ISO standard requirements. International quality system: ISO standards. Benefits from implementation and certification

Relatively recently, domestic businessmen did not even think about what ISO is and why this system is needed. Naturally, no one could even think that receiving such a certificate would in one way or another affect the success of the organization itself.

In fact, this system of standards was created almost 70 years ago, and Russia is one of the members of its council, and most of the successful world organizations necessarily thinks about how to meet the established requirements for running your business.

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That is why any company that intends to act on international level, and at the same time wants to lead successful business, should learn about what the ISO standard is and what its requirements are.

The essence and necessity of international standardization

The main task of this organization is to create uniform global standards in various industries and ensure maximum control over their compliance, which should have a positive impact on the general state of world trade. At the moment, ISO committees have already issued thousands of documents that establish quality parameters in almost any industry and area, and the only exception today is the field of electronics, which is currently not yet burdened with any restrictions.

In the process of development of domestic companies and with attempts to enter international markets many have understood why an ISO certificate is needed, since its absence significantly reduces the possibilities of interaction with foreign organizations or makes it impossible in principle.

Thus, for modern business Compliance with established international standards is the optimal tool for reducing costs, including minimizing production waste, personnel or management errors, as well as limitations in the growth of labor productivity.

What is The International Organization for Standardization?

The International Organization for Standardization is an international standardization organization that appeared in 1947.

Today, 164 countries and more than three thousand technical bodies are members of this organization. ISO has its central secretariat in Switzerland and is a completely independent and non-governmental body governed solely by its members.

From Russia to this organization includes FATRIM or Rosstandart.

There are several types of ISO membership:

The development of standards for this organization is carried out by highly qualified groups of experts who unite in specialized technical committees, of which more than 250 are registered today.

Types of ISO standards

The ISO standard is a specialized document that contains information about what quality characteristics a particular product should have, how management processes should be conducted in an organization, what needs to be taken into account in the production process, performance of work or services, and so on. They themselves are extremely diverse, since together they cover almost any economic activity.

Series 9000

There are several main types of ISO 9000 series:

It is worth noting the fact that the standards from this series do not relate to the standardization of any products, and include only various methodological or methodological standards with the help of which a company can create for itself the most optimal system quality management, ensuring the European quality of its work and constantly increasing competitiveness at the international level.

Other series

As already mentioned, to date more than 20,000 international standards have already been adopted, so it is almost impossible to consider all of them. Nowadays, with the help of ISO, it is possible to standardize almost any area, from standard file systems in the form of CDs, to the technologies used to support management and adoption management decisions.

Thus, for example, standard 12800 allows you to regulate the procedure for the production of nuclear fuel, while ISO 14000 includes a series of standards according to which the environmental management system must operate.

Quality Management System 9001

The ISO 9001 standard includes several important principles:

Customer focus In this case, not only end buyers are considered, but also internal employees organization, since all departments in any case must cooperate with each other, conducting a kind of production chain.
Leadership It is always good when employees can show their initiative, but management should always participate in all processes, control them and make important decisions.
Employee Engagement Regardless of their position, each employee must perfectly understand their own contribution to the quality of manufactured products and understand exactly why their actions influence its achievement.
Process approach The ISO 9001 system includes several units, taking into account the needs, capabilities and problems of each of them.
Systems approach If all departments in the company work only for themselves and to achieve their own success, it will be necessary to find a compromise and ultimately achieve a solution that will fully satisfy the needs of all employees, thus increasing the quality of manufactured products and the image of the organization.
Continuous improvement The company should not stop growing and constantly think about how to improve its work and take it to the next level.
Actual solutions The management team of the company must make certain decisions based on audits, reports, assessments, analysis of indicators, complaints from various companies and other documents.
Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers Suppliers of any commercial product are an integral part of the business, so the fruitfulness of the work of any company will also depend on their interest.

Features of the new version 2020

For a long time, businessmen from all over the world regularly contacted ISO, asking about the development of a standard for integrated management systems. In this regard, in 2020, it was decided to revise the ISO directives, which established the basic rules by which standards were developed, adopted and revised. Thus, a separate SL annex to the directives appeared, which set fairly stringent requirements for the structure, requirements and main part of the text of standards related to management systems.

