What is the PSS in the military registration. When do you need a tetanus shot? Basic terms and definitions


AC-toxoid consists of purified tetanus toxoid adsorbed on an aluminum hydroxide gel. The drug contains 20 binding units (EC) of tetanus toxoid in 1 ml. Preservative - merthiolate at a concentration of 0.01%.


The drug is a yellowish-white suspension, which separates during settling into a transparent supernatant liquid and a loose precipitate that breaks up with shaking.

Indications for use

Clinical contraindications for routine vaccinations with AC-toxoid:

1. Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases - vaccination is carried out no earlier than one month after recovery.

2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases - vaccination is carried out in a state of clinical and laboratory remission.

3. Long-term and serious diseases (viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, meningitis, myocarditis, diffuse connective tissue diseases, etc.) - the vaccination is carried out individually 6-12 months after recovery.

4. Severe forms of allergic reactions to the introduction of ADS, ADS-M, AD-M, AS-toxoids (shock, Quincke's edema, polymorphic exudative erythema, etc.).

5. Severe post-vaccination reactions in the form of anaphylactic shock, encephalitis, agranulocytosis - vaccination is carried out no earlier than 6 months after recovery (remission).

6. Hereditary and progressive neurological and articular diseases, sub- and decompensated hydrocephalus, acute cerebrovascular accident, convulsions more often than 1 time in 6 months, epilepsy and epileptic syndrome with seizures not more often than one seizure in 6 months.

Note. Children with non-progressive infantile cerebral palsy and other stable neurological disorders can be vaccinated with ADS-M toxoid after one year of age; children with a history of convulsive syndrome can be vaccinated with ADS-M toxoid 6 months after the attack against the background of anticonvulsant therapy.

7. Immunity disorders: cancer, immunosuppression as a result of cytostatic therapy and the use of corticosteroids for more than 14 days. Such children can be vaccinated 1 month after the cancellation of these methods of treatment.

8. Anemia: contraindications for vaccination are patients with hemoglobin levels below 80 g / l.

Vaccination with AC-toxoid is carried out no earlier than 2 months after vaccination against other infections.

In each individual case of a disease that is not on the list of contraindications, the question is

contraindications regarding vaccination are decided by the commission.

In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (FAP paramedic) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of persons who are vaccinated, with mandatory thermometry. Persons temporarily exempted from vaccinations must be supervised and registered and vaccinated in a timely manner after the removal of contraindications.


1. A history of hypersensitivity to the respective drug.

2. Pregnancy:

  • in the first half, the introduction of AC-toxoid and PSS is contraindicated;
  • in the second half, the introduction of PSS is contraindicated.

Method of administration and dosage

1. Active immunization

The drug is injected subcutaneously into the subscapularis. The full course of immunization with AC-toxoid for adults consists of two injections of 0.5 ml each with an interval of 30-40 days and revaccination after 6-12 months with the same dose. With a reduced scheme, the full course of immunization includes a single vaccination with AC-toxoid in a double dose (1.0 ml), revaccination after 1-2 years with a dose of 0.5 ml and then every 10 years.

Immunization of some contingents of the population (elderly people, unorganized population), taking into account the specific conditions in certain localities, by the decision of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, can be carried out according to an abbreviated scheme, which provides for a single vaccination with AC-toxoid in a double dose (1.0 ml) and revaccination in 1-2 years with a dose of 0.5 ml and then every 10 years.


1. Active immunization of children against tetanus at the age of 3 months is carried out routinely with the adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus pertussis vaccine (DTP vaccine) or adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (ADS-toxoid, ADS-M-toxoid) in accordance with the guidance on " the use of drugs.

2. Revaccinations of adults, previously fully immunized with associated drugs containing tetanus toxoid, are performed every 10 years with AS or ADS-M toxoids in a dose of 0.5 ml.

3. Persons who have not previously been vaccinated against tetanus (from 26 to 56 years old) who have received a single dose of ADS-M toxoid for the prevention of diphtheria, for the formation of full immunity to tetanus 30-40 days after the administration of ADS-M toxoid, AC-toxoid is administered in a dose 0.5 ml. Revaccination is carried out after 6-12 months, once with the same dose of AC-toxoid.

2.Emergency tetanus prophylaxis

Emergency prevention of tetanus includes primary surgical debridement and concurrent specific immunoprophylaxis.

Emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is indicated for:

Injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes;

Frostbite and burns (thermal, chemical, radiation) of the second, third and fourth degree;

Community-acquired abortion;

Childbirth outside medical facilities;

Gangrene or tissue necrosis of any stage; abscesses;

Animal bites;

Penetrating damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

For emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus, the following are used:

Adsorbed tetanus toxoid (AC-a);

Adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoid (ADS-a) with a reduced content of antigens (ADS-M-a);

Anti-tetanus human immunoglobulin (HRI), made from the blood of immune people. One prophylactic dose of PSI contains 250 international units (IU);

Anti-tetanus serum (TSS) obtained from the blood of hyper immunized horses. One prophylactic dose of PSS is 3000 IU.

