What is staff loyalty? How to recognize a loyal employee at the interview stage. Reasons contributing to the formation of loyalty

I got the article. Ambiguous in places arno, in some places too “in the forehead”, some points "absolutely not" , but for the most part - pright things, although a lot goes into times cut with our p customary settings. Usefulrecite to those hired workers who like to burn out on work, get busy rhu sure, be likework while sick, because without him there is no way, P show increased unpaid enthusiasm where it is necessary and not necessary, "to rip" the employer receives part of the vacation (and somerye and the whole vacation), because it’s a common causewill collapse while you're on vacation etc. If you drift into this steppe, you need to dress yourselfblink and remind - they won’t give you a medal even when you working up to pens and there will be nothing more to squeeze out of you, they will replace them and will not regret it. In general, this is a complex topic and there is a lot to think about. Be ndedicated and honestwork is great, but kill yourself work, ruining your health rovye and without seeing but normal life, for the sake of the interests of the employer - this is already quite d bad story.

Original taken from coshco c No loyalty to the employer!

You come to work and see that your colleague has disappeared somewhere. “He quit,” the boss answers evasively, and you understand - not himself. He made a mistake, failed to cope, stopped making a profit - and he was asked to look for another job. "What do you want? This is capitalism! - many will say. This is true, and since we live under capitalism, we have to admit: we, hired workers, also have our own interests, and they are fundamentally at odds with the interests of employers.

First of all, no one creates jobs out of charity. No business owner thinks, “Oh, what a good man! I’ll let him earn a living.” The only reason they hire you is for the money you bring in. The owner makes a profit from the difference between what you actually earned and what he paid you. You want to get as much as possible: you need to eat, pay for housing, feed and educate your children, develop and travel. He wants to pay you as little as possible.

If there is a person on the market who is ready to do your work not for 10, but for 4 thousand, you will be fired. If you can be replaced by a machine, you will be fired. If a crisis breaks out and the industry goes down, you will be fired. They will get rid of you as soon as you stop making a profit. If you get very sick, get pregnant, get old, they will do everything not to pay. They don't care where you go. This is your problem, not the employers'. They don't care about your life. You're not a human. You are what makes money.

Remember: employers do not forget about their interest for a second, so take care of yours!

Repeat these principles as often as possible and tell other employees about them:

1. It's none of your business!

Employers and all sorts of bosses are very fond of saying: “This is our common cause,” “We are one team,” “We are in the same boat,” “This is your project too.” Every time you hear this nonsense, ask yourself: “Am I making a profit?” No? So it's none of my business. You are an employee, not an equal partner. You're selling your labor and your time, so only give as much as you have to to get the job done. Don't indulge yourself with illusions.

2. You are not friends

Cunning employers always try to build “human relationships” with employees. They are interested in your health, children, hobbies, ask how you cope with work, and show sympathy. They go out with you to smoke, discuss Internet jokes, talk about their lives. In a word, they do everything to make you believe that they are your good friends and forget about the true nature of your relationship. Why is this being done? In order to say at the right moment: “Oh, sorry, there will be no salary this month, wait a little” or “Stay for an hour, please.” Remember: you are not friends, your sincere sympathy will be used against you.

3. Your main goal is to earn a living.

You may love what you do. Your work can be interesting and useful for society. But let's face it: most people, and you're probably one of them, work because they can't afford not to work. The only reason you don't sit at home with a book, travel all year round, or do what you've always dreamed of is because you need to earn a living. By glossing over this issue, endlessly playing on your love of work, employers pay you less. “After all, you yourself like this job!” Your work should always be paid, and paid with dignity - even if in other circumstances you would do it for free.

4. Don't let your ambitions be played on

Many employers single out ambitious employees and promise them promotions, monetary incentives and great prospects. They deliberately provoke competition in the team so that everyone works better, higher, faster. But whenever you have a desire to stand out, to do more than the norm, to overtake others... stop! Ask yourself: “Am I sure that I will really be promoted? Will this increase lead to higher wages? Will he keep his promises? Is it worth quarreling with colleagues for the sake of verbal praise? Do you have the slightest doubt? Direct your energy in a different direction.

