Head of catering at school duties. Job description of the production manager of the school canteen. The canteen manager should know

When I was appointed head of the department, I absolutely did not understand what business to take on in the first place.

My first day as a manager

In a new place, subordinates came up to me in a line: each had a question that did not require delay. The superiors demanded reports. The heads of neighboring departments tried to throw in additional work.

I locked myself in the toilet, turned on the water and looked at it for a long time, trying to calm the tornado in my thoughts.

I had a headache and I returned home with red eyes.

Step-by-step plan for a novice leader

The next day, from the very morning, I fenced myself off from everyone in order to think in a calm atmosphere. I literally locked myself in the office and turned off the sound of my cell phone. I wanted to clearly understand what to do in a new place and in what sequence.

I have formulated 8 steps to take for an aspiring leader who has just taken office.

Where to start a leader in a new place

Step 1. Understand what your superiors will demand of you

Contact your manager (head of department, direction, to CEO or the owner) and find out the answers to 3 questions.

  1. What are your immediate goals as a new leader (for example: to find 3 new employees, release a new product by December 1)
  2. What is the strategic goal of your department (ex: double sales growth by the end of the year)
  3. What reports need to be provided to the boss. Format (document, presentation, oral report at the meeting), how often (daily, weekly, monthly), what should be inside (what numbers, graphs, etc.)

Step 2. Understand what each of your subordinates is doing

Ask each subordinate for a list of the work they are doing. Each work should have an approximate duration in hours or minutes.

The list of works must be written. It is very important. Without it, you will forget in a day who is doing what in the new team.

Step 3. Collect feedback from subordinates on the work performed

Young directors rarely take this step. However, the benefits from it are colossal.

Create a short employee profile.

At the beginning of the questionnaire, write a note:

This questionnaire is intended only for me (the head of the department). It will not be passed on to anyone. I want to find the weak points of the department and fix them so that everyone can work calmer and more positive.

  1. What do you like about your job?
  2. What do you dislike about your job?
  3. What result of your work over the past six months are you proud of?
  4. What's stopping you from doing your job?
  5. What problems do you see in the department?
  6. What problems do you see in the company as a whole?
  7. What needs to be changed in the work of the department in the very near future?
  8. Any comments (what pleases, what infuriates, what mood, what do you expect from work, etc.)

The purpose of this questionnaire is identify weaknesses in the department: too slow work, waiting rings, useless work, decadent mood, etc.

You, as a new leader, may not see many pitfalls in the new team. And to be honest, it will never be seen. Need to ask the employees themselves what bothers them, what infuriates them, what work takes too much time. I guarantee that a few discoveries about the work of the department you will definitely do.

The second most important purpose of the questionnaire is to identify the good that is in the department now... Understand what keeps employees in place and what motivates them.

Step 4. Assign Local Leaders to Teams

If your department has people doing the same job, assign people to each group local leader(leader).

For example, you might have multiple sales managers, designers, support specialists, etc.

A leader is an employee with the highest level of professionalism. Additionally, he is a mentor to colleagues.

In the field for assigning managers within the hotel, a hierarchy of employees appears.

This is necessary to improve ease of management. To discuss an important issue or bring information to your employees, you only need to speak with the group leaders. It is much more productive and faster than talking to all subordinates individually.

In addition, from leaders then excellent managers of a higher rank develop.

How to determine which employee to appoint as a leader groups? It's simple. Based on the results of the questionnaire... The leader will designate more problems and suggestions than his colleagues. If you still miss (which is not scary for a novice director) - later you can change the leader of the group.

Step 5. Introduce a five-minute meeting (meeting) in the morning

Only group leaders should participate in the planning meeting. If all your employees are engaged in various work, then all employees must participate.

What is a briefing for:

  1. You can find out in 5 minutes what is happening in the department
  2. Employees will begin to produce more results (they will need to briefly tell what they did yesterday and what their plan is for today, hence the sense of responsibility will increase)

At the meeting, everyone present answers 3 questions:

  1. What I did yesterday (exactly the completed work, the final product)
  2. What will i do today
  3. What prevents me from doing work

As a manager, you don't have to answer these three questions. Your main task is to make sure that each employee gives out daily result, and to react to the arisen interferences and difficulties.

In addition, appoint a person responsible for the planning meeting. He will lead her in case you are not there.

Step 6. Install the case management system on your computer and smartphone

From now on, the case management software is your best friend and assistant.

What is the use of the program:

  1. Allows you to compile to-do lists for the coming days (clear operational plan)
  2. Allows you to store targets (clear strategic plan)
  3. Allows you to send orders to employees (no order will be forgotten or overdue)

Delegation (assignment of tasks) will help free up your work time on more important matters, such as strategic planning.

I recommend LeaderTask, a free specialized program for managers. The program is very simple. In it, you can create to-do lists, set up reminders, manage projects and hand out assignments.

