Quail as a business. Quail breeding as a business - the benefits are obvious. Raising quail as a business: preparation

Quail breeding business- an excellent opportunity to start your own business without large investments. You can open such an enterprise right at your summer cottage, and if successful, expand.

The demand among Russians for quail is increasing every year. This is largely due to their taste, the usefulness of eggs and poultry meat. The easiest way to work in this business will be entrepreneurs who have previously dealt with breeding pets. But it is no less important to properly establish sales channels, and in the absence of demand, meat and eggs will simply deteriorate and become unsuitable for sale. We will deal with all these nuances in the article.

Quail breeding as a business is becoming more and more in demand due to the large number of advantages of such entrepreneurship. These include:

  • small size of the initial capital;
  • quick payback (due to the fact that quails grow quickly, reproduce, they have a high egg production);
  • ease of caring for individuals;
  • disease resistance of quails (quails survive perfectly even during bird flu epidemics);
  • availability of sufficient demand for products;
  • no need to acquire large land (even a small room can accommodate several hundred quails, since the tightness is not an obstacle to their growth, habitation and reproduction).

But, like any other business, the entrepreneur has to face risks. In the case of quail growing, they are associated with the following features:

  • temperature changes negatively affect the condition of individuals;
  • there are difficulties in establishing sales channels (especially for novice entrepreneurs).

But evaluating this form of business, whether it is profitable or not to breed quails, one can answer unequivocally that with a responsible approach to work, an entrepreneur will be able to quickly recoup the investments made and start making good profits.

Arrangement of a mini-farm

New entrepreneurs may wonder where to start a quail breeding business? Any work begins with the study of specifics. When breeding birds, it is important to understand how to properly keep them, how to feed them. It is necessary to build a place for their content. This is especially important in the case of quail breeding, as these individuals are very susceptible to changing weather conditions.

When arranging a room for birds of this breed, it is imperative to remember several important points:

  1. Quails themselves are small in size, which allows you to start breeding them in a small space. For example, about 100 quails can be placed on 1 m 2 of cages. And if you make several tiers, then 400-500 birds will be accommodated in the same area.
  2. The house should be located in a quiet area, since any noise is a great stress for quails, which can negatively affect their condition and egg production.
  3. It is important to observe the temperature regime (18-22 0 С) and the humidity level in the region of 65%. To control these indicators, it is worth acquiring special measuring instruments. The temperature level can be raised or lowered with an air conditioner.
  4. For good health, individuals constantly need fresh air, so you will have to establish a ventilation system. One quail needs 0.2 - 0.5 m 3 of fresh air every day, depending on the season (in summer, the demand increases).
  5. You will need a gasoline or diesel generator, which in case emergency will not let the birds die in their cages.
  6. Birds need light for normal growth. It must be turned on for at least 17 hours daily. It is important not to overdo it with brightness - 35 lux will be enough. If this rate is exceeded, then individuals may become more aggressive.

Manufacturing of cages, feeders and drinkers

On mini-farms, quails are kept in cages located in the poultry house. You can make cells yourself. Their height should not be more than 30 centimeters. When opening a business for breeding quails from scratch, you don't even have to buy special materials, but use what is at the summer cottage - plywood, trellises. It is important to correctly make the bottom of the cages - it should be inclined so that the hatched eggs roll into a special chute.

You need to fix the feeders not inside the cage, but outside. It is important that food and waste does not get into the drinkers. For quails, nipple drinkers will be the ideal solution to this issue.

Good incubators are required to raise young stock. In this case, it is better to purchase them, and not to make them yourself, in order to increase the survival rate of young individuals.

Features of breeding and raising chicks

It is best to add males to females in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 4. Better to use for breeding young birds under the age of 8 months. In order for the offspring to turn out to be good, careful selection of eggs should be made. It needs to be carried out in several stages:

  1. Visual inspection. Irregular shape, size, color or cracks - eggs with these characteristics are eliminated immediately.
  2. Using an ovoscope. This device will allow you to weed out eggs with two yolks, a cloudy yolk or any other defects.

After the chicks hatch, the temperature in the room should gradually decrease. And already 3 weeks after birth, they are planted in regular cages to the rest of the birds.

Maintenance and feeding of adults

It is important to always have an adequate supply of feed. For each adult quail, there are about 30 grams of feed per day, that is, almost 1 kilogram per month. This value must be multiplied by the number of individuals.

You should choose a feed with a balanced composition. They must contain vitamins and minerals necessary to increase egg production. It is important to ensure that you have the following supplements in your daily diet:

It is important to make sure that the quails are fed at the same time. Untimely feeding can stress birds, resulting in stunted growth and reduced fertility.

Product distribution channels

Any business involves the need to search for sales channels. For small households, this is a very serious issue. The quail farm requires the sale of eggs and meat. Some entrepreneurs are additionally engaged in the sale of young animals or grown-up individuals. But in this case, other novice breeders become buyers.

Since a small businessman does not have much money for advertising, it is better to independently establish sales channels. You can start by selling meat and eggs to friends, local residents of the village or village. If such sales volumes are not enough, then it is necessary to look for alternative options.

Eggs are actively purchased by supermarkets and highly specialized stores. But for such a trade, it will be necessary not only to officially register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but also to have permission to grow quails. Stores will not buy goods without confirmation of high quality and safety. You can't do without visiting the supervisory authorities.

