What is the loyalty of the company to the staff. Loyal employee: to be or not to be? Factors of disloyalty are also considered

Every leader wants his subordinates to take up their official duties with zeal. Indeed, I want them to come to work with joy, and move mountains during the working day. Therefore, it makes sense to ask what loyalty is. They should work exclusively for the idea and without worries about wage increases.

What is the concept of loyalty

Many managers, dreaming of a loyal employee, mean a trustworthy person. But these concepts are significantly different. Integrity consists in following the norms, laws and rules that are accepted in the organization. But such actions may be just a formality. Loyalty is based on the goals and desires of employees, which must fully coincide with the aspirations of the company.

What is employee loyalty? This is the situation when every employee strives to achieve the goals of the company in their activities. This becomes possible if the aspirations coincide with his own vision of the future of the organization. Such a person is ready to put up with the requirements in force in the company, as well as accept a number of others. If the firm plans to operate in the market long time, then she must take care of the loyalty of the staff. This moment in the work should be one of the leading ones. It is very important to be able to motivate employees. Indeed, the success of the company depends to the greatest extent on how deeply the leader understands what the loyalty of subordinates is. This is a very important quality. And in the absence of such, it must be developed.

Undoubted benefits of loyal employees

Why is employee loyalty so important to a company? It is essential for the success of an organization. Loyal employees are people who are highly valued for a number of qualities. They have the following characteristics:

  1. The company is experiencing temporary difficulties.
  2. Accept all organizational changes that occur in the organization.
  3. They value the workplace in a particular company.
  4. Trying to fulfill their job responsibilities as best as possible.
  5. They use a creative approach in their work.
  6. Demonstrate responsibility.
  7. They make every effort to improve the work of the company.

The Importance of Trust at Work

At the heart of all interpersonal relationships is trust. First you should take care of it, and then figure out what loyalty is. In the workplace, trust is shown between the boss and the employee. After the loss of this quality, loyalty also decreases. Therefore, it is important to maintain trusting relationships between immediate supervisors, top managers and employees.

Now the employer is chosen by almost every person who enters the labor market. He independently searches for a suitable job for him. In this case, a considerable number of criteria apply. As if the applicant should interest the employer with his candidacy. But this is not the only factor. The employer must also be of interest to the applicant. This is made possible by building mutual trusting relationships. The company's loyalty program is based on them. Moreover, this process cannot be instantaneous. It is characterized by longevity.

In the absence of trust, loyalty really decreases. Information is also essential in order to achieve dedication from a person. Loyalty program successful company should form a clear idea among employees of the purpose for which it is carried out. labor activity. The person feels the desire to stop the action, which he finds aimless. When an employee has no idea about the goals of the company, the quality of his work is greatly reduced.

In addition, at high rates staff turnover and lack of initiative among employees, the atmosphere in the team is deteriorating significantly. This leads to a decrease in the level of loyalty among colleagues. But if in a company there is an external agreement of employees with all existing norms, then this is a signal. It should be thought that such behavior does not really indicate a complete consonance of interests. Most likely, such an attitude indicates indifference to what is happening in the office.

Mutual interests of the organization and employees

The management of any company must be, above all, attentive to subordinates. In this case, employees see that their opinion is noticed. That is, management appreciates the vision of the situation by each of the employees. In this case, team members become bolder, think better, express their point of view. Here you do not need to accept their wishes completely. It is enough to listen to all opinions and tell what exactly will be implemented. If there is a discrepancy of interests, you need to voice the reasons and make sure that the employees understood everything correctly. Thus, the loyalty system forms in people a sense of belonging to what is happening. As a result, the level of trust increases. And the place of work in the organization, where the staff is treated humanely, is highly valued.

Importance of personal interests

Do not forget about the interests of employees. They usually work not for an idea, but for the sake of making money, career development, good entry in work book, gaining experience. The option of performing well-known duties in a “warm” place also has a right to exist. Therefore, an employer interested in the success of the company must take into account the personal wishes of its employees. Confidence in the organization will undoubtedly increase if the leader uses an individual approach to each person. Increasing loyalty fails if stencil techniques are used. Employees see that they are treated like a faceless crowd. They quickly reveal the peculiarities of the behavior of top managers of the company. And in their behavior they simply adapt to the authorities. There is nothing more behind this.

Relationships between employees

At work, attention should be paid to the relationship between colleagues. The more cohesive the team is, the better the performance of the department or the entire company as a result. In any organization there are problematic employees, as well as employees who are role models. But in this case, it is not worth identifying the "axis of evil" and engaging in its explicit elimination. This approach usually does not lead to the expected result. You need to understand the situation by communicating with people. They must understand that the leader is not the overseer. A good boss is someone who knows the company's goals and how to achieve them. Using the professional skills of each employee, good manager will make the company truly successful. Employees see this approach and trust the organization more. They begin to be interested in what is happening, to reflect and implement quite original ideas.

