What can be collected from the forest and sold. How to make money in winter? Ways of winter earnings. Prices for finished lumber and other sawmill products

Today, metal-plastic windows and metal doors seem to have supplanted wooden ones, but still progress cannot replace the beauty and comfort that endowed wooden crafts. Wood is needed everywhere: floor, chair, table, interior doors, boxes, sofa, wardrobe and others. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that a tree is a sought-after commodity, and given that mother nature's reserves are not unlimited, forest cultivation is promising business.

This idea may seem reckless, but I am sure that after a deeper study of the issue, you will understand its profitability.

Growing valuable woody plants forest plantations outside their natural range that have not previously grown in the area are called forest introductions. Many countries already have a lot of positive experience with this process.

To grow a forest, you need a plot of land and seeds (or seedlings) of trees. It depends on the composition of the soil which species of trees can be planted on the plot, it is known that, for example, pine grows well on sand, and oak prefers black soil. Thus, when weighing priorities, you first need to decide on land plot, and then - with tree species.

Land for planting a forest can be bought or taken in long term rental . Seeds can be bought or harvested from the forest. In nature, not all seeds manage to germinate, and of those that have germinated, most do not survive until the next year: they die from a lack of moisture and nutrients, and some will also die over the next years. Thus, out of a hundred thousand seeds that have fallen to the ground, only a dozen trees can sprout. In order to avoid such losses, it is advisable to use seedlings or seedlings that were grown in forestries (special nurseries) during artificial forest cultivation. Of course, the purchase of seedlings or seedlings will require additional cash costs than planting seeds, but it is difficult to achieve rapid growth of seedlings from seeds over the entire planting area. In this case, you need to choose: either a waste of time or money.

Also, you need to take into account the cost of wages to workers. Tree planting is a seasonal job, which will involve: workers involved in the transport and preservation of seedlings, seedling planters, staff who will look after the planted trees, quality control inspectors, etc. In addition, the cost of equipment and tools: buckets, shovels for planting or landing swords, protective gloves.

Forest growing business ideas can be different: from obtaining wood to selling Christmas trees. Most people cannot imagine a New Year's celebration without a live Christmas tree, and everyone knows what prices for these "winter trees" in December. By simple mathematical addition, it is possible to find out the amount of profit of this business.

Saplings (to obtain wood) are planted at a distance of 1 m from each other, then the trees will grow taller. Pine to implement like Christmas trees, planted a little thicker. In a year, Scotch pine grows by 15-20 cm, in about 5-7 years standard Christmas trees will grow. If we assume that about 1,500 trees grow on one hectare, we take the approximate price for a Christmas tree of 250 rubles, multiplying these figures, we get an income of 375,000 rubles. Naturally, the figure is relative, but the essence is clear. If you grow trees for timber, then you can get more income, but you will have to wait 10-15 years. For example, an oak for 10 years in good conditions can grow 3-4 meters high. From one hectare during this time, it will turn out somewhere around 1000 cubic meters. m of wood, multiply this figure by the approximate price (27 US dollars per 1 cubic meter) and get an income of 27,000 US dollars. And you can wait another 5 years and the income will be even higher.

It should be understood that forest cultivation is a promising business with long-term investments, which, in the presence of starting monetary resources and patience will bring good income.

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Go to the forest to collect berries. Strawberries, stone berries, lingonberries, blueberries grow in the forest area. If there is a specialized berry collection point near your place of residence, you can go to the forest during the season and hand over the collected berries to this point. In the absence of such a place, you can sell the berries yourself. With the first option, you will sell goodies faster, but with the second option, you will get a larger profit. Keep in mind that in order to trade on the market, you must register as individual entrepreneur otherwise your activity will be illegal.

Knit birch, oak and even conifer brooms. You can start doing this in May, and finish in September. You can always sell brooms to lovers of the Russian bath. An oak broom will cost more than a broom made from birch branches. An amateur may fall for a fir broom. Take care of the place where you can hang the brooms to dry them. For these purposes, you can use, for example, a garage, as well as a large glazed loggia or balcony.

Collect mushrooms. This earning option is only suitable for those who are well versed in mushrooms. If you doubt your knowledge, it is better to leave this occupation to more experienced mushroom pickers. Remember that when picking mushrooms, you need to handle them carefully and cut the mushrooms with a special small knife. Mushrooms grow in the forest until late autumn. Most of all, they grow after heavy rain.

Pay attention to medicinal and beneficial herbs and fruits. These include, for example, rose hips, coltsfoot, chamomile, celandine. All these plants growing in the forest are ecologically much cleaner. Keep in mind that it is better not to collect grass in the urban area. They can do more harm than good.

Collect nuts. In the forest with walnut bushes, you can pick up a healthy delicacy - hazelnuts. Unfortunately, nuts are not available every year. Wait until the nuts turn from green and soft to brown, collect them in a bag and lay them out to dry on a horizontal surface. Nuts can be sold in the same way as berries, that is, both at reception points and independently.

Villages have been considered depressing appendages of cities for a long time. It is believed that they have practically no prospects, no money, no future. Actually, it is not. Villages are a terrific source of ecological clean products high quality, grown almost by hand, which is so lacking in a city with supermarkets crammed with goods produced in factories in droves.

You will need

  • - Agriculture
  • - transport


If you decide to seriously take up getting from your agriculture, first of all you need to decide what exactly you do best - animal husbandry or the cultivation of specific varieties of vegetables and fruits. In the event that you end up with several types of activities, stop your choice on what takes everything and what you produce in largest volumes Currently.

Start looking for an agent or a buyer. The easiest way is for a buyer who is ready to have you a fixed volume each period. After you find one, agree on a price with him and only then open a legal entity and conclude an agreement on paper. Remember that everything must be spelled out in the contract, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.