The scheme for the choice of prophylactic agents during the implementation of emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus is presented in table No. 1.

AC-toxoid is injected subcutaneously into the subscapularis.

PSCHI is injected at a dose of 250 IU intramuscularly into the upper-outer quadrant of the buttock.

PSS is injected at a dose of 3000 IU under the skin.

Before the administration of the PSS, an intradermal test with horse serum diluted 1: 100 must be done to determine the sensitivity to horse serum proteins (the ampoule is marked in red).

To carry out an intradermal test, an individual ampoule and a sterile syringe with 0.1 ml divisions and a thin needle are used.

The diluted serum is injected intradermally into the flexor surface of the forearm in a volume of 0.1 ml. The reaction is taken into account after 20 minutes. The test is considered negative if the diameter of the edema or redness at the injection site is less than 1.0 cm. The sample is considered positive if the swelling or redness reaches 1.0 cm or more in diameter. In case of a negative skin test, PSS (from an ampoule marked in blue) is injected subcutaneously in a volume of 0.1 ml.

Comment. Individuals with allergic diseases and reactions to various allergens, as well as those who were previously injected with preparations with horse serum (PSS, antirabies, and encephalic heterogeneous gamma globulins) are recommended to administer antihistamines before the main dose of PSS. Persons with a positive reaction to intradermal administration of 0.1 ml of horse serum diluted 100 times, or those who have a reaction to subcutaneous administration of 0.1 ml of PSS, further administration of PSS is contraindicated.

Active routine immunization and emergency specific prophylaxis of tetanus are carried out in compliance with the following rules:

Before use, the ampoule of the drug is carefully examined;

The drug should not be used in the absence of a label on the ampoule, the presence of cracks in the ampoules, the content of foreign inclusions, the presence of sediment, expired shelf life, improper storage;

Immediately before the introduction of AC-toxoid, the ampoule is shaken until

homogeneous mixture;

Before opening, the ampoule is wiped with cotton wool moistened with alcohol before and after the cut with a file. An open ampoule with AC-toxoid or PSS can be stored, covered with a sterile napkin, for 30 minutes;

Tetanus is an infectious disease characterized by damage to the central nervous system, the development of spastic paralysis caused by exotoxin (tetanospasmin) of the pathogen. The infection is provoked by the mobile gram-positive anaerobic spore-forming bacillus clostridium tetani.

Infection of a person occurs by contact - when bacterial spores get into places of damage to the skin or mucous membranes during injuries accompanied by deep puncture or laceration wounds, burns, frostbite, trophic ulcers, injections of drugs. You can also get infected when performing surgery, abortion or delivering childbirth without observing the appropriate aseptic conditions. Cases of the development of tetanus in patients with chronic otitis media have been described.

general information

General characteristics of tetanus.

For routine immunization and emergency prevention of tetanus, the following vaccinations are used:

  • tetanus toxoid (both in the associated vaccines and in the form of a monopreparation);
  • anti-tetanus serum (PSS);
  • antitetanus human immunoglobulin (PHI).

Tetanus toxoid (AC-toxoid) is a weakened toxin that is non-toxic (i.e., cannot cause symptoms of tetanus). The use of this vaccine allows you to develop immunity with the formation of human body antitoxin.

PSS is a protein fraction of blood serum that contains specific immunoglobulins (antitoxin) of horses hyperimmunized with AC toxoid or the toxin itself. The drug is purified and concentrated. Available in the following forms:

  • ampoules of 2, 3 and 5 ml, which contain 1 prophylactic dose (3000 IU) for emergency prophylaxis of tetanus;
  • ampoules of 10 and 20 ml, including 10,000, 20,000 50,000 IU for the treatment of tetanus.

With PSS (marked in blue) are included in a set of ampoules (marked in red) of 1 ml of serum at a dilution of 1: 100. The latter are used to determine the patient's sensitivity to equine protein, that is, for an intradermal test. It must be performed by everyone before the introduction of the PSS.

An intradermal test is not done if it was performed with anti-rabies immunoglobulin (against rabies) 1-3 days before the injection of the PSS. For persons with a positive result of this study, administration of PSS is contraindicated.

PSHI is a solution of the gamma-globulin fraction of the blood of donors who have been immunized with AC-toxoid. The administration of 1 dose of immunoglobulin (250 IU) provides a protective level of antitoxin in the blood serum for 3 weeks. This significantly exceeds the life of the horse serum antitoxins.

When is vaccination given

Vaccinations against tetanus are subject to:

  1. Children from 3 months of age and adolescents in conjunction with drugs against whooping cough and diphtheria (according to the scheme of vaccination against diphtheria). Combined preparations are used that contain not only tetanus toxoid (DTP, ADS, ADS-M).
  2. Adults who have not previously had a tetanus vaccine or have had the procedure more than 10 years ago. AC-toxoid and ADS-M-toxoid are used.

