Improving the organization of work of the structural unit of the enterprise. Planning and organizing the work of a structural unit What is the organization of the work of a structural unit

Ministry of Education of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

"Kamensky Polytechnic College. I.S. Soltys»



for students of the specialty


at a meeting of the Central Committee of teachers

professional disciplines CPT Methodist

Minutes No. 2017 _______________________

Chairman of the CMC ____________ Kasap N.P. "______" ___________________ 2017

Kamenka, 2017


Working program of the professional moduledeveloped on the basis of the state educational standardmiddle vocational education by specialty260807 "Technology of catering products"

Developer Organization :

State educational institution of secondary vocational education

"Kamensky Polytechnic College. I.S. Soltys"

Developer : Zhukovsky Gennady Grigorievich, teacher of the professional cycle GOU SPO "Kamensky Polytechnic College named after. I.S. Soltys»


., teacher of disciplines of the professional cycle of the 1st qualification category



MODULE PM.06 ……………………………………………………………..……4



  1. Thematic plan of the professional module …………………………. 7

    The content of training on the professional module PM.06 …………..8


MODULE …………………………………………………………………………. 16

  1. Minimum logistical requirements

ensuring ………………………………………………………………... 16

  1. Information support of training ……………………………………..16

    General requirements for the organization of the educational process ……….... 17

    Staffing of the educational process ……………….……..


1. passport of the WORKING PROGRAM

professional module PM.06. "Organization of the work of the structural unit"

1.1. Scope of the program

Professional module program (work program) - is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the State Educational Standard in the specialty of secondary vocational education260807 "Technology of catering products" in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPD): "Organization of the work of the structural unit " and relevant professional competencies (PC):

PC 6.1. Planning of the main indicators of production.

PC 6.2. Planning and execution of work by performers.

PC 6.3. Organization of work of the labor collective.

PC 6.4. Monitoring the progress and evaluation of the results of the work performed by the performers.

PC 6.5. Maintenance of approved accounting and reporting documentation.

The professional module program can be usedin depth vocational training specialists who are able to successfully solve problems related to the organization and operation of public catering enterprises in market conditions,in additional vocational education, for advanced training, for distance learning in the presence of basic general education, as well as secondary (complete) general education.

1.2. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module PM.06

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the relevant professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

have practical experience:

planning the work of a structural unit (team);

evaluating the performance of a structural unit (team);

making managerial decisions;

be able to:

calculate the output of products in the range;

keep a time sheet of employees;

calculate wages;

calculate the economic performance of the structural unit of the organization;

organize workplaces in industrial premises;

organize the work of a team of performers;

develop evaluation tasks and regulatory and technological documentation;

draw up documentation for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;


principles and types of planning the work of the brigade (team);

basic methods of organizing the work of performers;

methods and indicators for assessing the quality of work performed by members of the brigade / team;

disciplinary procedures in the organization;

rules and principles for the development of job duties, work schedules and time sheets;

legal documents regulating the personal responsibility of the foreman;

forms of documents, the procedure for their completion;

methodology for calculating the yield of products;

the procedure for issuing a time sheet;

calculation method wages;

the structure of production costs and ways to reduce costs;

methods for calculating economic indicators

maximum teaching load of students - 279 hours, including:

mandatory classroom teaching load -186 hours;

independent work of students - 93 hours;

term paper - 20 hours;

educational practice - 72 hours;

industrial practice - 36 hours

2. results of mastering the PROFESSIONAL MODULE

The result of mastering the program of the professional module is the mastering by students of the type of professional activity (VPA):, including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:

The code

Name of learning outcome

PC 6.1.

PC 6.2.

PC 6.3.

PC 6.4.

PC 6.5.

Maintain approved accounting and reporting documentation

OK 1

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK 2

Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

OK 4

Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6

Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

OK 8

Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

OK 9

Navigate in the face of frequent technology changes in professional activities

OK 10

Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

3. STRUCTURE and content of the professional module

3.1. Thematic plan of the professional module PM.06

Codes of professional competencies

Names of sections of the professional module

Total hours


The amount of time allotted for the development of an interdisciplinary course


Mandatory classroom workload of a student

Independent work,









including laboratory work and practical classes,










PM 06

Organization of the work of the structural unit




PC 6.1

Section 1. Implementation of planning and organization of activities of public catering enterprises

PC 6.2

Section 2. Management in catering establishments

PC 6.3

PC 6.4

PC 6.5

Section 5. Organization of work

with the approved accounting


Course work

Educational practice


The content of the educational material, laboratory work and practical exercises, independent work of students, term paper

Watch Volume

Level of development






Organization of the work of the structural unit


MDK 06.01.

Management of the structural unit of the organization

Section 1.

Implementation of planning and organization of activities of public catering enterprises


Topic 1. 1 . Industryabout public catering in a market economy


Subject, purpose and content of the interdisciplinary course "Management of structural divisions of an enterprise (organization)". Place and role of managementstructural units in the organization's management system.The role and importance of the public catering industry in the system of the market economy of the PMR. Prospects for the development of the industry. Classification of enterprises in the industry. Signs of classification. Structural subdivisions of public catering enterprises. Legislative and normative acts regulating production and economic activities in the field of public catering.


Topic 1.2 Fixed assetsand working capital


Forms of organization of production, their essence.Classification of enterprise resources.. fixed assets. Types of depreciation of fixed assets.

Essence and main features of real working capital, stages of the cycle of working capital turnover and forms of their manifestation. Composition, content andmethods for calculating indicators of working capital. Sourcesfunding.


Practical work

Classification of catering establishments

Calculation of performance indicators for the use of fixed assets.Depreciation of fixed assets and its indicators

Calculation of efficiency indicators for the use of working capital. Working capital stock norms

Studying the Standard “Catering Services. Classification of public catering establishments»

Composition and purpose of structural subdivisions of public catering enterprises

Shop and non-workshop organization of production.

Stages of the turnover cycle of real working capital.

Sources of financing the activities of the enterprise.

The essence of planning in a market economy

Section 2. Organization of work execution planning by contractors


Topic 2 1. Features of management in the field of catering


Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor (NOT). Essence and tasks of NOT. The main directions of NOT. Functional division of labor and organizational structure of the personnel management service. Fundamentals of organizing a team of performers. Forms of building relationships with employees. Managing a person and managing a group. The main methods of organizing the work of performers. Disciplinary procedures in the organization


Topic 2.2. Principles and types of planning the work of a structural unit



Essence of planning. Types of plans developed at the enterprise. Perspective plans. Annual production and financial plan. Operational (current) planning. Planning of the main indicators of production Principles and types of planning the work of the brigade (team). Brigade form of labor organization. Brigade management. Planning and accounting for the work of teams.

Practical work

Types of plans developed at the enterprise. Classification of plans

Drawing up a plan for the execution of work by performers

Compilation of characteristics of a public catering enterprise, analysis of the features of production and trade activities and placement in the area of ​​​​residence (study, etc.)

Development of assessment assignments and normative and technological documentation

Independent work of students

Studying the Standard “Catering Services. Requirements for the staff of public catering establishments

Design a workplace taking into account the requirements of ergonomics (on the instructions of the teacher)

Drawing up an observation list of an individual photograph of the technologist's working time.

Analysis of a photo of the working time of production personnel

Drawing up an agreement on personal (collective) liability

Section 3. Organization of the work of the labor collective


Topic 3.1 Foodservice workforce



Labor resources of the industry: professional composition, qualification structure.The concept of personnel service.The essence and organization of personnel selection, sources of recruitment. General scheme of personnel selection. Workforce management strategy. Professional competencies of personnel. The procedure for hiring and firing staff. The contract. Contract. Employment and teamwork

Topic 3.2. Organization of labor and forms of remuneration


Labor productivity: indicators and methods for their determination. The essence of labor organization and its forms. tariff system, tariff scale and its application. Forms and systems of remuneration. The procedure for issuing a time sheet. The method of calculating wages.


Topic 3.3. Labor motivation system


Motivation. Motivational factors, employee passivity. Career motivation and anti-motivational factors. Organization of career growth of an employee at the enterprise

Career management. Personnel development and organization of training. Training. Coaching.


Topic 3.4. Economic efficiency of production


conceptAndproduction cost structure.Structureprime costonarticlesAndcost elements.PermanentAndvariable costs. Methodology for calculating the production capacity of an enterprise. Methodologyoutput calculationproductsinassortment. Essence of economic efficiency. Method of calculationmajoreconomicefficiency (profitAndprofitability).Waysraiseefficiencyproduction.


Practical work

Solving situational tasks for hiring and firing staff

Calculation of the production capacity of the enterprise

Calculation of the cost of production

Output Calculationproductsinassortment

Method of calculationmajoreconomicefficiency

Independent work students

Writing your own resume for a job

Development of situational tasks related to the hiring and dismissal of an employee.

The way of human action, types of motivation, motivating and satisfying factors.

Administrative methods of personnel management. Economic methods of personnel management. Socio-psychological methods of management. Socio-psychological climate of the team.Overheadexpenses.WaysdecreasecostsFormation of the consumption fund at the enterprise.

Section 4. Organization of control and evaluation of the results of work performed by performers


Topic 4.1. Linking processes in the organization. Making managerial decisions


The essence of management decisions. Classification of management decisions. The process of developing and making managerial decisions. Factors influencing the decision-making process (personal, environment, informational, behavioral). Rules and principles for the development of job duties, scheduleswork.


Topic 4.2 Control and evaluation of work performance by performers


The essence and necessity of control. Preliminary, current and final control. Model of the control process. Types and methods of control Control over the progress and results of work performed by performers. Control over the execution of orders. Automated systems control. Quality control systems for manufactured products. Methods and indicators for assessing the quality of work performed by members of the team. Standardization, certification. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the structural unit (team). disciplinary procedures.


Practical work

Compilation of an observation list of a photograph of the working day of a cook of the 3rd category in the shops (meat, cold, hot) by the method of momentary observations.

Drawing up a chronological map of technological operations

Calculation of indicators for the production of products of a catering enterprise

Calculation of the production capacity of a public catering enterprise

Calculation of the efficiency of equipment use

Independent work of students

The procedure for calculating payroll. Establishment procedure tariff rates

Documents regulating staff salaries

Ways of disciplinary and material impact on the efficiency of personnel

The procedure for calculating sick leave

Staff leave schedule. The procedure for calculating vacation pay

Study holidays: the procedure for providing and paying

Develop measures to improve labor rationing

Working with regulatory documents

Section 5

Organization of work with approved accounting and reporting documentation


Topic 5.1. Documenting business transactions in the organization



Primary account. Documentation and requirements for documents. Classification of documents according to the place of compilation, purpose, method of execution, content, reflection of information in them. Document details. The procedure for filling out the main forms of documents used in public catering enterprises. The concept of document management in accounting. The main stages of document circulation.Making a menu plan. Filling in the calculation card. Drawing up a commodity report by a materially responsible person. Drawing up an inventory list

Topic 5.2 . Accounting and control of goods, finished products and turnover in public catering


1, 2

Keeping control logs and primary accounting of production. Forms of documents. The procedure for completing logs. Regulatory documents governing the personal responsibility of the foreman. Output of finished products.Output regulation. Factors affecting the yield of products. Pricing in public catering organizations on the basis of a menu plan, a collection of recipes for dishes, a price register, a calculation card. Maintenance by the materially responsible person of quantitative and sum accounting of goods. Drawing up a commodity report by a materially responsible person. Procedure for conducting an inventory. Accounting for the output of the structural unit. Accounting for goods inbuffets. Accounting for the consumption of raw materials, marriage and production waste. Accounting for finished products. Accounting for completed work. Shift work report

Practical work

Drawing up an agreement on individual liability.

