Problems of maintaining the quality of services and competitiveness of the hotel. Competitiveness of hotel enterprises. Characteristics of the hotel "Province"

Table 1.2.1. The main comparative characteristics of hotels.



Room price, rub.

Accommodation conditions (1-5 points)

Location (proximity to the center), (1-5 points)

Availability additional services(1-5 points)

Quality of service (1-5 points)

Image (1-5 points)

Total: quality

Hotels "A" and "C" have similar estimates of parameters at the same room price, therefore, they are included in the same strategic group, hotel "E" is adjacent to them. In the event of a change in the pricing policy, this group may include the hotel "B". Hotel D is not included in this strategic group.

The presence of similar parameters and being in the same strategic group means that the compared enterprises are focused on the same consumers. In this regard, each individual hotel needs to have qualities that make it more attractive to the client, i.e. provide a competitive advantage.

Competitive advantage of the hotel organization are those characteristics, properties hotel services which create a certain superiority for the hotel over its direct competitors. These characteristics can be very different and refer to both basic service(accommodation, meals), to additional services, to technologies of organization and service, forms of promotion of services specific to

specific hotel. Competitive advantage is a relative one, determined in comparison with #competitors#enterprises, occupying#the best positions in the strategic group.

There are strategic and tactical factors of competitive advantage. Tactical factors of competitive advantage ensure the competitiveness of the hotel in the current period (within one year), strategic factors of competitive advantage is aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of the hotel enterprise in the future.

It is important for hospitality managers to focus on strategic factors competitive advantage, i.e. for the provision of high quality services, the corresponding class of service, the introduction information technologies and etc.

There are two types of competitive advantage: lower costs and specialization. Under lower costs mi is understood not just a smaller amount of costs for the performance and implementation of services

Competitiveness of hotel services 9 and hospitality enterprises as an object of management

hospitality than competitors, and the ability of the enterprise to develop and perform the service more efficiently than competitors. That is, the entire cycle of operations for the provision of hotel services must be carried out at lower costs and in a shorter time.

Specialization is the ability to meet the special needs of customers and receive a higher price compared to competitors. In other words, to ensure this type of competitive advantage, it is necessary to learn the art of standing out from competitors by offering the guest a service that is noticeably different either in a high level of quality with a standard set of parameters that determine this quality, or in a non-standard set of needs that it can satisfy the really interested buyer.

At the same time, at any given time, a competitiveness strategy is built, relying on only one of the types of competitive advantages - either on lower costs, attracting buyers with the relative cheapness of services compared to competitors, or on specialization, calling

in the interest of the most demanding and demanding, above all, high quality and meeting the special needs of customers.

Based on the types of competitive advantages, the most appropriate strategy for ensuring and maintaining the competitiveness of the hotel enterprise is selected. Possible competitiveness strategies based on different types of competitive advantage are shown in Figure 1.2.1.

Separate hotel enterprises develop their activities according to the strategy of “uniqueness and leadership”. Such enterprises provide a high class of customer service, widely using the Western style of management, a well-established marketing system. These are, for example, such Moscow hotels as Baltschug Kempinski Moscow, Savvoy, Metropol, Radisson Slavyanskaya, etc.

There are hotels whose competitive strategy is based not on specialization, but on lower costs. They provide accommodation services of standard world-class quality and

Rice. 1.2.1. Strategies for ensuring competitiveness.

10 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

with standard price. For example, small

And middle class hotels 3-4 stars, located not in the central part of the city, but along with the main hotel product (rooms) and additional services.

The third type of enterprises builds a competitive strategy on less risky

And cheaper principles - specialization in a narrow range of services (for example, the provision of only accommodation services by hotels located at airports, railway stations, large wholesale markets, large enterprises, educational institutions etc.).

Naturally, it is not necessary to adhere to only one, once chosen strategy for ensuring competitiveness. The way to expand the range of services while maintaining relatively low prices that justify the middle class of service, will lead to a strategy of focusing on costs, which will increase both sales volumes and the amount of profit received.

