Is quail breeding profitable or not? Quail breeding as a business at home, profitability and business plan. Who are we dealing with in the quail farm business plan?

How to make money by breeding quails, what is necessary to organize a quail farm. How much can you earn by doing similar business and how to sell finished products: eggs and meat. Detailed Guide with calculations and business development plan.

The quail farming business is attracting more and more interest among entrepreneurs. After all, such activity guarantees a stable and high income, thanks to the good productivity of the birds.

One bird brings up to 300 eggs per year, which is the monetary equivalent of 1,500 rubles. (at a price of 5 rubles/piece). That is, the profit from one hundred quails is about 150,000 rubles. per year (RUB 12,500 per month). The larger the livestock, the higher the earnings.

But eggs are not the only product of the business.

Quail meat is a valuable product on the domestic market. Its calorie content is very low (up to 230 kcal/100 g), it is rich in proteins and contains vitamins such as A, K, H, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12, which are well preserved when preparing dishes. Market price 1 carcass - 150 rub.

How to breed quails, what is needed for this and what its profitability is will be described in detail below.

Profitability: is it profitable or not to raise quails?

First, it’s worth talking about numbers. Since this information is primarily of interest to any entrepreneur.

So, how much can you earn from selling quail meat and eggs?

It will be taken as an example bird farm with 1000 quails. They produce about 25,000 eggs per month. The average price of one egg on the market is 5 rubles. That is, the monthly profit will be 125,000 rubles.

About 200 quails can be slaughtered every month. The cost of one carcass 150-200 g is about 150 rubles. Proceeds from the sale of meat - 30,000 rubles. monthly.

It turns out that the income of a farm of 1,000 quails is more than 150,000 rubles. in 1 month. From this amount you must subtract taxes, employee salaries and expenses for maintaining birds. But even after all the expenses, the net profit will be 80,000 - 100,000 rubles.

The numbers given are conditional. The final cost of production depends on the specific region and country, and income depends on the scale of the farm.

“The quail business is the most profitable and the fastest. Because the bird develops very quickly. Already a two-month-old quail is a mature bird.”

Armen Barseghyan - head of the agricultural cooperative "Snezhok"

From the experience of experienced entrepreneurs involved in quail breeding, it is known that the initial investment pays off in 4-5 months. Business profitability is about 400%.

Start-up capital

Now it’s worth talking about how much money you need to open a quail farm. After all, this is the second thing that interests the future farmer.

For simplicity of calculations, we will take as an example small farm for 100 birds.

To start a business you will need:

  • Cages for keeping birds - 10,000 rubles.
  • Drinkers and feeders - 6,000 rubles.
  • Incubator for 200 eggs - 20,000 rubles.
  • Lighting fixtures and heaters - RUB 25,000.
  • Young quail 100 pieces - 5,000 rubles.
  • Feed - 7,000 rub.
  • Ovoscope - 1,500 rub.

Total initial costs - 74,500 rubles.

Monthly expenses are approximately 10,000 rubles. These include the purchase of feed, packaging materials for finished products, payment utilities and advertising.

That is, to organize a small poultry farm for 100 quails you need to invest about 80,000 rubles.

What breeds of quail are best to breed?

Before purchasing young animals, you need to decide on the breeds of birds that will be bred on the farm. The most popular now are quails:

  • Japanese.
  • Pharaoh.
  • Marble.
  • British white.
  • British black.

Japanese quail is well suited for eggs, laying 300 eggs over six months. After 5-6 months, productivity decreases, and the bird is slaughtered for meat.

The British breed and Pharaohs are ideal for selling meat. The average carcass of a female is 230 g, and that of a male is 200 g. The egg production of a female per year is more than 200 eggs.

Regardless of the breed of quail, the bird is resistant to various diseases and does not suffer from bird flu.

As for purchasing, you need to purchase young animals under the age of 2 months. The optimal age for breeding is 2-8 months. You can buy young quails at farmers' or poultry markets, as well as through advertisements on the Internet or print media.

What else does a new entrepreneur need to know?

Before moving on to organizing a farm and poultry breeding technology, it is worth paying attention to several important points that a future farmer should know.

Firstly, it is better to start a business with 100-500 quails. Then the investment will be minimal. At the same time, it will be possible to quickly gain experience in this field and at the same time develop a good client base.

Secondly, there is no 100% guarantee that all the advice on quail breeding from the Internet or literature will be suitable for the entrepreneur’s case. On initial stage you need to observe the bird and pay attention to its behavior, nutrition, growth and egg production.

Thirdly, you need to be mentally prepared for the fact that birds do not have holidays or weekends. Therefore, the entrepreneur will have to work every day - and manually. But hiring workers can save you from this.

It is also worth noting that a quail farming business requires registration. You can register as an individual entrepreneur, LLC or private household plot. But before doing this, it is advisable to consult with the tax office or a lawyer.

To sell finished products, you will need a quality certificate and documents permitting the sale of meat and eggs, which are issued by the sanitary service.

“The first thing to advise an entrepreneur who decides to breed quails is. Don't even think about hiring anyone for this. A future entrepreneur must do his own research to become successful. The first thing you need to do is see if there are quail eggs in the stores in your city. If the population of a city is 10,000 people, then all the shops can be visited in 1 day. If the city is large, then it is enough to go around your area.