Preparation of documentation for the inventory.

Analysis of the consumption of raw materials. Drawing up a report on the consumption of raw materials.

Registration of documents for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products

Calculation of output in production.

Accounting for the consumption of raw materials. Drawing up a report on the consumption of raw materials

Independent work of students

Working with abstracts, educational, special literature, Internet resources, regulatory documents, solving problems, drawing up diagrams in the following areas:

Legal documents regulating the personal responsibility of the foreman

Control over the progress of work performed by performers

Evaluation of the results of work performed by performers

The procedure for filling out the main forms of documents

Planning of the technological process of production.

Preparation of time sheet.

Calculation of economic indicators of the structural unit of the organization.

Drawing up a time sheet for production personnel

Preparation of assessment tasks for staff

Course work


Qualification exam for MDT. 06.01.

Total hours:


Educational practice

Types of jobs:

Management of structural divisions in the enterprise (organization) management system

Legislative and regulatory framework governing the production and economic activities in the field of public catering

Organization of the work of the labor collective

Performance indicators of a public catering enterprise

Main features, composition and structure of fixed assets. Intangible assets

Indicators of the effectiveness of the use of working capital

Planning the work of the structural unit.

Planning of the technological process of production

Rules and principles for the development of job responsibilities, work schedules, time sheets

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the structural unit

Documentation of management activities

The procedure for registration and maintenance of documentation of a public catering enterprise

Accounting for the output of the structural unit.

Payroll preparation


Types of jobs:

Participation in the planning of key indicatorsproduction,

Planning and organizing the execution of work by performers,

Making managerial decisions,

Monitoring the progress and evaluating the results of work performed by performers,

Maintenance of approved accounting and reporting documentation;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the structural unit (team),

Registration of documentation for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products

Development of evaluation tasks

Calculation of economic indicators of the structural unit of the organization;

To characterize the level of mastering the educational material, the following designations are used:

1. - introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2. - reproductive (performing activities according to the model, instructions or guidance)

3. - productive (planning and independent performance of activities, problem solving)

4. conditions for the implementation of the PROFESSIONAL MODULE program

4.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the professional module program implies the presence of classrooms:

Socio-economic disciplines;

Organizations of production;

Legal bases of professional activity;

Life safety, labor protection;

Equipment of the study room and office workstations:

a set of educational and methodological documentation,

visual aids,

electronic educational resource,

computers, printer, scanner, modem, video, projector,

general and professional software.

Implementation of the professional module programPM.06 involves practical work in the scope 48 hours.Practical work (according to the profile of the specialty) is carried out by an educational institution when students master professional competencies within the framework of a professional module and can be implemented in a concentrated manner.

  1. Information support of training

Civil Code of the PMR

Labor Code of the PMR

Laws and normative-legislative acts of the PMR on the regulation of activities in the field of public catering:


GOST 50647-94 “Public catering. Terms and Definitions".

GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises.

OST 28-1-95 “Public catering. Requirements for production personnel

The main sources of educational literature:

Malgina S.Yu., Pleshkova Yu.N. Organization of the work of the structural unit of public catering enterprisesTextbook for students. medium institutions. prof. education. - M .: Academy, 2014. - 320 p.

Andreeva I. V., Kosheleva S. V., Spivak V. A., Personnel management. St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Neva"; M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2003. - S. 24 -30.

Byakova E.O., Pogodina N.A. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprise. - Publishing house "Exam". 2008

Kibanov A. Ya. Personnel management of the organization. - M.: INFRA-M.: Delo, 2003. - S. 15-19.

Additional sources:

Gomola A.I. Economics for professions and specialties of the socio-economic profile [Text]: textbook / A.I. Gomola, V.E. Kirillov, P.A. Jeannine. - 5th ed., ster. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2013. - 336 p.

Kartashova V.N. Economics of the organization (enterprise)[Text]: Proc. for secondary specialized educational institutions./ V.N. Kartashova, A.V. Prikhodko - M. "Vulture", 2014.

Kovalev V.V. Finances of organizations (enterprises)[Text]: Textbook / V.V. Kovalev, V.V. Kovalev. - M.: Prospekt, 2013. - 352 p.

Kolchina N.V. Finances of organizations (enterprises)[Text]: Textbook for university students / N.V. Kolchina, G.B. Polyak, L.M. Burmistrov. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2011. - 407 p.

Molokova E.I. Enterprise planning [Electronic resource]: textbook / Molokova E.I., Kovalenko N.P.— Electron. text data. - Saratov: Higher education, 2013. - 196 p. - Access mode:

Organization of production at public catering enterprises [Electronic resource]: textbook / I.R. Smirnova [et al.]. Electron. text data.— St. Petersburg: Troitsky Most, 2013.— 232 p.— Access mode:— EBS “IPRbooks”, by password

Organization of production at enterprises food industries[Electronic resource]: textbook / Yu.A. Salikov [et al.]. Electron. text data.— Voronezh: Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, 2010.— 324 pp.— Access mode:— EBS “IPRbooks”,Handbook of catering technologist.- M.: Kolos, 2000

Magazines: "Nutrition and Society", "Standards and Quality", "Restaurant Business".

Electronic resources:

1. Reference and legal system "ConsultantPlus".

2. Reference and legal system "Garant".

4.3. General requirements for the organization of the educational process

Mastering the professional module by students should take place in an educational environment that meets the requirements of the State Educational Standard both in an educational institution and in organizations corresponding to the specialty profile 260807 “Technology of public catering products”.

The development of the module must be preceded by the developmentnextgeneral professionaldisciplines:

"Fundamentals of Economics, Management andmarketing"

"Legal foundations of professionalactivity"


4.4 Staffing of the educational process

The implementation of the main professional educational program in the specialty of secondary vocational education should be provided by teaching staff with higher education corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline (module). Experience in organizations of the relevant professional field is mandatory for teachers responsible for the development of the student's professional cycle, these teachers must undergo an internship in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.


An educational institution, when implementing training in the professional module "Organization of the work of the structural unit”, ensures the organization and conduct of intermediate certification and current control of the knowledge, skills and abilities demonstrated by students. Current control is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, testing, as well as the performance of individual tasks by students. The final control is carried out in the form of an exam. Forms and methods of current control on the professional module are brought to the attention of students at the beginning of training.

For current control, funds of assessment tools (FOS) are created to assess knowledge, skills and mastered competencies.

FOS includes pedagogical control and measuring materials designed to determine the compliance (or non-compliance) of individual educational achievements with the main indicators of training results.

Monitoring and evaluation of development results professional competencies


(mastered professional competencies)

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

PC 6.1.

Participate in the planning of key production indicators.

Operational planning of work, taking into account the current regulatory documents;

Determining the needs of the production unit for technical means ah, tool, raw materials and support services;

Providing the brigade with material and technical resources.

Calculate the output of products in the range;

Calculate the economic indicators of the structural unit of the organization

frontal knowledge check;

role-playing games;


writing abstracts;

test papers;

independent work;

practical work;

project development,



student conferences

PC 6.2.

Plan the execution of work by performers.

Distribution of production functions between team members;

Conducting production briefings for workers;

Compilation of special instruction cards of advanced methods of work;

Establishment and timely communication to the employees of the production unit of production tasks;

Quantitative and qualitative accounting of work performed and hours worked by members of the production unit;

Accept management decisions

frontal knowledge check;

role-playing games;


writing abstracts;

test papers;

independent work;

practical work;

project development,



PC 6.3.

Organize the work of the workforce.

Development of measures and measures to ensure favorable working conditions at the production site;

Application of rational techniques and methods of production activities;

Planning activities to improve skills and professional excellence employees of the production unit;

Certification of workplaces in terms of working conditions and safety;

Organize the work of a team of performers

frontal knowledge check;

role-playing games;


writing abstracts;

independent work;

practical work;

project development,

conducting research


PC 6.4.

Monitor the progress and evaluate the results of work performed by performers.

Ensuring and monitoring the correctness and timeliness of execution of production and reporting documentation by members of the production unit;

Participation in activities to monitor compliance by employees of the production unit with the requirements of the technological regulations and the plan - work schedule;

Determination and assessment of the level of labor productivity of the employees of the unit;

Determination of labor intensity of work.

Maintain a time sheet for employees;

Calculate wages

frontal knowledge check;


writing abstracts;

test papers;

independent work;

practical work;;



student conferences

PC 6.5.

Maintain approved records

reporting documentation

Preparation of forms of documents for accounting of working time. Fulfillment of a shift task, norms of sold dishes;

Maintenance of established documentation on the operation of equipment, accounting material assets;

Prepare documents for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes should allow students to check not only the formation of professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and the skills that provide them.

Outcomes (learned general competencies)

Main indicators for evaluating the result

Forms and Methods

monitoring and evaluation

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

Demonstration of interest in the future profession

Interpretation of the results of observations of the activities of the student in the process of mastering the implementation of educational and production work

OK 2. Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

selection and application of methods and methods for solving professional problems in the field of PPP management;

Assessment of efficiency and quality of implementation

OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

Solution of standard and non-standardprofessional tasks in the field of EPP management

Interpretation of the results of observations of the activities of the student in the process of performing educational and production work

OK 4. Search and use the information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

Effective search for the necessary information;

Use of various sources, including electronic

Interpretation of results

monitoring the activities of the student in the process of performing educational and production work

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Work with PC and Internet

OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

Interaction with students, teachers and masters during training

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student's activities

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of completing tasks.

Self-analysis and correction of results own work

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student's activities

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan advanced training.

Organization of self-study when studying a professional module

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student's activities

OK 9. Navigate in conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity.

Analysis of innovations in the fieldPOP management

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student's activities

OK 10. Perform military duty, including with the application of acquired professional knowledge (for boys).

Orientation to military service, taking into account professional knowledge;

Compliance with the internal regulations of the educational institution.

Conducting military training

Military registration

The assessment of individual educational achievements based on the results of current control and intermediate certification is carried out in accordance with the universal scale (table).

Percentage of effectiveness (correct answers)

Qualitative assessment of individual educational achievements

score (mark)

verbal counterpart

90 ÷ 100


81 to 89


70 ÷ 80


less than 70


At the stage of intermediate certification, according to the median of qualitative assessments of individual educational achievements, the examination committee determines the integral assessment of the professional and general competencies mastered by students as the results of mastering the professional module.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

State Autonomous Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education

"Kazan Trade and Economic College"




by specialty 260807 "Technology of catering products"

Student(s) gr. Mulyukova I.I

Organization: PCF"Maidan"

Practice leader: Pivovarov I.V

Kazan 2015

Internal inventory of documents included in the report

Student(s) Mulyukova I.I. group TS-431


Student(s)GAOU SPO "Kazan State Trade and Economic College"


The student (ka) ___________________________________________________________ during the internship showed himself as follows:

Place of internship was attended by ___________________________________________

· Attitude to official duties ____________________________________

· In mastering the specialty, _____________________________________ is manifested

During the internship, ________________________________ showed (a):

· Able to plan and organize own activities,

Understands the essence and significance of their future profession, shows interest in it,

Has a good level culture of behavior,

· Able to work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, customers,

· Navigate in conditions of frequent change of technologies in professional activity.

In relation to the performance of labor tasks, he showed himself _________________________

(excellent, good, satisfactory)

The characteristic is given for presentation to the State Autonomous Educational Institution "Kazan State Trade and Economic College".


Practice curator

at the enterprise _____________________________________ First and last name

M.P. (signature)

public warehousing products

Summary sheet for assessing maturityprofessional competencies

PM.06 Organizationwork of the structural unit

PC name

Key performance indicators (PC)

credited / not credited

Participate in the planning of key production indicators.