5. Do only what you get paid to do.

Employers don't want to hire a lot of people. It is much easier for them to saddle additional functions on those who are already working. “Help organize an event, call clients, take a letter to the post office on the way home.” Are these not your responsibilities? Try by all means to refuse extra work. Do you have another text, layout, cool idea? Take it to someone who will pay for it or use it for yourself. Don't give away your work.

6. Value your time

The work day is over - go home. It's lunch break - go about your business. Don't let them steal a moment from you. Employers like to hire people for 8 hours and use all 10. Among them, there are those who call in the evenings, make you think about work on weekends, and demand your attention during vacation. Stop it! Remember: unpaid time is time that the employer pocketed.

7. Don't try too hard

Finished a task and ready to do more? Exhale. Go online, drink coffee, smoke, chat with colleagues. Taking on more than you need is not in your best interests. Don't chase an excellent result - they don't give medals here. Don't offer ideas that will add more work to you - it's unlikely that anyone will pay for it. And never show what you have free time! It’s better for your employer to think that you are overloaded or a little slow than to give you a free load.

8. Choose your interests

Whenever you have a choice - to do something for work or for personal pleasure - choose yourself. Should I stay late at work or go to English courses? Of course, courses! Answer the call at Not work time or talk to a friend? With a friend, of course! Drink with friends or finish what you didn’t have time to do? Choose your friends! Take a walk with the children or devote your day off to an urgent request from your employer? Your children are more important! And even during working hours: write a message to a friend, read an interesting article, teach a little foreign language- or work? You know what to do.

9. Don't trust bosses

Most often, you do not communicate directly with the owner of the enterprise. Sometimes you don't even see him. Middle-level managers are talking to you - at first glance, they are the same workers as you. Your boss can be an excellent specialist and even a wonderful person, he can also have hobbies, children, friends, he can pay rent and save for a vacation. But! He was hired to make you work as hard as possible. It is he who will ask you to stay for half an hour, it is he who will manipulate your ambitions, it is he who will beg you not to quit and not to demand a salary. Don't trust your boss. This person is not playing on your side.

10. Don't leave them a penny.

This is especially true for unofficially employed people. Employers often say that they don't have the money to pay you. They hope that you will wipe your nose and go look for another job, and they will put your money in their pocket. Don't let this happen! Fight for every penny! And remember: by not paying you, your employer violated the law, so you have every moral right to act outside the law. Do not neglect blackmail and threats. Every time you spend your savings, call your parents in desperation or ask your friends to borrow money, someone is saving for a new car. At the expense of naive workers who cried and left, dachas are built, yachts are bought and fortunes are made.

11. Keep sending out resumes.

Today you have work. Perhaps it’s not bad and they pay you higher than the market average. But this does not mean at all that you will have it tomorrow. The slightest crisis, “expense optimization”, reduction - and you will be kicked out. Therefore, you should always have backup options. Go to interviews. Improve your skills (preferably during working hours). And don’t be afraid to quit often—you don’t owe anyone anything here.

12. Show solidarity with colleagues

Is your colleague late? “I’ve just been in and out.” Someone can't cope? “I don’t know, I think it works great.” Cover and protect each other. It’s easier to fight against the employer together. The more people you can connect, the more decisive and effective your fight will be. Demand payment of your salary - in full and on time, even if you are unofficially employed. Demand normal working conditions. Demand the removal of the insolent director. Demand a salary increase. Create a trade union and put pressure on the employer.

13. Get yours back - This point certainly surprised me , call for this - complete nonsense

The employer makes a profit by not paying you and your colleagues. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with getting back some of what was stolen. Start small - take away coffee and stationery from work. If the risk of getting caught is low, think about how many interesting things you can find in the warehouse. And if you cannot take anything material, “steal” time. Plan your day so that you only work half of the paid time. Chat on the Internet, smoke, drink coffee, learn English, read articles, study new profession- at least write poetry! This is your time. Employers have put you in such a position that you are forced to spend it on hired labor. So it's time to take back your life!

