How to start cooking: a step-by-step business plan. Two hostesses in one studio How to conduct cooking classes at home

This is the story of a cute little business. Compote studio has two directors - two equal partners, Oksana Kim-Flayosk and Zauzamira Abisheva. They hatched the idea independently of each other: one - in Nice (Oksana's husband is French), the other - in Almaty. When the idea matured, with a difference of several days, they came with their business plans to Askar Baitasov, managing director of AB Restaurants (the largest restaurant company in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the group includes more than 20 establishments, including the Del Papa restaurant chain, Bochonok ”, Augustin, Coffeemania coffee houses, Cafeteria). Mr. Baitasov suggested that the girls get to know each other and look at each other, “sniff”, as Zauzamira and Oksana themselves say. They "sniffed" and decided to work on the implementation of the idea together. So it's also a story of compromise.

Share of luck

Cooking is one of the trends of our time. The creators of the culinary studio say that they felt it intuitively, and then, while developing the idea, they realized that they were in the stream. “At first, the idea came, and when you go to Google and see that this is a huge trend, everyone is crazy about cooking, you understand that cooking, gathering around the table is fashionable,” Zauzamira recalls. The appearance of an idea does not mean its implementation; but here, as the directors of Compote repeat, “our idea was lucky”: not only they noticed the trend, but also Askar Baitasov, who acted as an investor in a new business.

The two business plans were combined, and the creators of the studio do not focus on the fact that something had to be abandoned. On the contrary, they indicate that the best has been taken from each business plan. Zauzamira Abisheva laughs: “Oksana paid more attention to the professional side, the technical side, while my focus was on the social component: drinking wine, communicating, cooking together. There were funny moments when we calculated each lesson, as the investor demanded from us not only ideas, but also numbers. And when we calculated, Oksana and Askar said: “Why wine, it makes the class more expensive.” I said: “No, you need wine. It's a social lubricant."

From jokes to business they quickly moved on: already three or four weeks after Askar Baitasov saw the business plans for creating a culinary studio, he found a place for it. In the very center of Almaty. “When we saw the premises, at first we thought that it was very, very small, 2 times smaller than we wanted - we counted on at least 80 square meters. Askar did not insist, it was possible to look for something else, but we decided: so be it. And it turned out to be good. The fact that the studio became a chamber studio influenced the format. That is, if it were large, the format would be different: we initially assumed that there would be two tables - we cook at one, we eat at the other, we rest. But this divides people: someone can move away, sit on the sidelines, and so on. And here we have one center, behind which all people sit - this unites, ”says Oksana.

The opening of the culinary studio took six months and about eighty thousand dollars (with an estimated sixty). In addition, this amount does not take into account the internal resources of AB Restaurants used to create Compote: for example, the help of lawyers who know all the requirements of the authorities regulating this market, advice from chefs who are well aware of the technical part - from what refrigerators and dishes to buy , before where to put the combi steamer. “Some processes took place automatically, we, in fact, did not even take part in them, and if it were not for the investor and the well-established system of work in AB Restaurants, it would be much more difficult for us,” the directors of the company admit.

Culinary Studio Compote opened in September last year. “It was possible to drag it out for a couple more months - it’s always like this with construction. But we set strict limits for ourselves: we invited the famous Russian chef Alexei Zimin to the opening. And he clearly named the date when he could come. By the way, we remember him with gratitude - it is clear that he is a star, he has a crazy fee. Zimin and I arrived at the studio the evening before the opening. And everything seems to be in order with us, but it still smells a little of paint, the clock is on the windowsill - they haven’t hung it; it is not clear where which frying pan is - now we know it by heart, with our eyes closed, but then there was no system yet. In the back room - a bunch of products for tomorrow's opening: meat, vegetables, seasonings. Oksana and I are running around, we don’t know what to grab onto, and at some point I go into the back room, I see Zimin: he calmly chooses his products, without saying a word, knowing full well what it’s like for us before the opening, ”Zauzamira Abisheva shares emotional memories and adds that the first three months of the studio were very intense.

Food as entertainment

The culinary studio Compote focuses on those who are interested in food as a topic, and not as a physiological need, and who are willing to spend money to make everyday life brighter. The cost of classical master classes lasting 3 hours is about 10-14 thousand tenge, events of the "Open Kitchen" format - a little cheaper, 7-8 thousand. How do classical master classes differ from open social cooking? Oksana explains: “The classic master class is led by a practicing chef who explains everything, and each of the participants has their own set of products, and everyone cooks their own. As for the "open kitchen" format, this means: a group of people prepares one dinner for everyone. One of the sub-formats of the "open kitchen", when specially invited people cook famous people, athletes or musicians, and you can easily communicate with them in the process. Zauzamira adds: "Open Kitchen" - it can be both lunch and dinner, and is more informal. Operations are divided as if it were your kitchen, you are cooking with friends: one peels carrots, the other cuts. That is, operations are divided into all. And in the classroom, the goal is to teach a person so that he fully masters the process of preparing this dish.

The culinary studio has a lot of activities. In addition to master classes and "open kitchen" classes for children, private master classes and closed culinary holidays, corporate events with a culinary theme. It can be said that the culinary studio offers to acquire not so much the opportunity to gain cooking skills (although, of course, they also), but the atmosphere and mood created by the stylish interior, hospitable hostesses, a couple of glasses of wine, and, of course, delicious food. The directors of Compote say that their expectations were justified: the culinary studio receives most of its income from those who come there for the sake of entertainment - for corporate and just parties, birthdays, family holidays, presentations.