Tetanus boosters are performed according to the national immunization schedule, in conjunction with diphtheria boosters. They are given by injecting a combination vaccine (ADS-M).

If an adult has not been previously vaccinated, a double injection of AC-toxoid in a dose of 0.5 ml is performed by subcutaneous injection with an interval of 30-40 days.

The first revaccination is carried out after 9-12 months (an increase in the interval up to 2 years is allowed) after the completed vaccination. It consists in a single subcutaneous injection under the scapula of AC-toxoid in a dose of 0.5 ml. Subsequent revaccinations are similarly performed every 10 years with AC-toxoid or ADS-M-toxoid.

In regions where there is an increased incidence of tetanus, the interval between vaccinations is sometimes reduced to 5 years.

Representatives of certain professions (hard-to-reach contingents) and the unorganized population can be vaccinated according to a simplified scheme:

  • a single administration in a doubled dose (1 ml);
  • the first revaccination - a single subcutaneous injection under the scapula in a standard dose (0.5 ml) of AC-toxoid after 9-12 months;
  • subsequent revaccinations are performed in the same way, every 10 years at the usual dose (0.5 ml).

If an adult was previously vaccinated, but more than 10 years have passed since the last injection of the vaccine, he is simply given another revaccination without violating the terms of the others.

Emergency prevention

Emergency (post-exposure) tetanus prophylaxis is understood as taking certain measures when there is a risk of developing this infection. These include the primary surgical treatment (PCO) of the wound and the creation, if necessary, of tetanus immunity. Tetanus prophylaxis is divided into non-specific and specific.

The procedure is shown under the following conditions:

  • injuries with violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • frostbite and burns (thermal, chemical, radiation) of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree;
  • penetrating damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • carrying out operations on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • childbirth and abortions that occurred outside health care organizations;
  • gangrene and tissue necrosis;
  • animal bites.

There is a scheme that allows you to choose one or another type of specific prophylaxis of tetanus, which is carried out according to epidemic indications. Immunization tactics are determined depending on the nature of the wound and vaccination history. The latter, in accordance with the classification of wounds, are divided into infected and uninfected. Their signs are as follows:

Infected wounds are considered to be penetrating wounds of the intestine, necrosis, abscesses, animal bites. As well as an umbilical wound that occurred during childbirth, and an abortion that occurred outside the healthcare organization.

Types of prevention:

Prevention type Population, vaccination history and nature of the wound Scheme
Not carried out
  • Children and adults who have not completed the full course of immunization, less than 5 years from the last revaccination, regardless of the nature of the wound;
  • children who have not completed the full course of immunization, more than 5 years from the last revaccination, uninfected wound
Active (ADS-M)
  • Children with full course immunization, more than 5 years from the last revaccination, infected wound;
  • children without the last prophylactic vaccination, regardless of the period of the last revaccination and the nature of the wound;
  • adults, 5-10 years old from the last vaccination, regardless of the wound;
  • all ages (incomplete course of immunization - 2 preventive vaccinations), less than 5 years from the last vaccination, regardless of the nature of the wound;
  • children over 5 months of age with unknown vaccination status, regardless of the nature of the wound
0.5 ml
Active (AC)All ages (incomplete course of immunization - 1 prophylactic vaccine), less than 2 years from the last vaccination, uninfected wound0.5 ml
Active-passive (AC + PSCH / PSS)
  • All ages (incomplete course of immunization - 2 preventive vaccinations), more than 5 years from the last vaccination, regardless of the wound;
  • all ages (incomplete course of immunization - 1 prophylactic vaccination), more than 2 years from the last vaccination, regardless of the wound;
  • persons under 5 months of age and older, unvaccinated, regardless of the wound;
  • adults with unknown vaccination status, regardless of the nature of the wound

1.0 ml (AC) +250 IU (PSCH) / 3000 IU (PSA)

All ages (incomplete course of immunization - 1 prophylactic vaccine), less than 2 years from the last vaccination, infected wound0.5 ml (АС) +250 IU (PSCH) / 3000 IU (PSA)
Passive (PSCHI)Children under 5 months of age, unvaccinated, regardless of the nature of the wound250 IU

The tactics of choosing the type of tetanus prophylaxis in newborns in case of childbirth outside the healthcare organization and in children under 5 months of age who have not received planned prophylactic tetanus vaccinations depends on the vaccination status of the mother:

All persons who have undergone active-passive tetanus prophylaxis, to complete the course, should receive a vaccine in 9-12 months - 0.5 ml of AS (ADS-M).

If the patient's vaccination status is unknown, then the choice of the type of prophylaxis will depend on the results of determining the titers (level) of tetanus antitoxin in the blood serum. It should be examined before the start of the PHO of the wound:

After recovery, the patient needs tetanus immunization, since the amount of toxin that can cause the disease is often insufficient for the development of protective (protective) immunity.

