What professions do not need a history. Top five professions related to education in the field of history. Need to know social science

As soon as primitive people became a society, that is, a group of individuals who had common goals, interests and values, they tried to pass on from generation to generation the memory of the most significant events taking place in the life of the tribe. In these stories, authenticity was mixed with fiction, but the further humanity developed, the more real they became. And when writing appeared, history gradually turned into a scientific discipline, with which many activities are associated today.

History refers to the sciences of the social and humanitarian direction, studying the development of mankind as a society, its worldview and ideology. The list of professions associated with this discipline is very long, since it demonstrates the basic laws of the development of society, the knowledge of which is necessary for people of many specialties.

Many processes are greatly extended in time, therefore they are not as obvious as, for example, the law of universal gravitation, but they are just as real and inevitable, so that attempts to violate them due to ignorance or non-recognition are fraught with the most serious consequences, both for individual countries and peoples, and and for humanity as a whole.

Historian studies primary sources

Important! To be able to manage not only their present, but also, to some extent, the future, people must firmly remember the lessons of history.

History is the most important subject for anyone who wants to work in areas related to education, politics, lawmaking, people management.

Answering the question, what professions are associated with an in-depth study of this discipline, it is necessary to mention:

  • history teachers at all levels – from the course high school to higher specialized education;
  • historians who study the past of mankind in all its diversity and recreate pictures using various methodological methods real life, the states and peoples that exist now and have gone into the past;
  • conducting excavations, studying and systematizing material evidence of the deep past of mankind. There are many techniques with which you can work with historical material, "looking" into the past;
  • museum staff various directions- historical, local history, archaeological;
  • employees of archival institutions: archivists, archivists responsible for accounting, storage and systematization of documentary materials;
  • lawyers. Since lawmaking has developed along with mankind, the origins of many aspects of jurisprudence lie in the deep past of human civilization;
  • . Working in the field international relations, it is necessary to know very well the history of one's own country and those states in establishing contacts with which the diplomat is directly involved;
  • politicians and political scientists. No one can be entitled to participate in the government of the state, make forecasts, comment and give recommendations on the adoption of politically important decisions, if he is not familiar enough with his history.

The historical profile includes the profession of an ethnologist, whose field of activity is at the intersection of cultural studies, sociology, anthropology and ethnography. All these sciences are also included in the field of history, and in their study it is one of the specialized disciplines.

They specialize in in-depth study of certain time periods of various states, as well as in narrower thematic areas.

For example, a military historian studies the problems of a particular war, from the nearest to us in time to long-past military campaigns, can tell about the reasons for its emergence and development, about military campaigns and central battles, about what preceded it, when, where and how it ended.

Thus, a specialist with a historical education will easily find many areas of activity where he can apply his knowledge. The choice of direction depends solely on the inclinations and abilities of a person with a degree in history.

Useful video: why and how to learn history

History plus literature

These two disciplines have much in common, since both belong to the group of humanities and require the ability to describe and present the facts of the past days in a competent and lexically rich literary language. The most famous professions related to history and literature at the same time:

  • a writer whose work is dedicated to real historical events;
  • editors and translators of works.

People of these professions should be well versed in the abundance of events and facts, selecting the most significant for the topic they have chosen. The profession of a military journalist also includes a mandatory deep knowledge of historical disciplines, only in this case a person will be able to write a competent and truthful article on military topics.

The description of long-standing events and the not-so-distant past is a fascinating read in itself. If you add literary fiction framed by real facts to it, you can create historical novels. Many classics of Russian literature wrote their masterpieces in this genre: Alexander Pushkin ("The Captain's Daughter"), Nikolai Gogol (), Leo Tolstoy ("War and Peace"), Alexei Tolstoy ("Peter the Great").

Nikolai Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Some authors have made the historical novel the main focus of their work. The books of the Russian writer of the Soviet period Valentin Pikul, whose characters live and act in different eras of Russian history, are widely known.