The main financial indicators of the economic activity of a public catering enterprise

Calculate wages;

Plan the execution of work by performers.

Plan the work of a structural unit (team);

organize the work of a team of performers; develop evaluation tasks and regulatory and technological documentation;

Organize the work of the workforce.

Plan the work of a structural unit (team);

Make management decisions; organize jobs in production facilities; organize the work of a team of performers; develop evaluation tasks and normative and technological documentation;

Monitor the progress and evaluate the results of work performed by performers.

Indicators characterizing the results of the work of performers;

Evaluate the effectiveness of the structural unit (team);

Make management decisions;

Maintain approved accounting and reporting documentation.

Calculate the output of products in the range;

Maintain a time sheet for employees;

Calculate the economic indicators of the structural unit of the organization;

Develop. evaluation tasks and normative and technological documentation;

Prepare documentation for various operations with raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

Carry out the acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality, acceptance and processing of orders

Accept goods by quantity and quality

Conduct an organoleptic assessment of the quality of catering products

Carry out grading of finished culinary products

Curator of practice _______________________________________ FULL NAME


Section 1 "Organization of production"

PM.06 Organization of the work of the structural unit

Day: Classification of catering establishments

- familiarization with the type of enterprise, specialization, compliance with the requirements in accordance with GOST R50762 -2007 Classification of catering establishments, organizational and legal form, services offered, location in Kazan. Provide in the form of tables 1, 2

Table 1



Catering company

Restaurant "Gashtet" opens its doors on the third floor of the shopping center "Tandem Gallery", located at st. Prospekt Ibragimova, 56A

Restaurant - a public catering enterprise with a wide range of dishes of complex manufacture, including custom-made and signature dishes and products; alcoholic, soft, hot and other types of drinks, flour confectionery and bakery products, tobacco products, purchased goods, with a high level of service and, as a rule, in combination with the organization of recreation and entertainment.

Specialization, class


Organizational and legal form

Legal form: Limited liability companies


Restaurant "Gashtet" opens its doors on the third floor of the shopping center "Tandem Gallery", located at st. Prospekt Ibragimova, 56A

Enterprise Services

The sounds of German music, a stylish, seasoned interior and friendly waiters dressed in national costumes, fulfilling your order with German precision - this is the Gashtet restaurant.
German cuisine is spicy and hearty, mostly meat dishes. Therefore, our menu includes: home-made sausages prepared according to traditional German recipes, pork knuckle with a crispy crust, smoked pork ribs, delicious gherkins, steaks. We did not bypass the traditional thick meat goulash soups and mashed potatoes. Of course, such food goes well with fresh beer. Restaurant "Gashtet" offers its guests the best beers from European countries with a centuries-old culture of production and consumption of beer: the Czech Republic, Germany and Belgium.
Snacks for beer - and here we have no equal: hot, freshly baked pretzels, fragrant garlic crunches, spicy chicken wings, hot cheese sticks and many more original hot and cold beer snacks.

table 2

Name of requirements

Enterprise type, class


german decoration design

Illuminated with design elements

Composition of premises for consumers

Entrance hall, cloakroom, banquet hall or private booths, washroom with handwashing area

Decoration of halls and premises for consumers

The use of exquisite decorative elements, the presence of a stage or dance floor, the presence of artistic compositions, beds of fresh decorative flowers and (or) fountains and (or) aquariums,


Air conditioning system with automatic maintenance of optimal temperature and humidity parameters

Increased comfort corresponding to the interior of the premises

Soft finish, wooden surfaces

Soft with armrests

Availability of a bar

Modernly decorated with stools for serving food and drinks (service)

Metal utensils and cutlery

Of cupronickel and nickel silver, stainless steel or other alloys

Porcelain tableware artistically designed

Assorted glassware

Crystal, hand-blown glassware

Ware made of ceramics and wood for thematic enterprises of national cuisine enterprises


White and colored, branded

Napkins for personal use


Change of table linen after each customer service

Menu and price list of wines (wine list) with an emblem (trademark of the company

in Russian and national languages, in Russian and English or in the language corresponding to the company's specialization, in typographical or computerized way, the cover is made of modern materials, originally and artistically designed.

A wide range of dishes and drinks, branded and customized gourmet dishes, confectionery

Maintenance Methods

Service by highly qualified waiters, bartenders, maitre d's. Presence of sommiliers

Table setting

Pre-cover. Table decoration: compositions of fresh flowers, figuratively folded napkins, candles

Guarded car park with unlimited parking time

Ddate:Organization of food and logistics. Warehouse organization

Familiarization with the organization of delivery of goods and types of vehicles for the delivery of goods, acceptance of goods in terms of quantity and quality, documentation of the acceptance of goods.

Provide a list of products delivered to enterprises, identify suppliers, forms, routes, methods of delivery. Arrange in the form of a table 3

Forms and routes of supply are summarized in table 3

Table 3




Vegetables fruits

METRO Cash & Carry




Meat processing plant Kamesk-Uralsky




Fish, seafood

METRO Cash & Carry




EMUP "Ekaterinburg bakery" TM "Vseslav"




Wholesale base No. 1




Wine - vodka products

METRO Cash & Carry




Dairy products

Irbit dairy plant




Gastronomic products

East West LLC




Draw up a supply contract for one of the goods delivered to the enterprise in the proposed form.


food supplies

G. Kazan

OOO Gashtet, we call and I hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", represented by Mulyukov I.I., acting on the basis of charter, on the one hand and, we call th hereinafter "Supplier", represented by OOO Metro, acting on the basis charter, on the other hand, have entered into this agreement as follows:


1.1. The Supplier is obliged to deliver, and the Buyer is obliged to accept and pay for food products (hereinafter referred to as the "Goods"), the name, assortment, quantity and cost of which are indicated in the consignment notes (hereinafter referred to as "invoices") for each consignment of the Goods.

1.2. Delivery of the Goods is carried out in batches on the basis of the Buyer's orders and in the presence of the corresponding Goods in the Supplier's warehouse.

1.3. The Buyer's application must contain the name (assortment), quantity of the Goods, the date by which the Goods must be delivered, and the address to which it must be delivered, and can be made in writing, including by fax, e-mail, as well as in the form of a telephone application.

1.4. The ownership of the Goods passes to the Buyer at the moment of transfer of the Goods to the Buyer or the carrier (in case of delivery of the Goods to the railway station, bus station, airport or river station within the administrative boundaries of the city of Minsk). Kazan).

1.5. In case of delivery of incomplete goods or goods of an inappropriate assortment, the Buyer has the right to refuse both incomplete goods and goods that do not comply with the assortment condition and all goods transferred at the same time. Such a refusal is not considered a refusal to fulfill the obligation and does not entail termination of the contract.

1.6. If the Buyer has not refused goods that do not meet the assortment condition, and the delivery of goods of this name according to the contract must be carried out in the following delivery periods, then these goods must be counted against the volumes of these periods.

1.7. The goods are purchased by the Buyer for preparing meals and selling them in a restaurant.

1.8. The supplier guarantees:

Compliance with proper storage conditions of the Goods before its transfer to the Buyer;

Compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents in relation to materials and products imported into the territory of the Russian Federation;

Proper implementation of production quality and safety control, compliance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for the conditions of manufacture and circulation of Goods;

Availability of obligatory certificates of the Russian Federation for imported goods.


2.1. The quality of the supplied Goods must comply with the requirements of the relevant standards and specifications adopted for this type of Goods, as well as the quality certificates of the manufacturer and certificates of conformity.

2.2. The expiration date of the Goods is set within the expiration date indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the Goods.

2.3. Upon delivery of the Goods, the Supplier shall transfer to the Buyer all the necessary documents confirming the quality of the Goods, including certificates of conformity and quality certificates of the manufacturer.

2.4. The Supplier guarantees the quality and reliability of the supplied Goods.

2.5. The Buyer has the right to make claims to the Supplier regarding the quality and shelf life of the delivered Goods within 2 (two) days after acceptance. The date of acceptance corresponds to the date indicated on the invoice.

In case of detection of low-quality products or shortages, the participation of the Supplier's representative during its acceptance and drawing up of the act is mandatory. Upon detection of a shortage or low-quality products, an act is drawn up, which is signed by the representatives of the Buyer and the Supplier.

2.6. If manufacturing defects of the Goods are found in the process of sale through the Buyer's retail network and provided that these defects could not be established by the Buyer upon acceptance of the Goods from the Supplier, the Buyer is obliged to immediately notify the Supplier of the defects found, attaching a detailed list of these defects. The call of the Supplier's representative is obligatory.

2.7. The Supplier undertakes to eliminate defects or replace the Goods of inadequate quality within two days from the date of transfer of the Goods to the Buyer, if the defects were discovered at the time of transfer of the Goods, or within two days from the date of receipt of notification of the discovery of manufacturing defects in the process of implementation through the retail network.

2.8. Elimination of deficiencies, delivery of missing or replacement of unusable Goods is carried out by the Supplier on the basis of a written claim of the Buyer. The claim must indicate the quantity of the Goods for which the claim is made, the content and basis of the claim, as well as the specific requirement of the Buyer. The claim must be supported by acts and other necessary documents. The claim is submitted by registered mail or courier delivery with delivery to the authorized representative of the Supplier against receipt and with all documents proving the validity of the claim attached.

2.9. The replacement of the Goods in the cases and within the terms specified in clause 2.7 of the agreement is carried out if a similar product is available in the Supplier's warehouse. In the absence of a similar product, the parties, by agreement, decide on the possibility of replacing it with another product, on the return of funds for the already delivered Goods of inadequate quality, or on the delivery of the required Goods immediately after it arrives at the Supplier's warehouse. In the latter case, the delivery time is extended by the time the Goods arrive at the Supplier's warehouse.


3.1. The goods are delivered within the time specified in the Buyer's order. The Supplier has the right to early delivery of the Goods.

3.2. Delivery is carried out (please tick):

At the expense of the Supplier by delivering the Goods to the Buyer at the address indicated by him in the application;

Pickup from the Supplier's warehouse located at: _______________.

3.3. The goods are delivered in containers and packaging that comply with applicable standards and specifications.

3.4. The Supplier that allowed the short delivery of the Goods is obliged to make up for the short delivery of the Goods within two days from receipt of the Buyer's claim.

3.5. The Goods are transferred according to the consignment note, which indicates the name of the Goods, the assortment, the number of places and commodity units, the cost of the Goods.

3.6. In case of refusal to accept the products, the Buyer is obliged to make a note on the refusal in all copies of the invoice indicating the reason for the refusal, position, name of the receiver and sign it.

3.7. If the Buyer refuses to make notes about the refusal to accept the Goods in accordance with clause 3.6 of this contract, the fact of refusal is certified by an act drawn up by the representative of the Supplier.


4.1. The Buyer pays for the Goods delivered by the Supplier at the prices indicated in the invoices for this consignment of the Goods.

4.2. Settlements for the delivered Goods between the parties are made by (please tick as appropriate):

Transfer of non-cash funds from the Buyer's settlement account to the Supplier's settlement account no later than three banking days from the date of transfer of the Goods to the Buyer;

Transfers of non-cash funds from the Buyer's settlement account to the Supplier's settlement account no later than 10 days from the date of transfer of the Goods to the Buyer;

Transfer of cash to the cash desk of the Supplier at the time of transfer of the Goods to the Buyer


5.1. For unreasonable refusal to accept the Goods delivered at the request of the Buyer, or delay in sampling the Goods, the Buyer shall pay the Supplier a fine in the amount of 45 % (forty five) from the cost of the shipped Goods.

5.2. In case of delay in payment, the Buyer is obliged to pay the Supplier a penalty in the amount of 45 % (forty five) from the amount of the debt for each day of delay in payment.

