Industrial practice of the manager on tourism. The activity of the assistant manager of tourism in the travel agency "life tour". Enterprise development factors

GOU VPO Omsk State Pedagogical University

Faculty of Geography
Field Practice Report

4th year student of group 45 of the Faculty of Geography

Specialties 100103 "Socio-cultural service and tourism"

Savina Anna Alexandrovna
Place of internship:

LLC Vasal TK "INTOUR-Travel"

Practice leader: Rybyakov E.A.

The report is protected by "__"____20 11 G.



Walkthrough diary educational practice

1. General characteristics of the enterprise

2. Characteristics of the marketing activities of the company



Tourism is one of the leading and most developing sectors of the economy and for its rapid pace it is recognized as the economic phenomenon of the century. Its rapid development is facilitated by the expansion of political, economic, scientific and cultural ties between

States and peoples of the world. The mass development of tourism allows millions of people to expand their horizons, get acquainted with the sights, culture, traditions of a particular country.

In many countries, tourism plays a significant role in shaping the gross domestic product, enhancing the foreign trade balance, creating additional jobs and providing employment for the population, has a huge impact on such key sectors of the economy as transport and communications, construction, production of consumer goods, i.e. . acts as a kind of stabilizer of socio-economic development.

To succeed in the tourism business, you need a good knowledge of international legal regulations and regulations, tourism management and marketing practices, first of all, a professional, consumer-based tourism services organization of production and sale of a tourist product, full and comprehensive awareness of the producer of tourist services is needed regarding everything that concerns the client, as a consumer of these same services.

In the period from June 20 to July 16, 2011, I did an internship at travel company INTOUR-Travel.

The purpose of the practice is to get acquainted with the basic principles of conducting tourism activities, managerial and other relations, the rules of interaction with the consumer of services.

tasks industrial practice are:

  1. combination of theoretical knowledge with practical skills;

  2. study of the activities of the enterprise of social and cultural service and tourism;

  3. study of the activities of services and departments of the enterprise and their interaction;

  4. study of the main directions of the marketing strategy of the enterprise;

  5. familiarization with the advertising and information activities of the enterprise;

  6. familiarization with the safety regulations in force at the enterprise, as well as with the safety requirements for organizing and conducting tourist trips.

GOU VPO Omsk State Pedagogical University

Trainee's individual diary
4th year students of 44 (2) groups of the Faculty of Geography, specialty 100103 "Socio-cultural service and tourism"

Savina Anna Alexandrovna

Omsk - 2011

^ Day month Year

Kind of activity



Introduction to the enterprise

Familiarization with TA "SPUTNIK-Omsk";

with the team;

With the history of the company;

The 1st day in the travel agency impressed me, a very good team; travel agency managers have higher education, have passed psychological and professional trainings and are excellent specialists;

Familiarization with the organizational structure of the enterprise, as well as internal regulations and safety precautions.

Organizational structure of a small agency, incl. "Sputnik - Omsk" includes: director, tourism manager, accountant;

Search and customer service, an integral part of which is working with various applications, forms, letters, etc.
There is a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team. This is achieved due to the absence of a rigid hierarchy and norms of behavior in the organization.


Studying the services provided by the firm

Travel agency services:

Air and railway tickets delivered to your home or office.

Assistance in obtaining visas and foreign passports.

Inexpensive trips from Omsk to Egypt, Thailand, Turkey, India.

Tours in Europe.

Hotel booking.

Painstaking work with documents;

You need to be very careful when applying for visas and foreign passports;

Acquaintance with information technologies used in the enterprise

Mastering e-mail. Work with the Internet, directories. Exploring the forum and answering questions.

Since working with the Internet is already very familiar to me, there are no difficulties when working;

Familiarization with the work of travel agency managers

The work of managers: knowledge of tour design technology, market promotion, a general idea of ​​​​tourist documentation, a booking system for leading tour operators, work with clients;
The work of managers is very interesting. When working with documents, on a PC, with clients, you need to be sociable, executive, non-conflict, purposeful.

Advertising is the most significant element of the communication complex. It has a great potential impact on all other elements of this complex (it can attract large masses of people) and is the most expensive.
TA "SPUTNIK-Omsk" has a lot of advertisements that are posted on websites, around the city, in newspapers, magazines.


Acquaintance with the pricing and marketing strategy of the enterprise

Market research or marketing analysis occupy an important place in the activities of any company.

Based on the SWOT analysis of the enterprise, it can be concluded that the agency needs to analyze the most effective advertising methods and form a clear policy for the distribution and allocation of large Money for advertising,

Acquaintance with the methods of personnel management in the enterprise

Methods for performing individual operations, procedures, works that form the management process include: rules for determining goals;

I got acquainted with various methods of personnel management, such as the development and optimization of management decisions; methods of organizational practical work for the implementation of management decisions;


Writing a study practice report

An internship is an important element in the preparation of a future specialist.
During the internship, the main part of the knowledge I received in the classroom was in demand.
I believe that the knowledge I have gained is very valuable for my development as a specialist.

  1. General characteristics of the enterprise

Firm name of the enterprise: LLC Vasal TK "INTOUR-Travel", acting on the basis of the License on the right to conduct tourism activities.

The agency is located at: 644024, Omsk, st. Lermontova 22, tel.: 33-20-80, 50-82-44

The agency is located in a fairly developed part of the city, has good access and parking space for clients' cars. The company rents an office space in a multi-storey building, next to various organizations. There is a sign with the name of the company on the front door. Inside the premises there are places for visitors to relax, various brochures, brochures and photographs of the proposed tours are provided. At the request of the client, a video demonstration of the route or hotel is possible.

Turning to the INTOR-Travel travel agency, the client is first of all explained what services he acquires and how to use them, as well as the guarantees and obligations of the agency and his rights. In the structure of tourist services of this travel agency, there are basic and additional, the main ones include:

Services for the organization of transportation


Food for tourists

To additional services relate:

Tour services

Tourist insurance services

Tourist transportation services from the place of his stay in the country (place of his temporary stay) to the place of accommodation and back (transfer), as well as any other transportation within the country (place of temporary stay); -

Currency exchange


- the right to use the beach.

There is no uniform that is typical for the entire staff of the company, but badges are inherent, indicating the company, the name and position of the employee.

The agency has several local and international telephone lines, a fax machine, a photocopier, several computers, printers, an air conditioner, and a connection to the local Internet network. Also, for the convenient work of employees, there are basic office supplies that facilitate many issues related to working with papers, drafting contracts, drafting various documents.

The total number of employees of the enterprise is 4 people. Experience of successful activity of the company's employees in the tourism business market for more than five years.

The purpose of the travel agency "INTOUR-Travel" is:

  1. - organization of tourist, sightseeing, sanatorium-resort, business trips, individual tours, family or corporate holiday as well as shopping tours

  2. - tours at a special price;

  3. - youth recreation;

  4. - weekend tours;

  5. - rest in Russia and abroad;

  6. -Bus tours in Europe.
Opening hours all year round: on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00, on Saturdays from 10:00 to 18:00.

2. Characteristics of the marketing activities of the company
The marketing activity of the firm plays important role in
enterprise management survey. After choosing the main strategic directions of the enterprise, it is necessary to specify them through the planning of the marketing program.
Any travel company must constantly monitor all,
respond to every change in the market: lagging behind the more successful and far-sighted threatens to distrust the consumer in the company, which can lead not only to the loss of one of the customers, but also to a drop in the overall image of the company, i.e. to the loss of a significant part of potential and regular customers.

Travel agency "INTOUR-Travel" carefully monitors all changes in tourism market, studies the activities of competing firms, develops new tourist routes for youth, family, business, educational, medical tourism; conducts numerous surveys on its websites on the Internet and among the population.

Most often, surveys are carried out by sales agents or other employees of the company, combining their conduct with their main work or doing this at a specially allocated time.
The agency also invites temporary workers to conduct the survey. Sometimes high school students or students are invited, since the performance of this work does not require special qualifications. All this helps employees to develop new tourist routes that will be in demand.
The purpose of the travel agency is to meet the needs of the population, attract customers, increase profits and the image of the enterprise.

The goods and services offered by the firm determine the possibility of sales and profit. Without goods and services, a firm has nothing to offer.

On the market. However, it is necessary not only to produce products: they must be designed for a specific market and comply with common goals firms.
Travel agency "INTOUR-Travel" provides services that allow you to satisfy the natural interest of people, get acquainted with the lifestyle, mentality and culture of another country. This agency helps people to find out what is common and what are the differences between their own and the typical Russian way of life. The services provided are mainly aimed at individual tourists or very small groups of three or four people who are interested in getting a deeper understanding of real life not only in Russia but also abroad. Depending on the client's choice, the program can be composed of individualized excursions on the client's order, taking into account his interest in history, culture, politics or a specific professional area (both thematic and sightseeing tours). Travel agency "INTOUR-Travel" pays attention to all the details and "little things", which is especially important in Russia, where in the conditions of a totalitarian system for many years the tourism industry was not customer-oriented. most strong point The company is the work of experienced professional guides, ready to satisfy all the wishes of the client. The demand for such services is practically unlimited, since very few firms offer them. Existing travel agencies can be divided into the following groups: 1) closed joint-stock companies that emerged as a result of the collapse of large Soviet state-owned monopoly companies. Their strength lies in the fact that they inherited most of the old connections and, consequently, the volume of services provided is large. Their weakness is that customer service in most cases is streamlined and takes little account of the specific interests of the individual;

2) joint ventures, the vouchers of which are sold to foreign founders abroad through an extensive network of travel agencies. Such companies are focused on serving large groups, in which individual service is practically not feasible; 3) private companies, usually with a small amount of work, interested in cooperation with foreign partners - suppliers of customers. In most cases, they offer a higher quality of service and an individualized approach to the client. Some of them stand out because they specialize in sports or health tourism. This travel agency belongs to the third group. The market niche (individual, client-oriented tourism) is large enough to be profitable, and at the same time small enough to be attractive to large travel companies serving large tourist flows. Currently, the agency attracts clients through direct contacts or recommendations. The travel agency "INTOUR-Travel" is looking for foreign partners in order to increase the volume of work by establishing contacts with Western firms, which, ultimately, would lead to an increase in profits. The firm also offers its services to local firms to obtain additional funds for the development of the firm.

