Acquaintance with the confectionery shop. Appointment and arrangement of the confectionery shop. Labor protection requirements


Cafe is a business Catering designed to organize the recreation of consumers. The range of products sold is limited compared to a restaurant. The cafe sells branded, custom-made dishes, offers a wide range of fast food. A selection of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes are provided, the bar offers a variety of hot and cold drinks, flour confectionery. One of the main conditions of the cafe is quality service. Visitors are served by a bartender and waiters with special education and experience in the service sector.

Relevance of the topic term paper due to the fact that today one of the main problems for modern Russian restaurant business is to maintain competitiveness and maintain activity in a continuously changing external environment.

The purpose of this course work is to study the features of the cafe-confectionery.

The tasks are:

show the distinctive features of the cafe-confectionery;

to study the technological process of production of a cafe-confectionery;

analyze the activities of the cafe "Sweetness";

The object is the activity of a cafe - confectionery.

The subject is a feature of the organization of work confectionery shop for the production of 800 products per shift.

confectionery shop trade cafe

1. Organizational part

.1 Characteristics of the cafe confectionery "Sweetness"

Cafe-confectionery "Sweetness" is located in the center of the city of Khabarovsk at the address: st. Lenin, 85.

Cafe capacity - 40 seats. In the confectionery shop of the cafe, a large number of flour products are prepared and sold for consumption. confectionery, as well as some purchased goods are sold.

The café is open daily from 10:00 to 22:00.

The cafe provides an additional service - taking orders for the manufacture of confectionery products with home delivery.

All elements of the room, including walls, ceilings and floors, are painted in yellow and black. Huge counter offer you to get acquainted with the full range of products offered. The microclimate is supported by a supply and exhaust ventilation system.

1.2 Characteristics of the confectionery and bakery shop

The confectionery shop can be an independent production or be included as a structural unit in the food department of a larger complex. In any case, it works independently. The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (shaping) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, sweets, whipped proteins.

In rooms for sifting flour and kneading dough, flour is sifted manually through sieves, placing them above the dishes in which the dough will be kneaded or through mechanical sifters. After sifting the flour, the dough is kneaded in dough mixers or beaters. After kneading, the bowl with the dough is placed in special thermostatic chambers, and in the absence of them, they are placed near the ovens in the baking room. Workplace for kneading dough, they are equipped with a boiler, measuring tanks for a solution of salt and syrup. In the same room, a table with a built-in sink is installed for sorting raisins and preparing poppies.

In the dough-cutting department, the finished dough is cut, rolled out and molded into products from it. These operations can be carried out at one workplace, which is equipped with production tables with tool boxes and retractable flour chests; dough sheeters; mobile and wall-mounted racks, shelving cabinets in which products do not dry out during proofing.

The room for baking confectionery products is equipped with confectionery ovens or ovens, proofers, mobile racks for finished products and prepared for baking, a bowl with yeast dough for fermentation, a stove for boiling syrup and a deep fryer for deep frying pies. The room is well ventilated.

Work in the workshop starts 2 hours before the hall opens and ends at the same time as the hall closes.

Walls industrial premises covered with tiles to a height of 1.75 meters, which allows for regular wet cleaning.

Sanitary hygiene requirements during the work of the confectionery shop:

the layout of the confectionery shop corresponds to the sequence technological process preparation of confectionery products and eliminates the possibility of oncoming or crossing flows of raw materials and finished products;

workplaces of confectioners are organized clearly in accordance with the production operation performed and the type of product being prepared;

all equipment is kept clean, after work it is thoroughly washed with hot water and detergents;

production tables have a flat, smooth, durable, stainless surface. After each production operation, they are washed with hot water, and at the end of the working day - with hot water with detergents and rinsed with hot water. Tables with wooden covers are cleaned with a knife and washed with hot water;

all inventory of the workshop is washed with hot water and detergents.

Wooden inventory is disinfected, rinsed with hot water at least 65 ° C.

tools (knives, recesses, molds) are kept clean during work. All metal tools, after washing with hot water, are disinfected by boiling in water or by calcining in an oven. AT working time clean inventory is stored in special cabinets or on closed racks.

All employees of production shops follow the following rules of personal hygiene:

a) come to work in clean personal clothes and shoes. At the entrance to the enterprise, clothes are thoroughly cleaned;

b) keep hands and faces clean, cut nails short;

c) do not eat or smoke in production areas.

Eating and smoking is carried out only in places specially designated for these purposes.

1.3 Technical equipment of the confectionery and bakery workshop

The industrial premises of the confectionery shop are equipped with mechanical, thermal, refrigeration and handling equipment.

Mechanical equipment includes dough mixer, whipping machines, dough rolling machines

Flour sifting machine for making croissants.

Related equipment: slicing machine, blender or mixer, portion scales, bread slicer, production tables, shelving.

Thermal equipment includes: electric oven, fryer, stove.

Refrigeration equipment: refrigerated cabinet, refrigerated table.

Handling equipment: lifts trolleys conveyors

1.4 Features of the organization of storage and quality control of stocks of raw materials

The number and composition of the production premises of the cafe-confectionery "Sweetness" is fully designed for the volume and range of products manufactured by the shop.

The pantry for daily storage is designed for short-term storage of products entering the workshop and is equipped with storage boxes, racks (for bulk products), refrigerated cabinets or chambers (for perishable products).

In rooms for sifting flour and kneading dough, flour is sifted manually through sieves, placing them above the dishes in which the dough will be kneaded, or through mechanical sifters.

Requirements for the quality of sweet dishes: the serving temperature of cold sweet dishes should be 12…15 0C, hot - 55 0C, ice cream - 4…6 0FROM.

Fresh fruits in the shop are ripe, good quality and thoroughly washed.

Compotes are prepared with a concentrated taste and smell of fruits, moderately sweet, with a pleasant sourness.

The consistency of the jelly is jelly-like, not coarse and not granular, it retains its shape at a break.

Mousse is a frozen, tender, finely porous, lush and slightly elastic mass of pale color (cranberry - pink, apple and lemon - white or slightly yellow). Before vacation, they are cut into pieces of a rectangular or triangular shape with even or corrugated edges. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness.

Sambuki - the consistency is elastic, the mass is homogeneous, heavier than that of mousse, finely porous, the taste is sweet, with a slight acidity, the smell of apples or apricots.

Puddings have a soft and tender texture inside, a toasted crust, a sweet taste; on the cut, candied fruits or raisins are visible, evenly distributed throughout the mass. The mass is well baked.

2. Technological part

.1 Classification and range of confectionery and bakery products

The cafe-confectionery "Sweetness" produces bakery products depending on the flour: rye, wheat, rye-wheat and wheat-rye.

Based on the recipe, they bake: simple, improved and rich (only wheat). The recipe for simple products includes: flour, water, yeast and salt. Additional raw materials are introduced into the formulation of improved products - dairy products, sugar, molasses, malt, etc. rich products contain a lot of fat and sugar; in addition, nuts, raisins, candied fruits, eggs, powdered sugar, etc. can be added.

Confectionery products are divided into two groups: sugar and flour.

Fruit and berry products, chocolate, cocoa powder, caramel, sweets, toffee, dragee, halva and oriental sweets such as caramel and sweets are classified as sugary. Flour confectionery products include cookies, gingerbread, waffles, cakes and pastries, muffins, rum women, rolls, flour oriental sweets.

Flour confectionery differs from sugar confectionery in that their recipe includes flour. These products have a high calorie content and digestibility, have a pleasant taste and attractive appearance.

Depending on the recipe and method of production, they are divided into groups: cookies, crackers (dry cookies) and biscuits; gingerbread; waffles; pastries and cakes; muffins, rolls and rum women; flour oriental sweets.

2.2 Features of the technology for the preparation of confectionery and bakery products and modern design

The cafe organizes the supply of confectionery:

cakes are portioned at the factory, stacked on vase-plateaus with carved paper napkin and a spatula for layout;

cakes in the assortment are also served on plateau vases, laid out with tongs. The table is served with small dessert plates and dessert appliances;

pies with a sweet filling (apples, dried apricots, etc.) are served on round dishes with a dessert spatula for laying out. The table is served with small dessert plates and dessert forks;

Assorted chocolate boxes are opened, the top lid is placed on the table with the recess down, and the second part of the box with the contents is placed on a hard bottom, slightly shifting it.