Incentive system

If the company has an incentive system, it's just great. Unless it should be controlled so that all promises are actually kept. Otherwise, the manager should go out to the people who completed the plan and say that there will be no increase in salary. He needs to explain why this is happening. The direct supervisor cannot say that the decision was made in the central office not to pay this bonus. He must explain the situation, for example, by tough intrigues of competitors. This moment is very uncomfortable. And usually such topics lead to a sharp decrease in employee confidence in the company. If everything that the manager promises is actually carried out, then employees work better. They trust the organization. Of course, they try their best to earn as many bonuses as possible.

That is, to inspire employee loyalty for each company is quite real challenge. To do this, you need to show only a little attention to each subordinate in order to identify his personal expectations from this company. And based on this information, build relationships between this employee and the organization.

To begin with, it is worth defining the term - what is staff loyalty. Loyalty usually means a high degree of devotion of an employee to the interests of the organization and decency in relation to it. In addition, loyalty can be considered the desire to defend the interests of the organization when interacting with customers and partners. Let's talk about loyalty, keeping in mind the first meaning of this term - loyalty to the company.

So what is employee loyalty? To answer this question, consider several important aspects.

1. Is it possible to measure potential loyalty when applying for a job?

One of the foundations of employee loyalty is the coincidence of his life and business values ​​with the values ​​of the organization. This can be assessed during the interview with the candidate using some projective questions(answering questions about other people, a person “gives out” himself):

    What is a good team?

    What should be a good leader?

    What is success?

    What is a good job?

The more the candidate's answers coincide with the reality and values ​​of the company, the greater the likelihood of his motivation and loyalty.

Another tool is a question that allows you to assess how much a person perceives the problems of the organization as their own:

    Your colleague, not a leader or subordinate, made a left trade. You accidentally found out about it. Only you have the information. Your actions?

The answer: "It's not my problem, it's not my business - he has his own boss" - indicates that a person does not consider the problems of the organization his own. All other answers (“I'll talk to him”, “I'll think about what to do”, etc.) indicate that a person, to a certain extent, is rooting for the organization.

There are many ways, including those taking into account the specifics of the pharmaceutical business, that allow diagnosing the loyalty of a potential employee at the selection stage.

2. What is the difference between a person's integrity and his loyalty to an organization?

Very often these two concepts are confused. In fact, it often happens like this: a person is honest and will not steal or deceive the company under any circumstances. However, at the same time, he may not value his organization and absolutely calmly watch how others do it. Loyal employee must defend the interests of the organization, so it is very important that he appreciates it, and also understands the "rules of the game" - what is considered right and wrong in the company.

So, you've hired people who tend to be loyal. But will they actually be loyal?

3. The answer to this question also depends on how effectively you cultivate loyalty. How to do it:

Motivate your employees the right way. Each HR specialist has his own “map of motivators” (a set of key motivational factors), the impact on which gives the greatest effect. It is important that leaders know how to identify and use these motivators correctly.

Clearly define the "rules of the game". This gives people confidence and stability, and therefore increases the true commitment of the company. It is important to avoid substituting ostentatious values ​​for real values. You should not assume that those who sit at work until night and demonstrate their zeal in every possible way are loyal. Loyalty is best characterized by the achievement of positive results for the organization and adherence to the values, mission and rules of the company.

The corporate culture cultivated in the company and realized by the employee is one of the most effective tools increasing loyalty. A sense of belonging to a common cause, pride in your team and company make people more loyal. Clearly defined and shared values, team building activities, common corporate events - all this contributes to increasing loyalty.

The behavior of the direct manager, who in fact demonstrates devotion to the organization, cheers for the results of work, is another important tool for fostering loyalty.

Competent management of conflicts and changes is an essential condition for maintaining staff loyalty.

4. What to do if an employee is disloyal?

First of all, it should be assessed whether they are properly managed and motivated. If the problem is poor leadership, you must urgently learn the ability to manage people. And here again, the methodology for determining and using the “map of motivators” comes to the rescue.

If everything possible has been done in this regard, then, probably, the employee simply does not fit the organization, and the organization - the employee. Or is it the result of wrong selection. In such cases, it is better to part peacefully.

If a person is of particular value as a specialist, and the company is extremely interested in him, it is worth monitoring him as carefully as possible - after all, a disloyal employee is not so dedicated to the cause and can hack.

5. What are the methods for assessing the loyalty of working employees?

One of the most important ways to evaluate loyalty is observation. It is worth noting the following points in the work of the employee:

Is he focused on achieving the optimal result, is he ready to sacrifice additional time and effort for this;

Does he show initiative in optimizing business processes in his place;

Is it economical with the resources of the organization, including financial ones;

Are you ready to help others in order to achieve a better result;

Does he show himself in the team (not necessarily very active);

Does it offer something in return, criticizing the status quo;

Faced with a problem, whether looking for solutions or explanations why it cannot be done;

Does he often speak badly about the company, the activities of his colleagues;

How capable and inclined to defend the interests of the company.

