Social adaptation of unemployed citizens. Methods of social adaptation of unemployed citizens

8. Social adaptation programs of unemployed citizens in the labor market ("Club job seekers"And" New Start ").

Special basic employment facilitating programs to the unemployed citizens "Club Hotel Looking" began to function in the CZN from 1999.

Since 2007-2009 261 people were able to participate in these programs. In the formation of groups on clubs, the criteria for the extraction of unemployed with low motivation of employment, as a rule, are a long-term non-working second group for the first time seekers who do not have a profession and not starting to labor activity. In all groups, women accepted active participation. Youth aged 16-29 years - 150 people. (62%).

Overcoming the psychological consequences of unemployment, stabilization of the emotional state, the development of effective work of job search technologies helped in employment after participation in the 100 unemployed programs (45%), 6 people. Let's go for training, 2 people. Participated in public works, 3 people. Directed under the program "Youth Practice". Practical experience The work of "clubs" as a result shows the quality and efficiency of assistance.

Minimize integration time some categories The unemployed citizens in the main channel of productive activity.

Reduce social disadaptation syndrome, restore motivation to employment in citizens who have a long break in labor activity.

Develop independence and business initiative.

The return of citizens to active labor activities will save the funds of the federal budget for unemployment benefits.

9. Providing promoting the development of self-employment.

The targeted and balanced employment policy involves a system for creating conditions for more full use The potential of the labor and business activity of the population in the framework of the socio-economic development of the region. The entrepreneurial or creative abilities of a person are manifested in the ability to open their business or business, as well as in the rational use of labor, land, capital and other economic resources.

For 2007-2008 More than 2 thousand unemployed assisted in the organization of entrepreneurial activity of them 103 people. organized their own business. The most actively involved in supporting entrepreneurial initiatives of unemployed citizens in 2007-2008. (2007 - 40 people. (38.8%), 2008 - 33 people. (32%).

103 people engaged in individual business activities without education legal entity.

The most active in organizing their own business of women, their more than half (60%). The elected activities, as a rule, do not require significant investment, and, at the same time, very diverse.

With organization own business Preference is given, the production and implementation of agricultural products on the basis of personal utility farm.

More than half of entrepreneurs (55%) who opened their job with the assistance of service bodies, employment, continue to work successfully.

The main factors constraining the development of self-employment among the unemployed, registered in the employment service are:

Absence starting capital;

The inability to receive loans in banks due to a high interest rate;

Lack of information about the status of markets for products and potential partners.

10. Development and improvement of the quality of the system vocational education unemployed citizens and unemployed population.

The vocational education system is not enough to respond flexibly to the processes occurring in society. The definition of professions and specialties, according to which students are being prepared, often occurs without taking into account the real needs of the labor market.

Economic reform forms new specific requirements for the quality of workforce, which determine the competitiveness of the employee in the labor market.

These requirements include:

High professional competence, intellectual and creative potential, the ability to perceive innovation and be a participant in innovations,

Adaptation of the employee to rapidly changing production conditions,

Constant advanced training, development of new knowledge,

Development of a employee of several specialties and production operations,

Professional mobility

High business and personal qualities.

However, at the current stage of the formation of the labor market, most enterprises are not economically interested in improving the skills of working (especially in teaching young workers), which is due to the strengthening of the trend towards self-preservation, the survival of enterprises, when the tasks of the strategy temporarily depart into the background.

Professional training of unemployed citizens, released employees and an unemployed population has become one of the most important components of an active policy of promoting employment.

One of the priorities of the employment program of the population is the vocational training of unemployed citizens and an unoccupied population.

The organization of training is carried out on the basis of contractual relationship with employment centers and free admission of unoccupied population.

List of professions and specialties offered for training: User PEVM, hairdresser, tailor, cruising, hats, electric gas welder.

Educational plans Reflect features of this institution and are designed to meet current conditions and probably the most important learning mobility:

Minimum level of taught;

Level of education obtained;

Contingent of listeners;

Duration and mode of classes;

Types of training sessions;

Number of academic hours.

Thus, the educational process takes into account the possibility of the development of each listener, depending on its abilities and needs, ensures each student the opportunity to satisfy their professional skills, as well as reorient in the face of changing the labor market.

During the reporting period, with the assistance of the CHN, they were able to acquire a new one, to master the second (related) profession, improve the qualifications of 564 citizens of them, 260 unemployed CZNs Kemerovo:

Basics of computer literacy - 152 people, hairdresser - 37 people., Tailor -76 people, Cutter -67 people, hats modes - 56 people.

