Franchises in the world. The history of the emergence and development of the franchising system in the world.

In a difficult period for the state economy, many citizens prefer not only to live on a paycheck to paycheck basis, but also to look for additional ways to obtain stable earnings... The Internet is filled with offers from dubious managers who offer to participate in the development of unknown companies. The idea for this is to organize your own business, which will allow you to get maximum finance and dispose of earnings at your own discretion.

The perfect way to organize own business- the best franchises that act as the main object in the process of concluding a contract. The concept is a whole complex of economic and material wealth, including full rights to use the brand and the finished model, as well as all the necessary tools for doing business.

Before using popular franchises, it is worth carefully analyzing the terms of each offer, comparing all the benefits and possible prospects... For the convenience of choosing, specialists in the field of finance draw up special ratings, which detail the conditions, necessary investments and the expected amount of money. The degree of profitability of a particular option was determined taking into account the average amount of earnings in relation to the amount of initial investment and annual profit. The most popular franchises are included in a special list that will help all start-up entrepreneurs and businessmen who want to profitably invest their own money in a profitable business, to decide on the idea of ​​creating a business.


The brand InCity, which sells branded clothing, launched more than ten years ago, after which a significant number of retail outlets in more than 80 cities of the country. The founders determine the minimum requirements for potential partners:

  • Minimum retail space of 150 m²;
  • The store should be located on the main street of the city or in a popular shopping center;
  • Installation of a single software and the use of branded commercial equipment;
  • Introduction of uniform prices.

The most important advantage of the offer is the absence of a mandatory lump-sum payment, since the founders of the enterprise receive sufficient income from the supply of original goods. On this moment InCity stores are included in the official Forbes ranking of profitable franchises.


The creators of the famous brand Sabway are familiar with the needs modern society, therefore, we are ready to offer our customers aromatic and tasty instant food. The franchise has been successfully operating since 1974, and since then the offer has been recognized 16 times as the most profitable and profitable in the world. The branded sandwiches are well-known all over the world, as the majority of fast food lovers prefer Sabway food. The founders offer comprehensive assistance in the process of setting up a business:

  • Assistance in the process of choosing the location of the restaurant;
  • Creation of a design project for an institution;
  • Business management consulting.

A distinctive feature of the restaurant is the choice of fillers and sauces for the preparation of all dishes; the menu includes vegetables, a variety of meat fillings, fresh bread which is baked in the restaurant every 4 hours.


Especially adventurous and active people are trying to earn finances in the field of entertainment and recreation, therefore they choose innovative and non-standard ways to generate income (). A great way to make money is to sign a franchise agreement with Contrast, which is engaged in the opening of hookah clubs. The organizers of the institution have passed state certification, so they can guarantee full compliance with legal requirements. The founders of the franchise note the following advantages of the project:

  • Legality of business in the context of anti-tobacco law;
  • Lack of seasonality;
  • Constant demand for entertainment day and night;
  • High profitability.

The Contrast company is distinguished by the maximum profitability, therefore the company is included in the list of the most profitable options. Interested representatives of the organization are guaranteed to provide assistance in choosing a suitable location for opening an establishment. In the process of opening a new enterprise, the organizers contribute to the training and growth of the professionalism of the personnel.

Fashionistas and women of fashion around the world are well aware of the Columbia brand, which sells original clothing and footwear and is the largest operator on the sports goods market in the CIS. The sales started more than ten years ago and since then the owners and partners have been steadily making a profit. Sports products belong to the middle price segment and are aimed at men and women from 20 to 60 years old. With a sales area focused on the supply and sale of sportswear and footwear, Columbia will provide assistance in the development of an individual store design that will create a stylish and creative point of sale.

The famous coffee shop CoffeSpace has been opening new franchise outlets for many years, which provide substantial profits to their owners. The organizers were a company that specializes in the promotion of the coffee business. It is worth paying significant attention to CoffeSpace: the coffee house is fundamentally different from most traditional similar enterprises due to the development of unique design solutions for the design of branded products and trading floors. Special benefits of the CoffeSpace franchise:

  • Lack of seasonality: hot coffee is sold during the cold season, cold drinks are provided for the summer period;
  • Point compactness: for placement trading platform no more than 2 m 2 is required;
  • Possibility to attract permanent clientele;
  • Receiving from the sale of fragrant pastries.

