Coursework: Assessment of the results of the work of personnel. Assessment levels and basic approaches. Evaluation of the performance of managers and personnel management specialists Methods of business assessment of personnel

There are a number of reasons why a performance assessment is needed: 1) it provides information that can be used to make decisions about promotion and salary issues; 2) allows you to consider the behavior of a subordinate at work and develop a plan for correcting shortcomings, revising career plans.

Evaluation of labor performance - one of the functions of human resource management - is aimed at determining the level of efficiency in the performance of work by a manager or specialist. It characterizes their ability to directly influence the activities of any production or management link.

In the very general view the result of the work of an employee of the management apparatus is characterized by the level or degree of achievement of the management goal when least cost... The indicators by which employees are evaluated are called evaluation criteria.

These include:

The quality of the work performed;

Its amount;

Valuable assessment of results.

To assess the performance of work, a fairly large number of criteria are required that would cover both the amount of work and its results (for example, the amount of revenue).

Therefore, when selecting assessment criteria, one should take into account, firstly, for the solution of which specific tasks the assessment results are used (increase in remuneration, career growth, dismissal, etc.) and, secondly, for which category and position of employees the criteria are established, considering that they will be differentiated depending on the complexity, responsibility and nature of the employee's activities. As you know, there are three categories management staff(employees): managers, specialists and other employees. Specialists develop and prepare decisions, other employees formulate them, managers make decisions, evaluate them, and monitor implementation. Table 17 presents indicators and criteria for assessing labor productivity.

Table 17

Approximate indicators and criteria for assessing labor productivity

Positions List of indicators-criteria for assessing labor productivity (approximate)
Bank manager Profit Profitability Profit growth Capital turnover Market share
Branch manager The volume of loans and their dynamics The quality of lending operations The number of new customers (dynamics of growth and its quality)
Heads of additional offices (heads of departments) Fulfillment of planned targets for lending / attracting loans Dynamics of volume Dynamics of personnel labor productivity Decrease in the cost of services and products Number of complaints and their dynamics Amount of overdue loans Personnel turnover rate
Human Resources Manager (hired) Number of vacancies in the organization Number of applicants for vacant place Turnover rate by category of personnel and departments

In connection with the division of managerial labor, the result of a manager's work, as a rule, is expressed through the results of production, economic and other activities of an organization or divisions (for example, the fulfillment of a profit plan, an increase in the number of clients, etc.), as well as through socio-economic conditions labor of subordinate employees (for example, the level of remuneration of employees, motivation of staff).

The result of the work of specialists is determined on the basis of their volume, completeness, quality, timeliness of the fulfillment of the official duties assigned to them.

When choosing indicators characterizing the key, main results of the work of managers and specialists, it should be borne in mind that they must meet the following requirements:

Have a direct and decisive influence on the result of all activities of the organization;

Take up a significant part of the staff's working time;

There are relatively few of them (4-6);

Make up at least 80% of all results;

Lead to the achievement of the goals of the organization or department.

In practice, when assessing the performance of managers and specialists, along with quantitative indicators, i.e. direct, indirect are also used, characterizing the factors influencing the achievement of results (efficiency, intensity, labor intensity, labor complexity, labor quality). In contrast to direct indicators, indirect assessments characterize the activities of an employee according to criteria corresponding to "ideal" ideas about how to perform the job duties and functions that form the basis of this position and what qualities should be shown in this regard.

To assess performance factors, the scoring method is most often used (Table 18).

Table 18

An example of a point assessment of the complexity of labor

The performance assessment procedure will be effective if the following mandatory conditions:

Establishment of clear "standards" of labor productivity for each position (workplace) and criteria for its assessment;

Development of a procedure for assessing labor performance (assessment methods - goal-based management, rating behavioral attitudes scale method, decisive situation assessment method, behavior observation scale method);

Providing complete and reliable information to the appraiser about the performance of the employee;

Discussion of the assessment results with the employee;

Decide on the results and document the assessment.

The greatest difficulty in assessing the performance of management workers through goals is to define individual targets.

A list of the main duties of the employee is established, including the functions regularly performed by the employee and targeted activities of a one-time nature for the planned period.