The audience that Compote is betting on is people aged twenty-five and older. However, the main backbone of visitors is still in the age range of thirty to forty. For the most part, these are already established and fairly wealthy people. When asked whether a kind of price filter is specifically set for the audience, Ms. Abisheva notes that “it is not overpriced on purpose, but we could slightly reduce prices for regular open classes- because it is not the main source of income for us. The main source is still corporate customers with events, but we deliberately do not do this. Because at the beginning of our activity, when the classes were 5-6 thousand tenge, different people came in and asked for vodka. And what is happening here - they were not interested in it all. Compote is now seeing a trend that people who can't go to fairly expensive cooking classes all the time are using these events to mark some significant event for them: "For example, inviting a girl to celebrate the anniversary of the start of a relationship here."

amateur cook

Zauzamira Abisheva draws attention to another point why the culinary studio attracts clients: “People who work in offices often do not see such a result of their work that you can feel, touch with your hands. And when they come to us, it shows! A man is frying a steak - he is already flying over him like a kite - no one comes near, I will fry this steak! Or a young guy makes some kind of cheesecake - and sees that he is in perfect shape, the cream is good. People have a certain sense of completion - that they do everything with their hands. This is very important indeed. Not to mention, it's really delicious."

At one time, the culinary studio can take 13, in a rare case 14 people, if this is a classic master class, and 16 people - if the event is in the "open kitchen" format. Registration for events in Compote is not closed until the last moment, despite the fact that the purchase of products is done in a day or two. “We know that if the class is meat, then there is an 80% chance that it will all gather, even at the last moment. Therefore, we buy 13 servings for 13 people, in the worst case, two sets of products will remain. If there are other classes, then we buy 2-3 portions there plus those who signed up. And if people apply at the last moment, we always have the opportunity to add 2-3 more people,” explains Zauzamira, and Oksana adds: “We are now working according to the scheme - an advance payment of 50% at least a day in advance. Previously, there was payment after the fact, but practice has shown that there are people who sign up and do not come. We hold a place for them, bear losses. I had to switch to another scheme.

If at first the studio was busy with master classes and meetings in the “open kitchen” format for almost the entire week, now there are fewer classes, and the rest of the days, as they say in Compote, are “busy with parties”. If we estimate the total number of participants in both master classes and corporate events, it turns out that since the opening of the culinary studio, about 3 thousand people have visited it. 20-30% of them became regular customers. “They have passed each of us more than 20 classes for sure. We are now thinking about some kind of loyalty system, it's time. These are people who are really loyal to our studio: if they sign up, we are 100% sure that they will come, and we do not require prepayment from them. And if we know - a person always goes to this cook, we ourselves call him and talk about it - maybe he did not have time to see our new schedule. By the way, something like club cards Parents also want it, because about half of our children return to children's cooking classes (the average age in these classes is 5–6 years old), ”say the directors of the studio.

Cooking with kitchen stars

At first, Compote was strongly supported by the brand chefs of AB Restaurants: “These are strong chefs, mostly foreigners, but we had to start somewhere. Because if we immediately started paying some big fees, it would be difficult to put the commercial side of things on stream. And so we had a head start of several months. Plus, we also agreed with other chefs, not from AB Restaurants, for example, with Giorgio Palazzi, the founder and chef of Pomodoro restaurants. And it should be noted that Askar Baitasov took this as completely normal,” says Ms. Abisheva.

There are no problems with inviting chefs to public master classes in the studio: “we are already known,” Compote states. Despite the fact that in such classes the fees for cooks are either purely symbolic or completely absent. Public master classes carry mainly an image load, they are promotions for restaurants where chefs work. But if the chef is invited to a private event (and the scheme usually looks like this: the client came to an open master class, he liked it, he brought his company or department to the team building. And, as a rule, he says: “I was with such a chef, I want exactly him”), then here the fee will be quite tangible - up to 150-200 thousand tenge.

Heading for internal reserves

The Compote culinary studio has already become quite a fashionable place in Almaty - which, of course, was what its creators wanted. Using their experience in advertising, they actively use social media- carefully considering which photos to post so that customers want to return to them. “And here we have a symbiosis: Oksana is responsible for the photo, and I write texts well,” says Zauzamira. Compote did not advertise at all for money: “In AB Restaurants, we exhibited table talkers about what a culinary studio is. And now we lay out our schedule there. Otherwise, the main advertising tool is social networks, where we do everything ourselves.” In addition to the two directors, there are 5 other employees in the studio: an executive manager, two master class assistants and two technical workers who clean the room.

According to Oksana Kim-Flayosk and Zauzamira Abisheva, they have chosen a successful business model: they do not need a permanent staff of waiters, they do not need a food warehouse: they made a schedule - they bought it. Of course have fixed costs- such as rent, communal payments, staff, but the studio has not only reached self-sufficiency, but also generates income. And yet, Oksana and Zauzamira are not going to expand their presence in the Almaty market by opening another studio - they are sure that their project now covers almost all the needs of the southern capital. “Perhaps we will expand operationally, we have all sorts of ideas to expand the business itself - these can be gastronomic tours, and some offsite events, picnics, and so on…” Oksana shares her ideas. “Of course, we would like to invite some stars - Jimi Oliver, Belonika, Vysotskaya - not because we ourselves are ambitious in this regard. We just know that our audience needs it,” Zauzamira adds.

Even at the stage of discussion when creating a culinary studio, Askar Baitasov said to two future directors: "Calculate the business plan in the usual scenario and in the optimistic one." Then it seemed to Oksana and Zauzamira that an optimistic scenario was the ultimate dream. The real Compote turned out to be better than the dreams about it - the optimistic scenario has already been overfulfilled by 50%.

