How to open a business related to the forest. We start a forestry business. Setting up a timber business

The forest industry has always been considered a profitable area. Extraction, sale and processing of wood can bring very serious money. However, for beginners, the entrance to this market poses a lot of problems. Sad statistics show that up to 90% of entrepreneurs who have opened one or another "forest" business close in the first year of work ...

Business Basics

The best option with limited capital is wholesale lumber (timber). Nevertheless, the costs of starting a business, in comparison with the opening of production, are much less here and you won’t have to risk much. In some cases, you can do without start-up capital, if you do not take into account the costs of registering an LLC and opening a current account. The scheme of work looks classic: 1. you find a client who needs lumber 2. you take a 100% prepayment from him 3. you pay for the order from the manufacturer from the received money 4. you keep the extra charge. But there are some nuances here.

The most popular lumber: edged board (spruce / pine of the first and second grade), timber, lining and slab. The cost of the board depends on the type of wood and the scope of delivery. These are the main indicators. But the price depends on several factors. So, timber can be planed and unplaned, solid, profiled solid and glued. Solid timber is considered the most expensive, and glued - the cheapest.

In the case of edged boards, the type of wood plays an important role. Different breeds have different characteristics in terms of moisture resistance, strength, resistance to drying, and so on. The most common species are conifers (pine, spruce, larch). Very cheap lumber is obtained from pine and spruce. Boards made of oak, cedar and larch are of the greatest value.

Most good clientsindustrial production And construction firms. Construction companies often take boards, timber, slabs for the construction of wooden houses, baths and cottages. Among the clients are many manufacturers of furniture and pallets. Small industries buy edged boards for the manufacture of windows, floors, stairs, pallets.

How much can you earn

The minimum prices for edged boards of the first grade start from 5000 rubles. per cubic meter. At the same time, if you carefully search the Internet, you can be sure that the price for the same product (for example, edged board of the 1st grade) can differ significantly. In places rich in forests, prices will be lower due to high competition. But in the capital region and closer to the south, first-class boards ask for 6,000 rubles per cubic meter. and more. The difference of 20 - 30% is the wholesaler's income. From 100 cubic meters it turns out about 100,000 rubles.

A separate issue is the delivery of lumber. Often, in order to make good money, you have to look for suppliers thousands of kilometers away. This is where logistics plays a big role.

The best option is delivery by wagons. Up to 70 cubic meters of birch timber are included in a gondola car. The transportation service costs from 100 rubles. from the cube (depending on the distance of delivery). Prices can be obtained from the company that provides the rolling stock.

Transportation by heavy vehicles becomes relevant for small volumes and transportation over short distances, when delivery times begin to be decided. But there is one problem: the board, especially wet, is quite heavy. So, 1 cubic meter. raw pine weighs at least 0.75 tons. Therefore, a standard truck will fit no more than 27 cubic meters, although the truck will fit up to 80 cubic meters. Solution: carry only a dry board.

Organizational moments

It is better to look for suppliers in regions rich in forest. For example, in the Kirov region. There are a lot of manufacturers, and the price level is much lower. “Be sure to study GOSTs and standards,” absolutely all industry professionals repeat. This will avoid a lot of unpleasant situations with buyers. A classic example: a client ordered a board of the first grade, and received a second or third grade (a product with completely different board quality indicators). As a result, the client is not satisfied, demands a price reduction or even a refund. And these are losses, and, above all, for the supplier. If you buy a board from an unfamiliar manufacturer, then you should personally be present at the shipment of the first batch of goods. In this case, you will see with your own eyes what is being loaded into the truck.

“There is almost no money in sawing up. It is most profitable to carry dried edged and raw unedged boards,” say participants in the professional forum And in general, it is best to start a business with sales. This is a more correct and reliable way to start. If you have found a client, then it will not take long to calculate the logistics and approximate profit.

