Tariff and qualification reference book on positions of workers. Job Qualification Guide. II. Job Responsibilities

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the leading process engineer of the enterprise.

1.2. The leading process engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order.

1.3. The Leading Process Engineer reports to the Head of the Engineering and Technology Department.

1.4. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical and leadership positions in the relevant profile of the enterprise industry.

1.5. The Lead Engineer must know:

— normative and methodical materials on technological preparation of production;

- profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise;

— prospects for the technical development of the industry and the enterprise;

- production technology of the enterprise;

— systems and design methods;

- organization of technological preparation of production in the industry and at the enterprise;

- production capacity, specifications, design features and modes of operation of the equipment, rules for its operation;

- the procedure and methods for planning the technological preparation of production;

technical requirements for raw materials, materials and finished products;

- regulations, instructions and other guidance materials for the development and execution of technical documentation;

– means of mechanization and automation production processes;

— methods for determining the economic efficiency of implementation new technology and technology, labor organization, rationalization proposals and inventions;

— the procedure for attestation of the quality of industrial products;

- the possibility of using computer technology and methods for designing technological processes with their use;

— procedure for acceptance of equipment into operation;

- requirements rational organization labor in the design of technological processes;

- domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in the relevant industry;

— advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of production of similar products;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of environmental legislation;

— basics of labor legislation;

- Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the leading process engineer, his duties are assigned to the head of the engineering and technology department.


Lead engineer-technologist:

2.1. Organizes the development and implementation of progressive, economically justified, resource- and environmentally-saving technological processes and modes of production of products manufactured by the enterprise, the performance of works (services) that ensure an increase in the level of technological preparation and technical re-equipment of production, reducing the cost of raw materials, materials, labor costs, improving product quality , works (services) and labor productivity growth.

2.2. Takes measures to accelerate the development in the production of progressive technological processes, latest materials, wide introduction of scientific and technological achievements.

2.3. Manages the drawing up of plans for the introduction of new equipment and technology, improving the technical and economic efficiency of production, the development of technological documentation, organizes control over the provision of workshops, sections and other production units enterprises.

2.4. Considers and approves changes made to the technical documentation in connection with the adjustment of technological processes and production modes.

2.5. Controls the implementation of prospective and current plans technological preparation of production, strict observance of established technological processes, reveals violations of technological discipline and takes measures to eliminate them.

2.6. Manages the organization and planning of new workshops and sections, their specialization, the development of new equipment, new high-performance technological processes, the calculation of production capacities and equipment loading, the increase in the technical level of production and the shift ratio of equipment, the compilation and revision of technical conditions and requirements for to raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, development and implementation of progressive standards labor costs, the consumption of technological fuel and electricity, raw materials and materials, measures to prevent and eliminate defects, reduce the material consumption of products and the labor intensity of its production.

2.7. Ensures the improvement of the technology of manufacturing products, the performance of works (services), the introduction of the achievements of science and technology, advanced basic technologies, high-performance resource- and environmentally-saving waste-free technologies, design and implementation technological systems, means of environmental protection, integrated mechanization and automation of production processes, non-standard equipment, technological equipment, fixtures and tools, timely development of design capacities, compliance with equipment use standards.

2.8. Carries out measures for certification and rationalization of workplaces.

2.9. Participates in the work to determine the range of measured parameters and optimal standards for measurement accuracy, to select the necessary means of their implementation, to improve methods of product quality control.

2.10. Reviews designs for product designs or product composition, industry and government standards, and the most complex rationalization proposals and inventions relating to production technology, gives conclusions about their compliance with the requirements of economical and environmentally friendly production technology.

2.11. Coordinates the most complex issues related to the technological preparation of production, with the divisions of the enterprise, design, research organizations, representatives of customers.

2.12. Ensures the introduction of computer-aided design systems, organizational and computer technology, automated control systems for equipment and technological processes.

2.13. Participates in the development of projects for the reconstruction of the enterprise, measures to reduce the time for mastering new equipment and technology, rational use of production capacities, reduce energy and material consumption of production, increase its efficiency, improve product quality, and improve labor organization.

2.14. Supervises the conduct of research and experimental work on the development of newly developed technological processes, participates in industrial testing of new types of machines and mechanisms, means of mechanization and automation of production, in the work of commissions for the acceptance of equipment systems into operation.

2.15. Supervises the employees of the technological bureau, coordinates and directs the activities of the enterprise's divisions that provide technological preparation for production, organizes work to improve the skills of employees.

The Lead Engineer has the right to:

3.1. To give instructions to subordinate employees and services, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. To control the fulfillment of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders by subordinate services and divisions.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the lead process engineer, his subordinate services and divisions.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on production and other issues related to the competence of the leading process engineer.


The Lead Engineer is responsible for:

4.1. The results and efficiency of production activities related to his functional duties specified in section 2 of this Instruction.

4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of the implementation of work plans of subordinate services and divisions.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the director of the enterprise.

4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise, its employees.

4.5. Failure to comply with labor and performance discipline employees who are subordinate to the lead engineer-technologist.


5.1. The mode of operation of the leading process engineer is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. Due to production needs, the lead process engineer may go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To solve operational issues related to the provision of production activities, the lead process engineer may be allocated a service vehicle.

5.4. The leading process engineer, in order to ensure his activities, is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

Head of structural

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

Familiarized with the instructions:

(signature) surname, initials

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In accordance with paragraph 5.2.52 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and Social Development Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 321 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 28, Art. 2898; 2005, N 2, Art. 162; 2006, N 19, Art. 2080; 2008, N 11 (1 hour), item 1036; N 15, item 1555; N 23, item 2713; N 42, item 4825; N 46, item 5337; N 48, item 5618; 2009, N 2 , item 244; N 3, item 378; N 6, item 738; N 12, item 1427, 1434; N 33, item 4083, 4088; N 43, item 5064; N 45, item 5350 ; 2010, N 4, item 394; N 11, item 1225; N 25, item 3167; N 26, item 3350; N 31, 4251), I order:

Approve the Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section "Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers" in accordance with the appendix.

Minister T. Golikova


Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees

Section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of educators"

I. General provisions

1. "Qualification characteristics of the positions of educational workers" of the Unified Qualification Directory of the positions of managers, specialists and employees (hereinafter referred to as the CSA) is intended to address issues related to the regulation of labor relations, ensuring an effective system of personnel management of educational institutions and organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership.

2. The section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of educators" of the CSA consists of four sections: I - "General provisions", II - "Positions of managers", III - "Positions of teaching staff", IV - "Positions of teaching and support personnel".

3. Qualification characteristics are used as regulatory documents or serve as the basis for the development of job descriptions containing a specific list of job duties of employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of work and management, as well as the rights, responsibilities and competence of employees. If necessary, the job responsibilities included in the qualification description of a certain position can be distributed among several performers.

4. The qualification characteristic of each position has three sections: " Job Responsibilities', 'Must know' and 'Qualification requirements'.

The "Job Responsibilities" section contains a list of the main labor functions that can be fully or partially assigned to the employee holding this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing for optimal specialization in employee positions.

The "Must Know" section contains the basic requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and other regulatory legal acts, regulations, instructions and other documents, methods and means that the employee must apply in the performance of official duties.

The "Qualification requirements" section defines the level of professional training of an employee necessary for the performance of job duties, certified by documents on education, as well as requirements for work experience.

5. When developing job descriptions, it is allowed to clarify the list of works that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and pedagogical conditions (for example, a vacation period that does not coincide with the vacation of employees, cancellation of training sessions for students, pupils, changing the mode of the educational process for sanitary and epidemiological, climatic and other reasons, etc.), as well as the establishment of requirements for the necessary special training of employees.

6. In order to improve the organization and increase the efficiency of the work of employees of the institution, it is possible to expand the range of their duties in comparison with the established corresponding qualification characteristics. In these cases, without changing the job title, the employee may be entrusted with the performance of duties stipulated by the qualification characteristics of other positions that are similar in content to work, equal in complexity, the performance of which does not require a different specialty and qualification.

7. When developing job descriptions for employee positions related to industry-wide employee positions, as well as for employee positions characteristic of other types of economic activity (medical workers, cultural workers: artistic directors, conductors, directors, choreographers, choirmasters, library workers, etc. ), apply qualification characteristics provided for the relevant positions of employees with clarification of the list of works that are characteristic of the corresponding position in specific organizational and pedagogical conditions.

8. The official title "senior" is applied on the condition that the employee, along with the fulfillment of the duties provided for by the position held, manages the executors subordinate to him. The position of "senior" may be established as an exception and in the absence of performers in the direct subordination of the employee, if he is entrusted with the functions of managing an independent area of ​​work.

9. Persons who do not have special training or work experience set forth in the "Qualification Requirements" section, but who have sufficient practical experience and competence, who perform the duties assigned to them qualitatively and in full, on the recommendation attestation commission, as an exception, may be appointed to the relevant positions in the same way as persons with special training and work experience.

II. Leadership positions

Head (director, head, head) of an educational institution

Job responsibilities. Carries out management of the educational institution in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, the charter of the educational institution. Provides systematic educational (educational) and administrative and economic (production) work of an educational institution. Ensures the implementation of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements. Forms a contingent of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their life and health during the educational process, respect for the rights and freedoms of students (pupils, children) and employees of an educational institution in established by law Russian Federation is fine. Determines the strategy, goals and objectives of the development of an educational institution, makes decisions on the program planning of its work, the participation of an educational institution in various programs and projects, ensures compliance with the requirements for the conditions of the educational process, educational programs, the results of the activities of an educational institution and the quality of education, continuous improving the quality of education in an educational institution. Provides objectivity in assessing the quality of education of students (pupils, children) in an educational institution. Together with the council of the educational institution and public organizations, it develops, approves and implements development programs for the educational institution, the educational program of the educational institution, curricula, curricula of courses, disciplines, annual calendar training schedules, the charter and internal labor regulations of the educational institution. Creates conditions for the introduction of innovations, ensures the formation and implementation of initiatives of employees of an educational institution aimed at improving the work of an educational institution and improving the quality of education, maintains a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. Manages budgetary funds within the limits of its authority, ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of their use. Within the limits of the established funds, it forms a payroll fund with its division into a basic and incentive part. Approves the structure and staffing of the educational institution. Solves personnel, administrative, financial, economic and other issues in accordance with the charter of the educational institution. Carries out selection and placement of personnel. Creates conditions for continuous professional development of employees. Ensures the establishment of wages for employees of an educational institution, including the incentive part (allowances, additional payments to salaries ( official salaries) wage rates of employees) payment in full of wages due to employees within the time limits established collective agreement, internal labor regulations, labor contracts. Takes measures to ensure safety and working conditions that meet the requirements of labor protection. Takes measures to provide the educational institution with qualified personnel, rational use and development of their professional knowledge and experience, ensures the formation of a reserve of personnel in order to replace vacancies in an educational institution. Organizes and coordinates the implementation of measures to increase the motivation of employees for quality work, including on the basis of their financial incentives, to increase the prestige of work in an educational institution, rationalize management and strengthen labor discipline. Creates conditions that ensure the participation of employees in the management of an educational institution. Accepts local regulations educational institution containing labor law norms, including on the issues of establishing a remuneration system, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees. Plans, coordinates and controls the work of structural units, pedagogical and other employees of the educational institution. Ensures effective communication and cooperation with authorities state power, local self-government, organizations, the public, parents (persons replacing them), citizens. Represents an educational institution in state, municipal, public and other bodies, institutions, other organizations. Promotes the activities of teachers' (pedagogical), psychological organizations and methodological associations, public (including children's and youth) organizations. Provides accounting, safety and replenishment of the educational and material base, compliance with the rules of the sanitary and hygienic regime and labor protection, accounting and storage of documentation, attracting additional sources of financial and material resources for the implementation of activities provided for by the charter of the educational institution. Ensures the submission to the founder of an annual report on the receipt, expenditure of financial and material resources and a public report on the activities of the educational institution as a whole. Complies with labor protection regulations and fire safety.