If you do not expand the range of additional services, but allocate all income to improve the quality of the main service, then this will lead to a strategy of selective specialization. This path can provide a fairly high level of return on invested capital.

For a hotel company that has a worn-out material and technical base and no funds for its modernization, employees do not have the necessary qualifications, but wages and other costs for performing the service are not too high, then the most a cost-oriented strategy is appropriate.

1.3. Factors of competitiveness of the hotel enterprise.

The competitiveness of a hotel organization is influenced by many factors that determine the strength of the business, the ability of the enterprise to function in the current economic and political

conditions, i.e. solve tax problems; provide financial stability and independence, to equip the material and technical base of the enterprise and reduce its wear and tear, organize activities in all areas - financial, economic, marketing, analytical, servicing, etc. But these factors determine only one side of hotel competitiveness. From the position of the owner. The consumer, focusing on the attractiveness of the service, helps to increase the competitiveness of the hotel, providing it with income and the opportunity to implement the above factors.

The choice, justification, grouping and ranking of the degree of influence of factors on the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise should be carried out taking into account the specifics of its activities.

The service market has a number of specific features, such as: high dynamism of market processes; territorial segmentation; local nature of services; short service cycle; high sensitivity to changes in market conditions; personal contact between the consumer and the service provider; individuality of demand; the impossibility of a preliminary assessment of the quality of the service.

In turn, accommodation services have additional specifics:

1. Different class of services provided;

2. Direct consumption of services in the course of their provision;

3. Dependence of hotel business results on fluctuations in demand for services;

4. Low elasticity of supply;

5. High capital intensity;

6. Continuity of provision of state#

service delivery, which is based on the specific requirements of the customers.

Considering all of the above, the factors affecting competitiveness

Competitiveness of hotel services 11 and hospitality enterprises as an object of management

hospitality enterprises Competitiveness 12

Rice. 1.3.1. The structure of factors affecting the competitiveness of hospitality enterprises.

enterprises in the hospitality sector, it is advisable to divide into 4 groups (figure 1.3.1):

factors characterizing the enterprise;

factors characterizing the service;

factors characterizing customer service;

factors characterizing the brand#

The significance and nature of the influence of these groups of factors on ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise in the hospitality industry is different.

So, the factors of the 1st group designed to show the characteristics of the enterprise itself. According to their composition, the factors included in this group, are also significantly different. For example,reputation (image) of the hotel, it would seem at first glance, has nothing to do with either the organization of activities or the economy of the enterprise, but the significance of this factor is great. The reputation of a hotel is very often formed as a result of assessing the level and quality of service by the guest himself. Studies show that if a person is served well, he will tell five people about it. If a person has had a negative experience, he will report it to ten 4 . The image of the hotel forms the structure of service users. So, for reputable businessmen, representatives of show business, artists, the reputation of the accommodation facility is very important, since this is not only the appropriate class of service for the client himself, but also, to a certain extent, for those around him, a characteristic of success in life this person.

When the nature of competition gravitates

to use of the advantages provided by the image of the enterprise (for example, the Baltschug Kempinski Moscow, Savvoy, Metropol, Radisson Slavyanskaya, etc. hotels), then it is an incentive

4 Timokhina T.L. Organization of reception and service of tourists: tutorial. # M.: LLC "Knigodel": MATGR, 2005. - 288 p.

Competitiveness of hotel services 13 and hospitality enterprises as an object of management

The hotel is not enough, because customer requirements for the level of service are changing, service delivery technologies are being improved, and hospitality enterprises must constantly deal with the problems of professional development, training and retraining of personnel. Moreover, this applies to all personnel - from the maid to the head of the enterprise. This problem in modern conditions is very relevant, because. The quality of customer service in Russian hotels still lags behind the level of international requirements and standards.

