What do you need to know about social business? social entrepreneurship social entrepreneurship business plan

Topics related to social entrepreneurship are becoming more and more popular every day. However, to give an unambiguous definition this concept very difficult. What is the corresponding this direction, which categories are relevant in the first place? Why? These and other issues of no less concern to society are discussed in this article.

The concept of social entrepreneurship

What social entrepreneurship? Activities, which characterize it, are determined in a very interesting way. So, social entrepreneurship should be understood as entrepreneurial activity, primarily aimed at mitigating or resolving social problems.

It is important to note that social entrepreneurs form a business model with unique characteristics. Its profit consists in increasing the social good. It needs to be added that social entrepreneurship, activities, corresponding to it, differ from business with a corporate social responsibility type (CSR). The fact is that in the second case, only part of the profit, and not its entire amount, is directed to solving problems of a social nature.

Related Definitions

Development of social entrepreneurship closely related to the following definitions:

  • Social impact is nothing more than a targeted focus on mitigating or solving urgent social problems; sustainable social outcomes of a positive nature that can be measured.
  • Innovation is the use of new techniques that increase the degree of social impact on society.
  • Financial stability and self-sufficiency is nothing more than the ability of a socially oriented structure to solve social problems for as long as there is a need for this, and at the expense of the income that comes from its own economic activity.
  • Replicability and scalability - some increase in the scale of economic activity of the social structure (both nationally and internationally) and dissemination of the model (experience) in order to increase the degree of social impact.
  • Entrepreneurial approach - the ability of an entrepreneur entering into market failures, accumulating resources, finding opportunities, forming new solutions that can positively influence both individual social groups and society as a whole on a long-term basis.

Social Entrepreneurship: Governance and Models

Through the analysis of currently relevant activities, the following models of social entrepreneurship can be distinguished:

  • Charity sales. Usually this includes shops of services or commercial products. As a rule, their proceeds are transferred directly to charitable foundation. Vivid examples of such structures are the following stores: "BlagoBoutique", "Thank you", the art gallery "White Horse" and so on.
  • Solving the issue of employment of mothers with children under three years of age, disabled people, as well as individuals who are in a difficult life situation. For example, in the store "Naive? Highly!" the formation of souvenirs is carried out by people with mental disorders, and the restaurant "In the dark" employs only blind people.

Additional destinations

As it turned out, characterizing social entrepreneurship activities do not have clear boundaries. Therefore, in the literature, as a rule, only approximate models (directions) of the corresponding activity are given. The options presented in the previous chapter are by far the most common. However, the following points are inferior to them to a minimum extent:

  • Social entrepreneurship organizations to create services that are not fully provided by the state. A prime example of this situation is Kindergarten"Vasilek", located in Moscow.
  • Provision of services of a unique orientation, for example, the taxi service "Invataxi" implements transport service exclusively for disabled people.
  • Socially oriented entrepreneurship aimed at the development of the territory and local society. For example, the Kolomenskaya Pastila Museum, which houses exhibits of a lost taste, and the formation of an urban brand around pastila, as well as an environmentally friendly delivery project. clean production LavkaLavka, implemented to support rural producers living in the Moscow region.

Small business entities

socially oriented the projects presented in the previous chapters are organized through the efforts of social entrepreneurs. So, the following structures and citizens can act as the latter:

  • Commercial organizations.
  • Organizations of a non-profit type.
  • Individual entrepreneurs.

Signs of social entrepreneurship

Subjects of social entrepreneurship are engaged in organizing and promoting activities that correspond to the following features:

  • Social impact. In other words, the activities of the structure, one way or another, are aimed at mitigating the actual problems of a social nature.
  • Social entrepreneurship (examples presented above) is determined by such a feature as innovativeness. Thus, in the course of its own activities, the company must use new unique methods of work.
  • A sign of financial stability. In other words, the enterprise is obliged to solve social problems at the expense of the income that it receives from its own economic activity.
  • And finally, it is scalable. That is, the structure, one way or another, has the ability to transfer previously acquired skills to other enterprises, markets, and even other countries.

What follows from this?

Having fully analyzed the features presented in the previous chapter, it can be judged that, due to such an interesting entrepreneurial approach, the category considered in the article differs significantly from the usual traditional charity. Why? The fact is that in addition to the social effect, the activity social companies is aimed at making a profit, which is very important for business structures today.

Development in different countries

To date, social entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation has not become as widespread as in other countries. The strategic director of the Russian Social Innovation Laboratory Clouswatcher expressed his point of view on this matter. He explained that social entrepreneurship is a newly formed economic sector, so many points in this case are debatable.

Thus, social entrepreneurship is usually classified as either a non-profit or a commercial field of activity. The specialists of the Laboratory of Social Innovations believe that the direction considered in the article exists and develops in accordance with its own laws. This means that a social entrepreneur can be considered absolutely any entrepreneur who has official obligations to regularly carry out a certain set of actions of a social nature to solve socially significant problems.

History pages

In the 1980s, the concept discussed in the article became popular in society thanks to the activities of Bill Drayton, who founded the Ashoka company. However, the direction appeared in reality long before this moment. Thus, in the Russian Federation, social entrepreneurship appeared at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

A striking example of such entrepreneurship is the House of Diligence, which was founded by Father John of Kronstadt. Subsequently, such structures began to rapidly gain popularity in society. In accordance with their meaning, they implemented the function of labor exchanges, where every needy person had the opportunity to find a job.

However, social entrepreneurship only gained real popularity at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It is no coincidence that the world Nobel Prize was awarded for the first time in 2006 for the direction under consideration. It is important to add what the founder of the Grameen Bank organization, which has a microfinance character, Muhammad Yunus, received.

Expert point of view

According to experts, the category of social entrepreneurship significantly increases the indicators economic efficiency. Why? The fact is that it puts into circulation those resources that were not previously used in such quantities. Moreover, the above provision applies not only to unused material (for example, industrial waste), but also precluding the use human resources. So, the latter include socially prohibited groups, which include the poor, ethnic diasporas, and so on.

Thus, Coimbatore Prahalad formulated a very interesting approach to social entrepreneurship in his own works. In accordance with this provision, one can notice the following: if you do not consider the poor as a burden or a victim, but see them as consumers and entrepreneurs, then mechanically a large number of opportunities open up not only for the poor, but also for business.


In accordance with the foregoing, it can be concluded that by working for the disadvantaged or poor, a business has the opportunity not only to be profitable, but also to significantly expand the market, as well as attract a large number of new consumers. In order for this state of affairs to become possible, large-scale companies need to work closely with state organizations of local authorities and civil society.

It is important to note that foreign experience related to the support of social entrepreneurship is very broad in scope. Separately, it is worth noting the activities of organizations in South Korea. Why? The fact is that it is there that the promotion of socially oriented business today is a priority task of national importance. Thus, all social entrepreneurs in South Korea are required to undergo certification. This gives them a significant advantage in terms of competition with conventional business entrepreneurs.

In our country, this type of activity has not yet become widespread, but society is developing, so this business will soon become very popular.

In order to consider the possibility of financing an investment project by the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus, the applicant must provide a business plan for the investment project that meets the requirements of the Rules for the Development of Business Plans for Investment Projects approved by Resolution No. 158 of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus dated August 31, 2005. For investment projects, providing for the implementation of investments in infrastructure (engineering, social, environmental, transport) and not related to making a profit (income) (non-commercial investment project), it is allowed, when justifying the initiator (management body), to submit a feasibility study of the investment project (hereinafter referred to as the feasibility study), developed in accordance with industry specifics and (or) international approaches, or an approved investment rationale instead of a business plan. When issuing loans for the purchase of goods for their transfer to financial lease(leasing) a forecast calculation of the movement of flows is provided Money.

Business plan tables are drawn up in the form of Appendix 4 of the Rules for the development of business plans for investment projects, regardless of the cost of the project and the state support measures provided. At the same time, the investment proposal, the passport of the investment project and the calculation of the payback of state support are not compiled.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the implementation of types of economic activity and the specifics of the current (operational), investment and financial activities organizations and (or) the project, separate calculation tables of the Rules for the development of business plans for investment projects, if necessary, can be changed or supplemented with lines (columns), and the names of the indicators are specified. In addition, the business plan must contain a monthly calendar schedule for the implementation of the project, indicating the date of putting the facility into operation, a monthly schedule for repaying the loan of the JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus". When attracting loans from other banks, investors, state support to finance the project, information is indicated on the adoption of relevant decisions and the conclusion of agreements for the allocation of funds, the amount of utilized resources at the time of development of the business plan.

The presented business plan of the investment project should allow JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" to carry out a full and comprehensive analysis in the following areas:

  1. analysis of the project implementation strategy, its technical and technological feasibility, the objectivity of the financial and economic calculations carried out and the final indicators obtained;
  2. analysis of sales markets for products (works, services) under the project, its competitiveness, sales strategy;
  3. analysis of the effectiveness and financial feasibility of the project, currency payback;
  4. project risk analysis.

As part of the analysis of the project implementation strategy of the JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus", the following main issues are considered:

  1. goals and objectives of the project (development of new types of products, increase in production volumes, improvement of quality and competitiveness of products, cost reduction, etc.), their compliance with programs approved by the President of the Republic of Belarus and (or) the Government of the Republic of Belarus;
  2. validity of proposals for the development of new types of products (services), taking into account its economic and social significance, the availability of design and technological documentation, the experience of the enterprise in the production of similar types of products, the location of the project, taking into account the geographical location, existing infrastructure;
  3. the state of existing production facilities and the justification for the need for additional production facilities;
  4. study of technical and technological issues of the project, compliance of the production program and logistics provided for by the business plan with the characteristics of the equipment provided for the purchase and the solutions included in the design and estimate documentation;
  5. the validity of the choice of suppliers of equipment, technologies, contractors (documents on the results of tenders for the supply of equipment, etc.) and the planned volume of investments for the project;
  6. the validity of the requested loan amount, based on contracts, agreements, design estimates, etc.;
  7. the correctness of the implementation of financial and economic calculations, their compliance with the norms of the law.

