Coworking how to open. Promotion of the coworking center. Instead of concluding if it is difficult to open a coworking space

Coworking space is a space designed for several people to work together at once. Its dimensions can be different, it all depends on the type of activity that will take place in the room. The space is equipped with the necessary equipment, comfortable furniture, everything that is necessary for a comfortable activity. The coworking center can become a promising business in the future.

Freelancers and people who make money on cryptocurrency often need premises, they are free, independent, and need common place work. In appearance, a coworking space can be compared to an ordinary office. There is also an equipped workplace, furniture for rest. But the main difference is independence. Here at the same time there may be completely unfamiliar people who are not connected by anything.

There are situations when a person simply does not have the opportunity to work from home, and renting an entire office for this is very irrational. Then the coworking center will be the best solution to finish work on your project, and at the same time do it with the necessary comfort. It can become.

Coworking center: advantages and disadvantages

In this place, everything is as free as possible. A person is not assigned his work desk, the constant change of environment is beneficial. The room is also equipped with a special rest room, a conference room, and sometimes even gym... Everything is based on the fact that the person who paid the rent should get the maximum comfort from his work.

Coworking has become a good outlet for young entrepreneurs who do not yet have sufficient funds to rent an entire office. After all, in addition to this, you need to think over its protection, cleaning, but here everything is much simpler. Good way save a decent amount.

Recently, many firms have resorted to coworking. But so that, finally understanding this concept, all its advantages and disadvantages should be considered. Advantages:

  1. The ability to make friends, or just chat with new people. And if representatives of various fields of activity have gathered in the room, this will be a good chance to slightly expand your circle of knowledge.
  2. In the course of work, you can easily identify real professionals who in the future you can call on your own project.
  3. Nice atmosphere, everything is created so that it is in the room, it becomes as comfortable as possible.
  4. Lack of control, each person feels free, it is much more pleasant to work when you understand that your actions are not strictly controlled. People often come here,.
  5. Efficiency. People who agree to rent understand that they are paying money for this, which means that it is in their interests to approach the project as responsibly as possible. Otherwise, you will have to renew the contract, and these are unforeseen expenses.

The coworking center has disadvantages:

  1. Waste of time... If a person works from home, he does not need to waste time traveling and back.
  2. Not reliability... Being in a team with strangers is dangerous to leave your belongings unattended.
  3. Lots of distractions... There are many different people nearby who can distract, ask questions, and sometimes it is distracting. Likewise, the lack of silence, conversations, can seriously harm the work.

But even these shortcomings do not stop people, because the number of coworking centers is increasing every year all over the world.

Coworking is like a business idea.

In this place you can meet people of different professions at the same time. These can be translators, designers, programmers, artists, musicians, and many others. All those people who want to retire and work away from their familiar surroundings.

Due to their popularity, these centers have the opportunity to constantly improve. If initially it was an ordinary room equipped with the necessary furniture, today everything is much larger. There are coworking centers, which have not only lounges and a conference room, but also workshops, exercise rooms and even children's rooms, for those who have no one to leave their kids with. The conditions are becoming more and more comfortable and convenient every year. Coworking centers in Moscow are opening more and more often.

Many people use coworking space not as a place to work, but as a business idea. After all, if it is so popular, the chance to get profit from it is huge. However, when deciding on this idea, you need to carefully consider the following questions:

  1. Choice of premises. It is worth understanding what it will be, the profitability of the entire project depends. People around should want to come to this particular building, which means that it must fulfill the following characteristics: be conveniently located, have a good repair, enough free space and adhere to a business atmosphere.
  2. Purchase the necessary equipment, everything that is required for comfortable work should be here.
  3. Recruitment of personnel, it is necessary to hire people who will guard and clean the premises.

The coworking business center will be beneficial in big cities. As well as organized on their own. Coworking - interesting idea, both for organizing a business, and for people who temporarily need a study.

Coworking center plan

How much money does it take to open a coworking space? For this you can. Approximate calculations can be done in this way:

  • renting a large room - from 150,000 rubles;
  • repair and purchase of furniture - 300,000 rubles;
  • staff costs - administrator and cleaner, this is another 50-100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of computer equipment - 120-150 thousand rubles.

Initially, you will have to spend about 800,000 rubles, the net profit for the month will be 50-150 thousand rubles. If your business does not appeal to you, then you should study.

Coworking is a relatively young business that emerged in 2005. The first coworking center was opened by the American freelancer Brad Newberg, who solved the classic problem for a freelancer: always work anywhere (at home or in a cafe) or work in your own office (for which you have to pay good money). Brad combined the best of the two formats, and so the first coworking center appeared - something between a cafe, an office and a home. And within a few years, the idea spread throughout the world with overwhelming success. More recently, such a business has appeared in Russia.

