Importance of recruitment and selection of personnel. Personnel selection. Goals and objectives of personnel requirements planning

Recruitment and selection of personnel is one of the central functions of management, since it is people who provide effective use any kind of resources at the disposal of the organization, and it is from people that, ultimately, it depends economic indicators and competitiveness. For every job, especially skilled work, special psychological and physiological data are needed, and therefore only then can one demand from the worker the maximum of what he can give when he is in his place.

The staff is the "motor" of any organization. Often managers focus on financial, production, logistics or sales issues. finished products without paying enough attention to the people who provide the work of the organization in all these areas.

Errors in the selection of personnel (especially when it comes to candidates for leadership positions) cost organizations too much. Losses to the organization from making erroneous decisions, accidents, injuries and marriage - this is only part of the costs that have to be borne as a result of unsatisfactory work on the selection of new employees.

Personnel selection - the process by which an enterprise or organization selects from a number of applicants one or more best suited to the selection criteria for a vacancy. Bizyukova I.V. Management personnel: selection and evaluation. - M.: Economics, 2005. - p.23.

The main purpose of the selection - to recruit employees with a high work culture, to identify the capabilities and views of the applicant in order to determine its compliance with the conditions and characteristics of the work - can be carried out by managers or people who control the interests of the company.

The search and selection of personnel is traditionally considered as a function of personnel services. However, an effective selection process always requires the participation of the heads of those departments for which new employees are recruited. Therefore, they need to know the basic principles and procedures used in the selection of personnel, and possess the necessary skills for this. This is especially true for small organizations where recruitment is carried out mainly by the first head or heads of departments.

The main hypothesis that served as an impetus for the development and use of methods of professional selection and selection was the assumption that people have different probabilities of success in various types of professional activities. Mismatch individual workers their duties, lack of motivation, knowledge or abilities ultimately lead to the fact that the organization as a whole loses its effectiveness and inevitably loses in the competition.

Thus, improving the quality of personnel through professional selection is an important reserve for improving the overall efficiency of the organization. The quality of human resources, their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals and the quality of products or services provided largely depend on how effectively the work on personnel selection is set.

In order to build effective system search and selection of personnel, it is first of all important to understand its place in common system organization's human resource management. The selection of personnel is not an isolated function of independent value; it must be interconnected with all other functions of the personnel, so as not to become an end in itself, which is carried out to the detriment of other forms of work with personnel and takes all the time and effort of specialists, without giving due return. Search and selection of personnel, being key element personnel policy, should be linked to all major areas of work in the field of personnel management.

Recruitment - the procedure for forming a reserve of personnel to fill vacancies. It includes procedures for calculating the need for personnel, models of jobs, methods of professional selection of personnel and general principles for the formation of a reserve of personnel for vacant positions. Personnel management / Ed. B.Yu. Serbinovsky and S.I. Samygin. M.: Prior, 2004. - p. 135.

The first step in the recruitment process is calculation and planning of the need for personnel. It should be noted that this procedure is most effective only if the manager clearly understands what kind of employee he needs and what problems he intends to solve with the help of a new specialist. But even when the manager has complete clarity about what kind of staff he needs, the selection may not live up to expectations. Determining and articulating actual job requirements before hiring is often done poorly. It is possible to clearly formulate the requirements for a vacancy in the process of analyzing job needs. Such an analysis will allow the manager to clearly define the tasks and functions without which the business cannot develop effectively. Then these tasks can be redistributed among existing (or potential) team members who have the knowledge and skills necessary for effective work. In this case, it may turn out that new person the company is not needed at all. If the analysis confirmed the confidence in the need for additional staff, you can safely proceed to its selection. To assess the need for staff, we can suggest using the following test (Table 1).

Table 1. Test "Analysis of the need for personnel"

Do you select personnel based on the characteristics of the organization and the challenges ahead?

You select personnel based on the qualities of the employee, and look for them workplace?

Do you use combined methods of selection?

Do you calculate the need for personnel for the next year according to standards or expert methods?

Do you know the source documents for the staffing requirement?

Do you have data for the reporting year on the number and production structure of the organization's personnel?

Is it possible to do without hiring a worker for this job?

Is it possible to train and incentivize your existing employees to do this work with extra pay?

Are the benefits (savings) received by your organization from doing this work justified by hiring a full-time, full-time employee for it?

Can this additional work be distributed among existing employees, taking into account their more even workload throughout the year?

Is there a prospect of increasing the value of the work for which you need to recruit people with the prospect of developing your organization?

Do you have standards for the number of personnel per unit. money investment?

Do you know the correction factors for ruble inflation in your industry?

Can existing employees do this work with overtime?

Wouldn't it be better to mechanize or computerize this work?

Wouldn't it be better (economically more profitable) to entrust this work to a subcontractor (another organization)?

If you rationalize and automate other jobs in your organization, wouldn't that free up existing employees to do the job?

Have existing staff become experienced and qualified enough to take on additional (new) or career-promising responsibilities?

Does your organization have an unnecessary (or becoming) type of work, the performers of which are able to take on new responsibilities?

How often do you use the three P's method (floor, ceiling, finger) to calculate staffing needs?

Total responses:

Test key:

According to the number of “Yes” answers, the following conclusions can be drawn about the status of settlements and the need for staff:

  • - 16 and more - excellent;
  • - from 12-15 - good;
  • - from 8 to 11 - satisfactory;
  • - up to 7 - unsatisfactory.

Having clearly defined the need for staff, the manager can proceed to the next stage of the procedure.

The second step in the recruitment process is formation of requirements for a vacant position or development of job models.

In order to clearly imagine what kind of employee is needed, it is necessary to develop a model of the workplace of the future specialist. There are many ways to carry out this activity. We will not dwell on their analysis in detail. We only note that the workplace model includes 15 elements that represent the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the workplace.

  • 1) Personnel data.
  • 2) Worker experience.
  • 3) Professional knowledge.
  • 4) Professional skills.
  • 5) Personal qualities.
  • 6) Psychology of personality.
  • 7) Health and performance.
  • 8) Skill level.
  • 9) Service career.
  • 10) Hobby.
  • 11) Bad habits and shortcomings.
  • 12) Organization of labor.
  • 13) Wages.
  • 14) Social benefits.
  • 15) Social guarantees.