Serving of bakery products is organized:

individually each guest is served bakery products on patty plates;

when serving a group of visitors, bread is served in a wicker basket with a linen napkin folded four times.

Serving sweet food:

for the release of hot sweet dishes, an oval metal dish, a round ram, a portioned pan are used;

most cold dishes are served in glass bowls or on small dessert plates;

cracker pudding is released in a small dessert plate, the table is served with a dessert knife and fork;

biscuit pudding is served on the table in a form or a frying pan placed on a small dessert plate;

air cake (soufflé) is served in a portion pan or in a round ram;

apples fried in dough (deep-fried apple circles) served on a round cupronickel dish with a carved paper napkin

ice cream, mousse, jelly, sambuco, cream, whipped cream, canned fruit compotes are served in a glass bowl placed on a pie plate with a carved paper napkin and a dessert spoon;

jelly, cream, mousse are served on a small dessert plate;

a composition of ice cream balls, sliced ​​fruits, berries and whipped cream is served on a small dessert plate with a dessert spoon.

3. Practical part

3.1 Production program of the confectionery shop

The production program of the confectionery shop is taken from the calculation of the work of the shop in one shift on any day of the week and is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Production program of the confectionery shop

Item No. Product name, wt. one product, gKol. ed., Fet. Mass of products, KG1KEX "Spring" 1006062ROMO BABA1003033 BOOKS WITH NUSHS100595.94 PIYS BE BEARE WITH ALLARD1007075VATRUK with cottage cheese75604.56PIRE "Sand" 45502.257TOKOK "Podomoskomovo" 100078ROKOKED SAMO08. "Cranberry"10007711Pir. “Sponge” fruit-jelly cake54703.7812 Cake “Puff with cream”200071413 Cake “Puff tube with cream”39803.1214Pir. "Tube head. with cream cream”38803,0415Eclairs with cream75806 Total: -80081.09

3.2 Calculation of consumption of raw materials

The calculation of raw materials and food products is based on the production program shown in paragraph 3.1. The daily amount of raw materials is determined by the formula:

G=g R *n/1000, (1)

where G is the mass of raw materials of this type, kg;

g p - consumption rate of raw materials per 100 pcs. confectionery products or per 10 kg of semi-finished product, g;

n is the number of confectionery products of this type (in hundreds of pieces).

The total mass of raw materials of this type is determined by the formula:

G common = G 1+ G 2+…. G n = ∑(g p *n/1000) (2)

Calculation required amount raw materials are presented in table 2.

Table 2 - Summary grocery list

Наименование сырьяИтого, кгНормативная документация123Мука пшеничная высшего сорта62,826ГОСТ Р 52189-2003Сахар-песок31,245ГОСТ 21-94Масло сливочное34,637ГОСТ Р 52969-2008Меланж13,464ГОСТ Р 53155-2008Аммоний углекислый0,231ГОСТ 9325-79Дрожжи прессованные1,494ГОСТ Р 54731-2011Соль0,518ГОСТ Р 51574-2000 Izum4.235 GOST 12003-76 Towsukata0.7888OST 10 20-86 YUKHOV2.617 GOST 16833-71PURA Refine1,948TU 9111-444412347-10 EESROSTIC OF ROMOTY 18-103-84 EXPENSION R 52101-200GOST ROMOT Starch1,951 Gostst R 52060-2003 Margarin2.884 Gost R 52178-2003 MOLOKO7.800 GOST R 52090-2003Vanilin0.858 GOST 16599-71CHAMAL POTALITH0.496OST-18-158-74YYST R 52121-200GOMO0.MOMOTOMENT 108-76GOKALOSK -2004AAR0.007 GOST 16280-2002 REDERTS0.001OST 10-093-96 KEPERY Purebred 4.250TU BY 790685880.001-2012 Gloach natural12.975 Gostost R 52186-200) Kizilov0,500Gost R 52191-2003 LECTIONAL3.528GOMORS Lyanika1.371 Gost 6828-89 Moloca solid condensed with sugar1,205 GOST R 53436-2009 Schelvka 20%fat1.756 GOST R 52091-2003 SMETAN0.878 GOST R 52092-2003 Slass 3,400 Gyernyvvka R 52091-2003 YEABLE10.500GOST 21122-711111111111111111A .661 GOST R 52096-2003 Drinking soda 0.075 GOST 2156-76

.3 Number calculation production workers

We determine the number of production workers by the formula:

N 1= G * N, (2)

where G - daily consumption of raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products, tons, thousand pieces; - the number of employees per unit of processed products.

In accordance with VNTP 04-86 with clause 4.1 per 1 thousand pcs. products are rationed 3 workers. Consequently,

N 1= 6 * 3 = 18 people.

Total population production workers, taking into account weekends and holidays, vacations and sick days, is determined by the formula:

N 1= N 1* TO 1, (3)

where K1 is the coefficient taking into account the weekend and holidays; the values ​​of the coefficient K1 depend on the operating mode of the enterprise and the working hours of the employee.

The operating mode of the enterprise is 5 days a week. The working time of a production worker is 5 days a week with two days off. Then K 1 = 1,13.

N 1\u003d 18 * 1.13 \u003d 20.34 people. We accept 20 people.

Conclusion, to work in the confectionery shop, 20 production workers are needed. Work is organized in one shift lasting 12 hours.

3.4 Calculation of the area of ​​the confectionery shop

Square trading floor calculated by the formula:

S h = f * P, (4)

where S is the estimated area of ​​the hall, m 2,

f - area norm per one place (1.6 m),

P is the number of seats in the hall.

S=1.6*40=64m 2.

The area of ​​industrial premises is calculated by the formula:

S common . = S floor / TO cn , (5)

where S common . - total workshop area m2,

S floor - usable area occupied by equipment, m 2,

To cn - area utilization factor, taking into account the passages between the equipment.

Stot. = 11.02 / 0.4 = 27.55 m 2.

Consequently, the total area of ​​production premises will be 27.55 m 2.

3.5 Calculation of the loading of the trading floor in the cafe-confectionery "Sweetness"

The number of consumers is determined on the basis of the loading schedule of the hall and the turnover of seats in the hall during the day.

When determining consumers according to the hall loading schedule, the main data for drawing up the schedule are: the operating mode of the enterprise; turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour; the percentage of loading of the hall by the hours of its work and the capacity of the hall.

The number of consumers served per hour of operation of the enterprise is determined by the formula:

N = P * Y * X / 100, (6)

where N is the number of consumers served per hour of the enterprise, people;

P - capacity of the hall, people; - turnover of seats in the hall during a given hour; - loading of the hall at a given hour,%.

Calculations for determining the number of visitors in the cafe hall are presented in table 1.

Loading schedule for the cafe hall for 40 seats.

Hours of operation Turnover of space in the hall per hour Average load of the hall, % Number of consumers -201.5503820-211302521-220.55013Total:511

3.6 Operational planning of the confectionery shop

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

drawing up a planned menu for a week, a decade (cyclic menu), on its basis, the development of a menu plan that reflects the daily production program of the enterprise; preparation and approval of the menu;

calculation of the need for products for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan, and drawing up requirements for raw materials;

distribution of raw materials between workshops and determination of tasks for chefs in accordance with the menu plan.

The first stage of operational planning is the preparation of a planned menu. The presence of a planned menu makes it possible to provide a variety of dishes on the days of the week, avoid repetition of the same dishes, ensure a clear organization of the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, timely sending applications to wholesale bases, industrial enterprises, properly organize the technological process of cooking and the work of production workers. The planned menu indicates the range and quantity of dishes of each item that can be prepared on this enterprise by day of the week or decade. When compiling a planned menu, the qualifications of cooks, consumer demand, the possibility of supplying raw materials and the seasonality of raw materials are taken into account, technical equipment enterprises.