Experts provide maximum support in the course of organizing a business: choosing a location for a coffee shop, design appearance... Mostly CoffeSpace coffee shops are located in places of mass gathering of young people: educational institutions, shopping centers, in the squares.


The company "Well" invites to cooperation all entrepreneurs who wish to organize their own project in the field of tourism and travel. The company offers its clients vacation packages to Egypt, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Turkey, Spain, Greece and other countries washed by warm seas.

The franchise's initial launch was established about twenty years ago. The organizers of the project are convinced that doing business under the name of a well-known company is distinguished by simplicity of document circulation, as well as the possibility of obtaining maximum profit. A well-known name is the key to reliability and legality at the time of providing services. travel agency... Due to the significant popularity of Well, companies are periodically observed that operate under the brand name illegally and illegally.

Particularly popular in catering and establishments Catering all over the world the McDonalds brand is used, which has earned the love of all fast food fans. McDonalds is one of the very first world-class franchise projects, since the program has been organized since 1955.

Over the years, this idea has firmly remained at the forefront of the lucrative options and deservedly leads the most popular franchises in the world. There is significant competition in this area, but the parties to the McDonalds franchise should not worry about the financial risks and possible unprofitability of the enterprise. Although the cost of this transaction is quite high, the McDonalds idea guarantees a profit in the shortest possible time.

The implementation of cosmetics and perfumes is very popular and in demand among the beautiful half of humanity, so such a project is guaranteed to be successful and profitable. The prestigious European cosmetic brand Yves Rocher developed over a decade ago offer partnerships for all entrepreneurial people who want to consistently make money on the supply of high-quality cosmetics and perfumes.

Yves Rocher is the first mono-brand chain of cosmetic boutiques in Russia. The original company provides support in the choice of space for the placement of retail space, in the training of staff and employees. Depending on the available capital and area, the founder offers two store formats: mini and standard boutique.

For more than ten years, Lukoil has been providing business partners with the opportunity to use the company's rights to carry out independent entrepreneurial activities in the field of gas stations. In the course of doing business, each point is supplied with Lukoil branded fuel, the quality of which meets international requirements. The owner of the Lukoil franchise outlet has the ability to independently control the business and conduct independent pricing. To become a partner of Lukoil, it is enough to comply with the following requirements:

  • Availability finished gas station or places for construction;
  • Site design in corporate style;
  • Purchase and sale of Lukoil fuel;
  • Compliance with all requirements of the commercial subconcession agreement.


Selling children's clothing from Artel is a profitable and cost-effective business, which is why many entrepreneurs prefer to conclude. The company entered the textile supply market several years ago and since then has positioned itself as a supplier of high-quality, branded, practical and stylish clothing for children of various ages and adolescents. The production of clothes is carried out by a domestic factory, which offers new collections of capsule models twice a year. A feature of the capsule method of making clothes is the ability to combine different collections and price options to choose the right set.

According to the state of the sales market, this transaction occupies a leading position, therefore it is considered the most profitable proposal for obtaining maximum income. Artel provides an opportunity for all partners to fully use a ready-made package of documents and accounting of goods. To increase the popularity and growth of sales, the organizer periodically conducts trainings and testing for working personnel.


One of the most famous selling brands quality clothing the middle price category is the Zara trademark (see). The main distinguishing characteristic of the stores is a significant reduction in the design development period of a garment before it goes on sale to two weeks. That is why new collections appear not two or three times a year, but much more often. Zara creates about 20 collections of branded clothing and accessories a year, which attracts a significant number of regular customers. The franchise offers projects in two formats: Zara City (selling clothes of popular European brands) and Zara Home (selling designer goods for the home).

Franchising as a promising form of business development has won recognition almost all over the world. Franchising trends are heterogeneous in different states, which is determined by national characteristics, social, cultural and economic levels of development, the level of awareness and education of the population, administrative barriers, legislative regulation and other factors.

