Swot analysis presentation pptx template. SWOT - analysis. Basic SWOT Form

Description economic activity organization Kay is a leading retailer computer technology and components on the market of St. Petersburg. A bit of history: it was founded on December 1, 1991 in 1992, the "Key" store was opened on Liteiny Prospekt, which became the first full-fledged computer store in St. Petersburg, retailing a wide range of computer equipment and Supplies online today retail sales"Key" operates 20 stores "Key" is the leading official partner in the North-West region of such leaders of the computer industry as Intel, Microsoft, Canon, HP, Xerox, Epson and others.

General information about the company: 1. Uniform corporate trade style: assortment, prices, recognizable signs, customer service policy. 2. At KEE, quality control is carried out, based on the experience and professionalism of many specialists. 3. In terms of the number of discount cards in circulation among customers, KEY is one of the first places in St. Petersburg. 4. LLC "Key" operates on the basis of self-financing and self-sufficiency, is legal entity, owns separate property. 5. The main consumers of Kay LLC are corporate customers.

Opportunities 1: 1. Improving the standard of living of the population 2. Bankruptcy and exit of sales firms 3. Emergence of new suppliers 4. Improvement of management 5. Reduction of taxes and duties 6. Offers of cooperation from third-party entrepreneurs 1 - according to a study of the PC market conducted by DISCOVERY Research Group in 2007

List of threats to the organization: 1. Disruptions in the supply of products 2. Rise in inflation 3. Decrease in the standard of living of the population 4. Increase in taxes and duties 5. Emergence of new firms in the market 6. Increase in competitive advantages from competitors 7. Change in the rules for importing products 8. Tougher legislation

Socio-economic development of the Kaliningrad region Report: Yu. A. Zaitseva Specialty: Economics of the company - 2015 (M) , k.e. n. , prof. Borovikova T.V.

Brief historical background 1239 - founded by the knights of the Teutonic Order; 1255 - the foundation of the capital city of Königsberg; 1535 - transformation into the Duchy of Prussia; 1701 - transformation into the Prussian kingdom; 1772 - transformed into the province of East Prussia; 1871 - became part of the united German Empire; 1919 - most of East Prussia passed to Poland; 1945 - part of East Prussia with the capital city of Koenigsberg becomes part of the USSR, the Koenigsberg region is formed; 1946 - renaming of the Kaliningrad region.

General position of the Kaliningrad region in Russia 1 – One of the top three commercial ports of the Russian Federation; 2 - Takes 1st place in the world for the extraction of amber; 3 - One of the best reactionary and tourist areas of the Russian Federation; 4 - The best investment platform in the Russian Federation (according to foreign experts); 5 - Strategic military purpose; headquarters of the Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad, Baltiysk).

Social and economic characteristics of the Kaliningrad region Name 2011 2012 2013 2014 Population, thousand people 944, 3,950, 6,956, 2,964, 1 Number of able-bodied population, thousand people 546, 8522, 6501, 8524, 12 Natural increase / decrease per 1000 people. , ppm -1, 5 -0, 8 -0, 4 -0, 6 Average wage, rub. 18455 19911 22268 23401 Population living below the poverty line, % 12, 3 12, 8 12, 5 12, 3 Unemployment rate in the region, % 6, 7 6, 9 7, 2 6,

Social and infrastructural development in the Kaliningrad region Programs operating in the Kaliningrad region on the basis of their funding from the budget 1 - Housing programs for the population; 2 - Housing programs for military personnel; 3 - Development programs social support and infrastructure for young families; 4 - Program for the development of education in the districts of the region; 5 - Programs of cooperation in the field higher education with foreign countries; 6 - Program for the restoration of cultural objects of federal significance.

Economic characteristics of the Kaliningrad region Name 2011 2012 2013 2014 GRP, bln. rub. 247, 6,255, 2,253, 6,249, 4 Tax revenues, million rubles 30356 33478 31745 31458 Funds allocated for federal programs, million rubles 15401 11685 10745 11896 Number of SMEs, thousand 22.5 30.1 21.5 33.4 Average profitability of SMEs, % 12.4 10.1 10.5 10.3 23, 2 15, 4 Share of budget revenues from external operations, % 17, 2 15, 3 14, 4 9,

Budget expenditures of the Kaliningrad region Name Share Social sphere 51.80% Healthcare 13.50% Housing and communal services 16.50% Investment targets 12.30% Economic development region 5, 90%