The second and main stage of operational planning is the preparation of a menu plan. The menu plan is drawn up by the head of production on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the enterprise. It contains the names of dishes, recipe numbers and the number of dishes, indicating the timing of their preparation in separate batches, taking into account consumer demand. The main factors to consider when compiling the menu are: the approximate range of products recommended for catering establishments, depending on its type and type of ration provided, the availability of raw materials and their seasonality. When drawing up a menu plan, it is necessary to take into account the availability of raw materials in pantries and its seasonality. Dishes and snacks included in the menu should be varied both in terms of types of raw materials and methods of heat treatment. By approving the menu plan, the director and production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes included in the menu are on sale throughout the entire trading day of the enterprise.

At catering establishments with a free choice of dishes operational planning begins with the preparation of a menu plan for one day in accordance with the turnover.


1. The success of any enterprise related to the provision of catering services directly depends on the degree of consumer satisfaction. In this regard, the development management decisions is one of the most important management processes. The success of the business, and sometimes the very existence of the organization, largely depends on the effectiveness of managerial decisions. Therefore, it is very important to make competent, economically justified management decisions.

Revealed the target audience cafes are young people under 25, employees and students who aspire to healthy lifestyle life or love sweet foods (37.5%). The category and features of regular customers of the cafe are revealed. They make up 58.6%, most of them have a sweet tooth (41.5%), visit the establishment 1-2 times a month or several times a year, the average time spent by a client in a cafe is 1 hour. Regular customers provide a large amount of the check, but the average check for a cafe is about 600 rubles.

Disadvantages of the cafe-confectionery "Sweetness":

Service: not a high level of novelty/renovation of the assortment of main dishes, variety and quantity in the names of drinks (breadth and structure of the assortment), other wishes of customers (44.3% of respondents)

Promotion: low service rate, low attendance in the morning and afternoon.


Periodic activities for the control and training of maintenance personnel, the introduction of a new working uniform for service personnel. The costs of these activities will amount to 49,700 rubles, revenue - 181,272 rubles / month.

Carrying out activities to increase the speed of service (additional cash desk, food warmer) and informing customers about ongoing promotions in the cafe and the availability of a system of discounts in the mornings and afternoons. The costs will be - 82,100 rubles. Revenue - 640,800 rubles / month.


1. The charter of the cafe-confectionery "Sweetness"

Kovalev N.I., Kutkina M.N., Kravtsova V.A. Cooking technology. Proc. allowance - M .: Publishing house "Business literature", Publishing house "Omega-L", 2005.-480 p.

Matyukhina Z.P. Merchandising of food products. Textbook for the beginning. prof. education - M.: Educational and publishing center "Academy"; JSC "Moscow textbooks", 2010.-336 p.

Butenko L. A., Kovtunenko L. Ya., Khovikova Zh. A. Technology for the preparation of confectionery products: Proc. allowance for tech-mov. - Kyiv: Vishcha school. Head publishing house, 1980-184 s-32102. 2907000000

Kucher L. S., Shkuratova L. M. Organization of catering services: Textbook. - M.: Publishing House "Business Literature", 2002. - 544 p.

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Organization of the work of the confectionery shop

  • Introduction
  • 1. Characteristics of the confectionery shop
  • 1.1 Equipment and inventory
  • 1.2 Safety precautions and rules of operation when working on this equipment
  • 2. Organization of labor in the confectionery shop
  • 2.1 Organization of the workplace in the confectionery shop
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


Public catering is an important branch of the national economy, which combines the functions of the production of prepared food, its sale and organization of consumption by the population.

Using the achievements of modern science of nutrition, progressive technology and high-performance equipment, the network of public catering enterprises has great opportunities to provide the population with high-quality food.

Recently, competition in the catering market has sharply intensified. In order for a public catering enterprise to survive and develop, it needs funds: income and profit. Therefore, the ability to attract a client and satisfy his needs is especially important here.

The network of public catering enterprises is represented by canteens, restaurants, snack bars, cafes, bars.

The need for various types of enterprises is determined by the diversity of the population's demand for different kinds meals (breakfasts, lunches, dinners, intermediate meals); the specifics of serving people both during short lunch breaks and during rest; the need to serve the adult population and children who are healthy and in need of medical nutrition, etc.

In recent years, the number of cafes in Russia has increased significantly.

According to GOST R 50762-95, cafes are distinguished: according to the range of products sold - ice cream cafe, confectionery cafe, dairy cafe; according to the contingent of consumers - cafes for youth, children, etc.

The cafe independently develops an assortment list of dishes, products, drinks, taking into account full compliance with sanitary and technological requirements, as well as standards for this type and class of enterprises. Services include the production and sale of culinary products and purchased goods in a limited range compared to other types of enterprises and mostly simple production, as well as the creation of conditions for their sale and consumption.

The approved assortment of snacks, wine and vodka products, dishes indicated in the menu and price lists must be maintained during the operation of the trading floor of the enterprise.

1. Characteristics of the confectionery shop

A confectionery shop for baking bakery and flour confectionery, cakes and pastries is organized at large and medium-sized public catering enterprises (mainly restaurants), which supply their products to a wide network of small enterprises. The workshop is part of the procurement enterprises.

For the normal conduct of the technological process in the confectionery shop, there should be the following departments: dough kneading, dough cutting, baking, product finishing, preparation of cream, minced meat, pantry of daily food supply, containers, washing (for eggs, dishes, containers), expedition.

Workplaces for confectioners are organized in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery. The technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, molding of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

Proper placement of equipment, preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary inventory, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply during the shift with raw materials, fuel, electricity - important factors economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and the mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

In the pantry of the daily supply of food, chests, racks, understuffs are installed, and a refrigerator is equipped. For weighing products, scales are used with mass measurement limits from 2 to 150 kg and measuring utensils. Here they also prepare raw materials for production (dissolving and dosing salt, sugar, breeding yeast, cleaning oil, removing packaging, etc.). these operations require the staffing of workplaces with small-scale mechanization, inventory, tools and transport devices.

The egg is processed in a special washing room, where an ovoscope and baths with four compartments are installed for their sanitization. The eggs passed through the ovoscope in sieves are kept in the first compartment of the bath in warm water for 10 minutes. if necessary, they are washed here with hair brushes. In the second compartment, the eggs are kept for 5 minutes in a 2% bleach solution. In the third compartment, the eggs are kept in a 2% solution of baking soda and in the fourth, they are washed with warm running water for 5 minutes. washed and dry eggs are separated from the shell, if necessary, the protein and yolk are separated on a special device.

Melange in jars is washed and thawed in the same baths for 2-3 hours at a temperature of 45 ° C.

Before kneading the dough, the flour is sifted in a separate room or directly in the dough mixing department, as far as possible away from other workplaces so that the finished products do not become dusty (there are special sifters with rocking and fixed sieves). Flour sieving equipment must have a local ventilation suction with a filter to remove dust. Flour is stored on wooden racks in bags and, as necessary, poured into the hopper of a sifting machine, while foreign impurities are removed and the flour is enriched with atmospheric oxygen. Flour can be sifted directly into a mobile bowl or plastic measuring cups with a lid. culinary confectionery assortment

The room for kneading dough is equipped with machines for kneading dough with bowls of various capacities. The dough is kneaded sequentially from the beginning with the shortest cycle - rich. Shortbread, puff, and then - yeast.

The inventory of the workshop is varied, since during molding and finishing it is required to ensure not only a beautiful appearance, but also the exact mass of products. For the design of confectionery, plastic or tin tubes are used, which are put into bags made of dense fabric, special syringes, aluminum or tin combs, and a number of other devices.

The dough portioning room is equipped as follows: a table, a dividing and rounding machine or a dough divider, a flour chest (under the table), a knife box (in the table), dial scales are installed. They also provide a place for moving the bowl with dough. The dividing and rounding machine divides the dough into pieces of a certain weight and rolls them into balls, which facilitates the very laborious operation of weighing and rolling each portion of the dough.

To roll out the dough, tables with tool cabinets and retractable chests, a dough sheeter, a refrigerator (where oil and dough are cooled in the manufacture of puff products) are used. Currently, a machine is used that not only rolls the dough of the required thickness into two strips, but also doses the filling between them and forms products.