And finally: learn as much as you can about your labor rights. Read public pages, articles and books devoted to these issues. Talk to friends and colleagues about the problems you face at work. Let each of you know that he is not alone - to employees belongs to most of the people on the planet.

The basis of any company is competent and reliable employees. Almost every employer dreams of an employee who, even in difficult times, is able to treat delays in salary with understanding and, if necessary, work on weekends without additional pay. But if something like this enters the system, working under such conditions becomes unbearable. How to remain a loyal employee without allowing yourself to be ridden? And is it even necessary to be a loyal paladin of your employer?

According to a survey conducted in 2010 by an international recruitment agency Kelly Services, the crisis had a significant impact on the loyalty of our compatriots to employers. Thus, 21% of respondents admitted that during the economic downturn they became more devoted to their company. However, as before, Russia ranks one of the last in terms of the level of employee involvement in the work process. Moreover, unlike representatives of other countries, our fellow citizens are most motivated to pay and career. The personality of the manager has practically no impact on employee loyalty (only for 8% of respondents this turned out to be important, while in the world this figure ranges from 40 to 50%). So it is quite natural that the attitude towards the issue of the importance of having loyal employees in the company, the need to implement programs for their retention, etc. quite ambiguous. Moreover, the very concept loyalty employers sometimes interpret it very specifically.

Loyal employee - who is he?

In the highest manifestation of loyalty, a person perceives the affairs of the company as his own own business.

If we conduct a survey among managers on the topic “Which employees do you consider loyal?”, we will most likely get very different answers. For most managers loyal employee- the one who remains to work overtime, readily takes on any social workload and is always on the side of management. Some people understand this term as ordinary decency. Or a person who has been working in the company since its founding is considered a loyal employee, although the reason for his constancy may be inertia or difficult personal circumstances. Nevertheless, staff loyalty has a very specific meaning.

A synonym for the concept of “loyalty” is “ loyalty"with its inherent attributes. First of all, this employee:

  • complies with established rules of conduct in the company,
  • is the bearer of accepted corporate values and traditions
  • is satisfied with the current working conditions (at least partially), for example, the level of wages, schedule, office location, etc., and is ready to work here for a long time,
  • speaks positively about the company he works for and is satisfied with the quality of its products,
  • feels a sense of pride in being one of the company's employees,
  • honestly performs the duties assigned to him,
  • tries to work as best as possible to achieve the best possible result,
  • worries about the success of the business,
  • inclined to make sacrifices when necessary,
  • ready to warn about a danger or problem.
At its highest loyalty man perceives the company's affairs as his own business. He is ready to spend the night at work, he is bursting with ideas and does not stop thinking about unfinished business even at home. Willingly carries out assignments that are not within the scope of his duties. Does not expect additional monetary incentives for Good work. And, by the way, with less aggression and resentment he perceives unpopular decisions aimed at withdrawing the company from crisis situation. Thus, loyal employees become the foundation of the organization, infecting newcomers with their enthusiasm. Therefore, it is often loyal employees who are entrusted with mentoring and are even expected to have the final say when hiring staff. “In my practice, I often encounter situations when construction managers are interviewed by a foreman who spends his whole professional career built in one company and in one position. And, despite the fact that he remained a foreman, he is respected and revered,” he gives an example Tatyana Novikova, company recruitment consultant "ANKOR Business Solutions".

At the same time, experts in the field personnel management clarify that the level of employee loyalty directly depends on the current motivation system. Ideally, the following components should be present:

  • decent compensation package,
  • opportunity for career or professional growth,
  • good atmosphere in the team,
  • positive image of the company,
  • adequate guidance.
And although each of these points will have different value for specific employee, the absence of any of them leads to thoughts about changing jobs.

Do employers need loyal employees?

To find out your potential level of loyalty, the interviewer will be interested in your feedback on previous places work, about the team, about the employer, the reasons for your leaving.

There is no clear answer to this question. Today in the business environment there are two approaches to employee loyalty that are radically different from each other. Some business owners deny the need to search for and cultivate loyalty in ordinary employees. The emphasis is on retaining top managers and key employees interested in increasing profits, whose departure will weaken the company’s position.

