Rusal management company. Rusal management system. Business development prospects

"Russian Aluminum"

Abbreviated name: OJSC "RusAl"

Organ state registration: State Registration Chamber under the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation

Date of state registration: 25.12.2000

Legal address: Russian Federation, building 1

Postal address: Russian Federation, p.1

E-mail: *****@***ru

Leadership: CEO

Number of employees: 71788

Registration company: Open Joint-Stock Company"S. T."

Auditor: Closed Joint Stock Company "PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit"

Company profile

RusAl is one of the leading Russian corporations, uniting the largest alumina mining enterprises, aluminum smelters and alumina processing enterprises. RusAl is the world's second largest producer of primary aluminum and unites 20 aluminum industry enterprises around the world.

RusAl was founded in March 2000 as a result of an agreement reached between the groups of shareholders of IPG Siberian Aluminum and OAO Sibneft to combine assets involved in the production and processing of aluminum.

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation and the permission received from the MAP of Russia in 2001 in authorized capital Shares of Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant (66.13% of shares), Bratsk Aluminum Plant (98.35%), Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant (66.0%), United Company Siberian Aluminum were contributed to Russian Aluminum , which includes the Sayan Aluminum Plant, the Samara Metallurgical Plant and the Sayan Foil Plant (95.79%), the Achinsk Alumina Refinery (54.09%), the Belokalitvensky Metallurgical Production Association (75.0 %), Dmitrov Experimental Plant of Aluminum Canning Tape (78.51%), Rostar Aluminum Packaging Plant (100%), Aluminum Building Structures (100%), Household Aluminum Goods (75.1%) .

As part of solving the problem of improving management efficiency, centralizing management and control functions in RusAl, at the end of 2002, a subsidiary - Management Company”, to which a number of the most important areas of activity of the entire holding will pass, in particular, the determination of ways strategic development, modernization and expansion of production, personnel and financial policy. The new management structure came into force on February 1, 2003.

Share capital and the share market

The authorized capital of JSC "Russian Aluminum Management" is RUB. and divided into ordinary shares with a par value of 1 rub. RusAl shares are currently owned by a limited number of investors and are not listed on the stock exchange.



Share in the charter capital, %

JSC "Aluminum Building Structures"

JSC "Bratsk Aluminum Plant"

OAO "Dmitrov Experimental Plant of Aluminum Canning Tape"

Dmitrov, Moscow region, pos. Kanalstroy, house 1

JSC "Household aluminum goods"

JSC "Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant"

JSC "Nadvoitsky Aluminum Plant"

Republic of Karelia, Nadvoitsy settlement, st. Zavodskaya, 1

JSC "Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant"

0, JSC "KrAZ"

JSC "Achinsk Alumina Refinery"

Production activity of the company

The company extracts raw materials and manufactures finished products and semi-finished products from aluminum based on it, expanding the range of products and their areas of application outside the currently served industries: automotive, aerospace, construction, packaging, etc.

The main types of products manufactured by the holding companies are:

    primary aluminum and products from it: primary wrought alloys, primary cast alloys, wire rod for the cable industry, ingots for the cable industry, deoxidizers for ferrous metallurgy; semi-finished products from rolling production, foundry, from pressed products, forging and stamping products, pipe products, auto and aviation materials; foil and packaging materials produced by the Sayan foil and Armenal factories (Yerevan); aluminum cans for drinks and lids for them produced by Rostar; a wide range of architectural profiles produced by the Mosmetallokonstruktsii plant; Consumer goods (cookware with non-stick coating, etc.); other products (chemical products, cryolite, electrolyte).

RusAl enterprises produced 18736 tons of aluminum more than planned in 2002, of which 7 thousand tons were poured over the plan by the Sayanogorsk aluminum plant (SAZ), 5 thousand tons by KrAZ, BrAZ exceeded the plan by 1432 tons and 4632 tons - Novokuznetsk Aluminum Plant (NkAZ). Thus, the production of primary aluminum increased by 1% compared to 2001 and amounted to 2482434 tons.