SWOT - analysis of the Kaliningrad region Strengths Weaknesses 1. Favorable geographical location 1. Remoteness from other regions 2. Successfully developed trade direction 2. Decline of industrial sectors 3. Landmark social policy on youth 3. Brain drain to foreign countries 4. Development of rare crafts in the country 4. It is more profitable to sell products abroad Opportunities Threats 1. Use of investments 1. Priority - trade investments 2. Special economic zone 2. Sanctions from foreign countries 3. Foreign economic relations 3. Dependence on the policies of foreign countries 4. Become a monopoly in the industry 4. It is very difficult for the foreign market, in the Russian Federation it is unprofitable

Recommendations developed In the course of the study, the following recommendations were developed: 1 - Search for investments in the Russian Federation for rare fisheries and amber fishing; 2 - Establishing links for the sale of goods of rare crafts to foreign trade unions and organizations; 3 - Transition from a special economic zone in terms of customs privileges for exports to customs privileges for imports; 4 – Development of new tourist complexes and health resorts, targeted reception of citizens from other countries; 5 - Creation of permanent state water routes for the transportation of goods with preferential treatment.

For what? "SWOT-introspection", in order to understand where to move on in career development. It will help to realistically assess your strengths and capabilities, to clearly define what points you will need to focus on. A simple technique will help you find the right solution that is adequate to the situation. Stage

The main directions of development of SWOT-analysis display in the model of dynamic changes in the TOE; taking into account the results of the analysis of the TOE and its competitive environment using classical models of strategic planning; development of SWOT-models taking into account various scenarios for the development of situations.

SWOT Analysis Rules 1. Carefully define the scope of each SWOT analysis; 2. Understand the differences between SWOT elements: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; 3. Strengths and weaknesses can be considered as such only if they are perceived as such by the subjects of the educational process; 4. Be objective and use versatile input; 5. Avoid lengthy and ambiguous wording.

Stages of the SWOT analysis 1. Designation of the purpose of the SWOT analysis 2. Identification of strengths and weaknesses 3. Identification of opportunities and threats 4. Ranking and refinement of the formulation of strengths and weaknesses 5. Ranking and refinement of the formulation of opportunities and threats 6. Formation of the SWOT matrix 7. Formulation of criteria for choosing a strategy 8. Analysis of "rejected" strategies 9. Rough estimate of the cost of the chosen strategy 10. Approval of the strategy

Stages of SWOT-analysis STEP 1. strengths and weaknesses of the TOE are analyzed. Strengths Experience of the NGO Prominence of the NGO Openness of the NGO (Regular seminars, conferences, open days, self-government days, etc.) Developed training system for new employees (young teachers, mentoring system) Traditions of high quality education, upbringing and hospitality Established partnerships relations. …. Stage

Weaknesses Demotivating employee compensation system that does not encourage professional development High percentage of staff turnover around Weak material and technical base % of graduates. Low level of analysis. Lack of intra-organizational communications, lack of regular informing employees about the results of their work, poor feedback, which are demotivating factors. …. Stage

Analysis external environment will allow identifying the following opportunities and threats for the development of PAs Opportunities Stabilization of the educational process will lead to the opening of new classes (popularity of OCs in the microdistrict, etc.) Staff stability, attracting young professionals Preservation of the services of after-school groups .... Threats Another competing school is nearby, pulling the contingent towards itself ... Stage

Strengths competitive advantage in the form of a unique developed system of education and upbringing Cooperation with other NGOs ( additional education children and partners, sponsors) Head of the NGO. … Weaknesses Range of additional educational services ceases to correspond to the preferences of children and parents. Insufficient funding (of any services) reduces the possibility of attracting new entities. Stage

Standard matrix of basic SWOT analysis Stage Strengths Opportunities … … Weaknesses Threats … …

Stage 3 Opportunities and threats identified during the analysis are divided into three groups according to priority, the need to concentrate efforts and resources, and the thoroughness of monitoring. Stage Probability of realization of threats Consequences of threats destructive severe light High Medium Low (unlikely)

Stage 4 Taking into account the identified opportunities and threats, the main mutually influencing groups "Opportunities - strengths / weaknesses" "Threats - strengths / weaknesses" are identified and an appropriate matrix is ​​compiled. Stage Description Strengths Weaknesses … … … … … Opportunities Threats