The most popular were:

  1. "Favorite".
  2. "Pen and sword".
  3. "Bayazet".
  4. "Katorga".
  5. "Devilry".

This genre of literature plays a large positive role, helping to popularize history as a science among the broad masses, attracting schoolchildren and students to its study. If a novelist decides to create books in this direction, he must first deeply study the real events of the time he is going to write about, so that his works are fully consistent with historical truth. Therefore, in addition to literary education, it is desirable to receive an in-depth specialized education, thanks to which it will be possible to work with historical material at a professional level.

V. Pikul "Favorite"

How to get a diploma

Having learned for which professions historical science is needed, applicants and students of senior secondary school can begin to study it in depth. A historian is a specialist with a higher education, and you can get it in any profile. school teacher You can work in history by graduating from the Faculty of History of the Pedagogical Institute.

History faculties, available in all Russian universities of the humanities, provide more in-depth knowledge in this discipline. A graduate with a university degree can either be a high school teacher or devote himself to some other specialty in history.

When entering a university in order to obtain one of the above professions, applicants, in order to secure a place among students, should try to score as many points as possible when passing the unified state exam (USE) for a high school course in a number of humanitarian disciplines.

Let's list them:

  1. and social science.
  2. Russian language and literature.
  3. Foreign language.

The term of study at the university is from four to six years, depending on the chosen form. higher education- Bachelor's or Master's degree.

Useful video: the profession of a historian


All professions, one way or another connected with history, are in demand on the labor market, but most in demand uses the profession of a school history teacher. It requires a good memory, logical thinking, a high level of concentration. Those who would like to devote a significant part of their lives to it must have a broad outlook, be erudite, possess such qualities of character as curiosity and creativity.

Before every young person after he graduated from school, the question arises of how his life will develop further. Recently, the number of options provided to young people is incredibly numerous. Most often, teenagers make their choice at school, choosing a subject that they especially like. Where to enter and what professions are there if you like history?

Surely, the first thing that came to many minds was archeology. This is very interesting science, many films and games are made about it, which are in great demand. The same Indiana Jones or Lara Croft - they are all favorites of many. Archeology is an incredibly interesting science that can really be fun. However, many dismiss this science, although studying to be an archaeologist is actually not difficult. The learning process is interesting, although there is not so much practice in it.

Another profession related to history is cultural studies. Many choose this particular industry, because here you can delve into the culture and customs of various peoples. In addition, such people may well teach their subject in various educational institutions, thanks to which you can make good money, but in general, cultural studies are not something highly paid, which is why many young people simply do not pay attention to it when choosing future profession. What other professions related to history are there that can be useful to graduates? Consider a few of them, which are in special demand in our area.

A political scientist is a person who, as the name implies, studies politics, or rather the political state of certain powers, analyzes the data obtained, and then is able to use them, also speaking in various institutions with his reports and articles. The specialty is very interesting, and also directly related to travel-related professions, which is already very interesting. Political scientists are also able to understand how this or that ruler ruled his people, what he focused on, where he made accents, and also what were his problems. Each of us, probably, is interested in the topic of politics, which has recently been gaining more and more of the most diverse opinions. Expert thinking in this matter will be at least interesting. In addition, you will learn how to calmly prove your point of view, as well as reflect on what mistakes current politicians have.

And this is only a small fraction of those professions that are associated with history. Law and jurisdiction are also related to history, though not directly. In any case, professions that are related to this subject can not only be interesting, but also bring you considerable profit.

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Many children love history. They read various books that tell about historical events, attend historical circles, watch documentaries and feature films of a historical orientation and dream that their whole future life will certainly be connected with history. What professions related to history can we name.

In the first place, of course -historian . He studies history and writes historical works. According to his works, all history textbooks for schoolchildren were compiled. He does not have the right to lie, confuse or change something in his own way, as he bears a huge responsibility. The works of historians of past centuries are still being studied by modern scientists.