Another option for assessing loyalty and motivation, and these concepts are closely related, is anonymous surveys, which may include the following questions:

What satisfies and what does not in your work, team, company?

What are the positive and negative points you see in the culture of the company?

What do you consider to be the hallmarks of a team?

How many years do you plan to work in this position? In this company?

You can also use a survey using projective methods, and as a result, see if there are many coincidences between the expectations of employees and reality. The more of them, the higher the loyalty.

You can talk and write a lot about loyalty. This article has marked only the tip of the iceberg - other aspects of this multifaceted topic require a separate, more detailed discussion.

Loyalty (from the English word loyal) of the staff means not quite the desire to comply with the requirements of the law. This word in relation to the organization rather characterizes loyalty to the company, its ideals, as well as the willingness of employees to go and develop in the same direction with the team.

A loyal employee is ready to work more and more for the benefit of the enterprise, while he always does what is required of him job descriptions and in their actions does not run counter to the goals of the company.

Signs of staff loyalty

To make the word "loyalty" more specific, we can consider the synonyms offered by well-known management experts (G. Dessler, T. Solomanidina, etc.). Loyalty is commitment, devotion, and also trustworthiness. One of the manifestations of loyalty can be characterized by the term "organizational citizenship". This is the behavior of an employee, not enshrined in his official duties, but in every possible way contributing to the development of the organization, pandering to its goals.

The main signs of employee loyalty:

  1. They perform informal (undocumented) duties that help the enterprise function effectively (see).
  2. They also perform these duties independently and voluntarily, without coercion by superior personnel.

Loyalty can manifest itself at different levels, but it can be determined already at the beginning, according to some external parameters:

  • willingness of staff to serve the organization on any terms;
  • voluntary adherence to ethical requirements at the enterprise;
  • attachment to the company, the desire to contribute to its prosperity;
  • trying to avoid conflicts in the workplace;
  • making voluntary proposals to improve the functioning of the company, improve its activities.

Psychologists distinguish two levels of employee disloyalty:

  1. Demonstrative or open.
  2. Hidden or secret.

Each of these levels has its own characteristics, and they are divided into unequal levels of danger. Thus, demonstrative disloyalty is expressed in:

  • setting the priority of the employee's personal interests over the interests of the company, consumer attitude;
  • lies and deceit;
  • statements in a dismissive tone about the values ​​and interests of the object of loyalty, in this example, the organization;
  • termination of agreements both with superior personnel and other employees.

Disloyal employees try to bring chaos to a well-formed organization structure. They will directly ridicule the beliefs of colleagues and doubt the correctness and expediency of the tasks set by the organization.

Signs of actions of employees with hidden disloyalty towards the enterprise:

  1. In the presence of superiors, a disloyal employee will seek to remain neutral to any proposals put forward.
  2. Former loyal employees, after contact with disloyal ones, can change their attitude towards the company to the exact opposite.
  3. Hiddenly disloyal and openly disloyal workers often interact with each other, while in the presence of management they may try not to give out their connections.
  4. Such workers will not protest against the decisions themselves, but will try to persuade others to their point of view and thereby force them to resent the company.

Covertly disloyal employees can work on a par with loyal ones, but not on a voluntary basis, but under pain of punishment: reprimand, deprivation of bonuses, dismissal.

The opinions of specialists regarding the factors of formation of employee loyalty are divided: someone considers the opportunity to personal growth, someone - the general atmosphere in the organization. If we combine the conclusions formed from the works of I. Korneeva, K. Kharsky, E. Struzhanova and others, then the following factors are revealed:

  • features of the already formed (organic, entrepreneurial or participatory);
  • the possibility of further career growth;
  • psychological atmosphere of the team;
  • pride in the company and following a common cause;
  • attention to employees;
  • the system of personal values ​​of each member of the team;
  • degree of risk appetite;
  • satisfaction with the level of salary paid;
  • style of management activity;
  • social;
  • achieving goals;
  • satisfaction of basic needs.

All of these conditions can be divided into external (organizational) and internal. External - these are those whose implementation depends on the higher management; internal - own motivation of employees, their personal qualities.

Based on the ratio of loyalty levels proposed by K. Kharsky, it is possible to compile a loyalty scale (from the lowest level to the highest):

  1. Zero loyalty. It is important to understand that the lack of loyalty does not imply disloyalty - this is how you can characterize the attitude towards the company of an outsider or a newcomer who has not yet had time to form his own opinion.
  2. Loyalty at the level of external attributes. These are external signs that allow you to correlate a person with a particular company - clothes with company logos, notebooks, mugs, etc. Already at this level, an employee cannot psychologically demonstrate his disloyalty, since he has to speak on behalf of the company.
  3. At the level of action. It implies copying by the new employee of the lines of behavior set in the team - participation in corporate events, etc.
  4. At the level of conviction. In this case, the employee is inclined to act for the benefit of the company, correlating his interests with the interests of the team. It is enough if at least 15% of employees reach this level.
  5. At the level of identity. This is the highest step when an employee sees his life in the same way as life cycle firm, correlates its ups and downs with his own.