The workplace for molding products is equipped with tables (with retractable chests for flour, tool boxes), wall racks.

For the preparation of biscuit dough, a separate workplace is equipped near the universal drive, since the dough is beaten in a mechanical beater that is included with this drive. In addition, you need a separate table (or tables) for preparing eggs, pouring dough into sheets or forms. A special machine cuts the semi-finished biscuit into layers.

Creams are prepared in a separate room, in which beaters of various capacities and with different capacities of bowls and boilers are installed. The cream is brewed in special tipping boilers with a steam jacket or in stove-top boilers. A special table with drawers for storing tools is also needed, powder is sifted on it and other operations are performed.

For the manufacture of lipstick, a production line is organized, consisting of an electric stove, a boiler, a special table and a whipping machine. The table cover is metal with sides and two pipelines with cold and hot water are placed under it. One of the side boards, bordering on the overhead tray, is made removable.

The baking department is equipped with confectionery cabinets and ovens with electric, gas and, less often, fire heating.

For frying pies in deep fat, special electric or gas deep fryers are designed. Racks and a table with a mesh pan are placed near the deep fryer (to drain excess fat). This compartment should have particularly good ventilation, since the decomposition of fats releases products that are harmful to health (acrolene, etc.).

Pastries and cakes are finished in special rooms or, in extreme cases, on separate production tables isolated from other workplaces. The tables are equipped with drawers for tools, a tripod for strengthening pastry bags, a special tank for syrup (for soaking biscuit). The work of the confectioner is facilitated by stands that rotate on the axis, on which cakes are placed during finishing.

Baths with three compartments and a sterilizer are installed in the washing room for washing tools and inventory. Racks are located next to the washing baths. In large workshops, a machine is used to wash functional containers. Confectionery bags are dried in an electric dryer.

The most rational way to organize the work of a confectioner is in large workshops that produce semi-finished confectionery products in full assortment and in large quantities: various types of dough, various fillings and such enterprises have ample opportunities for mechanizing all labor-intensive work, and therefore for a sharp increase in production labor; machines and mechanisms are used at full capacity, product quality control is simplified, and the work culture is improved.

In large workshops, they form production lines for the manufacture of each type of semi-finished product, use small-scale mechanization and various devices in various areas.

Finished confectionery products are stored in the expedition, which is equipped with a refrigerator, racks, scales and production tables.

The shelf life of confectionery products is from 7 to 36 hours.

Finished products are transported in containers by special vehicles. Each tray must have a label indicating the name and quantity of confectionery products. Be sure to indicate the time of production and the name of the stacker.

The production plan determines the quantity and range of confectionery products. It is compiled taking into account the need for confectionery products, the qualifications of workers and the equipment of the workshop.

When working on the kneading machine, the safety guard must be lowered. It is impossible to load products into the tank of the dough mixing and whipping machine during the operation of the lever; Before turning on the mixer, check that the change bowl is properly attached to the platform. All machines included in the universal drive should be tested at idle before loading products.

When removing confectionery from the oven, the confectioner must wear special gloves. Exhaust devices should be installed above stoves and pans for frying pies.

1.1 Equipment and inventory

Dough mixer Fimar 7/SN baking cabinet

Vibrating flour sifter PVG-600M is designed for loosening, aerating, sifting flour, separating ferromagnetic impurities. Productivity with a sieve of 1.2x 1.2 mm…….600 kg.h., with a sieve of 1.0x1.0 mm……450 kg.h.

Cream beater MV-25 (UKM-14) is designed for whipping confectionery products, kneading liquid dough, whipping mashed potatoes, mousse, mixing minced meat and cottage cheese.

The set includes two bowls of 25 liters. and three kneading organs: whisk, hook, spatula.


when mixing liquid dough - 50 kg/h,

when mixing minced meat - 150 kg / h,

when beating - 4…6 cycles/hour.

Number of fixed speeds - 2

The rotation frequency of the working bodies at the 1st and 2nd speeds:

around the bowl axis - 71/138 rpm

around its own axis - 176/344 rpm

Deep fryer-cheburechnitsa is a device that allows you to cook various types of products in heated fat (deep fat). It consists of 2 main parts: a control unit and a frying bath. It is also equipped with special technological cages (with the exception of "Cheburechnitsa").

The control unit includes an electric thermostat and a tubular electric heater (TEN) made in Italy, made of food of stainless steel. The thermostat is able to maintain the temperature of deep fat in the range from 150 to 230 degrees. The frying bath and technological cages are also made of stainless steel, the cages have a comfortable handle with a wooden insert.

1.2 Safety precautions and rules of operation when working on this equipment

Operating rules

Before starting work, check the sanitary and technical condition. The upper support of the auger is lubricated with edible unsalted fat. The movable frame is lowered to the lower position and a bag of flour is placed on it, after which the frame is raised and part of the flour is poured into the hopper. Then turn on the engine. At the same time, they are watching. So that the hopper is constantly filled with flour, which prevents it from spraying. Periodically, the sieve is cleaned of impurities.

At the end of the work, it is turned off and partially disassembled. The sieve is cleaned with a brush, and the body is wiped.

It is forbidden to work on the machine without a safety grid, push the flour into the hopper with your hands.

Check the reliability of fastening the bowl to the base plate and check it at idle. Then, the products intended for kneading the dough are loaded into the bowl. Then the shields are lowered and the machine is turned on. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the machine is turned off. The duration of the kneading is on average 7 ... 20 minutes and depends on the type of dough. Next, they raise the guards and, pressing the foot on the pedal, roll the bowl off the stove.

2. Organization of labor in the confectionery shop

To avoid accidents, kitchen workers should learn the rules for operating the equipment and receive practical instruction from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation. The floor in the workshops should be flat, without protrusions, not slippery.

During work, it is necessary to remove and recycle waste in a timely manner, monitor sanitary condition shop and each workplace, after finishing work, thoroughly rinse and wipe all machines.

When working in a hot shop, employees must necessarily study the rules for operating mechanical and thermal equipment and receive practical instructions from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, the rules of operation must be posted. The temperature in the workshop should not exceed 26 ° C.

Disassembly, cleaning, lubrication of any equipment can be carried out only when the machines are completely stopped and disconnected from sources of electricity, steam and gas. Electrical equipment must be grounded. Passages near workplaces should not be cluttered with dishes and containers.

The lids of stationary cooking pots may only be opened after 5 minutes. after the cessation of the supply of steam or electricity; before opening, lift the turbine valve and make sure that there is no steam. Open the lids of wall-mounted boilers towards you.

Finished products weighing more than 20 kg should be transported on trolleys.

It is forbidden to melt the plates with flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline). When deep-frying, the products should be dried and laid in fat away from you. There must be a first aid kit with a set of medicines in the workshop. In case of accidents associated with disability, an act should be drawn up in the form.

2.1 Organization of the workplace in the confectionery shop

The confectionery shop is managed by the head of the shop. He introduces the foremen to the range of manufactured products, distributes raw materials between the teams, and controls the technological process of preparing confectionery products.

In confectionery shops, as a rule, a linear schedule is used. In large workshops, work is organized in two shifts, in small enterprises - in one shift. Brigades are organized either by type of product (one prepares products from yeast dough; the other cakes, pastries), or by technological process operations (kneading, cutting and baking products; finishing products). Two or three teams work in each shift, depending on the capacity of the workshop. Among the members of the brigade, an operational division of labor is carried out.

Confectioners of the V category make figured, custom-made cakes and pastries. They carry out the preparation and quality control of raw materials, fillings, finishing semi-finished products, preparation of dough, molding of products, and artistic finishing of products.

Confectioners of the IV category make various cupcakes, rolls, cookies of the highest grades, complex cakes and pastries. Confectioners of the III category make simple cakes and pastries, bakery products. They prepare various types of dough, creams, fillings.