Detailed characteristics allow you to formulate the minimum and maximum requirements for a future employee for a specific vacancy.

An example is the following portrait of a potential employee.

Job Title: Sales Manager.

  • 1) Age up to 35 years. Higher technical education.
  • 2) Sales experience technological equipment(pumps) from two years. Knowledge of the equipment market structure, main suppliers and competitors.
  • 3) Knowledge of the technological characteristics of the equipment, the main problems of operation and ways to resolve them.
  • 4) Ability to conduct business negotiations. Professional skills in sales (special training is possible). Knowledge of English language at the level of reading technical documentation. Computer proficiency at the level of a confident user. Ability to read technical documentation.
  • 5) Sociability, sociability, mobility, the desire for professional growth and higher wages.
  • 6) High stress resistance, switchability, tolerance.
  • 7) Good level of physical fitness. Pleasant appearance. Absence of chronic diseases.
  • 8) Prerequisite - successful professional experience at previous jobs.
  • 9) Absence bad habits and inclinations. Non-smoker.
  • 10) Willingness to work irregular working hours, seven days a week if necessary.

Usually at this point, workers recruitment agencies advise the manager to think carefully about how much an employee who meets all their requirements can cost. And very good to think about. Since if the manager makes a mistake at this stage, and the requirements for the candidate do not match his requirements for the company, there is a risk of losing a valuable specialist for the enterprise. Most often, those vacancies remain unfilled for which the level of requirements of the manager for a specialist and the level of remuneration of this specialist do not match. It should be noted, however, that this is not only monetary compensation work of a specialist in the company. Recently, the requirements for the content of the so-called social package have come to the fore. A qualified specialist today wants not only a high level of payment, but also social security, which is expressed in the presence of a high fixed source of income (salary), medical insurance, income legalization, compensation payments etc.

Having determined the main criteria for selecting a candidate for this job, and having decided on the price that the company is ready to pay to this specialist, the manager can proceed to the next stage of the procedure.

The third step in the recruitment process is determination of the procedure for the selection of personnel.

Usually, the regulations include measures for the procedure, the time required for selection, officials responsible for the implementation of activities and Required documents for each event.

The following activities are standardized:

  • - announcements of vacancies in the media;
  • - submission of documents to the personnel department;
  • - interview;
  • - Evaluation of employees who have passed the interview procedure;
  • - preparation of documents required for employment;
  • - getting a job and studying the internal documents of the enterprise;
  • - employment with a probationary period.

Approval by the head of the selection regulations makes the document binding on subordinates. It helps a lot to save a lot of time structuring actions on this stage. This stage is especially important in companies with a complex structure, in which the decision to accept a candidate for a position is made step by step by different categories of managers, where several performers are involved in the procedure.

It is necessary to prepare a package of documents necessary for consideration of a candidate for a vacancy. You can do it using job descriptions and requirements for the employee of this position. The standard form will allow the request for biographical data and at the same time provide a basis for comparison in addition to the information obtained from the questionnaire.

On this basis, it will be possible to build an interview program. It is important that any form with a set of questions has a minimum list of information about the candidate.

Be sure to obtain information about the recommendations before the first interview. From the experience of recruitment agencies, we can say with almost 100% certainty that if a candidate refuses to provide recommendations, then this is a good reason to reject him as a potential applicant for a vacancy. The main condition: do not ring up recommendations from the candidate's current place of work until he receives an offer.

It is also good to have a structured reference form here. As an option, the following can be proposed (Table 2):

What was your collaboration like?

What main tasks did the candidate solve at work?

How interested was he in the job?

What were his results compared to other people doing the same job?

Did the candidate match the style of your company?

Is the candidate able to independently solve problems and make decisions, be responsible for the decisions made?

How does the candidate deal with stressful situations?

How proactive is the candidate?

What is the candidate's biggest contribution to your company?

What are strengths candidate?

What are the weaknesses?

How do you rate the candidate's ability to get along with employees? With guidance?

How does the candidate relate to advanced training, training?

Would you agree to take him to the same job?

What were the reasons for the candidate to leave your company?

What is the candidate's reaction to criticism?

How often did the candidate take sick leave?

Does the candidate have a sense of humor?

Does the candidate perform better working in a team or individually?

How do you assess the candidate's growth potential?

A very responsible moment is the analysis of documents of candidates. Everything must be clearly organized. We should not forget that by actively recruiting staff, the company declares itself in the labor market. According to how the procedure will be organized, they will judge the level of development of the company as a whole. It should not be forgotten that the decision in the selection of personnel is mutual. The candidate who is selected must want to work for the company. In many ways, its decision will depend on the level of organization of the selection procedure. Details play a very important role in this process. They should be the first thing to pay attention to.

When working with documents of candidates for assessing professional and personal qualities, you can use the following flowchart.

The fourth step in the recruitment process is evaluation of a candidate for a vacancy and selection of a suitable employee.

Once again, we note that high-quality work with candidates' documents allows us to reduce time costs and to select the necessary personnel as quickly and efficiently as possible.

At the fourth stage, the interview of the manager with potential candidates for the vacancy is very important.

The next steps in the selection procedure are:

Fifth stage - formalization of labor relations.

Sixth stage - adaptation of a specialist in the company ( probation).

Personnel selection is a very important step. Each organization approaches it based on its goals and capabilities. In this regard, it makes sense to get acquainted with various approaches, methods, procedures, selection tools.

Personnel selection is the process of studying the professional and business qualities of each applicant in order to establish his suitability for performing duties in a particular workplace or position; assessment of candidates from the attracted reserve for compliance with the requirements; selection from a set of applicants of the most suitable one, taking into account the correspondence of his specialty, qualifications, personal qualities and abilities to the nature of the activity, the interests of the organization and himself.

The selection decision is usually made after passing through several stages: Management: Textbook / Ed. V.V. Tomilova. - M.: Yurayt - Publishing House, 2003. - p. 169.

  • 1. Preliminary selection, conversation.
  • 2. Filling out the form, CV, questionnaire.
  • 3. Hiring interview, interview.
  • 4. Tests for hire.
  • 5. Check references and track record.
  • 6. Medical examination.
  • 7. Making a final decision.

