Dairy farm 50. Dairy farm business plan. How much money do you need to start a business like opening a dairy farm

Contents of a dairy farm business plan:

  1. Summary.
  2. Characteristics and assessment of the dairy industry.
  3. Investment attraction project.
  4. Dairy farm construction project.
  5. Production and organizational plan.
  6. Marketing and revenue plan.
  7. Cost plan (fixed, variable, calculation of marginal profit).
  8. Characterization of project risks and search for ways to level them.
  9. Calculation of the efficiency of the dairy farm project.

Why do you need a dairy farm business plan? The business plan is:

  1. Guaranteed response from potential investors and creditors.
  2. Dairy farm support at the state level.
  3. Ability to budget and financial planning In the organisation.
  4. Insurance against mistakes, loss of time and movement in the wrong direction.

Dairy Farm Business Plan Example

suitable option


with financial calculations
with Excel financial model

with adjustments

Standard business plan

Advanced dairy farm business plan with complete business analysis and financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model of a dairy farm

  • Break even point calculation
  • Analysis of profit and profitability in the context of individual business areas and products
  • Analysis of business risks and margin of safety in terms of sales volume, cost and credit load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Cost forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Calculation of conditions for obtaining and repaying a loan
  • Break even point calculation
  • Statement of Cash Flow quarterly for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Adjustment of the business plan to your figures by our analysts within 5 working days

Business plan volume: 30 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages. Business plan volume: 80 pages.

10 000 rub.

20 000 rub.

39 000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to get a loan or attract investments.


Extended business plan includes financial model dairy farm in excel format.

The business plan was developed taking into account the practice of evaluating projects in Russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and entrepreneurship support funds in the Russian Federation. It will justify management decisions about investing in the creation and development of a dairy farm, to predict it financial results and assess risks.

A full description of the business plan can be downloaded from the link:


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Tables and graphs

To get acquainted with the list of tables, graphs and diagrams, see the file:

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You can pay in the following ways:

  • Bank cards (Russia)
  • Electronic money
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  • Bank cards (International)

Sending a business plan and financial model:

Sending is carried out within 24 hours after payment to your email address.

Business organization

Dairy products are one of the most popular Russian market. However, the organization of the production process will require the entrepreneur to invest serious funds and utmost attention. For successful start you will need a dairy farm business plan prepared by competent professionals.

The business plan of a dairy mini farm includes a description of the stages of work on establishing a business:

  1. Analysis of the milk market, including suppliers, buyers and competitors.
  2. attraction borrowed money from investors and creditors, attracting financial assistance from the state.
  3. Designing the construction or reconstruction of a dairy farm.
  4. Construction and reconstruction works.
  5. Installation necessary equipment and inventory.
  6. Hiring personnel.
  7. Acquisition of young cattle and fodder base.
  8. Start of work.

When organizing a dairy farm, it is important to consider how the process of milking cows will be automated, to provide for the competent equipment of the milk collection and processing workshop. To do this, you will need feeding robots, a milk pipeline, a mechanized feeding line, milk cooling units, etc. In the business plan of a dairy farm, detailed analysis all the necessary equipment for the farm.

Market analysis and description of the dairy farm project

According to world market experts, in the next decade we should expect a significant increase in the consumption of dairy products (approximately by 30% - 40%). In Russia, quite recently the situation in the industry was unfavorable, but recently there has been an increase in the production and sale of dairy products.

Produced goods

Milk, in addition - meat and meat products.

Potential clients

Milk processing plants, production of dairy and sour-milk products, cheese dairies, etc., as well as wholesale buyers of milk.

Below are the calculations of an example dairy farm business plan for 200 heads.

What if you need a dairy farm business plan for 100 or 50 heads?

To adjust the business plan, the amount of income and expenses of the farm should be proportionally reduced, and planning the initial costs will require an individual approach.

Financial part of a dairy farm business plan


AttachmentsTimingAmount, thousand rubles

Paperwork and registration

Renting a land plot (during the construction or reconstruction of a dairy farm)

Design work

Construction or reconstruction of a dairy farm

Carrying out heating, water supply, sewerage, electricity, etc.

