What kind of workers want to work efficiently and productively. Motivation, Needs and Delegation. Thus, many desires of employees are quite realizable as a reward for a job well done.

This chapter reveals the essence and criteria of motivation aimed at creating conditions for highly productive work of employees of the enterprise. Variants of individual and group motivation, its stages are considered. Outlines the rules for working with a group (team) of employees.

Primary and secondary human needs are analyzed, it is recommended to mutually correlate the hierarchy of needs and labor motivation. In addition, the chapter discusses various procedural theories of motivation.

Issues of authority and responsibility in the work of a manager are discussed. The importance of timely and effective delegation of the manager's authority to his subordinates is emphasized. The basic rules and principles of delegation are determined.


The purpose of the enterprise is to improve product quality, reduce production costs and ultimately achieve high efficiency of production activities. However, this cannot be achieved if one does not create favorable conditions, motivation for employees to be themselves interested in solving the problems facing them.

There is a direct dependence of the results and, accordingly, the stability of the enterprise in the market on the quality of staff work. Only thanks to the human factor can you achieve impressive results in the production process. In the 70s. XX century In the terminology of management, the term "human resources" appeared, which is increasingly characterized by such widespread concepts as personnel, employees, workers. Human resources play the same important role in ensuring the effective operation of an enterprise as material, financial, information resources.

The emergence of the term "human resources" is explained by the awareness of the expediency of investing financial resources in the training and retraining of employees of the enterprise. According to data published in the USA, the need for qualified personnel in modern society is much higher than 15-20 years ago. In countries with developed economies, it is generally accepted that it is human resources that are the most important component of a company's success in the market. The head of the world-famous Japanese company Sony A. Morita once said that "only people can make an enterprise successful."

The introduction of new technologies leads to significant changes labor activity... Some jobs are being abolished, others are being created. On the one hand, there is unemployment, on the other, there is a shortage of certain specialists (for example, skilled workers, computer scientists, etc. are constantly required).

Changing perceptions of work, free time and quality of life are placing new demands on managers at all levels in terms of leadership skills. In management, the main problem is working with people. The success of any enterprise depends on their qualifications and diligence. The training and retraining of personnel, in particular the training of management personnel, is becoming more and more important.

In conditions of growth competitive struggle in the market, enterprises will be able to survive only if they react in a timely manner to changes in the surrounding world. In the coming years, the management challenges are expected to be mainly in the area of ​​human resources. Therefore, personnel management, being an integral part of the company's economic policy, will play an increasingly important role.

Thus, the main tools for human resource management are personnel planning, personnel attraction, staff development, personnel retention, people management.

Throughout the history of the existence of industrial relations between people, managers faced basically the same problem. This is the problem of motivating the implementation of managerial decisions.

Motivation- the process of forming the necessary incentives in the employee, which are an external incentive to work, which develops on the basis of awareness of both his personal needs and the needs of other people. With proper motivation, the employee has the opportunity not only to satisfy his own needs, but also at the same time to achieve the goals of the enterprise where he works.

Workforce is an essential component of any enterprise. The existence of the enterprise, its competitiveness and the well-being of the team depend on how employees work, how they relate to their duties. The art of management, understood as the ability to manage people, to influence them, is the most important component in managing an enterprise and largely determines not only its present, but also its future state.

Motivation factors have a direct impact on job satisfaction and the quality of its performance.

There are the following motivation factors:


Working environment;


Own development;

Usefulness of work;

Interest in work.

One of the main factors of labor motivation is wage. The clearest explanation of the influence of money in assessing the labor costs of an employee was given by F. Taylor, one of the founders of the concept of "scientific management". According to Taylor, money is a decisive factor in influencing the motives of labor behavior of the majority of workers. High wages and low production costs form the basis of good governance.

To achieve this, F. Taylor suggested: each worker should be entrusted with the most difficult work which he is able to perform; to encourage everyone so that his development reaches the level of the best worker of the same category; for each worker who has achieved the highest skill, make a bonus from 30 to 100% in comparison with the average earnings of workers with the same rank; to set production rates to overcome deviation from work.

The essence successful work a modern enterprise also in the first place implies fair remuneration for work. Meanwhile, labor is always individual. In order for work to be adequate to the results and receive an objective assessment in the form of appropriate payment, many indicators must be taken into account. These can be: qualifications, work experience, education, quality and quantity of labor, initiative, abilities, etc.

Establishing a wage scale based on these indicators is not an easy task. There is no single approach here, each manager must find his own precise and objective criterion. The more objectivity and impartiality, the more it stimulates the work of workers, reveals their capabilities and abilities. And on the contrary, the leveling system, subjectivity sharply reduce the motivation of labor, cause discontent and staff turnover.

According to modern sociological research, people who are highly motivated from earnings usually have ambition, self-discipline and a desire to get the most out of the use of money. A direct dependence of the size of the employee's remuneration on his results is necessary. Meanwhile, there are two fundamentally different approaches to determining priorities in the dilemma: labor productivity - wages.

You can increase labor productivity and, as a result, more effective work enterprises to increase wages... There is another option: to establish high wages for the employees and, thanks to the high motivation of the personnel, to ensure high labor productivity. In our country, it is still accepted that productivity is primary, and wages are secondary. Meanwhile, many managers abroad, who have achieved amazing results, have proven that higher wages allow achieving higher labor productivity.

Remuneration for work in recent decades has taken a slightly different form than just wages and other payments. Additional incentives are gaining in importance. The company may offer a valuable employee compensation options that may be more meaningful to him than the equivalent amount of money.

These are housing, medical care, life and property insurance, personal cars, paid meals and recreation, free goods, a profit-sharing program, low-interest loans, reimbursement of training costs, etc. Using these incentive opportunities employees, the manager can solve two problems at once: material incentives for work and the creation of a healthy socio-psychological climate, an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in the team.

Nevertheless, wages remain a priority motivation factor. Moreover, along with the traditional ones, so-called "flexible" systems of remuneration have been increasingly used lately.

In the USA, for example, the following are most widespread:

Income participation (difference between results economic activity and costs). The payment of remuneration is associated with the fulfillment of the production task, including the requirements for increasing labor productivity, product quality and service culture;

Profit sharing (the balance of income after all mandatory payments have been paid). The differentiated annual remuneration from profit is paid either in cash or by transfer to the pension fund;

One-time reward. Lump sum payment cash for specific work done. Employees are interested in fulfilling assigned tasks, and managers are able to control production costs by stabilizing wages;

Fees for qualifications and knowledge. The salary of workers and employees grows depending on personal qualifications, the number of tasks performed and the quality of their implementation.

There are other remuneration systems as well. For example, the American company Du Pont de Nemours uses a rigid reward system that distributes production risk between managers and employees. Remuneration is paid based on the results of the execution production program a company designed for 3-5 years. Each employee of the company wishing to participate in this program contributes 6% of their annual earnings to it. If the plan is 100% fulfilled, the company returns this 6% to the employees, and if the plan is fulfilled by 125 or 150%, the employees receive additional remuneration - respectively 6 or 12% of the annual earnings. If the plan is fulfilled by less than 80%, employees completely lose their 6% of earnings.

At Nukor, remuneration is tied to the quality of the products and manufacturing discipline. The wages range from $ 6 to $ 9 per hour, which is half the industry average. However, due to the fact that workers exceed the established targets for the production of products, their annual earnings are 2 thousand dollars higher than at similar enterprises. In addition, there is a rule according to which in the case of a one-time delay for work up to 30 minutes, the employee is deprived of the day's remuneration, and if he is more than 30 minutes late, the weekly.

Development trend modern society is such that the content and environment of work take on more importance than material reward and the opportunity to make a career.

Money can influence the motives of the behavior of most people, however, in about 30% of them, motivation depends on other reasons. A person is a complex creature, and only for a few, a single factor can serve as a motive for behavior for a long time, even if it is money. Usually, positive motivation is the result of a group of factors.

The labor behavior of an employee, therefore, is largely determined not only by material, but also by social incentives, working environment. The environment in which the work is carried out significantly affects the attitude of personnel to work. Enterprise managers should make the necessary efforts to create an environment that will be conducive to meeting the challenges and meeting the needs of employees.

One of the options for organizing the work of employees, contributing to higher labor motivation, is to work on a flexible schedule. This method provides for certain periods of time during which work can begin and end, instead of a fixed start and end of work, as well as a fixed period when the employee must be at his workplace. In other words, if the nature of the work allows, the employee himself adjusts the schedule of his work within the limits necessary for the mandatory fulfillment of the working time limit.

In addition, he can do work, such as a computer, at home. Abbreviated work week, as well as the division of responsibilities of one staff unit between two employees. Providing an opportunity to work in a non-standard mode is a good moral incentive to increase productivity and quality of work. Trust in employees, shown by a manager, strengthens their confidence in their own strength, makes it possible to rationally distribute work and personal time.

Abroad, this method of staff motivation is gaining momentum. This is largely facilitated by the process of computerization of information flows, in particular the possibilities of the Internet, the use of Email etc. In the United States, for example, the number of flexible jobs has more than tripled over the past twenty years, accounting for about 2% of all jobs in the country.

About half a million people are currently working in Russia on a flexible schedule. In accordance with the Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation, an employee using a flexible schedule enjoys all the rights of a full-time employee, his seniority is accrued, and vacation is not limited. In this case, labor remuneration is carried out in proportion to the time spent or the volume of finished work.

People rarely show their potential in an atmosphere of absence. stability. If a person constantly lives under real threat dismissal, it is impossible to expect interest and maximum return in work from him. Feelings of stability are not simply associated with having or not having a job. People are also afraid of losing their position or losing the respect others have for them. Many people like the sense of stability they feel in the group to which they belong, which makes it especially important to develop group work. The style of the manager's work is important, since formal, non-responsive management of people can reduce the sense of security, which in turn adversely affects the productivity of employees.

One of the most effective ways increasing the contribution of people to the work of the firm is to help them own development. Development and experience are inseparable. Job feedback is inseparable from people's development, and it can be a powerful motivator for even greater achievement. Some of the development efforts may not be frustrating or desirable for employees, so it is important to actively involve people in making decisions about their own development and growth.

The best training is the one that is linked to the direct functions of the employee and is carried out in the workplace. Therefore, the manager needs to give subordinates tasks related to the reorganization of the production process. Employees should be entrusted with projects involving the need for various approvals. This will require a specialist to be able to find compromises, overcome resistance, resolve conflicts, which will enrich people with new experiences and ultimately contribute to the growth of their motivation.

Labor force is the most stable of the active elements of production. If the equipment is updated on average for 5-6 years, then the period of the employee's labor activity reaches 40-45 years or more. The very concept of qualification acquires dynamism: it presupposes a continuous renewal of professional knowledge and skills in the course of creative solution of emerging problems. Education is becoming an integral part of the modern production process.

Abroad, two main forms of training of company personnel are usually used: intra-firm (refresher courses) and external (special schools, consulting firms, training centers and etc.). Such training centers prepare training programs, variants of business games, and so on, without fail, together with companies - potential consumers of specialists. Private companies often spend up to 1/3 of their total budget on retraining employees in various training centers.

Russian enterprises are also beginning to understand the urgency of this problem. This is how, for example, staff training for Russian company Vita-farm. Training is part of the personnel selection and certification procedure. A month after hiring, workers are invited to study. It takes about two weeks with a frequency of classes three times a week. The firm has developed its own teaching materials. Such training is built in the form of a business game: employees are told about how they should work, what they can and cannot do, and why. Then the appropriate exercises are performed.