The main share in the production of primary aluminum is occupied by BrAZ (36%) and KrAZ (35%). In 2002, the Bratsk aluminum plant produced 915.88 thousand tons of metal, having increased its production by 1.5% (915.8 thousand tons) compared to 2001. KrAZ increased the output of primary aluminum by 1%, reaching the level of 864 .87 thousand tons

A significant increase in aluminum output was recorded in the second half of 2002. production indicators was due to the modernization of production facilities and the creation of the Engineering and Technology Center (ITC), whose tasks include the unification of production, i.e., the development of a single technology for all plants of electrolysis, anode, casting, gas and water purification. ITC has also begun to engage in the implementation investment projects, experimental sites for the implementation of the tasks set were organized at KrAZ and SAZ, where an extensive program for the modernization of production facilities was prepared and launched.

In 2002, 2.2 million tons of commercial aluminum were exported, in particular, to Europe - 1 million tons (46%), to the USA - 474 thousand tons (21% of the total volume of exported commercial aluminum).

Alumina production in 2002 increased by 3.7% compared to 2001 and amounted to 2161 thousand tons. The leader in the production of alumina is the Guinean Compagnie de Bauxites de Kindia, which produced 1822.9 thousand tons of alumina; Achinsk Alumina Refinery increased output by 69.5 thousand tons and reached the level of 1034.5 thousand tons; The Nikolayevsky Alumina Refinery, which produces the highest quality products, in 2002 produced 1126 thousand tons of products.

By 20% more than in 2001, RusAl enterprises produced aluminum semi-finished products - flat products, stamped and forged metal products, amounting to 221.73 thousand tons. Moreover, the increase was mainly due to flat products, the output of which increased by a quarter .

The production of foil remained at the same level, but the production of aluminum cans increased by 26.5% and amounted to 809.14 thousand tons in 2002.

The main achievements of RusAl in 2002 were:

Expansion of the international presence, including participation in the development of joint projects in India and Nigeria and the conclusion of agreements for the lease for 25 years of the Friguia alumina refinery in Guinea;

Establishment of ITC in Krasnoyarsk;

Start of the project to create service center in order to centralize repair and restoration work at the company's aluminum smelters;

Deep reorganization and rationalization of the management structure, recruitment of a number of foreign managers to work in key positions and in the marketing areas of the company;

Growth in sales of high value-added products as a result of investments in the production of slabs for rolling sheet and silicon alloys, as well as a successful joint cooperation with the Norwegian company Hydro Aluminum in Sayanogorsk for the production and marketing of high-quality extrusion ingots.

In addition, RusAl has strengthened its environmental direction; in 2002, RusAl's direct costs for these activities, excluding the environmental effect of the investment projects being implemented, amounted to $6.3 million, while reducing harmful emissions by 1.26%.

Prospects for the development of the company

In 2003, the holding will continue to develop its production base and modernize its alumina and primary aluminum production facilities. Key modernization programs will be implemented at KrAZ and SAZ. RusAl enterprises will develop technologies for installing 300 kA pots.

In 2003, it is planned to complete the consolidation of RusAl's assets in order to transform all the company's assets into a single holding company, while optimizing the company's management structure will continue.

A further increase in production volumes is planned in the main areas of RusAl's activity - the extraction of bauxite, the production of alumina, primary aluminum and processed products. The main facilities to be launched this year include the start of construction of the second stage of the SAZ and the completion of the construction of the ROSTAR-2 plant.

It is also planned to reduce the indicator of harmful emissions by another 1.7%. Among the most important environmental programs that RusAl will continue to work on in 2003 is the modernization of gas cleaning systems at the company's alumina and aluminum enterprises and the anode paste shops at KrAZ and BrAZ.

In 2003, it is planned to export 2.2 million tons of salable aluminum (same as in 2002), but at the same time changing the structure of exports: it is planned to supply 883 thousand tons of aluminum to Europe (40% of total exports). ), i.e. 13.6% below the level of 2002, and in the United States to increase exports to 573 thousand tons (from 21% in 2002 to 26% in 2003), it is also planned to slightly increase aluminum exports in Asian countries. The increase in metal supplies to the domestic market will be insignificant.

Currently, RusAl is negotiating with Alyukom-Taishet to merge projects for the construction of aluminum smelters in the Irkutsk Region.

At the end of December 2002, Sberbank of the Russian Federation provided RusAl with an investment loan for $70 million for a period of 5 years. The funds are intended to finance the construction of a plant for the production of aluminum cans in Vsevolozhsk. The capacity of the new plant, according to the project, will be 1.7 billion cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters and 1.5 billion caps per year.

