What is happening in the labor market c. Who will be in charge. Growth rates of real wages relative to the previous year,%

How does the outgoing year end and what strategy to adhere to in 2017? Together with the experts, we figured out what is behind the market statistics.

1. Changing jobs means taking risks

About 40% of company representatives surveyed by HeadHunter in November-December of this year said that they had redundancies this year. A quarter of the respondents reported that the company has decreased bonuses and salaries.

However, employees dissatisfied with the changes are in no hurry to quit and look for a new job.

Competition grows along with the number of redundancies in the market, and being a newcomer to someone else's company is like being hit by redundancies yourself. The dynamics of the growth of resume on the site over the past two years has slightly slowed down the growth: now employees are reluctant to change jobs, and the search for a new employer is passive.


2. The term of job search increased by 1.5 times

At the beginning of 2014, the specialist was preparing for a job search, which lasts up to three months. This year, experts say 4-6 months is normal. The closing time for vacancies has also increased for employers. The large number of candidates makes it harder for companies to make a choice, and the number of recruiting stages increases.

3. Employers select candidates with experience

The specifics of the market and the demographic hole of the 90s make companies look towards more experienced and older candidates. The trend is especially noticeable in Moscow: over the past two years, the share of vacancies with 3–6 years of work experience has increased per site by 6%.

According to the forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2016–2019, the number of working-age population in Russia will decrease by 3.6 million people.

Ekaterina Gorokhova, general manager and Country Group Leader Russia and Poland Kelly Services: “There is no such boom in employees under 35 that was 5 or 10 years ago. Clients began to pay less attention to the age of applicants. Employers are more willing to consider candidates for administrative and service positions, personal assistants over 35 and even 40 years old, who have already grown up children, personal and career ambitions are defined. In some areas, for example, in call centers, preference is given to employees over 40: they change jobs less often, and are more loyal to the company. That is, there are trends towards expanding the age range of workers. Although, of course, they are looking for candidates on a competitive basis and choose the one who is more suitable for the requirements. "

4. Despite the high competition, it is difficult for companies to find a good specialist

After the 2014–2015 crisis, competition among job seekers increased by 1.2–2 times. But, according to employers, it is still difficult to find a good specialist. Companies are no longer lured away by sky-high salaries, and candidates are reluctant to change jobs and take a long time to take the plunge.

Evgenia Lanichkina, partner of the recruiting company Antal Russia: “Find good specialists is still difficult. Often they do not have time to reduce them: the company or proposes in advance valuable staff other options inside, or the specialist very quickly moves to another place of work, without waiting for the phase of reductions and without leaving the phase active search... Thus, although there are more people on the labor market, the number of specialists who are of interest to employers has remained at the pre-crisis level. The job of recruiters and HR managers has become more complicated: you have to look through more candidates to find the right one. "

Competition in Moscow, resume / vacancy.

You can find out about the competition in your city and in your professional area at.

Ekaterina Gorokhova, Kelly Services: “Employers are in no hurry to select candidates, they are apprehensive about laid-off workers, believing that they are laying off unsuccessful ones. This is not the best business tactic today. The quality of candidates today is determined by different criteria than three or five years ago. If earlier the best candidate was considered to be of high quality, and the company could spend 5 or 6 months searching for him, today it will be just a good candidate, found in a timely manner. The market requires quick and flexible solutions: in 4-5 months everything changes so quickly that the losses from a vacancy not closed for 3 months are incomparably higher than attracting not a brilliant, but just a good candidate. Many employers have not yet had time to get used to the new reality and continue to search for the best candidate for months. Although now we need to act differently: look for, perhaps, not fully trained, but a trained candidate who will master in the process. "

5. Companies rely on internal hiring

Despite the reduction in personnel costs, the value of an individual employee has grown in companies. Given the complexities of recruiting, today many employers are ready to train the best and most loyal employees in order to promote them within the company.

According to HeadHunter, 58% of companies that use HR assessment tools will use them internally in 2017.