An equally important problem for enterprises in the hospitality industry is staff turnover. Frequent turnover of personnel, on the one hand, leads to a deterioration in the quality of service (during the adaptation period of newly hired employees), and on the other hand, increases the costs of the enterprise (payment of severance pay, costs of improving the qualifications of an employee who does not remained to work at the enterprise). One of the reasons often cited by those leaving is the low level of wages, which do not sufficiently compensate for the labor costs associated with increased neuro-emotional stress.

Financial condition of the enterprise hospitality determines its solvency, economic independence and creates conditions for stable development. The financial condition of the enterprise is determined by the results of activities, since the main financial source is the profit received by the enterprise. The growth of profits can be ensured by increasing the volume of sales of services while maintaining costs at the same level; with an increase in costs on a smaller scale than an increase in the volume of sales of services or with their decrease. In this regard, this factor of competitiveness acts as a complex one, experiencing the influence of other factors.

Significantly characterizes the enterprise and affects its competitiveness control system. First of all, this is manifested in the organizational structure that is built on this enterprise, placement of managerial personnel by levels and links of management, distribution of work and management methods. The maintenance of the management apparatus is always associated with corresponding costs and, at first glance, the simplest solution in improving the management of an enterprise would be to simplify the structure and reduce the size of the management apparatus. However, in real practice this is hardly advisable. In the hotel business, the largest number of managers should be present at the middle and, more importantly, the lower levels of management. An important issue in assessing this factor of competitiveness is the presence vocational training the leadership team. Unfortunately, a study of the experience of hotel enterprises shows that quite often managerial personnel do not have specialized professional training, which, of course, can affect the quality management decisions. Management methods are also of no small importance, i.e. ways of influencing staff.

Hotel location determines the degree of demand for hospitality services, since it is important for the client to use hospitality services in terms of accessibility Vehicle to move to the place of residence; often, when choosing a location, a guest puts forward the presence of an appropriate view from the window as one of the requirements; the presence of external infrastructure is important: car parking, necessary institutions (post office, bank branch, trade enterprises, cultural institutions, entertainment complexes and etc.).

Group II factors reflect the parameters of the accommodation service. consumer

14 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

services, as a rule, they are interested in matching the price and quality of the services provided. In recent years, there has been a priority of quality parameters of the service. And yet, the competitiveness of hospitality enterprises largely depends on the effectiveness of the hotel's pricing policy. The use of this tool in the hotel business is associated with a certain risk, since in case of inept handling of it, unpredictable and even negative results in terms of their economic consequences can be obtained.

In the economic literature under the price new policy An organization understands a system of ideas about what principles should form the basis of pricing and how to maneuver prices to achieve the goals of the enterprise and solve related marketing problems. When determining the impact of price on the competitiveness of the hospitality service and the enterprise as a whole, several important points should be taken into account:

1. What is the place of price among other factors of competition in the market of hotel services.

2. Are methods used in the formation of the pricing policy of the enterprise that help optimize the estimated prices for services.

3. What is the nature of the pricing policy for new types of services.

4. Does the pricing policy take into account the results of a comparative analysis of the ratios of "costs/profit" and "costs/quality" for one's own enterprise and enterprises #competitors.

The most important factor of the group under consideration is the quality of the services provided. Classification systems for hotels and other accommodation facilities are based on centuries of service standards. The classification systems of accommodation facilities used in world practice assign them different categories, on the basis of which

at the consumer has the opportunity

to judge both the material side of the hotel product and the set of intangible services. Consumer awareness seems to be the main task that classification systems for accommodation facilities are designed to solve.

An important factor characterizing the service is structure and state of the number fund. The structure of the license plate # yes depends on the class level (number of stars) hotel complex and is determined in accordance with the approved order of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 15, 2005 No. 1014 #r “The system of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities”. Accounting for this factor of competitiveness of a hotel enterprise involves identifying the degree of conformity between the declared and actually implemented class of customer service.

