Topics of articles on applied informatics. A personal computer is not a luxury

Information Technology. Pros or cons.

At the beginning of the 80s, the arrival of the computer created a revolution not only in the development of science and technology, but also in education and management. At first, it was so.

1985 - a new subject - computer science - was introduced in schools. The subject was introduced, but there were no technicians and specialists capable of teaching. So we studied the subject at the same time as the guys. The appearance of cars in schools is a huge breakthrough; children's and teachers' interest is huge (at the expense of teachers, the older generation is still afraid of cars). Then I saw the benefits electronic document management at school - printed once - then only make changes. Document processing time is reduced by tens, if not hundreds of times.

Children learn new technology almost instantly (much faster than adults). The perception of information of people before the computer era is fundamentally different from the perception of a modern person (so he ranked himself as a relic) - we studied paper media and in order to get information I had to read it, and sometimes sit over the text with a pen. Modern child perceives information in blocks. A child who cannot read walks the Internet better than a competent engineer. Is it a plus or a minus? It is a fact.

With the development of the technical base, new problems have appeared.

Electronic toys - children (and many adults) are ready to play for days. Today, no one knows how to deal with this.

Internet - we get any information without leaving home. But what about the reliability? It's easier with the exact sciences. How to deal with history, social studies. Two years ago, the prosecutor's office came to the school to check Internet access. A nice girl typed a website address - she went to pornography. After the reprimand, there was a desire to write a letter to the prosecutor's office with a request to send the addresses of their favorite sites. True, after the check, they installed Internet filters on the computers, which are not even allowed in Yandex.

In the 90s, the best students wrote essays at home, and in the computer science office they translated into electronic view, checked the spelling, and, already without errors, copied it into a notebook. Today, reports, presentations are downloaded from the Internet without even reading (not talking about text formatting).

In the Soviet Union, letters went on for weeks, and now the addressee receives letters almost instantly. Comfortable! I typed one request and sent it in one fell swoop to all divisions. Previously, only on telephone messages half a day would have to be spent ... More than a hundred letters come to the school's address within a week and almost all of them demand information.

Document flow. The number of outgoing and intra-school papers is impressive. And this stream is growing. Our school requires a separate program for each class, indicating in each class the dates of the lessons (there are 26 programs in my folder). This is only for this year. Experience suggests that next year it will again be necessary to change not the content, but the form of presentation ...

If, I think, it is useless to fight against students and the Internet by methods of administration, then it is quite possible to create uniform and stable forms and a list of outgoing and intra-school documents, to determine the circle of persons entitled to use this resource.

A business letter is no more than one page in size - otherwise no one will read it. This concludes.

Municipal general educational institution

middle School of General education

town of Oparino, Kirov region

A computer in a society of people

Abstract on Informatics and ICT

pupils of grade 9 "B"

Zwick Natalia


Richter Natalia Anatolyevna

Oparino - 2016 Table of contents


Today's life cannot be imagined without computers, they have become an integral part of it.

But the first computer appeared more than half a century ago in the United States. This event was associated, on the one hand, with advances in the field of electronics, and on the other hand, with the needs of mathematicians, physicists and other specialists in the automation of calculations. Early models of computers were called electronic computing machines (ECM). The high cost and the need for special education limited their widespread use. For many years, computers remained only a tool for scientific calculations.

At first, both the scientists who created the new machine (J. ogli and J. kkert) and entrepreneurs did not see any special opportunities for its use in the economy, business and other harmless areas (since, after all, the main purpose of this machine was to carry out calculations to create new weapon systems).

Now this episode can only be viewed as a curiosity associated with forecast errors. And with the beginning of mass production of parts for computers, their dimensions and weight were reduced by hundreds and thousands of times compared to the first samples, it became possible to install a new generation computer (80s) on the desktop. The price of such a computer has also dropped significantly. Now it has become available not only to wealthy firms, but also to individual citizens. The computer approached the person and began to be called personal. Moreover, science has found that many intellectual operations are presented in the form of rather large and complex collections of elementary, logical and arithmetic. This made it possible to simulate on modern computers many of the functions that were previously considered the prerogative of a person. Today machines prove mathematical theorems, analyze monuments of world literature, play chess and perform many other actions that until recently could only have been performed by an intellectually developed, qualified specialist.

The computer is just a tool human activity and, like any other tool, is used by society to solve problems and achieve goals that are determined by its social, economic, ideological characteristics.

The development of civilization, already in the early stages, sharply increased the number of "business" papers - all kinds of certificates, reports, statements, etc. Uncountable thousands of scribes worked in numerous offices. But the further development of civilization made it possible to facilitate human labor. The use of desktop and then pocket calculators greatly simplified the calculation technique and provided significant assistance to accountants, engineers and people of other professions. And also more and more often we are faced with computing technology and its activities when paying bills, calculating salaries, ordering tickets, etc.