Take on only those volumes that you can find at the moment, otherwise your reputation will suffer!

Useful advice

Do not allow verbal agreements, be sure to conclude all agreements on paper.

Today, every second resident of the village does not have official work. Collective farms and state farms in most areas have collapsed or are barely making ends meet. Few farms cannot provide jobs for all residents. If you make a little effort in the village, then you can independently earn money all year round without investing initial capital or with minimum investment.


In general, even in the most seedy village you can earn a comfortable existence. The main thing is to strive for this and make efforts.

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In the summer, many young people try to earn of money- for travel or just for pocket expenses. Of course, it's a shame to spend warm summer days in a poorly ventilated office, so young people often prefer to work directly on street. So you can breathe air and not lose your fitness shape. After all, choosing a job on street, be prepared to spend several hours a day standing on your feet.


If you can sing, play any musical instrument, dance, twist several hoops at the same time, in general, something that can surprise the audience, you can perform with your skill in front of the audience, putting your hat in front of you. True, in this case, there is a risk of running into trouble with law enforcement officers or with street musicians who have already chosen this place before you.

Summer is the time for fruits and berries. You can get a job picking fruit at a collective farm located not far from the city and spend your days in the fresh air, you can go to the forest every day to pick mushrooms and berries, and then take them to collection points. It should be noted that this is very labor intensive.

In the summer, many open street cafes or simply put stalls with kvass or ice cream, where sellers are required. If you think about your employment at the end of spring, you can work all summer for street delighting customers with a cold treat.

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Foresters regularly encounter inadequate attitude from resellers, who often do not know the specifics forest business. When ordering lumber, they are completely ignorant in determining its quality. To sell the forest and not run into a conflict, you need to follow certain rules.

You will need

  • - GOST and TU;
  • - contract.


Before signing an agreement with a reseller, discuss all the subtleties and nuances: the quality of wood, compliance with GOST and TU. Discuss all acceptable defects in lumber. Then all this should be transferred to the contract and signed by both parties. Now, if the customer has unreasonable claims, you can always prove your case.

If you're worried that a buyer might get into trouble by taking a prepayment, provide them with a receipt.

Indicate in the contract a clause in which the amount of the fine will be indicated in case the customer suddenly refuses the lumber. Thus, you will return to yourself at least part of the money.

Do not settle for payment only after acceptance at the customer's warehouse. This threatens that an unscrupulous buyer can simply pick up the finished lumber without paying for it.

If the buyer orders material of non-standard sizes, and you are working with it for the first time, demand 100%. In this case, the customer will no longer refuse the deal, and you will not have to puzzle over how to sell the forest.

Conclude an agreement with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry before handing over the lumber to the buyer. The act drawn up by this service will confirm the compliance of the quality of the provided timber with the required by the customer. And, in case of misunderstandings, this document will be the most important proof of your innocence.

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Useful advice

After acceptance of the goods by the customer, and before the goods go to his warehouse, sign the acceptance certificate. In the event of a claim, all liability is removed from you.

If, during the acceptance by the buyer of lumber, the conflict still could not be avoided, and he is trying with all his might to prove that the quality of the material does not correspond to what was agreed with you earlier, do not rush into a skirmish. Invite a specialist from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The buyer is unlikely to be able to object to him.

There are two ways to make money on the forest: to rent a forest plot and grow wood of species that are in demand on it, or to acquire a plot of property and then rent it out. In both cases, it will be quite costly, both in time and money. However, in the future, the forest can provide an opportunity for a stable and high income.


Whatever way you choose to make money on the forest, you have to purchase a forest plot for ownership or for rent. According to the Forest Code, this is done by auction (except in some cases). To participate in the application, please attach documents about your company (if you are applying from legal entity) and pay the deposit. Such auctions are conducted by state or municipal authorities authorized to dispose of your property. Information about the auctions can be found on their websites or in the press.

If you won the auction or if there were no applications other than yours, conclude a lease or sale agreement for a forest plot. It is prepared or municipal authority that held the auction, according to the approved

Since today one cannot rely on the support of the state, one has to rely first of all on oneself, on one's family or on like-minded people. The time has come when I need to think about space heating, and I remembered an idea that, in my opinion, is easily feasible. My idea is to buy a piece of land and plant it with trees different breeds, which are used in construction, furniture manufacturing and other wood production. Planting can be done with seeds that can be collected in any forest area.

Costs for this:

1) purchase of a piece of land. In Moldova, a hectare of land can be purchased for about 300 dollars. Well, plus about $20 land use tax. (In Ukraine, I heard that you can get 2 hectares of land for free).

2) a trip to the forest for seeds and the subsequent planting of seeds or nuts in the ground. (Of course, for a faster return, you can buy ready-made seedlings from forestry enterprises, but this requires additional costs. And since the majority of the population does not have that kind of money, planting seeds is a less expensive and more preferable action).

Since the purpose of such planting is to obtain wood, seeds or nuts are sown according to the scheme of one tree per square meter. So the trees grow tall and straight. Take oak for example. This tree reaches a height of 30-40 meters in good conditions, and sometimes 55 meters and a diameter of 1-1.5 meters.

In 10 years, in good conditions, oaks can grow to a height of 4 meters. I took the minimum, taking the width of the oak even as 30 cm, and received at least 1 cubic meter of firewood from one tree.

If we take into account that 1000 oak trees grow per hectare, then this is 1000 cubic meters of firewood in 10 years. Now a cubic meter of firewood costs about $57. A thousand cubic meters is 57,000 dollars.