Egor Vorogushin, Manager, Organizational Design, Human Resources and Change Practice, PwC Russia: “ Russian companies more and more attention is paid to talent management and its tools. While almost everyone is looking to optimize spending on both internal and external training, the average number of hours of training per headcount is growing. According to a study by PwC Saratoga, in 2014–2015, the number of training hours per full-time unit increased from 15.2 to 19.2. Such dynamics are unusual: the indicator rarely grows by more than a quarter in a year. "

Alexey Kirsenko, HR Director of Panavto (official dealer of Mercedes-Benz): “Over the past two years, the budget for personnel training has grown significantly in our company. We pay attention to improving the personal efficiency of our employees - improving the skills of time management, negotiation, conflict management and communication with clients. Thus, we provide professional growth employees within the company: they can develop both in their current positions and try themselves in other directions. If a year ago one full-time candidate out of ten employees "from the street" applied for open vacancies, today every fifth vacancy is filled at the expense of the existing staff. "

6. The time for contractions is passing

In 2015–2016, companies preferred to lay off part of their employees in order to maintain the level of salaries. Next year, according to HeadHunter forecasts, the optimization of personnel costs will be significantly reduced.

Maria Ignatova, Head of the HeadHunter Research Service: “According to our data, about 12-14% of companies in 2017 are ready to cut costs by cutting staff. This figure is less than during the "crisis" period, and suggests that companies are generally optimistic about the future. If reductions continue, then within the framework of improving business efficiency: they will part with those who do not cope or show poor results. Previously, this was often turned a blind eye, but today employers are more serious.

Almost half of the respondents said that next year their company's payroll will grow. There will be no global increase in salaries, but the market is ready for a small indexation - this is a big plus for employees. "

7. Insurance agents, loan officers and bank tellers remain under threat

At the end of the year, negative dynamics in terms of the growth of vacancies was shown by Banks, Investments, Leasing and Insurance. In connection with inflation, the number of purchases of insurance products fell, and with it the number of vacancies of insurance agents. In Moscow, in comparison with last year, the demand for these specialists has decreased by almost 30%.

Another industry where everything is not going well is banks. In Moscow, the demand for loan officers fell by 31% compared to the previous year. Demand for tellers fell by 27%. Over the past two years, due to the revocation of licenses, the banking sector has noticeably narrowed - which means that the number of jobs has also decreased.

Tatyana Baklagova, an expert of the Banks and Financial Services practice of the Antal Russia recruiting company: “Today the selection in banks has become more precise and accurate. On the other hand, job seekers in the banking sector have become more discerning and demanding of their employer. The industry has shrunk, and the cost of making a mistake when choosing a new job has become higher. Therefore, this choice has become even more conscious. First of all, under the threat of layoffs are tellers and other bank employees performing work that does not require high qualifications. Automation of processes in the banking sector, the transition to Internet banking make such a large number of branches unnecessary, banks are reducing their physical presence. All this affects the balance of power in the labor market in the industry. Employees in the field of technology, innovation, e-commerce will be in demand in banks. And also the front-office positions do not lose their relevance, financial services sales specialists continue to be in demand among employers. "

8. Feel good in the "Transport, Logistics", "Automotive Business" and IT markets

The demand for drivers on the site has grown by 29.5% over the year. The demand for logistics and procurement specialists in Moscow has grown by more than 45%. Sagging in 2015 car business is gradually returning to pre-crisis positions: compared to 2014, there are still less vacancies in this area by 14%. Following market trends, staff turnover has decreased, and at the moment companies are ready to pay more attention to staff training.

Alexey Kirsenko, Panavto: “We note a decrease in competition in the industry. So, if even 1.5 years ago, "Panavto" regularly received resumes of promising candidates, even if the company did not have open vacancies, then today the flow has decreased markedly. This is due to the fact that employees feel market fluctuations and do not risk changing jobs. The decrease in staff turnover also speaks in favor of this statistics: for the third year in a row, we have seen a decrease in the number of employees leaving us ”.

9. HR and coaches return to the state

According to the site's statistics, over the past year, the number of vacancies in the field of "Personnel Management and Training" has increased by 30%. 46% more, compared to 2015, were published vacancies for HR managers. However, according to experts, this does not mean that the profession has become more in demand.