After several months after passing the course of lectures, trainings on mutual communication and business games, the employees are assigned certification. At this stage, the people who are most successful in the job are identified. Based on the results of certification, an order is issued on material remuneration of these employees for the next six months. At the same time, a circle of specialists is determined, which the firm is going to train in the future for work as managers.

Most people like the feeling usefulness of work; they want to feel part of the organization they work for. It is necessary to inform employees about the work of the enterprise, as this helps them to understand the essence of what is happening. Since the feeling of belonging is a two-way process, it is necessary to be interested in the opinions, judgments and views of employees. The manager should create conditions under which the employees themselves will voluntarily strive to achieve the goals of the enterprise. At the same time, a feedback should be established, providing information on the effectiveness and quality of work.

A significant role in the behavior of employees is played by interest in work. Many people are looking for a job that is skillful and not too easy. The very content of the work can motivate workers. Unfortunately, many jobs are boring and not demanding. A manager can do a lot in this direction by studying how the work is organized, to what extent there is interest in it. Even clearly performing options of activity can be rearranged so that they bring more satisfaction, and therefore, stimulate the employee to increase labor productivity.

Practical measures for one's own development are largely linked to the stages of a person's service career. It is noted that a person goes through various stages during his labor activity. For many reasons, a critical phase occurs mid-career. Different factors motivate differently at different stages of tenure. The decisive moment is the duration of a person's performance of the same work, which does not change in content.

Research shows that a person who has worked for a certain time in one place gradually decreases motivation and work efficiency. When an employee comes to a new place, regardless of his previous experience, he starts with very low efficiency, because he needs to adapt to new conditions. The addiction can last up to a year. During the first year of work, the basis of motivation is the understanding of the importance of the tasks to be solved, while the employee is not interested in the problem of independence in the work. In the interval between the second and the fifth year, independence is the most important factor in motivation.

Feedback is of interest during the early years. It is after two or three years of work in one place that the employee works most productively. On average, a person's effective work cycle at the same workplace is about 5 years. After 5 years of work at the same place, not a single factor provides job satisfaction, achievements are significantly reduced. Work can get boring, interest in it disappears. Instead of motivation factors associated with work, motivation is born from selfish motives (entertainment events, solving their own issues during working hours).

One of the options for increasing interest in work and creating additional motivation for work is staff rotation (replacing one employee with another).

Promotion is not always possible in the current situation at the enterprise. If the manager is sure that the employee is not yet ready to work in a higher position, he can simply entrust him with another, new for him, area of ​​work. The novelty of the job often encourages the employee to get better promotions. Moving to an equivalent position in another division of the enterprise forces a person to work actively again, to achieve a position that was achieved in the same place. Horizontal rotation of personnel first became widespread in Japan, but then the practice of moving workers to equivalent positions within the enterprise was adopted by companies from other countries.

There is practically no experience of horizontal rotation at Russian enterprises. This is primarily due to the fact that market relations in the country are only developing and Russian companies still have the conditions for rapid career growth of employees.

Thus, the motives of people's labor behavior are determined by such material and social factors as worthy remuneration for work, work environment, safety, a sense of belonging, the opinion of work associates, the attitude of their immediate superiors, as well as by what employees think. about your company.

Although socio-psychological factors have a significant impact on the behavior of a Russian worker, however, money and additional material benefits in modern Russian conditions play a decisive role in motivating employees.

It is believed that in order to change an employee's attitude to work, one should always start with positive means of motivation. However, there are people who do not lend themselves to motivation. This is especially true in our country. Therefore, if positive means are powerless, it is necessary to use negative ones, even if they cause a conflict in which it will be impossible to control the employee. Russian managers it is necessary to put wages in strict dependence on the results obtained, and if workers are unwilling to work, they should not be re-educated, but dismissed.

Taking into account the above, the following main criteria for motivation can be formulated:

Most people are satisfied with the work they do. Of particular importance is the recognition of the results of the employee's activities by his colleagues and management;

In their workplace, people want to show what they are capable of; they strive to take part in shaping the manager's decisions on issues related to their competence;

A person wants to express himself in the results of labor, if they are noticed and approved by other people. Therefore, the standards for the performance of tasks must always be high, so that the dignity of the employee does not suffer, and the results of the activity are concrete;

Most people have their own point of view on how to improve their work. The manager needs to create conditions for the implementation of such plans;

It is important for a person to feel that he is irreplaceable for the team. The leader must make this clear to every employee and the team as a whole;

People strive for success because success is a realized goal. The employee will put maximum energy into an achievement that he has set for himself or in the development of which he took an active part;

Success without recognition leads to disappointment. Recognition and appropriate encouragement can be both material and moral;

By the way and in what form employees receive information from the manager, they assess their real importance in the eyes of management. If access to information is difficult, then the degree of employee motivation will decrease;

A manager should not make decisions regarding certain changes in the work of employees without their knowledge, even if these changes are of a positive nature;

Each person needs information about the quality of his work. An ordinary worker needs it more than a manager. Information must be prompt, large-scale and timely;

Any job benefits from the greatest possible degree of self-control;

Increased requirements for employees, which give a chance for further development, are perceived by them much more readily than underestimated ones. This is due to the fact that most people strive to acquire new knowledge in the process of work;

The initiative of workers is reduced if their diligence only leads to additional workload and is not compensated by wages;

The organization of production should allow the employee to be the boss at his workplace. This increases the degree of responsibility for the results of labor.

Objectively, any person being in work environment, from-initially, due to the peculiarities of human nature, certain doubts about the possibility of successfully performing the work. This may be a concern for the following reasons: the job is not profitable; work is useless; not enough information; work is unattractive and boring; failure in work is possible; there are more important and urgent matters; work creates unpleasant sensations; it is not clear enough where to start work; incompetence.

The manager needs not only to anticipate the possibility of such a situation developing, but also to take appropriate measures to resolve it. In particular, it is advisable to compile a list of possible options or methods for solving the problem.

You should divide the work into parts, start small and uncomplicated. It is necessary to assess the degree of possible failure and critically reflect on the complexity of the work, which may be exaggerated. It is necessary to determine the intermediate results, having achieved which, the manager should reward himself and employees. In any case, the manager must have a set of actions. You should try to find a positive result even in unprofitable, non-prestigious work and motivate people accordingly.

In working with personnel, the manager should strive for the optimal variant of motivation (Figure 5.1).

An increase in the amount of work performed (O) (can be carried out in terms of the total volume of production, in terms of value, as well as for specific employee personally. In turn, the enrichment of the content of the work (R) occurs when the work becomes more interesting, demanding more return, more motivated. To do this, the manager should organize work in such a way as to maximize the potential of employees: to establish feedback that allows the employee to evaluate his work; to increase the feeling of his personal independence, originality.

The best option (X) is a combination of a large amount of interesting, satisfying work. It is to this option for each employee that the manager who organizes the activities of the team should strive.

In the American corporation General Motors, for example, the concept of motivation includes: fair remuneration for work; normal working conditions; the possibility of maximum development and use of individual human abilities; the availability of conditions for the systematic growth of workers and their qualification improvement; the presence of social integration in work collectives (erasing the differences associated with race, religion and nationality); the right to privacy, non-interference by the administration or public organizations; developing among all members of the organization an understanding of the needs and concerns of other members.

Insufficient consideration of the motivation of workers' labor leads to negative results, as evidenced by the experience of our country. Lack of a sufficient number of effective human resources, a low degree of labor motivation are the main reasons for the unsatisfactory performance of many Russian enterprises. This happens because people for a long time did not feel their importance, they are not ready in the socio-psychological plan.

The heads of enterprises and organizations in Russia often come across a reluctance of people to work, especially in low-prestigious professions. In our country, in which for a long time the management system had a command character and was based on strict hierarchical subordination of economic processes to the will of the center, a special type of workers has been created, who often have no interest in effective and high-quality work.

The workers did not have sufficient incentives to work, which is explained by a number of economic and social factors: labor remuneration did not significantly depend on the results of labor, which were more quantitative than qualitative; wages were equal in nature; the encouragement of workers was mostly moral; there was no opportunity to make independent decisions, there was complete dependence on the leadership; the morality of material equality of all citizens prevailed in society, which suppressed the desire to obtain high incomes by honest labor; there was no fear of losing a job, since there was no unemployment.

These and many other factors in general influenced the formation of such workers who are unwilling or even unable to work in the current market conditions. Therefore, the problem of motivating an employee in our country sometimes even boils down to making him work.

It is impossible to immediately and completely solve such an important problem, this requires a change of one or several generations, but it is vitally necessary to try to find ways out of this situation.

It is especially important for a manager to improve the system of motivating employees in a critical situation of the enterprise, which may arise, for example, in connection with the deterioration of the market conditions and the inefficiency of the enterprise. The usual options for motivation, for example, related to money, become unavailable. In such a situation, the manager must be energetic and flexible enough.

The leader should focus on supporting people. It is necessary to abolish the official service relations in management that existed before the crisis. You should take the position of a comrade-nickname, not a boss; exchange more information with employees and more often tell them that now everything depends only on them. The manager should remind his subordinates that if the enterprise is taken out of the crisis, they will have great chances to make a career here.

The best means of motivation in a crisis is work. In order for employees to spend less time on emotional experiences, they should be loaded with specific tasks and even increase the volume of work. The threat of losing a job affects a person even without the help of a manager. Therefore, the manager is not recommended to constantly remind employees that they may become unemployed. If an employee does not trust the manager, then the threat of losing their job will only ruin their relationship.

Differentiate between motivation individual and group.

It is known that individual and group needs of a person do not always coincide. Hence, what can motivate the work of a particular employee is sometimes not a motivation factor for a group of employees. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the individuality of people with different worldviews, upbringing, education, attitudes towards material and spiritual values. Therefore, establishing the relationship between individual and group motivation consists in solving the problem of combining individual and group goals and interests.

Research has established that one of the important factors of motivation is the manager's personal recognition of the employee's achievements. Even a simple request from a manager to a subordinate to take part in the preparation of this or that decision is motivating. Options for personal motivating techniques can be: oral congratulations, written congratulations, public encouragement, promotion of an employee up the career ladder, etc.

Meanwhile, in most cases, production activity is collective, therefore, considering the work collective as a group allows the manager to establish and develop relationships between individual workers in the production process. As the group motivation intensifies, the individual motives of a particular worker are partially replaced by group motives. This is reflected in the improvement of the psychological climate in the group and the company as a whole, leads to an increase in labor productivity and the creation of conditions for successful joint activities for the benefit of the enterprise.

In a modern high-tech enterprise, one single person is practically unable to be a manager, even if he is the first leader. At all large Western enterprises, top management is formed in the form of a working group. Skillful organization of the technological process and the competent choice of the closest employees are often one of the decisive elements of the successful work of top management.

The effectiveness of a team's work depends on its size, composition, cohesion, as well as the functionality of each of its members.

Studies have shown that groups with an average of 5-10 members tend to make more accurate decisions and work more efficiently. As the group grows, communication between its members becomes more complicated, it becomes more and more difficult to reach agreement on issues related to the activities of the group. Increasing the size of the team also reinforces the tendency towards informal division, which can lead to the emergence of inconsistent goals.

The composition of the group, which is understood as the professional level of training of employees, the degree of similarity of individual personalities, their points of view, is also of great importance. It is extremely important for the manager to use different points of view of the group members when finding the optimal solution, therefore it is recommended that the team of employees, if possible, consist of dissimilar personalities. A manager who seeks to benefit from the different perspectives of employees must make an effort to avoid consensus. It is necessary to inform the group members that they are free to express any information, express any opinions or doubts about the discussed issues and should listen to different points of view and criticism.