Ensuring the quality of accommodation services, and, consequently, the competitiveness of the enterprise largely depends on the organization of the work of the corresponding hotel service. It is called in different ways: either the housekeeping service, or the room service, or the maintenance service or the maid service. The purpose of this division is to provide guest room service, maintain the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition of guest rooms and public premises, provide household services clients.

The provision of hospitality services is associated with the obligatory use of certain equipment and inventory, therefore quality of engineering and technical support of the service also named as part of the factors that characterize the service. The service technical operation(engineering#technical service). It carries out maintenance and repair of sanitary equipment (water supply, sewerage, hot water supply, ventilation, air conditioning)

Competitiveness of hotel services 15 and hospitality enterprises as an object of management

air conditioning, garbage chute); energy economy; low-current devices and means of automation; television and communication systems; refrigeration equipment; computer technology and etc.

One of the factors that ensure an appropriate level of accommodation in a hotel is the provision of service security, i.e. the safety of the guest's stay in the hotel and the safety and security of his property. These parameters, to a certain extent, also influence the formation of the reputation of a hotel enterprise, since the safety of living is that characteristic of the service that interests many users of hospitality services.

Group III factors are very specific and characterize the level and quality of customer service. These parameters of competitiveness are "on the surface". Unlike financial condition enterprises, assessments human resources etc. the level of service is quite simple and clearly can be assessed by the client. If hotel employees are gloomy, unfriendly, overly fussy or, on the contrary, overly demanding of the guest, his behavior, then, apparently,service ethics and cultureThis hotel leaves much to be desired. And the organizational culture itself needs to be improved. An important element organizational culture is its material component, i.e. those means and objects that create a comfortable environment are the design of the hotel halls, designed in a certain corporate identity; comfortable modern furniture and equipment, etc. A necessary element of organizational culture is the use of branded uniforms, taking into account the specifics of the work of hotel staff. neat appearance of employees inspires the client's trust and disposition towards the enterprise, plays a significant role in creating the reputation of the hotel enterprise.

At present, the hotel business practices the provision of not only basic services, but also related and additional ones. In large modern hotels it can also be a suitably equipped business center; high class beauty salon; health or fitness center with a variety of services; cinema and concert hall; library; restaurants and bars; laundry and dry cleaning services, etc. Such a combination of the main and additional hotel product creates service complexity which is very convenient for the client and increases the level of their service. All this, ultimately, affects the competitiveness of the hospitality enterprise as a whole.

An important step in the guest cycle (customer service cycle) that contributes to ensuring room occupancy, and therefore a constant inflow of financial resources and influencing competitiveness, is booking rooms. Exist various sources where hotels receive booking requests. So, one of the areas of booking is the work of hotels with travel companies, with large enterprises that reserve places for their regional employees, business partners, with firms that constantly organize exhibitions, various seminars, forums, with centers of additional postgraduate education that provide retraining and advanced training for students from other cities . The second direction is a one-time booking for individuals or organizations that have a need for hotel accommodation.

As the appearance of the hotel evokes positive or negative emotions in the client, so the meeting of the guest,

organization of reception and accommodation significantly affect the level of their service. Service standards require standing to meet, serve and escort customers to the counter. Since labor is

16 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

employees of this area have increased nervous#emotional stress, it is very important to rationally build the modes of work of personnel in this area. This is achieved by many hotels through the development of clear shift schedules for staff, the organization of a smooth transfer of shifts, the so-called “seamless service”5. This approach to service creates convenience for the client, as he does not remain unattended for a minute and spends a minimum of time on the entire check-in process.

Quality of service , of course, depends on the applied standards. The same service can be performed in different ways.

The consumer's perception of the quality of hotel service is the formation in the mind of the guest of a sensory image of the differences between the expected and actually received service, followed by the development of this image (through the perception and evaluation of the essential properties of the service received) into an emotional mood in relation to to the hotel. Strong positive attitude - high degree of satisfaction, high quality. Strong negative attitude - high degree of dissatisfaction, low quality.

When characterizing the quality of a hotel service, it is necessary to take into account the social significance of the quality of services.