Must know:

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the areas of training "State and municipal administration", "Management", "Personnel management" and work experience in teaching positions for at least 5 years, or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of public and municipal government or management and economics and work experience in teaching or leadership positions for at least 5 years.

Deputy head (director, head, head) of an educational institution

Job responsibilities. Organizes the current and long-term planning of the activities of the educational institution. Coordinates the work of teachers, educators, masters of industrial training, other pedagogical and other employees, as well as the development of educational, methodological and other documentation necessary for the activities of an educational institution. Ensures the use and improvement of methods for organizing the educational process and modern educational technologies, including remote ones. Carries out control over the quality of the educational (educational) process, the objectivity of assessing the results of the educational activities of students, the work of circles and electives, ensuring the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements. Organizes the work on the preparation and conduct of examinations. Coordinates the interaction between representatives of pedagogical science and practice. Organizes educational work for parents (persons replacing them). Provides assistance to teaching staff in the development and development of innovative programs and technologies. Organizes teaching and educational, methodical, cultural and mass, extracurricular activities. Monitors the workload of students and pupils. Draws up a schedule of training sessions and other types of educational and educational (including cultural and leisure) activities. Ensures timely preparation, approval, submission of reporting documentation. Provides assistance to students (pupils, children) in carrying out cultural, educational and recreational activities. Carries out acquisition and takes measures to preserve the contingent of students (pupils, children) in circles. Participates in the selection and placement of teaching staff, organizes the improvement of their qualifications and professional skills. Makes proposals for improving the educational process and management of an educational institution. Takes part in the preparation and conduct of certification of pedagogical and other employees of the educational institution. Takes measures to equip workshops, educational laboratories and classrooms with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, replenish libraries and methodological rooms with educational, methodical, artistic and periodical literature. Monitors the state of medical care for students (pupils, children), living conditions in hostels. When performing the duties of the deputy head of the educational institution for administrative and economic work (part), he supervises economic activity educational institution. Supervises the maintenance and proper condition of the educational institution. Organizes control over the rational use of materials and financial resources of the educational institution. Takes measures to expand the economic independence of the educational institution, timely conclusion of the necessary contracts, attracting additional sources of financial and material resources for the implementation of activities provided for by the charter of the educational institution. Organizes work on analysis and evaluation financial results activities of an educational institution, development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of budgetary funds. Provides control over the timely and complete fulfillment of contractual obligations, the procedure for processing financial and business transactions. Takes measures to ensure the necessary social and living conditions for students, pupils and employees of the educational institution. Prepares a report to the founder on the receipt and expenditure of financial and material resources. Supervises the work on the improvement, landscaping and cleaning of the territory of the educational institution. Coordinates the work of subordinate departments and departments. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy; achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice; psychology; basics of physiology, hygiene; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers multimedia equipment; fundamentals of economics, sociology; ways of organizing the financial and economic activities of an educational institution; civil, administrative, labor, budgetary, tax legislation in the part relating to the regulation of the activities of educational institutions and educational authorities at various levels; basics of management, personnel management; basics of project management; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the areas of training "State and municipal administration", "Management", "Personnel management" and work experience in teaching or leadership positions for at least 5 years, or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of state and municipal administration, management and economics and work experience in teaching or leadership positions for at least 5 years.

Head (manager, chief, director, manager) of a structural unit

Job responsibilities. Manages the activities of a structural unit of an educational institution: an educational and consulting center, a department, a department, a section, a laboratory, an office, an educational or training workshop, a boarding school at a school, a hostel, an educational facility, work practice and other structural units (hereinafter referred to as the structural unit) . Organizes the current and long-term planning of the activities of the structural unit, taking into account the goals, objectives and directions for the implementation of which it was created, ensures control over the implementation of planned targets, coordinates the work of teachers, educators and other pedagogical workers to implement educational (educational) plans and programs, develop the necessary educational and methodical documentation. Provides control over the quality of the educational process and the objectivity of the assessment of the results of the educational and beyond learning activities students, pupils, ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard. Creates conditions for the development of working educational programs of the structural unit. Provides assistance to teaching staff in the development and development of innovative programs and technologies. Organizes work on the preparation and conduct of the final certification, educational work for parents. Organizes methodical, cultural-mass, extracurricular activities. Monitors the workload of students (pupils, children). Participates in the acquisition of a contingent of students (pupils, children) and takes measures to preserve it, participates in the scheduling of training sessions and other activities of students (pupils, children). Makes proposals for improving the educational process and management of an educational institution. Participates in the selection and placement of pedagogical and other personnel, in organizing the improvement of their qualifications and professional skills. Participates in the preparation and certification of pedagogical and other employees of the institution. Ensures timely preparation of established reporting documentation. Takes part in the development and strengthening of the educational and material base of the institution, equipping workshops, educational laboratories and classrooms with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, maintaining equipment and inventory, equipping and replenishing libraries and methodological rooms with educational and methodological and fiction, periodicals publications, in the methodological support of the educational process. Monitors the state of medical care of students and pupils. Organizes the conclusion of contracts with interested organizations for training. Takes measures to ensure the creation of the necessary social and living conditions for students (pupils, children) and employees of the educational institution. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy; achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice; psychology; basics of physiology, hygiene; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; fundamentals of economics, sociology; ways of organizing the financial and economic activities of an educational institution; civil, administrative, labor, budgetary, tax legislation in the part relating to the regulation of the activities of educational institutions and educational authorities at various levels; basics of management, personnel management; basics of project management; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the structural unit of the educational institution, and at least 3 years of work experience in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the structural unit of the educational institution.

Head master

Job responsibilities. Supervises practical exercises and educational and production work on vocational (industrial) training, participates in work on vocational guidance students of educational institutions (subdivisions) of primary and / or secondary vocational education. Supervises the activities of the masters of industrial training. Organizes the supply of equipment necessary for training and appropriate equipment for classes. Takes measures to timely provide students with equipment, tools, materials and teaching aids. Ensures compliance with labor safety, as well as the mastery of advanced labor methods, modern equipment and production technology by students. Controls execution practical work and the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard. Takes part in organizing the activities of an educational institution aimed at attracting additional sources of financial and material resources, incl. associated with the manufacture of quality products and the provision of services to the population. Participates in the conclusion of contracts with organizations on holding educational practice(industrial training) and monitors their implementation. Provides training for students to perform qualifying works and passing qualifying exams. Participates in the work of subject (cycle) commissions (methodological associations), conferences, seminars. It contributes to the general educational, professional, cultural development of students, attracts them to technical creativity. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, pedagogical psychology; achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice; basics of physiology, hygiene; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them, colleagues at work; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, law, sociology, financial and economic activities educational institution; administrative, labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of an educational institution; labor protection and fire safety rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in a specialty corresponding to the study profiles and at least 2 years of work experience or secondary vocational education in a specialty corresponding to the study profiles and at least 5 years of work experience.

III. Positions of teaching staff


Job responsibilities. Provides training and education of students, taking into account their psychological and physiological characteristics and the specifics of the subject taught, contributes to the formation of a general culture of the individual, socialization, conscious choice and development of educational programs, using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of education, including individual curricula , accelerated courses within the framework of federal state educational standards, modern educational technologies, including information as well as digital educational resources. Reasonably chooses programs and educational and methodological support, including digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies and teaching methods. Plans and implements studying proccess in accordance with educational program educational institution, develops work program on the subject, course on the basis of exemplary basic general educational programs and ensures its implementation by organizing and supporting various types of students' activities, focusing on the personality of the student, the development of his motivation, cognitive interests, abilities, organizes students' independent activities, including research, implements problem-based learning , connects learning in the subject (course, program) with practice, discusses with students current events of our time. Ensures the achievement and confirmation by students of the levels of education (educational qualifications). Evaluates the effectiveness and learning outcomes of students in the subject (course, program), taking into account the development of knowledge, mastery of skills, development of experience in creative activity, cognitive interest of students, using computer technology, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Respects the rights and freedoms of students, maintains academic discipline, attendance at classes, respecting the human dignity, honor and reputation of students. Carries out control and evaluation activities in the educational process using modern ways assessment in the conditions of information and communication technologies (maintenance of electronic forms of documentation, including an electronic journal and diaries of students). Makes proposals for improving the educational process in an educational institution. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Ensures the protection of life and health of students during the educational process. Communicates with parents (persons replacing them). Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of general theoretical disciplines in the amount necessary to solve pedagogical, scientific, methodological, organizational and managerial tasks; pedagogy, psychology, age physiology; school hygiene; methodology of teaching the subject; programs and textbooks on the taught subject; methodology educational work; requirements for equipping and equipping classrooms and utility rooms for them; teaching aids and their didactic possibilities; fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor; regulations on education and upbringing of children and youth; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Teacher 1

Job responsibilities. Conducts training of students in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards. Organizes and controls their independent work, individual educational trajectories (programs), using the most effective forms, methods and means of teaching, new educational technologies, including information. It promotes the development of the personality, talents and abilities of students, the formation of their common culture, the expansion of the social sphere in their upbringing. Ensures the achievement and confirmation by students of the levels of education (educational qualifications). Evaluates the effectiveness of teaching the subject (discipline, course) of students, taking into account their mastery of knowledge, mastery of skills, application of acquired skills, development of experience in creative activity, cognitive interest, using computer technology, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Respects the rights and freedoms of students. Supports academic discipline, the mode of attending classes, respecting the human dignity, honor and reputation of students. Carries out control and evaluation activities in the educational process using modern methods of assessment in the conditions of information and communication technologies (including the maintenance of electronic forms of documentation). Makes proposals for improving the educational process in an educational institution. Participates in the work of subject (cyclic) commissions (methodological associations, departments), conferences, seminars, Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Communicates with parents or persons replacing them. Develops work programs for academic disciplines (modules) in his discipline and other materials that ensure the education and quality of training of students, is responsible for their implementation in full in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process, as well as for the quality of graduate training. Ensures the protection of life and health of students during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; the content of curricula and the principles of organizing training in the subject being taught; basic technological processes and methods of work in positions in organizations in the specialty in accordance with the profile of training in an educational institution, as well as the basics of economics, organization of production and management; pedagogy, physiology, psychology and methods of vocational training; modern forms and methods of teaching and educating students; fundamentals of labor legislation; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" or in the field corresponding to the subject taught, without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of activity in an educational institution without presenting work experience requirements.


Job responsibilities. It promotes the development of personality, talents and abilities, the formation of a common culture of students (pupils, children), the expansion of the social sphere in their upbringing. It studies the age and psychological characteristics, interests and needs of students, pupils, children in institutions (organizations) and at the place of residence, creates conditions for their implementation in various types of creative activity, using modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions, educational and other activities, based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, as well as modern information technologies and teaching methods. Organizes the work of children's clubs, circles, sections and other amateur associations, a variety of individual and joint activities of students (pupils, children) and adults. Supervises work in one of the areas of activity of an educational institution: technical, artistic, sports, tourism and local history, etc. Promotes the realization of the rights of students (pupils, children) to create children's associations, associations. Organizes evenings, holidays, hikes, excursions; supports socially significant initiatives of students, pupils, children in the field of their free time, leisure and entertainment, focusing on the personality of the student, pupil, child, the development of his motivation, cognitive interests, abilities. Organizes independent activities of students (pupils, children), including research, includes problem-based learning in the educational process, helps to ensure the connection of learning with practice. Analyzes the achievements of students, pupils, children. Evaluates the effectiveness of their learning, based on the development of experience in creative activity, the cognitive interest of students (pupils, children), using computer technology, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, in other forms of methodological work, in the work of conducting parent meetings, health-improving, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to parents or persons replacing them. Involves employees of cultural and sports institutions, parents (persons replacing them), the public to work with students (pupils, children). Provides support to children's forms of organizing the work of students (pupils, children), organizes their vacations. Ensures the protection of life and health of students (pupils, children) during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; the specifics of the development of the interests and needs of students, pupils, children, their creative activity; methodology for finding and supporting young talents; content, methodology and organization of one of the types of creative activity: scientific and technical, aesthetic, tourist and local history, recreational and sports, leisure; the procedure for developing training programs for circles, sections, studios, club associations, the basis for the activities of children's groups, organizations and associations; methods and ways of using educational technologies, including remote ones; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents, persons replacing them, work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" or in the field corresponding to the profile of work without presenting requirements for work experience.

