Development of personnel reserve. Personnel reserve: formation and management. Working with personnel reserve without errors

IN general outline personnel reserve can be characterized as a group of specialists who meet certain requirements, have been selected and qualification training and are potentially ready to become leaders. Sources of personnel reserve for management positions can be heads of small branches and divisions, chief and leading specialists, young specialists who have successfully completed an internship, etc.

However, it is worth clarifying that depending on the specifics and needs of the organization, the personnel reserve can be formed from employees of all categories. Large industrial enterprises often have difficulty selecting highly qualified workers and prepare candidates for the vacancies of foreman, senior foreman, shift or site manager, etc.

What are reservists needed for?

The personnel reserve at the enterprise works primarily to reduce staff turnover. In addition, it saves the company’s resources that it would spend on recruiting, adapting and training new employees. Emerging vacancies are filled by already trained specialists who are motivated to develop, and this also affects the overall level of personnel qualifications. Among the goals of forming an organization’s personnel reserve, it is worth noting continuity in management and increasing employee loyalty.

The personnel reserve helps strengthen the corporate culture, which increases the personal responsibility of each employee for their area of ​​work and for the overall result.

"In a large manufacturing corporation, where I worked for several years, the talent pool was part of Talent Management, whose main task was to ensure that the required number of talent with the right level of training was available to achieve the business goals of the enterprise. The personnel reserve itself was formed in order to quickly and effectively fill leadership positions. Three groups were distinguished: mobile reserve (employees who are ready to move to another city), local general reserve and local narrowly focused reserve (for unique positions),” says Olga Kutsko, a certified member of the CIPD Institute, graduate of Nottingham Trent University 2014, experience More than 9 years of experience in HR.

Where to begin?

The company makes the decision to create a personnel reserve based on a thorough analysis of the enterprise’s business strategy. If you plan to develop new markets or launch new projects, then a list of reservists is the best option for training personnel; it ensures the prompt filling of vacancies with internal candidates. If the course is taken to maintain stability and retain existing clients, then the logic of working with the personnel reserve should be different.

The study of the reasons for staff turnover also plays an important role: the most problematic positions, the profile of those leaving and the reasons for dismissals are identified. The results of data analysis help determine which employees are needed for such a position and identify criteria for selecting applicants.

IN large companies There are two areas of work: internal and external personnel reserve. Internal is formed from existing employees who are either ready to move to a new position or have potential for development necessary competencies. A list of positions that can become a source of candidates for target vacancies is developed after analyzing problematic positions and/or development prospects of the enterprise.

The external reserve includes candidates who successfully passed an interview with HR managers, but for a number of reasons did not start working in the organization. Among the potentially interesting candidates, you can also take into account specialists whose data was obtained after analyzing the labor market in the industry of interest.

At the planning stage, it is also important to clarify how many candidates will be reserved for a particular vacancy. Excessive reserves are fraught with certain risks, which we will discuss below.

How to evaluate candidates?

The company determines the criteria for selecting candidates individually for each of the vacant positions. In this case, compliance with the maximum number of requirements can be regarded as a separately assessed indicator.

The selection criteria for the personnel reserve may be as follows:

  • Age. For candidates for senior management positions, an age of up to 45 years is acceptable, and for future middle managers, the best age is considered to be 30-35 years. For working vacancies, the maximum age will be 35 years.
  • Education. Most often, enterprises set higher education as a mandatory requirement for managerial positions, and specialized education for workers.
  • results professional activity. A reservist must not only consistently perform his duties in full, but also be ready to show improved results.
  • A candidate’s readiness for development is one of the most important selection criteria. The desire to learn, develop new competencies, the ability to master new knowledge and technologies.
  • Experience working in a company in a basic position. This criterion is not mandatory for companies that actively use the external labor market in their search for candidates, that is, they form an external personnel reserve. However, for many organizations it is important how much a person accepts corporate principles and internal policies.

The list of requirements can be supplemented taking into account the industry characteristics of the enterprise, the specifics of the position or corporate principles. For blue-collar jobs this may be minimal. qualification category or mastering related specializations. For managers - mobility, the ability to change place of residence, resistance to stress, etc.

“In one of the large companies for the repair of oil, gas and energy facilities, we are currently implementing a project to create a personnel reserve. The key categories are foreman, senior foreman and workshop manager. For these purposes, we are testing a methodology for identifying HiPo (high potential) in two areas - potential workers and foremen. Identification of promising employees based on three components: KPI analysis, feedback from the shop manager and an annual interview with the employee, which included an interview on competencies. After analyzing the results, a list of promising employees will be approved. In the future, we plan to organize an Assessment Center on the basis of SHL, conduct training, and involve reservists in solving additional problems of production and the company as a whole,” Olga Kutsko shares her experience.

Candidates have been selected, what next?

In modern companies that form a personnel reserve not for immediate vacancies, but conduct phased training of promising personnel, the plan for working with reservists is divided into several areas:

  • individual plan professional growth for each candidate - depending on the starting level of training, experience, education;
  • necessary training and advanced training of selected employees - these may be internal educational programs, internships or advanced training courses, for example, at a leading industry university;
  • tracking and analysis of the development dynamics of each of the reservists.

“Our company has different employee training programs. It all depends on the vector in which the specialist plans to develop. There are three options: leader, expert, manager. And for each direction, its own “filling” is selected: general developmental courses, professional programs and trainings. Thus, for line managers, in addition to specialized training, training on developing management skills is recommended. And the higher the level of the future leader, the deeper they are worked on. To train talented employees, we use internal educational resources and we attract external experts,” said Natalya Sidorova, training manager at SKB Kontur.

Helping an employee in the process of entering a new position plays an important role. In order for the adaptation process to be painless, even at the preparation stage it is necessary to include candidates in the enterprise management system at a new level. The recommendation is also valid for reservists in working specialties: mastering new functions and powers will facilitate the transition of an employee from one level to another.