Practical Methods for Forming Staff Loyalty

Using these methods, you can develop all available forms of loyalty: calculated, emotional and normative, and understand how they are formed:

  1. Meeting the basic needs of employees. This includes measures to increase salaries (see), the adoption of benefits, the introduction flexible schedule or training of newcomers and advanced training at the expense of the organization. So there is a prospect of long-term cooperation with the same employee.
  2. Informing employees about the goals and objectives of the company. To attract and motivate as many employees as possible, you need to convey knowledge to them - from informal ways (organization of corporate events) to strictly official actions (conclusion of non-disclosure agreements about the company).
  3. Development of the level of self-realization of personnel within the company, involvement in collective activities. This includes the introduction of rewards for activity, the reduction of the hierarchy between employees, the “free table” principle, training, etc.

To assess how loyal the company's employees are, it is better to use not one, but several proven methods. Only then can the result obtained be considered reliable.

Assessment methods:

  • checking staff turnover statistics;
  • interviews with employees (if you need a quick study, you can choose not just representatives of different industries, but study those departments where problems are most clearly visible - constant staff turnover, etc.);
  • temporary observation of the behavior of personnel;
  • periodic survey. The most popular and proven questionnaires are the Thurstone scale questionnaire, the express loyalty questionnaire, as well as questionnaires on the topic “Understanding the company's goals”, “Showing concern”, “Staff satisfaction”, etc.

Interesting Facts

  • The largest number of manifestations of the highest level of loyalty was recorded in Japan, at enterprises with a system of lifetime employment.
  • The introduction of competition within the enterprise (for example, the challenge title of the best employee of the month) not only does not contribute to the division of the team, but, on the contrary, is considered one of the better ways raise the level of attachment to the company.
  • For more than 64% of people, the opportunity to participate in a loyalty program becomes a decisive argument in favor of cooperation with a particular company.

“They are indifferent! They don't need anything! They do not care! If only to receive a salary and do nothing! ”, - I often hear such a description of subordinates from clients at the beginning of our cooperation with them. This often manifests itself in the form of organizational symptoms such as:

  • low performance discipline;
  • broken rules:
  • employees do not know and do not understand the regulations of the organization;
  • employees do not improve the organization's regulations, although they see opportunities for this;
  • employees blame instead of offering solutions;
  • employees usually do not achieve their goals;
  • employees demand payment of all salaries despite the fact that the organization suffers losses.

The list could go on and on...

In this article, I will talk about my understanding of the types of employee attitudes towards the organization and how to improve these attitudes.

What, alas, is the normal attitude of employees towards the organization?

One Japanese at the conference told me a story about how his compatriot friend opened a production facility in the city of Ulyanovsk, but six months later he was forced to sell it and go back to Japan. When asked about the reasons for such an act, he replied: “I can’t work with employees who avoid work for a whole month, and then come and demand payment of their full salary.”

By Russian legislation wages are paid for going to work. Not for the result, not for achieving the goal, not for efficiency. The salary is paid for the fact that the employee goes to work on time and spends the agreed number of hours on it. This rule of the game is created by the highest level system - the legislation of our country.

Also in our culture, unfortunately, is still normal:

  • fail to complete assigned tasks on time;
  • be indifferent to the laws of our country (remember the famous “The stupidity and rigidity of our laws is compensated by the optionality of their implementation”);
  • moreover, any unpunished and unnoticed violation of any rule is considered to be a manifestation of valor in our country and is secretly / explicitly approved;
  • and, on the contrary, responding to a violation of the law is considered shameful, called squealing and “what do you need most of all, or something”;
  • actively resist and "behind the eyes" to scold any "bosses".

This was not always the case, but now the rules of the game "by default", alas, are as follows. Organizations need to improve the attitude of employees towards the organization. After all, if the management of the organization does not do this, then the employees will relate to the management system of the organization in the same way as they relate to the management system of our country.

To improve the relationship of employees to the organization, you need to understand what types of relationships there are in general. This is necessary in order to have a coordinate system and an action plan to improve the relationship.