When selling meat, you also need to take into account several nuances, on which the amount of income will directly depend. Owner quail farm should know that individuals between 2 and 8 months of age are ideal for bearing eggs. If the quail is already more than 1 year old, then the number of eggs hatched begins to drop sharply. It is these individuals that need to be sold for meat.

It is better to prepare the carcasses yourself - to clean them of feathers. And for this, you should purchase a specialized machine so as not to work manually. A feather-skimming centrifuge processes 10 or more carcasses in just a couple of minutes.

Selling meat to stores will be difficult. Few outlets will agree to implement it. Therefore, it is better to focus on the following distribution channels:

  • restaurants;
  • a cafe;
  • barbecue;
  • eateries.

If an entrepreneur plans to sell birds for meat, then it is best to grow Japanese quails, as they use most in demand at catering points.

Financial performance

Large investments in a quail breeding business will not be required. Starting capital in the amount of several hundred thousand will be more than enough (you can get by and 50,000 rubles). If you competently approach the opening of your own business, then the payback can be equal to 2-3 months. For farms with animals, this is a very short time, which makes quail breeding an even more attractive business format.

The profitability of such a business is very high. Even if we take into account only eggs, then for a year you can get a profit of 350,000 rubles if you have a livestock of 400 individuals. After the first year, only funds for the purchase of feed and maintenance of temperature and air humidity will be considered as expenses. The more processes a businessman can automate, the easier it will be for him to work on his farm. In the case of quail breeding, the effect of the scale of production will also act. Therefore, even a novice businessman should think about increasing the number of individuals to increase income and profitability.

Among the many business ideas, it is worth highlighting quail business... It has a high cost-effectiveness, does not require special knowledge and financial costs, and besides, competition in the quail market is very low, which makes given view business is very attractive.

What is the quail business

The quail business consists of raising quails and marketing them to the market. At the same time, you can earn money not only by selling adult birds, but also their carcasses, eggs and even droppings.

The main points of sale of the goods are restaurants, supermarket chains, poultry factories and farms. Considering that quail meat and eggs are still considered a delicacy in our country to some extent, it is oriented this business to the cities of one million. In small towns, it will not bring the expected income.

There are two types of quail that are popular with us - ordinary, Japanese laying hen and pharaoh or broiler.

Common quail has a weight of 100 - 120 gr. and brings up to 300 eggs a year. Broilers weigh 250 - 300 gr. and carry up to 200 eggs per year. Immediately, we note that broiler carcasses are in less demand. This is due to the serving size. Such a carcass is too large for the preparation of one dish, but cutting it into two parts means spoiling the appearance of the dish.

Quails begin to rush at the age of 30 - 40 days, but by the year their productivity drops and the birds need to be updated. Eggs are stored for up to 60 days in the refrigerator and no more than 30 at room temperature.

It is possible to slaughter birds for meat from 2 to 3 months and, if properly processed, can be stored in the freezer from six months to 9 months.


Before you open your quail farm, you need to choose a room. One of the advantages of quail is that they do not take up much space. So, to keep 100 birds, you need only 0.5 sq. m.

The room in which the birds will be kept must be well ventilated as the birds need fresh air. At the same time, you should pay attention to the absence of a draft.

The room should have a constant temperature, about 18 degrees, and a humidity of 70%. The lighting should not be bright. A 40 W light bulb is enough. This is due to the fact that in bright light the birds begin to peck at each other.

If these conditions are violated, the bird will start to get sick.

For arranging a poultry house, both an old barn and a garage are suitable. You can even grow quails on the balcony, if it is well insulated and soundproofed enough (so as not to cause inconvenience to you or your neighbors).

The cages are placed at an incline of 10-15 degrees and equipped with a side for collecting eggs. As soon as the quail lays the egg, it will immediately roll down to the side. So it is much more convenient to collect it.

The material for the cage is galvanized or metal mesh, metal sheets, fittings, plywood.

An incubator is also needed, preferably with automatic egg turning. You can purchase both a special incubator for quails, and use a chicken incubator for these purposes, or even assemble it yourself.

Many people say that it is time to start your own business. Further talk goes on with 25% of people. Maybe it's time to move from words to deeds?

As a test, it is worth doing what people need on a daily basis. Spiritual food, clothing, appearance- this is all secondary, but you always want to eat. Therefore, let's talk about food.

Today, there is no niche more crowded than the production and sale of food products. In order to determine the direction in which it will be profitable to start your business, it is recommended to go shopping and research what is in demand, but little is offered. And a novice businessman will understand that quail breeding is something that is in great demand, but is offered in limited quantities.

Why quail? Their main value is eggs, their benefits are so great that they overshadow all similar products combined. Experts say that only paws and a beak are not used anywhere in quails - everything else goes into action.


contain a large amount of vitamins, are not allergic, activate the immune system, rejuvenate the skin. They are recommended to be eaten without restrictions as a dietary product.

suitable for stuffing pillows

it is a healthy dietary product, rich in vitamins, helps to work actively gastrointestinal tract... If quails are bred specifically for meat, then it is especially in demand due to its high nutritional qualities.

the most valuable organic fertilizer that can be used on the land

The bones of a bird that the family ate for lunch can be ground into flour in a mortar and used as a calcium supplement for other quails.

The foundation of the enterprise - the right business plan

It is not enough to know about the benefits of birds to rush headlong into buying a batch of chicks for breeding. For successful implementation the outlined plans need a business plan, which will become a guide to action for a successful start.

The business plan does not have any specific structure, it should contain the fundamental points and reflect the sequence of actions.