5.3. In case of delay in payment for the received products over 10 (ten) days, the Supplier stops accepting applications from the Buyer and suspends the fulfillment of its obligations under this agreement until the Buyer fully repays the debt.

5.4. In case of violation of the terms of delivery of the Goods through the fault of the Supplier, the latter is obliged to pay the Buyer a fine in the amount of 45 % (forty five) from the cost of the undelivered Goods.

5.5. The Buyer has the right, by notifying the Supplier, to refuse to accept the Goods, the delivery of which is delayed by 10 (ten) days.

5.6. Disputes arising between the parties in the performance of the contract are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. In all other respects that are not provided for by this agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid provided that they are made in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of the parties.

6.3. This agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the parties and is concluded for a period one year before " 5 "September 2015 G.

6.4. If none of the parties declares the termination (change) of the contract one month before the expiration of the period for which the contract was concluded, its validity is automatically prolonged for the same period.

6.5. The Agreement may be terminated ahead of schedule in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.6. This agreement is made in two copies, having equal legal force, one copy for each of the parties.

6.7. After signing this agreement, all previous negotiations and correspondence on it become invalid.


The supplier: OOO Metro

TIN 7716201303, KPP 771601001, OGRN 1027739389930, OKPO 5652865

Address 129344 Kazan, Marshal Chuikov street, 89

Buyer: OOO Restaurant Gashtet

TIN 7722654654, KPP 772201001, OGRN 1087746947056, OKPO 87631733

Address 111024, Kzan, Fatykh Amirkhan st., 78a

The supplier:

OOO Metro ______________/____________/


OOO Restaurant Gashtet ______________/____________/

Familiarization with the composition of the premises for the reception and storage of products, their characteristics.

Familiarization with the storage of goods at the enterprise: placement of goods for storage, stowage of goods, equipment of storage facilities.

Studying the range, conditions and terms of storage of incoming raw materials and products. Give examples of storage rules for some goods (Table 4).

Conditions and terms of storage of incoming raw materials and products

Table 4

Name of the premises for storage of goods

Description of goods

Storage method

Conditions and terms of storage of goods

Cooled chambers

meat products


2-4C, 2-4 days, RHV 75-85%

Cooled chambers

fish products

4-6 C, 1-3 days, RHV 85-95%

Cooled chambers

Milk and dairy products

0.5 days, 4-6 C, RHV 80-85%

Cooled chambers

Milk fat products

2-4C,2-4 days,80-85C

Cooled chambers

2-4 C, 8-12 days, RHV 75-80%

Cooled chambers

2-4C, 3-8 days, RHV 80-85%

Unheated warehouses

Vegetables, potatoes


8-10С, 5-8 days, RHV 80-85%

Heated warehouses

Dry products


12-15C, 5-10 days, RHV 65-75%

Cooled chambers

Wine - vodka products


10-15 C, 10-15 days, RHV 70-75%

Dday: Operational planning of production work

Planned menu: definition, purpose. Plan-menu: concept, purpose, order of compilation and design. Factors to consider when drawing up a menu plan. Menu: concept, types of menus, indicate what types of menus are used in the enterprise, attach the menu of the enterprise, evaluate the sequence of dishes, draw a conclusion.

Calculation of raw materials and products for cooking in accordance with the production program. Drawing up an invoice request for receiving products from the pantry (attach an invoice request). Distribution of raw materials between workshops, determination of tasks for employees in accordance with the production program.

Information support for operational planning. Normative and technological documentation. Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, their varieties, content. Technological and technical-technological maps, their purpose, differences, compilation. Features of the development and documentation, introduction of new and signature dishes into production (attach TC and TTC).

menu plan is a daily program for the release of finished products. The name of the dishes, products, drinks according to the recipe, the yield of 1 serving, the number of meals per day are indicated. Operational planning consists of the following stages:

1. Study of consumer demand;

2. Registration of the requirement of the consignment note for the receipt of raw materials;

3. distribution of raw materials by workshops and cooks of the task;

4. Control over the consumption of raw materials.

The list of dishes in the menu plan has a certain sequence. First, there should be entries on the list of salads, cold appetizers, then - on the first courses, the main second, drinks. The following is information about set meals and other dishes.

The technologist, production manager or chef of the catering establishment is usually responsible for the daily preparation of the menu plan. The document is drawn up at the beginning of the working day, before the process of preparing the planned dishes begins. The head of the enterprise reviews and approves the menu plan.

The main stage of operational planning is the preparation of a menu plan. The menu plan is drawn up by the head of production on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the enterprise. When drawing up a menu plan, the following factors are taken into account: an approximate range of products recommended for an enterprise depending on its type and class, consumer demand, the availability of raw materials, the qualifications of workers, the availability of technological equipment, the complexity of dishes.

Based on the menu plan, a menu for consumers is compiled, which indicates the output of dishes, the price. These documents are interconnected, when drawing up a menu plan, one should take into account what type of menu dishes are sold to consumers:

Menu with a free choice of dishes;

Daily diet menu;

Diet food menu;

Baby food menu;

Business lunch menu, etc.

Factors to consider when compiling a menu plan menu:

1) the type, specialization of the enterprise is taken into account

2) Approximate assortment minimum

3) equipping the enterprise with equipment and inventory

4) availability of products in warehouses

5) seasonality

6) qualification of workers

7) consumer demand

Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, along with the standards and specifications in force in the industry, are the main regulatory and technological documents for public catering enterprises. Apply:

1. Collection of recipes for food products (2011).

2. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products of the Tatar national cuisine (1997).

3. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products of the peoples of Russia (1997).

4. Collection of national dishes.

5. Collection of recipes for diet food.

6. Compilation of recipes for school meals.

7. Collection of recipes for dishes of a preschool organization.

8. Collection of recipes for flour confectionery.

9. Collection of foreign cuisine recipes.

The collections contain recipes, cooking technology, as well as the consumption of raw materials, the yield of semi-finished products and finished products, recommendations for the interchangeability of products. The recipes indicate: the names of the products included in the dish, the norms for investing products in gross and net weight, the yield (weight) of individual finished products and the dish as a whole.

The investment rates for gross weight products are calculated in recipes for standard raw materials of the following conditions: beef and lamb - 1st category, pork - meat, offal (except udder) - frozen, udder - chilled; poultry (hens, chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys) - half-gutted 2nd category; fish - large frozen or all sizes, uncut, with some exceptions; for potatoes, waste standards are adopted until October 31, for carrots and beets - until January 1, etc.

In each Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products, the conditions of all types of raw materials and products are indicated in the introduction.

Technological maps indicate: the name of the dish, the number and version of the recipe, the rate of investment of raw materials by net weight per serving, as well as the calculation for a certain number of servings or products prepared in boilers of a certain capacity, the output of the dish is indicated.

The cards also provide a brief description of the technological process of preparing the dish and its design, draw attention to the sequence of laying the products depending on the timing of their heat treatment, characterize the requirements for the quality of the dish, the coefficients of the complexity of the dish. The labor intensity coefficients take into account the labor costs of the cook for the preparation of this dish. Technological maps for side dishes for main courses are compiled separately.

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new and specialty dishes and culinary products - those that are developed and sold only in this enterprise. The term of the TTC is determined by the enterprise itself.

The regulatory and technological documentation used by public catering enterprises also includes: industry standards (OST), enterprise standards (STP), technical specifications (TU) and technological instructions (TI) for products produced by industrial and procurement enterprises to supply other enterprises .

Enterprises Director « __27_ » Martha 2015

Restaurant "Gashtet"


Released from the pantry KITCHEN through the mother-responsible. person ______________ buffet, kitchen, stall



If- quality


Pro- even


















production managerMulyukova I.I. CalculatorAlimova G.R.

Totalfivename ontwo thousand four hundredrub.00 cop.

Vacationor ______________Getor _________________

Dday: Organization of the work of the mainproduction andauxiliary premises

- familiarization with the structure of the production of the enterprise: workshop or workshopless, list production premises, administrative and amenity premises, premises for consumers, technical premises.

Familiarization with the organization of the work of washing kitchen and tableware:

The location of washing kitchen and tableware and the relationship with production facilities;

Technological process of washing kitchen utensils and tableware; the use of detergents;

Equipment for washing kitchen and tableware.

Distinguish between enterprises with a workshop structure and non-shop

The workshop structure is organized at enterprises that work on raw materials with a large volume of production. Workshops are divided into procurement (meat, fish, meat and fish, vegetables), pre-cooking (hot, cold), specialized (flour, confectionery, culinary) At restaurant enterprises who work on semi-finished products, a workshopless production structure is organized at enterprises with a small volume of the production program, which have a limited range of products at specialized enterprises (snack bars, barbecue ones, dumplings, dumplings, etc.). The composition of the premises of the enterprises of the restaurant industry and the requirements for them are determined by the relevant SNiPs. They distinguish the following main groups of premises: - a warehouse group for short-term storage of raw materials and products in refrigerated chambers and neo-cooling warehouses with appropriate storage modes; - production group for the processing of products, raw materials (semi-finished products) and the production of finished products, the production group includes the main (procurement and pre-cooking) workshops, specialized (condom Ersky, culinary, etc.) and auxiliary (washing, bread slicer);

Trading group for the sale of finished products and the organization of their consumption (trading rooms with distribution and buffets, culinary shops, a lobby with a wardrobe and bathrooms, etc.);

Administrative and household group for creating normal working and rest conditions for employees (director's office, accounting, staff wardrobe with showers and bathrooms)

The washing room should be located next to the hot shop. In small enterprises, the washing of kitchen utensils is located on the area of ​​the hot shop and is separated from the production area by a partition. It should be provided for: natural and artificial lighting, ventilation system, hot and cold water supply, sewerage, as well as moisture-resistant walls, floors and ceilings. In the absence of centralized hot water supply, an electric water heater is installed.

The washing station receives used cookware, production and kitchen utensils, gastronomy containers from the distribution line, parts of electromechanical equipment used for wiping, cutting, whipping and mixing. It is equipped with underware for dirty dishes, racks for storing clean dishes, two washing baths, and also provides a special container with lids for collecting food waste.

The incoming dishes are manually cleaned of food debris using spatulas or brushes, after which they are placed in the first bath and washed with the addition of degreasing agents at a temperature of 45-50 "C. In the second bath, the dishes are rinsed with hot water at a temperature of 60-65" C. It is convenient to use a special shower device for these purposes. Clean dishes are placed on drying racks. Details of electromechanical equipment after washing are calcined in ovens at a temperature of 180-200 ° C for 5-7 minutes.

DDay: Organization of labor of personnel in production

Personnel of a public catering enterprise: administrative and managerial, production, service, auxiliary.

Production personnel. The main categories of production workers. Characteristics of certain categories of production personnel. Requirements for personnel in accordance with GOST 50935-2007 “Catering services. Requirements for personnel. Provide requirements for a cook, production manager in accordance with GOST 50935-2007 “Catering services. Requirements for personnel” and draw a conclusion about the personnel working at the enterprise at the place of practice.

Modes of work and rest of production workers. Schedules for work, types of schedules. The choice of schedule in accordance with the mode of operation of the enterprise, the loading of the hall. Attach a monthly work schedule for production personnel. Determination of the number of production workers at catering establishments.

Requirements for personnel in accordance with GOST 50935-2007 “Catering services. Requirements for personnel.