Cohesion (“a sense of cohesion”) contributes to the increase in work efficiency, which is expressed in the gravitation of the group members to each other when achieving goals that are consistent with each other. Employees must understand that, first of all, from their working together the fate of the enterprise depends. It is no coincidence that many leading Western companies, in particular the Swedish company Volvo, have switched from a conveyor system for organizing production to more efficient group work.

As you know, the conveyor system is more characterized by impersonal work, in which the worker performs monotonous, repetitive operations alone. The introduction of the conveyor system at the beginning of the XX century. contributed to the rapid development of mass production of products. Therefore, the transition to group methods of work may seem wrong. But in fact, the results indicate that the group system of organization of work and its motivation are much more effective.

The system allows to increase workers' understanding of the need to show concern for the fate of their enterprise and their direct participation in achieving positive work results. The interest of workers is growing, which stimulates a sharp increase in labor productivity and a decrease in staff turnover. No less important factor that influences effective production activity is the functionality of the team members. These are the individual characteristics of a person, laid down by upbringing and education, and include the work skills of a given employee, his qualifications, ability to learn, as well as awareness and accumulated experience.

The ideas of group motivation are the basis of the concept corporate culture, which has become widespread in modern theory and practice of management. Corporate culture is the sum of human and professional values ​​and beliefs, which, together with the manager, are shared by the employees of the enterprise. The basic principles of the formation of corporate culture, which should be guided by a manager, are as follows: a fair assessment of work, stimulation of responsibility; development of initiative, respect for a person, providing a person with opportunities to unleash his potential. How to form a corporate culture in a team?

First of all, the manager must in every way encourage the open and uncompromising expression of different opinions and points of view by his employees. For example, the motto of Fortune magazine (USA) reads: “Show coolness in crisis situations... This encourages those around you to stay calm and act thoughtfully. Encourage the emergence of different points of view. If you are surrounded by people who only say "Yes" to you, then either you yourself, or they are not occupying their place. " Another example is the principle of the American corporation IBM: “Every company needs true dissidents. Fortunately, people who refuse to walk in formation have never been transferred to IBM ... We like it when people are rooting for the cause, not afraid to express their opinion. The worst of the critics are more useful than the best of the singers. "

Another direction in the formation of corporate culture is a high level of ethics, honesty towards colleagues at work, business partners... Delegation of managerial powers can also play an important role in the development of the corporate beginning, which will be discussed below.

Thus, the most common methods of increasing labor motivation, and primarily group methods, include:

Usage different forms participation of personnel in management;

Introducing diversity in the work of personnel within the specific functions assigned to each employee;

Ensuring the personal responsibility of employees when performing work;

Mastering related professions in order to reduce the monotony of labor;

Creation of autonomous working groups designed to solve specific production tasks, with the delegation of a certain range of rights to such teams for the distribution of responsibilities in the team, control over the quality of products and the distribution of financial rewards;

Creation and functioning of the so-called “quality circles” based on voluntary principles, designed to stimulate the employee's initiative in solving various production problems.

There is another problem. How can the employee's motivation and his knowledge of the manager's competence be interconnected? It turns out that if an employee sees an ideal in his manager, he chooses imitation of his behavior as the motive of his behavior. In this case, the manager will have no or almost no need to try to influence this subordinate. Conversely, if the subordinate does not follow the wishes of the higher-ranking leader, he has no motivation. In this case, it is assumed that the results of the labor process cannot be achieved without the threat of punishment. The motivation to do the work in this case will depend on the conditions under which the employee either voluntarily tries to repeat the behavior of his idealized leader, or
will be in a state of agreement with his views (Fig. 5.2).

The manager should be aware that motivated work is not always and not always productive. Ability to work and motivation to work are two independent factors that can vary significantly from worker to worker (Figure 5.3).

Employee A Worker B
Motivation + Motivation +
Abilities + Capabilities -
Worker B Worker G
Motivation - Motivation -
Abilities + Capabilities -

Rice. 5.3. Combination of motivation and ability among employees

It is clear that the best for the company is employee A. He is competent, capable and at the same time motivated. Employee B is capable but not motivated. He does not want to work efficiently and efficiently. In order for such an employee to work as productively as employee A, it is necessary to carry out appropriate methods of increasing motivation or to identify unmet needs. Employee B is also problematic for the enterprise, since his desires do not coincide with his capabilities. Such an employee will look like overly active in the team.

To benefit from the high level of motivation of such an employee, the manager should focus on increasing his capabilities (for example, training or choosing a job in which his capabilities will most closely match his desires). Employee D belongs to the category of employees that you need to try to get rid of, since the costs of training and motivating them are unlikely to ever pay off in the future.


The need is the determining cause of a person's actions, the primary source and driving force of his activity. All other concepts used in describing human behavior (attitudes, values, interests, motives, etc.) are derived from needs and are generated by them. There is a great variety of these needs to be remembered. Needs are partially and very biased reflected in the consciousness of a person, they are recognized by him. To realize means to get an actual or potential opportunity to communicate your knowledge to another.

As you know, the most difficult thing in management is the regulation of the incentive stimuli of a person, in which he has a desire to work in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the organization. To achieve the goal means to achieve effective management of the enterprise. However, the manager should not forget about the innate priorities of human nature: in the first place are always personal interests, in the second - group interests, and only in third - public ones.

What is the steepness of needs that induce people to take certain actions, including the nature, volume and content of work?

For centuries, people have tried to explain the behavior of their mind, feelings and will. Refusal to look at human thinking as a source and driving force his activities, the recognition of needs as the determining cause of human actions is the greatest achievement of scientific thought. It served as the beginning of a truly scientific explanation of purposeful human behavior.

“People are accustomed to explaining their actions from their thinking instead of explaining them from their needs (which, of course, are reflected in the head, are realized),” said the classic of political economy F. Engels. That is why the question of needs, their classification, mutual subordination and interaction is the main problem that must be solved when considering labor motivation.

The genius Russian writer F.M. Dostoevsky, who is called the "psychologist of psychologists", in the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" points out three fundamental needs (or three groups of needs) inherent in people and determining their behavior in the natural and social environment. He begins with "bread" as a collective concept that has absorbed the entire totality of material goods necessary to sustain life. Dostoevsky is fully aware of the role played by "bread" and vividly describes how many people are forced to sacrifice in the name of satisfying their material needs. "Feed, then ask them for virtue!"

The need for knowledge is the second fundamental need, according to Dostoevsky: "For the secret of human existence is not only to live, in what to live for."

“The need for worldwide connection is the third and final torment of people. Always mankind as a whole has striven to establish itself without fail world-wide, ”said F.M. Dostoevsky.

Since then, science has gone far ahead. Now we know much more about the most complex dialectic of the relationship between material and spiritual needs. an individual and society as a whole. But one cannot but do justice to the insight of the writer, who grasped the really fundamental significance of the three groups of needs he named.

Here the classification of F.M. Dostoevsky surprisingly precisely coincides with the classification of the great German philosopher G. Hegel. “Surveying the entire content of our human existence,” Hegel writes, “we already find in our everyday consciousness the greatest variety of interests and their satisfaction. We find an extensive system of physical needs, for the satisfaction of which a large and branched network industrial enterprises, trade, shipping and technical arts. Above this system of needs, we find the world of law, laws, family life, the isolation of estates, the entire multi-embracing area of ​​the state. Finally, we find an infinitely specialized and complex activity taking place in science, a body of knowledge and knowledge that encompasses all that exists. "

To live, cognize and occupy a certain place in a group, interacting with its other members - these three words can really denote a huge variety of motives and activities dictated by them.

In the XX century. the theory of needs was further developed. Let us dwell on some of them that have received the greatest recognition in management theory. The famous scientist F. Herzberg, studying the problem of motivation for the work of engineers and employees of one of the enterprises, came to the conclusion that it is necessary to distinguish between two main categories associated with work. The first is the factors determined by the objective conditions in which the work is carried out (F. Herzberg called them "hygienic").

These include: the policy of the administration of the firm; working conditions; earnings; interpersonal relationships with bosses, colleagues and subordinates; the degree of direct control over the work. The second category is motivation, which is most directly related to the nature and essence of the work performed. Motivation factors are: success; career advancement; recognition and approval of work results; high degree of responsibility; opportunities for creative and business growth.

The fundamental difference between the first category is that the presence or absence of hygienic factors cannot motivate a person in an appropriate way. At the same time, the presence of factors of the second group gives people satisfaction from work and increases the degree of motivation. It is these factors that a manager should first of all pay attention to when working with personnel.

F. Herzberg proposed a method of "enriching labor", which he considered the best way increasing the productivity of workers and at the same time the degree of their satisfaction with their work. The theory of "enrichment of labor" is based on the assumption that workers must be necessarily interested in the quality performance of work in a particular profession. To achieve this goal, every work performed must have three distinctive features. First of all, it must be rational, necessary, and significant.

An employee, on the basis of his own system of values, his own consciousness, must understand the importance and necessity of the work performed. It is required to be able to explain this to all performers. Nothing is more harmful than doing unnecessary work. Any assigned task should present certain reasonable requirements to the employee, both in terms of the quality of labor expended and its effectiveness. The performance of the work should involve a certain amount of responsibility of the contractor. This responsibility includes freedom of action in performing certain operations, regardless of petty tutelage and rigid administration from above.

Another scientist D. McClelland believed that people have three basic needs: power, success, involvement.

The need for power is expressed in the desire of a person to have an impact, to influence other people. The specificity of the manager's activity allows to fully realize this need both personally and among his employees. One of the directions of realization of the need for power among subordinates may be the delegation to some of them of a part of the manager's powers. The need for success can be met through the successful completion of the work or a separate stage of it. The manager has great opportunities here. It is necessary to clearly define the boundaries of work in terms of volume or timing and provide employees with the necessary means of motivation.

The need for involvement is the desire of people for social communication, mutual assistance, and the establishment of friendly relations. Satisfaction of such a need is possible, for example, by organizing business meetings by the manager, at which each employee has the right to speak out on a specific issue of the company's activities. Outside working hours, the manager should in every possible way encourage the desire of employees to organize joint recreation, sports, etc.

The most popular was the theory of needs by A. Maslow, who proceeded from the recognition that a person has many different needs.

He differentiated them into five main categories:

Physiological needs, the satisfaction of which is necessary for human survival (food, water, shelter, clothing, rest, etc.);

The need for security and stability (guarantee of employment, insurance, protection, financial independence);

Social needs (good human relations, belonging to any social group);

The need for respect (recognition from other people);

The need for self-expression (self-affirmation as a person, participation in decision-making, desire for creativity, awareness, realization of potential opportunities).

A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs in a slightly modified and supplemented form is shown in Fig. 5.4.

This hierarchy of needs is based on the fact that people are stimulated by the desire to satisfy more and more elusive needs. These needs can be ordered as their importance and accessibility to a person increases. The needs of the 1st and 2nd levels are basic (dominant, primary), associated with ensuring survival in the environment; needs of the 3rd - 5th levels - higher (secondary). After the needs of the lower level are satisfied, the needs of the next level become dominant. In other words, the needs of a lower level must be satisfied before it becomes possible for a given person to fulfill the needs of a higher level.

Figure A characterizes the quantitative side of a person's needs. This means that the number of people who have higher needs in accordance with the hierarchy is gradually decreasing. In other words, there are relatively few people striving, for example, for self-realization. At the same time, there is no person on earth who could live without food and water.

Figure B, in turn, shows the qualitative side of a person's needs. The figure shows that the importance of secondary needs is incomparably higher than primary needs. This suggests that a modern civilized person not only wants to provide himself with everything necessary for a full life (housing, food, clothing, transport), but also constantly strives to improve his professional and cultural level (study, theater, sports).