Social teacher

Job responsibilities. Carries out a set of measures for the upbringing, education, development and social protection of the individual in institutions, organizations and at the place of residence of students (pupils, children). It studies the characteristics of the personality of students (pupils, children) and their microenvironment, their living conditions. Identifies the interests and needs, difficulties and problems, conflict situations, deviations in the behavior of students (pupils, children) and provides them with social assistance and support in a timely manner. Acts as an intermediary between students (pupils, children) and an institution, organization, family, environment, specialists from various social services, departments and administrative bodies. Defines the tasks, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work with students (pupils, children), ways to solve personal and social problems using modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources. Takes measures for social protection and social assistance, realization of the rights and freedoms of the personality of students (pupils, children). Organizes various types of social significant activities students (pupils, children) and adults, activities aimed at the development of social initiatives, the implementation social projects and programs, participates in their development and approval. Contributes to the establishment of humane, morally healthy relations in the social environment. It contributes to the creation of an environment of psychological comfort and personal safety of students (pupils, children), ensures the protection of their life and health. Organizes a variety of activities of students (pupils, children), focusing on the characteristics of their personality, the development of their motivation for relevant activities, cognitive interests, abilities, using computer technology, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Participates in the organization of their independent activities, including research. Discusses with students (pupils, children) current events of our time. Participates in the implementation of work on employment, patronage, housing, benefits, pensions, savings deposits, use valuable papers students (pupils, children) from among orphans and left without parental care. Interacts with teachers, parents (persons replacing them), specialists of social services, family and youth employment services, charitable organizations, etc. in assisting students (pupils, children) in need of guardianship and guardianship, with disabilities, deviant behavior, as well as caught in extreme situations. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, in other forms of methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of parent meetings, recreational, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them) of students (pupils) , children). Ensures the protection of life and health of students (pupils, children) during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of social policy, law and state building, labor and family legislation; general and social pedagogy; pedagogical, social, developmental and child psychology; basics of health saving and organization healthy lifestyle life, social hygiene; socio-pedagogical and diagnostic methods; methods and ways of using educational technologies, including remote ones; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, developmental learning; basics of working with personal computer, with e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students (pupils, children) of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; socio-pedagogical diagnostics (surveys, individual and group interviews), skills of socio-pedagogical correction, stress relief, etc.; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the areas of training "Education and Pedagogy", "Social Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience.

Teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist (speech therapist) 2

Job responsibilities. Carries out work aimed at the maximum correction of developmental deficiencies in students, pupils with developmental disabilities, including those in special (correctional) educational institutions created for students, pupils with disabilities (for the deaf, hard of hearing and late deaf, blind, visually impaired and late blind children, children with severe speech disorders, with impaired musculoskeletal system, with mental retardation, mentally retarded and other children with disabilities health opportunities). Carries out a survey of students, pupils, determines the structure and severity of their developmental disorders. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students, pupils. Conducts group and individual classes to correct developmental deficiencies, restore impaired functions. Works in close contact with teachers, educators and other teaching staff, attends classes and lessons. Advises teachers and parents (persons replacing them) on the use of special methods and techniques for helping children with disabilities. Maintains required documentation. It contributes to the formation of a general culture of the individual, socialization, conscious choice and development of professional programs. Implements educational programs. Completes groups for classes, taking into account the psychophysical state of students, pupils. It studies the individual characteristics, abilities, interests and inclinations of students, pupils in order to create conditions for ensuring their development in accordance with the age norm, the growth of their cognitive motivation and the formation of educational independence, the formation of competencies using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching, modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources, ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies. Respects the rights and freedoms of students, pupils, ensures the protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the work of holding parent meetings, health-improving, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; anatomical, physiological and clinical foundations of defectology; methods and techniques for preventing and correcting deviations in the development of students and pupils; regulatory and methodological documents on issues of professional and practical activities; program and methodological literature on working with students, pupils with developmental disabilities; the latest achievements of defectological and pedagogical sciences; rules on labor protection and fire safety; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of defectology without presenting requirements for work experience.

Educational psychologist

Job responsibilities. Implements professional activity aimed at maintaining the mental, somatic and social well-being of students, pupils in the process of education and training in educational institutions. Promotes the protection of the rights of the individual in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Contributes to the harmonization of the social sphere of the educational institution and implements preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of social maladaptation. Determines the factors hindering the development of the personality of students, pupils and takes measures to provide them with various types of psychological assistance (psycho-correctional, rehabilitation, advisory). Provides advisory assistance to students, pupils, their parents (persons replacing them), the teaching staff in solving specific problems. Conducts psychological diagnostics ; using modern educational technologies, including information and digital educational resources. Carries out diagnostic, psycho-correctional rehabilitation, advisory work, based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies. Draws up psychological and pedagogical conclusions based on research papers in order to guide the teaching staff, as well as parents (persons replacing them) in the problems of personal and social development of students and pupils. Maintains documentation in the prescribed form, using it for its intended purpose. Participates in the planning and development of developmental and correctional programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and gender and age characteristics of students, pupils, in ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state educational requirements. It contributes to the development of students' readiness for orientation in various situations of life and professional self-determination. Provides psychological support to creatively gifted students, pupils, promotes their development and organization of a developing environment. Determines the degree of developmental disorders (mental, physiological, emotional) in students, pupils, as well as various types of social development disorders and conducts their psychological and pedagogical correction. Participates in the formation of the psychological culture of students, pupils, teachers and parents (persons replacing them), including the culture of sexual education. Advises employees of an educational institution on the development of students, pupils, the practical application of psychology for solving pedagogical problems, improving the socio-psychological competence of students, pupils, teachers, parents (persons replacing them). Analyzes the achievement and confirmation by students of the levels of development and education (educational qualifications). Evaluates the effectiveness of the educational activities of teachers and teaching staff, taking into account the development of the personality of students, using computer technology, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of parent meetings, recreational, educational and other events provided for by the educational program, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; Declaration of human rights and freedoms; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; normative documents regulating the issues of labor protection, health care, career guidance, employment of students, pupils and their social protection; general psychology; pedagogical psychology, general pedagogy, personality psychology and differential psychology, child and developmental psychology, social psychology, medical psychology, child neuropsychology, patho psychology, psychosomatics; fundamentals of defectology, psychotherapy, sexology, psychohygiene, career guidance, vocational studies and labor psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling and psychoprophylaxis; methods active learning, socio-psychological training of communication; modern methods of individual and group professional consultation, diagnosis and correction of normal and abnormal development of the child; methods and techniques of working with students, pupils with disabilities; methods and ways of using educational technologies, including remote ones; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; the basics of working with a personal computer, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of study "Pedagogy and Psychology" without presenting requirements for work experience or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of study "Pedagogy and Psychology" without presenting requirements for work experience.

Educator (including senior)

Job responsibilities. Carries out activities for the upbringing of children in educational institutions and their structural divisions (boarding school at the school, hostel, groups, after-school groups, etc.), other institutions and organizations. Contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for individual development and moral formation of the personality of students, pupils, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of their education. Carries out the study of the personality of students, their inclinations, interests, promotes the growth of their cognitive motivation and the formation of their educational independence, the formation of competencies; organizes the preparation of homework. Creates a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each student, pupil. Promotes the development of communication between students and pupils. Helps the student, pupil to solve problems that arise in communication with comrades, teachers, parents (persons replacing them). Provides assistance to students, pupils in educational activities, helps to ensure the level of their preparation that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, federal state educational requirements. Helps to get additional education students, pupils through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations organized in institutions, at the place of residence. In accordance with the individual and age interests of students, pupils improves the life of the team of students, pupils. Respects the rights and freedoms of students, pupils, is responsible for their life, health and safety during the educational process. Conducts observations (monitoring) of the health, development and education of students, pupils, including with the help of electronic forms. Develops a plan (program) of educational work with a group of students, pupils. Together with self-government bodies of students, pupils actively promotes a healthy lifestyle. Works in close contact with teachers, a teacher-psychologist, other pedagogical workers, parents (persons replacing them) of students, pupils. Based on the study of individual characteristics, recommendations of a teacher-psychologist, he plans and conducts correctional and developmental work with students, pupils with disabilities (with a group or individually). Coordinates the activities of the assistant educator, junior educator. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the work of holding parent meetings, health-improving, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). Makes suggestions to improve the educational process. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of a senior educator, along with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the position of educator, he coordinates the activities of educators, teaching staff in designing the developing educational environment of an educational institution. It provides methodological assistance to educators, contributes to the generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, advanced training of educators, and the development of their creative initiatives.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, child, developmental and social psychology; psychology of relationships, individual and age characteristics of children and adolescents, age-related physiology, school hygiene; methods and forms of monitoring the activities of students, pupils; pedagogical ethics; theory and methodology of educational work, organization of free time of students, pupils; methods of managing educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience.

For the senior educator - higher professional education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" and work experience as an educator for at least 2 years.

Tutor 4

Job responsibilities. Organizes the process of individual work with students to identify, form and develop their cognitive interests; organizes their personal support in the educational space of pre-profile training and profile training; coordinates the search for information by students for self-education; accompanies the process of forming their personality (helps them understand successes, failures, formulate a personal order for the learning process, build goals for the future). Together with the student, distributes and evaluates the resources of all types available to him to achieve the goals set; coordinates the relationship of the cognitive interests of students and areas of pre-profile training and profile education: determines the list and methodology of subject and orientation courses taught, information and advisory work, career guidance systems, selects the optimal organizational structure for this relationship. Assists the student in the conscious choice of an education strategy, overcoming the problems and difficulties of the self-education process; creates conditions for real individualization of the learning process (drawing up individual curricula and planning individual educational and professional trajectories); ensures the level of training of students that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, conducts a joint reflective analysis with the student of his activities and results aimed at analyzing the choice of his strategy in training, adjusting individual curricula. Organizes the interaction of the student with teachers and other pedagogical workers to correct the individual curriculum, promotes the generation of his creative potential and participation in project and research activities, taking into account interests. Organizes interaction with parents, persons replacing them, to identify, form and develop the cognitive interests of students, including primary and secondary school ages, draw up, adjust individual educational (educational) plans of students, analyze and discuss with them the progress and results of the implementation of these plans. Monitors the dynamics of the process of becoming a student's choice of the path of their education. Organizes individual and group consultations for students, parents (persons replacing them) on the elimination of educational difficulties, correction of individual needs, development and realization of abilities and capabilities, using various technologies and methods of communication with a student (a group of students), including electronic forms (Internet -technologies) for the qualitative implementation of joint activities with the student. Supports the student's cognitive interest, analyzing the prospects for development and the possibility of expanding its range. Synthesizes cognitive interest with other interests, subjects of study. Contributes to the most complete realization of the creative potential and cognitive activity of the student. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of parent meetings, recreational, educational and other events provided for by the educational program of the educational institution, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to parents of students (persons replacing them). Provides and analyzes the achievement and confirmation by students of the levels of education (educational qualifications). Controls and evaluates the effectiveness of the construction and implementation of the educational program (individual and educational institutions), taking into account the success of students' self-determination, mastery of skills, development of experience in creative activity, cognitive interest of students, using computer technologies, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Ensures the protection of life and health of students during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of pedagogy, child, developmental and social psychology; psychology of relationships, individual and age characteristics of children and adolescents, age-related physiology, school hygiene; methods and forms of monitoring the activities of students; pedagogical ethics; theory and methodology of educational work, organization of students' free time; technologies of open education and tutor technologies; methods of managing educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of establishing contacts with students of different ages and their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues, persuasion, argumentation of one's position; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, law, sociology; organization of financial and economic activities of an educational institution; administrative, labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" and at least 2 years of teaching experience.