1. Setting a goal

The goal of our future business is the production of quail meat and eggs. You can consider the problem on a narrower scale: the production of eggs, but the question remains open: where to put the meat? Therefore, it is appropriate to produce both eggs and meat as a trial ball on the first batch of poultry.

2. Monitoring start-up capital

A matured decision to breed quails will require 80,000 - 90,000 rubles for an initial investment. In six months, you can reach a net income of 30,000 rubles.

3. Market analysis for the production of quail meat and eggs from competitors

Analysis is essential to avoid wasting time in egg production in an oversaturated market. Today this niche is about 1/3 filled, so it may happen that in the area of ​​residence you will not have any competitors at all.

4. Action plan for the implementation of tasks

Premises for rent

Quails are considered small poultry, they can be placed in large quantities in a small area, therefore, at the initial stage, you need to find a small room in terms of area. The main requirements: it must be warm and light.

Making or buying poultry cages

Quails can be kept in specially equipped cages, as well as in adapted or homemade fenced spaces. At the same time, one must remember about the ability and constant desire of quails to fly, for this reason the space for them should be closed, but with air access and well ventilated. The place where birds are kept should be well lit and warm. For optimal lighting, it is appropriate to use additional incandescent lamps, they will provide light and heat at the same time. You should not save on the maintenance of quails, they will pay off their maintenance with interest.

Vide - How to make a quail cage

Video - Making cages for quails

Buying feed

Quails are finicky and difficult to keep. For nutrition they need wheat, corn, barley, sunflower cake. Parsley, greens and carrots are eaten by quails in abundance and endlessly. It must be remembered that they eat very often, and you should not limit them in this, otherwise it will affect their egg production and meat quality.

As food additives, it is necessary to add low-fat crushed fish waste, salt, rye to the diet. Birds love to swim in dry sand, small pebbles are necessary for better digestion of food in the stomach, calcium in the form of a ground shell - for the strength of the eggshell, protein - to increase productivity. A dry diet requires a lot of water, so birds should be provided with a continuous drinking regimen.

Purchase of poultry

All types of quails are divided into decorative and commercial breeds. The ability to distinguish them from each other externally and in terms of characteristics will help you choose the one that can make your business successful.


it has a high egg production - 300 eggs per year from a quail. Their meat is also used as a delicacy. Bird weight - 200g. This breed reaches production rates in a month and a half. They rarely get sick, almost all birds reach the point of being used for food or laying eggs.

quail meat breed, an option that is ideal for breeding at the start of a business. Weight - 320 g. Productivity - 200 eggs per year from one quail. This species is readily accepted in restaurants and supermarkets.

they carry 300 eggs a year, weight - 300 g. At the price of meat they surpass other breeds, since its quality is really a real delicacy

There are several more breeds of quail, in the production of which you can get both eggs and meat, but their productivity is much lower, therefore it is preferable to use the named specimens at the start.

  • Registration of the official status.

Any business can only exist if it is legal. Therefore, before deciding on the sale of products, it is necessary to register the status individual entrepreneur... With this status, you will have free access to consumers.

Business advertising will be needed after the products that need to be sold appear. In the future, when the production of eggs and meat will be put on stream, it will be possible to create your own website and advertise products on a larger scale.

Formation of a customer base

A large clientele does not appear with a wave of the hand, it needs to be created gradually, starting with a narrow circle of people. Categories of people who will definitely want to become your customers:

  • Relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances. You won't get a lot of money from them, but they will play the role of word of mouth, which will tell you about the product better than any advertisement;
  • A grocery market where you can sell products or do it yourself. For trading on the market, certification of the goods is not required, for this it is enough to undergo sanitary control in the market laboratory;
  • Super- and hypermarkets, fresh-markets, restaurants, for which delicacies are one of the main sales products.

On the commercial prospects for quail breeding

A separate paragraph of the business plan must provide for all the expected costs of business development, investments, prospects for payback and income. A rough breakdown of costs will help budding entrepreneurs have an idea of ​​what awaits them:

  1. Taking chickens for breeding will cost less, but will have to be raised to production age, which will take time and money. If you start with the purchase of quail quails, then only funds will be spent on them. A thousand young birds will cost about 30 thousand rubles.

  2. To buy factory cages, you will need about 50 thousand rubles, but this price is approximate, since it depends on the design of the cages, capacity, manufacturer, and materials of manufacture. At first, you can make cells with your own hands, this will significantly save money.

  3. You will need about 6,000 rubles a month to buy feed.
  4. Payment for lighting and heating a room depends on its area. To pay for the costs of electricity and heat from lamps in a room with an area of ​​15 square meters will cost about 3000 rubles.

  5. Purchase of an incubator - 5,000 rubles.

Thus, adding up the estimated costs, we get the amount of 94,000 thousand rubles. There is a benchmark, the run-up of costs can be both up and down, but, based on the resulting figure, you can plan your actions more specifically.

Quail breeding is not only a profitable business, but also quite troublesome. An experienced manufacturer will efficiently cope with the number of quails from 1000 to 2000. Therefore, in the future, you will have to hire workers if the businessman gets a taste, and he has a desire to expand the scale of production.

About the profitable part of the business

The ultimate goal of discovery own business- this is its revenue side.