Small businesses have a first-class opportunity to excel in marketing because they can do it right from the start. For example, there are a number of areas involved in a more detailed study of goods and services. In a three-level analysis of the product, there are: the essence of the product, the actual product and the added product, the added product or service, the actual product or service, the essence of the product or service.
The essence of a product or service. The consumer does not acquire goods or services, but the solution of problems, the satisfaction of needs and desires.
Of course, the enterprise may try to arouse desires, requests

By attracting the attention of consumers to her ideas.
An add-on product or service includes anything that an enterprise can offer to customers in addition to the main product. These may include pre-sales and after-sales services, warranties, insurance, phone calls for information and advice.
However, it should be taken into account that 80% of the resources allocated for the product are spent on the development and production of the product, respectively, 20% of these resources are spent on creating the environment for the product. The choice of consumers is 80% predetermined by the environment of the product and only 20% by its main characteristics.
Each product on the market lives for a certain time. Sooner or later, it is forced out of the market by another, more perfect one. In this regard, the time to enter the market, the volume of production of each type of product largely depends on the stage of the life cycle at which this product is located.
Although there are different types life cycles, most products are characterized by slow growth during the period of their introduction to the market, then rapid growth, a period of stability, and at the end - a period of decline. The main difficulty in using the life cycle as a target - apart from the sometimes occurring deviations from the traditional product life cycle curve - is that the enterprise sometimes does not know how much time will pass from the end of the growth to the beginning of the recession. Recession can occur in 1 - 2 months or after many years. Only in industries high technology, where the prospects for the development of production and scientific research widely known, the life cycle duration can be estimated with a certain degree of accuracy. Some products very quickly, just rapidly, go through a stage of growth, and then a recession comes just as quickly.
By general rule you should not enter the market with a product that is in a recession stage. Determination of the stage of the product life cycle in a specific

Moment in time is a very useful practice.
Marketing research is clearly necessary for successful work any firm. Answers to questions like: Who uses the services of our company? Why? What for? What drives them? not only interesting, but also very important to know, because, knowing the answers to these questions today, you can plan the activities of the company, correct shortcomings, hone the quality of services, and, consequently, attract more customers.

^ 3. Analysis of advertising and information activities tourist enterprise
Advertising activity - the mode of action of the company, aimed at achieving certain goals; strategy - a general guiding line and attitudes towards achieving ultimate goals; tactics - a set of means and techniques aimed at achieving a goal, a mode of action, a line of behavior. In fact, the essence of advertising activity lies in the choice advertising strategy and tactics.

In order for a travel company to be recognized, it is necessary to declare yourself. This can be achieved through advertising. But in order to minimal cost means to get the highest possible result, you need to think about how to advertise yourself and your products.

1. Travel catalogs - they contain descriptions of tourist goods and services, illustrations, prices. Catalogs are used by tour operators and travel agents to present their tour program. The catalog includes illustrated descriptions of various routes, hotels, excursion programs, transport services, departure dates.

2. Brochures and prospectuses - less voluminous publications, contain a list of tourist destinations, more detailed information about accommodation, prices, transport schedules, etc. They are used by tourism enterprises to inform potential customers about available travel services and as an aid in sales. Prospectuses are usually printed on one illustrated

Page, their production is easier and cheaper. They are the most widely used advertising medium.

3. Sales letters are sent to potential customers, to certain target groups, whose likely interests are known. With their help, you can implement "burning tour packages" or quickly convey information. Sales letters are used alone or in combination with prospectuses and brochures.

5. Street advertising has a certain location, a small amount of information, contains mostly symbols and pictures. These qualities of street advertising are due to the fact that attention is paid to it for a short time. It usually serves as a supplement to advertising in the media.

6. Advertising at the point of sale consists in placing posters, banners, posters, billboards in shop windows and on the walls of the premises where tours are sold. This advertisement is intended to remind consumers in the process of making a decision about the advertising information that they have already encountered in other media.

  • the nature of the advertised product, the content of the advertisement;

  • availability of funds for advertising;

  • market size (its capacity);

  • advertising objectives (create a market for a new product or expand an existing market);

  • the scale of the advertising campaign;

  • range of potential consumers;

  • specific market requirements;

  • the technical capabilities of manufacturing advertising media in the right quantity at the right time.
Advertising can be given many specific tasks in the field of communication and marketing, depending on what it is intended for: to inform, exhort or remind.

  1. ^ Informative advertising . The purpose of this type of advertising is to tell the market about a new product or about new possible applications of an existing product. In addition, information about price changes, about new services provided, dispelling doubts and fears of the consumer, forming the image of the company. This type of advertising mainly prevails when bringing a product to the market, when you need to create its primary image. The peculiarity of informative advertising is that the image of the company / product as such does not yet exist. This is the most difficult stage, here creativity plays a decisive role. The subsequent effectiveness or inefficiency of the image directly depends on how the informative advertisement will look like: whether colors, fonts, visual and sound images are chosen correctly. If, due to any errors in informative advertising, the image of the organization is misperceived, then it will be very difficult to change this impression. Informative advertising is best given in media such as newspapers and television.

  2. ^ persuasive advertising . Forms a preference for the brand, seeks to switch from the brand of competitors to its own. Changes the consumer's perception of the properties of the product, seeks to encourage him to make a purchase without delay. Persuasive advertising is of particular importance at the stage of growth, when the task is to create selective demand. She strives

  3. to assert the advantages of one brand by specifically comparing it with other brands in the same product class. At this stage, the image of the company is still subject to adjustment. Such advertising is used very often in our time, since the quality of similar products from different companies practically does not differ and is quite high, then competition in the market turns into a real war of images.

  4. ^ Reminder advertising . Reminds consumers that the product may be useful to them in the near future, informs where it can be purchased, keeps products in mind during off-season periods. Such advertising is sometimes called image advertising. This type of advertising is extremely important at the stage of maturity so that the consumer does not forget about the product. The company's image has already been formed and is not corrected. Image advertising contains a minimum of information. Most often, it is implemented through outdoor advertising. At this stage, it is very important to choose the right visual or auditory images that would be clearly associated by consumers with this brand and would support the existing image.
Advertising may or may not change over time. It depends on the situation on the market as a whole and on the situation within the travel company itself.

To begin with, the company must clearly understand the purpose of advertising, that is, why the advertising campaign will be carried out. The goal may be to form a name, the prestige of the company, in order to subsequently take a strong position in the market. The goal may simply be the marketing of tourism services.

Travel agency "INTOUR-Travel" uses several types of advertising: outdoor advertising, souvenir advertising, computer advertising, print advertising, television and radio advertising.

Outdoor advertising includes signs located at the entrance to a travel agency; to the souvenir - calendars, pens with the name of the travel agency; to computer - advertising on sites; to print - ads in newspapers; commercials on television and radio.

There are also a large number of various advertising booklets, brochures, which are regularly updated and distributed among the residents of the city.

For more successful promotion of its services, the travel agency "INTOUR-Travel" entered into an agreement with advertising agency, which helps him in the design of the appearance, advertising stands, booklets, advertising articles in newspapers, which attracts more attention.

Advertising has become an integral part of our lives today. Statements about it are very contradictory. She annoys many, appearing in the middle of her favorite TV or radio program, striking her eyes everywhere - on the street, in transport, in various institutions. Hear anything forest about advertising - a rarity, even from those who work in it. But no matter how we relate to this phenomenon, our society can no longer exist without it.

During the passage of professional and industrial practice in the travel agency "Tur-Prognoz" as a junior assistant manager, not only excellent skills in the field of tourism business technologies were acquired, but also theoretical knowledge was consolidated and deepened, practical skills of independent work were acquired.

This practice allowed in the study of the structure and organizational activities travel agencies to expand and deepen existing knowledge and develop interest in it, thereby allowing you to determine for yourself the correct choice of this profession.

  • When compiling the report, the following tasks were performed: combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills;
2. study of the activities of the enterprise of social and cultural services and tourism;

3. study of the activities of services and departments of the enterprise and their interaction;

4. study of the main directions of the marketing strategy of the enterprise;

6. familiarization with the safety regulations in force at the enterprise, as well as with the safety requirements for organizing and conducting tourist trips.

1. Brief description of the enterprise
2. Planning activities in the travel agency "Pegas Touristic" LLC
3. Organization and control of the activities of subordinates in the travel agency "Pegas Touristic"
4. Reporting and planning documentation of the travel agency "Pegas Touristic"
List of sources used


A functional unit is an integral part of an organization that performs specific tasks and achieves specific specific goals.

At present, it is impossible to conduct business effectively without a clear organization of link management. In this regard, each organization must have a clear organizational management structure, which must comply with all regulations and rules.

The organizational structure of management is one of key concepts management, closely related to the goals, functions, management process, the work of managers and the distribution of powers between them. Within the framework of this structure, the entire management process takes place, in which managers of all levels, categories and professional specializations participate.

Organizations create structures in order to ensure the coordination and control of the activities of their units and employees. The structures of organizations differ from each other in complexity, i.e. the degree of division of activities into various functions; formalization, i.e. the extent to which pre-established rules and procedures are used; the ratio of centralization and decentralization, i.e. levels at which management decisions.

The organizational structure expresses the form of division and cooperation of labor in the field of management and has an active impact on the functioning of the enterprise. The more perfect the management structure, the more effective the impact on the management object and the higher the performance of the enterprise.

During the period of industrial practice (according to the specialty profile), skills were obtained in:

  1. Planning the activities of the department.
  2. Organization and control of the activities of subordinates.
  3. Maintaining reporting and planning documentation.
  4. Organization of office work at the enterprises of the tourist business.