And if the tree gives more wood, then this is more profit. My calculation was that the trees would be used for firewood, but if you make a board out of these trees, then the board will cost much more. I believe that the income will far exceed the expenses.

How to rent a forest fund plot?

In principle, any Russian citizen can do this, because the right to rest, according to current legislation, the same for everyone. In accordance with Art. 34 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, forest fund plots are leased on the basis of a decision of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, adopted on the proposal of territorial authorities, or based on the results of forest competitions.

According to Semen Levin, lawyer of the out-of-town real estate department of MIEL-Nedvizhimost, “it is much better to rent forest fund plots for a long period - up to 49 years. This right is also spelled out in the RF LC. According to Art. 31 of the RF LC, under a lease agreement for a forest fund plot, the forestry federal body forestry management (lessor) undertakes to provide the forest user (tenant) with a forest fund plot for a fee for a period of one to 49 years. After signing the lease agreement, the site becomes your property for the period specified in the agreement.

Note that, in accordance with the amendments made to Art. 35 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, forest fund plots can now be leased both based on the results of forest competitions, and without special competitions.

In the first case, a commission is created, which includes a chairman - a representative of a state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, his deputy - a representative of a territorial authority federal government forestry, as well as representatives of other interested organizations. According to the results of the competition, the winner and the organizer sign a protocol, on the basis of which a lease agreement for a forest fund plot is concluded.

Provision of forest plots without holding a special tender is possible in exceptional cases, indicated in Art. 34 (3) RF LC. To do this, an individual sends a written application to the territorial leshoz indicating his passport data. Organizations need to provide details, including the address and account number. The application must indicate the location of the forest fund site, as well as the types and purposes of its use.

The following is the chain. The landlord reviews your application within a month and then, with its conclusion, sends it to territorial authority federal forestry management in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. There, within a month, the application is considered and the submission prepared on it is submitted to the state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which makes a positive or negative decision on the lease of a forest plot. After the expiration of the lease period, the plots do not become the property of the tenant, since the ban on their acquisition remains in force.

Renting a forest can be a lucrative business

Speaking about how lawful it is to build a house on a forest plot, the lawyer of the suburban real estate department of the MIEL-Nedvizhimost company, Semyon Levin, explained that in matters of building leased forest plots, the administration of the Moscow Region is guided by the still valid resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of December 12, 1984 No. 505 "On the procedure for issuing permits for the placement in forests and on lands of the state forest fund that are not covered with forests, tourist camps, recreation centers and other similar facilities with the construction of non-capital type buildings and on the procedure for using forests for cultural and recreational purposes." According to this document, the forests of green areas around cities and settlements and all other forests can actually be used only for cultural and recreational purposes. However, theoretically, it does not prohibit the construction of a residential building on the leased territory, which can be used for personal purposes. But what happens to him after the 49-year lease expires? If the authorities are satisfied with the way you treated the forest land entrusted to you, the lease will be extended. In this case, the tenant will have a pre-emptive right to conclude a lease agreement for a new term. Lawyers note that in recent years, federal and regional legislation has been expanding the rights of owners and the authorities are meeting them halfway when resolving contentious issues.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

10 000 000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital

127,500 RUB

Net profit



The business of selling timber is considered a very profitable area, the demand for timber almost never decreases, and therefore the seller always has the opportunity to earn a lot of money. Wood is needed by a huge number of enterprises, the most simple examples- this is construction organizations and furniture manufacturing companies. Of course, there may be seasonal fluctuations, but an entrepreneur whose business is developed and has regular customers is very rarely unprofitable.

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However, it is necessary to understand that a considerable number of people want to engage in this direction, which means that it can be difficult to get a piece of forest for use, and after all, the vast majority of forest plantations belong to the state, and only the authorities can decide who to give this or that piece of land for use. There are some other problems in this business, for example, there is a stereotype according to which this business criminalized and even in our time, which increases the risks of the entrepreneur.

Setting up a timber business

The first step is to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. However, only if the timber trade will take place not only on the territory of Russia, then you need to contact the Ministry of Industry and Trade, where a license will be issued for customs clearance cargo, which includes lumber, timber and similar goods.

Generally international trade in this direction is a rather complicated direction, since a license is issued only for certain types of wood, for specific volumes, as well as for a limited period, while you need to understand that it is not national legislation that applies to a greater extent, but local legislation, so it makes sense right away seek help from a lawyer. However, when working only in Russia, there are also some conditions. Namely, at the moment, an entrepreneur does not have the right to acquire a forest plot as a property for exploitation as a source of timber, today all enterprises engaged in this area lease land from the state, however, the term of this lease can reach 49 years.

This is precisely the first and, perhaps, the main difficulty in organizing this business - in obtaining a site for work. True, it is worth noting that recently the government has been considering the possibility of selling forest plots to entrepreneurs for felling, but if such a law is adopted, it is still unknown under what conditions. On the other hand, even taking a plot for rent, you can count on a normal profit.

Registration of an enterprise for the sale of timber

Let's dwell on this in a little more detail. So, after registration, an entrepreneur has the right to participate in auctions, which, as a rule, are held by local departments for forest resources (for example, the Ministry of Forestry of the desired region). The entrepreneur himself can find a suitable place for him and apply for a plot, but it is far from a fact that the authorities will be interested in his proposal; and even if the site is indeed ready to be leased, an auction will still be scheduled for it.

At the very first stage, the first difficulty arises - not only entrepreneurs who are going to cut the forest, but also those who are going to use it for other purposes, have the right to get part of the forest. For example, the authorities are especially favorable to those businessmen who are going to use the forest as a recreational area. Moreover, special requirements are imposed on bidders - the user is obliged not only to exploit the land provided to him, but also to take care and look after the forest. In our case, this is an obligation, after felling trees, to restore the integrity of the forest with new plantations, which, after they grow up, can also be used as a source of wood; a sort of unceasing cycle, and the authorities are interested in its being uninterrupted, and not in leaving a bare area after the entrepreneur.