Quality is the correspondence of the services provided to the concepts and expectations of hotel customers, as well as to the established state standards and norms.

Hotel services receive different assessments from management, hotel staff and customers.

The administration evaluates the quality of services, guided by established standards and rules.

Personnel - based on job descriptions.

Clients - based on their own concepts, experience, feelings and impressions.

Quality assessment is carried out in the following areas:

the presence of properties that can satisfy the needs of the client (the more useful properties a particular service has, the higher its quality is estimated);

service delivery process (whether the client is satisfied);

no shortcomings in service.

An analysis of the quality of hotel services helps the hotel to identify existing shortcomings in the quality of its services, to identify their weak and strengths, outline the main areas of work to improve their quality, select an appropriate strategy.

The constancy of the quality of services is one of the keys to the success and prosperity of the enterprise. If a guest received a number of services during his stay at the hotel, he must be sure that the quality of services will be at the same level on his next visit.

Fourth group of factors characterizes marketing. It is often seen as a business philosophy and a concrete guide to action. On the one hand, skillfully organized marketing activities give an idea

about what opportunities it provides for successful work in a competitive market. On the other hand, it answers an even more important question - what benefits does it bring to consumers, what problems does it allow them to solve. The main thing in marketing is the target orientation to the consumer and the complexity of solving market problems. Unfortunately, Russian business leaders still underestimate the role of marketing in

The main economic and financial results of using marketing are:

expansion of the market share of the hotel enterprise;

more complete return of the activities of personnel united by a common marketing solutions and actions to achieve the set goals;

an increase in the volume of sales of services and, consequently, an increase in the profitability of activities;

increasing the return on fixed capital;

acceleration of the turnover of working capital; Increasing the reputation of a hospitality enterprise through the highest quality customer service.

By improving the financial and economic performance of activities, marketing contributes to solving the problems of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The formulation of the long-term goals of a hotel enterprise and ways to achieve them should proceed from the patterns of its business cycle, which begins with marketing and ends with financial performance, i.e. making a profit (zero result, losses due to poor-quality marketing activities). In addition, a hotel enterprise develops on the basis of the life cycle of an economic unit, which, in a competitive environment, goes through the stages of implementation, growth, maturity,

decline and collapse. In order to increase or maintain their competitiveness and, thereby, extend their activities for an indefinitely long time, enterprises must take effective measures to neutralize its material and obsolescence, i.e. it is necessary to periodically review the mission and goals of the enterprise, modernize or completely reorganize the enterprise management structure, support the material and technical base at a competitive level, conduct active work in the area of ​​personnel motivation, stimulating their initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.

To realize a positive impact# marketing activities for the competitiveness of the hotel enterprise, it is necessary to ensure the systematic nature of this work, which will be expressed, on the one hand, in the involvement of the entire marketing complex, i.e. development and improvement of a hotel product, use of efficient pricing and communication policy and sales system, and on the other hand, in the regular work of collecting marketing information, conducting marketing research market and services, detailed research of consumers and competitors.

18 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

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Competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that means the conformity of a product to market conditions, the specific requirements of consumers, not only in terms of their quality, economic, technical, aesthetic, ergonomic characteristics, but also in terms of commercial and other conditions for its implementation (delivery time, price, distribution channels, service, advertising ) (1, p.21)

It is known that if the system does not develop, it eventually dies; this is true for hotels. Of course, this is not about physical death, but about the fact that the hotel may become insolvent, i.e. will be forced to stop functioning as an economic unit due to the lack of necessary resources to carry out its activities.

The most superficial analysis of the activities of such hotels shows that at some stage their development did not meet the requirements of reality and they were content with a condition that once allowed them to receive good financial results. But in modern conditions, when the market of hotel services has developed and operates, which is divided into segments and there is fierce competition within each segment, in order to remain competitive, it is necessary to develop, and continuously (1, p. 22).