Already you will not surprise anyone with the enormous speed of computers, their small size and large memory. And it's safe to say that the improvement of these smart machines will continue.

1. Personal Computer Is not a luxury

From the first days of its appearance to this day, personal computers remain very popular. What is the reason for their success and what are they for? A computer is a universal means for storing, processing and transmitting information. He is able to do a lot of useful things and thereby make life easier for the user - a person working at a computer.

We live in the world of computers. They play an essential role in our work, education, leisure and communication. Bank tellers, travel agents, secretaries, accountants, journalists, insurance agents, telephone operators, teachers, students and others use computers every day. However, for many people, these devices are still shrouded in mystery.

In order to understand what computers are, you need to understand two main points: computers are tools for processing information (such as words, numbers, images and sounds), tools that expand our capabilities. For example, tools like a hammer or a gate enhance our physical capabilities; a telescope or telephone empowers our senses. Computers are tools that enhance our mental capacity.

Devices such as a tape recorder or calculator also help us process information. However, each of these devices performs a limited set of operations (memorization or calculation), moreover, on information of a certain type (sounds or numbers). The advantages of computers are that they have broad capabilities for processing all types of information. Computers can help us in memorizing, retrieving, ordering, comparing, modifying, transmitting, receiving and analyzing words, numbers, images and sounds.

The second important point is that computers must be given instructions in the form of a program in order for them to do anything at all. A program is a sequence of detailed, step-by-step instructions written in a language that the computer understands. The computer follows the instructions of the program accurately. He does not have common sense and knowledge of how this or that business is usually done. The computer cannot understand or execute obscure or ambiguous commands, no matter how obvious they are to humans. Therefore, when you read or hear: "The computer did", it means: "The computer was programmed to do".

Each program tells you how to perform a certain function. The amazing flexibility of computers is due to the fact that they can execute commands in any program, and we, creating an infinite number of different programs for any computer, choose when to use one or another of them.

2. Computers as learning tools

The broad capabilities of computers for information processing make them, in principle, suitable for various uses in the field of education. They can facilitate teaching and learning at all levels, from preschoolers learning the alphabet to doctors learning new diagnostic techniques. Computers are suitable for use in areas such as linguistics and mathematics, history and natural sciences, professional training, music and art as well as reading and writing. Computers open up new avenues for the development of thinking and problem-solving skills, and provide new opportunities for active learning. With the help of computers, you can make the conduct of lessons, exercises, tests, as well as recording progress more efficiently. This relieves teachers and allows them to devote more time to individual lessons. Computers can make many lessons more interesting and compelling, and a vast stream of information readily available. Computers can be programmed to create various images, play music, perform calculations, serve as typewriters, and read a classroom magazine. Transformed written text into speech, measured the learner's reaction time, controlled tape recorders and videodisc players, and generally created an environment for creative and fun learning.

The possibilities for using computers for teaching are endless. Their general availability could lead to fundamental changes in the school curriculum, to a more complete solution of educational problems, to new means of teaching disabled people, to expanding the possibilities of self-education and home schooling.

In addition to their potential as a learning tool, computers themselves should become important subjects of study. Understanding their capabilities and limitations is necessary for every educated person.

A computer is a tool, but it differs from all other tools in that it processes information and can be programmed to perform a variety of jobs. But just like other tools, it is capable of serving good and bad purposes. With the help of a hammer, you can build, or you can destroy. The computer can be used to create original stories, pieces of music, paintings, to study complex relationships in the natural sciences, or for most mindless games. The extent to which computers affect students depends on how the students use them.

2.1. Computer - teacher

Computers can be programmed to have many of the advantages and disadvantages of books, films, and teachers. Good programs give computers some flexibility and "responsiveness", which are fully manifested in the process of communication between a student and a teacher and are completely absent when teaching with the help of books and films. The computer can evaluate the student's knowledge before starting classes and carefully monitor the assimilation of the material during the lesson. The computer can adjust the level of the material, the speed of its delivery, the number of repetitions for each child individually. A computer, like a book, provides an opportunity for each student to work at the most suitable pace and makes the knowledge of specialists in any field available to everyone. Computers allow pictures, motion pictures and sounds. Although these pictures and sounds are not as perfect as in the movies, they nonetheless help to communicate new concepts and keep students' attention. The recent combination of computers with videodiscs has made it possible to use images and sounds in computerized lessons that are as good as movies.

The advantage of computers is that they are completely objective, do not get irritated, do not feel frustrated when faced with difficult students. This, coupled with the ability to interact, retain attention, and communicate individually, makes computers especially valuable for teaching difficult children.

In school, computers can be used to teach lessons in many subjects, and in several ways. Sometimes they are the main means of studying a section.