Moreover, the entrepreneur still needs to choose a site depending on his own capabilities and simple convenience - for obvious reasons, those forest areas that are not in the forest are most valued. Also, an important factor in the choice is the presence of valuable species of wood, although, of course, there is a demand for almost all trees (for some - because of their qualities, for others - because of their cheapness).

The cost of a site just depends on all these factors, as well as on the density of plantings - for example, a sparse forest will cost several times cheaper than a dense one, which, in general, is natural. There are also local features here - in some region you may be lucky to get a plot for rent on relatively favorable terms, and somewhere you will have to pay a lot of money annually. Bureaucratic red tape is very serious here too - auctions are held state enterprises, can be processed and last a very long time, so you need to have a few months in reserve. Moreover, it is not always possible to immediately win this or that auction, there are always enough applicants, and the authorities themselves can make very serious demands - that is, they would rather refuse all participants in the auction than give permission to at least someone. In different regions, depending on the policy and climate, the price can vary several times, but most often it is determined not by the size of the plot, but by the density of plantings.

And tree species. But if we try to bring everything to average figures, we will get about 15-20 thousand rubles per hectare per year. We repeat - this is a very, very rough calculation, since it is quite possible to find offers for 5 thousand rubles, and for 50 thousand (and sometimes even more). In general, here every entrepreneur first assesses the potential of the leased area (the density of the trees, their quality is checked). There are proposals for relatively small plots (up to one hectare), and for plots of considerable size, on which you can work for a very long time (more than 10 hectares).

When a place is found and the entrepreneur has successfully won the auction, you can start organizing your enterprise. Within the framework of this article, only trade in wood will be considered, but not the production of sawn timber or other products; in other words, this business involves the felling of trees and the subsequent sale of the resulting materials, but not their processing. In order to be able to fully carry out the work process, the entrepreneur needs to have a territory for accommodating equipment and work complexes. Usually, on the plot that is rented, there is free space suitable for the construction of buildings.

Ready-made ideas for your business

So, you will need an administrative building, not necessarily a capital one, as well as at least two warehouses for storing products. The cost of building a warehouse depends on many parameters, but in our case we do not need high-class premises, it is unprofitable to pay for any A+ category warehouse. You can get by with a simple covered room, in which the wood storage standards are simply met (in terms of humidity in the first place). In general, the cost of one square meter of the building being built will cost the entrepreneur in the amount of 5 to 10 thousand. The size of the warehouse is determined depending on the planned amount of timber to be obtained, but still it is rarely less than 500 square meters. The first warehouse is usually supplied with freshly felled timber, and the second warehouse is supplied with somewhat processed wood (that is, “clean” tree trunks, freed from branches).

Next you need to buy everything necessary equipment to work in an enterprise. Apart from simple devices such as chainsaws, you will also need to purchase machines for felling and transporting trees. These include the so-called skidders and trucks for transporting freshly cut wood. Although in cases where warehouses are equipped directly at the logging site, no additional transportation is required, because the tractor can immediately stack them in the warehouse. Additional equipment is purchased for the tractor - namely trailers, hydraulic manipulators, grabs, buckets and forks. Normal foreign equipment costs from 5 million rubles (meaning not only the tractor, but also all the devices for it in the aggregate). Freight car can be bought for an amount of 1 million rubles.

Features of the search for employees to sell the forest

The next moment of organizing a business is the search for employees to perform work. The entrepreneur himself can be a leader. At the same time, you need to understand that sometimes employees have to equip something like a village where they can stay permanently (and this is an additional considerable expense).

Ready-made ideas for your business

Here you will also need an amount of several hundred thousand rubles - depending on what conditions they provide. But still, it is worth first of all considering the possibility of attracting employees who can attend work close to home. Such workers receive a lot - their level wages starts from 30 thousand rubles, usually amounts to 40 thousand rubles, can reach up to 50 thousand. I must say, the fellers receive the forest depending on the output, that is, they do not have to pay extra money. At least the same amount is received by the head (if he is engaged exclusively in monitoring activities) and transport drivers.

An average enterprise employs from 10 people, so the average amount that will need to be allocated for wages starts from 400 thousand rubles per month. At the same time, all other business processes that are not related to making a profit by the organization can be outsourced. Additionally, please contact insurance company, which will be able to insure the life and health of employees - the cost of annual insurance starts from 15 thousand rubles per person, tariffs vary depending on the conditions for paying out insurance.

Sales and marketing in a timber business

The next step in organizing your business is to find buyers for your forest. There are many sites on the Internet that allow you to post your commercial offers. Also, an entrepreneur can simply do what he will attend on his own. potential clients offering them your product. On the websites of many companies that constantly need wood, there are requests for purchase, and it is relatively easy to find partners and consumers.

Of course, you will have to work with companies throughout the country (and those who have received a license can work with foreign companies, Russian forest, by the way, is very much appreciated). But most buyers work on a system that involves self-pickup, that is, the entrepreneur does not have to organize delivery with his own transport. Only, of course, you need to understand that demand may vary depending on the type of wood, as well as on its quality, and if you are not lucky enough to get at your disposal a site from which you can extract bad material, then it is quite likely that customers refuse wood. But hiring a specialist before renting a site should solve this problem.

    Registration of a legal entity - 20 thousand rubles.

    Rent of 10 hectares of forest - 200 thousand rubles.