Income from accommodation mainly depends on the percentage of occupancy of the room stock, which the hotel has, and the sale price of the room. The main advantage of the hotel is achieved when it effectively uses the number of rooms and at the same time offers a range of additional services that take into account the needs of both hotel guests and customers from the street.

When starting to create new hotel services, the hotel manager must determine the market in which this product will be sold, the expected sales volume, its life cycle, the estimated price, the cost of its creation and the period of its release to the market. Such requirements for the creation of new hotel services exclude the spontaneous nature of this process and suggest that the hotel has a mechanism for managing continuous development.

One of the conditions for the effectiveness of the sale of hotel services is taking into account the types of accommodation of the consumer (client) in the hotel (9, p. 136):

The main development trends in the hotel business include the active development of small hotels. This is due to the preferences that are formed among modern tourists: they want to see in the hotel not only a means of accommodation, but also want to fully experience home comfort, uniqueness and originality, which is just one of the hallmarks of small independent hotels.

The competitive advantage of a small hotel is an individual attitude to each client. Small hotels take full advantage of the personalized approach to guests, create a home away from home atmosphere. In addition, small hotels, as a rule, use a more flexible system of discounts and cost the client less than large hotels of the same class. All this allows small forms of hotel business to actively develop and be competitive (20, p. 158).

In order to carry out a certain competitive hotel service, an enterprise must have basic and working capital. In this regard, the hotel activity is characterized by a number of features:

production and sale of services do not depend on time; the hotel must be constantly ready to provide the service. Moreover, due to seasonality, uneven demand for hotel services in the hotel industry, reserves of fixed, working and other funds should be provided;

the implementation of hotel services does not require intermediaries and the creation or assistance of special marketing structures;

in the production of hotel services there is no work in progress.

The above features of the competitiveness of hotel services affect the formation of their prices. As practice shows, the price level is influenced by the following factors: the cost of the service, the level of prices for similar services from competitors, the ratio of supply and demand, the level wages personnel, etc. One of the components of the price is the cost of a hotel room. Competitiveness of the service, i.e. the possibility of its commercially profitable sale in a competitive market can only be determined by comparing the product with competitors-analogues (20, p. 159).

A special place in ensuring and maintaining the competitiveness of the service is occupied by the service - in its absence, the service loses its consumer value (or part of it), becomes uncompetitive and is rejected by the consumer.

On the contrary, a well-established service (1, p. 89)

firstly, it helps the manufacturer to form a promising, fairly stable market for their products,

secondly, it increases the competitiveness of the product,

thirdly, in itself is quite a profitable business

fourthly, it is an indispensable condition for the high authority (image) of a commodity producer.

Everything considered predetermines the complexity, but at the same time the need for research, analysis and evaluation of the competitiveness of the product.

The main direction of the competitiveness of the hotel enterprise is to increase the efficiency of the hotel's operational activities by improving services and providing new additional services. IN common system some of the services do not play a big role in generating profits, but they contribute to the acquisition of other services and increase the offer, which depends on the organizational culture. Another component of the commercial competitiveness of a hotel company, usually expressed through branded clothing, emblems, through services that are unique to this hotel, etc., thus creating company logo hotels.

Thus, the competitiveness of the hotel industry is possible through the provision of new additional services, with the simultaneous process of reconstruction and modernization of existing hotels. IN service maintenance The hotel industry includes a wide variety of services. The list of services is constantly supplemented, modified and differentiated depending on the size of the hotel, its location, level of comfort and other reasons. Current state of hotel services is characterized by a lack of real investment, a low level of hotel service, an insufficient number of hotel beds, and a shortage of qualified personnel. The production of hotel services requires high material fixed costs at significantly lower variable costs. Of particular importance for the development of hotel services is the study of the entire hotel industry, its state and development trends.

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Quality of service is defined as the properties and characteristics hotel services that cause customer satisfaction, and as the absence of shortcomings, enhancing their sense of satisfaction. This quality service increases costs.

State standards define the quality of hotel services as a set of their characteristics, determined by the ability to meet the established or anticipated needs of customers. Let's consider other points of view.