Franchising has radically changed the pace of development of hundreds and thousands of companies - first in the United States, and then in more than 100 countries around the world. There are no official statistics on franchising in the countries. Its development can only be judged by the information provided by franchising associations.

According to the International Franchising Association, there are currently 16.5 thousand franchisors and more than 1.2 million franchisees in the world; the sales volume of the networks is almost 1.5 trillion. dollars, employment - about 12 million people. Franchising firms account for about 13% of the gross national product. Some large firms - franchisors have a thousand or more partners - franchisees, providing a wide regional distribution of their branded goods and services. Today the global franchising market is growing and is considered one of the most promising.

The recognized leaders of franchising and exporters of the franchise business in the world are the USA, Canada, Korea, Japan and Australia, the leaders of Europe are Germany, France and the UK.

On the Russian market, according to the data of the Russian Franchising Association, there are about 650 franchise companies and, accordingly, about 6,000 thousand franchisees, that is, those small entrepreneurs who have bought and are developing their business using the franchising method.

According to the International Franchising Association, an analysis of the development of franchising in the most large countries(Appendix A, Appendix B).

Based on the graphs given in the appendices, we can conclude that there is a tendency for both franchisees and franchisors to increase in the world, since none of the countries under consideration has experienced a decrease in their number, but only an increase. As you can see, the world leader in the development of franchising is the United States: about 2,400 franchisors, which is 2-3 times more than in other countries. Franchising is developing quite actively in countries such as Korea, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain. Franchising is least developed in Central and South-Eastern Europe (Hungary), Russia. This system received the least development in Africa. In some countries of this continent there is no franchising at all (Chad, Niger and other poorest countries in Africa).

The emergence of franchising is considered the 19th century. In the course of its evolution, modern franchising has gone through two main stages:

The traditional franchising phase is characterized by the use of franchising in the following three industries:

Sale of cars and household appliances... The German firm "Singer" has adopted the franchising scheme since 1860, and American company General Motors - since 1911. The latter today franchises 95% of its products.

Filling and sale of soft drinks. The first company in this area is Coca-Cola, which has been practicing franchising since 1886, followed by Pepsi-Cola and other similar businesses.

Sale of petroleum products. Oil companies provided gas stations their products on a franchise basis, thus relieving themselves of the function retail.

The stage of business-format franchising is characterized by the fact that franchising transactions begin to be regulated by franchising associations of various countries. This period begins in the 50s in the USA and in the 60s in Europe. At the same time, franchising has become widespread in the service sector.

In 1990, 1,600 franchise systems and 8,500 franchisees were registered in 12 European countries. There are currently over 4,500 franchise systems and approximately 180,000 franchisees operating in Europe, with total sales of over $ 150 billion. However, the degree of development of the franchise business in Europe is much lower than in the United States.

In Russia, the number of companies wishing to sell a franchise has doubled in recent years, but the number of those who buy it (franchisees) is increasing annually by only 20%. While in others developed countries on the contrary, the growth rate of franchisees almost always exceeds the growth rate of franchisors.

Over the past fifty years, franchising has gained such popularity that in the United States in volume retail turnover it is more than 40%, and in European countries - from 5 to 30%. The German Franchising Association predicts a steady increase in franchisee assets in the period 2000-2010. by 10-15% annually.

Today franchising is the fastest growing method of organizing business in the market system. The development of franchising is explained, first of all, increased resistance enterprises. Franchising is the most favorable form for aspiring entrepreneurs. This is due to the fact that a permanent cooperation relationship is established between the franchisor and the franchisee. As a result, the risk of failure is much lower compared to individual entrepreneurship. Statistics on business development in developed countries show that over a five-year period, more than 90% of small businesses for one reason or another end their existence (bankruptcy). During the same period, only 10% of enterprises operating in the franchise system were closed. Thus, out of 8-9 newly created franchise enterprises, only 1 ceases to exist.

The spheres of the economy in which franchising is most widespread today are: fast food establishments - about 20% of the total number of franchisees, retail trade (including food) - 15%, services - about 12%, road transportation and services - 8 %, construction - 7%. At the same time, about 50% of all franchise networks in the world work in the trade sector, where fast food establishments, restaurants, stores of industrial and food products play a key role.

