Personnel program. Interrelation of personnel strategy and personnel actions. § Circulation strategy

Human Resources Shevchuk Denis Aleksandrovich

5.3. Personnel activities and HR strategy

It is known that in the formation of the system strategic management four main phases can be distinguished:

Chaotic response to constant change in external environment;

Strategic planning in the narrow sense - anticipation of new complications in the external conditions of the organization's activities and the development of strategies for response in advance (initial assumption: new strategy should be based on the use of existing strengths and leveling the weaknesses of the organization);

Control strategic opportunities- identification of the internal potential of the organization for adaptation in a rapidly changing environment (not only future problems and ways to solve them are predicted, but also the level of professional competence, required by staff organizations for future success);

Real-time strategic task management - development and implementation of an ever-adjusting program.

Personnel activities - actions aimed at achieving compliance of personnel with the tasks of the organization, carried out taking into account the specific tasks of the stage of development of the organization.

Consider the main personnel activities depending on the type of strategy of the organization and the level of planning. For open and closed personnel policies will be adequate different type measures to meet essentially common staffing needs (Table 5.2).

Table 5.2.

Personnel activities implemented in the open and closed type of personnel policy

This text is an introductory piece.

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Human Resources and Talent Management For effective work companies in a constantly changing market environment, vital features are flexibility, adaptability, willingness to change, the ability to overcome difficult situations. Definitely work with staff.

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8.4. Recruitment agencies Recruitment agencies are private organizations that specialize in the employment of employed citizens, that is, those who have a job in any organization, work experience in their specialty, but who want to improve their working conditions. Under such

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8.6. Employer's Human Resources Organizations' Human Resources departments, in addition to employment centres, handle employment directly on behalf of the employer's organization and also build significant databases of needed professionals and managers. Procedure

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20. Personnel policy of the organization Personnel policy is a set of goals, objectives, principles, methods, means of influencing the activities of personnel to achieve the goals of the organization. There is an active, passive, preventive and reactive personnel

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Chapter 7 Personnel industry. Birth and development. Modern business cases Today, no one needs to prove that people are the main capital of any company, any business. The need for highly qualified first-class personnel is inexhaustible.

“Maybe a good plan,” someone said, but we just need to know where we are now.

Jerome K. Jerome. three in a boat

It is known that in the formation of a strategic management system, four main phases can be distinguished:

  • chaotic response to constant changes in the external environment;
  • strategic planning in the narrow sense - anticipation of new complications in the external conditions of the organization's activities and the development of response strategies in advance (initial assumption: the new strategy should be based on the use of existing strengths and leveling the weaknesses of the organization);
  • management of strategic opportunities - identifying the internal potential of the organization to adapt in a rapidly changing environment (not only future problems and ways to solve them are predicted, but also the level of professional competence necessary for the organization's personnel to succeed in the future);
  • management of strategic tasks in real time - the development and implementation of a constantly correcting program.

Personnel activities - actions aimed at achieving compliance of personnel with the tasks of the organization, carried out taking into account the specific tasks of the stage of development of the organization.

Consider the main personnel activities depending on the type of strategy of the organization and the level of planning. For an open and closed personnel policy, various types of measures to meet essentially the same personnel needs will be adequate (Table 5.2).

Table 5.2. Personnel activities implemented in the open and closed type of personnel policy

planning level



medium term


Open personnel policy


Attracting young promising professionals. Active policy of informing about the firm. Formation of requirements for candidates

Search for promising people and projects, creation of a bank of candidates for work in the organization, competitions, issuance of grants. Establishing contacts with recruitment agencies

Selection of managers and specialists for projects

dynamic growth

Active policy of attracting professionals

Development of principles and procedures for evaluating candidates and work. Training of managers - the formation of horizontal and vertical management teams. Planning labor resources

Development of staffing. Creation job descriptions. Description of the company's policy in documents and rules. Recruitment of personnel for specific types of work. Staff adaptation


Development of new forms of labor organization for new technologies

Development of optimal schemes for stimulating labor, linked to the organization's profit. Analysis and rationalization of jobs

Implementation of programs for assessing and stimulating the work of personnel. Recruitment of effective managers (managers)


Not considered

Creation normative documents on the personnel aspect of the liquidation of the enterprise. Establishing contacts with employment firms

Evaluation of personnel for the purpose of reduction. Advising staff on vocational guidance, training programs and employment. Use of part-time schemes


Assessment of the need for personnel for various stages of the life of the organization

Search for promising specialists

Consulting assistance to staff (primarily psychological). Program implementation social assistance

Closed personnel policy


Creation of own (proprietary) institutions

Search for promising students, scholarships, internships at the enterprise

Invite friends, relatives and acquaintances

dynamic growth

Career planning. Developing Non-Traditional Ways of Employment (Lifetime - Japan)

Conducting in-house training programs tailored to personal training needs.