Ilona Ivans, Head of Personnel Recruitment in Russia and the CIS, Manpower Group: “To our great regret, it is impossible to call the HR-manager profession more popular or developing in the Russian market at the moment. Moreover, the forecasts for the growth in the need for new professionals in this area are not very bright. The surge in the number of vacancies is associated with two factors: the revision of the budget by many companies and the consequent decision to close all HR processes that were previously outsourced to internal employee, which, as the management of the companies mistakenly thinks, will cost them less than working with providers. And the second reason is too strong a drop in demand for HR managers in 2015. After the first year of crisis, it was one of the most frequently cut positions, as evidenced by the huge number of professionals at open market... Accordingly, compared to a bad year for recruiting HR managers, the surge is obvious. "

10. The transformation of the labor market will be completed in 2018

The next year will be decisive for the market. Companies are changing the way they hire and personnel reserve and business owners are learning to treat personnel costs differently.

Maria Ignatova, HeadHunter: “Every second company evaluates the next year positively, it is clearly visible on the chart. However, for applicants, things are not so rosy. Due to the cuts, the situation in many industries has changed. Today employers are not ready to waste money, they are interested in a concrete measurable result. Hence the trend towards personnel assessment, training, and the introduction of KPIs. These processes in companies are gradually gaining momentum, which requires more involvement, professionalism and continuous development from employees.

Despite the fact that employers feel a shortage of good personnel, job seekers do not dictate market conditions as they did three years ago. Both sides found themselves in a situation where they have to look at things soberly, from the point of view of the market and business. "

Analysis of the labor market in Russia for 2014–2019. shows that its structure is gradually changing. Vacancies that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago are becoming relevant. In particular, these are IT professionals, freelancers in various fields, robotics, HR specialists, recruiters, etc.

In 2019, vacancies that were not particularly in demand two or three years ago are becoming relevant.

But in 2019, the situation in the Russian Federation has changed, which is associated with the gradual stabilization of the economy, labor market, trade and financial spheres.

The state of the labor market and the level of employment of the population during 2018-2019 is influenced by the following factors:

  1. War in the east of Ukraine.
  2. The sanctions imposed on Russia by Western countries and the United States.
  3. Accession of the Crimean Peninsula, and its inclusion in the all-Russian economic system.
  4. Rising prices for food, services, utility bills.
  5. High inflation rate, which remains consistently high.
  6. Demographic crisis.
  7. Low standard of living of the population and differentiation of society into rich and poor.
  8. The transition of the economy to a phase of stagnation.
  9. High unemployment rate.

In addition, the state of the labor market in Russia is influenced by events in the international arena. Changes in the system environment international relations, foreign economic relations, the introduction of new technologies, automation and robotization directly affect the level of employment of Russians, incomes of the population and wages.

Professions in demand among job seekers in 2019

As a result, the following features are characteristic of the Russian labor market:

  1. Differentiation by region is observed.
  2. There is a so-called gray economy sector. More than 40% of employees work in the "shadow", without official registration.
  3. The processes of replacing ineffective specialties with effective ones are slow.
  4. The legislation has not been adapted to the new conditions of the labor market.

Labor market in Russia in 2016–2019: trends

Research carried out by experts and analysts on a regular basis shows that 25% of Russians in the fall of 2015 considered the economic situation in the Russian Federation difficult and unstable. The opinions of the same number of citizens that there are positive changes. More than half of the population of the Russian Federation believes that there are no changes in the labor market.

Research also shows that Russian citizens are preoccupied with finding a job. Their opinions (as a percentage) are expressed as follows:

  • 12 - searches new job will be difficult and ineffectual.
  • 30 - a new place of work will be worse, including in terms of salary.
  • 25 - if the employer fires, then it will not be difficult to find a job again.
  • 31 - there is a job, you just need to make a little effort to get a positive result.

During 2016–2019, the economic system and the labor market were characterized by crisis phenomena that either deepened or stabilized. A certain stagnation came in 2015, when the Russian labor market constantly needed such specialists:

  • marketers;
  • accountants;
  • financiers;
  • auditors;
  • economists;
  • programmers;
  • IT people.

Unemployment rate in Russia in comparison with other countries

There is a renewed demand for agricultural workers and qualified specialists for factories, factories, companies. They began to recruit and travel companies and firms as domestic tourism has intensified.

At the same time, there were more vacancies in some regions than people who were looking for work.

The end of 2018 is the period when the number of layoffs peaked. This trend continued at the beginning of 2019, but then the situation began to change. Many companies have begun planning to gradually expand their workforce. First of all, vacancies appeared in the following areas:

  1. Information technologies.
  2. Financial organizations.
  3. Mass media, including electronic ones.
  4. Medical area.
  5. Pharmacology.

