Retraining courses for personnel management personnel. Training courses in HR administration and personnel management for specialists from any region of Russia! Personnel Management Training Program

1. Human Resource Management and Work Ethics 2. The essence, purpose and main goals of the personnel management strategy
  • Development of personnel management, personnel policy, efficient use human capital
  • Intellectual capital: essence, structure, assessment
3. Human resource management in practice: rights, responsibilities, assessment methods
  • Organization of work, organization and functions of the personnel service
  • Labor appraisal and change economic indicators HRM-influenced organizations
  • International HRM Issues and international politics in HRM
4. Organizational context of HR management
  • Individual system of motives and factors that determine human behavior at work
  • Forms of material incentives and methods of influencing employee motivation
5. The role of employee commitment to their organization
  • Developing a strategy of mutual commitment: goals, plans, resources
6. Various functions of organizations
  • Organization theory and organizational process
  • The basis of group behavior, human development and teamwork. Types of power and leadership
7. Corporate ethics organization8. Concept of work
  • Labor process theory, organizational factors and their influence on the work of employees
  • The concept of "labor relations" and different models of work
  • The psychological contract and transformations leading to its changes
9. Practical use organizational behavior theory
  • Design of workplaces and roles and types of organization landmarks
  • Organizational Change Model Theory and Organizational Change and Innovation Management
  • Reorganization legal entity
10. Personnel management process
  • HR policy theory, concept, essence and factor determining competence and competence
  • Social capital, organizational culture, intellectual resource management
  • Analysis of jobs and roles, competencies, role analysis, types of surveys
  • Repertoire Grid Technique and Key Competency Models
11. Labor resources enterprises
  • Fundamentals and objectives of planning human resources
  • Personnel turnover management and resource planning
  • Recruitment rules, methods of attracting and retaining staff
  • Recruiting candidates on websites, selecting profiles, types of interviews
12. Documents, rights and obligations for employment and dismissal
  • Screening interview, appraisal interview, interview methods
  • Professional selection and psychological tests, analysis of results, introduction to the organization
  • Legal regulations on layoffs and redundancies
13. Performance management in practice
  • Labor efficiency indicators, purpose and principles of labor indicators management
  • Implementing performance management
14. Processes for performance management
  • Main activities and performance evaluation criteria
  • Performance agreements, paperwork and performance reviews
  • Pros and cons of assessing labor indicators
  • Management of continuous learning and achieving consistency in the work of all levels of management
15. Method of current personnel assessment "360 degrees"
  • Definition, methodology, pros and cons of 360-degree feedback
16. Most effective methods human resource development
  • Human Resource Development System
  • Organization of the personnel training process. Methodology and options for learning styles
  • Definition and characteristics of a learning organization, organizational behavior
17. Vocational training system
  • Professional training within the organization. Methodology for drawing up curriculum plans
  • Strategic management and features of the vocational training process
  • Classification of teaching methods. Features of sales training and office workers... Technical and vocational training
  • Responsibility for training and assessment of the quality of vocational training
18. Personal development planning
  • Setting goals and identifying the need for personnel development planning
19. Qualifications of the leading personnel of the organization
  • Role, approaches and activities to improve the skills of managers
  • Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
  • Role and Responsibility of the Human Resource Development Specialist
20. Career management of the organization's personnel
  • Common goals and the career management process. Supply and demand planning
  • Assessment of performance indicators and potential, career planning methodology
21. Management of remuneration
  • Remuneration management systems. Remuneration policy and changes in remuneration management
  • Determination of the salary level and an effective strategy for remuneration of personnel
  • Changes in personnel payment systems
22. Evaluation of the work of company personnel
  • Job evaluation introduction and classification different types labor activity
  • Factors influencing the ranking of labor activity and methods of labor assessment
  • Creation of a point-factor scheme for assessing labor and a system of measures for assessing types of work
23. Analysis of the level of market rates
  • Introduction to the concept of "market rate"
24. What is the salary built of
  • Classify the types of pay structures and determine the structure that suits your business
  • Pay structure for workers manual labor and complex pay structures, rates by age scale
25. Features of the use of dependent payment
  • Dependent pay strategy and criteria, variable part of labor remuneration
  • Targeting pay on performance, on competence, on skills, on contribution
  • Team pay and incentives to pay production workers
  • Organization-wide methodology and frameworks
26. Features of remuneration of special groups
  • Remuneration of directors and senior managers, employees working abroad, personnel involved in trade
  • Remuneration commissions
27. Classification of benefits for employees of the enterprise
  • The main types of benefits. Types of corporate pension schemes, allowances and other payments
28. Management of the wage system
  • Wages fund, revision of budgets, salaries. Informing staff
  • Assessment of the wage system. Responsibilities and procedures related to remuneration
29. Building relationships with employees
  • We form the structure of relations with employees. Concept, structure and processes of industrial relations
  • Features, levels and agreements of collective bargaining. Relations between organizations and trade unions
  • Building rules and processes in the field of employee relations
  • Management with and without trade unions. Non-recognition by employers of created trade unions
  • Creation of a climate of trust and the involvement and participation of employees in the management of the organization
  • Proposal systems, business councils, communication systems
30. Fundamentals of labor protection at the enterprise
  • Labor protection, safety engineering. Auditing and risk assessment
  • Comprehensive health programs for employees of the institution. The right to social security and its varieties
31. Provision of recruitment and management of human resources
  • Conclusion labor contracts upon hiring, attendance control
  • Equal Opportunity in HR Policy and Ways to Combat Discrimination
  • Key procedures in the human resource management system
  • Automated Information Systems human resource management and application programs
  • Parameter estimation process HRM systems