The search phase is followed by preliminary selection received candidates: elimination of unsuitable candidates on the basis of documents (by sex, age, education profile); differentiation of other candidates on professional grounds (for example, speed of reaction), personal status (for example, marital status); conducting interviews to determine the value system and preferences of the candidate; compiling "personality profiles" (strong and weaknesses candidates).

The main purpose of the primary selection is to screen out candidates who do not have the minimum selection of characteristics necessary for filling a vacant position.

Primary selection methods depend on budget, strategy, and the relative importance of the position to the organization. The method of analysis of personal data is often used. Analysis of personal data suggests that a person's biography is a fairly reliable indicator of his potential to successfully perform certain tasks. production functions. The task of the primary selection is to identify a limited number of candidates with whom the organization could work individually.

Let us determine the value and features of the most common selection methods in practice. There are groups of methods:

1. Analysis of personal data (biography, questionnaires).

When evaluating the candidacy of a manager, a specialist, great importance is attached to his life experience, which is closely related to the duration continuous experience work. It is from this angle that biography is studied. The main aspects of the analysis are usually: family relations, the nature of education, physical development, main needs and interests, intelligence, sociability. The information received allows personnel service to systematize the selection of events and situations from professional and private areas, for example, academic success, sports success, professional transitions from one job to another. The information is suitable for pre-screening and "rounding down".

Most experts tend to a single structure of the autobiography, containing the following items.

  • - Full Name.
  • - Place of residence.
  • - Date and place of birth.
  • - Family status.
  • - School education (grades in the certificate).
  • - Professional education(Diploma Supplement).
  • - Work by profession.
  • - Professional experience and professional abilities.
  • - Improvement of qualification, knowledge of languages.

Many prefer the tabular form: on the left - the date, on the right - the event. The new business biography patterns assume a reverse chronological order in education and work experience (from subsequent events to previous ones).

Questioning. Allows you to learn more about previous work experience, professional inclinations and interests, personal hobbies and interests. Typical for all forms of questionnaires are the following groups of questions:

  • - individual information (name, address, date of birth, marital status, etc.);
  • - education (schools, colleges, universities, evening classes, etc.);
  • - career ( previous places work, salary)
  • - health status;
  • - Interests and hobbies in free time;
  • - information about why the candidate wants to receive
  • - this particular work, his proposals;
  • - names of guarantors.

There are various branded forms of questionnaires, there are questionnaires for newcomers and those who have already worked in this professional area. There are very detailed questionnaires. However, experts believe that the use of such questionnaires in domestic practice should have reasonable restrictions in order to prevent intrusion into a person's personal life.

The number of questionnaire items should be kept to a minimum and they should ask for information that most reveals performance. future work applicant. Information may relate to past work, mindset, situations that have been encountered, but in such a way that a standardized assessment of the applicant can be made on the basis. Questionnaire questions should be neutral, suggesting any possible answers, including the possibility of refusing to answer. The points must flow from one another.

At the next stage, the personnel department conducts an individual interview with the selected candidates. The purpose of this interview is to assess the degree of compliance of the candidate with the portrait of an ideal employee, his ability to fulfill the requirements of the job description, potential professional growth and development, the ability to adapt to the organization, working conditions, its pay. It is important that the interview is a two-way process: not only the organization evaluates the candidate, but the candidate also evaluates the organization in terms of its compliance with his own interests and requests.

The HR officer conducting the interview must provide the most objective and complete information about the enterprise.

Interview (interview) has always been, is and will remain the main method of selecting candidates. Its essence is an active exchange of information between a representative of the organization and a candidate for a vacant position.

The purpose of the interview is to assess the professionally important business and personal qualities of the candidate, namely:

  • - professional knowledge and work experience;
  • - the degree of interest in this work;
  • - activity life position or passivity;
  • - purposefulness and readiness to work with maximum efficiency;
  • - the degree of independence in decision-making and responsibility for the results of their work;
  • - the desire for leadership, the ability to lead and willingness to obey;
  • - the level of intellectual activity, the ability to creatively approach problem solving;
  • - willingness to take risks or excessive caution;
  • - the degree of self-criticism and objectivity of assessments;
  • - honesty and decency;
  • - ability to speak and listen well;
  • - Appearance and demeanor.

Whatever form an interview takes, it always has four main objectives:

  • 1. assemble detailed information about the candidate in order to make a decision on employment;
  • 2. give the candidate everything open information About work;
  • 3. decide whether the candidate can fit into the existing team;
  • 4. if the candidate is accepted, convince him of the correctness of the choice made.

personnel selection system



By discipline: Personnel management

On the topic

Recruitment and selection of personnel

Is done by a student

Nikolaev R.V.



1. Recruiting staff

1.1 Recruitment: types and methods

1.2 Personnel leasing as a new approach to recruitment

1.3 Managing the recruitment and selection process

2. Personnel selection

2.1 Staff selection technology

2.2 Personnel selection process. Evaluation of the effectiveness of recruitment




Recruitment is one of the most important tasks of the personnel service of any enterprise. This is not only staffing, but also the creation of a reserve of candidates for all jobs, taking into account future changes, such as the retirement of employees, maternity leave, deadline employment contracts and other. Recruitment is a lengthy and responsible job as it relates to initial stage personnel management.

Recruiting errors - especially when it comes to selecting candidates for leadership positions - are too costly. The losses incurred by enterprises from accidents, injuries and marriage as a result of the fact that mistakes were made in the selection of new employees are only part of the costs that organizations have to bear. All this undoubtedly indicates the relevance and significance of the topic “Recruitment and selection of personnel” studied in this paper.

The purpose of this work is to study the process of professional recruitment and selection of personnel for an organization or enterprise.

The object of the study is the recruitment and selection of personnel, the subject is the techniques and methods that are used in the organization to meet the demand for the recruitment and selection of qualified personnel capable of performing the tasks assigned to the organization, and the solution of which will contribute to the implementation of the intended goals.