Financial indicators

RusAl's income in 2002 is estimated at $3.96 billion, which is 3.5% lower than $4.1 billion in 2001. This is due to the stagnation of the world aluminum market in 2002 and the decline in world prices for aluminum. In 2002, the company increased its loan portfolio with a significant improvement in the structure of rates and conditions. The total volume of RusAl's external borrowings reached $1.5 billion, which is 40% higher than the level of 2001.

Analytical department of RIA "RosBusinessConsulting"

In preparing the review, materials of the company were used

RUSAL Corporation or Russian Aluminum is one of the largest Russian private companies. This corporation also actively interacts with partners representing countries of near and far abroad, and is one of the most powerful players in the corresponding segment of the world market. What is she releasing? Who owns and manages the company?

General information about the company

RUSAL is considered one of the largest enterprises in our country and the world's largest producer of aluminum and alumina. legally this enterprise registered on the island of Jersey, which belongs to the UK. The total capacity owned by the corporation is about 4.4 million tons, alumina - about 12.3 million tons. In the Russian market, in terms of revenue, RUSAL is second only to the largest oil and gas corporations.

Company history

RUSAL was founded in 2007 as a result of the merger of the assets of Russian enterprises - Russian Aluminum, SUAL, as well as Swiss company Glencore. It can be noted that the symbols belonging to Russian Aluminum have been preserved in the new united corporation.

In fact, the structure of RUSAL Corporation includes factories founded in the early Soviet period. Thus, the first domestic aluminum plant was launched in the USSR in 1932 in the city of Volkhov. The company's electricity supplier was bauxite, which was also mined nearby. In 1933, a similar enterprise was launched in Zaporozhye, in the Ukrainian SSR. In the late 1930s, development and mining of bauxite began, and, accordingly, the production of aluminum and alumina in the Urals: Soviet industrialists launched the Ural Aluminum Plant.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the plant in Zaporozhye was captured, Volkhovsky was under threat, so the Soviet industrialists decided to build new plants in the rear - in Krasnoturinsk and Novokuznetsk. After the war, the Soviet economy experienced a growing need for aluminum. New factories began to open in the regions of Eastern Siberia. In the 1960s, the world's largest aluminum factories opened in Krasnoyarsk and Bratsk. In order to provide these enterprises with alumina - at that time mainly imported, factories were built in Achinsk and Nikolaev.

In 1985, the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter was opened in Khakassia. It can be noted that by the end of the 80s the USSR came out on top in the world in aluminum production. The country actively exported metal. The Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter greatly contributed to the growth of this industry. But soon after its opening in the USSR, certain difficulties began, perestroika, and then the collapse of the country.

The formation of the Russian Aluminum corporation was preceded by the period of inclusion in the world market of two other major players in the metallurgy market - Siberian Aluminum, as well as Sibneft, which also had aluminum assets. In 2000, these corporations merged their assets, as a result of which Russian Aluminum was formed. This corporation included the largest aluminum production plants in Russia and Ukraine.

Subsequently, the company began to actively expand its activities abroad. But the corporation also actively developed in the Russian market. So, in 2006, the Khakass aluminum plant was opened, also in Sayanogorsk. It can be noted that by 2007 Russian Aluminum controlled about 80% of the industry in its segment in Russia.

As for the other subject of the transaction, which resulted in the formation of the RUSAL corporation - the SUAL company, it can be noted that this corporation was founded in 1996 in Kamensk-Uralsky. In the course of its development, it was quite active in buying aluminum production enterprises - but, as a rule, relatively small ones. Also this company acquired the Zaporozhye aluminum plant. In fact, by 2007, SUAL controlled that part of the market that did not belong to Russian Aluminum, that is, its share in the segment was about 20%.

But, anyway, in 2007, both companies merged, as a result of which RUSAL OJSC was formed.

The company during the crisis of 2008-2009

The corporation had to overcome rather large difficulties during the economic recession in Russia in 2008-2009. It is known that the company experienced difficulties with the repayment of loans. However, the corporation managed to cope with the problems. Between October and December 2009, RUSAL entered into a number of agreements with big banks— both Russian and foreign, on the restructuring of debts in the amount of about 16.8 billion US dollars.