Next, you need to find out the reasons why people buy quail eggs and how many they buy. To do this, just ask ordinary people. Just under no circumstances approach him with words like “We are having a marketing survey. Answer a couple of questions." Just act as an ordinary buyer. Ask casually. There is no need to try to remember everything that customers say - it needs to be written down and analyzed. This will help in the future to make an advantageous offer to these same buyers.”

Vasily Bogdanov - Chief Editor magazine "Marketing and Management"

Organization of a quail farm

The entire organizational process begins with preparing the premises. Since the bird itself is small, the place for keeping it can be of modest size. Moreover, modern cages for 100-900 quails are very compact - up to 600 birds can be accommodated per 1 m2. The placement of males with females is carried out in a ratio of 1:4 or 1:2.

Main requirements for the premises:

  • Air humidity is about 60%.
  • Air temperature - 18-22°C.
  • Availability of air conditioning and heating system.
  • Artificial lighting - 35 lux (working 18 hours daily).

Failure to comply with temperature and humidity conditions leads to a serious decrease in egg production. The same applies to poor room ventilation.

Cages should be placed so that birds are not exposed to drafts. Otherwise, the same decrease in egg production will occur, and in more serious cases, the death of young and adult quails.

Structurally, the cages consist of several tiers (up to 5), and the size of each cage is approximately 30 cm. This allows you to easily and comfortably collect eggs and feed the birds.

The market price of cells starts from 10,000 rubles. There are models costing more than 60,000 rubles. Therefore, if you have the desire and a little free time, you can build cages with your own hands. However, before making a final decision, you need to calculate whether it is more profitable to buy cells or build them yourself.

Feeders and drinkers are placed outside the cages and must have a closed design to prevent debris and droppings from getting into them. The best option for drinkers is nipple drinkers.

Quail breeding technology

The main feature of quail breeding is that breeds for laying eggs and breeds for meat cannot be mixed together. That is, they need to be kept separately.

The rest is pretty simple:

  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the indoor climate.
  • Feed and water the birds in a timely manner and take their eggs.
  • Carefully select eggs for the incubator.

The last point is worth talking about in more detail.

Not all eggs go into the incubator. They must be carefully sorted and checked to ensure that they are of normal size, shape, color, and that there are no various defects or double yolks inside (this is checked with an ovoscope).

The following requirements apply to the incubator:

  • After placing the eggs in the incubator, the humidity should be maintained at 60% and the air temperature at 37.7ºC for the first 12 days, after which it must be lowered to 37.2ºC for 2 days (humidity should also be reduced to 55%).
  • On day 16, the temperature in the incubator should be 37ºC, and the humidity should be increased to 70%.

The incubation period of eggs can reach 20 days.

“In the room where quails are raised, it is necessary to maintain a clear microclimate corresponding to the specific age of the quails. For this, there is a heated floor system, special infrared lamps that are controlled automatically, as well as fans and supply shafts that regulate the flow of clean air.”

Sergey Baklykov - deputy head farm

When the first young hatch from the eggs, they need to be provided with comfortable and safe conditions. Since even the slightest draft will lead to his death. In the first week, the room temperature should be 36-37ºС, in the next - 32ºС, and in the third - 25ºС. In the fourth week, the young birds are sent to cages with adult birds.

Feeding the birds

An adult quail consumes 30 g of feed per day. Accordingly, it is not difficult to calculate how much is needed. For example, if a farm raises 1000 birds, then 3 kg is required daily. stern.

Quails need to be fed at specific times. That is, if initially they were given food at 8 am, then every day it should be given at 8 am. Changing the diet will negatively affect the egg production of birds and their health.

In summer, in addition to the main food, birds should be fed with chopped fresh grass and root vegetables. In winter, you can feed with millet, wheat, and fishmeal. The basic rule for any time of year is that quail food should be balanced and contain a large amount of vitamins. Also, the feeders must contain chalk or gravel. All these measures are aimed at obtaining high egg production.

“Quails need balanced feed. Most often it contains more than 20 types of ingredients to make a complete egg. Birds will not fly from simple seeds or wheat.”

Tatyana Chaplyuk - poultry farmer

Sales of products: eggs and meat

The main points of raising quails have been discussed. Now we need to consider in detail the options for marketing products and advertising.

You can sell finished products either through wholesalers or independently. Most entrepreneurs choose the first option, since there is no need to search trading place and stand at the market in the rain and snow, waiting for a buyer.

You can offer eggs and quail meat:

  • Small private grocery stores.
  • Large retail chains.
  • Restaurants, cafes and other establishments Catering.

In addition to the main product, you can sell young animals to the same entrepreneurs from other regions of the country.

You can distribute information about products in the following ways:

  • Publication advertisements in print media or online publications.
  • Advertising on TV or radio.
  • Through your own website using .
  • Through social media, by creating your own page.
  • Distribute leaflets (suitable for retail sales).