Purchase of machinery and equipment for a dairy farm, installation

Acquisition of young animals (200 heads)

Obtaining permits

Feed base (for 3 months)

Other costs

According to a sample dairy farm business plan, the initial investment in the business will be 30-40 million rubles.


The average revenue from the acquisition of young animals in the amount of 200 heads will be about 40 million rubles annually.


Annual expenses - an average of 30 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period of the project is about 3 years, the profit is about 10 million rubles, and the profitability is 26%. The profitability of the enterprise can be significantly increased by launching a workshop for processing milk into butter, fermented milk products or cheese.


Business in the field of breeding cows for the purpose of obtaining and marketing milk - relevant and promising direction currently. Given the complexity of this type of business, as well as the large number of problems in the industry, you should carefully study all the circumstances and prepare a quality business plan for a dairy farm.

You can download a dairy farm business plan template here. Thanks to it, you will be able to:

  • Prepare a well-thought-out business plan on your own, calculate everything key indicators and create a basis for further work.
  • Land plot
  • Buying animals
  • Production and sales
  • Financial expenses
    • Paying employees
    • Purchasing feed
    • Veterinary service
    • Plot rental
    • Repair work
  • Technology for the production of dairy products on a mini-farm
        • Similar business ideas:

The organization of a mini-dairy farm for most start-up entrepreneurs is seen as much more preferable than the launch of a classic project in this industry. There are reasons for this. Firstly, a mini-farm requires much smaller production areas. Secondly, the entrance ticket to the business has been significantly reduced. Thirdly, a mini-farm requires much lower maintenance costs and in most cases all work is carried out by one family, which owns the farm. In addition, a small economy allows you to run in without much risk new technology and a new product and reach a new level of business without serious financial losses...

Land plot

Business begins with the search for land. Even for small farm needed land plot from 1000m2. On such territory there will be a hangar for keeping cattle, a summer corral for livestock, a warehouse for storing feed and a room for placing equipment and households. inventory. It is desirable that the site is located as close as possible to the natural forage base (meadows, pastures). Otherwise, forage harvesting will be very expensive. For the purchase or lease of land, you must contact the district administration.

How much money do you need to start a business like opening a dairy farm

The amount of investment to open a dairy farm depends on many factors. The first and main one is the scale of production or, in other words, the volume of production. It is logical to assume that the cost of building a dairy farm for 100 heads of cattle will be higher than building a farm for 50 heads. In Russia, there are companies offering turnkey construction of mini dairy farms. Sample project a farm for 50 heads will cost the entrepreneur 5-6 million rubles. The price includes delivery and installation of a hangar for keeping animals with an area of ​​about 1000m2. Building a building according to your own project can somewhat reduce investments, but you can’t count on an amount of less than 2 million rubles.

The farmer's costs do not end there. Next, you need to bring communications to the structure (hangar). It is no secret that this is not an easy procedure for a Russian entrepreneur. You will need to connect electricity, water and gas. These procedures, depending on the promptness of the entrepreneur and the pliability of the network companies, can take up to 6 months. Price this stage will cost a businessman 100 - 200 thousand rubles.

What equipment to choose for a dairy farm

The premises have been built, communications have been connected - then it is necessary to equip the dairy complex and purchase equipment. It will be necessary to equip stall places, install drinkers, floor coverings, fences and partitions, brushes, ventilation curtains, milk coolers, install a maternity ward, and so on. It is possible that funds will be required to insulate the hangar. This is the least expensive part of the project. In order to fully equip the hangar for keeping 50 dairy cows, it is necessary to invest at least 1.5 - 2.5 million rubles.

