Gas station as a business. Business plan for opening a gas station (gas station) from scratch Ready-made business plan with calculations of oil products

Retail oil products is traditionally a high-margin business not only in Russia, but also in almost all countries where motor vehicles exist. However, within the framework of this business plan, two strategic concepts are used to allow you to confidently enter this highly competitive market and receive your guaranteed profit.
The first trend is related to the fact that, despite all the economic difficulties in the country, the automotive market, after some consolidation and even recession, is steadily growing by at least 2-3% per year. It is worth noting that over the past 10 years, the Russian car park has actually doubled and reached the mark - more than 56 million cars. This is approximately 250 - 300 cars per 1000 people. This trend will continue in the future as Russian market still far from saturation.

The second basic element of the business concept is the fact that motor fuel belongs to the category of goods with inelastic demand and is in demand by the population as well as the main food products - bread and milk. The significant positive here is that gas station business fully protected from inflationary costs and the rise in fuel prices, in some cases even exceeding the rate of inflation, allows you to get an additional part of the profit. Over the past five years, the average prices for motor gasoline in the country have increased in the range from 30 to 44%.

In addition, it should also be borne in mind that the increase in the number of electric vehicles on the roads carries minor risks for the fuel market. These risks are still minimal, and over the next few years, the gas station business will be highly profitable even with a high entry price to this market.

The amount of initial investment is 3 710 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached On the second month of work.

Payback period 17 months.

Average net profit 230 000 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

The petrol station is located on the border of the city between the suburban area, the industrial area and several residential areas, which provides access to the main categories of customers. The nearest gas stations of competing companies are located 10 km and 15 km.

The main types of motor fuel sold at filling stations comply with GOST 32513-2013, GOST 1667-68:

  • automobile gasoline "AI 98 - premium" (for cars of the "euro-5" standard);
  • automobile gasoline AI 95;
  • automobile gasoline AI - 92;
  • diesel fuel - diesel fuel.

The purchase of motor fuel is carried out directly from regional wholesale dealers of petroleum products, with an average margin of no more than 20-30%.

Filling stations are open 24/7 semi-automatic mode under the control of a shift operator. In the future, expansion of the range of gas station services is being considered - this is the opening of a small round-the-clock cafe, a tire shop and a car wash.

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • constant demand for motor fuel;
  • a large selection of sales channels and fuel supplies;
  • quick adaptation to a rapidly changing market
  • the possibility of forming an individual approach to customer requests in terms of supply and discounts.
  • competition from local gas stations, network dealers of petroleum products;
  • poor quality work of staff
  • risks of frequent damage and failure of equipment

Project features:

Project Threats:

  • expansion of business by increasing the range of filling station services;
  • opportunity to work with corporate clients;
  • the possibility of creating related types of business - retail outlets, cafes;
  • high competition in the market;
  • rising prices for gasoline and other fuels;
  • a sharp increase in rent;
  • termination of the lease agreement;
  • a decrease in the purchasing power of the commercial sector and a decrease in demand for fuel from car owners.

3. Description of the market

To characterize and analyze the local market for the sale of motor fuel (petroleum products), it is possible to use with sufficient accuracy data relating to the general dynamics of the fuel market, both in Russia as a whole and in its individual regions.

For practical purposes of studying any local market, the values ​​of three main parameters must first be taken into account:

Competitive environment of the fuel market and distribution of its shares between the main players. In general, the fuel market in the country, where the majority of gas stations operate, can be described as a monopoly, where the predominant position, about 80%, is occupied by large oil companies (vertically integrated holdings). These are such well-known federal brands as Lukoil, Rosneft, TNK BP, Gazprom Neft, Surgutneftegaz and others. The share of fuel holdings exceeds 35% for retail markets 50 subjects of the Federation. In every third region it reached 50-60%. Rosneft dominates in 15 regions, LUKOIL - in 11, Surgutneftegaz - in four, TNK-BP and Gazprom Neft control three regional fuel markets each. According to the FAS, the total share of the largest oil companies on the market motor gasoline exceeds 70% (source

Now in the territory of the Russian Federation, out of 24-25 thousand gas stations

(filling stations) and only 8 thousand are part of large monopoly companies, but the sales volumes at the same time account for more than 50%.

