Pricing reform in construction: the interests of the industry come first. Build: a guide to construction and design Reform of estimated rationing and pricing

The pricing process is important not only in the structure of the economy of a country or farms, it is also of great importance for business, both for small enterprises and for large-scale production.

Pricing is the process by which, based on economic calculations and data, the final price of a product to be sold on the market is formed.

The pricing process is certain goals tasks that must be performed when determining the final price for a product that is sold within the market and on its territory. The goals and objectives of pricing differ in each country in their own way, but the essence of the process remains the same around the world.

Features of the pricing process

The pricing process has a range of its features:

  • Logic and literacy of pricing. This feature suggests that the entire pricing system should be logically built, its developers should be economists, managers who can realistically assess the market and competently draw up an enterprise pricing policy;
  • Unity of pricing. This feature suggests that the entire pricing system at the enterprise should be of a single nature, that is, if the company adheres to the policy low prices, then this policy must be maintained until the end of the planned sales, it is no longer possible to violate it in the process, otherwise it will not lead to the planned results;
  • Economy in the process of pricing. The pricing process should be properly justified from an economic point of view. If the pricing process implies a utopia for the enterprise, then this is inappropriate. Economic calculations must be realistic and justified.

Remark 1

Features of pricing prove the need for this process in the enterprise, and compliance with these features will lead the pricing process at the enterprise to positive economic results in the framework of the final activity.

Pricing reforms

To date, all the elements and issues related to the pricing policy at Russian enterprises are quite free, that is, the management as a whole decides for itself what price to set for its product, of course, in this case, relying on legislation in this area. But the price market can be called self-regulating, since high-priced goods do not survive in real conditions.

Remark 2

The last reform in the pricing process in Russia took place in 2017, which included enterprises operating in the construction industry. On June 22, the law was adopted, which spelled out changes to the Town Planning Code. The changes relate to the construction, rationing of estimated resources.

Definition 1

An estimate is a document in which the amount of building material is prescribed and calculated step by step, indicating prices for it and volumes, for the construction or reconstruction of a particular facility.

The estimate is the primary document at the beginning of construction, it is he who determines the necessary financial resources and their expenditure. The goal of reforming pricing in the framework of budgeting is the transparency of calculations and spending of public and private investments.

The state also plans to create a single center where all estimates will be registered, in particular state funding, so that they can be quickly verified and the necessary changes made.

This reform will apply to all construction companies that carry out their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as on foreign companies who work in Russia.

Thus, reforms in the pricing process are taking place in order to improve this process, create favorable conditions for the formation of a competent price.

An attempt by the Ministry of Construction to carry out a radical reform of pricing in construction in one year, as expected, failed. There is still time before the new deadline of September 30, 2018, but there is still a lot to be done. After the conference at the exhibition "Domestic Building Materials", dedicated to the course of the reform, there was no confidence that all issues would be resolved, wishes taken into account and deadlines met.

It was smooth on paper...

To understand from the speech of representatives of the Glavgosexpertiza what state of the art cases on the implementation of the reform of the CA, it was difficult. Opened the conference Irina Lishchenko(Glavgosexpertiza) spoke in detail about the joint work with the Ministry of Construction since the start of the reform; outlined an urgent task - harmonization by the middle of the year of the estimated and regulatory framework, which includes all the estimated standards of Moscow. She recalled that the main goal of the reform is to move the industry to a more reliable resource method for determining the estimated cost of materials, urged manufacturers to forget about the dubious base-index method and “change the worldview in this part, because you are now the source of information, according to which there will be determine the price of the object.

Ms. Lishchenko dwelled on the procedure for setting the price of an object, spoke about changes in the concept of pricing. She announced the shortened list since the new year legal entities, on data received from customs on legal entities importing building materials into the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the classifier, as well as on the preparation for publication of estimated prices. According to the speaker, in order to test the system and obtain analytics, data on the results of the IV quarter. 2017 will appear in the public domain. This will make it possible to see data on the price of the resource in each subject.

Sergei Polunovskiy(Department of Pricing Methodology) turned to the practical aspects of working with the FSIS CA. He held a user master class for the “combat” version of the FGIS CA for manufacturers of building resources. The speaker advised to consolidate the acquired knowledge on the system's website, in the "Knowledge Base" section, where comprehensive explanatory materials and training videos are presented, as well as answers to frequently asked questions. Studying them, the speaker assured, will help users understand how to work with the system.

Anton Sarychev(Department of Pricing Methodology) spoke about the importance of the classifier for the CA system and its main task - monitoring the prices of building resources. The speaker promised that this would improve the pricing and cost estimate system in the industry. To date, the classifier contains 99,545 positions, some of them are formed according to the field of application, the other part - according to characteristics. Mr. Sarychev said that by the end of March it is planned to make a big addition to the classifier, and then update the information quarterly. In conclusion, he invited manufacturers to take part in filling the positions as "in an interesting and challenging job."

Ministry of Construction & Business: an intermediary to help

If the conference had taken place not at the end of January, but in October, after these formal reports, the event would have ended. However, there would be no conference for manufacturers: the Ministry of Construction was little interested in their opinion, questions, comments, suggestions. The regulator, having failed the first term of the reform, continued to work according to the same scheme in the second. But the professional community finally could not stand it. At the end of November, the head of the RCC, Vladimir Yakovlev, wrote a letter to presidential aide Andrey Belousov stating that the actions of the Ministry of Construction to implement the CA reform "are negative, are negatively perceived by the industry, and most importantly, do not meet its needs." After that, the situation changed: an intermediary appeared between the department and the professional community - a working group to resolve controversial issues in the application of new regulatory documents. And the NOPSM came up with the idea to hold a conference at the OSM with the participation of the Glavgosexpertiza and representatives of the working group.

The report of its leader, Olga Garashchenko, made it possible to see a more voluminous picture of the progress of the reform. In particular, she outlined two complex issues that cannot be solved using the methods of the Ministry of Construction. It is the calculation of wages and the determination of the cost of materials: salary is not official everywhere, and the average monthly data on it comes from Rosstat. The calculation method forms a cumulative impersonal indicator, equal to an average of 30 thousand rubles. If the calculation of wages is based on the indicators of Rosstat, the conflict in the industry is inevitable, - said Olga Garashchenko. - So far we do not know what to offer the Ministry of Construction to solve the problem. It should be decided at the level of a government decree.”

The second impasse is related to the fact that when determining the cost of materials and equipment, the intermediary sector turned out to be cut off. “The methods of the Ministry of Construction stipulate that the selling prices of two manufacturers closest to the construction site are taken for calculation. But manufacturers often sell their materials through trading houses or dealer networks. It is impossible not to take into account their services, this is also a function, a process, a cost,” Garashchenko said. “We still don’t have an understanding of how to proceed: on the one hand, there is the President’s wish for the companies to work directly, on the other, there is an established sector of the economy.”