This point of view is consistent with the current stage of market maturity: competition is increasing every year, and the market dictates the need to constantly reduce costs. In such a situation, high salaries and providing an impressive social package is too heavy a burden for the organization’s budget. It is therefore not surprising that a significant number of employers, instead of providing good conditions jobs for qualified specialists, it is more profitable to hire yesterday’s graduates who are ready to work almost around the clock for a small remuneration. This business model does exist and is even quite effective, although this attitude towards staff provokes constant staff turnover. Once you find yourself in a company where the manager adheres to the point of view described above, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a significant part of your working time on intrigue. In addition, according to the observation of Tatyana Novikova, in similar companies overtime work is the norm, and various punishments and fines are actively used in the motivation system.

Other employers, on the contrary, consider the presence of loyal employees in the organization a necessary condition for the successful functioning of the company. According to the expert, in this case, employees do not waste time and energy on empty talk and resistance. The most risky and complex tasks are solved by the most loyal employees.

In organizations that value loyal employees, you will find a close-knit team where one for all and all for one. And during the interview, the HR manager will try to find out your willingness to serve for the benefit of the company he represents. To find out your potential level of loyalty, the main focus will be on what you say about previous jobs, about the team, about the employer, about the reasons for your leaving. According to Tatyana Novikova, if a candidate speaks negatively about his last three jobs and managers, it means that one can hardly expect loyalty from him. At the same time, you should not create a false impression of yourself in front of the employer’s representative. “As a recruiter, I have a very negative attitude towards various pieces of advice about not scolding former employer and so on. The candidate will be prepared, will look very loyal, will be liked, and will be given a job offer. So what is next? The employer will not receive what he expected, and the employee will leave for probationary period with a ruined resume and a bad feeling in my soul. Would you say that no one needs disloyal employees? No, they also work, but in other companies where management does not consider loyalty a necessary factor for the company’s success,” warns Tatyana.

Thus, the labor market allows for the successful employment of both potentially dedicated workers and flyers who put their own interests above corporate interests. For the applicant, this means the opportunity to be himself at the interview.

Is it worth being a loyal employee?

To be or not to be a loyal employee depends on current strategy your behavior on the labor market.

The answer to this question depends entirely on the current strategy of your behavior in the labor market.

If your goal is to gain experience or understand what you would like to do in life, working in one place is not the best choice. For a number of professions where stagnation in professional development is critical, changing jobs every 1.5-2 years may even be necessary. In this case loyalty determined only by yours life principles and a provision on non-disclosure of trade secrets. The latter is regulated by the law that entered into force on January 1, 2008. Civil Code RF (part IV) and Federal law dated July 29, 2004 No. 98-FZ “On trade secret" In this regard, it should be borne in mind that now the concept trade secret directly related to production secrets. So if you sign such a document, you are only obligated not to disclose information about the company’s know-how (their list must be strictly defined).

If you are not a supporter of change and your specialty does not imply the need for diverse experience and professional growth, working in one place can be quite attractive. Moreover, companies interested in employee loyalty pay attention to team-building events: trainings, corporate events, and the introduction of team-building traditions. In addition, there are often pleasant bonuses, such as the 13th salary (the amount of which may depend on length of service), training at the expense of the company, voluntary health insurance and other benefits. And even in terms of promotion, usually in such organizations priority is given to long-term employees. “We have employees who have been working in the company for 8, 10, 15 and 20 years! These are very successful members of our large team. They have already become gurus, and you can always communicate with them in an interesting and partnership-like way. Our company values ​​such employees and promotes them, giving them the opportunity to grow career ladder“- confirms Tatyana Novikova.

When loyalty is harmful

At the same time, an employee working in one place must be prepared to face several possible problems.

When business relationship smoothly turn into friendly ones, various kinds of manipulations become an unpleasant surprise.