Development of labor incentive programs depending on the contribution and length of service

Recruitment of employees with high potential and ability to learn.

Conducting staff adaptation programs


Development of labor optimization schemes, reduction labor costs

Implementation of training programs for management personnel.

Development of social programs

Creation of "quality" circles, active involvement of personnel in the optimization of the organization's activities. Use of “internal recruitment” resources - overlapping


Not considered

Conducting retraining programs

Job search for relocated personnel. Dismissing new employees first


Creation of "innovative" departments. Development of programs to stimulate the creative activity of employees. Holding project competitions

Development of part-time programs in the main area with the ability to realize the activity of employees in areas useful to the company

Cultivation of the “philosophy of the firm”. Inclusion of personnel in the discussion of the prospects for the development of the organization


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federal agency railway transport

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education

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Krasnoyarsk Institute of Railway Transport - branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "Irkutsk State University of Communications"

department "Correspondence education"


in the discipline "Fundamentals of personnel policy and personnel planning"

on this topic " "

Completed by: A.O. Makaenko

Accepted: O.E. Subverbal

Krasnoyarsk 2017


1. HR strategy

2. Personnel activities

3. Relationship between HR strategy and HR activities


List of sources used


During the period modern economy and during the financial economic crisis, the management and work with personnel in the organization is key positions and key element entrepreneurial activity enterprises.

In addition, the formation of a strategy by personnel is currently a very urgent problem of the formation of labor resources of any modern, competitive enterprise.

The ongoing changes associated with the irreversibility of economic reforms and the movement towards healthy competition are forcing Russian organizations to pay considerable attention to aspects of personnel policy management based on evidence-based planning.

Effective management of an organization or enterprise is impossible without creating such an atmosphere inside it when all personnel are interested in achieving common purpose, everyone feels his personal involvement in the victories and defeats of the team. Today, success or failure in business largely depends on the creative activity of the employees of the organization, their willingness to take responsibility for the decisions made. It is necessary to understand that a general high level of management can only develop if everyone works to the maximum realization of their potential.

The results of the activities of many enterprises and the accumulated experience of their work with personnel show that the formation of production teams, ensuring high quality human resources are decisive factors in production efficiency and product competitiveness.

1 . HR strategy

Personnel strategy (personnel management strategy) is a specific set of basic principles, rules and objectives for working with personnel, specified taking into account the types of organizational strategy, organizational and personnel potential (human resource), as well as the type of organization's personnel policy.

The practice of functioning of many organizations indicates a clear relationship between strategic decisions on their management and the personnel management system.

The personnel strategy of the organization is determined by the following complex factors:

§ External and internal environment of the functioning of the organization;

§ The type of organization strategy adopted by its management;

§ level of planning;

§ Openness (closedness) of personnel policy; staff competence.

§ Analysis of the external environment consists of two parts:

§ analysis of the macro environment (the state of the economy and the general trend in the labor market, legal regulation in the labor sphere, political processes, etc.);

§ Analysis immediate environment(local labor market, personnel policy of competitors, etc.).

Analysis internal environment reveals the state and prospects for the development of personnel, management style, the state of technology, the current organizational culture. The most important element of the analysis of the internal environment in the strategic management of personnel is the analysis of the mission and goals of the organization.

Organization strategy types:

§ business strategy;

§ dynamic growth strategy;

§ profitability strategy;

§ liquidation strategy;

§ circulation strategy.

Table 1 Comparative characteristics



"Buy Frames"

Minimum costs

Significant acquisition costs

for training, high

narrow specialization.

the level of specialists.

Minimum costs

for search and adaptation,

search, openness.

Minimum costs

Expensive, very narrow specialization.


for education.

Low % fixing of leasing



Minimum costs

High fluidity.


for education,

sufficient level for


5. Career guidance and adaptation: the introduction of hired workers into organizations and its divisions, the development of employees' understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment.

The development of a HR strategy consists of seven steps, and in each of them the active participation of senior managers is desirable (Annex 1). This ensures that the balance between HR practitioners and company strategists is maintained, which is so necessary for effective results.

HR strategy is of great interest not only in terms of practical approach to business management, but also from the standpoint of theory. Thus, in Europe, approximately since the mid-80s of the last century, the relationship between business strategies and personnel management has been vigorously discussed.

In particular, the question of whether the personnel strategy should be a projection of the business strategy or vice versa comes to the fore.

With an entrepreneurial type of strategy, an open personnel policy in the long term involves attracting young professionals, active information interaction and the formation of requirements for candidates. At the medium-term planning level, this is the search for promising people and projects, the creation of a database of candidates, holding competitions, and maintaining contacts with recruitment agencies. Short-term planning refers to the selection of managers for specific projects. management personnel personnel

Every organization has several options for strategic HR planning. In practice, it is often observed that management uses individual elements of several systems to

adapting the personnel strategy to the requirements of the enterprise.