HR courses at the University of Business will allow you to study the specialty of HR director "from scratch" or improve your qualifications. The courses for executives "Human Resource Management" are distance learning in personnel management for true professionals in their field. How to motivate company employees? How to create an atmosphere of trust? What is social marketing? How to manage the remuneration system? You will find the answers to all these questions at the retraining courses in personnel management at the University of Business # 1! Apply for training right now - and soon you will learn all the features of professional management! Become a successful HR specialist with the # 1 Business University!

Zhuravleva Irina Vitalievna
- Lawyer by profession

Array (=> 12888 => Zhuravleva Irina Vitalievna => 5395 => Array (=>

Zhuravleva Irina Vitalievna
- Lawyer by profession
- She is the scientific editor of the profile publication "Personnel Solutions"
- Advises on issues related to work: labor disputes, labor legislation
- Developed a practical course distance learning for personnel service workers (RUNO center)

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Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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Olga Fedorenko

Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Array (=> 73710 => Fedorenko Olga Nikolaevna => 53412 => Array (=>

Olga Fedorenko
- Professional teacher-practitioner
- Experience in preparing for the inspection of the GIT, participation in the resolution of labor disputes
- Work as HR Director, 1200 staff

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Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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Course program - skill level 6“Activities for the provision of personnel. Activities for the organization of payment and labor of personnel. Activities for the organization of work with foreign personnel "

For admission you need: - Diploma ( Higher education or secondary special)
*Attention! If you have a diploma for foreign language, in accordance with Federal Law 273 "On Education" Art. 107, translation of the diploma into Russian is required.
- Passport

Upon completion of the course, you will receive: -Diploma of professional retraining, which gives the right to conduct a new type of activity

We also recommend that you study:

Who are the distance courses for HR administration?

Distance learning courses for personnel officers suitable for novice HR professionals, accountants and business owners. At the end of the course "Fundamentals of HR administration 1C ZUP" each student has the opportunity to receive additional professional education. And distance courses in HR administration make it possible for residents of any part of the Russian Federation to receive the same professional education in the direction of "HR administration" online.

Online HR courses - what is it?

