Paintball club business plan. How to open a paintball club? Paintball as your own business What you need for a paintball club

Organization of a paintball game is the key to a successful and prosperous business. The main thing is to make good business paintball club plan, choose a good location, equip with the necessary equipment. This is quite enough to get started, and constant, regardless of the season.

Business analysis

Markets and products. The products used and the overall market strategy will closely match the interests of other successful field paintball operations throughout the area Russian Federation... The products used will be the industry standard to generate revenue and incentivize paintball equipment companies to sponsor contests and events that will help attract players from across the region. All products will be considered in terms of cost and benefit and will take into account factors such as safety, reliability and price. The development-oriented market will be mainly composed of young people aged 16-25 and over 26-46.

The purpose of the paintball club business plan- development of the indoor and outdoor playing field, as well as generating income through rental and admission to the field. In addition, revenues will be generated from paintball equipment rentals, consumables and food concessions. These four streams of income should make the initial investment profitable in the first year of operation and provide on an annual basis as the sport of paintball grows across the country.


It is already a 100 million dollar business across the country, with revenue that continues to grow on an annual basis. Similar to bowling in some organizational aspects, a paintball service company provides rentals to players and equipment in a structured environment.

Other income-generating opportunities include the sale of consumable goods such as paintballs, CO2 refueling and different kinds necessary and consumable equipment. Concessions are another source of stable and significant income that, when good governance can lead to significant profits.

As an example, the paintball club is located in the southeastern part of the city and is the site of an abandoned multi-screen cinema. It is located in a demographically popular part of the city and is very close to shopping centers and the main thoroughfares of the city.

There are many outdoor play areas and there are several centralized buildings that would also provide an indoor play arena. The facility is currently out of use and is a mandatory and dormant asset for the current owners of a regional theater chain who would like to relinquish ownership.


The organizational form of the paintball club will be individual entrepreneurship. As a system, it is planned to use the simplified tax system, 15% of the organization's profits.

Production plan

The production development plan is essential for the overall concept. The business should strive to make it a paintball destination in the local community. There is a certain atmosphere that must be created in order for this to happen. The type of atmosphere required for success depends on the design of the theme for the playing field.

The theme for a paintball field can be post-industrial or military or something similar. The theme is very important in making the paintball field a destination and not just a place to play. The more successful the theme, the more likely repeat players will come back and use the field on a consistent basis. Several topics were discussed and the military theme adopted for the region itself.

An aggressive growth strategy requires us to adopt the following schedule in the paintball club's business plan:

  • Winter 2017 - Rent primary land plot in the southeastern part of the city.
  • January 2018. - Bid specifications prepared for contracted construction services.
  • February 2018. - Applications awarded for March and April above ground construction.
  • March 2018 - Overhead rehabilitation of standing buildings for the interior of the playing field.
  • April 2018 - Above ground outdoor playground rehabilitation and construction.
  • May 2018. A center for the installation and distribution of equipment was created. May 15, 2018. - Initial advertising blitz.
  • June 1, 2018 - the grand opening of the Paintball Sports Palace.

Paintball has become a very popular game in recent years. More and more men and women prefer to spend time outdoors instead of traditional corporate events. Enterprising people do not ignore the increased interest in this kind sports and open special clubs. We will tell you in detail how to create a paintball business in this article.

No license needed

The main weapon for paintball is the marker. Despite the great resemblance to a real firearm, it is not. This is clearly spelled out in federal law"On weapons". Markers belong to a group of goods called "Sports equipment and equipment". Their acquisition, wearing and storage does not require special permission. In addition, the provision of sports and entertainment services (and this is what paintball is) does not require a license.

What documents are needed?

The paintball business, like any other activity, requires registration. You can choose LLC (company with limited liability) or SP ( individual entrepreneur). For small firms the second option is more convenient. In it you can choose a certain form of taxation - single tax on imputed income. In addition, you will need a lease agreement for the land / premises where you will locate your club.

general information

Before developing a paintball club business plan, you need to decide how, why and for whom you are going to open sports. Paintball is not played spontaneously and is usually planned in advance. This is a kind of tourism, and therefore, you should attend to where you will be placing the club.