There are now many tools for promoting your own products. The main thing is to initially decide on the maximum possible advertising budget. Since most often a beginning entrepreneur has a limited budget and fixed assets are spent on purchasing equipment, renovating premises, etc.

In the future, when the farm has 3,000-5,000 birds, it is advisable to hire a marketing specialist who will take on all the tasks of sales and developing a customer base.

From the above information it is clear that the business of raising quails is a very profitable business. However, it requires a lot of time and about 100,000 rubles. at the start. But this is all justified by the future high profit and the ability to continuously scale the business.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

300,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital



3-5 months


20 sq. m.

Minimum area

The business associated with quail breeding is characterized by high profitability and quick payback. Within this business, two main areas can be distinguished. The first includes the direct raising of laying hens, each of which can lay up to three hundred eggs per year (an average of two hundred and fifty), and the second includes the production of dietary quail meat.

As a rule, both of these areas are combined within the same farm. Quail meat is rich in easily digestible protein, has good antioxidant properties and high taste. Despite all the advantages, with stable demand, competition in this area is not yet very high, which opens up great opportunities for beginning farmers.

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The minimum number of birds from which you can count on sufficient income from business if there is a market is 500-600 birds. Quails are highly fertile and grow quickly, which makes it possible to increase their population by 8-10 times in just one year. Quail begins to lay eggs at the age of 30-40 days. With 600 birds you can get up to 1800 eggs per year. Placing a quail farm does not require large areas.

To save space, cages with quails are usually arranged in several tiers, which allows up to 200 birds to be placed on one square meter of the poultry house. The profitability of quail egg production is estimated at 50-100%, and the profitability of meat production is two to three times lower (on average 25%). Thanks to the short production cycle(2-3 months), the payback on such a project turns out to be much lower than in the industry as a whole. Experts estimate it within six months.

Legal nuances of the quail business

If you are going to sell products (in our case, eggs and carcasses) produced on the lands of personal subsidiary plots (LPH), then you need to take into account the fact that the sale of products produced on such lands does not apply to entrepreneurial activity. According to the law, private household plots are a form of non-entrepreneurial activity related to the production and processing of agricultural products. Private household plots are run by a citizen and his family members in order to satisfy their personal needs on their own land plot. Accordingly, agricultural products grown during the management of private household plots are the property of the citizen maintaining personal subsidiary farm, and the sale of agricultural products by citizens running private household plots is not a business activity.

If you still intend to sell the products you produce (or rather, their surplus), then you will need to obtain a document from the local administration about the presence of private household plots. Submit a document issued by the authority local government, the boards of the gardening partnership. This paper confirms that the products being sold were produced on a plot of land owned by the taxpayer or members of his family, and used for private farming, gardening, vegetable gardening or summer cottage construction. In addition, you will need to register your private household plot, which is kept in household books based on information provided by citizens on a voluntary basis.

The household book contains basic information about the private household plot: last name, first name and patronymic, as well as the owner’s date of birth land plot, full name of all family members living together with him, the number of farm birds (in our case), the area of ​​land occupied by crops or plantings, the agricultural machinery you own or otherwise have right to, and vehicles. After receiving this document, you will need to invite a commission consisting of: veterinarians, to draw up an inspection report. If the inspection results are positive, you will receive an inspection report, after which your farm will be assigned to one veterinarian.

It is from him that you will receive veterinary certificates of the established form for the sale of products through trade organizations. In addition, the veterinary service will issue you a veterinary certificate, on the basis of which you will subsequently receive certificates of form No. 2.

Please note: if you intend to sell your products as individual entrepreneur, then the algorithm will be approximately the same, with only one difference. You will need to pay additional taxes and will receive a certificate of conformity for your products certifying their quality. Unlike individual entrepreneurs, private household plots sell surplus products initially received for their own needs. In this case, individual entrepreneurs are intended for the sale of agricultural products originally produced for sale. That is why private household plots can sell their products only in markets and catering establishments, but for individual entrepreneurs there are no such restrictions.

Poultry house equipment

To keep quails you will need a dry, warm room. Its area depends on your capabilities and planned volumes. So, on an area of ​​about 20 sq. meters, when placing cages on several floors, up to a thousand birds can be kept (although a population of 600 individuals will be located with greater comfort). In general, quails are quite easy to care for and are not demanding on living conditions. For their normal development, it is enough to follow simple rules. Firstly, you will need to ensure a constant temperature in the poultry house between 18-22°C. In the southern regions, it is recommended to use air conditioners in the summer. Try to exclude any possibility of temperature changes or sudden changes in temperature, otherwise this can cause stress in the bird, lead to the development of diseases and even death.

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In addition, in the room where quails are kept, it is also necessary to maintain an optimal humidity level - 65-70%. It should be well ventilated, but drafts should not be allowed to form. It is better to make the lighting dim and adjustable. Finally, since any loud sudden noise can cause stress in the bird, which in turn leads to the fact that it begins to gain weight poorly and stops laying eggs, it is necessary to ensure good sound insulation in the poultry house. You should not locate a quail farm near various manufacturing enterprises or construction projects.