2.2. OCR

You don't have to type on the keyboard yourself. If the text already exists in printed form, it can be entered into a computer using a special device - a scanner and a corresponding graphic image can be obtained. And then, using an optical recognition system (OCR), extract the text from the resulting image and as a result it will become available to other programs.

Optical character recognition systems are widely used in those areas where it is required to enter into a computer and process significant amounts of information, in particular, when organizing streaming data input for various information systems, automation office activities etc.

Of course, an OCR system, like a human, can be wrong. Its reliability and recognition speed largely depend on the quality of the source text. On "good", from a printing point of view, there are few errors, no more than 1-2 per page.

OCR systems are capable of working with texts in different languages, including mixed texts of arbitrary styles and sizes. In some cases, to improve the quality of recognition, it may be necessary to expand the font base of the system by training it. To deal with inevitable errors, a specialized built-in system is used electronic proofreader... Today on Russian market the following recognition systems are sold:

FineReader ( BitSoftware, Inc), CuneiForm ( CognitiveTechnologiesLtd), Author(Okrus).

2.2. Information Systems

An information system is a program or software package, designed for the accumulation and processing of various information. All information systems can be divided into two large groups depending on the nature and volume of information being processed, flexibility and power of existing means for this purpose: personal systems and professional systems.

Professional information systems are much more complex and more expensive than personal ones, they allow you to store large amounts of information and have advanced processing capabilities. Depending on the thematic focus among information systems, legal, bibliographic, medical and others are distinguished.

Each information system consists, as it were, of two parts: content and shell. The filling of the system, called the database (DB), is a collection of information contained in the system. Methods for entering, placing and presenting this information are regulated at the stage of creating the system. As a result, all information inside the database is structured in a certain way, which greatly facilitates access to it and the search for the required information.

An information system shell, called a database management system (DBMS), is a special environment. Working in it, the user can perform various actions with the database. These include such common operations as: searching the database for information that meets certain criteria, viewing existing information and entering new information, sorting it, printing, and others.

2.3. Global computer network Internet

The Internet is a global computer network covering the entire world. Today, the Internet has about 15 million subscribers in more than 150 countries around the world. The size of the network increases by 7-10% every month. The Internet forms a kind of core that connects the various information networks belonging to various institutions around the world, one with another.

If earlier the network was used exclusively as a medium for transferring files and e-mail messages, today more complex problems of distributed access to resources are being solved. About two years ago, shells were created that support the functions of network search and access to distributed information resources, electronic archives.

With a low cost of services (often only a fixed monthly fee for used lines or telephone), users can access commercial and non-commercial information services in the USA, Canada, Australia and many European countries. In the archives of free access to the Internet, one can find information on almost all spheres of human activity, starting with new ones. scientific discoveries until the weather forecast for tomorrow.

In addition, the Internet provides unique opportunities for cheap, reliable and confidential global communications around the world. This turns out to be very convenient for firms with branches around the world, transnational corporations and management structures. Usually, using the Internet infrastructure for international communications is significantly cheaper than direct computer communication via satellite or telephone.

Email is the most widely used Internet service. Currently, approximately 20 million people have an email address. Sending a letter by email is significantly cheaper than sending a regular letter. In addition, the message sent by e-mail will reach the addressee in a few hours, while regular letter it may take several days or even weeks to reach the addressee.

The Internet is currently experiencing a boom, thanks in large part to active support from European governments and the United States. About $ 1-2 million is allocated annually in the United States for the creation of new network infrastructure. Research in the field of network communications is also funded by the governments of Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, Germany.

However, government funding is only a small part of the proceeds. the "commercialization" of the network is becoming more visible (it is expected that 80-90% of the funds will come from the private sector).

3. Personal computer - a means of increasing the creative abilities of a person and his intellect

3.1. Robot and man

Looking into the depths of a modern robotic enterprise, we will not find there the "iron cyborgs" so familiar from science fiction novels, impassively bending over the machines. At the same time, modern industrial production is so saturated with a variety of machines that sometimes there is a feeling that the entire plant is one giant robot.

The term "robot" itself is known to have come from literature. A little more than half a century ago, the Czech writer Karel Čapek wrote the play "R.U.R." (Rossum universal robots), whose characters were people and robots - humanoid machines. This is how the concept of "robot" appeared for the first time - an artificial analogue of a living thinking creature, which soon began to play important role not only in science fiction literature, but also in science and technology.

Let's try to answer the question: "What is a robot?" Let's take the analogy between a robot and a human. What qualities are we interested in in this case? First, mental ability, which encompasses perception, learning, the presence of memory, logic, etc. Second, physical data, which includes strength, speed, reliability, stability of basic characteristics. And finally, thirdly, the functional capabilities of a person, namely: versatility (the ability to do various jobs well), the ability to perform complex movements (dexterity), adaptability (adaptability to various changes in external factors).