Team development is an indispensable object of organization management and, at the same time, an integral part of its personnel management system.

The main goals of the development of the team are:

§ improvement of the personnel structure, its demographic and vocational composition, regulation of the number of employees, improvement of their educational, cultural and technical level;

§ improvement of ergonomic, psycho-physiological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic and other working conditions, labor protection and safety of workers.

2 . Personnel activities

Personnel activities - actions aimed at achieving compliance of personnel with the tasks of the organization, carried out taking into account the specific tasks of the stage of development of the organization.

It is known that in the formation of a strategic management system, four main phases can be distinguished:

§ chaotic response to constant changes in the external environment;

§ strategic planning in the narrow sense - anticipation of new complications in the external conditions of the organization's activities and the development of response strategies in advance (initial assumption: the new strategy should be based on the use of existing strengths and leveling the weaknesses of the organization);

* management of strategic opportunities - identifying the internal potential of the organization to adapt in a rapidly changing environment (not only future problems and ways to solve them are predicted, but also the level of professional competence necessary for the organization's personnel to succeed in the future);

Consider the main personnel activities depending on the type of strategy of the organization and the level of planning. For an open and closed personnel policy, different types of measures to meet essentially the same personnel needs will be adequate (Table 2.).

Table 2 Personnel activities implemented in the open and closed type of personnel policy

Type of organization strategy (the stage of development of the organization at which the strategy is mainly implemented)

planning level

Long-term (strategic)

Medium-term (managerial)

Short term (operational)

1. Open personnel policy

Entrepreneurial (stage of formation)

Attracting young promising professionals. Active policy of informing about the firm. Formation of requirements for candidates

Search for promising people and projects, creation of a bank of candidates for work in the organization, holding competitions, issuing grants. Establishing contacts with recruitment agencies

Selection of managers and specialists for projects

An active policy of attracting professionals, disseminating information about the possibility of implementing venture projects

Development of principles and procedures for evaluating candidates and work. Training of managers, formation of horizontal and vertical management teams. Workforce planning

Development of staffing. Creation of job descriptions. Description of the company's policy in documents and rules. Recruitment of personnel for specific types of work. Staff adaptation

Development of new forms of labor organization for new technologies

Development of optimal schemes for stimulating labor, linked to the organization's profit. Analysis and rationalization of jobs

Implementation of programs for assessing and stimulating the work of personnel. Recruitment of effective managers (managers)

Not considered

2. Closed personnel policy

Entrepreneurial (stages of formation)

Creation of own (proprietary) institutions

Search for promising students, scholarships, internships at the enterprise

Invite friends, relatives and acquaintances

Dynamic growth (stage of intensive growth)

Career planning. Development of non-traditional methods of employment (lifetime (Japan)

Conducting in-house training programs tailored to personal training needs. Development of labor incentive programs depending on the contribution and length of service

Recruitment of employees with high potential and ability to learn. Conducting staff adaptation programs

Profitability (stabilization stage)

Development of labor optimization schemes, reduction of labor costs

Implementation of training programs for management personnel. Development of social programs

Creation of "quality" circles, active involvement of personnel in the optimization of the organization's activities. Use of "internal recruitment" resources, overlapping

Liquidation (crisis stage)

Not considered

Creation of regulatory documents on the personnel aspect of the liquidation of the enterprise. Establishing contacts with employment firms

Evaluation of personnel for the purpose of reduction. Advising staff on vocational guidance, training programs and employment. Use of part-time schemes. Consulting assistance to staff (primarily psychological). Implementation of social assistance programs

3 . Relationship between HR strategy and HR activities

Appropriate personnel measures depend on the openness or closeness of the personnel policy.

For the entrepreneurial type of strategy, openness of personnel policy and long-term (strategic) level of planning, personnel activities include:

attraction of young promising professionals;

active information about the organization;

Formation of requirements for candidates.

For the same conditions, but with a closed personnel policy, as personnel measures, it is planned to create our own corporate institutes and personnel training courses.

The formation of market relations in Russia is characterized by an increase in the role of personnel policy at enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership. The increase in the role of personnel policy is explained by fundamental changes in social and economic conditions, the essence of which is the transition from command and administrative methods of personnel management to the use of economic, social and moral and psychological incentives. To date, a new period has begun in the work with personnel, characterized by an increase in attention to the personality of the employee, to the search for new incentives, which raises the problem of creating a personnel management system based mainly on economic incentives and social guarantees focused on the convergence of the interests of the employee with the interests of the organization. HR strategy is one of the directions modern management aimed at developing and effective use personnel potential of the organization. The personnel management system includes:

tactical level of management (personnel management dominates;

strategic level of management (management dominates by human resourses);

· the political level of corporate management (development and control over the implementation of personnel policy).