Step 1. Compiling a list of factors for the success of the clinic in the market Write down all the factors that, in your opinion, affect the success of the clinic in the market.
Next, prioritize the factors:
Red - have a strong impact on profits.
Blue - the average strength of influence.
Green - weak power of influence.
1. Qualification of medical personnel
2. Qualification of the administrative apparatus (managers, managers, administrators, etc.)
3. Technological equipment
4. Pricing policy
5. Location
6. Level of service
7. Clinic brand awareness
8. Level of loyalty
9. Staff doctors
10. Availability of unique services
11. Comprehensiveness of services
12. Range of services
13. Level of spending
14. Marketing budget
15. Marketing activity and promotion methods
16. High level of free working capital
17. Value for money

Step 2. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of the clinic

Create a table like this:
2. In the "Success Factors" column, enter the factors highlighted in red. In the columns "Your clinic" and competitors
describe briefly the status of these factors. Evaluate the advantages of your clinic and competitors by placing from one to three
"+". Similarly with the disadvantages, only you need to put "-". Example:

Step 3. Identify Threats and Opportunities for the Clinic

To quickly find opportunities and threats for SWOT analysis, answer the following questions:
1. What factors can increase sales medical services and profit?
2. What are the trends and changes in the market, needs target audience, state and legal
market regulation, the country's economic situation can reduce sales and profits?
Let's look at an example of threats and opportunities for a pediatric multidisciplinary clinic.

Step 4. Compiling a SWOT ANALYSIS table

At this stage, we need to structure all the collected information. To do this, we will enter all the found
factors in the table in descending order of importance. In the "Strengths" sector, we transfer the factors with the "+" sign. IN
sector "Weaknesses" with the sign "-" Also in descending order of importance. That is, you must determine that
affects the profit of the clinic to a greater extent, and which to a lesser extent.

Step 5. Preparing the conclusions of the SWOT ANALYSIS

At this stage, answer the questions below. The answers will guide you on the next steps.
1. Take another look at your strengths and decide which advantage can become the main one?
Answer: medical staff without reference to specific individuals. This choice was made for several reasons: 1.
The quality of medical services depends primarily on the doctor. The patient will be able to feel confidence in the clinic if he is sure that there
top notch doctors. The patient first thinks about the specialist and only then about the technological equipment. 2. Precisely
the medical staff has become one of the clinic’s strongest points 3. There are no part-time workers in the clinic 4. There are rare doctors on staff
specialties (unique for the market where the clinic operates) 5. Referral for consolidation in the clinic the best specialists 6. Heading for
close interaction of doctors of different specialties in providing care to the patient.
2. Describe how the company's capabilities can be built on the strengths of the product.
Answer: Medical staff, solid technological equipment, a good level of service and a steady increase in patient loyalty indicate
to the great potential of the clinic. Setting up all business processes, incl. Their automation, together with the advantages, will allow the clinic to
enter new markets. The high level of qualification of administrative staff will allow you to quickly introduce integrated systems
clinic management and patient relations
3. Describe how weaknesses can be converted into strengths?
Answer: 1. Pricing policy. The prices in the clinic are the highest on the market, but in the field of medical services, price competition does not work.
The patient does not attach importance to the price when he sees the significant value of the service. Therefore, this weakness can become a strength if you invest
resources in marketing promotion and sales training for administrators and physicians. 2. Marketing activity. Constant turnover
among promotional professionals. There is no promotion strategy and tactics, events are held spontaneously. This part can become
strength, if marketing activities start planning and building a promotion program based on the analysis.
3.Professional development of personnel. Create in training centers for administrators and doctors.
To oblige to visit the necessary events, to think over a system for compensating expenses.
4. Describe how you can turn threats into opportunities for growth?
Answer: 1. The appearance of a large clinic on the market. The scale of the new competitor means there is already a lot of negative online
clinic information. So we can bet on strengthening the service and positive reputation in the online and offline environment. 2.
Fertility decline. This threat cannot be offset. 3. Decrease in purchasing power. This means that people are not
ready to spend money on things and services not essential. And health prevention in our country is not yet the first
necessity, therefore, various stimulating measures are inevitable. During this period, the profit of the clinic may fall, but
but recognition, fame and loyalty to the brand will grow, which will have a positive effect
profit in the long run.
5. How in short term realize opportunities and neutralize threats? Develop a regular
improvement of service and professional development of employees. Standardize and automate business processes. Develop
implementation program indicating the timing of implementation and the necessary resources. Allocate time for the “running in” of innovations, in parallel
start collecting information about the new market, conduct an analysis and make a forecast of the prospects for the new clinic.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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SPb GBPOU "College of Culinary Excellence" Zozulina Victoria Viktorovna teacher of SPb GBPOU "KKM" St. Petersburg 2017 OP.07 "Fundamentals of Economics, Management and Marketing" SWOT-analysis