Abroad, a significant role in the market of franchising services is played by commercial banks and the state. Both those and others strongly support small firms that have decided to open their own business according to an already worked out and practically risk-free plan developed by the holder of the franchising system. More preferential loans, government guarantees and even subsidies are issued for franchising.

At the international and European levels, the legal basis for franchising has remained unexplored for a long time. Only 3 countries (USA, Romania and the Republic of Moldova) have adopted special laws regarding the activities of franchising. There are countries (France, Germany, Russia) where the legislative basis is contained in other laws like the Civil Code, laws related to entrepreneurial activity, various regulations adopted by the Government or specialized non-governmental organizations.

Most Popular Franchises - 9 of the most popular and established companies that you can join.

Franchising relatively recently came to the territory of Russia and Ukraine.

Some entrepreneurs are wary of this type of business, because sometimes the size of the initial investment can be impressive.

But know when choosing most popular franchises, you can quickly recoup your investment.

What is a Franchise?

First of all, let's take a look at the concept of "franchise", as well as a few terms associated with it.

Franchise - an agreement that is concluded between the franchisor (owner brand) and franchisees (those who want to start cooperation) regarding the release of products or the provision of services under this brand.

Simply put, this is the use of a trademark on a leasehold basis.

With this type of cooperation, both parties benefit:

  • the franchisor expands the scope of its activities and makes a profit;
  • the franchisee saves time on training and promotion of the business, receives clear instructions on how to, and finally in his hands is a promoted brand that will immediately have its customers.

When an agreement is concluded between the parties, then concepts appear in it, the meanings of which you need to know:

  • royalties are payments for using the brand and the help of the franchisor; can be presented as a percentage of the financial turnover, a percentage of the margin, a fixed payment;
  • lump-sum payment is a one-time payment for joining the franchise network.

Most Popular Catering Franchises

# 1. Subway

This company is a leader in the field of restaurants. fast food.

It was founded in 1965.

Subway restaurants can be found in 112 countries of the world, and in Russia there are more than 670 of them, of which the first was opened in 2004.

The popular Subway franchise offers healthy fast food.

Here you can find fresh vegetables, meats, rolls, salads, desserts and drinks.

The specialty of the restaurant is sandwiches, the filling for which you can choose yourself, as well as bread, which is baked every 4 hours.

If you want to become a member of this particular network, you should know the cost of the provided franchise:

# 2. McDonald's

If you ask someone: “What are the most popular franchises you know?”, Then everyone will definitely call McDonald’s.

This is a classic of fast food that, probably, every inhabitant of the planet knows about.

In terms of the number of restaurants in the world, the company ranks second after Subway.

An assortment of popular franchises in different countries may be different, but still it is represented by sandwiches, hamburgers, fries, various drinks and desserts.

If we talk about cooperation with McDonald’s in Russia and Ukraine, then everything is complicated here.

Only recently has the company started operating on terms in these countries.

Rosinter is a franchised company in Russia.

To become a McDonald's franchisee, you have to work hard.

First of all, you need to have an impressive amount of money, then take a long and intensive training course related to technological process and marketing strategy.

No. 3. Chocolate girl

Continuing the theme of the most popular franchises, special attention should be paid to domestic companies.

And a striking example is the Shokoladnitsa coffee shop chain.

Most of the coffee houses, namely 200 "Shokoladnits", are located in Moscow and the Moscow region, but they also successfully operate in the regions of the country, as well as on the territory of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

There are 85 franchise outlets.

The coffee shop offers delicious grain coffee, elite tea, other drinks and delicious desserts.

Also "Shokoladnitsa" have a unique and cozy design.

The company pays a lot of attention to personnel training.

For this it works The educational center where classes are conducted by qualified trainers and psychologists.

Most Popular Trade Franchises

No. 4. ZARA

This is a company that designs and sews women's, men's and children's clothing and accessories.

The stores of this network are represented in 70 countries of the world and their number exceeds a thousand.

They began to work on a franchise in 1988 in order to expand the market.

It is noteworthy that there is no lump-sum contribution for joining the network, but there is the so-called "franchise cost", which is essentially the same thing.