Approximate performance prospects:

  • 500 quails will bring 9000 eggs per month. Selling the first batch, without raising the price to the real one, for 30 rubles for a dozen, you can gain 27,000 rubles, for the meat of extra males you can help out 5 thousand 5. From the income we subtract 6,000 for feed and 3,000 for heating and lighting. According to rough estimates, the net income will be 18,000 rubles;
  • large eggs can be incubated, increasing the number of females. In the fourth month of work according to the plan, incomes will begin to increase steadily from the sale of eggs and meat from extra males. The costs should be recouped in full at the end of 5 months. Until this period, you should not think about expanding the scale of the business. This period will be quite enough in order to finally make sure of the correctness of your decision to breed quail and understand that the business of quail breeding requires labor costs and patience, mountains of gold immediately and quickly are not expected.

Video - Breeding quails. Business plan

In conditions economic crisis and the high cost of "entering" existing business niches, one of the promising areas for organizing your own business is the quail business. This type of activity has a number of indisputable advantages that make it possible to achieve stable profits within a few months:

    small size start-up capital;

    fast payback;

    simplicity of bird care;

    minimum area industrial premises;

    low cost of the required equipment;

    high consumer product quality;

    low level of competition.

The disadvantages of quail breeding as a business include:

    relative novelty of products for the Russian market;

    the need for regular care and feeding;

    increased labor costs when preparing meat for relatively large poultry.

Quail egg production in Russian Federation does not exceed 400,000 pieces per day, while in Japan with a comparable population, the daily sales of quail eggs rarely drop below 7,000,000. For most regions, quails remain an exotic curiosity and the traditional chicken is preferred.

The Russian consumer is just beginning to get used to the presence of quail eggs and meat on store shelves and in the menus of enterprises. Catering... This opens up impressive prospects for growing quail as a business, as neighboring countries show a steady increase in interest from buyers.

Material and production base for poultry breeding

You should not immediately equip a large poultry farm to make sure that the quail business is profitable. It is enough for a beginner poultry breeder to acquire a herd of up to 500 birds. Quails reach egg production very quickly, from 5 to 8 weeks after birth. A herd of 500-600 heads is easily serviced by one person with a daily employment of no more than 3-4 hours.

Your own business - what you need for quail breeding

To start a quail business, a small area is required, since the birds are as compact as possible. One meter, when placing cages in several levels, can contain up to 300 heads. For keeping, it is recommended to use a separate room with an area of ​​about 20 m², in which it will be convenient to look after the livestock, store and make feed mixtures.

The set of initial equipment will consist of cage batteries, tanks for storing feed and eggs, and equipment for cutting carcasses. A business plan for breeding quails should include an incubator for hatching chicks and a special container for young animals (brooder).

Business plan: what is how much it costs

The cost of individual equipment and breeding birds may vary depending on the specific region and seasonality. The amount of the initial investment depends on whether the cages and special containers are purchased ready-made or are made independently. An additional expense item can be the registration of a legal entity and the lease of premises in the absence of their own space.

Based on a herd size of 500 heads, consistent with a business plan for breeding quail at home, material costs at the initial stage of the organization of the quail business will be:

    cell battery - 8-12 thousand rubles. (while the cost of the material is 2-3 thousand rubles);

    purchase of a livestock of quails - 20 thousand rubles. (the cost of quails for breeding is 40 rubles per chick);

    feed (for the first time) - about 3 thousand rubles;

    small incubator - from 7 to 12 thousand rubles;

    brooder for young animals - from 3,500 rubles.

With the necessary skills and free time, cages for adults and a brooder can be made independently, which will significantly reduce the initial costs.

A business plan for breeding quail should take into account the costs of lighting and maintaining the desired temperature regime, depending on the season and electricity tariffs. For more effective plucking of slaughtered poultry, it is recommended to purchase a special centrifuge, since manual processing of small carcasses can be extremely inconvenient.

Income and basic expenses in the manufacture of products

One hen, starting at 2 months of age, produces 250-300 eggs per year. After reaching the age of 8-12 months, the productivity of quails decreases and it is recommended to use them for meat. When slaughtered, one quail carcass gives 200-350 g, depending on the breed.

The profitability of a business is determined by the value of the products produced and the speed of sale. It is realistic to sell quail eggs at a price of 1.5-2 rubles. per piece, meat - 60-90 rubles. for the carcass. Slaughter of poultry can begin from 8-10 weeks, when their growth ends. Meat breeds reach optimum gut weight at 6 weeks.

It is advisable to assess the profitability from the 5th month from the date of purchase of the first livestock. By this time, the hens reach stable productivity, and the extra males can be sold for meat. When using an incubator, the number of poultry can be increased several times, therefore, for the convenience of calculations, a business plan for quail with a herd of 1000 head of layers and 200-250 males is used.

A thousand quails carry about 300,000 eggs per year. In addition, you can additionally get at least 4,000 meat carcasses for meat with full reproduction of the productive population. Based on this, it is possible to calculate the approximate revenue from the industrial breeding of quails with the timely sale of the products of the poultry farm:

    egg - 450-600 thousand rubles;

    meat - 240-360 thousand rubles;

    total: 690-960 thousand rubles per year.

Individual items of income can be:

    sale of breeding birds from 1 month old;

    implementation of poultry manure as a highly effective nitrogen-containing fertilizer;

    self-production cells, drinkers and feeders with their subsequent sale.

From the amount of proceeds, it is required to deduct various payments as taxes and fees, subject to the registration of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur (if we regard quail breeding as a business focused on the wholesale of products).