    Building storage facilities with an area of ​​500 m 2 - 3.75 million rubles.

    Purchase of skidders and trucks, equipment - 6 million rubles.

    Salary - 400 thousand rubles.

    Insurance - 150 thousand rubles.

    Fuel and consumables - from 50 thousand rubles.

It turns out a little more than 10 and a half million rubles. Monthly expenses range from 450 thousand rubles. The cost of forest differs depending on the type (deciduous and coniferous are the species that almost all entrepreneurs in Russia are engaged in), but if you take some average, then one cubic meter costs about 2 thousand rubles.

Of course, there is also cheap wood, which is sold for less than 1 thousand rubles for the same volume, and some good species can cost more than 5 thousand. If we take the volume of monthly sales equal to 300 cubic meters of wood at a price of 2 thousand per cubic meter, then we get 600 thousand rubles of income and 150 thousand operating profits. 127.5 thousand - net profit. But still, such a business is not very profitable (about 25%), because a significant part of the income goes to cover expenses, which include wages (usually the largest figure per month), purchase Supplies, payment of rent, and the project itself is always designed for several years in advance.

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You have decided to go into the forestry business and are at a crossroads where to start? You can get acquainted with the experience of other people who are available on the Internet, or you can try at your own peril and risk.
Let me give a few recommendations on the procedure, because. he went through all this.
1. Analyze the situation in your domestic market. Do not particularly trust the opinions of dealers who buy lumber in the "northern" regions, and then
they bring it to you. Believe me, their goal is to earn as much as possible. Sometimes their price is 2 times higher than the purchase price.
2. Call as many as possible
the number of wholesale bases located close to you in order to determine the average wholesale price prevailing in your market.
3. Go online on bulletin boards.
Do not pay attention that somewhere lumber is cheaper, and somewhere more expensive. Usually, on average in Russia, the price is the same. The price difference simply reflects the shipping cost. And the distance to you here does not matter. Even in the regions closest to you, there are areas where not a single passing truck will ever go for cargo, but about the railway. transport there was not even heard. It is in such areas that lumber is the cheapest on the spot. If you have your own vehicle, then this is the best option. If you want to have it delivered to you, then you need to look for areas where the transport infrastructure is developed, because. the board is usually delivered by passing transport, or railway. wagons. It turns out much cheaper than hiring or carrying your own cars.
4. Don't jump on the cheapest bids, this can be a lure for wiring. "Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap," don't forget that.
5. Get ready to leave for the signing of the contract. Not for the excursion, but for
see with your own eyes the production capacity of the one to whom you give
prepayment. Maybe he does not want to deceive you, but reality simply does not allow you to cut as much as you need.
5. If you decide to leave to sign the contract, then make sure that you do not limit yourself to one partner. The easiest way to find in the area where you are traveling is a person or office that is engaged in intermediary or representative activities. Let them meet you and take you to the intended partner. First, you from
they will get enough information about the person you are going to, and, secondly, in case of a breakdown in negotiations, they will show you the entire forest market of the region, and at the same time they will give the necessary recommendations, whether or not you will follow them anyway . Believe me, on the spot they know about each other much more than anyone else.
6. For the first shipment of lumber, send a receiver or go yourself, no need
believe the words. You can just get firewood, it's better to play it safe.

How to buy a board and not to be deceived

How to buy lumber and at the same time reduce the risk of fraud and dishonest approach from partners. 1.