Next comeswriter, writing historical books. There are a lot of such writers both abroad and in Russia: Sergey Alekseev, Vasily Yan, Valentin Pikul, Alexander Dumas and others. The writer must carefully study the historical event about which he writes. Therefore, before writing a book, the writer studies historical documents for a very long time.

Where can you study different documents? To do this, you need to go to the archive. An archive is a repository of documents. Archivist or archivist works in the archives and is engaged in the collection and storage of various documents. Spread out, sign, rewrite, sort through the documents, find and issue the necessary ones. This work may seem boring to some, but a person who loves history really likes to work with historical documents, because it is very responsible and interesting.

The study of individual groups of peoples, their numbers, language, their customs and traditions in different periods of history is engaged inethnographer . He travels a lot, communicates with different people, then, based on the results of his research, he writes historical articles or research papers about the life of different peoples.

Art critic is an art historian. He works in museums, studies historical objects and the history of art in different historical eras, conducts excursions. He needs not only to have a good command of historical and art history terms, but also to conduct a tour or lecture in such a way as to completely capture the attention of those who listen to him. He must also be able to determine the authenticity of various historical items. It can be paintings, household items, books. And since he works more with people, he must look beautiful and strict.

A history teacher is also always surrounded by students, parents and teachers, so he must know his subject perfectly. He reads a lot, constantly improves his knowledge and must be able to establish contact with children in order to pass on knowledge of history to them. Great demands are also placed on appearance teachers.

One of interesting professions related to historyarchaeologist . He studies ancient civilizations, conducts excavations, looks for ancient historical objects: jewelry, ancient dishes, household items, buildings. In his work, he uses different tools: a brush, a shovel, a magnifying glass and a camera. If an archaeologist is engaged in underwater searches, then he will definitely need the ability to swim well and scuba gear, with a large supply of oxygen, since archaeologists are people who are fond of and can stay under water for a very long time.

Work is connected with the study of historyarchitect. He studies the history of the development of architecture in different historical eras, carries out the design of buildings and the development of interiors. This profession is associated with construction and is one of the oldest. There are many temples, palaces, ancient buildings in the world that arose in different historical eras, and they are all very beautiful. Therefore, an architect is first and foremost a creator. The main thing is that all his creations are safe for humans. An archaeologist needs to have creative abilities, developed thinking, a sense of style, and be observant.

Interesting profession -museologist . His whole life is connected with museums, historical monuments, scientific research. The work is interesting and painstaking, requiring a lot of patience and perseverance. He also conducts cultural and educational activities with people of all ages.

diplomat and politician also not without knowledge of history. For them, history is the main subject for study, along with foreign languages, political science, cultural studies and other subjects. In order to become a diplomat, you need to work long and hard on yourself and study well.

We see that there are a lot of professions related to the study of history. We have named only a small part of them, but no matter what profession you choose, the most important thing is to study well, try hard, love your homeland, please your loved ones, benefit not only yourself, but also other people.

History is called the mentor of life, because in order to confidently build the future, a person must know about his past. Time is not a straight line, but rather a spiral: events are repeated at each turn, albeit modified under the influence of the era. Knowledge of the past makes it possible to prevent errors in the present, and this is precisely the value of history as a science and historians as scientists.
Knowledge of history is necessary for lawyers and political scientists, anthropologists and archivists, diplomats and journalists, guides and sociologists, ethnographers and local historians... This list can be continued for a very long time. In one way or another, almost any humanitarian profession because the study of the past is the foundation for analyzing the present and predicting the future.

History teacher

Story - specialty of the humanitarian direction of the pedagogical profile, subject area which is a system of knowledge about the life of human society in its past and present. History teacher - qualification of a specialist with a higher pedagogical education, whose professional field is history.

A modern history teacher is a specialist who understands the role of the subjects of history and social science in the development of the student's individuality, who is aware of the value of historical experience for knowing the present and predicting the future. The task of a history teacher is to teach schoolchildren to understand history, the historical processes that are taking place and have taken place in our country and the world. The teacher not only conveys information to students, but also instills cultural and moral values, contributes to the formation of a person's worldview.