The main compulsory expenses affecting the profitability of the quail business will be to pay:

    poultry feed - 144 thousand rubles;

    heating and light - about 25 thousand rubles.

A flock of 1000 hens can be cared for by 2 people with an incomplete employment... With such a volume of production, it is advisable to use the model family business when profit and wages are essentially the same thing. The involvement of outside labor is included in the business plan for quail breeding when it becomes justified: with an increase in the livestock to 5,000 layers or more, there are reliable distribution channels.

Quail breeding - livestock reproduction technology

Quails are unpretentious, capable of the most compact content. It may seem that breeding poultry in industrial volumes is possible even on the balcony of an apartment using boxes, cardboard boxes. This approach is justified only when growing quail as home business mostly for personal use. Too small a mini-farm area will be physically inconvenient for caring for several hundred heads, and excludes the possibility of expanding the quail business at home.

Growing and feeding

Stable productivity of the quail population requires certain conditions of keeping and regular monitoring of the condition of the bird. Any farm requires constant human control without days off and holidays. A quail poultry farm as a business requires care, which consists of the following:

    maintaining the optimal level of lighting, humidity and air temperature;

    creation of conditions for maintenance and reproduction;

    ensuring adequate nutrition and the availability of clean water;

    inspection of livestock, culling of birds with suspected disease or aggressive behavior;

    timely cleaning of cells;

    collection of eggs and slaughter of poultry.

With a herd size of 500-600 individuals, the quail business requires 2-4 hours a day for grooming, which one person can do just fine. For a herd of 1-2 thousand birds, the efforts of two people will be required, for 5 thousand - three or more.


A suitable location is where you should start your quail business. Quails are kept under moderate illumination of 20-30 lux, which is fully provided by incandescent lamps with a power of 40 watts. With more intense lighting, birds behave aggressively and begin to peck at each other. Daylight hours should last 16-18 hours. The humidity in the room should be at least 65%; in the dry air, the quails begin to hatch their feathers.

The temperature regime is maintained in the range from 18 to 24 ° C, special attention should be paid to excluding drafts. More resistant to diseases than other poultry, quails are extremely sensitive to air currents with high temperature differences.

Containment cages

One square meter of cage space can accommodate 50-100 individuals, usually multi-tiered batteries are used. The number of floors depends on the ease of maintenance. As a material for the cage, a profile, galvanized mesh and metal sheets are used. Wood materials are inconvenient to clean and they quickly deteriorate, contributing to the multiplication of harmful microorganisms.

The height of the cages should not exceed 30 cm so that the bird does not jump, injuring its neck and head. The floor of the cage is tilted so that the laid eggs roll into a special chute. Feed and water attachments are located outside.


It is rather difficult to find a ready-made compound feed intended only for quails. Typically, the feed manufacturer indicates this type of bird when selling universal mixes. To create an optimal ratio of nutrients and useful microelements, you can make feed for quail. The business plan will only benefit from this.

For the production of feed, crushed grain of wheat, barley and corn is required, therefore it is advisable to purchase a special crusher. It is better to buy grain in advance at farmers' markets at the time of harvest.

In addition to grain, feed mixtures must contain a source of calcium: bone or fish meal, crushed shells, shells. Fine gravel, sand, necessary for the digestion of the bird, is thrown into the feeders. The taste of the product and the profitability of raising quail hens for eggs as a business depend on the feed. The composition of the compound feed can be changed depending on the age category.

For poultry from 1 to 4 weeks (as a percentage of the total mass of the mixture):

  • wheat - 9.6;
  • barley - 7;
  • corn - 40;
  • bone meal - 3;
  • fish flour - 5;
  • soybean meal - 30;
  • dry return - 3;
  • salt - 0.4;
  • herbal flour - 1.

For ages 5-6 weeks:

  • wheat - 25;
  • barley - 7;
  • corn - 40.5;
  • bone meal - 3;
  • fish flour - 5;
  • sunflower meal - 9;
  • dry return - 3;
  • crushed chalk, ground shell - 1;
  • salt - 0.5;
  • herbal flour - 1
  • wheat bran - 5.

For birds from 7 weeks old, including the carrier:

  • wheat - 15;
  • barley - 7;
  • corn - 40;
  • sunflower meal - 10;
  • soybean meal - 10;
  • wheat bran - 5;
  • fishmeal - 5;
  • crushed chalk, ground shell - 1;
  • bone meal - 4;
  • herbal flour - 2.4;
  • salt - 0.6.

In order to enrich the feed with biologically active substances, you can add special premixes (P1-1, P5-1, P6-1) at the rate of 1: 100.

Growing young animals

With a compact keeping, females atrophy the instinct to incubate eggs, therefore, an incubator must be used to hatch new chicks. For fertilization, males are placed in the cells at the rate of 2-5 pieces per 10 females. The age of birds most suitable for breeding is 2-7 months.

Before being placed in the incubator, eggs with visible damage, irregular shapes, sizes and colors are discarded. It is recommended to check the contents of eggs with an ovoscope in order to select specimens with double yolk, cloudy contents and other defects.

The incubator must maintain a certain temperature and humidity level:

    12 days - 37.7 ° C and 55-60%;

    from 12 to 15 days inclusive - 37.2 ° С and 55%;

    from day 16 - 37 ° C and 70%.

On the first day, the brood should be carefully protected from drafts. The temperature in a special container (brooder cage) should be maintained within 35-37 ° C during the first week. Then the temperature gradually decreases to 30-32 ° С during the second week and to 24-26 ° С during the third. After that, the young can be planted in cages with adults.