Six levels of employee relationship to the organization

Having studied all sorts of classifications of the types of attitudes of employees towards an organization (first of all, thanks to Vladimir Konstantinovich Tarasov and Alexander Semenovich Fridman), I propose 6 main levels of the attitude of a particular employee to an organization (in order of decreasing loyalty):

  1. fan- an overly dedicated employee who does not separate his personal life and work in the organization, often combining personal and corporate goals into a single whole.
  2. Involved- an employee dedicated to the organization, interested in maximum development together with the organization for the sake of personal goals through the achievement of organizational goals.
  3. Executive- an employee satisfactorily tuned to the organization, interested in the good performance of his work "just like everyone else." His attitude is entirely consistent with the attitude of the leaders of the organization, he often simply copies the behavior of the leaders.
  4. resisting- an employee critically (constructively) disposed to any changes in the organization, trying everywhere first of all to find weaknesses, shortcomings and shortcomings.
  5. Sabotaging- an employee who protects his comfort zone and diligently uses all the weak areas of the organization's management for personal purposes, while trying not to fall under any type of organization's sanctions.
  6. Belligerent- an actively opposing employee of the organization, leading an active, partisan and often unconstructive struggle with all kinds of improvements and current rules in the organization.

In order to better understand each type of relationship to the organization, let's take a closer look at how the corresponding employee usually behaves in different cases of interaction with the organization.

Task delegation

Here I will understand the delegation of a task as adding additional work to an employee, work in excess of the functionality defined by his position. For convenience, I will present the levels of relations in the form of a table:

How to improve the attitude of employees?

In order to form a new way of thinking of employees in relation to one or another component of the organization, I use the algorithm of team formation (voluntary coercion).

1. Interest

At the first stage, it is important to interest employees, to arouse their interest in the subject of the formation of the rules of the game. Indeed, in most cases, the attitude of employees is not consciously determined by the imposed rules of the game of external culture and is considered normal by employees! And if someone considers his attitude normal, he will not change it.

Therefore, it is important to enter single system coordinates described above. I do this by giving a presentation with a sticky wall and talking about each point in detail, with my own examples and parables.

Rice. one. A story about the six main types of attitudes of employees to the organization

These stories are very difficult for employees. Employees evaluate and recognize themselves - they understand that their behavior is far from being loyal. Many blush, someone pretends to urgently call and flies headlong out of the audience. In general, after the end of the presentation, many participants in the training session are interested in knowing what needs to be done to change their own attitude towards the organization.

2. Engage

Now that the coordinate system is set, we need to involve the participants. The simplest and effective way involvement is a joint analysis. For example, I ask participants to take a vote tag and anonymously (this is very important!) mark their typical relationship to the organization at the moment. After voting, the results might look like this:

Rice. 2. Anonymous voting results about your current attitude to the organization

Members now see current position affairs and are ready to improve it.

3. Learn to negotiate

Now it is necessary for the group to recognize the current situation as a starting point for further improvement. It is important to discuss the results of the vote, who and what thinks about this.

It is important that the majority speak out whether they consider this ratio to be normal. It is important to talk about what attitude should be in a strong corporate culture (for more details, see paragraph 4.6.), And ask everyone to speak out if they are ready to be part of an improvement project. It is important that the majority feel that the attitude needs to be changed and “working in the old way will not work now.”

4. Form a plan

The easiest way to improve the attitude of employees towards the organization is to involve them in the improvement process. corporate culture, the process of improving the manageability of the organization. After all, an organization is its people. Everyone forms the corporate culture of the company. The improvement formula is very simple: "Agree and do it." It is important to form a common vision of the future result among all team members and be sure to achieve its implementation. When employees can feel that they were able to agree and do something, were able to achieve something together, they will begin to improve their attitude towards the organization: the one who sabotaged will become resistant or executive, and the one who simply performed will become loyal.

Here are the topics that I use to improve the relationship of employees to the organization:

  • formation and implementation of rules operational management, which allow you to complete most tasks on time and have time to do what was planned for the day;
  • setting up the organization's control panel, distributing functionality among employees, shaping each employee's awareness of their own importance to achieve a common goal;
  • formation of rules for managing improvement projects without force majeure;
  • strategic session for planning the goals of the organization;
  • ideological session for the formation of key principles and values ​​of the organization;
  • and any other team formation sessions general rules games with mandatory and subsequent implementation of them into practice.

Rice. 4. A team whose members form the new rules of the game

5. Distribute responsibility

After the plan is formed and everyone understands, what exactly needs to be done you can share responsibility. It is very important not to confuse stages 4 and 5, as, alas, it often happens. It is much easier for people to first answer the question of what, in principle, should be done to achieve the set task, and then to distribute responsibility. First, voluntarily, then at the direction of the head with his adjustment of the deadlines.

6. Get things done

After it becomes clear what to do and who will do it, the stage of regular management begins. Regular setting of regular tasks in accordance with the plan, control, coordination, feedback.

The strength of corporate culture is determined by the extent to which the team of leaders of the organization is able to achieve the goals set, ensure the work of the formed rules, and fulfill the planned tasks.


After the result is achieved, it is possible to analyze the current level of attitude of each employee to the organization, for example, using visual analysis. And if before the stage of forming an agreement, the level of those who understand the path and go to achieve the goal was 6 people, now their number is 14! The number of loyal employees has increased!