The area of ​​responsibility of the manager is established, i.e. each function of their number entered into targets is concretized in certain economic or other criteria (profit, volume, terms, quality).

The units of measurement for each category (%, days, monetary measurements) and a system of indicators reflecting the results of activities (profit growth, etc.) are established.

For each indicator, individual performance standards are established. They should take into account all the reserves of the employee, but proceed from real assumptions. Chase Manhattan sets a double standard for every metric. The first characterizes "good performance", the second - "outstanding".

The assessment of specialists is carried out according to different directions(diagram 1.1.). The main ones are related to the assessment of the employee's performance (main and accompanying), which is complemented by a socio-psychological assessment of the employee's behavior in the team.

Evaluation of the results of the activities of specialists is carried out using a system of indicators. Different indicators: the complexity of labor, its productivity, quality. In some cases, the entire set of indicators is used to assess, in others, only a part of it. The complexity of the work of specialists can characterize score factors that determine the complexity of the work of this category of workers (responsibility, independence, variety of work, etc.).

In practice, the method of indirect assessment is often used, when job description... The complexity of a specialist's work is determined as a result of correlating the work actually performed by him and the work provided for in the instruction. However, an employee can also perform work that is not related to his direct responsibilities, and their complexity can be both higher and lower. Another indirect approach to assessing the complexity of labor is to calculate the ratio of the average salary of employees of a unit engaged in similar work to the salary of a particular specialist. (The constant part should be compared wages workers, since the variable part depends not only on factors related to the complexity of labor or qualifications.) The productivity of specialists is characterized by the volume of work per unit of time worked. Naturally, the calculation of the indicator can be performed in cases where the direct results of the work of specialists can be estimated in value terms or if there are standards for the time spent on performing a unit of work. Then the level of labor productivity of specialists (PTS) using the so-called labor method its measurement is equal.

The calculation can be made both for a team of employees (for a structural unit), and for specific specialist... The standards themselves should be systematically revised taking into account changes in the conditions for performing work. In addition to the labor method, in the conditions of issuing standard production tasks to workers in the calculation of the labor productivity coefficient (Kpt), such an approach is also possible.

If the results of the work of specialists are characterized by the parameters of the serviced object or their number (meaning, first of all, their quantitative characteristics), for the analysis it is possible to use the labor intensity indicator, which is the ratio of the actual volume of serviced objects to the rate of service. Assessment of the quality of work of specialists also presupposes the presence of clear, quantitatively expressed requirements for its results. The coefficient of quality of labor of specialists is determined according to the methods operating at enterprises within the framework of an integrated system of management of efficiency and quality of work. So, the quality of work of specialists in research institutes and design bureaus is determined by the quality of the completed developments, which is assessed by an expert method when handing over to the customer or during the defense of the developments at the academic council.

Based on the results of calculations of indicators for assessing the main activities of specialists, a generalized coefficient of labor efficiency can be calculated in relation to a specific work (developments), and then for the entire set of works performed over a long calendar period. For this purpose, the following methodology for calculating such a generalizing indicator can be used. The coefficient of the efficiency of the work of a specialist when performing i-th work .

In general, for the inter-certification period, the labor efficiency coefficient Kef is determined as follows:

where Ti is the duration the i-th work, days; n is the number of works in the inter-certification period.

As can be seen from Scheme 1.1., In addition to the results of the main activities of specialists, creative activity, work related to professional development, and social activity are also assessed. The creative activity of an employee is characterized by such indicators as the number of copyright certificates, certificates of rationalization developments and their implementation, total economic effect from the work performed, the number of awards, prizes, taking into account their importance, etc. The activities of employees in relation to advanced training can be expressed by the total number of years of on-the-job and on-the-job training, facts of internship, replacement of an employee in a higher position, etc.

Indicators of creative activity and professional development of an employee are compared with the average values ​​of the corresponding indicator for the whole enterprise for a certain job category... If the individual value of the indicator falls within the range of ± 30% of the average value, the specialist's activity is recognized as average, with a greater excess (more than 30%) - successful, otherwise - unsatisfactory.