As part of the analysis of sales markets for products (works, services) under the project, JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" assesses the capacity of markets, prospects for their development, production and consumption balances, main competitors, competitiveness in terms of price and quality parameters, product distribution channels and other issues . The relevant section of business plans for investment projects may contain a number of tables: according to the analysis external environment at the macro level, an overview and trends in the development of the industry (including an analysis of opportunities and threats), alternative scenarios for changing sales markets, competitiveness of products and marketing analysis(PEST-analysis, SWOT-analysis, Porter's five forces analysis and other methods). JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" welcome submission separate document- marketing due diligence (due diligence), which includes the study of a system of measures of product, pricing and communication policy, a system for promoting goods aimed at coordinating production with the market situation and ensuring sustainable sales.

Analysis of the economic efficiency of the investment project is carried out according to the following indicators:

  1. simple payback period of the project;
  2. dynamic payback period of the project;
  3. internal rate of return;
  4. value added per project worker.

The criterion for evaluating the payback period of an investment project is the weighted average standard service life of fixed assets commissioned under the project, as well as the period from the moment of the initial investment in the project to the commissioning of the designed facility. At the same time, if the dynamic payback period exceeds the specified period, the investment project is classified as inefficient.

The criterion for assessing the internal rate of return for the project is the discount rate defined in the business plan of the investment project. If the value of the discount rate exceeds the internal rate of return, the investment project is recognized as ineffective. At the same time, if a long-term loan is the prevailing source of project financing (occupies 60% or more in the structure of investment project financing sources), for the investment project to be recognized as effective, the internal rate of return must exceed the interest rate on a long-term loan.

Value added per project worker is an indirect indicator that characterizes the effectiveness of the project. The assessment of value added per project worker is carried out according to the annual value of this indicator, determined upon reaching the maximum load of fixed assets introduced under the project, in comparison with the threshold values ​​of annual value added per one average employee for the main types of economic activity established by the legislation of the Republic Belarus, but not less than the equivalent of 16.6 thousand US dollars in the absence of a threshold value established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

An analysis of the financial feasibility of an investment project is carried out on the basis of the sufficiency of own sources, borrowed and attracted funds to finance the project within the planned timeframe, as well as if it is possible to repay the attracted long-term loans and other obligations in full within the prescribed period. At the same time, the attraction of each source of financing must be justified in the business plan of the investment project. At the same time, the accumulative balance of funds according to the table "Calculation of the cash flow for the organization" of the business plan of the investment project must have positive values ​​for each period (year) of the investment project. Also, the debt coverage ratio must exceed 1.0 for each period (year) of the implementation of the investment project, except for the case when the business plan of the investment project justifies the possibility of repaying long-term loans and other long-term debt obligations from sources other than net income.

The currency payback of investment projects is determined on the basis of the table "Calculation of the flow of funds for export-import operations (currency payback of the project)" of the business plan of the investment project. An investment project is considered to be paid back in foreign currency when the balance of cash flow in free convertible currency from the current (operational) and investment activity for the project, while the payback period should not exceed the accepted horizon for calculating the business plan of the investment project. At the same time, the values ​​of the balance of cash flow in free convertible currency for export-import operations on a cumulative basis for the organization, taking into account the project, as a rule, in each period (year) of the project implementation should be positive, which indicates the presence of a sufficient amount of revenue in foreign currency remaining with the borrower after its mandatory sale to fulfill obligations to the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus OJSC.

When analyzing the main types of project risks that may arise during its implementation, JSC "Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus" evaluates:

  1. organizational risks (the ability to complete the main stages of the project implementation on time, the availability of qualified management personnel);
  2. production risks (the ability to ensure the continuity of the production process, the release of products in the planned volumes and the required quality);
  3. technological risks (degree of mastering the technology, reliability and maintainability of equipment, availability of spare parts, additional equipment, tooling, participation in installation and training of invited specialists);
  4. financial risks (assessment of the current financial position the organization implementing the project, the probability of default by the project participants of their financial obligations, the consequences of the possible insolvency of other project participants);
  5. economic risks (assessment of the risk of a decrease in demand for manufactured products and the possibility of diversifying their sales markets, the stability of the project to an increase in prices and tariffs for material resources, a worsening tax climate, the likelihood of an increase in the cost of construction and installation works and equipment, the occurrence of unaccounted for costs).

student of 10th grade MBOUSOSH No. 1 of Konakovo Volguzheva Ya.M.

Socially significant project.

The main goal of my project is to search possible ways organization of social protection and economic support for people with disabilities and students.

Tasks :



Municipal budgetary educational institution. Secondary school No. 1, Konakovo, Tver region

creative project

Business plan for the souvenir workshop "LUCH"

10th grade student Ya.M. Volguzheva


Stage 1. Search

Selection and justification of the project topic

Promotion of ideas.

Many students of our school during their studies accumulate a large number of creative ideas, in technology lessons they make original, single items that could compete with mass-produced goods, but at the same time, they do not have regular financial support to bring their ideas to life. Therefore, there arethe need to enter the free market of single, original goods consumer goods and creating a permanent source of income to support young people economically.

Also, young people are not indifferent to the problems of children with disabilities, they would like to help disabled people feel their importance and be in demand in society. Arisesthe need for social and economic protection of young people with disabilities.

Currently, there is a problem of youth employment outside of school, many young people cannot find an occupation to their liking that would satisfy them.aesthetic and material needs.

Based on these needs, the optimal solution to socio-economic problems will be the creation of a youth enterprise.

Purpose: Organization of a youth enterprise.

Tasks :

1. Creative development and aesthetic education of youth.

2. Social support for young students, including children with disabilities.

3. Rendering paid services population: making souvenirs, interior design and holding master classes.

Initial evaluation of the idea.

In order to organize an enterprise, it is necessary to conduct certain studies:

  1. The study of the skills and abilities that students possess.
  2. Product range research.
  3. Definition of specialization of the enterprise.
  4. Raw material market research.

Research 1.

Determination of technologies that students own.

In order to determine the direction and type of manufactured goods, we will conduct a survey of students of our school on the subject of possession of skills in knitting, beading, soap making, modeling, making souvenirs from various materials. The survey involved 194 people - from 5th to 11th grade.

The survey results showed:

Sculpting from modeling mass, cold porcelain, salt dough– 30% of students

Making souvenirs from various materials - 24% of students

Soap making - 19% of students

Knitting - 15% of students

Beading -12% of students.

Conclusion: most students have the skills of modeling from various materials and making souvenirs (Appendix 1). 63% of the respondents became interested in the new direction "soap making" and learned how to make it (Appendix 2). The motivation for choosing these areas was the fact that products made from cold porcelain, soap and various other materials are environmentally friendly, useful, and work in these areas helps prevent certain diseases. Kneading a hot mass of cold porcelain warms up the joints, helps to ease the exacerbation of arthrosis in the hands, is an excellent gymnastics and develops motor skills. Soap made using specific ingredients for different type skin helps to improve appearance skin, prevent irritation, peeling, oily sheen.

Research 2. Study of the material and technical base.

Any enterprise must have production facilities and equipment. In this case, the youth enterprise can count on the premises of the school technology room, which has a total area of ​​50 square meters. m. (Fig. 1) The office occupies a bright (4 windows measuring 228x166), dry and warm room. The floors are wooden, warm and smooth (non-slip), covered with oil floor paint. The walls and ceilings are smooth, covered with paints that allow for wet cleaning of the premises (emulsion for the ceiling, oil for the walls). Large windows in the workshop allow for good natural light. The room is heated by a central heating battery.

The office is equipped with desks and chairs. Adjacent to the office is a small kitchen with a total area of ​​8 square meters. m. The kitchen is equipped with a sink with hot water. Installed electric stove and refrigerator. There is a microwave oven available.

After analyzing the state of the material and technical base, we can conclude that the premises and equipment are favorable for the manufacture of soap, cold porcelain products and the manufacture of various souvenirs.


Research 3. Research of the commodity market.

Market research of raw materials is one of the key tasks in the organization of an enterprise, since its effectiveness will directly depend on the prices of raw materials, and, consequently, affect the cost of the product and profit. Having made an analysis of the raw material market, taking into account the cost of tools and materials, as well as based on a small initial capital, we can conclude that the most affordable and acceptable is the production of cold porcelain products, because we prepare cold porcelain ourselves. All components of cold porcelain can be purchased in stores or at bases at a low price. (Appendix 1)

Recipe for making cold porcelain:

1 cup PVA

1 cup starch

1 st. l. cream

2 tablespoons glycerine

Soap production is considered as the most expensive, but since the purchase of raw materials will be made at the bases in bulk, then the cost of it will be less.

Recipe based on baby soap:

Baby soap (solid) - 200 gr.

Liquid (water, milk, decoction of herbs, etc.) - 250 ml

Glycerin - 1/2 tsp

Aromatic oil (optional) - 2-3 drops.

There are other recipes for making soap (Appendix 2).

The raw material for the manufacture of souvenirs from various materials will be the remains of fabric, thread, paper, cardboard, etc. The cost of raw materials will be the most minimal (Appendix 3).

Research 4. Research of assortment of products.

Research and analysis of the product range of the future enterprise is another priority task. The success of the enterprise will depend on how correctly the direction of production of goods is chosen. Let's compare the range of products for three areas: cold porcelain, soap and souvenirs from various materials.The range of porcelain products is diverse, from inexpensive souvenirs (Fig. 2-3) to complex exclusive paintings and panels (Fig. 4). A special place is occupied by the production of educational games for children. This is a rather complex production and the time required takes several days, but the demand for these products is high, because. many children do not attend kindergartens, and at home there are no various benefits for the development of children, such products are very expensive in stores in our city, so parents will be happy to purchase our educational games at reasonable prices (Appendix 1).

rice. 2 fig.3 fig.4

The range of soaps is quite large, designed for all age groups and different consumers. The level of complexity is the same as in the first direction (Fig. 5-7) Time costs for the main types of products will be higher than for porcelain products.

rice. 5 fig.6 fig.7

The assortment of souvenirs made of various materials is large and designed for different consumers. The level of difficulty is different (Fig. 8-10) Appendix 3. It takes 20-30 minutes to make a simple thing, 1-2 hours for a more complex one. After analyzing the range of products, we can conclude that the manufactured products are diverse, original, designed for different consumers, able to withstand the competition of souvenir products from other enterprises.

Fig. 8. Fig. 9. fig.10.

Research 5. Determination of the specialization of the enterprise.


Making souvenirs

soap making




decorative purpose

Functional purpose

Labor intensity

Complexity of processing

Availability of equipment

Availability of materials

Cost of materials

Technology ownership


Safety in operation

Environmental Safety


Work force

Sales market

Conclusion: According to the results comparative analysis it can be concluded that 3 areas are suitable for a youth enterprise: making products from cold porcelain, making soap and making souvenirs from various materials.