Who owns and manages the corporation?

It is helpful to look at the ownership structure of a corporation and how it has changed over time.

Until 2010, the En+ holding was the largest shareholder of the company, which was controlled by Oleg Deripaska. The next largest share of assets belonged to SUAL. The ONEXIM group, owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, owned the third largest stake in the corporation. Another major shareholder JSC "RUSAL" was the company Glencore.

In January 2010, the corporation carried out an IPO on the sites. During the trading process, the company managed to sell about 10.6% of its shares for 2.24 billion US dollars. All assets of the corporation were valued at about $21 billion. It can be noted that the main investors in the business were Vnesheconombank, as well as the Libyan Investment Authority fund, which represented Libya. These corporations acquired, respectively, 3.15% and 1.43% valuable papers Russian aluminum giant. After the IPO, the shares of the key shareholders of the enterprise changed somewhat - they decreased in accordance with the size of the package of assets sold to investors.

Now Oleg Deripaska's holding owns 48.13% of the shares of Russian Aluminum, Sual Partners owns 15.8% of the corporation's assets. ONEXIM Group owns 17.02% of the shares of Russian Aluminum. Glencore Corporation owns 8.75% of the assets of the Russian aluminum company. In the free trade regime, 10.04% of the company's shares are circulating. It can be noted that 0.26% of Russian Aluminum's securities belong to the company's management. Wherein CEO corporation owns 0.23% of the company's shares.

Company management

Viktor Vekselberg has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of RUSAL since the company was founded. In 2012, he announced his resignation. In October 2012, the Board of Directors of the corporation was headed by Matthias Warnig. The company's president is Oleg Deripaska. Vladislav Solovyov holds the position of General Director of Russian Aluminum.

The main activities of the corporation

Let's study in more detail what RUSAL does.

The main activity of the corporation, as we noted above, is the production of alumina and aluminum. Among the used schemes for organizing the production of the corporation is tolling, in which raw materials are imported from abroad, processed at the plants of Russian Aluminum, and the finished product is then transported abroad.

RUSAL is actively cooperating with other major corporations. For example, together with RAO "UES of Russia" it implemented a project for the construction of an aluminum plant with a capacity of about 600 thousand tons in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The corporation initiated the construction of many large enterprises industries. Consider which of them are key in the company's activities today.

RUSAL activities: plants

The factories of the enterprise can be classified into the following main categories:

Enterprises producing aluminum;

Alumina production plants;

Bauxite mining companies;

Foil factories.

At the same time, in each of the noted categories of plants there are both Russian and foreign firms.

Aluminum plants

The first plant for the production of aluminum in the USSR, as we noted above - Volkhovsky, was founded in 1932 and is still operating. Its capacity is not the largest, according to a number of sources - about 24 thousand tons, but nevertheless, this enterprise is a significant infrastructure facility of the company.

After Volkhovsky, in 1939, the Ural aluminum plant was launched in Kamensk-Uralsky. It also functions to this day, but now it is mainly engaged in the production of alumina.

Enterprises built during the Great Patriotic War- Novokuznetsk and Bogoslovsky aluminum plants, opened, respectively, in 1943 and 1944. They also work successfully so far. produces mainly alumina, and also includes a foundry section. The company produces protectors made of aluminum, as well as its various alloys. The plant's capacity is about 960 thousand tons of alumina per year. Novokuznetsk plant continues to specialize in the production of aluminum.

The most powerful enterprise of RUSAL, belonging to the first category, is the Krasnoyarsk aluminum smelter. It has a capacity of about 1008 thousand tons. The Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant was founded in 1964 in Krasnoyarsk and is one of the key industrial centers in the corresponding segment of the Russian industry. RUSAL's second largest aluminum plant is located in Bratsk. It was founded in 1966. Its capacity is about 1006 thousand tons. The third largest RUSAL plant in the corresponding category is the Irkutsk aluminum plant. It was founded in 1962. The Irkutsk aluminum smelter has a capacity of about 529 thousand tons. This plant is located in Shelekhov.