Feedback from the candidate himself, from his colleagues and subordinates at all stages of preparation will help the HR specialist draw conclusions about the correctness of the choice and adjust the training program.

Where can you go wrong?

During planning, pay attention first of all to the business strategy of the enterprise, calculate which of the key needs will be relevant in 3-4 years. Perhaps the position for which you are preparing candidates will be seriously modified as the company grows. To make forecasts, you can use information about competitors who have already passed this stage of business development and industry analytics.

Risks when forming a personnel reserve are also associated with the situation when a person is listed in the personnel reserve for a certain position for too long, for example, if the company’s growth dynamics are incorrectly calculated or the reserve was excessive. The employee does not see immediate prospects career growth and loses interest in further improvement and learning. The second option is that the applicant “outgrows” the offered position. In both cases, there is a risk that a trained, qualified specialist will accept a competitor’s offer.

What about the documents?

All work with the personnel reserve, starting from the planning stage, is regulated by local regulations. This may be a provision on personnel reserve. Be sure to write down your goals and objectives in it. this direction activities, the procedure for forming a personnel reserve, selection criteria and organization of work with reservists.

TO this document As attachments, samples of internal documents are compiled, for example, a questionnaire for the candidate, a feedback form from his manager, etc.

Document the appointment or transfer of an employee from the personnel reserve in the usual manner, through orders from the manager, changes in work books and personal cards.

We will tell you how to automate work with the personnel reserve with the Kontur-Personnel program in the next material.

In modern domestic entrepreneurial activity In relation to the supply of personnel, a trend has developed that resembles a vicious circle. On the one hand, the demand of applicants is clearly greater than the number of acceptable vacancies. On the other hand, middle management is experiencing a real " personnel shortage“There is also a shortage of truly qualified specialists.

The problem is that by “outgrowing” your personnel ceiling and not having the opportunity to grow, a useful employee will most likely quit because he does not receive proper self-realization. And money is no longer the only incentive to stay in an otherwise unprofitable job.

An option to break out of this circle may be the formation of a personnel reserve. Let's consider what this can give a business owner, where to start and how to organize this process in the enterprise.

Personnel reserve - a personnel management tool

Personnel reserve It is customary to name a certain number of ordinary employees who will potentially be able, if necessary, to occupy leadership positions due to pre-selection and special qualified training.

IMPORTANT! All employees making up management reserve, must meet the qualification requirements for management positions.

Who can serve as sources of personnel:

  • leading specialists;
  • promising young employees;
  • employees who have successfully completed a special internship;
  • persons holding positions of heads of smaller structural divisions;
  • employees and management of subsidiaries.

NOTE! Depending on the industry sector of the business, the necessary personnel can be trained from almost any category of workers. For example, it is not uncommon for a simple worker to gradually rise to the rank of shift supervisor or senior foreman.

Functions of personnel reserve

Forming a “gold reserve” of employees will help solve the following management tasks:

  • reduce staff turnover;
  • ensure continuity in the transfer of the reins of government;
  • increasing the motivation of employees of all categories;
  • strengthening corporate culture;
  • financial and time savings in the search, selection, adaptation and training of personnel for key positions;
  • increasing the sense of responsibility and loyalty of employees;
  • general stabilization of the personnel situation.

Principles of creating a personnel reserve

When starting to organize a personnel reserve at an enterprise, you should be guided by the following principles that determine the effectiveness of this process:

  1. Need. The need to create a personnel reserve should really be relevant for a given organization.
  2. Qualification compliance. A candidate for a “reservist” for a certain position must be suitable for this according to the main characteristics of this qualification.
  3. Meeting expectations. An employee selected for the reserve must be promising according to the main determining indicators:
    • age;
    • received education;
    • current qualifications;
    • length of service;
    • moving up the career ladder;
    • orientation towards improvement and growth, etc.
  4. Transparency. The creation of a reserve must be transparent. Information about staffing needs and candidates should be open.
  5. Competitive fight. In order to choose the best and stimulate reasonable competition, and hence the desire for improvement, not one, but 2-3 “reservists” should be provided for each vacant position.
  6. Initiative. All participants in the process must be active, especially those responsible for selecting candidates for the reserve.

What needs to be clarified before starting to form a reserve

Before you start the process of creating or updating a stock of employees for key positions, you need to clearly define its future logic. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary analysis of the personnel situation at the enterprise. Close attention will need to be paid to the following factors:

  • analysis of the overall business strategy: for example, the development of new types of products or new sales markets require different personnel training than increasing production volumes in a stable assortment;
  • in case of strong “turnover”, it is important to establish its true cause, identify the most “acute” positions, determine the approximate characteristics of employees who are not retained in them and outline a “portrait” of those who are optimally suitable;
  • solving major personnel problems before starting to fill “gaps” with the help of a reserve.

Algorithm for preparing a personnel reserve at an enterprise

The complex process of forming a personnel reserve takes place in several stages.

Step 1 “Who do we need?” Preparation for the start of work on the formation of a personnel reserve:

  • analysis of the real need for personnel reserve;
  • forecast of personnel dynamics of the management apparatus;
  • determination of staffing levels for key positions;
  • compiling a list of positions that need replenishment or creation of a reserve.

Step 2 “Who is right for us?” Compiling a list of supposed “reservists”:

  • selection of suitable candidates according to established criteria (age, experience, prospects, etc.);
  • drawing up a list in the form of potential candidates for certain leadership positions that require a reserve;
  • checking of candidates included in the list: psychodiagnostics, conversations, interviews, business games, etc.;
  • clarification of the list, deleting those who did not pass the selection;
  • natural screening: exemption from candidates who for some reason do not want to be included in the reserve;
  • the final formulation of the list according to the scheme: a position in need of a personnel reserve - two or three candidates for its future replacement;
  • specification of the list: which of the candidates will need specialized training, how best to organize it, how to monitor the result, etc.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! In large organizations, this list must be approved by senior management, that is, endorsed by the general director.