I. Personnel attraction

personnel personnel management

Recruitment is a series of actions taken by an organization to attract candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. The work of any organization is inevitably connected with the need for staffing. At the same time, one of the central tasks is the competent organization of recruitment and selection of personnel. The recruitment and selection of new employees is designed not only to ensure the normal functioning of the organization, but also to lay the foundation for the future success of the organization.

Any organization is almost always in need of staff. The need to engage staff involves: developing an engagement strategy that would ensure the consistency of relevant activities with the corporate strategy; choice of attraction option; determination of the list of requirements for candidates; setting the level of remuneration, ways of motivation and prospects for career growth; implementation of practical actions to attract personnel

In the process of recruiting and creating a reserve of workers to occupy vacant positions, the organization satisfies its need for personnel. Personnel management begins with the recruitment of personnel

1.1 Recruitment: types and methods

Recruitment is divided into external and internal. The external recruitment includes inviting the population to apply for employment and collecting applications, clarifying the labor market, publishing advertisements in newspapers, magazines, contacting employment agencies and higher and secondary educational establishments specialized in training personnel in the desired field.

Internal recruitment consists in the process of moving an employee up the hierarchical ladder. The internal publication of vacancies at the enterprise makes it possible to consider already working personnel as applicants for an open position.

Both external and internal recruitment has its advantages and must necessarily be combined in the proportion that will be beneficial to the enterprise at this stage of its development.

An external set allows you to create your own personnel database, update the staff of a particular department, and replenish it, if necessary, with higher-class specialists.

Internal recruitment contributes to the development of working personnel, increases job satisfaction, is accompanied by the absence of the need to adapt the employee to the team and the specifics of work this enterprise, and therefore, according to some experts, requires less material costs.

One of the forms of external recruitment of ordinary personnel, for example, can be the involvement of senior students of colleges and universities specializing in training specialists for subsequent work in the field of a particular business, for training and industrial practice at those enterprises where there is an urgent need for new or additional frames. This form of cooperation is beneficial to both parties, since, firstly, a university or college will be able to provide, along with theoretical knowledge, a practical base of acquired knowledge. And secondly, an enterprise that accepts students for practice will be able to conduct a certain selection of applicants and make up its own reserve of personnel.

Methods of internal dialing can also be varied. So, if the goal is simply to fill a vacant position, then the HR department can inform all departments about open vacancies, bringing information to each of the employees. Another method of internal selection is characterized by the redistribution of working personnel along the hierarchical ladder, by inviting a lower-level employee to a higher position. For a competent solution of such a task, it is necessary to have an accurate professional profile of this position and a reserve of employees who can actually participate in the competition for filling a vacant position.

In order to select a candidate for a certain position, it is necessary to have sufficient information about the work that he has to do, as well as about the requirements for him and the results that he must achieve.

1.2 Personnel leasing as a new approach to recruitment

The methods of recruitment discussed above represent the traditional understanding of this process. Recently, however, a number of new, non-traditional approaches to recruitment have emerged. One of these forms is staff leasing. World practice shows that staff leasing is actively used when working with human resources.

Personnel leasing can be considered as a form of temporary recruitment of personnel from outside. Consider the prerequisites for the emergence and use of personnel leasing. To solve the problem of discrepancy between the available labor resources and the organization's needs for them, it is necessary to develop a program for changing the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the enterprise's labor resources. Such a program may involve meeting staffing needs through additional training the latter, hiring specialists of a certain profile or other activities.

The choice of a specific activity depends on the specifics of the need for personnel, as well as on the characteristics of the existing labor resources. Important role play the following parameters:

The position of a specialist in the organizational structure of the organization (the field of activity and decision-making by this specialist in the organization);

Terms of search for a specialist. The criterion for choosing individual forms of attraction is economic expediency: per unit of costs for each option of attraction should account for the maximum effect. Leasing relations in the field of personnel management are resorted to in such cases:

1. Organizations often face the problem of attracting highly qualified specialists. If the need for them is not constant, and the scope of activity is within the accounting, audit, jurisprudence and other fields of knowledge where there are specialized companies providing such services, then, of course, they resort to the help of these companies. This need really becomes a problem if the organization is small and it is expensive to maintain a specialist or resort to one-time services of companies of this level. In addition, you may need a specialist whose similar services are not provided on the market by companies. Finding a qualified specialist on a temporary basis in a short time is quite problematic. Actually, leasing arose because of the need of organizations for diverse specialists for different periods.

2. Leasing is beneficial, first of all, for companies that need to recruit staff only periodically (in such a situation it is not economically feasible to keep their HR manager on a permanent basis). Some HR departments, which are self-employed during "normal" times, also resort to leasing during "peak" periods. If several vacancies suddenly open, there is a large stream of resumes and candidates who need to be “screened” for further interviews with management.

Many companies cannot use the classic forms of hiring and motivating employees and face three main problems:

Reduction of the state and budgetary item of personnel expenses by the head offices of companies while maintaining the need for the work of relevant specialists;

High turnover of highly qualified personnel due to changes in the compensatory policy of companies.

In such a situation, it becomes necessary to attract specialists temporarily, on other terms of employment, that is, to make the company's workforce more mobile. Staff leasing is a new form of staffing that can help solve these problems.

There are two types of personnel leasing services:

1) provision for temporary use of individual specialists;

2) formation of the staff of the organization. By analogy with physical capital, the first service can be compared with an operating lease, since the operating lease of employees, as a rule, is of a short-term nature. When using the second type of leasing, there is often a transfer of leased employees to the organization's own staff. However, this division is arbitrary, since exceptions are possible in both cases.

Thus, the purpose of leasing is more attractive, especially when it comes to recruiting several employees.

Working with recruiting agencies, the organization pays for an already found candidate who has started work, i.e. for the result. In leasing, the search process itself is paid.

1.3 Managing the recruitment and selection process

The process of formation of labor resources is inherent, of course, in any organization. Companies spare no effort to improve the quality indicators of their products or services, and work hard to optimize production and management processes. The sphere of formation of the labor resources of the organization does not remain without attention. One of its most responsible sectors is recruitment. Like any process in a company, it requires effective management.