Each person potentially has a continuous desire to achieve more and more new heights in society, to satisfy increasingly difficult needs. It is this desire to meet their ever-increasing needs that is the main reason for the interest in work. Various needs theories generally do not contradict each other, but mutually complement each other. They reflect the versatility and non-standard nature of the motivation process and predetermine the need for an integrated approach to solving this complex problem.

In the work of a manager, the most difficult part of the work is creating conditions for employees to meet the needs of a higher order. There are methods that have shown themselves well in management practice.

So, social needs can be realized by providing employees with work that contributes to the business community. It is necessary to create in the team an atmosphere of a united team working for the final result. It is recommended to hold regular staff meetings to discuss topical issues of the enterprise. It is necessary to create favorable conditions for the manifestation of social activity by employees, for example, their participation in the charitable activities of the enterprise. Finally, it is advisable to retain non-formal groups and their leaders in the team, if this does not interfere with the fulfillment of production targets. Examples of such informal groups are members of environmental organizations, fans of sports teams, philatelists, and lovers of classical or popular music.

The need for respect implemented by providing employees with more meaningful, interesting work, if there are appropriate opportunities for this. The manager should provide feedback to subordinates in accordance with the achieved results of work, which will achieve an objective assessment of their efforts. It is recommended to involve employees in defining the goals of the enterprise and in developing the necessary decisions.

In this case, the staff of the company will feel their involvement in the common cause. A manager can be delegated additional rights and powers to subordinates, so that employees increase their professional experience... The most capable workers who have shown real success in work should be promoted upward. career ladder... Finally, in order to improve the competence of employees, the manager must organize an ongoing process of retraining and advanced training of personnel.

The most difficult task for a manager is satisfaction. people's needs for self-realization (self-expression). Difficulties here stem from the perception of a person as a unique and at the same time complex personality.

The main directions for the implementation of such needs are:

Providing the necessary conditions for the professional growth of employees and, if possible, full use their potential;

Providing employees with complex and responsible work;

Development of employees' creative abilities;

Participation in making complex and responsible decisions;

Providing work requiring independent decision making.

In this case, the preconditions are created for the transformation of labor from a means of earning into a means of self-expression and personal development.


For the successful operation of the enterprise, the manager must timely distribute and properly organize the powers of his employees. The term “authority” usually means that a particular person has certain rights to use the resources of the enterprise. Only with the necessary credentials can production jobs be successfully completed. In the activities of any company, sooner or later there comes a period when it is required to redistribute power functions within it.

Responsibility must be vested in all levels of government, down to the lowest. Responsibility is the commitment to meet the challenges that need to be addressed. When starting work, an employee assumes responsibility for it. successful execution in exchange, in the first place, for the payment of their labor. Employees need a certain amount of responsibility for the work entrusted to them. If you ignore such a need, there may be a threat to the development and even the existence of the company. Usually people leave their former place of work to where such responsibility is given to them.

Delegation in management- this is the transfer by the manager of authority and responsibility for the execution of tasks to one or more subordinates (Fig.5.5).

With the help of delegation, the manager distributes among the employees the tasks that must be completed to achieve the goals of the organization. If there is no delegation, then the manager is obliged to solve the problem on his own. This is not easy to do, since it will take more time to complete the work in such conditions, and the manager's ability must be exceptional. The quality of the manager's work is assessed by the ability to delegate rights and responsibilities to subordinates. As the company grows, the number of tasks solved by managers increases immeasurably.

Therefore, the relevance of delegation in these conditions only increases. The manager can carry out delegation only under the conditions when the subordinate has accepted the powers addressed to him. Taking on the authority to perform a specific work, the employee thereby begins to bear a certain responsibility to the manager for completing the task efficiently and on time. Responsibility for the final result of work retained by the manager. A feature of the delegation of powers is that they can be transferred not to a specific person, but to the position that this employee holds. When changing the place of work, the employee acquires new powers.

Within one or another organizational structure the powers of employees are limited to certain limits. Limitation of powers is carried out with the help of oral or written orders, instructions, job duties, right-wheel internal regulations etc. There are several types of powers (fig. 5.6).

Linear powers transferred directly from the leader to the subordinate and, if necessary, further, to other subordinates. The line manager can operate within a specific organizational structure without coordination with other leaders. An example in this case can be the work of a shop manager at an industrial enterprise, the range of rights and responsibilities of which allows him to act completely autonomously.

Administrative powers are based on the delegation of various functions to the management apparatus. The latter can carry out activities on advising line management on technical policy, legislation, work with personnel, etc. In addition, the administrative apparatus performs numerous functions of servicing line divisions on planning, financing, mother technical support, product sales. Finally, there is a certain specificity of the activity of the management apparatus. We are talking about the functions of assistants and secretaries, without whose work it is difficult to imagine the activities of a modern leader.

The types of administrative powers are:

This is a variant of administrative powers, in which line managers can apply to the relevant services of the administrative apparatus for advice and receive the necessary consultations, but are not obliged to accept them for unconditional execution;

b) parallel powers.

The purpose of such powers is to establish a system of balanced power that contributes to the creation of effective control and the prevention of errors in work. An example here is the declared in any a democratic state independence from each other of the three main branches of government: legislative, executive and

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Why do people work? Why do some people do light work and remain dissatisfied, while others do hard work with pleasure? What needs to be done to make people work better and more productively? How to make your work more fun? What makes you want to work? These and many other questions arise when personnel management occurs.

In our country, very little attention has been paid to this problem, despite all its complexity and underdevelopment. For decades, the domestic economy was dominated by a technocratic approach to managing at the enterprise level, when technology, production plans, budgets, administrative orders were put at the forefront, and the role of workers was relegated to the background. In general, this led to a narrowing of labor motivation and alienation of workers, to a drop in interest in work and low productivity.

Changes in property relations that have taken place in recent years have only exacerbated the problem of labor motivation. Practice has rejected the idea that liberalization and privatization will automatically remove the issue and lead to the emergence of a high interest of workers in productive labor. It turned out to be inconsistent with modern economic reality.

Therefore, domestic enterprises have to go through trial and error, independently feeling the most appropriate and effective methods of organizing and encouraging labor.
Leaders of thriving firms like to say that the greatest potential in their businesses lies in their people. Therefore, you need to learn how to effectively manage personnel, and the way to this lies through understanding a person's motivations.
Only knowing what motivates a person, what prompts him to activity, what motives lie at the basis of his actions, one can try to develop an effective system of stimulating labor.
Therefore, in this work, we need to find out how certain motives arise or by what causes, how and in what ways motives can be brought into action, what incentives are at the disposal of the governing bodies, and how personnel are stimulated for effective and productive work.
CHAPTER 1. Motivation and incentives for employees
1.1 The role of staff motivation and incentives in the work process
One of the main tasks for enterprises of various forms of ownership is the search for effective methods of labor management, ensuring the activation of the human factor. The decisive causal factor in the performance of people is their motivation.

Motivational aspects of labor management are widely used in countries with developed market economy... In our country, the concept of labor motivation in the economic sense appeared relatively recently in connection with the democratization of production. Previously, it was used mainly in industrial economic sociology, pedagogy, psychology. This was due to a number of reasons. At first, economic sciences did not seek to analyze the relationship of their subjects with the named sciences, and, secondly, in a purely economic sense, until recently, the concept of "motivation" was replaced by the concept of "incentive".

Labor motivation is the process of stimulating an individual performer or a group of people to activity, aimed at achieving the goals of the organization, to productive performance decisions taken or planned works.

This definition shows a close relationship between the managerial and individual psychological content of motivation, based on the fact that the management of a social system and a person, in contrast to management technical systems, contains, as a necessary element, the coordination of the chains of the object and the subject of control. Its result will be labor behavior by the object of management and, ultimately, a certain result of labor activity.

Douglas McGregor analyzed the activities of the performer in the workplace and found that the manager can control the following parameters that determine the actions of the performer:

Tasks that the subordinate receives;

The quality of the assignment;

Time of receipt of the assignment;

The expected time to complete the task;

Funds available to complete the task;

The team in which the subordinate works;

Instructions received by subordinates;

Convincing the subordinate of the feasibility of the task;

Convincing a subordinate to be rewarded for successful work;

The amount of remuneration for the work done;

The level of involvement of the subordinate in the range of work-related problems.

All these factors depend on the manager and, at the same time, in one way or another affect the employee, determine the quality and intensity of his work. Douglas McGregor concluded that based on these factors, it is possible to apply two different approaches to management, which he called "Theory X" and "Theory Y".

"Theory Y" corresponds to the democratic style of management and involves the delegation of powers, improving relationships in the team, taking into account the appropriate motivation of performers and their psychological needs, enriching the content of the work.

Both theories have equal right for existence, but, due to their polarity, in a pure form in practice do not occur. As a rule, in real life there is a combination of different management styles.

McGregor's theories were developed for the individual. Further improvement of approaches to management was associated with the development of the organization as an open system, and the work of a person in a team was also considered. This led to the concept of a holistic management approach, i.e. to the need to take into account the entire set of production and social problems.

Thus, William Ouchi offered his understanding of this issue, called "Theory Z" and "Theory A", which was largely facilitated by the differences in management, respectively, in the Japanese and American economies.

Table 1.1

The difference between the concepts of management theory of the United States and Japan

Conceptual factor

"Human capital"

Small investment in training

Learning specific skills

Formalized assessment

Large investment in training

General training

Unformalized assessment

"Labor market"

External factors come first

Short term rent

Specialized promotion ladder

Internal factors come first

Long term rental

Non-specialized promotion ladder

"Devotion to the organization"

Direct employment contracts

External incentives

Individual assignments

Implied Employment Contracts

Internal incentives

Group orientation

Ouchi notes the disproportionate attention to technology and technology to the detriment of the human factor. Therefore, Theory Z was based on the principles of trust, lifelong recruitment (like attention to a person) and a group method of decision-making, which also gives a strong connection between people, their more stable position.

In general, the Japanese and American approaches are in different directions (Table 1.1). However, it can be seen that management developed mostly in the direction of the ideas embodied in Theory Y, the democratic style of management. Thus, with certain assumptions "Theory Z" can be called a developed and improved "Theory Y", adapted, first of all, for Japan. Theory A is more typical of the United States. However, some companies Western countries successfully apply Theory Z principles.

Strategic management theories discussed above by human resourses each company adapts to the specific features of its functioning. The success of the solution of this issue depends on whether subordinates will strive to work well or simply serve out office hours.

The results achieved by people in the process of work depend not only on the knowledge, skills and abilities of these people. Effective activity is possible only if employees have the appropriate motivation, that is, the desire to work. Positive motivation activates a person's abilities, frees his potential, negative motivation inhibits the manifestation of abilities, prevents the achievement of activity goals.

The lack of an acceptable mechanism for motivating employees leads to a drain of qualified personnel in many companies. Financial rewards for professional success should be systematic and based on clear objective criteria. Even prosperous companies constantly experience difficulties associated with the departure of competent and proactive specialists. This indicates an insufficient study of the methodology for motivating their professionalism. While this problem is not relevant for companies with a low level of labor specialization, since a replacement for a departed specialist can be prepared in a short time, for innovative and other organizations with a high level of specialization, solving this problem is vital. The drain of qualified personnel turns into a real disaster for them.

There are no uniform methods of personnel motivation that are effective at all times and under all circumstances. However, any method used by a manager is based on the firm's chosen HR strategy. The choice of a specific method of motivation should, first of all, determine the general strategy of personnel management that the firm has followed or wishes to follow.

