Methods for ensuring the specified quality of the product. Principles, methods and means of ensuring product quality. Meaning and classification of methods

Obviously, the quality of products is the main indicator of the activity of any enterprise. To maintain the competitiveness of goods and services, the development of a food safety management system today uses a variety of, mostly economic and mathematical. For example, dynamic, linear and non-linear programming, simulation, design of experiments, theory queuing and game theory, value analysis, the Taguchi method, and the quality structuring method.

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The Taguchi method is based on such a concept as the possibility of quality loss, which characterizes the degree of connection between the very concept of quality and possible losses in case of its decrease. This method allows you to ensure sustainable management and technological processes of the quality system in order to respond as quickly as possible to any changes in the market situation, as well as cover the entire life cycle of the product - from the purchase of raw materials to its sale end user.

The method of structuring quality is to form a quality function through the buyers themselves. That is, over time, the requests, requirements and wishes of consumers are embodied in the specific characteristics of the product. This creates a three-dimensional matrix that allows you to combine the desired parameters of the finished product with the potential production capabilities of the manufacturer, as well as with similar capabilities of competing firms. Through this method, it is possible to significantly shorten the path to the end consumer and reduce the cost of ensuring an optimal level of quality.

It should be said that product quality assurance methods must obey a single cycle consisting of four points:

As methodological manual you can use the Deming cycle, which is also called the circular PDCA cycle:

After certain results are achieved, the cycle should be repeated, but at a higher quality and higher level. Thus, the Deming circle is a method of provision and management, with the help of which the management of the organization can steadily move towards the achievement of the main goal - improving the quality of products within the framework of creating quality products, obtaining intermediate results and being able to fully control the situation.

In ensuring product quality, a program-target method is widely used, in which network planning is used with the distribution of operational and strategic functions of quality management, as well as their differentiated financing, the development of several plans, depending on the current situation (multi-variant planning), to ensure maximum probability their implementation in constantly changing market conditions.

At the same time, much attention is paid to methods for optimizing measures aimed at ensuring the optimal quality of products and the decent functioning of the quality management system, which is designed to significantly reduce the estimated costs. Of particular importance are the statistical product quality assurance methods. Applied statistics methods make it possible to analyze and interpret the information received regarding consumer demand, respond in time to any violations and inconsistencies in the operation of the product quality management system, which only increases the possibility of obtaining consistently high-quality products or services.

Quality assurance(Quality Assurance - QA) is a set of activities covering all technological stages development, release and operation of software information systems taken at different stages life cycle Software to ensure the quality of the manufactured product.

Distinguish between technical and organizational methods of software quality assurance.

TO technical The following methods of software quality assurance can be attributed:

Use of defect management systems ( bug tracking system);

Implementation of automated testing;

The introduction of modular ( unit) testing;

Use of modern integrated development environments;

Using code validators;

Implementation of version control systems;

TO organizational software quality assurance methods include:

Planning of work and costs;

Assessment of project risks;

Holding status rallies;

Conducting Lessons Learn sessions;

Carrying out Casual Analysis;

Introduction of metrics;

2. Software testing. Testing goals. Types of testing: functional, usability, security, performance. [up]


Purpose of testing

depending from the test object distinguish the following types:

functional testing);

Usability testing ( usability testing);

Security testing ( security testing);

performance testing);

globalization testing);

Localization testing ( localization testing);

Accessibility Testing ( accessibility testing).

Functional testing (functional testing) is testing the declared (documented) functionality of the program. The purpose of this testing is to find defects related to the execution of the direct functions of the program. Functional defects include, for example, incorrect taking of the root of a number by the calculator program.

Usability Testing (usability testing) is a test aimed at finding possible problems when using the program and related to ease of use and the provision of the declared functionality. Practicality defects include, for example, closely spaced small buttons of the calculator program, the location of which leads to the fact that the wrong number is often pressed.

Security Testing (security testing) is a program testing aimed at identifying vulnerabilities that may lead to misuse or inappropriate use of the program. Such defects include vulnerabilities in Internet browsers that allow attackers to gain control over a user's computer.

Performance Testing (performance testing) - testing aimed at identifying performance problems of the program. This testing evaluates the cost of the program to perform the declared functions, and also checks the behavior of the program when working with upper limits of input values. An example of a performance defect is a hundredfold increase in calculation time when performing a root operation on two-digit numbers in a calculator program.

3. Software testing. Testing goals. Types of testing: load, globalization, localization, availability. generations of testing. [up]

Testing is a software analysis process aimed at identifying differences between its actual and required properties and at evaluating software properties.