Thus, 9001, 14001 and other standards receive a certain similarity, and in the future they will differ from each other only in name and certain additions. Thus, the new SL application has become a full-fledged template for the work of standards creators, who will now be able to fully concentrate their efforts on making requirements for certain disciplines, reflecting their specifics mainly only in Chapter 8 of all standards.

Companies will now be able to much more easily select standards in accordance with their specifics, without thinking too much about how best to integrate them into a single system.

In addition, it will be easier for auditors to work, who will now only be able to increase their competence in certain sectors of the economy, as well as applicable legal requirements.

How to obtain a 9001 certificate of conformity?

The presence of a certificate indicates that the company operates in accordance with a quality management system, basing it on a process approach to business activities.

The presence of this certificate opens doors to the field public procurement, providing access to various industry tenders, as well as providing additional benefits in case of joining self-regulatory organizations.

But the most important thing in this case is that the management system corresponding international requirements, belongs to the category of highly adaptive, due to which the company’s resistance to any negative impacts from the economic environment is significantly increased, as well as to achieve survival in crisis conditions and achieve a competitive position in the market.

In order to obtain this certificate, you will need to contact any bodies that have passed the appropriate accreditation and go through several stages:

  1. Submit an application for certification along with a package of all necessary documents.
  2. Conduct a preliminary assessment of the QMS.
  3. Complete the training procedure by specialists and managers who are directly related to the company’s QMS.
  4. Conduct a QMS audit.
  5. If the organization's activities comply with ISO 9001, obtain a certificate.

The package of documents that accompany the application may also include a number of constituent documents, various permits and licenses, previously received awards, a list of objects handed over and many other papers.

Safety quality requirements

To date, security assessment information systems is a rather complex procedure, but, as we know, it is possible, and for this purpose a number of qualitative methods for assessing the level of security have been developed, with the help of which it is possible to obtain as a result not a quantitative, but a qualitative assessment, that is, determine the compliance of the protection system with a certain class or level . Quantitative methods assessments have never begun to be used in practice.

The use of qualitative assessment methods at the moment can be called the only way to get an idea of ​​​​what real level of security a company’s information resources have.

The international information systems security standard is called BS 7799 and sets out the rules by which the entire management process should be carried out. information security company, regardless of what industry it operates in.

The security service and management of the organization work in accordance with general regulations, and there is no difference in whether the protection of a paper document or electronic information is ensured.

Quality Management System (QMS)- part of the management system aimed at quality (clause 3.5.4 of ISO 9000:2015), created to develop policies and goals, as well as processes to achieve these goals.

The external environment of business organizations is constantly changing, so to ensure the quality of their services, companies must regularly analyze customer requirements, identify processes that contribute to the creation of products that satisfy customer needs, and maintain these processes in a controlled state.

In relation to the activities of 1C company partners, QMS is a system of methods and technologies that ensures management of the quality level of implementations and further support of 1C: Enterprise in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.

This is not only about maintaining the quality of each service or product at the level of compliance with consumer requirements, but also about a mechanism for preventing possible loss of the established level of quality, as well as its constant improvement.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) - International Organization for Standardization, a worldwide federation of national standardization organizations (ISO member committees). The goal of ISO is the development of standardization principles and the design of standards based on them that promote integration processes in different fields and areas of activity.

The standards developed by ISO are grouped into families (series). ISO 9000 is a series of standards related to quality management and designed to help organizations of all types and sizes develop, implement and maintain effective QMSs.

A core set of international standards related to quality management was adopted by ISO in March 1987 and has been updated periodically since then.

Currently, the ISO 9000 series consists of the following standards.

  • ISO 9000:2015 “Quality management system. Fundamentals and Dictionary" - is an introduction to the QMS, as well as a dictionary of terms and definitions.
  • ISO 9001:2015 “Quality management system. Requirements" - establishes requirements for quality management systems and defines a process-based QMS model.
  • ISO 9004:2009 “Managing for the sustainable success of an organization. Approach based on quality management."
  • ISO 19011:2011 “Guidelines for auditing management systems.”