Rice. 5. Analysis of the change in attitude towards the organization at the end of the training session

Conclusions for practical application:

Attitude is usually unconscious

I still can't get used to the fact that talking in corporate sessions about the types of relationships is always very tense. All participants begin to evaluate their type of attitude, and understand that their attitude is far from being involved and not loyal, often not even executive. Many blush, turn pale, try to leave the audience.

This is because the attitude is usually unconscious. If you do not give adequate feedback to the employee and do not enter this or another coordinate system, then most employees will consider themselves involved, well, or executive. Almost no one will consciously and independently say to himself: “I am a saboteur. I always resist."

History from the practice of consultants

One evening, after a training session for the Customer's team, I had dinner with the Chief Executive of the company. And he told us his story. Let's call him Emelyan.

Many years ago Emelyan was the first employee in one company. He developed a friendly relationship with the Founder of the company, they both worked 80-hour weeks, invented new products, conquered the market. The company grew, Emelyan's compensation too, everything was fine. Together with the Founder, they constantly discussed the future of the company, made plans to take over the world, Emelyan saw clearly his personal future in the event of further work in the organization.

One fine day, the Founder came and said that the company had been sold to competitors and that he would now be engaged in other business. For Emelyan, it was like a bolt from the blue. He considered himself betrayed, abandoned. At the same time, the Founder continued to communicate with him in a friendly manner, which caused an even stronger contradiction. When he asked the Founder about how he sees the future fate of Emelyan, he received a very unexpected answer: “You are just a hired manager, what difference does it make to you who you work for? You don't have the energy of an entrepreneur to create your own. own business».

As a result, Emelyan created his own business. He poached his the best employees from the sold business to their new organization. He believed that the Founder continues to be his friend, but at the same time, behind his back, and even in official press releases of the company, he spoke unflatteringly about his role. As a result, the relationship deteriorated, which was very painful for both.

As Emelyan told me that evening: “If I had known earlier about these types of relationships that you told us about today at the training session, I could have given myself feedback that from the involved level I went straight to the fighting level. and could be more constructive. And I continued to consider myself a friend, but behaved like an enemy - as a result, I ruined my relationship with a very important person in my life.

Attitude is always there, and it is not neutral

Note that there is no such thing as neutral on this scale. Because it exists only for what we do not know. And for an organization in which we are at least 40 hours a week, a certain attitude is always formed. Moreover, the default attitude of most new employees is Executive, even Involved. But then it changes for better or worse under the influence of the organization's management system.

The attitude of the employee is actually always heterogeneous, but there is a steady trend

About any of your employees with more than one year of work experience, after a little analysis, you can confidently say that “he behaves mainly as an executive”, or “usually as a resister”. There is a stable pattern of behavior, although a resisting employee may suddenly become involved in the same innovation and vice versa. But when conditions change, the employee may begin to behave differently, then the trends change. This is especially noticeable when the corporate culture moves from one level to the next.

Any employee can become loyal

Every person has a bright side. Just like the dark one. And one of the important qualities of management is the use of all human capabilities to achieve maximum results. Especially bright opportunities: the desire to develop, every day to be better than yesterday.

Case from practice

During one training session on the formation of a corporate code, I encountered very strong employee sabotage. To overcome it, I planned and carried out a lot of involving work: analysis of “Where are we now”, built a visual history of the company. I asked the participants, including in history, to indicate the moments when they fought with each other, with clients, with partners. Honestly. Revealing systemic causes many conflicts, managed to form corporate code, which united everyone and dramatically changed the attitude of team members towards each other.

Any employee can become sabotaging or belligerent

In Russian, this is usually called the apt phrase "relationships deteriorated." And they deteriorate for a simple reason - this is a discrepancy between the expectations of the two parties in relation to each other. Then a war can begin, which, as you know, is a deception. And deceit is the way of war.

Case from practice

Once, during the implementation of a consulting project, the management, wanting to “cheer up” employees, decided not to give out the thirteenth salary, which has been adopted since Soviet times, according to the quantity criterion sick days. I was ill for more than 10 days a year - you get nothing. Less than 10 days - get the full bonus. Of course, everyone traditionally counted on this money. And of course, management traditionally announced new criteria for paying the thirteenth salary after some received it, while the second came to their bosses with a puzzled look. We had to make incredible efforts to correct the situation, but "the sediment still remained." Some employees have gone from "executive" to "sabotaging."

The ideal and optimal relationship level ratio in a strong organization

In the course of many years of practice, I managed to see corporate cultures of different levels. The ideal ratio, which I have defined for myself as a criterion, is from 20-30% of the involved employees (the more, the better). The rest are executive. It is useful to have 5-10% of those who resist in order to immediately see the shortcomings of all decisions taken, fix obvious glitches that sometimes involved and executive managers can't see right away.