1.2 Theories of staff motivation

When planning and organizing work, the manager determines what exactly should be done. this organization when, how and who, in his opinion, should do it. If the choice of these decisions is made effectively, the leader gets the opportunity to translate his decisions into actions, applying in practice the basic principles of motivation.

Motivation is the process of motivating oneself and others to take action to achieve personal or organizational goals.

A systematic study of motivation from a psychological point of view does not allow us to determine exactly what prompts a person to work. However, the study of human behavior at work provides some general explanations of motivation and allows you to create pragmatic models of employee motivation in the workplace.

Various theories of motivation are divided into two categories: substantive and procedural.

However, in order to understand the meaning of the theory of content and procedural motivation, one must first grasp the meaning of the fundamental concepts: needs and rewards.

Needs are the conscious absence of something that causes the urge to take action. Primary needs are genetically inherent, while secondary needs are developed in the course of cognition and gaining life experience. Needs cannot be directly observed or measured. Their existence can only be judged by the behavior of people. Needs serve as a motive for action.

Needs can be met by rewards. Reward is what a person considers valuable to himself. Managers use external rewards (cash payments, promotions) and internal rewards (a sense of success in achieving a goal) through the work itself.

Rice. 1.1 Simplified model of motivating behavior through needs

According to Maslow's theory, five basic types of needs form a hierarchical structure that, as a dominant, determines human behavior (Figure 1.2).

1.Physiological needs are essential for survival. These include the needs for food, water, shelter, rest, and sexual needs.

2. Needs for security and confidence in the future include the need for protection from physical and mental hazards from outside. environment and confidence that physiological needs will be met in the future.

3. Social needs, sometimes called belonging needs, which include a sense of belonging to someone or something, a sense of being accepted by others, a sense of social interaction, affection and support.

4. Needs for respect include the needs for self-esteem, personal achievement, competence, respect from others, and recognition.

5. Needs of self-expression - the need to realize their potential and growth as a person.

Rice. 1.2 Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

As the needs at one level are partially satisfied, the needs of the next level become dominant. It is important to keep in mind that only those incentives that satisfy the dominant need are motivating. For example, it is widely believed that the main factor in effective work is money: the more a person gets, the better he / she works. This belief is not true, because if a person is dominated, for example, by the need for close relationships or the need for self-realization, then he will prefer a place where he can satisfy this need over money.

Based on the given classifier of needs, a motivational model can be built (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

Motivational model

Fulfilling the needs of your personality

Realizing your potential, increasing the amount of knowledge

Self-respect and recognition from others.

Competence in your profession. The right to independently make decisions.

Social contacts

Be recognized in a kindred group. Contacts with people. Be nice.

Confidence in the future

Long-term provision of cash income, in order to meet physiological needs. Long-term workplace guarantee.

Physiological needs

Nutrition. Apartment. Clothing.

While Maslow's theory of human needs seemed to have provided executives with a very useful description of the motivation process, subsequent experimental research confirmed it is far from completely.

Believing that Maslow's classification of needs was incomplete, McClelland supplemented it by introducing the concept of needs for power, success, and belonging.

The need for power is expressed as a desire to influence other people. Within Maslow's hierarchical structure, the need for power falls somewhere between the need for respect and self-expression. Management very often attracts people with a need for power, since it provides many opportunities to manifest and realize it.

The need for success is also somewhere in between the need for respect and the need for self-expression. This need is satisfied not by the proclamation of the success of this person, which only confirms his status, but by the process of bringing the work to a successful conclusion.

In the second half of the 1950s, Frederick Herzberg and his employees developed another need-based motivation model. Herzberg came to the conclusion that the factors acting in the process of work influence the satisfaction of needs. Hygienic factors (wages, working conditions, interpersonal relationships and the nature of control by the immediate superior) only prevent the development of a feeling of dissatisfaction with the work. To achieve motivation, it is necessary to ensure the influence of motivating factors - such as a sense of success, promotion, recognition from others, responsibility, growth of opportunities.

Procedural theories look at motivation in a different way. They analyze how a person distributes efforts to achieve various goals and how he chooses a specific type of behavior. Procedural theories do not dispute the existence of needs, but they believe that human behavior is determined not only by them. According to procedural theories, the behavior of an individual is also a function of his perception and expectations associated with a given situation, and the possible consequences of his chosen type of behavior.

There are three main procedural theories of motivation: the theory of expectations, the theory of justice, and the Porter-Lawler model.

The theory of expectations is based on the assumption that a person directs his efforts to achieve a goal only when he is sure of a high probability of satisfying his needs or achieving a goal. Motivation is a function of the expectation factor "labor input - results", expectations - "results - reward" and valence (ie, the relative degree of satisfaction). The most effective motivation is achieved when people believe that their efforts will definitely enable them to achieve a goal and lead to a particularly valuable reward. Motivation is weakened if the likelihood of success or the value of reward is low in people.

Equity theory assumes that people subjectively assess the ratio of reward to effort expended and compare it with what they believe other workers have received for similar work. Unfair, according to their estimates, reward leads to the emergence of psychological stress. In general, if a person considers his work to be underestimated, he will reduce the effort expended. If he considers his work to be overvalued, then, on the contrary, he will leave the amount of effort expended at the same level or even increase it.

The widely supported Porter-Lawler model is based on the fact that motivation is a function of needs, expectations, and employee perceptions of fair remuneration. The effectiveness of the employee's work depends on the efforts made by him, his characteristic features and opportunities, as well as their assessment of their role. The amount of effort expended depends on the employee's assessment of the value of the reward and the confidence that it will be received. According to the Porter-Lawler model, labor productivity continues to be satisfied, and not vice versa, as theories of human relations believe.

1.3 Incentives to work

Any benefits, material or spiritual, that satisfy human needs, if their receipt involves labor activity, should be called labor incentives. Or we can say that the good becomes a stimulus for labor if it forms the motive for labor. Generally speaking, incentives are everything that a person considers valuable to himself.

Labor stimulation involves the creation of conditions under which, as a result of active labor activity, the employee will work more efficiently and more productively, i.e. will perform a larger amount of work than was agreed in advance. Here, the stimulation of labor creates the conditions for the employee to realize that he can work more productively, and the emergence of a desire, giving rise, in turn, a need, to work more productively. Those. the appearance of the employee's motives for more efficient work and the implementation of these motives in the labor process.

Although incentives motivate a person to work, they are still not enough for productive labor. The system of incentives and motives should be based on a certain base - the normative level of labor activity. The very fact that an employee enters an employment relationship suggests that he must perform a certain range of duties for pre-agreed remuneration. In this situation, there is still no room for stimulation. This is the sphere of controlled activity and the avoidance motives associated with the fear of punishment for failure to comply with the requirements are at work. There should be at least two such punishments related to the loss of material wealth: partial payment of remuneration or the severance of labor relations.

The employee must know what requirements are imposed on him, what remuneration he will receive if they are strictly observed, what sanctions will follow in case of their violation. Discipline contains elements of coercion, restriction of freedom of action. However, the line between control and stimulation is conditional and flexible, because a highly motivated employee has self-discipline, a habit of conscientiously fulfilling requirements and treating them as their own norms of behavior.

The incentive system grows, as it were, out of administrative and legal management methods, but does not replace them, since labor incentives are effective if the governing bodies know how to achieve the level for which they are paid. The purpose of incentives is not only to induce a person to work in general, but to induce him to do better (more) of what is conditioned by labor relations.

According to the type of needs or needs that satisfy incentives, the latter can be divided into internal and external. The first include feelings of self-esteem, satisfaction from achieving results, a sense of the meaningfulness and significance of one's work, "the luxury of human communication" arising in the process of performing work, and others. They can also be called moral incentives. External reward is what the company provides in return for the work performed: salary, bonuses, career growth, symbols of status and prestige, praise and recognition, various benefits and incentives. They can also be called monetary and material and social incentives.

Let us consider the above types of incentives in more detail, since Taken together, they constitute and are the main elements of an effective incentive system.

1.3.1 Material monetary incentives

Money is the most obvious and most used way an organization can reward employees. The application of Maslow's theory of needs to wages allows us to conclude that it satisfies many different types of needs - physiological, the need for confidence in the future and recognition. Hence the main wage functions:




Reproductive function, as you know, consists in providing the employee with expanded reproduction of his labor force at the accepted social and normative level of consumption. Hence the initial value of this function, its determining role in relation to other functions, especially in Russian conditions, when, in fact, all questions of wages are concentrated exclusively on the possibility of achieving decent level life. The main property of wages is to be the main part of the worker's fund of subsistence. Without this, it cannot perform either reproductive or stimulating function. Unfortunately, this is what happens in practice.

On the basis of Herzberg's theory, it can be concluded that the reproductive function of wages is a hygienic factor, in the absence or insufficient degree of which a person experiences dissatisfaction with work, which will naturally lead to a decrease in labor productivity.

Status function wages can be considered realized if the status determined by the amount of earnings corresponds to the employee's labor status within the framework of the considered social structure. By "status" it is customary to mean the position of a person in a particular system of social ties and relations; accordingly, labor status is the place of a given employee in relation to other employees, both vertically and horizontally. The amount of remuneration for work is one of the most important indicators of this status. For example, the head of a division of an organization is higher in status than an ordinary employee of this division. Therefore, the status function will be performed if the salary charged to the chief is higher than the salary of an ordinary employee.

On the one hand, this can stimulate lower-ranking workers to be more efficient in order to obtain a higher position and, accordingly, higher earnings (or any other position with a higher salary), of course, provided that the amount of remuneration of employees in the enterprise does not belong to the category confidential information. On the other hand, unreasonable, unfair (from the point of view of a simple worker) wage differentiation leads to a drop in motivation and, accordingly, labor results.

Stimulating function from the standpoint of management, it is most important: it is beneficial for the employee to perform his functions with the greatest efficiency. Based on the theory of expectation, it can be concluded that only under certain conditions, the growth of wages stimulates an increase in labor productivity. The first of these is that people should attach great importance to it, i.e. it, as mentioned above, should be the main source of income. The second is that people must believe that there is a clear connection between wages and labor productivity, and specifically in the fact that an increase in productivity will necessarily lead to an increase in wages, i.e. the amount of remuneration should be determined by the individual contribution of each to the overall result. This contribution embodies professionalism, initiative and labor efforts.

Many domestic scientists and specialists note that wages are bad, and often they are not connected at all with the final results of labor. The gap in payment for excellent labor efforts of workers causes the substitution in their minds of the labor basis of consumer wages, i.e. they determine the value of remuneration not by personal labor contribution, but by what can be acquired for the wages received, and this leads to a weakening and extinguishing of the stimulating function of wages. Moreover, in his claims, the employee proceeds not from how much he can earn, but from the desired "ceiling" of payment, which a person tends to raise higher and higher, as a result of which the feeling of unfairness of payment becomes constant. Accordingly, satisfaction with wages also decreases, even if it increased with a focus entirely on claims, they still cannot keep up.

The above negative trends (depreciation of the labor force, unjustified differentiation in wages and its low stimulating role) have gained such strength that we can talk about the disappearance of wages in the Russian economy as an economic category, about its transformation into a kind of social payment that is not related to public assessment. neither quantity, nor quality, nor results of labor.

Consider some of the wage systems used both in Russia and abroad.

From the point of view of simplicity and availability, the most suitable for many workers is a time-based, time-based bonus system of remuneration. However, their significant drawback is that the absence of serious incentives for a person, whose work, in addition, requires constant monitoring, reduces labor productivity.