When planning a poultry house with an area of ​​15-20 square meters. meters, divide it into several separate rooms. A minimum of 4 “sectors” will be required: for keeping adult birds and a brooder room for young birds, a room for placing incubators, for storing and preparing feed mixtures. These rooms can be separated by light walls made of chipboard, plasterboard, or even cellular batteries of six cells. Adult birds are kept in cages equipped with feeders and drinkers. The floor in such a cage is made at a slight slope, which facilitates the process of collecting eggs.

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One battery of six cages, which can accommodate about 250 individuals, will cost about 3,000 rubles. If you have the time and skills, you can save on this expense and make your own birdcages from sheets of plywood, metal, reinforcement and galvanized welded mesh. The cost of the battery in this case will be 1.5-2 times less. According to experienced quail breeders, to make one cage that can hold up to twenty birds, you will need 1 square meter. meter of galvanized mesh, and for one cage battery per hundred birds - approximately 1.5 square meters. meter of metal sheet, 0.7 sq. meters of plywood, 4.5 sq. meter of galvanized mesh. For cages per thousand birds, up to 50 square meters will be required. meters of mesh, 6-7 sq. meters of plywood and 16 sq. meters of metal sheet.

For raising young birds, as a rule, ordinary wooden or plywood boxes are used. standard sizes 65x65x25 cm. Boxes can also be made with your own hands. Additional costs include equipping such pens with special lamps for heating and lighting, which help create optimal temperature and light conditions.

The main disadvantage of quails is their lack of the instinct to hatch eggs as a result of domestication. Therefore, to breed them you will need an incubator that maintains a temperature of 37 to 39°C. Like cells, an incubator can be made independently, to order, or purchased in a store. Drawings for building an incubator can be found on specialized websites on the Internet. The cost of this equipment can range from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles. Such a wide range of prices is explained by the features of a particular model. Larger incubators with additional functions and capabilities (for example, temperature and humidity control devices, a device for automatically turning eggs ten times a day, etc.) will accordingly cost more. Good models can be found for 5,000 rubles.

Additional equipment includes a feather removal machine for plucking feathers from the carcass. Of course, this can be done manually, but for large volumes meat production This operation will take a lot of effort and time. Feather removal machines help to significantly improve product quality and appearance, since when they are used, the skin of the bird is not damaged during plucking. The feather removal process is as follows. Bird carcasses are placed in a drum. When rotating, they hit the punching fingers and lose feathers (the quality of processing is quite high - automated equipment allows you to remove up to 95% of feathers). The water entering the drum washes the removed feathers and fluff into the tray. The cleaning time for carcasses per load is several minutes. In an hour, a low-power machine can process about a hundred carcasses. The cost of such equipment is 7500-10000 rubles.

Feeding and caring for quails

Quails grow quite quickly: the weight of newly hatched quails does not exceed 6 grams, but by the end of the first month it increases 15 times! After 2-3 months they gain sufficient body weight and begin to lay eggs. However, this is only possible with proper care of the bird and proper organization of its feeding. An adult quail eats about 30 grams of food per day. However, experts advise planning daily feed consumption in the amount of 35 kg of feed per 1000 birds. Feed can already be purchased from finished form or mix feed mixtures yourself. Ready-made feeds for quails, which have a more intense biochemical metabolism than other poultry, are dry or moistened mixtures of crushed cereals (corn, wheat, barley, millet), which contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, soybean or sunflower meal, chalk, premix, etc.

The diet of quails that lay eggs should also contain feed based on animal products - fish or meat and bone meal, milk powder. To compensate for the shortage of animal feed, mealworms can also be used, earthworms and various insects.

Experienced farmers prefer to prepare feed mixtures themselves rather than purchasing ready-made feed, which may require a grain crusher and/or grass cutter (the cost of such specialized equipment is 3,500-5,000 rubles). All feed must first be thoroughly chopped and then mixed.

Feed for quails may also consist of the following components (as a percentage of the total weight of the feed): yellow corn - 20, millet - 15.7, wheat - 19, sunflower cake - 4.9, milk powder - 4, meat and bone meal - 12, fish meal – 12, dry yeast – 6, grass meal– 3, ground shell – 2, table salt – 0.3, mineral additive – 0.5. 100 g of such feed contains 22.6% dry proteins, 2% calcium, 1.6% phosphorus and 0.6% sodium. An adult bird is given food 2-3 times a day at the same time. In winter, quails are fed with sprouted greens of millet, onions, oats and wheat, and in summer they are given unlimited quantities of leaves of cabbage, beets, alfalfa, nettles, lettuce, spinach and clover. The exact recipe for the feed mixture (composition and proportions of ingredients) depends on the feed supply of the region where the farm is located, and, as a rule, is compiled independently by each farmer.

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The cost of feeding birds depends on several conditions, but primarily on the region and ingredients. Fattening of quails for meat begins when they reach 30 days of age. For such fattening, special feed for broilers is used (80% of the total feed) plus boiled peas (20%). Good performance can be achieved by increasing the content of corn and feed fat in the poultry diet. But under no circumstances should birds be suddenly switched to a fattening diet, otherwise this may lead to illness or death of the quail.