Anna Molchanova, an expert from NOPSMIK and a member of the working group, spoke about the questions manufacturers ask them. “Many questions are related to the search for your products in the classifier, the main principle of which is the rejection of branding, and we are all used to price lists with the designation trademarks. In addition, we do not have a unified terminology for new imported materials, there are still groups of materials without GOSTs. Therefore, the classifier of building resources, as a system-forming base, begins to pull along a huge layer of related issues. And how they will be resolved depends on us,” Ms. Molchanova said. - The second most important question is, how will consumers find your products in the classifier? Now everyone needs to be retrained by manufacturers, designers, estimators, because we are moving to a new principle of selecting materials according to key technical specifications. It's difficult, but I think it's the right thing to do." In conclusion, Anna Molchanova invited narrow specialists to join the work on the classifier.

In the last part of the conference there were questions from the audience. They also added a lot of touches to the situation with the progress of the reform. For example, the issue of assigning different OKPD codes to the same products from different manufacturers involved all experts in discussions. Consensus was not found, but the topic was noted. Another question, on the contrary, made Irina Lishchenko ask if there are many manufacturers in the hall who have opened the FGIS at least once on a computer. It turned out one.

Very important topic raised by the head of the NPSMA committee on information requirements for products Ilya Usov: Does Glavgosexpertiza, as the operator of the FSIS CA, plan to develop an open API for the data in the system? Referring to the regulations governing the FSIS CA, Mr. Sarychev said that such integration is not provided. As far as the editors know, the NOPSM sent a letter on this matter to the Ministry of Construction.

Manufacturer roofing materials inquired whether, when determining the cost of construction resources, such a factor as the cost of production of materials of various life cycle. According to Lishchenko, the Ministry of Construction will deal with this issue as part of the implementation of the roadmap for information modeling.

After the conference, the proposals of the working group on amendments to regulations on pricing reform. In early February, a meeting was held with specialists from Glavgosexpertiza, which showed that teamwork can be effective and useful for both parties - most of the proposals of the working groups, including those on remuneration, will be accepted.

Alexandra Pryluka

“Reform should not be planted, but should be prepared for public opinion”

In our opinion, it is impossible to speak separately about the conference without taking into account the context in which the reform of the Central Council is taking place: there is clear skepticism on the part of the professional community regarding the actions of the Ministry of Construction. The regulator, in turn, reacts slowly and with difficulty to business requests or does not take into account modern realities at all.

Two weeks after the conference, we asked the team leader to determine the estimated cost of materials Olga Garashchenko comment on the implementation of the reform, as well as tell if solutions were found to the issues that she raised at the conference /

Regarding wages, a variant has been proposed that will allow increasing the base indicator in order to make the salary correspond to the actual one, without linking it to the Rosstat indicator for the construction industry on a regional basis. There will be no details yet, the decision should be made at the end of March. These changes can be implemented only at the level of amending the Government's resolution. You can't set a base salary based on false data, false because someone has broken the law. The Ministry of Construction agrees with the proposal to separately designate all surcharges to the tariff.

Regarding the determination of the cost of materials - everything will be regulated by the characteristics. The description of a more durable product will contain signs of durability, and the FSIS user should understand them. I can say that the Ministry of Construction is aware that the wrong decisions can provoke manufacturers to produce low-quality, but cheap products, and is developing an action plan to prevent this.

As for the question of Ilya Usov, I can say that if it is not possible to connect to the API protocol, we will not succeed. The Ministry of Construction argues its refusal, referring to the Government Decree, which states that FSIS CA is a system for internal use. But if this system is in itself, there will be little life in it.

In my opinion, the department does not fully understand how everything interacts. There is a higher goal in integration, it (integration) is multicomponent: the classifier of building resources must be combined with pricing rates, combined with geolocation, with a library of information modeling elements. Then we will get an up-to-date base on the formation of value both in construction and in operation. Then it will be possible to talk about the optimization of resources at the level of the whole country. We will prepare an examination of this issue and try to convince the department of the need for integration.

Regarding the implementation of the reform: my personal opinion is that this mega-reform takes time. The established transition period to the resource method until September 30, 2018 is ample time to eliminate the main mistakes of a complex project on a national scale. But for FSIS to start meeting its goals, it takes three to five years. It is very important to prepare public opinion, conduct explanatory and educational work in dialogue with business. It is impossible to impose reform in a directive without explaining anything to anyone. Before today some financial executives of the largest construction corporations that work with state orders do not know what the meaning of the reform is.

On the other hand, the resistance to change on the part of the business is also understandable, it is necessary to restructure for short term to work in a new way (from the basic-index method of pricing to the resource method in government orders). In fact, there are practically no specialists who could easily begin to think in a different pricing paradigm today. These people will be in great short supply.

Also, the resource pricing method is more transparent than any other method, and this is often unprofitable for many. Therefore, first of all, officials must understand that the new reform will not allow them to put pressure on Building bussiness in order to squeeze out of it their corrupt interests, which earlier in pricing could be “covered up” with something.

Pricing reform in construction: the interests of the industry come first


Rosatom is actively involved in the reform of pricing in the construction industry being carried out by the Ministry of Construction. The work is in full swing, and the specialists of the state corporation are fighting hot battles for taking into account each industry specificity in the new state regulatory framework.

In Russia, the pricing reform in the construction industry is in full swing. The Ministry of Construction is working on the creation of a comprehensive and consistent regulatory framework in the field of pricing and estimated rationing.

The main goal of the reform is to ensure that prices at construction sites, especially state-owned ones, are not overstated, and already at the planning stage, customers and builders can predict the final cost of projects as accurately as possible.

Rosatom is one of the largest construction customers in the country. The annual volume of capital investments of the Group of Companies in the Russian Federation exceeds a quarter of a trillion rubles. The issue of project cost control is the most acute for Rosatom.

“Given that the nuclear industry in Russia is currently classified as a priority for the development of the economy and we are solving the global task of increasing the volume of nuclear power plant construction, the key issue for us is still improving the accuracy of predictive calculations of construction costs,” said the Director for Capital Investments, State Construction Supervision and State Expertise of Rosatom State Corporation Gennady Sakharov. Therefore, Rosatom takes the most direct part in the reform.

400+ Days of Reform
The pricing reform began in November 2015, after consideration by the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. The concept was called "400 days", fixing the forecast terms of its implementation in the title. As is often the case with reforms, more time was needed.

Initially, it was assumed that the main activities would be completed by the beginning of 2017. But it was only in July 2016 that the key document was approved - FZ-369, which is called the “pricing law” in the industry. This law identified the main changes that need to be made to the Town Planning Code and Federal Law-39 “On investment activity". The law was finalized by July 2017. As a result, for the first time at the legislative level, a conceptual apparatus was fixed: such terms as “estimated cost of construction”, “reconstruction and overhaul”, “estimated norms”, “estimated prices of building resources” and “estimated standards”.

At the end of 2016, government decrees “On the Federal State Information System for Pricing in Construction” and “On Monitoring the Prices of Construction Resources” were approved. The Federal Estimate and Regulatory Base for Pricing in Construction was put into effect in 2017, and the Methods for the Development and Application of Estimated Standards were approved.

Among other things, the government decided to create the Federal State Information System for Pricing in Construction (FSIS CS) - a resource for centralized collection, storage and use of data by all industry participants. “FSIS CA is “Yandex” in the field of pricing and estimated rationing,” said Andrey Savenkov, head of the Department for Expertise of Estimated Standards of the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia, at one of the conferences dedicated to the reform.