How to open cooking - step by step business plan: financial section, Top 3 competitive advantages, calculation of costs for opening and developing a business.

Capital investment: 300,000 rubles.
Business payback: from 12 months.

Not only an experienced entrepreneur, but also a housewife can think about organizing a business in the manufacture of dishes.

In the first case, the potential for the development of this niche and high demand can attract.

And for the fair sex, as a rule, this is an opportunity to fulfill themselves and just do business for the soul.

In any case, you need to make culinary business plan.

Only serious planning will allow you to create a company that will work stably and prosper.

The platform for development really exists impressive.

A large percentage of people do not have the desire or time to cook.

This is especially true for workaholics, although the need for delicious food is inherent in everyone.

However, favorable conditions alone are not enough to achieve success.

Let's figure out what else you need to open a culinary business.

Target audience analysis for a culinary business plan

The target audience of cooking is very extensive.

However, in a business plan, it is important to specify this data.

After all, it depends on the portrait of the average client advertising campaign, location, format.

For establishments that sell ready meals, the main target audience will be people who spend a lot of time at work.

They will visit outlet after a working day.

As a rule, this is the period from Monday to Friday after 17.00.

Men will visit the culinary shop at any time.

But for cooking, which prepares dishes for catering, the target audience will be different.

These are various companies that order business lunches in the office and at lunchtime.

And the people who organize the holidays.

Possible culinary opening formats

There are several possible options for starting a food manufacturing business.

They differ not only in format, but also in the size of investments, payback periods and other indicators.

Cooking Formats:

    Separate outlet.

    This format is almost never found.

    It is difficult to predict the development potential in this case.

    In order for the culinary point to pay off on its own, it is necessary to choose the location for the point very competently and successfully.

    Culinary department in a supermarket.

    Opening of the sales department ready meals in the supermarket entails several bonuses: it allows you to sell goods with “suitable” expiration dates, expand the range, and attract additional customers.


    This is what is called catering for events and meetings.

    This a good option for start-up entrepreneurs who are just “testing the soil”.

    But also catering can become a scaling option for a regular establishment.

It cannot be said that one format of organizing a business is better than another. Each of them has its own characteristics.

The entrepreneur chooses the option that is more convenient and potentially profitable for him.

Competitive advantages in the culinary business plan

The niche of the culinary business is also risky because the level of competition is quite high.

And it is not easy to single out significant competitive advantages.

Let's try to identify three factors that can make customers contact you.

naturalnessEcological and natural products are always in fashion. But in recent years, the prefix "eco" allows you to increase demand at times. Using this trend is very simple, because the products are already homemade. Emphasize this in promotional booklets or food packaging (if you are preparing takeaway food).
Working hoursNot all representatives target audience open until 6-7 pm. If you can delay the outlet closing time until 10-11 pm, increase your reach. Accordingly, you will get an advantage.
RangeSurveys show that customers prefer to have a wider range of dishes to choose from. When it is not possible to cook on your own, the same types of food become boring. Try to experiment with the range. You can also hold themed weeks and prepare dishes from certain countries.

What should a food advertisement look like?

Cooking is a very specific business in terms of advertising.

That is why opening an institution "solo", in a separate room, is quite risky.

Culinary promotion methods:

    Point decoration.

    Use the space as additional advertising space.

    Be sure to order a bright sign, banners can be placed on the outer walls.

    If crowded places are away, install some signs (pillar, graffiti on the asphalt).

    Booklets and flyers.

    Since culinary customers usually become on a territorial basis, a good result is the distribution of flyers.

    They can be placed in the mailboxes of nearby houses.

    Or hire promoters to distribute in crowded places nearby.

    Ready-made meals that have a short shelf life are often discounted in the evening.

    This attracts customers and allows you to sell products that would otherwise have to be written off.

Where to open a cookery?

If you are not interested in business ideas for the first time, you know that a well-chosen location is half the battle.

For cooking, this is of particular importance.

After all prepared food- this is not the product for which customers will be ready to get to a specific place.

Unless, of course, your cooking is not focused on catering.

So, places near:

  • business centers;
  • educational institutions;
  • markets;
  • stations;
  • V shopping malls and supermarkets.

It is important not to forget that the SES, as well as the fire inspectorate, will have their own requirements for the premises.

If you rent a place in a shopping center or a supermarket, the decision of these issues is shifted to the administration.

Staff selection to discover cooking

Culinary salespeople may not have extensive experience, although that would certainly be a major bonus.

But for a chef, this is a must.

As well as the availability of health books for each culinary employee.

Don't skimp on employee training.

These investments in the future will bring the institution an increase in profits.

In addition, the presence of bonuses for the team will reduce staff turnover.

If you intend to expand your production further, you may also need a baker.

This point is also worth noting in the culinary business plan.

Cooking opening calendar plan

The culinary business plan also includes a calendar plan.

It shows in what terms it is necessary to open an institution.

Event1 month2 months3 months
Registration and paperwork
Conclusion of a lease agreement
Purchase and installation of equipment
Personnel search
Launch of an advertising campaign
Creating a food stock
Getting Started Cooking

Financial section of the culinary business plan

The cost of implementing the idea of ​​​​opening a cookery rests on several factors: format, location, size, and others.

Below are indicative cost items that you can focus on.

How much money does it take to open a cookery?

Regular investment in cooking

Profitability and payback of cooking

“A business aimed at satisfying someone's needs usually turns out to be successful; a business aimed at making a profit is rarely successful.”
Nicholas Butler

The payback period of cooking, as well as the cost of opening, depends on many factors.