The cook must:

Have a vocational education and possess practical skills or undergo vocational training;

Know the recipes and technology for the production of public catering products, the requirements for the quality of semi-finished products, dishes, culinary products;

To know and put into practice the techniques and sequence of technological operations during cooking, modes and methods of processing raw materials, food products and semi-finished products;

Comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements in the production of public catering products, the conditions and expiration dates and sales of products, the rules of the commodity neighborhood

Know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of catering products, signs of poor quality of semi-finished products, dishes and products;

To know the basics of therapeutic and preventive nutrition, the characteristics of diets, the features of culinary processing of products in the preparation of dietary dishes (for personnel of public catering establishments of the corresponding profile);

Know the basics of school and child nutrition and the specifics of the production of public catering products for schoolchildren and children (for personnel of public catering establishments of the corresponding profile);

Be able to use in the work collections of recipes for dishes and products, technical-technological and technological maps, other technical documents;

To know the peculiarities of preparation, design and serving (decoration) of national, specialty dishes, dishes of foreign cuisines, special dishes (for the staff of restaurants and bars of luxury and higher classes or public catering establishments of the corresponding profile);

Know the operating principles and rules of operation technological equipment used in the preparation of catering products;

Know the rules and techniques for portioning, designing and serving (decorating) dishes, including when serving special events, as well as when serving a certain contingent of consumers.

Requirements for the production manager in accordance with GOST 50935-2007 “Catering services. Requirements for personnel.

The director (manager, manager, head) of a public catering enterprise must:

Have a higher or secondary vocational education; work experience in the specialty and (or) undergo additional professional training;

Know the basics of legislation on administrative offenses and the basics of labor legislation, the rules for the provision of public catering services, regulatory, technical and other documents relating to his professional activities;

To manage the production and economic and trade and service activities of a public catering enterprise;

Organize the timely provision of the enterprise with food products and materials necessary for the production and trade and service process;

To ensure a high level of production efficiency, the introduction of modern equipment and technology, progressive forms of service and labor organization;

Control the volume of production and the quality of products and services at a public catering enterprise;

Organize the placement of personnel, taking into account their specialty and qualifications, work experience, personal qualities;

Know foreign language(English and / or corresponding to the specialization of the enterprise) within the conversational minimum and professional terminology (for staff of restaurants and bars of luxury and higher classes);

Monitor compliance with safety instructions, labor protection requirements, fire safety, sanitary order in the workplace;

Organize the evacuation of consumers from the enterprise in emergency situations, ensure that emergency services (police, ambulance, fire service) are called if necessary.

In the first half of the day - a period of workability, followed by a period of maximum stable performance, and after it - a period of appearance and increase in fatigue. After a lunch break, working capacity first decreases slightly, and then increases. By the end of the day, there is a decline in working capacity again and fatigue increases.

The main time of rest during the working day is the lunch break. Physiologically, it has been established that with a 7-8-hour working day, the lunch break should be set 3-4 hours after the start of work. Improper organization of work and rest can lead to overwork of the employee, which will immediately affect his performance.

A properly developed and observed work and rest regimen at the enterprise ensures an increase in labor productivity, an improvement in the quality of products, and reduces industrial injuries. In order to establish a work schedule, each enterprise draws up work schedules. There are daily, monthly and annual charts. The daily charts reflect the duration of the working day, its beginning and end, the time and duration of the lunch break. Monthly schedules indicate the total number of hours per month, the alternation of working days and rest days.

In accordance with labor legislation, the working week is 40 hours. Part-time work is established by agreement: between workers and administration and for minors.

An irregular working day is established for those public catering workers whose work cannot be recorded by time, but the number of working hours worked per month must comply with labor legislation or additional leave is provided as compensation.

The duration of daily work (shift) in accordance with Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “Duration of daily work (shift)” cannot exceed:

For workers aged fifteen to sixteen years - 5 hours, aged sixteen to eighteen years - 7 hours;

For students educational institutions, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, combining study with work during the academic year, at the age of fourteen to sixteen years - 2.5 hours, at the age of sixteen to eighteen years - 3.5 hours;

For the disabled - in accordance with the medical report.

For workers employed in jobs with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, where reduced working hours are established, the maximum allowable duration of daily work (shift) cannot exceed 8 hours with a 36-hour working week 6 hours with a 30-hour working week and less.

Irregular working hours is a special mode of operation, according to which individual workers may, by order of the employer, if necessary, be occasionally involved in the performance of their labor functions outside of normal working hours. The list of positions of employees with irregular working hours is established by the collectives by agreement, agreement or internal labor regulations of the organization.

In accordance with labor legislation, regimes with daily, weekly and summarized accounting for working hours can be applied.

Daily working time regime consists in the fact that workers and employees during each secret working day with a five-day or six-day working week work the same fixed number of hours. The start and end time of work in both cases is established by the internal labor regulations or shift schedules.

In shift work (when work is done not in one, but in two or three shifts), the working hours for daily accounting are established by shift schedules. They indicate the number of shifts and their duration, the start and end time of work in each shift, the order of transition from one shift to another.

Each group of workers must perform work during the established working hours.

Employees alternate shifts evenly, i.e. after a certain time

Ddate:Sales of finished products in production

Familiarization with the location of the distribution room, the relationship with the production premises and the hall;

To study the proposed forms of product quality and to conclude which ones are used at the enterprise.

Forms of quality controlmanufactured products

Product quality planning and management means the systematic implementation of measures to improve the quality of food, i.e. development of organizational, technical, technological measures aimed at achieving this goal and their implementation.

Organizational measures to improve the quality of products:

Conducting technological processes in strict accordance with established requirements;

Provision of public catering establishments with technical documentation, flow charts for dishes and products and regulatory requirements for the conduct of the technological process at various stages of product preparation;

Activation of the work of culinary councils, which more purposefully consider the issues of improving the quality of food, the range of dishes and products, the introduction of new types of raw materials, the development of recipes;

Improvement of technology, organization of production, forms of control and evaluation of product quality;

Study and dissemination of the work experience of the best employees of enterprises, as well as culinary advice from enterprises.

At catering establishments, the following forms of quality control of culinary products are recommended: food rejection, quality screen, rejection right, quality coupon, laboratory control, sanitary control, consumer and technology conferences, quality assessment day, enterprise report on product quality.

Food grading is carried out by a grading commission consisting of: the director (deputy) of the enterprise, the head of production (deputy), process engineer(if available in the state), cooks who have the right to personal marriage, a sanitary worker, an employee of a technological laboratory (if any), as well as a representative of a trade union organization. In its activities, the commission is guided by the Regulations on the rejection of food at catering establishments. The organoleptic evaluation of the quality of each batch of manufactured products is carried out according to a five-point system (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory and not subject to sale).

Records of the assessment of the quality of dishes and products are entered in the rejection log, numbered and sealed with a wax seal. The marriage journal indicates the names of persons who committed violations in the technology of making dishes, which led to a decrease in the score. Entries in the journal are confirmed by the signatures of all members of the commission.

Eligible workers personal marriage, they themselves record data on the quality of the dishes they have prepared and put their signature. The quality screen then displays the scrapbook data.

quality stamps, which are one of the forms of control, have not found wide application in public catering establishments. A more progressive form of organization of production and quality control are brigade forms of labor organization using KTU (labor participation rates).

At public catering enterprises, quality posts are organized in production workshops and quality councils, which include master chefs (confectioners), production managers (shop managers) and experienced production workers. Their task is to provide practical assistance to employees in improving the quality of products manufactured at enterprises.

Quality commissions are organized at culinary food factories and trusts. At the meetings of the commission, held once a month, issues are considered and decisions are made to improve the quality of products, introduce new forms of control, hold consumer conferences, competitions "Best in Profession", etc.

Control over the quality of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, the correct conduct of the technological process and compliance with recipes is carried out sanitary-technological and technological food laboratories. Their main task is to control the quality of products for compliance with the requirements of GOSTs, OSTs, TUs and compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime of the enterprise.

consumer conferences, organized at the enterprises once a month, there are face-to-face and correspondence. For their implementation, a commission is created, which includes: the head of production, specialists from the plant or public catering association, sanitary and technological laboratory, representatives of people's control, etc. The head of the enterprise heads the conference.

At the conference, where the population (open network), workers (canteens at manufacturing enterprises, etc.) are invited, consumers express their opinion on the quality of dishes, assortment, service culture, sanitary condition of the enterprise, services provided, etc.

When conducting correspondence conferences by the questionnaire method, questionnaire sheets are handed to consumers or laid out on tables in the hall.

As a result of the conference, measures are developed and approved, the implementation of which should contribute to the improvement of service at catering establishments.

When conducting technology conferences an organoleptic assessment of the quality of dishes is carried out, and their physico-chemical parameters are determined. Each participant of the conference fills out a tasting sheet for prepared dishes.

The work of the technological conference ends with the completion and signing of the protocol by all members of the commission, and on the basis of it, measures are developed aimed at improving the quality of products and the culture of service.

Groups (commissions) of public control can participate in the development of menus for the enterprise, control the release of dishes in required quantity, assortment and quality, check the correctness of the distribution of goods and dishes in terms of their cost, weight, quality and settlements with customers, as well as the observance of sanitary rules for personal hygiene by employees, ensuring the safety of inventory items in a warehouse, production, buffet, etc. Results of inspections recorded in the audit trail.

Familiarization with the composition of the distribution line (equipment included in the line, its purpose, technical characteristics) (Table 2).

Equipmente distribution lines

table 2

Name of equipment



Cutlery counter

For storage and distribution to the consumer of cutlery and trays

Refrigerated counter


For storing cold dishes and snacks

1120 mm, h-85 mm

Food warmer 1 course

For storage of 1 dishes

Food warmer 2 courses

For storage of 2 dishes

Hot drinks counter

For storing hot drinks

cash cabin

To install the cash register and ensure the convenient and safe work of the cashier

Familiarization with the range of products sold through refrigerated counters, thermal sections and food warmers. Dispensing temperature of dishes. (table 3). Organization of labor distribution workers.

The range of culinary products sold through the distribution

Name of dishes, culinary products

Vacation temperature

Design Requirements

Implementation timeline

Caesar salad with chicken"

Salad is laid on a plate, decorated with branch greens and cherry tomatoes

Medallions with cream sauce

Not higher than 65 C

Spread on flat dishes, served with potatoes, asparagus, tomato and decorate with parsley

Solyanka meat

Not lower than 75 С

On vacation, they put either olives or olives, a slice of lemon and sprinkle with herbs.

No more than 3 hours from the moment of preparation

beef stroganoff

When you leave beef stroganoff, put in a ram, sprinkle with chopped herbs, serve potatoes separately

Greek salad"

The salad is placed on a snack plate, when served, it is decorated with herbs.

Chapter2 . "Industry Economics"

The task variant is determined by the serial number of the list in the journal.


Calculation of commodity stocks at a public catering enterprise.

Exercise 1

Option 10

Determine the provision of a public catering enterprise with goods if

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To achieve the goals and fulfill the corresponding tasks, the manager must create an organizational structure (organizational management system) of the enterprise. In the most general sense of the word, the structure of a system is a set of connections and relationships between its elements. In turn, the organizational management system is a set of units and positions connected by relationships and subordination. When creating a management structure, the manager should, to the maximum extent possible, take into account the specifics of the enterprise and the features of its interaction with the external environment.

The process of creating an organizational management structure usually includes three main stages:

■ determination of the type of organizational structure (direct subordination, functional, matrix, etc.);

■ allocation of structural subdivisions (administrative apparatus, independent subdivisions, targeted programs, etc.);

■ delegation and transfer to lower levels of authority and responsibility (management-subordination relations, centralization-decentralization relations, organizational mechanisms for coordination and control, regulation of the activities of divisions, development of regulations on structural divisions and positions) .

Design Methods organizational structures. There are four methods for designing organizational structures. These are the analogy method, the expert method, the goal structuring method and the organizational modeling method. Let's consider them in more detail.

1. The analogy method consists in developing, based on the analysis of best practices, typical management structures for enterprises operating in similar conditions.