The next item is the purchase of special equipment and households. inventory. In any normal economy, it is necessary to have at least one tractor - it is commonplace to bring feed (hay, haylage, compound feed), remove garbage, organic waste, if necessary, mow the grass, and so on. MTZ-80 copes with such tasks perfectly with attachments in the form of mowers, ploughs, harrows, cultivators and seeders. Not required to buy new technology, it is possible and supported, the main thing is to be “on the go” and not be repaired more than it went. Another 500-900 thousand rubles will need to be allocated for this cost item.

Buying animals

And finally, the last and most "living" part of the costs is the purchase of farm animals. And here the costs can vary dramatically. What kind of animals will you take: dairy cows or heifers. A cash cow (calving 2-3) will cost at least 60 thousand rubles, a heifer from 3 months old will cost 10-15 thousand rubles, but it still needs to be grown. Thus, in order to purchase 50 dairy cows ready to immediately bring milk, it will be necessary to invest at least 3 million rubles. Buying young animals in the same quantity will help save money by 5-6 times, but getting finished products will have to be postponed for at least 10-12 months.

Thus, the total investment in a dairy farm for 50 head of cattle will be from 6 to 12 million rubles.

Which taxation system to choose for registering a dairy farm

The next step is business registration. A small dairy farm can be registered as a peasant farm. This legal form is ideal for family business. One person from the family is registered as the head of the household, and the rest - as members of the household. The registration process itself costs "penny" (no more than 1000 rubles) and takes 5 working days from the date of submission of documents to the tax office.

As a system of taxation, it is advisable to use the single agricultural tax (USHT). For farming this is the most profitable option. The farmer has to pay only 6% of the farm's profit.

Production and sales

Even before opening a dairy farm, it is necessary to determine potential marketing channels for products. This is such a well-known business postulate that neglecting it can destroy any project even at its start. Small wholesale dealers and shops are certainly good, but you should not count on constant demand from them. In addition, many small clients will want to work under the implementation or with a deferred payment, which also causes a lot of problems. The real customer are processors who buy milk in large quantities and without any delay. Having acquired one or two such clients, you can greatly simplify your life and think about high prospects.

It is possible to increase the income of a dairy farm by installing an additional milk processing workshop. For example, dairy shop KOLAKS-501, with which you can produce cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, kefir and whey. The advantage of processing is that the price of the final product increases several times, and due to the use of its own raw materials, that is, milk, the cost of finished products is significantly reduced.

Of course, you can not bother and deal only with milk. Moreover, processing requires additional investments, which a novice farmer cannot always afford.

How much can you earn on a dairy farm

Dairy farm income will depend primarily on the productivity of the dairy herd and on the selling price of milk. The average milk yield per cow is 5,000 liters per year. Yes, there are more successful farms that manage to increase this figure to 10,000 liters, but it is better to focus on average values. It turns out that 50 cows will bring about 250,000 liters of milk to the farm. The average wholesale price of 1 liter of milk in the regions is 15 rubles (2014). From here, the revenue of the dairy farm will be: 250,000 x 15 = 3,750,000 rubles.

Financial expenses

Paying employees

With income, everything is clear, they are calculated simply. Another thing is the planning of business expenses. The first, and, perhaps, the main item of constant expenses of a dairy farm is the payment of wages to employees. The wages of four workers (this number is enough to serve 50 dairy cows) will be from 60 thousand rubles per month, respectively, per year - 720 thousand rubles. The official employment of workers will require the payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund. Each employee must be paid monthly 30% of their salary (in 2014). Thus, another 216 thousand rubles of insurance will have to be paid for the year.

Purchasing feed

Another significant cost item is the purchase of feed. By statistical observations, one cow eats feed for 15 thousand rubles a year. This is not accurate data, since it all depends on where and how much food is bought. Rather, it is some average which you can rely on when planning a business. Thus, the cost of feed for 50 animals will amount to 750 thousand rubles a year.

Veterinary service

In addition to the cost of feed, the mandatory expenses of a dairy farm should include the cost of veterinary care, since without this it will not be possible to sell products. Annual veterinary care will cost about 1000 - 2000 rubles per head, 50 - 100 thousand rubles will be required for 50 heads.