Stage 2. Business planning.

Market research

Before starting to create a product, the manufacturer must first find out the needs of people, and then take measures to develop it and put it into production. This is nothing but marketing. To do this, we will carry out the following activities:

  1. Determine the relationship between supply and demand in the market.
  2. Let's find out the potential price of the product.
  3. Determine the cost of producing a product.
  4. We will identify the possible effect of the implementation of the idea.
  5. Let's evaluate the received information.

Determining the relationship in the market between demand and supply of goods.

If you look at the store shelves and look at the market, then we will not find a large selection of cold porcelain products there, or this will be a rare exception to the rule. Soaps and souvenirs are presented in large quantities, but little handmade. This means that the industrial production of these goods has not been established in the economic space. Can a youth enterprise cope with this task? Is the economic niche for cold porcelain goods, souvenirs made of various materials and soap free? But will the products be in demand? Will the company be unprofitable? To answer these questions, it is necessary that the demand for the product exceeds the supply.

Study of demand and supply of products.

Having studied the souvenirs in the shops of the city, we came to the conclusion that there is no offer of products from environmentally friendly cold porcelain and handmade soap, which means that there is no competition. Soap can be sold in saunas, baths, beauty salons and specialized stores, and cold porcelain souvenirs can be sold at exhibitions, city events, in hotels in the city of Konakovo and in shops (Karavan, Korcheva, Gifts, Phoenix shopping center, etc.). In our city, many new trading establishments, salons, bars are opening, and the owners have a question about window dressing, so we offer services for the design of trading floors and shop windows.

We make products for decoration from environmentally friendly materials: threads, paper, twine, fabric.

Let's take a look at demand. To do this, we will conduct a survey of consumers, trying to cover all age and social groups. Our product range includes products for children, young people and older people. Basically, these things are not functional, but decorative.

To do this, we will exhibit porcelain and soap products at the Konakovo Hotel, at a school fair, at an exhibition of children's creativity and in the library (Fig. 11).


We will conduct a survey of visitors, while recording their interest, age and occupation (Fig. 12).

The results of the survey showed that 90% of the 350 visitors surveyed were interested in this product,The main consumers of products are individuals, ranging from preschoolers to the elderly; institutions (children's, school, state, honest, etc.), as well as organizations and firms.60% of the visitors surveyed are ready to purchase products, the age of the respondents is from 5 to 64 years, the occupation is the most diverse: from an electrician and a taxi driver to a doctor and a cook, education is from secondary to higher. If we conditionally divide the entire assortment into three age groups (younger, middle and adult), then 64% of the respondents showed interest in the products of the first group, and 36% in the second group.


During the survey, several proposals were received - orders for interior design and production of souvenirs.

However, the analysis carried out cannot serve as a basis for making an entrepreneurial decision.More research is required.

Identification of the potential price of the product.

It is very important to know what price you can expect for the offered product. After analyzing the consumer survey data, we can assume that a simple and labor-intensive product will cost 100 rubles, more labor-intensive products - from 200 to 1000 rubles.

Based on the results of the survey, we can presumably establish market value goods, but this is not yet the basis for a final decision. You need to know the exact price of the goods, taking into account your own costs.

Determination of own expenses.

The expenses of an entrepreneur associated with the production of goods are called production costs. They are calculated in relation to the commodity unit..

Ip \u003d Ao + Cs + Crs + Hp, where

Ip - production costs;

Ao - depreciation deductions;

Сс is the cost of raw materials;

Срс - labor cost;

Hp - overhead costs.

Depreciation deductionsis a part of the cost of all fixed assets involved in the production of the product. In this case, these are scissors, stacks, needles, Silicone forms for soap. These costs are calculated as a certain percentage of the value of the instrument for the year.

Scissors-7% 55 rub. Ao \u003d 3.85 rubles.

Silicone molds-1% 50 rub. Ao \u003d 0.5 rubles.

Needles, stacks-1% 10 rub. Ao \u003d 0.1 rub.

If we calculate depreciation per unit of production, then these costs are insignificant, therefore, in our further calculations, we will not take into account depreciation deductions and the total cost of the product will be calculated using the formula: Ip = Co = Cs + Crs + Hp

The cost of raw materials.

The calculation is based on the amount of raw materials that goes into the manufacture of a unit of marketable output. Take for example three products of varying complexity and complexity.

Cold porcelain(Appendix 1)


Cost per unit in rubles.

Material consumption in gr.

The total cost in rubles.


PVA glue





Soap (Annex 2)


Cost per unit in rubles.

Material consumption gr.

Total cost rub.

Basis for soap



flavoring agent


thread decoration(Annex 3)


Cost per unit in rubles.

Material consumption gr.

Total cost rub.


PVA glue


Labor cost

It is impossible to make a sufficiently accurate calculation of the labor force, because children will work at the enterprise. Naturally, someone will work faster and someone slower, someone has more work experience, and someone else is just starting to master the technology. Therefore, time wages cannot be introduced here, only piecework wages can be used, taking into account the number of things done, their complexity and labor intensity. For example, the cost of a simple thing (working time up to half an hour) can be estimated from 10 to 100 rubles. A product of medium complexity (working time from half an hour to 5 hours) - from 200 to 500 rubles. A product of increased complexity (working time from 5 hours above) - 700 rubles.


Calculated per unit of marketable output: the cost of energy consumed, transport costs, the cost of packaging. If, as we said above, the school provides premises for a youth enterprise, then there will be no need to pay rent.

The cost of energy consumed will depend on the complexity of the product. At a cost of 1 kWh of 3.03 rubles, the electricity consumption for a simple product will be 0.5 rubles; medium complexity - from 1.0 to 4.5 rubles; increased complexity - from 4.5. rub. and higher. We take transportation costs as 1 rub. per unit of product. The cost of packaging will be from 0.1 to 10 rubles, depending on the size of the product.

We will calculate the average cost of products, not taking into account deductions for social insurance, depreciation charges and other production and sales costs, including expenses for all types of repairs to the main production assets. Because In the production process, simple tools that do not require special repair and maintenance will be involved, then these costs will be minimal. The same can be said about depreciation charges. Since all materials and tools are very light, you can not take into account the delivery of raw materials.

Goods manufactured and sold by a training and production enterprise are exempt from value added tax if the income received from this activity is directed to the direct needs of ensuring, developing and improving the educational process.

At the stage of organization, the enterprise does not have bank loans, which means that it cannot bear the costs of paying short-term loans. It also has no initial capital and can only rely on initial cash contributions from family budget each student, or to make products from the materials of the school or the customer. Thus, the cost of production or total cost will be the sum of the cost of material costs, the cost of labor and overhead costs.

For an example of calculating production costs, let's take 3 products: A cold porcelain souvenir, a lampshade made of threads, and a soap product.

1. Product made of soap - Ip \u003d Cs + Crs + Hp, where Cs \u003d 10 rubles, Crs \u003d 20 rubles, Hp \u003d 0.25 (en.) + 1

(transp.) + 0.1 (pack.) \u003d 1.35 Total: Ip \u003d 26.35 rubles.

2. Souvenir from cold porcelain - Ip = 15 + 50 + 6.1 = 71.1 rubles.

3. Decoration of threads - Ip \u003d 5 + 10 + 6.1 \u003d 21.1 rubles.

Total: average production costs 40 rubles.

From the calculations of the total cost, it can be seen that the product must be designed for different consumers.

Expensive products, such as vases and cold porcelain souvenirs, can be made to order for the design of offices, studies, and institutions. And low-cost products can be produced in small batches and distributed in schools to students, at school art exhibitions, or in retail outlets in the city.

Identification of the possible effect of the implementation of the idea.

In this case, the effect is understood as entrepreneurial profit. Profit is the difference between an entrepreneur's income and expenses.

1. Soap product - P \u003d 50-26.35 \u003d 23.65 rubles.

2. Cold porcelain souvenir - P=120-71.1=48.9 rubles.

3. Lampshade made of threads - P \u003d 50-21.1 \u003d 23.9 rubles.

Making an entrepreneurial decision.

Based on the conducted research and mathematical calculations, it can be concluded that a youth enterprise can be profitable, the products will be in demand among the consumer, therefore, the organization of such an enterprise is real and expedient. In order for the company to be "afloat", it is necessary to constantly take into account fashion trends, quickly respond to market changes, take into account the tastes and requirements of an individual customer.

Stage 3. Development of a business plan.

The purpose of developing a business plan is to plan the economic activity of the enterprise for the near and long term in accordance with the needs of the market.

Purpose: Planning and organization of the youth enterprise "LUCH".

Tasks :

1. Creative development and aesthetic education of youth.

2. Social support for young students, including children with disabilities.

3. Provision of paid services to the population: production of souvenirs, interior design and holding master classes.

Year of formation: 2012

Form of organization:An autonomous organization created to achieve social, cultural, educational goals, as well as to meet the spiritual and aesthetic needs of students and people with disabilities.

Number of workers:On the basis of the enterprise, from 10 to 32 people can work, taking into account the area occupied by the premises and the shift work.

Kind of activity:Presentation of skills training services various kinds activities of young students and people with disabilities for the purpose of cultural development, aesthetic education and social support.

Types of products and work performed:

Types of products: Souvenirs and educational games for children from environmentally friendly cold porcelain, thread, paper and artistic soap. Types of work performed: training in the manufacture of products from cold porcelain, thread, paper, finishing of finished porcelain products; soap making.

Average monthly output:

Turnover in thousand rubles: Let's calculate the average monthly volume of output and turnover. Consider a company with 10 employees and one manager. The working time of one person is 4 hours per week (2 times for two hours). You get 16 hours of work per month. We will distribute the work among the members of the enterprise as follows: three people will perform simple products (the third category of complexity), four people - products of medium complexity and more labor-intensive (second category of complexity) and three people - complex products, very labor-intensive, requiring more work experience (first category). difficulty category). For one month of work, students can make:

Knowing the average cost of goods of each category, and setting the approximate selling price, we calculate the turnover per month.

Total cost, selling price:

1. Product 1st cat. 500 rubles * 2 pieces = 1000 rubles

(soap gift sets, cold porcelain flowers, decoration of a banquet hall for a celebration) (Appendix 1-4)

2.Product 2nd cat. 100 rubles * 23 pieces = 2300 rubles.