Forest business, or business in the field purchase and sale lumber, at first glance, is no different from any other business. But this is only an appearance. Actually it is very complex view entrepreneurship associated with large financial
investments, long terms of transactions, high risks and labor investments. The terms of investing finances can stretch for years, and there may not be any profit, moreover, you can even lose your money. And this is not connected with criminals, since this business is no more criminalized than others. Everywhere there is an element of fraud and you can’t get away from it, but this is a business ..
With all the apparent ease of earning superprofits in this area, in fact,
no one succeeds. And this is connected, first of all, with the great dependence of the timber industry on external factors. This includes weather conditions, and government actions, and there is no getting away from the human factor. Only for timber merchants, in contrast to businessmen from other sectors of the economy, this becomes hypertrophied. For example, you found a seller on the ad, his board, somewhere in the Kirov region, costs 4,000 rubles per cubic meter on the spot. In your city it costs 5,500 rubles per cubic meter. you contact transport company and find out that delivery from the Kirov region will cost you
400 rubles per cubic meter. In total, you think, the profit from the sale of a cubic meter will be 1,100 rubles. Since the truck will take at least 30 cubic meters, then if you invest 120,000 rubles, you should make a profit of 33,000 rubles. It seems that this is a good investment of finances, since in the end you will receive a 30% return on investment in a month. And this is 360%
per annum. Where is this profitability? And now a newly-minted businessman from the forest concludes an agreement, overtakes an advance payment and waits for his board. But, unfortunately, in 80% of cases the transaction either fails or stretches over time. And he will receive his car not in a month, but in the best case, in two, and even then, having personally arrived for his
Not knowing the specifics of this business, he then begins to attribute his failure to scammers, dishonest partners, and the like. Actually it is not.
Yes, there is a chance to run into a scammer who, having received an advance payment, will simply disappear, but this is present in all business sectors, and we do not consider this here, since there are elementary precautions that must be observed in any business. We will look at the example above from the perspective of the manufacturer and the impact of external factors on a particular transaction.
The example is the same, the manufacturer posted an announcement that he sells a board for four thousand rubles from the spot. The only real thing about this ad is that if it has
today this board will be, then he will sell it today for 4000 rubles. Everything else is what they want to do. Lumber is known to be sawn from roundwood. Just like that, for the future, not a single manufacturer will buy round timber, saw it and store the finished board. At the same time, re-sorting it into varieties. This is never
sometimes it's a utopia! An inexperienced buyer, after reading the ad, assumes that this is exactly what it is. This is the first real risk factor for the forestry business.
So what, in fact, is going on with the one who posted the ad for the sale? Yes, everything is very simple. When he advertises for sale, he simply knows where to buy roundwood and where to cut it. And there is no difference with whom you conclude a supply agreement - with a manufacturer or an intermediary. Just one will do everything himself, and the other will strain others. After signing the contract and receiving an advance payment, the supplier begins to buy round timber and cut it to size. Prepayment is required for the purchase of roundwood. Usually this is in
within 30-50% of the total amount of the contract. This is where the elements of risk come into play. The roundwood supplier hasn't taken any money from you and doesn't care about your contract. He doesn't owe you anything and doesn't owe you anything. He can simply refuse your producer, sell the round timber to another, raise the price, etc. That's it, the deal is starting to drag out in time. Your partner is looking for another supplier of round timber. This may take a significant amount of time. Then the round timber was brought to the sawmill and the money for it has already been paid, which means that your prepayment has already been invested and you can’t just return it. And the quality of roundwood can only be checked by sawing it! Outwardly, of course, he will
look good, but inside ... It's a solid lottery! Naturally, the manufacturer dissolves everything and tries to sell the whole bunch of boards without sorting. And where should he go? The round timber has been bought, the money has been paid, there are simply no others. We have to drop everything! Otherwise loss. So he masks the substandard board, thrusting it into the middle of the packs or the car. But this
only one of the risks, but there are others. Let's continue - Kruglyak is bought, delivered, filed at the sawmill. They started sawing, and the frame broke. It just broke, because it is iron, and it has its own stability periods. And it’s good if the breakdown is small, for example, the slider flew. This frame will stop for a couple of days. What if the engine burned out? Everything, a month of downtime, like
minimum. And then you can’t do anything - No file, no money back. So far, only a few manufacturers of new frames use scrap metal from Soviet times, which is already breathing its last.
What is the result? The buyer, after waiting for the time specified in the contract, begins
get nervous. He starts calling the manufacturer and is very surprised that he has not yet been drunk. In the end, if the framer has a serious problem and the time frame for its solution is delayed, the manufacturer gets tired of these calls, and he, tired of explaining that he is not a camel, stops answering these calls, sincerely believing to get in touch when he eliminates
their problems. Here the buyer begins to get hysterical and, leaving everything, he goes to the seller himself. Everything is going on differently there. In some cases, the buyer simply settles in a foreign city and, having waited for his board, leaves, in others he will give up on everything, in others he starts running around the authorities, accusing him of fraud, etc. In any case, this is a big
waste of time, nerves and money.
So is it possible to avoid these risks in this business? I will answer unequivocally - NO!. They cannot be avoided. You still have to give an advance payment, because. most financial position such that without it they are simply not able to produce anything. It is also unrealistic to meet the deadlines, too many external factors influence this process.
But they can be minimized. And for this you do not need to put a lot of effort and money. You just need to be smart about it.
If you are going to buy lumber from a manufacturer you do not know, then
before giving him an advance payment, contact a company or person who are located in the same region so that they can analyze this transaction.
For example, our company has been supplying lumber for 12 years. We know everyone
producers, intermediaries and suppliers of round timber in the area. By agreeing with us, you can order an audit of this transaction. It is not necessary to notify the manufacturer about this. We will anonymously, on our own behalf, approach him, as if, by chance, find out his real financial situation, inspect his production, talk with the master
and workers. This will give a very real vision of the reality of its production. Further, imitating from ourselves the desire to place an order with him, we will find out from him where and from whom he purchases roundwood.
Let's talk about that too. We will also clarify its capabilities and desire to sell round timber, its prices, delivery conditions, etc. Having compared all the data, it will already be possible to draw up a real picture of the transaction. You, having received all these materials, will decide for yourself whether it is worth the risk or not. Agree, it is better to lose a small part by paying us than to take a risk without looking,
a large enough amount.
Also, of course, if you are a novice reseller, and when buying a board, you plan to sell it with a markup, then when concluding your contract with your buyer, take into account the risk factors over time and try to include in the contract as much as possible long terms execution. This will save you from unnecessary fines and penalties.

