Head of public catering in school duties. Official instructions for the work of the school canteen. What to do a new leader after these steps

The workmanship is an employee responsible for food quality, which is served in the dining room. It fills the menu with a variety of dishes, monitors the preservation of product quality and regulates the activities of cooks. In addition to the culinary skills, an employee must have organizational abilities. To learn what qualities in this employee wants to see an enterprise, an official instruction of the head of production allows.

Sample job instruction manual

General provisions

1.1. This instruction regulates the following aspects. professional activity Manufacturing head: officials, working conditions, rights, duties and scope of responsibility.
1.2. Adoption and subsequent dismissal of the workshop is carried out by creating an appropriate order from the person's leadership. The procedure is made with a support for Russian labor legislation.
1.3. The status of the immediate chief of the head of the workshop has business general director.
1.4. In the absence of the workshop in the working post, his task is to be repurchased by an employee who possesses the relevant level of professional training, experience and competence. Replacement occurs in accordance with the internal regulations of the organization.
1.5. The head of production must satisfy one of the two requirements:

  • higher profile education and experience in the specialty of three years;
  • middle profile education and experience in the specialty of five years.

1.6. The workmanship must be aware of:

  • organizational and technological aspects production processes;
  • menu Rules;
  • order of accounting of grocery stocks and rules for issuing them;
  • rules for consumption of raw materials and semi-finished products;
  • calculation of the menu positions and the procedure for formation of prices for them;
  • products for the use of products, raw materials and semi-finished products;
  • product storage rules for the expiration date;
  • technological equipment, which is equipped with a kitchen of the company: its varieties, methods of work, specifications and application rules;
  • economic aspects catering;
  • ways to stimulate the labor activity of subordinates;
  • rules of organization and remuneration;
  • orders and orders manufactured by the management of enterprises that affect the subject of the functioning of the enterprise;
  • sanitation rules in production.

1.7. Head of production in his professional activity is guided:

  • the company's charter;
  • russian labor legislation;
  • the rules of the production schedule that extend to this company;
  • issued by the job description;
  • the mode of operation of the kitchen and dining room.

Official duties

2.1. In the sphere official functions The workshop includes the following tasks:

  • organization of production and economic activities of the accountable department within the enterprise;
  • stimulating the activity of employees on rhythmic production own production required quantity and quality - with a support for the production task;
  • the creation of comfortable conditions for optimizing production processes, learning the latest technologies, the effective involvement of equipment and deepening professional skills of subordinates to improve the quality of the product being created;
  • drawing up applications for ending food products, commodity resources and semi-finished products, the organization of their timely adoption from the warehouses of the enterprise, controlling the timing, assortment and the degree of quality of the incoming goods;
  • ensuring a wide range of dishes when supporting buyers and available ingredients, generating menu positions;
  • controlling dishes manufacturing technologies, raw materials laying standards, following subordinate employees by sanitary standards and personal hygiene basics;
  • arrangement of cooks and other subordinates in production, promoting optimization of workflows;
  • drawing up charts of work of subordinate employees (including chefs);
  • conducting catchers of cooked dishes;
  • organization of careful accounting, creating and timely sending reports on the results of production activities, implementation newest technologies and labor methods;
  • monitoring the correct operation of equipment and other equipment;
  • implementation of the instruction on the rules of manufacturing dishes and other production tasks;
  • monitoring staffal regulations for labor protection regulations, sanitary rules and rules, compliance with the discipline in labor and industrial areas, preserving subordination;
  • creating conditions for improving the qualifications of subordinates.


3.1. The workmanship is endowed with the following powers:

  • familiarization with projects developed by the management of the Organization, which relate to the functioning of the Company;
  • manifestation of initiative in the form of making proposals that promote optimization labor activity As part of the competence of the employee;
  • attracting employees of the structural units that are required to solve production problems (in the event that this clause is provided for by the peculiarities of the work of the company's structural divisions - the rest of the general director is required);
  • signing and browsing papers affecting the competence of the workshop;
  • submission to the general director of the organization of proposals for the appointment, translation or dismissal of subordinate employees, the nomination of workers who deserve promotion through high results and employees subject to sanctions due to the violation of disciplinary standards;
  • the requirement from the authorities of creating relevant conditions for the performance of official duties.

A responsibility

4.1. Disciplinary responsibility is imposed on the workshop in the following cases:

  • incorrect execution or refusal to fulfill their direct duties, which are concentrated in this instruction - within the framework of current labor legislation;
  • systematic non-compliance with routines practiced in this organization, labor regime, disciplinary standards and safety rules;
  • ignoring orders and orders issued on behalf of the Company's management;
  • violation of the current Russian legislation - in civil, criminal, labor and administrative spheres;
  • causing material damage organizations of their illegal actions and a negligence attitude towards labor obligations;
  • disclosure of information having confidential status.