(Souvenirs from environmentally friendly cold porcelain, soap, lampshade made of threads) 3. Product of the 3rd cat. 50 rubles * 79 pieces = 3950 rubles (magnets, Christmas decorations)

In a month, the turnover of the enterprise should be:

1000*3 + 2300*4 + 3950*3 = 24050

The company provides soap making training services 300 rubles per lesson, 10 people per month - 3000 rubles.

Training in making souvenirs from cold porcelain 300 rubles, 3 people per month - 900 rubles.

Training in making various souvenirs - 300, 10 people per month - 3000 rubles.

Total: 30950 rubles.

Weaknesses and strengths of the company:

The strengths of the company are:

Rapid response to market changes. Can be put into production at no extra cost the new kind goods;

Production flexibility.

Depending on the season, fashion changes, holidays (Easter, Christmas, New Year, March 8th, etc.), you can adjust the range;

Ability to work at home (for people with disabilities, etc.);

The company's products are individual, diverse, made to order.

There are no goods like these in the trading network and on the market;

Flexible working hours

Weaknesses of the company:

No managerial experience

The possibility of marketing is hampered by the small territory of the city, respectively, by a small percentage of potential consumers, so it is necessary to expand sales markets outside the city and district;

Staff turnover and staff training

Product Feature

Characteristic properties of products that make it one of a kind:

Environmentally friendly;

Safe in operation;

Easy to clean;

Lightweight and strong enough;

Has a modern design and beautiful decoration.

Demand and market

For the sale of products, you can consider both a retail network and a wholesale one.

The capacity of this market is small, but the demand of the population for single, individual goods, decorative items is gradually growing.

appointments and interior design.

The demand for the company's products will depend on the following factors:

marketing applications;

Carrying out sales at reduced prices;

Introduction of pre-holiday discounts on goods

Main competitors:

There is currently no competition for this product. On the free market of goods there are no products from cold porcelain in sufficient assortment. The only competitors may be similar products made from other materials.

Advantages of manufactured products:

The advantage of the products of the youth enterprise is that the products are made in a single copy, of high quality, modern design. Thus, we can suggest that there is no analogue of this product. This makes the enterprise, in a sense, a monopolist in the market for the sale of finished goods.

Marketing plan.

When forming the pricing method, one should proceed from objectively existing factors:

Ability to produce high quality products;

Limited (compared to needs) production of products;

Constant increase in the cost of materials and purchased products

Therefore, it is necessary to adopt the following pricing strategy for the near future: the average price and further price increases - in accordance with demand

Measures to bring goods to market.

The following measures must be taken:

Creation of a corporate, trademark (Fig. 14);

Regular participation in exhibitions, shows and fairs;

Organization of distribution channels in the domestic market;

Telephone and postal communication with stores to receive and fulfill orders.

Fig.13 Fig.14

Production capacity

The company has an area of ​​50 sq. m with everything necessary equipment. The production facilities are in good condition.

Monthly financial strategy

Production and economic indicators for the planned period


Output volume

332 units

Trade turnover

30950 rub.

Revenues from sales

30950 rub.

Production costs of products sold

13280 rub.

Planned profit

17670 rub.

Use of the received profit

We will allocate 15% of the profit for the needs of the general educational process Strengthening the material process Strengthening the material and technical base of the school - 2650.5 rubles;

50% of the profit - for the expansion of production -8835 rubles;

35% of the profit - 6184.5: for payment to the head of the enterprise - 4684.5 rubles,

Promotion of goods on the market

The enterprise will receive additional income from conducting training master classes, decorating interiors in folk style and teaching crafts to those who wish (Fig. 15-16).

fig.16 fig.15

Stage 4. Practical part.

The products of our workshop are exhibited in hotels in the city of Konakovo, in stores (Karavan, Korcheva, Gifts, Phoenix shopping center), at an exhibition of children's creativity in the exhibition hall of the city central library and at a fair at the school. A large number of products immediately find their buyers. In the Gifts store, educational games for children were implemented: “Learning the rules traffic”(Fig. 17) and“ Cheerful Alphabet ”(Fig. 18) and an agreement was concluded on the regular sale of similar games, since these products are made from environmentally friendly cold porcelain, they are safe and not expensive (Appendix 1).

Fig.17 Fig.18

Souvenirs were presented at the fair - key rings, magnets, figurines, these products are always in great demand among buyers, especially on the eve of any holidays. Such fairs give impetus to new creative ideas and ideas. Unbeknownst to consumers, consumer demand is investigated and a new range of products is determined for its subsequent manufacture and sale, orders are accepted. Many orders were received for educational games for children, handmade soap and window dressing from various materials (Appendix 3).

I chose my company name:A ray is a symbol of faith and hope, which makes each person feel their importance and relevance in society.My business slogan:A company needs advertising to be successful. (Annex 4)

Advertising - this is a type of activity, the purpose of which is the sale and marketing of products of enterprises and public organizations through the dissemination of information paid for by them. Advertising is effective only when it satisfies the following requirements:

1) Contains information about the specifics of the product of use.

2) Promises the consumer significant benefits when purchasing a product, for which its merits are shown, a positive image is created.

4) Creates and introduces into the mind a clear image of the product, thought out in detail - increasing its value in the eyes of consumers.

5) Emphasizes the high quality of the offered product.

6) Original and therefore not boring, does not repeat well-known, boring solutions.

7) Has an exact target orientation, I inform them in such a way that they take into account differences in consumer demand in a certain advertising audience.

9) Emphasizes new unique features and properties of the product, which is a prerequisite for its success in the market.

10) Focuses on the main thing that is important for the consumer.

Every business needs a trademark.


Image and ensuring long-term recognition

Trademark. For my business, I chose

trademark silhouette of a little girl in

wheelchair holding a heart with

company name. I believe that looking at it

image, it immediately becomes clear here -

Protection and economic support for people with

limited physical abilities.

To attract more customers, I will advertise in the press, on television, radio; I will distribute business cards of the enterprise in public places (Appendix 4).

Self-analysis of project activities

The project was difficult for me, it required a lot of economic knowledge, work in the library, and the use of additional literature. While working on the project, I asked for help from a technology teacher and for advice from experts in economics. Particular difficulty was caused by the section "BUSINESS PLAN", because. needed to be analyzed large volume information and process a lot of economic data. One of the main goals of creating the enterprise was the aesthetic education and realization of the creative potential of young people, as a result of the work on the project, it became clear that the students of our school became interested and learned new types of creativity for themselves, they enjoyed visiting master classes for working with cold porcelain and soap making, enthusiastically developed educational games for children. The result of my long work was the project "Organization of the youth enterprise Luch", theoretical calculations and marketing showed that the organization of the enterprise is possible and expedient. I achieved my goal and I believe that the goal has been achieved. The development of this project helped me in choosing future profession gain work experience, acquire organizational skills, knowledge and practical experience in the field of economic activity.

Appendix 1. Making an educational game for children from environmentally friendly materials.

The history of the manufacture of cold porcelain.

"Cold porcelain" is a special mixture of cornstarch, glue, oil and glycerin, which is used for artistic modeling. They came up with "cold porcelain" in Argentina at the beginning of the last century. To date, "cold porcelain" is perhaps the cheapest, very convenient and completely harmless material for modeling. It is convenient to make small details from it, it has a smooth, uniform texture, it is incredibly plastic and easy to use. Figures and products from "cold porcelain" can be made by both children and adults. Unlike plasticine, "cold porcelain" becomes hard when solidified, which is a definite plus. “Cold porcelain” is also convenient because it is easy to make at home. There are several various ways production of this wonderful material. Products from "cold porcelain" can be painted with paints after they are completely ready or added during cooking food colorings. Anything can be molded from "cold porcelain", this material gives a very wide scope for imagination. You can use not only plastic mass in your work, but also various accessories: beads, threads, shells, beads, pieces of fabric and any other interesting little things. Finished goods from "cold porcelain" will dry for several days.Having mastered this type of modeling, you can harmonize your interior and give a lot of great gifts to friends and acquaintances. A gift made specifically for this window sill, this room, this hostess will not be replaced by any shop sculptures, panels, trees, bouquets. "Cold Porcelain" provides unlimited opportunities for creativity. A little practice, and you get real works of art!

Recipes for making porcelain:

Recipe 1

  • 1 cup PVA
  • 1 cup starch
  • 2 tbsp glycerine
  • 1 st. l. cream (any)

1) Pour glue into a cup, put on medium heat, immediately add the cream, mix quickly, add glycerin, stirring constantly.

2) Gradually, stirring constantly, add starch.

3) Mix well.

4) The mass thickens very quickly, at first it will look like cottage cheese.

5) Then a lump forms. Put the lump from the cup on the table smeared with cream, let it cool slightly.

Knead until the mass becomes homogeneous, like plasticine.

Recipe 2

  • 2 cups starch (cornstarch)
  • 2 cups white glue (any)
  • 3 art. spoons of glycerin
  • 3 art. spoons of white cream (you can use Vaseline)
  • 3 art. spoons of baby oil
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid (for canning)

Mix all wet ingredients and cook over medium heat until you get a smooth mass. Add cornstarch. Stir continuously until a ball forms. Remove the ball from the pan and stir with your hands.

When working with a stack:

1. Store in a case, in a certain place.

2. Put the tip in the direction away from the worker.

3. Pass forward

When working with a knife:

3. Pass with the handle forward.

Manufacturing technology of educational games for children.

Environmental impact assessment of the materials used

Conclusion: Cold porcelain is an environmentally friendly material and is better suited for making educational games for children.

Economic calculation of the cost of the product

Total: 85.5 rubles.

Conclusion: Comparing the price of similar products available for sale, I save 474.5 rubles.

Educational game "Learn the rules of the road"

Give way sign

If you see this sign
Know that he is not just like that.
To avoid problems
Make way for everyone!

No overtaking sign

Overtaking sign


In this place, it's immediately clear

Overtaking others is dangerous!

Sign "Pedestrian crossing"

There's a ground crossing here
People walk all day long.
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Pass the pedestrian!

Sign "Movement without stopping is prohibited"

You, driver, take your time
You see the sign, stop!
Before we continue on our way,
Don't forget to take a look.

Sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited"

Rain and clear weather
There are no pedestrians here.
One sign tells them:
"You're not allowed to go!"