It's brand new unique product on the market educational services, created by practicing specialists in the field of HR administration and personnel management.

Training for a specialist in the HR department remotely in our center is a set of video lectures, tests, visual materials and much more. Nowadays, due to the lack of time, distance courses for personnel officers in Moscow have become very popular.

Online HR courses include a large amount of in-depth practical materials and tasks. Small blocks of theory are reinforced by practical work in the 1C program. Thus, new information is easily assimilated, and also there is much needed for young specialist HR officer is an important skill of working with documents. For even greater effect, we offer our students to conduct paperwork using the example of a real company. This allows the listener to feel himself in the role of a personnel officer - a practice and to work out theoretical knowledge.

After completing courses in HR administration remotely you will learn:

  • Hire, fire employees, take vacations, etc.
  • Competently draw up all personnel documents
  • Form personnel documents in program 1 C ZUP 8
  • Interact with the accounting service

Benefits of our online courses

What are the advantages of the course - training for a specialist in the HR department remotely

  • Practical work with 1C ZUP simultaneously with theory
  • Practice with real company documents
  • Electronic abstracts and links to Legislation
  • Electronic database of sample documents, etc.

What are the advantages of distance learning in our center:

  • Ability to view lessons as many times as necessary to fully master the program
  • Convenient access to the material - a single window of the classroom
  • Communication with the teacher throughout the training period
  • The period of access to distance learning is much longer than full-time
  • Savings in tuition costs

You will be able to use all the training material after you take the distance courses in HR administration. You will have at your disposal carefully designed notes and lectures, which contain the complete program of the course.

Online HR administration courses are an affordable and practical way to master a new profession in demand on the labor market.

All these skills and knowledge will allow you to raise your professional level and give you additional chances to get the desired high-paying job.

300 hours 19500

6.2 Organizational process

8. Concept of work

16.5 Offline learning

29.11 Communication systems

Apply for training and get free access to a demo lesson on 17 secrets of recruiting right now from the leading HR professionals!

Human resource management of a company is a task for a professional

Depending on the size of the company, only one person can be fully engaged in HR work, or maybe a whole team of specialists headed by the HR Director. In any case, even if the functionality of such a specialist is specific company may not be wide, the amount of knowledge required to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the career and personal growth of employees is very large.

The duties of the HR director include not only the selection and recruitment of employees, but also the formation of the appropriate personnel policy and a qualitative analysis of the labor market. Formation of loyalty and corporate ethics, training and a well-thought-out system of motivation - necessary tools management of labor efficiency indicators. Only a real professional who perfectly understands how all HR tools work can cope with such a responsible task.

The program of the complete distance course in personnel management "Head of personnel management" especially for directors of personnel

Especially for employees of companies engaged in personnel work, the International Academy of Business has developed an effective program online learning on personnel management.

The Human Resources Manager program at the International Academy of Business is aimed at both training "from scratch" and retraining and advanced training of HR directors.

International Academy of Business uses modern approaches and technologies in education. Long gone are the days when you had to attend classes at specific times and spend time commuting. To study at the International Academy of Business, it is enough to have access to the Internet to get necessary knowledge at any time and from anywhere in the world. Try and feel how easy and productive distance learning can be, thanks to an understandable presentation of the material, equipped with illustrations, tables, diagrams and videos, training in personnel management.

> In the learning process professional specialists The academies will always be in touch with you, ready to answer all your questions. Our main task is to help you not only to pass the basic course of personnel management, but to master the specialty in the most efficient and effective way. Distance courses in personnel management at the International Academy of Business are quality services education for your future!

Modern and promising training at the International Academy of Business

For over 15 years, the International Academy of Business has specialized in providing qualified training for owners, managers and employees of firms in a wide variety of fields. More than 5,000 students have entrusted their professional development and career growth to the Academy.

After completing the distance learning courses of the International Academy of Business, graduates receive a state diploma with an international supplement on completion of the specialized course "Human Resources Manager".