Purpose of testing– search for defects in the program. A defect is an incorrect logic, an incorrect or inadequate instruction, the execution of which leads to a failure. In other words, a defect is a source of failures, and failures are the execution of a piece of code containing a defect.

depending from the test object distinguish the following types:

functional testing ( functional testing);

Usability testing ( usability testing);

Security testing ( security testing);

Performance testing ( performance testing);

Globalization testing ( globalization testing);

Localization testing ( localization testing);

Accessibility Testing ( accessibility testing).

Stress Testing (stress-load testing) is aimed at determining the threshold values ​​of input data and searching for defects in the program when processing peak loads. An example of a load test would be to check that the contents of a database are not corrupted when the number of connections to it is exceeded and the program crashes. Load testing is a type of performance testing.

Globalization Testing (globalization testing) - the purpose of this testing is to identify defects associated with regional differences in software. For example, how the program will behave when used on a computer with American regional settings (time and date formats, currency units, etc.). An example of a defect of this kind is a defect associated with incorrect processing of floating-point numbers: in Russia, a comma is used as a separator, and, for example, in the USA, a period.

Localization testing (localization testing) is aimed at searching for defects that have arisen during localization software product. These can be both errors made during translation and display problems. national symbols etc.

Accessibility Testing (accessibility testing) is carried out to identify problems in the work of people with disabilities with the program. A defect found during this type of testing is incorrect interface colors, leading to the fact that a person suffering from color blindness is not able to read the text.

The main means and methods of ensuring product quality today is systemic quality management, as a way to create competitive products. Only the product that is created for a specific consumer is competitive. It is possible to produce products of the required quality only if quality management systems are created taking into account the requirements of international standards of the ISO 9000 series. At the same time, it is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the standards for the elements of the quality system, marketing research market in order to meet consumer needs. A quality improvement program that takes into account the characteristics of the demand of potential customers and quality assurance systems should be integrated into production. It is impossible to ensure the stable quality of products if you do not achieve the stability of the quality of the raw materials. Therefore, there is a trend towards closer interaction between the manufacturer of products and suppliers of raw materials, materials and components. The main instrument of quality management - control - has recently undergone major changes. An atmosphere of trust and confidence in the reliability of partners is created thanks to the proven methods of interaction between the supplier and the consumer. Continuous input control is pushed back into the past, the number of inspectors is reduced, and control methods are being improved. On the the most important factor competitiveness of goods - cost - have a direct impact on quality costs. Systematic analysis of these costs and their optimization is an integral part of quality programs. In recent years, the methodology and principles of quality system certification have been further improved, new draft international standards of the ISO 9000 series have been developed, which were adopted in our country in 2000. Certification of products, works and services is being developed, including a conformity assessment mechanism. Thus, product manufacturers are given the opportunity to implement more modern rules and procedures to improve quality. Therefore, exporting enterprises are currently facing the problem of raising the level of education of personnel in the field of quality. The world experience in quality management was concentrated in a package of international standards ISO 9000-9004, adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in March 1987. The standards embodied the experience of competitive foreign firms that a quality product that meets customer needs can only be manufactured with taking into account a comprehensive market research, in the form of a "quality loop" that starts with marketing and ends with marketing. The quality assurance system consists of activities that apply to all stages of the "quality loop". Organizational structure quality management system is included in the overall management process of the firm.

The quality loop model includes the following elements:

  • 1. Marketing. Search and study of the market;
  • 2. Design and development of technical requirements for products;
  • 3. Logistics;
  • 4. Preparation and development of production processes;
  • 5. Production of products;
  • 6. Control and testing;
  • 7. Packing and storage;
  • 8. Implementation and distribution;
  • 9. Installation and operation;
  • 10. Technical assistance in maintenance;
  • 11. Disposal after use.

The scope of ISO concerns standardization in all areas except electrical engineering and electronics, which are within the competence of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Some types of work are carried out jointly by these organizations. In addition to standardization, ISO deals with certification issues.

ISO defines its tasks as follows: to promote the development of standardization and related activities in the world in order to ensure the international exchange of goods and services, as well as the development of cooperation in the intellectual, scientific, technical and economic fields. Organizationally, ISO includes governing and working bodies. Governing bodies: General Assembly (supreme body), Council, Technical Leading Bureau. Working bodies - technical Committees (TC), subcommittees, technical advisory groups (TCG).

The General Assembly is the assembly officials and delegates appointed by member committees. Each member body is entitled to present a maximum of three delegates, but they may be accompanied by observers. Corresponding members and subscriber members participate as observers. The Council directs the work of ISO between sessions of the General Assembly. The Council has the right, without convening the General Assembly, to send questions to the member committees for consultation or to entrust the member committees with their decision.

At meetings of the Council, decisions are made by a majority vote of the committee members of the Council present at the meeting.

Between meetings and if necessary, the Council may take decisions by correspondence.