The service turned out to be quite in demand for small businesses and novice startups, especially in large cities (like Moscow and St. Petersburg), where renting an office is far from cheap, and a coworking center provides everything you need to do business for little money. Here you will find free wi-fi, a separate table and chair for work, the ability to print documents, a room for holding personal meetings with clients, a recreation area, a separate kitchen, consultations on accounting and legal issues and much more.

Freelancers immediately felt the benefits of coworking: for a low fee, you get everything you need to work, as well as the most important thing that is lacking in your work at home - the environment. There is no temptation to go to sleep, spend extra time in front of the TV. Everyone here is busy with business. Seeing how others work makes you want to work with greater dedication and efficiency. There is both communication and a team - everything that is sorely lacking when working at home.

The services of such centers are often used by consulting agencies, providers, tourists, pharmaceutical representatives, web developers, tutors (for example, in foreign languages).

With proper organization, this service will be in constant demand. The following facts speak in favor of opening a coworking space:

  1. Growth in the number of small businesses in need of cheap rent
  2. The need for functional platforms for meetings, seminars, trainings, presentations
  3. An increase in the number of freelancers, people who constantly work one-on-one with a computer, but also need to communicate.
  4. Popularization of small business
  5. State support. There are many examples of opening such a business with financial support from local authorities.

Statistics show that such a business is in the development stage. There are only 24 employees in Moscow coworking center, in St. Petersburg - 9, in Yekaterinburg - 3. In other large cities you can find no more than 1 - 2 such establishments. The niche is free. While free ...

Organizational matters

Opening a coworking center should start with finding a suitable space. This task does not look as simple as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to choose a spacious but inexpensive room, ranging from 300 sq. m. It will be necessary to allocate space to accommodate work areas, separate rooms for seminars and trainings, a conference room, as well as a kitchen, a rest room, a restroom and a staff room.

An example of a room layout:

At the same time, you need to be ready for serious investments. In addition to cosmetic repairs and redevelopment of the premises, you will need to invest in the purchase of furniture, office equipment, media equipment, household appliances. A lot of money will be spent on the design and advertising of the center. Investments start at 1,000,000 rubles, you can't expect less.

How much can you earn?

Modern coworking spaces make money by leasing space to individuals, as well as renting meeting rooms and conference rooms. For example, in the Free Swimming coworking center (Moscow), renting space for a freelancer will cost 5900 rubles / month. This amount includes: work area, Internet, Wi-Fi, connection points (electricity), printing materials, kitchen , coffee, tea, recreation area. For small businessmen (start-ups), rent costs 11,900 rubles / month. and a fixed desk, office chair, personal boxes, meeting rooms are added to the list of services. If you pay 3000 rubles, then parking, legal and accounting advice will be added to the services of an entrepreneur. One day for a regular freelance (work area, internet, kitchen, recreation area) will cost 400 rubles.

There is also such an interesting service as a virtual office, which costs 3900 rubles / month. The client is provided with a meeting room (10 hours, according to the reserve schedule), mailing address, receipt of correspondence, calls and transfer of information to the client. Inexpensive and most useful service for a small company.

The revenue calculation is such that only thirty regular customers- freelancers will bring the institution about 180,000 rubles. per month, only 10 small firms - another 119,000 rubles. You should also count on renting a conference room for seminars and trainings, and this is another 30,000 rubles. to the revenue of the organization per month. Total - about 329,000 rubles. per month. The bulk of funds from this amount will be spent on renting premises (~ 100,000 rubles), salaries of service personnel (~ 80,000 rubles), as well as food and consumables (tea, coffee, office ~ 40,000 rubles). ... As a result, the organizers of the case will earn up to 100,000 rubles.

"Underwater rocks"

Opinions are divided over the profitability of coworking in Russia. Some entrepreneurs believe that this is a profitable business, others - a complete failure. Both are right, since there are examples like successful projects in this area, and unsuccessful startups. Most of the mistakes in organizing such a business are associated with the following:

  • Poor assessment of business prospects in a particular city. The demand for such a service in Moscow (where there is a shortage of cheap space) and in some provincial town will be completely different. There is no need to even try to open such a business in small and medium-sized cities: no one needs such a service there, and if it is needed, then only a few.
  • A flaw in the process of starting a business. If you go through the business forums, you can find such reviews about coworking as this one: “This idea did not work in our city, although the idea was interesting. Only craftsmen opened such a business. Somehow I decided to go to them and was horrified: a continuous row of tables 50 * 50 cm in size, separated by 30 cm partitions, although the area of ​​the room allowed us to put large tables, ”says an ATatam user from the forum. Somewhere they did not complete the design, somewhere they decided to save unjustifiably - all this affects the general opinion of customers. And customer opinion is the most important thing in any business.
  • Inexpensive, but spacious room. High rent can ruin this business at the very beginning (premises in the city center cannot be cheap). A small area will not allow properly positioning a hall for freelancers, a conference room, a meeting room, a kitchen, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to look for large areas (from 300 sq. M.), With low rent and with good transport accessibility ( the closer to the center, the better). To summarize, we can say that one of the most difficult tasks in a coworking space is finding the right space.