All of these documents are called standards, although some of them are guidelines or collections of recommendations and only ISO 9001 sets the requirements for quality management systems and is the only standard against which external certification can be carried out.

The ISO 9001 standard can be used by any organization, large or small, regardless of industry. However, it is a mistake to believe that this international standard has the task of unifying the management systems of all enterprises. The creation, construction and implementation of any system is always influenced by the goals, external factors, products, experience, and processes of a particular enterprise. Although 9001 defines what requirements must be implemented in the quality management system, it does not define how the enterprise must fulfill them.

The basis of the ISO 9001 standard is a number of quality management principles:

Focus on the consumer (customer). The main focus in quality management is to satisfy customer requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. Therefore, the organization must in every possible way focus its attention on researching the needs and expectations of the consumer for the subsequent implementation of the obtained information in manufactured products. Understanding the current and future needs of customers and other stakeholders contributes to the sustainable success of an organization.

Leadership. Leaders at all levels establish unity of purpose and direction and create conditions in which people are involved in achieving the organization's quality goals. Achieving unity of purpose, direction, and engagement allows an organization to coordinate its strategies, policies, processes, and resources to achieve its goals.

Staff involvement. The implementation of the goals set for the enterprise is possible only if employees at all levels of the organization behave adequately. It is important for an organization that all personnel are competent, empowered, and involved in creating value. Competent, empowered, and engaged people enhance an organization's ability to create value.

Process approach. Relevant and predictable results are achieved more efficiently and effectively when activities are represented and managed as interconnected processes that function as a complete system. The quality management system consists of interconnected processes. Understanding how the system produces results, including all its processes, resources, controls and interactions, allows an organization to optimize its performance.

Improvement. Successful organizations have a constant focus on improvement. Improvement is important to an organization in terms of maintaining current levels of performance, responding to changes in internal and external conditions, and creating new opportunities.

Evidence-based decision making. The continuous improvement process must be based on data obtained through objective measurements of the actual state of the quality system and product quality. It is important to understand cause and effect relationships and potential consequences. Facts, evidence and data analysis lead to greater objectivity and confidence in decisions made. Decisions based on the analysis and evaluation of data and information are more likely to produce the desired results.

Relationship management. To achieve sustainable success, organizations manage their relationships with stakeholders such as suppliers. Since product quality is largely determined by the quality of raw materials, materials and information, achieving high-quality growth should also be based on establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers. Achieving sustainable success is more likely when an organization manages its relationships with all its stakeholders to optimize their impact on its operations.

The requirements of ISO 9001 standards have been implemented in more than one million companies in more than 170 countries. The use of ISO 9001 standards ensures that customers receive consistent products and services good quality, i.e. according to their requirements and expectations.

Confirmation of a successfully implemented quality management system is its certification for compliance with the international standard ISO 9001. The presence of a certificate in a company indicates that the company is well organized, responsibilities and procedures are clearly assigned, work technology is followed, and there are operational instructions that are documented and known to all personnel , the procedure for monitoring the work performed and, of course, professional and well-trained personnel. In other words, an ISO 9001 certificate indicates that a company's quality system is capable of ensuring and improving the quality of its products and services.

Certification- provision by an independent body of written confirmation (certificate of conformity) that a product, service or system meets established requirements.

The 1C company provides voluntary certification of franchise companies according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard and GOST R ISO 9001-2015.

1C:Franchisee certification is carried out by ISO accredited certification bodies. Accreditation- official recognition by an independent body (accreditation body) that the certification organization has the right to carry out certification activities. Accreditation is optional, but adds another layer of trust.

1C has approved the most authoritative and largest international certification organizations as QMS certification bodies - Det Norske Veritas (DNV GL) and Bureau Veritas Certification.