The objectives of the practice were as follows:

- collection of information about the activities of the organization and its individual divisions;

- drawing up a work plan for the department;

- Conducting employee briefings;

- work with office equipment;

– quality control of personnel work;

- evaluate the competitiveness of the hotel enterprise;

- preparation of reporting and planning documentation on the activities of the unit; presentations;

- calculation of the main financial indicators of the organization's activities;

– collection and analysis of the necessary materials and documents for writing this report.

This report consists of an introduction, main body, conclusion and appendix. The main part, in turn, consists of paragraphs that contain the main analytical work.

The travel agency Pegas Touristik LLC served as the basis for the internship. The period of passing industrial practice (according to the specialty profile) from March 20 to April 2, 2017.

1. Brief description of the enterprise

Visiting card of a tourist enterprise.

PEGAS Touristik is one of the leaders in the Russian tourism industry and one of the largest international travel companies. The history of the company began in the last quarter of the twentieth century.

Table 1.1

Visiting card of the travel agency LLC "Pegasus Touristic»

The organizational and legal form of the enterprise and the legal documents by which it is guided.

The organizational and legal form of the Pegas Touristik enterprise is a company, the authorized capital of which is divided into shares determined by the founding documents; participants of Pegas Touristik LLC are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with its activities, within the value of their contributions.

Regulatory documents that guide the company "Pegas Touristik" s.r.o.:

  • The authorized capital reflects the fundamental difference business companies in general and Pegas Touristik LLC in particular: for this type of organization, the minimum amount of property is fixed that guarantees the interests of their creditors. If, at the end of the second or any subsequent financial year, the value net assets LLC will be lower than the authorized capital, the company is obliged to announce the reduction of the latter; if the indicated value becomes less than the minimum determined by law, then the company is subject to liquidation. Thus, the authorized capital forms the lower acceptable limit of the company's net assets, which guarantee the interests of its creditors.
  • Memorandum of Association (if the company has one founder), and the charter is mandatory. These two documents have qualitatively different functions: the contract mainly fixes the relationship of the participants, and the charter - the relationship of the organization with the participants and third parties. One of the main tasks of the charter is to fix the authorized capital as a measure of the company's responsibility to third parties.
  • The authorized capital of LLC Pegas Touristik, consisting of the value of the contributions of its participants, must be, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On companies with limited liability”, at least 100 minimum wages. By the time of registration, the authorized capital must be paid at least half, the remaining part is payable during the first year of the company's operation.

Mission and goals of Pegas Touristik LLC:

According to the management of the travel company:

“We are working to make PEGAS Touristik the best tour operator for our clients. We want every person who is on the company's website, comes to the PEGAS Touristik offices, calls our call center, uses the company's services, and likes to be a PEGAS Touristik client.”

Goals of "Pegas Touristik" LLC:

  1. provide quality service anywhere and anytime
  2. make all services of PEGAS Touristik, in accordance with modern service standards
  3. pay attention to the wishes of customers and provide maximum care
  4. strive to ensure that every decision we make is made in the best interests of our clients
  5. offer exactly what the client needs and anticipate their desires
  6. Main activities.

Main activities (in accordance with the Charter). To the travel agency retail network PEGAS Touristik on Korolenko can be contacted:

  1. for a consultation;
  2. for the purpose of purchasing tours in the following areas:

- Outbound tourism

Domestic tourism

– Inbound tourism

  1. for early hotel reservations.
  2. organization of a group or individual tour
  3. Tour operators PEGAS Touristik works with

PEGAS Touristik has been conducting its tourism activities with tour operators for more than 10 years and creates its own travel agencies, as well as cooperates with franchise agencies.

One of the main tour operators is the official representative of Pegas, the travel agency also has a franchise with the tour operator TUI and Biblio-Globus. The priority is the sale of tours from Pegas.

Table 1.2

Commission for tour operators to travel agencies

The main awards of the travel agency (for cooperation with tour operators, for participation in exhibitions, etc.).

The main awards of the travel agency are:

– Certificate “Mark of Trust 2013”. Trademark, which enjoys the greatest confidence among consumers according to the results of an independent study by Reader's Digest.

1 The best site for a tour operator operating in Russia

2 Opening of the year in the field of e-tourism

– XIII International Tourism Festival “World Without Borders”. Diploma for contribution to the development of international tourism. Kazan, 2010

– Russian Consumer Rights Protection Fund, Moscow Consumer Rights Protection Fund Diploma “For active participation in the formation of a civilized consumer market in Russia"

Main tourism geographic areas of activity (in a pie chart with shares).

PEGAS Touristik, being one of the recognized leaders in the Russian travel and tourism market, offers holidays in the most beautiful places. In order to better understand the tourist preferences, a survey was conducted, which showed the main tourist geographical directions among tourists:

Turkey 6%, Egypt 4%, Greece 10%, India 1%, Thailand 14%, Indonesia 3%, Jordan 2%, Israel 2%, China 2%, Andorra 3%, Dominican Republic 1%, Cyprus 8%, Italy 7 %, Spain 8%, Cuba 1%, UAE 5%, Vietnam 2%, Mexico 2%, Mauritius 1%, Morocco 3%, Maldives 5%, Montenegro 10%.

Thus, the number of tourists choosing holidays with PEGAS Touristik is constantly growing, from the diagram above you can see the preferences of tourists by geographical directions, such destinations are to a large extent: Thailand, Montenegro, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey.

The main forms of tourism.

Today, the travel agency of the PEGAS Touristik retail network occupies a strong position and is deservedly one of the most popular entities in the provision of travel services. Our close-knit team of experienced specialists, professionals in their field, who will help you decide on the direction of the tour, the cost of the tour, the quality of rest in a particular place, the duration of the flight and other nuances of the proposed trip. The main forms of tourism in the travel agency Pegas Touristic are:

  • Cultural tourism (65% of respondents)
  • Health tourism (21% of respondents)
  • Sports tourism (12% of respondents)
  • Entertaining (12% of respondents)

Thus, based on the above diagram, we can conclude that the greatest preference among tourists is cultural and educational tourism. Among the surveyed respondents, sports and leisure tourism is of the least interest.

2. Planning activities in the travel agency LLC "Pegasus Touristic»

Technology, types and methods of planning in a travel agency.

Planning is a continuous process of determining the means to achieve the deadlines and sequence of actions, the distribution of management resources. His tasks at Pegas Touristic Ltd. are:

  1. Ensuring purposeful development of the organization;
  2. Coordination of activities of structural divisions and employees;
  3. Creation of a base for effective monitoring and evaluation;
  4. Motivation labor activity;
  5. Information support for members of labor collectives;
  6. Types and characteristics of plans in a travel agency.

There are strategic, tactical and current planning. Pegas Touristic travel agency uses all types of planning in order to better imagine the future of the travel agency, which comprehensively takes into account all the circumstances and features important for the sales market.

The first step is strategic planning. It consists in choosing the main goals of the company's activities and is focused on determining the intended final results, taking into account the means and methods for achieving the goals and providing the necessary resources.

At Pegas Touristic, the strategic goals are:

– Expansion of production capacities;

– Expansion of the list of tourist services;

– Improving the quality of tourism services;

– Increasing sales and market share through a highly competitive tourism product and service

The second step in planning is tactical planning. It consists in deciding how the resources of the organization should be allocated to achieve strategic goals. The main objectives of the travel agency are:

– Development of your own recognizable travel agency logo

– Maintaining a franchise with tour operators

– Conducting a survey using questionnaires and questionnaires

– Direct cooperation between the travel manager and the client

– Simple and convenient location of the travel agency website

– Development of your own unique routes

The third and final stage is ongoing planning. It is usually developed for the next day / week / month, which allows employees and the travel agency as a whole to focus on the specific goals of the enterprise in the near future. These goals may be:

  1. Implementation of the plan for the sale of tours
  2. Launch of new tourism programs
  3. Selection of a tour according to the client's order
  4. Increasing sales in the areas of the enterprise.
  5. Sources of collecting information about the activities of the organization and its individual divisions

When it comes to sources of information, first of all, we mean sources of external information. Indeed, internal information is constantly accumulated within the company (if this is not done, then this is already a problem of work efficiency marketing services businesses, companies). It includes planning and economic indicators, reports on sales volumes and profits, plans for the development of production and innovations.

The main sources of collecting information about the activities of the organization and its individual divisions are, first of all, the official website of Pegas Tourisic LLC. There you can find information about the travel company itself, about what services it provides, and you can also pre-book a cabin on the ship, which can also be viewed on the company's website. On the site you can also see the cruise schedule, when and what time the ship leaves for your chosen destination.

When collecting information about the organization, such open sources as publications in the media and on the Internet are used. Each of the sources of information has certain advantages and disadvantages, therefore, none of them individually can provide sufficient completeness and reliability of the information collected for the study. It follows from this that it is necessary to use several sources of data collection simultaneously, constantly adjusting them based on emerging new materials. At the same time, information can be collected both sequentially across all hierarchical levels, and in parallel, as well as in series-parallel.

Enterprise work plan.

To draw up a business plan for the enterprise, you need to draw up a business plan for a tourist enterprise. In the travel agency "Pegas Touristic" LLC, the work plan looks like this:

Main business goals:

  1. a large volume of sales of tours;
  2. increasing the share of the travel agency in the existing market;
  3. development of new markets;
  4. building a good reputation and image with customers;
  5. provision of unique services;
  6. increase in net income;
  7. increase in the share of related services.

Choosing the right direction of activity, you can ensure the profitability of the travel agency for many years. At the initial stage of its activity, the agency attracts clients through recommendations and direct contact.

Marketing program of LLC "Pegas Touristic".

Evaluation of the effectiveness of promotional activities in the agency is carried out by means of a social survey of clients. When a potential buyer comes to the office, he is unobtrusively asked the question from which sources he learned about the agency, sometimes clients are asked to fill out a questionnaire (at the request of the buyer), which offers a list of questions aimed at finding out which of the selected types of advertising the most effective and what the buyer first of all pays attention to in advertising.