Step 3 “Growing up”. Preparation and training of “reservists” in accordance with the requirements of the projected position, selection of the optimal methodology and its practical application:

  • individual training supervised by an actual supervisor;
  • internship in a prospective future position in your own or another organization;
  • obtaining special education at retraining courses or at a specialized educational institution;
  • Internship.

Professional training of personnel reservists

Having decided on a list of personnel needs and candidates, it is necessary to begin working on their specialized training. This requires a special plan.

The candidate training program can have different levels of coverage:

  • general– provides basic training in leadership skills, replenishment and updating of theoretical foundations;
  • special– created separately for each area of ​​activity into which candidates are divided;
  • individual– the most labor-intensive, but the most effective, since it is designed for each specific specialist, taking into account his personal characteristics, the existing knowledge base and skills, as well as the expected future position.

IMPORTANT! The training program is accepted and approved by the enterprise administration.

As part of individualized training, the following forms of work can be organized for the candidate:

  • refresher courses;
  • receiving additional education, including, if necessary, higher education;
  • lectures, conversations, seminars, other educational events;
  • participation in trainings;
  • professional internship.

Time frame for preparing a personnel reserve

The timing of reservist training may be provided for by the program approved by the enterprise, but may vary depending on the individual situation. So, for example, a situation may arise that after completing the training of a reservist, the proposed position is not vacant; in this case, you can create a vacancy for a deputy and place a trained employee in it. If, after completing training, a position appears, but the candidate is not ready, you can extend the training or take another candidate from the reserve. Feasibility is determined in each specific case.

Who will occupy key positions in your company tomorrow: a loyal employee from the “grassroots” or a candidate from the “street”? It’s better to think about this today.

In this article we will briefly talk about:

  • for the purpose of forming a personnel reserve;
  • features ;
  • algorithm for interaction with the provider in such a project;
  • examples from our practice.

Forming a personnel reserve is a pressing problem for medium and large companies, since many areas of business are experiencing a shortage of personnel. Or at least interested in having loyal staff who have adapted to the corporate culture.

Personnel reserve– this is an area of ​​work in an organization that allows you to ensure continuity of personnel and fill new opening positions through the development of employees within the company.

Goals of forming a personnel reserve

  1. Be able to quickly fill vacancies and ensure the continuity of the organization’s work and its efficiency.
  2. Maintain continuity in management culture (and corporate culture in general), as well as specialized knowledge.
  3. Increase employee engagement by showing that the company is interested in the development and retention of its employees.

Formation of a personnel reserve: a brief project algorithm

  1. Determine for which positions the reserve will be formed.
  2. Make sure top management is interested: discuss what is important to them, as well as what kind of support they are willing to provide. If necessary, “sell” the idea of ​​a personnel reserve.
  3. Create regulations or description of the Program (project).
  4. Popularize the line of work as much as possible: on the Intranet, through short information meetings, etc.
  5. Conduct selection and assessment of employees (potential reservists).
  6. Create and implement a training and development program.
  7. To debug the process of filling new vacancies with reservists.
  8. Monitor the effectiveness of the personnel reserve.

Personnel reserve of managers

As a rule, companies create personnel reserves for managerial positions, that is, the so-called management personnel reserve. Often there are designs where there are two or three levels.

For example, the first level is “Linear management positions”, the second level is “Middle management”, the third level is a reserve for top manager positions.

Some companies have standard positions. For example, Store Director or Head of a bank branch for servicing individuals. And then it is advisable to create a separate Personnel Reserve Program for each such typical position.

Corporate environment

We will not describe for a long time why the support of top management is important, because the significance of this stage is obvious. The practical aspect is the following. It is top managers who make the choice for certain vacancies, and if for some reason they give preference to external candidates, then employees will have doubts. They will quickly understand the presence of double standards in the company and the virtuality of the HR programs being implemented.

To ensure that employees have a common understanding of the Program and the rules for inclusion in the personnel reserve, companies usually create internal regulatory documentation. Information is provided via the Intranet or other communication channels.

Process and criteria for selecting reservists

Selection usually looks like a “funnel”, shown schematically below.

In this case, this is an example. Depending on the specifics of the company, something else may be chosen as criteria and stages of selection.

What is important when building a system for assessing candidates for the personnel reserve?

  1. Remember that what comes to the fore is not the assessment of competencies, but the assessment of the potential for developing certain competencies.

Here are a few examples from our practice:

1. For example, if one of the manager’s competencies is communication skills, then the personnel reserve evaluates, first of all, the presence of communication potential. An employee may not be able to make presentations or speak in front of an audience. Moreover, if he has social courage and strives to communicate with people, then mastering any communication skills will be many times faster and easier for him than for a person with limited communication potential.

2. If we consider the basic skill of setting goals according to SMART, those employees who have the ability to structure any information well will be able to master it without difficulty.

3. Those managers who are able to operate with abstract concepts begin to think more quickly. Here we note the paradox that we observed: “bad” operational managers who have difficulty applying the skill of setting smart goals can become excellent top managers with a strategic vision of the business.

4. Determine what the motivation of a particular employee is - this is one of the important selection parameters.

5. When formulating all the criteria, it is advisable to clearly understand what profile of manager is successful and effective in your organization. Based on this, it is worth making a decision on the selection parameters.

Our research showed that the level of intellectual abilities ultimately had nothing to do with the appointment of a reservist to a position. At the same time, it is important to understand that analytical skills certainly help you quickly master management skills.

6. Different levels of the personnel reserve have their own evaluation criteria. If we evaluate line managers who are applying for middle management, then the key in the evaluation are the management skills that the future reservist already possesses. And if there is an assessment of applicants for top positions, then an assessment of strategic thinking or the presence of potential for the development of strategic thinking becomes a mandatory element.

When is the Personnel Reserve Program considered effective?