You can study the market for demand in many ways, even without having the status of a registered businessman. You can advertise on Avito by adding your margin to the average market wholesale price. If there are calls, then you simply write down the client's contacts and in the same way begin to look for a supplier with the most reasonable prices and terms of cooperation. And only after a sufficient number of pre-orders have been received, planning, business registration, extensive advertising and so on begins.

“For the future, it is good to have a base for warehousing and a small office at the warehouse at hand,” say market participants. This greatly expands business opportunities. Lumber can be sold by self-delivery, invite customers to the office to conclude contracts. Here the client can inspect the samples, as well as make sure that you are not a one-day company, but have your own stocks of products.

"Myths of the lumber dealer"

1. Goods only after 100% prepayment. No one will get you lucky lumber with a delay. Sawmills are small industries, and they will not take risks by shipping goods on credit, they will not look for transport for you. Therefore, you find the car yourself, come to pick up the board, pay for the loading and leave. Everyone is happy.
2. Price - quality. You should not try to buy a first-class board very cheaply. Understand that a quality board of the 1st grade cannot cost less than 5000 rubles. per cubic meter. If you are offered by phone to buy a high-quality board for nothing, then this is another reason to doubt the honesty of the manufacturer. Nobody will work at a loss. It's just that you can get not the first grade, but a board from the first to the third grade. Yes, anything you want can be shipped, even ordinary firewood.
3. Production time. As a rule, they are always underestimated. Do not think that if the manufacturer promises to produce 35 cubes of board or timber for you in a week, then that is exactly what will happen. The usual tape frame according to the passport has a capacity of 5 cubic meters of lumber per shift. In reality, workers produce no more than 4 cubes. And this is not 1 grade, but from 1 to 3 grades. In fact, in a week, if you work seven days a week (which is unlikely in our villages), you will be made no more than 28 cubes.
4. Roads. When sending transport to a remote village, get ready for the fact that it can literally get stuck there. Roads in the villages exist only as guides, and no one will lay asphalt for you there.
5. Documents. Almost all owners of sawmills are ordinary individual entrepreneurs and almost all of them work on the USN (simplified). So you can not even try to look for a manufacturer that works with VAT. Many of them don't even do bookkeeping. The only paper they will issue you will be a receipt for the removal of lumber.

Since today one cannot rely on the support of the state, one has to rely first of all on oneself, on one's family or on like-minded people. The time has come when I need to think about space heating, and I remembered an idea that, in my opinion, is easily feasible. My idea is to buy a piece of land and plant it with trees different breeds, which are used in construction, furniture manufacturing and other wood production. Planting can be done with seeds that can be collected in any forest area.

Costs for this:

1) purchase of a piece of land. In Moldova, a hectare of land can be purchased for about 300 dollars. Well, plus about $20 land use tax. (In Ukraine, I heard that you can get 2 hectares of land for free).

2) a trip to the forest for seeds and the subsequent planting of seeds or nuts in the ground. (Of course, for a faster return, you can buy ready-made seedlings from forestries, but this requires additional costs. And since the majority of the population does not have that kind of money, planting seeds is a less expensive and more preferable action).

Since the purpose of such planting is to obtain wood, seeds or nuts are sown according to the scheme of one tree per square meter. So the trees grow tall and straight. Take oak for example. This tree reaches good conditions height 30-40 meters, and sometimes 55 meters and a diameter of 1-1.5 meters.

In 10 years, in good conditions, oaks can grow to a height of 4 meters. I took the minimum, taking the width of the oak even as 30 cm, and received at least 1 cubic meter of firewood from one tree.

If we take into account that 1000 oak trees grow per hectare, then this is 1000 cubic meters of firewood in 10 years. Now a cubic meter of firewood costs about $57. A thousand cubic meters is 57,000 dollars.

And if the tree gives more wood, then this is more profit. My calculation was that the trees would be used for firewood, but if you make a board out of these trees, then the board will cost much more. I believe that the income will far exceed the expenses.