You need a certain infrastructure. Specialists in this issue it is advised to place a sports area on the territory of a recreation center or a former pioneer camp. This is relevant if the main focus is on the corporate client. In addition, you can equip the club with additional amenities and entertainment. For example, a cafe, a sauna, a relaxation room, customer delivery.

A place

Where is the best place to play "war"? Remember your childhood, and you can easily answer your question. Construction sites, abandoned buildings, wastelands littered with rubbish - where you can set up a "headquarters" and ambush the enemy. Look after such a place.

When developing a paintball club business plan, you need to rely on the fact that the place for sporting events is best rented. The best option is an old warehouse or a hangar with an adjoining site. There should be an opportunity to equip play areas.

Abandoned buildings are not very suitable for this, as their reliability and safety leave much to be desired. Therefore, only rent. If you plan to open a club within the city, then such premises can be found in industrial areas. It is rather difficult to name the price. It depends not only on the city, but also on the desire of the owner of the building to earn more money.

There are many recommendations and tips on how to open a paintball club. Experts say that for a convenient and comfortable game, you need to have at least 2 playgrounds, each of which should be about 50 by 70 meters. This will allow you to turn around well during the game and not run sprint distances.

What to place on playgrounds?

The sites need to be cluttered with various shelters and obstacles. For this, additional investments are not necessary, it is enough to bring old ones to the territory car tires and carcasses. For delivery, you will need a couple of movers and transport.

If desired and possible, you can build simple objects for the assault. For example, the walls are made of boards. Do not forget that the platforms must be fenced with a fine mesh. This is to prevent paintballs from flying out of the playing area.

Paintball club business plan

Now let's move on to specific numbers. Before opening a paintball club, you need to decide how many sets of equipment you plan to buy. If you are just starting your business and are not sure that you will have enough clients at the first stage, it is best to purchase 20 sets of equipment. These include markers, protective vests and masks, camouflage, gloves and more.

You can complete the kits yourself, but it is best to contact specialized shops... The information can also be found on the manufacturers' websites. There is a section "Kits for paintball clubs", where an average set of 10 markers will cost you 85-90 thousand rubles.

The standard set includes 10 guns, protective masks, a gas station, cylinders. For an additional 30-35 thousand you can buy spare parts, spare feeders (containers for balls), repair kits, tubes, harnesses, 10 boxes with balls, 20 sets of camouflage vests. Some manufacturers include kits for judges in this amount.

And one more small nuance that you should know: CO2 gas cylinders work only at positive temperatures. If you will be hosting paintball games in the winter, you will need to purchase nitrogen containers.


Before starting a paintball club, think about who will work for it. Firms are not uncommon where the owners are initial stages are independently engaged in equipment maintenance, counting of funds and refereeing. But ideally it is better that specially trained people do this.

  • Technician. A specialist who will be involved in the maintenance and service of equipment.
  • Cashier-accountant. Deals with the registration of applicants Money... Places orders for equipment. Tracks the accounting of the movement of goods.
  • Judges. They can be club owners or administrators. They give safety briefings, come up with game scenarios, teach how to properly handle weapons. Their responsibilities also include ensuring that each player is provided with the necessary protective equipment and does not remove them during the game.

When developing a paintball club business plan, take care to place a point near the playgrounds Catering... In between battles, you can have tea, coffee or a little snack there. Plus, it can generate additional income for you.

Financial investments

Drawing up a financial paintball business plan is not difficult. It is enough to know the initial investment. So, let's calculate (prices are in rubles):

  • IP opening - 10 thousand.
  • Rent, preparation of playgrounds - about 50 thousand. There is no fixed amount, it all depends on how you manage to negotiate.
  • Equipment for a paintball club - about 120 thousand for a complete set of 10 players. For 20 - 240-250 thousand.
  • Wages for workers: accountant (full time) - from 15 thousand, technician - from 15 thousand; judges (administrators) 3-4 people - piece-rate payment of 60 thousand per month (for all).
  • Balls - based on full load and a decent number of customers, 3-4 boxes are consumed per day. The average cost of one is about 1,500 thousand rubles. Up to 120 pieces may be needed per month. That is approximately 180,000 thousand.