It is in this coincidence of qualitative spaces that the anthropomorphism of the robot consists, that is, its resemblance to a human. In other words, a robot is an anthropomorphic model of a person. That is why, in recent years, the concept of "Artificial Intelligence" is more and more often encountered with the concept of a robot.

The modern robot is an amazing focus of seemingly incompatible. In English-speaking countries, the untranslatable term "kluge", Meaning a system of dissimilar components whose designers never intended to use them together. Indeed, what case could merge into a qualitatively new formation a pumping station and a modern computer, a polynomial mechanical arm and a television camera? Developing independently, all these components of the robot have reached a certain perfection, when not by chance, but the daring thought of engineers brought them together in order to serve humans even better. However, this required overcoming narrow interdisciplinary frameworks, terminological barricades, psychological barriers and a host of other barriers common in a new business ...

So, robots are systems that are able to replace humans in various fields of activity due to their abilities to “think” and “do” (of course, the relationship between “think” and “do” is different for different robots). The fields of application of robots are already extremely diverse today, from medical care, where they act as a nurse and take care of the sick, to research work, where robots can replace humans in the ocean depths and on other planets.

3.2. Computer graphics

In addition to word processing, PC is perfect for preparing graphics and is widely used in the work of editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, book publishers, advertising agencies... With the help of graphic editors, they create illustrations, develop the style and logo of companies, prepare advertising.

Graphic programs designed for professional use allow you to enter and process black-and-white and color photographs, slides, images from a VCR, TV, camcorder in a computer. For example, with presentation graphics packages, you can create special effects-rich commercials and demos, supplementing them with music and speech if desired.

An independent direction of graphic programs with advanced capabilities are computer-aided design systems. With their help, designers define appearance cars, preparing new collections of clothing models, etc.

Displaying an image on the display screen and various actions with it, including visual analysis, require sufficient geometric literacy from the user. Geometric concepts, formulas and facts, related primarily to the plane and three-dimensional cases, play a special role in computer graphics problems. Geometric considerations, approaches and ideas combined with ever-expanding possibilities computing technology are an inexhaustible source of significant advances in the development of computer graphics, its effective use in scientific and other research. Sometimes even the simplest geometric techniques provide noticeable progress at certain stages of solving a large graphic problem.

3.3. Computer games

At the computer, you can not only work effectively, but also have a good rest. This fact is convincingly proved by numerous companies producing entertainment programs... It's no secret that most beginners begin their acquaintance with a computer with games, and with the widespread use of home PCs game programs are becoming more and more popular.

Personal computers at the dawn of their appearance (in the early 80s) served mainly for entertainment purposes. The first PCs were sold as toys of sorts. They could be played in special games called "video games". Such a computer produced in 1984 had the appearance of a keyboard unit slightly thicker than a sketchbook. It connects to any home TV and standard cassette recorder. After that, you can put a cassette with a video game program recorded on it on the tape recorder and turn on the tape recorder for playback. The program will be entered or, as they say, "loaded" into the PC memory and you can start the game.

With a PC, you can also play our popular video games "hockey", "tennis", fight tic-tac-toe, sea battle, chess, etc. Not only children, but also adults are fond of video games.

“It is very important that in scientific work there was always room for jokes and fun ... Productivity scientific research in computing, in both serious and humorous developments, it is primarily due to the free theoretical atmosphere in which new ideas, apparently, are generated half by people and half by machines themselves. One could even say that without this cheerful mood there would have been no rapid scientific progress. "

It is important to note that the same gaming home microcomputer with which you can fight for hours in naval combat successfully serves as a tireless tutor, offering arithmetic or physics problems, and then carefully checking their solution. He himself will remind the grammar rule that the student has forgotten, show a color drawing to make it easier to fit a difficult theorem into memory, explain the topic again if the student was sick or was not too attentive in class. We will discuss this in more detail in the next section.

3.4. Computers and creativity

Computers with the appropriate software are a powerful tool for creative expression in literature, painting and music. Word processing programs make writing and editing less tedious, allowing you to write more and better. Graphics programs are useful for the creation of paintings, animations, and special visual effects. Music composing programs open up new opportunities for learning music, even for those who cannot play a musical instrument.

Musical and sound effects reproduced by computers, have stepped forward in their development compared to the sounds that resemble the sound of a bouncing ball when playing table tennis, which for many people were the first "computer" sounds they heard. In addition to playing the sounds accompanying video games, computers are used to create musical and sound effects for movies, gramophone records and in concert activities. The computer not only simulates the sound of any instrument, but also produces completely new sounds. He can change the pitch, tempo and timbre of music, as well as manipulate sounds in other ways. These capabilities make the computer a powerful new tool for the creative work of both composers and performers.