That is, the sales volumes of monopolists at their corporate gas stations are on average 3 times higher than at independent gas stations. On average, for each of the regions of the country, an entrepreneur entering the market as an independent seller of motor fuel can count on a maximum of 30% of the market, which, in turn, is also divided among independent filling stations.

Market volume. The basis for calculating the market capacity is data such as the number of cars in a particular region per inhabitant, the average length of the road network (route), preferred types of fuel and the use of certain formats of gas station services.

According to the analytical agency Avtostat, as of January 1, 2017, about 41 million cars were registered in Russia.

You can also take into account such a figure as the number of cars per gas station on average in the country.

The length of motor roads in Russia is 1 million 396 thousand kilometers, and one gas station accounts for 56.9 kilometers. An analysis of roads, for example, in the Kurgan region shows that out of the total number of roads: 730 km of federal roads, 2035 km of regional, 5863 municipal and 8597 local. Of these, 8955 km of paved roads. Then one filling station accounts for 44 km of paved roads. Thus, the average gas station, if located on the highway within 40-50 km, can count on serving 2000 - 2500 cars.

Characteristics of the target group of customers and analysis of their preferences. Each of the categories of motorists (private, corporate, freight transport, official vehicles) has its own preferences in the market, which ultimately translates into demand for certain filling station services, types of fuel.

  • 77.7% of the surveyed motorists prefer to refuel at large gas stations;
  • 20.3% see no difference;
  • 2% say they use the services of small gas stations.

Thus, a small-format gas station can expect a market share of 22 - 23% of all motorist customers, attracting them not only with prices, additional services but also fuel quality.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

To formalize a gas station business in accordance with the legal and regulatory requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation, two processes must be implemented to obtain documents allowing commercial operation.

The first point is related to the registration of gas stations as a business. The best option for a small gas station is to register it as an individual entrepreneur. This format of legal registration has already been worked out quite clearly in tax inspections. At correct filling application and the provision of the founder's passport, the whole process will take no more than 3 working days and will cost no more than 10,000 rubles. (opening an account, making and registering a seal, registering with off-budget funds).

The second point is related to the design of the gas station as an industrial facility, and having the highest category of fire hazard during operation. In order to start construction, commissioning and further operation, it is necessary to draw up the following documents (in general order sequence of working with them):

  • Conclusion of a lease agreement with the owner land plot(for 49 years).
  • Obtaining a permit or land allocation for the construction of an object of increased danger from local authorities(city or district departments of architecture).
  • Obtaining a permit for the construction and opening of gas stations with the approval of the local executive authority (city mayor's office or municipal committee, city duma).
  • Getting approval for project documentation gas stations from local divisions of Rostekhnadzor.
  • Obtain permission from the SES for fuel trading;
  • Obtain a license for the sale and storage of fuel and lubricants in the regional branch of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy;
  • Obtain permission from the local fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to store fuel (you need to equip the station with all fire fighting equipment);
  • Conclude an agreement with a company for the removal of garbage from the territory of the gas station;
  • Conclusion of an agreement with a municipal company for carrying out deratization;
  • Have appropriate quality certificates for each batch of fuel from suppliers.

In addition, all filling station equipment must be certified for compliance with the requirements technical operation and compliance with fire safety regulations. This applies not only to fuel distribution equipment, but also to filling station computers. Even furniture used by gas station personnel must undergo antistatic treatment, for which an appropriate certificate must be obtained from companies licensed by the Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out this kind of work.

As Russian practice shows, it will take about 3-4 months of intensive work with departments and other official instances to draw up all permits, from the construction of a filling station to its final commissioning. At the same time, the amount of financial resources spent on the entire registration procedure can range from 200 to 500 thousand rubles per gas station alone.

For the practical implementation of the gas station project, this business plan considers the following option for choosing a location, building premises and purchasing equipment.