License for educational activities №038379

Program of the training course "HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT"

1. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
1.1 Principles, methodological foundations and models of personnel management
1.2 Work ethics in the personnel management system

2. The essence, purpose and main goals of the personnel management strategy
2.1 Human Resource Management Development and Human Resource Management Strategy
2.2 Essence, structure, assessment of intellectual and human capital

3. HR management in practice
3.1 Organization and functions of the personnel service. Labor assessment
3.2 Changes in the economic performance of the organization under the influence of HRM
3.3 Rights, obligations and methods of assessing the activities of the personnel service
3.4 International HRM Issues and International HRM Policy

4. Organizational context of HR management
4.1 Determination of the individual system of motives and factors that determine human behavior at work
4.2 Introduction to goal theory, methods of influencing employee motivation and forms of material incentives

5. Commitment of employees to their organization
5.1 The Role of Commitment in HRM Theory and a Mutual Commitment Strategy
5.2 Strategy development: goals, plans, resources

6. Various functions of organizations
6.1 Organization theory as part of management science
6.2 Organizational process
6.3 Basis of Group Behavior, Teamwork, Leadership and Types of Authority

7. Corporate ethics of the organization
7.1 Role, structure, classification and assessment of corporate culture
7.2 Consideration of culture anchoring work

8. Concept of work
8.1 Introduction to the theory of the labor process and the influence of organizational factors on the work of employees
8.2 Different models of work and the concept of " labor relations»
8.3 Trust as a Factor of Work and the Psychological Contract
8.4 Transformations in the internal and external environment leading to changes in the psychological contract

9. Practical application of the theory of organizational behavior
9.1 Principles for the design of workplaces and roles
9.2 Types of organizational landmarks
9.3 Development, change and transformation of the organization. Management of changes and innovations in the organization
9.4 Model Theory of Organizational Change and Legal Entity Reorganization

10. Personnel management process
10.1 Introduction to HR Policy Theory
10.2 Relationship and Equality Policy
10.3 Concept, essence and factors determining competence and competence
10.4 Review of work, roles and competencies
10.5 Wealth Management, Social Capital and Organizational Culture
10.6 Key competency models, repertoire grid techniques and survey types

11. Labor resources of the enterprise
11.1 Theoretical foundations and tasks of human resource planning
11.2 Management of staff turnover, provision, attraction and retention of staff
11.3 Recruitment policies and methods of attracting candidates
11.4 Recruiting candidates on websites, selection process
11.5 Types of job interviews

12. Employment and dismissal: documents, rights and obligations
12.1 Screening Interviews and Approaches to Conducting the Appraisal Interview
12.2 Job interview techniques
12.3 Professional Selection, Psychological Tests and Analysis of Test Results
12.4 Introduction to the organization
12.5 Legal regulations for downsizing and layoffs

13. Performance management
13.1 Performance indicators
13.2 Implementing performance management
13.3 Purpose and principles of performance management

14. Processes for performance management
14.1 Main activities and structure of performance agreements
14.2 Performance Evaluation Criteria and Management of Continuous Learning
14.3 Conducting performance reviews, the pros and cons of performance assessments
14.4 Achieving consistency in the work of all levels of management and factors in the introduction of performance management
14.5 Rules of paperwork

15. Method of current personnel assessment "360 degrees"
15.1 Definition and Methodology of 360 Degree Feedback
15.2 Pros and cons of feedback

16. The most effective methods of human resource development
16.1 Human Resource Development System and Personnel Training
16.2 Definition, Attributes and Organizational Behavior in Learning Organizations
16.3 Organization of the personnel training process
16.4 Methodology, methods and options for learning styles
16.5 Offline learning

17. Vocational training system
17.1 Process considerations and identification of training needs within the organization
17.2 Strategic management in vocational training
17.3 Planning methodology and curriculum organization
17.4 Classification of teaching methods. Features of sales training. Technical and vocational training
17.5 Vocational training system: responsibility for training and appraisal of vocational training
17.6 Training of office workers and meeting the training needs of special groups