A few words about efficiency. It must be said that there is no relevant comparative data in this area yet. Below are a few observable indicators that will indicate that the process is actually working:

  1. Managers in the organization are aware of the existence of a personnel reserve and the development program that is being implemented.
  2. When vacancies become available, reservists are considered priority candidates.
  3. At least 30% of relevant positions are filled by reservists.
  4. There are no people in the personnel reserve who got there solely because they need to be kept in the company or somehow additionally motivated.
  5. After 1-2 years, it is necessary to conduct a new recruitment of program participants, since 80% have transferred to a different status: either the reservists received promotion to new positions, or they were excluded from the reserve for some reason.

Formation of a personnel reserve: the role of external providers

Typically, HR projects are implemented jointly: by a team of internal HR specialists and external consultants. Each organization determines for itself what the ratio will be. Most often, we, as external consultants, are involved in in-depth assessments.

Let us note that there are projects where the share of consultants’ participation is almost 100%: from creating a PR campaign within the organization, writing a regulatory document and ending with the implementation of specific trainings or coaching sessions for reservists.

We carry out almost a full cycle of work, implementing projects on personnel reserve. Examples of our work include:

  • Development of “Regulations on personnel reserve” for companies in the manufacturing and banking sectors.
  • Conducting assessment centers during selection for the personnel reserve of the Ingosstrakh company, ONPP "Technology" named after. A.G. Romashina.
  • Conducting a “360 degree” assessment for reservists of the Alfa-Bank company.
  • Training of reservists at PJSC Sberbank, FC Uralsib, JSC Russian Railways, Avtoframos, etc.

Algorithm for the personnel reserve assessment project

Our assessment projects typically follow the following sequence of activities.

  1. We are discussing what evaluation criteria will be at the final stage. If this is a management reserve, then in 100% of cases we are asked to accurately assess leadership potential, the rest of the set varies and depends on the specifics of the Customer.
  2. We select and, if necessary, develop assessment tools. This could be just testing or a full-fledged assessment center. If we recall the examples above, testing is sufficient to assess communication potential. Business games and cases are suitable for assessing goal setting skills, and both tests and cases are needed to assess the potential for strategic thinking.
  3. We carry out.
  4. We make a rating of candidates. In rare cases, the Customer requests the generation of individual reports on candidates, which requires additional financial costs for the company.
  5. We discuss the results of the assessment and the further program of action for the development of reservists.

Planning a HR project?

Contact us! We will help with regulation, initial selection and assessment of employee potential.

An increasing number of modern leaders Russian companies today pays attention to finding the most effective ways training within the company of specialists capable of, if necessary, occupying leadership positions at various levels. This is, first of all, due to the fact that every year it becomes more and more difficult to attract management personnel from “outside”. In the labor market for this category of personnel, a situation increasingly arises when the number of offers exceeds demand or the level of training of managers interested in finding a job does not meet the requirements for a managerial position in a particular company.

Yes, the struggle for talent among developing companies is very serious, no one intends to give up their positions, and head hunting specialists in the HR department of large companies have long been not uncommon. Is there a need to get involved in such a fight if the company has every opportunity to independently train future leaders. The answer suggests itself, and in this case we are talking about the formation within the company personnel reserve, capable of filling the company's need for managers at various levels when corresponding vacant positions arise.

The need may be associated not only with the current movement of personnel, but also with the company’s development strategy, since when planning business development, company managers must determine what resources will be required to complete strategic tasks. And in this case human resources, namely specialists and managers who are ready and capable of performing important tasks for the company play a decisive role.

What is it personnel reserve And How This may look like if a process is needed formation of a personnel reserve within a specific company?

Personnel reserve(reserve for filling management positions) - this is a group of company employees who have achieved positive results in their professional activities and have been selected for special team based on the results of assessing knowledge, skills, business and personal qualities. This group then undergoes the necessary training for subsequent promotion to senior positions in the company should the need arise.

For company managers, the issue of forming a personnel reserve to fill management positions, as a rule, becomes relevant in the following situations:

  1. The company is successfully developing, opening new areas of activity and there is a need for competent managers who are ready and able to lead these areas.
  2. The company is experiencing difficulties in the process of attracting managers from “outside” since its activities have complex specifics and require candidates for management positions to have a certain level of qualifications and special knowledge already at the entrance.
  3. The company is interested in retaining young, growing professionals with leadership potential, who demonstrate high performance results, are interested in professional development and are ready to contribute to the development of the company.
  4. The company strives to create a strong team of managers who are well aware of internal operating technologies, the specifics of the business, who are able to adapt to changes in a short time and provide effective solutions to the problems they face.

The process of forming a personnel reserve for management positions in a company requires special attention on the part of its management, HR service specialists, line managers and represents several sequential stages of work (see below for a diagram of the process of forming a personnel reserve):

1. Determining the goals and objectives of forming a personnel reserve in the company.

This is one of the key stages in the process of forming a personnel reserve, when company managers must answer two questions that determine all subsequent activities:

“Why does a company need a personnel reserve?”, “How to effectively select and subsequently train the company’s personnel reserve?”

When answering these questions, it is important to understand that the company’s personnel reserve is not created according to the principle: “So that it is, what if it comes in handy...”. This is a real tool in the hands of a company manager, allowing you to build an effective personnel management system, reduce the costs of attracting and adapting new employees to management positions, influence the motivation of permanent employees and ensure successful development the company as a whole. Therefore, the key goals and objectives of forming and training a personnel reserve should not only be clearly defined at the management level, but also subsequently brought to the attention of all company employees.

At this stage, it is also important to determine the basic rules and principles of forming a personnel reserve:

  • procedure for selecting candidates for the personnel reserve;
  • principles of formation of personnel reserve groups;
  • composition and powers of the commission for working with the personnel reserve;
  • rules and procedure for making a decision on enrollment in the personnel reserve;
  • program formation vocational training personnel reserve;
  • procedure for withdrawal (exclusion) from the personnel reserve;
  • appointment procedure for leadership position candidate from the personnel reserve.