Plot rental

In addition, the cost of renting a site should be taken into account. Everything here is very individual, and largely depends on rental rates. local authorities. Renting 1-2 hectares of land can cost from 50 thousand rubles a year. Further - communal payments for electricity and water. The maintenance of 50 heads of cattle can take from 80-100 thousand rubles a year.

Repair work

Other expenses include the cost of fuel and lubricants, minor repairs of the premises, equipment and machinery, as well as force majeure. It would not be wrong to allocate about 150 thousand rubles a year to this article.

Hence the general annual expenses farms for the maintenance of 50 cows will amount to about 2,036,000 rubles.

Profit before tax will be equal to 1,714,000 rubles. Excluding taxes (Unified Agricultural Tax, 6%), the net profit of the dairy farm will be 1,611,160 rubles. With such calculations, the return on investment will come in 4-5 years, which is a good indicator for such a business.

State support for farming - how to get money

In recent years, the state has been paying more and more attention to the development of farming in the countryside. In some regions, subsidies are provided annually to beginner farmers. Subsidies are free financial aid Don't confuse grants with loans. For example, in the Ulyanovsk region, within the framework of the Beginning Farmer program, an entrepreneur can receive a free subsidy of up to 1.8 million rubles for the development own farm. Financial support is provided on a competitive basis and in priority - just farms for growing and breeding cattle. Any novice farmer can take part in the competition, from the moment state registration which is less than 3 years old. This amount is enough to purchase 25-30 adult cows at the start and start a full-fledged farming business.

Step by step plan to open a mini dairy farm. Where to begin

In order to open a mini-dairy farm, you need desire, money, land and livestock. The main difference between a mini-farm and a regular one is the size, which means that the cost of maintaining it will be less. As a rule, all the necessary work is performed by no more than 5 workers. First you need to register an IP and collect all Required documents. After that, it is advisable to proceed with the construction of the barn. It is desirable that it contain several compartments for various purposes, as well as be equipped with the necessary communications. Next, we buy equipment, feed and, finally, livestock. The number of livestock in such farms usually does not exceed 30 cows.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a mini-dairy farm

To register a dairy farm, you must select the OKVED code 01.21 - allowing you to breed cattle. And also 15.51 - implying milk processing and cheese production, 51.33.1 and 52.27.11 - trade in dairy products (wholesale and retail).

What documents are needed to open a mini-dairy farm

To open a mini-dairy farm, the following documents are required:

  1. Land lease agreement.
  2. Permission from fire inspectors.
  3. RPN permission.
  4. IP registration application.
  5. Quality certificates for goods that, without fail, are subject to veterinary examination.

Do I need permission to open a mini-dairy farm

Permission will be required from the veterinary service, and it will also be necessary to undergo periodic checks to obtain a certificate of the quality of the products produced. If you plan to ship your products to outlets, then you need to obtain permission, indicating its quality.

Relatively recently emerged actual question- import substitution. Meat, vegetables, fruits - all agricultural products are currently urgently needed, and therefore - an actual product. In this regard, novice entrepreneurs began to increasingly wonder about opening their own farm.

How to open a farm? In this guide, we will take a comprehensive look at this issue.

This area has not lost its relevance, and will never lose. Millions of potential consumers of the final product live in Russia. Meat processing plants are more interested in quality meat suppliers than ever. But such a large-scale scope for a novice entrepreneur is not always achievable.

The primary task for a potential farmer should be to provide the products of his own region, and, as production grows, you can start thinking about entering the federal market.

Main types of farming activities

A farm may engage in the following activities:

  • livestock breeding;
  • Vegetable growing;
  • Crop and seed production;
  • Production of products from own natural raw materials.

The undoubted advantage of this type of activity is all kinds of government benefits and subsidies, which are relatively easy to get for a novice entrepreneur.

How to register a farm under the law?

Responsible for the regulation of this activity the federal law No. 74 “On Peasant (Farmer) Farms”. This type business is registered as a peasant farm - a peasant farm.