Approved estimated standards are entered into the FSIS CA. Their use will be mandatory for developers implementing projects using budget money, as well as for state corporations and companies with state participation more than 50%. But at the same time, the base of estimated standards will be open to everyone. “Any participant can rely on it construction market, and even any citizen for personal purposes will be able to obtain from the database information on the cost of services of machines and mechanisms, building materials and labor,” says the head of the Russian Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Men. FSIS CA began work at the end of September 2017.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the Russian Federation "took" for itself the exclusive right to the base of estimated standards. The industry bases that existed before are gradually ceasing to operate, "merging" into the state one. In addition to the industry bases of large corporations: Rosatom, Gazprom, Russian Railways, Rosneft, the Ministry of Transport (for the overhaul of federal highways) and the Ministry of Culture (for restoration work) have their own estimated bases.

The reform is really overdue, experts say. Pricing in construction has long been a set of obsolete legal acts, conflicting and loosely connected. The intricate regulatory framework made it possible to inflate the cost of construction already at the design stage.

In the professional community, a request has long been formed to improve existing standards, abolish standards for obsolete technologies and develop new ones, exclude double and ambiguous interpretation of certain provisions in the methods, Deputy Director for Capital Investments, State Construction Supervision and State Expertise - Head of the Department told Atomic Expert of industry pricing in construction and carrying out cost examinations of the state corporation "Rosatom" Irina Tripolets.

Interests of Rosatom
Rosatom, which is extremely interested in taking into account industry specifics when developing regulatory and methodological documents as part of the reform, back in 2016 signed a plan of interaction between departments with the Ministry of Construction of Russia and FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.

The work is being carried out in a number of areas: processing industry estimated standards into state ones, including the nomenclature of material and technical resources and equipment of the industry in the classifier of building resources, taking into account the specifics of the construction of nuclear facilities and others in the state methodology being developed.

Specialists of the state corporation "Rosatom" participate in working groups to support the development of methodological documents, put forward proposals and comments on draft documents and defend the position of Rosatom on them. “The goal of our work is to ensure the interests of the state corporation Rosatom in terms of pricing and estimated rationing,” says I. Tripolets.

Significant work remains to be done in the field of methodology describing how to determine the cost of construction in a new way: calculate the costs for certain types of work, develop and apply estimated norms. In the course of the reform, all methods are updated. "For example," The procedure for determining the cost of construction "- desk book for pricing specialists in design institutes, customer services, investors,” explains I. Trypolets. Both new and updated methods should reflect issues related to the specifics of the construction of nuclear facilities.

Among them - increased wages for construction and assembly workers employed in the construction of such facilities. Rosatom builds technically complex facilities with extremely high requirements for radiation, nuclear and seismic safety located in them technological systems. To work on construction sites, highly qualified specialists are needed, whose salary requirements, according to the state corporation, are on average 30% higher than the market average.

The Ministry of Construction has not yet taken into account this specificity: the formation of “estimated prices for labor costs”, taken into account in the methods, depends only on the ratio in the construction region of low-paid and highly paid professions(including those not related to construction), data on which are transferred to the Federal State Statistics Service, experts from the OCKS comment. The state corporation is trying to defend its right to provide estimated prices for the labor costs of "nuclear" workers.

To this end, a draft amendment to the "Rules for Monitoring the Prices of Construction Resources" has been prepared, which is currently being discussed with stakeholders. “In Soviet times, in 1983, in order to resolve such issues, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, as an exception, allowed the Minsredmash and the Ministry of Energy to increase the wages of workers by 25%,” reminds I. Tripolets.

With regard to approaches to remuneration, there are a lot of complaints not only from Rosatom, but also from other major construction customers, experts say. “The Ministry of Construction puts forward the idea: wage should be formed based on the results of statistical data on average for the region; it is not right. In addition to additional costs that need to be taken into account, such as the cost of shift method, secondment of workers, relocation of contractors, etc., Russian Railways, the Ministry of Transport, Rosatom have established approaches to remuneration and their own tariff agreements. All this should be taken into account,” Pavel Goryachkin, president of the Union of Estimators, told Atomic Expert.

The list of features of the nuclear industry alone, which must be taken into account in the Methods, is extremely extensive. For example, the industry uses custom-made structures: cable products, pipelines, embedded parts, pipeline assemblies, and much more. Consideration should also be given to the costs associated with enhanced departmental security and providing special access control at the facilities.

AND special conditions construction and installation and nuclear risks insurance. and customer service content, including operating personnel. Installation and commissioning of head equipment, commissioning at nuclear facilities have their own specifics.

Heated discussions and disputes
Proposals, substantiating documents and comments were sent to the developers more than once, says I. Trypolets. But "Glavgosexpertiza" and the Ministry of Construction of Russia continue to consider many of the requirements of the nuclear industry unfounded.

“It is very difficult to prove anything. The Ministry of Construction, as a regulator, has its own opinion on everything. We put in a lot of effort, preparing a huge amount of justifying documents in order to confirm our costs and ensure that they are taken into account when developing documents. Any line that appears in the new regulatory and methodological documents and will reflect the specifics of the industry will come to us with enormous efforts,” she states.

In order to substantiate their position, atomic scientists transfer rationing directly “into the field”. In early September 2017, Glavgosexpertiza specialists carried out work on technical regulation at the site of the Leningrad NPP-2 under construction. As a result of the work carried out, 23 construction processes were recorded, which will serve as the basis for the development of state elemental estimate standards that take into account the realities of construction and installation work at nuclear power plants.

The difficulties of working with regulators arise not only when justifying industry-specific costs. Previously, Rosatom itself could plan a list of standards that need to be developed and approved. This list was sent to the Ministry of Construction for inclusion in the Federal Register. “Today, a different order has been established: the ministry itself approves a plan of standards to be developed. Simply put, in 2018 it will be possible to develop only those norms that were in the plan of the Ministry of Construction.

In our application for 2018, there were 200 norms. The Ministry of Construction agreed on 11, with a promise that the rest will be agreed in 2019 and beyond. But we cannot postpone anything, the industry lives here and now,” says I. Trypolets. Therefore, everyone has to possible ways to convince the Ministry of Construction: Rosatom needs results as soon as possible.

Another example is the situation with the "Methodology for determining the cost of construction abroad" (an important document, taking into account the multi-billion dollar portfolio of the state corporation for the construction of nuclear power plants in various countries). The development of this "Methodology" began in 2013. The draft document was coordinated for several years at the Ministry of Construction, and in 2016, finally, the regulators “gave the go-ahead”: a positive conclusion was received from the Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Building Materials Industry (subsequently, the Federal Center for Pricing “merged” into Glavgosexpertiza).

Based on this conclusion, according to the procedure, the Ministry of Construction was supposed to enter the “Methodology” into the federal register. However, the ministry refused to do so, demanding another cycle of refinement.

This issue is so important for Rosatom that it was discussed at the highest level - at a working meeting CEO state corporation Alexei Likhachev with the head of the Ministry of Construction Mikhail Men. We agreed to form an interdepartmental working group headed by Deputy Minister Khamit Mavliyarov; it included representatives of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as other major construction customers in the Russian Federation, such as Rosneft and Gazprom. The working group has been meeting since the beginning of 2017. “The methodology is being developed with very hot battles,” I. Trypolets said.