In 2019, when the situation on the labor market began to level out, the number of vacancies gradually increased. Engineers, technicians, workers of working specialties were considered in demand. There is a constant shortage of qualified personnel at enterprises and factories, so employers sign contracts with universities, colleges and technical schools.

Professions in demand among employers in 2019

Employers are actively involved in the process of retraining and advanced training of their employees. For this, special trainings were held on career growth, mastering new methods of work, including on a computer.

Employment rate in 2019

Official statistics said that in 2019 the number of able-bodied citizens of the Russian Federation was almost 76 million people, which is 52% of the total population of Russia. At the same time, the unemployment rate at that time reached 5.8% (4.4 million people). Compared to 2018, this figure increased by 3.4%.

Simultaneously with the increase in the unemployment rate, there was a decrease in the income of the population and the level of wages. Many businesses have been behind in paying salaries to their employees since 2019.

The situation in the country has evolved unevenly:

  1. Moscow and the Moscow region. The labor market and the economic situation have hardly suffered from sanctions, political influence, inflation.
  2. Siberia, Ural, North Caucasus, Far East... There are no problems with employment, since many workers work without official registration or create own business working for yourself.

Current vacancies in 2016-2019

Despite the massive layoffs in 2016 - early 2019, the number of vacancies began to grow, which a few years ago were considered unclaimed, unpromising, unnecessary.

First of all, specialists began to be massively required, who switched to a remote work schedule. This is very beneficial for the employer, since it is possible to hire a highly qualified person from another city and even a region. At the same time, there is no need to pay for rent of premises, to look for equipment, office.

The number of resumes for a vacancy in various fields

The top professions that were in demand at the end of 2016 - beginning of 2019 included:

  • Factory workers and industrial enterprises: welders different directions, electricians, millers.
  • Engineers. Specialists who could work in another related field were especially appreciated.
  • Programmers.
  • , nurses, orderlies.
  • Sales professionals.
  • Drivers.
  • Logisticians.
  • Call center operators.
  • Secretaries.
  • Assistant managers.

The market for agriculture and production began to gradually recover from the crisis, workers were required to participate in import and export programs. In this regard, the heads of enterprises carried out the modernization of production, where there is a constant lack of drivers of tractors and trucks, tool makers, machine operators, including those who can work on CNC machines.

Features of Russian unemployment

Among the main problems of the labor market in Russia are unemployment and misuse work force... Several types of unemployment are common in the country:

  • regional;
  • structural;
  • frictional;
  • latent.

Regional unemployment is the most widespread. It is exacerbated by the fact that in the regions there is an untimely payment of wages. Unemployment is characterized by heterogeneity, strong differentiation by industry, employment and territory.

How the unemployment rate differs in different regions of Russia

The results of regional unemployment are:

  • Deteriorating economic performance.
  • Social tension.
  • Separation of regions from the center.
  • The development of crime.
  • The emergence of regional conflicts.

Latent unemployment is very dangerous for the labor market and the employed population, since it delays the transition to a market economy in Russia. Many countries of the world are going through such a transitional period, but in the Russian Federation the process has been delayed. This prevents workers from getting used to new working conditions and the mobility of specialists from one industry to another, it becomes an obstacle for the registration of official unemployed by employment centers.

Latent unemployment provokes delays salaries, the sizes of which do not increase. At the same time, there is a decrease in the standard of living of people, and the differentiation of society is increasing.

Rosstat data for 2016–2019 show that unemployment is characterized by uneven distribution of unemployed people across regions. detailed information is presented in the table.

Region of the Russian FederationMinimum ratesMaximum performance
Central Federal District3,2 %–5,8 % Moscow - 3.2%Ivanovo region - 5,8 %
North Caucasian Federal District12,5 % Stavropol regionThe Republic of Ingushetia
Northwestern Federal District4,9 % St. PetersburgNenets Autonomous Okrug
Southern Federal District6,8 % Krasnodar regionKalmykia
Volga Federal District5,2 % Samara RegionKirov region
Ural federal district5,9 % Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous DistrictKurgan region
Siberian Federal District7,5 % Tyva RepublicNovosibirsk region
Far Eastern Federal District6,3 % Magadan RegionJewish Autonomous Region

Thus, during 2014–2019. the unemployment rate in the regions did not exceed 12.5% ​​(maximum value). The data indicate that the number of unemployed people in individual regions is approximately the same: on average, from five to 7.5% of Russians are unemployed.