Reactions, complications and contraindications

The human body can react in different ways to the administration of a vaccine. Depending on its type, certain side effects develop. The exception is PSCH, because it is low reactogenic.

AC-toxoid injections can cause both local (redness, swelling, the injection site may hurt a little) and a general reaction (malaise, fever).

Allergic reactions sometimes occur to the introduction of PSS in humans. Depending on the time of development after injection, they are divided into:

  • immediate (immediately or after a few hours);
  • early (on the 2-6th day);
  • distant (in the 2nd week or later).

Clinically, these reactions are manifested by a complex of symptoms of serum sickness (fever, itching, various rashes, joint pain, enlargement of the spleen, liver and lymph nodes), in rare cases - anaphylactic shock.

Given the likelihood of the latter, each vaccinated person must be monitored for 1 hour under conditions that allow adequate medical care.

The main contraindications for tetanus immunization are as follows:

  • hypersensitivity to vaccine components;
  • acute non-infectious and infectious diseases (it is allowed to vaccinate not earlier than 1 month from the moment of recovery);
  • long-term and progressive diseases;
  • first half of pregnancy.

This tool - a clear implementation of the principle “problems cannot be solved in the office”. Those who do this work should participate in optimizing the work, and first you need to consult with them.

The "mirror session" takes place in several stages. Insofar as production system- for everyone, at first they explain to all employees what it is and what will happen at the enterprise. It is important not only to convey information, but also to hear what people think about it and how they assess the situation. For this, detailed interviews are conducted with 10% of the company's employees. The main goal is to identify weaknesses and problems that really worry the participants in the processes at the enterprise. Thereafter, new series meetings at which, now collectively, employees can speak up, ask management questions and present their vision of problems. Thus, "mirror sessions" are a coordination tool, when managers and employees get the opportunity to compare their assessments and perceptions before starting complex work.

At Tomskneftekhim, the analysis of interviews and meetings made it possible to outline and name problem areas by their names. Among them were, for example, “problems of interaction with immediate managers” and “low motivation of shop workers”. Then the workers were introduced to the list of problems identified by the PSS experts that prevented the enterprise from working at the level of its potential. The life of the team, its successes and failures were reflected as in a mirror, followed by additional questions and suggestions. Each session was conducted by one of the top managers of Tomskneftekhim in tandem with an expert from the PSS. The meetings were held for three and a half months, twice a day. The presenters answered some of the questions immediately, the rest were accepted for additional study.

Several examples of such discussions.

Employee. There must be at least three people on the shift at the CPU. In reality, there are two, since the third is involved in chores. This is unacceptable, dangerous.

Answer. The manager, making a decision, takes into account the risks and insures the situation. Without household works indispensable, but the target vision is this: apparatchiks should not engage in such non-core functions. If we are talking about mowing grass or clearing snow, since 2011, these functions have been transferred to a third-party organization (the number of cases of distraction of apparatchiks for such activities has decreased many times).

Employee. Why does it happen that the bonus is reduced to the employees of the enterprise, but not to the management?

Answer. The premium is also reduced to the head of the department. As for me as general director, I basically don't get a monthly premium. I have a semi-annual and annual bonus - it directly depends on the fulfillment of the production contract, which means - on the work of the production facilities.

Employee. Because of the bad road at the intersection of Kuzovlevo and Michurin, it takes an hour to get home from work. And the signs are installed there irrationally. If you set them differently, you can shorten the time.

Answer. The question of installing signs has already been initiated - the Tomsk administration promises to install them in the near future.

In conclusion, the CEO thanked both his employees and the MSS implementation team. “Personally, I received a lot of useful information that opened up additional opportunities to improve our enterprise,” he briefly summed up the results of the “mirror session”.

"Stand for visual performance management"

Visual performance management stands - a step towards transforming the workplace, by doing which, you can get a number of advantages:

  • increase productivity;
  • clearly understand what is happening on the site;
  • create safer working conditions;
  • improve teamwork.

In production, this tool is also called "Stand for transfer and acceptance of shifts"- a magnetic marker board, which is a tool for visualizing the main parameters of the site that affect productivity, quality of products, health and safety.

The stands are located in control rooms, central control rooms, computer rooms, offices, in places where the transfer and reception of the shift takes place.

The process takes place in front of the stand, where workers from both shifts gather to get acquainted with the information left by those who have worked, those who take the shift.

At 6.30 in the morning, at one of the Tobolsk-Neftekhim sections, shift supervisor Aleksey Milostnov, operating on the data on the efficiency board, indicates the front of work for the receiving party. “This is the kind of work we did. For each, the status is reflected: completed, not implemented. " The stand helps the host shift to get up-to-date on the spot.

The stand displays key parameters site processes: condition of equipment and communications, achievement of established KPIs, equipment shutdowns, causes of their occurrence and ways to eliminate them, basic information on the effectiveness and efficiency of the shift are recorded. There should not be a lot of information on the stand, it should be enough to conduct a conversation on efficiency and find the best ways to solve problems and improve the performance of the site.