2. The expert method lies in the fact that the organization is studied, its most significant specific features, “bottlenecks” in the work of the apparatus are identified and comprehended, and recommendations are developed based both on the opinions of experts and on the generalization and understanding of the most advanced trends in the field of management organization.

3. The goal structuring method provides for the development of a system of organization goals and its subsequent combination with the structure being developed. Thus, the structure is built on the basis of a systematic approach, which manifests itself in the form of graphic descriptions of this structure with a qualitative (partially quantitative) analysis and justification of the options for its construction and functioning.

4. The method of organizational modeling is the development of formalized mathematical, graphic or machine descriptions of the distribution of powers and responsibilities in an organization in order to assess the degree of rationality of organizational decisions based on clearly formulated criteria. At the same time, a formal description of an organization becomes its model if it can be used to evaluate various options for building an organizational management structure and its individual blocks.

The organization and management of the work of the enterprise is carried out by the management apparatus. The structure of the enterprise management apparatus determines the composition and interconnection of its divisions, as well as the nature of the functions assigned to them. Since the development of such a structure is associated with the establishment of a list of relevant departments and the staff of their employees, the manager determines the relationship between them, the content and scope of the work they perform, the rights and obligations of each employee. From the point of view of quality and efficiency of management, the following main types of governance structures enterprise:

■ hierarchical type, which includes a linear organizational structure, functional structure, linear-functional management structure, headquarters structure, linear-staff organizational structure, divisional management structure;

■ organic type, including a brigade, or cross-functional, management structure; project management structure; matrix, or program-target, management structure.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Hierarchical type of control structures. On the modern enterprises the most common hierarchical management structure (Fig. 2.5). Such management structures were built in accordance with the management principles formulated by F. Taylor at the beginning of the 20th century. The German sociologist M. Weber, having developed the concept of rational bureaucracy, gave the most complete formulation of the six principles.

1. The principle of hierarchy of management levels, in which each lower level is controlled by a higher level and is subordinate to it.

The principle of compliance of the powers and responsibilities of management employees with their place in the hierarchy, which follows from the previous one.

2. The principle of division of labor into separate functions and specialization of workers according to the functions performed.

3. The principle of formalization and standardization of activities, ensuring the uniformity of the performance of their duties by employees and the coordination of various tasks.

4. The principle that follows from the previous one is the impersonality of the performance by employees of their functions.

5. The principle of qualified selection, according to which hiring and dismissal from work are carried out in strict accordance with qualification requirements.

The organizational structure, built in accordance with these principles, is called a hierarchical or bureaucratic structure.

All employees can be differentiated into three main categories: managers, specialists, performers. Leaders- persons performing the main function (GF) and carrying out general management of the enterprise, its services and divisions. Specialists- persons performing the main function (PF) and engaged in the analysis of information and the preparation of decisions on economics, finance, scientific, technical and engineering problems, etc. Performers- persons performing a support function (VF), for example, work on the preparation and execution of documentation, economic activities.

The nature of the structure of the management apparatus, as a rule, is determined by:

■ volume of work performed;

■ complexity of manufactured products;

■ the number of employees;

■ the level of production specialization;

■ degree of technological equipment.

There is much in common in the management structure of various enterprises. This enables the manager, within certain limits, to use the so-called typical structures. A necessary condition for this should be taking into account the specifics of the production of the enterprise, for which a variant of the organizational management system is being developed.

Let's consider some of the organizational structures belonging to the hierarchical type.

Linear type of organizational structure (type of direct subordination). This variant of the management structure is based on the principle of unity of command, which involves granting the manager broad rights and powers to perform his functions. The manager has the right to single-handedly make decisions on the management of the unit and is personally responsible for the activities of the team. The manager himself is usually subordinate to a higher governing body. However, the head of this commanding structure does not have the right to give orders to his subordinates without the permission of the immediate supervisor (manager) (Fig. 2.6).

Advantages of the structure: a clear system of mutual relations, clear responsibility, quick response and feedback in response to instructions from higher management.

Disadvantages of the structure: lack of departments for planning production and preparation of decisions, tendency to red tape in solving related problems of departments, overload of top-level managers.

Functional type of organizational structure. A feature of this type of organizational structure is that each structural unit specializes in performing a specific function. For industrial enterprises operating in a market economy, the following main functions are typical: research and development, production, marketing, finance. Compliance with the instructions of the head of the functional unit within the limits of his authority is mandatory for lower structural units (Fig. 2.7).

Advantages of the structure: the release of the heads of production departments from the need to resolve special issues, the possibility of using experienced specialists, reducing the need for economists.

Disadvantages of the structure: complication of relationships, difficulty in coordinating management actions, manifestation of tendencies towards excessive coordination.

Linear-functional type of organizational structure. This is one of the most common options for organizational construction of enterprises. The essence of this type of structure lies in the fact that production management is provided both by the linear apparatus and by functional services (Fig. 2.8).

The basis of linear-functional structures is the "mine" principle of construction and specialization of the management process according to the functional subsystems of the organization: marketing, finance, planning, production (Fig. 2.9). For each of the subsystems, a hierarchy of services is formed, the so-called "mine", which permeates the entire organization from top to bottom. The results of the work of each service of the administrative apparatus are evaluated by indicators characterizing the fulfillment by them of their goals and objectives.

Line managers carry out direct management of production, each of them acts as a one-man boss in the corresponding production unit. Line managers are endowed with the necessary rights and are responsible for the final results of the activities of their subordinate units. Functional services (departments: planning, labor and wages, financial, accounting
riya, etc.) carry out the necessary preparatory work, carry out accounting and analysis of the enterprise's activities, develop recommendations for improving the functioning of the enterprise. Based on these recommendations, the line apparatus makes the necessary decisions and gives orders to ensure the fulfillment of the relevant tasks. The personnel of the line apparatus and functional services are not directly subordinate to each other, however, they have certain mutual obligations to solve the problems facing the enterprise.

Advantages of the structure: the release of line managers from the functions of providing production with resources that are unusual for them; the possibility of coordinating actions between linear and functional units; high degree of specialization of structural divisions of the enterprise.

Disadvantages of the structure: the need for line managers to constantly coordinate when solving current issues of production, economics, personnel, both with the relevant functional services and top management; a long chain of commands and, as a result, a distortion of communications.

Staff type of organizational structure. This version of the structure is primarily designed to organize the work of top managers. With such a leader, a group of departments is created, the purpose of which is to obtain and analyze the necessary information, prepare and provide management with the necessary set of options.
solving a specific problem (Fig. 2.10).

Advantages of the structure: high-quality preparation of plans and solutions, a high degree of specialization of activities, professionalism of the staff.

Structural weaknesses: Tendency towards excessive centralization of management; reducing the personal responsibility of employees for the results of their work.

Linear-staff management structure. The line-staff management structure has the same characteristics as the line-functional structure. It provides for a functional division of managerial labor in headquarters services at different levels (Fig. 2.11).

The main task of line managers in this case is to coordinate the actions of functional services and direct them in line with the general interests of the organization. It is on this principle that the administration of Moscow is built.

Advantages of the structure: a deeper study of strategic issues than in a linear one; some unloading of top managers; a good first step towards more effective organic management structures, provided that the headquarters units are given functional leadership rights; the possibility of attracting external consultants and experts.

Disadvantages of the structure: insufficiently clear distribution of responsibility due to the fact that the persons preparing the decision do not participate in its implementation; tendency to excessive centralization of management; many disadvantages are similar to disadvantages linear structure, partly in a weaker form.

Divisional management structure. Divisional (from English. division- branch) management structures began to emerge by the end of the 20s. XX century, when the size of enterprises increased dramatically (Fig. 2.12). They have become multi-profile, technological processes have become more complicated.

Large corporations, the first to use these management structures, began to provide some autonomy to their production units. The leadership was left with a development strategy, research and development, financial and investment policy. This type of structure combines centralized coordination and control of activities with centralized management. The key figures in the management of an organization with a divisional structure are not the heads of functional departments, but managers who head production departments, the so-called divisions.

Structuring by divisions, as a rule, is carried out according to one of the criteria: by products - product specialization(according to this principle, for example, the well-known company Procter and Gamble was built; by focusing on certain consumer groups - consumer specialization; by serviced territories - regional specialization(already mentioned company Procter and Gamble). Peak practical the use of these structures fell on the 60s - 70s. 20th century

structure advantages. Such a structure is able to ensure the management of diversified enterprises with a total number of employees of the order of hundreds of thousands and geographically remote from each other divisions. The divisional structure provides greater flexibility and faster response to changes in the enterprise environment compared to the linear and linear staff. Branches become "profit centers" with the expansion of the boundaries of their independence. There is a closer connection between production and consumers.

Disadvantages of the structure: a large number of "floors" of the management vertical; the disunity of the headquarters structures of departments with the headquarters of the company; the main connections are vertical, therefore, there are shortcomings common to hierarchical structures, for example, red tape, overload of managers, poor interaction when resolving issues related to departments, and so on; duplication of functions on different "floors", and as a result, very high costs for the maintenance of the management structure; in departments, as a rule, a linear or linear-staff structure with all its shortcomings is preserved.

Organic type of management structures. Organic management structures began to develop from the end of the 70s. 20th century Such structures are also called adaptive, as they are able to quickly respond to market changes. The main property of organic management structures is their ability to change their form, quickly adapting to changing conditions. Varieties of structures of this type are matrix (program-targeted), project and brigade forms of structures.

Matrix type of organizational structure. This structure was first proposed by Kaori Ishikawa, and to this day, with minor changes, it functions at Toyota and many other firms (Fig. 2.13). Such a management structure is also called program-target.

This version of the organizational structure is based on the program-target principle of work performance, which involves the development of a program (project, topic, task) to achieve a specific goal. The head of the program is vested with the necessary rights to involve the relevant production and functional units for the duration of a particular stage of work. At the same time, specialists from such departments involved in the implementation this stage programs continue to report to their immediate supervisors. With a matrix control structure, several programs can be executed simultaneously. The main thing is that there should be enough material, financial and qualified labor resources for their implementation. Thus, with the matrix type of organizational structure, the vertical and horizontal lines of executive power function in parallel, which requires, first of all, clear coordination of the work being carried out from top managers.

Advantages of the structure: focus on the implementation of the ultimate goal of the program; cross-functional coordination of work; effective current planning; rational use of quality resources; increasing the degree of control over work; unloading top management.

Weaknesses of the structure: difficulties in ensuring the balance of power between the leaders of the vertical and horizontal levels; violation of communications between permanent and temporary participants in the work; the complexity of reporting and monitoring work; the threat of double subordination for employees; high requirements for personnel qualification.

Project type of organizational structure. A project is any purposeful change in a system. This may be the development and production of a new product, the introduction of new technologies, the construction of facilities, etc. In this case, the activity of the enterprise is considered as a set of ongoing projects, each of which has a fixed start and end date. Each project has its own structure, and project management includes defining its goals, forming a structure, as well as planning and organizing work, and coordinating the actions of performers. When the project is completed, its structure falls apart, and employees move on to a new project or leave (if they were hired on a contract basis). In its form, the project management structure can correspond to both a brigade or cross-functional structure, and a divisional structure, in which a certain division (department) does not exist permanently, but is created for the duration of the project.

Advantages of the structure: high flexibility and reduction in the number of managerial personnel compared to hierarchical structures.

Disadvantages of the structure: very high requirements for qualifications, personal and business qualities of the project manager. Such a leader should not only manage all stages life cycle project, but also take into account the place of the project in the company's network of projects. There is a fragmentation of resources between projects. The complexity of the interaction of a large number of projects in the company is observed. The process of development of the organization as a whole becomes more complicated.