The profession requires a high level of communication and organizational skills, good memory, logical thinking, flexibility and independence of thinking, a high level of concentration. For the profession, such qualities as emotional and volitional stability, observation, attentiveness, erudition, a broad outlook, curiosity, interest in historical events and phenomena are important. The teacher must be patient, creative, communicative and creative.

History teachers are in demand educational institutions(schools and gymnasiums, vocational schools, colleges, universities); cultural institutions (museums, archives, libraries); out-of-school organizations (children's centers of creativity and leisure).


Historian studies the past of mankind in all its diversity, using knowledge of various historical facts and processes, recreates a picture of the life of the state, peoples and individual people at different times. Establishes the patterns of development of society and reveals cause-and-effect relationships between the events that have occurred. Conducts research in various areas of historical science, its theoretical or applied disciplines, collects and analyzes facts, events, processes based on historical sources, archival data, and eliminates unreliable data.

The historian needs analytical skills to work effectively; logical thinking; high level of development of concentration and stability of attention; good memory (memory for numbers and symbols, numbers and dates); the ability to perceive a large amount of information; tendency to research activities. Great importance have such qualities as erudition, curiosity, independence, the ability to defend their opinion with reason.

Historians can work in the field of education, engage in research activities, cultural and educational, organizational and managerial work.

Political scientist

Political science - a science designed to study the world in its universality and diversity, politics and all related phenomena as a kind of productive human activity. Political science is connected with history, because in order to analyze the political processes taking place in modern society, you need to know how these processes took place in the past.

Politicians are those who make politically significant decisions, implement them and bear responsibility for them. And political scientists are those who develop such decisions and calculate the country's development strategy. These are recognized experts in the field of political, social and economic life of society, who have the appropriate education and professional experience, allowing reasonably and competently to interpret the events in the state.

The political scientist assesses aspects of the development of the political process in a historical context, takes into account traditions, modern tendencies and political culture. He explores the current political situation and at the same time compares it with similar phenomena in world history. Such a comparison helps him to trace the connection of political events with other spheres of life. The specialist can give effective evaluation the phenomenon that is being studied, as well as to make a forecast of the development of political processes.

The main task of a political scientist is to predict the consequences of future political events on the basis of existing knowledge, political ideas and traditions of past years, their own experience and the experience of other states.

The profession of a political scientist requires an analytical mind, the ability to make forecasts and analyze, an excellent memory for events, dates, and personalities. Communication skills, the ability to correctly express thoughts and quickly navigate events, composure, high moral qualities, charisma will help in the work.

The work of a political scientist is in demand in government bodies, public and political organizations, companies involved in electoral technologies and political consulting.


Knowledge of history is necessary for specialists in the field of jurisprudence. The system of state and law did not arise suddenly, it developed over the centuries under the influence of the changes taking place in society. To confidently operate with modern laws, it is necessary to understand where they came from. That is why future lawyers must study the history of state and law.

Lawyer - a specialist in the field of law, who is engaged in its study, teaching law, research in this field and practical application skills. The lawyer develops draft contracts, checks them for compliance with the law and the absence of "pitfalls", endorses the contracts when they are concluded, and registers them. The specialist is obliged to coordinate all internal and external documents, record complaints and follow up on their satisfaction. The duties of a lawyer include settlement of contractual disputes, preparation statements of claim, representing the interests of the organization in court. The specialist prepares applications for obtaining licenses or permits to carry out activities.

The profession of a lawyer requires from the applicant such qualities as an analytical mind, logical thinking, self-confidence, sociability, excellent memory, observation, readiness for stressful situations, an increased degree of responsibility, attention to detail, persuasion, diligence and perseverance.

The position of a lawyer is in demand in various legal instances - the court, the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can't do without a lawyer commercial firms, authorities, government departments. Often lawyers lead private practice or open their own law firms.

The concept of "lawyer" includes a whole range of professions: lawyer, judge, prosecutor, notary, legal adviser, investigator. Therefore, the practice of a lawyer involves several directions.

legal adviser refers to the legal department of an organization, institution, company. His duty is to monitor compliance with the law, protect the rights and interests of the company.