How to rent a forest fund plot?

In principle, any Russian citizen can do this, because the right to rest, according to current legislation, the same for everyone. In accordance with Art. 34 of the RF LC, forest fund plots are leased on the basis of a decision of the authorities state power subjects of the Russian Federation, accepted on the proposal of territorial authorities, or on the basis of the results of forest competitions.

According to Semen Levin, lawyer of the out-of-town real estate department of MIEL-Nedvizhimost, “it is much better to rent forest fund plots for a long period - up to 49 years. This right is also spelled out in the RF LC. According to Art. 31 of the RF LC, under a lease agreement for a forest fund plot, the forestry federal body forestry management (lessor) undertakes to provide the forest user (tenant) with a forest fund plot for a fee for a period of one to 49 years. After signing the lease agreement, the site becomes your property for the period specified in the agreement.

Note that, in accordance with the amendments made to Art. 35 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, forest fund plots can now be leased both based on the results of forest competitions, and without special competitions.

In the first case, a commission is created, which includes a chairman - a representative of a state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, his deputy - a representative of a territorial authority federal government forestry, as well as representatives of other interested organizations. According to the results of the competition, the winner and the organizer sign a protocol, on the basis of which a lease agreement for a forest fund plot is concluded.

Provision of forest plots without holding a special tender is possible in exceptional cases, indicated in Art. 34 (3) RF LC. To do this, an individual sends a written application to the territorial leshoz indicating his passport data. Organizations need to provide details, including the address and account number. The application must indicate the location of the forest fund site, as well as the types and purposes of its use.

The following is the chain. The landlord considers your application within a month and then, with its conclusion, sends it to the territorial body of the federal forestry management in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. There, within a month, the application is considered and the presentation prepared on it is submitted to the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which makes a positive or negative decision on the lease of a forest plot. After the expiration of the lease period, the plots do not become the property of the tenant, since the ban on their acquisition remains in force.

Renting a forest can be a lucrative business

Speaking about how lawful it is to build a house on a forest plot, the lawyer of the suburban real estate department of the MIEL-Nedvizhimost company, Semyon Levin, explained that in matters of building leased forest plots, the administration of the Moscow Region is guided by the still valid Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated December 12, 1984 505 "On the procedure for issuing permits for the placement in forests and on lands of the state forest fund that are not covered with forests, tourist camps, recreation centers and other similar facilities with the construction of buildings of a non-capital type and on the procedure for using forests for cultural and recreational purposes." According to this document, the forests of green areas around cities and settlements and all other forests can actually be used only for cultural and recreational purposes. However, theoretically, it does not prohibit the construction of a residential building on the leased territory, which can be used for personal purposes. But what happens to him after the 49-year lease expires? If the authorities are satisfied with the way you treated the forest land entrusted to you, the lease will be extended. In this case, the tenant will have a pre-emptive right to conclude a lease agreement for a new term. Lawyers note that in recent years, federal and regional legislation has been expanding the rights of owners and the authorities are meeting them halfway when resolving contentious issues.

Good afternoon dear forum users!! Large excellent forum, and information on this species there is zero business, and there is little information in the entire Runet. So, is the retail (wholesale) trade in edged sawn timber of natural moisture content of coniferous species as the main product on an open area profitable? Pilmat is imported to the region for at least 1000 km. Selling price 5000-5500 per cubic meter, delivery 1200-1400. Retail in the region of 7000, respectively discounts for wholesalers. Confused by the low profitability.

To answer

rodnikoff25 Oct 2012

To answer

hatasha9020 Nov 2012

Have you already found a place where you will take the wood? Write the address.

To answer

Dimasssgt02 Dec 2012

I have been engaged in forestry for a long time, we ship both in Russia and abroad. I will say that everything is not so simple, but you can do it and it is very profitable, the main thing is to find a good buyer with whom it will be pleasant to work.