Ten Mistakes Beginning Entrepreneurs Make When Making and Selling Lumber

How to behave if you are faced with a collection agency

Life is a striped thing, and for people employed in business, even more so. Bumps, potholes and troubles are found at every turn. It would seem that the most ordinary transaction, nothing supernatural, but suddenly, because of some trifle or an unfortunate accident, everything goes to dust, and instead of earning money, you owe a very impressive amount. And as you know, trouble does not come alone, then, most often, you are not in
be able to repay the debt in the near future.
The creditor first demands debts from you, calls, enters into correspondence, tries to
meet in person. Then, if your situation does not improve and you do not return it to him, then he begins to take more active actions. Some run to the police and write a statement about fraud, others go to court, where they are considered this question in civil order. Still others, mostly those who either do not have required documents to file a case in court, and it is not reasonable to go to the police, they find professional
debt collectors, the so-called "collectors". And already they start to shake you.
I will not describe in this article legal tricks that will help you relieve tension and solve this problem. Also, I will not indicate the articles of the Criminal and civil code that violate the collection agencies, in the process of knocking out debts. This business of lawyers, lawyers and investigators. After all, you can find these articles yourself on the Internet, or in reference literature. I will simply give advice on how to act in the situation that has arisen from the position ordinary person who got into an unpleasant story and is trying to solve it in a peaceful and legal way.
Consider the usual, standard situation. You took an advance payment, but could not deliver the goods on time. For the collector, it does not matter who is to blame. Either you screwed up somewhere, or the client set you up. He does not care at all, and you can understand him, because he earns money on this. Therefore, telling him that you have problems, putting pressure on pity, and so on, does not make sense. He is not interested, he is only interested in getting money out of you by any means. This is his bread!
Therefore, on the contrary, try to be frank with collectors as little as possible, complain about your difficult life, give the addresses and names of those who set you up and what you intend to do next. Don't brag about your plans for the future. None of the above will help you, but it can complicate your life! Don't forget that the core collection agency is former employee police or prosecutor's office, and they
will treat your words quite professionally, based on experience previous work. All your words will be recorded and verified, because they need to collect dirt on you, with which they will put pressure on you. Therefore, do not give them extra information ever!
Now to business. From the fact that you turned out to owe something to someone, nothing in your rights
has changed! Debt is not a crime! This is not a criminal offense! Criminal liability can only come under the article fraud, but this article can only be imputed to you if, when taking money, you did not plan to pay off the creditor. That is, you just needed finances for personal needs and you tricked them into taking them from someone else. But, if you simply, due to the circumstances, do not
it turned out, and you planned to honestly complete the transaction, then this cannot be considered fraud. And it doesn't matter if it happened once or several times. It’s just that you are not a successful businessman, you don’t know how to do business, but you realized it too late. And all debts that have arisen due to the fact that you could not master the obligations you assumed are subject to
consideration only in a civil court!
It follows that you are under the protection of the criminal and civil code and no one has the right to violate your rights, invade your privacy and, even more so, threaten, use violence, or seize any property.
Now consider your actions that you should take when, when the bouncers from the collection agency drove up to you:
1. Do not let them in for negotiations in the apartment and premises belonging to you. This will help protect against the installation of unauthorized listening devices and, in general, from assessing your financial situation.
2. Go to them for negotiations yourself, but not at the time that they set for you, but when it is convenient for you. This will show them that you are not dependent on them and are not particularly afraid of them. But there is no need to hide, this can exacerbate the problem, because. they have a trump card in their hands, consisting in the fact that you are hiding from negotiations.
3. The collection agency must have a power of attorney from the creditor for the right to negotiate with you on his behalf. It must be notarized. If it is not there, then you do not see any conversations, negotiations with these people. If it exists, then, of course, they must provide you with a copy of it. Take it and let it be kept by you at home, better somewhere with friends or relatives.
4. Reduce all talk about this debt and them only to this topic. They don't need at all
know what you are doing given time, in addition to the transaction for which they have a power of attorney. And again, by proxy, they just simply represent the buyer or partner, nothing more. But you will not tell your partner about your financial affairs, what transactions you are planning, where you have current accounts, etc.
5. If the collectors have taken active steps and started by posting defamatory information about you in the media, on the Internet, etc., then feel free to sue them to demand compensation for moral and material damage. Those. if any agency, or person, has published information that you are a fraudster, then this is a reason to apply to both the police and the civil court. Even if you owe it doesn't mean that you are a scammer! Only the court can say that!
6. If they threaten you with something, threaten, frighten, then try to record everything that happens on a voice recorder and a video camera. But, even if this was not possible, then at the first incident, immediately write a statement to the police. There, describe everything honestly, attach copies of the contract, receipts, power of attorney, if any, then a photo,
audio and video recordings. The police must take care of this! If you have a suspicion that the police in your area is not dealing with this problem, then immediately write a complaint against the police to the prosecutor's office. If they volyn there, then contact Prosecutor General's Office. In the end, write to the site to the president. There, in the case management, your complaint will be transferred to the prosecutor's office, only they will put it under control, and then no one will slow it down. Understand the more people in the know
your problem, so you are in great safety.
7. Do not write any receipts beyond those that were written at the beginning of the transaction. There and so
everything is already there for civil proceedings. Do not give collectors any property, they have no right to withdraw it. Only bailiffs can do this, and even then only by court order! If they arbitrarily seized something from your property, then immediately write a statement to the police about theft or robbery.
Well, in principle, the basic safety measures and norms of behavior in a collision with
collection agencies. Their observance will allow you to avoid many troubles, in addition to the existing ones.
By the way, precedents have already been created when the prosecutor's office got up on http://www.pravo.ru/news/view/23044/ protection of debtors from collection agencies.
And debts still need to be repaid, but only legally!

How to increase sales of sawmill equipment

Do you want to increase sales of sawmill equipment? Then just for you For those who manufacture and sell sawmill equipment, we have a special offer that will significantly increase your sales.

We promote ourselves, our name and the enterprise quickly and cheaply

New publication about forest business problems

We need investments in the forestry business.

In order to organize a constant and uninterrupted, year-round supply of manufacturers of furniture, moldings, high-grade finishing lumber, we have developed a business idea that in a short period of time will allow us to organize and establish such a raw material base that the problem with purchasing lime, aspen or birch boards by grade " extra" and grade 0, which is very acute for consumers, will disappear. At the same time, the price, even with a gradual return on investment, will remain relatively low compared to the price set by resellers.
Moreover, this is also true for entrepreneurs who are engaged in the production of pallets. After all, when working according to such a scheme that we offer, they will be able to receive up to 1000 cubic meters from our production. m. per month blanks for pallets.
The investment amount is relatively small, comparable to the price of 1 machine of a batch of linden or aspen boards (blank for lining and canopy). It fights off during the year, while providing you with raw materials.
Approximately the idea is painted, in more detail, with real interest, I will describe or answer by phone. Our coordinates

How to buy sawmill equipment

Lately my email inundated with all sorts of prices about
selling ribbons, saws, coal saws, etc., in short, everything related to sawmilling. It would be nice if they just sent their price lists, they were simply erased, and no problems. So no, they find a phone and let's call ...
Of course, I understand the managers of various manufacturers of equipment, they need to sell their products, but this is already starting to tire.
Well, I decided to give some advice and observations on how small and medium-sized sawmills change their equipment, and what they focus on when buying new machines. Maybe this will help someone!