senior counselor

Job responsibilities. Promotes the development and activities of children public organizations, associations, helps in the development and implementation of programs for their activities on the principles of voluntariness, initiative, humanity and democracy, taking into account the initiative, interests and needs of students (pupils, children). In accordance with the age interests of students (pupils, children) and the requirements of life, organizes their collective creative activities, promotes the renewal of the content and forms of activity of children's public organizations, associations. Provides conditions for broad information of students (pupils, children) about existing children's public organizations, associations. It creates favorable conditions that allow students, pupils, children to show a civil and moral position, to realize their interests and needs, to spend their free time interestingly and with benefit for their development. Takes care of the health and safety of students (pupils, children). Organizes, participates in the organization of vacations, studying and using best practices in working with children and adolescents. Carries out work on the selection and training of leaders (organizers) of primary teams of children's public organizations, associations. Provides interaction between self-government bodies of educational institutions, teaching staff of educational institutions and children's public organizations. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of parent meetings, recreational, educational and other events provided for by the educational program of the educational institution, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them) of students ( pupils, children). Ensures the protection of life and health of students (pupils, children) during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities, sports and recreational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; patterns and trends in the development of the children's movement; pedagogy, child developmental and social psychology; individual and age characteristics of students, pupils, children; the specifics of the work of children's public organizations, associations, the development of the interests and needs of students and pupils; methodology for finding and supporting talents, organizing leisure activities; the basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contact with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), pedagogical workers; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Teacher of additional education (including senior)

Job responsibilities. Carries out additional education of students, pupils in accordance with its educational program, develops their various creative activities. Completes the composition of students, pupils of the circle, section, studio, club and other children's associations and takes measures to preserve the contingent of students, pupils during the period of study. Provides a pedagogically sound choice of forms, means and methods of work (training) based on psychophysiological and pedagogical expediency, using modern educational technologies, including information and digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies. Ensures the observance of the rights and freedoms of students and pupils. Participates in the development and implementation of educational programs. Makes plans and programs of classes, ensures their implementation. It reveals the creative abilities of students, pupils, contributes to their development, the formation of stable professional interests and inclinations. Organizes various activities of students, pupils, focusing on their personalities, develops the motivation of their cognitive interests and abilities. Organizes independent activities of students, pupils, including research, includes problem-based learning in the educational process, connects learning with practice, discusses current events of our time with students, pupils. Provides and analyzes the achievements of students, pupils. Evaluates the effectiveness of training, taking into account the mastery of skills, the development of experience in creative activity, cognitive interest, using computer technology, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Provides special support to gifted and talented students, pupils, as well as students, pupils with developmental disabilities. Organizes the participation of students, pupils in public events. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, associations, other forms of methodological work, in the work of holding parent meetings, health-improving, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents or persons replacing them, as well as teaching staff within their competence. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Ensures compliance with the rules of labor protection and fire safety during classes. When performing the duties of a senior teacher of additional education, along with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the position of a teacher of additional education, he coordinates the activities of teachers of additional education, other pedagogical workers in designing the developing educational environment of an educational institution. It provides methodological assistance to teachers of additional education, contributes to the generalization of their advanced pedagogical experience and advanced training, the development of their creative initiatives.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; the specifics of the development of the interests and needs of students, pupils, the basis of their creative activity; methodology for finding and supporting young talents; the content of the curriculum, the methodology and organization of additional education for children, scientific, technical, aesthetic, tourist and local history, health-improving, sports, leisure activities; study programs for circles, sections, studios, club associations; activities of children's groups, organizations and associations; methods of mastery development; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents, persons replacing them, work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; technologies of pedagogical diagnostics; the basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in a field corresponding to the profile of a circle, section, studio, club and other children's association without presenting requirements for work experience or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of "Education and Pedagogy" without presentation work experience requirements.

For a senior teacher of additional education - higher professional education and at least 2 years of teaching experience.

Musical director

Job responsibilities. Carries out the development of musical abilities and emotional sphere, creative activity of pupils. Forms their aesthetic taste, using different types and forms of organization of musical activity. Participates in the development of the educational program of the educational institution. Coordinates the work of the teaching staff and parents (persons replacing them) on the musical education of children, determines the directions of their participation in the development of musical abilities, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the pupils, as well as their creative abilities. Determines the content of music lessons, taking into account the age, preparedness, individual and psychophysical characteristics of pupils, using modern forms, teaching methods, educational, musical technologies, achievements of world and domestic musical culture, modern methods for assessing the achievements of pupils. Participates in organizing and conducting mass events with pupils as part of the educational program of the educational institution (musical evenings, entertainment, singing, round dances, dances, puppet and shadow theater and other events), sports events with pupils, provides them with musical accompaniment. Advises parents (persons replacing them) and educators on the preparation of pupils for their participation in mass, festive events. Ensures the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in holding parent-teacher meetings, health-improving, educational and other events provided for by the educational program. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy and psychology; age physiology, anatomy; sanitation and hygiene; individual features of the development of children, musical perception, emotions, motor skills and musical abilities of children of different ages; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contact with pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), teachers, musical works of the children's repertoire; when working with children with developmental disabilities - the basics of defectology and the appropriate methods of teaching them; modern educational musical technologies, achievements of world and domestic musical culture; the basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment, music editors; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy", professional mastery of the technique of performing on a musical instrument without presenting requirements for work experience.


Job responsibilities. Develops thematic plans and programs together with teachers of special and major disciplines. Conducts individual and group training sessions with students, relying on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, as well as modern information technologies, provides musical accompaniment to training sessions. Forms performing skills in students, instills in them the skills of ensemble playing, contributes to the development of their artistic taste, the expansion of musical and figurative representations and the education of creative individuality, organizes their independent activities using modern educational technologies, including information and computer technologies, as well as digital educational resources . Provides professional performance of musical material at lessons, exams, tests, concerts (performances), demonstration performances (sports competitions in sports, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, swimming). Reads from a sheet, transposes musical works. Coordinates the work of accompaniment during music classes and public events. Evaluates the effectiveness of training, mastering skills, developing the experience of creative activity, cognitive interest, participates in the certification of students. Takes part in the development of thematic plans, programs (general, special, major disciplines). Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in recreational, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program. Provides protection of life and health of students during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; methods of teaching and educational work, musical and educational activities; programs and textbooks in the field of musical activity; musical works of different eras, styles and genres, their traditions of interpretation; methodology for conducting classes and rehearsals; fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology; rules and methods for arranging musical fragments, selecting music for individual elements of movements, taking into account the individual physical data of students; methods of development of students, the formation of performing skills, mastery; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of establishing contact with students of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues, musical works of the children's repertoire; technologies of pedagogical diagnostics and correction; the basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment, music editors; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational (musical) education or secondary vocational (musical) education, professional mastery of the technique of performing on a musical instrument without presenting requirements for work experience.

Head of Physical Education

Job responsibilities. Plans and organizes the conduct of educational, optional and extracurricular activities in physical education (physical culture) in institutions (divisions) of primary and secondary vocational education. Carries out physical education classes for students in the amount of not more than 360 hours per year. Supervises the work of physical education teachers. Organizes records of student progress and attendance. Introduces the most effective forms, methods and means of physical education of students, provides control over their health and physical development during the entire period of study, over professional and applied physical training. Organizes, with the participation of health care institutions, a medical examination and testing of students in physical training. Provides organization and holding of health-improving physical culture events during extracurricular and vacation time, organizes the work of sports and recreation camps. Takes measures for the physical rehabilitation of students with deviations in health and poor physical fitness. Organizes the work of sports and health centers, health cabinets. Carries out control over the condition and operation of existing sports facilities and premises, safety during training sessions, storage and proper use of sports uniforms, inventory and equipment. Plans appropriations for the acquisition of sports equipment. Assists in the training of public physical education personnel. Prepares reports in the prescribed form, including using electronic forms of documentation. Makes suggestions to improve the educational process. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Ensures the protection of life and health of students during the educational process. Communicates with the parents of students (persons replacing them). Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports, recreational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology, theory and methodology of physical education; rules for the protection of life and health of students; methodology for conducting classes at sports facilities and equipment; forms of reporting documentation; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of establishing contact with students of different ages, their parents, teachers; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports without presenting requirements for work experience or higher professional education and additional professional education in the field of physical culture and sports without presenting requirements for work experience, or secondary vocational education and work experience in the field of physical culture and sports for at least 2 years .

Physical education instructor

Job responsibilities. Organizes leisure students, pupils in the mode of educational and extracurricular time of an educational institution. Organizes and conducts with the participation of teachers and parents (persons replacing them) physical culture and sports holidays, competitions, health days and other recreational activities. Organizes the work of circles and sports sections. Carries out relations with institutions of additional education of a sports orientation and sports institutions. Organizes the activity of a sports asset. Carries out educational work among parents (persons replacing them) of students, pupils, teachers with the involvement of relevant specialists. Determines the content of classes, taking into account age, readiness, individual and psychophysical characteristics, interests of students, pupils. Conducts work on mastering the skills and techniques of performing physical exercises by students, pupils, forms their moral and volitional qualities. Ensures the safety of students, pupils during physical and sports activities, provides them with first aid. Constantly monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and the condition of the premises. Together with medical workers monitors the health status of students, pupils and regulates their physical activity, monitors the quality health work in an educational institution using electronic forms for recording health and physical activity indicators. In the implementation of physical education and health work with students, pupils in swimming pools, together with teaching staff, work on teaching them to swim, taking into account the age composition of the group; draws up a schedule of swimming lessons for each group, keeps a journal, fixing the content of swimming lessons and mastering it by students, pupils, organizes preliminary work with parents (persons replacing them) to prepare students, young children for classes in the pool, conducts conversations, briefings with students, pupils who begin classes in the pool, about the rules of conduct in the pool and their implementation. Taking into account the age of students, pupils of younger age, assists them in changing clothes and taking a shower, teaches them to comply with hygiene requirements; maintains contact with medical staff, checks the hygienic condition of the pool. Advises and coordinates the activities of teachers on the theory and practice of physical education of students and pupils. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the work of holding parent meetings, health-improving, educational and other events provided for by the educational program, in organizing and conducting methodological and advisory assistance to parents or persons replacing them. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports, recreational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy and psychology; age physiology, anatomy; sanitation and hygiene; methods of training on sports equipment and devices; methodology for teaching game sports, swimming; rules of conduct on the water; safety rules during physical culture and recreation activities; the basics of correctional and health-improving work and appropriate methods (when working with children with developmental disabilities); modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of establishing contact with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), teachers; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; regulations internal regulations(work schedule) of an educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports, first aid without presenting requirements for work experience.