The ISO Council has seven committees: PLACO (technical bureau), STACO (committee for the study of scientific principles of standardization), CASCO (committee for conformity assessment), INFCO (committee for scientific and technical information), DEVCO (committee for assistance to developing countries), COPOLCO (Committee for Consumer Protection), REMCO (Committee for Reference Materials).

PLACO prepares proposals for planning the work of the ISO, for organizing and coordinating the technical aspects of the work. The scope of work of PLACO includes considering proposals for the creation and dissolution of technical committees, determining the area of ​​standardization that committees should deal with.

STACO is obliged to provide methodological and informational assistance to the ISO Council on the principles and methods of developing international standards. The committee is studying fundamental principles standardization and preparation of recommendations for achieving optimal results in this area. STACO is also responsible for the terminology and organization of seminars on the application of international standards for trade development.

CASCO deals with the issues of confirming the conformity of products, services, processes and quality systems with the requirements of standards, studying the practice of this activity and analyzing information. The Committee develops guidelines for testing and conformity assessment (certification) of products, services, quality systems, confirmation of the competence of testing laboratories and certification bodies. An important area of ​​work of CASCO is the promotion of mutual recognition and adoption of national and regional certification systems, as well as the use of international standards in the field of testing and conformity assessment. CASCO, together with IEC, has prepared a number of guidelines on various aspects of certification, which are widely used in ISO and IEC member countries: the principles set forth in these documents are taken into account in national certification systems, and also serve as the basis for agreements on conformity assessment of mutually supplied products in trade - economic relations of countries of different regions.

CASCO is also involved in the creation general requirements to auditors for accreditation of testing laboratories and assessment of the quality of work of accrediting bodies, mutual recognition of certificates of conformity of products and quality systems, etc.

DEVCO studies the requirements of developing countries in the field of standardization and develops recommendations to assist these countries in this area. The main functions of DEVCO are: organizing a wide-scale discussion of all aspects of standardization in developing countries, creating conditions for the exchange of experience with developed countries, training standardization specialists on the basis of various training centers in developed countries, facilitating study tours for specialists from standardization organizations in developing countries, preparation teaching aids on standardization for developing countries, stimulating the development of bilateral cooperation between industrialized and developing countries in the field of standardization and metrology. In these areas, DEVCO cooperates with the UN. One of the results of joint efforts was the creation and functioning international centers learning.

COPOLCO studies the issues of ensuring the interests of consumers and the possibilities of promoting this through standardization, summarizes the experience of consumer participation in the creation of standards, and draws up programs to educate consumers in the field of standardization and communicate to them the necessary information about international standards.

This is facilitated by the periodic publication of the List of International and National Standards, as well as useful guides for consumers: "Comparative tests of consumer products", "Information about products for consumers", "Development of standard methods for measuring the performance of consumer products", etc.

COPOLCO has contributed to the development of ISO/IEC guidance on the preparation of safety standards.

REMCO provides methodological assistance to ISO by developing appropriate guidelines on issues related to reference materials (standards). Thus, a reference book on reference materials and several manuals have been prepared: "Reference to reference materials in international standards", "Certification of reference materials. General and statistical principles", etc.

In addition, REMCO is the coordinator of ISO activities on reference materials with international metrological organizations, in particular with OIML - the International Organization of Legal Metrology.

ISO standards are the most widely used throughout the world, there are more than 15 thousand of them, and 500-600 standards are reviewed and adopted annually. standardization technological production

ISO standards are a carefully developed version of the technical requirements for products (services), which greatly facilitates the exchange of goods, services and ideas between all countries of the world. This is largely due to the responsible attitude of the technical committees towards reaching consensus on technical issues, for which the TC chairmen bear personal responsibility.

ISO's largest partner is the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In general, these three organizations cover all areas of technology with international standardization. In addition, they interact stably in the field information technologies and telecommunications.

As a result of studying the material in this chapter, the student should:


  • seven tools for product quality control;
  • statistical methods of product quality control;
  • functional cost analysis;
  • modern technologies quality management (the concept of "six sigma", the QFD method, etc.);

be able to

  • build a causal Ishikawa diagram and a Pareto diagram in order to manage the quality of goods and services;
  • apply the QFD method in order to track consumer requirements at all stages of the product life cycle;
  • apply functional cost analysis in order to achieve the necessary consumer properties of a product (service) with minimal cost for their provision;


  • skills in applying seven tools for quality control of goods entering the trade;
  • statistical methods of managing the quality of goods entering the trade.

Meaning and classification of methods

As noted above, in Chap. 2, one of the principles of SM K is that the basis for making a decision should be only facts, not intuition. One reason for errors in quality management is that facts are confused with subjective judgments. To prevent errors, it is necessary to organize the process of searching for facts, i.e. statistical material.