To answer

vallak02 Dec 2012

cost-effective if you carry wood on your machines. A friend is in this business. owns two trucks volvo fh13, each runs 4 times a month from samara to kirov behind the forest, carries 35 cubes. in Kirov takes a passing cargo, i.e. fuel and salaries to drivers are already repulsed. after the sale of this forest, he has about 65,000 net rubles from one machine. per month is at least 500,000 from two cars. Of course, the business is seasonal, but during the season you can make very good money. By the way, he generally started from scratch, an old KAMAZ 8-tonner and a great desire to earn money.

Has its own American truck. I found a place for trade, a little expensive, of course, but the market is specialized in good location, lively enough, for starters will go. I'll bring a test batch in the spring. And your friend is well untwisted, 280 cubes of sawn maca per month are worthy of respect. 8)

To answer

rodnikoff03 Dec 2012

He was lucky in his time with the place. About 7 years ago I bought a plot in the suburbs of Samara.

Business in the woods

There are a lot of villages and cottage settlements nearby. In the summer they buy wood there instantly. With the purchase of Volvo, profitability has increased greatly, before that there was one crap with Kamaz trucks. Large sums were spent on fuel and post-repairs. For a long time this topic does not give rest. Last week I hit the road with a friend in Nemu, Kirov region. With my own eyes I wanted to see where he buys wood, takes 5000 -5200 per cubic meter. If everything is fine, I myself can get confused with this topic in the spring.

To answer

Ideas for business -> Production, construction, agriculture

How to open a sawmill

From one cubic meter of finished lumber, you can easily have from 750 to 1,000 rubles. What your net profit from the sawmill will actually be depends on many different additional factors.

The simplest "budget" sawmill typically produces the following range of products:

1. "Raw" board.
2. "Container" board.
3. Bar.
4. Beam.
5. Various pallets.
6. Cable reels.

For sawmill openings a production site is required. This usually includes:

1) hangar (at least 600 square meters),
2) canopy,
3) overpass,
4) warehouse for logs,
5) warehouse for finished products,
6) yard for loading and unloading operations.

Of course, you will need a dedicated power capacity - at least 400 kW.

The cost of the rental rate today fluctuates between 75-80 thousand rubles per month.

What you need to know when opening your own sawmill

The number of workers that you will have to hire on a piecework basis (approximately 300-400 rubles per cubic meter of lumber) is usually 10-15 people.

The starting minimum set of sawmill equipment that you will have to purchase:

1) Circular saw (800 thousand rubles)
2) Multi saw machine (150 thousand rubles)
3) Band sawmill (100 thousand rubles).

(all prices are for Russian-made products).

Thus, starting investments in a simple sawmill are quite serious, and amount to about 3 million rubles. This figure includes equipment and the cost of the initial purchase of timber to fill the warehouse.

The expected annual capacity of such production (according to the project) is approximately 4.5 thousand cubic meters of finished sawn timber.

The annual turnover of the enterprise is about 11.2 million rubles.

Such a sawmill reaches the break-even point in a year and a half, in the best case - in a year.

Where are the firewood from?

A novice entrepreneur should take into account the fact that in some areas (for example, in the Moscow region), logging has long been completely prohibited. It is much more profitable to work in the wilderness. There, rent and connection to facilities are cheaper and easier.

Today, sawmills buy wood at a price of 1,250 rubles per 1 cubic meter of dead wood, and at a price of up to 1,850 rubles for raw wood.

Buying out one's plot in the forestry at an auction (at a price of 700–900 rubles per cubic meter) results in very unprofitable savings - two hundred or three hundred rubles per cubic meter, and this is the most optimistic figure. And if you are not lucky (which happens more often in this case), then the savings will not work at all. Only having your own specialized equipment will allow you to really benefit from buying your own plot in the forestry. But it pays off only with super-scale projects - a small private sawmill does not reach these scales.