In order for the recruitment process to functionally ensure the implementation of the organization's strategy, it must be taken into account already at the development stage. strategic plans company development. Recruitment strategy is integrated into overall strategy personnel management of the organization; based on it, then operational and current plans of organizational measures for the implementation of the selection strategy are formed. Thus, the planning of the recruitment process covers the area of ​​activity from the creation of an overall long-term recruitment strategy to the current recruitment work plan, which provides for specific activities, methods and timing of their implementation, as well as the necessary resources.

The recruitment management plan covers the following aspects:

1) the operational purpose of the selection;

2) organizational mechanism for the implementation of recruitment activities;

3) a set of specific selection actions;

4) the totality of material, monetary and other resources necessary for the implementation of activities;

5) schedule for the implementation of activities.

In general, the information accumulated in this way gives an idea of ​​the organization's need for workforce. This need is described by the following parameters:

1) the form and timing of attracting specialists to the organization;

2) the number of specialists of a certain category;

3) qualification requirements for specialists;

4) the timing of the search for specialists;

5) the budget for the search for specialists;

6) the budget for their maintenance and development.

Based on this information, the organization prepares an annual operational plan for recruiting personnel for the company, and based on it, in turn, they draw up current plan selection of a specialist for a specific vacant position. The selection of a specialist for organizations is a multi-stage process. To ensure clear manageability, it is necessary at the stage of current planning to assign certain areas of work and areas of responsibility to the employees of the organization who are directly involved in the selection of personnel. These may be employees of human resources departments, line managers, individual specialists of the organization or external consultants. As a result of personnel selection, there is a need for personnel selection.

II . Personnel selection

Personnel selection is the process of studying the psychological and professional qualities an employee in order to establish his suitability for performing duties at a particular workplace or position and to select the most suitable one from a set of applicants, taking into account the correspondence of his qualifications, specialty, personal qualities and abilities to the nature of the activity, the interests of the organization and himself.

The selection of personnel must be distinguished from the selection of personnel. In the selection process, people are searched for certain positions, taking into account established requirements social institution, activities. When selecting - a search is carried out, the identification of the requirements of various positions, types of activity for the known capabilities of a person, his accumulated professional experience, length of service and abilities.

Personnel departments analyze the effectiveness of the selection using an estimated coefficient, the so-called selection coefficient, which is determined as follows:

For different professions the value of the selection coefficient is different: managers - about /4, vocational workers - 1/1, clerks - about /4, skilled workers - about 1/1, unskilled workers - almost 1/2. If the selection ratio is close to 1/1, then the selection process is short and simple. At its value of 1/2, selection becomes difficult, but, on the other hand, the lower it is, the more selective the organization can behave. A lower coefficient means that the organization will hire workers that meet its criteria.

2.1 Staff selection technology

The selection of employees who meet the requirements of the organization in terms of their professional, business and personal qualities requires an integrated approach.

Personnel selection should not be seen as simply finding the right person for a particular job; selection should be linked to the philosophy and practice of management and the content of programs implemented in the field of personnel management of the organization.

It is necessary to take into account not only the level of professional competence of candidates, but also (and no less important) how new employees will fit into the cultural and social structure organizations. An organization has more to lose than gain if it hires someone who is technically savvy but who is unable to establish good relationships with co-workers, customers, or suppliers, or who subverts established norms and practices.

An integrated approach to the selection of new employees involves the solution of at least seven main tasks:

1. Determining the need for personnel, taking into account the main goals of the organization.

2. Obtaining accurate information about what requirements the vacant position imposes on the employee.

3.Installation qualification requirements, necessary for successful implementation work.

4. Determination of personal and business qualities necessary for the effective performance of this work, which can be considered as criteria for evaluating candidates.

5. Search for possible sources of staff replenishment and selection of adequate methods for attracting suitable candidates.

6. Determining which selection methods will best assess the suitability of candidates for the position.

7. Providing optimal conditions for the adaptation of new employees to work in the organization.

Regardless of the type of organization and available vacancies, the selection process should be carefully planned and prepared for its implementation. If we are talking about competitive selection, when the number of applicants exceeds the number of available vacancies, then the selection process is structured in such a way that each of its stages performs the function of a sieve, successively screening out candidates who, according to certain criteria, are inferior to other participants in the competition. At the same time, it is important that by the time candidates approach the most difficult and time-consuming and costly selection procedures (for example, such as an interview, medical checkup), only those candidates who, according to all formal characteristics, completely suit the employer, remained among the applicants.

When conducting the selection, it is important to plan the work of the employees of the company employed in this way so that they have enough time to work calmly with each candidate without being distracted by other tasks, and carefully review all the information provided about the candidate (CVs, references, documents, etc.). standard form and etc.). For the selection, a special room must be allocated that meets the necessary requirements: good ventilation and lighting, availability required amount tables, chairs, office equipment, etc.

Job analysis is central to an integrated approach to staff selection.

Job analysis allows you to:

Develop job descriptions;

Determine the requirements for the position;

Establish criteria to be used in the selection process for relevant vacancies.

Job descriptions define the main content of the work that must be performed by the employee holding this position: what is this work, what types of activities and duties does it include, responsibility and authority, the employee's place in formal structure organizations, qualification requirements for the employee.

Requirements for the position indicate what qualities a person must have in order to successfully perform this job: experience, technical knowledge and skills, physical characteristics, health and appearance, motivation, intellectual abilities, formal characteristics, personal and business qualities, as well as other special requirements, such as, for example, irregular working hours, the ability to move to another city or frequent business trips. Obviously, finding an ideal or absolutely suitable candidate for all characteristics can be quite difficult or even impossible. Therefore, job requirements should be realistic and allow for a certain degree of flexibility.

Job requirements can serve as the basis for preparing an interview plan with a candidate for a vacant position. Individual interview questions should be linked to job descriptions and requirements for the position and aimed at finding out whether the candidate has the qualities necessary for successful work. This provides guidance for developing the criteria used in evaluating candidates and in making hiring decisions.

2.2 Selection process

In the process of selecting candidates, acquaintance with applicants takes place, information about them is collected and processed, qualities are assessed and reliable “portraits” are compiled, actual qualities are compared with the requirements of the position. The result is the appointment and approval of candidates for positions, the conclusion of employment contracts with them.