No turn sign

These signs are on the way
Don't miss anything.
They have one concern
Forbid us to turn.

No stop sign

Don't load the car here
Don't park, don't slow down.
This sign tells everyone:
"The one who is standing here is wrong!"

No parking sign

You can safely slow down here,
But you can't stand idle.
Passengers you put
And leave soon!

Main road sign

Here it is a sign, of which there are few:
This is the main road!
If you ride on it
You become the leader of all
And you, as if to God,
Give way all the way!

Sign "Bus, trolleybus, tram and taxi stop" sign

In this place the pedestrian
The transport is waiting patiently.
He was tired of walking
Wants to be a passenger.

Sign "Children"

Children in the middle of the road
We are always responsible for them.
So that their parent does not cry,
Be careful driver!

Vitya Mukhin did the trick:
He decided to roll without hands...
Frame - in the pit,
Steering wheel in the grass
The wheel is on the head!

Green is safe
But red is dangerous.
Green - we're going
And yellow with red - we are waiting!

Appendix 2 Soap making.

Soap history.

Soap was first made about 6000 years ago, and the first description of the soap-making procedure was described on Sumerian tablets dating back to 2500 BC. It would seem that in ancient times people were not particularly fond of personal hygiene, unlike us modern people. But nevertheless, in this matter they were very, very inventive: they cleaned the dirt from the body with fine sand, silt, used beeswax paste dissolved in water, wood ash for washing.

According to some sources, the word "soap" comes from the name of the mountain in Ancient Rome. The mountain was called Sapo (sapo - the English version of soap - soap). On this mountain the Romans sacrificed to their gods. The victim was burned, and at the same time, animal fat was released - the basis of soap, as we know. This fat accumulated over time, mixed with the ashes of the fire, and then washed off with rain into the Tiber River, where the locals usually washed their clothes. Thus, it was noticed that thanks to the mixture that got into the waters of the Tiber, the laundry washes much faster and more efficiently. So, since then, the Romans began to use soap. In ancient times, soap was made from goat, mutton or bovine fat mixed with beech ash. It was of three varieties: hard, soft and liquid.

White soap.

White soap became known in the 13th century. During this period, the production of detergents was mainly carried out by France. Then England took over. The most famous in Europe was the so-called Castile soap. The peculiarity of this soap is that it ripens for a long time. Despite the fact that after 4-6 weeks it is quite possible to wash it, such properties as softness, delicate creamy foam, pleasant tactile sensations appear in the soap only after 6-9 months of aging. Some sources say that a plant called hodgepodge (from Latin - Salsola) gave special properties to this soap. The fact is that the ashes of this plant contain more calcium carbonate than the ashes of other plants. This ash was called barilla. By mixing olive oil and barilla lye, the famous white soap was obtained.

But in Russia...

In Russia, soap making appeared only in the 15th century, coming from Byzantium. Entire villages were engaged in soap making. They cut down trees, burned them in boilers right there in the forest, and brewed the ashes, made lye, evaporated it, getting potash. In 1659, the potash business, as a profitable business, was transferred to the royal treasury. Gradually, the process of soap making improved. A factory method for producing soda ash and caustic soda was discovered, which significantly reduced the cost of soap production. Industrial soap production was established under Peter I, but until the middle of the 19th century. only the nobility used soap - for ordinary people it was an expensive pleasure. The peasants washed and washed with lye - a mixture obtained from wood ash, poured with boiling water and steamed in an oven. The main center of soap-making was the city of Shuya; a piece of soap is still depicted on its coat of arms. They have been widely known since the 19th century. St. Petersburg Nevsky Plant, which received medals at the Paris exhibitions; Moscow factories - Alphonse Rale, Heinrich Brocard.

Soap making recipes:

Recipe 1

  • 100 gr soap base
  • 0.5 tsp honey
  • 0.5 tsp olive oil
  • 4 drops of essential oil

We cut the base into cubes, put it with all the other ingredients in a water bath, melt it to 70 degrees, do not bring it to a boil.

Add honey and oil.

Taking it off the fire

Add 3-4 drops of essential oil, pour into a mold,

Cool down

We take it out of the mold.

Recipe 2

  • 100 gr baby soap
  • 50 ml milk
  • 30 ml olive oil
  • 1 tsp red clay (or other)
  • 1 tsp ground oatmeal
  • 3-4 drops of tea tree EO

Rub the soap on a coarse grater, add milk, butter, clay. We put in a water bath, melt without bringing to a boil. Add oatmeal and remove from heat. Add 3-4 drops of essential oil, pour into a mold. Cool down. We take it out of the mold.

Technological map of soap making

The product will be carried out in compliance with safety regulations:

When working with an electric stove:

1.Before switching on, check:

Cord correct.

The open helix must not protrude above the ceramic surface.

2. Tiles should be installed on a fireproof support.

3. Do not allow the tiles to be turned on by pulling the cord.

When working with a knife:

1. Store in a specific place.

2. Do not use a rusty knife.

3. Pass with the handle forward.

4. Lay with the tip in the direction away from the worker.

Economic calculation

Total: 10 rubles.

Conclusion: Comparing the price of similar products available for sale, I save 120 rubles.

Ecological examination of the materials used.

Conclusion : All ingredients are suitable for making soap, environmentally friendly, do not harm people's health.

Appendix 3. Making souvenirs from various materials.

Thread ball, coffee tree, quilling.


Scientists agree that threads were invented just when people began to communicate with each other, learned to coexist together and began to organize separate tribes. An important mission of threads, which they still faithfully fulfill, is to connect the parts of the whole so that we can look beautiful and feel comfortable. According to various estimates, this happened long before the onset of the Neolithic. And the first outfit was created from leaves fastened with a prototype of modern threads.

The first mention of coffee is dated ninth century BC. It is customary to call the birthplace of coffee Ethiopia . There are several Ethiopian legends about the origin of coffee. According to one legend, the history of coffee begins with the Yemeni Sheikh Abd al-Qadir. During the research work, the sheikh identified new medicines. One day, the fruits of a coffee tree fell into his field of vision, which was the beginning of the history of coffee. At the beginning XVIII century the emperor made a great contribution to the spread of coffee in Russia Peter I . Addicted to this drink Holland , he introduced it into the custom on his assemblies . History tells how Peter I while in Holland often visited and even lived for some time with the Amsterdam burgomasterNicholas Witsen, a well-known entrepreneur and coffee merchant at the time. By order of Peter I, coffee was served even at the entrance to Kunstkamera.

Quilling, also known as paper filigree or paper rolling, is the art of making flat or three-dimensional compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals. Although

the origin of quilling is not recorded, some believe that this art form appeared immediately after the invention of paper in China in 105 AD. Other sources believe that this art form existed in ancient Egypt.Quilling has never been fun for working class women. It flourished among the ladies of the upper classes, where it was used to decorate screens, caskets, frames, tea caddies, wine coasters, baskets and boxes for storing sewing materials and accessories. Only people with money could afford to buy quilling materials. Foil, mica or shell mother-of-pearl were often used as backgrounds. And only ladies from the upper strata of society had time for quilling, not needing work, but only filling their time in anticipation of suitable suitors. The art of quilling is now back in vogue with many quilling unions and clubs, and the increasing popularity of scrapbooking is helping as scrapbookers use the quilling technique to decorate their albums.

Technological map of the manufacture of products.

Tree from coffee beans.

The product will be carried out in compliance with safety regulations:

When working with a knife:

1. Store in a specific place.

2. Do not use a rusty knife.

3. Pass with the handle forward.

4. Lay with the tip in the direction away from the worker.

When working with scissors:

1. Store in a specific place.

When working with glue:

3. If glue gets on your hands, wash them thoroughly with soap and water.

Ball of thread

The product will be carried out in compliance with safety regulations:

When working with scissors:

1. Store in a specific place.

2. Lay with closed blades with the point away from the worker.

3. Pass the rings forward.

When working with glue:

1. Work with glue only in a well-ventilated area.

2. Do not work near open flames.

4. After work, remove glue, paint and varnish, making sure that their packaging is hermetically sealed.

When working with a needle:

1. Store in a specific place.

3. Do not inject into clothing.

Easter egg making

The product will be carried out in compliance with safety regulations:

When working with scissors:

1. Store in a specific place.

2. Lay with closed blades with the point away from the worker.

3. Pass the rings forward.

When working with glue:

1. Work with glue only in a well-ventilated area. Ventilate the room before and after work.

2. Do not work near open flames.

3. Work on a table covered with cellophane oilcloth.

4. After work, remove glue, paint and varnish, making sure that their packaging is hermetically sealed.

5. If glue gets on your hands, wash them thoroughly with soap and water.

When working with a needle:

1. Store in a specific place.

2. Do not take by mouth during operation.

3. Do not inject into clothing.

4. Do not use a rusty needle.

5. Before work and upon completion, count the number of needles and pins.

Economic calculation of the cost of products.

A coffee tree

Total: 35.5 rubles.

Ball of thread

Total: 25.5 rubles.

Easter Egg

Total: 75.5 rubles.

Advertising in newspapers and magazines has become widespread and is second only to television advertising in terms of costs. Newspaper advertising is cheaper than television advertising. However, the quality of reproduction of advertising originals in newspapers is usually low. Advertising in the press dictates the following special approaches:

1) The title should attract the consumer, give him new information and the name of the product.

2) You should not be afraid of a large number of words, because if they are all to the point, then a long headline works even better than a short one.

3) It is better to do without negative turns.

4) It is necessary to use simple, but positively affecting all words.

5) Intrigue is very valuable in illustrations.

6) Photos work better than a drawing, especially when they compare the condition before and after the appearance, use of the goods.

7) A simple layout with one large magazine page format illustration is ideal for a press ad.

8) The text should be easy to understand, present the facts.

10) Do not print text in light letters on a dark background - it is difficult to read.

Radio advertising is efficient and has a low cost. At the same time, vision, through which a person receives 90% of information, does not participate in the process of perception of advertising messages broadcast on the radio. In addition, radio advertising complicates the establishment of two-way communications with the consumer.

1) Make sure that the announcement includes the imagination of the listeners.

4) It is necessary to set a goal to immediately interest the listener, otherwise he may switch to another program.

5) It is very effective to introduce announcements of famous people into the radio

7) Announcements must be relevant to the context of the program in which they are included.

open new shop, I urgently need to arrange a window display, I don’t know who to contact ...