Prices for finished lumber and other sawmill products:

Today, a cubic meter of lumber with delivery costs the buyer, on average, about five thousand rubles.

Waste and sawn timber cuts go to the associated production, where cable reels and pallets are made. For a shift, one worker is able to produce up to 30 pallets (he receives 25 rubles for each pallet). These pallets are sold for 150 rubles apiece.

The main expenses of the sawmill:

  • rent - $ 3,000 per month,
  • electricity,
  • taxes,
  • staff salary: mechanic (right-hand saw), manager (sawmill manager).


The export of timber from our country abroad has fallen, the state is raising duties and is going to raise them even more, so it’s worth venturing small production, focusing on internal, unpretentious needs, on products of "non-European" quality. This can feed, give a predictable, albeit low, but stable income.

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How to open a sawmill?

Business in the field of logging and woodworking: features

Deciding to open own business, many entrepreneurs are lost in the variety of profitable offers. Today, business consultants are increasingly recommending organizing a logging and woodworking business. Since wood is one of the most sought-after materials on the market, it should be noted that this business is actually profitable.


Any production, especially woodworking, is associated with many technological features, without knowing which, the chances of taking a stable position in the market are zero. To obtain high-quality and competitive products, it is necessary not only to study the market, but also to be well versed in technological processes of this production.

A distinctive feature of logging, as an economic sector, is the supply of a huge amount of products for export.

How to start your business from scratch - TOP 28 business ideas without investments and working schemes

Wood is widely used as building material for various kinds finishing works, construction of houses, production of furniture, doors and windows. Wood is also used in light and pharmaceutical industries, in the national economy, etc.

Logging companies use various parts of the tree trunk during production. For example, in industry, the top of a tree is used, bars are obtained from top oak, boards are made from the middle cut, the lower cut is intended for high-quality bars and boards, the stump is used for firewood.

All products must be sorted by species. Accounting for blanks from valuable species is carried out piece by piece. Sawdust is a valuable product of any sawmill. This is a highly demanded product. Sawdust is used as an additive to raw materials, cardboard is made from it, paper, etc.

Where to begin?

At the initial stage, it is recommended to marketing research, the result of which will be the fundamental basis for all subsequent decisions. Further, in the organizational process, you will need to develop a business plan that provides for all costs, reflects the expected profit and sets out overall strategy for development.

The next step will be the choice of premises for production and the administrative part of the workshop, where the manager's office, accounting, and other non-production premises will be located. The efficiency of the staff significantly affects the profitability of the enterprise, so the recruitment of employees should be given special attention.

financial calculation

List of initial investments:

  • Investments for the purchase of an industrial complex - $100,000;
  • Purchase of equipment - $50,000;
  • Enterprise registration costs - $2,000;
  • Working capital - $20,000.

The total initial investment will be $172,000.

List of variable costs:

  • fixed costs ( communal payments, wages to employees, purchase of goods) - $ 80,000;
  • Variable expenses - $400;

Total total sum of variables and fixed costs will be - 80 400 dollars.

Expected taxable income is $250,000 for 1 month.

Based on the presented calculation, we can conclude that the payback period for such a business will be 12 months.

Woodworking has always been a business with high profitability, as wood products are in great demand due to their excellent characteristics and performance. In parallel with the processing of wood, you can take up secondary operations, for example, the production of furniture, which will provide additional profit.

see also detailed business plans with calculations in the following industries:

Internet Marketing Forum > Professional Communication > Business Questions > Is it profitable to trade timber and lumber over the Internet?

View Full Version: Is it profitable to trade timber and lumber over the Internet?

02.08.2005, 13:31

Bulka, I will try to answer your question, but first I want to clarify: do you have an offline trade in timber and lumber?

New business ideas

office, commodity and financial resources, staff in the subject, etc.?

funnybunny yes. In outskirts of Moscow. A sawmill and a couple of warehouses.
P.S. Personally, I don't. It’s just that I’ve already quickly grown firmly into one business (my personal office from a subcontractor “on the hook” has turned into not even just the main intermediary ...)