These rules and principles are spelled out in detail in the “Regulations on the formation of a personnel reserve” - an internal document of the company that regulates all work with the personnel reserve at each stage.

2. Determination of numbers and job structure personnel reserve.

Of course, the staff of managers of even the largest company has its limits, and the company’s desire for development has its limits, therefore, when starting to form a reserve for management positions in the company, it is important to clearly determine the need for personnel in this category for the near and long term, taking into account the following factors :

  • the emergence of additional or new leadership positions;
  • opening of vacant positions associated with natural attrition of personnel for various reasons.

It is advisable to create a personnel reserve for all management positions of the company and its divisions, but, above all, for key positions, the number of which in large companies ranges from 30 to 200 units.

Thus, it is important for the company’s management to determine which specific leadership positions are key, that is, they have a special impact on the effective operation of the company. At the same time, it is recommended to have at least two candidates for each position in the reserve, since this allows, firstly, not to stall in a situation in which a candidate from the reserve for some reason cannot take the position when the need arises, and, in -secondly, the second candidate will always stimulate the first to more active development and vice versa. However, it should be remembered that working with a large reserve is very difficult, and a low probability of appointment to a position can cause demotivation of an employee who is part of the reserve.

3. Determination of qualification requirements and development of a competency model for leadership positions in the personnel reserve.

"He good specialist Marketing, I’m satisfied with his work, but shouldn’t I appoint him as head of the department?” As you know, such a decision by the head of the company will not always be correct, since in addition to professional knowledge in the field of marketing, which a good specialist possesses, the head of the marketing department must have a set of management competencies allowing to effectively organize the work of the unit and successfully perform other managerial functions. If the presence and level of development of a specialist’s managerial competencies is not assessed accordingly before being appointed to a managerial position, then the likelihood that a good specialist will not cope with the functions of a manager will be very high. That is why, when forming a personnel reserve for management positions in a company, it is necessary to accurately determine the criteria for further evaluation of candidates for these positions, namely:

  • Qualification requirements for the position for which candidates are included in the reserve are the acceptable level of education, required work experience, and the presence of special knowledge and skills.
  • A set of necessary competencies, namely a competency model for a management position or a unified competency model for management positions in a company. If the company has not previously carried out competency modeling, then at this stage it is recommended to carry out this work, since it is the competency model developed for a specific position, or a unified competency model for management positions in the company that will allow assessing candidates according to the same criteria and identifying them strengths and development zones, as well as draw up individual development plans taking into account the existing level of development of each competency. A competency model can be developed in a company, both on its own and with the involvement of external consultants - representatives of a consulting company, but the main thing is that it should be based on the specifics of work in a managerial position, contain no more than 8 key competencies, determine clear behavioral indicators of each competency at the levels of the corresponding development scale.

4. Carrying out the procedure for selecting candidates for the personnel reserve.

There are several approaches to the procedure for selecting candidates for the personnel reserve, based on the initial assessment of personnel. Thus, in some companies, the selection of candidates for the personnel reserve occurs based on the results of the annual personnel certification, and situations often arise when the employee himself does not know that he is already part of the company’s personnel reserve. Other companies develop and conduct a specialized personnel assessment procedure in order to form the company's personnel reserve. However, one of the most effective methods of personnel assessment, which allows identifying potential candidates for the personnel reserve, is today the Assessment Center method. The existing experience of conducting Assessment centers and reviews from heads of HR departments of companies show that the validity of the Assessment Center results reaches 70%, and in some cases 90%, due to its following features:

  1. The use of a set of assessment technologies is a “volume assessment”, which is carried out according to a clearly developed scenario using a set of various methods assessments, each with its own advantages: testing, individual and group exercises simulating real work situations, role-playing games and competency-based interviews.
  2. The key criteria for this assessment are clearly defined competencies and the required (acceptable) level of their development in the employee in accordance with a pre-developed scale and behavior indicators. The basis for developing evaluation criteria in this case is the competency model for a specific job position or a unified model of the company’s corporate and managerial competencies.
  3. During the Assessment Center, the actually observed behavior of the employee is assessed, and not just the level of his theoretical training or assumptions about how he would act in a particular work situation.
  4. The duration of this assessment procedure is on average 2 days, and not 1-2 hours as with a regular certification interview.
  5. Several qualified observers are involved in the assessment, that is, a group of experts is created. Usually, external consultants are invited to organize and conduct an Assessment Center - representatives of a consulting company, who are part of a group of expert observers along with representatives of the company's management, which minimizes the factor of subjectivity of the assessors. As a result of the assessment, this group of experts draws up a conclusion for each employee by jointly analyzing the results of completing all assessment tasks and issuing agreed upon final grades.

Based on the results of the Assessment Center, each employee is given detailed feedback on the results of the assessment: his strengths and areas of development, prospects for further professional growth, necessary training. At this stage, the employee’s desire for further professional and career growth in the company is also clarified.

The results of the assessment of each employee become the basis for drawing up an individual development plan, which is developed jointly with the employee’s immediate supervisor and the head of the HR service.

Employees who received the best grades based on the results of the Assessment Center are included in the personnel reserve group. However, the conditions for admission to personnel reserve may provide for the opportunity for an employee to enter the reserve not only by receiving the best grades, but also by having average performance. This is possible if the reserve, depending on the needs and capabilities of the company, includes several groups:

  • The operational personnel reserve (understudies) are candidates for leadership positions whose level of knowledge and professional training allows them to begin work in a leadership position at the present time or in the near future.
  • The personnel reserve (development group) is experienced specialists who have been working in the company for several years and are interested in the prospect of promotion to higher positions, subject to the acquisition necessary knowledge and management skills through specialized training.
  • Strategic personnel reserve, Hypo it is(group “High-po” from the English high-potential - high potential) young employees with leadership potential who will be able to occupy leadership positions in the company in 3-5 years, subject to step-by-step professional training. For this group of the personnel reserve, as a rule, a comprehensive program is formed professional development lasting several years, including not only a specialized training program, but also movement through various positions, facilitating gradual career growth.