Labor market in 2019-2019

Becoming modern labor relations and the formation of the labor market in Russia continues after the crisis has been overcome. In 2018 and 2019, analysts, first of all, note the imbalance in employment, the lack of a distribution structure labor resources.

At the same time, experts pay attention to the following phenomena:

  • Lack of workers and specialists in industries where graduates of technical universities, colleges and technical schools are needed.
  • Unemployment continues to rise.
  • An employee with high qualifications and professional training, which has a positive effect on the increase in the number of young people who go to study.
  • Employees with high-quality knowledge and practical skills will come to work. But for this, employers will have to adapt to the new realities of the labor market: the duration of training increases, and active labor activity begins much later.
  • Employees are given the opportunity to seek employment that will fully meet their qualifications and wishes.
  • Company executives and entrepreneurs are already striving to get not quick profits, but stable incomes, which positively affects firms and enterprises in an increasingly competitive environment.
  • Activation of processes for robotization and automation of production, companies, enterprises. Simultaneously with this, a large-scale introduction of digital technologies is taking place.
  • There is a merger of professions, a transition from one sphere of employment to another.
  • As before, there is an acute shortage of medical staff: doctors, nurses, orderlies. This is especially felt in remote regions of the country, in countryside and megacities.

In 2019, employment processes covered most of the country's regions. For example, in January of this year, the number of unemployed (officially registered) decreased in 37 administrative regions of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the situation has not changed at all in the Chechen Republic, and the number of unemployed has increased in 47 constituent entities of the Federation. The main regions where there is an increase in the number of unemployed are:

  • Republic of Tuva - by 9%.
  • - by 5.5%.
  • Omsk region - by 5%.
  • Ivanovo region - by 4.6%.
  • Tatarstan - by 4.2%.

So, at the beginning of 2019, the labor market in Russia continues to change. Positive trends are noted, which are characterized by structural changes. But the lack of balance between the required and existing specialists prevents the economy from finally emerging from the state of stagnation.

This also reflects unemployment, which is decreasing in some regions and increasing by several percent in others. This situation indicates that there is no mass unemployment in the Russian Federation, it is, as before, regional in nature.

The following factors hinder the development of the labor market in 2019:

  • Age discrimination. Employers are cutting wages for people who have crossed the pension threshold or are near it.
  • Work experience discrimination. Young specialists cannot receive a decent salary, since managers are not ready to pay people without experience as much as specialists with experience.
  • People do not want to work in budgetary organizations.
  • Reducing the number of employees through optimization while giving other employees broader responsibilities.
  • Doctors, teachers, educators, teachers, salespeople, cashiers, accountants are constantly at risk.

What changes can we expect in the labor market in a metropolis?

Main labor market trends in 2017 in Moscow

1. Reducing the wave of contractions

Over the previous year, about 40-45% of the company carried out personnel optimization: reduced staff, closed departments that were not profitable, expanded job duties employees, reduced salaries and bonus percentages. Major optimization work organizational structure of companies was executed, therefore, experts in the field of employment do not predict a serious wave of cuts.

2. Avoiding risks

The workload of experienced professionals in various fields has grown dramatically. However, those who are ready to take active steps to find a new place are few. Slightly more than half of all citizens employed in Moscow have not changed their place of work for more than a year and do not plan to do so in the near future.

This year should be a turning point for the Moscow labor market. Residents of the city are waiting for radical changes, the activity of the authorities, business, the launch of new projects and the appearance of highly paid job offers.

In February 2017, more than 586 thousand jobs were opened on the Jobsora website in Moscow. vacancies with an average monthly income of 43,700 rubles. Taking into account the growth of fares for travel to public transport and persistently high housing prices, the living standards of Muscovites have significantly decreased compared to pre-crisis indicators.

3. Increasing the period of job search

If 3-5 years ago the search for a new employer took 1-2 months, at the beginning of 2017 Moscow reached the average Russian indicators for its duration: today the normal term of employment is already considered 4-6 months. Companies are also in no hurry to fill a vacancy, trying to select the most qualified candidate with minimal ambition.