Choosing a building site. In order to ensure the necessary profitability of the filling station, a land plot located on the border of the city and the suburban area, in close proximity to two sleeping areas and on the highway leading to the industrial zone, was chosen as its location. The area of ​​the land plot is 900 sq. m. m., which is enough for the simultaneous maintenance of 4 cars. Refueling is carried out by 4 fuel dispensers with different grades of fuel. The site also houses a gas station pavilion with an operator service, a room for fire-fighting equipment, and fuel storage tanks. It is planned to place a flyover for inspection of cars by customers of the gas station.

Room. To accommodate operators, equipment office space, and also taking into account the prospect of opening a small retail outlet, it is planned to build a gas station with an area of ​​65 sq. m. For construction, a pavilion-type block frame structure will be used, as well as a covered overpass designed to service 4 cars at the same time.

Equipment. To equip gas stations with the necessary fuel, control and fire-fighting equipment, standard kits are used directly from manufacturers and their official suppliers.

The list of equipment is as follows:

1. 4 metal tanks with stainless coating for storing 4 grades of fuel with a capacity of 30 cu. m each.

2. Emergency fuel storage tank - 20 cubic meters. m

3. Fire tank with a capacity of 10 cubic meters. m.

4. Fuel dispensers with electronic fuel consumption sensors

5. Automated system filling station management, integrated with card payment systems, POS payment terminals and peripheral computer equipment.

As ready-made technological solutions, you can use standard software complexes for filling stations from manufacturers (brands) - SCADA TRACE, IT Oil, S&B, Smart Oil, SetOil.

6. Fire fighting equipment. Its kit includes fire extinguishers (powder, carbon dioxide, foam), sand, buckets, shovels, crowbars, as well as a fire alarm system and stationary system water extinguishing.

7. Security and video surveillance system.

6. Organizational structure

For the full operation of the gas station in the format of this business plan, the following employees are expected to be involved:

1. Manager. The area of ​​competence of the manager of the gas station includes general management, uninterrupted supply of fuel, control over the implementation of the sales plan, primary management reporting, direct work with fuel suppliers, corporate clients. It is desirable for the applicant for this position to have a specialized education in the field of transport logistics or enterprise management.

2. Art. master technologist. The duties of this staff unit include direct control of the operation of all gas station equipment, timely detection of malfunctions, taking measures to eliminate violations, monitoring the condition of critical equipment, and replenishment Supplies, ZIP. For this position, it is desirable to take a specialist with a specialized education as a technologist or engineer, with at least 5 years of experience.

2. Operator. The operator's responsibility includes direct servicing of gas station customers, dispensing fuel, working with a special program for accounting for fuel and the movement of funds, collection of proceeds at the end of the shift, accounting for dispensing fuel.

For reference accounting an outsourced specialist is hired.

The payroll calculation for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

The sales plan for 24 months, taking into account seasonality, the forecast of investment efficiency and the calculation of business economic indicators are presented in the financial model.

8. Risk factors

According to its main characteristic, the gas station business belongs, on the one hand, to highly competitive types of commerce, and on the other hand, it has a significant risk associated with technological and fire safety. In general, all the risks inherent in this area entrepreneurial activity, look like this:

Commercial risks. In this risk group Special attention should pay attention to the actions of the closest competitors, and in the first place - the filling stations of the network monopolists of the local fuel market. They can use price dumping and a wider range of customer loyalty marketing tools to eliminate independent dealers from the market. The main measure to counteract this risk is to work with a specific target group of consumers, for example, establishing long-term partnerships with commercial companies having their own car park.

Another commercial risk that poses a serious threat to small and independent gas stations is a sharp increase in fuel prices. Under these conditions, the buyer instantly switches to the services of chain filling stations, which can keep the price at a favorable level for them for a long time, thus taking away some customers from independent filling station operators.

An important commercial risk is a general decrease in the purchasing power of customers, which leads to a decrease in gross revenue over a fairly long period (people begin to reduce the total number of trips). This risk can only be counteracted if the independent filling station has a significant margin of financial strength and the business is not burdened with a credit burden.

Technological risks. As a rule, this group of risks includes unfavorable man-caused factors that can lead either to a partial stoppage of the business or its complete cessation. This includes equipment failure, unskilled actions of personnel. To neutralize such risks, it is necessary to apply not only the methods of insurance of the entire business or civil liability for damage to third parties, but also to constantly conduct trainings, teaching a person how to act in certain cases.