Home cooking for delivery to offices can be 100% cost-effective.

A more serious organization is to pay off in 12-18 months.

Experts advise not to count on the fact that the invested funds will be able to pay off quickly.

After all, in this business it is hard and long to achieve profit stability.

Good planning can increase your chances of success.

The good news is that the ready-to-eat food niche itself is growing steadily.

It is believed that in the short term the market will grow by an impressive 30%!

Therefore, businessmen with ambitions have something to work on.

For entrepreneurs who want to open their own cooking, I recommend watching the following video:

  1. You can reduce business expenses in many ways, but in no case should you save on the quality of products!

    Word of mouth is best method promotion, however rather insidious.

    A satisfied customer may be slow to leave a good review.

    And the one who came across stale or tasteless food is almost guaranteed to ruin your reputation.

    Or even worse, your client could end up in a hospital bed, which is a very serious matter.

  2. A good move is to open a small cafe when cooking.

    It is enough to install several tables, a microwave and buy disposable tableware.

    People will be able to have a quick bite "without leaving the cash register."

    It's powerful competitive advantage and in front of ordinary shops, and more expensive cafes in this regard.

  3. Besides, how to open cookery, it is worth thinking about the further development of the business.

    For a large city, it would be more appropriate to open several small outlets in different areas.

    This will allow you to reach a wider audience.

    In small towns, such a step is not advisable, it is better to develop one point.

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Women's business. About how to create a culinary studio and teach adults and children to cook

Aliya Makhambetova, 36 years old, hometown- Astana, entrepreneur, owner and director of a culinary studio

How did the culinary studio start?

The studio was founded in 2015. I am an expert by education. information technologies and has worked in this field since 2001. But over the years, I realized that it does not bring pleasure. At that time, the children had already grown up, and I wanted to realize my potential, to do what I was interested in. And, of course, to make it profitable. Just then there was a wave that everyone started baking cakes to order. I also thought about it, but did not come to this. Then everyone who bakes to order rented restaurants and kitchens and held master classes with chefs there. And each time it was a different cuisine. I saw it myself several times, heard reviews, sometimes negative, because the event did not always justify the desire of those who attended it. The restaurant kitchen has a life of its own, and then this group bursts in, who want to teach housewives how to cook and also make money. Therefore, it was not always clean, not always in good conditions. At that moment, I had an idea - to create a space that can be rented out. That is, a kitchen where you can come, see the equipment, bring your chef and organize a master class.

At that time, I didn’t even know that there was something similar in Kazakhstan, but I knew that there was the famous cuisine of Yulia Vysotskaya in Russia. At that time, my goal was just to rent it out. Then I began to closely engage in the kitchen, to study what, where and how. So everything was born, ideas appeared that it was possible to teach both children and adults, and hold culinary parties.

That is, a kitchen where you can come, see the equipment, bring your chef and organize a master class

What is Jam

At first we were simply called "Culinary Workshop". This is a space where you could do everything related to cooking, but then the culinary workshop became more positioned as a culinary studio, and there was no name. It had to be concise, easy to remember and easy to pronounce. I myself searched for a long time and found the name - Jam. It can be different, with different additives, from different berries, fruits.

We have sincerely, we are worried about the service, about each client. I hear a lot of gratitude after each master class, a big course, to which people come from different cities of Kazakhstan: from Almaty, Aktau, Karaganda, Pavlodar, Uralsk. We have a fairly extensive geography, people even came to us from Turkmenistan. Many do not want to leave, some cry. It is interesting that then in groups the girls begin to make friends and communicate.

We carefully approach the choice of masters who come to us. We bring professionals in their field. Organization is not easy, because all people are different, everyone needs an individual approach. Before people come to us, we need to spend with them colossal work. For about a year I worked alone, then I could not stand it, I decided to take someone to help. Now I have two girls working for me. And another one who does the cleaning, washes the dishes. Our clients have nothing to worry about: they come and relax, are filled with energy, inspiration, leave inspired and bake cakes, delight their customers or just relatives.

We conduct master classes and courses for both adults and children, organize culinary parties, birthdays, bachelorette parties in the format of a culinary master class

We conduct master classes and courses for both adults and children, organize culinary parties, birthdays, bachelorette parties in the format of a culinary master class. It's such a relaxed atmosphere where guests cook with the chef. They enjoy it, eat delicious food, learn how to cook and can repeat it at home.

The shortest workshop lasts about three hours. Mostly housewives or just women who want to learn how to cook deliciously come to them. The minimum price for a master class is 6000 tenge. Often girls turn to us before they get married. They have literally two months to do everything and they need to learn how to cook.

We have teenage groups from 10 to 17 years old, this is a five-day course, classes last 3-4 hours a day so that the child does not have a hard time. They learn how to cook breakfasts, hot dishes, soups and pastries. We try to hold such master classes during the holidays, because it is not always possible for children to do this during their studies. We have already trained about 40 children. In the summer, one girl said that she did not like okroshka when everyone was cooking it. And then she said that she had simply never tried it in her life and it turned out that she loved okroshka. There have been many such cases when, for example, a child does not eat porridge. And then he looks at what everyone is eating, and he cooked it with his own hands, and he also wants to try and starts eating. The most important thing is that they cook at home, we give them confidence that they will be able to cook this dish themselves.

Often girls turn to us before they get married

Difficulties modern business

All the difficulties that I encountered are minor. For example, the contractors let us down, they didn’t bring the table on time. There are no problems with products in the city, now there is a large assortment.