People management is essential for large and small, commercial and non-profit, industrial and service organizations. Human resource management is one of the most important aspects of the theory and practice of management. Specific responsibility for the overall management of human resources in organizations is usually assigned to professionally trained employees of human resources departments, usually in the headquarters. In order for specialists to actively contribute to the organization's goals, they need not only knowledge and competence in their particular field, but also awareness of the needs of lower-level managers. It is important that all managers and professionals understand the ways and methods of managing people.

Human resource management includes the following steps:

1. Resource planning: developing a plan to meet future human resource needs.

2. Recruitment - creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions.

3. Selection: evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during the recruitment.

4. Definition wages and Benefits: Developing a salary and benefits structure to attract, hire and retain employees.

5. Career guidance and adaptation: the introduction of hired workers into organizations and, the development of employees' understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment.


Depending on the stage of formation of the personnel policy of the enterprise, its various principles and the requirements arising from them are distinguished. Principles for the development of personnel policy - individuality; complexity; priority; perspective and adaptability.

Principles for the implementation of personnel policy - orientation; multifactorial; motivation and responsibility. The stages of developing a personnel policy depend on its level - state or organizational. The directions of the personnel policy of a particular organization correspond to the functions of the personnel management system in force in this organization. The main HR activities and their development depend on the type of strategy of the organization and the level of planning.

If a strategy of maximum product quality is chosen, then the employees in key positions and the team as a whole must have the highest professional level and competence that allows them to realize the quality level regardless of the cost of production and technological failures.

The innovative type of strategy, which involves the introduction of the most advanced technologies, requires employees to have maximum flexibility, broad professional erudition, readiness to accept new technologies and types of equipment.

Technical and technological strategy relies mainly on internal scientific and technical potential production organization. This strategy requires initiative, creativity, and active participation in ongoing research work from employees.

The importance of these elements of the organization's integrated strategy is explained by the fact that their successful implementation is most directly related to qualification level organization personnel.

Therefore, we can say that the content of the innovative, technical and technological and product quality strategies largely determine the set of prospective requirements for the organization's personnel.

In turn, the development of a set of requirements for personnel is mandatory and necessary condition formation of an organization's personnel development strategy.

List of sources used

1. Bakanov, M.I. Theory of economic analysis. / M.I. Bakanov, A.D. Sheremet. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2011. - 456 p.

2. Vesnin, V.R. Fundamentals of management / V.R. Vesnin, - M.: "Triada, LTD", 2012. - 347 p.

1. 3. Galenko, O.A. "Personnel Management and Enterprise Efficiency". / O.A. Galenko, S.I. Strakhova, O.I. Faibushevich. - M.: 2010. - 276 p.

3. Egorshin, A.P. Personnel management / A.P. Egorshin. - N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2010. - 720 p.

4. Zagoruiko, I. How to manage personnel commercial organization/ I. Zagoruiko, V. Fedorov // Man and labor. - 2013. - No. 6. - P.101-106.

5. Komarov, M.A. Management. / M.A. Komarov, Textbook. - M: UNITI, 2012. - 384 p.

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Personnel activities

Improving Efficiency personnel work in the organs state power is possible only on the basis of a clear definition of the place and role of car services in the personnel management system and the implementation of personnel policy. The main goal of the personnel service as such is to provide the apparatus with personnel, to organize their effective activities, professional and social development. The main goal is specified by the definition of tasks, personnel activities covering the entire system of work with personnel. These are the acquisition, selection, placement of employees, the development of their creative potential, the organization of the civil service. It is necessary to solve many specific tasks related to the personality of a civil servant: studying the demographic situation, training systems, labor assessment, planning and career development of employees, their social protection, etc.

The main activities of personnel services federal bodies authorities are enshrined in federal law"On the system of public service of the Russian Federation".

According to the law personnel service The state body performs the following functions:

  1. ensures the holding of competitions for filling vacant public positions in the civil service, attestations, the passage of tests by civil servants when filling public positions in the civil service, qualification exams;
  2. draws up decisions of state bodies related to the passage of public service employees, maintains their personal files, makes the necessary entries in work books;
  3. advising government officials on their legal status, compliance with the restrictions associated with public service;
  4. analyzes the level vocational training civil servants, organizes retraining (retraining) and advanced training, determines the prospects career development employee.

Currently, the following areas of personnel activities in working with civil service personnel can be distinguished:

  • strategic planning of the state apparatus;
  • formation of a system of attraction to the civil service;
  • adaptation of newly hired employees in the state apparatus;
  • labor inspection, assessment and attestation;
  • formation of a personnel reserve;
  • creation of an incentive system;
  • social protection of public service personnel;
  • planning and career development of a civil servant.