Drawing up a job description

At the level of labor laws, there are no strict requirements for the compilation of the job description. Its creators are guided by the specifics of the organization and on its basis include certain points. The following partitions that are included in this document are as follows:

  • general provisions;
  • duties;
  • rights;
  • a responsibility.

If necessary, the compilers of the instructions may add partitions on working conditions, interaction with other departments, etc. From the clarity of compilation this document The coherence of work in production depends. Therefore, the compilers of the instructions are interested in the exhaustive description of the functions that are assigned to the employee.

Structure of the job description

Open a document information about general Director Enterprises. Information about the post occupied by them, the name of the company, the name and signature with decoding is provided. The name of the document is placed in the center of the first sheet.

General provisions

General provisions contain basic information about the post of sales representative:

  • the category to which the position belongs;
  • disposal by which the applicant was appoints a sales representative;
  • persons who are subject to a sales representative, and the persons who are in his submission;
  • requirements for appointment for position: Education, Experience, Additional skills, etc.;
  • legislative acts, orders and orders, with which the employee must familiarize themselves with before proceeding to the fulfillment of labor tasks;
  • rules of paperwork, keeping accounting and sending reporting to management;
  • safety regulations, personal hygiene and sanitary standards, observed in production.

Reference! When transferring the documents to which the employee should be based in the process of professional activity, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is mentioned.

Official duties

The partition dedicated to the duties is one of the most important. When it is created, it is important to reflect all aspects of the activities that the bosses expect to see from the hired employee. Especially closely to the compilation of this chapter should be approached if there are several employees in one position.

If it is assumed that different manufacturing heads will be responsible for different sectors of production, this is reflected in the instructions. If this rule fails, failures will occur in the workflow.


The work of the workmanship provides for the manifestation of the initiative in a number of important issues:

  • message to the authorities about distinguished staff and on employees, negligent related to their duties;
  • interaction with other structural units within its competence - when officials are required;
  • the requirement from the leadership of creating working conditions, which are necessary for the coordinated work and the fulfillment of the plans;
  • acceptance of participation in meetings that affect the work of the enterprise and the field of activity of the workshop.

Reference! The "Rights" section gives an employee the opportunity to participate in improving work processes by making practical proposals.

A responsibility

Responsibility implies those actions for which the employee will suffer punishment. Punishments have different manifestations: recovery, sanctions, reprimand, suspension and so on. The severity of punishment is directly proportional to the damage that the employee has inflicted the company. Therefore, the most serious misconduct includes:

  • making material damage;
  • disclosing confidential information;
  • providing reports with obviously distorted data.

Reference! All punishments that the enterprise has the right to apply to the employee are in the framework of labor law. The exit beyond the permitted TK of the Russian Federation is also regarded as an unlawful effect.

Information about employee

In the completion of the job instruction is given brief information About the employee, hired for office. The following data from the enterprise is reported:

  • passport details;
  • company name;
  • signature;
  • date of reference with the document.

Reference! Print the job instruction does not assure.

In order for the job instruction to gain legally, it should be three signatures. In addition to the employee to whom the document is intended, the signatures leave:

  • compiler instruction;
  • business General Director.

In the role of compilers, the instructions can act different employees. On the large enterprises This task is entrusted to the specialists of the HR department. In small companies, this task may take over the boss himself.

The first working day is the most important and most difficult from a psychological point of view. From how you behave on the first day, it will depend on how your relationships with colleagues will be folded. It is appropriate to remember the People's Proverb: "Soft Steel - Yes, to sleep hard." In this case, it reflects well what your behavior should be in the new organization at first, and it should be highly diplomatic.

On the first working day, the head is obliged to submit to the team of his new employee. Next, experienced workers must introduce a new colleague into the case. It is impossible to deny the fact that there are people who are enjoyable at the sight of the torment of the new employee. Your task is to deliver as little pleasure as possible. However, the new employee should not have to distract colleagues from their own affairs. Everyone has their own duties, so you should not constantly pull someone, interfering with it. Try to be observant and take a note as the rest decide certain problems.

Whatever a high professional you are a good relationship With people in the team playing not a latter role. To the newcomer in the team will first look after and may be addicted. Immediately, show that you are punctual - do not be late for work and do not leave workplace until the end of the working day. Do not remove without need for cabinets.