Among the RUSAL enterprises that are supposed to be diversified is the Volgograd aluminum plant. On it, in particular, it is planned to expand the production of baked anodes. The Volgograd aluminum plant has the necessary infrastructure for the production of rolled products. Its foundry capacity is about 60 thousand tons per year.

Abroad, RUSAL has aluminum smelters in the Swedish city of Sundsvall, as well as in Nigerian Ikot Abasi.

Alumina plants

If we talk about RUSAL alumina refineries, then, as we noted above, Bogoslovsky and Ural aluminum plants, as well as plants in Achinsk and Boksitogorsk, are of the corresponding type.

Abroad, RUSAL's alumina production facilities are located in Nikolaev in Ukraine, Fria in Guinea, Gladstone in Australia, Oginish in Ireland, Portovesma in Italy, as well as Kirkwain and Mandeville in Jamaica.

Bauxite Mining Enterprises

The largest Russian bauxite mining enterprises owned by RUSAL are located in the Ukhta region, in Severouralsk, Belogorsk. Abroad - in Guiana's Georgetown, in Fria, as well as another Guinean city - Kindia.

Foil factories

The production of foil is carried out by the Russian enterprises of RUSAL, which are located in Sayanogorsk, Dmitrov and Mikhailovsk. There is a large foil plant, the second largest of all that belongs to Russian Aluminum, in the capital of Armenia, Yerevan.

It can be noted that the corporation's assets include enterprises that produce not only aluminum itself, but also, in particular, aluminum alloys and foil. The corporation owns factories that form a complete production chain - from mining plants to factories for the production of rolled products. This feature organization of production allows the company to achieve the highest quality products. Russian aluminum is valued in the world largely for its high quality.

The key production facilities of the corporation are located in Siberia, which, on the one hand, gives the company the opportunity to gain access to natural resources region, on the other hand, brings its infrastructure closer to one of the largest aluminum consumers, China.

Business development prospects

We will study what are the prospects for the development of the business that the Russian aluminum company is building. According to experts, RUSAL is trying to optimize the output of its products, taking into account the changing demand in the world market. So, the emphasis is supposed to be on the production of products with high rates added value. RUSAL is building a highly efficient production facility in Eastern Siberia that will enable the company to deliver metal to customers when demand rises.

RUSAL owns huge reserves of raw materials, has its own infrastructure for scientific and technical developments, which can help optimize product output and reduce its cost. Another important task of RUSAL is to create an energy base that will allow increasing the level of autonomy of production by generating its own electricity. In this direction, the corporation is cooperating with the RusHydro company as part of the construction project of the Boguchanskaya HPP.

RUSAL is also actively developing international relations, both in the near and far abroad. Russian Aluminum is an active participant in the development Russian market in the respective segment.

The company initiated the formation of the Aluminum Association, which, according to experts, plays a significant role in overcoming the economic downturn at the current stage of development of the Russian national economy. The capabilities of the corporation are of great importance in terms of restoring the indicators of the corresponding segment of the Russian economy and its successful development.

CEO of UC Rusal


Vladislav Aleksandrovich Solovyov was born in 1973.


Graduated with honors in 1995 higher school management of the State Academy of Management, in 1996 - the Moscow State Technical University"Stankin", in 2004 - Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, and also received an MBA from the University of Antwerp (Belgium).


From 1994 to 1998 he worked for various leadership positions at UNIKON/MS Consulting, where he was also responsible for the audit of oil and gas producing companies.



Forbes journalists suspected the owner of interfering in editorial policy

Top ten highest paid Russian top managers also included Chairman of the Board of Sberbank German Gref, General Director of ONEXIM Group Dmitry Razumov, Member of the Board of Directors of USM Holdings Ivan Streshinsky, General Director of OK RusAl Vladislav Solovyov, President and Head of the Board of AFK Sistema Mikhail Shamolin, Head of the Board of VTB24 Mikhail Zadornov, Chairman Andrey Akimov, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Otkritie Holding, Ruben Aganbegyan, of the Board of Gazprombank.

while you were sleeping

Gref is followed by Dmitry Razumov, General Director of the Onexim Group, and Ivan Streshinsky, General Director of USM Advisors - the magazine estimated the remuneration of each of them at $10 million. The top 10 also included: Rusal CEO Vladislav Solovyov ($7.4 million remuneration), Mikhail Shamolin, President and CEO of AFK Sistema ($7.4 million), VTB24 CEO Mikhail Zadornov (6. $5 million), Chairman of the Board of Gazprombank Andrei Akimov ($6.3 million), Chairman of the Board and CEO of Otkritie Holding Ruben Aganbegyan ($6 million).