Step 7. Record all upcoming tasks in the program

This will be your operational task list.

Distribute tasks on specific days. Write down no more than 5 tasks per day. After completing the task, mark it as completed in the program.

Such a system will push you to do all the things and on time.

After 2-3 days, you will definitely feel how pleasant it is to mark the task completed.

Step 8. Create Department Dashboard

Research has shown that teams achieve significantly better results when each the participant feels like a part of a larger whole... This means that each employee realizes that his work is very important and it helps the team to get closer to the goal.

Every employee should know:

  1. what is the immediate goal of the entire department
  2. how the employee's work affects the achievement of the goal (a logical chain should be formulated: “I do this work so that the result is used like this way, and this in turn brings the team closer to such a goal»

Dashboards are used to show progress towards the goal. They are stands fixed in a conspicuous place and displaying the dynamics of movement towards the goal.

In reality, the panel can be:

  1. large diagonal lcd tv
  2. magnetic whiteboard
  3. Cork board
  4. flipchart

Any goal must be measurable. Ideally, the goal should be expressed in numbers.

Display the dashboard in a prominent place. Every day (or week) make a new mark- percentage of goal achievement. It is best to display the dynamics of goal achievement in the form of a graph.

Encourage employees and praise them for their success. Praise from the new department head is a strong motivator.

A timeline for reaching a goal usually creates excitement among employees. They start to monitor changes, make guesses “Will we make it in time,” and ultimately wonder how to get the job done faster in order to reach the goal ahead of schedule.

Dashboard technology promotes rapid team building.

What to do for a new leader after these steps

You have completed the first steps of the director. What to do next?

Learn more about the following directions of the department's development:

  1. Building an employee motivation system
  2. Implementation of Scrum technology (scrum) in the work of employees
  3. Implementing Kanban Technology (Kanban) in the Dashboard

I hope you quickly get used to the new team. Then, go from being a novice director to a professional director.

View job description


At a predetermined time, you will be responsible for the correct quantity of products available for shipment that meet the quality standards required by the purchaser. Working according to standards Working according to plan Operational management Control by human resourses Customer service Product quality and documentary control Health and safety Main horizontal interaction Sales and ordering department, Beginning warehouse and purchasing department, Technical department, Accountancy, quality engineer.

Subordinates: Shift supervisor, shift foreman, technologists, production shops, warehouse finished products and containers, bakery, hot shop, material warehouse, purchases.

Job responsibilities

1. To manage the production and economic activities of the enterprise. To ensure the fulfillment of production targets, the rhythmic release of high quality products.

2. Carry out work to improve production, its technology, mechanization and automation of production processes, prevent rejects and improve the quality of finished products, save all types of resources, use the reserve for increasing labor productivity and reduce production costs.

3. Organize the current production planning, take into account, prepare and timely submit reports on production activities, improve labor rationing and material incentives, generalize and disseminate advanced techniques and methods of labor.

4. Ensure the technically correct operation of equipment and other fixed assets, monitor the implementation of the repair schedule for equipment and other fixed assets.

5. Coordinate the work of the shops and the warehouse.

6. To detect and correct deficiencies and take preventive measures within the framework of their responsibility.

7. Carry out the selection of personnel for production, their placement and appropriate use.

8. Monitor employees' compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and safety, production and labor discipline, internal rules work schedule.

9. Submit proposals for the promotion of distinguished employees, imposing disciplinary action for violators of production and labor discipline. Apply, if necessary, measures of material impact.

10. Organize work to improve the qualifications of production employees, carry out educational work in a collective.

11. Ensure full compliance of the enterprise with the requirements of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) system.

12. Monitor compliance with safety measures material values, maintenance of reporting documentation and preparation of daily reports on production and warehouses by technologists and warehouse managers.

13. Ensure the availability of appropriate permits (certificates, veterinary certificates, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions) and specifications existing for raw materials, materials and finished products. Control over technological and sanitary - hygienic quality products. Fulfill and comply with all technological requirements in the production of finished products.

14. To independently analyze the loss of products and materials and control in accordance with the norms.

15. To investigate the reasons for non-compliance with standards, norms, specifications, recipes and requirements in cases of defects and other production irregularities. To issue penalties depending on the damage caused to the enterprise.

16.Control the whole technological process, starting from the reception and storage temperature of raw materials and materials through the production process to sending the finished product to the buyer in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN, HACCP, NTD.

13. Control the timeliness of the passage of medical examinations by all employees of the enterprise. Monitor the health of production employees and prevent unhealthy persons from working, according to the requirements of SanPiN, for one reason or another.

14. To control the standards of production, hygiene and housekeeping (to ensure the fulfillment of the requirements established at the enterprise for the release of a quality product).

