Deputy Chief of Police for the OOP. To the Deputy Chief of Police for the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Bashkortostan, Police Colonel Popov A.P. - Document. The program of the discipline, plans for seminars and guidelines for the course History of the Russian

Appendix No. 4

Deputychief of police for the PLO

MIAin the Republic of Bashkortostan-


Popov A.P.

from ______________________________



on the issuance (extension) of a license,

issuance of a duplicate (copy) of a license for private

security activities

I ask you to issue (renew) license(s), issue a duplicate

(copy) license for private security activities

(indicate the legal form, full and (if any) abbreviated name, including company name


the name of the legal entity and its location,


contact phone number)

Information about the intention to use technical and other means, weapons,

special means and the need for them _______________________________________________


for the implementation of the following types of security services

Protecting the life and health of citizens

Protection of objects and (or) property (including during its transportation) owned, in possession, in use, economic management, operational management or trust management, with the exception of objects and (or) property provided for in clause 7 of part 3 of the article 3 Laws Russian Federation"On private detective and security activities in the Russian

Protection of facilities and (or) property at facilities with the implementation of design, installation and maintenance work technical means protection and (or) with the adoption of appropriate response measures to their signal information

Ensuring order in the venues mass events

Ensuring intra-object and access control at objects, with the exception of objects provided for by clause 7 of part 3 of article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation"

Protection of objects and (or) property, as well as ensuring intra-object and access control at objects that are of particular importance for ensuring the life and security of the state and the population

In the right column, the applicant's signature confirms the choice of a specific

type of service.

Form of obtaining a license: _________________________________________________

in person, by mail, electronically

Appendix: on ___ sheets.

"__" ___________ 20__ Head:_____________________

For the processing of personal data in accordance with the Federal Law



... MIA Russia "Zarinsky" E.G. Elkin - reception of citizens in a public reception on address: st. Union Republics... Interim deputy chief police (on OOP) A.Yu. Kuznetsov 15.00-19.00 Tarasov M.I. Tuesday Deputy chief DMIA- Chief police A.V. ...

  • Newsletter of the Administration of St. Petersburg No. 41 (842) dated October 28, 2013


    ... on juvenile department on affairs of minors of the department of precinct commissioners police And on... framing Republic Sakha... University MIA RF... deputy chief Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Petrogradsky district Z. F. Volokhov. By ...

  • The program of discipline, plans of seminars and guidelines for the course History of the domestic state and law. Cycle: B3

    discipline program

    In structure OOP Bachelor's Degree This... police. Organs of political investigation. reforms police ... on discretion of the authorized person. Plenipotentiaries of the Special Conference and their deputies... , zemstvo chiefs and introduction... meetings at MIA. Position...

  • 97. Deputy Chief of Police for Public Order territorial authority Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

    97.1. Daily organizes the service of district police officers.

    97.2. Ensures the study and implementation of positive and best practices in the practice of organizing the activities of district police officers.

    97.3. Carries out personally or through the head of the OUUP or the duty unit of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia operational management district police officers.

    97.4. Organizes the preparation and conduct of briefings for district police officers entering the service.

    97.5. Upon acceptance by the precinct police officer of the administrative precinct, he represents him officials bodies state power and bodies local government, and if necessary - to the heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations located on the territory of the administrative district.

    97.6. Supervises the performance of service by district police officers, their observance of law and discipline.

    97.7. At least once a quarter, checks the district police stations located in the territory served by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    97.8. Organizes accounting and evaluation of the results of the work of district police officers, takes the necessary measures to improve its efficiency.

    97.9. Carries out, within the limits of his competence, work on the selection and training of district police officers, organizes mentoring.

    97.10. Prepares proposals for improving the material and technical supply and social support for district police officers, equipping police stations.

    97.11. Organizes the interaction of precinct police officers with employees of criminal investigation units to prevent and solve crimes.

    97.12. Organizes the exchange of information of district police officers on crimes committed in administrative districts, stolen property, persons put on the wanted list, as well as the termination of the search.

    Duties of the head of the department (department, group) of district police officers and juvenile affairs of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in organizing the service of district police officers.

    Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 31, 2012 N 1166

    "Issues of organizing the activities of district police officers"

    98. Head of OUUP:

    98.1. Organizes professional service and physical training, conducts individual educational, cultural, educational, psychological and social work, as well as work to strengthen service discipline and the rule of law among district police officers.