The issues of collecting, processing and analyzing the results are dealt with by mathematical statistics, which includes a huge number of various methods. Japanese scientists (primarily Professor K. Ishikawa) chose from this set seven basic quality control tools(Fig. 4.1). Quality circles played an important role in the development of statistical methods in Japan.

Rice. 4.1.

With the growth of production volumes in the serial and mass production of products, the consumer (as a legal entity) and the manufacturer himself needed information about the real quality of the manufactured and purchased products. However, due to the large volume of manufactured batches of products, complete quality control was difficult to perform, and its reliability was low. In order to reduce labor intensity and increase reliability, they began to apply statistical methods of selective quality control. Their meaning is extremely simple: having studied a small part of the products (sample), one can draw reliable conclusions about the quality of the entire batch.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s. The Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers has developed a more sophisticated set of quality control tools. These tools were based both on the methods of mathematical statistics and on the methods of other sciences: operational analysis, optimization theory, etc. As more subtle tools, they were addressed to the engineering staff. These methods are called quality management tools. This tutorial covers some of the quality management tools: "Six sieves", quality function deployment technology, cost analysis.

Three groups of methods are described below:

  • 1) basic quality control tools;
  • 2) statistical methods of selective quality control;
  • 3) quality management tools.

Basic quality control tools

The main quality control tools are methods of statistical analysis of conditions and factors affecting product quality. Statistical analysis includes an analysis of the types and causes of marriage, an analysis of the influence of individual factors of the technological process on quality indicators. When analyzing, it is recommended to use special graphical methods (sometimes called descriptive statistics) to visualize quality data. These methods include seven quality control tools (see Figure 4.1).

Control sheet (sheet)- a tool for collecting and organizing data to facilitate further use of the collected information.

On fig. 4.1, the control sheet is not accidentally located in the center, surrounded by the other 6 tools. It plays a special role, because the implementation of any quality analysis task begins with the collection of initial data.

Control sheet - a paper form on which controlled types of defects are printed in advance (in our case, using the example of decoration defects ceramic products), for which the frequency of their occurrence is indicated in the form of simple symbols.

The number of different leaflets in the enterprise is in the hundreds, and for each specific purpose, in fact, its own leaflet can be developed. But the principle of their design remains unchanged: the form of the sheet should be simple and understandable (without additional explanations); it is necessary to indicate who, at what stage and for how long collected data.

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Lecture 2. Principles, methods and means of ensuring product quality

Product Quality Assurance Principles

Product quality assurance has two components: objects, which are product samples, and subjects: organizations that provide life cycle stages. Accordingly, product quality assurance consists of:

Technical quality assurance, i.e. product conformity,

supplied to the customer (buyer), the requirements imposed on him, which are laid down in the standard design of the goods and confirmed by the appropriate checks of reference samples;

Ensuring the quality of the goods, i.e. availability at the enterprises of the System

quality management, which provides the organization with the management of activities aimed at ensuring the identity of the product of its standard design in terms of indicators that determine consumer properties, as well as the mechanism for their implementation.

For products of mass demand, the quality indicators of which are of a local nature and do not significantly affect society and the environment, the technical support for the quality of the product is formed based on the characteristics that ensure the functioning of the product, and the results marketing analysis sales market. The document that formulates the requirements for such a product is the Terms of Reference (TOR) or Technical Specifications (TS).

For complex products, the requirements for which are contained in various standards and norms, and the quality is of a national or international nature, which significantly affects society or the environment, a certification basis (SB) is formed. The certification basis is a set of requirements that apply to a given product sample, including standards for a product class, and a set of special technical conditions (STU) related to a specific product (Fig. 2.1). These products include vehicles, sea ​​vessels and, of course, civil aviation equipment.

Rice. 2.1. The scheme of formation of the certification basis of the product

Product quality is formed at all stages of its life cycle: design, manufacture, Maintenance during operation and disposal after the end of the service life. A guarantee of product quality assurance for a subject - an organization that provides the stages of the product life cycle, is the availability of organizational and management procedures aimed at the production of products that fully meet all the requirements for it and the corresponding standard design implemented in the reference sample. These organizational and management procedures, combined by their properties into subsystems (functions), constitute the Quality Management System (QMS).

Such subjects are the creators of products - developers of a standard design, manufacturers of serial samples, service centers technical support operation, recycling centers for products after the end of operation. The quality management system is a system of enterprise standards (STP), production instructions, orders and others normative documents describing the organizational procedures for managing activities aimed at ensuring product quality.

Rice. 2.2. Ensuring the quality of an industrial product by life cycle stages

Confirmation of the ability of the subjects of the life cycle to develop, produce, operate, repair and dispose of the product is the presence of the relevant enterprises of the Certificate of Conformity issued by the relevant authorities authorized by the state.