What are coworking offices? In what economic justification project when organizing coworking? What are the features of coworking joinery?

My name is Denis Kuderin, I am an expert on economic topics and part-time editor of the HeatherBober magazine. I don't go to work in the office. I work at home, in the summer - in the country or in the park.

Sometimes I do business in coworking center entitled Lift... Recently, I like it there more and more - not far from home, convenient and inexpensive. If you are not in the know, what is coworking and with what it is eaten, then this article is for you.

I will tell you why more and more people choose to work specially organized space in the form of a coworking space and how to organize a highly profitable and promising coworking business.

We sit back and read to the end - in the final you will find an overview of the best office and production centers plus a description of the main risks in organizing such a business.

1. What is coworking

Statistics show: about 2 million Russians prefer traditional office work remote employment... Which is not surprising - freelance helps you distribute the workload the way you want it, and save personal resources.

But there are certain drawbacks to this kind of work. It’s hard to force yourself to work when you don’t need to get up when the alarm rings and there is no control over you in the form of your boss. Difficulties arise with the organization of the work process and motivation.

Yes and not everyone has the opportunity Work calmly and productively at home surrounded by constant distractions such as a working TV, noisy children, or an overly talkative spouse.

Find a compromise solution will help coworking- a specially organized workspace for the same freelancers, how are you.

For entrepreneurs, organizing a coworking center - promising way earnings. By investing in coworking spaces, you create promising business that will be profitable for decades. is becoming an increasingly popular and relevant way of working, and therefore, there should be no difficulties with clients in the next 100 years.

- (from the English "co-working" - joint work) - Labour Organization in a common space... The work space itself is also called coworking - collective office for freelancers.

Coworking is a California invention.

The first collective office was opened in San Francisco by a programmer Brad Newberg in 2005. The place was called The hat factory- it was community for people tired of offices... Then similar establishments multiplied all over the world.

The fashion for coworking has come to Russia only a few years ago. There is every reason to believe that a real coworking boom should be expected in large cities of the Russian Federation in the near future. So this is a very promising niche for entrepreneurs who need a fresh, "unused" business idea.

The purpose of creating a coworking center is not only to provide everyone in need with a table and a chair for work, but also create a kind community - a community whose members exchange ideas, experiences and spend productive time together.

In coworking spaces, they not only work, but also rest from righteous labors - of course, without alcohol and other stimulants.

The goal of the project is to open a coworking center for the implementation of a range of services in the field of coworking (organizing the work of various specialists on the same territory, which is a "joint office"). This coworking center positions itself as a unique creative space that brings people together creative professions and inspiring to work.

The target audience of the coworking center consists of various groups, which include freelancers, start-up entrepreneurs, the self-employed population, as well as people striving for self-development.

To implement the project, a commercial area of ​​160 sq.m. is leased in the central part of the city.

Coworking centers are a new phenomenon in the Russian business environment. The first such establishment was opened in Russia in 2008. To date, about 300 coworking centers are registered throughout the country, 1/3 of them are located in Moscow. For other large cities, this niche is freer and opens up many prospects.

A coworking center is a relatively long-term investment that won't pay off right away. The payback period for coworking centers is 1-2 years, which may scare off some entrepreneurs. Another challenge is the significant upfront cost requirement. This type of business is more suitable for those investors who are focused on the implementation of a long-term project that takes into account the trends modern economy... The main advantage of a coworking center as a business area is its focus on economic trends. The number of specialists working on the distance employment system is increasing annually. It is expected that in Russia by 2020 the share of specialists working on "remote" will grow to 20%. Therefore, the opening of coworking centers will now allow you to take a free and promising niche, whose popularity will increase significantly in a couple of years.

The initial investment is 1,020,000 rubles. Investment costs are directed to the renovation of the premises, the purchase of furniture and equipment, advertising and the formation of working capital, due to which losses of the initial periods will be covered. The bulk of the required investments falls on the purchase of furniture and equipment - 44.1%. Own funds will be used to implement the project.

The financial calculations cover the five-year period of the project. According to the calculations, the initial investment will pay off after fifteen months of operation. Net profit upon reaching the planned sales volume will amount to 86,000 rubles / month. Achievement of the planned sales volume is expected on the 4th month of work.