Systems based on piece rates are also fairly simple and straightforward. But they are laborious from the point of view of calculating, they require specialists-rate setters, a large documenting taking into account changes in technology, the mass of primary payment documents (orders, reports), etc. In addition, the establishment of norms of time and prices often give rise to conflicts: everyone claims more than what is dictated by the technology of performing the work. However, "piecework" stimulates labor productivity better than other payment systems. The relationship is very clear: if you release more units, you get more. As for the shortcomings, the main one is that in pursuit of increasing output, the employee sometimes forgets about quality, destroys equipment.

At many enterprises there are additional payments for seniority, i.e. the total amount of time worked in one enterprise.

In many Russian enterprises, the salary changes only when the employee changes his position. Here is the sphere of influence of the status function of wages, the pros and cons of which were discussed above.

From the above, we can conclude that monetary remuneration makes people work more efficiently, provided that the employee attaches great importance to it, that it is directly related to the results of work, and if the employee is confident in the existence of a stable relationship between the material remuneration received and labor productivity. But it is often difficult or economically unprofitable, or even in principle impossible to assess the individual contribution of the employee, and in accordance with this assign his wages. Therefore, in many cases, material monetary reward cannot induce people to work more productively, and this is precisely the task that the incentive system as a whole faces.

1.3.2 Material and social incentives

Like monetary incentives, social incentives are external rewards. But it should be noted that sometimes Herzberg's "hygienic factors" can become stimuli, and, conversely, stimuli can be transformed into conditions for the emergence of motives ("hygienic factors"). When receiving a reward that performs the function of an incentive, it loses the latter. This can be shown in the following example. The employee was promised that if he increases the productivity of his labor, he will be transferred to another, for example, more interesting job. Here, a transfer to another job is an incentive, but after he receives this benefit (incentive), the transfer ceases to act as a stimulus and becomes conditions (more precisely, a change in them). Therefore, we can say that when there is a need for a good and there is an opportunity to receive it, this is an incentive, if the good is received and the need is satisfied, then the former incentive becomes "hygienic factors", if the need is not satisfied or partially satisfied - the good continues to play the role of an incentive ...

These include:

creation of the necessary conditions for highly productive work. These conditions include: the optimal organization of the workplace, the absence of distracting noises (especially monotonous), sufficient lighting, pace, work schedule, etc. Although there have always been attempts to standardize working conditions, as a result of a number of research works it turned out that the ideal workplace does not exist ...

the ability to move away from monotonous to a more interesting, creative, meaningful work process. By monotony, some understand the objective characteristics of the labor process itself, others - only the mental state of a person, which is a consequence of the monotony of work.

free time stimulation. As a result of the lack of free time, many employees work with a feeling of chronic fatigue and experience constant neuro-emotional overload. The system of stimulating labor activity presupposes an optimal ratio of working and free time, because besides the work itself, people may have other equally important things, for example, playing sports, hobbies, or just rest. If an employee needs free time, and he is completely absorbed by work, then he will avoid it, thus lowering labor productivity.

improving relationships in the team. The internal conditions for creating a psychological microclimate in a team that have a beneficial effect on the state of workers include the authority and personality traits of the leader, the style of his leadership, the compatibility of team members in character, value orientations, emotional and other properties, the presence of influential leaders in informal groups and the attitude of these leaders. to the production tasks facing the team, etc. All these factors leave a peculiar imprint on the psychological atmosphere of the team, on the nature and forms of interpersonal relations, collective opinions, moods, on purposefulness, focus, cohesion, exactingness, discipline, independence, social activity, stability of behavior in a difficult environment, etc. Frequent conflicts take away too much moral and physical strength that could be used in work.

career advancement. One of the most effective incentives because firstly, this increases the salary; secondly, the scope of authority expands and, accordingly, the employee becomes involved in making important decisions; thirdly, the degree of responsibility increases, which makes a person work more efficiently and avoid mistakes and mistakes; fourth, it increases access to information. In a word, promotion allows an employee to assert himself, to feel significant, needed by the company, which, of course, makes him interested in his work.

In modern conditions of the Russian economy, these material non-monetary incentives can be especially widely used in connection with non-payments and therefore the impossibility of effective monetary incentives.

1.3.3 Moral and psychological incentives

These incentives are focused on the motivation of a person as a person, and not only a mechanism designed to perform production functions... Unlike the above-described incentives, moral incentives are internal incentives, i.e. they cannot directly affect a person.

Consider specific example in production: a worker who produces certain parts.

A certain control is established over each employee in the company, i.e. it is checked how it performs its functions, but it is impossible to control the activities of all personnel. Therefore, if we monitor the quality performance of some of its functions, then it automatically ceases or performs unsatisfactorily its other functions. For example, we keep track of the number of parts made by him. Realizing this, he increases their production in quantity. It would seem that the fact of an increase in labor productivity is obvious, but an increase in quantity does not in any way mean an improvement in quality, but quite the opposite, in order to minimize his efforts, the employee will pay less attention to the quality of products in order to increase its quantity. Then the governing bodies will have to establish control over the quality of parts, thus increasing costs.

But even then the worker can find ways to minimize efforts by performing unsatisfactorily or not performing functions uncontrolled by the enterprise. In this example, the worker can use resources ineffectively, i.e. will not be careful to reduce their consumption. Our example can be continued until we list the entire set of responsibilities of this worker. At the same time, in order for productivity to grow, the company will need to establish control over all employee activities, which from an economic point of view is extremely impractical. In the example considered, all the difficulties arose due to the fact that the worker tried to avoid work. He completely falls under the "theory X", which says that people do not like to work, are devoid of any ambition, and so on. Where does the main conclusion come from: people need to be forced to work, i.e. establish control over them.

There is another downside to establishing tight control. At the same time, the employee begins to clearly feel like a mercenary, and the company (for which he works) is considered an exploiter. It has long been noticed that the mercenary works much worse than the owner or partner of the enterprise, because he will not appropriate the results of labor. He will only receive wages, which are often considered unfair by workers. And the owners or accomplices will appropriate the results of labor, thus realizing the connection "effort - results of labor", in the presence of which, according to the theory of expectation, motivation increases.

In the situations discussed above hired worker was not interested in his work, because he did not have internal moral incentives, such as: satisfaction from a job well done, a sense of ownership, etc. production process, which takes away effort and money.

As mentioned above, management bodies cannot directly influence personnel with these incentives, but only create conditions for their occurrence. For example, an employee can be influenced by education, because the value orientations of the employee are of great importance for the emergence of motivation. Social values, acquired by a person consciously or unconsciously, and become significant for him, turn into incentive forces (motives), under the influence of which certain actions are performed. In the process of upbringing, the basic system of values ​​is formed and changed. In this case, the main attention is paid to developing and strengthening the motives of a person desirable for the subject of management and, conversely, to weaken those that interfere with effective personnel management. This type of impact requires much more effort, knowledge and ability to implement it. But its result as a whole significantly exceeds the results of external stimulation. Organizations that have mastered it and use it in their practice can manage personnel much more successfully and efficiently.

The experience of Japanese firms confirms that internal incentives are more powerful factors in influencing workers than external ones.

Monetary reward in the form of an incentive, we assume, is preferred by those people who are not satisfied with their lower needs (unhealthy food, poor housing, uncertainty about the future, etc.). If these needs are satisfied, then wages, which become only a hygienic factor, are replaced by more powerful internal incentives, under the influence of which a person works so much more successfully that the profits received from his activities more than pay off the funds spent by the company on satisfying the lower ones. the needs of the staff.

Thus, it is beneficial for employers to satisfy or create all the conditions for satisfying lower needs (high wages, insurance, health care) in order to get their hands on the strongest incentives - internal.


2.1 Organization of labor incentives at the enterprise

JSC "Samara bakery №2" was founded in 1933. Currently, the enterprise is one of the largest in the production of bakery and confectionery(waffle cakes, gingerbread, waffles, cookies).

The company employs more than 600 people, for many of the families of whom the salary at JSC "Samara bakery plant No. 2" is the only source of income.

Effective use of the potential of employees includes:

planning and improving work with personnel;

support and development of the abilities and qualifications of employees.

In total, the company employs 639 people, including engineers and employees - 120, engaged in the production of the declared products - 466 workers, auxiliary workers - 53.

The main task personnel service the enterprise is:

pursuing an active personnel policy;

development, together with the financial and economic service, of material and social incentives;

close interaction with the trade union committee in matters of social protection selected categories working.

To organize this work at the enterprise, there are positions of the head of the personnel department and an engineer for labor protection. Recently, the company has fully formed the backbone of engineering and technical workers who have worked for 7-25 years and have a professional and practical experience... All managers have higher education, many of them started working in working positions, went through all stages of growth, and now they head the main services. Career planning and other forms of development and realization of employees' abilities are widely developed at the enterprise.

The demographic policy of the enterprise is aimed at “rejuvenating” the team and especially the staff of managers and specialists. The enterprise carries out systematic work with personnel, with a reserve for promotion, which is based on such organizational forms how to prepare candidates for nomination individual plans and internships in relevant positions. The share of young workers in leadership positions currently it is about 40%.

The personnel management strategy at OJSC "Samara bakery plant No. 2" reflects a reasonable combination of the economic goals of the enterprise, the needs and interests of employees (decent wages, satisfactory working conditions, opportunities for the development and implementation of employees' abilities, etc.). Conditions are currently being developed to ensure a balance between economic and social effectiveness use of labor resources... The company has developed a remuneration system, which depends on the results of the work of the team as a whole and each employee in particular. Grades of quality are established for individuals and groups so that employees can see what they can achieve in their work, thereby encouraging them to achieve the required quality. The remuneration of employees is carried out in full accordance with their labor contributions to the final results of the work of the team, including the improvement of the quality of products.

OJSC “Samara bakery №2” annually spends more than 150 thousand rubles for labor protection and creation of more favorable working conditions. The company also has a plan for the improvement of the team (52 ​​employees were provided with spa vouchers in the amount of 168 thousand rubles), financial assistance is provided in the amount of 73 thousand rubles, and interest-free loans are issued in the amount of up to 100 thousand rubles.

In order to maintain the level of qualifications of workers, dictated by production needs, certification of personnel is carried out. Based on the results of certification, a plan for organizing advanced training and retraining of personnel is developed, and then personnel changes are made.

Once every 3 years, a collective agreement is concluded at OJSC Samara Bread Plant No. 2, which reflects the increase in production efficiency and the direction of using profits, the principles of the workforce and employment, organization of labor and wages, socio-economic guarantees, working conditions, security and labor safety, organization of social and medical, sanitary and resort treatment and recreation of workers.

A lump sum is paid:

* in connection with retirement;

* employees who have reached the jubilee age of 50, 55, 60 years old, awarded a diploma, according to the order;

* pensioners who have reached the age of 50-60 for treatment.

In addition, the following payments are made:

* payment for funeral services;

* women at the birth of a child;

* in case of death as a result of an industrial accident;

* low-income families and large families, etc.

2.2 Organization of the labor motivation system at the enterprise

Consider ways to improve labor motivation. They are united in five relatively independent directions:

1. Material incentives.

2. Improving the quality of the workforce.

3. Improving the organization of work.

4. Involvement of personnel in the management process.

5. Non-monetary incentives.

The first direction reflects the role of the motivational mechanism of remuneration in the system of increasing labor productivity. It includes, as elements, improving the wage system, enabling staff to participate in the property and profits of the enterprise. At JSC "Samara bakery plant No. 2" the salary of the main production workers depends on the volume products sold... One-sided influence on workers only by monetary methods does not lead to a long-term rise in labor productivity.