18. Personal development planning
18.1 Setting planning goals and staff development needs

19. Qualifications of the leading personnel of the organization
19.1 Role and framework for leadership development
19.2 Activities and approaches to professional development of managers
19.3 Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
19.4 Responsibility for executive development and the role of the HRD

20. Career management of the organization's personnel
20.1 Overall goals and career management process
20.2 Foundations of career management policies. Assessment of performance indicators and potential
20.3 Planning supply and demand. Career planning methodology

21. Management of remuneration
21.1 Compensation management systems
21.2 Level determination wages, the concept of remuneration and changes in work remuneration systems
21.3 Effective employee compensation strategy and changes in compensation management

22. Evaluation of the work of company personnel
22.1 Definition and main features of the assessment of various types of work activities
22.2 Classification of work activities of employees of the enterprise
22.3 Point-factor schemes and other methods of labor assessment
22.4 Introduction of job appraisal and formal job appraisal
22.5 System of measures for the assessment of types of work

23. Analysis of the level of market rates
23.1 Introduction to Market Rate and Other Sources of Information

24. Structure of wages
24.1 Classification of types of pay structures, rates by age scale and pay structure for manual workers
24.2 Job Group Structures, Salary Scale, Individual Job Type Structures
24.3 Determining the structure that suits your enterprise

25. Features of the use of dependent payment
25.1 Variable Pay Part Labor, Dependent Pay Strategy and Criteria
25.2 Pros and Cons of Performance-Based Pay
25.3 Targeting pay on competence, skills and input
25.4 Team pay and incentives to pay production workers
25.5 Organization-wide frameworks and methodology

26. Features of remuneration of special groups
26.1 Remuneration of directors, senior managers and employees working abroad
26.2 Commissions on remuneration and peculiarities of remuneration of personnel involved in trading

27. Classification of benefits for employees of the enterprise
27.1 The main types of benefits. Taxation
27.2 Types of corporate pension schemes, allowances and other payments

28. Management of the wage system
28.1 Fund and assessment of the remuneration system
28.2 Review of budgets and salaries
28.3 Payroll Procedures and Payroll Responsibility. Goals and objectives of informing staff

29. Building relationships with employees
29.1 Formation of the structure of relations with employees. Relationships with workers from the HRM perspective
29.2 Features of collective bargaining and the conclusion of contracts. Unitary and pluralistic points of view
29.3 Relations between organizations and trade unions and non-recognition by employers of formed trade unions
29.4 Concept and structure of industrial relations and the creation of a climate of trust
29.5 Processes and rules for building in the field of employee relations
29.6 Short review levels of negotiation: preparing for negotiations and reaching agreements
29.7 Processes in the field of industrial relations. Involvement and participation of employees in the management of the organization
29.8 Management with and without unions trade unions
29.9 Negotiation and negotiation skills
29.10 Plant overviews, proposal systems and plant advice
29.11 Communication systems

30. Fundamentals of labor protection at the enterprise
30.1 Occupational health and safety, audits
30.2 Hazard identification and risk assessment
30.3 Right to social security and comprehensive health programs
30.4 Implementation of programs and types of social security for workers

31. Provision of recruitment and management of human resources
31.1 Entering into employment contracts and monitoring attendance
31.2 Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination in the Organization's Human Resources
31.3 Procedures in the human resource management system
31.4 Automated Human Resource Management Information Systems
31.5 HRM Parameter Assessment Process and Application Applications

The distance course "Human Resources Manager" of the International Academy of Business will teach you how to plan personal development of personnel, tell you about the nuances of building relationships with employees and introduce you to the management of the payment system. You will learn all the ins and outs of securing recruitment and human resource management. Get access to the unique HR Leader course now and in just a few weeks of online HR training you will acquire all the knowledge you need to be successful in HR!