Qualifications to the confectioner

* the confectioner must have an elementary or secondary professional education;

* know the recipes and technology for the production of flour confectionery and bakery products from various types of dough, finishing semi-finished products;

* know the commodity characteristics of raw materials, types of flavoring and aromatic substances, rippers and dyes allowed for the manufacture of confectionery;

* observe the sanitary and hygienic conditions for the production of flour confectionery products, their shelf life, transportation and sale;

* know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of confectionery products;

* know the methods and techniques of highly artistic finishing of complex types of confectionery;

* know the principles of operation and the rules for the operation of technological equipment used in the manufacture of confectionery products. Qualification requirements for a confectioner are specified in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard OST 28-1-95 "Public catering. Requirements for production personnel"; this standard is used in the certification of catering services.

Confectioners of the II category perform individual work in the process of making cakes, pastries, prepare syrups and creams.

Confectioners of the 1st category perform work under the guidance of confectioners of the highest category, remove baked goods from baking sheets, clean confectionery sheets, baking sheets and forms.

Bakers II and III categories bake and fry confectionery and bakery products. They determine the readiness of semi-finished products for baking, prepare the seasoning and lubricate the products. The baker must know the technological process, modes and duration of baking confectionery; to know the norms for the output of finished products, the factors affecting the upek, the mode of cooling of baked products; know the device, the principles of the device and the rules for operating the equipment being serviced.

Confectioners must be aware of the responsibility for the work performed.

The head of the shop and foremen monitor rational organization labor in the shop.

The work of confectionery shops is carried out in accordance with the planned target for the production of products.


In conditions modern production a pastry chef, like any cook, must have certain knowledge and the necessary practical skills.

Among the knowledge and skills, one can single out: knowledge of the basics of rational nutrition, knowledge of the rules for preparing main dishes and safety conditions during cooking.

The labor activity of public catering workers, on the one hand, is aimed at improving the properties of raw materials and obtaining high-quality products, and on the other, at improving the process of serving consumers. Any mistake, negligence, inattention in the work of a cook can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, such requirements are imposed on the workers of this profession as attentiveness, dosing accuracy, quick reaction, and also, which is important, the appearance of the cook.

The aesthetics of a chef's workwear suggests cleanliness. A dirty apron or jacket sharply lowers the mood of workers, and is also regarded as a violation of the sanitary regime. A careless person, almost always the same in relation to people. A cultured person always takes care of his appearance, both at work and at home. A neatly dressed chef always inspires respect and respectful attitude of consumers. A real chef is rightfully proud of his skill, for him there is no higher reproach than the opinion of consumers. That is why the chef is the creator of not only dishes, but also Have a good mood because a well-prepared dish is a real work of art.

In communicating with the consumer, the chef must control his behavior. At the same time, he is guided by the norms of behavior accepted in our society, as well as professional requirements such as: constant friendliness, courtesy, tact, cordiality to all requirements. The cook must communicate without losing his own dignity. But the ethical culture of communication between a cook and a consumer should not be reduced to formal courtesy, correctness in work, this is not yet a true culture of communication. The benevolent mood of the cook, as it were, obliges the true mood.

Thus, catering workers promote the rules of etiquette, thereby fulfilling a certain educational role. as well as aesthetic tastes, culture of behavior at the table, consultations on the combination of dishes and drinks. In response to friendly service, consumers tend to be moderate in their demands. Of course, kindness must be sincere, because kindness disposes to each other. The best form of hospitality is not a forced natural smile.


1. Buteykis N.G. "Organization of production of public catering enterprises". M., 1985.

2. Gernatovskaya V.V., Shneider B.L. "Fundamentals of the organization and economics of the production of public catering enterprises". M., 1968.

3. Grishin P.D., Kovalev N.I. "Cooking Technology". M., 1972.

4. "Handbook of catering technologist". M., 1984.

5. Uspenskaya N.R. "Practical guide for the cook". M., 1982.

6. "Tutorial for the cook". M., 1965 .

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Quality food is necessary for the normal life of every person. The diet must include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Every day you need to eat more vegetables and fruits. Can't do without sweets too. In normal amounts, glucose contributes to active work brain and energizes for the whole day. Cakes and cakes are loved by both children and adults. It is no coincidence that confectioners always have good earnings. And so that the business really brings stable income, it must be properly organized.

Choose a room

The organization of the work of the confectionery shop should first of all begin with the choice of the premises in which the specialists will work. First of all, the type of product that will be manufactured is taken into account. Indeed, for baking buns and for making sweets, it is necessary various equipment. The task of an engineer is to calculate what area will be occupied by one or another production technique. The project is drawn up taking into account the rules of fire safety.

For medium production, 20-25 square meters of working area is sufficient. This indicator allows you to install a fairly large number of different equipment. In a separate room will be located only for the storage of semi-finished products. The organization of the work of the confectionery shop must be carried out in accordance with the regulatory documentation. Production can only be started after future workshop pass all necessary checks.

Safety precautions in the confectionery shop

Any production is a high-risk area. The bakery is no exception. The safety of work on certain equipment primarily depends on its design, the presence of alarms, as well as blocking devices. Of great importance are also the skills of the worker admitted to the management of a certain mechanism. Therefore, before proceeding with your official duties, each employee is instructed and signs the relevant documentation.

Any mechanism must be tested before the start of the shift. Many machines that work in pastry shops have moving parts. They must be protected from workers. The mechanic, before putting the equipment into operation, turns it on at idle. This makes it possible to check how the motor is running and in which direction the main shaft is moving. Its rotation must be carried out in accordance with the arrow indicated on the equipment.

During operation, the machine must not be overloaded with products. It is necessary to act in accordance with the regulatory documentation. Ingredients in the cutting equipment should be pushed only by wooden auxiliary items. Metal accessories can cause an accident (such as electric shock).

Many entrepreneurs in the workshop often purchase on which various types of equipment can work. It is really very convenient and saves a lot of money. But such a device should be used correctly. Change of equipment must be done only with the engine off. It is worth constantly monitoring the temperature of this mechanism. Overheating of the electric motor over 70 degrees Celsius is not allowed. During operation of the equipment, you need to be constantly near it. This is especially true for machines that do not have an emergency shutdown function.

Fire safety

The organization of the work of the confectionery shop should be carried out in such a way that it is possible to prevent the occurrence of a fire. A huge role is also played by fire extinguishing measures in the event of an unforeseen situation. All factories and production facilities for fire safety are divided into several categories (A, B, C, D and D). Confectionery shops belong to the latter category. This is due to the need to process non-combustible substances in a hot state. Flames, radiant heat, and sparks can be generated during the baking process. All this often leads to a fire. An evacuation plan must be posted in each hall.

The premises of the confectionery shop must be equipped with high-quality ventilation. This will help to maintain the desired air temperature in the production. In addition, employees responsible for fire safety. These people will monitor the operation of the main mechanisms. In the event of even the slightest likelihood of fire, the work of the entire workshop stops.

Often fires occur in attics. They must be kept perfectly clean. Do not store things and products that are easily flammable here. A certain employee of the workshop is responsible for the attic. The room must always be locked. It is impossible to organize an archive or a warehouse in the attic. There can only be faulty equipment that is not refueled with combustible materials.

Recruitment of personnel in the confectionery shop

The profitability of a business directly depends on the employees of the company. Therefore, only qualified personnel should be allowed to work. The number of employees depends on the size of production, as well as the assortment that the confectionery shop will offer (cakes, pastries, sweets, pastries). You will have to hire several confectioners with different specializations, assistants, cleaners, a purchasing and sales manager and an accountant. The founder of the company can also act as a manager. But only a person who understands the confectionery business can control the work.

Each employee who will directly work in the confectionery shop must have a sanitary book. People with chronic diseases of the skin and respiratory tract are not allowed to perform duties. In the event of a deterioration in the well-being of an already existing employee of the workshop, he should take a sick leave.

Workers in the confectionery shop must come in a special uniform, including a scarf or cap, sleeves and an apron. Clothing for factory work can be made from latex or cotton. More durable are accessories made of natural fabric. The scarf should completely cover the head of the worker. Women with long hair braid. It is forbidden to enter the confectionery shop with loose hair. It is unhygienic and also life-threatening for the worker.

When performing some duties, confectioners must wear sterile rubber gloves. This is especially important when working with cream and raw dough.


