacher to intensify the process of teaching older students, which will contribute to the creation necessary conditions for the development of cognitive interest in the subject, the formation of creative abilities that are necessary for the study of this discipline. All this will improve the information culture of students, force them to participate in the creation creative projects the discovery of new knowledge. Apply ICT...


Ecology presentations are multimedia resources where teachers and students will find material for everything environmental topics. What might interest a person early age more than nature? A child reaches out to her, he admires her, examines her. As an adult, he tries to protect plants and animals, helps birds and defenseless frogs, starts ...


Drawing presentations are just as in demand and relevant in the work of a modern teacher, as are electronic textbooks in mathematics or history. You can download computer resources for free on the Classroom-hours.ru portal. All works are divided into classes, which will allow you to quickly find work on a specific topic. Sections will be constantly updated, so you need to follow the update....

Alexey Obzhorin

Explores communication in all its manifestations - foreign languages, psychology of communication, oratory and visualization - and willingly shares his discoveries with others. Uses a scientific approach to everyday things and believes that being a scientist is interesting.

Much has been said and written about how to make a presentation. Despite this, today students and high school students are clutching their heads, getting the task to prepare a presentation for their project. And then - and teachers with teachers, watching dozens of template slides and reading microscopic text written in red letters on a bright green background. What to do?

It is enough to look at the best world samples. To do this, let's go to Slideshare.net - a site with 70 million monthly audience dedicated exclusively to presentations - and select best work for all time and in all categories. These are not only presentations that have been watched by 100 thousand to 3.5 million people, but also those that are most often shared by users, marked as liked and downloaded. We will try to find what unites them in terms of design, content and in general.


1. Photos are used much more often than diagrams, diagrams and other graphic elements. Moreover, the pictures do not directly depict what is said in the text, but develop the symbolic meaning of the words (freedom is a bird, novelty is a light bulb, and so on). A large number of photographs are emotional faces.

2. The palette of the 15 most popular presentations in the world is dominated by warm shades (yellow, red, orange, brown) on a white or light gray slide background. It is noteworthy that the color and emotionality of the content coincide. For example, light web colors in a calm presentation about Google and emotional red hues in “What the hell is this social media?!”.

3. Use one or two types of fonts and constant text size throughout the presentation (larger for headings, smaller for body text). There is a clear trend towards sans serifs (13 out of 15 presentations use sans-serif fonts).

2. Ambiguous intriguing headlines that create the effect of mystery ("Mobile ate the world", "... secret empire", "No one really knows that ...", "How to find the meaning of life ..."). In the headlines of 8 of the 15 best presentations in the world there is a question: “How does it work?”, “What would you do?”, “What is needed?” etc.

3. The information is divided into parts. For this, numbered lists are actively used, as well as the rule “one slide - one thought”. Found another one interesting feature: in nine presentations, the authors divide sentences into phrases, simulating pauses in a live conversation. The viewer has time to think about the line while the next slide switches.

General features

1. Capturing attention at the start of a presentation. The technique is surprisingly repeated in all 15 presentations: on the first 3–10 slides, the problem is identified and its scale and significance are proved. “There are 350 presentations every second in the world… and 99% of them are bad”; “Who is doing the right thing with social media? Dell, Starbacks… and you?”; "Did you know that..?"; Why do we need to know what a strategy is? After that, the author proposes a solution, says: “I know how to solve this problem. Here are 10 tips to help...

2. Simplicity in everything - fonts, pictures, words used, language and so on. The most complex ideas are presented as simply as possible, broken down into understandable unambiguous theses, the authors avoid using terminology.

3. The concept or unifying idea is in all the best presentations peace. And this is the most important thing. The concept is the feature that is interesting to the viewer. A simple sincere conversation or pathos emotional performance, sarcastic frankness or a benevolent explanation of the smallest details. The concept can be traced in the way information is presented, speech and visual accompaniment. Creates an image that highlights this particular presentation from thousands of others.

The found criteria are a guideline. The main thing in any presentation, as in any other speech, is the confident knowledge of what he is talking about.

Microsoft PowerPoint- a program for creating presentations, the main component of which are multimedia slides. Similar projects can be demonstrated to audiences, sent via e-mail and even print. However, most of the users do not use the application's capabilities even halfway.

Using the app's tools, you can create presentations for business, sales, lectures and reports, tours, and more. If you are looking for a product specifically for these purposes, then you should download PowerPoint.

You will have a sufficient number of tools, free kits and templates at your disposal, regardless of the version you choose. Integration with other Microsoft office products will allow you to transfer information from one workspace to another without using additional conversion utilities.

Features of Microsoft PowerPoint

  1. Built-in tools for building charts, graphs and tables within the application.
  2. Using a flexible set of presentation templates, you can prepare for various occasions: giving a talk, marketing research etc.
  3. PowerPoint can also add multimedia objects, audio, and video via OLE 2.0. Image editing can be done directly in the program.
  4. Support for Visual Basic for Applications.
  5. ActiveX technology allows you to control the demonstration remotely: through local or network mode.
  6. Hypertext linking in PowerPoint lets you save presentations as web pages and quickly navigate between them while focusing the viewer's attention.
  7. Working with a convenient navigation panel allows you to quickly find the tools and commands you need. A similar ribbon interface has appeared in all Office products since the 2010 release.

Users can choose from free styles and templates, or create their own. In both options, the result will always be exclusive and eye-catching!

Thanks to remote work capabilities, you can communicate with colleagues, read their comments and track changes. New releases use SkyDrive, a secure cloud storage service that can be accessed from any device, to store PowerPoint projects.