Building a quality management system is enough labor-intensive process. Obviously, not all franchisee companies can approach certification at the same time, due to objective circumstances, such as the structure of the company, regional characteristics, and personnel training. But the 1C company encourages all 1C:Franchisee partners seeking to make their company competitive in the information services market to build a quality management system or put into operation its individual essential elements.

Today, in the context of expanding international trade and improving product quality, enterprises are faced with the very acute problem of implementing ISO 9000 series standards and moving from integrated quality management systems to international standards.

There are the following differences between quality systems (according to ISO 9000) and an integrated product quality management system:

Focus on meeting consumer requirements;

Assigning responsibility for product quality to specific performers;

Consumer inspection of supplier's production;

Selecting a supplier of components and materials;

End-to-end product quality control, starting from materials and ending with product disposal:


Organization of accounting and analysis of quality costs;

Traceability of materials and components throughout the entire production cycle;

Resolving issues of product disposal after use.

The following have been developed 5 ISO 9000 series standards:

1. ISO 9000 “General quality management and quality assurance standards. Guidelines for selection and use."

2. ISO 9001 “Quality systems. A model for quality assurance in design and/or development, installation and maintenance.”

3. ISO 9002 “Quality systems. Model for quality assurance in production and installation.”

4. ISO 9003 “Quality systems. A model for quality assurance during final inspection and testing.”

5. ISO 9004 “Total quality management and elements of a quality system. Guidelines".

The main objectives of the ISO 9000 series of standards are as follows:

¨ strengthening mutual understanding and trust between suppliers and consumers of products from around the world when concluding contracts;

¨ achieving mutual recognition of quality system certificates issued by accredited certification bodies from around the world based on their use of common approaches and uniform standards when conducting certification checks (audits);

¨ providing assistance and methodological assistance to organizations of various sizes from various fields of activity in creating effectively functioning quality systems.

The choice of a quality system model should be carried out on the basis of the recommendations of the ISO 9000 standard. The selection criteria are, for example, the presence and level of complexity of product design (development) processes that have developed at the enterprise, production structure, technology and organization of production, specific features of products, economic forces and so on.

ISO 9004 standard is unique for organizations methodological manual on the development and application of quality systems. The standard contains the recommended structure of the quality system, characteristics of the main functional elements of the system, certain requirements for the organizational structure, composition and content of data that should or can be used in the system. The standard examines the economic aspects of quality, various types of costs and quality cost items, and provides guidelines for conducting internal quality checks, allowing the management of organizations to assess the degree of readiness of their departments for a stable supply of products that meet the requirements of standards and consumer expectations. The ISO 9004 standard is applicable primarily to internal quality assurance tasks and should not be used in contractual situations or for certification purposes.

For contractual situations, as well as for certification purposes, the ISO 9000 series standards provide for the use of three basic models of quality systems, the requirements for which are regulated in ISO standards 9001, 9002 and 9003. ISO 9001 is the most comprehensive of the three standards and covers all company activities, considering processes for ensuring product quality from its development to operation. It is important to note that the standard does not specifically refer to the activities of the enterprise in the field of marketing. ISO 9001 provides a basic system model for quality assurance in the design (or improvement of a product), production, installation (installation) of products, after-sales service when used by the consumer.

ISO 9002 takes into account only the processes of production and testing of products and presents a quality system as a model for ensuring quality during the production of products and its subsequent installation at the consumer.

ISO 9003 only addresses testing finished products and presents the quality system as a model for quality assurance of final inspection and testing of finished products.

Thus, ISO 9001, being the most comprehensive, includes the ISO 9002 standard, which in turn includes ISO 9003.

ISO 9000 series standards require that the quality system be interconnected with all activities of the enterprise and its effect extends to all stages life cycle products and processes from the initial identification of market needs to the eventual satisfaction of identified needs.

In addition, the ISO 9000 series standards contain a number of provisions on the quality system, without which its implementation and successful operation are impossible.

These include the following provisions:

¨ the management of the enterprise initiates, develops, implements and maintains the quality system;

¨ within the framework of the general organizational structure the functions related to the quality system are clearly established;

¨ the management of the enterprise allocates all the resources necessary to implement the quality policy and achieve the set goals;

¨ all activities performed in the quality system are documented;

¨ the quality system must be subject to regular analysis and evaluation by the top management of the enterprise.