Table 1. Key performance indicators of the project


The development of the economy and entrepreneurship is very dynamic. The changes affect all organizational processes of the business, which contributes to the expansion of the spectrum of outsourcing and freelancing. Modern business adapts to new requirements and needs of subjects of economic relations. Individual specialists and professional groups looking for alternative options for organizing the workspace. The usual offices, on the rent of which substantial sums are spent, are being replaced by so-called coworking centers - a place where you can work, hold business meetings, use Wi-Fi and relax.

In recent years, coworking centers have been gaining popularity, as there is a tendency for specialists to switch to remote work... Photographers, designers, IT specialists, writers, lawyers - representatives of completely different professions come to the conclusion that using coworking centers is much more convenient and cheaper than renting expensive offices in the city center.

The idea of ​​coworking centers appeared in the USA in 2005, but for Russia it is relatively new. The first coworking center in Russia was opened in Chelyabinsk in 2008. Today in Russia there are about 300 registered coworking centers, of which more than 100 are located in Moscow. However, it is too early to talk about market saturation.

This format has taken root well in many countries, but in Russia it is still at the initial stage of its development and has not acquired such a scale as in some countries. The reason for this lies in the specifics of the domestic economy: firstly, remote employment of specialists in Russia does not exceed 5% of the total active economically employed population (for comparison, in the United States, 45% of employees work remotely or have such an opportunity); secondly, tenants are reluctant to lease premises intended for coworking centers, as they consider this business to be rather fickle. Despite this, positive trends in business allow us to speak of coworking centers as a promising direction, since:

- the percentage of distance employment in Russia is growing every year. According to J’son & Partners Consulting estimates, by 2020 the share of remotely working employees in Russia will grow to 20%, which will provide employers with savings of more than 1 trillion rubles.

large companies Russia is already showing a tendency to move to remote work. For example, VimpelCom plans to close 70% of its offices by the end of 2018 and transfer employees to telecommuting. Small and medium enterprises also support this trend. According to a survey conducted by Bitrix 24, 27% of companies plan to transfer more than half of their staff to remote work.

- 67% of applicants are willing to work remotely. And the number of vacancies offering such work is about 35% of the total share of ads.

- the desire of small and medium-sized businesses to save money on renting office space during the crisis.

In Rostov-on-Don at the moment there are 5 sites that provide coworking center services. For a large city with a population of over 1 million people, this is not enough, therefore, the creation of a comfortable workspace in the format of a coworking center is seen as a promising direction.

Thus, we can talk about investment attractiveness this business... The opening of the coworking center will take into account the trends of the modern economy and entrepreneurship and occupy a free niche on the eve of development this direction.


The term “coworking” can be literally translated as “collaborating”. Consequently, coworking is a form of self-organization, a community of people united in one space to perform some kind of work. At their core, coworking centers are “communal offices” and provide places for work, business meetings and various events. In such a space, you can rent a permanent workplace or periodically visit the institution as needed. It is this variability that determines the main advantage of coworking centers. In addition, coworking centers are very convenient, as they are equipped with everything necessary to organize a comfortable work. Here you can rent a whole workplace with a table, personal locker for things, use free wi-fi, to drink coffee. Coworking centers are especially popular among intellectual workers and representatives of creative professions. In the space of a coworking center, you can meet entrepreneurs, freelancers, small companies that are not profitable to rent a separate office, and creative groups that have gathered to develop one common project.

At their core, coworking centers are a kind of anti-cafe with the only difference that anti-cafe are for recreation, and coworking centers are for work. However, the principle is the same: the visitor is provided with a universal space for use with payment for the time spent in it.

Coworking centers have the following advantages:

- savings on renting premises;

- variability of use: in the center you can rent one workplace for a certain period, or periodically visit the center, using the free space;

- the centers are suitable for both organization individual work and for holding various meetings, seminars, videoconferences and other events. For this, the centers have various zones;

- the business environment contributes to an increase in labor productivity;

- coworking centers can become a platform for useful business acquaintances;

- the centers are equipped with everything necessary for work: office equipment, Wi-Fi, etc.

However, the following disadvantages of coworking centers should be considered:

- the open plan of the “communal office” is not suitable for people who are accustomed to working in silence and solitude;

- not every specialist is ready to pay the daily rent of a workplace.

Thus, when opening a coworking center, it is necessary to clearly understand which categories of specialists will be interested in this proposal.

The project of the coworking center involves the receipt of profit from the rental of workplaces by various specialists. In addition to the main source of income, coworking centers also earn money by renting conference rooms and training rooms, conducting training courses, master classes, and so on.