I don’t know if I’ll tell you a secret or not, but all your price lists, scattered like a fan over e-mails that you found on bulletin boards on the Internet, in fact, cannot lead to anything positive, much less affect a small sawmiller. Everything is simpler in the forest, people use the old, folk "radio".
And it focuses on the advice of someone who already has such equipment, or is qualified enough and has weight in the "forest world" to give such advice.
After all, all your equipment, which seems to be intended for sawmilling and processing, is in fact strikingly different from each other, and not only in price.

Think for yourself, if a person saws needles, just saws, counting on summer residents, and he absolutely does not need the geometry of the board, millimeters of tolerance, etc., then why did he screw up? An ordinary, simple tape, for a very reasonable price, is enough for him.
Further, someone focuses on export, someone on birch, someone saws linden and aspen .. So they all need completely different equipment, completely different saws, different
cutting speed ... Yes, and they build technological chains in different ways.
One simply puts a tape and a simple edge cutter, the other puts a corner cutter and he no longer needs an edge cutter, the third puts a disk frame, and he, to saw. for example, a birch, you need a gang saw.
And in your price lists this decoding is not. There is simply passport data for equipment, which indicates power, productivity, cutting height, etc.
Well, a person who decided to switch, for example, from needles to linden, goes to a neighbor who cuts linden, or calls me, because. I know how to cut linden, and asks what I need to re-profil or buy in order to get the maximum yield of finished, high-quality lumber. And now we, and not your prices, based on our experience, recommend him what and where to buy

So, here's my advice - expand your prices, write what kind of wood is best used for sawing your products., or order an article from us
We know your equipment well in reality. they themselves repeatedly launched production facilities for the guys, oriented for sawing specific products. And now we are helping interested framers in the most pragmatic way to switch from sawing needles to sawing, which is very profitable, hardwood.

We sell lining, blanks for lining, timber, boards for pallets, etc. from linden and aspen

In the light of this note and at the numerous requests of interested buyers, I will try to clearly explain the scheme of our work.

So, we ourselves are the processors of these products. We produce moldings at our plants in Perm and Sverdlovsk region and, of course, they are interested in ensuring that our capacities never stand idle.

Taking advantage of the fact that we have vast experience in the field of repurchases and established contacts with local manufacturers, we organized large-scale purchases of these sawn timber at small and medium-sized forestry enterprises in the Perm Territory, Udmurtia, Sverdlovsk Region, Kirov Region and the Republic of Bashkiria. This is due, first turn, with the fact that no sawmill, we know from our own experience, is not able to provide a regular supply of hardwood raw materials. This is due to many factors, in particular, problems with round timber, inability to cut linden and aspen, mentality, and so on. In short, they will either deliver or not.

So, in order to avoid downtime, we pick up on all frames, within a radius of 800 km, everything that they cut from linden, aspen and birch. We choose Grade A for ourselves, and we help them implement everything else (as a result, under our name, there are advertisements like "We are selling linden timber", or "I will sell a construction board or a blank for pallets." But where to go?
frames, having sold only a Grade A board, and without selling everything else, they will stand up and will not be able to work with anyone.

As a result, we are always provided with high-quality raw materials, but, as a result of such a large-scale campaign, we have a surplus of it. and quite impressive. And we need to take it away, otherwise the frames will quickly switch to needles and stop sawing under us. So we are forced to sell it to the side, in addition, also, and engage in the sale of Grade C, core timber, short stacks, etc.

Now to the topic.

1.We sell the blank for lining "Extra",
Grade A \ B and grade B. Dimensions 20x105x2000-3000mm and 22x115x2000-3000mm. Step 10 cm. Tolerance - 0, + 2 mm.
Material - Linden or Aspen (You can ash and oak). Sorting goes on three sides - two side and front.

2. We sell a blank for a polo g. Size 34x110x2000-3000mm..

3. We sell linden and aspen timber. Size 100x100x3000mm, 100x80x3000mm, etc.

4. We sell a pallet board (construction board). Grade c (or grade 2-3)
hardwoods. Dimensions 20x105, 22x110, 22x100 length 2000 and 3000mm

5. We implement (only under the order) edged lumber linden, birch, oak, ash and aspen according to your size.

Price on request. We immediately warn you - Grade A is very expensive, without bargaining. (We ourselves pick up expensively on frames, plus we have to give them advance payments, send our pickers there, and so on)

Shipment, mainly: Lipa - Perm region, Osina - Udmurtia and Kirov region, Oak - Bashkiria

We work without prepayment, but, as a result, without payment on our site, we do not ship. Those. loaded into your car, you paid 100% and we release it. Presence of your receiver on shipment is desirable!

We don't trade. We ship only what we agreed on. In the event of a desire on the part of the buyer to arrange a sorting, the transaction is terminated without continuation.

If you decide to move us and conclude a contract directly with the frame - Please,
but we, in turn, will stop the implementation of the entire departure that appears on that frame, and we will increase our purchase price for them .. We don’t wait for you to solve your problems, that is, anything can happen - "Order ordered, but with a turnover pad, or the transport was not found "So, in this case, without warning from our side, we will sell your order to another buyer, or send it to our dryer, and then you, if
excess volumes will appear.


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