Compliance with these provisions will ensure the creation at almost any enterprise effective system quality.

International Standards apply in the following situations:

1) when the contract specifically stipulates that the requirements for design work and products are formulated in the form of the use of complex management methods, in ensuring competitive advantages, characteristics or the need to determine them is indicated;

2) when the consumer is confident that the supplied products meet the established requirements. The supplier must provide evidence of its design, development, production, installation and service capabilities.

The supplier of the goods must develop and maintain a documented quality system as a means of ensuring product compliance with established requirements. This includes:

♦ preparation of documented procedures and instructions related to the quality system in accordance with the requirements of the standard;

♦ effective application of documented procedures and instructions of the quality system.

Features of international standards ISO 9000:2000 are as follows:

♦ application of a systematic approach to product quality management;

♦ customer orientation;

♦ regulation of requirements for all stages of the product life cycle;

♦ product quality management is carried out for all main functions (except for motivation and regulation);

♦ documentary (preferably quantitative) registration of specific requirements;

Of the well-founded approaches to the management system, only five are used in ISO international standards for quality systems (systemic, integration, process, quantitative, dynamic).

The process model reflected in ISO 9000:2000 in clauses five to eight shows that customers play a significant role in determining the requirements that are input. Here the TQM principle is implemented - a focus on the Customer, the main meaning of which is to create a corporate culture in which the staff is aware of the fact that the salary is paid by the Customer, and not by the head of the enterprise. This process is served by another TQM principle - the “supplier-customer” principle within the enterprise, which helps eliminate losses, increase responsibility, eliminate disunity and create a normal internal climate in the team.

The ISO 9000 series of standards includes several quality assurance system standards. These standards are developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and have the same content as the corresponding European standards (EN), as well as national standards in a number of countries. The ISO 9000 series of standards consists of models or guidelines. All of these documents are called standards, despite the fact that some of them are guidelines or collections of recommendations.

The ISO 9000 series of standards is a summary of national and international standards for quality systems. ISO 9000 standards are recognized throughout the world and have been adopted as national standards in more than 70 countries. These standards are very popular in countries with active international trade such as the USA, Canada and Japan, as well as in countries European Union. The first quality system standard was the American Mil Spec (Mil-Q-9858), published in 1959. The various quality system standards developed since then have many common properties.

ISO 9000:1994 standards

The ISO 9000:1994 series contained five main standards:

  • ISO 9000-1:94 General quality management and quality assurance standards - Part 1: Selection and application guidelines
  • ISO 9001:94 Quality systems. - Quality assurance model for design, development, production, installation and maintenance
  • ISO 9002:94 Quality systems. - Quality assurance model for production, installation and maintenance
  • ISO 9003:94 Quality systems. - Quality assurance model for final inspection and testing
  • ISO 9004-1:94 Total quality management and quality system elements - Part 1: Guidelines
  • ISO 8402:1994 Quality management and quality assurance - Vocabulary

ISO 9000:2000 standards

As a result of the next revision of the ISO 9000 series standards, December 25, 2000. was put into effect new edition, which has undergone significant changes. The new version is based on the concept of business processes and includes some new areas - the process of continuous improvement, assessing customer satisfaction with products or services provided, resource management.

In developing the ISO 9000 standards, version 2000, one of the goals was also to simplify the structure of the standards to make them easier to use in organizations. As a result of this restructuring, instead of the 20 previously used standards, the ISO 9000:2000 series contains only 4 new standards:

  • ISO 9000:2000 Quality management systems. Basics and Vocabulary
  • ISO 9001:2000 Quality management systems. Requirements
  • ISO 9004:2000 Quality management systems. Guidelines
  • ISO 10011:1991 Audit of quality management systems


The standards use the following basic terminology, which defines the entities in the quality system with reference to which requirements or guidelines are established.

These terms are different from those previously used in ISO 9000:2000.