  1. Firstly, when business relationships smoothly turn into friendships, various types of manipulation become an unpleasant surprise. It can be very difficult to refuse a manager’s request if he has previously given you concessions more than once and shown understanding in personal situations. And the employer can take advantage of your kindness for his own selfish purposes.
  2. Secondly, if you work in one place for 5-10 years without a promotion, then in the future you guarantee yourself serious difficulties when changing jobs.
In professional terms, the monotony of the work process leads to a narrowing of the activity profile, the application of which may not be found in another organization. In this case, you will have to take retraining courses and accept a job with less pay than the person is used to receiving. Psychologically, the lack of job search skills is fraught with the loss of a large amount of time, a high number of failures and, as a result, stress. In addition, recruiters themselves often treat such candidates with suspicion. The myth about the maladaptation, low qualifications and lack of initiative of such candidates is too persistent. According to the expert, the exception is for applicants employed in project work: “In any field you can find specialties where employees do not need to grow their careers, because they grow professionally, and this is much more important and interesting for them. Working in the same position but on different projects can be quite interesting. And the candidate is grateful for the company’s work and is 100% loyal to it. This usually happens to project managers in different fields. And this happens in our recruiting too.”

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely avoid the problems listed above, but it is necessary to try to reduce their impact. To do this, try following these recommendations from career development experts:

  • do not immediately agree to do what you are asked to do if fulfilling the request is unpleasant, inconvenient, or could lead to any problems. Ask for time to think. Think about how you can solve the problem without compromising your interests. And offer your option to your manager. In any case, give yourself the right to say “no” sometimes, be sure to back up your refusal with serious reasons;
  • Review job offers regularly. Analyze the development trend in your professional field;
  • try to constantly develop professionally. This could be reading professional literature, participating in specialized conferences, and receiving additional education;
  • expand your network of social contacts. Communicate not only with colleagues, but also with potential employers. Sources may include: a list of friends of your acquaintances and interest groups on social networks, professional forums, contacts from events in which your employer’s company takes part, etc.;
  • try on current work take on additional responsibilities to expand your area of ​​expertise;
  • find a part-time job adjacent to your main one professional activity. And when you do have to look for a job, not only Additional income will allow you to hold out for some time, but the experience gained will also allow you to consider a wider list of proposals.

Loyalty is: in simple words about the complex

So, what is human loyalty? Loyalty in psychology is a character trait inherent in a particular individual. It is identified with devotion. There is no need to expect a trick or inappropriate action from a loyal person.

Loyalty is tolerance of circumstances.

In a general sense, loyalty to an employer also implies fidelity. In this regard, the employee's commitment to achieving company goals is taken into account. A loyal employee is ready to put up with the employer’s demands even in situations where the company is going through a crisis.

Staff loyalty is very important for the company.

After all, what does loyalty mean? Such employees:

  • do not quit when the company experiences temporary difficulties;
  • embrace organizational change;
  • afraid to lose workplace in company;
  • perform their duties responsibly;
  • make efforts to improve the company's performance by approaching problem solving creatively.

Loyal employee ready to work and develop for the benefit of the employer company. He always acts in accordance with job description and does not conflict with the goals of the company.

Types of staff loyalty

There are three types of loyalty:

  1. Behavioral– is formed as a result of long-term work at the company. The employee identifies himself with the company.
  2. Affective– an emotional connection that results from positive feelings experienced at work. People stay with a company because they support its goals and principles.
  3. Regulatory– associated with a feeling of obligation to remain in one’s position as a result of pressure applied. In this case, the employee does not want to disappoint the employer and is afraid that his colleagues will have a bad opinion of him.

Affective loyalty is considered the most valuable. This type implies a direct interest in fulfilling one's duties.

Methods for assessing staff loyalty

Actions aimed at managing staff loyalty in an organization imply the use of methods for assessing this indicator. To assess how loyal employees are to the company, several methods are used:

  1. Analysis of personnel turnover statistics.
  2. Interviewing employees.
  3. Monitoring employee behavior.
  4. Regular surveys.

The most effective questionnaire is a questionnaire on the Thurstone scale, as well as a questionnaire about understanding the company’s goals and staff satisfaction current situation affairs, etc.

How to increase the loyalty of company employees?

To increase the level of employee loyalty, a loyalty manager can be hired - this is a person who develops and implements a loyalty program within a particular company.