Prosecutor - a civil servant who exercises prosecutorial supervision, representing the prosecution in court, coordinating crime prevention activities. The work of the prosecutor is divided into two parts: representing the prosecution in court and supervisory and investigative activities.

Advocate provides professional legal assistance to citizens and organizations. Defends their interests in court. Advises on various legal issues. The role of a lawyer is to be an independent participant in the trial.

Referee has full power, administers the court in accordance with the articles of existing laws.

International Lawyer - a specialist in the legal department of the company, providing activities with foreign counterparties. The profession is considered one of the most prestigious in jurisprudence.


The profession of an archivist closely interacts with history. Archivist (actuary, archivist) - an employee of the archive responsible for the systematization and accounting of documentary materials received by the archive and entrusted for storage. The main task of archivists is to collect and preserve the documentary wealth of the country with a view to their subsequent use in the interests of the people and the state.

The archivist organizes the storage and ensures the safety of documentary materials received by the archive. He registers and accepts documents for storage, organizes and arranges cases, and records them. At the request of museums, various organizations and individuals, archivists identify materials on various historical events. Based on the information available in archival documents, they prepare responses to incoming requests and issue archival copies of documents. Archivists also take part in the examination of the value of archival documents.

The archivist profession requires a high level of concentration; developed logical thinking; ability to analyze and organize a large amount of information. In this profession, it is important to have a penchant for working with documentation, the ability to engage in monotonous painstaking work for a long time, and the desire to bring the work started to the end. Carefulness and perseverance, patience and composure, responsibility and organization, scrupulousness and pedantry, accuracy and self-control will contribute to success in activities.

Archivists are in demand in organizations and institutions where there is a large document flow: in archives, insurance and financial companies, banks, state enterprises.

Art critic

Those who dream of mastering a profession related to art also have to study history, since an art specialist needs knowledge of the history of art from its inception to the present day.

art criticism - a complex of scientific disciplines that study art (mainly fine arts, arts and crafts and architecture) and the artistic culture of society as a whole, certain types art and their relation to reality. Includes the theory of arts, their history and art criticism.

Art critic - a scientific specialist who studies the history and content of various works of art, most often works of fine art. This is a very ancient profession with a rich past.

An art critic is an expert in a particular area of ​​art. Art historians who specialize in a particular era, artistic direction or the work of a particular artist can act as experts in evaluating paintings, sculptures, decorative and applied arts. They evaluate the artistic value of the work (determine the possible age, era, authorship), taking into account the artistic style, the historical context of the creation of the work, etc. Sometimes this is not enough to assess the authenticity of a work. In this case, specialists from scientific laboratories are involved in investigating the physical properties, chemical composition, art objects technology.

The activity of an art historian involves a deep study and analysis of works of art. Exhibits of museums and private collections are studied. To become a professional in this field, you need to deeply study and analyze, appreciate and love works of art, constantly improve your knowledge. Studying samples of the past, looking through a huge number of works, an art critic hones his professional taste.

The profession of an art historian requires mainly intellectual costs from a specialist. For successful work a person needs a broad outlook in the field of art, a good memory, analytical skills, creative thinking, a penchant for research, the ability to express one's thoughts, a sense of harmony, a developed aesthetic and artistic taste.

Art critics work in museums, art galleries, exhibition halls, research institutes and other cultural and art organizations.


Culture is the totality of results human activity means of transmitting information to future generations.

Culturologist - a scientific specialist who studies society through its history, culture, religion. He studies the features, history of development and formation various kinds art, architecture and life of various peoples.

The activities of a culturologist are conditionally divided into four areas: research work, teaching, excursion activities, writing popular science articles and books. Scientific work- main. A culturologist studies the history of the formation and features of the life of various nationalities: conducts research, sets up experiments, fixes the results in scientific articles and books. The specialist is engaged in the study of individual elements of culture, subcultures of individual age, professional, social groups and communities. He also studies the level of development of society, cultural life and activities of people, their spiritual potential.