Everything is on my feminine fragile shoulders, but everything is feasible and solvable, you just need to work hard

Every day is Full time job. It is necessary to offer people something new, something different from competitors. Everything is on my feminine fragile shoulders, but everything is feasible and solvable, you just need to work hard. It will not be possible to open a studio so that it works on its own. I invest a lot of work, effort, time and money. Somewhere we will hang new curtains to make it beautiful, or the equipment breaks down and we have to buy something more.

About plans

This holiday we want to make a special course for girls, it will be more about baking. These will be pies, buns, biscuit cake, so that the girl already has some skills when she gets married.

We are also planning to take a nanny to day master classes so that those mothers who are at home with children can leave them with us and learn to cook in peace. We think that we will take children of four or seven years old, because you can’t keep kids at all.

We also plan to take a nanny to day master classes so that those mothers who are at home with children can leave them with us and learn to cook in peace

Starting next month, we want to launch confectionery courses with the qualification of a confectioner. Now I'm arranging with one of the leading confectioners in Kazakhstan to come to us and conduct a six-week course, from the basics to modern confectionery skills. Courses will be developed according to curricula Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students will receive theory, practice, homework, take an exam at the end of the course and become confectioners. This is created for those who want to change their activities, or who have no education, but he likes to cook and he is ready to become a confectioner, get a specialty and get a job.

I want to open a bakery. As one person said: "You entered from the back door." We have now good base. We know what people like, we know how to make it beautiful, tasty, and therefore we want to open a pastry shop to feed people with delicious desserts.

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  • Production plan
  • Store monthly costs
  • What OKVED must be indicated for cooking

Sample Business Plan for Opening a Cooking Store with Your Own Kitchen (Food to Order)

How much money do you need to open a grocery store

According to preliminary calculations, it will be necessary to invest about 1,958,800 rubles to open a business:

Step by step plan to open a grocery store

The opening of cooking will be accompanied by a clear implementation of the plan, which includes the following sequential actions:

  1. Search for sources of project financing
  2. Room search
  3. Registration of a business and conclusion of a lease agreement
  4. Carrying out cosmetic repairs, coordination with regulatory authorities
  5. Acquisition of commercial and kitchen equipment and households. inventory
  6. Personnel search
  7. Purchase of products and ingredients
  8. Advertising company development
  9. Opening an institution

Cooking shop product range

Our cooking will earn in three main areas: Trade directly in the store (realization to retail customers). Delivery of ready-made meals to order (in offices, at home, etc.).

The demand for prepared food is growing year by year, especially in large cities, so we will allocate additional funds to the development of delivery. The development of such a service will be facilitated by the favorable location of our point (there are many offices and elite areas of new buildings nearby)

Fulfillment of large orders for cooking for festive receptions, banquets and other events. In this direction, we will work with the banquet halls of the city, which do not have their own kitchen. The main culinary assortment will include:

  • Baking (pies, pizza, belyashi)
  • Salads
  • Pickles
  • Snacks
  • Hot dishes
  • Side dishes and pastas
  • Dessert
  • Cakes and cookies
  • Drinks (tea, coffee, juices)
  • Banquet dishes
  • Alcohol, excluding hard drinks

How much can you earn by opening a grocery store

The average sales receipt of our institution, according to preliminary calculations, will be 200 rubles. The average number of visitors in the retail department will be 70 people, another 20 people. will purchase culinary products to order.

Potential daily revenue is 18,000 rubles, monthly (22 working days) - 396,000 rubles. It is also worth considering the profit from large orders for banquets. In total, we plan to serve up to three such orders per month, for a total amount of 100,000 rubles.

Download the culinary business plan from our partners, with a guarantee of quality.

Production plan

Since our cookery will have its own kitchen, this will require the fulfillment of the relevant requirements for the premises by Rospotrebnadzor. We have selected a room containing two entrances, with proper ventilation and all necessary communications, including water supply, heating, electricity (sufficient power) and sewerage.

The property is not bordered by any industrial production and transferred to the appropriate type of permitted use. Only cosmetic repairs are required. The leased area is 74 sq. m., rent - 44 400 rubles. per month.

What equipment you need to choose for a culinary store

Be sure to purchase all the necessary kitchen equipment: a cutting table, a refrigerator, a convection oven, a pizza oven, a frying surface, a stove, a coffee maker, a microwave oven, dishes and utensils. About 1.4 million rubles will be spent for these purposes.

The hall for receiving visitors will also be suitably equipped ( shopping room). A trade showcase, racks, and a seller's stand will be installed here. There will also be several high tables for a quick bite to eat.

Ingredients and products for cooking will be purchased from local suppliers and farms. Part of the products is planned to be purchased at the wholesale bases of our city, as well as from bakery organizations.

Store monthly costs

  • Supply manager with personal car -20 000 rub. per month
  • Senior cook - 25,000 rubles per month
  • Assistant cook - 18 000 rubles. per month
  • Administrator (manager) - 25,000 rubles. per month .

It is planned to arrange an accountant and a cleaner under an outsourcing agreement. The total wage fund per month will be 120,000 rubles. 40,000 rubles will be deducted to the PFR and the FSS (off-budget funds). monthly.

What taxation system to choose for a culinary store

As an organizational and legal form, it is planned to register an LLC - a company with limited liability with two founders. Taxation system - USN, 15% of profits. A cash register must be installed.

Marketing and promotion of cooking

The main advantage of our cooking is that it will work in a fairly advantageous place. There are many large office buildings nearby, where hundreds of enterprises of various profiles operate. Office workers one of the main clients (always busy people).