Each graph and diagram on the stand is supported by the shift supervisor's explanations. The shift personnel can ask all questions about the current situation, express their views. Seeing opportunities for improvement, any employee can add proposals to the board. There and then a joint discussion takes place, feedback is promptly given.

The accepted format of the stand, of course, is not a dogma and, if necessary, can be changed. But the board must display the owner of the board, the name of the site, the date of the last update, key process parameters, data on industrial safety, problems, gratitude.

The "Safety corner" field of the stand contains information about incidents, as well as statistics on days without incidents and injuries. Happy birthday or holiday greetings, announcements, gratitude appear in the "Information" field.

Visualization not only makes the processes easily visible, but also unites people involved in a joint discussion of the problems that have arisen and the search for their solutions.

Labor protection and industrial safety

The main task of the “Labor protection and industrial safety” direction within the framework of the MSS is to achieve efficient and continuous operation of corporate safety standards at all enterprises of the holding. The standards were developed in 2008-2011 by the specialists of the Safety Culture Development program together with the American chemical company DuPont. However, despite the positive dynamics, the security situation at SIBUR's enterprises is still far from ideal.

80% of employees of one of the surveyed in 2012 large enterprises SIBUR believes that safety issues are of paramount importance to managers. However, some of the respondents had to follow the instructions of the management, in which violations of safety and labor protection rules were inevitable.

Hence, the key is Leader Commitment to Security Tool(there are 14 elements in total in the direction of health and safety today). The health, and sometimes the life of people depends on whether the boss - from the foreman to the CEO - understands the importance of standards, whether he follows the rules. Alexander Artemiev, Head of the Industrial Safety, Labor Protection and Ecology Department, considers this tool to be the "heart of the direction". “Our goal,” he says, “is to help every leader, in real life, on the site, to apply the approved principles of SIBUR’s safety culture.”

The PSS experts have developed a training for managers, which has become one of the modules of the "Manager's Work Standard". “You can, of course, say that this is a well-forgotten old thing,” says Nikolai Plyukhin, head of a shop at Voronezhsintezkauchuk, “but, unfortunately, the old was not carried out. Now, thanks to trainings, everything has surfaced in people's heads. For example, training was conducted on situations with microtrauma, they explained why it is necessary to talk about it. In my workshop in the summer there were three micro-injuries: a burn on a pipe with steam, a cut on my hand and a bruise. People told, and in the first case we insulated the pipe, in the second we found the necessary equipment, but before that the locksmith on duty did not have a suitable tool for removing the galvanizing. That is, they began to notice what they had not seen before: a crack in the floor, a corner sticking out, everyone bypasses it for years. Now we have removed it. A lot of useful things. And people themselves get involved in the work on security, on putting things in order. "

Another important tool is incident investigation. Moreover, an analysis of both serious cases and very simple ones is carried out. An information sheet is drawn up even about the cut of the edge of the metal cover of the palm, a list of corrective actions is formed:

"1. To open a bottle of water with a metal stopper, use a cloth or double paper napkin.

2. If there is no napkin, open the plug by holding only the top of the plug.

3. Consider using water bottles with a plastic stopper. "

This, at first glance, even undue attention to the smallest detail characterizes the company's health and safety policy: "Security does not tolerate compromise" ... If someone thinks that a cut in the palm of a lid is a trifle that does not deserve mention, then someone else will definitely decide that it is not necessary to fasten a seat belt or wear safety glasses. It is worth considering something "insignificant", "optional" - sooner or later it will lead to serious accidents.

The latter, of course, are being investigated much more thoroughly. The list of corrective actions is longer here, recommendations are replaced by requirements, strict deadlines are set. “We are talking about, - explains Alexander Artemiev, - what needs to be found systemic causes that led to the incident so that it does not happen again in the future. We proceed from the premise that safety is a priority for the company. "

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Like everything in a production system, “standard operating procedures” are needed to make things more convenient. Learning how to operate a particular piece of equipment can take a long time. The inexperienced beginner must develop into a skilled professional. But this time can be shortened by immediately showing the employee the most convenient and effective work methods.

What do I need to do? Offer experienced staff who have studied these operations well, demonstrate their ways of working. Their execution requires 2-3 movements where the beginner makes 5-6. We will photograph step by step the operation performed by the master, immediately write the accompanying safety requirements and post this visual instruction on the stand in front of the workplace. Now new employee can at any time check their actions against the sample.

This way of teaching typical work steps is much more comfortable for a beginner than parsing multi-page technological procedures or practical mastering of printed instructions by trial and error. It is better to unleash your potential for cases that require non-standard approach, while mastering routine operations is worth saving time.

If you draw up a step-by-step, visual, brief instruction (SOP) for each typical operation, summarizing the experience best workers, the beginner will be surrounded by a friendly learning environment in production. It will be useful not only for beginners, but also for everyone who is ready to learn the generalized best practices of their profession.