The course consists of 2 modules (courses) - 108 videos, including 53 practical works.

Module 1. Recruiting (recruiting manager, recruiter). Workshop. Topic 1. Introduction to the profession of a recruiting manager- 1 video
Video 1. Key knowledge and skills of a recruiter

Topic 2. Stages of recruiting- 11 videos
Video 1. Stages of recruiting. general review
Video 2. Compiling a job profile
Video 3. Filling out the profile of the position. Part 1
Video 4. Filling out the profile of the position. Part 2
Video 5. Practical work No. 1: Job profile creation
Video 6. Application for staff recruitment. Functions and areas of responsibility
Video 7. Practical work No. 2: Filling out an application for recruiting
Video 8. Analysis of the application for recruitment
Video 9. Practical work No. 3: Analysis of the application. Preparing for an interview with a customer
Video 10. Methodology for calculating the timing of closing a vacancy
Video 11. Practical work No. 4: Calculating the timing of closing a vacancy

Topic 3. Formation of a search strategy- 18 videos
Video 1. Personnel search methods: Recruiting, Preliminaring
Video 2. Personnel search methods: Exclusive search, Headhunting
Video 3. Practical work No. 5: Personnel search methods
Video 4. Internal sources of personnel search
Video 5. Practical work No. 6: Formal requirements for an internal candidate
Video 6. External sources of personnel search. Standard search sources: job sites
Video 7. The main mistakes when drawing up a vacancy announcement
Video 8. Practical work No. 7: Analysis of the vacancy announcement
Video 9. External sources of personnel search. Company website, mass media, database of candidates' resumes
Video 10. Alternative Sources: Employment Center, Job Fairs, Flyers
Video 11. Practical work No. 8: Alternative sources of personnel search
Video 12. Non-standard sources of candidates search
Video 13. Practical work No. 9: Non-standard sources of candidate search
Video 14. Rules for working with recruiting (personnel) agencies
Video 15. Practical work No. 10: Rules for working with recruiting agencies
Video 16. Recruitment Sources: Advantages and Disadvantages
Video 17. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of search sources
Video 18. Practical work No. 11: Effective sources of personnel search

Topic 4. Selection and evaluation of candidates- 15 videos
Video 1. Pre-assessment: CV screening
Video 2. Practical work No. 12: Selection and evaluation of candidates
Video 3. Telephone interview: purpose and script of the conversation
Video 4. Phone Interview: Wrap Up and Prepare for the Interview Screen Reader Support Included
Video 5. Practical work No. 13: Phone interview conversation script
Video 6. Personal interview
Video 7. Biographical interview
Video 8. Practical work No. 14: Biographical interview
Video 9. Structured interview
Video 10. Interview by competency: the STAR model
Video 11. Practical work No. 15: Competency interview: STAR model
Video 12. Stressful interview
Video 13. Recruiter's mistakes during the interview
Video 14. Practical work No. 16: Recruiter's mistakes in the interview
Video 15. Consent to the processing of personal data from the candidate

Topic 5. Specificity of group interviews- 8 videos
Video 1. Stages and features of mass recruiting. Part 1
Video 2. Stages and features of mass recruitment. Part 2
Video 3. Practical work No. 17: Group interview
Video 4. Assessment Center. Part 1
Video 5. Assessment Center. Part 2
Video 6. An example of an assessment center
Video 7. Funnel selection of candidates: principles of calculation
Video 8. Practical work No. 18: Calculation "Funnel selection of candidates"

Topic 6. Application of HR profiling technology, techniques used during interviews- 6 videos
Video 1. Projective techniques
Video 2. Analysis of metoprograms
Video 3. Practical work No. 19: Analysis of metaprograms
Video 4. Case-methods (case-tasting)
Video 5. Practical work No. 20: Using the case method when evaluating candidates
Video 6. Additional tools appraisals