The work of the confectionery shop largely depends on how correctly the equipment will be selected. A rational solution to this issue makes it possible to produce a fairly wide range of products in a small area. Today, the choice of special equipment is really great. It all depends on what products the company will offer. But there are mechanisms that no confectionery shop can do without. The characteristic of the mixer, for example, is of great importance. The more powerful this machine is, the more dough will be able to issue a workshop for a certain period of time.

There is equipment, without which a confectionery shop cannot do at all. Production, in particular, can be set up properly with a dough mixer, a convection oven, a planetary mixer, a refrigerator, and a freezer. It is also of great importance. These are electronic scales, confectionery tables. The room should have a rack in which the inventory of the confectionery shop will be stored, as well as a bath for cleaning products. Washbasins and a dishwasher can be placed in a separate room.

Choice of mixer and kneader

The taste of the future product depends on how well the dough is made. Therefore, choosing a quality mixer and dough mixer is of great importance. The mixer is an indispensable assistant in the manufacture of various creams, kneading yeast dough. Most often, planetary mixers are purchased in a confectionery shop. The description of this equipment is quite simple. This is a device equipped with a planetary rotating kneading body (most often around its axis). Such equipment helps to carry out uniform mixing without air and lumps. Specialized organizations sell floor and table planetary mixers. The floor version is most often purchased for large workshops. With this equipment you can knead up to 80 liters of dough one time. Table mixers are designed to prepare a small amount of product (no more than 15 liters).

Mixers, as a rule, have different attachments, which allows you to make different types of dough, as well as cream for cakes and pastries. Which nozzle to use in a particular case, you can find out from the description for the equipment.

Despite the huge number of options, the mixer is most often used to prepare a small batch of dough. For the manufacture of products in large volumes, special dough mixers are mainly used. For the preparation of products from yeast dough, equipment with a spiral shape of the kneading body is used.

When selecting such equipment, it should be borne in mind that the usable volume is only ¾ of the total volume of the unit. The mechanism should be purchased only when the business plan of the confectionery shop has already been drawn up. You should calculate in advance how much test should go out in one work shift. The parameters of the mixer, as well as the dough mixer, will depend on this. When choosing a planetary mixer, it is necessary to pay attention to the speed of the whisk, as well as the ability to change gears. After all, a high-quality protein cream, for example, can be prepared only at the maximum whipping speed.

dough sheeter

Puff pastry products are very popular among many. To prepare such products on an industrial scale, you need to purchase a dough sheeter. Preference should be given to equipment that has a reverse function (the ability to roll out one layer of dough several times). In addition, attention should be paid to the thickness of the gap between the rolls.

Allows you to fully automate and mechanize the process of manufacturing various bakery products. All equipment is divided into two groups - floor and desktop. When a diagram of a confectionery shop is drawn up, it is imperative to leave space for a floor dough sheeter. The fact is that such equipment allows you to process a small amount of products. Most often, such mechanisms are used at home or in small bakeries.

Equipment can also be classified according to the type of drive - manual and electric. The first option has not been used on an industrial scale for a long time. Electric dough sheeters allow you to produce much more bakery products in a certain period of time. Various cakes and pastries can also be made with this mechanism.

Choosing an oven

The plan of the confectionery shop cannot do without a quality oven. Most often, several types of baking equipment are used at once. The most popular are rack and rotary ovens. The latter option is considered more suitable for small-scale production. allow to produce a small batch of products in a short period of time. In addition, it is very easy to operate such equipment. These ovens are great for baking buns and rich bread.

Rack ovens are used when it is necessary to simultaneously bake several bakery products of various assortments at once. On one shelf you can put pies with a sweet filling, and on the other - with meat. At the same time, the production technology is not violated at all.

Modern furnaces are high-tech. The organization of the confectionery shop is reduced to the management of processes that are performed by specialized equipment. All you have to do is set the baking time for a certain item and expect it. The chance that the item will go bad is negligible.


Without a device that can maintain the desired temperature throughout the entire time, the confectionery shop is also indispensable. The dough is most often made from perishable products that can only be stored at a low temperature. Refrigeration equipment for confectionery shops should be selected with special attention. Freezers in production are optional. But entrepreneurs prefer to purchase such equipment. The point is that in freezer you can store not only meat products, but also finished dough products. If semi-finished products (raw pastries) are prepared in advance, production can be organized more rationally.

Some may be sold semi-raw. Products are baked in advance, but not brought to readiness. Next, the products are wrapped in cling film and stored in the freezer. The organization of the work of the confectionery shop can be based on the manufacture of semi-finished products alone. Many entrepreneurs manage to make good money this way.

What is needed for successful work?

The effective work of the confectionery shop is not only a well-written business plan and high-quality equipment. Everything also depends on the products that the company will offer. To attract the attention of buyers, you need to show imagination. Simple buns with sugar powder will be very popular if they are baked in the form of animals or plants. The main consumers of confectionery products are children. The main focus should be on them. It is worth launching products with the image of cartoon characters into production.

Workers in the confectionery shop must be selected with special care. These should be people who truly love their job. Employees will perform quality work only when they can receive appropriate payment for their work.

A site on the Internet describing a confectionery shop can increase income. Photos of finished products, as well as contact details should be placed in a special section. Many potential customers prefer to order products in real time.

Appointment and arrangement of the confectionery shop

The confectionery shop can be an independent production or be included as a structural unit in the food department of a larger complex. In any case, it works independently. In enterprises where confectionery products are produced in large enough quantities, confectionery shops operate separately and independently from the rest, especially if products with oil and protein cream, ice cream and other similar products are produced. In the confectionery shop, all sanitary standards and requirements for such shops must be observed. In enterprises where confectionery products without cream are sometimes produced as part of the general menu, they can be produced in a hot shop.

The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of flour confectionery and culinary products. The workshop includes:

1) dough mixing department;

2) dough cutting department;

3) baking department;

4) cooling department;

5) a room for finishing products;

6) a room for the preparation of minced meat;

7) washing for eggs, dishes, containers;

8) expedition.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery shop should correspond to the sequence of operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of oncoming flows of raw materials and finished products. The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (shaping) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, sweets, whipped proteins.

In the dough mixing department, the dough is kneaded and the necessary semi-finished products are prepared. Preliminarily (preferably in a separate room), sift the flour, large enterprises for this purpose, a special machine is used; for small ones, the flour is sifted manually using a sieve.

For kneading dough, dough mixing machines are used, in small workshops - a universal drive with a beater. For the fermentation of yeast dough, mobile bowls are used, which are placed near confectionery ovens for some time.

At confectionery shops that produce products with butter cream, a workplace for washing eggs is organized in a separate room. Before entering the workshop, the eggs are checked for freshness, washed, treated in a disinfectant, neutralized in soda solutions, then washed in running water. To process eggs, a bath is installed at the workplace, next to it is a table with an ovoscope and a table with a box for eggs intended for testing. Eggs checked on an ovoscope are washed, placed in a net and lowered alternately into a bath with a disinfectant solution, then into a bath with a solution of soda and then with running water.

For cutting and shaping confectionery products, a dough divider, various molds, recesses are used. At the workplace of the confectioner, there should be a production table, a chest for flour, a mobile bowl with dough, scales, a box for knives, mobile racks with confectionery sheets for prepared products.

Rolling out the dough is carried out using a dough sheeter, which allows you to get a layer of dough of the required thickness. The workplace should have a refrigerator for cooling butter and sand, and puff.

To prepare fillings, minced meats, syrup and fudge, a small stove (gas or electric) is installed and a meat grinder, mashing machine (from a universal drive) are used.

The universal drive must be separate.

In small confectioneries, various equipment is used for the preparation of semi-finished products: machines for the production of noodles, dumplings, dumplings, ravioli.

Confectionery products are baked in confectionery and baking cabinets, baking ovens (electric, as well as using solid, liquid or gaseous fuels). In confectionery cabinets, you can maintain a certain mode.

Highly specialized equipment - waffle irons, machines for making pancakes-pancakes and modern bread machines - are a good addition to the traditional one.