  • Term organization denotes an object to which ISO standards apply.
  • Term provider now replaces the previously used term "subcontractor".
  • Term products used to describe the intermediate or final results of an organization's activities, can also be understood as "service".

Quality Management Concepts

Focus on the consumer (customer). The level of quality is set by the consumer, so the organization must in every possible way focus its attention on researching the problems, needs, demands and expectations of the consumer for the subsequent implementation of the obtained information in manufactured products.

Process and systems approach. Product quality management is carried out through the management of its production processes, interconnected into a coordinated system.

Leadership leadership. The way processes within a management system operate are determined by the overall policies and goals for the entire organization, set by senior management, who ensure that those policies and goals are achieved with the necessary resources.

Staff involvement. The implementation of the goals set for the enterprise is possible only if employees at all levels of the organization behave adequately.

Continuous improvement. As the needs of customers and other interested parties continually increase or change, the organization must keep pace with these changes to ensure continued growth internal quality their production and management processes.

Making management decisions based on evidence. The continuous improvement process must be based on data obtained through objective measurements of the actual state of the quality system and product quality.

Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers. Since product quality is largely determined by the quality of raw materials, materials and information, achieving high-quality growth should also be based on establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with suppliers.

Process approach

This International Standard advocates the adoption of a process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system to increase customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. The process diagram is shown in the figure:

Fig.1. Process approach diagram

For an organization to function effectively, it is necessary to identify and manage numerous interrelated activities. Activities that use resources and are managed in a specific order to transform "inputs" into "outputs" can be considered as processes. Often the "output" of one process is the immediate "input" to a subsequent process.

The application of a system of processes within an organization, together with the identification, interaction and management of these processes, can be represented as " process approach".

The advantage of the process approach is continuous management, which ensures a good relationship between individual processes within the organization and their combination and interaction.

When the process approach is used within a quality management system, it emphasizes the importance of:

  • understanding and fulfilling requirements;
  • the need to consider processes in terms of “added value”;
  • obtaining results of process execution and effectiveness;
  • continuous process improvement based on objective measurements.

A model of a process-based quality management system is depicted in the figure, which illustrates the interrelationship of the processes presented in clauses 4 to 8 of the ISO 9001:2000 standard. This illustration shows that consumers play a significant role in determining inputs. Monitoring customer satisfaction requires assessing information related to the customer's perception of whether the organization has met its requirements. The model shown in the figure covers all the requirements of this International Standard, although it does not show the processes in detail.

Fig.2. Model of a process-based quality management system

ISO 9001:2008 standard

On November 15, 2008, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published a new version of the international standard ISO 9001. ISO 9001:2008 replaces the ISO 9001:2000 standard, which applies to both commercial and public organizations in 170 countries.

In the new version of the standard:

  • does not contain new requirements;
  • clarifications have been added to existing requirements;
  • the changes are mainly editorial in nature;
  • Several changes have been made to improve compatibility with ISO14001:2004.

In general, changes in the standard are minor, so the transition to new version will not require major changes in the management system from organizations.

ISO and IAF jointly released rules for the transition to the new version of the standard:

  • 24 months after the publication of ISO 9001:2008, i.e. after November 14, 2010, any existing certification for ISO compliance 9001:2000 will not be valid;
  • One year after the publication of ISO 9001:2008 i.e. after November 14, 2009, all new accredited certifications and recertifications must be to ISO 9001:2008;
  • Certificates of conformity to ISO 9001:2008 and/or national equivalents may only be issued following a scheduled periodic audit or recertification to ISO 9001:2008;
  • The transition may be made during any scheduled recertification or periodic audit within those 24 months.

In conditions of fairly fierce competition, the introduction of certain quality guarantees is fundamental and crucial when a buyer or consumer makes a choice of services and products specific company. In this case, the best and main guarantee is the certification of quality management systems and the receipt of the ISO 9001 series standard.

ISO standards in Russia, including the most famous standard ISO 9001, combine many years of experience in most countries of the world in the field of quality system management and are the latest versions of assessing criteria for managing all work and production processes in enterprises.