Rusal's IFRS net profit in January-September fell by 35% to $534 million

“According to the results of the third quarter, Rusal showed good financial results due to its operational efficiency and cost control, as well as as a result of the growth in the price of aluminum on the London Metal Exchange,” said Rusal CEO Vladislav Solovyov. He noted that the cost of aluminum production has fallen to a multi-year low - $ 1,330 per ton.

Changes in the board of directors

As follows from Rusal's announcement on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Leonard Blavatnik stepped down from the company's board of directors and resigned as a non-executive director of Rusal. It is explained that Blavatnik has no disagreements with the main executive body company, and leaving the board of directors is related to the fulfillment of "other business obligations".

Thus, now the board of directors of the aluminum company includes Oleg Deripaska, president and majority shareholder of Rusal, Vladislav Solovyov, general director of the company, Siegfried Wolf, director of business development at Rusal Global Management BV, Maxim Sokov, general director of En +, Dmitry Afanasiev from the Egorov, Puginsky, Afanasiev & Partners, CEO of Glencore Ivan Glaisenberg, Director of Strategic Projects at Renova Maxim Goldman, CEO of Basic Element Gulzhan Moldazhanova, Executive Director Onexima Daniel Wolf, Deputy General Director of Basic Element Olga Mashkovskaya, En+ HR Director Ekaterina Nikitina.

Igor Sechin wants to extend anti-corruption measures in the energy sector to other sectors.

05/04/2012, Novo-Ogaryovo 13:48:07 Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Igor Sechin considers it possible to extend the anti-corruption measures applied in the energy sector to other industries. “This work can be applied in any field. In a good way, this is how it should be done, and no one said that this work would not be continued, ”he told reporters.

The government has set its sights on offshore income of Russian business

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is about to tax the profits of foreign entities controlled from Russia. Officials advise extending this measure only to offshore companies

Officials overdid it in the fight against ephemera and the "offshore economy"

Officials, struggling with ephemera and the "offshore economy", proposed measures that would clearly negatively affect the business climate in Russia. Both the incumbent President Medvedev and the elected President Putin advocate climate change

Violations and dubious connections of state-owned energy companies

Cash withdrawal, withdrawal of funds abroad, hidden material rewards and affiliation of top managers with counterparties

Rosfinmonitoring revealed a whole bunch of violations in the field of corporate governance. These are not only suppliers and contractors associated with top managers, but also cashing out, withdrawing funds abroad, as well as hidden material rewards.

By January 18, Rosfinmonitoring managed to check almost 900 top managers of energy companies and found signs of affiliation with 292 organizations in 147 of them, according to the report of the service on the results of the check (Vedomosti has a copy). Economic relations of energy companies and their officials seemed to the department “not clear enough, clear and transparent”, and in some cases - “doubtful” and containing signs of a conflict of interest.

The Prosecutor General's Office will fight against one-day firms working in the housing and communal services sector

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, together with the state corporation Fund for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services, has created an interdepartmental working group. The group was created in order to counteract offenses when using financial resources allocated for the development of housing and communal services, ensuring their safety and intended use. The corresponding order was signed by the First Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Alexander Buksman.

Several energy company executives resign after Putin's accusations

Several Russian energy executives have resigned following criticism from Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko told journalists about this. He did not name them, but promised that they would all be suspended from work or sent on vacation, and they would be subjected to an official investigation. “The electric power industry has shown a certain will to clean up and restore order,” he commented.

Putin accused two top managers of "Rusal" in the unauthorized demand for payments

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on December 19, at a meeting of the commission for the development of the electric power industry, criticized the actions of the first deputy general director of OK Rusal, Vladislav Solovyov, and the company's strategy director, Maxim Sokov. In his opinion, the satisfaction of their requirements for bonus payments will lead to an increase in electricity tariffs.