Breeding quail for meat or eggs which business to choose?

There are breeds specifically designed for both breeding for meat and increased egg production. Paradoxically, breeding only meat breeds not always advisable.

This applies to the sale of carcasses to catering establishments. A standard portion with poultry meat rarely exceeds 200 g, while the weight of a quail meat carcass is 300 g. It is not profitable for a restaurant or cafe to butcher a carcass, so they are more willing to buy meat of smaller egg-bearing breeds.

Breeding of meat breeds is economically profitable with established marketing in retail chains or poultry farms wishing to expand the range of products without changing the production technology. In these cases, the profit from the sale of quail meat will be much lower, because the buyer has to take into account his profit margins from the subsequent resale.

The most rational is the breeding of not very small egg-bearing breeds and make efforts to sell both eggs and quail meat. Business, in any case, consists in the fact that hens give eggs, and the poultry has to be slaughtered at the age of 1 year, and the resulting eggs and meat need to be put somewhere.

Sales of finished products

Any production is constantly faced with the problem of product sales. There is no doubt about the ability of quails to consistently give eggs and meat, but to find a market for sale in modern Russian realities it may take quite a long time.

Farm managers who have already achieved significant results in quail breeding advise starting with word of mouth.

On initial stages When implementing a business plan, you should try to offer quail eggs and meat to your friends and relatives. From them, information can go further, subject to the appointment of a favorable price for buyers. This distribution channel cannot be considered truly reliable, but it will help to generate profit while working with other potential buyers, such as wholesale and retail trade networks and restaurants.

You should not seriously count on small stores that do not have a developed network. Low purchasing power and insufficient customer traffic will not allow reaching any significant volumes. In this case, you will need to spend own funds for the delivery and packaging of products.

When promoting products in retail chains and catering establishments should communicate the obvious benefits to the potential buyer. 100 g of quail eggs, with comparable amounts of useful microelements, proteins and fats, contain half the carbohydrates and several times less cholesterol. This makes the products of quail breeding more useful and suitable for dietary nutrition. In addition, the valuable properties of quail eggs allow you to remove radionuclides from the human body.

Sale of quail meat and eggs to poultry farms

Establishing ties with large suppliers of farm products in the region can be considered quite reliable. In this case, you will have to sacrifice part of the profit, but the farm will be relieved of the need to obtain most of the permits. In addition, wholesalers relieve you of the need to worry about distribution channels.

Large producers of poultry products, as a rule, are interested in expanding their own assortment for their counterparties, but often do not have the opportunity to create an additional production chain. When dealing with wholesalers taking over the work with end consumer, it is required to constantly maintain stable supplies in the required volumes.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

300 000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital



3-5 months


20 sq. m.

Minimum area

The quail business is different high profitability and quick payback. Within this business, two main areas can be distinguished. The first includes the direct growing of layers, each of which can lay up to three hundred eggs per year (on average, two hundred and fifty), and the second - the production of dietary quail meat.

As a rule, both of these directions are combined within the framework of one farm. Quail meat is rich in easily digestible protein, has good antioxidant properties and high taste. Despite all the advantages, in the presence of stable demand, competition in this area is still not very high, which opens up great opportunities for novice farmers.

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The minimum number of birds from which it is worth counting on a sufficient income from the business in the presence of a sales market is 500-600 heads. Quails are highly fertile and grow quickly, which makes it possible to increase their livestock by 8-10 times in just one year. Quail starts laying at the age of 30-40 days. With 600 birds, you can get up to 1800 eggs per year. To place a quail farm does not require large areas.

To save space, quail cages are usually arranged in several tiers, which allows up to 200 birds to be placed on one square meter of the poultry house. The profitability of the production of quail eggs is estimated at 50-100%, and the profitability of meat production is two to three times lower (on average 25%). Thanks to the short production cycle(2-3 months) the payback of such a project turns out to be much lower than in the industry as a whole. Experts estimate it in up to six months.

Legal nuances of the quail business

If you are going to sell products (in our case, eggs and carcasses) produced on the land of a personal subsidiary farm (LPH), then you need to take into account the fact that the sale of products produced on such land does not apply to entrepreneurial activity... By law, private household plots are a form of non-entrepreneurial activity associated with the production and processing of agricultural products. Private household plots are run by a citizen and his family members in order to meet their personal needs on their own land plot. Accordingly, agricultural products grown under private household plots are the property of a citizen who has a personal subsidiary farm, and the sale of agricultural products by citizens running private household plots is not an entrepreneurial activity.

If you still intend to sell your products (or rather, its surplus), then you will need to obtain a document from the local administration about the availability of private household plots. Submit a document issued by an authority local government, the boards of the gardening partnership. This paper confirms that the products sold were produced on land owned by the taxpayer or members of his family and used for private household plots, gardening, truck farming or summer cottage construction. In addition, you will need to register your private household plots, which is kept in household books on the basis of information provided by citizens on a voluntary basis.

The household book contains basic information about the private household: surname, name and patronymic, as well as the date of birth of the owner land plot, The full name of all family members living with him, the number of poultry available (in our case), the area of ​​the land plot occupied by crops or plantations, agricultural machinery in your ownership or other right, and vehicles... After receiving this document, you will need to invite a commission consisting of veterinarians, for drawing up an inspection report. If the inspection results are positive, you will receive an inspection certificate in your hands, after which your farm will be assigned to one veterinarian.