Evaluation of the socio-psychological aspects of a specialist's activity allows us to determine his authority in the team, the impact on the socio-psychological climate, advantages and disadvantages of character. The assessment is carried out both by colleagues (anonymous questioning), who have worked with the certified specialist for at least a year, and by the head (top rating), and the assessment given by the head must not be anonymous. Such an assessment (in points) is carried out only for those qualities of an employee that are manifested directly in relations with higher management (diligence, discipline, initiative, etc.). If a specialist has a negative impact on the team, on the results of the work of his colleagues, certifying commission may decide to transfer him to another position (as a rule, without demotion) or to another team.

Chapter 9.


Assessment of the activities of personnel management divisions

Grade economic efficiency projects to improve personnel management

Nbsp; Calculation of costs associated with improving the personnel management system

Evaluation of the performance of managers and personnel management specialists

Assessment of the effectiveness of personnel management ( one of the functions of personnel management) is aimed at determining the level efficiency leadership of people. Its core is the characteristic of the leader's ability to provide direct influence on the activities of subordinates, any production or management link.

The indicators of the final results of labor of employees of the management apparatus, as well as its content, are influenced by a combination of various factors. Taking these factors into account obligatory when assessing the performance of specific officials in the specific conditions of place and time, as it increases the degree of validity, objectivity and reliability of the assessment conclusions.

The classification of factors taken into account when assessing labor performance is shown in Figure 1.

Indicators, signs and criteria , by which employees are assessed, constitute a system for assessing the effectiveness of personnel management. The same system includes an assessment standard.

A fairly large number of criteria are required to assess the performance of labor, therefore, when choosing the assessment criteria, two important circumstances should be taken into account. Firstly, for the solution of what specific tasks are the assessment results used (salary increase, career advancement, dismissal, etc.), and, Secondly, for which category and position of employees the criteria are established, given that they will be differentiated depending on the complexity, responsibility and nature of the employee's activity.

As you know, they allocate three categories of management workers(employees): managers, specialists and other employees. Employees in each of these categories contribute to the management process:

- specialists HR services that design and prepare the solution;

- employees, who make decisions;

- leaders whose task is to make decisions, assess the quality of their implementation and control the timing of achieving goals.

The result of the work of specialists is determined based on the volume, completeness, quality and timeliness of the fulfillment of the official duties assigned to them.

When choosing criteria characterizing the key, main results of the work of managers and specialists, it should be borne in mind that they:

Have a direct and decisive influence on the result of all activities of the organization;

Take up a significant part of the staff's working time;

There are relatively few of them;

Make up at least 80% of all results;

lead to the achievement of the goals of the organization or department.

An approximate list of quantitative indicators - criteria for assessing the performance of labor for some positions of managers and specialists (See Table 8.1 ..

To assess performance factors, the scoring method is most often used. For example, when assessing the complexity and quality of work, the interpretation of points is shown in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1 - An example of a point assessment of the complexity of labor

Table 8.2 - An example of a scoring of the quality of work

To assess the performance of work, apply different methods, the classification of which and a brief description of are presented in table.

The most widely used method of management by goals (objectives) in organizations around the world to assess the performance of managers, engineers and clerical workers not directly related to product release. An example of the formulation of some goals (objectives) is presented in Table 8.3.

The greatest difficulty in assessing the performance of management workers through goals lies in defining the system

Table 8.3 - Examples of using the goal-based management method

Figure 8.7- Assessment methods

Individual targets. The procedure for their development includes the following stages:

1. A list of the main responsibilities employee, including functions regularly performed by the employee and targeted activities of a one-time nature for the planned period (quarter, year).

2. The sphere is established responsibility manager, i.e. each function from among those entered into the target indicators is concretized in certain economic (or any other) categories (profit, costs, volume, timing, quality), which it affects. For instance:

Table 8.4 - Area of ​​responsibility by management function

3. Installed units for each category (percent, days, dollars) and a system of indicators reflecting the performance of managers (growth in profit as a percentage in relation to the previous year, etc.). Namely:

Table 8.5 - Performance indicators

4. For each indicator, set individual standards execution. They should take into account all the reserves of the employee, but proceed from real premises as a double standard. The first characterizes "good performance", the second - "outstanding".

This concludes the development of indicators.

The actual assessment of the employee's work results consists in correlating the actual results to the “double standard”.