In his speech, the transcript of which is posted on the Prime Minister's website, Vladimir Putin recalled that Messrs. Solovyov and Sokov were members of the board of directors of OGK-3, and then left it. “Now in total they demand payments for themselves for two: personally for them - 324 million rubles. taking into account changes in the capitalization of OGK-3. And what did they do to increase capitalization?” the head of government said. According to him, the growth of capitalization was the result of reforms in the electric power industry and investments attracted by the state. “What sums! RUB 324 million for two people, personally them! For what? Well, they are already completely overwhelmed!” Mr. Putin said, adding that these amounts are ultimately included in electricity tariffs.

Rusal commented on the prime minister’s words as follows: “We are talking about paying them remuneration as members of the board of directors of OGK-3 under an option plan approved by general meeting shareholders of OGK-3 in February 2009, which was recorded in the relevant agreements between OGK-3 and members of the Board of Directors. The amount of remuneration was due to the multiple growth in capitalization of OGK-3 after February 2009. To date, neither Solovyov nor Sokov have made any claims against OGK-3 in this regard.”

Vladislav Solovyov appointed Deripaska's first deputy

Vladislav Solovyov - former CEO En+ Group became the first deputy general director of the United Company "Rusal" - Oleg Deripaska.

It is noted that in new position Solovyov will be responsible for operational management company, focusing on the issues of increasing business efficiency, improving production and financial indicators, growth in labor productivity and product quality.

En+ Group CEO Vladislav Solovyov gave an interview to the Vedomosti newspaper

ladislav Soloviev passionately talks about Albert Einstein's experiments on the movement of matter in time and space, about the mystery of the disappearance of the Eldridge destroyer. But when it comes to En+ Group business, Solovyov becomes serious and careful in his wording. Oleg Deripaska created the group in 2005, transferred to it the main pearl of his empire - UC Rusal, as well as Siberian energy assets, and set a difficult task - to become a global energy and metallurgical company. Solovyov

Vladislav Solovyov: RUSAL's goal is to become the most efficient aluminum company

Khakassia, June 08, 2010, 11:12 - Experts do not get tired of blaming domestic metallurgical companies to the fact that they continue to exploit the system created back in Soviet times obsolete equipment and even more outdated schemes of work. If RUSAL acted on the same principle, then it would long ago have remained on the "backyard" of the world market or become an integral part of some transcontinental company with Indian "roots". In the race for leadership, success is pieced together - from new technologies, the maximum use of internal resources, cost control, the motivation of each individual employee. Vladislav Solovyov, First Deputy General Director of UC RUSAL, spoke about what RUSAL is betting on, having survived a very difficult and eventful year.

Potanin withdraws the assets of Norilsk Nickel

The management of Norilsk Nickel has decided to sell the plants in Australia to Thunderbox and Waterloo. For this, Norilsk Nickel hired Morgan Stanley. According to preliminary information, MMC assets are being sold so that Vladimir Potanin can buy out a 25% stake in Norilsk Nickel from Oleg Deripaska. Moreover, some of these shares may later go to the American banks Morgan Stanley and Bank of New York.

False redistribution of Norilsk Nickel

The former chairman of the board of directors of Norilsk Nickel, Alexander Voloshin, refuses to sign the minutes of the meeting of MMC shareholders, as a result of which he lost his membership in the board. Mr. Voloshin believes that the shareholders were given false information about the quorum during the voting. An unsigned protocol cannot become a basis for convening a new meeting, however, it deprives shareholders of the opportunity to receive dividends.

FGC and Rusal will allocate $150 million for the development of new wires for power transmission lines

St. Petersburg, June 18 - RIA Novosti. JSC Federal Grid Company UES (FGC UES), which owns the main transmission lines, and the united company Rusal, the world's largest aluminum producer, plan to allocate 100-150 million dollars to a project to create new types of wires for overhead power transmission lines (TL) , Rusal's first deputy general director Vladislav Solovyov told reporters on Friday.

Russian financier.
Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank.
General Director of the Russian aluminum united company Rusal (2018-2019).

Alexandra Buriko was born on January 5, 1977 in Moscow. After school, in 1999 she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow state university named after Mikhail Lomonosov. After receiving her diploma, she joined the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Canada, becoming a certified public accountant in the United States of America.

In her second year at the university, she came to KPMG, one of the world's largest audit companies providing professional services. Buriko worked with major Russian and international companies in the metallurgical, mining and oil and gas industries.