It should be noted that according to the results of such surveys, it was revealed that most often clients listen to advertising on the radio (while traveling in a car) and read in magazines, least often in newspapers. This is due to the fact that the main contingent of buyers, as noted above, are people with a high level of income and quite busy, which is why in this situation auditory advertising - radio is more effective.

Travel agency "Pegas Touristik" chooses the press as the main advertising medium, as it is considered an effective channel for advertising in order to stimulate sales and radio, since radio has its positive features in terms of advertising - almost round-the-clock broadcasting and the possibility of background exposure to a potential buyer, and radio advertising is quick, effective, and fairly cheap.

Also, what is very important in modern world travel agency has its own website

3. Organization and control of the activities of subordinates in the travel agency "Pegasus Touristic»

Present the organizational structure of the enterprise management and describe it (present the organizational structure in the figure).

The enterprise has the principle of hierarchical management levels, in which each lower level is controlled by a higher one and is subordinate to it. The organizational structure, built in accordance with these principles, is called a hierarchical or bureaucratic structure. The most common type of such a structure is a linear - functional or simply linear structure (Appendix 2).

Briefly describe each department of the tourism enterprise.

Travel company "Pegas Touristic" LLC consists of:

  1. CEO. He independently solves all issues of the organization's activities, acts on behalf of the company, represents its interests before other firms and organizations. Also, this person manages, within the limits of the right granted to him, the property of the enterprise, concludes contracts, including those for hiring employees. He bears, within the limits of his authority, full responsibility for the activities of the organization, ensuring the safety of inventory, cash and other property.
  2. The accountant and two tourism managers (cruises and tours in Russia and abroad) are subordinate to the director.
  3. The chief accountant of the travel agency reports directly to the general director. The chief accountant reports one accountant.
  4. Tourism managers work directly with potential tourists. Provide full consulting and sale of tours. Track the process of realization of tourist services. They come forward to management with proposals that will increase customer loyalty, their satisfaction with the services provided by the company, which ultimately leads to an increase in the profit of the enterprise.
  5. Present in the table the characteristics of the staff of the travel agency.

Table 3.1

Characteristics of Pegas Touristic LLC personnel

Psychological climate in the team. Relationship between management and subordinates. The presence of conflicts. Compliance with corporate rules and business ethics.

Analyzing the organizational culture of the company, it should be noted that due to the insignificance of the scale of Pegas Touristic LLC, close contacts develop between employees, informal communication plays a significant role in the management of the organization. It should also be emphasized that the dominance informal communication over formal can have undesirable consequences. For example, the lack of subordination between levels of management in the organizational structure can lead to a violation of the decision-making process.

The level of organizational culture can be characterized by an average value, since the organization does not practice joint activities, pursuing the goal of team building and development of team spirit.

To solve the identified problems, a number of measures need to be implemented.

The management of the enterprise needs to pay attention to such a characteristic problem of the organization as the lack of career opportunities. To solve this problem, management can be recommended to introduce a system of active and diverse incentives for employees in order to compensate for the identified shortcomings in the management of the company.

To improve the level of organizational culture, it is necessary to advise management to carry out activities aimed at rallying and developing the team spirit of the team of employees. As such events, trainings with the participation of certain specialists, corporate holidays or collective trips can be held.

Introduce a system of remuneration, material and moral incentives. Motivation makes it possible to solve such tasks as stabilizing the team, increasing labor productivity and interest in mobility, and ensuring a systematic increase in qualifications. Here it is necessary to clearly define various kinds of bonuses, wage increases.

The system of remuneration in the enterprise. Forms of material and moral encouragement.

The remuneration system of any employer is established in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms. Regulations on the applied system of remuneration (see Appendix 9).

In the field of tourism, there are piecework, time-based and contractual forms of remuneration. Differentiation of forms of remuneration is one of the factors of professional mobility of workers. In LLC TK "Pegas Touristic" remuneration of employees is made according to the established tariff rate or pay for hours actually worked.

For a job well done, employees, of course, either receive moral encouragement, gratitude, or are rewarded. The amount of bonuses depends on the final results of tourism activities.

Instruction rules

Tourism, given the specifics of this socio-economic activity, is continuously associated with some dangers. Introductory briefing is carried out with all newly hired, regardless of their education, work experience in this profession or position, with temporary workers, pupils and students who have arrived for industrial training or practice.

To conduct an introductory briefing, a program and instructions are developed and approved by the head of the enterprise.

Such documents include: instructions for introductory briefing on labor protection and fire safety; instructions for providing first aid to the victims; instructions for fire safety in office premises; instruction on labor protection when cleaning premises; instructions for labor protection when working with a computer and electrical equipment.

The on-the-job briefings are completed with a test of knowledge by oral questioning or with the help of technical training aids, as well as a test of acquired skills in safe ways of working. Knowledge is checked by the employee who conducted the briefing. Persons who have shown unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to independent work or practical exercises and are required to undergo training again.

Quality control of personnel work.

The control of personnel in a travel agency occupies a special place in ensuring the effective operation of the enterprise. A travel agency can carry out automated control of personnel in a complex or individually for each member of the team. Our program, exercising control over the work of personnel in a travel agency, conducts a detailed analysis of their effectiveness and the benefits they bring to the enterprise. The travel agency must carry out the control of employees without fail, because the success of the enterprise largely depends on them.

Professional software controls the staff of the travel agency and its entire personnel policy. The control of tourism employees for a travel agency is not the only task that the accounting system performs. She necessarily controls the customer base in the travel agency. The tour control system in the travel agency also ensures the required level and quality of sales. All these tools, as well as an automated control system for workers in a travel agency, ensure the success of entrepreneurial activity.

The automated accounting system not only carries out the production control of the travel agency, but also helps to find the most profitable ways to organize work to increase income and reduce the cost. Automation of travel agency control allows the business to keep up with the times and stay ahead of competitors in their work many steps forward. FROM professional program there is a complete optimization of control in the travel agency and the improvement of all performance indicators.

Conducting business meetings, meetings, etc.

For "Pegas Touristic" LLC, a business meeting is a way to involve the collective mind in developing optimal solutions for the most pressing and most complex issues that arise in the enterprise.

The management process in this regard is reduced to three main stages: the collection and processing of information; coordination of activities of all departments of the company and all employees; decision-making. I want to note following rules negotiating:

In important negotiations and even when two partners are talking, business communication and business etiquette are very important. At the enterprise, the creation of the desired environment for negotiations is largely determined by the environment in which they take place: a cozy room, a friendly attitude, the ability to transfer practical skills on some particular issue.

There are many circumstances, seemingly insignificant, taking into account which allows, firstly, to create the required environment and, secondly, to secretly accumulate psychological advantages over a partner. Many of these benefits act on the partner's subconscious, resulting in an attraction. This is primarily created by the image of this enterprise, the team is small, but with increased involvement in the business, their corporate culture, technical equipment offices, has a positive effect on the partner, that the enterprise is profitable, with such it is possible to establish contacts, develop activities without disruption.

Business etiquette, i.e. circumstances, patterns and rules of hidden control are used as the basic rules for negotiating. Each member of "Pegas Touristic" LLC is interested in this process, everyone participates in it as needed.

Operational meetings are held weekly, on Mondays, at 9-00 o'clock, as their purpose is to obtain information from the management on the current state of affairs, make operational decisions and control their use.

4. Reporting and planning documentation of the travel agency "Pegas Touristic"

Describe and present the reporting and planning documentation of the travel agency.

Separate types and varieties of documents constitute the documentation system. The planning documents of the TC "Pegas Touristic" include:

  1. perspective plan;
  2. schedule;
  3. scheme;
  4. general scheme.

Reporting documents include documents containing information about the results of the enterprise for a certain period of time. These documents can be drawn up in various areas of activity. Reporting documentation in the activities of enterprises and the state performs the function of feedback, allowing you to compare the results with planned indicators. Its analysis allows you to adjust and improve activities.

The reporting documentation of the enterprise consists of several sets of documents:

State statistical reporting;

Departmental reporting;

Intracompany reporting.

Report - a document containing information about the results of activities for a certain period of time, the implementation of activities, instructions, tasks, submitted to the head of the structural unit of the enterprise or a higher authority.

An organization's income is an increase in economic benefits as a result of the receipt of assets (cash, other property) and (or) the repayment of obligations, leading to an increase in the organization's capital, with the exception of contributions from participants (property owners).

An organization's expenses are a decrease in economic benefits as a result of the disposal of assets (cash, other property) and (or) the incurrence of liabilities, leading to a decrease in the capital of this organization.

LLC "Pegas Touristic" operates under a simplified taxation system.

The first form of the simplified tax system: the organization pays 15% of the difference between income and expenses. Income here means the gross, total income of the company, and expenses - all expenses associated with the implementation of entrepreneurial activities. Expenses in this case include all expenses for the acquisition of property, raw materials, materials, advertising, salaries to employees, travel and transportation expenses, expenses for accounting services.

Draw up a sales schedule for a tourist product (for a month, a year) and draw a conclusion on the work of the enterprise

Among the 1220 people sent per year, the travel agency draws up a sales schedule for the tourist product.

Thus, we can conclude that the peak seasons for the sale of tours are spring and autumn, the weakest winter and summer.

A good leader knows that he can manage only those processes that he measures and controls.

Travel agency sales management is impossible without taking into account key indicators. Numbers are our faithful assistant.

Today, it seems, there are no TA leaders left who would not know how important it is to measure the key performance indicators of their agency.

However, as practice shows, this knowledge does not flow into actions in any way - even many “advanced” agencies do not measure their performance, or do it in a different way than it should be done in reality.