Three people from among those who have completed training in the specialty of the hats and the hairdresser organized self-employment.

Ten unemployed passed training on the basics of entrepreneurship and organized their own business.

Professional training of unemployed citizens takes place on the basis of professional education institutions that were the winners of the competition for the provision of educational services. Territorial data banks for professions, specialties, types of work are created and constantly updated. The list of professions and specialties offered to learning, educational services are provided with 16 names of activities. Training on them is carried out taking into account the requirements of the labor market and using modern efficient technologies and learning techniques.

Special attention It is paid to the organization of training of citizens, especially in need of social Protection and experiencing difficulties in search suitable work. Specific gravity Youth (B. total number aimed at vocational training) from 2007 to 2008. increased to 88%. Among the persons aimed at training, 80% were women.

The main problems of the claims of the unemployed are:

Insufficient quality of services provided by educational institutions. Educational establishmentswho have experience in teenage and youth training, often cannot organize the effective training of adult population;

Weak development of the training and material base of individual educational institutionsaccepting training in the direction of the employment service bodies;

Lack of financing for advanced training and pedagogical mastery persons engaged in adult education;

The lack of a reasonable diagnostic determination of the level and quality of learning material learning in all forms of training;

Invisions of supply and demand for educational services in a professional-qualification section.

The main problem in 2009 will be insufficient financing this area From the federal budget, which will reduce the share of persons on training

The main goal of vocational training is to increase the competitiveness of unemployed citizens, released employees and an unoccupied population through the provision of various educational services based on the coordination of the needs of the individual, employers and the labor market forecast.

The vocational training system is designed to solve the following tasks:

Improving the system of vocational training of unemployed citizens, as an integral part of the state policy in the field of development human resources;

Facilitating the formation of the optimal balance of demand and proposals of the professional - qualification structure of the city's labor force

Implementation of a social order for training qualified personnel, taking into account the needs of the labor market;

Organization of effective monitoring of the quality of educational services provided by the target use of funds.

Professional training, advanced training, retraining and further will contribute to ensuring effective, freely elected employment of citizens, increase their professional mobility and social security.

Enhance the competitiveness of 10% of citizens' competitiveness.

Among the types of learning will prevail:

Retraining of citizens, in order to acquire new professions (specialties);

Improving the qualifications of persons in order to ensure growth professional skill on the existing professions, specialties, development of progressive technology, labor organization;

Internship of persons from the number of workers and specialists in order to form and consolidate in practice previously gained knowledge and skills, acquiring professional and organizational skills to fulfill duties (works) at a higher position (qualifications).

In order to ensure citizens, the most complete information about the available workplace and professions in demand in the labor market, and employers - candidates for vacancies, in 2008, more than 380 fairs have been conducted by employment authorities, which significantly exceeds the number of fairs in 2007-119 ; The number of organizations to participate in the implementation of fairs also increased significantly from 185 (2007 indicator) to 683 in 2008

The number of citizens visiting the fair increased almost 3 times in 2007. 5616; In 2008-13960. Received directions to work 3622 people.

Considerable attention in 2008 was paid to the organization and conduct of specialized and thematic job fairs for vacancies and workbates for certain categories of the population.

Practically in all regions Russian Federation Positive experience has been accumulated on specialized job fairs for young people, in the process of which is ensured by the most complete informing of young people on issues. professional orientation, learning professions that are in demand in the labor market, retraining, legal issues about free workplaces.

In total, 850 thousand rubles spent on the organization of the federal budget for the organization of vacancies and academic workplaces in 2008.

The share of registered unemployed among the total number of unemployed increased from 23% in 2007 to 27% in 2008. In working with the population of employment authorities paid great attention to primary reception citizens, providing them with consulting services and involve them in active programs Promotion of employment. During the year, consulting services received 25.9 thousand people of people, which is 4.3% more than in 2007.

The main customers of the employment service authorities continue to be the person who is difficult to find work independently, due to low qualifications, small labor experience, as well as citizens who are unable to cope with life changes and professional difficulties. Among them are over half - persons who are particularly needy in social protection.

To expand the possibilities of employment of citizens and providing services to employers in the selection of the necessary workers, employment service authorities in all regions were the work of informing the public and employers on the situation in the labor market by replenishing the bank of vacancies (free jobs).

The demand is mostly working specialties, they account for from 78% to 80% of vacancies.

Social work with unemployed citizens includes psychological support that implies methods that help professional self-determination, value orientations, an increase in competitiveness, implementing their own career.