02.08.2005, 13:39

Bun, it’s difficult and I personally don’t see how you can enter a business without offline infrastructure.

funnybunny, I didn’t understand a little ... I kind of wrote that there is already a working business. The question is how much such topics can be raised via the Internet.

02.08.2005, 13:56

Bun, well, if this business exists, I think it’s really possible to organize sales.

I will answer a little later

02.08.2005, 14:22

The forest is sold via the Internet + telephone very well.
Was engaged in forestry 3 years ago, and letters about deliveries come, albeit rarely, even now
private sellers don't buy
small wholesale - practically does not buy
medium - buys
krupnoopt - buys

p.s. do not work with the Balts :)

02.08.2005, 15:17

yes medium and large wholesale. people are still trading (started at the beginning of last year) .. and quite in an uncommon, narrow topic in the forest ... and their large clients find nothing ...

02.08.2005, 16:50

wayfarer, practically answered.

Regarding PS, I join 😉

You can sell anything, the forest will go 100%, the main thing is to hire a competent webmaster who can promote the topic, if the business goes, then all the invested costs will pay off 10 years in advance. My office is far from the forest, but I pulled it out a year ago from 0 calls to 15-20, it will seem a little to someone, but we do not trade in refrigerators.

However, the gullibility of wholesale customers is simply at the highest level. Everyone imagines what forest business is in Russia. As soon as it comes to regular deliveries, there is a demand to show YOUR OWN sawmills and warehouses.

We made a site for clients to sell timber, etc.
Moreover, they sold throughout Russia and neighboring countries.
Thanks to the competent development and optimization of the site (:-)) they were found and orders were received, which they were happy about.

It's a shame that they are not doing this now and the site is "idle" (very sorry for their work, all the more efficient), and requests for the supply of wood constantly come by mail.

to do with this site to get any return?
(moreover, customers did not fully pay for the site)

Roll, timber and lumber are not sold badly. We made a website for clients, worked a little with it, now clients are very satisfied.
Orders are roughly distributed as follows:
1. Private traders - no
2. Small wholesale - not enough
3. Medium - there are orders
4. Large - also available.
So keep it up. Good luck to you! 🙂

12.08.2005, 09:49

If you create a good site, designed for both advanced and inexperienced users, and order Competent optimization for it, then I think that orders via the Internet will simply fall over. :0)

And we have such a site 🙂
Nobody needs?

kravru, look at the PM

Today, metal-plastic windows and metal doors seem to have supplanted wooden ones, but still progress cannot replace the beauty and comfort that endowed wooden crafts. Wood is needed everywhere: floor, chair, table, interior doors, boxes, sofa, wardrobe and others. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that a tree is a sought-after commodity, and given that Mother Nature's reserves are not unlimited, forest cultivation is promising business.

This idea may seem reckless, but I am sure that after a deeper study of the issue, you will understand its profitability.

Growing valuable woody plants forest plantations outside their natural range that have not previously grown in the area are called forest introductions. Many countries already have a lot of positive experience with this process.

To grow a forest, you need a plot of land and seeds (or seedlings) of trees. It depends on the composition of the soil which species of trees can be planted on the site, it is known that, for example, pine grows well on sand, and oak prefers black soil. Thus, when weighing priorities, you first need to decide on land plot, and then - with tree species.

Land for planting a forest can be bought or taken in long term rental . Seeds can be bought or harvested from the forest. In nature, not all seeds manage to germinate, and of those that have germinated, most do not survive until the next year: they die from a lack of moisture and nutrients, and some will also die over the next years. Thus, out of a hundred thousand seeds that have fallen to the ground, only one dozen trees can sprout. In order to avoid such losses, it is advisable to use seedlings or seedlings that were grown in forestries (special nurseries) during artificial forest cultivation. Of course, the purchase of seedlings or seedlings will require additional cash costs than planting seeds, but it is difficult to achieve rapid growth of seedlings from seeds over the entire planting area. In this case, you need to choose: either a waste of time or money.