Table 8.6 - Performance evaluation

Five fixed grading categories can be used, ranging from outstanding performer (grade 1) to "unsatisfactory" (5 points). The final grade is derived as the arithmetic mean for each assessed function and targets. For the function "Management of commercial operations" the score of the manager of a bank branch is 2.5. In the same way, the overall average assessment of the achievement of goals for all positions established at the beginning of the year (3 - 4 functions or target activities) is displayed.

METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES: GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS An employee's performance assessment can be most successfully carried out only in relation to the category of workers, moreover, piecework workers, because the determination of the quantitative and qualitative result of labor (the volume of products produced and their quality) for this group of workers is not difficult.

It is much more difficult to implement this approach to managers, specialists and employees. The assessment of the work of managers and specialists can be approached using the indicator of labor productivity and the indicator of labor efficiency. The latter indicator seems to be more acceptable, but, as you know, the effect can be of an economic and social nature, and it is difficult to bring them together. Thus, there remains an approach based on the commensuration of the costs of time and results of activities. As for the cost of working time, their quantitative measurement methodologically is not difficult, although the collection of information on the actual cost of time to perform certain work in itself is laborious. The situation is more complicated with determining the Result of the activities of managers and specialists. Indeed, when assessing the activities of employees of the Department, many problems arise: - how to assess the results (efficiency) of production; - how to assess the contribution of the management function to these outcomes (management efficiency); - how to estimate the share specific employee in this contribution. For example, the department of the chief technologist at the enterprise has developed several dozen new technological processes manufacture of already mastered products and several dozen technological processes for the manufacture of new types of products. What should be considered the result of the department's activities: the amount of profit received by the enterprise from the introduction of these new technological processes (production results at the enterprise level), or the number of new technological processes developed and their increase (or decrease) in comparison with the previous period? As a rule, due to difficulties in calculating the impact of management activities on production results, the assessment of the work of managers and specialists began to be carried out through the direct results of their work. With regard to those specialists and employees who, in the context of a deep division of labor, specialize in performing a specific type of work, and the results of their labor can be expressed quantitatively (for example, those engaged in information processing, its formal logical transformation, etc.), the implementation of such an approach seems to be sufficient a simple task, the solution of which provides the necessary linkage of results and remuneration. For workers who do not belong to this group, they began to use an indirect approach, in accordance with which it is assessed how the employee performs his functional responsibilities(efficiency of implementation, timeliness, completeness, etc.), i.e. it is believed that the external side of the performance of work cannot but have a positive effect on the results of work. Another way of indirectly assessing the labor of workers is associated with the assessment of the labor process, namely, with the study of labor costs (time). In this case, the work is classified, dividing them into those characteristic and unusual for a given employee (according to their correspondence job responsibilities) -The use of time indicators in the assessment of labor is especially useful if it is possible to develop standards for the time spent on performing individual work. With the help of photographs and self-photographs of the working day of managers and specialists, the actual time spent on performing various works is studied. The structure of time expenditures in the context of the functions performed is evaluated, with the allocation of the share of costs for creative, organizational and technical work, the share of costs for the performance of work inherent and unusual for job duties, the share of losses of working time (due to the fault of the employee and for reasons beyond his control) in the total amount of time worked, etc. In this case, again, it is assumed that the more rationally the fund of working time is used, the higher the results of the employee's work. There is such a connection, but not always direct, so that the study of the time spent by a manager and a specialist characterizes the labor process itself in many respects from the formal point of view, and this should be borne in mind when evaluating workers. In addition, the time spent characterizes the extensive side of labor and therefore should be supplemented, if not by a characteristic of the intensity of labor, then at least by a characteristic of its complexity. The following are considered as signs (factors) of the complexity of labor: - functions that make up the content of labor; - variety of works, their repetition, complexity: - degree of independence of work performance; - the scope and complexity of the leadership; - the nature and degree of responsibility; - the degree of novelty in work and the element of creativity, etc. OBJECTIVES OF ASSESSMENT The objective of assessing managers and specialists based on work results is: - to identify the employee's compliance with the position; - in determining the labor contribution in terms of collective wages in order to link the overall performance of the Employee and the level of his official salary; - in ensuring an increase in the individual return from the Employees, their clear focus on the final result, linking the activities of specialists and managers to the main goal of the department, enterprise (firm). Distinguish between the final grade at the end of a rather long inter-certification period (3 - 5 years) and the current one - after a certain time within the inter-certification period. The step-by-step calculation of indicators according to individual assessment criteria makes it possible to identify trends in changes in various aspects of the activities of employees (primarily in the results of labor and professional growth employee), take timely measures to improve skills, predict changes in performance. The results of the current assessment are also taken into account when summing up the results of the work for the entire inter-certification period. Consider practical issues assessments in relation to specialists and managers. ESTIMATION OF THE LABOR OF SPECIALISTS Evaluation of specialists is carried out in various areas (Figure 11.1). The main ones are related to the assessment of the employee's performance (main and accompanying), which is complemented by a socio-psychological assessment of the employee's behavior in the team.