For the design of confectionery products, separate production tables are used, and at large enterprises, special rooms are allocated for this purpose. Desks should have drawers for tools; a tripod for pastry bags is fixed on the table covers, a syrup tank and scales are installed. Mobile racks should be located near the work tables for the delivery of finished products to the cold store or to the expedition.

The confectionery shop should have its own washing department for washing dishes and equipment. It is especially important to monitor the cleanliness of pastry bags and tubes, as even the slightest residue of cream can lead to bacterial contamination.

The processing of inventory and utensils must fully comply with that prescribed by the current sanitary standards.

Confectionery enterprises under construction or projected must be located at least 50 m in relation to residential buildings (sanitary protection zone of class V).

In all production and auxiliary premises, measures should be taken to maximize the use of natural light.

Premises intended for the manufacture of cream and decoration of cakes and pastries should be designed from the northwest side.

In places where confectionery products from the expedition are loaded through open doorways, it is necessary to provide protective thermal curtains or other devices that prevent outside air from entering the expedition premises during the cold season.

AT warehouse Cooling chambers should be installed for the storage of perishable raw materials and semi-finished products.

At enterprises producing confectionery products with cream (regardless of capacity), separate rooms must be equipped for:

Daily storage of raw materials with refrigerating chambers for storing perishable raw materials;

Unpacking raw materials and preparing them for production;

Egg beaters from three rooms: for storing and unpacking eggs (with a refrigeration unit), for washing and disinfecting eggs, for obtaining egg mass;

Oil stripping;

Preparation of cream (with refrigeration equipment);

Syrup brews;

Baking biscuits and semi-finished products;

Vystoyka and cutting of biscuit;

Processing and sterilization of jigging bags, tips, small inventory;

Processing of intrashop packaging and large inventory;

Washing of returnable containers;

Storage of cut and cardboard containers, paper;

Expeditions of cream products with refrigeration equipment.

For enterprises producing confectionery products with cream, with a capacity of more than 300 kg / day, in addition to the technological one, a bacteriological laboratory should also be provided.

New iron molds and sheets intended for baking flour products should be calcined in ovens before use. The use of sheets and forms with faulty edges, burrs, dents is prohibited.

Forms for confectionery products should be periodically (as necessary) subjected to editing (elimination of dents and burrs) and removal of carbon deposits by firing in ovens.

Each line supplying flour to the silo must be equipped with a flour sifter and a magnetic trap for metal impurities.

The flour sifting system must be sealed: pipes, burats, auger boxes, silos must not have gaps. The flour sifting system must be disassembled and cleaned at least once every 10 days, while checking its serviceability and treating it against the development of flour pests.

Conveyors, conveyors in contact with food products, after the end of the shift should be cleaned and rinsed with hot water.

After draining the molasses, the tanks should be washed with hot water, steamed with live steam, the upper hatches should be closed and sealed. Washing and disinfecting solutions are sequentially poured into the cream-whipping machine after cleaning from the cream, the treatment is carried out at the working speed of the machine for 10-15 minutes for each stage of processing.

Tables used for decorating cakes and pastries must have a smooth finish. Tables should be treated with any approved detergents and disinfectants in accordance with the instructions for their use.

Trays, sheets, lids used for transporting cakes, after each return from the distribution network, must be washed with approved detergents and disinfectants, followed by rinsing with hot water (at least 65 ° C) and dried.

Equipment, containers, inventory used for the manufacture of egg mass, after completion of work, should be thoroughly washed and disinfected with any approved detergent and disinfectant, followed by rinsing with water at a temperature of at least 65 ° C. Small inventory after washing should be boiled for 30 minutes.

Selective control of safety indicators in finished products of the confectionery industry is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the manufacturer of the product in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities and guaranteeing product safety.

Fillings and semi-finished products for finishing, prepared for the production of flour confectionery and cream products, must be stored in labeled closed containers or collections at a temperature not exceeding 6 °C.

Fats, eggs and dairy products should be stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 0 to +4 °C.

Egg melange is allowed to be introduced into the dough for the manufacture of small-piece confectionery and bakery products if it meets the required organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological parameters. Egg melange is stored at a temperature of -6 to +5 ° C, its re-freezing is strictly prohibited. Storage of defrosted melange for more than four hours is not allowed.

Pasteurized cow's milk is stored at a temperature of 0 to +6 °C for no more than 36 hours from the end of the technological process of its production.

Dyes, flavors, acids and other food additives must have hygiene certificates and be stored in their original packaging with appropriate labels.

The cream is produced only in the required quantity for one shift. The transfer of its residues for finishing cakes and pastries to another shift is strictly prohibited.

All leftover cream should be used in the same shift for baking semi-finished products and flour products with high heat treatment.

Rolls, cakes and pastries with cream after production should be sent to the refrigerator for cooling.

The storage and transportation of pastries and cakes is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard.

Cakes are placed in colorfully decorated cardboard boxes, the bottom is covered with a napkin made of parchment or parchment.

Cakes are stacked in trays or on sheets, which are placed in wooden boxes. Trays and sheets may be metal with an anti-corrosion coating or wooden with food grade varnish or other material approved by the Ministry of Health.

All materials that come into contact with food must have certificates stating that these materials can be used for food storage and transportation.

The bottom of the tray or sheet is lined with parchment, parchment or glassine. To avoid deformation, the cakes are stacked in one row; at least five different types of cakes must be placed in a tray or on a sheet. If there is an order from a trading organization, you can stack cakes of the same name. Cakes without decoration are stacked vertically. Small cakes (dessert) are placed in boxes or correxes or in trays and on sheets. Cakes of the “basket” type, crumbs, bushes, air are placed first on paper capsules, and then in trays.

On boxes with cakes and boxes with cakes, the following markings are put: the name of the manufacturer, the name of the product, net weight, date and hour of manufacture, shelf life.

Delivery of cakes and pastries is carried out in compliance with the relevant sanitary rules in dry covered vehicles with a sanitary passport. Do not transport them together with products with a pungent odor.

Cakes and pastries accepts technical control manufacturer. Their warranty period of storage in the refrigerator is set based on the time of manufacture.

Confectionery products, including those with cream, are sold in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations "Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products", existing SanPiN and regulatory and technical documentation for finished products.

Confectionery products with cream can be returned to the manufacturer no later than 24 hours from the end of the sale period. It is forbidden to return for processing confectionery products with a changed taste and smell, contaminated, containing foreign inclusions, infected with flour and other pests, affected by mold, as well as crumbs of flour products.

The conclusion on the return to processing of confectionery products from the distribution network is given on the basis of organoleptic indicators by the representative of the product quality inspection and, if necessary, samples are taken directly from the trading organization for laboratory research.

Confectionery products returned for processing must be stored in the distribution network separately from products intended for sale.

Control over the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, compliance with the technological regime of recipes is carried out by technological sanitary and food laboratories organized at large public catering enterprises, at procurement factories, in restaurants, canteens. Similar laboratories have been created in institutions that control the quality of products - in sanitary epidemiological stations and control and audit institutions.

All semi-finished products and confectionery products listed in this guide are included in the list of standardized products. This means that each of these products must have the chemical composition, organoleptic and taste qualities, and their weight must correspond to that indicated in the recipes. In addition, the yield of finished products must correspond to the amount of products in the ratio indicated in the recipes.

At enterprises that produce confectionery products, a layout card must be issued for each of them with an exact indication of the quantity and grade of products used, as well as the yield of finished products. This document is approved by the production manager and the chef. In case of replacement of products or production by the enterprise of branded products, products of national cuisine and others not included in the collections recommended for use by the Ministry Food Industry, a layout card is also drawn up by a commission method, about which an appropriate act must be drawn up. The ratio of input products to output of finished products must be calculated according to the rules and regulations approved by the Ministry of Food Industry.

The Public Food Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce has developed uniform control methods, using which sanitary and food laboratories carry out:

1) research of products, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products for good quality;

2) research of semi-finished products and raw materials for their compliance with GOSTs, RTU;

3) special types of research (the amount of lactose, the quality of frying fat, etc.);

4) research of products of confectionery shops.

As already noted, studies of raw materials and finished products are carried out by two methods: organoleptic and laboratory. The results of the analyzes are recorded in a journal and special forms, which are transferred to a warehouse or a confectionery shop. The frequency of analyzes is determined by technological instructions and a special schedule of the laboratory.