Travel agency "Pegas Touristic" is located in a small office at Kazan, Korolenko street 31a and has everything you need to work. The company is equipped with all the necessary equipment, namely:

– computers

– printers

- duplicator

- telephone line

Also, the travel agency is provided with all the necessary stationery. Everything here is arranged so that customers feel at home.

Transfer software products used in the travel agency.

Program "Self-Tour"

Samo-Tour is a software package for automating the work of a travel agency, developed by Samo-Soft. The company was founded in 1991 and is engaged in software development, installation of local area networks, system integration (turnkey office), connection of subscribers to the Internet, production and placement of Web pages, supply computer science and equipment.

The Samo-Tour software package provides information support for all the main functions provided for by the technology of work in a tour operator company. There are more than 20 different reference databases in the system, including directories on destinations (geography), clients, hotels, flights, services, partners, embassies, carriers, prices, etc.

The type of applications that are hosted and run on the developer's hosting. Users are given access to software through the Internet. Here are some examples of SaaS applications:

Examples of SaaS applications:

1. My business is online accounting

2.MySklad - warehouse accounting

3.Megaplan - a management system for medium and small businesses

4.FogBugz - bug tracking system

5.Google Apps - Google Services for Enterprises

Profit making: The main way to generate income from such products is subscription, i.e. periodic payments (monthly, quarterly, annual).

Describe the organizational system administrative documents travel agencies.

Organizational and administrative documents play an important role in the life of any enterprise, institution, organization. For each organization, including public ones, they establish the procedure for its creation, work, structure and staffing. The process of creating an organization always begins with the development of organizational documents. Without them, the legal and rational functioning of organizations is impossible. Therefore, the modern legislation of Russia fixes the requirements for the preparation and execution of various types of organizational documents.

The main functions of organizational and administrative documents are: managerial and legal. In the managerial function, they act as a means management activities. Organizational documents ensure the stable, normal functioning of the state system as a whole and each public institution separately.

In accordance with All-Russian classifier management documentation, the group of administrative documents of LLC TK "Pegas Touristic" includes:

  1. resolutions;
  2. solutions;
  3. orders;
  4. orders.
  5. List constituent documents.

The founding documents of Pegas Touristic LLC include:

- company charter

- memorandum of association

– application of the founder or a person authorized by the founders for state registration.

Preparation of constituent documents is the first step in the creation of a tourism enterprise. The list and content of constituent documents depends on the chosen organizational and legal form of the future enterprise.

The charter is a set of rules that establish the order and organization of the enterprise. This is an important document, and its compilation should be treated with the utmost care. When developing the charter, it is necessary to proceed from the requirements of legislative acts in force on the territory of Russia, which determine the property rights, as well as the rights and obligations of the enterprise in the course of economic activity.

The charter of a private enterprise must contain the following information:

- the name of the enterprise with an indication of its organizational and legal form, the name of the owner of the property and the name;

- information about the founder

- business address

– subject, goals and activities

– the procedure for the formation of property, including ownership of the property of the enterprise

– the procedure for distributing profits and covering losses

It is also necessary to discuss the responsibility of the founder for the obligations of the enterprise in the charter. On the title page of the charter in the upper right corner is the date of its establishment and the signature of the founder. If the charter is established by the decision of the meeting of founders, the date of the meeting and the number of the minutes are indicated. Before submitting to state registration charter must be stitched.

Describe the features of the application of the rules for the design of management documents.

Management documentation of Pegas Touristic LLC today is the basis for the management of any organization. The quality of management documentation that ensures the implementation of organizational and administrative activities is the most important factor

A management document is a document that, while maintaining all the features of the document, generally differs in some specific features related primarily to the implementation of organizational and administrative functions of management.

Based on the analysis of the practice of documenting management information, a set of requirements was created that a management document must meet. The task was to ensure that the totality of the proposed requirements during its implementation provided the document with such properties (Legality, reliability, unambiguity, specificity, completeness, consistency, understandability, legal significance).

Describe the workflow in a travel agency

Documents of the Pegas Touristic travel agency can be classified according to a number of criteria:

By the circle of users - for internal use (for example, orders) and for use by third parties.

According to the source of information - incoming and outgoing.

Based on this classification in the RIO travel agency, we can distinguish:

Statutory documents (Charter, certificate of registration with the tax authority, state registration)

Accounting (accounts, invoices, acts, warrants, statements)

Internal regulations documents (staffing, working hours, fire safety rules, etc.)

Documents regulating relations with suppliers (contracts)

Documents regulating relations with clients - tourists (contracts for the provision of travel services, vouchers, vouchers, etc.).

All documents are stored in the office of the travel agency in accordance with a certain period of storage. Incoming and outgoing documents are registered in logs (respectively, incoming and outgoing registration). Incoming documentation is submitted to the director for consideration.

Describe the level of development electronic document management

Electronic document management is the movement of electronic documents in the enterprise and the organization of this movement. This, as a rule, implies a full cycle of document movement automation and a significant reduction in the use of paper documents.

Every travel company strives to increase positive feedback from regular customers who use its services year after year, to improve the quality of service and maintain a good reputation in the tourist services market. It is extremely important for a company to be aware of all changes related to its activities and be able to quickly respond to them, quickly find the necessary information, clearly and competently draw up documentation sets for working with clients and partners.

The introduction of an electronic document management system allows the shopping center "Pegas Touristic" to increase the efficiency of its work through the rational organization of work with documents.


Thus, under the technology social management is understood as a set of methods and techniques for the implementation of managerial functions.

Management technology can be defined as a set of methods for processing management information in order to develop the adoption, fixation and implementation of management decisions.

Management technology reflects the content of management, is characterized by the processes of movement and processing of information and is determined by the composition and procedure for performing management work, in the course of which this information is transformed and affects the management object.

This implies the main purpose of management technology - the establishment of a rational scheme for the interaction of structural units and individual executors of the management process.

An effective organization of the management process presupposes a combination of operations to be carried out. Each operation must be linked to the previous operations of this cycle of the control process. The execution of operations must be linked to the performance of other operations.

The concept of management technology is closely related to the process of amortization of operations within the framework of certain management functions of the system. The role of the management process algorithm is a prescription that determines the content and subsequent actions in any informational or organizational process.

Information resources represent the totality of all data available in the enterprise. Information is a key component for business process management. When describing a process, the information used by the process and issued as a result is defined. There is also background information.

List of sources used

I. Current enterprise archive
1. Internal documentation of the travel agency "Pegas Touristic" LLC.
II. Remote Access Sources
2. Federal Law No. 132-FZ of November 24, 1996 “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended on May 3, 2012).
3. Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ
III. Special literature:
4. Ablyazova N. O. “Management social development organizations" 2013. – 416 p.
5. Balashov A. P. "Theory of organization" 2013. – 208 p.
6. Gerasimov B. N. "Quality Management" 2012 – 208 p.
7. Zakharov N. L. "Management of the social development of the organization" 2013. – 208 p.
8. Olyanich D. B. "Theory of organization" 2008. – 408 p.
9. Yakovlev G.A. Economics and statistics of tourism: Proc. allowance / G.A. Yakovlev. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M. : RDL, 2004. - 375 p.
IV. Internet resources:
10. Help system "Consultant plus" Access mode:
11.Electronic library. Access mode:
12. Tourist library "All about tourism". Access mode:

Report on practice at the travel agency "Pegas touristic" updated: July 31, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

1. Planning the activities of the unit
2. Organization and control of the activities of subordinates
3. Registration of reporting and planning documentation
4. Modern office equipment and organization of office work
List of sources used


Organization management involves understanding and forming a complete picture of its functioning, a business model that includes all structural divisions, based on analytical information. The systematic, rather than periodic use of such information, reflecting all aspects of the organization's activities for making managerial decisions, can reduce the level of financial risks.

Structural divisions of the organization, as well as various areas of business, often do not function in concert (by function, product, territorial or other basis), which affects the efficiency of the entire organization.

For the effective operation of an organizational unit, it is important to clearly and clearly define the functional responsibilities and authorities, as well as relationships with other structural units.

Each employee of the unit must understand what is expected of him, what powers he has, what his relationship with other employees should be.

This is achieved with the help of a unit scheme, supplemented by appropriate reference books (instructions), and the distribution of responsibilities.

The creation of various positions according to the functions of employees makes it possible to achieve more effective management, the necessary flexibility in the management of the organization during the period of expansion of its economic activities.

This report is the main result of the work on the internship, which contains all the results of the activity for the period of internship.

During the training period, skills were obtained in:

  1. Planning the activities of the department.
  2. Organization and control of the activities of subordinates.
  3. Maintaining reporting and planning documentation.
  4. Organization of office work at the enterprises of the tourist business.

The objectives of the practice were as follows:

- collection of information about the activities of the organization and its individual divisions;

- drawing up a work plan for the department;

- Conducting employee briefings;

- work with office equipment;

– quality control of personnel work;

- evaluate the competitiveness of the hotel enterprise;

- preparation of reporting and planning documentation on the activities of the unit; presentations;

- calculation of the main financial indicators of the organization's activities;

– collection and analysis of the necessary materials and documents for writing this report.

This report consists of an introduction, main body, conclusion and appendix. The period of passing the educational practice from March 6 to March 19, 2017.

1. Planning the activities of the unit

Methodology for collecting information about the work of the enterprise

Planning, being the norm of any entrepreneurial activity, is necessary to anticipate the future situation and to effectively achieve the goal. The planning process involves analysis and decision making and takes time and mental effort. Time is a special irreplaceable kind of resource.

Planning has developed methods, uses a scientific approach, improves and applies new methods and improvements, therefore planning is a science.

Planning as an activity is the process of developing actions to achieve a goal.

Main planning goals:

  1. Optimization of all types of costs;
  2. Team coordination;
  3. Anticipation of events in order to reduce risk and unreasonable losses;
  4. Willingness to quickly respond to environmental changes.

Planning can be carried out with a different time coverage boundary - a planning horizon, which can be:

- long-term - 5 10 years;

– medium-term – 2–5 years;

– short-term – up to 2 years.