In accordance with the list of services offered by the coworking center, the organization of the space itself, and the required area, and tariffication are determined. Some coworking spaces are set up with a specific theme - for example, it can be a space that brings together creative people, industry workers or aspiring entrepreneurs. Such thematic coworking centers allow to unite specialists from the same field of activity, which is regarded by visitors as an additional advantage. It is much easier to manage such themed coworking centers as there is a clear understanding of the target audience and the requirements that it makes.

V this project it is planned to create a coworking center, which is a creative space. The center positions itself as a place where representatives of creative professions can interact with each other or get inspiration for work. This concept involves the creation of three functional areas: isolated workplaces, allowing you to work in privacy and silence; common room where negotiations and meetings will be held; as well as a separate room for seminars, trainings and so on. The coworking center will host various trainings, creative evenings, exhibitions of creative works, etc. Thus, the mission of this coworking center is to create a creative space aimed at developing the creative potential of its visitors.

In connection with a certain concept, an approximate list of coworking center services has been established:

- permanent or one-time rent of a workplace (the cost includes the use of office equipment, free Internet, use of a coffee machine and a cooler);

- rent of a hall for seminars (the price includes the use of equipment for holding presentations);

- rent of a hall for exhibitions, concerts, creative evenings, etc .;

- organization by the center itself free seminars, workshops or themed evenings. This service is aimed at attracting visitors.

It is important to understand that for the effective running of a coworking center business, it is necessary to create an active community on its basis, which constantly participates in various events and organizes them itself.


The target audience of coworking space can be divided into three large groups:

- freelancers form the basis of coworking center users. These include IT specialists, copywriters, translators, copywriters, designers and other professionals who work remotely. This group mainly includes representatives of intellectual labor;

- aspiring entrepreneurs - some of them do not need a permanent office, and the other part does not have the opportunity to rent an expensive office on a permanent basis;

- self-employed population - usually this group includes representatives of creative professions (photographers, writers, coaches, etc.).

Also, we can separately single out people striving for self-development and attending various events in coworking centers.

Thus, the audience of coworking centers is quite diverse and numerous.

Due to the fact that the format of coworking centers itself is quite specific, a certain set of advertising methods should be used to promote them. Coworking centers need advertising, since the very concept of workspaces is relatively new for Russia, and marketers have a primary task to tell potential consumers about all the advantages of coworking centers.

To promote coworking centers, the following are suitable advertising methods:

- promotion on the Internet using the site and groups in social networks;

- organization of educational and entertainment events for visitors;

- content provision: photo reports, live broadcasts, video lectures, useful information;

- creation of a comfortable workspace and recreation area;

- partnership with local media.

The methods of advertising include the location of coworking centers. The most convenient option is to place the premises in the city center, where they usually concentrate business activity... This will attract more visitors.

This project assumes active promotion of the coworking center, which implies a certain advertising budget... The planned list of promotional events and the costs of their implementation are presented in Table 2. In accordance with the calculations, it is planned to spend 75 thousand rubles for the promotion of the coworking center.



Costs, rub.

Creation of your own website

Should reflect the main advantages of the coworking center, visit rates, photographs of the workspace, photo reports of events held, contacts and address, a list of services, a program of planned events

For this, it is supposed to create advertising material(flyers / booklets) and its distribution in the places of concentration of the target audience. Costs include the cost of creating and printing flyers, as well as the salaries of the promoters. Option of distributing flyers with a discount coupon is possible

Event Marketing

This can be a special program in honor of the opening of a coworking center or organizing a free master class.


75,000 rubles

An active marketing strategy allows you to recoup the cost of a coworking center in a few months, although this usually takes about 1 year. On average, the rates for using a coworking space are:

- one-time visit: 300-500 rubles.

- subscriber's cost per month: 5000-15000 rubles.

- the cost of renting a conference room: 5000-10000 rubles.

Based on the average prices for the basic services of coworking centers, we will calculate the planned income. To do this, let us determine the average number of visitors per day - 20 people and the average check of 400 rubles: 20 * 400 * 30 = 240,000 (rubles). The number of sold monthly subscriptions is 10, with an average cost of 8,000 rubles: 10 * 8,000 = 80,000 (rubles).

The number of events held per month: 20, the average cost of renting a hall is 8,000 rubles: 20 * 8,000 = 160,000 (rubles).

Thus, the estimated monthly income of the coworking center is 480,000 rubles.


The opening of a coworking center and the organization of its activities involves the following stages:

1) Choice of location and premises. When choosing a location for a coworking center, preference should be given to the city center. Firstly, this is where the main part of business processes is concentrated; secondly, it is equally convenient for all clients to get there; thirdly, such accommodation is prestigious, which is important for those clients who plan to hold various business meetings and negotiations on the basis of the coworking center.

When choosing a location, you should pay attention to the presence of a convenient traffic intersection, parking for cars, as well as the landscape outside the windows nearby - it was found that visitors to coworking centers pay attention to the view from the window.