To control finished products, the test methods for confectionery products provided for by GOSTs are used, and for the analysis of raw materials, methods dictated by GOSTs for each type of raw material are used. The good quality of products and the correctness of the organization of the technological process can be judged quite accurately by organoleptic indicators (taste, texture, appearance, smell, etc.).

This method has great importance, since the taste of products is the main one. There are special specifications, to which the studied confectionery products must correspond in terms of organoleptic indicators. However, if the product meets these criteria, but has a bad taste, it is still rejected.

For a comprehensive assessment of the quality of products, the organoleptic method is not enough, since it does not allow determining the completeness of the investment of raw materials, the presence of harmful substances in products, etc. Laboratory studies provide more accurate and objective information. In the laboratory, using physical and chemical methods, they establish compliance with the norms for laying raw materials.

The disadvantages of the laboratory method are its relative complexity and the significant time required for the study. It is advisable to combine both research methods, as this makes it possible to most fully determine the quality of the product. In addition to these, bacteriological and biological research methods are used.

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Chapter 1

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The confectionery shop occupies a special place in catering establishments. It usually works independently, independently of the hot shop.

Confectionery shops are organized at procurement enterprises, in cafes, restaurants, canteens. They are classified by performance and product range:

  • low power - producing up to 12 thousand products per shift (0.6 tons of flour);
  • medium power - 12-20 thousand products per shift (0.9 tons of flour);
  • high capacity - from 20 thousand products per shift (1.5 tons of flour).

In restaurants, canteens and cafes, confectionery shops of smaller capacity are organized: 3, 5, 8, or 10 thousand products per shift.

The number of products produced in confectionery shops: up to 3 thousand per day, products are produced from 2-3 types of dough (yeast, shortbread, puff), without cream finishing (shortcakes, muffins, puff tongues, etc.). In confectionery shops with a capacity of more than 3 thousand products per day, products are produced from various types of dough, including cream.

Confectionery shops operate mostly independently, so they must study the demand of customers, organize the sale of their products, concluding agreements with other POPs and with retail chains.

Technological process for the manufacture of flour confectionery products:

  • storage and preparation of raw materials;
  • dough preparation and kneading;
  • cutting and portioning dough;
  • product molding;
  • proofing, baking products;
  • preparation of finishing semi-finished products;
  • product finishing.

The composition of the premises large confectionery shops:

  • pantry and refrigerator for daily storage of products;
  • egg processing room;
  • a room for sifting flour, kneading and fermenting dough;
  • premises for proofing and baking;
  • preparation of finishing p\f;
  • finishing of confectionery;
  • washing utensils, containers and inventory;
  • pantry and refrigerated chamber of finished products;
  • shop manager's room;
  • expedition.

In small confectionery shops, the number of rooms can be reduced to 2-3. All premises of the confectionery shop must be located according to the technological process.

Workshop equipment: sifters, dough mixing and whipping machines, a universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, cooking pots, electric stoves, baking cabinets and ovens, refrigeration equipment.

Products arrive at daily stock pantry, where refrigeration equipment (cabinets, chambers) for storing perishable products, racks, underwares are located.

In the egg processing room install an ovoscope to check the quality of eggs and a four-section bath for washing. Eggs are selectively ovoscoped and placed in lattice containers for washing. Egg processing process:

  1. soaking in warm water for 5-10 minutes;
  2. treatment in a 0.5% solution of soda ash at a temperature of 40-45 ° C for 5-10 minutes;
  3. disinfection with 2% bleach solution or 0.5% chloramine solution for 5 minutes;
  4. rinsing in running water.

Instructions for washing and disinfecting should be posted.

The egg is broken into small containers to avoid getting eggs with a smell into the total mass.

Flour sifting room equipped with screeners VE-350, PVG-600, MPM-800. The room must be ventilated.

Dough kneading, cutting and baking can be done in the same room. Dough mixing machines are installed at the workplace for kneading different type. Separately, a workplace is allocated for performing auxiliary operations (preparing raisins, filtering syrup), a table with a built-in bathtub and a flexible hose for filling the bowl is installed here. For weighing products use commodity scales.

After kneading, the bowl with yeast dough is rolled back to a warm place, closer to the ovens.

in the workplace for making biscuit dough install a whipping machine and a production table. The prepared mass is poured into baking sheets, which are sent for baking.

For cooking puff pastry organize a production line, which includes dough mixing, dough sheeting machines, a production table, a refrigerated cabinet or a table with a refrigerated cabinet.

For cooking choux pastry install an electric stove and production tables. Production equipment and utensils are used - stove-top boilers, beaters, veselka. For jigging blanks from choux pastry, an MTO machine is used. For the preparation of custard dough, lipstick is a universal machine MKU-40

Workplace for dough cutting equipped with dough sheeters for rolling out yeast and shortcrust pastry. In small workshops, rolling is done manually. Mobile racks are used for transportation of confectionery sheets. The cutting of yeast, shortcrust pastry and the formation of products from them is carried out on production tables with a wooden coating and drawers for storing flour and inventory. Scales VNTs - 2 are installed on the table. In large workshops, a dough divider is used.

Department of baking products equipped with electrical cabinets of various capacities. The selection of cabinets depends on the capacity of the workshop. In addition, racks and production tables are installed. Products are baked in accordance with the schedule, in which the sequence of baking products from various types of dough is distributed, depending on the timing of production and the temperature regime of baking.

The dough for cakes and cakes is baked in baking sheets and forms on sheets. A confectionery sheet can be with one, two or three boards. Yeast dough products after cooling are placed in confectionery trays lined with paper.

branch preparation of finishing semi-finished products– fillings, syrups, fondants, creams, jellies, etc. is equipped with 2-4-section plates, production tables, syrup cooling baths, tables with a marble surface for making fondants, whipping machines. Creams are made in a separate room equipped with beaters, production tables with refrigerators.

On the workplace for decorating cakes and pastries they install a table with a refrigerated cabinet and with rotating disks for more convenient finishing of the sides of figured cakes. Install mobile and stationary racks. Pastry bags for decorating products should be stored on tripods in a suspended state, the tips for them are stored in the drawers of the table. The department must be equipped with bactericidal lamps to reduce the content of microorganisms in the air.

washing department confectionery shop is equipped with 2-3-section baths. For washing use detergents, brushes. The inventory is washed in water with the addition of soda ash at a temperature of 45°C, rinsed with water at a temperature not lower than 60°C. Pastry bags are thoroughly washed, then sterilized in an autoclave or boiled for 30 minutes. All inventory must be marked with the name of raw materials and semi-finished products.

Finished confectionery products are sent to the expedition, where they are stored on racks or refrigerators. Shelf life (at temperature

With protein cream - no more than 72 hours;

with butter cream - 36 hours;

With custard and cream of cream - 6 tsp.

Transportation of confectionery products is carried out on special vehicles with refrigerated or isothermal bodies. Confectionery products prepared for shipment must have a marking label indicating the shift, date, hour of preparation, storage conditions and periods. In the warm season, the sale of cream products is prohibited.

Labour Organization. The shop manager is carried out by the head of the shop, he introduces the foremen to the range of manufactured products, distributes raw materials between the teams, and controls the technological process. In confectionery shops, a linear work schedule is usually used. In large workshops, work is organized in two shifts, in small workshops - in one. Crews specialize in the type of product or in the operations of the technological process (kneading, cutting, baking, finishing). Depending on the capacity of the workshop, 2-3 teams can work in a shift.

Confectioners of the 5th category make curly, custom-made cakes and pastries. They carry out the preparation and quality control of raw materials, fillings, finishing products, dough preparation, molding of products, and artistic finishing of products.

Confectioners of the 4th category make various cupcakes, rolls, cookies of the highest grades, complex cakes and pastries.

Confectioners of the 3rd category make simple cakes and pastries, bakery products, prepare various types of dough, creams, fillings.

Bakers of 2 and 3 categories bake and fry confectionery and bakery products.

The work of confectionery shops is carried out in accordance with the planned target for the production of products.


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