Topic 7. Making a decision on candidates- 4 videos
Topic 8. Building a personnel selection system- 4 videos
Topic 9. Automation of the selection process. Software - 2 videos
Topic 10. Adaptation of new employees in the company- 4 videos
Topic 11. Personnel assessment- 6 videos
Topic 12. Building a personnel training and development system in the company- 5 videos

Module 2. Personnel motivation system. Topic 1. The system of motivation. Definition. Target- 1 video
Video 1. What is motivation. The purpose of the incentive system for a commercial enterprise. Formation and understanding of the goals of the company. An overview of HR tools
Practical work No. 23: Formulate three goals of the company and offer the manager a set of personnel management tools to achieve these goals

Topic 2. Participants of the motivation system. Goals of CM participants- 1 video
Video 1. Participants of the motivation system (SM). Expectations from CM and goals of CM participants
Practical work No. 24: Case. Analyze the value of an employee and determine how to achieve this employee's goal

Topic 3. Types of motivation- 1 video
Video 1. Types of motivation. Material, intangible, mixed. TOP - 20 motivation tools in a modern company
Practical work No. 25: Situational task. Offer a motivational event for a PR manager

Topic 4. Material motivation- 2 videos
Video 1. Ways of material motivation. Labor Law Requirement
Video 2. Rewards, bonuses, additional payments and allowances, compensation, material assistance
Practical work No. 26: Working with the regulatory framework
Practical work No. 27: Determine the tools of material motivation to increase the percentage of employees passing the test period

Topic 5. Types of awards. Bonus system. Calculation of premiums- 9 videos
Video 1. Definition. Types of awards
Video 2. Categories of personnel in LNA
Video 3. Frequency and timing of payments in the LNA
Video 4. The structure of bonus indicators and the system of their assessment in the LNA
Video 5. The procedure for calculating the amount of the bonus in the LNA
Video 6. Conditions for the emergence of the right to an award in the LNA
Video 7. Grounds for payment of bonuses in the LNA
Video 8. The procedure for making a decision on the payment of a bonus in the LNA
Video 9. Procedure for resolving disputes in the LNA
Practical work No. 28: Determine the types of production and non-production bonuses

Topic 6. Balanced scorecard- 2 videos
Topic 7. System of quarterly and annual bonuses- 1 video
Topic 8. Grading of posts- 4 videos
Topic 9. Mixed group of motivation- 1 video
Topic 10. Intangible motivation - 2 videos

    Borovkova Elena Alekseevna
    - Practical teacher

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    Array (=> 89785 => Borovkova Elena Alekseevna => 59453 => Array (=>

    Borovkova Elena Alekseevna
    - Practical teacher
    - Experience in the field of personnel management since 2002
    - Head of HR outsourcing projects with a full range of tasks from setting up HR administration from scratch to filing documents
    - Permanent participant in events (member of groups) for conducting personnel audits, including accompanying companies during inspections by the state labor inspectorate (GIT)


part-time education:

discount price:

2 times per week


7 months
510 academic hours


Weekdays and weekends

Practical course in Human Resources Management, for those who value practical knowledge.

100% compliance with the professional standard, the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 06.10.2015 N 691 on Personnel Management No. 07.003.

Result at the end of the professional retraining program

After completing the training, you will become a professional in the field of personnel management:

1. You will receive a baggage of practical tools for key competencies in the field of personnel management, master all the functions necessary to effectively solve HR problems.

2. You will be able to work effectively in all areas of HR: selection, adaptation, motivation, development, training

3. Personal growth... The program includes modules that contribute to your personal and professional growth

4. Receive up-to-date information from practicing teachers. The training system on the course is built in the form of trainings, CASESTUDY, working out situations, brainstorming. Learn the competencies required in today's job market

5. you will develop a complete package of documents for basic processes for your company - it is possible to study with your own project, as a result of the course, you.