In the first days you require a friendly greeting and short polite and friendly contacts. This beginning of the working day helps to forget home problems, overcome painful impressions of transport inconvenience, it is easier to enter into a normal working condition. You should not enter a new employee in the intriculture of personal relations between some members of the team. The form of appeal to all employees of the organization depends on the traditions and from the personal sympathies of each, but it is not customary to contact someone by last name.

Pupil people are always interested in their colleagues. Their successes should be sincerely rejoice, but the failures to disappear. Personal insults, sympathy and antipathy should not affect business relationship with colleagues. It should not be bored with colleagues with stories about their concerns and personal troubles.

The employee's workplace can also tell a lot about him. A brought up man will never force others to admire the mess at his desk. Women should not make make-up in the workplace, especially if there are several people in the office. Do not consider paper on someone else's table, do not look for anything there. Do not lead long personal conversations on the service phone, it is unacceptable to listen to other telephone conversations.

If someone comes to you, immediately pay attention to this person. Try to remember his name, quietly repeating it to yourself. If you are not sure about the name, ask a person to immediately call him. Listen to everything you say, highlighting a particularly interesting thing to continue the conversation. If there is nothing interesting in the conversation, try to cling at least for something. If someone represents you, look at first to whom they represent, and then on who represents. The only admissible physical contact in the business world is a handshake. Little attention is paid to the handshake, although practically it is universal and, moreover, very important for perception.

Friendly handshake strong, but painless; accompanied by eye and smile; implemented right hand; It lasts no more than two to three seconds. No need to make your hand all the time, while you are presented, and use a handshake to attract a person to yourself.

Handshake must be performed in the following situations:

  • if another person stretches your hand;
  • if you meet anyone;
  • if you welcome guests or hostess at home;
  • if you renew;
  • if you are forgiven.

During the conversation, it is necessary not only to listen carefully, but also look carefully listening. This is achieved using the body language. Look at the speaker, leaning slightly forward.

During the conversation:

  • do not narrow, but also not stand at a fast;
  • do not fold your hands on your chest;
  • do not tell long boring jokes;
  • do not look like other people move around the room, while someone speaks with you;
  • do not overflow your conversation with incomprehensible and mysterious words.

In full competing, the business world is not fair to be polite. It is necessary to be ready for managing crisis situations, personal conflicts, criticism and other problems when people are collected in one place to perform any work.

If you are a leader and according to his position should coordinate the work of subordinates, it may happen that someone will do their job inappropriately. In this case, not to avoid criticism. However, it should be paid to several rules:

  • critical only alone and in no case with witnesses;
  • criticize the problem, not a person;
  • speak specifically;
  • the goal of criticism is to improve work, and not destroy confidence.

Perceiving criticism, do not remove and do not hide. If the criticism is unreasonable, you have the right to say about it, but only calmly. If the criticism goes into making a personal resentment, do not respond to the same.

A brought up man will always noted that the colleague looks good today. And again before making a compliment, remember the rules:

  • be sincere;
  • be specific;
  • compliments need to speak on time;
  • do not compare.

Taking compliments:

  • just say "Thank you";
  • do not modify and do not say something like: "What nonsense!";
  • do not say that you could do even better with a larger time;
  • do not upgrade the compliment for its part.

Be careful to colleagues. If someone is sick for a long time, call him or visit him. Try to join the team. If you have to drink tea or coffee at work, congratulate on your birthday, participate in all events, help in their organization. Those who collect money for a gift to the birthday man should not insist if someone from colleagues refuse to pass money. In response to congratulations, a treat is usually offered, but it is undesirable to arrange too lush celebrations in the workplace. Do not try to hit the surrounding generosity and culinary talents.


As a rule, the newcomer in the organization faces a large number of difficulties, the main mass of which is generated precisely the lack of information on the order of work, location, features of colleagues. A special procedure for introducing a new employee to the organization can help relieve a large number of problems arising at the beginning of work, which will eventually give positive results in the form of increasing the productivity of the new employee, improving the psycho-emotional state of the collective as a whole. Because, as practice shows, 90% of those who faded from work during the year accepted this decision on the first day of their work.

The process of adaptation is a two-way process. On the one hand, the fact that a person began to work in the company, it is worth his conscious choice based on a certain motivation received, and responsibility for this decision. On the other hand, the Organization assumes certain obligations, hiring an employee to fulfill specific work.

Four stages of adaptation

First stage - evaluation of the level of novice preparedness. It is necessary to develop an adaptation program. If an employee has experience in the relevant structural units, the period of his adaptation will be minimal. However, since organizational structure Depends on a number of parameters, the newcomer inevitably falls into the situation unfamiliar to him. Adaptation should include familiarity with staff, communication features, behavior rules.