According to the foregoing, product certification contains two components: verification of the conformity of the type design to the approved requirements and verification of the enterprise's capabilities to ensure stable compliance of the product copies of the type design at all stages of the life cycle of the product copy. Inspections are carried out by a competent organization according to approved rules. The scheme for ensuring the quality of an industrial product by life cycle stages is shown in fig. 2.2.

ISO 9000 family of international standards for product quality management

quality products certification standard

To ensure the quality of products in international practice, the ISO 9000 series standards published by the Committee of the International Standards Organization (ISO) in 1987, reissued in 1994, and the new quality management system standards published in 2000 are used. At present, the world community uses the ISO recommendations as a basis for the development of international recommendations in various fields of activity and national (state) quality standards. Good examples are the ICAO recommendations in the field of ensuring the safety of civil aviation flights, corresponding to them. national systems certification in the field of aviation activities of the CIS, USA and United Europe. As state standards for the quality of general-purpose products, which are based on ISO recommendations, we can cite standards Russian Federation GOST R ISO 9000-2001, GOST R ISO 9001-2001, GOST R ISO 9004-2001 and a number of others.

In the usual system of product quality control, the consumer protects his interests by controlling its compliance with the requirements. technical requirements. However, complete control of all intermediate technological operations in the manufacture of products is not always rational and, most importantly, does not fully guarantee the stability of product quality. Sampling gives the producer's risk or the consumer's risk.

To ensure the guaranteed compliance of a product instance with the established requirements and the stability of the performance of each instance, it is possible to deploy a quality management system at the enterprise, which ensures the organization of production activities and the management of product release processes. Currently, quality management systems based on the international ISO 9000 series standards have found wide application.

On fig. 2.3 shows the relationship between producer and consumer in traditional system product quality control (a) and a quality control system based on ISO 9000 standards (b).

The consumer can protect his interests by evaluating technology, metrological means, training, test control, i.e. evaluating the effectiveness of the manufacturer's product quality management system. Therefore, in order to protect their interests, the consumer of products is forced to come to the manufacturer at the enterprise, check his quality management system and make a conclusion about the possibility of concluding a contract.

ISO-9000 standards perform a dual function.

Firstly, they are carriers of international experience in the field of product quality management and, in this sense, can be used as a tool for improving or creating product quality management systems at enterprises.

Secondly, the ISO 9000 series of standards provide models for product quality assurance systems against which a company's product quality management system can be tested. At present, in foreign practice, these standards are increasingly used when concluding contracts between firms, since the compliance of the manufacturer's product quality assurance systems with the requirements of ISO 9000 series standards is considered as a certain guarantee of stable high product quality.

Since the materials of international organizations, including ISO standards, are advisory, for legal registration in the Russian Federation, the ISO series standards are approved as state ones (GOST R ISO 9000-2001, GOST R ISO 9001-2001, and GOST R ISO 9004-2001 ). In table. 2.1 is given

Table 2.1

International quality standards ISO 9000 series and GOSTs based on ISO standards in force in the Russian Federation

Standard number

Name of the standard

ISO 8402:1994

Quality Management and Quality Assurance - Vocabulary

ISO 9000-1-94

Standards in the field administration quality and quality assurance. Part 1. Guidelines for selection and application

ISO 9000-2-93

Standards in the field of quality administration and quality assurance. Part 2: General guidelines for the application of ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003

ISO 9000-3-91

Standards in the field of quality administration and quality assurance. Part 3: Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 in the development, delivery and maintenance of software

ISO 9000-4:1993

Standards in the field of quality administration and quality assurance. Part 4. Guidance for the management of the overall reliability program

quality systems. Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and service

quality systems. Model for quality assurance in production, installation and service

quality systems. Quality Assurance Model for Final Inspection and Testing

ISO 9004-1:1994

Administrative management of quality and elements of the quality system. Part 1. Guidance

ISO 9004-2:1994

Administrative management of quality and elements of the quality system. Part 2. Service guidelines

ISO 9004-3:1994

Administrative management of quality and elements of the quality system. Part 3: Guidelines for processed materials

ISO 9004-4:1994

Administrative management of quality and elements of the quality system. Part 4: Quality improvement guidelines

ISO 10005:1995

Administrative quality management. Guidelines for quality programs

ISO 10007:1995

Administrative quality management. Configuration Management Guidelines

ISO 10011-1:1990

Guidelines for the verification of quality systems. Part 1. Check

ISO 10011-2:1990

Guidelines for the verification of quality systems. Part 2. Qualification Criteria for expert auditors of quality systems

ISO 10011-3:1990

Guidelines for the verification of quality systems. Part 3. Management of audit programs

ISO 10012-1:1992

Quality assurance requirements measuring equipment. Part 1: Metrological confirmation system for measuring equipment

ISO 10013:1995

Guidelines for developing quality manuals

GOST R ISO 9000-2001

Quality Management System. Fundamentals and vocabulary

GOST R ISO 9001-2001

Quality Management System. Requirements

GOST R ISO 9004-2001

a list of quality standards of the ISO series and GOSTs, created on the basis of ISO, operating in the Russian Federation. Other standards deepen and reveal the features of the implementation of various models of quality systems.