The next direction for improving motivation - improving the organization of work - contains setting goals, expanding labor functions, enrichment of labor, production rotation, the use of flexible schedules, improvement of working conditions:

goal setting assumes that a correctly set goal through the formation of an orientation towards achieving it serves as a motivating tool for the employee;

Expansion of labor functions implies the introduction of diversity in the work of personnel, that is, an increase in the number of operations performed by one employee. As a result, the working cycle for each worker is lengthened, and the intensity of labor increases. The use of this method is advisable in case of underutilization of workers and their own desire to expand the range of their activities, otherwise it can lead to sharp resistance from workers;

Enrichment of labor implies providing a person with such work that would give an opportunity for growth, creativity, responsibility, self-actualization, and the inclusion in his responsibilities of some functions of planning and product quality control. This method is used in the labor sphere of engineering and technical workers;

For production workers, production rotation is used, which involves the alternation of types of work and production operations, when workers periodically exchange jobs during the day, which is typical mainly for the brigade form of labor organization;

Improving working conditions is the most acute problem of today. The new level of social maturity of the individual denies the unfavorable conditions of the working environment. Working conditions, acting not only as a need, but also as a motive for working with a certain return, can be both a factor and a consequence of a certain labor productivity and its efficiency.

The general crisis in Russia has affected all spheres of activity, only a few enterprises have retained their potential and continue to develop in these conditions. One of the reasons for their "survival" is effective personnel management.

The process of loss of an employee's interest in work, which is imperceptible to the untrained eye, and his passivity brings such negative results as staff turnover. The leader suddenly discovers that he has to delve into all the details of any business performed by subordinates, who, in turn, do not show the slightest initiative. The effectiveness of the organization falls. Effective activity is possible only if employees have the appropriate motivation, that is, the desire to work.

A well-designed work should create intrinsic motivation, a sense of personal contribution to the products. A person is a social being, which means that a feeling of belonging can cause deep psychological satisfaction in him, it also allows him to become aware of himself as a person.

Financial rewards for professional success should be systematic and based on clear objective criteria. There are no uniform methods of personnel motivation that are effective at all times and under all circumstances. However, any method used by a manager is based on the firm's chosen HR strategy.

Stimulation of labor involves the creation of conditions under which, as a result of active labor activity, the employee will work more efficiently and more productively. Although incentives motivate a person to work, they are still not enough for productive labor. The system of incentives and motives should be based on a certain base - the normative level of labor activity. The purpose of incentives is not only to induce a person to work in general, but to induce him to do better (more) of what is conditioned by labor relations.

The company is successfully developing in the context of the general crisis, relying on effective personnel management. Labor motivation is carried out across the entire spectrum of workers' needs.

The company employs 639 people, for many of the families of whom the salary at JSC "Samara bakery plant No. 2" is the only source of income. The number of employees at the enterprise has been steadily growing over the past 6 years, there is practically no staff turnover.

This allows us to conclude that effective motivation and stimulation of labor can get an effect not only in economically prosperous countries. The focus on the human factor yields convincing results even in a crumbling economy.


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“There is an area scientific research which should be

special attention is paid ¾ precise research

motives influencing the behavior of people ... Laws applied

to the vast majority of people, no doubt, they exist and, being precisely defined, bring tremendous benefits to dealing with people. "

F. Taylor

PURPOSE OF THE LESSON: to form an idea of ​​the theories of motivation and the possibilities of using them in the activities of a manager.

THEORETICAL MATERIAL for review: p. 397 - 430; Chapter 12 Motivation of activity in management; p. 252 - 260;


1. Tab. 12. "Characteristics of modern theories of motivation", tab. 13. "Two-factor model of Herzberg", tab. 14. "The system of labor motivation in the organization."

2. Fig. 11. "Combinations of motivation and abilities among workers", fig. 12. "Motivational structure of the manager."

3. The Parable "The Potter and the Boys"

4. Options for tasks.


Exercise 1... Give a definition the following concepts and consider their relationships: need, incentive, motive, motivation, stimulation.

A stimulus is an external stimulus that increases the intensity of certain motives in a person's actions.

A motive is a material or ideal object, the achievement of which is the meaning of activity. The motive is presented to the subject in the form of specific experiences, characterized either by positive emotions from the expectation of achieving a given object, or negative ones associated with the incompleteness of the present position.

Motivation is the process of encouraging someone (an individual or a group of people) to take action to achieve the goals of an organization. Motivation is necessary for the productive implementation of the decisions made and the planned work.

Stimulation - the impact on the labor behavior of an employee through the creation of personally significant conditions that induce him to act in a certain way; influence, motivation, external push to certain actions.

Assignment 2... Describe modern theories motivation in table 12.

Table 12.

Characteristics of modern theories of motivation

Assignment 3... Complete the Pyramid of Needs A. Maslow.

Assignment 4... How many levels does A. Maslow's pyramid currently contain? What levels have been added and explain why? Give examples of the application of A. Maslow's theory.

Currently, A. Maslow's pyramid contains 7 levels. Three levels have been added, such as:

Aesthetic needs (order, beauty, etc.)

Need for respect (Competence, approval, recognition)

· The need for belonging and love.

Assignment 5... Herzberg showed that the activity of people is influenced by 2 groups of factors, which he called hygienic and motivating. Fill in the table 13. factors and their influence on the activities of people. Give examples of applications of Herzberg's theory.

Table 13.

Herzberg two-factor model

Assignment 6... What would Maslow's system of needs look like if McClelland's needs were added to it? Give examples of applications of McClelland's theory.

Assignment 7... When analyzing motivation to work, Vroom's expectation theory emphasizes the importance of three relationships: labor costs - results; results - remuneration and valence (satisfaction with the remuneration). Write down the ratio of these factors in the form of a formula: Motivation = …….

Give examples of the application of Vroom's theory of expectations.

Assignment 8... What is the essence of Adams' theory of justice and the possibility of its application in management.

Task 9. Explain the behavior of the boys described in the following parable, using the theoretical approach of V. Vroom.

Parable "The Potter and the Boys"

There lived an old potter. He made pots, sold them in the bazaar and lived on it. But then the neighboring boys got into the habit of beating his pots. He asked them not to do this, persuaded, scolded, complained to their parents - nothing helped. Then he called the boys into his yard and said that for every broken pot he would pay them a ruble. The boys were delighted, broke all the pots, got money and ran away.

The next day, the potter said that he had little money, he could pay only 50 kopecks. The boys broke all the pots again, got their money and ran away. The next day the same thing was repeated again, only for each broken pot the potter paid only 20 kopecks.

The next morning the children ran into the yard again. The old man came out to them and said: “Guys, I have almost no money left at all, because I had nothing to sell. Now I can pay only one kopeck for every broken pot. " "Found fools to break your pots for free!" the boys were indignant. They did not hit any more pots.

Assignment 10... Analyze Figure 11, which shows the different combinations of motivation and ability among workers. Answer the questions:

1. What kind of workers would like to work efficiently and productively?

2. Which employees are problematic for the enterprise and why?

3. What needs to be done to improve the productivity and efficiency of workers B and C? How does a manager's effort differ?

Employee A Motivation + Ability + Worker In Motivation + Ability -
Employee B Motivation - Abilities + Worker G Motivation - Ability -

Fig. 11. Combinations of motivation and ability in workers.

Assignment 11... Complete Table 14.

Table 14.

Labor motivation system in the organization

Task 12. Fill in the "Springboard" methodology (Appendix 2). Based on the results, build a graph of the motivational structure (example Fig. 12.). Make recommendations for self-motivation of the future manager.

(+) Interest
(+) Relationships

Rice. 12. Motivational structure of the manager.

Task 13. Taylor's system, he said, is based on the following principles:

1. Identification of the most rational methods of performing work.

2. Establishment of standards that define the requirements for work results. The standards are based on the "correct", most rational performance of the work.

3. Teaching employees to work efficiently. 5. Improvement of tools of labor.

6. Creation best conditions labor.

7. A clear and understandable relationship between the amount of remuneration and the results of work.

8. System of accounting for the amount of work performed.

9. Providing employees with full information about what is required of them, and about the results they have achieved.

10. Establishment good relationship between administration and workers.

Which principle does not fit into the Taylor system?

Why do you think Taylor introduced this principle?

Assignment 14 .No one questions the assertion that money is the main incentive that motivates a person to productive work. But in order to use this powerful incentive more effectively, it is necessary to clearly understand what needs it works for, what functions it performs, what tasks it can solve. Write down what functions money performs in each of these theories.

A manager who seeks to answer the questions of employee motivation and wants to create a productive atmosphere in the team cannot but be interested in the basics of behavioral analysis. By understanding them, mastering the mechanisms, adapting them to the national culture, he can flexibly and effectively use the forms of incentives to improve the performance of his employees. The laws are simple, but this simplicity is apparent. Only by correctly applying them, you can come to the desired result.

The task of any management is to organize the process so that people work, as they say, to the fullest. Every leader knows how much effort it takes to do this. In an attempt to improve the efficiency of employees, he turns to the literature (and there is a great amount of it now) or hires consultants (which are incredibly expensive). The advice offered in books or by consultants sometimes helps, and in some cases turns out to be useless. How to tune people's behavior so that they begin to work effectively?

Why don't people work?

Productivity and the climate of relationships directly depend on how well employees agree with their position Currently, despite many theories and approaches, there is no clear understanding of the behavior of another person. In the middle of the twentieth century, a science called "behavioral analysis" even appeared in the United States, but even there it is still considered a new science. Behavioral analysis can be applied in any area: economic, educational, political, medical ... There is a separate line of behavioral analysis for working with business - Organizational Behavior Management (OBM).

All OBM techniques and programs were originally developed in relation to American companies... Attempts to use them in other countries have shown that success is achieved only through adaptation to local cultural characteristics. So, in 2002, "Journal of Organizational Behavior" No. 23 (3) published an article on the use of a universal program in large companies in Morocco and Mexico (in Morocco - SGS-Thomson, in Mexico - Danone). Management innovations for Morocco were aligned with the accepted Islamic norms of behavior in society. In Mexico, where the family usually comes first for a person, these relationships were mainly taken into account.

How to recognize a lazy person

In each team there are one or more workers, who are called lazy by both the bosses and those around them. Moreover, as they say, their heads are in place, and their hands grow from where it is necessary, but they just do not work. The reasons for these lazy people may be different, and the mechanism for the occurrence of such behavior is always the same. Behavioral analysis gives its own explanation: reward for work when there is still, and surfing the Internet is pleasant right now, smoke breaks and chatter are encouraged immediately. The person chooses the behavior that will bring reward accurately and immediately.

All OBM techniques are based on the basic principles of behavioral analysis. The founder of behavioral analysis, Burrhus Skinner, defined behavior. This is what a person does and what can be observed: he sits, walks, writes, watches TV, thinks, laughs, etc. Skinner also described the laws of behavior, which are as logical and strict as the laws of mathematics. All of them have been confirmed by experiments.

The basic law of this analysis: "Behavior will repeat itself if it is encouraged in some way, and will not repeat itself if it is not encouraged in any way." The person picks up the phone (behavior) when he hears a call and starts talking to a friend (encouragement). The next time the phone rings, it picks up the phone again. The same person greets his neighbor (behavior), and the neighbor does not answer in any way (no encouragement) once, twice, three times. At some point, a person will stop greeting a neighbor.

The law is already very simple and obvious. What is there to analyze here? The problem is in the definition of the incentive, in its quantity and in the ability to use it.

Research has shown that everyone needs their own, individual view encouragement. One needs to be noted by others for his work, another - to be paid more money, the third - to be properly criticized, the fourth - to finish the work on time, the fifth is the process itself, etc.

Determine the type of reward can only be experimentally.