Legal risks. This group of risks includes negative factors, such as tightening requirements for filling station equipment, fire safety by regulatory authorities, price regulation of the fuel market by local (regional) authorities. Very often, such requirements are of an unexpected nature, requiring entrepreneurs not only to quickly respond to the elimination of identified violations, but also to invest additional financial resources.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that gas stations are gradually changing their usual format of working with customers. It doesn't just come down to the fact that at the gas station you can buy some types of automotive chemicals, or make small repairs, have lunch or buy a cup of coffee. Many gas stations, especially in Europe, Japan and China, are beginning to adapt to the new type of car owners. These are primarily hybrid cars and electric vehicles. And gradually, such familiar gas stations will turn into stations for recharging and changing batteries, as well as for providing car sharing services, when anyone can rent an electric car (electric moped) for a short trip around the city and its immediate surroundings.

A novice entrepreneur who wants to open a gas station must understand that a number of difficulties await him ahead. This type Entrepreneurial activity requires large start-up investments and competition is quite high. For such a business to become successful, you need to work out a thorough business plan of this kind.

It is better to engage in such a business with previous entrepreneurial experience. If a newbie in business has decided to open his gas station from scratch, he is best off acquiring a franchise. Then, it will be a great opportunity to take advantage already finished project, receive uninterrupted supplies of raw materials, and take advantage of the existing customer base.

If an entrepreneur decides to open a gas station on his own, he needs to ensure reliable partnerships. Constant fuel supplies are key point to be successful in this business. To do this, it is worth contacting small oil refining companies with a proposal for cooperation.

You need to understand that the main audience of customers prefers proven gas stations. Therefore, in order to be able to get your customers, you need to carefully consider the strategy of the advertising campaign. One of effective methods development similar business is the introduction of bonus programs with discounts.

The advantage of the gas station business is that the demand for this type of product will constantly grow. Despite all the difficulties in opening such an entrepreneurial business, if you manage to draw up an effective business plan, then the payback period will be very fast.

How to start opening a gas station?

Before opening a gas station, it is necessary to carefully study the supply and demand market in this field of activity. In many regions of Russia, this market is occupied by the most big companies: Bekar and Rosneft. To open such a business, it is worth compiling a map of gas stations in the region, on which you can clearly see promising places for placing your own gas station.

For businessmen who are engaged in entrepreneurial activity for the first time, it is useful to study ready-made market analysis and the problems existing in it. This includes underestimated fuel quality, which does not correspond to the declared one, underfilling gasoline in tanks, and more. There are three common formats for a gas station opening business:

  • to acquire an existing enterprise in which the level of expenses for the organization remains unknown or to lease. About what is.
  • buy a franchise
  • open a gas station from scratch.

In order to engage in the sale of fuels and lubricants, it is necessary to issue a special license. Otherwise, without such a document, the storage of such materials will be considered an illegal activity.

What documents are needed in order to open a gas station

Those entrepreneurs who decide to start opening a gas station on their own need to prepare a package of the following documents:

  • application for registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • copies of the passport and TIN of the entrepreneur (for individual entrepreneurs);
  • copies of constituent documents (for LLC);
  • conclusion for the selected territory cadastral engineer and an agreement with the current owner;
  • ready-made project for the construction of the premises;
  • permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station;
  • an agreement with specialized organizations that are engaged in the disposal of waste from production and the removal of non-hazardous waste (categories 4-5);
  • permission to sell petroleum products;
  • contracts concluded with suppliers of fuels and lubricants;
  • fuel quality certificates.

How to choose a place to open a gas station?

When choosing a place to open a gas station, after compiling a map of gas stations in the region, you need to carefully study potential locations for placement in terms of the presence of a flow of cars nearby.

It is optimal to place a gas station near road junctions and highways. For the station, it is necessary to provide a convenient entrance. In order to determine the size of future refueling, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • range of fuels to be promoted;
  • the presence of a cafe or shop;
  • number of TRCs.

The average size of a petrol station is about 100 sq.m.

What equipment should be purchased for gas stations?