There are also certain requirements for the coworking space itself. Zoning of a coworking center involves the use of a large area. The minimum area for a coworking center is 100 sq. M. This project is supposed to rent an area of ​​160 sq.m. in the central part of the city. The rental price is 110,000 rubles / month.

2) Room decoration. Correct zoning and space design is one of the key parameters coworking success. If we can arrange a comfortable environment, visitors will be willing to return and pay for special conditions that cannot be achieved elsewhere. In other words, the coworking center should become a unique space that can attract visitors. Comfortable furniture, interesting interior, correct zoning - all these are elements that create a special atmosphere. Creative people especially appreciate the aesthetics of the environment, therefore, in this project it is planned to use the services of a designer to create an attractive interior. The cost of designer services and renovation of the premises will amount to 300,000 rubles.

3) Purchase of furniture and equipment. Coworking space offers a comfortable workspace. Therefore, you should carefully consider the filling of the coworking center. Table 3 provides an indicative list of necessary equipment based on the organization of a coworking space for 30 workplaces and a conference room for up to 100 people. According to the calculations, the total cost of the coworking center equipment will be 450,000 rubles.

Table 3. Expenses for furniture and equipment of the coworking center

It is important to understand that the more complete and multifunctional the equipment is, the more time the client will spend within the walls of the coworking center.

4) Staff recruitment. A standard coworking space does not require large staff. The main position is administrator. His duties include: monitor the health of the equipment and order in the room, control the stock of consumables, sell subscriptions to visitors, inform customers about promotions, tariffs, planned events, and maintain an account on a social network. It is recommended to invite girls to the administrator position, as they usually inspire more confidence among visitors. For a small coworking center, 2 administrators working in shifts will be enough. In addition, you may need the services of an accountant, a cleaner and an IT specialist who will be in charge of maintaining the site.

In this project, it is assumed that the entrepreneur himself maintains accounting, the IT specialist is not included in the main staff, working under an outsourcing agreement.


The initial stage of opening a coworking center is to register a business in government bodies and execution of all necessary documentation.

To maintain commercial activities an LLC is registered with a simplified taxation system (“income minus expenses” at a rate of 15%). Type of activity according to OKVED-2:

68.20.2 Renting and operating of own or leased non-residential real estate

77.33 Renting and leasing of office machinery and equipment, including computers

77.2 Hire and rent of personal and household items.

The working hours of the coworking center are daily, from 9:00 to 21:00. Based on this, the staffing table is formed. Since the institution is open 7 days a week and 12 hours a day, it is necessary to organize a shift schedule for the main staff.

In this project, the entrepreneur acts as a manager and accountant. He is involved in recruiting, marketing policy, personnel oversight and accounting.

Thus, the total wages fund is 109,200 rubles.

Table 4. Staffing table and payroll


Salary, rub.

Number, people

Payroll, rub.




Administrator (shift schedule)


Cleaning woman


84 000.00 ₽

Social Security contributions:

25 200.00 ₽

Total with deductions:

109 200.00 ₽


The financial plan takes into account all the income and expenses of the project, the planning horizon is 5 years.

To launch a project, you need to calculate the amount of initial investment. To do this, you need to decide on the costs of purchasing furniture and equipment, advertising promotion in the market and the formation of working capital, due to which losses of the initial periods will be covered.

The initial investment for the coworking center is 1,020,000 rubles. The main part of the required investments falls on the purchase of furniture and equipment - 44.1%, the share of expenses for rent and renovation of premises is 40.1%, and for advertising - 7.4%. Other items of expenditure account for 8.4% of the total investment. The project is funded by equity capital... The main items of investment costs are shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Investment costs

Variable costs consist of the costs of consumable(paper and ink for office equipment, water and drinks in the public domain, etc.). To simplify financial calculations, variable costs are calculated based on the amount of the average check and a fixed margin of 300%.

Fixed costs consist of rent, utility bills and payment for the Internet, fund wages, advertising costs and depreciation charges. The amount of depreciation is determined on a straight-line basis based on the useful life of fixed assets of 5 years.

Table 6. Fixed costs

Thus, the constant monthly expenses in the amount of 276,700 rubles.


The payback period of the project with an initial investment of 1,020,000 rubles is 15 months. Practice shows that the average payback period for coworking centers is 1.5-2 years. According to the analytical site DeskMag, "any coworking space that has lasted two years is a plus." Thus, a payback period of 15 months is quite an optimistic forecast for this line of business. It is possible to achieve such results with correct organization business and effective use opportunities. All this will provide a sufficient level of sales.

Achievement of the planned sales volume is planned for the 4th month of work. The volume of net profit for the first year of operation will amount to 879,136 rubles. Return on sales in the first year of operation - 15.9%.