Impact on projects
Experts assure that, despite the complexity and scale of the current processes, the ongoing reform does not affect the timing of the construction of nuclear facilities.

“The 400 Days Program is not the first reform in the field of pricing in construction. Over the past 20 years, changes in this area have been constant,” they say in the OCKS. There is a lot of work, but construction time is the most important priority. sectors where construction was started before the release of the reform documents, the base-index method and sectoral building codes are retained.

They also do not see the risks of higher project costs due to the reform. “If, as a result of the pricing reform, the federal budget and regulatory framework is “filled” with sectoral specifics for determining the cost, this does not mean that the cost of construction will increase and exceed the marginal indicators, since the specifics of construction are already reflected in the technical part project documentation”, - said I. Trypolets.

After all, the task is to ensure that the new norms reflect the reliable cost of construction. There were examples, they say in the OCKS, when the analysis of the norms led to the opposite effect - their optimization in terms of cost. Construction technologies are changing, production is being put on stream and getting cheaper. That's why analytical work in the field of rationing should lead to a reflection of the real - and not overestimated or underestimated - the cost of construction.

First time in 25 years
The peculiarities of the discussed reform for Rosatom is that now the nuclear industry for the first time in 25 years can receive an adequate up-to-date base of estimate and regulatory documents in the field of construction.

Pricing has its own history. Nuclear power plants were built by the Ministry of Atomic Energy, the regulatory framework has existed since 1969. IN state base 1984 there was a separate section "Designs of nuclear power plants". Then the nuclear industry was directly involved in the development of prices and standards. But then there was an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and "global cooling" began in the nuclear industry.

Meanwhile, it was then that the country was undergoing a pricing reform: from the prices of 1984 they switched to the prices of 2000. Gosstroy developed a "road map", instructed the departments to take into account the specifics of industries. Due to the “freeze”, the nuclear industry did not participate in this process. “What is budget regulation? It is a complex of technical, organizational and economic methods determining the cost of time and resources, including the development technological maps on construction processes, projects for the production of works, technical regulation processes on site. Since the construction of the nuclear power plant was frozen, the nuclear industry did not participate in updating this estimate and regulatory framework,” reminds I. Trypolets. As a result, when the work was completed with the release of a new state estimate and regulatory framework, the section "Designs of nuclear power plants" disappeared from there. The nuclear industry had to live by the rules of 2000, which do not take into account the specifics of nuclear power plants.

This problem became acute in the second half of the 2000s, when, after the revival of the nuclear industry, the development and financing of new projects began. The contractors faced the problem of inconsistency of the estimated norms with the technologies used at the construction site: the rates were developed for general civil construction, for housing, for social and cultural life, for administrative buildings - for anything, but not for nuclear projects.

Since then, Rosatom has done a lot of work, creating an industry-specific estimate and regulatory framework in a few years. It was almost completely included in the "Federal Register of Estimated Standards" by the beginning of 2014. I. Trypolets announced the volume of work: the industry estimate and regulatory base includes 91 collections and more than 60 thousand different rates.

The fact that the state decided to assign the exclusive right to the base of estimated standards led to unpleasant consequences for the industry: the same work has to be done twice. "Now industry norms will not. And those industry standards that were already in the federal register, for example, Rosatom, Russian Railways, Gazprom, are now subject to processing in accordance with the new requirements of the Ministry of Construction. And it is necessary to go through the procedure for approving the inclusion of these norms again - now in the FSIS. It is both technically and financially very costly,” says I. Trypolets.

Experts believe that industry bases should be left as an independent type of estimated standards. “I believe that this category should be preserved - sectoral estimated standards. It will not work just to “pour” them into the federal ones. Industry standards take into account established production relations, transport schemes, the cost of equipment, wage indicators formed on the basis of various agreements. They have been developed and tested for decades and take into account everything that happens on the complex and individual industry facilities. The Ministry of Construction deals mainly with housing construction, and this is the simplest of all types of construction. If we roll everything one size fits all, this can have negative consequences, "P. Goryachkin believes.

According to him, Rosatom, Gazprom, Russian Railways have their own standards for those works that are present in the state estimated standards. “They have the same name, but in fact they contain a slightly different composition of mechanisms, materials, and equipment. When merging head-on, it will turn out to be a mess: the types and complexes of work will not be connected, ”he added.

The Ministry of Construction plans to merge all industry standards with federal ones during 2018-2019. According to P. Goryachkin, the concerned ministries and large corporations should take a tougher stance and defend the preservation of their own estimated regulatory bases.

Count every nail
One of the stated tasks of the reform is the transition from the basic-index method of forming the cost of construction to the resource method, which takes as a basis the current level of prices for building resources in the regions, taking into account transport costs.

Determining the cost by the resource method will require additional labor costs from all participants in the investment activity: from designers - for the development of estimates, from customers - for their verification, experts say. What is a resource method? From the estimate it is necessary to pull out everything to the last nail. A large unique building object is tens of thousands of resource items. And each resource must be shortchanged. This is a huge job, despite the automation of the estimate business,” says P. Goryachkin.

According to the President of the Union of Estimators, it is more reasonable to use the resource method for "calculating" the main pricing materials, which give 95% of the cost, and in terms of the number of items can be 10-20% of the total.

The resource method is not a panacea for all problems in pricing, I. Trypolets believes. In her opinion, the main problem now is outdated norms that do not reflect effective methods production using modern mechanisms and materials.

So there is no need to rush to consolidate the resource method as the main one, P. Goryachkin believes. It is necessary to do everything gradually: first, put the estimated standards in order, then debug the work of the FSIS. “This movement should take several years for the construction industry to adapt. These issues cannot be resolved in one fell swoop,” he said in conclusion.


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Details of tenders: who got over 600 million rubles allocated for estimated rationing

Answers magazine questions Pavel GORYACHKIN, President of the Union of Estimating Engineers, Director of the Department of Expert Analytical Work and Pricing in Construction of the Association of Builders of Russia.

Pavel Vladimirovich, exactly one year has passed since our conversation about corruption in the system of estimated rationing in construction. I must say that our February conversation aroused great interest: it entered the top three most read materials on our site in 2015. And they continue to read it.

The main "hero" of that interview - former director The Federal Center for Pricing in Construction and the Industry of Building Materials (FTsTSS) Evgeny Ermolaev is under investigation today. And what has changed in this system as a whole over the past year?

- I want to say that the story that we talked about then was continued. There are certain positive developments.

First of all, finally finished with commercial activities. Previously, in the time of Ermolaev, a bunch of all sorts of LLCs fed near the FTsTSS, which covered themselves with the symbols of the Ministry of Construction.

This led to the fact that the FAS authorities on federal level and in more than 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation they are now conducting inspections and winning cases, demanding that estimated standards be posted on the websites of regional executive authorities.

That is, in other words, the times when the estimated standards were a kind of mystery behind seven seals - they could not be seen, read, studied anywhere, but could only be bought for money - these times are gradually passing. The regulations become public.