The following methods are used for this:

    1. Satisfying the basic needs of employees (increasing wages, introducing benefits, etc.).
    2. Informing about the goals and objectives of the company through informal corporate events or concluding non-disclosure agreements.
    3. Involvement in collective activities (introducing incentives for activity, conducting trainings, reducing hierarchy, etc.).

Example. Increasing loyalty in the hotel business

Loyalty in hotel business may be increased through the introduction of benefits and flexible schedule , as well as involvement in collective activities. For example, you can organize common dinners or holidays, outdoor events.

Although, the main method of increasing loyalty, of course, will be an individual approach to employees - for some it is more convenient to work the second shift, for others they cannot work on Sundays, etc. If you take this into account, employee loyalty will be higher. This does not mean that absolutely no one will ever quit, but the likelihood of this will be much less.

To begin with, it is worth defining the term – what is staff loyalty. Loyalty usually means high degree the employee’s dedication to the interests of the organization and integrity towards it. In addition, loyalty can be considered the desire to defend the interests of the organization when interacting with clients and partners. Let's talk about loyalty, keeping in mind the first meaning of this term - devotion to the company.

So, what is employee loyalty expressed in? To answer this question, let's consider several important aspects.

1. Is it possible to measure potential loyalty when hiring?

One of the foundations of employee loyalty is the coincidence of his life and business values ​​with the values ​​of the organization. This can be assessed during the interview with the candidate using some projective questions(when answering questions about other people, a person “gives away” himself):

    What is a good team?

    What should it be good leader?

    What is success?

    What is a good job?

The more the candidate’s answers coincide with the reality and values ​​of the company, the greater the likelihood of his motivation and loyalty.

Another tool is a question that allows you to assess how much a person perceives the organization’s problems as his own:

    Your colleague, neither a manager nor a subordinate, made a wrong transaction. You found out about this by accident. Only you have the information. Your actions?

The answer: “This is not my problem, not my business - he has his own boss,” indicates that the person does not consider the problems of the organization to be his own. All other answers (“I’ll talk to him,” “I’ll think about what to do,” etc.) indicate that the person, to a certain extent, cares about the organization.

There are many methods, including those that take into account the specifics of the pharmaceutical business, that allow you to diagnose the loyalty of a potential employee at the selection stage.

2. What is the difference between a person's integrity and his loyalty to an organization?

Very often these two concepts are confused. In fact, it often happens like this: a person is honest and will not steal or deceive the company under any circumstances. However, at the same time, he may not value his organization and absolutely calmly watch how others do it. A loyal employee must defend the interests of the organization, so it is very important that he values ​​it, and also understands the “rules of the game” - what is considered right and wrong in the company.

So, you have hired people who are prone to loyalty. But will they actually be loyal?

3. The answer to this question also depends on how effectively you cultivate loyalty. How to do this:

Motivate your employees properly. Each HR specialist has his own “motivator card” (a set of key motivational factors), the impact on which gives the greatest effect. It is important that managers are able to identify and use these motivators correctly.

Clearly define the “rules of the game.” This gives people confidence and stability, and therefore increases true commitment to the company. It is important to avoid replacing real values ​​with ostentatious ones. You should not assume that those who sit at work until night and demonstrate their zeal in every possible way are loyal. Loyalty is best characterized by achieving positive results for the organization and adhering to the company's values, mission and rules.

Corporate culture, cultivated in the company and realized by the employee, is one of the very effective tools increasing loyalty. A feeling of involvement in a common cause, pride in one’s team and company makes people more loyal. Clearly defined and shared values, team building work, and general corporate events - all this helps to increase loyalty.

The behavior of the immediate manager, who actually demonstrates dedication to the organization and cares deeply about the results of work, is another important tool for instilling loyalty.

Proper management of conflicts and changes is an essential condition for maintaining staff loyalty.

4. What to do if an employee is disloyal?

First of all, it should be assessed whether it is managed and motivated correctly. If the problem is weak leadership, you urgently need to learn how to manage people. And here again the technique of identifying and using the “motivator map” comes to the rescue.