It involves certain social benefits and support from the state. After registration, the head of the household receives , and information about the KFH is entered in

Create a farm any able-bodied persons over 18 years of age. There are no citizenship requirements. Family members of the head of the farm are accepted into it when they reach the age of 16 years. No more than 5 unrelated persons can be part of a farm.

This does not mean a ban on hiring workers or any limitation in their number!

The procedure for registering a peasant farm is very simple and will require collecting minimum package of documents.

Documents for the creation of a peasant farm

  1. Agreement between members of the economy on its creation. Not required if the household is organized by one person. A sample can be downloaded here: http://www.blankbuh.ru/blank/39
  2. Farm Registration Application (Form 21002). See an example of filling here: http://dombiznesa.ru/files/doc2/obrazec_primer_zap…
  3. The passport or photocopy applicant's passport.
  4. Receipt of in the amount of 800 rubles. An important nuance is that the head of the farm must pay the receipt using his own data, otherwise the tax office will simply not accept it.
  5. Statement on the transition to a special tax regime.

Documents for registration can be submitted in person, send certified copies by mail, or using the registration procedure itself takes a standard 5 days, after which you will receive a ready-made package of documents for IP.

Important! If the head of household is already registered as individual entrepreneur, then it will no longer be possible to register a KFH for yourself.

What to do to get subsidies to start a farm from scratch?

To receive subsidies to open a farm on initial stage you will need to come to the Employment Center and register. It is not necessary to register an individual entrepreneur before applying.

Under the self-employment program, start-up entrepreneurs are provided with a subsidy to start their own business in the amount of 60 thousand rubles.

To apply for a loan (if necessary) It is worth choosing banks with state support. Most the best choice is the Russian Agricultural Bank, which has special loans issued for the development Agriculture.

The only thing is that the entrepreneur must own the land plot on which the farm will be located. To receive large amounts, you will need to provide a deposit

We will talk more about the costs of starting your own business below.

There is also an option to attract investors - they can act as members of the farm, and based on the share of their investments (which are determined by an agreement between the members of the farm), they will receive a share in the profits.

And now - about the main thing. Consider several areas of activity for peasant farms with numbers and calculations.

Farming: business plan with calculations

rabbit farm business plan

Rabbits are relatively profitable farm animals. From them they get skins and meat, which is considered dietary and sells well. Frequent illnesses are their greatest disadvantage.

If several rabbits fall ill, almost the entire livestock will eventually die, which is a serious problem. You can protect yourself from this by regularly vaccinating the livestock, and by obligatory compliance with the conditions for keeping rabbits.

Basic Rules

It is forbidden:

  • To allow crowding, overpopulation of rabbits in cages;
  • Buy animals from unverified breeders;
  • To plant new rabbits to the main livestock without prior quarantine;
  • Neglect mandatory vaccination;
  • Keep rabbits in damp, poorly heated and ventilated rooms.

Subject to these simple rules and proper feeding, breeding problems should not arise. For breeding should choose rabbits directly meat breeds(not mixed and not fur). These include: white giants, Californian breed, New Zealand - white and red.

These breeds are characterized high speed growth, as a result of which by 4-5 months it is possible to slaughter young animals. Rabbits of these breeds reach a weight of 4-5 kg ​​by 5 months.

The cost of equipping a rabbit farm (business plan) with a capacity of up to 1000 heads per year

Purchase of breeding stock30 females + 2 males15,000 for a 3-month-old young
Purchase of feedCompound feed, hay, mineral supplements150,000 per year
VaccinationVeterinary drugs10,000 rubles per year
Veterinary servicePreventive inspection of livestock5,000 rubles per year
Building a shed or barnMaterials + workFrom 10 to 25 thousand rubles
Buying cellsBased on 60 cellsFrom 30 to 60 thousand rubles
Hiring1 person (optional)180 000 rubles per year
Equipment for slaughter and waste disposal From 20 to 50 thousand rubles
Refrigeration equipmentCarcass storageFrom 20 to 40 thousand rubles
Other expenses 50 000 rubles per year

Profits from a rabbit farm

Calculation of net profit: 1,300,000 - 345,000 = 955,000 rubles per year. You can reduce costs without hiring staff, then the net profit will be 1,135,000 rubles a year from a small population of 30 females.