Methodist (including senior)

Job responsibilities. Carries out methodical work in educational institutions of all types and kinds, multimedia libraries, methodological, educational and methodological rooms (centers) (hereinafter referred to as institutions). Analyzes the state of educational-methodical (educational-training) and educational work in institutions and develops proposals to improve its effectiveness. Takes part in the development of methodological and informational materials, diagnostics, forecasting and planning of training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists of institutions. Provides assistance to teaching staff of institutions in determining the content of curricula, forms, methods and means of education, in organizing work on the scientific and methodological support of educational activities of institutions, in developing working educational (subject) programs (modules) in disciplines and training courses. Organizes the development, review and preparation for approval of educational and methodological documentation and manuals for academic disciplines, standard lists of equipment, didactic materials, etc. Analyzes and summarizes the results of the experimental work of institutions. Summarizes and takes measures to disseminate the most effective experience of teaching staff. Organizes and coordinates the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers, provides them with advisory and practical assistance in relevant areas of activity. Participates in the organization of advanced training and retraining of employees in the relevant areas of their activities, in the scientific and methodological support of the content of education, in the development of long-term plans for ordering textbooks, manuals, methodological materials. Summarizes and disseminates information about advanced technologies of education and upbringing (including information technologies), advanced domestic and world experience in the field of education. Organizes and develops the necessary documentation for holding competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, rallies, competitions, etc. In institutions of additional education, participates in the acquisition study groups, circles and associations of students. Makes proposals for improving the educational process in an educational institution. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of a senior methodologist, along with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the position of a methodologist, he supervises subordinate executors. Participates in the development of long-term plans for the publication of textbooks, methodological materials.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; principles of didactics; fundamentals of pedagogy and developmental psychology; general and private teaching technologies; principles of methodological support of an educational subject or area of ​​activity; a system for organizing the educational process in an educational institution; principles and procedure for the development of educational and program documentation, curricula for specialties, educational programs, standard lists of educational equipment and other educational and methodological documentation; methodology for identifying, generalizing and disseminating effective forms and methods of pedagogical work; principles of organization and content of the work of methodological associations of pedagogical workers of institutions; the basics of working with publishing houses; principles of systematization of methodological and informational materials; basic requirements for audiovisual and interactive teaching aids, organization of their rental; maintenance of the fund of teaching aids; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), pedagogical workers; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; basics of working with a text editor, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years. For a senior methodologist - higher professional education and work experience as a methodologist for at least 2 years.

Methodist instructor (including senior)

Job responsibilities. Organizes methodological support and coordination of the work of educational institutions (departments of educational institutions) of a sports orientation for the selection of children in groups for physical culture and sports classes, their sports orientation. Organizes and coordinates the training and educational process, determines its content, ensures the work of conducting training sessions. Organizes work to improve the skills of trainers-teachers, conducting open lessons. Carries out control over the acquisition of training groups (sections), the content and results of the educational and training and educational processes, over the quantitative and qualitative composition of sections (groups). Maintains a statistical record of the results of the work of an educational institution (a department of an educational institution) of a sports orientation at the stages of sports training, as well as long-term accounting, analysis and generalization of the results, content and work experience of trainers-teachers of an educational institution (a department of an educational institution) of a sports orientation. Together with the medical service, it monitors proper organization medical control over students, pupils. Organizes and develops the necessary documentation for the competition. Provides advisory and practical assistance to teaching staff of educational institutions in the relevant areas of activity. Participates in the organization of advanced training and retraining of pedagogical workers in the areas of physical culture and sports training. Organizes work on scientific and methodological support of the content of education. Participates in the development of long-term plans for the publication of textbooks, methodological materials. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Ensures the protection of life and health of students, pupils during the training and educational processes. Communicates with parents or persons replacing them. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of a senior instructor-methodist, along with the duties of the position of an instructor-methodologist, he coordinates the work of instructor-methodologists of an educational institution of a sports orientation, conducts seminars for trainers-teachers and instructors-methodologists, supervises subordinate performers or an independent work site, the work of methodological associations of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports, recreational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; principles of didactics; fundamentals of pedagogy and developmental psychology; general and private teaching technologies; methods of mastering and principles of methodological support of a subject or area of ​​activity; a system for organizing the educational process in an educational institution of a sports orientation; methodology for identifying, summarizing and disseminating effective forms and methods of pedagogical work in the field of physical education and sports; principles of organization and content of the work of methodological associations of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports; the basics of working with publishing houses; principles of systematization of methodological and informational materials; basic requirements for audiovisual and interactive teaching aids, organization of their rental; maintenance of the fund of teaching aids; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports without presenting requirements for work experience or higher professional education in the field of training "Education and Pedagogy" and additional professional education in the field of physical culture and sports without presenting requirements for work experience.

For a senior instructor-methodologist - higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports and work experience as a methodologist, instructor-methodologist for at least 2 years.

Labor Instructor

Job responsibilities. Forms labor skills and abilities in students, pupils, prepares them for practical application acquired knowledge. Carries out vocational guidance work with students, pupils, organizes their socially useful and productive work, participates in pre-profile training of adolescents and organization of vocational training for high school students, expands the knowledge of students, pupils about work and its types, using modern knowledge about labor, educational and production technologies. It contributes to the formation of the main components of communicative, informational, legal competence of students and pupils. Ensures the implementation of the training program. Takes the necessary measures to equip workshops with equipment, technical means, tools and materials, is responsible for their safety and rational use. Performs routine and preventive maintenance of equipment technical means or organize it. Ensures that students and pupils fulfill the requirements of labor protection and fire safety. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Provides first aid if needed. Applies the skills of working with a personal computer, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the organization and conduct of recreational, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to pedagogical workers. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; forms and methods of training and education; instructive and normative documents and recommendations on the organization of labor training and education; the concept of specialized education; methods of mastery development; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), work colleagues; current standards and technical conditions for the operation of equipment, technical means; basics of labor organization; ways to provide first aid; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience.

Lecturer-organizer of the basics of life safety

Job responsibilities. Carries out training and education of students, pupils, taking into account the specifics of courses on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training in the amount of not more than 9 hours per week (360 hours per year). Organizes, plans and conducts training, incl. optional and extracurricular activities, using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of education. Organizes a variety of activities of students, pupils, focusing on the personality of students, pupils, the development of motivation for their cognitive interests, abilities. Organizes independent activities of students, pupils, problem-based learning, connects learning with practice. Discusses current events of our time with students and pupils. Contributes to the formation of a general culture of the individual. Evaluates the effectiveness of training, taking into account the development of knowledge, mastery of skills, the development of experience in creative activity, cognitive interest, exercises control and certification of students, pupils, using modern information, computer technologies in their activities. Participates in the planning and implementation of measures for the protection of labor of employees of an educational institution, as well as the life and health of students and pupils. Collaborates with interested organizations. Together with health care institutions, it organizes a medical examination of young men of pre-conscription and military age for their registration in military registration and enlistment offices. Provides assistance to military enlistment offices in the selection of young men for admission to military educational institutions. Keeps records of those liable for military service in an educational institution and submits relevant reports to the military registration and enlistment offices. Develops a civil defense plan (GO) for an educational institution. Organizes civil defense classes with employees of an educational institution. Prepares and conducts command and staff, tactical and special exercises and other civil defense events. Participates in ensuring the functioning of an educational institution in the event of various emergencies. Ensures the maintenance of protective structures, personal protective equipment and defense formations in proper readiness. Conducts workshops and training of students, pupils and employees of an educational institution on actions in extreme situations. Ensures the creation and improvement of the educational and material base, the observance by students and pupils of safety rules when conducting classes in the courses of the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training, is responsible for the safety of the property of the civil defense. Prepares reports in the prescribed form, including using electronic forms of documentation. Makes suggestions to improve the educational process. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Communicates with parents (persons replacing them). Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; legislation in the field of civil defense and ensuring the functioning of an educational institution in emergency situations; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology; theory and methodology of the basics of life safety; rules for the protection of life and health of students; methods of work on sports equipment and devices; organizational structures warning and emergency response systems; basic principles and methods of protecting the population in case of natural and environmental disasters, major industrial accidents, catastrophes, as well as protection against modern weapons; the procedure for notifying the population in case of emergencies; rules and methods of carrying out activities in emergency situations; first aid methods; theory and methods of educational systems management; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), pedagogical workers; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education and professional training in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" or HE without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" or HE and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years, or secondary vocational ( military) education and additional professional education in the field of education and pedagogy and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years.

Trainer-teacher (including senior)

Job responsibilities. Carries out a set of sports school, a section, a group of sports and health-improving orientation of children and adolescents who want to engage in physical culture and sports and do not have medical contraindications. Selects the most promising students, pupils for their further sports improvement. Conducts training and educational work, using a variety of techniques, methods and teaching aids, modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of methodological, pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies using the most effective methods of sports training for students and their health improvement. Organizes a variety of activities for students, pupils, incl. independent, research, problem-based learning, focusing on their personality, the development of motivation for their cognitive interests, abilities; connects learning with practice, discusses current events of our time with students and pupils. Provides and analyzes the achievement and confirmation by students, pupils of the levels of sports (physical) training, evaluates the effectiveness of their training using modern information and computer technology, incl. text editors and spreadsheets in their activities. Provides an increase in the level of physical, theoretical, moral-volitional, technical and sports training of students, pupils, strengthening and protecting their health in the process of training, safety of the training process. Conducts preventive work to counteract the use of various types of doping by students and pupils. Conducts systematic accounting, analysis, generalization of the results of work, including using electronic forms. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of parent meetings, recreational, educational and other events provided for by the educational program, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to parents, persons replacing them. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of a senior trainer-teacher, along with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the position of a trainer-teacher, he coordinates the activities of trainers-teachers and other pedagogical workers in designing the developing educational environment of an educational institution. It provides methodological assistance to trainers-teachers, contributes to the generalization of their advanced pedagogical experience and advanced training, the development of their creative initiatives.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational, physical culture and sports, recreational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; age and special pedagogy and psychology; physiology, hygiene; teaching methodology; features of the physical development of students, pupils of different ages; methods of sports training of students, pupils and their rehabilitation; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developing learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach, the basics of working with a personal computer, with e-mail and browsers; multimedia equipment; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contact with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons, substitutes), work colleagues; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; technologies of pedagogical diagnostics and correction, stress relief, etc.; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports without presenting requirements for work experience or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the field of physical culture and sports without presenting requirements for work experience.

For a senior coach-teacher - higher professional education in the field of physical culture and sports and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years.

Master of industrial training

Job responsibilities. Conducts practical classes and training and production work related to vocational (industrial) training. Participates in the work on the professional orientation of students, using modern educational technologies, including information, as well as digital educational resources. Conducts training sessions based on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, as well as modern information technologies. Prepares equipment and appropriate equipment for classes, improves the material base. Manages the garage, workshop, office and takes measures to ensure their timely provision of equipment, tools, materials, spare parts and training aids. Ensures compliance with labor safety, mastery of advanced labor methods, modern equipment and production technology by students. Organizes the implementation of practical work, as well as work on the manufacture of high-quality products and the provision of services to the population. Participates in the conclusion of contracts with organizations and farms on the conduct of educational (industrial) practice and monitors their implementation. Prepares students, pupils to perform qualifying work and pass qualifying exams. Participates in the work of subject (cyclic) commissions (methodological associations, departments), conferences, seminars, pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the preparation and conduct of parent meetings, health-improving, educational and other events provided for by the educational program, in organizing and providing methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them). It contributes to the general educational, professional, cultural development of students, attracts them to technical creativity. Ensures the protection of life and health of students during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; training programs for industrial training; production technology according to the profile of education; rules for the technical operation of production equipment; fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology; methods of professional training and education of students; methods of mastery development; modern pedagogical technologies for productive, differentiated, developmental learning, the implementation of a competency-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contact with students, pupils, children of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), colleagues at work, technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; technologies of pedagogical diagnostics; the basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in areas corresponding to the profiles of study and additional vocational education in the field of study "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience.