Summing up the numbers, we get an amount approximately equal to 600 thousand rubles. This is an initial investment. Monthly expenses will amount to about 300 thousand, taking into account wages, depreciation of equipment, expendable materials.

How much can you earn?

The list of what it takes to open a paintball club has been compiled. Estimated costs have been calculated. Now we need to find out the most important thing - what is the profitability of a paintball club. Here you need to take into account that the main income comes from trading balls. The more the client uses them, the more the owner will earn.

Therefore, sniper shooters are not the right clientele. But those who like to shoot in the neighborhood "from the hip" should enjoy a lot of privileges.

Approximate calculations

In one game, not the most experienced fighter shoots from 300 to 500 balls. He receives the first 2 hundred ammunition along with all the equipment. The cost of renting a set is 500-600 rubles. Additional balls are bought for a very considerable price. The cost of one "cartridge" is about 75 kopecks. You can sell it to the participants in the battle for an average of 2.5 rubles.

Let the daily rate be 2 game segments of 10 people in each of the teams (with a full load, 2 times for 20 people). The first income is 500 rubles from each player for participating in the competition. This is 20 thousand. Some fighters save ammo, others shoot all 200 in the first battle.

On average, you can add 100 balloons to each of the participants. That's 4000 pieces (2 boxes) of additional sales. In total, 6 boxes of 1,500 rubles each were consumed per day. Total 9000 rubles. 6 boxes of 2.5 rubles per ball - 30 thousand.

If there are only 15 working days per month at full load, then the club's revenue will be about 450 thousand rubles. This will cover the costs and quickly enough (6-8 months) will recoup the investment.

Having established paintball battles, you can use the playing territories in other competitions. For example, in crossbow and pneumatic shooting ranges. If the sites are located in a recreation area, you can rent bicycles or install simple exercise equipment.

Paintball is a popular team game. This is due, firstly, to the fact that this game is highly mobile. Secondly, it is an opportunity to become a military soldier for a short time and self-actualize. Thirdly, it is a high passion.

As a result, this service has been in high demand lately. Therefore, with the right approach this project can be profitable investment funds, at which the payback period will be 9 months, and the break-even point will fall on the 4th month of the project.

To open a business, it is necessary to rent a land plot, the minimum area of ​​which must be at least 5000 m2. There can be many options for location. These include parks, city outskirts. The main factor is the large area. Also, for the opening, you will need to hire 7 people.

On average, the club will serve 50 games per month. The cost of the game will vary depending on the number of people. On average, the cost of 3 hours of game for a company will be 10,000 rubles. In addition, gazebos, barbecues and skewers will be provided for rent. Thus, financial performance the project will be as follows:

Initial investment amount - 1 206 000 rubles;

Monthly profit - 177 957 rubles;

Payback period - 9 months;

Break even - 4 months;

Return on sales - 38% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

Paintball has always been a popular pastime among the people of our country. Despite high competition, the demand for this service is growing, which opens up new opportunities for entrepreneurs.

The main service of the paintball club is the organization of matches, competitions among teams. During the game, a referee is involved, who oversees the observance of the rules.

Guests can also be offered Additional services that will provide a comfortable pastime. The following may be offered as additional services:

  • Rental of closed gazebos
  • Rent of barbecues and skewers
  • Rent of musical equipment
  • Sale of related products (coal, water, etc.)

To organize a paintball club, you first need to rent a land plot. The area of ​​the land plot depends to the greatest extent on the landscape and the number of game cards intended for construction. The minimum land area must be 5,000 m2.

You can search for a land plot both within the city limits and outside the city. When buying or renting, it is imperative to clarify who owns the site. If the site is in municipal ownership, then the land must be rented at auction or during an auction.

As soon as a lease agreement is signed for the land plot, you can start building structures on the territory and purchasing equipment. The main structures include:

  • protective mesh around the perimeter of the entire site
  • construction of 2 pavilions
  • structures on the landfills themselves

Structures must be assembled from wood. This will help to significantly reduce opening costs and also increase safety.