The advantage of rabbit breeding is that the volume of livestock can be increased very quickly, due to which profits will also begin to grow. It should also be noted that dressed rabbit skins in large volumes are purchased at a higher price.

Dairy farm business plan

Consider a plan for a small dairy farm for 10 cows. The sale of milk has been and will be a relevant area, in addition, cows and calves are also meat. The average cost of a pair of veal - 200-300 rubles per kg (wholesale prices), beef - 200-250 rubles.

In recent years, in the territory Russian Federation there is a positive trend dairy industry growth. Many retail chains have become more willing to cooperate with Russian farmers who not only produce but also process milk.

This is due to the fact that domestic consumers have become more attentive to their health and eat local eco-friendly products.

Due to the sharply increased demand for Russian-made dairy products, domestic businessmen have stepped up sharply, who began to open private dairy farms, in which production lines are being established.

Prospects for the development of a dairy farm in a business plan

The size of the investment largely depends on the scale of production. When opening even a mini dairy farm for 100 heads or less, only 5-6 million rubles will have to be put into the business plan for arranging the premises.

According to many experts in the agricultural industry, it would be advisable to open a dairy farm if there are at least 300 heads of large cattle .

You will also need:

  • Buy or build a modern livestock complex, for which you need to provide for quite impressive financial injections.
  • An equally important stage is the selection of personnel, since certain requirements must be imposed on hired employees regarding their level of qualification and experience in agriculture.

Each novice entrepreneur can independently draw up a business plan for a dairy farm, and if he does not have the appropriate knowledge, he should seek the help of professionals.

Drawing up a business plan for a dairy farm for a grant

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are in dire need of cash, so every external source of funding is incredibly important to them.

The Russian state shows concern for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, giving them irrevocable financial assistance , subject to the provision of a promising project. Thanks to such grants, entrepreneurs got the opportunity to actively develop and expand their business in the domestic market.

A government grant is a subsidy measured in monetary terms, which they can count on:

  • individuals who carry out their economic activity in the status of individual entrepreneurs;
  • private enterprises;
  • commercial organizations, regardless of their legal status and type of activity.

For most SMEs the grant acts as start-up capital , which is used in the early stages of the formation of the enterprise.

Despite the fact that such subsidies are issued by the state on a gratuitous basis, their recipients must submit a detailed report on all expenses incurred.

How to evaluate profitability? What determines the success of this type of activity?

How the Unified State Register of Legal Entities stands for and what it is, read in a separate one. Who has access to company personal data?

You will learn about the cost, timing and procedure for registering a trademark at . The amount of fees for international services.

Main sections

To receive a cash grant to open a dairy farm Russian entrepreneurs a business plan should be developed, which should contain the following sections:

  • Chapter summary.
    Here, a novice entrepreneur must describe in detail the reasons that prompted him to open his own business.
  • Section dedicated to industry environment Agriculture.
    Representatives of medium and small businesses should monitor the domestic market. The results obtained are very important, since with their help it will be possible to calculate the approximate sales volume and determine the prices at which dairy farm products will be sold.

Thanks to detailed market research, entrepreneurs will be able to determine how much competition there is in their chosen business area.

  • The third section should contain information that relates to income planning dairy farm.
    A novice businessman must indicate the time frame during which his enterprise will begin to make a profit. He must also calculate the optimal selling price of his products.

All these indicators will be taken into account when financial settlements, based on the results of each reporting month, as well as in the formation of a plan for all organizational activities.

  • The fourth section of the plan should include all production planning stages dairy farm.
    This section is studied by the authorities most carefully. For them, information, verified and reliable, regarding production facilities is important.

In the event that the entrepreneur plans to engage in manufacturing process used equipment, it should indicate whether it needs to be modernized. If you plan to take production equipment on a long-term lease, then you should describe the cost of the lease, as well as indicate with which suppliers such contracts will be concluded.