I want to note that the Ministry of Construction has corrected itself in this regard and now publishes documents with all the appendices, which can always be found. And the Moscow government was forced to place its territorial estimated standards on the website in the public domain.

Such an increase in information openness is a very good thing. The Ministry of Construction has now prepared a draft government decree on the creation of an information pricing system in construction. I think this is a very positive step. When there will be a data bank, prices, standards, and indices in a public form.

A certain order is being introduced with the so-called individual estimated standards. But there is one small contradiction here.

All-federal estimated standards are entered into the register by orders of the minister. And individual standards for federal construction projects - only by order of the Government.

In my opinion, there is no logic here. At a government meeting, no estimated standards will ever be considered: apart from Gazprom, I do not see structures that are able to endure and, most importantly, pass such issues through the Government.

What can this lead to? To the fact that they will try to carry out individual standards as general ones. Which, in turn, will litter the estimated and regulatory base with some norms and prices, which, to put it mildly, have a narrow application.

This is not very good, since the pricing system is still based on generally applicable technologies and on the principle of averaging. And, unfortunately, individual collections are already beginning to litter with such standards.

In addition, over the past year, the leadership of the FCCC has already changed twice.

- That is, this athlete is no longer there?

- Yes. He has also been removed and appointed instead of him ... a doctor Sergei Fokina. Personally, I have very serious questions about this.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, former deputy. chief sanitary doctor of Moscow, a person who does not have a construction education, a representative of a completely different sphere.

I can't welcome such nepotism. Especially when it comes to such a specific area of ​​activity as estimated rationing in construction. And we have the same attitude to construction as to football: everyone thinks that they already understand this. Nothing good will come of it.

In general, I have big complaints about the professional level of some employees of the Ministry of Construction. Incidentally, this situation clearly does not comply with the law "On public service”, and such people will not even be able to pass certification. That's not possible, gentlemen!

The very fact that they recruited a lot of different young people can only be welcomed. But still, the Ministry of Construction is not the place for such experiments, for on-the-job training. In my opinion deep conviction, you can't do that.

P. Goryachkin: “Starting from autumn, the Ministry of Construction has developed a vigorous legislative activity. But the quality of these initiatives, frankly, is highly questionable. Most of the initiatives of the Ministry of Construction in the end did not receive the approval of the Government"

And it's already taking its toll. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about, because I am familiar with this cuisine. One of the factors in our assessment of the department is the number of legislative initiatives broadcast by it. Over the past six months, since autumn, the Ministry of Construction has developed a vigorous legislative activity. But the quality of these initiatives, frankly, is highly questionable.

Most of the initiatives of the Ministry of Construction in the end did not receive the approval of the Government. They cannot go through the approval procedures, there are big claims from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Antimonopoly Service. And this factor seriously complicates the life of all those who work in this field. Quantity does not mean quality.

- Let's move on to the main thing. In the spring, under the leadership of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the State Council will be held, dedicated to the problems of the construction industry. As far as I know, the issues of technical regulation and pricing in construction are on his agenda ...

Yes, according to my information, these issues will be discussed at the State Council. There is already a lot of speculation and unprofessional judgment on this topic. This is worrisome.

Moreover, in December, the Russian Ministry of Construction tried to announce a certain pricing reform, calling it “400 days”. To be honest, it doesn't sound like much...

- “400 days”, “500 days” - we all have already gone through this ...

- That's it, and I'm talking about it. I want to say that all this reform action was carried out behind closed doors. This reform was discussed only on working group Public Council under the Ministry of Construction. And at that meeting, none of the estimators were present at all. No one.

The authors of the program tried to present "400 days" at the NOSTROY Committee on Pricing and Procurement. There she was severely criticized. But all the same, they give her a move and are going to implement it. Big claims to the Minstroev vision of the further development of the industry in general and the pricing system in particular .

— What exactly do professionals, including you, not like in the proposed pricing reform concept?

- You see, everything is there, except for the pricing itself. It's like a soup recipe without the soup itself. The prepared document is a set of slogans and pictures. Like, everything was bad with us before, but now it will be good; how affordable, modern and innovative pricing will be as a result of the reform; who should report to whom, how the role of the FCCC should be strengthened, etc.

But how exactly to do this, what is the content of this reform, what specific steps should be taken to make it all work - not a word about it.

The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation: “The information (of the Ministry of Construction) does not contain a specific action plan (program, set of measures, road map measures) for the implementation of a phased reform of the pricing system in construction”

Moreover, some messages and theses, sounding from the lips of high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Construction, indicate that people do not even know what was done before them in this area over all previous decades.

- Can you give an example?

- Yes, as much as you like! For example, now voices are loudly heard that it is necessary to develop the resource method in every possible way - modern, progressive and innovative.

Nobody objects to this. But I just want to remind you that back in 1992, in the system of the then Minarhstroy, the concept of pricing was developed and adopted guidelines to it on the development of estimates precisely by the resource method. In 1994-1995, all methods for the use of the resource method in construction, installation, and commissioning were adopted.

In the same period, the basic organization of the ministry, TsNIIEUS (which, by the way, still exists), developed resource estimated norms. They formed the basis of state estimate standards and served as the basis for the creation of resource estimate standards in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, and Ukraine.

If we open the existing documents, in particular, the “Methodology for determining the cost in construction in Russian Federation”, in the corresponding paragraph, which lists the methods for determining the cost, the resource method is in the first place.

This method is widely and successfully used in a number of regions of Russia, in almost all of our colleagues in the Customs and Eurasian Economic Union. There are no legal, technical and methodological obstacles to the application of this method today. Therefore, it is not necessary to declare with a blue eye that, they say, this is something new and discovered just now ...

- Passing off the old, especially the already thoroughly forgotten, for the new is our national pastime. Suffice it to name the current attempts to revive .

- This is true. But here we are not even talking about half-forgotten, but about things that are already in use, which are passed off as a novelty and discovery! It's just that the people who came to the Ministry of Construction, apparently, did not know and did not know what had been done here before them.

Yu. Roslyak, auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation: “The draft amendments to the Gradkodex do not solve the problem of pricing (determining the cost of construction), and therefore do not fully reflect the order of the President of the Russian Federation”

But if we continue talking about the resource method, then one should not think that it will lead to a reduction in costs and a decrease in the cost of budget construction projects. Nothing like this! It will increase the cost.

If we take any federal construction site calculated by the base-index method and recalculate it using the resource method, provided that we set the actual prices for materials, products and structures as resources, then the total resource estimate in 90 cases out of 100 will be 15-30% higher than according to the estimate compiled by the base-index method.

What needs to be done to make the resource method really work?

- Only one. So that the cornerstone of the entire pricing system in construction should be the principle of formation and control by the contractor, customer, inspection bodies and bodies for examining the cost of the main pricing materials. That is, those that in any estimate make up 95% of the cost of building materials.

P. Goryachkin: “The cornerstone of the entire pricing system in construction should be the principle of formation and control by the contractor, customer, inspection bodies and examination bodies of the cost of the main pricing materials”

Such an estimate becomes clear and understandable. Then this system will be correctly oriented and built.

In general, it is very difficult to check any construction estimate, I tell you as a professional. And moving in the direction that I spoke about, we will tremendously increase the transparency of the estimated cost, make it objective, and most importantly, verifiable and readable.