It is also worth noting the presence in the immediate vicinity (200 m.) educational institution. Special promotional marketing techniques will only apply to food delivery. To do this, according to the business plan, we plan to use the media, the Internet and banner advertising.

In order to attract retail buyers it will be enough to mark a bright advertising sign above the entrance and distribute leaflets to nearby office buildings.

Financial plan (best result)

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main economic indicators business. Monthly cooking expenses

Total - 397 400 rubles. Revenue per month: 496,000 rubles.

Profit before tax: 496,000 - 397,400 = 98,600 rubles. STS, 15% of the profit: 14,790 rubles.

Net profit: 98,600 - 14,790 = 83,810 rubles. per month.

Business profitability is 21%. With such indicators, investments in the business pay off in 24 months of culinary work.

This is a complete finished project which you will not find in the public domain.

1. Privacy

3. Stages of project implementation

4. Characteristics of the object

5. Marketing plan

6. Technical and economic data of the equipment

7. Financial plan

8. Risk assessment

9. Financial and economic justification of investments

10. Conclusions

What OKVED must be indicated for cooking

Any Subject entrepreneurial activity, regardless of the organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur, entity) when submitting documents for registration in required documents must indicate the code of the activity to be engaged in.

To open cooking, we indicate 56 as the main code, which, according to OKVED, corresponds to activities that are related to the provision of drinks and various food products. Further, depending on the specific direction, additional codes are indicated.

What documents are needed to open

To open a culinary, you need to register. If initially set up big business, then we register a legal entity in the form of a limited liability company. When opening a small cookery, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. For an LLC, the following documents are submitted:

  • application for registration and Articles of Association of the company;
  • decision of the meeting of shareholders and information about the director, chief accountant;
  • legal address and receipt of payment of the state fee;
  • register with authorities state power and obtain the appropriate permits;
  • open a current account in any bank.

For individual entrepreneur For individual entrepreneurs, a simplified registration procedure is provided. It is enough to apply and a document confirming the payment of the state duty, a photocopy of the passport and obtaining permits, to register and receive a bank account.

Professional business plans on the topic:

  • Cooking business plan (42 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Dining room business plan (42 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇
  • Pizzeria business plan (46 sheets) - DOWNLOAD ⬇

Do I need permission to open

This area of ​​activity is associated with obtaining a number of permits:

  • in order to carry out culinary activities, we obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain it, you will need to collect a certain package of documents, which includes not only an assortment list, but also requires education;
  • having received permission from the named government agency We go for permits to the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection.

In addition to the above permits, it is necessary to conclude contracts for:

  • removal of waste and other garbage;
  • carrying out works on disinfection of premises;
  • documents on the passage of all employees of the object of medical examination;
  • in cases of delivery of ready-made meals, semi-finished products will need to be received at vehicle sanitary passport;
  • to pass certification and receive the relevant documents on the quality of prepared dishes.

Maria Sorokina - about why her small business more important and interesting high paying job in employment

Muscovite Maria Sorokina teaches other people to cook fun and tasty. She organized cooking classes Pinch of Cinnamon (“a pinch of cinnamon”), leaving for her own business highly paid profession management consultant. Maria does not regret the choice she made, because now she devotes all her time to her passion for cooking, earns money on it, and this is for her. "real life".

Maria Sorokina, 30 years old, founder and host of culinary master classes Pinch of Cinnamon. Born in Moscow, she graduated from the Higher School of Economics with a degree in business economics and finance. Worked as a financial auditor and management consultant. Completed training in MBA program at INSEAD Business School, after which in 2012 she changed her field of activity and organized her own culinary courses. Now Maria conducts master classes together with her husband Andrey Bugaisky. In 2015, Maria Sorokina's book "How to wake up from a career and start living" was published.

Craving for change

Muscovite Maria Sorokina is about to finish high school economy began to take shape successful career. From the fourth year she worked in large companies auditor and then management consultant. The salary gave her the opportunity not to think about money - their girl always earned more than was required for life.

But financial success was hard to come by, as it required an almost complete rejection of a “normal” life. “I worked 12 hours a day, sometimes on weekends. In the profession, this is normal, everyone lives like that. There is no time, not only for hobbies or for personal life, it is not even enough for sleep. Work eats up absolutely all the time, you are constantly tired. And if you are sincerely not interested in this work, then, despite the salary, you are an unhappy person, ”recalls Maria Sorokina.

In 2010, she decided to enroll in an MBA program at INSEAD Business School. The study was designed for one year, and shortly before leaving for France, Maria left the company with the intention of returning to the profession after graduation. But after the first month of normal sleep and rest, she doubted that she would want to do the same. And then Maria remembered that once upon a time she loved to cook.

From consultants to cooks

About 400 people from 80 countries gathered at the MBA course where Maria Sorokina studied. The business school had many clubs of interest, but there was no culinary one. On the advice of her father, Maria decided to organize a culinary party.

The first event was conceived simply as an acquaintance. Maria invited her classmates to gather in the lobby of the house they were renting together and bring some dish from those prepared in their homeland. About 12 people came. The French brought a baguette with foie gras (duck liver pate), a young man from Japan brought some salads, a fellow student from China brought spring rolls. Maria herself baked pancakes with red caviar, which she brought from home.

The event was liked by all participants, which inspired Maria to further actions. Over the course of the semester, she organized a series of "cooking meetings" on campus, as well as several outings to famous Parisian cafes and pastry shops. After 2 months, about 120 people visited her club, that is, more than a quarter of the course.

Maria says that at that time she was more of a "ringleader" or organizer, and other people played the main "culinary" roles.