In 1993, the International Organization for Standardization developed the ISO 14000 series standards, which define general principles environmental activities. The concept of these standards is based on the decisions of the United Nations Conference on environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, June 1992). The requirements of the international standards ISO 14000 series relate to the certification of objects of activity of products and subjects of activity with this product throughout its life cycle for compliance with environmental safety requirements.

Enterprise quality management system

As mentioned earlier, consumers need products that meet their needs and expectations. These needs and expectations are reflected in specifications on products and are generally considered customer requirements. Requirements may be specified by the customer upon delivery or determined by the organization itself. In any case, the succession of products is established by the consumer.

As needs and expectations change, organizations are under pressure from competition and technological advances. They must constantly improve their products and related life cycle processes.

A systematic approach to quality management encourages enterprises to analyze customer requirements, identify processes that contribute to obtaining products with quality acceptable to consumers, as well as maintain and manage these processes.

The quality management system (QMS) is the basis for continuous improvement (increase) in customer satisfaction with product quality and other stakeholders (employees, organizations, society). The QMS gives confidence to the enterprise itself in the ability to supply products that fully meet the requirements of consumers.

Quality management principles. For the successful implementation of the activities of the enterprise, it is necessary to manage it in a systematic and transparent way.

Success can be achieved through implementation and maintenance Enterprise QMS for continuous improvement of activities, taking into account the needs of all stakeholders.

Enterprise management includes quality management based on eight principles.

1. Orientation to the consumer. The organization depends on its customers and therefore must understand their current and future needs, meet their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations.

2. Leadership of the head. Provides unity of purpose and direction

organization's activities. Leaders need to create and maintain internal environment in which employees are fully involved in solving the problems of the organization.

3. Employee involvement. Employees at all levels form the backbone

organization, and their full involvement enables the organization to take advantage of their abilities.

4. Process approach. The desired result is effectively achieved when activities and resources are managed as a process.

5. System approach to management. Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the effectiveness of the organization in achieving its goals.

6. Continuous improvement of the organization's activities. In general, it should be considered as its unchanging goal.

7. Making decisions based on facts. Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.

8. Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers. The organization and the suppliers are interconnected, and the relationship of mutual benefit enhances the ability of both parties to create value.

Approach to development and implementation of the QMS consists of the following steps:

1. Establishing the needs and expectations of the consumer.

2. Development of goals and policies of the organization in the field of quality.

3. Establish processes and responsibilities necessary to achieve quality objectives.

4. Establishing and determining the necessary resources, and providing them to achieve the established goal.

5. Development of methods to measure the effectiveness of each process.

6. Use of measurement data to determine performance and

efficiency of each process.

7. Determining the means necessary to prevent nonconformities and eliminate their causes.

8. Development and application of a process for continuous improvement of the QMS.

Any activity or set of activities that uses resources to transform inputs and outputs can be considered a process. For an organization to function effectively, it must retain control over numerous interrelated and interacting processes. Often the output of one process forms the input of the next. The process management system primarily ensures their interaction, which can be considered a process approach.

Standardization in the aircraft industry

The development of scientific and technological progress and the continuous expansion of scientific, technical and economic ties are attracting more and more attention to standardization in all countries of the world without exception, all technical and economic international, regional and national organizations and enterprises. This is a consequence of the objective need for standardization to manage economic and production processes. It's hard to name the area now human activity wherever the principles of standardization apply. With the advancement of science and technology, the improvement of production, the scale of work is growing and the scope of application of the principles of standardization is constantly expanding.

The development of technology is associated with a significant complication of equipment, the use of interconnected systems of machines and devices, the tightening of their operating modes, the use of a wide range of substances and materials. The requirements for the quality of raw materials, materials and components are sharply increasing. Of paramount importance are the issues of reliability of the elements that make up modern technology. Under these conditions, the role of standardization as the most important link in the system of managing the technical level and quality of products at all stages of its life cycle is growing. Aviation technology is a good example of this. About 70% of the regulatory technical documentation used in the design, manufacture, repair and operation of aviation equipment are based on the recommendations of aviation standards, norms, instructions and guidance technical materials.