Second phase - orientation. The stage implies a practical acquaintance of a new employee with its duties and requirements that are presented to him by the organization. As a rule, the orientation program includes a number of small lectures and excursions, during which questions should be addressed about the policies of the organization, wage, additional benefits, safety technique, economic factors, procedures, rules, regulations, reporting forms, working responsibilities and responsibilities.

Third stage - effective adaptation. It consists in adaptation of a novice to its status and is largely due to its inclusion in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. As part of this stage, it is necessary to give a newcomer to actively act in various fields, checking the knowledge gained knowledge.

Fourth stage - functioning. This stage is completed by the process of adaptation, it is characterized by gradual overcoming of industrial and interpersonal problems and transition to stable operation. With the spontaneous development of the adaptation process, this stage occurs after 1-1.5 years of work. If the process is adjusted, the stage may occur in a few months.

Reducing the adaptation period is able to bring significant financial benefits, especially if a large number of personnel are involved in the organization.

Three main directions of adaptation

1. Introduction to the organization. This is a rather long process that occupies the 1st first month of work.

The organization is an identified social community, whose members pursue shared by all multiple long-term goals, relying on conscious and coordinated actions and interpersonal relations. Solving to join the organization, a person determines that it can make - skills, actions, ability, potential. If there is an alternative, an organization is selected, which has values \u200b\u200band beliefs close to man. The employer attracts an employee to fulfill certain tasks and at the same time bribes it as a person. The expectations of the employee and the employer from the date of entry into the organization will submit a compromise. Any organization is based on compromise.

Even before deciding to accept the proposed work, a person is trying to imagine what it will be. Reduce painful uncertainty in the first days of work, it is possible only to the rapid assimilation of the entire information relating to the case. If you are granted yourself to your collection and analysis of months. Therefore, the output can be only one - adapt, adapt and adapt once again.

The process of entering the employee to the organization researchers are divided into four stages.

Stage 1. Waiting. Phase precedes real entry into the organization. The smaller it is possible to learn at this stage, the higher the probability that you do not have to delay in the organization for a long time. The employer is interested in telling the truth during the interview when selecting a position.

Stage 2. Formal accession. The more important for the individual social security, the system of structured relationships and a solid position, the more readily the formal signals are learned about the behavior expected. For several hours, an employee is explicitly adopted or implicit form common goals Organizations agree with the tasks that will have to decide, etc.

Stage 3. Mastering the expectations of colleagues. Informal values, norms and expectations are just as important as formal. Through verbal and non-verbal signals of informal or friendly relationships are purchased social support And the support of your individuality. Soon group standards relating to work activities, a pace of work, clothing, etc., added to understanding the role that is to play in the organization.

Stage 4. Completion of the process of entry into the organization. By this time, the employee must feel comfortable enough. Passed stress caused by entry; Formal and informal expectations are known; We contribute to the common cause. In turn, we get, as agreed upon when taking a job, regular wages. We can use verbal and non-verbal signals to convince others to bring formal requirements to more compliance with our expectations. Successful Look B. social role It must be in satisfaction with the work. The role includes both formal, technical, informal and personal expectations in terms of work. Some believe that the organization is a team of actors playing roles for the achievement specific goal. One employee entry into the role is easily given to others with difficulty. For this reason, the execution of roles can never bring complete satisfaction. Here it is necessary to take into account the probability of manifestation of certain situations associated with role adaptation.

The procedure for introducing into the organization should contribute to the assimilation of adopted standards and rules and provide employees with the information that they need and which they strive to have. From the process of introducing into the organization largely depends, whether employees will assimilate the approval by the organization, installation whether they will feel a sense of commitment to her or they will have a negative understanding of the company. Planned work on the introduction of an employee to the organization involves ensuring its full information. The employee reports information on the history of the organization, its prospects, policies and rules, the structure of the organization, organization of the work of units and their interaction, the order of work, the number and location of the divisions.

In the process of introducing the organization, not only the positive attitude of employees to the new place of work is ensured, but also an understanding of the principles of the organization, clarification of the requirements and expectations from the Company.

3. Introduction to the position. The introduction of a position is a process by which the newcomer is transformed into a full member of the organization. With the help of effective procedures, it must pass as smoothly and painlessly as possible. A new employee of the organization is transformed in two ways - his behavior changes, feelings of loyalty and dedication switch to a new object (the organization of the employer). The individual begins to resemble the rest of the employees and behave like them.