Let's consider each of the directions in more detail from the point of view

availability of specific decision tools.

Strategic planning of the state apparatus. This personnel event is the initial stage of personnel planning and is based on data on available and planned jobs, a plan for carrying out organizational and technical measures, staffing and a plan for filling vacancies.

Strategic personnel planning should be based on several grounds, among which the most important are the following:

  1. principles of personnel policy of public authorities;
  2. analysis of the prospects for changing the regulatory framework of state power and the development of the civil service system;
  3. accounting for the size and composition of activities;
  4. assessment of the personnel composition of organizations and the public service as a whole.

The principles of the personnel policy of public authorities in the framework of considering the issue of strategic planning are designed to determine the strategic guidelines for the formation of human resources, the understanding of the term itself and the specific principles of its development.

Based on the formulated goals and principles of personnel policy, strategic planning of personnel potential should be based on programming the process of personnel development, increasing its competence in order to create a professional

corps of civil servants capable of providing effective public administration and to support the development of the democratic process and the development of the country as a whole.

Formation of a personnel recruitment system. Personnel recruitment planning - planning activities for the recruitment and admission of personnel in order to meet the body's needs for personnel in the future from internal and external sources. Internal sources of personnel attraction allow better use of the personnel already available in the organization as a result of the appearance of additional work, redistribution of tasks or movement, promotion of employees. External sources of personnel attraction are the hiring of new employees.

The current system of attracting personnel to government and management bodies meets the norms and traditions characteristic of a closed personnel policy and bureaucratic organizational culture. It is necessary to create such a system for attracting personnel that would make it possible to solve some of the formulated tasks:

  1. increase the openness of the civil service to the population;
  2. form the population active position in relation to the processes taking place in the state apparatus, and a sense of involvement in the processes of state administration;
  3. increase the transparency of requirements for candidates for work in the state apparatus.

Adaptation of newly recruited employees. The adaptation process is the procedure for incorporating new employees into the organization, familiarizing the newcomer with the requirements of the activity, organizational culture, rules and ways of behavior in the team. In the course of interaction between the employee and the organization, their mutual adaptation takes place, the basis of which is the gradual entry of the employee into new professional and social economic conditions labor. Service in the state apparatus and bodies municipal government is specific, and the process of adaptation to it for each newly hired employee is associated with overcoming various kinds of difficulties. For the vast majority of citizens, the transition to the service is associated with a change in the specifics and working conditions. It is necessary to optimize the process of integrating a new employee into the organization with minimal loss of time and a quick exit to the level of effective functioning.

In the process of adaptation, the employee must master the content of the activity and become familiar with the characteristics of the team and corporate culture, i.e. undergo social and psychological adaptation, inclusion in the team. Indicators of the effectiveness of an employee's adaptation can be indicators of labor efficiency, an assessment of the level of staff turnover among new employees, the number promotions during the first years of operation, as well as the number and causes of conflicts that arise in the organization.

Evaluation of labor, conducting a qualification exam and certification of personnel. Evaluation of labor in government and administration can be carried out only if it is preceded by work on the creation of activity standards, determining the order and volume of work. This can be done only within the framework of the formation of a rational structure of the management body itself, the definition of its functions and powers, the distribution of responsibility related to the achievement of these goals between departments and employees. Otherwise, qualification examinations, personnel certification, assessment of the employee's labor and growth potential are ineffective.

Certification is carried out in order to determine the compliance of a civil servant with a civil service position to be substituted on the basis of an assessment of his professional performance. The attestation is intended to contribute to the formation of the personnel of the state civil service of the Russian Federation, to improve the professional level of civil servants, to resolve issues related to determining the pre-emptive right to fill a civil service position while reducing civil service positions in government agency, as well as issues related to changing the terms of payment of a bunch of civil servants.

To optimize certification procedures, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements:

  1. the criteria used should be clear to each participant in the assessment;
  2. the information used for the evaluation must be available;
  3. evaluation results should be closely related to personnel
  4. activities: a system of labor assessment, development of programs
  5. training, formation of a reserve, promotion of personnel;
  6. the evaluation system should be consistent with the organizational culture.

The qualification exam is one of the means of objective assessment of public authorities, administrative and social control over their professionalism and qualifications, identification and rational use of the personnel reserve based on the effective use of the professional abilities of an employee in the interests of realizing his career and for the benefit of the state.

Programs outside and inside organizational training, retraining and staff development. Personnel training allows employees to use their own production resources without looking for new highly qualified personnel in the external labor market. In addition, employee training planning creates conditions for mobility, motivation and self-regulation of the employee, accelerates the process of adaptation of the employee to changing conditions in the same workplace. Training, retraining and development of personnel are an indispensable condition for the effective functioning of the organization.

The theoretical basis of training programs is the concept of continuous professionalization of the individual and the idea of ​​the systemic structure of labor activity.