In addition to their own capabilities for creating sounds, computers can control the special musical instruments... Together with the appropriate software, these tools enable computers to reproduce any kind of musical sound, as well as special sound effects.


Thus, computerization has become not just a fact of scientific and technological progress. She powerfully invaded social life society, has affected its deepest layers: life, leisure, education. Being one of the most outstanding achievements of the modern stage of scientific and technological progress, computer technology is seen as a catalyst for a leap in labor productivity in all areas. social production... It is an amplifier of the intellectual power of society, manifested in the acceleration of the pace of development of science and technology, literature and art, a factor in the acceleration of the processes of production and dissemination of knowledge and the transition to new technologies of the XXI century, based on the "processing of knowledge" and in this it could and should be manifested the power of the computer!

Also, in conclusion, I would like to summarize the above, draw conclusions. As already noted, computers have become an integral part of our life and it is difficult to imagine how people would manage without them in some areas of their activity, for example, in the management of artificial earth satellites or tomography. The importance of these machines is almost impossible to overestimate, which is only the operation performed by medical luminaries at a distance using special robots. But it must be remembered that without the initial participation of a person, the activities of programmers, computers could not do anything at all. That is why, in my opinion, it is wrong to attribute all achievements to computers alone.

Of course, one cannot only talk about positive impact The computer on human life, after all, universal computerization and negatively affected it. Yes, computers have dramatically accelerated processes that require repetition of monotonous operations; yes, they have improved the quality of education and expanded the ways of getting it, made people with disabilities feel like full-fledged members of society. Yes, human creativity has been widely opened and acquired some other directions associated with the use of computers. But there is also back side medals: firstly, people today are losing touch with each other, for some the virtual world has replaced real and normal human communication, much more sincere in its essence, has become unacceptable. Secondly, a lot of smart computer thieves, hackers have appeared, which forces us to create enhanced security measures to avoid financial losses and information leakage. Thirdly, no matter how reliable technology, it still remains a technique that tends to break down, which threatens all sorts of losses and the possibility of losing control over the system.

And I think that, having evaluated all the positive and negative features of computerization, we, the generation of the XXI century, need to develop new concept in the creation and implementation of software products and information systems, in which to take into account all: social, economic, political factors, so that people of the future have something to be proud of, and not to rack their brains over correcting our mistakes.


1. Aglitskiy D.S. and others. Computers in the office and at home: Infra-I-N, 1997

2. Alekseev V.E., Petrov A.V. and other Computing technologies in engineering and economic calculations. - M .: Higher school, 1990

3. Zhuravlev A.N., Pavlyuk K.M. Language and computers. - M .: Education, 1989

4. Zuev S.T., Rastrigin L.A. Computing machines, systems, networks ... - Moscow: Nauka, 1982

5. Kanygin Yu.P., Zotov B.K. What is computer science? - M .: Nauka, 1989

6. Kleiman G.N. Schools of the Future: Computers in Learning. - M .: Education, 1987

7. Kosnevsky P.R. Schools of the future: entertaining mathematics and PC / Translation from English. - M .: Mir, 1987

8. Kochetov G.P. The power and impotence of the computer. - M .: Education, 1987

9. Kushnarenko I.S. Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science. - M .: Nauka, 1991

10. Lyapikov V.S., Sarukhanov M.P. What a computer cannot. - M .: Mechanical Engineering, 1989

11. Michie D., Jonathon R. Computer - Creator. - M .: Education / translation from English, 1999

12. Naumov B.N. Computer science. Computer literacy. - M .: Nauka, 1988

13. Peregudov M.A. Halamizer A.P. Side by side with your computer. - M .: Mir, 1987

New information technologies, which have appeared relatively recently and have been rapidly developing over the past 20 years, have quite densely entered our life.

It is difficult to imagine a modern person without mobile communications, skills of using a computer and the Internet. We live in the 21st century - the century of high-speed information transfer. Now appreciated: the speed of transferring and receiving new information,

Ability of quick analysis, processing of the obtained material.

One of the main criteria for assessing the professionalism of a teacher is the mastery of modern educational technologies, including not only the use of a computer, but also various means of technology and communication.

On the present stage in connection with the strategy of modernization of education, the main points modern school are quality, efficiency and availability.

Modernization dictates the need to develop the cognitive interests, abilities and capabilities of the child. The lesson should be bright, effective, emotional, and most importantly - productive. These factors primarily depend on the teacher and his professionalism.The Strategy for the Modernization of Education emphasizes the need to change the methods and technologies of teaching at all levels, to increase the weight of those that form the practical skills of information analysis, self-study, stimulate the independent work of students, and form the experience of responsible choice and responsible activity. There was a need fornew learning model based on modern information technologies implementing the principles of personality-oriented education.Thus, the following requirements for the school of the future can be distinguished:

The school must develop the creative potential of each student, i.e. carry out a personal approach in the learning process.