    98.2. Provides training in the system of professional service and physical training with district police officers to study the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the prevention of crimes and administrative offenses.

    98.3. Carries out daily management of district police officers, directs and coordinates their activities to protect public order and ensure public safety, prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses, sums up their work.

    98.4. Prior to the start of the briefing, checks the arrival of the district police officers at the service in accordance with the schedule, the presence of weapons, means of communication, special means. If the district police officer fails to come out, he will replace him, and if shortcomings in the equipment are found, take measures to eliminate them.

    98.5. Controls the timely and high-quality consideration by district police officers of messages and applications of citizens, officials on the prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses, the disclosure of crimes for which preliminary investigation is not necessary.

    98.6. Carries out control and accounting of activities for the observance of legality by the district police commissioners when considering complaints and applications of citizens, reports of organizations, institutions; during the performance of urgent investigative actions and the performance of other duties assigned to them.

    98.7. Carries out a monthly check of the availability and maintenance of official documentation by the district police officers (in the presence of automated information systems- the completeness of filling and the regularity of its replenishment), located at the district police station, with the results of the audit reflected in the book of comments and suggestions of the inspectors (based on the verification of all official documentation of each district commissioner at least once a quarter).

    98.8. Develops and submits to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for approval the schedule: the service of district police officers, the reception of citizens by them, reports to the population. Organizes and supervises their implementation.

    98.9. Analyzes complaints and statements of citizens received by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, publications in the media, the Internet about shortcomings in the work of subordinate district police officers, conducts checks on them and takes measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

    98.10. Analyzes the activities of district police officers in protecting the personal and property security of citizens, preventing and solving crimes, protecting public order, and implementing administrative legislation.

    98.11. Organizes the participation of district police officers in the activities carried out by the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to prevent, suppress and solve crimes, and protect public order.

    98.12. Carries out control over the conduct of preventive bypass by the district police officers of the assigned administrative districts.

    98.13. Provides practical assistance in organizing work at administrative sites, preparing reports, and timely considers issues related to comments and suggestions made by citizens during the discussion of reports.

    98.14. Provides control over the observance by district police officers at district police stations of sanitary and hygienic standards and fire safety rules.

    98.15. Prepares reports, memorandums, as well as certificates, information and other documents to state authorities on the activities of district police officers in the field of preventing and suppressing crimes and administrative offenses.

    98.16. He studies, summarizes and implements positive and advanced experience of the activities of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as the latest achievements of science and technology, into the work of district police officers.

    98.17. Reception of citizens on issues related to the activities of district police officers, controls the consideration of their applications within the established time limits, studies public opinion on the work of district police officers.

    98.18. Analyzes the results of the PDMU for the month, quarter, half year and year.

    98.19. Makes proposals to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on encouraging district police officers based on the results of their activities or bringing them to disciplinary responsibility.

    98.20. Makes proposals to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the application of measures financial incentives citizens who provided significant assistance in solving crimes and administrative offenses, in ensuring the protection of public order.

    98.21. Makes proposals to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the appointment and dismissal of subordinate district police officers, as well as on granting them regular and other holidays.

    133. Checking the performance of the service by the district police officer: the procedure for its implementation and registration of the results.

    Deputy Chief of Police for the PLO

    Direct employer "" is looking for an employee on vacancy in your organization for the position "".

    Mandatory requirement of the employer to the work experience of the desired employee: 1–3 years.

    Type of employment at the vacant place of work " Deputy Chief of Police for the PLO"in a company (firm, organization, individual entrepreneur)" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhegorodsky district of Moscow" : Full time, full day.

    Vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for the PLO"refers to the industry "Security" β†’ "Property security" .

    Vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for the PLO" added to the database of the site on work and employment Electronic Service of Employment in Monday, June 24, 2019 and after publication by the moderator of the web portal for job seekers is available for viewing by all registered unemployed.

    Date of updating the questionnaire of vacancy No. 2998213 for the position " Deputy Chief of Police for the PLO"On the website of the Electronic Service of Employment of the Population: Monday, July 8, 2019

    Company (organization, firm, individual entrepreneur) " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhegorodsky district of Moscow offered a job in the city Moscow.

    Job vacancy in the company Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhegorodsky district of Moscow"is located on address: Moscow, Novokhokhlovskaya street, 27.