Television ads include images, sound, motion, color and therefore have a much greater impact on advertising than ads in other media. The attention of the potential consumer should be focused on the screen, but it is inefficient for industrial products.

To achieve the effect, the following is required:

  1. The main thing is an interesting visualization.
  2. Visualization should be crisp and clear.
  3. It is necessary to attract the attention of the viewer in the first five seconds, otherwise the interest will disappear.
  4. It is better to build TV advertising in such a way that it does not make you think, but helps you immediately perceive its essence.
  5. It is better to build a plot not around an inanimate object, but around a person.
  6. No need for verbosity - every word should work.

Outdoor advertising.Usually placed along busy highways and in crowded places and remind consumers of companies or products that they already know or indicate to a potential buyer. In outdoor advertising, it is usually brief and cannot fully inform about the company or product. main type outdoor advertising is a large poster.

Business card

  • The best souvenirs!
  • Interior decoration!
  • Help in finding a job!
  • We are doing master classes!

We are waiting for you at the address: Pervomayskaya 60 from 9.00 to 18.00


  1. 1. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis of financial and economic activity. –M.: Finance and statistics, 1998
  2. Sergeev I.V. Enterprise economy, tutorial. –M. : Finance and statistics, 1998
  3. Advertising principles and rules 5 international edition William Wales Peter 2003
  4. Leontiev A. Technology of Entrepreneurship. Textbook for 9 cells. - M.: Bustard 2000
  5. urokilepki.ru
  6. alimero.ru/handmade
  7. fashiony.ru
  8. stranamasterov.ru
  9. coldporcelaintutorials.blogspot.com

Social entrepreneurship- this is one of the types of business activities, the main goals of which are to help people and work with their problems. This type of business differs from pure charitable activities in the ability of projects to pay for themselves and make a profit.

Small businesses and socially oriented organizations can be active in various directions working in the framework of public benefit projects in the field of health, Agriculture, service provision, education, etc. Today it is impossible to give an unambiguous definition of social entrepreneurship, because it is a multifaceted phenomenon that is relevant to many areas of human life. The shortest and most capacious might sound like this: “Getting profit from helping other people.”

The main meaning of social entrepreneurship is that a businessman is an independent, independent entity that has the opportunity to carry out charitable activities based on its own capital.

There are several features that characterize social entrepreneurship.

  • focus on people's problems;
  • the presence of new solutions (as the usual traditional ways of resolving problems become ineffective);
  • replicability (the ability to share experience with other organizations around the country and the world);
  • self-sufficiency (independence from the support of sponsors);
  • the possibility of making a profit (it is necessary to support and stimulate the development of the project so that it generates income and satisfies the needs of its owner).

The main feature of social entrepreneurship organizations is that they contribute to changes in society and are characterized by three components:

  1. Identification of injustice expressed in the marginalization or suffering of certain groups of citizens who are in dire need of material means or political support in order to achieve a prosperous existence through transformation.
  2. Finding opportunities to achieve well-being for any group in society suffering from injustice - through inspiration, creative approach to the problem, active decisive action and courage of the entrepreneur.
  3. A gradual process leading to the establishment of justice, which becomes a factor that alleviates the suffering of some people through the "creation of a stable ecosystem in a new equilibrium." This contributes to the achievement of a prosperous existence in the future of this composition of citizens, as well as society as a whole.

Very often, solving problems with the help of social entrepreneurship brings more effective results than those achieved by charitable non-profit organizations or the state using their standard algorithms.

The main advantages of commercial socially oriented enterprises in comparison with state institutions can be listed:

  1. A high degree of involvement in the process of the entrepreneur and his motivation to achieve success from the activities of the organization.
  2. Government structures have the opportunity to transfer some powers to socially oriented businesses, thereby reducing their administrative costs and the time resource allotted for the implementation of programs: from development to implementation of a real-life project that can provide assistance to a specific group of people in need of support.
  3. Organizations in the field of social entrepreneurship take on the role of establishing a balance between citizens with different levels of social well-being. Thanks to the activities of entrepreneurs and their socially oriented organizations, the state is able to monitor the effectiveness of balance regulation within the framework of state control and at the same time transfer the search for new solutions to the problems of modern society to the level of socially oriented business.
  4. The high level of competition among organizations of this type contributes to the fact that the most active companies focus on their specific goals and try to achieve them most effectively.

Main types of social entrepreneurship

The main types and areas of activity of social entrepreneurship:

  1. Use of a zero-waste production method (recycling of waste), making a positive impact on environmental conditions (for example, the Indian plastic waste recycling company Concerve).
  2. Reducing the criminal component in society (for example, the French sports youth organization Emergence).
  3. Help and support for those who find themselves in difficult living conditions (for example, the French enterprises Jardins de Cocagne in the agricultural sector for the employment of the long-term unemployed).
  4. Provision of services for low-income citizens (for example, the American organization American Family).
  5. Issuance of mini loans to small businesses (for example, Kiva.org, a global Internet platform that is not part of the Ashoka fund database).


This model assumes that the owner of a socially oriented business organizes a platform for the exchange of information and becomes an intermediary between a small producer and consumers. For example, the Nizhny Novgorod Gallery of Crafts allows craftsmen to regularly participate in exhibitions and fairs where they can sell their products. This model is very convenient for a small manufacturer who has difficulty finding buyers on his own.

Market Access

This model is implemented in practice by the Artistic Crafts company - it purchases products from small manufacturers in order to sell them on its trading floors.


This model involves caring for vulnerable groups of the population: for example, training and employment of people with disabilities. A good example is the Berezen Center for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (Tula).

Access to a product or service

In this case, social entrepreneurship takes on the role of making up for the shortcomings or gaps in the market and offering consumers access to a certain group of goods or services if the customers are willing to pay for it. An example of such a model is the Bumper book bus, which delivers books to the end consumer anywhere in the city at the lowest prices.


This model implies a free purchase of a service or product. In addition to the seller and the buyer, there is a third party that finances the project. For example, the Perspektiva-NN organization, which provides classes for parents with children with serious vision problems. Services are provided free of charge or for a purely symbolic fee. This organization financed by the regional budget and included in the list of organizations providing social services.

4 Profitable Social Entrepreneurship Business Ideas

Profit is no longer the only driving force. According to Richard Branson, a new kind of business has emerged, which he proposes to call "capitalism 24,902" (that's how many miles the equator is). The meaning is simple: every businessman is responsible for both people and the planet.

The editors of the magazine "CEO" gave several examples of companies of the new era.

What are the steps in the social entrepreneurship process?

In the structure of the process of social entrepreneurship, upon detailed consideration, five main stages can be distinguished:

  1. Search for opportunities (to solve problems and meet the needs of those in need).
  2. Development of a development concept (identification of benefits, creation of new products, market identification).
  3. Acquisition of resources that are needed: finance, specialists, knowledge, experience, skills, competencies.
  4. Launching and improving the enterprise (determining results, growth and expansion of the organization).
  5. Achieving the goal (merging with other companies, expanding the company, formulating new tasks, solving them and closing the organization).

For any organization working in the field of social entrepreneurship, it is important to understand two main factors according to which its activities are structured: firstly, it is the solution of problems relevant to society, and secondly, the receipt of cash income. The essence of entrepreneurship social sphere is the balance of these two factors. With competent and successful development, such organizations contribute to the strengthening of public relations and their gradual and sustainable development.

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Social Entrepreneurship Project Ideas

There is no shortage of ideas for social entrepreneurship these days. On the contrary, there have been many creative and non-standard proposals lately. In this area there are wonderful opportunities for creativity and bold experiments. The most important thing is not to forget about the main goal of this activity - to help people in need. Next, we offer an overview of the ideas already implemented in practice.

Idea 1. Eco-packaging. The well-known plastic bag decomposes over a very long time: it takes about two hundred years. Every day we throw away a huge number of bags in which we buy sour-milk products, juices, frozen vegetables, sausages. Huge mountains from plastic bags will soon become a terrible "decoration" of our planet if we do not think and stop such thoughtless behavior. This is exactly what the creators of ecological packaging want to prevent - they use completely different materials for storing goods: paper and cardboard, which completely decompose in two years, which is a huge advantage compared to polyethylene. Unfortunately, no environmentally friendly alternative to plastic bottles has yet been found. However, even the fact that ecological packaging made of paper and cardboard can be found on the market today is already a huge achievement.

Idea 2. Plastic recycling. Modern people use a huge number of plastic products: bags, bottles, cans, films, boxes, etc. The negative aspects of such packaging are not only environmental degradation, but also waste of resources. Tons of bottles end up in landfills every day, but the same amount of new material is used by factories to make new ones. It is important to stop and start using plastic waste again: modern technologies make it possible to produce packaging from old plastic, bristles for brushes, Construction Materials and much more.

Idea 3. Rural tourism. Nowadays, it has become a fashionable activity among residents of large cities. Newer generations born and raised in urban areas may never have seen a live cow or know how potatoes grow. For such people, a trip to countryside becomes a real adventure. They are ready to pay for such entertainment: milk a cow, collect eggs, help their grandmother in the garden. The mental state of an average resident of a metropolis leaves much to be desired, therefore, clean fresh air, physical labor heals people, restores exhausted emotional balance, and for villages and villages such ecotourism is a great opportunity for development.

Idea 4. Educational computer games. Children are big fans of various games on modern gadgets, and their creation is profitable business. However, you can combine business with pleasure: create educational and educational games. So, for example, in the format of computer "developers" you can learn foreign languages ​​or master business skills, for example, blind typing with a ten-finger writing method. With the help of special applications, you can study school subjects. In addition, there are many excellent opportunities for social role-playing games in order to acquire the skills of harmonious interaction with the outside world and other people.

Idea 5. Child development center or private kindergarten. This type of social entrepreneurship brings considerable benefits to families where both parents work and they have no one to leave the child with (getting into a municipal kindergarten today is not easy) or there is not enough time for the qualitative development of his creative abilities. In this case, private kindergartens or development centers come to the rescue - as a rule, they have small groups, which allows maintaining the high quality of the services provided and providing an individual approach to each child. The advantages of such organizations are also that they are modernly equipped and offer effective development programs. The disadvantage for some families may be the high fees for this quality of service.

Idea 6. A club dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. Today it is very fashionable to be slim, well-groomed, monitor your diet, play sports, actively spend your free time. On the one hand, these are the requirements of the time, on the other hand, many people dream of being like that. However, doing all this alone is not particularly interesting, and if there is a community of like-minded people, it will help you stay in good shape and motivate you to further work on yourself. For a certain fee, people can get a company of interest, high-quality service, and the opportunity to spend their leisure time in an organized and healthy way.