At the same time, sabotaging and warring employees will, of course, appear in the organization from time to time - influence external system too big. The culture of a strong organization must respond in time to cases of sabotage and war, and either correct the attitude of employees or get rid of them, including defiantly explaining the reasons for parting, so that everything is clear to everyone else.

The first person can only rely on loyal managers

This rule is especially important in large companies and corporations. Because if the deputy CEO saboteur, then there is a high probability of upsetting the management of the entire unit. And even an executive position in big company is not suitable, because in a large division, the task of the deputy general director, among other things, is also to inspire employees, give meaning to their work, and only an involved manager can do this.

That is why, by the way, the resisting function is often taken over by the advisers of the First Person, who have extensive experience and qualifications, but do not have the authority to make decisions and change the corporate culture.

It is necessary to explain to new employees what is involved, what is resisting, and what, alas, is a sabotaging or belligerent employee

New employees are usually at the Executive level. They are ready to actively learn, develop and perform exactly the functions that are required of them. Therefore, the sooner they learn about correct system coordinates and right level relationship with the company, the faster they can move to the involved level. Otherwise, the external culture of the country in which you work will prescribe the rules of the game for you.

Give regular feedback to your subordinates in mentoring sessions

We must not forget about existing employees. External environment diligently imposes her rules of the game on us, and the results of her work, of course, from time to time appear in the organization. Therefore, it is important, as part of the mentoring sessions of the regular management cycle, to give feedback to your subordinates on how their attitude affects the corporate culture and manageability of the organization.

Leading motivators of each level

And finally, I would like to express my thoughts about the leading motivators of employees at each level of relationships. I have done many org. diagnostician, saw many "miraculous" transformations, when employees quickly changed their attitude towards the organization and, accordingly, their motivators changed. I am convinced that most people (with the exception of borderline states) can consciously change their attitudes. To do this, it is enough for them to realize the current and required level of attitude, as well as to understand what exactly needs to be done to improve relationships.

Fan. The leading motivator is the need to be very needed, to serve a great ideal, to strive for a great, even unattainable goal. With this unbridled desire, he can justify his failure in other areas of life. As you know, many geniuses, being very successful in their field, were losing in other areas of life - family, health, relationships. And as individuals, they were very difficult in a relationship.

Involved. The leading motivator is the need for constant development, knowledge of the possibilities of this world in all its diversity, of one's spirit, one's organism. He tries to balance his forces and manage resources in such a way as to achieve the maximum and "keep up with everything."

Executive. The leading motivator is the need for correctness. To be honest, that is, as it is customary for a certain set of vowels or unspoken rules. It strongly depends on public opinion, on what others think of it. Therefore, he can actively leave the comfort zone, if “it is necessary”, and vice versa, resist, “if it is so accepted”.

Resistant. The leading motivator is the fear of everything new. He prefers the old tried and tested methods and is always looking for flaws in any innovation.

Sabotaging. The main motivator is to stay in your comfort zone.

Belligerent. The main motivator is struggle. Definitely against something.

Measurement and evaluation are fundamental to any business. Evaluation shows what the company thinks and does. And the choice of indicators for measuring the level of loyalty predetermines the thinking of employees and next steps leaders.

The study of staff loyalty is dictated by the need to resist the negative trends of recent years, associated with the loss of profit and competitiveness of the enterprise. This is extremely important to understand, especially for Russian companies.

Since in Russian economy not yet formed competitive environment that encourages owners and employers to make the necessary efforts to assess and strengthen staff loyalty.

However, world experience shows that in conditions of unstable market economy, it is precisely those enterprises that survive that constantly care about the dedication of their staff. Loyalty, understood as higher staff to the company in which they work, and the readiness to support it in difficult moments is an integral and main result of the work of the entire management and especially the personnel department.

The main tools for researching staff loyalty.

The main tools for researching staff loyalty are three methods:

1. The scale of measuring the loyalty of the organization's personnel L.G. Pochebut and O.E. Queen.

2. The scale of "organizational loyalty" D. Meyer - N. Ahlen.
The Organizational Loyalty Scale methodology was proposed by John Meyer and Natalie Allen (Meyer J. P. and Allen N. J.) in 1990 in a variant consisting of three subscales in accordance with the author's three-component model with eight questions each.

In accordance with the model, the authors identify three approaches to loyalty that help explain the nature of the relationship between the employee and the organization that reduces the likelihood of an employee voluntarily leaving the organization: emotional attachment to the organization, awareness of the costs associated with leaving the organization, and a sense of obligation to the organization.

eNPS employee net loyalty index

The eNPS index or employee Net Promoter Score is an index of employee net loyalty to assess their satisfaction with the company.

In other words, whether employees are satisfied with their work in your company and are determined to develop together, or are they disappointed with cooperation and are ready to switch to another employer as soon as a better offer appears on the market.