Brigade (cross-functional) management structure. This is a very ancient organizational form. The first examples of such a management structure were workers' artels. The basis of this structure is the organization of work in working groups or teams (Fig. 2.14).

The greatest use of the brigade structure was observed from the end of the 70s - 80s. 20th century The main principles of such a structure are: offline work working groups (teams); independent decision-making by working groups and horizontal coordination of activities; replacement of rigid managerial ties of a bureaucratic type with flexible ties, as well as the involvement of employees from different departments to develop and solve problems. In such organizations, functional units may be retained, but they may also be absent (Fig. 2.15).

Advantages of the brigade structure: reduction of the administrative apparatus and increase in management efficiency; flexible use of personnel, their knowledge and competence; creation of conditions for self-improvement; the possibility of applying effective methods of planning and management; reducing the need for generalists.

Disadvantages of the brigade structure: complication of interaction (this is especially evident in the cross-functional structure); difficulty in coordinating the work of individual teams; the need for highly qualified and responsible personnel and high requirements for communications.

Improving the organization of the enterprise. Business management is a complex and varied job. To ensure the coordinated work of all structural divisions, a strict distribution of functions between them, it is advisable for an enterprise to have in-house regulatory documents (regulations on departments, workshops, sectors, groups, teams, etc.). They should precisely define the tasks of the unit, its structure, subordination, develop the duties and responsibilities of its leader and employees. A clear distribution of responsibilities among subordinates is crucial for successful management

To ensure the necessary flexibility and efficiency of management, the manager should give employees the rights and distribute the corresponding responsibilities in such a way that emerging issues are resolved at the lowest possible level of management. A specific range of rights and obligations of employees of management system units is provided for by job descriptions that should be available at each workplace. Job descriptions significantly increase the responsibility of the employee, specify his functions and enable the manager to clearly control the progress of their implementation.

A prerequisite Achieving success in work is a competent organization of verification of the execution of the assigned work. Each violation of the established procedure, any unsatisfactory performance of the duties assigned to a certain employee should entail appropriate sanctions.

The need to improve the management system is due to objective processes associated with the complication of industrial and economic relations: an increase in the volume of work on the collection and processing of information; change (expansion) of activities of enterprises.

A special place here belongs to the problem of collecting and processing information, the quality of decisions made on its basis.

Studies conducted abroad show that in a number of cases the actual flows of information are approximately 4-5 times higher than the human ability to perceive and process it.

As a result, only part of the information is useful, which ultimately affects manufacturing process. Statistics show that lower and often middle management spend at least 40-50% of their time collecting information and compiling reports. Therefore, only such management is effective, which allows in a short time to process increasing flows of information, to use the objectively necessary number of indicators contained in it. The solution of the problem is possible only with the help of appropriate means of mechanization and automation of information processing. However, technical means by themselves cannot provide high management efficiency.

Therefore, it is extremely important for a manager to economically justify the choice of technical means in each specific case; determine the most rational organizational forms the use of these funds; prior to implementation, review existing systems and methods of work, change the forms and routes of documentation.

Considerable reserves for increasing the productivity of managerial labor lie in eliminating the loss of working time, combining functions, and developing the division and specialization of the labor of employees in the administrative apparatus. The main prerequisite for reducing the volume of management work is the improvement of the production and organizational structure of the enterprise by combining related units, rationally reducing their number.

The simplification and reduction of documentation and reporting, the rationalization of document flow, and the improvement of office work are also essential for reducing the volume of management work.

Organization planning consists in solving tasks related to the formal aspects of the creation and functioning of the organization: organizational structure, management structure, rights and responsibilities, composition organizational and administrative documentation and office work organization, etc. Factors influencing the planning process are divided into four groups: external environment, work technology; strategy for choosing the goals of the organization; the behavior of employees, depending on the needs, qualifications, motivation. This chapter discusses the organizational structures typical of communications organizations and current trends in the institutional structure in telecommunications.

The organizational structure reflects the order of interconnection of departments. A structural unit, or subsystem, is a group of people who, with the help of appropriate means, will perform functions of a related nature.

The sequence of developing an organizational structure is similar to the planning process. First, leaders must divide the organization into broad areas, then set specific goals - just as in planning, they first formulate common goals and then make specific rules.

The main and most common is the linear-scale, or linear-functional, organizational structure (Figure 1.3). Processes in any organization can be divided into two groups: main and auxiliary. In communication organizations, the main ones include the processes associated with the transmission of messages: the acceptance of an application (order) for the transmission of a message from the sender, the transmission of a message, the delivery of a message to the recipient, the creation of channels and paths, Maintenance equipment, providing equipment with power supply. Auxiliary processes are divided into two groups. The first group is related to resource provision (personnel, finance, materials, etc.), the second is related to management functions (planning, marketing, office work, etc.). The main processes take place in the line subdivisions, while the auxiliary processes take place in the headquarters. There is a naming convention for divisions. Linear subdivisions are usually called "workshops", "sections"; headquarters units - "departments", "services". The name should also indicate the functions performed, for example, "switch shop", "planning department". Linear subdivisions report to the chief engineer - first deputy head of the organization; staff - to the head of the organization, which in turn belongs to the linear group, since it is responsible for the activities of the organization as a whole.

Figure 1.3-Linear staff structure

With the growth of the organization, there is a problem called the scale of control. The essence of this problem is as follows. When distributing people and work, it is necessary to make a decision on the staffing and scope of work of units, the management of which can be entrusted to one person. However, there is a maximum number of decisions that a given manager with his knowledge and skills can make with sufficient efficiency in a limited time. To determine the optimal scale of manageability, a situational approach is used, which is based on the analysis of such factors as similarity, territorial remoteness, complexity of work, and the level of qualification of subordinates and the manager. Another group of factors is relevant to top management and the organization: the degree of clarity in delegation of authority, the degree of clarity in setting goals, the frequency of changes in the organization, the degree of objectivity in measuring performance, communication technique, hierarchical level, the level of need for personal contact with subordinates and etc.

As a guideline in determining the scale of controllability, it is recommended to take averaged values. For senior management, the number of subordinates, such as deputies or heads of departments, should not exceed seven. In the lower link, the scale of manageability can reach 20-30 people. The large difference in the scale of controllability at different levels of the administrative pyramid is due to differences in the rights exercised, as well as the nature information exchange. Wide use information systems team contracting allows you to increase the scale of manageability.

The limits set by the scale of manageability in the course of the growth of the organization force the management to increase the number of levels of the hierarchy - the traditional management structure, according to which instructions from the top manager go to the middle and lower-level managers, and from them to the performers. The vertical growth of the organization only reinforces the shortcomings of the line-staff structure, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the overall efficiency of the organization.

One solution to this problem is the divisional structure of the organization (figure 1.4). It is advisable to use such a structure in multidisciplinary organizations, organizations with branches in different regions, organizations implementing complex innovative projects.

Figure 1.4-Divisional Structure

In the communications industry, it is less common, but still used, for example, in design organizations, a matrix structure (Fig. 5.3). Such a structure is possible only in organic organizations. With such an organizational structure, the role of horizontal ties increases. The project manager determines what should be done and when, and the heads of departments - who and how will do the work. Responsibility for the performance of these works and the corresponding rights are not distributed as clearly as in other types of structures.

Figure 1.5-Matrix structure

The decision on the choice of the organizational structure is made by the top management. The challenge is to choose the structure that best suits the goals and objectives of the organization, as well as the internal and external factors affecting it. Currently, successfully functioning organizations regularly assess the degree of adequacy of their organizational structures and change them as required by external conditions.

The modern realities of managing organizations include the recognition by organizations of the rules corporate governance. It is believed that in the 19th century entrepreneurship was the engine of economic development, in the 20th century it was management, and in the 21st century this function is transferred to corporate management. Corporate governance is a set of structures and processes that provide direction and control over a company.

The need to develop such rules, which are essentially international management standards, is explained by the need to serve the global investment process. To this end, in the 1990s of the last century, many countries have switched to international financial reporting standards, which increase the transparency of the financial results of companies for investors, freeing them from the difficulties in understanding indicators associated with national standards accounting. At the same time, global investment standards were adopted, aimed at helping investors in assessing the effectiveness of investment institutions and the services offered. The development of corporate governance principles became part of the process of increasing the degree of transparency of business activities and the introduction of clear and understandable standards for its conduct.

The document "Principles of Corporate Governance" was adopted in 1999 by the Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). This document was signed by all OECD member countries, including Russia. This document contains a detailed explanation of what specific issues should be regulated by national corporate governance standards and how to increase the role of investors (shareholders) in the management of companies. In Russia, the national corporate governance standard "Code of Corporate Conduct" was adopted in 2002 at a meeting Coordinating Council on corporate governance.

The practice of corporate conduct should provide: - shareholders with a real opportunity to exercise their rights related to participation in a joint-stock company; - Equal treatment of shareholders owning an equal number of shares of the same type. All shareholders should be able to obtain effective protection in case of violation of their rights;

Strategic management of the company's activities by the board of directors and effective control on its part over the activities of the company's executive bodies, as well as accountability of members of the board of directors to its shareholders;

The executive bodies of the company the opportunity to reasonably, conscientiously, solely in the interests of the company to effectively manage current activities of the company, as well as the accountability of the executive bodies to the board of directors of the company and its shareholders;

Timely disclosure of complete and reliable information about the company, including its financial position, economic indicators, ownership and management structure in order to ensure the possibility of making informed decisions by the company's shareholders and investors;

Effective control over the financial and economic activities of the company in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of shareholders.

The practice of corporate conduct should take into account the rights of interested parties, including the company's employees, provided for by law, and encourage the active cooperation of the company and interested parties in order to increase the company's assets, the value of shares and other valuable papers society, creating new jobs.

The Code contains recommendations on the best practice of corporate conduct, which, however, are not binding. Many questions related to corporate behavior, lie outside the legislative sphere and have an ethical, not a legal, character.

The Code provides guidance on organizational structures. Thus, the organizational structure of a joint-stock company should have a board of directors, and it is recommended to create committees in its composition for preliminary consideration of the most important issues related to the competence of the board of directors: the strategic planning committee, the audit committee, the personnel and remuneration committee, the committee for settling corporate conflicts.

The institutional structure of the telecommunications industry is currently dominated by the divisional principle on which the Svyazinvest holding is built.

The development of global markets, including communication services markets, has led to the emergence of so-called network organizations with new forms of management. These are complex organizational structures that arise on the basis of multilateral agreements, partnerships and strategic alliances of strategic business units based on the so-called core firm. The structure of such an organization can be represented as a wheel, where the hub (head organization) is connected by spokes - information links with the rim (strategic partners). The network paradigm assumes that each part of the process or individual functions must be performed by an independent, specialized, effectively managed structure. Thus, network organizations form in order to increase specialization and competitiveness. The industries where such structures first appeared are characterized by the following: the level of technology is high, products change rapidly, their independent production by individual participants is almost impossible, sales markets often go beyond the borders of the country. The same signs are typical for the telecommunications industry, where new organizational relationships also take place. The economic effect of creating a strategic alliance lies in the greater manufacturability of the service and the efficiency of interaction between departments, as well as in increasing the competitiveness of the association compared to individual participants. According to social priorities, it is considered better to allow an alliance due to the increase in the technological level of service provision, which means the production of a service at the lowest possible cost.

Along with this static effect, we can also talk about a dynamic effect - the ability to provide new services that cannot be organized in any other way. This is very important for the services market due to the large technological capabilities of the operators. Strategic alliances are evaluated on their ability to overcome the fragmentation of national markets and improve interaction between operators in the pan-European or other space. This is also important, as it allows overcoming the historical fragmentation of national communication service markets, which limits the expansion of markets. The utility a user derives from such a pooled market is related, for example, to the number of subscribers that become available to him.