This transition is carried out over three to four days, replacing part of the old diet with a new one. For example, on the first day they give a little more than half of the old food, and the rest - new food. Over the next three days, the percentage of the usual food is constantly reduced. Quail meat is fattened for about a month. At the same time, for the first three weeks, dim lighting is maintained in the cages of the fattened young animals around the clock.

Subsequently, females and males are kept separately. The cages of females are illuminated intermittently: for one hour of light - two hours of darkness, and in males the daylight hours are reduced to eight hours. In well-fed birds, a layer of subcutaneous fat is visible on the chest. Their weight reaches 200 grams in two months (for comparison, egg-laying quails at the same age weigh no more than 130 grams).

It will take two to three people to care for a flock of 600 birds. At first, you can take on these functions, and then, as your income grows, you can hire assistants who will feed the birds, care for them, clean the cages, collect eggs, and monitor the optimal conditions for keeping the quails.

Sales of products

Quail carcasses are sold through markets, supermarkets, as well as restaurants and cafes, kindergartens, school institutions, sanatoriums, tourist centers, etc. A quail carcass retails for 80-90 rubles. Quail eggs cost from 2 rubles per piece, depending on the region. An additional source of income for such farms is the sale of quail up to one week old at a cost of up to 25-30 rubles per head and at a month of age at a cost of 40-45 rubles.

The primary costs for setting up such a farm for 600-700 heads amount to up to 300 thousand rubles, taking into account all costs, including equipment. The payback period in this case is, as mentioned above, 4-6 months, due to the high fertility of birds.

Many farmers who do not have sufficient capital in the amount of 250-300 thousand rubles to organize industrial production, start by purchasing a small number of quails and then breeding and raising them. They gradually increase the required number of livestock, which can take up to six months. This is a good option for a small farm, but it is worth taking into account the fact that the payback period for such a project will be significantly higher (up to a year), and the profit, accordingly, will be lower.

As a rule, experienced farmers who do not have large start-up capital practice the following scheme. They buy several hundred hens under the age of two months, since they cost half as much as adult laying hens, as well as several dozen cockerels under the age of one month (about 15-20 hens per male). The birds are then raised to the required age. In this case, groups are first formed to lay eggs for incubation.

It is best to initially establish sales of eggs, since they can be obtained in the first two months of the farm’s existence. First, you can sell them to acquaintances and friends, and then develop new markets. It is advisable to purchase incubators at the very beginning of the farm’s existence, which will increase the profitability of your business. Thus, you can start with a population of 300-400 birds, and then within a short period of time (about six months) increase it to more than 1000 units, not counting the young animals and eggs kept in the incubator.

It is best to sell eggs and carcasses through retail chains. This will require additional packaging costs, but it's worth it.

To increase profitability, many poultry farms try to use every opportunity. For example, large poultry farming enterprises even sell quail droppings, which is an excellent natural fertilizer purchased by both individual private households and large farms.

Another source of income is the sale of educational materials and even full courses on quail breeding. If you know how to do something well, then why not make money on your knowledge and experience? To do this, you can create your own website on the Internet ( minimum cost of which is 1500 rubles). Prepare detailed text and video materials and sell them for the price of a printed book (500 - 1000 rubles).

Sysoeva Lilia

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Depending on the region and a number of additional factors, the profitability of a business for growing and breeding turkeys can range from 60 to 80%.

This financial calculation reveals some guidelines for opening a quail farm on your own premises with a productivity of 400 kg. quails per month (about 2000 heads, with a carcass weight of 200 grams).

Raising quail on a large scale requires a slightly different approach to organizing their feeding. Since each bird (we take the Japanese quail as a basis) consumes about 30 g of feed daily, then if there are a thousand birds, about 30 kg of feed will have to be spent daily. In this regard, it is necessary to have decent stocks of feed and purchase them on time.

Feed must be balanced, with sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements to maintain high egg production. In the warm season, birds should be fed chopped fresh grass and juicy root vegetables daily. In winter, the lack of nutrients is compensated for by sprouted stalks of wheat or millet, and wet mash is diluted with hay dust, bone meal or fish meal. Feeders should always contain crushed shells, gravel and chalk. Without these substances, the rate of egg production will be greatly reduced.

Feeding quails should be done at the same hours. Violation of this principle leads to a certain stressful state and corresponding negative consequences.

Sales of products

Raising quails as a business involves selling eggs and meat. As noted above, product sales are the main problem for any business. Despite the fact that competition in this segment is not yet very tough, it is very difficult to find serious counterparties for sales. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the population is reluctant to buy quail eggs. As a rule, suppliers of quail eggs are private entrepreneurs or small firms who simply do not have the money to advertise their product well.

The first purchase of eggs is usually made by friends and acquaintances. Then, through word of mouth, the product can be sold to friends of friends. The disadvantages of a business with such a sales system are limited scale and a gradual loss of customer interest (friends won’t constantly come to you for a package of eggs if you can also buy them in a store for overpaying just a few rubles).

Therefore, if there are several thousand quails, you need to find more serious channels - shops or supermarkets. You should not be particularly happy if you manage to come to an agreement with the owner of a small store - it is likely that sales volumes will be scanty and cooperation will have to be terminated.