The selection is made in several stages. At the preliminary stage of selection, the primary identification of candidates capable of performing the required functions takes place. The circle of applicants is narrowed as much as possible and a reserve is formed, with which further more thorough work is carried out (analysis of questionnaires, resumes, characteristics, recommendations).

The disadvantage of the primary stage is that by evaluating documents, one can obtain limited quantity information.

The main rules for the final selection of applicants are: selection of the most suitable employees for the organization; ensuring that the expected effect exceeds the costs; maintaining the stability of the staff and at the same time the influx of new people; improvement of the moral and psychological climate; meeting the expectations of the employees involved.

In the organization of the selection of applicants, it is often allowed the following errors: lack of consistency in the organization of selection, lack of a reliable list of qualities required from the applicant; false interpretation of the appearance of the candidate and his answers to the questions posed, the ability to speak beautifully; orientation to formal merits; judgment about a person according to one of the qualities; intolerance to the negative traits that everyone has; overreliance on tests; inaccurate accounting for negative information.

Preliminary interview.

Work at this stage can be organized different ways. Sometimes it is preferable that candidates come to the personnel department or to the place of work. An HR specialist or line manager talks to them on general rules conversations accepted in the organization.

Personnel interview is the most versatile way to assess staff. The environment in which the HR interview is conducted should match the environment in which the person will be working to ensure that they are compatible with future colleagues.

Interviews can take place one-on-one or with a group of applicants, an applicant or a group of applicants can be interviewed by several people at the same time. The results of a face-to-face conversation can be subjective, and the assessment is erroneous.

During the preparation of the preliminary interview, it is necessary to find out the following: personal qualities candidate (knowledge, experience, attitudes) are required to perform the job; with the help of which questions you can extract the necessary information; who should be involved as interviewers - one or more people, in what form the interview is conducted.

Interviewers should be able to formulate questions in accordance with the objectives of the conversation, to put them correctly; tailor your style to the applicant's personality and specific circumstances; listen kindly, providing an opportunity to demonstrate oneself as an interlocutor, summarize, make the right decisions; keep the information received confidential; be presentable, neatly and tastefully dressed.

When conducting a personnel interview, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for a conversation.

The interviewer must know the organization, conditions and nature of the proposed work, must be able to give exhaustive answers to the applicant's questions. It is necessary to first determine the general nature of the conversation (formal, informal). The interviewer should create a relaxed atmosphere with the goal that the applicant speaks more himself.

should be adhered to the following rules: do not talk to candidates without asking them to sit down; not to demonstrate employment and not to do other things in their presence; show friendliness, mention the name of the applicant more often; do not show your attitude to his personal documents; answer his questions in detail; do not rush to give advances for the future; hide your mood study or guess the psychological state; learn to refuse comply with labor laws.

The conversation can be built according to the scheme (based on a special form or semi-formal questions), as well as without a scheme. The result of a schematic conversation is the receipt of incomplete information. For an informal conversation, only the main questions are prepared, but it requires serious preparation. There is a danger of drifting off topic and inconsistency in conducting such a conversation.

On the basis of the object, the following types of conversation are distinguished:

According to the biography of the candidate - this type of conversation allows you to evaluate past successes, but does not characterize the current situation and motivation for future work.

According to the situation - the applicant is offered one or more problems. As a result, one can evaluate his general and analytical abilities, methods of work, and the ability to get out of difficult situations.

According to professional and personal qualities - during the interview, questions are asked about behavior in various conditions related to professional activities. Evaluation is carried out according to pre-selected criteria. This type of conversation is recommended to take 30% of the time. The disadvantage is the limitedness of the assessed qualities, the need for preliminary training, experience, high objectivity of the persons conducting the interview.

At this stage, the education of the applicant is clarified, his assessment is made appearance and defining personality traits.

During the conversation, information is exchanged, usually in the form of questions and answers. common mistake this method is the tendency to draw conclusions about the applicant on the first impression, from the first minutes of the conversation. There are cases when the interviewer bases his opinion on the impression of how a person looks, sits in a chair, maintains eye contact, and on these impressions evaluates the applicant for the position. In order not to make such a mistake, the interviewer should observe both the speech of the applicant and his behavior.

When conducting interviews, one should carefully listen to what and how the applicant says, and it is also necessary to monitor his behavior. The decision should be made only with all necessary information and keeping in mind the requirements of the nature of the work. The conversation needs to be centered around issues that are important selection criteria.

After that, the applicant is sent to the next stage of selection, where the application form and the questionnaire are filled out.

Questioning is the first stage of the evaluation and selection of applicants. At this stage, less suitable candidates are screened out, the range of factors that need particularly close study based on subsequent methods, as well as sources from which the necessary information can be obtained, is determined. Any distortion in the questionnaire is the basis for the dismissal of the employee at any time when it turns out (the corresponding indication is included in the text of the questionnaire).

Analysis of personal data in combination with other selection methods reveals the following information: compliance of the applicant's education with the minimum qualification requirements; conformity practical experience the nature of the position; the presence of a restriction of another kind on the execution official duties; readiness to accept additional loads; a circle of people who can recommend an employee, help in making inquiries and obtaining additional information.

One of the objectives of the survey is to determine the personal qualities and circumstances that can help the candidate in the work in case of employment. Often the questionnaires contain data on the length of time worked with the last employer, the duration of absence due to illness, etc. The questionnaire asks for the exact wording of the reasons for dismissal in the past. are going general information about the sources of motivation and assumptions are made about the factors that impede work. These data are rechecked and specified, and in the future they become the subject of careful study during inquiries and interviews with the applicant. The questionnaire contains data on health deficiencies.

The level of detail of the questionnaire and the specific form may be different. In one case, HR departments and heads of organizations rely more on the questionnaire, in the other, they clarify the necessary information during the interview process.

Testing as a way to select an applicant.

One of the methods used to facilitate selection decisions are tests. Psychologists and HR professionals develop tests to assess the ability and mentality required to perform effectively in the proposed job.

The analysis of questionnaires, CVs and resumes is considered a fairly reliable source about the candidate, but since it is focused on the past, it is quite approximate. Therefore, various tests come to the rescue, which are considered a fairly reliable way to check applicants, select the best candidates and weed out the weak ones.