To open a gas station on the purchase of equipment, you should not save. Since its quality determines the period that it will last. Also, work with fuels and lubricants is classified as unsafe, so any defects in the equipment can lead to undesirable consequences.

For a small gas station, you need to purchase:

  • capacity for the storm drain system (1 pc.);
  • fuel storage tank (4 pcs.);
  • capacity for the storm drain system (1 pc.);
  • filling column (2 pcs.);
  • cables, remote controls.

It is best to connect the storm drain system to city communications.

At the gas station, it is worth laying good asphalt and installing reliable canopies from precipitation. You also need to make software settings that will help optimize all trading and accounting operations at gas stations.

If you plan to open a gas station where gaseous fuel will be sold, you should purchase special equipment for it.

What kind of staff should be hired at gas stations?

The opening of a gas station implies round-the-clock operation. Therefore, it is necessary to hire workers on the basis of a two-shift schedule. The permanent staff must be hired:

  • one cashier;
  • two dispenser operators;
  • one guard.

For the supply department, you need to hire the following employees:

  • electrician;
  • repairman.

For reference financial reporting you can use the services of third-party specialized organizations or hire a specialist on an ongoing basis.

To earn loyalty from customers, you need to hire neat and polite employees. To understand how to organize the workforce, you need to study the customer service system from Gazprom. They are considered a reference company. To create a good image of the gas station, it is worth providing all the staff with a uniform.

Profits and expenses from opening a gas station

The business of opening a gas station is a very costly business. The initial investment will be as follows:

  • official registration of entrepreneurial activity and purchase of a cash machine - about 25 thousand rubles;
  • lease of the territory for gas stations - about 30 thousand rubles / month;
  • purchase of equipment and special software - about 400 thousand rubles.
  • installation and purchase of specialized equipment - about 2.5 million rubles.

If an entrepreneur decides to open a gas station on his own, in the first stages he will have to invest about 4 million rubles. The construction of the station itself takes an average of about 6 months.

It is also necessary to provide for monthly expenses:

  • additional costs for the delivery of fuel raw materials - about 140 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods - about 300 thousand rubles;
  • payment utility bills- about 5 thousand rubles;
  • advertising expenses - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • fund payment wages- from 150 to 200 thousand rubles. average.

In a small town, with the correct location of the station, it can bring more than 1 million rubles per month. income. The payback period for such a business is about 1 year. If the business plan for opening a gas station was drawn up correctly, taking into account all the nuances, refueling will quickly pay off. In a year it will be possible to think about opening a whole network of similar gas stations. You can also dilute the range of services, and put a car service next to the gas station. This will help increase the flow of customers.

Marketing and advertising of gas stations

In order to ensure the flow of customers to gas stations, it is necessary to organize an effective advertising campaign. Both traditional methods of advertising and Internet marketing are suitable here.

Bright banners and city lights will attract the attention of motorists passing by. But holding various promotions and drawings on the pages in in social networks help retain old customers. You can also enter into partnerships with stores that sell products for cars. They can place flyers on their point of sale and get a certain percentage for it.

In this material:

A gas station business plan will help you understand whether it will be profitable to open it and what difficulties you will face. First of all, you should decide on the start-up capital needed to open a gas station. Work in this area of ​​business involves the execution of a large number of permits, since this industry is recognized as dangerous at the legislative level. Registration of permits can take a long time and require significant financial investments.

Of course, the activities of the enterprise will be checked by the relevant government bodies so they can make sure that all rules and regulations are followed. One more characteristic feature the business of selling fuel to the public is a large start-up capital and significant operating costs. Experienced entrepreneurs recommend purchasing a land plot and equipping it accordingly. The object will need to be equipped with an alarm system and hire security. When opening a gas station from scratch, you should be prepared for the fact that the project will take a lot of time to complete.