Also, to open a paintball club, you will need the following equipment:

  • markers adults (30 pcs.)
  • markers for children (30 pcs.)
  • balloons for markers (60 pcs.)
  • feeders (60 pcs.)
  • equipment (masks, camouflage, protective ammunition)
  • musical equipment
  • protective mesh
  • barbecues and skewers
  • cashbox

As a result, the paintball club will be designed for the simultaneous attendance of 30 people. This equipment will fully ensure the safety of the players, as well as create the most comfortable conditions for their stay. Barbecues and skewers will also be available for rent. As the business develops, a small cafe can be opened near the club to increase profitability.

It should be noted that there is no licensing of this activity. At the same time, the business owner needs to become familiar with the regulations and laws governing consumer relations, safety standards.

3. Description of the sales market

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

To open a paintball club, you need the following:

  • Register entity- SP
  • Choose a land plot
  • Build infrastructure
  • Buy equipment
  • Find staff
  • Get started

Stage / duration, weeks

Registration of individual entrepreneurs

Selection of memory

Infrastructure construction

Equipment purchase

Staff recruitment

Beginning of work

As a result, it will take 8 weeks to open the club. Initially, it is necessary to register a legal entity - individual entrepreneur (OKVED 92.72 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment, not included in other groups"). The taxation system of the STS "income-expenses". This system will reduce the cost of income tax. Once all juristic documents in the tax will be received, you can open a bank account.

Based on the results of registration with the tax office, proceed with the selection of a land plot and conclude a lease agreement. The next step is to build infrastructure on the territory. It includes gazebos, landfills, construction of structures. Then you can start purchasing paintball equipment. It can be bought as ready-made sets or each item separately.

The next step is to hold the opening ceremony and get started.

6. Organizational structure

Fixed costs


The number of employees


Average salary per month per employee



A profitable business can be built not only on essential goods - food, clothing, hygiene products, etc. As the saying goes, "not by bread alone": today the demand for services and entertainment is growing. People want to have an interesting and useful time, and this quite natural desire of theirs can give you the opportunity to make regular profits. Let's talk about how to open a paintball club and how you can benefit from it.

Why is paintball so attractive?

War games have always been popular. And they find more and more adherents. Yesterday's boys, having matured, spend the lion's share of his time in the offices or behind the wheel, so the opportunity to feel the rush of adrenaline, run and shoot "make-believe" becomes a great way to organize your leisure time.

For your paintball business to flourish, it is best to organize it in big city- where there are enough fans of this entertainment. And besides, you need to approach the issue with imagination and offer your customers not only equipment rental, but also a variety of adventures - then the interest in the game will not disappear.


Begin new business better with official registration - this will save you from unnecessary problems with tax office and representatives of the law.

If you do not plan to hold large-scale games and competitions in the near future, it will be enough - this way it will be much easier for you to keep records.

It is necessary to select the OKVED corresponding to the type of activity. In your case, it is "rent of sports equipment that does not require certification."

A tax system that suits a paintball club,.


The next step after registration will be the search for a training ground for upcoming battles. The most suitable places are abandoned construction sites, former territories of military units, unused and fallen into disrepair warehouses and industrial facilities. If you have something similar within the city - great. If not, you can equip the playground yourself. It is important that there are transport stops nearby - it should be easy to get to you. The presence of a nearby cafe or restaurant is also encouraged: outdoor games increase appetite.

Another good option is cooperation with an existing suburban recreation center. You can equip the site in the immediate vicinity, and many vacationers will be happy to use your services, and the base itself will add additional entertainment to its asset. At the same time, you do not have to rely only on vacationers - your "own" visitors can also come to you. And this will also be beneficial to your partners - after all, tired and hungry "warriors" will make a profit for the local cafe, and, possibly, will stay to "continue the banquet".