With the help of tests, you can evaluate the speed and accuracy of the work, stability of attention, accuracy, ability to quickly navigate, perseverance, diligence, personal inclinations, general abilities, the suitability of the applicant for solving specific problems, performing work in the proposed place, professionalism, the presence of interest in the upcoming work. , level of mental abilities, propensity to learn, interests, personality type, memory, sociability, leadership inclinations and other characteristics.

Tests can take the form of written and oral questions and assignments. The following types of tests are distinguished: physical ability tests; mental ability tests (general and special); simulation tests.

Physical ability tests are typically used to select candidates for positions that do not require qualifications but require manual labor.

Intelligence tests measure intelligence, literacy, numeracy, communication, qualifications, experience, expectations, etc.

Simulation tests simulate real working conditions.

Most Popular complex tests, which contain hundreds, and sometimes thousands of questions.

All tests must be reliable and provide similar results when retested. It is advisable to carry out testing several times and on different days, which will allow you to compare the results, since they may not be the same.

The advantage of this selection method lies in the assessment of the candidate's condition at the current period, and the main disadvantage is associated with high costs and the fact that tests poorly reveal the positive qualities of people compared to the negative ones. The reliability of general tests, as practice has shown, is less than 50%.

Analyzing the previously listed methods of personnel selection, we can conclude that when organizing the selection of personnel, it is necessary not only to choose the most reliable selection methods, but also to take into account their impact on applicants.

III . Evaluation of the effectiveness of recruitment

To assess the effectiveness of the search and selection process for new employees, a number of quantitative indicators can be used that characterize the work of personnel who have started working in the organization:

The level of employee turnover, especially among new employees;

The share of employees who have not passed the probationary period out of the total number of employees hired;

Financial costs for ensuring the process of search and selection of personnel;

Violation level labor discipline among new employees (absenteeism, delays not agreed with the management, absence from the workplace, etc.);

The level of marriage and mistakes made by new employees;

Frequency of equipment breakdowns;

Efficiency of use of necessary materials, accessories;

The level of occupational injuries among new employees;

The number of complaints from customers, consumers, suppliers due to the fault of new employees.

Additional information about the quality of the personnel selection system used in the organization can be obtained from three sources: from the candidates themselves, from the employees of the organization and from those leaving. For this purpose, interviews, surveys, performance evaluation can be used.

It must be borne in mind that it is difficult to obtain reliable information from any one source or by evaluating any one indicator. For example, high values ​​of the staff turnover rate may be due to the action of a number of factors that are not related to the personnel search and selection system.

The effectiveness of recruitment can be assessed partly immediately upon completion of this process, partly after a certain planned period of time.

Immediately after the selection is completed, the following can be assessed:

1) compliance of the action plan for the selection and the actual set of measures in relation to the deadlines;

2) the degree of deviation of the actual costs of staff recruitment from planned indicators;

3) specific gravity costs and attracted candidates based on each source of attraction;

4) the general level of expenses for attracting one potential candidate;

5) the level of expenses for filling a vacancy;

6) other evaluation parameters.

After a certain period of time, the effectiveness of recruitment can be assessed directly on the basis of an analysis of the activities of recruited specialists. This covers the following aspects:

The level of labor productivity of a hired specialist;

the proportion of employees who have not passed the probationary period;

the level of violations of labor discipline and corporate rules;

the level of staff turnover;

Information received (on the basis of feedback) from customers and suppliers when working with this specialist;

The level of equipment breakdowns, manufacturing defects, the quality of the use of components, etc.;

other evaluation parameters.

Approximate assessment of the level of invited and hired workers, which is calculated as follows:

KH \u003d (RK + PR + OR): H, where

KN - the quality of recruited workers,%

PR - Percentage of new hires promoted within one year

RR is the percentage of new employees remaining in employment after one year

N - the total number of indicators taken into account in the calculation.

With the completion of the last stage, the recruitment process formally ends. However, the results of the work carried out within its framework in the future will have a significant impact on other areas of personnel management.


It is very important to constantly improve the management of the recruitment and selection process, as the efficiency of the entire enterprise depends on it. Relevant today is the issue of strengthening human resources organizations. In each organization, selection criteria and conditions for promotion to higher positions should be developed.

I can draw the following conclusions as a result of writing this work:

─ today there is no one optimal recruitment method, so the organization must know the whole set of techniques for attracting candidates and use them depending on the specific task;

─ due to the fact that the interview today is practically the main selection method, business leaders, personnel managers, line managers need to improve their skills in its application, fill the interview technology with specific content depending on the profession or job level, work out the rules for describing interview results and presentation of conclusions;

─ in the selection of personnel in modern conditions, it is necessary to take into account the personal psychological characteristics of candidates in order to increase the efficiency of the company's activities by strengthening its cohesion, creating a team. As can be seen from the results of the study, a number of companies are already attracting professional psychologists for this;

─ when organizing a system for recruiting and selecting personnel, it is necessary to increase attention to the implementation of adaptation programs for a new employee, because Taking on a position is an essential part of the recruitment process. It must be as carefully planned and as systematically executed as any other part of the procedure. Insufficient attention to the issues of adaptation of new workers will negate the results of the selection if new employee failing to master in time new job and fit into the workforce, quit;

─ enterprises need to systematically evaluate the effectiveness of personnel selection, using various indicators, in order to respond in a timely manner to emerging omissions and shortcomings in the organization of recruitment and selection of personnel.

Strict observance of the rules when hiring, the use of progressive methods of selection, ensuring transparency and openness in the conduct of competition procedures will help to cope with this task.


1. Personnel management / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremin. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008.

2. Personnel management / Dessler G. - M.: BINOM, 2007.

3. Tsvetaeva V.M. Personnel management /V.M. Tsvetaeva. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.

4. The procedure for selecting a candidate // Handbook of personnel officer. - M, 2002

5. Personnel management modern organization/S.V. Shekshnya. – M.: Int-sintez, 2007.

6. Strengthening the staff // Personnel Service. - M., 2000.

7. Personnel management: selection and hiring /I.B. Durakova. - M.: Center, 2008.

8. Competitive selection- quality criterion // Personnel Service. - M., 2000

9. Management of the organization /Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva and others. M.: Economics, 2003.