It is from him that you will receive from him veterinary certificates of the established form for the sale of products through trade organizations... In addition, the veterinary service will issue you a veterinary certificate, on the basis of which you will subsequently receive a form No. 2 certificate.

Please note: if you intend to sell your products as an individual entrepreneur, then the algorithm will be about the same, with only one difference. You will need to pay additional taxes and receive a certificate of conformity for your products with a certificate of their quality. Unlike individual entrepreneurs, private household plots sells surplus products originally received for their own needs. At the same time, the IP is intended for the sale of agricultural products originally produced for sale. That is why private household plots can sell their products only in markets and catering establishments, and there are no such restrictions for individual entrepreneurs.

Poultry equipment

A dry, warm room is required to keep quails. Its area depends on your capabilities and planned volumes. So, on an area of ​​about 20 sq. meters when placing cages on several floors, up to a thousand birds can be kept (although a livestock of 600 individuals will settle down with great comfort). In general, quails are quite easy to care for and are not demanding on the conditions of detention. For their normal development, it is enough to follow simple rules. First, you will need to maintain a constant temperature in the house between 18-22 ° C. In the southern regions, it is recommended to use air conditioners in the summer. Try to exclude any possibility of temperature changes or sudden changes in temperature, otherwise this can cause stress in the bird, lead to the development of diseases in it and even to its death.

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In addition, in the room where quails are kept, it is also necessary to maintain an optimal humidity level - 65-70%. It should be well ventilated, but drafts should not be allowed. It is better to make the lighting dim with the possibility of regulation. Finally, since any sudden loud noise can stress the bird, which in turn will cause it to gain weight poorly and stop laying eggs, it is important to provide good soundproofing in the house. You should not have a quail farm near various manufacturing enterprises or construction sites.

When planning a poultry house with an area of ​​15-20 sq. meters, divide it into several separate rooms. A minimum of 4 "sectors" will be required: for keeping adult birds and a brooding room for young animals, a room for placing incubators, for storing and preparing feed mixtures. It is possible to separate the rooms with light walls made of chipboard, drywall, or even cell batteries of six cells. Adult birds are kept in cages, which are equipped with feeders and drinkers. The floor in such a cage is made at a slight slope, which facilitates the process of collecting eggs.

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One battery of six cells, in which it is quite possible to place about 250 individuals, will cost about 3,000 rubles. If you have the time and skills, you can save on this expense and make your own birdcages from plywood, metal, rebar and galvanized welded mesh. The cost of the battery in this case will be 1.5-2 times less. According to experienced quail breeders, to make one cage, in which you can keep up to twenty birds, you will need 1 sq. meter of galvanized mesh, and for one cage battery per hundred birds - about 1.5 square meters. meters of sheet metal, 0.7 sq. meters of plywood, 4.5 sq. meter of galvanized mesh. For cages for a thousand birds, it will take up to 50 sq. meters of mesh, 6-7 sq. meters of plywood and 16 sq. meters of sheet metal.

For raising young birds, as a rule, ordinary wooden or plywood boxes are used. standard sizes 65x65x25 cm. Boxes can also be made by hand. Additional costs include the equipment of such enclosures with special lamps for heating and lighting, which help to create the optimal temperature and light conditions.

The main disadvantage of quails is their lack of an instinct for hatching eggs as a result of domestication. Therefore, to breed them, you will need an incubator that maintains a temperature of 37 to 39 ° C. Like cages, an incubator can be made on your own, on order, or purchased at a store. Drawings for the construction of an incubator can be found on specialized sites on the Internet. The cost of this equipment can range from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles. Such a wide range of prices is due to the characteristics of a particular model. Larger incubators with additional functions and capabilities (for example, temperature and humidity control devices, a device for automatically turning eggs ten times a day, etc.), respectively, will cost more. Decent models can be found for 5,000 rubles.

Additional equipment includes a feather plucking machine for plucking feathers from a carcass. Of course, this can be done manually, but with large volumes meat production this operation will take a lot of time and effort. Feathering machines help to significantly improve the quality of products and its appearance, since when using them, the skin of the bird is not damaged when it is plucked. The process of removing feathers is as follows. Bird carcasses are placed in a drum. When rotating, they hit the biting fingers and lose feathers (while the processing quality is quite high - automated equipment allows you to remove up to 95% of the feathers). The water entering the drum rinses the removed feathers and fluff into the tray. The cleaning time of carcasses per load is several minutes. In an hour, a low-power machine can process about a hundred carcasses. The cost of such equipment is 7,500-10,000 rubles.

Feeding and caring for quails

Quails grow quite quickly: the weight of newly hatched quails does not exceed 6 grams, but by the end of the first month it increases 15 times! After 2-3 months, they gain sufficient body weight and begin to lay eggs. However, this is possible only with proper care of the bird and competent organization of its feeding. An adult quail eats about 30 grams of feed per day. However, experts advise to plan daily feed consumption in the amount of 35 kg of feed per 1000 birds. Feed can be purchased ready-made or mixed feed mixtures yourself. Ready-made feed for quails, which have a more intensive biochemical metabolism than other poultry, are dry or moist mixtures of crushed cereals (corn, wheat, barley, millet), which contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, soybean or sunflower meal, chalk, premix, etc.

The diet of quails that lay eggs should also contain compound feed based on animal products - fish or meat and bone meal, milk powder. Meal worms, earthworms and various insects can also be used to fill the deficit of animal feed.