The information you want to inform the newcomer:

  • who is the immediate supervisor and superior leader;
  • what are the requirements for the duration of the working day, which is considered late and early care of work;
  • who is included in the team where the newcomer is enrolled, and what are the obligations of each of them;
  • how to communicate with them a new member of the organization;
  • what is the contribution of the team to the work of the company as a whole;
  • what career opportunities are opening in the firm;
  • as planned to improve the qualifications and professional growth;
  • as the remuneration system functions, including wages, premium, vacation pay, pension program.

The second task of the introduction of the position is to get from the new employee of the loyalty and commitment to the firm. This aspect of the program defining a certain extent of its stay in the company. The manager's tactics should captivate and interest the novice.

The immediate supervisor of the new employee begins to communicate with newcomers after the head of the division is talked. He is responsible for his familiarization with work and main functional duties. The immediate supervisor discloses the main content of professional activity and how the contribution to the work of the new employee contributes to the overall success of the organization. The head must consider what measures could help a newcomer to gain the necessary confidence.

With the introduction to the position, it is important to pay attention to the following issues:

  • Colleagues of a new employee and their tasks. Is everything done to effectively cooperate?
  • The overall type of tasks that it will perform during the first few days. Is a new worker ready to fulfill them?
  • Requirements for its work, its degree of responsibility for the results of work. Is there a new worker enough good idea about them?
  • Who is responsible for his training in the division. Is a clearly new employee sees this connection?
  • The start and end time, lunch break time. How well is a new employee about basic requirements internal regulations?
  • Where should his personal belongings be kept?

Warm reception, a properly planned and well-organized program for adapting a new employee allow him to quickly go to the necessary level of professional indicators, send it to work with the full return of forces for the benefit of the organization.

In practice, two models of adaptation are most often used.

The first model is adaptation when taking a job. Immediately after acceptance to work, it is necessary to form a sustainable positive attitude to corporate standards and processes from new employees, as well as intensify and support personal skills to apply standards in working standard and non-standard situations.

Achieving the goal is ensured by solving the following tasks:

  • introduce employees with corporate standards of the company;
  • form a sustainable actively positive attitude to corporate standards of the company;
  • to form personal skills to apply corporate standards in working situations.

The second model is adaptation in changing conditions of professional activity.

The employee often has to adapt, working in the same company, in a situation of changing conditions of professional activity. The company must constantly track the level and dynamics of satisfaction with employees in order to be able to influence motivation by applying special technologies.

Galina Georgievna Darnkin,
Kandidat economic Sciences, Associate Professor Marketing Department
Volga Academy of Public Service
Name P.A. Stolypin under the President of the Russian Federation
The article is provided by ELITARIUM.RU

The meaning of the competent planning of the leader's working day is to determine the priority areas of activity a few days ahead, which will allow to release time to solve creative tasks.

From the article you will learn:

Competent I. effective guidance - This is a factor that distinguishes successful and prosperous enterprises from enterprises in decline and stagnation.

A characteristic feature of a good leader is the ability to rationally use working time. This approach allows you to free time not only for recreation and leisure, but most importantly - for the creative approach to the execution of management duties.

A modern successful leader should be able to manage not only with its working time, but the time of his team and the entire enterprise as a whole.

Deficiency of working time

Working time deficit, its constant lack of solving all planned tasks - the problem with which many leaders face. In detail to analyze the reasons for this situation, the table below will help:

Cause of deficit

Description of the problem

Unreasonable rush

The head is constantly in a hurry and strengthens subordinates. As a result, important tasks are performed superficially, "for the form"


Full time job In the mode of Avral leads to rapid overwork

Big accumulation of unfinished cases

The lack of a clear plan and the habit of being taken for several cases immediately leads to the journey of work

This feature is inherent excessively emotional and impulsive leadersnot prone to rational planning


Damage peculiar to designated directors with low wages

No plan

A unorganized and undisciplined person becomes a leader who does not represent the company's development prospects

Completion of the house

This is a symptom of a serious problem. If the head takes work on the house, then there is a pressing need for working schedule optimization

Organization of the working day of the head

Planning and organization of work time leader - The process is complex, taking into account many parameters and factors at once. The result of a properly completed process will be not only the savings of time, but also the appearance in the working schedule - empty cells, i.e., periods that are not busy and which can be devoted to solving problems deferred "for later", and it is possible - thinking about the upcoming cases and planning.

The first thing to be done by the manager, starting to fulfill its managerial duties - to determine the list of tasks and compare it the resource available in the presence of time. The amount of time in the days can not be increased, so the tasks that will clearly not have enough time must be delegated to the subordinate.