In practice, two forms of training of the organization's personnel have developed: in the workplace and outside it. On-the-job training is cheaper and faster, is closely linked to daily work, and makes it easier for workers who are not accustomed to classroom training to enter the learning process. The most important methods of training at the workplace are: the method of increasing complexity of tasks, changing the workplace (rotation), directed acquisition of experience, instruction, the use of employees as assistants, the method of delegating (transferring) some functions and responsibilities. Training outside the workplace is more effective, but is associated with financial costs and distraction of the employee from his official duties.

Development of programs for motivation and stimulation of labor. Social protection employees. An effective system of staff incentives at present should be as oriented as possible to individual interests and be as flexible as possible. However, any organization is faced with a fairly severe limitation of incentive funds, in this situation, more attention should be paid to non-material incentive programs, as well as combining incentive programs and social protection.

Social protection of employees should ensure sufficient social independence of employees and prevent the negative tendencies of corruption among the staff of state and municipal governments.

Civil servant career planning. Career is the result of a conscious position and activity of a person in the field of official activity, associated with official or professional growth.

Career planning is the process of comparing the potential capabilities, abilities and goals of an employee with the requirements of the organization and its development plans, which is expressed in the preparation of a program for professional and career growth.

The distribution of career planning functions in the organization is as follows. The employee himself says:

  1. for the primary choice of profession;
  2. for the choice of organization and position;
  3. for orientation in the organization;
  4. for setting growth goals;
  5. for realizing growth.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for:

  1. job evaluation;
  2. placement of employees;
  3. assessment of the work and potential of the employee, periodic certification;
  4. formation of a personnel reserve;
  5. development and implementation of growth programs;
  6. promotion to the next position.

Direct supervisor:

  1. evaluates the results of work and the potential of the employee;
  2. evaluates motivation;
  3. organizes professional development;
  4. develops proposals for inclusion in the reserve for training and labor stimulation programs.

One chapter explained to the reader how to turn Australian meat cans into flower pots; in another chapter, how to turn an oil tub into a revolving piano stool; and in the third, how to use old hatboxes to make blinds, ...

Jerome K. Jerome. Collection "More Idle Thoughts"

In a market economy, one of the decisive factors in the efficiency and competitiveness of an enterprise is ensuring high quality of human resources. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that work with personnel does not begin with a vacancy and does not end with hiring. The process of working with personnel should be built in such a way as to arrive at the desired result in the shortest possible way in relation to any issue or problem in the personnel sphere. So, in the course of the formation of personnel policy, in the ideal case, it is necessary to agree on the following aspects:

Development of general principles of personnel policy, prioritization of goals;

Organizational and staffing policy - planning the need for labor resources, the formation of the structure and staff, appointment, creation of a reserve, relocation;

Information policy - creation and support of a system for the movement of personnel information;

Financial policy - formulating principles for the distribution of funds, ensuring an effective system of labor incentives;

Personnel development policy - provision of a development program, career guidance and adaptation of employees, planning of individual advancement, team building, professional training and advanced training;

Evaluation of performance results - analysis of the compliance of the personnel policy and the strategy of the organization, identification of problems in personnel work, assessment of human resources (assessment center and other methods for assessing the effectiveness of activities).

Table 9.1

Features of the implementation of personnel processes in the open and closed personnel policy

Personnel process

Type of personnel policy




The situation of high competition in the labor market

Scarcity situation work force

Staff adaptation

Possibility of quick inclusion in competitive relations, introduction of new approaches for the organization proposed by newcomers

Effective adaptation due to the institution of mentors (“guardians”), high team cohesion, inclusion in traditional approaches

Personnel training and development

Often held in external centers, contributes to the borrowing of new experience

Often held in intra-corporate centers, contributes to the formation of a single view, following a common technology, adapted to the specifics of the organization

Staff promotion

On the one hand, the possibility of growth is hindered due to the constant influx of new personnel, and on the other hand, a “dizzying career” is quite likely due to the high mobility of personnel

Priority in appointment to higher positions is always given to honored employees of the company, career planning is carried out

Motivation and stimulation

Preference is given to labor stimulation (primarily material)

Preference is given to motivation (meeting the need for stability, security, social acceptance)

Implementation of innovations

Constant innovative impact on the part of new employees, the main mechanism of innovation is the contract, the definition of the responsibility of the employee and the organization

Innovative behavior must either be specially initiated, or it is the result of an employee's awareness of the commonality of his fate with the fate of the enterprise.