5. Work with the company's personnel reserve.

The personnel reserve has been recruited, the personnel of the personnel reserve has been approved, individual development plans have been drawn up - but what next?

And then the company’s management needs to create a program for training the personnel reserve, including both work on individual development plans and training under a specialized professional development program that combines the training needs common to all candidates for the personnel reserve.

A specialized professional development program including business trainings, seminars, and internships can be developed for each group of the personnel reserve together with a business training company. The program is developed taking into account the existing level of professional training of candidates and may contain several sequential training modules aimed at creating or developing the knowledge and skills necessary for successful work in a specific leadership position.

A comprehensive program for training a personnel reserve for a leadership position may also include the following forms of training candidates:

  1. Collaboration between a candidate for a leadership position and a mentor;
  2. Temporary performance of duties of absent managers during their business trips or vacations;
  3. Internship in a management position;
  4. Work on projects and exercise powers delegated by the immediate supervisor;
  5. Participation in working groups and meetings.

The implementation of individual development plans, the results of training of employees in the reserve under a specialized professional development program, as well as their involvement in tasks and activities related to a leadership position must be systematically monitored. As a rule, this function is assigned to the HR service and the immediate supervisor of the employee who is in the reserve. In turn, the commission for working with the personnel reserve conducts a periodic assessment of the activities of each employee enrolled in the reserve at least once a year, after which it makes one of the following decisions:

  • the employee continues to be part of the personnel reserve
  • the employee needs additional training, retraining and business training, and therefore adjustments are made to the individual development plan
  • an employee is excluded from the reserve due to unsatisfactory results in the implementation of an individual development plan

The selection of candidates from the reserve for appointment to a vacant managerial position is carried out by assessing the level of their professional training, performance results individual plan development, as well as the level of development of key competencies and the correlation of these results with the requirements for a vacant managerial position.

In the process of working with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to take into account the fact that during their stay in the reserve, employees undergo serious training and in order not to become a “talent forge” for other companies, it is necessary to timely make appropriate appointments to the position of the most prepared candidates from the reserve. Employees who are part of the company's personnel reserve should feel in demand and have a real prospect of obtaining the desired position. To do this, their current abilities and potential must be used to the maximum by the company, and not “canned” until the right moment arrives. Otherwise, prepared and trained employees will seek to use their new knowledge and abilities outside the company.

And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the system for forming and training a personnel reserve works effectively and is a real management tool only if it is included in a unified personnel policy, built on the basis of the company’s development strategy and supported by its management.

Scheme of the process of forming a personnel reserve

HR Director of the Belaya Dacha group of companies

In recent years, the labor market has become alarming for heads of organizations and personnel services trends that in the near future may lead to extremely negative consequences for companies that are not ready to meet the changes “head-on”. We are talking about changes in the qualitative composition of applicants for managerial vacancies at all levels. The market has become “secondary” - that is, to select highly qualified managers it is necessary to increasingly use technology selection personnel, called among personnel officers"headhunting" Currently, this method is still mainly used for selecting top managers. But if the organization does not create a specific system for working with staff, then in the near future we will have to look for workers in this way. We are talking about creating in the enterprise personnel reserve and systems for working with it.

It should be noted that Western companies have positive experience in this matter, and the promotion of employees career ladder is a part overall strategy their personnel politicians. In Russian organizations things are somewhat worse. At the same time, one cannot help but recognize the fact that leading domestic companies are gradually beginning to implement certain parts of the system for working with personnel reserve.

On the one hand, the concept personnel reserve is not something new and advanced for Russia - on state enterprises Back in Soviet times, there was a form of annual reporting that reflected the state of work with personnel reserve. On the other hand, we can say with confidence that at present, systematic work with the group of “reservists” at state enterprises is not carried out, and if it is carried out, it is of a declarative nature, since “reservists” do not always have the opportunity to take the position in which they are in reserve. they have been there for many years.

In large Russian non-state companies Creation personnel reserve due to several reasons. The main reason is competition between companies for high-quality specialists, which leads to the risk of untimely filling of a vacancy in the event of a key employee leaving.

Why is a personnel reserve created?

The creation of a personnel reserve is necessary to better provide the company with trained employees who are ready, if necessary, to conduct not only their own area of ​​work, but also others in related areas. The presence of trained specialists in the personnel reserve allows the company to significantly reduce the costs of recruiting and adapting new employees, as well as build a system of investments in personnel development, which in turn significantly increases the non-material motivation of employees and contributes to their retention in the company. In addition, the presence of a trained personnel reserve can significantly reduce the company’s risks in the event of illness of key employees or other unforeseen circumstances.

What tasks are set when forming a personnel reserve?

The entire system of working with the personnel reserve can be divided into four stages and the system can be built in accordance with the goals and objectives of the company, adapting or modifying them in accordance with specific situation On the market, financial capabilities company and its development strategy. I would like to emphasize that the proposed scheme contains only consolidated recommendations. When implementing a system for working with the personnel reserve in each specific company, appropriate additions and changes are made to it; Some of its sections are expanded, and some, on the contrary, are reduced to the necessary minimum.

It is also necessary to pay attention that the implementation of only individual points of this scheme without the subsequent construction of an integral system of working with the personnel reserve may not give the expected effect and subsequently lead to both moral and material losses for the company.

One of the main tasks first stage when forming a personnel reserve, it is necessary to build an effective system of working with “reservists”. To solve it, it is necessary to determine the needs for filling vacant positions for the planned period of time and develop principles for selecting “reservists”. It should be noted here that the planning period can have different durations: in the companies I know, it ranges from 1 year to 5 years; Most companies use 3-year planning.