The culturologist is also engaged in excursion activities, writes articles and books, gives lectures in educational institutions. Such specialists are attracted as experts on cultural issues in various institutions, organizations, and the media.

For effective work, a culturologist needs analytical skills, logical thinking, developed imagination, excellent memory, a tendency to research work ability to make independent and timely decisions. In the profession, one cannot do without sociability, attentiveness, responsibility, high efficiency, and creativity.

Cultural specialists can find application in various fields professional activity, including in research and design organizations related to the study of culture, the preservation and development of cultural heritage, in journalism, advertising PR agencies, in public institutions and public organizations involved in the management of culture and the protection of historical and cultural monuments, in cultural educational institutions.

religious scholar

Religious scholar - is a specialist in the field of relations between various religious denominations, church and state, believers and non-believers, objectively assessing the place and role of religion in society, culture, various areas of spiritual and ethical life.

Religious scholars objectively assess the position of religion in a particular society, in developed cultures and in many other areas of our lives. Knowledge of different confessions helps to prevent and resolve conflict situations, promotes mutual understanding and strengthens relationships between people of different religious views.

Specialists in religious studies conduct research, write analytical scientific articles, conduct lectures and seminars, and advise government officials. As a professional, the religious scholar acts mainly in two guises: a researcher and a teacher. In both cases, he can be in demand as an expert.

In the profession, important qualities are a high level of intelligence, analytical thinking, tolerance, perseverance, and a predisposition to office work.

A person who has received a diploma in the field of "religious studies" can work researcher in research spiritual and secular institutions; teacher of religious disciplines; expert, researcher of religious art; sociological research specialist.


Ethnographer - a scientific specialist who studies ethnic communities and peoples, their way of life, culture, origin, movement and resettlement. Choosing certain peoples and ethnic groups, he studies their religious, political and economic features, customs. The main areas of study are everyday traditions, economic activity, the primitive communal system, language, and religious beliefs. The objects of study, as a rule, are objects of material culture: housing, clothing, weapons, jewelry, household items.

The ethnographer observes the life of the people, conducts a survey of representatives of the ethnic group. A specialist can work with historical heritage, organize anthropological examinations, draw up ethnographic maps.

In the profession of an ethnographer, such qualities as an analytical mindset, a propensity for research and travel, the ability to analyze, and the ability to correctly express thoughts are important. Efficient work will contribute to accuracy, independence and pedantry.

The work of an ethnographer is necessary in museums, historical research institutions, travel companies, MASS MEDIA.


Archaeologist is a scientist who studies the life and culture of ancient people using various artifacts. An artifact in archeology is an object created or processed by a person. Artifacts are also called material sources. These include buildings, tools, household utensils, ornaments, weapons, and other evidence of human activity. If there are writings on the artifacts, they are called written sources. Material sources (unlike written ones) are silent. They contain no mention of historical events, and many were created long before the advent of writing. The task of an archaeologist is to create a picture of the past based on the found fragments, based on existing knowledge and findings, taking into account the location of the finds. They cannot be considered out of context, i.e. in isolation of the place, setting, depth of occurrence, objects found in the neighborhood, etc. An archaeologist looks for evidence of the past, and then examines them in the laboratory, classifies, restores, etc.

In the profession, the ability to analyze and generalize, diligence, organization, accuracy, composure, perseverance, observation, interest in history and archeology, a penchant for research and travel are important.

As Cicero said: "History is the teacher of life." Many today agree with this statement. But the paradox is this: the same science shows us that humanity practically does not learn from the mistakes of history. Maybe the teacher is not skilled enough, or maybe the students are completely lazy. Be that as it may, there are many interesting professions closely related to this science, sometimes contradictory and extremely inaccurate, but no less fascinating for that. Below are a few examples of specialties that cannot be fully mastered without studying history properly.