The school must teach the student to learn. To teach to work with information.

Both teachers and students must master information and telecommunication technologies.

Therefore, it is necessary to rebuild the traditional lesson, focusing on the requirements for education. modern society and a person.

Information technology-a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware, united technological process and providing collection, storage, processing, output and dissemination of information to reduce the labor intensity of the processes of using information resources, increase their reliability and efficiency.

The process of data processing in the EIS is impossible without usingtechnical means, which includecomputer, input-output devices, office equipment, communication lines, network equipment.

Computer training technologies- these are the processes of preparation and transfer of information to the student, the means of implementation of which is a computer.

Computer teaching aids are called interactive, they have the ability to: "respond" to the actions of the student and teacher,

"enter" into dialogue with them.

The computer can be used at all stages of the lesson. Moreover, at different stages of the lesson, it performs different functions:


Working tool,

Study object,

A collaborating team,

Leisure (gaming) environment

Computer lesson -
any lesson using a computer as a teaching tool.

Computer usage intensity:

0% of the lesson time is an ordinary lesson,

Partial use - computer lesson,

100% of the lesson time - in essence, there is no lesson, there is computer learning.

The introduction of information technologies into the learning process of schoolchildren provides

Access to various information resources and contributes to the enrichment of the learning content,

Gives it a logical and exploratory character,

Solves the problem of finding ways and means

Information technology contributes to:

  • enhancing the cognitive interest of students,
  • development of their creative abilities,
  • stimulation of mental activity,
  • stimulation of independence,
  • organization of individual training,
  • satisfaction of educational needs.

Application ICT technologies it is necessary in the lesson - this is the requirement of time, which diversifies the lesson, allows it to increase its density, to activate the work of students.

Types of computer technology:

Computer demonstration technology -educational information about the studied object.

Computer simulation technology- a set of techniques, methods, processing methods, information exchange, transportation, broadcasting of information presented in any form (symbolic, text, graphic, audio-video information) using modern means links providing informational interaction of users. Modeling - representation of various characteristics of the behavior of a physical or abstract system using another system.

Math modeling- a method for studying processes and phenomena on their mathematical models.

The technology of using programmed learning environments... This is user interaction with software system characterized by the implementation of more advanced means of dialogue. At the same time, it is possible to select options for the content of educational material, the mode of working with it. The interactive mode of interaction between the user and the software system is characterized by the fact that each of his requests causes a response from the system and, conversely, a replica of the latter requires a response from the user. Work in the mobile computer lab. Each computer hassimulator... For example: Students individually solve spelling problems using different rules.

Indispensable in the lessons of reinforcement and controlcomputer testing technology.A huge number of electronic educational resources have appeared on the network, which represent an extensive system of online testing for each topic studied. This ICT technology is an excellent tool for implementing multilevel learning technology. The teacher has the opportunity to help the weak, to pay attention to the strong, the desire of strong students to advance faster and deeper in education is realized. Strong students are affirmed in their abilities, the weak get the opportunity to experience educational success, the level of motivation for learning increases. Weak students can be offered traditional test... The material is presented in it less voluminous, structured, uniform. Strong students can navigate in multilevel tests, complete several types of work in a lesson, and receive several marks. Of course, such lessons require additional technical equipment.

Project learning technologyhas long taken its place in the teaching system of many teachers and is not new. Nevertheless, its advantages are obvious: the work on this method makes it possible to develop the individual creative abilities of students, to more consciously approach professional and social self-determination. I also use design technologies but always with ICT support. The output product of any such project should be a digital educational resource that can then be used by any participant in the educational process.

Forms of organization of e-learning:

  • Information and training programs
  • Ready-made electronic manuals
  • Presentations
  • Encyclopedias on CDs
  • Computer textbooks
  • Internet

Information and training programs.At present, a market of special programs has been formed in Russia, created for use as a teaching tool (didactic tool) in lessons in various subjects. Today there are dozens of various educational programs available on a PC, CD or the Internet. These include:

Programs - libraries(collections of various texts), equipped with search engines. They are also electronic version paper editions.

Tutoring programs- focused on The final stage training (example: intensive preparation for the exam).

Problem books - programs, allowing you to organize the process of acquiring new knowledge in a fun way. In form, these programs are similar to games, but in essence they contain serious educational tasks.

Educational reference books.

Educational programs.


  • Increase interest in the lesson;
  • Can be used throughout the lesson or in fragments;
  • Compact lesson material;
  • Saving time:
  • tests, independent work, generalization and systematization of knowledge;
  • Various programs
  • constructions, video clips and animations.