Kirill Kolkov, an expert of the PSS implementation group at Tomskneftekhim, says: “Now, in order to quickly navigate the operation, it is enough to look at the SOP and the apparatus itself. True, at first we heard the statements: "Why, they hung up the pictures ..." But today people say: "SOPs are needed." This innovation has become especially useful for young specialists of Tomskneftekhim. It takes up to three years to train a qualified operator, and such “visual aids” become a good help. Now, when SOPs are placed on almost every device, young specialists do not have to “pull the sleeve” every time their mentor, who, of course, is also busy with his work, but independently recall the sequence of work steps. "

Useful work time

There are many reasons why manufacturing sites do not reach their maximum productivity levels. Lack of demand or raw materials, transition to a new brand, shutdown - planned or emergency, failures at startup after downtime, and much more. But not always the reasons for the decrease in performance lie on the surface.

To detect losses and find a way to eliminate them, use indicator "Time of useful work"(in the English version - Uptime). It is calculated simply: the ratio of the maximum uptime of equipment without downtime, with maximum productivity and product release proper quality to the total working time. It is supplemented by data collection tables, where for each production area data are entered on daily output and product quality, information on events leading to downtime, etc.

Thus, at the first stage, you need to develop data entry tables, prepare workstations and train employees. After creating a sufficient data set, factor analysis, that is, the study of the reasons causing the decrease in the productivity of the site. Now you can understand what these or those losses are associated with, and at the same time calculate economic effect measures to eliminate them.

The VLOOKUP tool allows you to make the work of identifying losses systemic and effective. The chain of “collecting data - analyzing - identifying opportunities - making decisions” encompasses each manufacturing process... You can immediately prioritize areas by identifying points for the application of lean tools.

Ivan Nikulin, an expert at SIBUR Production System, talks about the implementation of the VLF indicator at Tobolsk-Neftekhim: “In the first months, many, and at various levels, had doubts about all these numbers and messages. I had to explain the controversial aspects of the methodology for collecting information, convince them to approach the categorization of events informally. But when colleagues on the balance sheet commission of the enterprise were able to see the results of this work in the form of a ready-made loss analysis, doubts disappeared. The Deputy Chief Engineer for Production and Sales showed great interest in the results of this analysis. He began to involve the heads of production, and those were already the heads of the shops. Thanks to the analysis of VLF, we can prove the need for specific measures, agree on the need for improvements and make appropriate decisions with figures in hand. "

Ivan Nikulin's words confirm the results of the questionnaire survey at Tobolsk-Neftekhim, in which the company's employees who had already dealt with this tool took part. The majority of respondents (86%) are ready to work to reduce losses, 80% understand the methodology, 74% consider themselves responsible for reducing losses. In other words, people quickly realized the value of the tool and became interested in its active use.

How can a manager organize work correctly and make its goals more understandable for subordinates, and how can an employee make sure that his manager is doing everything the company requires of him? Created for this "The standard of the manager's work"... In fact, this is a whole set of tools. It is based on a simple principle - positive change is achieved through personal example.

There are 10 practices that are mandatory for each manager:

  1. Visualization.
  2. Feedback.
  3. Conversations on efficiency.
  4. Linear bypasses.
  5. Commitment to safety.
  6. Problem solving.
  7. Managing a complex conversation.
  8. Mentoring.
  9. Prioritization and Delegation.
  10. Leadership in change.

For example, visualization allows any employee to quickly get a general idea of ​​what is happening on the site. “It turned out to be very effective in terms of involving personnel in solving production problems,” says Yuri Zamuruev, head of polyethylene production at Tomskneftekhim. - Until recently, we didn’t think about whether the workers know at all what the production tasks are, how the plan is being fulfilled, and so on. Now we are trying to post information on the implementation of the plan in all shops. On my board, information on the implementation of the monthly plan is updated every day, by annual plan- monthly ".

Another important tool is linear traversal... The manager visits production sites on a daily basis, monitors the situation on performance boards, turning Special attention on the mood of people and the condition of critical equipment. “And without such contact with production and feedback from people, you simply will not recognize the situation at the site or in the shop,” explains Konstantin Shurakov, one of the heads of the repair production at Tomskneftekhim. - The employees will immediately, on the spot, present you with a real picture and name the "stuck" problems. The master, first of all, is "charged" to fulfill the work plan, and I have the opportunity to look a little from the outside at those things that require a new approach. " At the stage of implementation, such a leader is accompanied by a PSS expert who helps to identify problem areas and opportunities for improvement.