Idea 7. Crowdfunding or collective financing of projects. A modern view of creating your own business on voluntary contributions from those who are interested in this or simply support the idea. The size of the contribution is not limited, everything happens purely according to the possibilities and desire of the one who wants to financially support this or that idea. Detailed information such programs can be found on the Internet. Many successful startups started this way. As a rule, projects of this kind are born in the field of culture, journalism, art and cinema.

Idea 8. Providing support(training, retraining and employment) to people who find themselves in difficult living conditions. Today there are many such citizens in society. These are former prisoners, and single mothers, and individuals who have been subjected to violence, as well as those who are undergoing rehabilitation after treatment for drug and alcohol addiction, people with disabilities. All these categories of citizens experience difficulties in finding a job. As part of social entrepreneurship, you can open an agency that will purposefully work with just such people, help them with training, with the development of simple professions that can help them get on their feet, gain financial independence, and feel like full-fledged members of society. What is the benefit for the entrepreneur? The fact that, as a rule, people who have experienced difficulties in life and have received a new chance highly value their newfound well-being and are very responsible in their duties, without having excessive demands on employers.

Idea 9. Dating club for single people. Activities in this area will always be relevant in any society: it is much more difficult for single people of the age to get to know each other and find a partner for life on their own. The forms of such social entrepreneurship can be very different: a marriage agency, interest clubs, dance evenings "for those who are over ...".

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How to evaluate the results of social entrepreneurship

In the field of social entrepreneurship, it is necessary to evaluate the results. There are many ways to do this, here are some of the most common:

Valuation of social outcomes

Estimates of this kind are encouraged by investors or donors, since the calculation of the costs that society is forced to incur in order to cope with crime, poverty, drug addiction and other types of problems of modern society can make their economic contribution to solving these problems more visible and tangible. . Examples for such results might be as follows:

  1. Increasing income (decreasing expenses) of those who received assistance in the form of the provision of services from a socially oriented enterprise. This factor is measured after the provision of assistance, or for a certain period of time.
  2. Changes in the level of costs and profits of other people as a result of changes in the financial situation of participants in socially oriented programs.
  3. Reducing public spending by reducing the need for certain categories of citizens to receive support from the state through the provision of assistance from social enterprises.
  4. Falling demand for specialized services;
  5. Growth in social profits due to the fact that the number of employed citizens who have received support from social enterprises increases, as a result of which their personal well-being increases.

There are two approaches to measuring valuations:

  1. Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA). It is used in cases where the results of social activity for some reason cannot be expressed in monetary terms or are reflected in other units of measurement (for example, “number of saved years”, “everyone who is a high school graduate”). If the results are presented in different units of measurement and it is not possible to combine them and determine the overall effectiveness, it becomes necessary to apply a cost-benefit analysis.
  2. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a method that allows you to identify the relationship between costs and various social outcomes. With this analysis, you can see the net benefit both for the whole society and for individual stakeholders. The advantage of this method is that it helps to make better decisions about social outcomes, set the right priorities and plan for funding. The shortcomings of such an analysis are the inability to give an extensive assessment of the whole variety of social costs and benefits.

The main difference between different approaches to assessing the results of socially oriented activities lies in determining what a social result is, exactly how costs are calculated, and how both of these concepts are expressed in monetary terms or in natural units.

The main disadvantage in the process of applying these indicators is the need for serious expenses for implementation: time, money, intellectual, etc. This aspect does not allow the widespread use of these methods in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Flexible valuation methods

Social entrepreneurship needs more pragmatic and flexible methods in relation to the objectives and measurement of results. Methods are needed that would not require the investment of financial and time resources.

For example, the international association Acumen has developed a special system of Lean Data methods in order to measure the degree of efficiency of enterprises in the field of social entrepreneurship.

It helps to make the process of collecting information about the company's customers (beneficiaries) easier, as well as to optimize the analysis of the collected information and the use of its results in decision-making:

  1. Cooperation. The Lean Evaluation system examines what changes social enterprise leaders would like to see, after which it is carried out general work to collect information that should help find answers to key questions.
  2. Attention to the client (beneficiary). Lean Data studies the opinions and wishes of social enterprise customers so that organizations can operate in a more efficient and targeted production of products and services in accordance with the needs of beneficiaries.
  3. Benefit from the information collected. Lean Data is not engaged in the creation of reports for investing companies, but is set to help social enterprises in obtaining the most complete information from customers and thus contribute to making better decisions.
  4. Profitability. Lean Data uses modern information technologies in its work, which allows you to receive information from customers quickly, while spending minimal time and effort. financial resources to carry out their research.

Unified standard for managing socially-oriented activities

Some experts and practitioners believe that the creation of a universal way to measure the results of social activities is impossible due to the fact that the problems of society are very diverse, as well as the activities of socially oriented enterprises. The optimal solution in this case would be the creation of uniform recommended indicators, universal for most socially oriented organizations.

It is these considerations that have led the European Commission to create a standard for measuring social performance, which is used as a guideline by many organizations and their funding agencies. This standard is based on the Social Performance: Measurement and Management guidelines developed by the European Venture Philanthropy Association.

The unity of the standard is achieved due to the fact that the stages of management are of a universal nature:

  • definition of tasks;
  • analysis of stakeholders (parties involved);
  • evaluation of results;
  • control and measurement of the degree of impact;
  • monitoring and reporting.

These steps should be carried out strictly in the sequence as they are indicated, periodically updating them in connection with the experience gained and new information.

Support for social entrepreneurship by funds, consulting companies, large businesses

For several years now, the Russian government has shown a steady interest in the field of socio-economic entrepreneurship. This can be seen both at the federal and regional levels. More than once, the state has indicated a tendency to support "representatives of small businesses" who are engaged in socially responsible activities and contribute to solving the problems of modern society.

The Our Future Foundation became the first representative of the social entrepreneurship sector in Russia. During the five years of its existence, this fund has supported 59 socially oriented enterprises. The total amount of funds allocated for these purposes amounted to more than 130.5 million rubles.

The Fund has established a competition, the winners of which are provided with financial and advisory support. In addition, interest-free loans are issued for a long period of time, legal and minimum cost, small office premises are offered for rent, etc.

Along with the holding of the All-Russian competition Our Future, the Foundation established the Impulse of Kindness award, which is aimed at financially and morally supporting promising projects. For 2012 during competitive selection a large number of applications for participation from entrepreneurs from 54 regions of Russia were submitted for this award.

In the modern business world, it is necessary to be able to create business models, manage projects, manage finances, and develop business plans. This needs to be learned and this kind of education should be publicly available. For example, Citibank offers grants for such training for social entrepreneurs with the support of the Graduate School of Management in St. Petersburg. The Our Future Foundation acts as the organizer of the training course at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

It is very important if a social entrepreneur has the opportunity to receive organizational and consulting support. An entrepreneur is always required to be able to understand accounting issues and legal framework business. In business activities, situations often arise that require the participation or assessment of various specialists, which in turn requires a lot of expenses. For social entrepreneurship, it would be very important to create certain centers that would provide such services at minimal prices.

Also, a huge support for social entrepreneurs would be the creation of specialized consulting centers that could provide office space for rent, provide legal advice, and help in organizational matters. The potential for cooperation between the state and big business in order to support and develop social entrepreneurship is very high. Both sides of this process should be genuinely interested in developing and strengthening such interaction.

Already today there are many large companies and consulting organizations that support social entrepreneurs in different directions: financially, through legal advice at a reduced cost or free of charge, as part of their ongoing charitable projects. Some representatives big business included this type of entrepreneurship in the list of priority areas for the implementation of socially significant programs and charitable initiatives in the territories of their presence.

Such a company is Rusal, with its support programs for the development of single-industry towns are being implemented, including projects to assist social entrepreneurs. At Severstal for several years, with the support of local authorities there is a project called "Urban Development Agency", which aims to support individual, and more recently, social entrepreneurs. SUEK, with the support of the corporate fund Suek for the Regions, is also running a similar program.

Thus, representatives of big business contribute to the development of important initiatives for society, support the development of territories. In addition to these important goals, large companies may have a number of other interests in helping small businesses and social entrepreneurship.

In order to optimize production, many large companies are withdrawing non-core assets, which are most often associated with providing social services their employees and their families. However, the need for them does not disappear anywhere. Therefore, companies often buy the necessary services from organizations created on the basis of the withdrawn assets. Such enterprises may well become independent representatives of social entrepreneurship.

The state is largely responsible for the success of the development of the sector of socially oriented services and the active support of various initiatives in the field of small business, therefore it is extremely important what position it takes, whether it is ready to effectively cooperate and interact with business representatives.

There is the Federal Law on Social Entrepreneurship dated April 5, 2010 No. 40-FZ “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Issue of Supporting Socially-Oriented Non-Commercial Organizations”. According to this Federal Law, in Russia at the present time only non-profit organizations belong to “social entrepreneurship”.

State programs to provide assistance to socially oriented NGOs (according to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation):

  • provide financial, consulting, informational, educational support;
  • offer reduced taxes
  • provide office space for rent at a discounted rate.

In Russia, priority activities of social entrepreneurship for NPOs have been identified:

  • orphanhood prevention;
  • support for motherhood and childhood;
  • social adaptation of people with disabilities and their families;
  • improving the quality of life of the elderly;
  • development additional education, scientific, technical and artistic creativity, mass sports, activities of children and youth in the field of local history and ecology;
  • development of international cooperation.

Law on social entrepreneurship in Russia

Due to the insufficient development of the theoretical framework for 2016, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not have a separate general legal section dedicated to social entrepreneurship. This means the absence legislative framework which could regulate these issues, facilitate the development of simpler rules for the process of business registration and reduce the level of taxes for entrepreneurs.

The only definition of social entrepreneurship can be found in the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2013 No. 220 (previously - No. 223) "On the organization of the competitive selection of subjects of the Russian Federation, whose budgets in 2013 are provided with subsidies from the federal budget for state support small and medium-sized businesses of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This definition is intended solely for recipients of support provided by the ministry.