Preparing presentations is a creative process, often a joint activity of a teacher and a student. Presentations are effectively used at various stages of the lesson and in extracurricular activities, which allows you to quickly and deeper perceive the material being studied. When preparing a presentation, the student spends a huge research work, uses a large number of sources of information, shows a creative approach to the subject being studied. In the process of demonstrating the presentation, he gains the experience of public speaking, can act as a teacher. As a rule, it takes about three hours to prepare one presentation using excerpts from multimedia encyclopedias, graphics and animation tools, and audio tools.

Encyclopedias on CDs.

These discs contain not only illustrations, videos, but also texts that have already been adapted for children's perception.

Computer textbooks

  • Textbooks, problem books, reference books, encyclopedias;
  • Various build programs;
  • Video fragments and animations of experiments and experiments;
  • Virtual laboratory, practical work;
  • Tests, independent work;
  • Generalization and systematization of material for preparation for certification

Electronic interactive board - modern digital device

All information, as well as all programs, lesson development, sounds, videos, etc. can be found on the world wide web Internet. The Internet has tremendous potential educational services(Email, search engines, electronic conferences) and becomes an integral part of modern education. By receiving educationally significant information from the network, the skills are acquired: to purposefully find information and systematize it according to the given criteria; see information as a whole, and not fragmentarily, highlight the main thing in an information message.The Internet presents tremendous opportunities for users., whose worldwide network includes e-mail, provides access to graphical and multimedia content on the Web. The concept of multimedia includes a multi-compact information environment, the aggregate of which is text information (texts, numerical data), audio (speech, music, sound effects), video (animation, video, graphic images). There are also search engines, channels for negotiations and discussions in real time, games, news. Without leaving home and without visiting libraries, you can find the latest information, since the Internet has a huge number of paid and free databases and a wide variety of knowledge. With the help of the Internet, you can get access to many correspondence courses, take part in discussions, find information about almost any type of human activity.From the available database, the teacher can select text content, documents, different kinds visibility, recommendations for their use in the educational process. There are lesson designs, cognitive tasks, games, slide films.

High school students not only use the information contained on the Internet, but also read publications of new data in real time. They become active users of computer technology: they construct models of concepts, assess their preparedness and quality of work. In the process of completing the assignment, the student can modify the text received from the Web, pick up illustrations and put forward his arguments, building the logic of the proof.

With the help of the Internet, a remote form of presentation of elective courses is possible, the organization of network elective classes. Senior pupils study history on the basis of a remote multimedia educational-methodical complex - a computer "History of the Fatherland. 1882-1917". E-mail allows you to consult students and edit their materials, give answers within the forum. In turn, students take part in distance team competitions and Olympiads, create a new product together with other teams.

Students working with a computer develop a higher level of self-education skills, the ability to navigate in a huge flow of information, the ability to analyze, compare, argue, generalize, and draw conclusions. The use of ICT makes it possible to conduct integrated lessons, for example, history and MHC.

Applying information technology, a teacher should not forget about safety when working with a computer.

Positive aspects of ICT:

  • The educational material is contained in a volume that exceeds the capabilities of traditional types of educational literature;
  • Organization possibility individual work, the technology of level differentiation is used, the use of additional motivational levers;
  • Contains a lot of illustrative material;
  • Promotes a more in-depth study of the subject;
  • increasing the level of activity of the student, developing the ability of alternative thinking, the formation of the ability to develop a strategy for finding solutions, both educational and practical tasks;
  • the acquisition of the ability to learn the patterns of subject areas and the environment integration, about all the relationship and dependence;
  • the ability to predict the results of implementation decisions taken on the basis of modeling the studied objects, phenomena, processes and relationships between them about the entire relationship and dependence;

Disadvantages of ICT:

  • minimizing live communication between teachers and schoolchildren, students, limited in the educational process, offering them communication in the form of a "dialogue with a computer"
  • distracting the attention of the student in the learning process due to the colossal amounts of information;
  • decrease in the effectiveness of teaching and upbringing of schoolchildren due to the use of information resources,
  • the formation of stereotyped thinking, formal and non-initiative attitude to activities, etc .;
  • negative impact of excessive and unjustified use of informatization means on the health of all participants in the educational process.

A professional teacher is a person who is ready to independently master various software tools and resources; able to create their own educational resources and projects willing to share their teaching experience.


Organization of an instrumental computer environment for organizing lessons in primary school... - SPb .: Publishing house. "Anatolia", 2003. Molokov Yu. G. Information technologies in a traditional primary school // Elementary education. 2002. - № 2.

Shapoval I.O. The use of information technology in the work of a primary school teacher


Computer Science and ICT Teacher

MKOU "Malo-Kamensk secondary school" Bolshesoldatsky district of Kursk region

Raspopova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Education is one of the priority directions in the state, which is being effectively modernized at the present time, a new federal state educational standard of the second generation is being introduced, in which the school discipline "Informatics" is given a primary role. It is no coincidence that one of the four interdisciplinary curricula is the program "Formation of ICT Competence of Students".