It is also worth noting that the condition for the purchase of the first batch for a certain amount.

And for a fee, you can become a monopolist in your city or region.

So, to join the popular ZARA franchise, you will need to spend the following amounts of money:

Attachment typeSum
Lump-sum paymentabsent
Investments40 000 $
Franchise cost for opening a stationary store30 000 $
Franchise cost for opening an online store8 000 - 10 000 $
Purchase price of the first batch for a stationary store30 000 $
Purchase price of the first batch for an online store10 000 $
Employee training and turnkey boutique opening10 000 $
City monopoly90 000 $
Monopoly on the region150 000 $

No. 5. IKEA

it largest company originally from Sweden for the production and sale of furniture and household goods.

In Russia, this network is represented independently, and in Ukraine there are no stores at all.

IKEA has been on the market since 1943, and naturally, for such a long service life, it has earned the trust of buyers.

Most of the stores are represented in Europe, in Russia it functions as its own retail network.

The company provides a franchise where it itself is not able to enter the market.

It is quite difficult to become a franchisee of a company.

In addition to large monetary investments, which are determined individually, from those wishing to join, you need to have at least 15 years of successful management experience behind them.

No. 6. Fix Price

Among the most popular franchises in Russia are the grocery store chain and non-food products- Fix Price.

The format of such trading is that a single fixed price is set for everything.

Here you can buy:

  • foodstuffs;
  • cosmetics;
  • costume jewelry;
  • office;
  • household products;
  • household chemicals;
  • clothes.

Nowadays there are more than 2,000 stores operating in Russia.

And in order to join them, in addition to financial obligations, you must have at your disposal premises with an area of ​​250 sq. m.

It is also worth noting that in locality, which will be this popular franchise, must be home to a minimum of 25,000 people.

Most Popular Service Sector Franchises

No. 7. Mail boxes

This is an American company that is engaged in express delivery of correspondence and goods.

To accomplish this, Mail Boxes, in turn, collaborates with 9 worldwide delivery services.

They can also print documents and promotional materials.

The network is represented in 70 countries, and in Russian market was released in 2010.

After the opening of its own branch, 94 centers were opened already under the franchise.

In addition to finance, in order to become a franchisee, you need to have sales experience.

Also, the future franchise participant must personally work in an open branch for the first year, and, after confirmation, come to special training in Moscow.

No. 8. GeneticTest

The work of this company can be called a popular novelty on the market without any evidence.

GeneticTest is a unique technology that allows you to find out about a person's abilities using a fingerprint.

The franchise was launched in 2012, and in 2013 it received the Best Innovative Project award.

Years of research have led to the creation of a hardware and software complex that determines, through a fingerprint scanner, what abilities a person has.

It helps in self-development and finding oneself.

The creators claim that the profit from one checked person is 1000 rubles, thus, it is possible to recoup the investment in the popular franchise by serving 50 clients.


This is an independent laboratory, which is the largest in the CIS.

It provides medical services in the form of more than 1000 types of surveys.

Since 2006, more than 300 franchise members have opened.

All rooms are equipped with special equipment.

The collected analyzes are sent to Moscow for examinations.

The franchisee is required to select a room that will meet the necessary requirements, as well as to hire staff in the amount of 5 people.

Since this area is related to medicine, representatives of the head office carry out inspections of the franchisee several times a year.

To choose a service franchise, watch this video:

On this most popular franchises do not end.

This was just a short list.

But remember that even the most popular franchise does not guarantee 100% success yet.

Much depends on the franchisee himself, on his business skills, ability to manage and adhere to all the rules.

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View from the outside

"Companies launch franchises for small towns"

Nina Semina, founder of the franchise catalog

“In 2017, low-cost franchises (up to 700 thousand rubles of business start-up costs) were popular, as well as franchises in the field of medical and laboratory diagnostics, child education, beauty and catering. Demand for clothing and footwear retail franchises declined and demand for makeup franchises increased: in early 2017, we saw an increase in demand for Flormar franchises, NYX Professional Makeup and the Russian brand Mixit. The trend is also the segment of franchising, built on the sale of food, drinks, household goods for low prices(Galamart, Fix Price, Home Market).