Types, stages, methods of effective planning.

Planning principles:

  1. Continuity. It is necessary to constantly plan and adjust plans, as goals and situations can change.
  2. Coordination and integration. Coordination covers the interaction of all organizational units of the same level, and integration is necessary for the coherence of actions between units of different levels.
  3. Consistency. Enterprise in external environment must be taken into account as a whole.
  4. Scientific. It is necessary to apply scientific methods in planning.

Planning stages:

1. definition of the mission - the main focus of action;

2.forecasting - assessment of the future state of external and internal factors;

3.formulation of goals (desired results). The goal should be clear, specific, measurable (the answer to the question "what"). The ideal is an unattainable goal;

4.programming - the creation of action plans, programs, work schedules - plans in time sequence (the answer to the questions "when", "how");

5.budgeting - determining the scope of work and the distribution of resources by type of work (the answer to the question "how much");

6.formation of enterprise policy - drafting general rules activities in the enterprise;

7.formation of action procedures (business processes).

Features of drawing up a unit plan.

In modern conditions, one of the most important planning tools is a business plan. Traditionally, he acted as a tool for small and medium-sized businesses that needed external assistance (partner or investor) for the implementation of specific projects. Today, business plans are developed by almost all leading foreign companies on an ongoing basis.

A business plan is a business development plan for the coming period, which formulates the subject, main goals, strategies, directions and geographic regions of economic activity; pricing policy, market capacity and structure, conditions for supply and purchase, transportation, insurance and processing of goods, factors affecting the growth / decrease in income and expenses for a group of goods and services that are the subject of the enterprise's activities are determined.

A business plan always has an addressee. It can be a partner, investor, senior management or authorities government controlled, therefore, in any case, the business plan must take into account the interests of the one to whom it is addressed.

First of all, when substantiating the provisions of the business plan, it is advisable:

- focus on issues that may be of interest to those to whom they are addressed - employees of the enterprise, partners or other external consumers;

- present the essence of the project in the most accessible form at the very beginning of the business plan;

- justify all calculations and indicators in such a way that they are real and reliable, without exaggeration and embellishment of the economic results of the project.

The business plan begins with a title page, which usually indicates:

  1. name of the project, for example, “business plan for creating a wallpaper manufacturing enterprise”;
  2. place of preparation of the plan;
  3. authors of the project, name and address of the enterprise, phone numbers;
  4. names and addresses of founders;
  5. the purpose of the business plan and its users.

Conducting a briefing

The head serves tourists and is responsible for the implementation of the program and conditions for the trip. In his work, he is based on the current legislation, regulations, orders and instructions.

In accordance with Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for all persons entering work, as well as for employees transferred to another job, the employer or a person authorized by him is required to conduct labor protection briefings.

To conduct an introductory briefing, a program and instructions are developed and approved by the head of the enterprise.

These documents include: instructions for introductory briefing on labor protection and fire safety; instructions for providing first aid to the victims; instructions for fire safety in office premises; instruction on labor protection when cleaning premises; instructions for labor protection when working with a computer and electrical equipment.

After the briefing, tourists sign in a special journal or on two copies of the agreement on receipt of the following documents:

  1. voucher;
  2. contract;
  3. tour program;
  4. memo;
  5. travel documents (not always);
  6. voucher (not always).

The on-the-job briefings are completed with a test of knowledge by oral questioning or with the help of technical training aids, as well as a test of acquired skills in safe ways of working. Knowledge is checked by the employee who conducted the briefing. Persons who have shown unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work independently or practice and are required to re-instruct .

2. Organization and control of the activities of subordinates

Organizational management structures and their brief description.

The organizational structure of the personnel management system is a set of interrelated divisions of the personnel management system and officials. The structure determines the internal structure of the organization, the degree of rigidity / flexibility of the organizational configuration, the types of interaction between its internal elements.

First of all, flat (single-level) and multi-level structures should be distinguished. Sometimes flat structures are called horizontal and multi-level structures are called vertical. Also, all types of organizational structures can be divided into bureaucratic and adaptive.

For various organizations, different kinds management structures. However, there are usually several universal types of organizational management structures, such as linear, linear-staff, functional, linear-functional, matrix. Sometimes within a single company (usually a large business) there is a separation separate subdivisions, the so-called departmentalization.

Linear structure

The simplest type of bureaucratic organizational structures is called a linear organizational structure, organized strictly hierarchically. It is characterized by: the division of zones equal in scope and content of responsibility, unity of command, vertical division of labor and the formation of vertical management levels. An example of such organizational structure may be a management structure in the army, the Christian church, the university.

Quality control of personnel work.

In order to quickly resolve problems that arise during the execution of tasks, it is necessary to control the work of personnel. Adequately selected type of control can be a good non-material factor in motivating employees. To make the right choice of the form of control, the manager must take into account the specifics of the task and the personality of the employee who is entrusted with its execution.

Management uses five main types of control

(Final, preliminary, phased, periodic, selective)

The final control, or control by result, is characterized by the fact that there is only one control point, and it coincides with the moment the goal is achieved. Until the deadline for completing the task, the employee works independently

Preliminary control should be used if the task is not completely new, the adjustment is acceptable, the execution period is not very long.

Step-by-step control is advisable to apply if there is an experienced, result-oriented, independent and proactive employee, but the task is long, complex, new and important. With the help of step-by-step control, the risk of not achieving the final goal can be minimized.

Periodic control. A significant advantage of periodic control is the fact that both the manager and the employee know how and when the progress of work will be checked.

Selective control differs from others in that the performer does not know at what point in time he will be checked, but he knows that it is the selective type of control that will be used. This type of control is convenient for the manager, since the time is chosen at his discretion and the unprepared result is checked.

Organization and holding of business meetings, meetings, round tables, working groups.

Organization and holding of business meetings, meetings, round tables, working groups is one of the most important aspects corporate culture this is correct business communication. Business conversation is an art that allows you to get in touch with business partners, overcome personal prejudices, rejection of one or another counterparty, and achieve the desired commercial result.

The object of research in the work is a business (service) meeting. Subject of study: features of the preparation and conduct of a business meeting.

The purpose of the work is to consider the rules for the preparation and conduct of business meetings. In accordance with the specified purpose when performing control work the following tasks were set:

  1. to give general characteristics business meetings, concept, types and principles of their organization;
  2. consider the features of preparing for a business meeting;
  3. analyze the main aspects of the process of holding a business meeting, the behavior of the leader at the meeting.

In the world practice of personnel management, the openness of the organization's information system and the involvement of employees in solving its problems are becoming one of the most important factors in motivating work. Holding office meetings can be considered as one of the ways to manage motivation. Therefore, neglecting meetings is a typical mistake of the leader. In modern conditions, the correct conduct of business meetings is undoubtedly important. All of the above determines the relevance of this topic control work.

Technical and sanitary conditions in the office

According to paragraph 6 of Art. 321 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan during working hours, the temperature, natural and artificial lighting, as well as ventilation in the room where the workplaces are located, must comply with safe working conditions. So Art. 23 of the Labor Code in the Republic of Kazakhstan obliges the employer to provide employees with working conditions in accordance with labor legislation, individual labor, collective agreements.

work office workers used to be considered one of the most uncomplicated types of work. But mental labor, like physical labor, exhausts any person. Moreover, office workers are much more likely to experience stress, the main cause of which is mental, visual, psychological overload.

You can often find offices where ten to fifteen people work in one office. There is an overload not only with office equipment, but also with people, and this significantly worsens the microclimate of the room, increases the level of tension.

Meanwhile, in the premises where they work on personal computers, temperature, relative humidity and air velocity at workplaces must comply with the permissible sanitary standards for the microclimate of the premises (Sanitary norms for the microclimate of industrial premises No. 1.02.006-94, approved by the chief state sanitary doctor RK Dernov A. G. August 22, 1994, hereinafter - Sanitary norms of the microclimate).

The workplace is the place where the worker spends most of (more than 50%, or more than two hours continuously) of his working time. If at the same time work is carried out in various points of the working area, the entire working area is considered a permanent workplace.

Conflict Management.

Conflict in organizations is not only possible, but desirable. The whole problem lies in the ability to manage them. The biggest mistake a leader makes is ignoring the problem. Possible various methods development and overcoming conflicts.

Conflict is one of the most common forms of organizational interaction and other relationships between people. It is estimated that conflicts and worries of staff occupy about 15% of his working time. Leaders spend even more time resolving and managing conflicts—in some organizations, up to half their working time.

There are four main types of conflict:

Intra-personal conflict. One of the most common forms is role conflict, when conflicting demands are made on one person about what the result of his work should be. Intrapersonal conflict may arise as a result of the fact that production requirements inconsistent with personal needs or values.

Interpersonal conflict. The most common type of conflict. Most often, this is the struggle of managers for limited resources, capital or labor, time to use equipment, or project approval. May manifest as a clash of personalities.

Conflict between the individual and the group. It can occur if the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual. And it can arise on the basis of the official duties of the head. The leader may be forced to take disciplinary action that may be unpopular in the eyes of subordinates. Then the group can strike back - change the attitude towards the leader and, possibly, reduce labor productivity.

Intergroup conflict. Disagreements between line and staff personnel are a frequent example of intergroup conflict. Often, because of the difference in goals, functional groups within the organization begin to conflict with each other.

Effective methods of decision making.

In the process of managing a company, one of the main processes is the decision-making process. Every day, managers have to make a variety of decisions regarding various areas of management, for example, how to recruit personnel, where to ship cargo and how much, how to maximize profits, whether to accept another firm's offer to merge two companies, and so on.

All methods and models of managerial decision-making are equally important for management various companies. However, there are some that are considered the most effective and useful. The study showed that the most effective methods management decision-making are the method of analysis of the service market and the method of researching consumer preferences, and the political model is considered the most preferable decision-making model.

Table 2.1

Classification of management decisions

Presentation methodology.