Experienced farmers prefer to prepare feed mixtures on their own, rather than purchase ready-made compound feed, which may require a grain crusher and / or grass cutter (the cost of such specialized equipment is 3500-5000 rubles). All feed must first be thoroughly chopped and then mixed.

Compound feed for quails can also consist of the following components (as a percentage of the total weight of compound feed): yellow corn - 20, millet - 15.7, wheat - 19, sunflower cake - 4.9, dry milk - 4, meat and bone meal - 12, fish flour - 12, dry yeast - 6, herbal flour - 3, ground shell - 2, table salt - 0.3, mineral additive - 0.5. 100 g of this compound feed contains 22.6% of dry proteins, 2% of calcium, 1.6% of phosphorus and 0.6% of sodium. An adult bird is fed 2-3 times a day at the same time. In winter, quails are fed with sprouted greens of millet, onions, oats and wheat, and in summer they give unlimited leaves of cabbage, beets, alfalfa, nettle, lettuce, and spinach clover. The exact recipe for the feed mixture (composition and proportions of ingredients) depends on the feed base of the region where the farm is located, and, as a rule, is prepared independently by each farmer.

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The cost of feeding birds depends on several conditions at once, but primarily on the region and ingredients. Fattening of quails for meat begins when they reach 30 days of age. For such feeding, special compound feed for broilers is used (80% of the total feed) plus boiled peas (20%). Good performance can be achieved by increasing the content of corn and feed fat in the poultry diet. But in no case should the birds be abruptly transferred to a fattening diet, otherwise it can lead to illness or death of quails.

Such a transition is carried out within three to four days, replacing part of the old diet with a new one. For example, on the first day a little more than half of the old feed is given, and the remainder is new feed. Over the next three days, the percentage of the usual feed is constantly reduced. For meat quails are fattened for about a month. At the same time, for the first three weeks, dim lighting is maintained in the cells of the fattening young animals around the clock.

Subsequently, females and males are kept separately. The cells of females are illuminated intermittently: for one hour of light - two hours of darkness, and for males, daylight hours are reduced to eight hours. In well-fed birds, a layer of subcutaneous fat is visible on the chest. Their weight reaches 200 grams in two months (for comparison, egg-laying quails at the same age weigh no more than 130 grams).

It will take two or three people to care for a livestock of 600 birds. At first, you can take over these functions, and then, as income grows, you can hire assistants who will be engaged in feeding the bird, caring for it, cleaning the cages, collecting eggs, tracking the optimal regimes for keeping quails.

Sales of products

Quail carcasses are sold through markets, supermarkets, as well as restaurants and cafes, kindergartens, school institutions, sanatoriums, tourist centers, etc. The quail carcass is sold at retail for 80-90 rubles. Quail eggs cost from 2 rubles apiece, depending on the region. An additional source of income for such farms is the sale of quail at the age of up to one week at a cost of up to 25-30 rubles per head and at the age of one month at a cost of 40-45 rubles.

The primary costs for the arrangement of such a farm for 600-700 heads are up to 300 thousand rubles, taking into account all costs, including equipment. The payback period in this case is, as mentioned above, 4-6 months, due to the high fertility of birds.

Many farmers who do not have sufficient capital in the amount of 250-300 thousand rubles to organize industrial production, start by buying a small number of quails, followed by their breeding and growing. Gradually, they increase the necessary livestock, which can take up to six months. This is a good option for a small farm, but it is worth taking into account the fact that the payback period of such a project will be significantly higher (up to a year), and the profit, respectively, will be lower.

As a rule, experienced farmers who do not have a large start-up capital practice the following scheme. They buy several hundred hens under two months of age, as they cost half the price of adult layers, as well as several dozen males under one month of age (about 15-20 hens per male). Then the birds are raised to the desired age. In this case, groups are first formed for laying eggs for incubation.

It is best to initially organize the sale of eggs, since they can be obtained in the first two months of the existence of the farm. First, they can be sold to friends and acquaintances, and then they can develop new sales markets. It is advisable to purchase incubators at the very beginning of the existence of the farm, which will increase the profitability of your business. This way, you can start with 300-400 birds, and then within a short period of time (about half a year) increase it to over 1000 units, not counting chicks and eggs incubated in the incubator.

Eggs and carcasses are best sold through retail chains. This would require additional packaging costs but well worth it.

To increase profitability, many poultry farms are trying to take advantage of every opportunity. For example, large poultry enterprises even sell quail manure, which is an excellent natural fertilizer purchased by both individual private farms and large farms.

Another source of income is the sale of educational materials and even full-fledged quail breeding courses. If you know how to do something well, then why not make money on your knowledge and experience? To do this, you can create your own website on the Internet ( minimum cost this is 1,500 rubles). Prepare detailed text and video materials and sell them for the price of a printed book (500 - 1000 rubles).

Sysoeva Lilia

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

The main costs when opening a turkey farm are for the purchase of land, the construction of the complex, the installation and adjustment of equipment, the purchase of birds, and the purchase of feed. Production pays off in 2-5 ...

The construction of enclosures, the purchase of the necessary equipment and feed will require about 100,000-150,000 rubles. The exact amount depends on the area of ​​the plot, the area in ...

Depending on the region and a number of additional factors, the profitability of a business for growing and breeding turkeys can range from 60 to 80%.

This financial calculation reveals some guidelines for opening a quail farm on its own areas with a capacity of 400 kg. quails per month (about 2000 heads, with a carcass weight of 200 grams).


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