Evaluation of the results of the activities of specialists is carried out using a system of indicators. Different indicators: the complexity of labor, its productivity, quality. In some cases, the entire set of indicators is used to assess, in others, only a part of it. The complexity of the work of specialists can be characterized by a point assessment of the factors that determine the complexity of the work of a given category of workers (responsibility, independence, variety of work, etc.). In practice, the method of indirect assessment is often used, when the job description serves as a comparison standard. The complexity of a specialist's work is determined as a result of correlating the work actually performed by him and the work provided for in the instruction. However, an employee can also perform work that is not related to his direct duties, and their complexity can be both higher and lower. Another indirect approach to assessing the complexity of labor is the calculation of the ratio of the average salary of employees of a unit engaged in similar work to the salary of a particular specialist. (It is necessary to compare the constant part of the wages of workers, since the variable part depends not only on factors related to the complexity of work or qualifications.) The productivity of specialists is characterized by the volume of work per unit of time worked. Naturally, the calculation of the indicator can be performed in cases where the direct results of the work of specialists can be estimated in value terms or if there are standards for the time spent on performing a unit of work. Then the level of labor productivity of specialists (PTS) using the so-called labor method of measuring it is equal to
The calculation can be made both for a team of employees (for a structural unit) and for a specific specialist. The standards themselves should be systematically revised taking into account changes in the conditions for performing work.In addition to the labor method, in the conditions of issuing normative tasks of a production nature to workers in calculating the coefficient of labor productivity (Kpt), the following approach is also possible:
If the results of the work of specialists are characterized by the parameters of the serviced object or their number (meaning, first of all, their quantitative characteristics), for the analysis it is possible to use the labor intensity indicator, which is the ratio of the actual volume of serviced objects to the rate of service. Assessment of the quality of work of specialists also presupposes the presence of clear, quantitatively expressed requirements for its results. The coefficient of quality of labor of specialists is determined according to the methods operating at enterprises within the framework of an integrated system of management of efficiency and quality of work. So, the quality of work of specialists in research institutes and design bureaus is determined by the quality of the completed developments, which is assessed by an expert method when handing over to the customer or during the defense of the developments at the academic council. Based on the results of calculations of indicators for assessing the main activities of specialists, a generalized coefficient of labor efficiency can be calculated in relation to a specific work (developments), and then for the entire set of works performed over a long calendar period. For this purpose, the following methodology for calculating such a generalizing indicator can be used. The coefficient of labor efficiency of a specialist when performing the i-th job is calculated by the formula where Kpr, Ksp, Kk are the coefficients of productivity, complexity and quality of labor when performing the i-th job. In general, for the inter-certification period, the labor efficiency coefficient Kef is determined as follows: where Ti is the duration of the i-th work, days; n is the number of works in the inter-certification period. As can be seen from Scheme 11.1, in addition to the results of the main activities of specialists, creative activity, work related to professional development, and social activity are also assessed. The creative activity of an employee is characterized by such indicators as the number of copyright certificates, certificates of rationalization developments and their implementation, the total economic effect of the work performed, the number of awards, prizes, taking into account their importance, etc. The activities of employees in relation to advanced training can be expressed by the total number of years of on-the-job and on-the-job training, facts of internship, replacement of an employee in a higher position, etc. Indicators of creative activity and advanced training of an employee are compared with the average values ​​of the corresponding indicator for the whole enterprise for a certain job category. If the individual value of the indicator falls within the range of ± 30% of the average value, the specialist's activity is recognized as average, with a greater excess (more than 30%) - successful, otherwise - unsatisfactory. Evaluation of the socio-psychological aspects of a specialist's activity allows us to determine his authority in the team, the impact on the socio-psychological climate, advantages and disadvantages of character. The assessment is carried out both by colleagues (anonymous questioning), who have worked with the certified specialist for at least a year, and by the head (top rating), and the assessment given by the head must not be anonymous. Such an assessment (in points) is carried out only for those qualities of an employee that are manifested directly in relations with higher management (diligence, discipline, initiative, etc.). If a specialist has a negative impact on the team, on the results of the work of his colleagues, the certification commission may decide to transfer him to another position (usually without demotion) or to another team. EVALUATION OF MANAGERS 'LABOR The general methodology of such an assessment (Figure 11.2) assumes that the work of managers is assessed primarily by the results of the work of the subordinate unit. The specific set of criteria (indicators) of this kind of assessment is quite diverse and depends on the position of the head, the nature of the unit's activities ( production unit, functional department, design work, etc.). So, as the main indicators characterizing the results production activities subdivisions can be recommended: - fulfillment of the planned assignment in terms of volume and the most important nomenclature; - labor productivity; - product quality (work performed). For structural unit busy, for example, design work as criteria for assessing the results of the work of the supervised team, the following are accepted: the number of planned and unscheduled work performed, the quality of work performed, compliance with deadlines, etc. The characteristics of labor results using the above indicators are complemented by an assessment of the complexity of the functions performed. To assess the results of the work of managers and specialists, a methodology developed at the Research Institute of Labor can be used, which makes it possible to determine the size of the employee's salary, taking into account his individual merits and business qualities within one position or with his job promotion.