The development of aviation technology requires the creation of regulatory and technical documentation that provides for a unified approach to its design and development of standard design solutions for details of the mass application of aviation standards. In 1926, the USSR approved and published the "Strength Norms", and in 1935 - 1937. The first edition of the Designer's Manual was published in three volumes. The first enterprises that developed factory standards and introduced them into manufactured aircraft include the design bureaus of A.N. Tupolev and S.V. Ilyushin. The standardization groups organized on them created factory normals for extruded profiles, hinges, fasteners, pipe connections, springs, shock-absorbing cords and other widely used parts.

Standard - a regulatory document developed on the basis of mutual agreement of interested parties, containing requirements that do not contradict the mandatory requirements and recommendations of higher authorities, as well as the safety rules and standards established for the industry, and aimed at achieving the optimal degree of streamlining in a certain area of ​​activity.

Industry standards are developed in relation to the products of a particular industry.

The work on standardization and unification in the aviation industry is carried out by the Research Institute for Standardization and Unification (NIISU). On the basis of NIISU, the Technical Committee for Standardization "Aviation Engineering" was created. The Technical Committee includes representatives of leading institutions - leading experts in all areas of the aviation industry, including NIISU, VIAM, LII, NIAT, PIIAO, TsAGI, CIAM and other interested organizations and departments. The Technical Committee has technical subcommittees that consider, approve and submit to the technical committee for approval draft interstate, state and industry standards for aviation equipment. After consideration, projects of interstate and state standards are submitted for adoption to the State Standard of Russia; industry (aviation) standards and other normative and technical documentation are approved by the chairman of the Technical Committee for Standardization and registered. Interstate and state standards for aviation equipment are developed respectively by different countries of the CIS or by various industries in Russia.

When creating aviation equipment, systems of interstate and state general technical and organizational and methodological standards are used: State system standardization (GSS), one system design documentation (ESKD), the Unified System for Technological Documentation (ESTD), the Unified System for Program Documentation (ESPD), the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements (GSI), etc. (Fig. 2.4).

If the above structures do not fully meet the requirements for aviation technology, then special state, industry standards or regulatory and technical documentation (regulations, methods, guidelines etc.), reflecting the specifics of the creation, operation, repair and disposal of aviation equipment.

The industry has a system for providing industry standards and regulatory and technical documentation to enterprises and organizations in the industry and the customer. The mailing is carried out by five parent organizations for standardization, which are the holders of the originals of industry standards and regulatory and technical documentation: NIISU (main production), NIAT (technological processes and equipment for the production of aircraft, helicopters, engines and units), VIAM (aviation materials) , software "Normal" (aviation fasteners). The branch aviation standards fund is an integral part of the federal standards fund.

Rice. 2.4. Hierarchical scheme for the formation of a system of regulatory documents of an aviation industry enterprise

Standardization is based on general scientific and specific methods, such as: ordering of standardization objects; unification of products, aggregation; comprehensive standardization; advanced standardization.

The ordering of standardization objects is a universal method in the field of standardization of products, processes and services. Ordering, as the management of diversity, is associated primarily with the reduction of diversity. The result of streamlining work is, for example, restrictive lists of components for the final finished products; albums of standard designs of products; standard forms of technical, managerial and other documents.

Activities to rationally reduce the number of types of parts, units of the same functional purpose is called the unification of products. The main directions of unification are: the development of parametric and standard-size series of products, machines, equipment, instruments, assemblies and parts; development of standard products in order to create unified groups of homogeneous products; development of unified technological processes, including technological processes for specialized productions of products of intersectoral application; limitation by a reasonable minimum of the range of products and materials allowed for use. Depending on the scope of the unification of the product, it can be intersectoral, sectoral and factory. Depending on the methodological principles unification can be intraspecific and interspecific or interproject.

Aggregation is a method of creating machines, instruments and equipment from separate standard unified units that are reused in the creation of various products based on geometric and functional interchangeability. Aggregation is very widely used in mechanical engineering, radio electronics.

With complex standardization, a purposeful and systematic establishment and application of a system of interrelated requirements is carried out both to the object of complex standardization as a whole and to its main elements in order to optimally solve a specific problem. In relation to products, this is the establishment and application of interrelated quality requirements finished products necessary for their manufacture of raw materials, materials and components, as well as the conditions of conservation and consumption (operation).

At the forecasting stage, as well as at the early stage of aircraft design, the main task of standardization is the creation of advanced industry standards and other regulatory documents that establish promising indicators of the quality of the developed products, optimal in the planned time interval. The development of such normative documents is based on the use of methods for optimizing and predicting objects of standardization. This approach to the formation of promising requirements, which has developed in the aviation industry, has been tested and shown to be highly effective in creating a whole range of aircraft, such as the Il-96-300, Tu-204, etc. On its basis, the method of program-targeted control of the technical level of products is implemented, linking all developers into a single whole while fulfilling the strict conditions of the tactical and technical task and including:

Creation of standards for advanced technical level of products, technology, materials, equipment;

Systematic updating of standards;

Shift of experimental work to the early stages of design through computer simulation, creating layouts, using natural and semi-natural stands.