Since it is planned to process raw materials on a dairy farm, it is necessary to take care of the acquisition of technological lines, as well as refrigeration equipment where the finished product will be stored.

It is equally important to describe where the cattle feed will be purchased, as well as the conditions under which it will be stored. Each representative of a medium or small business who plans to open a dairy farm must take care to create decent living conditions for their animals.

  • Section dedicated to solution of all organizational issues that may arise when opening a dairy farm.
    The entrepreneur must describe in detail what resources will be required to open this business. This section should indicate which state employees necessary for the full functioning of the farm and the production of dairy products.

Separately, the payroll, working conditions of employees and ways of motivating them are described. If it is necessary to train staff, you need to indicate which courses they will attend and how much money will be allocated for their retraining.

  • The sixth section of the plan is reserved for financial performance dairy farm.
    Representatives of medium and small businesses must describe in detail the items of expenses and income, and then display the result.

Grant distributors are also interested in information relating to all cash flows dairy farm. The entrepreneur must conduct a detailed the financial analysis this business direction and prove its effectiveness and sustainability.

In compiling this section, it is better to take the help of an experienced economist or financier, as he taken into account first when making a decision regarding the issuance of a grant.

  • For analysis of all existing risks in this industry the seventh section of the plan is intended. Entrepreneurs should not only describe possible difficulties and problems that can affect the profitability of the farm, but also indicate ways to eliminate them.
  • The final part of the plan should be short but succinct. conclusion.

All graphs and tables, as well as other documents that were used by representatives of medium and small businesses in the research, must be attached to this plan.

The documentation package that will be required to receive a grant should include:

  • copies of all registration documents, including the Charter;
  • passport with Russian citizenship and local registration, as well as an Individual tax number;
  • lease agreements industrial premises etc.

O government programs help novice farmers, see the video:

Dairy farm business plan example

To open a private dairy farm, an entrepreneur will need invest approximately 28,000,000 rubles.

In accordance with the results of the calculations, a businessman can receive monthly revenue in the amount of 2,400,000 rubles.

In order to pay off all financial investments, it will be necessary to actively develop this business area. for 2.5 - 2.7 years.

As a result, it will be possible to receive a net profit of 506,000 rubles every month.

Financial calculations of a dairy farm

Expenditure part:

  • Production equipment - 8,500,000 rubles;

here . Who is eligible for government support?

When you need statistics codes for individual entrepreneurs, and where to get them, read the link. When do you have to re-apply to Rosstat?

The farm produces 2,000 liters of milk daily, from which 60,000 liters of dairy products are made every month.

To date, the cost of 1 liter of milk is set at 40 rubles. The monthly revenue of the dairy farm will be 2,400,000 rubles.

Dairy farm assortment:

  • cottage cheese, cottage cheese desserts;
  • cheese, butter;
  • sour cream;
  • kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • milk, etc.;

Calculation of the financial result:

  • Monthly expenses: 584,000 rubles;
  • Monthly revenue: 2,400,000 rubles;
  • Cost of dairy products: 1,310,000 rubles;
  • Gross income: 2,400,000 - 1,310,000 = 1,090,000 rubles;
  • Net profit: 1,090,000 - 584,000 \u003d 506,000 rubles.


The Russian government provides all possible assistance to representatives of medium and small businesses planning to engage in agriculture, and in particular to open dairy farms.

Today, this business area has quite bright prospects, since this category of entrepreneurs can use certain benefits that can significantly reduce the impact on Russian business tax burden.

To open own business in this direction, a novice entrepreneur needs to develop a business plan that should be followed throughout the entire period of the dairy farm.

In this material:

A business plan for a dairy farm for 20 heads requires careful observance of all points, including market analysis and the search for product sales. The demand for milk and dairy products is constant regardless of the season. In connection with the foreign policy situation in the country in recent years, the demand for domestic goods, including dairy products, has sharply increased. In addition, the internal policy of the state is now aimed at the development of domestic agriculture. The supply provided by the existing dairy farms is not enough. It is not only about obtaining and selling milk, but also other dairy products. Concerning dairy business won't be a loser.