In general, the entire set of time available at the disposal of the time executive can be segmented as follows:

Ideally, you need to keep a timing, i.e., fix how long it was spent on performing different tasks. At first it will require discipline, but the result will exceed your expectations. You will see that the fulfillment of really important cases takes not so much time, and most of all the time "eats" is not the task itself, and the transition from one thing to another: you have finished one thing, we decided to take a break - go, drink coffee, talk to subordinates and prepare for the next work. This break can stretch for an hour, while the case itself demanded half an hour.

See also:

Diversification of targets

Creating a balanced and harmonious time management system will require the head of the ability to "separate the grains from the whitel", i.e. Select priority targets and cut the minor. Such a division of goals will help not only competently plan the sequence of actions, but also will serve as an additional motivating factor: all efforts will be devoted to really important tasks.

S.m.a.r.t. method will help to diversify the goals. According to this technique, any goal should be:

  1. Concrete;
  2. Measurable;
  3. Achievable;
  4. Realistic I.
  5. Limited in time

Of course, the definition of goals and alignment to their priority is only the first step at the beginning of a long journey. The second step will be the transformation of the list of targets to the action plan.

Technology Development Work Plan

The main rule of the development of plans for the day, week and month is a clear observance of the unified principles of their compilation.

The supervisor should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Each working day and each working week must be completed by drawing up a plan for a day or a week;
  2. If the cases you have not fulfilled the day, and they have not lost their relevance, transfer them the next day;
  3. To perform any work, you need to establish measurable deadlines;
  4. The procedure for making cases must comply with their importance and priority;
  5. Allocate key areas of activity on the day and week;
  6. Practitioner effective use working time.

Planning Action Sequence

Diary, working time card and standard day routine - three things that are needed by the head for the start of planning of their time.

Next, its actions must have the following sequence:

  1. Development of a standard routine of the day;
  2. Making in it all tasks, meetings, meetings, etc., which are planned in plans for a month, quarter, half year and year.
  3. Grouping all tasks in time of execution and arrangement in order of priority;
  4. Assignment to each business priority;
  5. Monitoring ensuring that the time of execution of one task is not overlapped to another;
  6. To give orders to the secretary to make a reminder of the upcoming events;
  7. Part of the cells in the schedule to leave empty - for the reserve;
  8. Do not forget to enter a schedule for recreation and lunch breaks.

Examples of work day planning

First consider an example of planning working week Head:

Now consider an example of the planning of the working day of the head:

  • 9.00-9.30 - Morning meeting, approval of the work plan;
  • 9.30-10.00 - work with mail;
  • 10.00-11.00 - work with documents;
  • 11.00-12.00 - development and formulation of tasks, communication with employees;
  • 12.00-13.00 - Personal time;
  • 13.00-14.00 - Lunch break;
  • 14.00-15.00 - control of the execution of orders and tasks;
  • 15.00-18.00 - meetings with business partners;
  • 8.00-19.00 - Work with business papers.

For regular monitoring of the efficiency of working time spending, a complex of analytical procedures must be carried out.

Such an analysis conducted in a timely manner will give useful information about the potential of the head and those moments that further improvement. It is necessary to objectively compare the real state of affairs and the perfect image to which exists in the project. At the same time, it is necessary to reasonably take into account available material resources, as well as personal and temporary resources.

  • The tasks that you set in front of you should be as specific as possible;
  • Thoroughly study the list of cases;
  • The date of execution of each task must be clearly defined;
  • Cases having a specific date of execution are performed first.

Why women need to praise more often than men; What tone to give orders and other subtleties that will not be taught in any business school.

Effective guidance of people requires specific skills, which, unfortunately, do not develop in ordinary life. Formula is simple: no management skills \u003d absence of effective guidance. And if you do not adhere to this axiom, your work in leadership It will be torture and for subordinates, and personally for you. Using these tips, you will learn how to perform it quickly, clearly, efficiently.