The basis for the development of advanced regulatory documents are the results of exploratory research work, the latest achievements of science and technology.

The requirements of leading standards and norms are included in the terms of reference for newly developed and modernized products, as well as on the maps of the technical level of these products. The maps of the technical level provide for a phased stepwise achievement of leading indicators, taking into account the development of the material and technical base.

When implementing technical level standards, parametric and standard-size series of component equipment are necessarily developed. This work is carried out taking into account the types and classes of final products.

The introduction of advanced standards in the aviation industry makes it possible to create a scientific and technical reserve for units and systems by the time a new final product is developed. Examples of such standards are OST 1 02507 and OST 1 02581, which establish requirements for the quality of the outer surface of subsonic and supersonic aircraft.

The technical level of aviation equipment and ground support facilities developed according to terms of reference, is ensured by the fulfillment of the requirements of the documents in force in the industry: technical level standards, methods for assessing the technical level of products, a system for developing and putting products into production.

One of the documents that establish the technical level of products is the technical level map, which confirms the validity of decisions on the feasibility of developing new and modernized products and putting them into production and providing accounting for the range of components for the purpose of standardization, unification and specialization of development work and mass production.

The current state of the problem of standardization of aviation technology at the international level is characterized by the intensification of the struggle of the leading countries in the development of aviation technology for the recognition of their national standards and the standards of organizations of their countries as international.

Standards in today's globalized business environment are seen as one of the most important tools for gaining superiority in global product markets in all industries. IN different countries The world pays great attention to the issues of standardization, up to the development of national strategies in this area. Strategic standardization is the concept that encourages industry to view standards as a business tool. Business leaders are encouraged to use standards as part of their business strategy to gain market advantages, reduce costs and increase production.

In the field of international standardization, work is carried out by ISO - the international organization for standardization. The purpose of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related fields on a global scale to facilitate international exchange of goods and mutual assistance, as well as to enhance cooperation in the field of intellectual, scientific, technical and economic activity. In the practice of ISO, the emphasis is on establishing uniform product testing methods, labeling requirements, terminology, i.e. on aspects without which mutual understanding between the manufacturer and the consumer is impossible, regardless of the country where the products are produced and used.

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) also operates in the field of international standardization. Taking into account the commonality of the tasks of ISO and IEC, as well as the possibility of duplicating the activities of individual technical bodies, an agreement was concluded between these organizations, which is aimed, on the one hand, at delimiting the scope of activities, and on the other hand, at coordinating technical activities.

International Standards are non-binding, i.e. each country has the right to apply them in their entirety, in separate sections, or not at all. However, in the conditions of intense competition in the world market, manufacturers of products, in an effort to maintain the high competitiveness of their products, are forced to use international standards. According to foreign experts, advanced industrial the developed countries around the world apply up to 80% of the total ISO standards fund.

The Russian Federation has a law on technical regulation.

Technical regulation -- legal regulation relations in the field of establishing, applying and fulfilling mandatory requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as in the field of establishing and applying on a voluntary basis requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services and legal regulation of relations in the field of conformity assessment. Technical regulation is carried out through the Technical Regulations - a document adopted by an authority and containing mandatory legal regulations that establish the characteristics of products (services) or related processes and production methods.

The development of aviation technology is associated with a significant complication of equipment, the use of interconnected systems and devices, the tightening of their operating modes, and the use of a wide range of materials. The requirements for the quality of raw materials, materials and components are sharply increasing. Of paramount importance are the issues of reliability of the elements that make up aviation equipment. Under these conditions, the role of standardization increases as the most important link in the system of managing the technical level and quality of aviation products at all stages of scientific development, design, creation and operation.

According to the law on technical regulation, standardization is carried out in order to:

Increasing the level of safety of life or health of citizens, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environmental safety, safety of life or health of people, animals and plants and promotion of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations;

Improving the safety level of facilities, taking into account the risk of natural and man-made emergencies;

Ensuring scientific and technological progress;

Increasing the competitiveness of products, works, services;

Rational use of resources;

Technical and information compatibility;

Comparability of the results of research (tests) and measurements, technical and economic-statistical data;

product interchangeability.

Given the need to ensure the competitiveness of aviation technology in the domestic and foreign markets, the creators of aviation standards and regulatory documents use the principles of hierarchical harmonization with international and domestic standards and recommendations in their development. This means that the system of subordinate regulatory documents is built on the basis of similar higher requirements, taking into account the characteristics of the consumer.

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