Choosing a project format

Of course, work in this field of activity requires a thoughtful approach. gas station business plan, finished example which is given below, is an essential part of the process of starting your own business. First you need to choose the format in which your company will operate. You can open a gas station under your own brand or purchase a franchise. A gas station can provide services for the sale of gasoline, diesel fuel and gas. Each direction has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Opening a gas station from scratch is not best idea for a budding entrepreneur. Opening such a business involves serious investments compared to working under the trademark of a well-known enterprise. In addition to impressive start-up capital, you will face the need to develop your own client base and problems with the purchase of fuel. This means that you risk going bankrupt quickly. However, this format also has its advantages: you can organize the work of the gas station at your discretion, without adjusting it to the standards of a large company.

Aspiring entrepreneurs are encouraged to start their business by acquiring a franchise. Similar services are provided by large well-known companies. Starting to work under the brand name of this company, you will not have problems with the supply of fuel and customer base. The disadvantages of this format are: the inability to act autonomously, the need for a monthly franchise payment.

Choosing a territory for a gas station

Before starting the construction of a gas station complex, it is necessary to draw up the following documents: an agreement for the supply of fuel, an agreement for the removal of solid waste, an agreement on deratting. When opening your own business, you need to choose the territory on which the gas station will be located. Typically, such enterprises are built near highways and busy avenues. Convenient access roads should be provided to your gas station. The area of ​​the site depends on the scale of the project. An example is the opening of a gas station with tire fitting and a small cafe. In addition to these main facilities, it is necessary to locate fuel storage tanks, an administrative building and several gas stations on the territory. It is better to entrust the design and construction of production facilities to professionals.

After all the main facilities are built, it is necessary to start purchasing equipment.
In order for your gas station to start functioning, you will need the following equipment: tanks for storing fuel, a tank for pumping gasoline, gas stations, a tank for storm water. When opening a gas filling station, a slightly different list of equipment will be required. To implement such a project, a tie-in to the city gas pipeline will be required. It is mandatory to install a compressor to liquefy the gas. The opening of such stations is a costly business, so even in large cities they are available in small quantities.

Apart from production line You should also take care of the automation of work processes. To do this, you need to purchase a computer and install the appropriate software. It is necessary to equip a staff rest room, workplace cashier and bathroom. If you plan to supplement the gas station with a shop or a cafe, these premises will also have to be equipped.

The opening of the gas station will not be allowed without the installation of a fire alarm.

Drawing up a contract for the supply of fuel is the most important part of the gas station business plan. Working under a franchise, you will always be provided with high-quality fuel of a well-known brand. Starting a business from scratch, you may find it difficult to find suppliers among oil refineries. You can enter into a contract for the supply of gasoline with an oil depot, so you can purchase fuel at a good discount.

Taking into account the provision of services around the clock, it will be necessary to organize the work of personnel in several shifts. The optimal schedule is considered to be in three days. The shift should include: a tanker operator, a cashier and a security guard. Additionally, you will need to hire a janitor, an accountant and a manager.

Calculation of business profitability

Let's give an example of calculating the costs of opening one gas station in a large city. The acquisition of ownership of a plot within the city will cost you 25 million rubles, paperwork - 2 million rubles, construction of production facilities - 6.5 million rubles, purchase of equipment - 3 million rubles. Thus, the initial investment when opening a gas station will amount to 36.5 million rubles.

Now let's calculate the annual expenses: staff salaries - 5 million rubles, fuel purchases - 10 million rubles, taxes - 1.5 million rubles, operating expenses - 2 million rubles. The average annual revenue of filling stations is 25 million rubles, minus running costs we get a net profit of 6.5 million rubles. Financial investments will pay off in 5-6 years.

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    By accepting all the calculations given in this business plan, the founder assumes full responsibility for their observance.

    Project Summary

    The gas station business plan with calculations is aimed at the practical implementation of the idea of ​​​​opening a gas station with a two-year turnover. At the same time, the project provides for the solution of the following social and economic tasks:

    • Creation of new jobs at the opening enterprise.
    • Meeting the demand of motorists in providing fuel and other consumer goods.
    • Extraction of profit.

    Financing of the construction of a gas station complex is carried out at the expense of a bank commercial loan in the amount of 45 million rubles. Interest payments and repayment of the loan begin from the 1st month from the start of the project. This condition greatly simplifies the understanding of the methodology for regulating financial flows and the methodology for calculating discounting.