Assessment of the productivity of the team when assessing the work of a manager is not always possible. If the work performed by the team is standardized, then, as in assessing the productivity of specialists, the use of the labor method is possible. The quality of the department's work is assessed using direct indicators of the quality of performance of individual works, taking into account their share in the total volume of work (in kind, in value terms or in terms of labor intensity). Evaluation of the work of the head according to objective indicators characterizing the activities of the subdivision's team is complemented by an assessment of his contribution to the work of the subdivision, to increasing the efficiency of the work of individual performers. For this, a number of functions are allocated (see Figure 11.2), the assessment of the work of the Manager for which is carried out by anonymous questioning of the opinions of subordinates. As a rule, the experts are employees who have permanent, stable business ties with the manager; who know his work well and have worked with him for at least a year. WAYS TO IMPROVE EMPLOYEE LABOR ASSESSMENT First of all, it should be noted here the development of professional qualification models for workers of certain categories, including a list of qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities that employees must have to perform tasks to ensure production efficiency. The basis of such models is the requirements determined by the tariff and qualification handbook of employees. The development of models allows practitioners to navigate a large number of qualities of an employee, contributes to the choice of criteria for evaluating the work of managers, specialists and employees. A classification of qualities with a detailed description of the way through which each quality is manifested will also be more useful. This will allow different experts to interpret the qualities in the same way (in practice, they are not only specialists, but also employees who know the person being certified). A great help in obtaining a generalized description of an employee, his integrated business portrait can be provided by the use of computers and, in particular, the automated certification system for managers and specialists (CAAPS), which provides for a certain algorithm for compiling a generalized portrait of the person being certified based on the opinions of experts, which eliminates subjectivity and makes it possible to obtain unambiguous understandable by all the text, reduce the time for its compilation. Experts do not rate the presence of this or that quality in points, but choose a judgment. The objectivity of the compiled characteristics is checked by a special procedure - the identification of a part of those certified by characteristics. The list of qualities is not arbitrary, but is subordinated to the need to solve a number of management tasks. Anonymity of expert assessments is provided, the ability to save and accumulate information on employees, which makes it possible to track changes in certification characteristics over time. It is also advisable not to be limited to one certification in 3 - 5 years, but to carry them out systematically. More frequent assessments (once or twice a year) will make it possible to use certification as a personnel management tool to influence the performance of an employee, to ensure a closer connection between the results of certification with job and qualification promotion, with labor results and remuneration.


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