15. Control the timely delivery of products for the rhythmic work of production, the implementation of the timely shipment of the finished product, taking into account its shelf life, to prevent the entry into production of raw materials that are inappropriate for sanitary and epidemiological indications.

16. Monitor the employees' compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and requirements of SanPiN and HACCP.

17. Follow the procedure stipulated by the Production Control Program. Ensure compliance with the requirements of SanPiN for microbiological indicators of finished products and production equipment.

Full time work day.


Schedule 5/2 from 8.00 to 17.00. When in execution official duties, emergency call 24 hours a day from Monday to Sunday. Biryulyovo West

Being a leader is most likely your conscious choice. This is when, instead of “getting money,” a person chooses to “earn”. About making difficult decisions and responsibility. And also about how to create a coherent, continuously functioning system of processes that affect the world.

Only when you sit high are there hundreds of times more tasks and problems. In this article, we deal with one of the first - how can a new leader write an adequate work plan and what first steps to take in a new place.

We will build on the experience of our clients from different business areas. We will present the most illustrative situations in the form of cases (problem / solution).

The first steps of a leader in a new place

The period of adaptation of the chief has been described many times in articles on many management portals. Among them are examples of recommendations from:

  • HR-s
  • psychologists and
  • on the part of existing entrepreneurs and managers

Which ones to take into account? Each side preaches its own approach. Customer experience shows that everyone has a place to be. However, there are a few things you need to consider.

First, any information is useful in context. If you have been managing one enterprise for the last 20 years and have moved to another, or if you are new to a position, the strategy will be radically different.

Secondly, in order for you as a leader to have a truly effective plan, you need to clearly understand the goals that you set (or the owners set for you). We have seen some rather strange cases where new leader I really liked the subordinates, brilliantly presented the company's action plan for a year, but at the same time after 3 months it became clear that the real indicators and even discipline had deteriorated. That is, a person beautifully "sold himself and his plan" to everyone, and there was no sense of meaning behind him.

How to start writing a new manager's work plan

If you have clearly defined your goals for new position, you understand that there is serious work ahead, and, at the same time, we intend to write a plan useful for the company, we suggest starting with the following:

  1. Document analysis management accounting predecessor
  2. , plus a personal interview with everyone)
  3. SWOT analysis of the company
  4. Description of the first 10 steps that seem logical to you

Then, with these sketches, you go to the owners, discuss, and get feedback. Sometimes the owners are attracted, who help to look at the developments from the outside and draw the right conclusions for each of the parties.

Only after such a meeting will you begin to "enter" current position cases, and you will be ready to write a basic, real work plan.

Before drawing up a plan, you need to understand the business processes.

In one of the private clinics in Kiev, he was hired new director... They took a person with no experience in the medical field, with the aim of introducing methods of promotion that were unusual for her. Prior to this, the clinic was run by the owner, and we were invited to help the new director take matters and develop a plan for the year.

After analyzing the job descriptions, possible communication bottlenecks between these two people, and based on the results of the questionnaire survey, the personal concerns of each, we organized a weekly supervision plan. The new manager worked for a month in the clinic in various administrative positions under the supervision of a staff member.

After 3 weeks, the manager showed a good understanding of the clinic's processes. And after 4 weeks, the plan was ready, approved by the owner.

What is planned does not have to be local

An enterprise for the production of mineral fertilizers... After the outbreak of hostilities in the eastern regions of Ukraine (and a corresponding decrease in demand in these regions), the owners decided to hire a new head of sales.

We participated in the process. The difficulty was that the candidates proposed all sorts of plans for the development of the sales department, lobbied for the hiring of acquaintances, etc. Most of them were quite logical, but according to the experience of our consultants, most likely such innovations would cause a sharp rejection among ordinary employees of the department. That is, in addition, one would have to fight with them, as often happens.

We have developed a questionnaire consisting of blocks for owners, employees, as well as 2 key clients(with whom a personal relationship has been established). As a result, using bare statistics, they were able to choose a leader according to a plan that was moderately ambitious, aggressive, and moderately taking into account visions from within.

The bottom line is that your plan must navigate between the interests of all parties. Then the chances of successful implementation will increase significantly.

First 100 days and plan

In one of retail chains just before the New Year, a new leader had to be hired. Recruitment agencies more than 15 applicants were invited, and the owner personally approved the final candidacy. But during a corporate party new boss proved to be a fanatic of implementations and changes. Warmed up with alcohol, he read out from his diary a list of items that would change and when. He entered into polemics with whom he would have to, argued, shouted "you think small and don't understand anything." Naturally, the employees began to be friends against him and his changes, although for the most part they were quite literate.

There is a common truth - a new leader in the first 100 days of his work must be very careful not to harm (even if not intentionally), not to make it worse. You must pause, let your subordinates get used to your way of managing.