An agreement with a supermarket for the supply of eggs is a very profitable option for business. But to do this, you need to find compelling arguments in favor of your product (convince the administration of a chain or a certain supermarket that you best supplier of these products), as well as receive a number permitting documents from government agencies, confirming the quality and safety of products.

If you are not ready to formally draw up all the documents related to the business, run through the authorities and obtain the necessary permits, then the first sales system will be more appropriate.

Sales of quail meat

When drawing up a business plan for quail breeding, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and little things that can affect profitability. For example, in the second year of life, quails’ egg production drops sharply, so keeping such a bird is unprofitable. Naturally, it goes for meat. To quickly process carcasses, you need to purchase a de-feather centrifuge. Manually removing feathers from miniature quails is a very boring and time-consuming task, but a centrifuge will do it in a few minutes, and process a dozen carcasses at the same time.

As a rule, it is extremely difficult to organize the sale of quail meat through stores, but finding sales in restaurants, kebab shops or other similar establishments is quite possible. In this case, one must take into account the paradox that meat breed quail pharaoh - not the best the best option for restaurants. A large carcass (about 300 g) is not suitable for a standard portion, and it is not customary to divide it in half. Therefore, Japanese quails, which are the best in egg production, are also better sold for meat.

Profitability calculation

Quail breeding as a business has another specific feature - high profitability. The very fact that a bird at two months of age is already capable of procreation means a very high speed with which the quail population can be increased.

Here is a table with approximate costs:

As you can see, it is quite possible to meet the amount of up to 50 thousand rubles to start doing business. In addition, the main part of the costs falls on the initial purchases of expensive equipment and young animals, which will no longer need to be purchased in the future. If we consider that a female Japanese quail lays about 300 eggs annually, then total income it will be:

If we assume that in a herd of 600 heads half are chickens, then the annual income from them will be 300 * 575 = 172,500 rubles. Males will go only for meat: 300 * 95 = 28,500 rubles. That is, the herd can generate income in the amount of 201,000 rubles. At the same time, it has not yet been taken into account that they will give birth to several offspring in a year, that is, the profitability of the business will increase even more.

Naturally, such calculations are very conditional, since business rarely develops as smoothly as on paper. All sorts of problems with inspection and control authorities, possible loss of poultry and similar unfavorable factors can significantly correct such estimates for the worse. In any case, such calculations are necessary to draw up a business plan for raising quails.

It is believed that a herd of 600 heads can be served by one person, a livestock of 1200 pieces. - two people, etc. The best option is to make quail breeding a home (family) business. Before you start doing this business, you need to draw up a business plan for quail, which should take into account the realities of a certain area: the cost of feed, heating costs, prices for eggs and quail meat.

The response to the quail business is mostly positive. Those who have found distribution channels feel quite at ease. But raising quails as a business means not only income, but also constant care for the birds, the absence of weekends and vacations as such, and an endless problem with sales. In this regard, quail breeding is suitable for patient people who are ready to sacrifice their free time throughout the existence of such a business.

Quail farming business- a great opportunity to start your own business without having to invest a lot of money. You can open such an enterprise right on your summer cottage, and if successful, expand.

The demand among Russians for quails increases every year. This is largely due to their taste, the usefulness of eggs and poultry meat. It will be easiest for entrepreneurs who have previously dealt with breeding pets to work in this business. But it is equally important to properly establish distribution channels, because if there is no demand, meat and eggs will simply spoil and become unsuitable for sale. We will deal with all these nuances in the article.

Quail breeding as a business is becoming increasingly popular due to the large number of advantages of such entrepreneurship. These include:

  • small amount of initial capital;
  • quick payback (due to the fact that quails quickly grow, reproduce, and are distinguished by high egg production);
  • ease of care for individuals;
  • resistance of quails to diseases (quails survive well even during bird flu epidemics);
  • availability of sufficient demand for products;
  • no need to purchase large land (even a small room can accommodate several hundred quails, since crowded conditions are not an obstacle to their growth, residence and reproduction).

But, as in any other business, an entrepreneur has to face risks. In the case of quail farming, they are associated with the following features:

  • temperature changes negatively affect the condition of individuals;
  • there are difficulties in establishing distribution channels (especially for beginning entrepreneurs).

But when assessing this form of business, the question of whether it is profitable or not to raise quails can be answered unequivocally: with a responsible approach to work, the entrepreneur will be able to quickly recoup the investments made and begin to make a good profit.

Setting up a mini-farm

New entrepreneurs may wonder where to start a quail farming business? Any work begins with studying the specifics. When breeding birds, it is important to understand how to properly keep them and what to feed them. It is necessary to build a place to contain them. This is especially important in the case of quail breeding, since these individuals are very susceptible to changes in weather conditions.