Bouriko played a key role in the audit financial reporting major Russian companies. Managed IPO planning projects for major Russian metallurgical and mining companies on stock exchanges in London and Hong Kong. Since 2005, she has been a partner of KPMG.

From November 2012 to October 2013, she held the position of Deputy General Director of En+ Group, was responsible for the operational management of the company, improving the efficiency of its business, improving financial and production performance.

Alexandra Buriko in the period from June to October 2013 was a member of the board of directors of the Russian aluminum company Rusal.

From 2013 to 2018, she was the Finance Director of United Company Rusal. Responsible for the system financial planning, audit, preparation of financial statements and execution of the company's investment programs.

Alexandra Yurievna February 23, 2018 was appointed General Director of Rusal. The key priorities for her in her new position were to ensure development by increasing the efficiency of the company's enterprises, introducing technologies that reduce the burden on environment, increasing the share of products with high added value, expanding the scope of aluminum.

The senior management of the merged company Rusal, including General Director Alexandra Buriko with May 23, 2019 resigned due to US sanctions. Yevgeny Nikitin was appointed to perform the duties of the General Director.

Sberbank November 12, 2019 announced the upcoming change of chief financial officer. Alexander Morozov, who has been with Sberbank for more than ten years, will leave this position next year. He will be replaced by Alexandra Yuryevna Buriko, who has already become an adviser to the chairman of the board of Sberbank German Gref since November 2019.

Born May 7, 1968 in Kaliningrad. In 1993 (according to other sources - in 1990) he graduated with honors from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

In 1993, Bulygin was appointed head of the foreign relations department of the RosAluminProduct company, which specialized in metal trading. He held this position until 1997. In addition, according to one of the sources, Bulygin worked in the Moscow office of the Sayan Aluminum Plant (SaAZ).

Since 1997, he has worked in the management of the Siberian Aluminum Group. He has held the positions of Deputy General Director, First Vice President of the Group and General Director of the Samara Metallurgical Plant. In 1999 he became the general director of Siberian Aluminum.

In the spring of 2000, Bulygin was appointed First Deputy General Director of OAO Russian Aluminum (Rusal). From the beginning of 2003, he was the general director of Rusal - Management Company.

In November 2003, Bulygin was appointed General Director of Rusal. In this post, he replaced Oleg Deripaska, chairman of the board of directors of the Basic Element holding, who headed the board of directors of Rusal - a controlling stake in the company was owned by Basic Element. Under the leadership of Bulygin, Rusal took first place in the production of aluminum in Russia and entered the top three world leaders in this industry.

Bulygin developed and implemented the idea of ​​merging Rusal's assets with Viktor Vekselberg's SUAL (Siberian-Ural Aluminum Company) and the Swiss company Glencore. The agreement to establish the world's largest aluminum corporation, Russian Aluminum, was signed on October 9, 2006, and the deal could be finalized by April 1, 2007. According to the agreements reached, Bulygin will take the place of CEO in the new company, and Brian Gilbertson, head of SUAL, will take the post of chairman of the board of directors. The partners agreed to share the stake in Russian Aluminum as follows: 66 percent will go to Rusal, 22 percent to SUAL and 12 percent to a Swiss company. The new giant will cost about $30 billion. It is expected that 18 months after its creation, Russian Aluminum will conduct an IPO on the London Stock Exchange, placing 20-25 percent of its shares there.

On March 27, 2007, Rusal, SUAL and Glencore announced the completion of the merger of their assets. United Company RUSAL includes four bauxite mining enterprises, 10 alumina and 14 aluminum plants, as well as three foil-rolling enterprises. Vekselberg became the chairman of the board of directors of the company, and Bulygin, who until that time had held the post of general director of Rusal, became the general director, as planned. The company's Board of Directors includes Bulygin, Vekselberg, Deripaska, Len Blavatnik (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Access Industries), Ivan Glasenberg (Head of Glencore), Andrew Michelmore (CEO of En+), Michael Nossal ( financial director En+), Vladimir Titkov (General Director of En+Service), Dmitry Afanasiev (Chairman of the Partners Committee of Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev & Partners), as well as two independent directors - Nigel Kenny and Philip Lader. The third independent director will be appointed by July 1, 2007.


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