In this regard, it should be noted that we, teachers of informatics, have a special role to play. After all, we acquaint students with a personal computer not only as a device and teach how to work with it, but also form the skills of using it as a tool for teaching in all school disciplines. Mastery technical devices and working with them in all school subjects is actually the foundation of the second generation standards, which means that informatization of all aspects of school life is taking place.

In the process of teaching the subject of computer science and ICT at school, I noted that students, when studying various topics, find it difficult to independently solve the tasks assigned to them, model information processes and apply the knowledge gained in practice. They fail to properly analyze and select the necessary information, transform it and present it to the audience, that is, information and communication competencies are not properly formed. I set myself the goal of finding a way, forms and means to solve this problem.

Over the years, I have developed a strong belief that the task of the school is to create an atmosphere that would contribute to the mental, emotional and physical development of the individual. In such conditions, it is easier to find a spark in every child and develop his talents, make him a successful person regardless of the grades received and ultimately prepare graduates who are ready to organically fit into the modern dynamically changing world.

In the process of solving this problem, I primarily use work onabstracts, various kinds of creative tasks and projects, which has proven to be more effective. Students have an increased cognitive interest, they are more assiduous in the teaching material, they learn complex topics faster, master the skills: plan their activities, work well with information, make decisions on their own, conduct reflection and present the results of their work in front of the audience.

In search of educational technology that would satisfy the needs of the child, I settled on project activities... The project method is effective with a small amount of equipment in the classrooms of a rural school, a very rich content of the subject, as well as a large workload of children in other subjects. This method allows the child to solve this or that problem on his own, a lot of independent work, which is a consequence of the most solid knowledge, in addition, it attracts knowledge from other school disciplines. I see the interest of children in classes, as they see the results of their work.

The introduction of the project method into the lessons took place over several years in 3 stages: preparatory, practical and generalizing, and the second stage was implemented in two years. It all started with mini-projects.

In grades 5-7, I offer children creative assignments on various topics of informatics, such as making puzzles, crosswords, small-volume presentations "My hobby", "My school" and others. Moreover, these projects are solved with the help of computer technology, and by means of this information and communication competencies are formed in the children: the ability to use various computer programs: the graphic editor Paint, text editors Notepad and WordPad, tools for creating presentations in MS PowerPoint environment. In my work, I do not use fully practical assignments for the educational and methodological set of Bosova L.S., but I try to invite students to carry out creative projects.

In grades 8-9 I offer children projects that are more complex in their execution. For example, create and arrange a collection of tasks on the topic "Measuring information", creative projects "Prehistory and history of the development of computers", "Newsletter", creative project"Logo".In the 9th grade, when studying topics related to Web design, I invite the children to create pages for a school website., creation of programs in the TurboPascal programming system and others. And for students in grades 10-11, working on projects becomes even more difficult. Children prepare electronic tests on various topics of informatics so that they can be used by young learners; create stand projects, a school wall newspaper, make presentations using video plots and sound, useFlesh technologies for animation and much more.

We are engaged in project activities not only in computer science lessons, but also outside of school hours in the classes of the creative association "Cross-stitch + PC". Despite the fact that cross-stitching is one of the oldest types of needlework, this craft has found its fans among the students of our school.

To create embroidery patterns, local history material is used, which is processed in special computer programs, and also the whole computer technology office of informatics. Students communicate not only with each other, spending time in the classroom, but also with Internet users, exchange experience with participants in the cross stitching process, acquire patterns for embroidery, use advice given by professionals; subscribe to the newsletter to keep abreast of all the changes in the world of embroidery; visit virtual thematic exhibitions.

Based on the results of work using the project-based teaching method, I can draw the following conclusion: when applying this method high learning outcomes are achieved for schoolchildren, especially in the field of information and communication competencies. The interest of students in the subject increases significantly, intersubject connections are clearly visible. Children are happy to carry out educational projects and participate in various kinds of conferences and exhibitions.

By solving a problem, students learn to think, and this is the most important thing. After all modern man should be not only erudite, but flexible, able to select, process and build information in the knowledge system, adequately specific situation... The use of the project-based teaching method serves to achieve the main goal - the formation of information and communication competence, designed to help a graduate become not only a competent specialist, professional, but also a person capable of adapting to various life situations. Innovative teaching methods are firmly embedded in the life of the school, so work in this direction continues and improves.


1. Skripkina Yu. V. Informatics lessons as an environment for the formation of key competencies. // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 2007 .-- September 30.

2. Khutorskoy A.V. " Key competencies as a component of student-centered education "// Public education... - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 58


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