In this section you can download Microsoft PowerPoint for free, all programs are provided in Russian versions and will be ready to work immediately after installation!

Presentations are often needed not only by working people who promote a company, service or product, but also by schoolchildren and students. Moreover, the latter are met with them much more often. Global network offers a huge number of ready-made presentations that can be saved to a computer and slightly altered. More risky ones can hand over the work without changes. However, thanks to various kinds of anti-plagiarism, this may turn out to be a mistake. However, for further viewing, study of the material, or just for familiarization, this option is ideal. How to download presentations from the Internet, made in different formats, is indicated below.

What is a presentation

Before you understand how to download presentations from the Internet, you need to understand what such a document is in general. Microsoft's PowerPoint is one of the most popular presentation tools. In it, you can create slides on which text, images are located, you can also add musical accompaniment.

There are also services on the Internet that allow you to download ready-made presentations that are easy to add or change. For example, they often put up presentations that are made using the program Adobe Flash. They are also called simply "Flash" for short.

How to download presentations from the Internet

The first method helps to download a "flash" to a computer. For this you need:

  • Open page code. This is done by right-clicking the mouse and then selecting the "view page code" line.
  • Find the URL of the video. It has SWF resolution.
  • Enter the found address in the search bar.
  • Use the downloader program to save the video to your computer.

This method tells you how to download a presentation from the Internet to a computer. This option is good for introduction.

However, sometimes it is necessary to have finished presentation on any medium. To understand how to download a presentation to a USB flash drive from the Internet, you need to clarify in which folder the loader saves. If you change the path by selecting the address of the media, then the save will go directly to the USB flash drive.

Download presentations in a different format

Most often, sites offer to click on the "Download" button to proceed to download the presentation. After that, the user is offered a download window, which itself tells you how to download presentations from the Internet.

First of all, you should choose the path where all the files are saved. Sometimes this can be set automatically. You can change it in your browser settings. Then a panel will appear at the bottom of the page, which shows how much has already been downloaded. You can also click on an already saved file to open the presentation.

In a similar way, the download is made to any other medium, for example, to a USB flash drive. You just need to choose the path to it. If the choice is made automatically or you need to save a document that is already on your computer, then you can open the folder with the necessary presentation file, and then send it using the right mouse button and select the "send" line. Then the choice of the path is also made. Such presentations in the future can either be finalized or left unchanged.

You have probably seen exciting ones that are simply impossible to tear yourself away from. However, most conferences are rarely as interesting. Presenters usually use pretty boring pre-installed PowerPoint themes in their presentations, lots of text and repetitive images.

If you also often have to speak in front of people, and at the same time you want to stand out from the crowd, but do not have sufficient skills to create your own presentation design, this article will be very useful to you. It contains 27 unique templates PowerPoint presentations which can be downloaded for free.

They are easy to edit, adapting to your content. Most sets include font, graphics, tables, icons, and maps. You can choose exactly what you need and save precious time in the process.

1.Christmas Theme Template

This template is made in the Christmas style with images of wreaths and a predominance of red hues. There are 22 slide designs available.

2. Balthasar

Green theme for speeches related to finance and other professional topics. There are 25 different slide designs available, for 16:9 screens.

3. Gold Keynote

The combination of gold, gray and white on a black and brown background is perfect for any professional presentation.


There are two options for this template: light and dark. It uses 6 colors and 50 slides for each color. You can easily find the perfect design.

5.Gold Template

With eye-catching golden hues, this template is perfect for a business presentation. You can choose for yourself a suitable design with a predominance of gold, white or gray.


A great template for an attention-grabbing personal brand presentation. There are two themes available: dark and light. This design has a perfect balance between text and images.

7. Macmorris

Dynamics, geometry and gradients have merged in this template. Looks stylish and fits any theme.

8. 3 Gorgeous Powerpoint/Keynote Templates

Three universal templates for Powerpoint and Keynote 09 for every taste.

9. Business by Graphic Panda

If you need a presentation with tables, graphs, maps, layouts, and infographics, then this template is perfect for you.

10. Titania

Made in light colors with bright elements, the presentation contains 25 slides for 16:9 screens.

11. Introduction to Dribbble

A collection of bright and memorable templates for any theme. You can easily find the design that suits you.

12. Warwick

Looking for a serious and professional template? Made in blue-green shades, it is suitable for a presentation on the topic of business or education.

13. Social Media

Modern and unusual template. Great for an SEO, analytics or SMM theme.


In this template, images and large photos tell the whole story. None of the 17 slides have two or three columns of text. Images for 16:9 screens take center stage here.

15. Vicentio

Featuring a two-tone gradient effect, this template is ideal for legal and legal themes. For 16:9 screens.


memorable, professional and contemporary theme, which will be appreciated by an audience that does not like frills.

17. Nathaniel

All 25 slides in this template are different unusual design with thin lines, a sans-serif typeface, and an emphasis on one color. Ideal for 4:3 screens.

18. Miranda

This template sets in a sentimental way, perfect for photo presentation. Designed for 4:3 screens, you will find 25 different slides in the set.

19. Viola

The template is made in a minimalist style with a focus on one color, it will look best on 16:9 screens. It consists of 25 slides. It's elegant and professional theme which will be a great addition to your collection.

20. Lady Mortimer

A trendy template made in bright colors will help you stand out at any conference.

21. Perdita

This set features 25 slides for 16:9 screens in vibrant orange. If it doesn't suit you, you can choose red, blue or green.


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