Consider the process of forming personnel policy in the organization. So, some of the organizations that have been operating for a long time (in the domestic market this is typical for enterprises that work closely with foreign partners and foreign representative offices) have a documented idea of ​​​​the personnel policy of the enterprise, personnel processes, activities and norms for their implementation. For another part of organizations, the idea of ​​how to work with personnel exists at the level of understanding, but is not documented, or is in the process of being formed. If we are creating an enterprise and are interested in the personnel policy being carried out consciously, then it is necessary to carry out the following stages for the design of personnel policy:




1. Rationing. The goal is to harmonize the principles and goals of working with personnel with the principles and goals of the organization as a whole, the strategy and the stage of its development. As part of this stage of work, it is important to analyze the essential features of the corporate culture, predict possible changes in the external and internal environment of the organization, specify the image of the desired employee and determine the goals of human resource development. For example, it is very essential that the organization has an idea of ​​an ideal employee, the principle of mutual responsibility between the employee and the organization, the rules of official and professional growth, the requirements for the development of certain abilities and skills.

2. Programming. The goal is to develop programs, ways to achieve the goals of personnel work, specified taking into account the conditions of the current and possible changes in the situation. It is necessary to build a system of procedures and measures to achieve the goals, a kind of personnel technologies, fixed in documents, forms, and always taking into account both the current state and the possibilities of changes. An essential parameter influencing the development of such programs is the idea of ​​acceptable tools and methods of influence, their alignment with the values ​​of the organization. For example, in a situation of a closed personnel policy, it is illogical to develop and use intensive recruitment programs through recruitment agencies and the media. In this case, when recruiting, it is important to pay attention to the acquaintances of your employees, students of corporate educational institutions. For a corporate culture with elements of an organic organizational culture based on "family" values, it seems inappropriate to use strict psychological tests when recruiting. Rather, in this case, more attention should be paid to interview procedures, group activities and simulation of real production situations.

3. Personnel monitoring. The goal is to develop procedures for diagnosing and predicting the personnel situation. At this stage, it is important to determine the essential indicators of the state of human resources, as well as to develop a comprehensive program of ongoing diagnostics and development of the skills and abilities of employees. In addition, it is advisable to develop and implement a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of personnel programs.

For enterprises that monitor personnel on an ongoing basis, many individual HR programs (at least such as assessment and certification, career planning, maintaining a favorable socio-psychological climate) can be included in a single system of internally interconnected programs. Within the framework of such a mega-program, not only personnel tasks can be solved in an organization, but methods for diagnosing a managerial situation can also be implemented, methods for making and implementing managerial decisions are practically worked out. In this case, the personnel policy of the organization appears as an enterprise management tool.

9.3 . HR events and HR strategy

It might be a good plan, someone said, but we just need to know where we are now.

Jerome K Jerome. three in a boat

The main phases of the strategic


It is known that in the formation of a strategic management system, one can single out four main phases:

1) chaotic response to constant changes in the external environment;

2) strategic planning in the narrow sense - anticipation of new complications in the external conditions of the organization's activities and the development of strategies for response in advance (initial assumption: the new strategy should be based on the use of existing strengths and leveling the weaknesses of the organization);

3) management of strategic opportunities - identifying the internal potential of the organization to adapt in a rapidly changing environment (not only future problems are predicted to ways to solve them, but also the level of professional competence necessary for the organization's personnel to succeed in the future):

4) management of strategic tasks in real time - the development and implementation of a constantly correcting program.

Personnel programs and personnel


Depending on the phase of management practiced in the organization, as well as the level of planning, one can distinguish personnel programs different types, focused on solving operational, tactical or strategic tasks. The programs include various personnel activities, separate areas of work and projects aimed at improving the quality of personnel, developing their ability to solve problems dictated by the stage of development of the organization.

Consider the main personnel measures depending on the type of strategy of the organization (stage of development of the organization) and the level of planning. For an open and closed personnel policy, various types of measures to meet essentially the same personnel needs will be adequate (Table 9.2).

Of course, the content of the personnel programs described above is determined both by the idea of ​​the development trajectory of the organization as a whole, and by the target choice that is usually made by the owners or top management.

Table 9.2

Personnel activities implemented in open and closed types of personnel policy

Type of organization strategy (the stage of development of the organization at which the strategy is mainly implemented)

planning level

long-term (strategic)

mid-term (managerial)

short-term (operational)

1. Open personnel policy


(stage of formation)

Attracting young promising professionals. Active policy of informing about the firm. Formation of requirements for candidates

Search for promising people and projects, creation of a bank of candidates for work in the organization, holding competitions, issuing grants. Establishing contacts with recruitment agencies

Selection of managers and specialists for projects

    dynamic growth

(stage of intensive growth)

An active policy of attracting professionals, disseminating information about the possibility of implementing venture projects

Development of principles and procedures for evaluating candidates and work. Training of managers formation of horizontal and vertical management teams. Workforce planning

Development of staffing. Creation of job descriptions. Description of the company's policy in documents and rules. Recruitment of personnel for specific types of work. Staff adaptation


(stabilization stage)


(crisis stage)