4. Preference for candidates 35-40 years old

Low birth rate in the 90s. and the expected “demographic hole” is forcing employers to reconsider the requirements for the age of employees. Whereas earlier, for example, sales managers were recruited mainly by young people after universities, this year they pay less attention to the age of job seekers. According to recruiters, employees over the age of 40 have clearly defined goals, set priorities, have established career ambitions, so they are more loyal to their employer.

Labor market experts believe that the dynamics towards an increase in the popularity of older employees among employing companies will continue in 2017, however, preference will be given to candidates with higher qualifications than age data.

Moscow is a key region, employers of which shape the mood in the labor market, and the dynamics of indicators predict the development of the situation throughout the country. Labor market trends that originated in the capital will soon spread throughout Russia - it's just a matter of time.

  • Vasilieva Ekaterina Georgievna, bachelor, student
  • Sterlitamak Branch Bashkir State University

This article examines the dynamics of change, unemployment over the past 10 years, as well as the reasons for unemployment.

  • Professional training and educational level of personnel at large enterprises
  • Basic methods of working with elderly people in stationary social services
  • Corporate culture as a critical element of fitness services organizations

The state of the modern labor market in Russia in 2015-2016 is highly influenced by political events and economic phenomena. Undoubtedly, the overall situation was influenced by:

  • -Events in Ukraine;
  • -sanctions of the West;
  • - accession of Crimea;
  • - an increase in prices;
  • - persisting inflation;
  • -low standard of living of the majority of the population;
  • -stagnation of the economy;
  • - the persistently high levels of unemployment of the population and corruption and bribery of the authorities.

The labor market is the sphere of the formation of demand and supply of labor (labor services). The majority of the working population obtains jobs and incomes through the labor market. The labor market is regulated by the supply and demand of labor (table 1).

Table 1. Demand and supply of labor.

As a result of the interaction of supply and demand for labor in the market, equilibrium price labor force and determines the level of employment in the economy.

The population of the country at the end of 2016 in Russia was 146,389,999 people. In 2016, the population of Russia increased by approximately 59,995 people. Taking into account that the population of Russia at the beginning of the year was estimated at 146,330,004 people, the annual growth was 0.04%. In 2017, the population of Russia will increase by 60,020 people and at the end of the year will be 146,450,019 people.

The economically active population in the Russian Federation is gradually growing. Thus, the number of the economically active population increased from 75.1 million people in 2013 to 76.7 or 52% of the the total population of the country in 2016. The employment rate in 2016 was 94.6%, i.e. 72.6 million people.

Table 2. Dynamics of changes in the unemployment rate in the period from 2007 to 2016.

Unemployment rate,%

From the table we can see that the unemployment rate has been declining from 2009 to 2014, and since 2015 it has begun to grow. The labor market has almost completely recovered after the crisis.

The bearer of labor relations in society is the working part of the population. This category of people, as well as those who would like to work but do not work for various reasons, represent an object that is studied by disciplines such as economics and sociology of labor.

Exploring Resources for labor activity is of great importance in assessing the labor market and the state's implementation of an appropriate demographic policy with the aim of influencing the processes of population reproduction and employment.

The unemployment rate is the main indicator characterizing the state of the labor market and employment of the population. An equally important problem of employment of the population is connected with the problems of labor, labor relations, remuneration and productivity of the population, which is understood as the measure of involving people in labor activity and the degree of satisfaction of their needs for work, provision of jobs. The implementation of a certain employment policy, the creation of conditions for rational employment is a task that arises both in the market and in the non-market economy.

The main directions of the policy of promoting employment of the population are:

  • overcoming unfavorable trends associated with a drop in investment activity, a decrease in production, inflation
  • curbing the mass release of working citizens, primarily at city-forming enterprises;
  • creating conditions for the development of employment in alternative non-state sectors of the economy;
  • providing targeted support and protection to citizens at risk of dismissal;
  • implementation of additional measures to promote employment of vulnerable categories of the population in the labor market;
  • mitigating the consequences of long-term unemployment.

One of the reasons for the decline in employment is the constant fluctuations in the economy associated with the crisis phenomena, as well as a decrease in the pace economic growth... The decline in economic activity affects the reduction in the level of employment in such sectors of the economy as industry, Agriculture, construction, etc.