10. Personnel planning and hiring /S.V. Shekshnya. – M.: Int-sintez, 2007.

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The recruitment consists in creating the necessary reserve of candidates for all positions and specialties, from which the organization will subsequently select the most suitable employees for it. The main task of implementing this function of personnel management is to meet the organization's demand for employees in quantitative and qualitative terms.

Before proceeding with the recruitment of candidates, it is necessary to determine the requirements for a candidate for a vacant position. Formalization of requirements for candidates is prerequisite set. There are several tools that facilitate the implementation of the recruitment function in an organization: job description, qualification card and competency card.

A job description is a document that describes the main functions of an employee occupying a given workplace. As a rule, the job description is prepared by the HR department together with the head of the department in which the employee is accepted. To compile a high-quality job description, they study the processes that are carried out within the framework of this position, then determine the requirements for the employee who will hold this position, for his knowledge, skills, and experience. In addition to job descriptions, to facilitate the process of searching for candidates, many organizations began to create documents describing the main characteristics that an employee must have to successfully work in this position, qualification cards and competency cards (“portraits” of ideal employees).

Qualification card - a document that reflects the recruitment qualification characteristics(education, special skills, knowledge foreign language, computer skills, driving, etc.) that an employee holding a certain position must have. Since it is easier to determine the presence of qualifications during the selection process than the ability to perform certain functions, the competency card is a tool that facilitates the selection process of candidates. The use of a qualification card enables a structured assessment of candidates for each characteristic and comparison of candidates with each other. The weakness of this method is that it focuses on the candidate's formal characteristics, leaving aside personal characteristics and professional development potential. The qualification card is an "intermediate link" between a highly formalized job description and a poorly formalized competency map.

Competence map (portrait of the “ideal employee”) is a document that defines the desired personal characteristics of a person, his ability to perform certain functions, social roles, types of behavior. Very often, the map is supplemented with a description of competencies, i.e. a detailed explanation of each stroke of the portrait of an ideal employee. Later, at the stage of selection of candidates, the competence map of each candidate is compared with the competences of the “ideal employee”. Only after determining the requirements for candidates, they begin to recruit personnel for the organization.

There are two possible sources of recruitment for an organization: external (from among people not related to

with the organization) and internal (from among the people associated with the organization), which are usually used in combination. The preference for an external or internal source of satisfaction of the need for personnel usually depends on the characteristics of the situation. The main constraints at this stage are the budget that the organization can spend and human resources which it has at its disposal for the subsequent selection of candidates.

The external set has both advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

Wide choice of personnel;

The emergence of new people, which means new ideas that will give new impetus to the development of the organization, including through the use of the positive experience of other organizations;

Less threat of intrigue among employees within the organization.

The disadvantages include:

High costs for attracting and adapting staff;

A high proportion of employees hired from outside, which contributes to an increase in staff turnover;

Deterioration of the moral and psychological climate among long-term employees;

Decreased loyalty of employees to the organization due to blocking their career opportunities;

A high degree of risk of accepting a new person into the organization.

Various external dialing methods:

Formation and maintenance of a database of people whose knowledge and qualifications may be useful in the future (information for the database is drawn from letters, phone calls, oral requests from people who are looking for work);

Announcements in the media (television, radio, press, Internet). The following information must be reflected in job advertisements: features of the organization (name, location, field of activity); characteristics of activities (range of tasks, place in the structure, growth prospects); requirements for the applicant (knowledge, experience, qualifications, skills, performance); system of remuneration and benefits; features of the selection process (required documents, deadlines for their submission); address and contact numbers of the organization;

Departure to educational institutions, colleges, business schools;

Contacts with other organizations related to the profile of activity;

Appeals to state employment agencies that have their own database containing information about registered people (age, education, qualifications, professional experience, job of interest);

Appeals to private recruitment agencies, the so-called recruiting firms, which have extensive databases of qualified personnel in a wide variety of professions and carry out a special search for candidates in accordance with the requirements of the client;

Conducting presentations, participation in job fairs, holidays, festivals; ,

Temporary employment of employees (staff leasing). A temporary worker who has the knowledge and skills necessary for this position can perform the relevant tasks. The advantage of using temporary workers is that the organization does not have to pay them bonuses, train them, provide compensation and take care of subsequent promotions. A temporary worker can be hired or fired at any time, depending on the requirements of the job. The disadvantage of hiring temporary workers is that they do not know the specifics of the organization well, which hinders effective work.

The internal set also has its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits include:

A high degree of manageability of the current personnel situation, including maintaining the level of remuneration that has developed in this organization, since the applicant “co. parties” may make higher demands in relation to wages;

Strengthening the motivation of employees to work effectively in the organization due to the emergence of their chances for career growth;

Improving the moral and psychological climate in the team and strengthening the attachment of employees to the organization;

Low costs for attracting new employees and their adaptation to the working conditions in the organization.

The disadvantages of the internal set include the following points:

The lack of an influx of new people with new views, which can lead to stagnation;

Restriction of opportunities for selection of personnel;

Tension and conflict in the team in the event of the appearance of several applicants for higher positions;

Promotion of "the right people";

Resistance from department heads seeking to "hide" the best employees and "keep" them for themselves;

Number of transfers per new position does not satisfy the needs for personnel of a developing organization, only a qualitative need is satisfied, but through retraining or advanced training, which is associated with additional costs.

Internal dialing uses the following methods: .

Announcements about vacant position in the internal media: the newspaper of the organization, specially published information sheets;

Appeal to the heads of departments of the organization with a request to nominate candidates for a specific position with the required characteristics;

Intracompany movement of personnel;

Appeal to the staff of the organization with a request to provide assistance and engage in an informal search for candidates among their colleagues, relatives and acquaintances;

Overtime, etc.

It should be noted that dialing methods can be active or passive. ,

Active ones are usually resorted to when the labor market demand for labor force exceeds her offer. Passive methods are used in the opposite situation, i.e., with a high supply of labor.

Employees of the personnel management department must know the whole set of methods for attracting candidates to the organization and use them (more precisely, their combination) depending on the specific task.


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