ISO 9001 Certificate is an official document confirming full compliance of the current quality management system with the requirements specified in the international standard ISO 9001.

Today, having gone through a whole range of various additions and modifications, the international standard ISO 9001 has become fully adapted and harmonized in accordance with current European standards and is aimed at maximizing the quality of products (services provided).

The ISO 9001 standard has a clear structure consisting of 8 sections:

  • scope and purpose;
  • Normative references;
  • basic definitions and terms;
  • Quality Management System;
  • level of management responsibility;
  • resource management;
  • release of products (services);
  • analysis, measurement and improvement.

The first three sections of the standard are official and do not contain requirements or standards.

The main goal of the ISO 9001 standard is to actively stimulate the correct organization of various production processes and the work of the company as a whole to comply with specific legal requirements and most fully satisfy the desires and requests of consumers and partners.

The implementation of a QMS based on the receipt of ISO 9001 standards confirms that:

  • the company’s personnel are well aware of their duties, rights, powers and responsibilities, and also have the necessary competence to perform their work in a higher quality, efficient and correct manner;
  • the company has predetermined processes that affect the quality of products;
  • all production processes are regulated and provided with all necessary resources;
  • conditions have been created for the competent implementation of production infrastructure and environment, as well as quality work employees of the enterprise;
  • the system for preliminary collection and further analysis of information about production processes, customer and product satisfaction is optimally adjusted and provides objective information for timely making the necessary decisions on improving the work of personnel and the enterprise itself;
  • a motivated system focused on quality has been created;
  • organized work processes with subsequent focus on expectations end consumer, including implementation latest technologies, improving consumer properties, parameters and characteristics of manufactured products;
  • are being implemented internal audits capable of ensuring continuous improvement of processes and activities;
  • The company has established records management and document flow;
  • the organization pays special attention competent work with suppliers and partners;
  • the top management of the organization is familiar with the level of quality and bears full responsibility for it;
  • the enterprise sets and develops quality goals and regularly plans to achieve them;
  • the company has a well-functioning system of responding to claims and complaints made by customers and clients (developing effective measures to eliminate shortcomings and failures);
  • There is a continuous improvement process in place to ensure sustainable development of the company.

For each organization, the project for developing quality systems in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard is unique and is determined based on its size, types of activities, availability branch network, features of the organizational structure, level of development of the existing and current management system, etc.

Stages of standardization in accordance with ISO 9001

The process of standardization according to ISO 9001 itself is not a complete guarantee of the quality of a service or product, but provides only a set of norms and rules for the implementation of civilized activities of an organization in compliance with standard and universal step-by-step steps.

The stages of the project for the implementation and development of ISO 9001 series standards consist of the following main activities:

  • preparatory stage - creation technical assignments, calendar plans, administrative registration of work, project management plan;
  • assessment of the current quality management system (QMS) of the organization;
  • conducting training and special training for employees and responsible officials in company;
  • regulation of processes and determination of the QMS process model;
  • development of QMS documentation and organizational management structure;
  • creating a process for improving the QMS;
  • performing a cycle of internal audits;
  • implementation of ISO 9001 certification.

A competently and correctly developed and implemented quality management system, as well as its subsequent certification in the ISO system, provides a number of economic and strategic advantages for business owners.

Key benefits of being ISO 9001 certified

The high level of competitiveness of an enterprise and its products or services on the market is directly influenced by regular and continuous improvement of the company’s activities as a whole. This ensures a uniform improvement in the quality of products and services offered. The basic norms and rules in this area are determined by the well-known international standard ISO 9001, which is evidence of the company’s production of high-quality goods and the compliance of its technologies and activities with international standards.

A company that owns this certificate has a number of undeniable advantages over other enterprises that do not have a similar standard, namely:

  • achieving a high level of quality allows you to reduce the overall cost of production, as well as reduce the costs of defective products;
  • significant improvement and optimization of current business processes;
  • increasing the level of cooperation;
  • actively improving the quality of staff work;
  • the ability to streamline the activities of structural divisions of enterprises;
  • the possibility of obtaining government orders and the company’s entry into the international external consumer market;
  • increasing trust on the part of financial and insurance organizations, which influences the investment of large investments in the development of the enterprise.