6. Your qualifications will fully comply with the professional standard 07.003 "HR Specialist"

7. Receive Presentations and notes of all classes - you can always refresh your memory

8. Receive a Diploma of professional retraining of the RUDN University

9. Get the skill The course includes a unique module “Coaching in the development and training of personnel”, thanks to which you will receive a unique tool for managing employee motivation, commitment to the goals and values ​​of the company.

Who is the retraining program for?

The course Human Resource Management will allow you to learn the following professional aspects and acquire skills:

in organizational, managerial and economic activities:

  • development of personnel policy and personnel management strategy;
  • planning personnel work and marketing personnel;
  • adaptation and development of a personnel development strategy;
  • organization and control of personnel training;
  • development of a system of motivation and stimulation of personnel labor;
  • application of laws and other normative legal acts to resolve legal issues of labor relations.

in information and analytical activities:

  • analysis of the labor market, forecast and determine the needs for personnel;
  • analysis of personnel costs and assess the economic and social efficiency of personnel management;
  • analysis human resources organizations and individual worker for the purpose of their rational use;
  • analysis of social processes and relationships in the organization;
  • use of modern automated information technology.

in socio-psychological activity:

  • development and implementation of plans for the social development of the organization;
  • shaping labor collective, regulation of group and interpersonal relations;
  • ethics management business relationship, conflicts and stresses.

in project activities:

  • application of advanced methods of personnel management;
  • participation in the development and implementation of projects to improve the system and technology of personnel management, including in crisis situations;
  • participation in planning processes and optimization of the personnel structure.

The course Human Resource Management will allow you to learn the following professional aspects and acquire skills:

In the field of personnel management and organizational unit:

  • development of a system for operational personnel management and the work of a structural unit;
  • implementation of operational personnel management and the work of a structural unit;
  • administration of processes and workflow for operational personnel management and the work of a structural unit.
  • In the field of strategic personnel management of the organization:

  • development of a system of strategic personnel management of the organization;
  • implementation of the system of strategic personnel management of the organization;
  • administration of processes and workflow for the strategic management of the organization's personnel.
  • Modern approach

    Based on our many years of experience and the experience of our teachers, the retraining program is an innovative product. The interconnected modules that make up the program cover the entire spectrum of professional activities. In the course of mastering the course, the student will be able to expand and acquire the following professional competence that meet federal state professional standards:

    • Skills in searching, analyzing and using regulatory and legal documents in their professional activity;
    • The ability to find organizational and managerial decisions and the willingness to bear responsibility for them from the standpoint of the social significance of the decisions made;
    • Participate in the development of strategies for human resource management of organizations;
    • Ability to design organizational structures;
    • Skills in using the basic theories of motivation to increase labor productivity
    • the ability to diagnose organizational culture,
    • Ability to audit human resources;
    • Possession different ways resolving conflict situations in the design of interpersonal, group and organizational communications based on modern technologies personnel management;
    • Skills possession strategic analysis, development and implementation of the organization's strategy;
    • Skills possession documenting management decisions operating activities;
    • Ability to coordinate the activities of performers using methodological tools for implementation management decisions;
    • Development and implementation of projects to improve the system and technologies of personnel management based on advanced domestic and foreign experience;
    • Design organizational structure enterprises different forms property and various activities;
    • Personnel management in the field of large, medium and small businesses based on domestic and foreign practice;
    • Management of changes and innovations in the company;
    • Innovations in alternative personnel management: use of remote office technology; project attraction; underemployment of employees; attracting labor of privileged categories of citizens and other methods of alternative management in order to optimize taxation within the limits of official competence;

    The educational process is built on the personal contact of the teacher and the student and allows you to quickly master the program: asking questions and constantly receiving feedback at lectures and seminars is our main rule. All classrooms are equipped with the most modern equipment for conducting classes.


    1 Regulatory support of the system. Human resource management as a system. Strategic and operational personnel management
    2 Marketing and personnel planning. Branding


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