If everything possible has been done in this regard, then probably the employee is simply not suitable for the organization, and the organization is not suitable for the employee. Or is it a consequence of incorrect selection. In such cases, it is better to part ways peacefully.

If a person is of particular value as a specialist, and the company is extremely interested in him, it is worth monitoring him as carefully as possible - after all, a disloyal employee is not so dedicated to the job and may be slack.

5. What methods exist for assessing the loyalty of working employees?

One of the most important techniques for assessing loyalty is observation. It is worth noting the following points in the employee’s work:

Is he focused on achieving an optimal result, is he ready to sacrifice additional time and effort for this?

Does he show initiative in optimizing business processes in his place;

Is the organization's resources, including financial, economical?

Are you ready to help others in order to achieve a better result?

Does he demonstrate himself in the team (not necessarily very active);

Does he offer something in return, criticizing the existing state of affairs;

When faced with a problem, does he look for solutions or explanations as to why this cannot be done;

Does he often speak poorly about the company and the activities of his colleagues;

How capable and inclined to defend the interests of the company.

Another option for assessing loyalty and motivation, and these concepts are closely related, is anonymous surveys, which may include the following questions:

What is satisfying and what is not about your job, team, company?

What are the positive and negative points do you see in the company culture?

What do you consider to be the hallmarks of the team?

How many years do you plan to work in this position? In this company?

You can also use a survey using projective methods, and in the end see how many coincidences there are between employee expectations and reality. The more there are, the higher the loyalty.

A lot can be said and written about loyalty. This article has indicated only the tip of the iceberg - other aspects of this multifaceted topic require a separate, more detailed discussion.

Every company owner wants to achieve full employee commitment - to treat the business as if it were their own.

We will tell you how to increase staff loyalty and what to consider when assessing engagement.

High expectations

Unconditional loyalty is a myth. Therefore, investing large sums in developing employee loyalty is useless.

Professor Jonas Ridderstrale of the Stockholm School of Economics has proven that management's obsession with creating a team of loyal employees who are ready for anything only demotivates. According to the Swedish economist, if an employee did a good job and went home on time, he is a great employee.

We must not forget that everyone is interested in personal gain, and calling on employees to “make sacrifices” for the sake of the company’s success is at least stupid.

In addition, achieving 100% productivity from each employee is also pointless. For example, what will the fanatical devotion of a secretary or office manager change? It is more profitable to cultivate this quality in promising personnel, whose work results have a real impact on the state of the business.

What is "loyalty"

Managers often make the same mistake when assessing staff engagement - they do not take into account the quality and complexity of the work being performed. For most, loyalty is only a matter of degree of fidelity.

To correctly assess employee engagement, you first need to establish a connection between the company’s benefit and the personal benefit of the individual employee. In other words, will his efforts be rewarded?

In addition, loyalty is a rather vague and difficult to measure concept. It is much more important to monitor the overall satisfaction and atmosphere in the team. Research has shown that non-material motivation and human concern for comfort qualitatively increase the “level of happiness” within the company.

As they say in the book "The Tao of Tayota. 14 management principles of the world's leading company": "A happy employee is a good employee."

4 simple ways to increase employee engagement

One of the most simple ways influence the level of loyalty - abandon the classic vertical hierarchy. Openness and accessibility of management create trusting relationships in the company, and are recognized as an effective way of motivation.

It has long been no secret that high salaries are not the only way to retain valuable employees. Not for all material goods are the fundamental desire of the individual, remember Maslow’s pyramid. But everyone needs to realize their own importance.

Just start praising workers. To the point, of course. You can celebrate achievements either one-on-one or publicly - use both methods.

Corporate events are the best team building. Develop your corporate culture, because it’s not only New Year’s parties and birthday cake. Create your own traditions, chips, reward system. Make life at the office interesting and fulfilling.

The boss does not always know what the employees want. Listen their employees. Keep a box of ideas and suggestions or discuss everything over tea once a month.

A new computer mouse, a different brand of cookies, or board game- a seemingly trivial thing can greatly affect the level of employee satisfaction.


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