Based on this, an organization or company that adheres to the conditions and requirements of this certificate receives many useful opportunities, ranging from effective competition with other manufacturers to a significant increase in the quality of the manufactured product or service provided. Even these two basic parameters can maximize and increase the company's profits. The ISO 9001 standard in this regard is a worthy guarantee of the success, longevity and prosperity of the manufacturer.

Standardization according to ISO 9001 does not replace the need to issue separate certificates for certain types of goods, products and services included in the list of categories requiring mandatory certification.

ISO 9001 standard

ISO 9001 standards are international standards, describing the requirements for the quality management system of organizations and enterprises. ISO 9000 standards include ISO 9001 standards, the demand for which is increasing every day. This is the current version of ISO9001:2008 “Quality management systems. Requirements." This is the only standard to which certification can be achieved. This procedure is not mandatory certification and is carried out at the request of the applicant.

It is worth noting that the ISO 9001:2008 standard is successfully used by organizations of any size; it has been successfully implemented by more than 1 million companies in 170 countries. The use of the ISO 9001:2008 standard ensures that the buyer receives high quality products and services, which leads to increased sales growth and business success. In addition, the implementation of the ISO 9001:2008 standard can help check the performance of the entire system as a whole, improve its effectiveness, motivate, involve senior management and reduce losses.

An important feature of the ISO 9001:2008 standard

An important feature of the ISO 9001:2008 standard is that it does not imply uniform quality management systems and accompanying documentation describing them. Therefore, by implementing a quality management system based on the ISO 9001:2008 standard, you can be sure of exceptional individuality and see for yourself how flexible this system is. After all, the development and implementation of an organization’s quality management system is influenced by: the size of the organization, the products manufactured, the structure of the organization, applicable processes, changing needs, specific goals, external environment, changes or risks associated with this environment.

The ISO 9001:2008 standard is safely used by organizations of all sizes and has been successfully implemented by more than 1 million companies in 170 countries.

The ISO 9001:2008 standard aims to apply a process approach in the development, implementation, and subsequently improvement of the effectiveness of a quality management system in order to increase end-customer satisfaction by predicting and meeting its requirements. The benefits of a process approach are countless. First of all, this is the continuity of control, which is achieved through combinations and interactions at the junction of individual processes.

This approach helps to better understand and fulfill requirements, achieve planned results, ensure their effectiveness, and improve the process by objectively assessing and measuring it. Also, in addition to the process approach, the implementation of a quality management system based on the ISO 9001:2008 standard to all processes in the organization can allow the application of the “Plan – Do – Check – Act” cycle. This cycle can be briefly described as:

  • planning (plan) - development of goals and processes necessary to achieve results in accordance with customer requirements and organizational policies;
  • implementation (do) – implementation of processes;
  • check - continuous monitoring and measurement of processes and products in comparison with policies, goals and product requirements and reporting of results;
  • action (act) – taking action to continuously improve process performance.

The timing and cost of implementing the ISO 9001:2008 standard depend on the individual characteristics of your type of organization and the degree of functioning of the system. In most cases it does not take more than 2 weeks. If you are still in doubt, you can order free consultation our specialists ( There should be some kind of “click” button here). With their help, you can choose the certification system that best suits your organization.

And don’t let the lack of standard prices scare you, this only means that we approach each case separately, weigh the uniqueness of the situation and take all possible measures to optimize the implementation of the ISO 9001:2008 standard. By contacting us you are guaranteed to receive special offer, allowing you to improve existing processes and establish careful control, and most importantly, increase the position of your organization/company in the market.

Upon completion of the work you receive from us:

  1. ISO 9001:2008 certificate in Russian and English;
  2. permission to use the quality mark;
  3. quality manual for your organization;
  4. organizational standards for your organization.

Remember that working with us will help you reach new heights!


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