And the second cornerstone of the pricing system in construction is as follows. If we do not correct the absolutely inadequate, with the technologies of the 50s of the last century, the estimated and regulatory framework, then all this loses all meaning and turns into a fruitless fuss and imitation of activity.

We are now in a situation where it is no longer possible to travel further on Soviet-era baggage. We just ran into a wall: the estimated standards came into complete conflict with the actual construction production. And until we fix this, all other actions are meaningless. We can talk a lot and loudly about innovative methods, but due to the fact that our base is inadequate, the cost of construction will not meet the requirements of the time.

P. Goryachkin: “The outdated estimated standards have come into complete conflict with the real construction industry. We can talk a lot and loudly about innovative methods, but due to the fact that our base is inadequate, the cost of construction will not meet the requirements of the times.

As a result, the estimated cost is deformed and unreliable! Further rewriting of Soviet norms will only lead to an increase in the degradation of budgeting and an increase in corruption risks and resonant scandals in the field of public procurement and rationing.

- And in this regard, there is no movement from the Ministry of Construction?

Yes, but very weak. Frankly, I am very outraged by the situation that has now developed. I have been working with the Ministry of Construction since 1993. Everything that was done in the estimated pricing took place before my eyes and with my direct participation.

So, for all these 25 years, no direct money has ever been allocated to the construction department for the development of codes of rules and methods. And even more so, state funding has never been allocated for the development of estimated standards. And finally, such a state task appeared! Until 2017, a lot of money has been allocated for these purposes: about 4.7 billion rubles. ( see helpEd.)

- Recipients - Ministry of Construction and FTsTSS. Purpose - development of standards and SNiPs?

— Quite right. Last December, the FTsCS held tenders, in which it distributed about 630 million rubles. So, the results of these tenders, the tender documentation and the very essence of what is happening plunged the estimated community into a real shock. I say this as the President of the Union of Estimators.

- What surprised the professional estimators so much?

- I can tell. We have 47 collections for construction work, 41 collections for installation work, 17-19 collections for repair and construction work and a whole bunch of other documents. So, for example, for the development of a single collection No. 9 "Metal structures", the organizers held as many as two competitions, and more than 65 million rubles were at stake!

But I want to inform you that this collection has been reworked and made by us a long time ago. And this job just isn't worth that crazy money. This is ridiculous. One can only guess where the money will go.

And not just laundering. It turns out that at the same time they also appropriate your intellectual property, that is, to put it simply, they steal it. I hope all your developments are registered in Federal Service for the protection of intellectual property?

- Of course, everything is as it should be. We now have 6 volumes of norms and prices for new technologies. Every month we release new standards. The 9th collection has been completely redesigned by us, taking into account all modern technologies. And what they do is just outrageous.

At the same time, I am far from thinking that they will simply take our norms and stupidly roll them over. No, they will “creatively” distort: ​​they will rearrange the words in sentences, change the location of some chapters, etc.

In the West, intellectual property is a sacred and untouchable thing. Let's remember how many courts there were on this occasion, including with the participation of famous musicians. And we - spat on all this.

- Why?

- Yes, because these gentlemen are well aware that we, the real developers of estimated standards, will be tortured to sue them! We'll spend a lot of money on fees, lawyers, court hearings, and what is the result? Our judges don't know about these things. Cases will be rescheduled, and different experts will be brought in—comparative law, copyright, literary text analysis, and so on.

I know this kitchen. This will last for years.

- It's a well-known thing. During this time, either the donkey will die, or the padishah will die ...

- Certainly. They know that suing them for their rights is more expensive for themselves. Therefore, they will become even more impudent. But still, we won't stop talking about it.

- How much does it cost to win in these competitions, which are held by the updated FTsTSS?

- The collection of state consolidated estimated standards for the construction price "Objects of social industries", according to their logic, pulls almost 158 ​​million rubles. But, firstly, this document is rather secondary and not particularly necessary for the budgeting business, and its quality, to put it mildly, is so-so. This is something like the price lists that used to be issued.

But the main thing is not this. And the fact that this NCS collection ... already exists, and in 2014 prices.

In addition, the Ministry of Construction itself maintains a bank standard projects, selects and approves them. In this bank of standard projects, which are given to the Ministry of Construction absolutely free of charge, there are estimate documentation, technical and economic indicators. And you just need to pull these figures out of the data bank and dress them in the norms of this collection of 30-40 pages. Works - a maximum of two weeks ...

- Meanwhile, it was estimated at more than 157 million ...

- This figure simply does not climb into any gates. Everything is so obvious that it is simply amazing.

On this occasion, back in November, before the tender, we wrote to the leadership of the Ministry of Construction ( see helpEd.). But nothing could be changed.

- It turns out that Ermolaev is in prison, but his work lives on?

- Listen, I have never been a supporter of Ermolaev. On the contrary, he always fought with him, wrote letters to various authorities, which for years were shelved in the capital's offices.

But in fairness, I want to remind you that Yermolaev was never given any money. He himself was spinning, earning them with the help of his many LLCs, attached to the FCCC. That is, in other words, he used the administrative resource to beat out "grandmothers" from below. And from above, nothing was transferred to him, neither for the maintenance of the FTsTSS, nor even for the development of standards.

- And now, for once, the native state has allocated huge sums of money, and even in a crisis. That is, Ermolaev was forced to spin around, earn money with the help of his LLCs. And these gentlemen do not even need to fuss: the money itself fell from above. So?

— Absolutely. The sums have fallen, hitherto unprecedented... And this is at the very time when ONF activists (God bless them) raise the issue of public procurement of some kind of chandelier, calculate how much a deputy or governor's banquet cost. So I want to say to them: “Guys! What chandeliers, what are you talking about? Look here!..”

But the fact is that a purely philistine chandelier, a golden toilet bowl or a tricked-out Mercedes is understandable to people, and the collection “Construction Price Standards” is a dark forest for them. An ordinary, ordinary person is simply not able to comprehend all the scale of what is happening.

P. Goryachkin: “Hiding behind the fact that people simply do not understand these issues, now they are simply stupidly “cutting up” state budget funds, taxpayers' money. Hundreds of millions allocated in this difficult time for the country to develop regulations”

Therefore, hiding behind the fact that people simply do not understand these issues, now they are simply stupidly "cutting up" state budget funds, taxpayers' money. That is, our money is hundreds of millions, allocated in this difficult time for the country for the development of standards.

Moreover, neither I nor my fellow estimators, high-class professionals, specialists in this field, can even take part in competitions.

What is stopping you from participating?

- Very simple. If we are talking about such amounts as the same 157 million, then we will not have enough money even to provide a bank guarantee, which we, without being government organizations are required to submit to participate in the competition. 5% of the price for securing the application and 30% for securing the contract - no bank will give us that kind of money. They'll just send me somewhere else, and that'll be the end of the whole thing.

You see, it was originally invented like this: such large lots and everything else to keep real developers out.

- And who has that kind of money? Who is participating in the competitions? Let's already lay out, as our President says, appearances, names, addresses. Maybe it will come to him, since such a conversation has begun on the eve of the State Council ...