    The employer of the company (firm, organization) "Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod district of Moscow" can offer approximately the following wages: from 60,000 to 70,000 rubles. on hand in a vacant position.

    In the duties of an employee in a vacant position "Deputy Chief of Police for the PLO" includes the following:
    • Organization of the activities of services: ODN, PPSP, escort group, UUP.
    Job requirements for the position Deputy Chief of Police for the PLO"provided by the employer" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhegorodsky district of Moscow" in the city Moscow, the following:


    Vacation from 40-60 calendar days

    Possibility of retirement after 20 years of service

    To obtain a contact phone number (or other contact information) for communication by the employer " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhegorodsky district of Moscow"from the city (region) Moscow, You first need to send a letter from our Electronic Employment Service with your resume file attached to it or indicate in the text of the message to the employer a link to your resume on another site for job seekers. Employer " Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Nizhegorodsky district of Moscow" will review your resume and provide his contact details (phone number, e-mail, fax, Skype, ICQ), where he can be contacted for an interview to take a vacant job " Deputy Chief of Police for the PLO".

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    1 Deputy Chief of Police (for the protection of public order) of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Moscow region in his work is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow, the Department of Internal Affairs for the South-West administrative district Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the city of Moscow, DMIA, as well as this job description. 2. The Deputy Chief of Police (for the PLO) is appointed to and dismissed from office in established by law order by order of the Department of Internal Affairs for the South-West Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow on the proposal of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. 3. Employees with higher education and the necessary work experience in the internal affairs bodies are appointed to the position of deputy chief of police (for the PLO). 4. The deputy chief of police (for the PLO) of the DMIA is directly subordinate to the deputy chief of the DMIA - the chief of police, the head of the DMIA, is operationally subordinate to the deputy chief of police (for the PLO) of the Department of Internal Affairs for the South-West Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow. 5. The Deputy Chief of Police (for the PLO) has the right to: 5.1. Organize work to improve the regulatory and legal framework for the activities of subordinate units and the social and legal protection of their employees. 5.2. In order to fulfill the assigned service tasks, get acquainted in the subdivisions with all documents and materials related to the protection of public order. 5.3. Give instructions to the heads of departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, control the quality and timeliness of the implementation of the planned activities and organize the provision of practical assistance to them. 5.4. Within the framework of its competence, demand strict and timely execution of the assigned tasks and functions from the subordinate heads of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. 5.5. Submit proposals to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Deputy Chief of Police (for the PLO) of the Department of Internal Affairs to improve the work of the departments of the Department of Internal Affairs. 6. The Deputy Chief of Police (for the PLO) is obliged to: 6.1. To carry out general management and control over the operational activities of the following units: departments of district police officers, departments for juvenile affairs, security and escort groups for suspects and accused, divisions of a separate company of the patrol police service, divisions for licensing and permit work, inspectors for enforcement administrative legislation, on the implementation of areas of operational activities. 6.2. Monitor the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to subordinate units, provided for by their departmental regulatory orders and other documents (instructions, orders, telegrams, faxes, etc.), provide methodological and practical assistance. 6.3. Organize and control the work of subordinate units in the areas of their activities: 6.3.1. Disclosure and investigation of crimes for which preliminary investigation is not required. 6.3.2. Prevention and prevention, as well as the suppression of crimes and administrative offenses. 6.3.3. Timely implementation official duties and tasks by the personnel of the entrusted structural divisions. 6.3.4. Compliance with the rule of law, official and accounting and registration discipline. 6.3.5. Maintenance of public order in the service area of ​​the district. 6.3.6. holding preventive work with convicted persons who are on preventive records in the Department of Internal Affairs 6.3.7. Providing assistance within the limits established by law to citizens, officials of enterprises, institutions and organizations. 6.3.8. High-quality preparation of protocols on administrative offenses. 6.3.9. Timely collection of imposed fines on administrative materials. 6.3.10. Formation of an escort for persons detained in accordance with Articles 91 and 92 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. 6.4. Organize the implementation and control over the actual execution of the orders of the Mayor of Moscow, Decrees of the Government of Moscow, Orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, the Internal Affairs Directorate for the South-West Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, as well as their own decisions in strengthening the fight against crime. 6.5. Plan the work of subordinate units, coordinate and submit official documentation for approval to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs, organize the implementation of planned activities. 