Managing a Complex Conversation - the skill of calm dialogue, which helps to correct those moments in the employee's position and behavior that do not respond corporate culture and approved standards. There is no need to nitpick, you should not put pressure on subordinates. The challenge is to correct inconsistencies while maintaining a constant feedback and influencing the very atmosphere in the team, creating such working conditions that stimulate a responsible attitude to safety, production indicators, professional culture... Still, it happens that you need to have a substantive and principled conversation with an employee. PSS experts propose the structure of such a conversation, conduct trainings and role-playing games, psychologically prepare for it. “One of the striking examples is a difficult conversation with a locksmith on the topic of misconduct. The conversation was conducted according to the methodology of the leader's work standard, which in practice turned out to be not an abstract instruction, but a very practical guide. Now a person works without comment, ”says Konstantin Shurakov.

The Leader's Performance Standard helps establish direct relationships with employees based on conscious partnerships rather than top-down directives thrown through clenched teeth. Only by personal example can you teach people to take responsibility for a good result. Being aware of the problems that arise, you can organize their discussion in time to find a solution. Knowing your subordinates through constant communication, you can choose the right moment to rectify the situation through one-on-one conversation, and not by administrative measures. “Previously, workers tended to think that the manager was cooling off while they were plowing. Now, thanks to the introduction of a standard work plan, workers see what exactly and when their supervisors are doing. Transparency helps clear up misunderstandings ", - says Konstantin Shurakov. "Manager's work standard" eliminating mutual misunderstandings and reducing the distance between the manager and his employees, makes joint work more efficient and safer.

Basic terms and definitions

for military registration

In accordance with Federal law"On Defense" under the Armed Forces Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations are understood as:

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

"other troops"- border troops, internal troops, Railway troops of the Russian Federation, civil defense troops;

"military formations"- engineering and technical and road construction military formations under federal executive authorities;

"organs"- Service foreign intelligence Russian Federation, bodies Federal Service security of the Russian Federation, federal bodies state protection and the federal body for ensuring the mobilization training of bodies state power Russian Federation;

"special formations"- created on war time special formations.

War time- the period of time in which the state is located, from the moment a state of war is declared or the actual start of hostilities until the moment the cessation of hostilities is announced, but not earlier than their actual end.

Liable for military service - a person who is in reserve and is subject to conscription into the Armed Forces or other troops of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens of pre-conscription and conscription ages who are on military records.

Serviceman- a person who is on active military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Military credentials- indicators of military registration of citizens in reserve, characterizing them by:

age (categories of accounting);

the nature of military service (accounting groups);

composition and military rank;

military registration specialty and military position, and reserve officers, in addition, by profile;

the duration of military service and the degree of training (reserve category).

Military credentials are determined by the RF Ministry of Defense.

Military registration specialty (VUS)- a military registration sign reflecting the military specialty of a soldier or citizen in reserve, and his affiliation with the type of the Armed Forces or other troops, military formations... Each military specialty is assigned its own digital code. The list of military specialties is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Military registration unit - a subdivision (employee) in government bodies, local governments and organizations that carries out military registration of citizens in the reserve and citizens subject to conscription, as well as, where necessary, work on booking citizens in the reserve.

Military ID - a single, indefinite document that determines the attitude of a citizen to the performance of military duty. A military ID is issued when conscripting for military service or when enrolling in the reserve.

Military commissar- the official head of the military commissariat. VC organizes service activities military commissariat and directs its work. He reports to the deputy chief of staff for organizational and mobilization work of the military district. VC(head of department) of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for municipality obeys VC subject of the Russian Federation.

Military fees- carrying out in the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation, listed in Art. 1 of the Federal Law "On Defense", measures for the preparation and retraining of citizens in reserve for military service. Military training is one of the forms of fulfillment of military duty by a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Retired citizens - citizens who have reached the age limit for staying in the reserve, or recognized in the prescribed manner as unfit for military service for health reasons and removed from the military register.

Citizens subject to conscription for military service - male citizens of the Russian Federation between the ages of 18 and 27, who are on the military register, pending a decision by the conscription commission to call them up for military service or enroll in the reserve.

Citizens subject to conscription for military service for mobilization,- Citizens who are in reserve, who do not have the right to a deferral from conscription for mobilization.

Citizens in reserve (GPZ) - citizens registered with the military:

a) dismissed from military service with admission to the reserve;

b) trained under the training program for reserve officers at military departments at state, municipal or state accredited in the relevant areas of training (specialties) non-state educational institutions higher professional education;

c) those who have not completed military service due to exemption from military service;

d) who have not completed military service in connection with the provided deferrals after they reach the age of 27;

e) not called up for military service for any other reason;

f) who have completed alternative civilian service;

g) female with a military registration specialty.

Accounting group (for military registration) - the established military registration sign of military registration. Citizens in the reserve are counted according to the following accounting groups: "Russian Army" (RA), "Navy" (Navy).

Military registration documents - a set of documents confirming the presence of an officer, warrant officer, midshipman, sergeant, foreman, soldier, sailor in reserve and his military credentials.

Position- provided staffing table generic name official duties the person replacing this position, a service position in the management hierarchy.