The presentation is an independent action, which is considered a reception, the event in its form is nothing more than the provision of a company, new products or services to an invited audience” As a rule, a company presentation is held on the occasion of opening or establishing a company, demonstrating new achievements, a new image of the company.

Making a presentation makes a big difference. A bright visual image evokes emotions, and a successful combination of emotional and informational influences helps to quickly break through to the mind and heart of the customer.

At the stage of conducting a presentation in front of a client, there are several rules that will allow you not to waste your energy and emotions in vain. In order to get fewer “no”, “maybe” or “we need to think” answers, it is important to remember some rules for preparing and conducting a presentation:

  1. never make presentations in front of a client whose needs are not identified;
  2. after determining and updating the needs of the client for the product, it is necessary to adjust the offer specifically for the client, focusing on those points that will be of interest to him;
  3. before the presentation, even if preliminary negotiations have already been held, there is one more small step that needs to be done: additional preparation.
  4. make the presentation interactive, let each of those present participate in it (ask questions, involve people in the discussion of the covered material);
  5. each client, be it an individual or an organization, makes a decision in a certain sequence: first, the need is recognized, then the selection criteria are determined, and only after that the evaluation of options begins.

Therefore, during the presentation of the product, it is imperative to go through all the emotionally important points of the client, that is, answer his questions, which he may not even ask.

Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation 2017 is the main codified legal act in the country, which regulates all relations arising in the course of labor activity between its participants.

This document has been created for the purpose of:

  1. Consolidation of guarantees of rights and freedoms provided by the state for citizens - participants labor relations;
  2. Creation and maintenance of favorable working conditions on a permanent basis;
  3. Protection of the rights and interests of both employees and employers.

To achieve the goals set, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles, of which quite a lot is defined in the code. The main idea is to ensure the rights of each side of the relationship, while not violating the interests of the other.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation 2017 consists of 6 parts:

A smaller structural unit of the code are articles, they are also subdivided into paragraphs.

Thus, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulates the entire range of relations arising in the course of labor activity. It was developed taking into account the requirements of modern legislation and in the name of protecting the interests of employers and workers.

Measures to improve the efficiency of the unit.

Increasing the efficiency of personnel work is a matter of concern for almost every service manager - both a small company and an industrial giant. The personnel motivation system is often built by trial and error, and the number of errors is quite large.

In services, a situation often arises when people are well motivated to work on a project, understand the goals and objectives of the work, clearly see horizons, realize areas of responsibility and work with full dedication. In everyday work, the picture is often significantly different: people do not think about the ultimate goals of their work, do not feel an incentive to do it as well as possible. It turns out that the team goes through the sprint distances quickly and smoothly, but the achievements at the stayer distances look much more modest.

Formula for success.

They think about creating or improving a motivation system when it becomes necessary to increase the efficiency of employees, in a more rational use of labor resources. Often, managers describe the problem something like this: “People work wonderfully, love their profession - to the point that they are ready to give the company and their personal time, working overtime on their own initiative. They are good professionals. But in general, the service does not work as efficiently as it could be, time and labor resources are used irrationally.”

Often the feeling of inefficient use of labor resources arises on an intuitive level and is not supported by any indicators. Managers often see a way out of this situation by changing the system of staff motivation, which, as a rule, means an increase in salary.

“Improving the performance of a company or its division is not limited to the creation of motivational schemes. The effectiveness of people's work depends not only on motivation, so it is necessary to consider it in combination with other significant factors of influence.

Within this approach, efficiency is considered as a derivative of three elements:

  1. Effectiveness = competence / organizational barriers x motivation, where competence is professional knowledge and skills
  2. Motivation - a system of material and non-material incentives, based on the values ​​and orientations of people;
  3. Organizational barriers are attitudes and features of the organizational structure that prevent people from working with full dedication for the benefit of the company.

3. Registration of reporting and planning documentation

Composition and characteristics of reporting and planning documentation on the work of the unit.

The general purpose of planning documentation is to establish the goals and objectives of the organization, determine the necessary resources and distribute them according to goals and objectives. Planning documents are programs, plans, schedules. The activities of the organization as a whole, in separate areas of activity and divisions, can be planned.

Planning and reporting documentation provides planning for the organization's activities, which allows you to set goals and calculate resources for development and distribution according to goals and objectives. All planning and reporting documents are compiled for a certain period and include various registered data. Deviation from planned indicators can be caused by low performance discipline, current market conditions and incorrect planning.

The concept of organization underlies all management activities. This function, of course, is primary in relation to other management functions, since you first need to organize the system, and then plan its activities, regulate and control.

The results of planning are recorded in planning documents, which have the following names: plan, long-term plan, program, schedule, scheme, general scheme. The peculiarity of planning documents is that they are always drawn up for a specific period: several years, a year, six months, a quarter, a month, or for the period of a specific type of work. Planning the activities of a separate organization, as a rule, is carried out in the form of a plan, program or schedule. If there are collegiums, councils, commissions in the institution, their activities are also planned. Planning documents are developed by the management with the involvement of qualified specialists and must pass the stage of coordination and approval.

Preparation of reporting and planning documentation

There are several types of reporting and planning documentation: strategy, program, work plan, business plan, report.

Reporting and planning documentation (plans, applications, estimates, reports and calculations for them) is placed in the files of the year to which it relates in terms of its content, regardless of the time of its preparation or the date of receipt. It should be remembered that plans, estimates and reports are grouped separately from the projects of these documents.

Separate types and varieties of documents constitute the documentation system.

The assignment of documents to a particular system begins with the division of all documents into official and unofficial, created by a person outside his sphere. official activity, such as personal correspondence, memories (memoirs), diaries.

For example, one of the types of reporting and planning documentation - the program, is drawn up on the general letterhead of the organization. Mandatory details of the program are: name of the organization, name of the type of document, date, registration number of the document, place of compilation, title to the text, signature, stamps of approval (or visas), stamp of approval. The program is signed by the head of the department responsible for the development of the program. Programs are approved by the head of a higher or given organization or a collegial body (meeting, council, collegium, etc.).

Or, for example, a plan is a document that establishes a list of activities scheduled for implementation, their sequence, volume, timing, and responsible executors. The form of plans is usually tabular. Plans of organizations are drawn up on a common form. The obligatory details of the plan are: the name of the organization, the name of the type of document, the date, the document number, the place where the plan was drawn up, the title to the text, the signature, the stamp of approval. Plans of structural subdivisions are drawn up on standard sheets of paper with all the necessary details applied. Work plans or activities are signed by the heads of development departments, plans are approved by the head of a higher body or this organization.

Also, for example, reporting documents, which may be called: a report or a certificate of a reporting nature. Intra-institutional reporting is compiled in a relatively free form. Reports are drawn up on a common form or a standard sheet of paper. Mandatory details of a report or a reference of a reporting nature are: the name of the organization, the name of the unit (if it is a report or a certificate of the work of the unit), the name of the type of document, the date, document number, place of compilation, title to the text, signature, stamp of approval (on reports) or resolution of the head (on a certificate of a reporting nature). The heading of the report indicates: the name of the body or official whose results are reported in the document (“Report on the work of the attestation commission ...”; “Report on the work of the department ...”); reporting period(for 2001, for the period from January to June 2000, for the 1st quarter of 2000).

Characterization and calculation of the main financial indicators of the organization's work (cost, base taxes, financial result, profitability threshold, etc.).

Calculating the cost of goods or services is quite simple. It is necessary to calculate the direct cost of raw materials and materials necessary for the production of one unit of goods, or the costs incurred in the provision of a particular service. After that, you need to understand what percentage of the total volume of goods or services is any particular product and service and find out the total fixed costs of their production over a certain period of time, for example, a month. After that, you should divide the resulting volume fixed costs on the number of goods or services produced during this period of time. It remains to add the amount received with the cost of materials and raw materials - and then you get the direct cost.

The definition of financial result is as follows:

Profit from sales - a certain difference between gross profit and expenses, commercial and managerial. To find out the gross profit, we subtract the full cost price from the sales proceeds. products sold. Therefore, the full formula for such a financial result as profit from sales looks like this:

Psales \u003d B - Cp - KR - UR

Psales - profit from sales, B - proceeds from the sale of products, CRP - total cost of goods sold, KR - selling expenses, SD - management expenses.

If we want to calculate such a financial result as profit before tax (Pdon), we need to add other incomes to profit from sales (Psales) and subtract other expenses. After calculating the profit before tax, the company pays all the necessary expenses, thus receiving a net profit. In an enterprise, net profit acts as a source of capital formation for the organization itself, as well as a source of payment of founder's income.

The profitability threshold is the amount of sales at which the company can cover all its expenses without making a profit. The term break-even point is often used. In turn, how profit grows with a change in revenue is shown by the Operating leverage (operating leverage).

To calculate the threshold of profitability, it is customary to divide the costs into two components:

Variable costs - increase in proportion to the increase in the volume of production (sales of goods).

Fixed costs - do not depend on the quantity of products produced ( goods sold) and whether the volume of operations is growing or falling.

4. Modern office equipment and organization of office work

The system of organizational and administrative documents, their composition and purpose.

The system of organizational and administrative documents includes the following data: a reference to the date and number of the document evidencing its execution, or in the absence of such a document brief information about performance; the words "In business"; case number in which the document will be kept.

A note on the execution of the document and its direction in the case is signed and dated by the executor of the document or the head of the structural unit in which the document was executed.

Without the creation of organizational and administrative documentation, the activity of economic entities is not possible. Organizational and administrative documentation establishes legal status organization, its structure, staffing and number of employees, regulates the procedure for activities and management; coordinates management issues; fixes issues of a legal and property nature, etc.

Organizational and administrative documents:

1 group. Organizational and legal documents

2 group. Administrative documents

3rd group. Reference and information material

The system of organizational and administrative documentation includes three groups of documents, each of which has a certain value. The greatest importance in the composition of organizational and administrative documents is occupied by organizational, legal and administrative documents.