“I didn’t know how to cook so many dishes, but I could find people who could do something interesting in this area. I organized a platform for them, invited guests, and, if necessary, collected funding. You can say, “at the first level”, I learned all this there”

Especially useful for Maria was the experience of "promoting" her events through the Facebook community. With his help, she announced events and gathered participants for them.

After graduating, Maria Sorokina returned to Moscow and got a job in international company. “At that time I had not yet figured out how to make money in cooking. At the same time, I had a student loan with an amount of about 80 thousand euros, which had to be repaid in 5 years. Then I thought that in my new company I could fall in love with my profession again and stay in it. But very quickly I began to realize that this was not the most best idea. I had to return to my old way of life, which did not suit me at all - without any hobbies or hobbies, ”says Maria.

At the very beginning of 2012, during the New Year's holiday, Maria began to go to various culinary master classes in Moscow studios, which at that time were not very numerous. One of them took place in a small studio Taste of Russia. During a conversation with her owner, it turned out that the studio can be rented for an evening for little money.

Maria decided to take a chance and rented a studio for a culinary master class. She invited friends through Facebook, where she announced the program and the cost of participation. Maria set a low price - 1,500 rubles, in order to pay for rent and food. At that lesson, they made a rather simple dish to prepare - Spanish donuts and hot chocolate for them. Six people came to Maria's first master class: her friends, her mother and her mother's friends. All of them were satisfied with what happened.

A week later, another master class took place, this time on the theme of Spanish paella. Already ten people came, and this was Sorokina's first commercially successful cooking class. She immediately announced the next class. By that time, her vacation had already ended, and she went to work with the intention of quitting. At that time, she had already paid off the loan. “I was ready to leave “with zero” in my pocket for the opportunity to fully engage in my new culinary venture,” recalls Maria.

In cooking - with a head

After her dismissal, Maria once a week held culinary master classes in the same small Taste of Russia studio. At first, the groups consisted of 12 people, but soon they grew to 16-18 people. Commercially, it improved the situation, but with so many participants in the studio, it became crowded. At the end of 2012, Maria started looking for a new location.

By that time, the menu of master classes had also expanded: now, instead of one or two dishes, four or six were prepared. When choosing a topic for classes, Maria tried to select dishes that would be fun to cook and that guests wanted (and could) repeat at home. It took about two hours to cook, after which all the participants sat down at the table and had dinner together. Topics were chosen mainly "geographical". For example, if the main dish is Catalan, then appetizers and desserts are too.

In the first months, it took a lot of time to prepare for the master classes. After compiling the menu, it was necessary to write recipes and select the necessary products. It was not easy to make purchases for 6 dishes of 20 servings, especially in the absence of a car. Some products were ordered in online stores with delivery, for some it was necessary to go to a supermarket or market. On the day of the lesson, it was required to bring everything purchased to the studio by taxi.

Immediately before the master class, Maria Sorokina prepared the ingredients (soaped and peeled vegetables, marinated meat, cooked broth), and also picked up pots, pans and other equipment. The preparation of some dishes had to be "trained" in advance at home. In addition, the “commercial” part of the work remained: write an announcement, select a photo, post everything on the website and on Facebook, and then keep and track the record. Preparation for each master class took as a result three full days.

The most difficult thing was with a set of groups. Maria used only Facebook for this, where she created a group Pinch of Cinnamon. Under each master class, she made an event in this group and sent out invitations to friends and acquaintances. Since then the recording was carried out without prepayment, many of those who signed up through Facebook simply did not come and did not warn Maria about this. As a result, seats disappeared in the classroom, which led to losses. Maria began to confirm the record with each participant in writing, and then additionally call everyone before the event.

“You can’t just announce a master class and wait to see what happens next. If two people come, this is a loss, if 30 people come, there will not be enough space for them, - says Maria. - Thanks to the call, we managed to reduce the unpredictability factor. But unpleasant surprises still happened. Many potential clients, despite our reminders, they simply forgot that they signed up for the lesson. The problem was solved by introducing an electronic prepayment system.”


The search for a new premises at the end of 2012 led Maria to a new culinary studio at that time. Clever located in the Danilovskaya manufactory. “Shortly after the opening, the owners of the studio invited me to see the premises. For me it was something incredible. There was so much space, dishes, stoves - it was heaven on earth. In my opinion, she remains one of the best studios in Moscow. But I have a small business. And I understood that I simply couldn’t afford to rent a studio at the regular price, ”says Maria.

Nevertheless, the owners of the studio went to meet her. Due to the fact that her master classes were regular and "brought" regular customers, Maria was able to negotiate an acceptable lease. It only remained to make sure that the regular guests of Pinch of Cinnamon would like it there, and whether it would be convenient for them to get there. Maria announced a trial lesson at Clever. “I still remember how the guests entered the studio, looked around, after which they said that they wanted to stay here forever. Of course, we stayed and have been working there ever since,” says Maria.

About a year later, at the beginning of 2014, Maria and the Clever studio began to cooperate more closely and began to mutually promote each other. The studio took care of recording and payment, part of the purchases and cleaning, as well as the provision of personnel necessary for conducting classes in a large group (administrators, assistants, waiters). Pinch of Cinnamon classes began to be announced on the Clever studio website. “Thus, the attendance of master classes has grown, and at the same time, work has become much easier. Financially, we have moved from a lease to more logical partnerships in this case, in which we simply share the profits from joint activities", - says Maria.


Mostly middle-aged people come to Maria Sorokina's classes. About 80% of visitors are women. At first, Maria's former colleagues, employees of banks, consulting and auditing companies, became participants in the classes. Now people come to her completely different professions who want to have a fun and tasty evening. Basically, they love and already know how to cook.