Romm M.V. In scientific publications devoted to the social adaptation of the person, wrote that social work is carried out by optimizing the psychological state of a person, resolution or at least a decrease in the acuteness of psychological problems facing it. The main directions of social and psychological support in his opinion are:

  • - promoting the full mental developmental development,
  • - Prevention of possible psychological problems,

assisting a person in his self-knowledge, adequate self-esteem and adaptation in real life conditions,

The formation of the value-motivational sphere,

Achieving emotional sustainability

Harmonization of personality and interpersonal relationships.

The state psychological support service receive citizens recognized in the established manner unemployed in accordance with the legislation on employment. This service is provided with the personal contact of the unemployed citizen with a statement-questionnaire on granting state services Psychological support. In addition, psychological support for the unemployed can be obtained as a result of the proposal of the CSC Employee on providing the unemployed citizen of the state-owned psychological support. (Appendix 3)

Necessary aspect of activity social worker It is warning activities that contribute to reducing unemployment. One such events is the vocational guidance activities of the social worker at school.

Schoolchildren are focused on professions that are generally accepted to consider highly paid, relevant, prestigious, among them: lawyer, economist, financier, manager, etc. Labor market, employment and wages:

In connection with the obvious, the activities of the social worker should be aimed at informing about demand for professions, its prospects, training graduates of schools for the conscious choice of profession. Butko E.Ya. Features of the development of the initial vocational education system / E.Ya. Butko // Professional. 1994 №3-4 pp 3

The problem of employment of the population should be among the first tasks in any civilized country. Unemployment brings with me spiritual, moral, moral degradation of people.

Help a person get out of crisis situation, undergoes social work. First of us, the unemployed, which reduces the ability to adapt to new conditions, supports a social worker. He acts as a mediator - an assistant between the state, designed to be a defender of the rights of its citizens and man. The need for such a mediation is due to the fact that the state does not always act as a link that guarantees the rights and decent methods His existence. The reaction of a person who does not receive guarantees is asocial behavior, a psychological crisis.

In accordance with the Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation", citizens of our country have the right to free consultation In the choice of profession, vocational training. Social worker acts as a consultant and provides advice on vacant locations, About enterprises where they are available on the possibility of retraining.

Assistance in overcoming the stress situation is the first step on the employment path of unemployed. The next direction of the help of the social worker will be the training of the unemployed skills of self-testing, planning its employment, by ordering the work of job search goals.

For the effective inclusion of unemployed in labor activity, a mechanism is needed, which includes an active policy of employment services, enshrined legal standards. The activities of the social worker is to apply specific employment measures that help to restore the unemployed faith in their strength, return to active labor activities, as well as to cooperate with society and self-realization.

Social workers organize public Works, temporary employment, internships in order to acquire the experience of the unemployed citizens, citizens looking for work, including graduates of educational institutions, as well as workers in the event of a threat to dismissal, support the work of citizens who move to another area for employment to workplaces of permanent and temporary nature, Employees are taught in the event of a threat of mass dismissal, contribute to the development of small entrepreneurship.

Having studied the concept of unemployment at different stages of the history of the formation of labor in Russia, as follows the reasons for unemployment, its types and regulatory framework, having considered unemployed as an object of social work, it can be concluded that employment phenomenon is closely related to the labor market.

Unemployment is not only the poverty of considerable segments of the population, but also spiritual and moral impoverishment. In this regard, the solution to the problem of employment of the population is among the priority tasks in any civilized country.

We reviewed the main theory of work with the unemployed and concluded that the understanding of the foundations is an important component of social work with the unemployed in practice.

Podhevalov V.V., Yargu

Under social adaptation in wide sense It is necessary to understand the adaptation of individuals and groups to the surrounding social environment (its conditions, norms, values).

The most important for the unemployed has social adaptation in the labor market. Social adaptation The labor market involves: knowledge and introduction into this environment, the adoption and assimilation of its norms and values, the actively attitude of the subject to this environment.

The concept of disintegration is connected with the concept of social adaptation. It means a particularly acute violation of adaptation mechanisms, which can lead to a personal crisis. Personal crisis can be designated as a certain interruption in the linear field of personality evolution. In this case, there is binarity of disintegration vectors:

1) positive DisintegrationWhen the crisis is a certain transition to a new quality, a new level of integrity.

2) negative disintegration accompanied by destructive identity changes, a decrease in the level of balance and a tendency to social autoculation.

Specifications of social adaptation of the unemployed lies in a variety of ways to adapt, which are adhered to unemployed different types.