We buy equipment

The main item of expenses when organizing a paintball club is the purchase of sports equipment and consumables. What you need to get started:

  • mesh to enclose the site;
  • uniform for players (at least two colors to divide the participants into teams), it will be better and cheaper to sew it to order. Do not forget that you will need kits in different sizes;
  • protective vests, knee pads - including "children's" sizes;
  • masks;
  • markers;
  • air cylinder with reducer;
  • transport bottle (350 atmospheres);
  • Gas station;
  • ammunition - gelatin paint balls (sold in boxes of 2 thousand pieces). There are summer and winter "patrons" and buy them according to the season.

It is necessary with imagination to approach the design and arrangement of the playground. The training ground will need obstacles and shelters. Their role can be wooden buildings, old tires or any other items. The main thing is to make the game more dynamic and interesting.

Club staff

To get started, you need at least two employees. First, the manager, whose responsibilities will include working with clients, issuing equipment, "ammunition" and uniforms. Also on his shoulders will be the purchase of consumables and the maintenance of equipment in working order.

The second specialist is a trainer-instructor. He will work already at the training ground and help the participants in the game: demonstrate the equipment, explain the rules for handling it, help at the pit stop, and referee.

When the business begins to expand and there are more clients, an accountant will be needed on a permanent basis and 1-2 more instructors.

Since your employees do not need special knowledge and skills (everything is extremely simple in paintball), you can take students for these positions.

Additional services

A paintball club is essentially nothing more than a sports rental. However, in order for your business to flourish and bring regular profit, you can offer clients additional services, for example, organize a shooting range or ATV rental on the territory of the club.

You also need to pay special attention to the organization of work with clients: come up with interesting scenarios games, constantly offering promotions (this is especially true for the most active, but not the most affluent paintball fans - students and schoolchildren).

The most profitable can be work with corporate clients - organizations and enterprises. In this case, the emphasis should be on team building and team building.


People should know about your club potential clients, and therefore literate advertising campaign is simply necessary. Posters, business cards and flyers, promotions and bonuses - all this should be used to make a name for yourself.

An important part of promoting an enterprise to the market will be the creation and development of a website and groups in popular social networks. Still, in our time people are looking for the information they need (including about opportunities for leisure activities) on the Internet. It is better to entrust the creation of the site and the maintenance of pages in social networks to professionals.

You need to know

Those who have been working in the paintball business for a long time and successfully note that the most difficult thing in it is to organize games in the winter. This is quite understandable: many of those who enjoy running around the playground in the summer and shooting paint at their comrades prefer less extreme rest in winter - in warmth and comfort. Still, winter paintball may well exist, especially if the club has a place to relax (a heated house) and a sauna.

To popularize your club, you can hold competitions (including city ones) for this you need to agree with the youth department of the city or one of the district administrations. Training courses for beginners can also be a source of income.

Needed with special attention relate to the safety of the participants in the game. Of course, a ball of paint will not cause serious injury, but bruising is practically required attribute paintball games. However, if the rules are not followed, you can get pretty seriously hurt. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to draw up a document that must be signed by all players, in which it will be noted that they have undergone safety instructions, warned of possible injuries in case of violation of the rules and have no complaints against the club. This item must be included in the contract when working with corporate clients.

How business pays off

When drawing up a paintball club business plan, you need to keep in mind that the main expense will be the purchase of equipment. Equipment should be bought new and of high quality - an attempt to save money can lead to disruptions of work, moreover, working with low-quality equipment, you can put the players at risk.

So, first you need:

  • markers (at least 20 pieces) - 30-35 thousand rubles;
  • an air cylinder with a reducer for each set - 70 thousand rubles;
  • protective devices (at least 20 sets) - 15–20 thousand rubles;
  • uniform for players (at least 20 sets) - 40 thousand rubles;
  • masks (20 pieces) - 25 thousand rubles;
  • transport bottle - 5-7 thousand rubles;
  • gas station - 3 thousand rubles;
  • consumables - 80–100 thousand rubles.

About 70 thousand rubles a month will be spent on salaries of employees. As for how much it will cost to rent a landfill and its equipment, it depends on too many factors (location, size, etc.) to give a more or less accurate figure.