Since people decide to come to the master class and pay a rather high price for it, it is rare to find a person who is not interested in what is happening.

“It happens that in the first half hour it is difficult for people to relax. But then everyone gets to know each other, the tension goes away, the mood rises, and the atmosphere becomes much more cheerful.

In the classroom, all participants, to one degree or another, are involved in cooking. It happens that those who come refuse some tasks. For example, someone does not feel like cutting onions, or someone wants to do only certain things or just watch the process. In such cases, no one is forced to do what he does not want. Each lesson ends with a joint dinner "with wine and conversations." Maria notes that this is a mandatory and very important element of the master class program.

Many participants in open classes then return to book a private master class - for example, corporate team building, birthday or bachelorette party. "This is very good format“much more fun than just sitting in a restaurant,” says the founder of Pinch of Cinnamon Cooking Classes.

To promote, Maria from the very beginning used only Facebook and word of mouth. She has her own website, but it rather plays a role" business card”, through it almost no sign up for master classes. Now many people learn about Maria's classes through the Clever studio.


Maria Sorokina says that her business did not require any financial investments. She didn't take in long term rental premises, was not invested in repairs or equipment, never spent on advertising. All her expenses - renting a studio for the evening, buying food and transport - paid off from the proceeds from each master class. At the beginning of her activity, Maria considered the possibility of organizing a studio in her own premises. But then she would have to do administrative work almost all the time.

“When you find yourself the owner of the premises, you need to think about its occupancy. It will not work to constantly conduct events on your own, there will not be enough time, and there will be no interest on the part of customers. We'll have to hire employees, look for tenants. Engage in accounting, resolve issues with the authorities, live under the threat of losses from "unpaid" rent. I love to cook, not administer, and I quit Good work not to do something you don't like"

As a result of the transition to own business Maria's income fell by 5-6 times. The cost of a lesson in 2012 was 2,000 rubles per person. If 20 people came to the master class, then the revenue was 40,000 thousand rubles. After deducting the rent, the cost of a taxi and food, there were 15-20 thousand rubles left. If 10 people came, there was zero. Classes were held four times a month. Now, three years later, the cost of participation is 3,900 rubles per person, but the costs have increased significantly. The program of master classes, the equipment of the studio and the level of service in it are incomparable with what was at the first classes in the old studio. So the bottom line hasn't changed much.

Nevertheless, Maria Sorokina has no regrets about the "lost profit". “I was afraid to part with a high salary, but as soon as it happened, I felt much better. And for me it was a revelation. It turned out that I don’t need a lot of money to be happy. It is much more important for me that I have a full life and a favorite pastime, ”Maria admits.

Her parents supported her desire to work for herself. “Although if they weren’t happy that their daughter was leaving a brilliant career and going nowhere, I would understand them,” the girl notes.

Continuous learning

Maria did not receive special culinary education. “I'm not a chef. I like simple homemade food. I learn how to cook everywhere I go, from all the interesting people I meet. In restaurants, at other people's master classes, or at a party, I always pay attention if some dish turns out well for them. I try to find out all the details about the dish that interested me. If possible, I go to the kitchen, help or observe the process. When I travel, I go around the clock to cafes, restaurants, markets and master classes. It gives an incredible amount of ideas and knowledge,” she says.

As a student at the Higher School of Economics, Maria attended classes at the culinary school of the Gastronom magazine. At first she was a student of the course, and then for several months she worked as a teaching assistant. Then, during the summer holidays, she worked as a confectioner in the Coffee House chain of coffee houses. She got the job by showing photos of the cakes she baked for her younger brother's birthdays during an interview. “At first it was interesting, but after about a month I was already climbing the wall from the routine. In addition, the work was really physically hard, and I'm not one of the most hardy people, ”explains Maria.

She then attended cooking classes wherever possible. While studying at business school, she took Indian cooking lessons from the wife of one of her fellow students. In Singapore, where there was one of the campuses of the business school, Maria comprehended the basics of Malay and Thai cuisine at a large culinary academy. Upon returning to Moscow, she was lucky to meet Suki Maman, pastry chef at the Upside Down Cake coffee shop. He taught her many English pastry recipes and gave her advice on how to start a food blog.

But the learning process went fastest after the start of their own master classes. “When you do something from morning to evening, you inevitably learn very quickly. The difference between how I cooked at the beginning of this venture, and how I cook now is even difficult to describe, ”admits Maria.


In 2014, Maria Sorokina married Andrey Bugaisky, a culinary blogger and TV presenter who also taught his master classes at that time. “After some time, we teamed up and began to conduct master classes together. This greatly expanded the possibilities in terms of choice of dishes and topics. He is much more confident with meat, fish, any cutting, cooking broths and soups. I'm more competent in the confectionery. More men began to come to classes, although the main audience remains female,” says Maria.

Now Maria and Andrey have started an additional series of master classes in a new format. Instead of geographical themes and a purely entertaining "feed", there is a serious conversation about the basic techniques and technologies of cooking. Visitors are explained how to choose and cut meat, how to cook without looking back at recipes. The couple will develop this direction further.

Since mid-2015, the couple have been hosting homemade dinners. They gather 8-10 guests at their home in the evenings (also via Facebook) and prepare some kind of themed menu for them. The guests do not cook anything, they just relax, eat and have fun. However, if desired, they always receive recipes with all the necessary explanations. Dinner (approximately six courses) costs 2500 rubles per person. “We always strive to have more than enough food. If we cook too much, we distribute it with us. This is much better than if there was not enough food one day, ”Maria believes.


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