More and more operating franchisors are launching as a separate franchise format for small towns. Previously, everyone wanted to develop networks with millionaires, but there is already strong competition in most markets. In small towns, the competition is not so high, but they need Special offers with a minimum investment. On the other hand, many successful Russian franchisors are starting to enter international market- to the countries of the post-Soviet space, to Europe and China. This is mainly typical for the catering segment (Shokoladnitsa, Gelateria Plombir, Dodo Pizza, etc.). ,>

Among the new directions of franchising in 2017 are EMS fitness, mind games, virtual reality, aggregators (for example, the Fasten taxi aggregator). An interesting trend is the development of multi-franchising, when people purchase several different franchises at once.

According to forecasts for 2018, we expect the emergence of franchises in the field of services and goods for animals (clinics for animals "Medvet" have already appeared), interesting regional concepts of fast food franchises, the development of a segment of restaurants "with a twist", a segment of beauty and health, IT franchises, as well as franchises targeting the younger generation.

"A typical franchise buyer is a mid-level manager."

Co-owner consulting company company "Deloshop" Philip Gureev

“We are seeing insignificant growth in demand for franchises in the range of 5-10% per year. At the same time, many new franchisor players are emerging. Many of them quickly cease their activities. As a rule, these are small companies from the regions that have opened two or three points at home and now expect to conquer the whole of Russia with their concept. These are mainly services and catering with start-up investments from 1-2 million rubles However, if a business has gone well in one city, this does not mean at all that it will be successful in federal level... In general, there are many more new concepts and ideas on the market than customers - buyers of franchises.

As usual, children's centers, football schools, medical laboratories, etc. are in demand. The network is successfully developing (No. 20. - RBK) from Metro Cash & Carry - many owners of unnamed neighborhood shops prefer to work under the wing of a large chain.

A typical franchise buyer in 2017 is a middle manager who has up to RUB 5 million. Typically, he views a franchise as a way to get passive income... Deposit rates have dropped, real estate does not rise in price, so they want to start some kind of business. At the same time, they often trust his wives, relatives, hired managers, which, of course, is a mistake. The less the owner is involved in the franchise business, the greater his chances of losing money. Sometimes it's easier to buy already ready business“It will cost more than a franchise, but there are less risks.”

We have compiled the most recent ranking of the best franchises in the world. We have selected the top 6 international brands that offer the most profitable franchise programs. The evaluation criteria were good profitability indicators, investment size, total number of franchisees, network growth rate and product popularity worldwide.

Dairy queen

Dairy Queen is an American fast food chain that serves family different directions with selected brands. DQ establishments serve ice cream, hamburgers, grilled burgers, frozen yoghurts, milkshakes, juices, and drinks. The company has been around since 1940 and is a pioneer in the field of grocery franchises. Dairy Queen increased its presence in the market from a dozen establishments in 1941 to a hundred in 1947, and in 1950 it already had more than 1400 outlets.

On the world map: Dairy Queen has 6,700 fast food restaurants in 30 countries, including 4,400 business partners in the United States.

Features of the franchise:

  • cost from $ 1.100.000;
  • variety of restaurant types and good franchise packages;
  • getting a franchise is broken down into 5 simple steps;
  • 65 years of experience in franchising.

Dairy Queen is constantly diversifying the menu, although she started with making and selling ice cream. One of DQ's top investors is Warren Buffett, who loves to pose for photographers with his signature ice cream. Dairy Queen is the only major eatery that does not have an exclusive contract with a beverage supplier - most outlets serve Pepsi-Cola, but there are places where customers are served Coca-Cola.

Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches

Jimmy John’s is a chain of American burger restaurants. Unlike top competitors, it does not claim that its products are the best on the market. Jimmy John’s admits that their burgers are good, but they taste better than those of other eateries. The company keeps the menu practically unchanged, does not arrange high-profile promotions. Jimmy John’s trick in service speed - a 20-centimeter burger is made in 30 seconds. The top Illinois-based venture ranks high because it has increased its franchisee base by 350 locations over the past year. Over the last three years, the increase was 48.8%.


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