- Please. Looking at the official documents on the results of tenders ( see helpEd.) we see that the winners were mainly state offices or organizations with state participation, which, by law, do not need to provide a bank guarantee and reserve large sums to participate in the competition.

For example, JSC "Institute of Economics and Transport Development". This structure is close to the Ministry of Transport and is actually controlled by it. She won a tender for the development of NCS (aggregated construction price standards) for road, railway, bridge facilities in the amount of 135.9 million rubles.

OJSC "Central Research Institute of Economics and Management in Construction" (TsNIIEUS). This is practically an organization subordinate to the Ministry of Construction. For new methods for pricing for pricing will receive 72 million rubles.

FSBI "Central Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation". It's federal state-financed organization, directly subordinate to the Ministry of Construction, won 2 lots and will receive 65.4 million rubles. for work on the inventory, updating and supplementing the GESN and FER, taking into account all new building technologies, materials and mechanisms.

Move on. LLC "Moscow State Expertise of Construction Projects". This company was created former leader Moscomexpertiza and, of course, is affiliated with this state structure. She won 3 lots at once for the development of NCS for office buildings, housing and social facilities for a total of 230.2 million rubles, which is simply amazing.

OJSC Order of the Red Banner of Labor Academy public utilities them. K.D. Panfilov. This structure, having won the tender for the development of the NCS for engineering networks, received 67.4 million rubles.

- That is, none of the normal estimating companies managed to break through here?

No, fortunately two small firms seems to have succeeded. This is RIK LLC, behind which there are real developers of estimate programs, I personally know them. They won the competition for the development of the Construction Resources Classifier, for which they will receive 45 million rubles.

KSK Technologies LLC also distinguished itself. I don't know this company. She won a lot, according to which she will develop a concept for the state pricing information system in the amount of 10 million rubles.

- Well, the competitions are held, the winners are determined. What will happen next?

“It is clear that this is trivial money laundering. Almost all of the above structures do not have any serious scientific strength in the field of pricing. I tell you this with authority. And then co-executors will be involved (by the type of subcontractors), and, according to the information that comes to me, they are already trying to do this.

“Who is this, sorry?”

- I will not name names, so as not to waste time on the courts. But I can assume that an official of the Ministry of Construction of the highest rank is involved in this scam.

- May I clarify, does he have a civil engineering education?

— No, this person has no construction education. In addition to him, in these cases, in my opinion, at least one head of the department, as well as two heads and one deputy head of subordinate institutions are involved.

- In principle, a number of names in the media already sound . As they say, he who has ears, let him hear... Pavel Vladimirovich, what do you think, if you and I now announce this loudly and to the whole country, will something change? After all, what you said is a case under jurisdiction. It's time for law enforcement to step in...

- It is high time. You know, I'm a patient person...

- ... and not a timid dozen.

— Over the past 20 years, I haven’t seen or experienced anything. But this situation, which is happening now, in times of crisis, shocked me. I think that this is an insult to the entire estimating community, a real spit in the face of all honest estimators. And this can't be left like that.

P. Goryachkin: “I can assume that an official of the Ministry of Construction of the highest rank is involved in the scam, one head of department, as well as two heads and one deputy head of subordinate institutions "

You need to ring the bells about this: speak, write, tell people. Including with the help of you journalists. Everything must be done so that at the upcoming Presidium of the State Council on Construction, some people do not bluff on this issue. So that the leadership of the country, excuse me, does not hang noodles on the ears.

- Do you think that since such high-ranking officials are involved in the case, it is no longer possible to do without the President? Again, all hope is for manual control?

- Actually, the industry has a supervising deputy prime minister - Dmitry Nikolaevich Kozak. There is another Deputy Prime Minister, Igor Ivanovich Shuvalov, which also in its part oversees the activities of the Ministry of Construction.

To be honest, I don’t think that on every occasion it is necessary to run to the tsar-father, jumping over all heads. But if others have exhausted all the ways, and the situation does not change, naturally, it is necessary to bring information to the first person.

But I would like to end our conversation on a positive note. What do you, estimators, propose to consider for the State Council? Where do you want to go from your point of view? In which direction?

- We need to move where the whole world is going, including our closest neighbors - members of the EAEU. For example, Belarus has translated Eurocodes, and we are now using their translations. Kazakhstan translated the same Eurocodes and switched to the resource method.

In general, the neighbors are moving forward, and they are trying to pull us back - to the shovel, into the dense Soviet past. They suggest that we once again rewrite outdated SNiPs, mossy estimated standards and live in the illusion that this will improve the quality and safety of construction. But this, alas, will not happen.

P. Goryachkin: “Today is not the time to make 30-40% kickbacks at federal construction sites. These things are simply unacceptable, they need to be burned with a red-hot iron.

And further. These are not the times today to make 30-40% kickbacks at federal construction sites. These things are simply unacceptable, they need to be burned with a red-hot iron.

The Ministry of Construction proposed the “400 days” program, and we, based on the decisions already taken by the department, formulated the main steps that, from our point of view, can be done in 60 days ( see helpEd.). Let me emphasize that this is not about a revolution, but about the development of already adopted decisions.

We believe that the budgeting business is full of problems, but there are no unsolvable ones.
The proposed first steps can, of course, be detailed and supplemented. But this is not yet required. What is required is political will. So far - from the leadership of the Ministry of Construction. Otherwise, this very will can be shown by the top leadership of the country. But already - with consequences.

Interviewed by Andrey CHERNAKOV


Where will the billions go?

According to the Union of Cost Estimators, out of the 4.7 billion rubles allocated by the state until 2017, about 70% will be directed to the development and updating of codes of practice (SNiPs).

During the first half of the implementation of the program to reform the system of technical regulation in construction, 124 sets of rules were developed and updated, 22 of which were approved in 2015.

In total, about 380 regulatory technical documents are to be prepared by the end of 2017.

The methodology for determining the cost of their development was approved by order of the head of the Ministry of Construction in 2015. Based on this document, the development of one SNiP rules on average is 5 million rubles, which is not yet in line with the results of the December tenders.

The remaining 30% of the allocated funds will be used to develop and update pricing standards in construction, experts believe. In total, more than 40 thousand estimated standards are used in the construction industry, collected in several hundred collections. It is necessary to update at least a third of the standards. But if you pay for one collection of 157 million rubles, no public funds will be enough.

This indicates only one thing: that the price is inadequately overstated, says the president of the SIS, Pavel Goryachkin. According to his estimates for successful development and updating the codes of practice is quite enough 1.5 billion rubles, and the development and updating of estimated standards and methods as a whole should not cost more than 500 million rubles.

Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation M.A. Menu

Dear Mikhail Alexandrovich!

FAU "FTsTSS" of the Ministry of Construction of Russia November 19, 2015 on the Government Procurement Portal of the Russian Federation ( announced open tenders for the development of cost estimates and methodological documents on pricing in construction at the expense of the budget.