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SWOT - analysis method in strategic planning, which consists in dividing factors and phenomena into four categories: Strengths (strengths) Weaknesses (weaknesses) Opportunities (opportunities) Threats (threats)

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SWOT - analysis can be presented in the form of a table: Positive influence Negative influence Internal environment Strengths (strengths) Weaknesses (weaknesses) External environment Opportunities (opportunities) Threats (threats)

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SWOT analysis was first introduced in 1963 at the Harvard Business Policy Conference by Professor Kenneth Andrews. Initially, SWOT analysis was based on voicing and structuring knowledge about the current situation and trends. Since the SWOT analysis in general view does not contain economic categories, it can be applied to any organizations, individual people and countries to build strategies in a wide variety of areas. History

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The analysis consists of two parts. Opportunities and threats are an analysis of the external environment, all factors that may affect the company, but do not depend on it. Strengths and weaknesses are internal analysis company/product. When compiling a SWOT analysis, you must specify at least 5 global external threats and opportunities that can both grow and destroy a business. Methodology for conducting a SWOT analysis

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1) Company reputation 2) Product quality 3) Service quality 4) Market share 5) Price 6) Logistics 7) Promotion efficiency 8) Sales agent performance 9) Geographic coverage

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10) Introduction of innovations 11) Costs 12) Financial stability 13) Workers 14) Technical equipment 15) Ability to meet deadlines 16) Flexibility, quick response to events 17) Range 18) Experience 19) Resources 20) Customer knowledge

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1) Economic situation in the country and the world 2) Demographic situation 3) Political 4) social movements 5) Technological progress 6) Competitor analysis 7) Legislation 8) Cultural factors 9) social issues External opportunities and threats include:

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Rapid SWOT analysis is the most common type of qualitative analysis that allows us to determine which strengths of our organization will help to deal with threats and use the opportunities of the external environment, and which of our weaknesses will prevent us from doing this. Some business schools like to show this type of analysis, because the scheme for conducting it has an undeniable advantage: it is very clear and simple. However, in practice, this technique has disadvantages: only the most obvious factors fall into the points of all cells of the table. Forms of conducting a SWOT analysis

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Consolidated SWOT analysis, which should present the main indicators that characterize the company's activities in this moment and outline the prospects for future development. The advantage of this form of analysis is that it allows, in some approximation, to give quantification the factors that have been identified. Another advantage is the ability to immediately proceed to the development of a strategy and develop a set of measures necessary to achieve strategic goals. The obvious disadvantage is a more complicated procedure for conducting an analysis (during strategic sessions in which the top management of the company participates, it can take 1-2 days, depending on the depth of elaboration of factors).

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A mixed SWOT analysis is an attempt to combine the first and second forms of analysis. To do this, at least the main three types of strategic analysis are preliminarily carried out (usually these are STEP analysis, Porter's "5 forces" analysis and analysis internal environment one of the methods). The advantage of this form is the depth of analysis. The disadvantage should be psychological factor: in practice, very often the case ends with the construction of a beautiful matrix and complacency

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There is also the “Anti-SWOT” method, which relies on SWOT, but its essence lies in the fact that an analysis is made of the consequences of not fulfilling the intended statements indicated in strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

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A practical example of a SWOT analysis of a cafe Strengths Opportunities in the external environment Low pricing policy, accessible to the population with average earnings A large number of services provided compared to competitors Young, active staff The organization is profitable Constant updating of the range of dishes Regular customers Interior renovation Availability of regular suppliers of products Low level of conflicts Company image Improving the living standards of the population The emergence of new customers due to well-developed transport communications Increasing the number of able-bodied population Increasing demographic potential Development of a set of measures to attract visitors on weekends Introduction of advanced technologies in service Application innovative technologies in the process of production and service

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