On second stage The main task is to develop a system of competitive selection for positions to be filled, and the competition is held depending on the needs of the company, both among external specialists and among its employees.

On third , the most difficult stage the task is to develop the professional skills and knowledge of “reservists” that they need to successfully work in a reserved position and evaluate the effectiveness of working with the personnel reserve. To solve this problem, ideally, a corporate education program is being developed, part of which is the training of personnel reserve specialists. Depending on the needs of the company, such a program may include trainings and seminars, conferences and internships, as well as a second higher education or training in the MBA program (Master of Business Administration).

Task fourth stage - the so-called “running in of reservists” or the construction of a system of acquisition by “reservists” practical experience work on a reserved position. This includes replacing a “reserved” employee when he is absent from work for various reasons, and the “reserve” gaining experience in communicating with the subordinates of the “reserved” employee. Ideally after completing the cycle practical training, the duration of which is determined for each position individually, the “reserve” must be able to cope with the tasks of the “reserve” for a long time and perform the entire range of work for this position.

How to solve the tasks?

Let's consider the activities that need to be carried out to solve the problems of the first stage. I would like to note that there are no standard recipes in the principles of forming a personnel reserve. This is due to large differences between enterprises, the degree of staff turnover, as well as the gender, age and social composition of employees.

The positive effect of working with a personnel reserve can only be achieved if the creation of a reserve is an integral part of the company’s holistic system of working with personnel. However, there is a certain set of standard activities and procedures that are carried out in any company interested in having reserve employees.

On first stage In order to fully work with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to develop a Regulation on the formation of the personnel reserve, which sets out the basic principles and procedure for the formation of the personnel reserve, the terms of reference officials responsible for the formation of the personnel reserve. It is also advisable to reflect in this document the issues of organizing work with the personnel reserve, the procedure for replenishing the personnel reserve and making changes to the quantitative and qualitative composition of the “reservists”. To obtain a complete picture of the current state of work with the personnel reserve, it is necessary to provide a reporting system for responsible officials.

In parallel with the Regulations on the formation of a personnel reserve, a List of positions subject to reservation is compiled and determined specific quantity"reservists" for each position. Both of these local regulations are prepared by the personnel management service and approved by the head of the organization.

In addition to the above documents, reporting forms should be developed and approved, the frequency of submission of reports should be established, and the circle of persons responsible for their preparation and synthesis should be determined. In the same block of work, a form for the list of personnel reserves, a plan for professional training and development of reservists, and a report on the career advancement of employees in the reserve are developed.

To solve problems second stage the Regulations on the formation of a personnel reserve must provide for mechanisms for the competitive selection of specialists. As a rule, candidates for positions subject to reservation include employees who have some experience in the company. But situations are not excluded when it is advisable to look for a “reservist” on the external labor market. Competitive selection of candidates is used in most Russian and foreign companies and is recommended as a selection mechanism that gives the most complete picture of the professional and personal guidelines of a candidate for “reservists”. In order to make the selection mechanism more objective, companies invite both internal specialists and external consultants to participate in the work of the competition committee.

To increase the efficiency of competitive selection, it is desirable to involve in participation in it the maximum possible number of employees who potentially meet the requirements of the group of reserved positions.

It is recommended to include company employees no older than 50 years in the competition for admission to the reserve of senior managers. It is advisable to include lower-level managers in the group of reserved positions for middle managers.

It should be noted here that these tips are purely advisory in nature and cannot serve as a basis for refusing to enroll an older employee in the personnel reserve. At some large Russian industrial enterprises, the personnel reserve includes employees of retirement age. This is due to the fact that many technologies were developed in Soviet times and have remained unchanged to this day, and it is this category of employees that has the necessary experience and knowledge to work on this equipment. The only danger in the existence of such a reserve is that the “reservists,” due to their age, may wish to retire.

Quite difficulties in implementing the second stage activities are due to the geographical location and city-forming status of individual enterprises. Many large industrial enterprises were founded in an “open field” and then cities grew up around them, in which 80% of the population was directly or indirectly connected with the “industrial giant”. This location currently causes certain difficulties with the selection of personnel, since the economic difficulties of the early 90s caused a significant outflow of population from previously economically active regions, and the shortage of local personnel has to be increasingly filled by attracting specialists from outside, which in turn entails higher costs workforce and requires providing employees with a certain social package. If, for example, specialists willingly move to Moscow, then the cost of a Moscow or St. Petersburg specialist when moving to the region may increase by several thousand dollars.

To determine the personal composition of “reservists,” both objective data (for example, work results) and indirect methods for determining professional and personal qualities (for example, interviews, business games, expert assessment, etc.) can be used.

It is allowed to form a personnel reserve for groups of reserved management positions in the form of a closed competition. In this case, the person responsible for forming the reserve for this group independently determines the composition of candidates and organizes the selection of “reservists”.

To solve problems third stage the organization is forming general system corporate training and employee development, which includes a number of activities aimed at developing the professional business and personal qualities of employees. Its construction, at times, is associated with significant material costs, and therefore, the department responsible for its development must approach this issue thoughtfully, taking into account as much as possible promising trends in business development, external and internal factors, which can affect the effectiveness of the employee development system both in the short, medium and long term.

The employee development system should include not only various educational programs, but also activities aimed at:

  • developing in “reservists” the necessary qualities to work in a reserved position;
  • strengthening the positive image of “reservists”;
  • giving “reservists” a certain status that increases their prestige in the company.

It is impossible not to take into account such an important factor as moral stimulation employees on reserve. You can introduce a system of incentives for successful students in the personnel reserve training program, for example, based on the results of successfully passing exams, tests, and testing.

Payment to the second employee higher education and an MBA is also not only a stimulating factor, but also helps to retain an employee in the company at least for the entire period of study.