  1. People do not work by themselves, they need to "run". In the morning, a person is difficult to start, and later - when he already "entered the king" - to stay. Therefore, in the morning, and after lunch, teach yourself to bypass jobs, and our presence to stimulate subordinates to the beginning of work. Make sure that the subordinates go for lunch and left the workplace no later than indicated in their graphics (provided that there is no avral situations). Thus, you will save employees from overwork, which is some kind of error prevention.
  2. Observe this algorithm: first distributed or confirmed tasks and only then start to perform own tasks. Do not make subordinates wait for your tasks, it annoys them!
  3. Guidelines relating to tasks should be swollen as clear as possible, loudly, directively. They must differ dramatically from the usual conversational manner. Solar do not have to think and discuss that "it was" - a task, wish, joke of humor.
  4. Plan your work for tomorrow. Select a specific time to solve this task, for example, from 14:00 to 15:00. And then at 15:00 you must know exactly who and what you will do tomorrow.
  5. Separate those who work from non-working, since one idle man may distract from work up to six others. Non-working must be accepted to hide. Get the rule: having met a loaf, organize him the most unpleasant, dirty and dull task.
  6. Watch out for the organization of working rhythm. Customize too slow and hold too hurrying. Your duty is to create a balance. If you do not customize the team, then the uneasyned energy people will be implemented on the side: to drink, walk, re-educate a wife, play gambling personal and alien property. But if you drive a team too much, then you will arise expensive and difficult in correcting errors.
  7. Apply the "whip and gingerbread" rule. Demonstrate publicly that lead all the jambs and merit of your subordinates. Hell, if necessary, praise: it motivates the employee, shows him that his work appreciate. And use the "whip" when the behavior does not match proper. This technique produces discipline. Academician Ivan PavlovExperimenting on dogs, it established that the ideal proportion between promotion and punishment 7 to 1.
  8. Do not climb to subordinates with your help if the situation does not require this. Remember that your main task is to organize work in such a way that it is performed without directly participating. After all, as spoke Karl Marx: "If you want to influence other people, then you should be a person who really stimulates and moving forward other people."
  9. Women should be especially often praised. Women's body is designed very successful for managing the way: the more praise and defiantly appreciate, the better they work. Use this technique always. The method of gifts and treats is also used. Do not greed: Give each woman to one tangerine per month or on candy - and the results will exceed the most bold your expectations.
  10. Do not hesitate to remind people that they came to work. A person, unfortunately, about it forgets, if not reminding at least once a week. Do it most correctly and politely.
  11. On Friday, write down what you need to start working Monday: save at least an hour of working time. In two days, the output operational tasks go somewhere on the backyard of memory and not immediately pop up.
  12. Learn to scold and read people without emotions. Remember that you have agreed with subordinates (within labor contract) that you are older by his post, but no one betrayed the absolute rights to his upbringing.
  13. Remember that the maximum result of the month reaches the one who organized the optimal working rhythm, and not the one who most of all demanded. Your task is to download people so that they would be slightly tired of dinner, and after lunch they would have enough energy until the end of the working day. During the night, they must have time to restore the forces to work the next day. Having squeezing all the forces from people, you will not get the right results very long. If your business process does not provide regular replacement staff, do not do it. By the way, it is interesting that in the Russian business culture it is not customary to sleep during the lunch break: apparently, in the value base, the readiness to perform work is still on a higher priority, rather than labor productivity.
  14. In order to manage something, you need to know the control object. You must know about your subordinate basic information: married, children, main hobbies, interests. When you speak with a person, perceive it not as "Vasya Pupkin", but as "Vasya + wife + two children + Tomik's own poems in the hands." I assure you: the quality of communication, understanding and efficiency of your communication will be much better.
  15. Complete with two things: money and responsibility are distributed unfairly. If you are a leader, you will be responsible for what you cannot affect, require impossible financial results. If you are directly and rationally prove that it is impossible, you will be recorded in opponents. If you agree, you will be perceived as "tolerant". It is necessary to find its strategy of reporting doubts in the reality of plans.
  16. Listen to the comments of the superior guide. With a higher level, your erroneous action is visible, which are invisible from your level in principle.
  17. Pay special attention Transfer information to related units. Organization, specialists. The necessary information should be transmitted to the required time and place in the necessary form. Transmitted information should be sufficient, but not excessive. If you transmit information too early about it with a high probability will forget. If you transmit too late, then it will not be able to properly respond. The form of information transfer must provide the receiving party for the convenience of working with it.

Thank you for attention! I sincerely hope that this material will be useful for you, and most importantly - used in work. Constructive criticism and significant additions in the comments are welcome!


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Being a supervisor is most likely your conscious choice. This is when, instead of "getting money", a person chooses "earn". About the adoption of complex decisions and responsibility. And also to create a coherent, continuously functioning system of processes that affect the world.

Only when you sit high, tasks and problems are also hundreds of times more. In this article, we deal with one of the first - as a new leader to register an adequate work plan and what the first steps to do in a new place.

The basis for our customers from different areas of business. The most indicative situations in the form of cases (problem / solution).