IV. Teaching support staff positions

Duty officer (including senior)

Job responsibilities. Carries out constant monitoring of the behavior of pupils with deviant behavior on the territory of a special educational institution and beyond. Prevents violations of discipline and order. Supervises the observance of the daily routine and the implementation of the rules of conduct by the pupils. Identifies pupils prone to runaways and violations of discipline, and carries out preventive work. While on duty, he checks the vehicles entering the territory of the educational institution and leaving it, as well as the goods they carry, keeps the appropriate records in the prescribed manner. Fulfills the instructions of the deputy director of a special educational institution for the regime or a representative of the administration in the event of unrest or in cases of indiscipline of individual pupils. Participates in the search for pupils who arbitrarily left a special educational institution. Responsible for the observance by the pupils in the quarantine room of the daily routine and rules of conduct. In order to identify and confiscate illegal and prohibited items, things and foodstuffs from the pupils, he carries out a personal search of the pupils, as well as household, play and other premises, drawing up an act on the results of the examination. Ensures the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety. When performing the duties of a senior duty officer in the order, he organizes the work of duty officers in the regime. In case of absence of pupils during the checks, it establishes the reason for their absence and location, takes, if necessary, measures to search for them and return them to a special educational institution. In the absence of the deputy director of a special educational institution, he performs his duties according to the regime.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; regulatory documents on the work of a special educational institution; pedagogy, pedagogical and developmental psychology; sanitary rules for the maintenance and regime of a special educational institution; fundamentals of labor legislation; requirements for the protection of the rights of minors; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education according to the established program without presenting requirements for work experience.

For a senior officer on duty - higher professional education or secondary vocational education and at least 2 years of work experience as a duty officer.


Job responsibilities. Contributes to the development and activities of the children's team (groups, divisions, associations) in various institutions (organizations) that work with children of different ages, including health educational institutions organized during the vacation period or operating on an ongoing basis (hereinafter - institutions). Provides assistance to the educator in programming the activities of pupils, children on the principles of voluntariness, initiative, humanity and democracy, taking into account their initiative, interests and needs. In accordance with the age interests and requirements of the life of pupils, children, it contributes to the renewal of the content and forms of activity of the children's team, organizes collective creative activity. Together with the educator and other employees of the institution, he takes care of the health and safety of pupils and children, creates favorable conditions that allow them to show a civil and moral position, realize their interests and needs, spend their free time interestingly and with benefit for their development, using the best experience of working with children and teenagers. Ensures the protection of life and health of pupils, children during the educational process. Carries out interaction with the senior counselor, self-government bodies, teaching staff of educational institutions and public organizations. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; bases of age and special pedagogy and psychology, physiology, hygiene; trends in the development of children's public organizations; fundamentals of child developmental and social psychology; individual and age characteristics of pupils, children; the specifics of the work of children's public organizations, associations, the development of the interests and needs of pupils, children; basics of creative activity; methodology for finding and supporting talents, organizing leisure activities; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements.

Assistant teacher

Job responsibilities. Participates in the planning and organization of the life of the pupils. Carries out daily work under the guidance of the educator, ensuring the creation of conditions for their socio-psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation. Together with medical workers and under the guidance of an educator, it ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, their observance of the daily routine. Organizes, taking into account the age of the pupils, self-service work, their compliance with labor protection requirements, and provides them with the necessary assistance. Participates in the work on the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits among pupils. Provides sanitary condition premises and equipment. Ensures the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process. Interacts with the parents of pupils (persons replacing them). Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, hygiene, first aid, children's rights, theory and methodology of educational work; rules for the protection of life and health of pupils, child care; sanitary and hygienic standards for the maintenance of premises, equipment, inventory; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Average (full) general education and vocational training in education and pedagogy with no work experience requirements.

junior caregiver

Job responsibilities. Participates in the planning and organization of the life of pupils, in conducting classes organized by the educator. Carries out daily work under the guidance of the educator, ensuring the creation of conditions for social and psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation of pupils. Together with medical workers and under the guidance of an educator, it ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, their observance of the daily routine. Organizes, taking into account the age of the pupils, their self-service work, their compliance with labor protection requirements, and provides them with the necessary assistance. Participates in the work on the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits among pupils. Ensures the condition of premises and equipment that meets the sanitary and hygienic standards for their maintenance. Interacts with the parents of pupils (persons replacing them). Ensures the protection of life and health of pupils during the educational process. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology, hygiene, first aid, theory and methodology of educational work; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them); rules for protecting the life and health of pupils, child care; sanitary and hygienic standards for the maintenance of premises, equipment, inventory, internal labor regulations of an educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and professional training in the field of education and pedagogy without presenting requirements for work experience.

Secretary of the educational department

Job responsibilities. Accepts incoming correspondence to the educational institution, transfers it in accordance with the instructions of the head of the educational institution in structural units or specific performers for use in the process of work or preparation of answers. Conducts office work, including in electronic form; prepares draft orders and instructions on the movement of the contingent of students, draws up personal files of those accepted for training, maintains an alphabetic book of students and records the hours of educational work of employees of an educational institution, processes and draws up the delivery of personal files of students to the archive. Performs various operations using computer technology for programs designed to collect, process and present information. Monitors the timely consideration and preparation of documents, orders received for execution by structural divisions of educational institutions and specific executors. On behalf of the director (his deputy), he draws up letters, requests, other documents, prepares answers to the authors of the appeals. Carries out control over the execution by employees of the educational institution of issued orders and instructions, as well as compliance with the deadlines for the execution of instructions and instructions of the head of the educational institution, taken under control. Works in close contact with the head of the educational institution (his deputies), teachers, heads of structural divisions. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; regulations and instructions for record keeping; the structure of the educational institution, its personnel; rules for the operation of office equipment; rules for the use of receiving and intercoms, fax, duplicator, scanner, computer; rules for working with text editors and spreadsheets, databases, e-mail, browsers; technology for creating, processing, transferring and storing documents; business correspondence rules; state standards for a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation; printing rules business letters using standard samples; foundations of ethics and aesthetics; business communication rules; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the field of office work without presenting a requirement for work experience or secondary (complete) general education and professional training in the field of office work without presenting a requirement for work experience.

Manager of an educational institution

Job responsibilities. Participates in the scheduling of classes (lessons) and the implementation of operational regulation of the organization of the educational process and other activities in the educational institution, its divisions in accordance with the educational program of the educational institution, including using computer programs and technologies. Controls the provision of classes, groups, departments of the educational institution with the necessary premises, educational and methodological materials, information technology equipment, as well as transport. Implements operational control over the course of the educational process, ensuring the rational use of educational and extracurricular premises of an educational institution. Ensures compliance with sanitary norms and rules when scheduling training sessions. Identifies the reserves of the educational process to establish the most rational modes of operation of information technology equipment, more complete and uniform loading of educational and methodological equipment and educational facilities of an educational institution. Provides rational use of modern electronic means operational management of the educational process in an educational institution. Maintains dispatch log electronic journal), presents reports, reports and other information about the course of the educational process. Participates in the work on the assessment of the schedule of classes in classes, groups, departments of the educational institution, gives recommendations for its improvement. Works in close connection with the deputy directors and heads of structural divisions of the educational institution, methodological associations of pedagogical workers. Follows the rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; the Convention on the Rights of the Child; guiding and regulatory documents relating to the planning and operational management of an educational institution; requirements for the organization of the educational process and the scheduling of training sessions; psychological and physiological characteristics of different school ages; modern educational technologies; computer programs for organizing the educational process in educational institutions; fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics, rules of business communication; internal labor regulations of the educational institution; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational education in the field of labor organization without presenting requirements for work experience.

1 Except for teachers classified as university professors.

2 The title of the position "Speech therapist" is not used in educational institutions, but is used in healthcare and social service institutions.

3 With the exception of duties for the direct upbringing of children in educational institutions in which the staffing table provides for an independent position of a senior educator.

4 With the exception of tutors employed in the field of higher and additional professional education.

For many workers personnel service the qualification directory of positions managed to become a reference book. Let's talk about the use of ETCS and CEN, as well as their upcoming cancellation in connection with the final transition to professional standards.

From the article you will learn:

Qualification guide positions - managers, specialists, workers - a set of characteristics of the main types of work in professions related to various sectors of the economy. On duty, any personnel officer with experience had to turn to him. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, together with the executive authorities regulating and coordinating individual economic sectors, is developing and updating unified tariff-qualification reference books (paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 787 of October 31, 2002).

Qualification directory of positions of workers and employees-2018: application procedure

Don't Miss: Top Article of the Month from an Expert Practitioner

5 main misconceptions about professional standards.

The status and procedure for the practical use of tariff-qualification guides is determined by Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, according to part 8 of article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when charging for work and assigning tariff categories to employees, the following apply:

  • unified tariff-qualification directory of works and professions of workers;
  • unified tariff qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees;
  • professional standards.

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There are even separate regulatory documents that describe in detail the rules for the application of ETKS (see "Procedure", approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 9 of February 9, 2004). Along with the provisions of the directories, state guarantees for wages, fixed by federal legislation, as well as recommendations from the tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations and the opinion of trade unions are taken into account. Details - in the notes "How to apply " And How ».

Important: the requirements of ETKS and CEN apply primarily to labor Relations, therefore, when concluding a civil law contract, the employer is not obliged to check the contractor for compliance with the criteria established by the directories.

Types and current editions of tariff-qualification guides

Currently, two types of qualification reference books are used - for workers (ETKS) and for employees, managers, specialists (EKS). The need to develop two separate documents arose due to significant differences in the specifics of the work assigned to different categories of personnel. Therefore, when setting tariffs or qualification requirements for working specialties (locksmith, foundry worker, welder, etc.), employers refer to ETKS, a directory of working professions.

If we are talking about a managerial or official position, the EKS is used - a unified qualification reference book for the positions of managers and employees. Read about the billing of different types of work in the article "How to install »: you will learn why it is so important to know the exact size of the minimum wage, how often the salary should be indexed and whether it is legal to set different salaries for employees holding the same position.

Unified qualification directory of workers' positions

The tariff and qualification guide used to determine the complexity and payment of work, as well as to assign categories to workers, consists of more than 70 issues.

Each issue is dedicated to certain areas and areas of the economy, for example:

  1. No. 5 - geological exploration and topographic and geodetic works (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 16 of February 17, 2000);
  2. No. 16 - for the production of medical instruments, instruments and equipment (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 38 dated 5.03.2004);
  3. No. 24 - for general professions in chemical industries (approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 208 dated March 28, 2006);
  4. No. 50 - for the extraction and processing of fish and seafood (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 73 of October 12, 2000);
  5. No. 52 - for railway, sea and river transport (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 68n dated February 18, 2013);
  6. No. 57 - advertising and design, restoration and layout work (approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia No. 135 dated March 21, 2008).

Some of the sections have lost their relevance (issues 30-31, 34, 38-39, 61-63, 65, 67-68), some were put into effect a very long time ago, still by Soviet decrees. For example, the sections “Dry cleaning and dyeing” and “Works and professions of laundry workers”, approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions No. 320 / 21-22 of October 31, 1984, have not yet been updated.

Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees

The unified qualification directory of positions of specialists and employees (EKS) developed by the Institute of Labor was approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of 08.21.1998. Since its approval, the document has been amended and supplemented more than ten times. The current version of the ETKS is applied without fail by all state and municipal organizations (in relation to positions for which professional standards have not been developed). Table "Categories and state civil service” will be useful for personnel officers of state institutions.

Requirements to commercial companies not so strict. Nevertheless, Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges all employers, without exception, to refer to professional standards or ETKS when entering positions in the staffing table related to the presence of restrictions or the provision of benefits. In other words, if the enterprise has positions that give the right to certain guarantees (early retirement, compensation for "harmfulness", etc.), their names must exactly match the wording of the ETKS or professional standards. Read more about the provision of benefits to employees in the articles "How to issue an employee's exit for "and" What compensation is due to the employee for work during ».