When developing programs for individual development of employees, the work experience of each of them, their needs and desire to move in the proposed direction, individual and psychological characteristics, and the presence of leadership qualities should be taken into account as much as possible.

Fourth stage serves to test the knowledge and skills of “reservists”, as well as for them to gain practical experience in the reserved position. At this stage, a significant role is played not only by the acquired new knowledge and the opportunity to apply it in practice, but also by the will of the company management to attract “reservists” to active work. The most important thing here is the administration’s ability to “consider” the employee, not to let him feel that he has become more educated, more experienced, capable of solving more complex problems, while the company is not able to apply all this “baggage” within itself, to allow him to realize his potential. a new round of the career ladder. If such an employee is not oriented in time, then the likelihood that he will start looking for a new job due to dissatisfaction becomes close to 100%. A company in which such miscalculations occur regularly can safely call itself a “HR forge,” since such specialists are most often taken away by competitors, promising, among other things, “mountains of gold” and significant career opportunities. Often, an employee, in a fit of resentment towards the company, decides to move to another employer, without going into the details of the proposed job, but having heard at the interview the expected combination of phrases about great prospects.

At this stage, we must also not forget about the relationship that develops between the reserved employee and the “reservist”. It is no secret that it is always difficult for a boss to realize that a person is being prepared to take his place who may be no worse, but better than him in some respects. If the reserved employee is close to retirement age, then the conflict may become even more complicated. In this situation, workers should be influenced in two directions:

1) the person being reserved must be explained the meaning of creating a reserve for his position, given the opportunity to feel like a mentor, emphasize the importance of his work for the company and explain that preparing a reserve is necessary for the sustainable development of the company;

2) the “reservist” needs to be clearly explained that he will take this position not just after going through all the stages of working with the personnel reserve, but when the company’s management is confident that he is transferring the work in this position into the “safe hands” of a trained person who is ready to innovation and capable of bringing “fresh blood” into the work of not only its structural unit, but also the entire company as a whole.

Undoubtedly, significant difficulties are caused by “containing” young energetic employees who have healthy ambitions, have completed a personnel reserve training program and are “raring to go into battle.” This problem can be solved most effectively by appointing a “reservist” to the newly introduced position of deputy of the reservee. It should be noted that at the fourth stage, a significant role in consolidating the results of the painstaking work of previous periods is played by the adequacy and timeliness in the response of the company’s management and personnel service to the positive changes that occur with the employee during the period of training for “reservists”. Otherwise, demotivation of the employee is inevitable, and it will ultimately lead to the employee entering the labor market.

What goals does the company pursue when creating a personnel reserve?

Achieving the company's strategic goals . For any company or firm strategic goals are: making a profit from core activities, gaining leading positions in the market and creating a positive image. Their achievement is impossible without a trained professional team of managers and highly qualified workers. The presence of a personnel reserve allows us to achieve these goals in the shortest possible time.

Increasing the level of readiness of company personnel for organizational changes. Organizational changes are constantly occurring in any company. Training and retraining of the organization's personnel are the main sources of replenishment of the personnel reserve. To increase the level of staff readiness for change, extra education employees in related specialties, reorientation to other areas of activity, expansion of the area of ​​responsibility, etc.

Ensuring continuity in management. To ensure continuity in management, long-term training of the “reservist” is necessary, as well as his performance of the duties of a reserved employee, first in his presence, and then in the absence of the employee. Many large Russian enterprises are now faced with a situation where key management personnel are in deep trouble. retirement age and in the absence of an appropriate replacement continue to perform their duties. This situation is especially acute among designers, chief engineers, chief power engineers and technologists. Moreover, the situation is aggravated by the fact that these specialists are carriers of unique information, and in the event of their unexpected retirement and the absence of a reserve, losses for production may be irreparable.

Increasing the motivation of company employees. In any dynamic developing company The process of internal personnel movement is characterized by certain features and has its own patterns. It is the opportunity to move up the career ladder internally that is a powerful motivating factor for many employees. The creation of a personnel reserve is intended to make the process of relocation planned and manageable. It is important to achieve maximum transparency in matters of assignments and transfers so that employees can see the goal and how to achieve it.

Improvement financial situation companies. This goal is achieved due to the presence of a permanent staff, their high motivation to work, constant professional training and, as a result, high labor productivity. It's no secret that the departure of a sales manager from a company sometimes leads to the loss of several clients, which can significantly affect both the company's image and the business as a whole. Emergency search for employees through recruitment agencies leads to significant losses of both finances and time.

The most significant groups of personnel for the company are subject to reservation first. Such employees can be represented in all categories - from top managers to workers. Considering the general demographic situation, the most dangerous for large industrial enterprises There may be problems with highly skilled workers, which are further aggravated by problems of labor migration. Therefore, today, significant attention needs to be paid not only to the search for top managers, but also to the training of middle and lower-level managers (foremen, managers), as well as to develop a system of in-house training that will raise the prestige of blue-collar professions. If we talk about the classification of categories of workers, we can conditionally divide the categories of reservists into five large groups:

1) top managers;

2) middle managers (including engineering and technical workers);

3) lower-level managers;

4) production workers (or basic);

5) auxiliary workers.

What is necessary for successful work with the personnel reserve?

To successfully work with a personnel reserve, first of all, it is necessary for the management of the company to understand the goals and objectives of its creation, and to understand that this component of work with personnel can be largely costly and not bring visible dividends in a short time. It is necessary for it to understand that the personnel reserve is a long-term investment in personnel, which bears fruit only with a painstaking and careful attitude to the principles and tasks of its formation.

Also, for successful work, it is necessary to work with the “reservists” to explain the directions (including promising ones) of the company’s activities, its strategy for behavior in the market and create a set of corporate values ​​among the “reservists”. It is advisable to regularly familiarize employees with assessments of the current management system, conduct business games and trainings to create a favorable microclimate in the team, and try to provide reservists with the opportunity to make proposals in the development of a business development strategy.


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