Also, the cost of wages workers. Tree planting is a seasonal job, which will involve: workers involved in the transport and preservation of seedlings, seedling planters, staff who will look after the planted trees, quality control inspectors, etc. In addition, the cost of equipment and tools: buckets, shovels for planting or landing swords, protective gloves.

Forest growing business ideas can be different: from obtaining wood to selling Christmas trees. Most people cannot imagine a New Year's celebration without a live Christmas tree, and everyone knows what prices for these "winter trees" in December. By simple mathematical addition, it is possible to find out the amount of profit of this business.

Saplings (to obtain wood) are planted at a distance of 1 m from each other, then the trees will grow taller. Pine to implement like Christmas trees, planted a little thicker. In a year, Scotch pine grows by 15-20 cm, in about 5-7 years standard Christmas trees will grow. If we assume that about 1,500 trees grow on one hectare, we take the approximate price for a Christmas tree of 250 rubles, multiplying these figures, we get an income of 375,000 rubles. Naturally, the figure is relative, but the essence is clear. If you grow trees for timber, then you can get more income, but you will have to wait 10-15 years. For example, an oak in 10 years in good conditions can grow 3-4 meters high. From one hectare during this time, it will turn out somewhere around 1000 cubic meters. m of wood, multiply this figure by the approximate price (27 US dollars per 1 cubic meter) and get an income of 27,000 US dollars. And you can wait another 5 years and the income will be even higher.

It should be understood that forest cultivation is a promising business with long-term investments, which, in the presence of starting monetary resources and patience will bring good income.

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How to earn a living in the village with the help of forestry? In reality, there are plenty of options.

In summer, you can start preparing bath brooms. A good broom for a bath is very expensive, but not everyone can make a really good broom. There are too many nuances to know: which branches to use; what kind of wood can be harvested; What is the best time to prepare? where such a tree should grow. But if you know the answers to all these questions, and make a high-quality broom, then there will be no price for it in the bath. And those who like to go to the bathhouse in the city, so to speak, will vanish from the bustle of the city, there will always be, and they will be happy to purchase a broom made with soul. You can sell such a broom wholesale or retail without any problems, and the prices for brooms should please any villager. If desired, for the season (end of June - mid-September), one person can prepare more than 5,000 brooms.

The most significant income will bring the collection of berries, mushrooms and medicinal herbs, while these industries are the most time-consuming. There is no need to talk about the benefits that wild berries carry. The abundance of vitamins that are present in them gives them the status of treasures of Russian forests. Here are the main berries: blueberries, strawberries, lingonberries and cranberries. You can collect them from June to September (depending on the type of berries), while they will bring the greatest income. Also in demand medicinal herbs, which are also abundant in the forest: St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine, lime blossom. Not to mention the mushrooms. Mushrooms are extremely nutritious and rich in protein, so they must be included in the diet without fail, at least in summer. Those wishing to acquire all the above listed forest gifts can be found without problems.

In winter, when the crops are harvested on household plots, the main household chores are left behind, there is much more time, but the opportunities for earning are significantly reduced. The main activity during this period was the harvesting of birch brooms. A birch broom is by far the best tool for cleaning asphalt surfaces. The history of the broom begins from ancient times, and during all this time it has practically not changed its original appearance. A birch broom is the main tool in the janitor's arsenal. Here it is harvesting and you can do it in the winter. At the same time, on the street in frost, only birch rods are cut, their subsequent processing and tying takes place already in a warm room. During the season (November-February), more than 10,000 brooms can be harvested.

So, the main forest industries were listed above, with the help of which you can earn money while living in the village. And you can do them 9 months a year.


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