We pay attention to the competitions for the collections of GESN and FER No. 6 "Monolithic structures" and 9 "Metal structures" (No. 31502975713 and No. 31502975710). Two identical competitions with a total price of more than 65 million rubles. There are more than a hundred similar collections in the system of estimated standards. In addition, these collections have long been supplemented with norms and prices for new technologies by the Union of Estimators, up to the norms for the use composite reinforcement. These norms and prices have been ignored by the Ministry of Construction (formerly the Ministry of Regional Development and Rosstroy) for many years, and then they are tritely “stealed” by the FTsTSS and presented as their own developments. There are plenty of examples.

Theme “Performance of work on the development of a draft collection of state aggregated estimated standards for the construction price “Objects of social industries” with a price of 157,945,059.32 rubles! The Ministry of Construction of Russia already has a bank of standard design solutions for these facilities. It remains only to reduce it to price tables. The same applies to NCS Residential and Administrative buildings. In our opinion, all this is an attempt at large-scale theft of budgetary funds, with the expectation of deception.

Under such conditions as 5% of the price for securing the application and 30% for securing the contract, it is very difficult to take part in the competition! Lots are very large in terms of amounts for R&D.

We ask you, dear Mikhail Aleksandrovich, to intervene in the situation, which creates the prerequisites for further violations in the activities of the FAA FTsCS.


Union President P.V. Goryachkin


Extract from official site documents Unified information system in the field of procurement

№ 31502975722

Development of a classifier of building resources (CSR) and regulations for its maintenance, codification of building resources, taking into account data from federal and territorial collections of estimated prices

45,000,000.00 Russian ruble

№ 31502975716


Concept development, terms of reference and financial and economic justification of the automated pricing information system in construction (AIS CS)

10,000,000.00 Russian ruble

№ 31502975713


20 470 802.50 Russian ruble

№ 31502975710


Performing work on updating and developing additions to the GESN 81-02-06-2001, GESN 81-02-09-2001, FER 81-02-06-2001, FER 81-02-09-2001

45,016,286.61 Russian ruble

№ 31502975705


Execution of work on the development of a draft collection of state aggregated estimated standards for the construction price "Objects of social industries"

157,945,059.32 Russian ruble

№ 31502975702


Execution of work on the development of draft collections of state aggregated estimated standards for the construction price of the NCS 07-2014 " Railways”, NCS 08-2014 “Roads”, NCS 09-2014 “Bridges and overpasses”

135,915,655.28 Russian ruble

№ 31502975690


Execution of work on the development of a draft collection of state aggregated estimated standards for the construction price "Residential buildings"

28,426,806.52 Russian ruble

№ 31502975671


Execution of work on the development of a draft collection of state aggregated estimated standards for the construction price "Administrative buildings"

43,971,423.20 Russian ruble

№ 31502975646


Performance of work on the development of draft collections of state aggregated estimated standards for construction prices, Section "Linear objects" on the basis of NCS 11-2014 "External communication networks", NCS 12-2014 "External electrical networks", NCS 13-2014 "External heating networks", NCS 14-2014 "Water supply and sewerage networks", NCS 15-2014 "Gas supply networks"

67 400 100.20 Russian ruble

№ 31502975638


Performing work on the analysis, updating and development of draft methodological documents recommended for use in determining the estimated and contract costs of capital construction projects financed with the involvement of federal budget funds

72,068,736.00 Russian ruble

What the Union of Estimators offers

  • From Federal Register all individual estimated standards are excluded and their revision is carried out.
  • Indexes of the Ministry of Construction onIthe quarter of 2016 is published in a fundamentally new format, broken down by type of construction and elements of direct costs (wages, machines, materials + general construction and installation indices);
  • In orders for market value sq. m the word "market" is replaced by "calculated value indicators intended for ...".
  • Operational corrections are made to the GESN and FER for already obvious errors.
  • The effect of the standards themselves is limited on January 1, 2018, and a decision is made to create a truly New estimated and regulatory framework for its application from January 1, 2018.
  • As new standards are developed, they are quickly included in the old database until the new one is introduced.
  • Estimated profit is returned to the calculation of the estimated cost, differentiated by type of construction and work and adjusted as necessary.
  • For certain types construction and work with a small range of resources, priority is given to the resource method.
  • Simultaneously with the development of a new element base, the development of the Price Standards for Structural Solutions (NTsKR) begins with the prospect of their implementation for the calculation of NMTsK and the "Project" stage.
  • The main work on monitoring prices for materials is transferred to the regional level.
  • The December competitions of the FCCC are being canceled and new ones are being prepared. For 700 million, you can develop a lot. Maximum lots - no more than 20 million.
  • The current leadership of the FCCC is leaving.
  • Simultaneous existence of branches of the FCCC and regional pricing bodies is excluded;
  • Any commercial activity FCCC only within the framework of the Charter. All documents are posted on the site in full after they become “official (Information system), etc.

If a country simultaneously changes government prices on a wide range of products and services, this may indicate a pricing reform. These measures should be understood as a change in the pricing mechanism itself (for example, the transition from state-set prices to free market pricing).

Pricing Reformation - Key Elements of the Reorganization

The pricing reform involves a fundamental change in the methods of setting prices and the reorganization of the entire complex, including:

  • bulk prices;
  • purchasing;
  • retail.

Pricing reform always affects retail prices, as they are closely linked to all elements of the system. Retail prices for some categories of goods (for example, meat and dairy products) are much lower than the actual costs of their production and purchase prices. The government is forced to eliminate this difference by sending subsidies to producers. However, such measures are not optimal - they contribute to a decrease in the production of these goods, encourage an irrational attitude towards them.

For successful reforms, price adjustments and indexation of incomes of citizens, it is important to fulfill the condition - to develop in the shortest possible time an effective methodology for monitoring price fluctuations.

Pricing reform and government orders. Contract prices and conditions for their change are approved by the authorities placing state orders in the course of negotiations with enterprises, the main consumer group and wholesale organizations taking into account the volume of costs, the price list and market pricing policy, if these indicators are known. Determination of negotiated wholesale prices, together with the placement of government orders, is an important element of the pricing reform.

Pricing reform and the banking sector. Under the conditions of the reform, pricing should be reviewed. Special attention should be given to currency regulation.

Pricing reform and optimization of the economic mechanism. The reform of pricing is inextricably linked with the revision of the economic mechanism, the transformation organizational structures management, strengthening foreign economic relations and improving the efficiency of financial and credit policy.

The weakening of the country's economy is a consequence of an imperfect pricing system, including pricing methods. At the same time, a radical reform may result in a subsequent recalculation of price parameters. The reason for this result may be the imbalances that have accumulated in the pricing system. These disparities need to be eliminated as soon as possible, but it is even more important to form a new pricing mechanism that would make it possible to avoid such disparities in the future and create an effective one.

Positive effect of pricing reform

Pricing reform opens up new prospects for flexible and flexible price regulation in order to create an optimal balance between supply and demand.

The pricing reform aims to:

  • Increasing production efficiency. Production efficiency is determined by labor productivity, product quality, material intensity and capital intensity. Production efficiency is evaluated based on the competitiveness of the product, which is determined by the price / quality of goods. Thus, pricing reform can improve production efficiency.
  • The growth of trade. The increase in turnover depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the state apparatus (the actions of the authorities and legislative changes). Adjusting prices in favor of lowering them contributes to an increase in purchasing power, and, consequently, an increase in trade.

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