Constituent documents

Constituent documents are documents that serve as the basis for the activities of a legal entity. The composition of such documents depends on the organizational and legal form of the legal entity being created.

In accordance with Article 52 of the Civil Code (as amended on 05/05/2014), legal entities, with the exception of business partnerships, operate on the basis of charters, which are approved by their founders (participants). A business partnership operates on the basis of a founding agreement, which is concluded by its founders (participants) and to which the rules on the charter of a legal entity are applied.

The charter of a legal entity must contain information about the name of the legal entity, its location, the procedure for managing the activities of the legal entity, as well as other information provided by law for legal entities of the relevant organizational and legal form and type. The charters of non-profit organizations, the charters of unitary enterprises and, in cases provided for by law, the charters of other commercial organizations must define the subject and goals of the activities of legal entities. Subject and certain goals activities of a commercial organization may also be provided for by the charter in cases where this is not mandatory by law.

Reference and information materials.

Information and reference documents provide information that encourages certain decisions, i.e. initiate managerial decisions, allow you to choose one or another method of managerial influence. They do not contain orders, do not oblige to carry out orders.

The peculiarity of these documents is that they go from bottom to top in the management system: from the employee to the head of the unit, from the head of the unit to the head of the organization, from the subordinate organization to the higher one.

The composition of information and reference documents: Memorandum, Proposal, Submission, Statement, Letter, Protocol, Act, Reference

Rules for the preparation of administrative documents.

In business, there are uniform requirements and the rules for issuing management documents, which are established by state regulations: (GOST R 6.30-97 Unified documentation systems. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork" - M., 1999; State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 51141-98 "Office work and Archiving Terms and Definitions.” State system documentation management support. Basic provisions. General requirements for documents and documentation support services ”- M., 1991);

Of particular importance is the correct execution of such details as the date, signature, seal, stamp of approval, which give the document legal force.

The rules for their preparation and execution, as well as the location on the company's documents must comply with GOST R 6.30-97. This GOST establishes the maximum set of details for management documents -29. In a particular document, there will be much fewer of them. Each type of document (act, order, letter) has a certain set of details. The location of the main details of the document is given in GOST R 6.30-97.

Form of the document and its types.

Document form - a sheet of paper or an electronic template with details identifying the author of an official document.

The form of the document is called:

  1. standard size sheet of paper on which various technical means details containing constant information for this type of document are applied;2
  2. an electronic template that includes details containing permanent information for this type of document.

Each organization has the right to decide on its own how to produce forms. The exception is forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, which, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 1995 No. 1268 “On streamlining the manufacture, use, storage and destruction of seals and forms with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” must be made only by printing and stamp-engraving enterprises that have certificates of the availability of technical and technological capabilities for the manufacture of the specified type of product at the proper quality level.

Each form combines three features of the classification. For example, a form of a letter from the general director with a corner arrangement of details, a form of an act (for the organization as a whole) with a corner arrangement of details.

The composition and purpose of the details.

Document details:

1. Props “emblem of the organization

The emblem of the enterprise is a conditional (symbolic) graphic image registered in the prescribed manner. A trademark, drawing, abbreviation, combined alpha-graphic image, etc. can be used as the emblem of the organization.

With an angular arrangement of details (see GOST R 6.30-97), the emblem is located in the upper left corner, and with a longitudinal (centered) - in the middle of the upper part of the sheet.

2. Props “name of organization”

A legal entity that is a commercial organization must have a company name (Article 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). The name of the organization is written in strict accordance with the name registered in the constituent documents:

  1. company charter or memorandum of association;
  2. certificate of the Registrar of Companies.

The name uses abbreviations such as 000 (limited liability company), JSC (open joint stock company), etc. The requisite “organization name” is located under the requisite “organization emblem”.

Requisite “index of the communication company, postal address, phone number, fax number, bank account number”

The totality of the data listed in the details is the legal address of the enterprise. On forms for letters, faxes, the legal address is affixed in a typographical way or using a PC. This attribute is located in the upper left corner under the “organization name” attribute or in the bottom margin of the document.

Document flow and its main stages.

Document flow is the movement of documents in an organization from the moment they are created or received until the completion of execution or dispatch.

The following stages can be distinguished in the technological chain of document processing:

  1. reception and primary processing of incoming documents;
  2. preliminary consideration and distribution of documents;
  3. registration of documents;
  4. information and reference work;
  5. direction for execution;
  6. execution control;
  7. execution of documents;
  8. sending documents to recipients;
  9. formation of cases in accordance with the nomenclature;
  10. storage and use of documents in current activities;
  11. preparation and transfer of cases to the archive.
  12. Organization of document flow.

Document flow in organizations consists of document flows circulating between information processing and creation points (heads of the organization and structural divisions, specialists) and document technical processing points: expedition, secretariat, office, copying and duplication service, etc.

Documents received by the organization form a flow of incoming correspondence, which, having passed the necessary stages of processing, breaking into “streams” in the form of specific instructions, ultimately ends up with specific employees for review and execution.

In subdivisions, document flows are also formed from documents prepared by employees, which, as a result, merge into a single flow of sent correspondence.

Therefore, not only the quick delivery of documents to end users (performers), but also a clear organization, fixing the very fact of receiving and sending documents is of paramount importance for the entire organization of workflow

It is advisable to establish a single procedure, according to which all documents, including those received by employees not by mail, would necessarily undergo forwarding processing, i.e. regardless of the addressee, correspondence must be transmitted officials for entering into the registration databases in order to record the very fact (and time) of receipt of documents.

Methods for improving the organization of workflow.

Among the methods aimed at improving the workflow, there are two groups:

  1. improvement of document management technology
  2. reduction in paperwork.

The first group includes all the procedures for passing documents in an institution: creating models of institutional workflow, compiling route maps technological process, development of rational workflow schemes, drawing up operograms and documentograms, document flow diagrams, etc.

The reduction in the volume of workflow is associated with the regulation of documentation, a decrease in the number of internal documents, the rationalization of documentation, the creation of unified documentation systems (UDS), the development of unified requirements for texts, and the use of non-documentary links. An indirect impact on the workflow is exerted by such components of the management documentation support as the information retrieval system of the institution, the system for monitoring the execution of documents. It is also necessary to establish the optimal terms for document circulation on typical issues resolved in the activities of the institution, and the most rational routes for the movement of tuples of documents (for each type of decision).

In practice, this is expressed in the creation of various documentation systems that strictly establish the composition of the documentary forms used and the rules for using them. During unification, unnecessary links are removed from documentary chains, documents that do not meet the requirements of today and are created simply out of habit. Applied uniform forms are replaced by a single one. For example, after the unification of organizational and administrative documentation, the number of applicable forms was reduced by 4 times.

Electronic document management.

An electronic document (ED) is a document created using computer information processing tools that can be signed electronic signature(EP) and saved on a machine medium in the form of a file of the appropriate format.

Electronic document management (EDM) - a set of automated processes for working with documents submitted to in electronic format, with the implementation of the concept of "paperless office work".

Types of electronic document management:

- production workflow;

- management document flow;

- Archival business (a set of procedures for archival workflow);

- HR document flow (procedures personnel records);

- accounting document flow;

– warehouse document flow;

– secret and confidential office work;

- technical and technological document flow.

Advantages of electronic document management:

  1. Saving time.
  2. More adequate use of physical space and technology.
  3. Increasing transparency inner work enterprises.
  4. Maintaining a personal history of each file and related documentation.
  5. More flexibility regarding the physical location of employees.
  6. Improving the security of information and documents
  7. Reduced printing costs, postage stamps, envelopes and postage, etc.
  8. Increase employee and manager satisfaction: Optimizing daily tasks allows employees to enjoy their workflow more.


In this report, an analysis of the structural unit for educational practice was carried out.

In the first chapter, we identified theoretical basis planning activities by a structural unit of an organization related to systems of organization, availability staffing, systems of remuneration and labor motivation, as well as with the psychological climate within the unit.

In the second section, we studied the system of organization and control of the activities of subordinates of the department of the structural unit, which spelled out the distribution of duties between laboratory workers, based on the performance of certain functions by each employee, and there are also job descriptions which spell out the duties and rights of employees. As can be seen from this, there is a clear division of labor, everyone is busy with their own business, and this has a positive effect on the results of work.

In the third chapter, we studied the design of reporting and planning documentation. Reporting documentation consists of documents containing information about the performance of an institution, organization, enterprise for a certain period of time (decade, month, quarter, half year, year). This documentation in the activities of the state and the organization performs the function of feedback, allowing you to compare the results with the indicators outlined by the plan or program.

In the fourth chapter, the concepts of modern office equipment and office work organization were revealed. Office work - a set of measures to organize the workflow of an enterprise or organization. Office work is a term used in clerical practice to refer to a formal set of rules for working with documents.

List of sources used

I. Regulatory documents:
1. Federal Law No. 132-FZ of November 24, 1996 “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended on May 3, 2012).
2. Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ
II. Special literature:
3. Ablyazova N. O. "Management of the social development of the organization" 2013. – 416 p.
4. Balashov A. P. "Theory of organization" 2013. – 208 p.
5. Gerasimov B. N. "Quality Management" 2012 – 208 p.
6. Zakharov N. L. "Management of the social development of the organization" 2013. – 208 p.
7. Ivanov G. G. “Management trade organization» 2013 – 368 p.
8. Mikhalkina E. V. "Management of human resources of an organization: theory, processes, technologies" 2011. – 426 p.
9. Olyanich D. B. "Theory of organization" 2008 – 408 p.
10. Yakovlev G.A. Economics and statistics of tourism: Proc. allowance / G.A. Yakovlev. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M. : RDL, 2004. - 375 p.
III. Internet resources:
11. Help system "Consultant plus" Access mode:
12.Electronic library. Access mode:
13. Tourist library "All about tourism". Access mode:

Report on practice in the specialty “Tourism” updated: July 31, 2017 by: Scientific Articles.Ru


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