Life support of the population- a set of interrelated in time, resources and place of events aimed at creating and maintaining the conditions that are minimally necessary to preserve the life and health of people in military conflicts or in the emergency zone, on the routes of their evacuation and in the places where the evacuees are located.

Armed Forces Reserve- conscripted for military service, who have completed military service or were released from it for various reasons, but fit for service in wartime.

Admission to special military registration- a document of strict accountability, which serves as the basis for removing a reserved citizen from the general military registration and enrolling him in a special military registration. The form of notification of admission to special military registration is established by the IAC and issued to organizations in accordance with the established procedure by military commissariats. The filling in of notices and their submission to the military commissariats by the military registration units of organizations is carried out in accordance with the regulatory documents on the reservation of citizens who are in reserve.

Initial military registration of citizens - a set of measures for the medical examination of male citizens who turn 17 years old in the year of military registration, determination of their fitness for military service for health reasons, professional and psychological selection to determine suitability for VUS training and making a decision on registering a citizen for military registration , or enrollment in the reserve or on the release of a citizen from military service.

List of positions and professions for which reserve citizens are reserved- normative document, on the basis of which citizens who are in the reserve, occupying certain positions or working professions in organizations of a given branch (of a given public authority or organization) and having certain indicators for military registration (military rank, age, composition, profile, registration category, etc.) a deferment is granted from conscription for mobilization and in wartime.

The agenda of the military commissariat - an official written document by which the military commissariat (department of the military commissariat) notifies a citizen subject to conscription for military service, or the GPZ on the implementation of any instructions (orders) on military registration, military training, reservations, mobilization, etc. ...

Standing Technical Commission - a commission appointed by the head of the organization that monitors the state of mobilization training in the organization and develops measures to eliminate deficiencies.

Mobilization conscription- manning (re-staffing) of military units and formations deployed according to wartime states, at the expense of citizens who are in reserve.

Conscript - a person subject to conscription under the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service". Conscripts are citizens who have been put on the initial military registration.

Reserve category (according to military registration)- the military registration sign of the military registration of citizens in the reserve, by age and in accordance with military rank. Established by the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service".

Estimated year - a period equal to a calendar year, but starting from the moment the mobilization plan of the state's economy (plan for the billing year) is put into effect. The implementation of the billing year plan is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Mobilization resources - human mobilization resources, transport resources, material values and other resources used in the interests of the mobilization deployment of the RF Armed Forces.

Labor resources- able-bodied (for health reasons) population of the country (men: aged 16 to 59, women: aged 16 to 54), according to their physical data, knowledge and practical experience able to perform work in public authorities, bodies local government and organizations both in peacetime and in wartime.

The territorial list of positions and professions for which the GPP is booked,- a list of positions and professions for which GPPs are booked, working in organizations that are under the authority of the executive power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local authorities and organizations located on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that are outside the sphere of competence federal bodies state power.

Certificate of deferral from military service for mobilization and in wartime- a document of strict accountability, confirming the deferment provided to a citizen in reserve from being drafted into military service for mobilization and in wartime. Form of a certificate of deferral from conscription for mobilization and in wartime.

Booking conditions for citizens staying in reserve,- a set of specific values ​​of military registration characteristics (composition, age, military rank, profile, etc.), the compliance of which gives rise to the reservation of citizens who are in the reserve, according to the lists of positions and professions.

Military accounting - state system accounting and analysis of recruiting and mobilization human resources available in the country. Registration of military citizens is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on military registration, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Accounting for gas processing plants in organizations- registration of gas processing plants in organizations, carried out by military registration units (specially appointed employees) of organizations, in order to timely book gas processing plants, prepare the necessary personnel in advance to replace specialists to be drafted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and assist military commissariats in carrying out defense measures and maintaining them military registration up to date.

The turnout of citizens subject to conscription for military service for mobilization,- the arrival of citizens on time at the collection points of the military commissariat for further sending them to the reception points for the personnel of military units.

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Meaning of the word pss



PSS- abbreviation:

  • The Social Justice Party is a Russian political party founded in 2002
  • The consignment social networks- Russian political party created in 2012
  • Pension insurance certificate, see Pension insurance.
  • Personal communication systems 1.
  • Special self-loading pistol.
  • Search and rescue service.
  • Full composition of writings
  • Marginal propensity to save
  • Sberbank Production System.
  • Anti-tetanus serum.

PSS (pistol)

PSS (NS fizzle with self-charged with special), 6P28- Soviet self-loading pistol, providing silent and flameless firing at a distance of up to 50 meters. Favorably differs from PB in compactness, and from S4M and MSP - in rate of fire, which is associated with the use of a special cartridge SP-4. When fired, the bullet is pushed out not by the powder gases, but by a special piston, which, having imparted the initial velocity to the bullet, wedges in the sleeve and locks the powder gases inside it. When fired, due to the depressurization of the barrel, after the chamber and the bolt carrier are rolled back, a reduced pressure of atmospheric air rushing into the barrel is not created in the bore behind the bullet at the moment the bullet is ejected.


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