There are five main reasons for unemployment:

  • structural shifts in the economy, expressed by the fact that the introduction of new technologies and equipment leads to a reduction in the surplus labor force;
  • economic downturn (depression), which forces employers to reduce the need for all resources, including labor;
  • wage policies of the government and trade unions: raising the minimum wage reduces the demand for labor;
  • seasonal changes in the level of production in certain sectors of the economy;
  • a change in the demographic structure of the population, in particular, an increase in the working-age population.

In world practice, there are three main models of employment policy used in countries with developed market economies.

The European model assumes a reduction in the number of employees with an increase in labor productivity and, as a consequence, an increase in the income of workers. This policy provides for an expensive system of benefits for a large number of unemployed.

The Scandinavian model is based on providing employment for almost all workers by creating jobs in the public sector with average wages. Such a policy is designed mainly for public funds, with a deficit of which a decline in production sets in, which entails layoffs.

The American model focuses on the creation of jobs that do not require high productivity for a significant part of the economically active population. With this approach, unemployment formally decreases, but the number of people with low incomes increases.

Summing up, we can say that, despite the fact that the number of the economically active population and those employed in the economy is increasing every year, the number of unemployed continues to remain at a deplorably high level. In addition, one should take into account the difficult demographic situation in the country, based on the analysis of which, one cannot speak with confidence about positive trends in the development of the labor market.


  1. A.V. Talanova Labor market and employment of the population // Economics and Management innovative technologies.-2014
  2. Employment and unemployment in Russian Federation in January 2017 [ Electronic resource]. URL access mode: http://www.gks.ru/bgd/free/b04_03/IssWWW.exe/Stg/d01/36.htm
  3. Fateeva Yu.V., Karpeshina A.A. Problems of Russian employment of the population // Economics and management of innovative technologies. 2013.
  4. Kashepov A.V. Labor market: problems and solutions: -M.: Scientific expert 2014-232 p.

The labor market is a system of economic relations through which labor services are exchanged for material or other benefits. The labor market has a number of features. This is not only the sphere of sale and purchase or the exchange of labor, but also the sphere of reproduction. labor potential, and the sphere of use of labor. This interpretation of the labor market is given by Yakovenko E.G. ... The ratio of supply and demand in the labor market depends on many factors. One of the most important is the economic environment, which characterizes the state of the economy. If the country's economy is on the rise, then the demand for labor is growing, and if the economy is in crisis, then the opposite situation is observed - a decline in the labor market. This dependence is primarily due to the demand for goods produced with the help of labor. A favorable economic environment is characterized by an increase in the incomes of the country's population and a corresponding demand for various goods, requiring an increase in their production. But you should also not forget about the trends in technology development, which is typical not only for Russian market labor, but also for many developing countries. High technical equipment, mechanization and automation lead to a decrease in the demand for labor. So in Russia such professions as telephone operators, cashiers-operators, weavers in factories, typists, tillers, chimney sweeps and many others have disappeared forever. But the impact of technological progress is ambiguous.

A decrease in the demand for labor occurs in those industries in which labor is being automated, but at the same time, the demand for labor in industries that produce new technique where its service takes place. Another factor is the demographic factor, namely the uneven distribution of the population on the territory of the country, which is very important for Russia. This is often due to a lack of demand in some regions and oversaturation in others. As a rule, salaries in all regions for the same professions are different and the average salary in Russia, according to Rosstat, is 36,600 rubles. This has positive aspects for mobile youth, who have the opportunity to find prospects in other regions, and a disadvantage for mature people or those of pre-retirement age who have been laid off. Therefore, a developed social legislation is needed. Establishing a living wage, unemployment benefits, retirement benefits, health care development, and so on.

Based on the official websites of statistics, the most demanded industries in terms of the number of vacancies in Russia are the specialties shown in Figure 1.

Picture 1. Popular industries by number of vacancies in Russia

This statistics is interesting for schoolchildren who decide which specialty to choose, but being in demand does not always mean high pay, and it is always important for an employee to receive not only moral satisfaction, but also material satisfaction, the ability to provide for himself and his living. There is an expression “All professions are important”, but they are all paid differently. This is primarily due to the professionalism of the employee: his length of service, skills, work experience, professional development, etc., as well as the type of work performed: harmful conditions¸ work at night. The prestige of the profession itself, its relevance, the possibility of promotion in career ladder... Significant differences in wages can be associated with the lack of competition between purely professional groups of workers, for example, between an electrician and a doctor, a steelmaker and a teacher, etc. That is, the transition between these groups is practically impossible. A competitive environment arises either within a professional group or in groups of interrelated professions and specialties. A special group is made up of people of unique professions with talent and abilities: scientists, athletes, grandmasters, musicians, etc.