The document contains thirty sections in total. General characteristics positions applicable to employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations of all industries are given in the first section, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of 08.21.1998. The following are sections for individual industries:

  • research, design, design and survey areas;
  • health care;
  • education, including professional;
  • culture, art and cinematography;
  • labor protection;
  • electric power industry;
  • architectural and urban planning activities;
  • the spheres of civil defense and protection of the population from emergency situations, ensuring the safety of people at water, mountain and underground facilities;
  • geology and exploration of subsoil;
  • physical culture and sports;
  • tourism;
  • Agriculture;
  • state archives and documentation storage centers;
  • military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • centers of metrology, standardization and certification;
  • systems of the state material reserve;
  • legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization;
  • bodies for youth affairs;
  • road economy;
  • hydrometeorology;
  • countering technical intelligence and ensuring information security;
  • nuclear energy and floating nuclear power plants;
  • conflictology;
  • rocket and space industry;
  • translation activities;
  • forensic examination;
  • bodies of the Federal Migration Service.

If you pay attention to the dates of publication of orders of resolutions approving sections of the CEN, you can see that the most “fresh” provisions of the directory came into force in 2013. And since then they have not been updated, although before new sections were added almost annually. The reason for this state of affairs was the transition to professional standards - more convenient and modern system qualification assessments. Details - in the note "How to apply ”: the expert will explain who will be primarily affected by changes in legislation, how often qualification standards will be updated and how to check an employee for compliance with new requirements.

Question from practice

How in work book write down the position of the employee, if it was not indicated in the classifier of positions and professions?

Answer prepared in collaboration with the editors

Answered by Ivan Shklovets
Deputy Head Federal Service for work and employment

Indicate the name of the employee's position in the work book in accordance with the organization's staffing table. At formation of the staffing table to an arbitrary indication of the positions of employees who receive benefits and compensation.

For example, work in a particular position may entitle an employee to early retirement. The list of positions, work in which gives the right to early appointment of a pension, is listed in the articles And Law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ. If the position in the work book does not correspond to the qualification directory, the Pension Fund may deny the employee the right to an early pension ...

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Unified qualification directory of positions as a predecessor of professional standards

From the system of professional standards, in connection with which additional norms appeared in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 195.1-195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the unified qualification directory for the positions of managers, employees and specialists differs not only in format. Occupational standards contain more clear and structured information about the labor functions performed by employees, and fully comply with the spirit of the times.

Previously, a specialist who received a specialized education could work all his life on the same equipment, using the usual technologies and knowledge that he received at a university or technical school. But modern technologies are developing rapidly, dramatically changing the content of work and the qualification characteristics of the position. We have to radically revise existing norms and introduce new standards. As ETKS and EKS (the unified tariff and qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees) gradually lose their relevance, employers are increasingly turning to professional standards when:

  • recruitment;
  • training, retraining, certification and career planning of employees;
  • drafting job descriptions and staffing;
  • formation personnel policy And tariff scale for the work being done;
  • development of wage systems.

Important: the professional standard is a universal document that establishes requirements for the conditions and content of work, as well as for the skills, knowledge and experience of a specialist.

It takes an average of 9-12 months to develop a “standard” for each individual position, so today, despite the active work in this direction, new standards for a number of specialties and types of work have not yet been approved. Consequently, in 2018, it is too early to write off the unified qualification directory of employee positions and the tariff and qualification directory of working specialties.

But if there is a choice between ETKS (EKS) and the current professional standard (and there are already more than a thousand such positions), preference should be given to the latter. At least because the final abolition of reference books and a complete transition to a system of professional standards applied taking into account certain industry requirements are planned for the coming years (see letter of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 14-0 / 10 / 13-2253 of 04.04.

Transition to professional standards: step by step instructions

For commercial organizations professional standards are advisory in nature. They become mandatory only in two cases (as well as directories):

  • when the legislator establishes compensation or benefits for a certain type of work, or restrictions are provided for its implementation (Article 57, 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • when the requirements for work experience and qualifications of an employee are established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal legislation or other regulatory legal acts (Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In the first case, you should make sure that the job title in staffing, an employment contract, an order for employment and other local documents coincides with the wording of the professional standard. Other aspects - features labor function, requirements for the level of education and work experience in the specialty - remain at the discretion of the employer. A detailed analysis of difficult situations is in the articles “How to maintain a discharge for a worker on ETKS, if ”, “How to check if the professional standard” and “How to overcome the 6 main problems that arise when ».

As for the second category of workers (which includes legal workers, teachers, doctors, and even private detectives), the requirements of professional standards apply to them in full. To understand what specific positions we are talking about, look at the table " for which the law establishes qualification requirements.

Organizations, enterprises and institutions of the public sector, as well as all non-budgetary funds, corporations and companies with a state share of more than 50%, are required to switch to professional standards, whether they want it or not. To make the transition less painful, it is allowed to introduce new norms in stages (until January 1, 2020, as required by clause 1.2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 of 06/27/2016). To help the personnel officer - articles "When , and when the professional standard. Six controversial situations” and “How professional standards will affect ».

Since the legislator does not regulate the procedure for switching to a system of professional standards, the employer himself decides how to act, based on the needs of the organization and the specifics of its activities.

The whole process can be divided into five successive stages:

  1. formation working group or a commission in which representatives of key departments (legal and personnel services, accounting, etc.) participate;
  2. development of a work schedule for the implementation of professional standards;
  3. familiarization of heads of departments and services with the schedule and legislative framework, according to which the transition is carried out;
  4. implementation of activities provided for by the schedule;
  5. summarizing the work of the commission and approving the report on the results.

Practical situation

Staffing: how to enter information without errors

The answer was prepared jointly with the editors of the journal " »

Answered by Nina KOVYAZINA,
deputy director of the department medical education and personnel policy in health care of the Ministry of Health of Russia

We have a small organization, and there are departments in which one person works. If an employee is a manager, should there be subordinates in the department?

Formally, the Labor Code does not prohibit the employer from creating structural units that consist of only one employee, in particular the head of the department. At the same time, the position of "leader" involves the management of subordinates. For example, the Qualification Handbook provides for such an obligation for the position of “head of personnel department” (approved by ). Qualification guides are advisory in nature. But there are exceptions...

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The first step is to issue an order to establish a commission. The order lists by name all members of the commission (working group), and also indicates the time allotted for familiarization with the regulatory documentation and the development of a schedule.

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Each protocol is certified by the signatures of the members of the working group, including the chairman.

To change the name of the position, amend the employment contract or approve new local standards, the director of the company gives a written order (see article " does not meet the professional standard: what to do”). Fortunately, the law does not prohibit combining orders of the same type into one order and thereby saving resources. The article "Tricks that will make it easier for you to work with » will help to minimize the labor costs associated with the execution of orders, contracts, familiarization sheets and other documentation.

In accordance with Article 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the tariffing of work and the assignment of tariff categories to employees are carried out taking into account the unified tariff and qualification directory of work and professions of workers, the unified qualification directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787 established that the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers (hereinafter - ETKS) consists of tariff and qualification characteristics containing the characteristics of the main types of work by professions of workers, depending on their complexity, and corresponding to them tariff categories, as well as the requirements for professional knowledge and skills of workers.

The development of ETKS is carried out by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation together with federal authorities executive power, which is entrusted with the management, regulation and coordination of activities in the relevant sector (sub-sector) of the economy (paragraph 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787).