First, it is necessary to conduct observation and find out what the employee likes, what he most often prefers to do, how he reacts to praise. Having thought over the type of encouragement, test it in practice. The Law of Behavioral Analysis: Use incentives immediately after a person finishes work, if, of course, you want him to do it well in the future. If after that the person takes up the job again, then the type of encouragement was chosen correctly, but if not, it is necessary to choose another one. It happens that you have to sort out a lot different types rewards, but it never happens that it is impossible to establish it.

The most effective incentive is money, because a person can use it to purchase many pleasant things - food, drink, clothing, entertainment, that is, what he wants. However, money may not work here. There are usually two main reasons. First: a person receives a monetary incentive (salary, bonus) according to a certain schedule, and not immediately after the work performed. If the work requires a long time, its volume is large, then the money paid according to the schedule generally loses the property of reward. After all, any long-term work consists of many small actions, and they are performed without encouragement. Next time a person without zeal will take up a similar task. The second reason is the amount of money. For each type of effort spent on work, there is a certain amount that can encourage these efforts. Usually the amount of money grows proportionally with the increase of effort, but for each person it is individual. Finding out this is quite simple, just like the effectiveness of any other type of reward: if a person continues to work with the same efforts, then the amount of money is optimal to maintain them.

The second powerful type of reward is praise. A person is not addicted to it, so you can use it more often than usual, but it must be applied correctly. First, praise should only be done after the work is done, not before you start. And it is important, of course, to consider quality. Experiments carried out in an American school showed an obvious difference in the performance of a creative task by two groups of students. One group was praised by the teacher when he accepted the work without checking it. The second praised the pupils selectively - only those whose work was interesting. The second group, having completed the following tasks, showed significantly improved performance. Secondly, you need to praise immediately after completing actions that it is desirable to consolidate for a long time. Third, you need to find the right type of approval, taking into account the individual characteristics of employees. Someone needs to be praised in private, someone loves to hear praise in the presence of colleagues, one just needs to be patted on the shoulder, while the other hates such familiarity. Visual encouragement works well - printed thank you, letter from management, photograph best employee weeks at the entrance, etc. Some managers can intuitively choose the right promotion. These are usually considered talented and wise managers, under their supervision people work with pleasure.

During the Soviet period, encouragement in the form of gratitude, letters of commendation, photo stands of "the best production workers", etc. were distributed quite widely. However, the main mistake was the "bureaucracy", at times, it nullified the result itself. The person experienced the inconvenience that the encouragement went through various stages of discussion: "promotion" in the team, approval by various instances. Bureaucratization turned the reward of the employee into a real punishment. In addition, from the point of view of behavioral analysis, the basic principle of immediate reward for high-quality work (or being performed) was violated. In addition, the strict ranking of the type of incentive depending on the position of the employee leveled the idea itself.

On the other hand, research shows that in the West, encouragement in the form of praise is a completely undeveloped technique. It is in this context that OWM consultants teach America's managers to praise their subordinates. This skill alone has a positive effect on the motivation of work.

Similar results were obtained in Russia (Organizational Behavior Management magazine, 1993, No. 13 (2). The management of the textile enterprise asked for advice on increasing labor productivity. The program was carried out by American researchers with the participation of 33 workers. The foremen were trained in the principles of incentives ( praise) and sequence of reward application.

How to stop being late

How to make sure that employees show up for work on time, without applying any pressure, using only forms of reward? Indeed, in almost any team, several people are chronically late for the beginning of the working day, each time finding weighty arguments for this. The manager, starting the program, must consider the entire team as a single organism. A board is drawn up on which the following are applied: the days of the week - horizontally, the names of employees - vertically. A board in the form of a table is displayed in a conspicuous place. Every morning the manager who comes a little earlier notes (the form of marking is arbitrary) the names of those who came without delay. Marking in the table is seen as an urgent encouragement to come to work on time. More often than not, this encouragement is enough to make people try to come on time. If the situation does not change within 1–2 months, additional incentives are introduced. For example, a manager informs employees (in writing or at the current meeting): if during the first four days of the week, 80% of employees have timely arrival marks, then on Friday everyone can finish work an hour earlier. Another example: the manager monitors how the number of ticks in the table changes in comparison with the indicators of the previous week. As soon as their number has increased, the manager organizes morning coffee and pastries for all employees, regardless of the timely arrival. During the joint "coffee party" the manager thanks everyone for the improvement in performance. These additional incentives can be changed depending on the specifics of the team.

You must leave the program gradually. When the manager is satisfied with the results, the board is not displayed every day, but 1-2 times a week, then several times a month. Additional encouragement is provided either over an increasing interval of time, or the incentive is reduced: instead of leaving work an hour earlier, the end of the working day is 50 minutes earlier, instead of coffee and pastries, just coffee. If, with a decrease in incentive, the results worsened, then the exit from the program for this team was too quick. In this case, it is recommended to either return to the beginning of the program, or change the type of promotion.

To make sure that changes in worker productivity are driven by rewards and feedback from supervisors, the study was conducted in four phases. First, we measured the amount of time that workers spent doing their job before any changes were made. Then they started the program and continued it for several weeks. The next step was to cancel the program for the same period, and the last step was to restart the program. At all stages, the same parameters were measured as at the first. When the program was canceled, the performance dropped to the initial level, and when the program was resumed, the performance increased.

Undoubtedly, new and more detailed studies in the field of production behavior are needed, taking into account the actions of the team as a whole and of each individual employee in relation to various types and types of industrial, scientific, production, educational and other organizations. To date, such studies are not conducted in Russia: mainly due to the lack of specialists practicing in the field of behavioral analysis.

Historically, the performance monitoring system has been based on punishment. The boss monitors the performance of his subordinates through the deprivation of bonuses, reprimands, or the threat of dismissal. Behavioral analysis does not welcome such a control system, its second law says: "Punishment can stop unwanted behavior for a while, but does not teach new behavior." In this case, the term "punishment" is interpreted in a more comprehensive context than in everyday life. Punishment, from the point of view of behavioral analysis, is any action that leads to a stop of unwanted behavior. For example, a smirk of the interlocutor can stop the speaker, a fine for being late - prevent many being late, criticism of the boss - force an employee to abandon the usual report on the work done.

Punishment is not only an unproductive way to control behavior, but it is also dangerous. The punished person has increased aggression, which can be directed both at himself and at those around him. An employee who is fined for being late is capable of shouting at a colleague for no reason, electrifying the work atmosphere, or self-flagellation. None of these aggressive behaviors are conducive to productive activities. Another negative side of punishment: a person begins to avoid those who punished him, and the places where they are punished. In this, an adult is not much different from a child who, fearing the punishment of his parents, begins to lie and dodge. For working group the negative side of punishment is also the creation of nervousness in the team itself.

Practice has shown that managers do not have to start any extensive programs to study and further use the mechanisms of punishment. Quite often, problems can be solved by changing the basic relationships in the firm, company, and production. For example, productivity and the climate of relationships directly depend on how much subordinates and bosses agree with their position.

The boss-subordinate working relationship - when to report, how to teach material, how often to meet, etc. - should ideally be clearly defined and documented in documents such as instructions, prescriptions. If an employee does not have clear instructions on what to do and how to do it, mistakes, mutual discontent and irritation immediately appear.

For the correct use of the laws of behavioral analysis in the form of reward-punishment, it is important to have a clearly defined target setting for a firm, a company, any production in general and for a specific employee in particular. The goal set for subordinates, and even for the company, should proceed from the reality of its achievement. What is a solved problem or an achieved goal, in terms of behavioral analysis? This is an immediate reward. Moreover, when the problem is solved, the person receives several different types of rewards at once: there is no need to work on it anymore, someone will praise, pay money, mark with a reward, in the future, perhaps, they will turn to him with similar tasks, and he there is already a positive experience of their implementation, etc.

If you cannot - we will teach, if you do not want - you want

Any reward program will be effective if the behavior to be reinforced already exists. If there is no behavior yet, then encourage - do not encourage, nothing will happen. Therefore, you first need to teach a person to perform certain actions and only then start the incentive program. Analysts have developed many methods effective teaching people to new behavior. However, they are all based on the following basic principles:

    The learning process should be structured in such a way as to reduce the number of possible errors to a minimum. To do this, starting the training of complex behavior, it is necessary to divide it into a series of simple sequential steps. Each step is explained or demonstrated by a person who has already mastered the behavior well. Successful repetition by trainees is encouraged, unsuccessful repetition is corrected.

    Repetition is fundamental to learning. It is necessary to repeat so that new actions take away little energy from a person. The less effort is expended to get the job done, the more fun the job is. Moreover, observations and experiments show that if a person is forced to often repeat some behavior that is not even very pleasant to him, then over time such behavior becomes a need.

    Each person is different. Therefore, the approach to learning must take into account the characteristics of the individual. For someone to repeat correct actions, only observation will be enough; someone will need to complete them with a teacher; and someone constantly needs step-by-step instructions at hand.

    In the process of learning, a person should have fun.

Olga Shapovalova

"article. Where we will consider how you can motivate employees so that they work harder - and earn more, of course. So, if you think that giving employees what they want means paying them high wages, providing a lot of free time and depriving their stress, we advise you to think again that providing all of this to your employees is unlikely to have any effect on their level of productivity.

Employees are willing, or how to effectively manage using their desires? Get to the bottom of such desires, for which the costs are not very high, and which can be fulfilled as a reward... But not vice versa 🙂

So, there are things that employees want, that you can provide, and that will definitely have an impact on their productivity. We invite you to get acquainted with several of them. But first, the very first commandment that should be burned into the minds of employees:

The salary is directly proportional to the profit that the given employee of the company brought

Well, now let's go through the rest of the wishes of the employees:

Employees wish fair treatment... They want a fair salary, not necessarily the highest, but fair relative to the salaries of their acquaintances in similar jobs.

Employees also want fair treatment. to the results of their work... In a fair working environment, the consequences are consistent with the results of the work. Good workers get rewards. The bad ones are reprimanded and reprimanded, corrected or fired.

Employees want equal opportunities do a good job. Ensure that your employees are properly trained and have the resources to do the job before you start work and before you start holding them accountable for results.

Employees need know what is expected of them... This is logical. You cannot hope that a person will do what you want if he does not know what exactly you want. Therefore, make employees aware of your expectations and make sure they understand them well.

Employees also need have an understanding of the values ​​of the company and how they should behave. Make sure everyone shares the same values. Be constantly reminded of values.

Employees need know how they do the job... So tell them about it. Check your work often. Then provide helpful comments and comments. Simple remarks about the employee needing to “do better” will not help. Be very specific about what needs to be changed and when in order for the results to be acceptable.

For employees job satisfaction is necessary... Here we are not talking about constant parties or people beaming with happiness holding each other's hands. Employees want a safe working environment free of harassment and unfair punishment.

Employees also want to work with people who know how to work how to. That is why lazy people and parasites can turn out to be a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey. Give bad workers an opportunity to improve. Fire those who don't.

Employees want to do useful work... Most adults want to solve certain problems at work. They need respect from the leader and the team. And they want to work in a place where they can learn and grow.

Employees want to do something important... If you are a leader, then part of your job is to help your people understand how their contributions matter. Tell us how it matters to the team. Tell us how it matters to the company.

Employees wish have maximum control over their working life. Empower qualified employees to make basic decisions as much as possible. If you have doubts about the adequacy of their qualifications, try to give them some degree of control and see if they can handle it.

Employees want to grow and improve... Help them in this. Often your job as a manager is to help each employee do their best.

There really is some magic in all this. Some of it is simply due to human nature. Part of common sense. But be that as it may, if you can manage to give employees what they want and need, you will benefit greatly from it.

Thus, many desires of employees are quite realizable as a reward for a job well done.

Based on materials from http://business.damotvet.ru/management/361602.htm


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