When arranging a room for birds of this breed, you must remember several important points:

  1. The quails themselves are small in size, which makes it possible to start breeding them in a small space. For example, about 100 quails can be placed on 1 m2 cage. And if you make several tiers, then 400-500 birds can be accommodated in the same area.
  2. The poultry house should be located in a quiet area, since any noise is a great stress for quails, which can negatively affect their condition and egg production.
  3. It is important to observe the temperature regime (18-22 0 C) and the humidity level around 65%. To monitor these indicators, it is worth acquiring special measuring instruments. The temperature level can be raised or lowered using the air conditioner.
  4. For good health, individuals constantly need fresh air, so you will have to set up a ventilation system. One quail needs 0.2 - 0.5 m 3 of fresh air daily, depending on the time of year (the need increases in summer).
  5. You will need a gasoline or diesel generator, which in case emergency situation will not allow birds to die in their cages.
  6. Birds need light to grow normally. It must be turned on for at least 17 hours every day. It is important not to overdo it with brightness - 35 lux will be enough. If you exceed this norm, then individuals may become more aggressive.

Making cages, feeders and drinkers

On mini-farms, quails are kept in cages located in the poultry house. You can make cells yourself. Their height should not be more than 30 centimeters. When starting a quail breeding business from scratch, you don’t even have to purchase special materials, and use what is at the dacha - plywood, gratings. It is important to make the lower part of the cages correctly - it should be sloped so that the hatched eggs roll into a special chute.

Feeders should be secured not inside the cage, but outside. It is important that food and waste do not get into the drinking bowls. For quails, nipple drinkers are the ideal solution to this issue.

To raise young animals you will need good incubators. In this case, it is better to purchase them rather than make them yourself in order to increase the survival rate of young individuals.

Features of breeding and raising chicks

It is best to place males with females in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:4. It is better to use young birds under the age of 8 months for breeding. To ensure good offspring, eggs should be carefully selected. It needs to be carried out in several stages:

  1. Visual inspection. Non-standard shape, size, color or presence of cracks - eggs with such characteristics are immediately eliminated.
  2. Using an ovoscope. This device will allow you to weed out eggs with two yolks, cloudy yolks or any other defects.

After the chicks are born, the temperature in the room should gradually decrease. And already 3 weeks after birth they are placed in ordinary cages with the rest of the birds.

Maintenance and feeding of adults

It is important to always have sufficient food supplies. Each adult quail requires about 30 grams of feed per day, that is, almost 1 kilogram per month. This value must be multiplied by the number of individuals.

You should choose food with a balanced composition. They must contain vitamins and microelements necessary to increase egg production. It is important to ensure that you have the following supplements in your daily diet:

It is important to ensure that the quails feed at the same time. Late feeding can stress birds, leading to slow growth and reduced fertility.

Product sales channels

Any business requires the need to search for distribution channels. For small households this issue is very serious. A quail farm requires the sale of eggs and meat. Some entrepreneurs additionally sell young or grown animals. But in this case, other novice breeders become buyers.

Since a small businessman does not have much money for advertising, it is better to establish sales channels on his own. You can start by selling meat and eggs to friends, local residents of a town or village. If such sales volumes are not enough, then it is necessary to look for alternative options.

Eggs are actively purchased by supermarkets and highly specialized stores. But for such trade, you will need to not only officially register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but also have a permit to raise quails. Stores will not buy goods without confirmation of high quality and safety. This cannot be done without going to the supervisory authorities.

When selling meat, you also need to take into account several nuances, which will directly determine the amount of income. The owner of a quail farm should know that individuals aged from 2 to 8 months are ideal for bearing eggs. If the quail is already more than 1 year old, then the number of eggs it hatches begins to drop sharply. It is these individuals that need to be sold for meat.

It is better to prepare the carcasses yourself - to clean them of feathers. And for this you should purchase a specialized machine so as not to work manually. The de-feathering centrifuge processes 10 or more carcasses in just a couple of minutes.

Selling meat to stores will be difficult. Few outlets agree to its implementation. Therefore, it is better to focus on the following sales channels:

  • restaurants;
  • cafe;
  • kebab shops;
  • snack bars.

If an entrepreneur plans to sell birds for meat, then it is best to raise Japanese quails, as they use most in demand at food service points.

Financial indicators

Large investments in a quail breeding business will not be required. Starting capital in the amount of several hundred thousand will be more than enough (you can get by with 50,000 rubles). If you approach starting your own business wisely, the payback can be equal to 2-3 months. For farms with animals, this is a very short period of time, which makes quail breeding an even more attractive business format.

The profitability of such a business is very high. Even if we take into account only eggs, then in a year you can make a profit of 350,000 rubles if you have a livestock of 400 individuals. After the first year, costs will include only funds for purchasing food and maintaining temperature and air humidity. The more processes a businessman can automate, the easier it will be for him to work on his farm. In the case of quail breeding, the effect of scale of production will also apply. Therefore, even a novice businessman should think about increasing the number of individuals to increase income and profitability.

Breeding quails - by investing 35,000 rubles, in just 2 months you will be in profit. We present a step-by-step guide that will break everything down.

Capital investment in breeding: from 35,000 rubles.
Payback of a quail business: 2-3 months.

Breeding quails at home can really be an excellent alternative to running a chicken or geese business.

In addition to small investments in the start, this idea is also attractive due to its ease of implementation.

At the same time, they can lay very actively: 50 females can lay up to 45 eggs a day!

As you can see, there are many advantages, although there are also disadvantages.

Let's take a closer look at the pitfalls of business, how to organize the implementation of an idea and which breeding method to choose.