The Net Promoter Score index is a relatively young method for assessing the success of doing business. In 2003, it was presented as a very simple and fast way identifying customer loyalty. An American marketer who has published many works on customer loyalty, Frederick Reicheld, proposed measuring customer loyalty by asking them about their willingness to recommend a product, service or brand to their friends and relatives. The innovation in this technique is that the client is asked to evaluate how confident he is in the product in order to “put on the line” his reputation in the eyes of those whose opinion is important to him.

Over the last ten years this method gained worldwide fame, it was adopted by such international companies as American Express, Procter & Gamble, Amazon, Apple, Philips, Sony.

Among Russian companies NPS is measured by telecommunications companies (MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Dom.ru), Insurance companies(Ingosstrakh, Rosgosstrakh), banks (Alfa-Bank, Home-Kredit), many restaurant and hotel businesses.

Everything more companies implement this index as a key performance indicator of their activities and also in assessing the loyalty of company employees to the company.

How is the eNPS index calculated?

Employee satisfaction is assessed by questioning employees on two questions.

The second is "What is the main reason for such an assessment?".

After the survey, the results are analyzed.

For analysis, the company employee is conditionally divided into three groups:

Promoters are employees who gave a score of 9 or 10. That is, employees who are loyal to the company, act in its interests and are ready to recommend it to their friends.

Neutrals - employees who rated 7 or 8. That is, those who are not inclined to recommend it to their friends or acquaintances. Neutrals are most often passive employees who, in principle, are ready to change the company.

Critics - employees who rated in the range from 1 to 6. That is, those who are disappointed with the work in the company are more likely to active search alternative and will never recommend it to their friends.

eNPS is the difference between the percentage of Promoters and Critics. Accordingly, the more your employees are Promoters, the stronger the "foundation" of your company and the more prerequisites for its active growth and development.

In simple terms, the formula for calculating eNPS is as follows:
(number of promoters - number of detractors) divided by (number of respondents) and everything multiplied by 100.

Example: You have received 100 responses to your survey.
10 answers were in the range from 0 to 6 (“critics”);
20 answers were in the range from 7 to 8 ("neutrals");
70 answers were in the range from 9 to 10 (“promoters”).

Calculating the percentages of each of the groups gives you 10%, 20% and 70% respectively.

Subtract 10% ("critics") from 70% ("promoters") and you get a result of 60%. Since the eNPS is always displayed as an integer and not as a percentage, your NPS will simply be 60.

What information does the NPS index provide?

An index with a plus sign indicates the predominance of loyal employees over critics.

Therefore, the higher the index, the less staff turnover you will have and the more likely it is that “strong” personnel will come to the company, based on the recommendations of working employees.

If the index is equal to 0 or takes a negative value, the situation becomes critical, Active and valuable employees, and then there will be problems with hiring new staff, based on possible negative reviews about your company.

Please note that often problems in the company arise due to the low loyalty of employees who are instructed by the company to maintain direct contact with customers.

The eNPS index will allow you to objectively assess how your company is ready for active development and growth at one time or another of its existence.

Analysis of response trends for the second question allows you to quickly respond to issues of corporate culture, motivation tools, job satisfaction, etc.

Regular measurement of the eNPS level will give you an idea of ​​the mood within the team, allows you to assess the stability of the company and employees, employee satisfaction with your company's policy, pay level, social package, etc.

The analysis of the eNPS index contributes to the qualitative construction of a culture of relationships within the company, the organization of a clear team structure and the development of a personnel development strategy.

A low assessment of loyalty in terms of the participation of company employees in decision-making indicates a high probability of resistance to changes that the company's management will try to carry out;

With a low loyalty index, employees are not so loyal to the company as to share with it the risks associated with choosing an active competitive position for business growth/expansion in the near future;

The personnel development program should be coordinated with the strategic goals of the enterprise.


Regular measurement of the eNPS level will allow you to objectively assess the loyalty and satisfaction of your company's employees and, as a result, the readiness of the team to work with you towards long-term goals.

Which is directly related to the increase in profits and increase in business efficiency!

1. Employee loyalty is not an abstract indicator, but a powerful driving force!

2. Staff loyalty must be measured and controlled!

According to the results of research by the NAFI Analytical Center conducted in 2016, only 15% of employees of Russian companies are ready to recommend their employer to friends, and 62% are not satisfied with the place of work. The average NPS is -47 points.

Practical recommendations for the formation of the attractiveness of the employer in the labor market.

1. Formation of an internal image with the help corporate values, rituals, missions and the formation of a single community "We".

2. Development of measures to improve the internal communication system, constant monitoring of the level of conflict.

3. Development of activities to promote the company's services, building long-term consumer preferences, development of marketing campaigns and campaigns aimed at generating demand.

4. When creating the image of the potential of the mission, values ​​and norms of the company as a resource that can create the identity of the organization, increase the effectiveness of the image in order to form the loyalty of both the company's employees and external target groups.


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