The name of the profession comes from two Greek words: grapho - I write and ethnos - tribe. An ethnographer does the following:

  1. The study of the features of the everyday traditional culture of peoples, forming their ethnic image.
  2. The study of social culture and economic activity ethnos.
  3. Study of the primitive communal system based on the remnants of its remnants among modern peoples.
  4. The study of the number of peoples, features of migration.
  5. The study of religious beliefs, language, spiritual warehouse of the ethnic group.
  6. Observation of the life of the people, collecting collections, expeditionary and stationary research, etc.
  7. Work with writing, archaeological finds, folk art and other types of historical heritage.
  8. Conducting interviews and surveys with representatives of the ethnic group.
  9. Conducting various examinations, including anthropological ones.
  10. The study of linguistic kinship.
  11. The study of types of settlement, the interaction between the ethnic group and the natural environment, the compilation of ethnographic maps.


The main task of this profession is to search for artifacts, and then study the life and culture of ancient people using them. Archeology is an applied part of history. Artifacts are objects that were once created or processed by people: jewelry, household utensils, tools, buildings, weapons, coals of ancient fires, and much more.

All conclusions of archaeologists must be based on convincing evidence. There are three types of archeology:

  1. Experimental - the creation of reconstructions of objects.
  2. Field - search for artifacts through excavations on land.
  3. Underwater - search under water.

The main tools of an archaeologist are ground penetrating radar, a knife, a shovel, a brush, a pickaxe, a magnifying glass, a syringe, and a camera. Of course. To conduct an underwater search, you must have scuba diving skills. Each discovered object should be described in detail in writing. Also, the ability to fine arts to be able to draw each item found. Restoration, primary conservation of artifacts is necessarily carried out, since fresh air and sunlight can destroy an ornament that has lain under a thick layer of earth for hundreds of years.


This name of the profession has now been supplanted by a more modern word - "archivist". Another appropriate name is the secretary-registrar. The main tasks of the archivist are the collection and preservation of documents. Depending on the type of archive, employees can specialize in various areas of historical knowledge: art, national economy, politics, military history, literature, etc.

All materials in the archive are formed into archival files, each of which has its own unique title. The archivist constantly monitors the state of these affairs. Another task of the archivist is to facilitate the search for materials by individuals and organizations submitting a request to view them.


Literally, from ancient Greek, the name of this profession is translated as "love of wisdom." AT in general terms, the activity of the philosopher is reduced to the study of all things and the search for truth. The philosopher is trying to find optimal solutions to various social problems, to invent an ideal system for building society. Without a knowledge of history, without a clear understanding of the works of the philosophers of the past, without having thoroughly studied the ideological fallacies and philosophical mistakes of mankind, it is unlikely that such a specialist could offer really worthwhile solutions to current problems. Another apt definition of a philosopher is "professional thinker". A professional philosopher is not just a chatterer and a homegrown critic, but a creator who creates effective semantic constructions or an artist who, as a result of knowing the modern realities of the world, is able to create not only a picture of society without current shortcomings, but also come up with a way to implement his ideas, establish clear paths remedy these shortcomings.

In addition to history, a philosopher must thoroughly study metaphysics, logic, ethics, ontology, aesthetics and many other narrow disciplines.


A specialist of this type works in cultural, educational, research institutions and organizations whose activities are aimed at the conservation, use and study of natural and cultural heritage. The system of historical, natural and cultural monuments of regional and national significance is the objects of activity of museologists. The museologist must be able to:

  1. Realize Scientific research in the field of methodology for the use and preservation of heritage.
  2. Conduct organizational, managerial, cultural and educational activities.
  3. Participate in solving problems related to current research.
  4. Identify, organize, formulate work in the field of development of natural, historical and cultural heritage.
  5. Determine the optimal forms of conducting cultural and educational work among various categories of the population.
  6. Identify and organize work promising areas in the study, development and popularization of historical, as well as any other monuments.
  7. Catalog household and cultural items.

A professional museologist can be equally in demand, both in state institutions and in travel agencies, private business organizations.


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