    Borrowed investments come from the bank at an interest rate of 17.5%. It is envisaged to revise the rate downward in accordance with the existing trends in the banking market of financial services.

    During the investment period, the total amount of accrued interest to the creditor is 3 million 066 thousand rubles.

    Payback periods:

    • From the start of work on the project - no more than 4 months.
    • Discounted – 2 years.

    The life cycle of the project under the existing business conditions and the economic situation in the country is 2 years. During this time, the total economic effect from its implementation will amount to 208 million 339 thousand 791.2 rubles.

    Main stages

    The terms of the project implementation given in the business plan, as well as other information on its implementation, are also relevant for force majeure circumstances.

    Brief Market Analysis

    The domestic automotive fuel market is at the stage of gradual saturation. In such conditions, the main thing is not so much its quantitative characteristics as qualitative ones.

    According to experts, the discovery successful business in this industry is possible only if a vertically integrated structure is built: refinery - tank farm - gas station. Delivery of fuel directly from oil refineries is not always profitable due to the remoteness of the refinery. The most acceptable option is to sign an agreement with a nearby oil depot on periodic fuel supplies in volumes that provide continuous work filling complex in accordance with the announced schedule.

    At present, after the crisis of 2008-2010, the country is actively working on the modernization of oil refineries, which will saturate the market with high-octane gasoline. All the largest oil companies in Russia are involved in this process, which has allowed over the past 5 years to increase revenue from fuel sales by 30% or more, depending on the region.

    Thus, the supply of filling stations with gasoline and diesel fuel is no longer a factor holding back the development of the gas station network.

    Object Summary

    The number of filling stations being built by the most important players in the fuel market is constantly increasing. Thus, Gazpromneft alone has increased the number of its filling stations built in Russia and the CIS countries to almost 1,500.

    A filling station is a complex of facilities integrated within a single economic structure created to provide services for refueling vehicles. The list of categories of consumers is very wide, they are all motorists, employees of official and public transport, in a word - all car owners.

    The most important activities for the creation of gas stations are the search for the location of the gas station complex, the construction of its infrastructure facilities, and the recruitment of personnel.

    In addition to the gas station itself, the project provides for the construction of:

    • Auto parts store and automotive technical fluids.
    • Vehicle washing station.
    • Tire shop.
    • A trading facility for the sale of related goods and food products (on its premises there is a room for the work of cashiers-operators of gas stations).

    The buildings under construction should be provided with modern engineering systems, forced-air and exhaust ventilation, automated complexes for controlling the operation of equipment, power supply, fire protection and alarm systems, air conditioning and heating.

    For the uninterrupted operation of gas stations, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of receiving and storing directly at the facility at least 8 tons of oil products for daily sale.

    Administration features

    Opening gas stations in Russia is a rather troublesome undertaking in terms of business administration. The state has established strict standards for the construction of facilities and complex procedures for approval and obtaining permits. For this reason, there are practically no opportunities in the country to create a container filling station, which can also bring tangible profits, especially in cramped urban areas. The current SNiPs allow building gas station facilities no closer than 30 meters from houses.

    The administration of the creation of gas stations also includes the need to obtain various kinds of permits and carry out many approvals for the allocation of a land plot, the construction of infrastructure facilities, and the laying of communications.


    Personnel is one of the main problems that will have to be solved in the process of creating an enterprise. This is especially important for gas stations located at a distance from populated areas. In accordance with the established rules, gas station employees must have special certificates indicating vocational training. Therefore, the selection of personnel for the station is carried out on the condition that employees are trained at special courses organized by the oil inspectorate.

    The training course should be held by cashiers, tankers and drivers. On average, the cost of such courses is about 2,000 rubles per employee. After graduation, certification of specialists is carried out.

    The selection of candidates for employment is carried out on a competitive basis. It will also apply to employees representing other areas of activity. The duration of the competition is 1 month.

    The remuneration fund for specialists is reflected in the table of project costs.

    In some cases, it will be necessary to hire security guards or conclude an agreement for the protection of the facility with a private security company. This service costs on average:

    • 1500 rub. per month (when the object is located outside the settlement).
    • 7500 rub. per month (if gas stations are located in the city).