6.6. To organize work on the territory of the district to prevent, detect and suppress crimes committed in the residential sector, in public places, including on the streets of the area. 6.7. Develop and implement measures to fulfill mobilization tasks and civil defense measures, increase the stability of work in wartime conditions and in the event of emergencies and situations in peacetime. Control the reality of the developed event. 6.8. Organize and coordinate the interaction of the heads of subordinate departments with law enforcement, a voluntary people's squad and the District Administration. 6.9. Ensure strict compliance with the law in the activities of employees of entrusted units and the legitimacy of their actions in the performance of their duties. 6.10. Provide a high level vocational training all subordinate personnel by conducting training sessions and drills in the system of combat and service training, in accordance with the approved schedule. 6. 11. To carry out measures to improve the selection, placement, education of personnel to improve professional skills. 6.12. Conduct an individual educational work with employees of subordinate departments. 6.13. Analyze the state of crimes and offenses in the service area, as well as the effectiveness of measures to prevent and suppress them, evaluate the performance of units, take measures to eliminate existing shortcomings. Conduct office checks with bringing the perpetrators to justice and make proposals to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on improving the activities of subordinate units, strengthening their interaction with other units of the internal affairs bodies, interested state bodies, public associations and religious organizations. 6.14. Ensure the interaction of heads of departments with employees of the criminal investigation department, preliminary investigation bodies and other departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the prevention of offenses, the protection of public order, the disclosure and investigation of crimes, the search for criminals and other areas of operational and service activities. 6.15. Organize and provide, within its competence, assistance to state bodies, local self-government bodies, election commissions in the exercise of their powers. 6.16. Provide conditions for the safe performance of duties by employees in accordance with safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards. 6.17. Represent district police officers on issues within their competence in state bodies, public associations and religious organizations. 6.18. To exercise control and record the official activities of subordinate personnel in the implementation of all the tasks and functions assigned to them: their observance of the rule of law and accounting and registration discipline when considering complaints and applications from citizens, conducting an inquiry, and carrying out preventive work. 6.19. Monitor the conduct of weekly inspections of the availability and maintenance of service documentation by the district police officers located at the district police station, as well as get acquainted with the results of the checks in the Book of comments and suggestions of the inspectors of the district police officers. 6.20. To exercise control over the organization of the work of district police officers in assigned administrative districts, as well as the creation of necessary conditions for activity. 6.21. To exercise control over the arrival of subordinate personnel to the service, in accordance with the approved schedules, as well as the implementation of district police officers of the reception of citizens, their speeches and their reports to the population. 6.22. To exercise control over the organization and quality of inspections by the PMO of owners of civilian weapons within the time limits established by regulatory legal acts. 6.24. Control the organization of the implementation of activities assigned to the juvenile department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the prevention of extremism, offenses and crimes among minors. 6.25. Participate in the briefing of police units, supervise appearance and combat bearing of personnel, compliance with the rules for wearing uniforms, preparing equipment and uniforms. 6.26. Monitor the observance of the obligatory daily norms for entering the service and the timeliness of the arrival of the personnel of the units involved in integrated plan the use of forces and means in ensuring public safety in the region. 6.33. Control the execution of complaints and statements of citizens by subordinate employees of subordinate units. 6.35. Ensure strict observance by personnel of service discipline, legality, norms professional ethics; directly participate in educational and preventive work, strengthening the moral and psychological climate in the team. 6.36. Notify managers, prosecutors or other government bodies about the facts of inciting him to commit corruption offenses. 6.37. Carry out work to create a favorable socio-psychological climate in the service teams, increase the interest of employees in conscientious performance official duties rational use of moral and material forms of labor stimulation of personnel. 6.38. Take measures to strengthen the service discipline of legality, crime prevention, resolutely suppress the facts of concealing crimes, incidents and disciplinary offenses, and give them a principled assessment. 6.39. To ensure that the moral and psychological readiness of personnel for operational and service activities in everyday and extreme conditions is maintained at a high level.


    Skills management activities, qualities of a leader, the ability to competently manage the personnel of entrusted units. Ability to navigate effectively in an operational environment. Experience on leadership positions.


    Five-day work schedule from 09:00 to 18:00. Bonuses are paid for performance. By position threshold lieutenant colonel. Higher legal education.


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