Methods of social adaptation of the unemployed can be consecrated to two groups: constructive and non-constructive. The criterion of constructiveness is the focus on the real and positive in the social and psychological aspects of the resolution of the vital problem.

Consider non-constructive ways that block the human yield from a difficult life situation or provide such an output that does not bring it satisfaction.

Rental relationships

A person is not in a hurry to take some active actions while it receives unemployment benefits in sufficient size. In their plans, he directly connects the beginning of job search with a decrease in the benefit to an unacceptable level.

Alternative lifestyle

Man "leaves" in family worries or natural economy. The deeper this care is, the more difficult, then return to the state of paid employment - primarily psychologically.

Protective, avoiding behavior

A person tries either not to notice the problems he encountered, goes into the memories of how well it was former place Works, does not try to realistically look at the situation, either in every possible way from proposals that require its efforts, a new look.

Chaotic search

Behavior without understanding the options and the consequences of the decisions made. As observations show if it is conjugate with a sharp drop wages In a new place of work, a decrease in social status, people with time arise heavy psychological states, the accumulation of which can lead to general dissatisfaction and aggressiveness.

Search in conditions of limited awareness

The owners of this form of behavior are ready to act in the direction of solving their professionally - labor and life problems, but feel the deficit of information. In some cases, this is due to the undeveloped social relationships, in others - the low quality of available sources of information.

Productive dependency

Here there is a special option of relationships with the nearest environment. A person does not just delegate responsibility for his destiny near, he uses their resources, synchronously following them. Parents often turn out to be in the roles of nearby, since this method of adaptation is characteristic, primarily for graduates entering the uncertainty zone between the end of learning and work.

Thus, we approached constructive methods of social adaptation of the unemployed.

Targeted use of interpersonal resources

It includes:

Active "inventory" links of their relatives, old friends, acquaintances, appeal to them for help.

INFIZE Consolidation (family councils and mutual support of family members).

Creating a reference circle of communicationin which mutual assistance and various types of exchanges are cultivated; Use the environment as consumers of its services and products.

Reputational strategy of employment. A person finds work, proven himself at one of the previous places.

Effective concretization of the image of itself and its plans

This includes:

Awareness and active use of individual resources. The essence of the mechanism is to aware of their individual properties. A person supports confidence that a certain individual characteristic is its strong side. This is accompanied by readiness to use these individual properties in a variety of endeavors.

Subject of estimates, intentions, plans. The ability to solve, specify their plans and skills in a particular area is an important element in overcoming difficulties. Skill focus professional experience On a specific problem is the mechanism that translates it into effective behavior.

Accumulation of behavior experience free market Labor. Testing various options helps a person to develop a constructive position in relation to failures, realize their weak and strengths, expectations and requirements for yourself and develop as a result of an effective strategy of behavior in the labor market.

Compact of the context of the current life situation

Here you can select two mechanisms.

Attitude towards a difficult situation as a set of chances. A person considers the established and folding circumstances as a source of new or additional chances. For example, work is considered as an opportunity to establish new social connections, get new information and so on.

The ability to see many areas of application of their forces. The ability to see many spheres of application of their own strength allows a person easier to survive a crisis that is not perceived as a catastrophe, there is no feeling of completed path.

So, we found out that various types of unemployed show a tendency to various ways Social adaptation, both constructive and non-constructive. The task of social work with the unemployed is to stimulate constructive ways to adapt with various methods and increase the adaptive potential of the unemployed. Adaptation potential can be defined as the degree of hidden capabilities of the subject optimally included in new or changing conditions for the surrounding social environment.

The adaptive potential of the unemployed can be estimated using the indicator system. It includes two groups of indicators:

1. Static:

a) physiological (health condition, level of vitality);

b) psychophysiological (level of anxiety, efficiency);

c) psychological (level of self-esteem, self-control);

d) socio-psychological (number and stability of social relations, communicativeness, socio-psychological climate in the family).

2. Dynamic:

a) informational (awareness of the status of the labor market, the presence of vacancies, the requirements of professions, their abilities);

b) operational (possession of job search skills, negotiating with employers, decision-making);

c) motivational (motivation to employment).

The first group of indicators reflects the static aspect of adaptation - as far as the man is "comfortable" in the role of unemployed. In general, these indicators depends on how much the situation of work loss and professional self-realization for the unemployed is. If the loss of work is quite strong stress, as a rule, a decrease in adaptation potential is observed according to indicators. In case of strong identification, two options for the development of events are possible:

1) positive disintegration - active search work;

2) negative disintegration is the deepening of the personal crisis.