All in all, existence competitive environment in the labor market sets the wages of each professional group, under the influence of the mutual counterbalancing demand and supply for labor. But the labor market is often far from pure competition... On the one hand, the labor market is monopolized by trade unions and large corporations, that is, it exists under a double monopoly. On the other hand, it is regulated by the state through labor legislation and through the establishment of a minimum wage. Based on the official websites of statistics, the most paid industries in Russia are the specialties shown in Figure 2.

The population of the country consists of an economically active population and an economically inactive one. The economically inactive population includes the following category of citizens of the country:

1. students of a different form of education;

2. persons engaged in housekeeping;

3. persons who do not need to work;

The economically active population is the population of a country that is already employed in labor, is looking for or has a desire to work, or has an independent source of income. That is, the economically active population of the country includes both employed and unemployed citizens of the country. The unemployed population includes citizens who:

1. did not have a job;

2. looking for a job;

3. were ready to start work;

4. are trained in the direction of employment services;

5. students and retirees, if they were looking for work.

Since January 2017, Rosstat has been conducting a sample survey of the labor force among the population aged 15-72. According to the survey in February 2017, the labor force was 75.6 million people, or 52% of the total population of the country ( as of January 1, 2017, according to Rosstat, in Russia there were 146 804 372
permanent residents),
among them, 71.4 million people were employed in the economy and 4.2 million people did not have employment, but were actively looking for it (in accordance with the methodology of the International Labor Organization, they are classified as unemployed). The employment rate of the population aged 15 and over was 58.8%, the unemployment rate was 5.6%.

The number of employed people in February 2017 decreased compared to January by 368 thousand people, or by 0.5%, compared to February 2016 - by 264 thousand people, or by 0.4%.

The number of unemployed in February 2017 compared to January, decreased by 62 thousand people, or 1.4%, compared to February 2016. - by 203 thousand people, or 4.6%.

The employment policy of the population is a phenomenon of the socio-economic plan, through which the state carries out an indirect and direct impact on the labor market (labor market) to resolve employment problems in order to increase the efficiency of employment programs, develop social partnership, stimulating the mobility of the economically active population and enhancing the flexibility of the labor market. Such an idea is given by Odegov YG. The main tasks of the employment policy include providing the economically active population with jobs, combating unemployment and satisfying the investment capital in the labor force.

The employed population includes persons aged 16 and over, as well as younger ages who:

1. perform work for hire;

2. temporarily absent from work due to illness or vacation;

3. perform unpaid work in a family business.

The classification of employment by status includes the following groups:

1. wage-earners which are subdivided into civilian labor and military personnel;

2. employers;

3. persons working on an individual basis;

4. unpaid family workers;

5. members of collective enterprises;

6. Persons not amenable to classification by status in employment.

Measures to combat unemployment include a set of social guarantees, social insurance, various forms and methods social assistance ensuring the protection of the population from unemployment, namely, two main groups: population - working, but under the threat of dismissal of citizens, and unemployed citizens registered with the state employment service. Such methods social protection given by A.A. Kochetkov. ... Employment policy is a multi-level system and operates at 3 main levels: macro level, regional level and local level. So on September 28, 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Resolution No. 974 "On the creation of a territory for advanced socio-economic development of Togliatti." This project undertaken to accelerate the development of the economy and improve the life of the population of the city district of Togliatti. In addition, the state is regulating relations with other countries on the migration of labor force. For any country, even one with centuries-old market traditions, it is a big problem to maintain the required level of employment of the population. As a rule, in the field of employment, the market cannot automatically influence the self-regulation process, therefore, in all countries with a market orientation, employment regulation policies are pursued. In Russia, programs are also being developed to support employment of the population: the payment of appropriate benefits, the formation of existing employment services, support for medium and small businesses, the formation of public services and institutions for retraining and retraining of personnel, incentives for private services, and many others.


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