The net present value is positive and equal to 241,495 rubles, which allows us to speak about the investment attractiveness of the project. The return on investment ratio is 8.36%, the internal rate of return exceeds the discount rate and is equal to 7.36%.


To assess the risk component of the project, it is necessary to analyze the external and internal factors... TO external factors include threats related to the economic situation in the country, sales markets. Internal - the effectiveness of the organization's management.

Internal risks:

- low attendance of the institution due to the unpreparedness of specialists and entrepreneurs to switch to work in a coworking format. It is possible to solve this problem with the help of a well-thought-out marketing strategy that will allow you to convey to the target audience all the benefits of coworking centers;

- a decrease in the reputation of the coworking center itself among the target audience in case of errors in management or a decrease in the quality of services. It is possible to reduce the risk with careful selection of personnel and control over the quality of the services provided, as well as monitoring the feedback of visitors;

- seasonality of sales: during periods of vacations and holidays, the number of visitors to coworking centers decreases. To mitigate this risk, it is proposed to use alternative methods of deriving benefits. For example, during the holidays, it is recommended to use the space of the coworking center as a venue for exhibitions, concerts, themed evenings, etc. Another method of attracting visitors can be a loyalty program, promotions and discounts. In the summer, you can adapt the program of the center for students and schoolchildren, providing them with discounts on admission;

- the behavior of the residents of the center. Since coworking is about bringing different people together in one space, discipline can be difficult. To work requires maintaining a certain atmosphere and following the rules indicated for visitors to the coworking center. This risk is specific, and it is quite difficult to deal with it. It is possible to minimize this risk due to the competent planning of the workspace, which provides for the presence of isolated workplaces.

External risks:

- the presence of stronger and more popular competitors. It is possible to reduce the impact of this risk by creating unique offer that competitors cannot offer. High quality of services and flexible pricing policy are the main competitive advantages what a coworking center should strive for;

- increase in cost procurement materials, rental of premises. It is possible to mitigate this risk with a competent choice of partners and the inclusion of all the necessary requirements and conditions in the contract;

- a decrease in the cost of renting traditional office space due to the crisis, which will make coworking less competitive. To avoid this risk, it is necessary to create a multidirectional center and diversify sources of income.

Evgeniya Yurkina
(c) -

Like anti-cafes, our coworking centers are still a relatively new and completely unknown direction. In essence, this is also a space open to everyone. But he does not go to rest and have a good time, but to work. In fact, this is a public office where anyone who does not have their own office or special equipment can come and work. It is possible to build a business at the work of a coworking center by charging rent from those who need a room.

It should be noted that if earlier such services were used only to save on office rent, today business has acquired a new meaning. Business people come here in order to acquire the necessary contacts, establish the necessary connections, and create their own community. Therefore, today coworking centers are formed with their own theme, features that distinguish them among competitors.

Market analysis

Before taking on the direct opening of a coworking center, you need to conduct a market analysis in your region where you plan to open a business. Find out if there are similar organizations in your city or area. If one such center is not enough for a city with a million inhabitants, then for a small town it is quite enough. In the latter case, it is better to abandon this venture and reorient to another business. If you plan to work in big city, then in the presence of competitors, it is worth finding your own peculiarity, focusing on a narrow audience and, of course, located in a different part of the city relative to competitors.

Center staff

Almost half of the success of the center is its employees. For normal work, you need to hire 4-5 people in the staff for different positions:

  • hall administrator who will follow the rules of order in the halls, communicate and serve clients;
  • an interior designer who will organize spaces for various thematic events;
  • technician who will monitor serviceability technical equipment in the halls;
  • an event manager who will help organize various events in the halls;
  • a marketer, whose duties will include finding clients and promoting the coworking center on the service market.

You will also need the services of 5-20 volunteers, depending on the scale and focus of your center. You can hire friends, acquaintances, or you can hire students who need experience in this field. In the latter case, they can work for recommendations. Don't forget that coworking is a business where crucial little things play, so your team needs to be as efficient as possible.


The most the best place in the city for the location of a coworking center - this is the central part or a place near the metro. It is important that the floor plan provides for the possibility of decorating several spacious zones. The ceilings of the building should be high, the windows large and preferably with an attractive view from the outside. Lighting should be as natural as possible, but artificial lighting should not cause any complaints. Pay attention to the presence of a good ventilation system.

You should not open a business in shopping or business centers, because the doors of your company must be open around the clock. This will allow you to organize more events that will increase the impact of your business. Moreover, the center can be organized outdoors in a park area, providing the place with all the necessary communications. But then the space must be provided with all the necessary infrastructure.