Development of new forms of labor organization for new technologies

Not considered

Development of optimal schemes for stimulating labor, linked to the organization's profit. Analysis and rationalization of jobs

Creation of regulatory documents on the personnel aspect of the liquidation of the enterprise. Establishing contacts with employment firms

Implementation of programs for assessing and stimulating the work of personnel. Recruitment of effective managers (managers)

Evaluation of personnel for the purpose of reduction. Advising staff on vocational guidance, training programs and employment. Use of part-time schemes. Consulting assistance to staff (primarily psychological). Implementation of social assistance programs

2. Closed personnel policy

    Entrepreneurial (stage of formation)

    Dynamic growth (stage of intensive growth)

Creation of own (proprietary) institutions

Search for promising students, scholarships, internships at the enterprise

Invite friends, relatives and acquaintances

Career planning. Developing Non-Traditional Ways of Hiring (Lifetime Japan)

Conducting in-house training programs tailored to personal training needs.

Development of labor incentive programs depending on the contribution and length of service

Recruitment of employees with high potential and ability to learn. Conducting staff adaptation programs

    Profitability (stabilization stage)

Development of labor optimization schemes, reduction of labor costs

Implementation of training programs for management personnel.

Development of social programs

Creation of "quality" circles, active involvement of personnel in the optimization of the organization's activities. Use of “internal recruitment” resources combination


Not considered

Conducting retraining programs

Development of part-time programs in the main area with the ability to realize the activity of employees in other areas that are useful to the company

Job search for relocated personnel. Dismissing first of all new employees Cultivation of the “philosophy of the company”. Inclusion of personnel in the discussion of the prospects for the development of the organization and the development of projects to overcome the crisis

9. 4 . Conditions for the development of personnel policy

Every offensive army has:


Far and near objects of action.

Path of action.

Message path.

Food paths.

And the battle line.

Denis Davydov. Experience in the theory of partisan action

The personnel policy in general, the content and specifics of specific programs and personnel activities are influenced by factors of two types: external in relation to the organization and internal.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors can be combined into two groups:

1) regulatory restrictions; 2) situation in the labor market. For example, the presence in the norms of some countries of prohibitions on the use of tests in hiring, forces employees of personnel management services to be very resourceful in designing programs for selection and orientation of personnel.

Focusing on taking into account the situation on the labor market, it is necessary to analyze the presence of competition, sources of recruitment, structural and professional composition of the free labor force.

It is important to get an idea of ​​the professional and public associations in which employees or job candidates are somehow involved. The activity strategy of such associations, their traditions and priorities in the means of struggle should be taken into account in order to create and implement effective personnel programs.

Domestic Policy Factors

The following factors seem to be the most significant:

1) the goals of the enterprise, their time perspective and the degree of development. So, for example, an organization aimed at making a quick profit and then curtailing work requires completely different professionals compared to an enterprise focused on the gradual deployment of large-scale production with many branches;

2) management style, fixed including in the structure of the organization. Comparing a highly centralized organization to a decentralized organization shows that they require a different mix of professionals;

3) working conditions. Job characteristics that attract or repel people include:

The degree of physical and mental effort required;

The degree of harmfulness of work to health;

Location of jobs;

Duration and structured work;

Interaction with other people during work;

Degree of freedom in solving problems;

Understanding and accepting the purpose of the organization.

As a rule, the presence of even a small number of tasks that are not attractive to employees requires the HR manager to create special programs to attract and retain employees in the organization;

4) qualitative characteristics of the workforce. Thus, working as part of a successful team can be an additional incentive that contributes to stable productive work and job satisfaction;

5) leadership style. Regardless of the leadership style preferred by a particular manager, the following goals are important:

Maximum inclusion of skill and experience of each employee;

Ensuring constructive interaction of group members;

Obtaining adequate information about employees, contributing to the formulation of goals, objectives of personnel policy in the programs of the organization.


1. Personnel policy is aimed at bringing the personnel potential of the organization in line with the goals and strategy of its development.

2. The purpose of the personnel policy is to ensure an optimal balance between the processes of updating and maintaining the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel in accordance with the needs of the organization itself, the requirements of current legislation and the state of the labor market.

3. From the point of view of the level of awareness of the rules and norms that underlie personnel activities, the personnel policy of an organization can be passive, reactive, preventive or active.

4. Depending on the factors of the external environment, as well as the characteristics of the corporate culture, either open or closed personnel organization policy.

5. In the course of developing general principles for the formation of personnel policy, it is important to coordinate organizational, staffing, information, financial and personnel development policies.

6. The stages of designing personnel policy include rationing, programming and monitoring of personnel.

7. To build an adequate personnel policy, it is important to proceed from the understanding of the goals, norms and methods of implementing personnel activities. The main mechanism for maintaining an adequate personnel policy is personnel monitoring.


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