Steady trends that have emerged in recent years in the development of organizational structures of business management are associated with a number of reasons. First, consumer needs are becoming more and more homogeneous in terms of product range, regardless of where a person lives, and at the same time more and more homogeneous in terms of their quality. Secondly, thanks to the efforts of organizations such as the WTO, ITU, trade barriers are constantly being reduced. Thirdly, the globalization of markets provides almost invulnerable competitive advantages. These trends are based on technological changes, primarily infotelecommunications, which make it possible and efficient to manage a company and communicate with users, regardless of national borders. It should be noted that with all the variety of possible options for organizational structures of business management in the telecommunications industry, the indispensable conditions for their formation are: observance of national state interests; ensuring the availability of the entire range of modern telecommunication services for the population and business; development of a modern communications infrastructure, maintaining its integrity and manageability to ensure sustainable economic growth; integration of Russia into the global infocommunication space.

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MDK.03. 01 Planning and organizing the work of a structural unit Specialty: 13.02.11 " Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment "methodological development of the lesson Teacher Kovaleva Tatyana Vladimirovna

PLANNING: functions, tasks, types and methods

DEFINITION Planning is the process of setting development priorities, setting final goals, and choosing the means and methods for achieving them.

Planning is the coordination of actions at the enterprise in terms of deadlines, performers, and sources of funding. Planning is a control tool.

Planning is the most important function of enterprise management and answers the following questions: What is the current state of the organization, what are the conditions and results of its activities? In what direction would the organization like to develop? How and with what resources is the organization going to achieve its goals? Who should do what?

With the help of planning, the most important tasks of the enterprise are solved and carried out; the most rational use of available resources; preparing for future favorable conditions; systematization of emerging problems; improves coordination between divisions and division services; increases the permeability of information; simplifies and systematizes the performance of control functions.

Planning stages

Five Basic Planning Principles

strategic - has a program-targeted character, forms the economic strategy of the enterprise; tactical (middle level) - is the planning of the enterprise for the current period of existence with a clearly defined specific goal and objectives. Tactical planning is making decisions about how the resources of an organization should be allocated to achieve strategic goals .; operational (lowest level) - detailed tactical planning does not exist without it. Such planning allows you to create operational planned tasks for specific performers of the current plans of the enterprise.

Depending on the horizon, planning is divided into three types:

Sales planning system; production planning; personnel planning; procurement planning; investment planning; financial planning; advanced overall planning.

Planning methods economic analysis balance predictive program-target normative economic-mathematical

Planning the activities of the Electrical Installation Division

Stages of solving planning problems (algorithm)

Block 1 Planning of production capacity and production program 1 . Formation of a portfolio of orders for the planned period 2. Production capacity planning 3 . Production program planning 4. Determining the balance of the production program and production capacity 5. Adoption of the developed production program According to the results of stage 4, there can be 2 cases: Adoption of the developed program Planning activities to increase production capacity

Order portfolio - a list of contracts (orders) that an enterprise, firm, organization has at a given time or for a certain period of time. The order book serves as the basis for capacity utilization planning.

Production capacity is the maximum amount of work that can be done on their own organization in the planning period with the appropriate structure of work and the most complete use of the labor, material and financial resources on the basis of progressive technologies, advanced methods of labor organization, production and management in the conditions of the existing structure of production links.

Scope of work for the planned period for the whole organization

Production capacity planning Planned utilization factor of the average annual production capacity K=0.8

Block 2 Planning for providing production with the necessary resources

Cost structure by elements for the general contractor

Block 3 Measures to improve production efficiency

Questions to consolidate the material: Planning functions. Name the types of planning. Name the planning methods What blocks the planning algorithm consists of. What are the principles of planning




open lesson

on the topic “Functions and tasks of planning. Types and methods of planning "

Specialty: 13.02.11

Class type: combined lesson

Number of hours: 2 hours.

Teacher Kovaleva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Moscow, 2017


This lesson was developed for 3rd year students, specialty 13.02.11"Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment" according to PM.03 "Organization of the activities of the production unit."

The methodological material is focused on the basic level of studying MDK.03. 01 "Planning and organizing the work of a structural unit."

Planning is the process of determining development priorities, forming final goals, as well as choosing the means and methods for achieving them.

Studying the topic “Functions and tasks of planning. Types and methods of planning” will help students get a holistic view of the essence and principles of planning; types and methods of planning.

As a result of studying the topic, students should acquire knowledge on the basics of enterprise planning.

The methodology involves first the formation of a conceptual apparatus, the development of the necessary terms and definitions, and then the transition to more complex concepts.

After going through this topic, practical work No. 15 "Drawing up a business plan", which discusses the structure of planning the activities of the enterprise.

The organizational block includes:

  • The topic of the lesson;
  • Type of lesson;
  • The time allotted for the lesson;
  • Preparation for class
  • Objectives of the lesson;
  • Timeline of the lesson;
  • Lesson equipment.

Lesson topic: «Functions and tasks of planning. Types and methods of planning "

Class type: combined lesson

Time allotted for the lesson: 2 hours

Location: room 57

Lesson objectives:


  1. Control of the assimilation of knowledge on the topic: "Profit and profitability"
  2. Consolidation of theoretical material on the topic of the lesson


  1. Formation of skills for planning activities at the enterprise.
  2. Formation of systemic thinking, the ability to generalize.


  1. Instilling students' interest in the specialty
  2. Education of engineering and technical culture.

As a result of the lesson, students should:

have an idea:

On the basics of planning and organizing the work of the enterprise;


Functions and tasks of planning;

Types and methods of planning.

Chronometric map:

Stages of the lesson



The teacher announces the topic and lesson plan. Marks those who are absent.

Individual responses of students on previously studied theoretical material. Tests. front poll.

Explanation of new material

Functions and tasks of planning. Types and methods of planning.


Fixing new material

Frontal survey of students.


Homework announcement.

Lesson results

The teacher, together with the students, draws conclusions;

sums up the lesson

Lesson equipment:


  1. Personal IBM- a compatible computer.
  2. Interactive whiteboard SmartBoard.

Software products:

  1. OC Windows XP.
  2. Standard Office-2007 applications.

Additional materials:

  1. Presentation of the lesson (slides).
  2. "Planning in construction" H.M. Gumba., A.A. Karpenko et al., 2012
  3. "Industry Economics" V. Akimov et al., 2010
  4. Popular science literature in the specialty.

Preparing for the lesson

  1. The students of the group listen to the topic of the lesson, voiced by the teacher and his goals. The date, topic and lesson plan are recorded in their notes.
  2. They answer questions on the previously studied theoretical material of the disciplines, are tested.
  3. The teacher presents new material by showing slides on the topic on the interactive whiteboard. During the presentation, the teacher answers questions from students. At the end of the presentation of the material, the teacher returns to answering questions.
  4. To consolidate the material, the teacher asks students questions on the newly passed material.

Plan - abstract

t h e o r e t i c e

for 3rd year students, specialty

13.02.11 "Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment"

MDK.03. 01 Planning and organizing the work of a structural unit

Topic of the lesson: “Functions and tasks of planning.

Types and methods of planning”.

Type of lesson: combined lesson.

Activation of the student's basic knowledge

  1. Poll by cards (4 people in the first rows)
  2. Front poll:
  1. Define profit.
  2. What are the functions of the profit of the enterprise?
  3. Name the types of income.
  4. What are the sources of profit?
  5. Name the main factors of profit growth.

Suggested additional questions:

  1. What are the ways of distribution and use of profit in the organization?
  2. Name the composition of balance sheet profit.



  1. The amount of funds required to cover the costs of the organization for the development of production, social sphere financial incentives

a) estimated profit

b) planned profit

c) actual profit

d) net profit

  1. The indicator of the level of production efficiency of the enterprise

a) profitability

b) risk

c) cost

d) calculation

  1. Calculated as the ratio of estimated profit to estimated cost

a) estimated level of profitability

b) planned level of profitability

c) the actual level of profitability

d) exchange level of profitability


on the topic "Profit and profitability"


  1. A summary indicator that evaluates the performance of a construction organization

a) balance sheet profit

b) planned profit

c) actual profit

d) net profit

  1. The ratio of profit at the disposal of the enterprise to the average value of equity capital

a) return on equity

b) profitability of products sold

c) return on assets

d) return on investment

  1. From which fund are funds allocated for bonus expenses, a lump sum allowance to employees of the enterprise, material incentives?

a) consumption fund

b) sinking fund

c) savings fund

d) insurance fund

Planning - this is the process of determining development priorities, the formation of final goals, as well as the choice of means and methods for achieving them.

Planning - this is the coordination of actions at the enterprise in terms of deadlines, performers, sources of financing. Planning is a control tool.

Planning is the most important function of enterprise management and answers the following questions:

  • What is the current state of the organization, what are the conditions and results of its activities?
  • In what direction would the organization like to develop?
  • How and with what resources is the organization going to achieve its goals? Who should do what?

With the help of planning, the most important tasks of the enterprise are solved and carried out:

  1. the most rational use of available resources;
  2. preparing for future favorable conditions;
  3. systematization of emerging problems;
  4. improves coordination between divisions and division services;
  5. increases the permeability of information;
  6. simplifies and systematizes the performance of control functions.




  • strategic - has a program-target character, forms the economic strategy of the enterprise;
  • tactical - is the planning of the enterprise's activities for the current period of existence with a clearly defined specific goal and objectives. Tactical planning is the decision-making about how the organization's resources should be allocated to achieve strategic goals;
  • operational - detailed tactical planning does not exist without it. Such planning allows you to create operational planned tasks for specific performers of the current plans of the enterprise.

Depending on the horizon, planning is divided into three types:

Long term (10-15 years)

Medium term (3-5 years)

Short term (1-2 years)

Plan system

  • sales planning;
  • production planning;
  • personnel planning;
  • procurement planning;
  • investment planning;
  • financial planning;
  • advanced overall planning.

There are several mainplanning methods:

  1. economic analysis - the division of the economic process (phenomenon) into separate components, the study of these parts, their interaction with each other and the impact on the whole process as a whole. The factors influencing the goal are determined, as a result of which measures can be developed;
  2. balance - coordination between needs and opportunities. Balance sheets can be created different types resources: labor, material, etc.;
  3. predictive - planning based on forecasting;
  4. program-targeted - linking goals with resources through action programs;
  5. normative - quantitative justification of planned indicators based on norms and standards. Norm - the regulated value of the absolute consumption of resources per unit of output. Standard - a relative indicator of the consumption of a resource for other resources;
  6. economic and mathematical - application of methods of probability theory, network planning, linear programming and other mathematical methods.



Stages of solving planning problems (algorithm) consists of 3 blocks

Order book- a list of contracts (orders) that an enterprise, firm, organization has at a given time or for a certain period of time.Order book serves basis for planningcapacity utilization.

Productive capacityis the maximum possible scope of work , which may bemade on our ownby the organization in the planning period with the appropriate structure of work and the most complete use of the labor, material and financial resources at the disposal of the organization on the basis of advanced technologies, advanced methods of organizing labor, production and management in the conditions of the existing structure of production links.

Fixing the material

Questions to consolidate the material:

  1. Planning functions.
  2. Name the types of planning.
  3. Name the planning methods

Additional questions to consolidate the material:

  1. What blocks does the planning algorithm consist of.
  2. What are the principles of planning


V.V. Akimov and others. "Industry Economics" pp. 245-253.

Summing up the lesson

  1. In the classroom, knowledge was consolidated on the topic "Profit and profitability"
  2. Gained knowledge of planning at the enterprise.
  3. Evaluation of students' work.


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