The first steps of the head in a new place

The adaptation period of the head is repeatedly described in articles on many managerial portals. Among them are examples of recommendations from:

  • HR-OV.
  • psychologists I.
  • from the existing entrepreneurs and managers

Which of them take into account? Each side preaches his own approach. Client experience shows that everyone has a place to be. However, there are several features that you need to take into account.

First, any information is useful in context. If you managed by one enterprise for the last 20 years and moved to another, or if you for the first time in positions - the strategy will be very different.

Secondly, in order for you as a manager, it turns out a truly effective plan, you need to clearly understand the goals that you set (or before you are owned). We saw several rather strange cases when new leader I really liked the subordinate, brilliantly presented an enterprise action plan but a year, but at the same time after 3 months it became clear that real indicators and even discipline worsened. That is, the person is beautiful to everyone "sold himself and his own plan," and the semantic load behind it is no matter how.

Where to start writing the work plan of the new leader

If you clearly decided with goals on new post, you understand that there is a serious job, and, at the same time, we intend to write a beneficial plan for the company, we suggest start with the following:

  1. Analysis of documents management accounting predecessor
  2. , plus a personal interview with each)
  3. SWOT analysis of the company
  4. Description of the first 10 steps that will seem logical to you.

Next, with these sketches you go to the owners, discuss, and get feedback. Sometimes the owners attract who help to look at the work on the part and make the right conclusions of each party.

Only after such a meeting you will begin to "enter" in current position Affairs, and you will be ready to write a basic, real work plan.

Before drawing up the plan, you need to delve into business processes

In one of the private clinics of Kiev was hired new Director. They took a person without experience in the medical sphere, in order to introduce unusual methods for it. Prior to this, the clinic was led by the owner, and we were invited to help the new director to take cases and develop a plan for the year.

After analyzing the instructions, possible bottlenecks in the communications of these two people, as well as the results of the survey of personal concerns of each, we organized a weekly supervision plan. A new leader worked at the clinic at various administrative posts under the supervision of a staff member.

After 3 weeks, the manager showed a good understanding of the clinic processes. And after 4 weeks, a plan was ready, approved by the owner.

Scheduled should not be local

In Kharkov since the 1990s, an enterprise mineral fertilizer. After the start of hostilities in the eastern regions of Ukraine (and the appropriate decrease in demand in these regions), the owners decided to hire a new director of sales.

We participated in the process. The difficulty was that candidates offered various kinds of development plans for the development of the sales department, lobbied the hiring of acquaintances. Most of them were quite logical, but by the experience of our consultants, most likely such innovations would cause sharp rejunction in ordinary staff. That is, additionally would have to fight them, as often happens.

We have developed a questionnaire consisting of blocks for owners, employees, as well as 2 key clients (with which personal relationships were established). As a result, on bare statistics, he managed to choose the head according to the plan, which was in the measure of ambitious, aggressive, and to the measure of visions from the inside.

The bottom line is that your plan should be taped between the interests of all sides. Then the chances of successful implementation will increase significantly.

First 100 days and plan

In one of retail chains Before the new year, I had to hire a new leader. Recruitment agencies They invited more than 15 applicants, and the owner personally argued the final candidacy. But during corporate party new boss He showed himself as a fanatic of implementings and changes. Heated alcohol, he read out of the diary a list of points, which will change and when. He entered into the controversy with whom will have to, argued, shouted "You are finely thinking and do not understand anything." It is natural that employees began to be friends against him and its changes, although for the most part they were quite literate.

There is a capital truth - a new manager in the first 100 days of his work should be very careful not to harm (let it not even intention), not to make worse. You must withstand the pause, give the opportunity to subordinate to get used to your manner.

Structure plan

Technically, the manager's work plan contains the following sections:

  • Goals that will be achieved
  • Stages (periods) with measurable intermediate result
  • Tasks for each stage, indicating the timing required costs and metrics
  • Performers and responsible persons for each task
  • Encouragement / fines for the implementation or failure of each task

Very similar to its essence on a business plan. It is also worth the task to show the liquidity of each action, to write processes, justifying each of them by predicting possible benefits.

You can move away from it, but the listed items affect necessarily.


The first steps of the head in a new place must be verified. We saw it from the above examples from our customers.

Do not rush to offer changed changes. It can discredit you as a manager. Start with adaptation in a new place. Give colleagues to adapt to you. Enjoy the support of the owner. And then all planned actions in the eyes and employees, and the owners will be to the place and are competently implemented.

If we can be useful for you in the planning process - ask questions by contacting the way you can easily. With joy and answer them for them, because we want new leaders in Ukraine to come to office effectively, and understood what steps should be done first and what to avoid.


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