Another type of quality service is public (ethical) quality. This quality of persuasion cannot be assessed by the visitor to the consumption of hotel services.

The quality of hotel services is the correctly defined needs of hotel customers. This takes into account the concept, according to which it is necessary to provide hotel services that meet the needs of guests. They must not only meet the needs of customers (technical aspect), but the entire service system must be designed in such a way as to provide both the convenience of guests and a good relationship personnel. In this sense, quality is the basis of competence.

The hotel can provide visitors with not only accommodation and catering services, but also a wide range of services such as transportation, communication, entertainment, excursion services, medical, sports and beauty services, etc. In fact, hotels in the hospitality industry structure perform key features, because they form and offer visitors a range of services, in the formation and promotion of which all sectors and elements of the hospitality industry participate.

Based on this, it is legitimate to single out the hotel industry or hotel business as the largest complex component of the hospitality industry and consider it independently, largely identifying it with a single hospitality industry.

The hotel is faced with the task of maintaining the quality of service at the proper level, timely elimination of shortcomings in the provision of hotel services, and developing a strategy for improving service.

Quality refers to the conformity of hotel services to expected and established standards. Thus, standards, their real form and content are the criteria for quality service. The criterion for assessing the quality of the received hotel services for the client is the degree of his satisfaction, i.e. correspondence between received and expected. The criterion for the degree of customer satisfaction is the desire to return again and advise their friends and acquaintances to do so.

If the regulatory legal acts provide for mandatory requirements for hotel services, their quality must comply with these requirements. The material and technical support of the hotel, the list and quality of hotel services must meet the requirements of a certain category.

The following factors influence the quality of service in hotels:

The state of the material and technical base, namely: planning and high-quality design of the premises of the hotel and residential rooms with comfortable furniture and equipment, complete sets of high-quality linen, high-performance kitchen equipment, convenient elevator facilities, etc.

Progressive service technology. It provides for the procedure and methods for cleaning public premises and residential rooms; registration and settlements with visitors; recipes for preparing dishes and drinks in restaurants and bars; forms of service in trading floors etc..

High professionalism and competence of service personnel. First of all, it is his ability and willingness to clearly, quickly and culturally serve the guest.

Service quality management involves the development and implementation of appropriate quality service standards, staff training, control, adjustment and improvement of service in all areas of the hotel.

Given the fact that the requirements of guests to provide high-quality service are constantly growing and changing, the most important strategy is to provide such a quality service that satisfies all customer needs and meets the established standards.

Competitiveness characterizes:

For socio-economic systems - their ability to produce (perform) a competitive product (service) for sale in the external or internal market.

Three points are emphasized in the definition of competitiveness:

The product must meet the requirements of consumers in the selected market segment in terms of price and quality.

There must be free access to the market where the product is sold competitive goods and these goods should not be discriminated against or, on the contrary, receive favorable effects, for example, preferential customs duties, export subsidies, etc.

Price competitiveness should be achieved not by reducing the income of the manufacturer, but by reducing the cost of production, increasing labor productivity, etc.

In the buyer's market, the competitiveness of a product is considered from the point of view of the consumer. In conditions of intense competition, this approach focuses on achieving competitive market results. At the same time, it is rightly considered that the buyer is primarily interested in the efficiency of consumption (EC), defined as the ratio of the total beneficial effect (P) to the total costs, including the costs associated with the acquisition and operation of the goods, and is called the consumption price (C)

The practice of determining competitiveness is based on comparative analysis the aggregate characteristics of a product with competing products in terms of the degree to which specific needs are met and the price of consumption. The competitiveness of a product is determined only by those properties that are of significant interest to the buyer. Therefore, exceeding the requirements of standards and rules (unless it is caused in the future by an increase in state and other requirements) not only does not improve the competitiveness of the product, but often reduces it, since from the point of view of the interests of the buyer, such an excess leads to an increase in prices without increasing consumer value, and therefore seems useless to him.


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