Pay attention to the areas near the building, which can be equipped with parking or parking. You should consider parking for as many cars as the number of visitors to your center is offered. Moreover, there should be a fairly spacious entrance to the very center so that the machine with overall equipment can be unloaded. If you are planning a business for more than one year, it must be borne in mind that over time, the number of cars from your customers, and even from residents of nearby houses, can at least double.

All this suggests that choosing a place for a coworking center is one of the decisive tasks that a business plan should solve at the start.

Further steps

It is advisable to acquire the selected premises into ownership, and then transfer them from the housing stock to non-residential ones. Only after that the reconstruction of the premises is started. After the renovation, you need to buy expensive and high-quality office equipment and only after that purchase and design additional pleasant nuances, such as a recreation area, a sports corner, a library, and so on.

The basic set of equipment consists of the following items:

  • flip chart;
  • plasma screen;
  • tables and chairs;
  • screen and multimedia projector;
  • printer and scanner;
  • wi-fi internet and more.

Characteristics of the premises

So, the premises of the coworking center should be divided into several zones:

  • kitchen;
  • recreation area,
  • working area;
  • smoking area;
  • restrooms.

The most time consuming part that a business plan must take into account is the renovation of the premises. To do this, you can hire interior designers who will think over the ergonomics and aesthetic aspects of the premises. How to arrange them specifically depends on the focus of your business, your financial capacity and fantasy.

As already mentioned, in addition to working areas, a kitchen should be provided in the room. This should be a room with a separate entrance, where there are:

  • tables with chairs;
  • electric kettle;
  • microwave;
  • cooler;
  • hood.

But it must be borne in mind that in the course of the work of the center, the situation in the premises can change more than once. First, it can be rebuilt for various events. Secondly, it will have to be adjusted to the needs of your target audience. Therefore, from the very first days of the work of a coworking center, it is necessary to listen to the opinions and wishes of clients, as well as keep track of where they most often spend their time.

Rules of behavior

Since there will be many in your space different people should develop special rules behavior at your center. This will help minimize all possible conflicts and prevent inconvenience.

As a rule, the list of such rules includes:

  • maintaining silence;
  • rules of conduct in the kitchen;
  • rules of conduct in the workplace;
  • appropriate behavior in the meeting room.

The code of practice should be posted in a conspicuous place. There should also be an indication of what the consequences will be for their violation. Usually it is prescribed to clean the premises, take out the garbage.

But on your part, you must also organize the opportunity to comply with these rules. For example, it is necessary to provide for the opportunity for customers to change shoes, leave outer clothing and not worry about its safety.

Business orientation

The larger your city, the more all kinds of micro-cultures in it. You can start your own business if you focus it on one of them. Then gradually expand, capturing an adjacent audience. Think about the needs of which audience is the easiest for you to provide, what your center can offer them. For example, you can organize a space for the exchange of experience, or for gaining new knowledge, provide an opportunity to advertise and present your products, and so on. For each of the directions, you need to develop your own program that will be beneficial to customers.

This nuance is very important if you are starting from a small center with one or two work areas. But if you have a large hangar or multi-room apartment, you can organize the space at the same time for different thematic groups: programmers, artists, handicrafts lovers, and so on.

Business promotion

The plan for promoting this type of service should be based primarily on using the capabilities of the Internet. Create your site, which fill as much as possible with information about the center. Post regularly news and event reports on it, tell about promotions and new opportunities. Also, create pages on the main social networks, where you also drop reports, photos and videos about the events held. Be sure to include various webinars in your business plan.

Do not discount the media as an advertising tool. They can submit both direct advertising and the same reports on the events held. If you constantly have interesting events and other meetings, the media representatives themselves will willingly cooperate, as with a reliable source of interesting information.

As an addition, you can use other advertising tools, for example, holding promotions, distributing flyers, and others.

List of services of the center

For effective work it is important to form a detailed and clear list of the center's services and their cost. The greatest returns, according to entrepreneurs operating in this area, are provided by educational or entertainment events. Among them, the most profitable is to conduct webinars, conferences, thematic lectures, weekend markets. They account for about half of the revenue. In the beginning, it is worth holding small, sometimes free events in order to explore the interests of the audience. Then organize more in-depth programs. Or you can simply offer space for rent without actually organizing events.

In any case, it is necessary, together with lawyers, to draw up a detailed contract for the provision of such services, as well as an application form according to which the premises will be leased.

Formation of a price list

Payment for the services of the center goes for renting a room or a workplace. In both cases, a flexible payment system must be envisaged. Usually, they offer a per-minute payment system, which allows a person to understand at first how much a given space is suitable for him to work. The rental price in this case is 1.5-2 rubles. in an hour. Subscriptions are offered below. For example, you can buy a card for a month for 8-12 thousand rubles. with full reservation of the selected workplace.


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