Plan structure

Technically, the manager's work plan contains the following sections:

  • Goals to be achieved
  • Phases (periods) with measurable intermediate result
  • Tasks for each stage, with deadlines, necessary costs and performance metrics
  • Executors and responsible persons for each task
  • Incentives / penalties for completing or not completing each task

Very similar in essence to a business plan. Also, the task is to show the liquidity of each action, to describe the processes, justifying each of them, predicting the possible benefits.

You can move away from it, but it is imperative to touch the listed points.


The first steps of a manager in a new place should be verified. We saw this from the given examples from the lives of our clients.

Don't rush to suggest change. This can discredit you as a leader. Start by adapting to a new location. Let your colleagues adapt to you. Get the owner's support. And then all the planned actions in the eyes of both employees and owners will be in place and correctly implemented.

If we can be useful for you in the planning process - ask questions by contacting a convenient way for you. We will gladly and free of charge answer them, because we want new leaders in Ukraine to take office effectively and understand which steps should be taken first of all and which ones to avoid.

We bring to your attention a typical example of the job description of the head of the canteen, sample 2019/2020. Job description canteen manager should include the following sections: general position, duties of the head of the canteen, the rights of the head of the canteen, responsibility of the head of the canteen.

The job description of the head of the canteen should reflect the following points:

Job responsibilities of the canteen manager

1) Job responsibilities. Manages the production, economic and commercial and service activities of the canteen, ensuring effective interaction production units- workshops and sites, directs their activities to ensure high quality food preparation and a high culture of serving visitors. Organizes timely provision of the dining room food products necessary for the production and trade and service process. Provides a high level of production efficiency, implementation new technology and technology, progressive forms of service and work organization. Taking into account market methods management studies consumer demand for products Catering... Organizes the placement of employees, taking into account their specialty and qualifications, work experience, personality traits, as well as the rational division of labor in the trade and service activities of the canteen. Organizes accounting and timely submission of reports on the production and economic activities of the canteen, ensures correct application current forms and pay and incentive systems. Carries out control over the quality of food preparation, compliance with the rules of trade, pricing and labor protection requirements, the state of labor and production discipline, the sanitary and technical condition of production and trade and service premises.

The canteen manager should know

2) The head of the canteen, when performing his duties, should know: decisions, orders, orders, other governing and regulations higher authorities concerning the organization of public catering; organization of production and management of the canteen, tasks and functions of its divisions; advanced domestic and Foreign experience catering and visitor services; dining room operating hours; catering economics; organization of payment and labor incentives; labor legislation; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Requirements for the qualifications of a canteen manager

3) Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years.

1. General Provisions

1. The head of the canteen belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person who has a higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years or secondary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years is admitted to the position of the head of the canteen.

3. The head of the canteen is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The head of the canteen should know:

  • decisions, orders, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher authorities concerning the organization of public catering;
  • organization of production and management of the canteen, tasks and functions of its divisions;
  • advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing public catering and serving visitors;
  • dining room operating hours;
  • catering economics;
  • organization of payment and labor incentives;
  • labor legislation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the head of the canteen is guided by:

6. The head of the canteen reports directly to the director of the organization, ______ (indicate position).

7. During the absence of the head of the canteen (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of the canteen manager

Head of the canteen:

1. Manages the production, economic and trade and service activities of the canteen, ensuring effective interaction of production units - workshops and sections, directs their activities to ensure high quality food preparation and a high culture of serving visitors.

2. Organizes the timely provision of the canteen with foodstuffs necessary for the production and trade and service process.

3. Provides a high level of production efficiency, the introduction of new equipment and technology, progressive forms of service and labor organization.

4. Taking into account market methods of management, studies the demand of consumers for public catering products.

5. Organizes the placement of employees, taking into account their specialty and qualifications, work experience, personal qualities, as well as the rational division of labor in the trade and service activities of the canteen.

6. Organizes accounting and timely submission of reports on the production and economic activities of the canteen, ensures the correct application of the existing forms and systems of payment and labor incentives.

7. Carries out control over the quality of food preparation, compliance with the rules of trade, pricing and labor protection requirements, the state of labor and production discipline, the sanitary and technical condition of production and trade and service premises.

8. Complies with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations organizations.

9. Complies with internal rules and the norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection,. ensures the observance of cleanliness and order at his workplace.

10. Performs within employment contract orders of employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

3. Rights of the canteen manager

The head of the canteen has the right:

1. Submit proposals to the director of the organization:

  • to improve the work related to the provisions of this instruction responsibilities,
  • on the encouragement of distinguished workers subordinate to him,
  • on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of subordinate employees who have violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural units and employees of the organization information necessary for him to carry out his job duties.

3. To get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties.

4. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the organization concerning its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the manager of the canteen

The head of the canteen is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage organizations - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description of the head of the canteen is a sample of 2019/2020. Official duties of the head of the canteen, the rights of the head of the canteen, responsibility of the head of the canteen.


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