In order to reduce the tax rate, many social entrepreneurs in Russia use various forms of NGOs, and individual businessmen register as representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

In 2013, the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy initiated the introduction of amendments to the second reading of the draft law “On the Fundamentals social service population in the Russian Federation”, which would allow introducing the concepts of “social entrepreneur” and “social entrepreneurship” into federal legislation. But these amendments were rejected.

On October 16, 2014, a new initiative was taken: a group of deputies from the upper and lower houses of the Federal Assembly submitted to the State Duma a draft law on social entrepreneurship and forms of its support. To date, it has not been accepted.

In August 2016, the Ministry of Economic Development proposed to amend the current legislation in order to consolidate the term "social entrepreneurship" in it. To date, the project federal law“On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation (in terms of fixing the concept of “social entrepreneurship”)” is discussed on the “Federal Portal of Draft Regulatory Legal Acts”.

In 2017, the Ministry of Economy sent a bill on social entrepreneurship for approval to such government agencies as the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Federal Tax Service, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor. According to this draft law, social entrepreneurship should include enterprises that carry out labor activity people with disabilities, single parents (who have children under 7), representatives of large families, pensioners, graduates of orphanages (under 21), former prisoners. The total number of such employees must be at least 30% of the total number of employees of the enterprise, and the share of their remuneration must be at least 25% of the total wage fund.

These legislative changes may indicate that, most likely, in 2017-2018 in Russia, the term "social entrepreneurship" will become more stable, clear and will be legislated.

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Examples of the development of social entrepreneurship in Russia

There are three bright socially useful projects that received support from the Our Future Foundation:

Example 1. The Armor project (LLC New Rehabilitation Technologies Armor).

This project is to create and use special orthopedic systems that help people with spinal cord injuries to move, stand, stand up and sit down without the help of strangers. This system was created and patented by Alexei Nalogin, who himself belongs to those who are called spinal disabled. Armor is the very first project supported by the Our Future Foundation. The total amount of invested funds amounted to 9.5 million rubles, more than half of which (5.5 million rubles) were provided in the form of an interest-free loan. To date, 50% of the total investment has been returned to the fund. The number of workers in "Armor" has 11 people. The production of orthopedic systems was carried out thanks to the support and cooperation medical center Russian State Medical University.

Example 2. Creative workshop "Merry felt" (NP "Women's organization of social support" Woman, personality, society ").

The main activity of the "Merry Felt" project is the creation of designer souvenirs-toys and felt decorations. This project operates on the territory of the city of Rybinsk, its social significance is the participation in it of mothers of large families from low-income families who are not able to work in full-time jobs, who need to work at home. The Fund allocated 400 thousand rubles for this project, one fourth of which was issued in the form of an interest-free loan. To date, 15 women have been employed by the project. The enterprise paid off the loan issued in 2008 ahead of schedule and today actively cooperates not only with domestic manufacturers and sellers of toys, but also with foreign enterprises.

Example 3. "School of farmers" (individual entrepreneur V.V. Gorelov).

The School of Farmers helps graduates of Perm orphanages get a professional education (the project prepares rural entrepreneurs), learn how to be financially independent and socially protected. Participation in this project instills positive values ​​in young people, teaches competent interaction with other people. Its activity is aimed at producing independent entrepreneurs for agriculture who are able to run a profitable business. The Fund allocated about 1 million rubles to support and implement the School of Farmers, and the money received has already been returned due to the fact that the author of the project, Vyacheslav Gorelov, managed to repay the loan ahead of schedule. Today, the project has prospects to become a "youth village". In the case of his successful development it will train young farmers on a much larger scale, thereby solving very important problems facing society.

Having studied only a few projects created in the field of social entrepreneurship, which is supported by the Our Future Foundation, we can draw important conclusions:

  1. These initiatives are aimed at solving important problems of society that exist in modern Russia.
  2. In order for the project to bring sustainable profits and reach self-sufficiency, initial investments in the form of financial investments and the provision of high-quality organizational support at the stages of project preparation and implementation are necessary.
  3. At the same time, an important role is assigned to the creation of a development infrastructure that contributes to the rapid achievement of stable financial indicators. This allows projects to become independent in short time and use funds for new initiatives.

All entrepreneurs involved in social significant activities, contribute to the development of business and the expansion of its geographical boundaries. Representatives of social entrepreneurship actively share their knowledge, experience and proven methods of work with those who are ready to follow in their footsteps. In this sense, socially oriented enterprises are becoming reference points for the development of civil society and its activity.

It is gratifying to note that an increasing number of businessmen and entrepreneurs are imbued with the ideas of philanthropy and become active participants in socially useful activities. Many small companies regularly make donations to charities, some of the business representatives offer special prices for low-income categories of citizens, and other companies participate in charitable projects and promotions. It's great when good deeds become a trend in society - after all, in this case, following fashion is simply necessary.

A new type of small business, not aimed only at making a profit - social business. However, this type of business also makes a profit, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. And this profit is not traditional, but is created by solving social problems through helping society in matters of more efficient functioning.

Social business - responsibility

To date, interest in social business in the circles of small entrepreneurs has increased significantly. But most businessmen still believe that this activity is aimed only at those citizens who are forced to use social benefits and cannot afford the purchase of quality goods and services.

Social business is a niche between charitable activities and entrepreneurship, the purpose of which is to maximize profits.

The protracted crisis made adjustments to the understanding of the principles of building a business. Today, there are many who took out a loan yesterday and were confident in their abilities, today they have begun to avoid repaying their debt to banks in every possible way.

Credit means trust. In this case, it is a trust relationship between the bank and the borrower. But trusting relationships and preliminary agreements on the conditions for repaying the debt suddenly turned out to be impossible. Thus, the entire banking business was under threat.

In such a situation, the interest of banks begins to shift towards those customers for whom it is important, first of all, ethical principle business. It is these customers who become the target audience for lending.

The current situation makes it necessary to develop business projects that aim not at momentary financial profit, but at responsibility in solving social issues.

Agricultural social business project

In the recent Soviet past, it was the norm for chairmen of collective farms to create conditions for attracting young specialists to work at their enterprise.

For this, houses were built, infrastructure was developed in the countryside. With the collapse of the USSR, this practice has become a thing of the past. But to date, entrepreneurs have already appeared in Russia who acquire agricultural land, special equipment and technologies, and then attract representatives of vulnerable segments of the population to work.

These are children from low-income families, former prisoners, whom most enterprises and organizations do not want to hire.

And socially oriented businessmen create favorable conditions for this category of citizens.

In the same way, entrepreneurs organize their small businesses in the depressed regions of Russia, from where young people are forced to leave in search of work and favorable living conditions.

Which social business project to choose

Family business
This type of business helps mothers with many children, mothers raising children on their own in matters of employment. Often, it is simply not possible for such women to find a job in a well-paid job with a tough work schedule.

The advantages of a family social business are that all family members can take an active part in its development.

An example of a business for mothers of many children is a small successful enterprise for the production of souvenirs and toys from felt. This enterprise employs not only mothers with many children, but also single mothers, and the products are in great demand.

Business for the disabled
One example of a socially oriented business for the disabled is a massage parlor in one of the southern regions of Russia, where blind and visually impaired massage therapists work. medical education. By the way, the Kislovodsk Medical College is engaged in the training of visually impaired specialists.

Social tourism
There is a large part of the population in Russia that cannot afford to go on a tourist trip. Therefore, in state structures thought about financing businessmen who are ready to engage in tourism business for pensioners, low-income families, students and people with disabilities.

Considered primarily domestic tourism. This will allow developing the infrastructure of many cities and regions of Russia. Competition in this area is still minimal.

Business for the benefit of society
Infrastructure in most Russian cities and regions is practically non-existent. This is a great opportunity to carve out a niche. There are already profitable projects for landscaping, recycling, organizing economy-class laundries, youth leisure, and creating cafes with entertainment centers.

How to start a social business

Social entrepreneurship appeared in Europe and the USA about 30 years ago. In the UK, more than 70% of entrepreneurs consider their business to be socially oriented.

In this European country, this type of business is 2% of GDP.

In Russia today, too, there are many social business projects that are successfully developing.

Social business makes it possible to make a profit and not stop activities after the money has run out, as happens in charitable organizations. Social entrepreneurship allows a person to independently solve their problems and not rely on the expectation that someone will give all the benefits for free.

In order to start a social business, entrepreneurs receive a loan that must be repaid. This also distinguishes social entrepreneurship from charity.

Based on foreign experience, fairly clear criteria for determining social business have been developed.

a) He must solve a social problem, the importance of which must be justified in order to receive funding.

b) Self-sufficiency. The proof is a well-thought-out business plan. In order to teach the intricacies of its writing, special services professional experts and business coaches are involved. They also give an opinion on the profitability of the social project and its relevance. The result of the business should be financial stability project.

c) The social project must be applicable in different regions of Russia.

Social Business Schools

In the context of the global financial crisis and growing unemployment, especially among young people, interest in social business is growing in all countries of the world.

In this regard, the city of Leksand (Sweden) regularly hosts a global summit, in which the International Labor Organization takes part. The summit presents and discusses social projects, the purpose of which is to create jobs that contribute to the organization and development of entrepreneurship among young people.

There are many people all over the world who are capable of entrepreneurial activity. However, for various reasons, not all of them have enough knowledge to organize a business. Help them to master the basics of entrepreneurship specially designed programs that provide training in business theory, accounting and preparation of tax returns. But priority is given to the development of practical skills.

For example, one large energy company, together with a bank, organized training for those wishing to start their own business. At the end of the course, students submit their business plans to the experts, and specialists choose the most promising among them and finance them.

Another example is Brazil. There are no government educational establishments where to cook professional chefs. Training in this profession is only paid and very expensive.

One of the chefs decided to implement his social business project to train young people and housewives in food entrepreneurship.

After graduating from the school of cooks, young people find jobs in cafes and restaurants, and housewives get the opportunity to take out a loan and organize their own business.

Preference is given to catering or catering services. The project was not only successful, but also replicated for other countries.

Prospects for social business

social business is not only profitable, but also self-sustaining business. In addition, many successful social entrepreneurs eventually begin to provide the opportunity to use the fruits of their achievements for a fee to those who can afford it.

To date, entrepreneurs are beginning to appear in Russia, whose goal is not to make crazy profits, but the social orientation of business.

Such businessmen are convinced that the main thing is to enable people to work, earn money and live with dignity.

In European countries, it is prestigious to be the owner of a social business. Gradually, this trend is beginning to gain momentum in our country.


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