Important nuances of raising quails at home

You can find a lot on the Internet positive feedback about the quail breeding business.

Indeed, many entrepreneurs have established their own sales channel and are successfully developing their business.

However, beginners should not be completely optimistic.

After all, this idea has several significant nuances that are rarely discussed:

    Moreover, do not forget to subtract at least ¼ of them that you send to the incubator.

    There is a myth that quails do not get sick.

    This is not true, it’s just that these birds make it easier to cut problems at the root and extinguish the epidemic in its infancy.

    In addition to diseases, the productivity of quails can be affected by... anything!

    Temperature changes, stress, food changes, even noisy guests.

Under what conditions can quail breeding be arranged?

Interesting fact:
In Japan, schoolchildren eat two meals before class. quail eggs. This helps improve memory, vision, strengthens the nervous system, and also helps the development of the entire body as a whole.

The first thing you must learn is the correct temperature regime.

Quails are not the most finicky birds.

But temperature deviations will cause some problems.

It will be too hot, the birds will start flying less.

Too cold and they might even die.

How to choose a cage for breeding quails?

You can make a cage yourself or buy a ready-made one.

No matter what kind of “dwelling” is suitable for quails.

Please note the requirements for the bird house:

    In case you didn't know, quails lay straight to the bottom of the cage.

    Therefore, it is imperative to install an egg receiver that will prevent them from breaking.

  • The main material for cells is metal.
  • In this case, extra space can cause more harm.

    Quails are prone to sudden flights.

    So a height of more than 20 cm can be traumatic.

  • Feeding and feeding devices are installed at the front of the cage.
  • The droppings can be used to make effective fertilizer, the sale of which will bring additional income.
  • To reduce the risk of disease and contamination of eggs, install a special tray for quail excrement.
  • There is no mistake - statistics show that, unlike chickens, the closer the birds sit, the better they lay eggs.

What kind of personnel is needed to breed quails?

Raising quails, like any other bird, requires only a few people.

For those who want to take everything into their own hands, let us remind you: in the quail breeding business there are no weekends or holidays.

If you don't agree to spend every day at the cage, hire helpers.

A small flock can be served from start to finish by two people: removing droppings, monitoring the condition of the birds, feeding and watering them, monitoring indoor conditions, and preparing bait.

Don’t forget about the process of selling products: the meat will need to be cut, the eggs will need to be packaged, and all this will also need to be delivered to customers.

This work is really “non-dusty”, but it takes a lot of time.

If you want to save money, you can ask your loved ones for help.

But if finances allow, hire the following people:

Search for sales channels for quail meat and eggs

The search for sources of sales of household products should be sought immediately.

After all, eggs cannot be stored for a long time, but birds will lay eggs actively.

A portion will be spent on family needs and passed on to friends and relatives.

But when it comes to business, it is obvious that more serious clients will be required.

This is the only way to cover the costs of raising quails, and in the future to receive income from it.

The market analysis algorithm looks like this:

    Find out which clients close to you could start buying products from you or become points of sale.

    These could be markets, fairs, shops, supermarkets, cafes.

    Consult their management to determine the volume of demand for yourself.

    Based on these data, it is possible to determine the number of livestock for home breeding.

    An important point: what documentation is required for eggs and meat?

    At a minimum, you need to be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

    In addition, more serious partners may require quality certificates.

    Analyze your competitors - under the guise of clients or by studying their websites.

    Determine their product prices, strengths and weaknesses.

    It is important to highlight competitive advantages that will make you stand out in the eyes of your clients.

    Yes, quail farming at home is also worth promoting to increase profit margins.

    You don't have to use expensive TV advertising.

    Available methods of guerrilla marketing, with a skillful approach, also bring worthy results.

How much money do you need to raise quails?

It has been mentioned more than once that raising birds at home requires a very modest investment.

But exactly what amount are we talking about?

Capital investments in raising quails at home

Monthly investment in quail farming

An entrepreneur should not forget that in addition to capital investments in quail breeding, monthly expenses will also be required.

You need to keep this in mind and not be tempted by just a small amount of initial investment.

Income from quails will begin to compensate for these expenses only after a few months.

The video below presents the main features of quail breeding:

Conclusion about the profitability of quail breeding

The debate about the profitability of raising quails at home is not closed.

Some were able to turn it into a large-scale profitable business.

Others complain about low income.

To draw a conclusion for yourself, you need one in which you can calculate your indicators.

Be sure to use methods to improve business efficiency:

    Purchase and add mineral fertilizer for quails to your food.

    This is beneficial for the health of the birds and the quality of their egg production.

    Watch the width of the holes between the rods.

    Ideally, only the head should go through so that the quail can eat.

    These birds react very poorly to bright light.

    It causes them excitability, aggression and even a decrease in egg production!

  • If you do not give quails vitamins during the changing seasons, their feather cover may completely fall out.

As you can see, raising quails at home will require a small investment that can pay off in just a couple of months.

But you shouldn’t count on large income in the future.

For profits to grow, the business will definitely need to scale.

But there is potential for this, because poultry meat and eggs always remain in the “grocery basket”!

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