Profitability of the project and its payback period

Undoubtedly, the dairy business is a profitable business, but how much, and is this profit worth the effort? The costs of opening and developing a dairy farm will be as follows:

  1. Registration of the farm in accordance with the current legislation. The average amount that may be required for the regions varies within 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Rent or construction of premises where the livestock of cattle will be located. The average monthly cost of paying a farm will be 150,000 rubles.
  3. Repair work and subsequent disinfection. This cost item will cost about 300 thousand rubles.
  4. Equipment costs will amount to about 1920 thousand rubles.
  5. Acquisition of livestock of 20 heads. On average, one cow costs 40 thousand rubles. 20 goals will cost 800 thousand rubles.
  6. 950 thousand rubles will have to be prepared for feed and pasture rent.
  7. An average of 165 thousand rubles will be spent on wages for workers.
  8. Utility bills and taxes. Given that the farm will be located outside the city, where the cost of housing and communal services is much lower, this item of expenditure will average 50 thousand rubles.

Only the opening will require an amount of 4385 thousand rubles. This is a significant investment for many entrepreneurs. Please note that some expenses will be recurring monthly: wage, housing and communal services, tax payments And so on. The average payback period for a dairy farm is 31 months. After this time, the farm will begin to generate a stable income.

The figures are given for a farm with a small number of 20 head of cattle. In order for labor and care to be justified, it is worth opening a farm with at least 150 head of cattle. With this number of cows, the profit will be sufficient. The larger the livestock, the greater the profit, but also the higher the initial investment. These points need to be considered when drawing up a business plan for a dairy farm.

Starting a business

The development of the project begins with the registration of the enterprise in accordance with current legislation. First you need to decide on the form of ownership of the organization - legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Having decided, it is necessary to legalize the organization. Next, a personal account is opened in the bank in the name of the entrepreneur.

The rest of the documentation is drawn up after the lease of the premises, the purchase of livestock and equipment. Before the farm begins to function, it must pass fire, sanitary and veterinary checks. The result of the control must be documented and kept by the owner of the company.

Before opening, you need to put the accounting in order. The accountant will have to prepare documents financial reporting, which will be provided in the relevant government bodies. This case must be approached responsibly, as incorrect reporting can lead to criminal penalties. An accountant can be hired on a permanent basis or only for reporting.

Another important document that will be compiled during work is a report on the regular inspection of livestock by a veterinarian. The doctor may be part of the permanent staff of the farm or as a one-time employee.

After the company has been registered, you need to start looking for a place to keep livestock. Livestock can be located in the nearest suburbs or away from the city. There are several scenarios for the development of events: buying a place where a farm will be built, buying an existing but abandoned farm.

The appropriate option should be selected based on the available funds, the planned number of livestock and the time that is expected to open the farm. If the land is bought or rented, the cost of erecting outbuildings will be required. When working with an existing farm, complex work will be required to repair and disinfect it.

  1. Tractor for transporting feed, manure and other household needs.
  2. Mower, rake-tedder and other equipment required for hay making.
  3. Vehicle for delivery of products to the buyer.
  4. Milking machines.
  5. Mini-workshop for processing milk into various dairy products. Its acquisition can be excluded if there are not enough funds for it.
  6. Inventory for receiving and processing milk.

When buying cattle, you need to pay attention to its breed. It is not worth saving at this point, since expensive breed cows, as a rule, produce high-quality milk, which can be charged a high price.

You can additionally organize the breeding and sale of young thoroughbred calves.

Pastures are rented for feeding cows, special concentrated feed and hay are bought.

The costs of keeping cows include their insemination and periodic examination, treatment by a veterinarian.

Dairy farming is a win-win idea. With enough start-up capital and patience, you can achieve constant and increasing profits.

Order a business plan

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