    The number of operators is calculated on the basis of the planned volumes of sales of services and the mode of operation of the enterprise.

    Marketing and Advertising

    With an increase in the number of filling stations, the number of potential fuel consumers is growing slowly. This generates more and more competition in the market and, in turn, requires more and more significant investments in effective marketing and advertising activities.

    To do this, the business plan under consideration provides for the need to form the conviction among consumers that it is possible to purchase fuel directly from the manufacturer at this station. Advertising costs are directed to the following activities:

    • Publication of articles in specialized and local publications.
    • Development of your own website.
    • Advertising in local media.
    • Advertising on television and radio.
    • Promotions and development special offers certain categories consumers.

    According to experts, a service acquires significant status when the number of its users exceeds 1% of the economically active population. Thus, within the framework of even a medium-sized city, a gas station may well become a profitable facility and perform the functions assigned to it.

    It should also be taken into account that among some segments of the population there continues to be an opinion about the criminal nature of this business. Therefore, all efforts in marketing should be directed to creating a positive image of the enterprise and improving the quality of customer service.

    List of required equipment

    To effectively perform your tasks and ensure the smooth functioning of the gas station, you must purchase the following equipment:

    • Fuel and gas dispensers.
    • A complex of equipment for the management of gas station systems.
    • Pressure measuring system.
    • Modular fuel station.
    • Autogas filling stations (AGZS).
    • Fuel tanker based on a KamAZ vehicle with a tank volume of 10.7 cubic meters. m.

    The exact number of pieces of equipment is indicated in the table of planned costs for the project.

    The general equipment of the gas station should increase the productivity of the provision of services, fully comply with the requirements in the field of safety, contribute to enhancing the reputation of the enterprise and offset the investments provided for in this business plan.

    Financial plan

    The financial plan for the operation of the enterprise is calculated based on the fact that during 2017 retail prices for different kinds of motor fuel in the country will grow by 8-12% compared to last year and reach the level of 41.5-43 rubles per liter.

    The financial year for the provision of accounting and tax reporting begins in January. Main types of taxation:

    Name of the tax Base used for taxation Payment period Bid
    For the amount of profit Profit amount m-c 20%
    VAT Value added m-c 18%
    For property The value of the acquired property according to schedule 22%
    Approachable FOT m-c 13%
    Social payments FOT m-c 34%

    Given the current trends in the domestic automotive fuel market, the forecast revenue structure is as follows:

    Period Services (sales of motor fuel by type) Quantity Revenue
    AI-95 55 1 million 385 thousand 918 rubles
    1-12 months (investment period) AI-92 291 6 million 800 thousand 320 rubles
    1-12 months (investment period) AI-80 290 5 million 914 thousand 318 rubles.
    1-12 month
    (investment period)
    DT 750 13 million
    634 thousand 475 rubles.
    13 mts
    (functioning period)
    AI-95 60 1 million 582 thousand 560 rubles
    AI-92 380 9 million 295 thousand 104 rubles
    13-24 mts (functioning period) AI-80 380 RUB 8 million 111 thousand 936
    14-24 mts (functioning period) DT 1100 20 million 931 thousand 680 rubles

    The price of fuel per 1 liter is based on the average forecast for 2017, which is based on:

    • Demand analysis for specific types of fuel.
    • Averaged data on the number of services provided at gas stations.
    • Provision of services by gas station enterprises.
    • Generalized data on the state of the domestic market for gas station services.

    The calculations take into account the minimum profitability of the company's services.

    Potential risks

    The most significant risks in this business are:

    • The complexity of project administration, especially at the stage of opening an enterprise.
    • High level of competition.
    • The need to obtain borrowed money in large size.
    • Initially low qualification of personnel, the need for training.


    The given example of a gas station business plan shows that opening a gas station is an extremely profitable activity. The profitability of an enterprise is largely determined by a high degree of potential risks of an objective and subjective nature. Prospects for business development are determined by the location of the filling complex, the level of car traffic, effective management enterprise and competent marketing policy.

    On the initial stage the project implementation will require a significant concentration of the founder's intellectual and psychological potential on solving complex problems of organizing an enterprise.


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