A variant of the "jams" is also possible - a form of adaptation, in which a person, due to certain circumstances, cannot be employed and becomes "professional unemployed." The source of existence is not professional activity, and all kinds of benefits, natural economy, etc.

The second group of indicators suggests how successful the job search will be. It reflects the focus of the person in the future, so we designated these indicators as dynamic. They reflect how much a person owns efficient employment skills.

This system Indicators are advisable to use when determining the volume and nature of the assistance necessary to the unemployed to restore the ability of effective social functioning in the labor market and in other areas of life.

Job search paths:

Through public service Employment.

Recruitment agencies.

Direct access to the employer.

Personal contacts (relatives, friends, acquaintances).

Media (Internet, newspapers, magazines).

Fair vacancies.

Advertisement on your offer in the media.

Active job search involves the following:

focusing search (definition of employment options: perfect, intermediate, replacement);

study of the bank of enterprises;

systematic work with operational information;

phone calls for good luck;

search visits;

drafting a job search plan, discussion with professional job search tactics;

regular keeping of accounting steps to find work, planning and analysis of their actions;

presentation of yourself: drawing up autobiography, summaries, their mailing in the firms of interest;

training to another specialty, advanced training;

selection of suitable work in the specialty, not specialty, temporary.

How to make a personal summary

Job search is a whole technology. And one of the successful components of the search is a well-drawn personal summary. In most cases, it is useless to start finding the work if you are not ready. " business card applicant "- resume. After all, on how successfully it is drawn up, one very important point depends - whether the employer will agree to invite you to conversation.

Prepared Summary can also serve:

· As a scheme for a brief story about yourself;

· As information in conditions competitive selection;

· Instead of a business card when communicating;

· Business "pair" to accompanying letter when contacting the organization;

· Attitution for friends and acquaintances promoting your employment.

The most common three types of resume - chronological, functional, combined:

Chronological. In this very common type of resume

the entire work experience is sequentially shown. Particular place of work (starting with the last), position performed responsibilities. Such a structure allows you to trace the development of your career. The chronological summary wins in the event that the organizations and positions you have worked will impress the potential employer, as well as if your work experience shows career growth.

Functional. The focus of this type of summary is given to your

creative potential, skills and professional skills. This resume is less common than chronological, but wins if you have breaks in work that I would not like to advertise.

Combined. Recently, this type of summary is most often used, in which the elements of both chronological and functional resumes are combined.

It is important to know the basic rules for compiling a summary.

In the summary there should be no spelling and stylistic errors, as well as typos. Therefore, before sending a document, let us read it to a person who knows the Russian language.

In no case do not lie, constituting the summary - at the modern level of communication, check your track record will not work.

Summary should be brief, but informative. Try that it would not exceed one sheet. Use only the full names of posts and firms, not abbreviations.

If you apply for different vacancies, do not write "I can work as secretary or customer service manager, as well as a vertellor." It is best to create a separate summary for each specific case. If you just take a massive newsletter on firms, you can list all the specialties you own. But at the same time, it is necessary to think very well to think about their goals and state them clearly and understand.

Make sure that the resume is made in the same style, without "bell-free", and it was easy to read. Select the necessary headers using a bold font. Use widespread Times New Roman or Arial size from 10 to 14. For printing, you must choose high-quality white paper paper standard format A 4. Print the original on the laser or inkjet printer Only on one side of the sheet.

A photograph to the resume is attached only if it is specifically specifically specified - for example, for the waiters, the presence of a summary with a photo is a rule. In other cases, a summary with a photo is not very good tone.

The state social adaptation service of unemployed citizens in the labor market turns out to reduce the timing of the search for suitable work by unemployed citizens, mitigating the effects of unemployment.

Program participants are given the opportunity:

Select the form of classes (group or individual)

Complete computer or blank testing:

View videos;

Work with periodic publications containing free information

jobs and vacant positions;

To search for work through the information portal of Rostruda "Work in Russia".

Taking into account the characteristics of various categories of citizens, the following programs are used:

Programs of group classes on social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market (profile groups: a, b);

The program of group classes on social adaptation of unemployed citizens who are experiencing difficulties in finding work in connection with disabilities, restrictions on labor;

Program for conducting individual form.

Programs included:

Information blocks (analysis of the position of the vacancies in the area, the existing options for employment, vocational training, advanced training, self-employment);

Educational Blocks (preparation of a plan of specific actions that provide employment, training for independent job search skills, search telephone call techniques, resume compilation):

Business games for the formation of the skills of successful behavior in the labor market and self-sustaining.


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