Until the approval of new issues of ETKS, issues approved by the resolutions of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and valid on the territory of Russia in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 12.05.1992 N 15a are applied.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 1 Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 31, 1985 N 31 / 3-30) (as amended on October 12, 1987 ., December 18, 1989, May 15, June 22, December 18, 1990, December 24, 1992, February 11, July 19, 1993, June 29, 1995, June 1, 1998, May 17, 2001 July 31, 2007, October 20, 2008, April 17, 2009) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 2 Sections: “Foundry Works”, “ Welding”, “Boiler, cold-forming, drawing and spinning works”, “Forging and pressing and thermal works”, “Mechanical processing of metals and other materials”, “Metal coatings and painting”; "Enameling", "Locksmithing and locksmithing and assembly work" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1999 N 45) (as amended on November 13, 2008) Unified tariff and qualification reference book of works and professions of workers Issue 3 Section " Construction, installation and repair and construction works "(approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 6, 2007 N 243) (as amended on November 28, 2008, April 30, 2009) Unified tariff and qualification reference book of works and professions of workers Issue 4 Sections: "General professions of mining and capital mining"; "General professions of work on enrichment, agglomeration, briquetting"; "Extraction and enrichment of coal and shale, construction of coal and shale mines and cuts"; "Construction of subways, tunnels and underground structures special purpose"; "Extraction and enrichment of ore and placer minerals"; "Sintering of ores"; "Extraction and enrichment of mining and chemical raw materials"; "Extraction and enrichment of building materials"; "Extraction and processing of peat"; "Processing brown coal and ozocerite ores" (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 12, 2003 N 61) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 5 Section "Geological exploration and topographic and geodetic work (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of February 17, 2000 N 16) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 6 Sections: "Drilling Wells", "Oil and Gas Production" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2000 N 81) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions workers Issue 7 Sections: "General professions of ferrous metallurgy"; "Blast furnace production", "Steel-smelting production"; "Rolling production"; "Pipe production"; "Ferroalloy production"; "Coke production"; "Production of refractories"; "Recycling of secondary metals" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of December 27, 1984 N 381 / 23-157) (as amended on June 12, 1990, October 20, 2008) Unified tariff-qualification directory of works and professions workers Issue 8 Sections: "General professions of non-ferrous metallurgy"; "Production of non-ferrous, rare metals and powders from non-ferrous metals"; "Processing of non-ferrous metals"; "Production of hard alloys, refractory metals and products of powder metallurgy"; "Production of electrode products". Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 9 Sections: "Operation of equipment of power plants and networks, maintenance of energy consumers"; "Repair of equipment of power plants and networks" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 16, 1985 N 18 / 2-55) (as amended on June 7, 1988, June 12, December 13, 1990, March 12, 1999 October 3, 2005) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 10 Section "Production of watches and technical stones, watch repair" (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 11, 2000 N 72) Unified tariff and qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 11 Section "Needle Production" (Appendix to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 18, 2002 N 18) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 12 Section "Remiso-reed Production" (approved by the decision of the State Committee for Labor USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of March 22, 1984 N 82 / 6-38) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 13 Section "Tin-can and tubular production" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of April 17, 2000 No. N 32) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 14 Section "Production of Metal Electrodes" approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 5, 2004 N 37. Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 15 Section "Production of Metal Ropes, nets, springs, brushes and chains" Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 16 Section "Production of Medical Instruments, Instruments and Equipment" (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2004 N 38) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and professions of workers Issue 17 Section: "Production of abrasives" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of February 8, 1983 N 20 / 4-41) (as amended on October 20, 2008) Unified tariff and qualification reference book of works and professions workers Issue 18 Section "Production of synthetic diamonds, superhard materials and products from them and natural diamonds" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2002 N 52) (as amended on October 20, 2008) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 19 Sections: "General professions of electrical production", "Production of electrical insulating materials", "Electrocoal production", " cable production"," Insulating and winding-winding work", "Production of chemical and other current sources" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions of April 26, 1985 N 113 / 10-32) 20 Production of electronic products Sections: "General professions of production of electronic products", "Semiconductor production", "Production of radio components", "Electric vacuum production", "Piezotechnical production" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 21, 2000 N 5) (as amended on September 12, 2001) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 21 Section "Production of Radio Equipment and Wired Communication Equipment" (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 7, 2001 N 23) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook works and professions of workers Issue 22 Section "Production and repair aircraft, engines and their equipment "(approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 26, 2002 N 24) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers. Issue 23. Section: Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (approved by resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of April 24 1985 N 109 / 10-17) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 24 Section "General Professions of Chemical Production" (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2006 N 208) Unified tariff- Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers Issue 25 Sections: "Nitrogen Production and Products of Organic Synthesis", "Basic Chemical Production" (approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of March 20, 1985 N 79 / 6-86) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory works and professions of workers.Issue 26. Sections: Anilino-color production, production of printing inks, paint and varnish production (approved by the Decree of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR and All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of July 17, 1985 N 228 / 15-90) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Occupations of Workers Issue 27 Section "Production polymer materials and products from them" Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 28 Section "Production of chemical fibers, glass fibers, fiberglass materials, fiberglass and products from them" Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 29 Sections: "Production of medicines, vitamins, medical, bacterial and biological preparations and materials. Yeast production. Production of citric and tartaric acids. Hydrolysis production and processing of sulfite liquors. Acetonobutyl production" Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 30 No longer valid. Sections: "Hydrolysis production and processing of sulfite liquors. Acetone butyl production. Production of citric and tartaric acids. Yeast Production" moved to ETKS Issue No. 29 Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 31 Repealed. Section: "Production of Medicines, Vitamins, Medical, Bacterial and Biological Preparations and Materials" moved to ETKS Issue No. directory of works and professions of workers Issue 32 Contains the section: "Production of synthetic rubbers, fat substitutes and petrochemical products" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of May 31, 1984 N 163 / 10-53) and the section "Chemical and photographic production" (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2000 N 80) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 33 Sections: "General professions for the production and processing of rubber compounds", "Production of rubber technical products, rubber shoes and rubber products for general consumption", "Production , retreading and repair of tyres", "Production of carbon black", "Production of regenerator ata" Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 34 Has lost its validity. Section: "Chemical and photographic production" was transferred to ETKS, issue No. 32 Unified tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers Issue 35 Section: "Production of artificial leather" (approved by the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of November 19, 1984 N 333/22 -73) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 36 Contains sections: "Processing of oil, oil products, gas, shale, coal and maintenance of main pipelines" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 7, 1984 N 171 / 10-109) (as amended February 3, 1988) , August 14, 1990, November 21, 1994, July 31, 1995) and "Production of asbestos technical products" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of February 5, 2004 N 8) Unified tariff-qualification directory of works and professions of workers Issue 37 Contains the section "Production of products from cork tree bark" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of July 23, 1984 N 216 / 14-3) and sections: "General professions of logging production", "Logging work", " Timber rafting", "Tree tapping", "Reed harvesting and processing" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2001 N 65) The Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 38 Has lost its validity. The section: "Manufacture of asbestos technical products" was transferred to ETKS, issue No. 36. The Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers, Issue 39 Has lost its validity. Section: "Production of products from cork tree bark" was transferred to ETKS, issue No. 37 Unified tariff and qualification reference book of works and professions of workers Issue 40 Contains sections: "General professions of woodworking industries", "Sawmilling and woodworking", "Production of wood and fire slabs" , "Production of plywood", "Production of furniture", "Production of matches", "Production of pencils" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of January 10, 1985 N 7 / 2-13) and the section "Production of building materials" (approved Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2001 N 41) (as amended on July 12, 2002) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 41 Contains the section "Production of pulp, paper, cardboard and products from them" (with as amended on September 9, 1986, November 21, 1994) and the section "Production of glass and glassware" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2002 N 37) (as amended on November 11, 2008) qualified reference book of jobs and professions of workers Issue 42 Has lost its validity. The section: "Production of building materials" was transferred to the ETKS, issue No. 40 The unified tariff and qualification reference book of works and professions of workers Issue 43 Contains the section "Primary processing of cotton and bast crops" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 13, 2000 N 23) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 44 Contains sections: "General professions of textile production", "Cotton production", "Linen production", "Woolen production" "Silk production", "Silk-winding production", "Knitwear production", " Felting and felt production", "Production of textile haberdashery", "Hemp jute production", "Wood production", "Production of non-woven materials", "Net knitting production", "Hand weaving" : "General professions in the production of ceramic, porcelain and faience products"; "Production of building ceramics"; "Production of electroceramic products"; "Manufacture of porcelain and faience products" (approved by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of July 23, 1984 N 218 / 14-5) and sections: "General professions of production light industry", "Leather and leather raw materials production", "Leather footwear production", "Fur production", "Leather goods production", "Saddlery production", "Production of technical leather products", "Bristle and brush production", "Tanning and extract production "(approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of February 24, 2004 N 22) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 46 Section " clothing industry"(approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2002 N 47) Unified tariff-qualification directory of works and professions of workers Issue 47 Section "Parachute production" (approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2003 N 52) Unified tariff- Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 48 Section "General Professions of Food Production" (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2004 N 32) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 49 Sections: " Production of meat products", "Bone processing and glue production", "Processing of poultry and rabbits", "Butter, cheese and dairy production" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2004 N 33) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions workers Issue 50 Section "Production and processing of fish and seafood" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2000 N 73) alification directory of works and professions of workers Issue 51 Contains sections: "Production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic products", "Bakery and pasta production", "Confectionery production", "Starch and milk production", "Sugar production", "Production of food concentrates", "Tobacco and shag and fermentation production", "Essential oil production", "Tea production", "Perfume and cosmetic production", "Oil and fat production", "Extraction and production of table salt", "Extraction and processing of licorice root", "Elevator, flour and cereal and mixed fodder production", "Trade and catering", "Production of canned food" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 5, 2004 N 30) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 52 Sections: "Railway Transport"; "Sea and River Transport" Unified Tariff and Qualification Guide jobs and professions of workers Issue 53 Section "Operation and flight tests of aircraft (aircraft)" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2000 N 30) Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 55 Sections: "General Professions of Printing Production", "Form Processes of Printing Production", "Printing Processes", "Binding and Finishing Processes", "Type Production" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 30 January 2002 N 4) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 56 Section: Zheleznodor Fire transport and the subway (apr. Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of December 6, 1983 N 283 / 24-82) (as amended on October 3, December 26, 1988, November 11, 19, December 25, 1996, May 28, 1997, 8, June 29, 1998, November 11, 2008) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 57 Sections: "Advertising, design and layout work"; "Restoration work" (approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 21, 2008 N 135) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 58 Contains Section: "Works and Professions of Communications Workers" (approved by a resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of April 27, 1984 N 122 / 8-43, as amended on November 11, 2008) and sections: "General professions", "Film studios and enterprises, television and radio broadcasting organizations", "Cinema network and film distribution", " Theater and entertainment enterprises "(approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2003 N 54) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 59 Sections: "General Professions of Production musical instruments", "Production of keyboard instruments", "Production of bowed instruments", "Production of plucked instruments", "Production of reed instruments", "Production of wind and percussion instruments", "Repair and restoration of musical instruments" (approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of April 26 2004 N 63) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 60 Contains a section: "Production of visual aids" (approved by the Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of July 23, 1984 N 217 / 14-4) Unified tariff and qualification directory of jobs and professions of workers Issue 61 Contains sections: "General professions of production art products"; "Jewellery and filigree production"; "Production of art products from metal"; "Production of art products from wood, kapokorn and birch bark"; "Laterinary production"; "Production of art products from stone"; "Production of art products from papier-mâché with miniature painting"; "Production of art products from bone and horn"; "Production of art products from amber"; "Sculpture production"; "Production of art products from leather and fur"; RF of March 5, 2004 N 40) Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 62 Not applicable Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 63 Not applicable Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 64 Section: " Production of toys "(approved by the resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of May 4, 1983 N 88 / 10-32) Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 65 Not applicable Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 66 Sections: "Dry cleaning and dyeing of clothes", "Works and professions of laundry workers" (approved by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 31, 1984 N 320 / 21-22) Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 67 Not applicable Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 68 Not applicable and professions of workers Issue 69 Contains sections: "Gas facilities of cities, towns and settlements", "Water supply and sewerage facilities", "Green economy", "Photo works" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of September 18, 1984 N 272 / 17-70) (as amended on September 9, 1986, July 22 1988, January 29, 1991, June 29, 1995, November 11, 2008) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 70 Contains the section "Works and Professions of Workers in Livestock Husbandry" (approved by a resolution of the USSR State Committee for Labor and VTsSPS of July 19, 1983 N 156 / 15-28) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 71 Section "Optical-Mechanical Production" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of July 24, 1985 N 239/16 -26) Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers Issue 72 Section "Repair and testing of products of special production" (approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 24, 1985 N 352 / 22-55)

This section presents the releases of the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees (hereinafter referred to as the CSA). The EKS is intended for billing of works and assignment of tariff categories. On the basis of the EKS, it is possible to draw up job descriptions and programs for the training and advanced training of specialists in various industries and fields of activity. Section updated October 17, 2018 - added releases, fixed technical errors.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787 established that the EKS consists of qualification characteristics for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, containing job duties and requirements for the level of knowledge and qualifications of managers, specialists and employees.

The development of the CSA is carried out by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation together with the federal executive authorities, which are entrusted with the management, regulation and coordination of activities in the relevant sector (sub-sector) of the economy (paragraph 2 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787). Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 09.02.2004 N 9 approved the Procedure for the application of the CEN.

This section contains a list of TEN issues valid on the territory of the Russian Federation, relevant as of 06/15/2014. We also draw your attention to the fact that this guide is often erroneously called ETKS positions of managers and specialists(see ETKS works and occupations of workers).

Positions alphabetically

If you know the name of the position in the directory, but do not know in which section of the CSA it is described, then you can use the alphabetical index to quickly find its description:

List of positions by sections of the directory

Title of the CEN section Approval document
Industry-wide qualification characteristics of positions of employees employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 21, 1998 N 37
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees employed in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations
Qualification directory of positions of managers and specialists of organizations of geology and exploration of subsoil Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2002 N 82
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the centers of standardization, metrology and certification authorized to exercise state control and supervision Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2004 N 5
Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees of electric power industry organizations Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2004 N 4
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists in architecture and urban planning Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 23, 2008 N 188
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of institutions of the state material reserve system Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 05.05.2008 N 220
Qualification characteristics of positions of specialists carrying out a range of works in the field of legal protection of the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2008 N 347
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of institutions of bodies for youth affairs Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2008 N 678
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists of air transport organizations Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2009 N 32
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists of road facilities organizations Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2009 N 47
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the hydrometeorological service Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2009 N 48
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 11, 2009 N 107
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists in ensuring information security in key information infrastructure systems, countering technical intelligence and technical information protection Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 22, 2009 N 205
Qualification characteristics of certain categories of employees of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2009 N 919
Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2009 N 977
Qualification characteristics of the position "Conflictologist" Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2009 N 1007
Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2010 N 541n
Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in the field of education Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 N 761n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of 11.01.2011 N 1n
Qualification characteristics of positions of workers of culture, art and cinematography Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2011 N 251n
Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in the field of physical culture and sports Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2011 N 916n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of agricultural workers Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of February 15, 2012 N 126n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of organizations in the tourism sector Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 12, 2012 N 220n
Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of organizations of the rocket and space industry Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2012 N 328n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees of state archives, document storage centers, archives of municipalities, departments, organizations, laboratories for ensuring the safety of archival documents Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2012 N 338n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of specialists working in the field of translation Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2012 N 547n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of specialists performing work in the field of labor protection Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2012 N 559n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of specialists performing work in the field of forensic examination Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of May 16, 2012 N 550n
Qualification characteristics of the positions of employees engaged in activities in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, ensuring fire safety, safety of people at water bodies and mining facilities in underground conditions Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 03.12.2013 N 707n

Unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible to download all issues of the EKC in one archive from our website. However, you can find the positions you are interested in using the alphabetical index of positions or the rubricator of the issues of the EKS operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.


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