Thus, to start a paintball club, you will need 500-700 thousand rubles, if you start small.

You can get profit from equipment rental and ammunition sales. On average, one player uses about 400-500 paint balls per session. Taking into account the 50% mark-up, even if 20 players visit you a day, the profit will amount to 10-12 thousand rubles. If you have corporate orders, it can increase several times.

The payback of such a business, as a rule, is 8-9 months, provided continuous work and high demand for services in the village.

When there is no desire to produce and trade, you can look at the service sector. Over the past few years, a sports direction has been developing in Russia, paintball has appeared in large and small cities, which no one heard about 10 years ago.

According to the results of polls of players, after the game, some people have a desire to return to it again, despite the fact that paintball was initially considered a one-time pleasure.

You should take into account some of the subtleties of how to open a paintball club, thanks to which the institution will be in demand and regularly make a profit.

Who is the game for and who is the target audience?

Paintball is an entertainment in which not only adults but also children can take part. Therefore, the target audience of the future club is people from 12 years old and without further age restrictions.

More than half of adults are corporate clients who enjoy active leisure activities, they have an active life position and love for extreme sports and recreation.

From this description, it appears that paintball may not be suitable only for people under the age of 12 or with serious health problems. It is very important to study your target audience and find out her needs when forming a paintball club business plan with calculations.

Business registration

This kind of activity cannot go unnoticed. To leave your reputation untainted with the tax office or representatives of the law, you need to:

  1. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Subject to good profit in the future, it will be necessary to register as a legal entity or even a paintball federation. It is on these conditions that massive games will be allowed.
  2. To choose the direction of future activity - work related to the rental of sports equipment. It does not require a certificate, and documents are not needed to start a business either.
  3. Decide on the taxation system. The best option in this case would be UTII.

It remains to find a suitable area for the game and rent it. It can be a long-term construction, a sports club outside the city, after which you can rent or buy the necessary sports equipment for games.

Territorial location of the club

Whether paintball will be organized within the city or outside it depends on the amount of funds put into the start, the goals and vision of the club's prospects.

The best option than a place in the city near sports grounds, saunas, entertainment centers, can not found. Places of abandoned buildings, long-term construction projects, basements of buildings, former military training grounds are also suitable for the game. This location will allow you to get the maximum profit from the paintball club business.

Summer recreation outside the city is also a good opportunity to earn money. Therefore, when choosing a site, you can pay attention to the places located next to the camping, tourist center or former children's camps.

In this case, you need to fence the selected area with a net and organize security. Also, most likely, you will need to rent a vehicle to deliver customers from the city to the place of the game.

You will need a place where players can change their clothes - you need several lockers, showers.

Equipment to be purchased

The main expenses will go to the purchase of sports equipment, lease of territory and supplies. All this will need to be included in the paintball club's business plan.

More specifically, you need the following:

  • Form for the game, which will be more cost-effective to sew to order. Remember the sizes - they must be different.
  • Protective equipment: knee pads, vests, masks.
  • A mesh that will enclose the site.
  • Markers - it is better to opt for mechanical ones, as practice shows, and a set of gaskets for them.
  • Air cylinder with reducer included in each set.
  • Transport cylinder for 350 atm.
  • Adapter / filling station.

Consumables include ammunition, gelatin paint balls. You can immediately purchase a box in which 2.000 pcs. They differ in seasonality - summer and winter. This is basic necessary equipment to start a business.

Remained field expenses - a creative approach to the design of the place of the game. Shelters, obstacles will be needed, their role will be played by buildings made of wood, tires, rubber figures.

Recruiting personnel for work

First of all, you need to hire the following personnel:

  • Account manager. He will issue the form, inventory, be responsible for their safety and for the timely replenishment of consumables.
  • An instructor coach who will help with the rules and the course of the game will teach you how to use the rifle. Will provide assistance during the "pit stop", will be the judge.
  • Manager. They can be the owner of the business, whose tasks will be accounting and recruiting.
  • Security guard at night shifts.

When expanding, you can hire an accountant, a second manager, an instructor for the training complex.


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