Entering the procurement start date into the procurement plan. Inclusion in the procurement plan of the date of commencement of the procurement; Deadlines; frequency of planned procurement; how to fill out

Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 44-FZ) regulates the procurement process in sufficient detail, setting deadlines for almost every step. However, law enforcement ministries and departments will have to be guided not only by this law, since they make purchases not only to meet their own needs, but also to ensure the defense and security of our country. In the article we will consider the deadlines that must be observed when making purchases, including under state defense orders, since administrative liability is established for their violation.

Procurement planning.

Procurement planning is an important stage of procurement activities. In accordance with Law No. 44-FZ, planning is carried out through the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans and procurement schedules. All deadlines that must be observed when drawing up and maintaining these documents are defined in the following decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation:

    dated 06/05/2015 No. 552 “On approval of the Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a plan for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a plan for the purchase of goods, works, services to meet federal needs”;

    dated 06/05/2015 No. 553 “On approval of the Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a schedule for the purchase of goods, works, services to meet federal needs.”

For clarity and convenience, we present the main deadlines in the table.



Approval of procurement plans and procurement schedules

Within 10 working days from the date:

– bringing the approved limits for state and municipal institutions;

– approval of plans (programs) of financial and economic activities for budgetary and unitary enterprises;

– concluding agreements on the provision of subsidies for capital investments for autonomous institutions

Placement in a single information system(UIS) procurement plans, procurement schedules

Making changes to the procurement schedule

No later than 10 days before the date of posting the notice of procurement in the Unified Information System, sending an invitation to participate in determining the supplier (contractor, performer) for each procurement item

Placing changes made to the procurement schedule or procurement plan in the UIS

Within three working days* from the date of approval of such plans, with the exception of information constituting a state secret

* Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2015 No. 1168 “On approval of the Rules for posting in the unified information system in the field of procurement plans for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, schedules for the purchase of goods, works, services to provide state and municipal needs."

At the same time, the specifics of procurement planning within the framework of the state defense order are established by Federal Law No. 275-FZ dated December 29, 2012 “On State Defense Order” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 275-FZ). In particular, according to Art. 5 of this law, the Government of the Russian Federation approves the state defense order and measures for its implementation within a month after signing by the President of the Russian Federation federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period.

When approving a defense order, the Government of the Russian Federation approves state customers. Let us recall that in this case these roles are played by:

    federal body executive power;

    State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom";

    State Corporation for Space Activities "Roscosmos".

It is worth noting that when approving a defense order, the Government of the Russian Federation has the right to set deadlines for placing assignments (clause 2, clause 1, article 12 of Law No. 275-FZ). This should help ensure the operation of defense industry enterprises from the beginning of the next year (without delays).

According to Part 1 of Art. 6 of Law No. 275-FZ, the state defense order is placed in the manner established by Law No. 44-FZ, taking into account the features determined by Law No. 275-FZ. However, this law does not regulate the timing of procurement procedures, so we will be guided by the norms of the legislation on the contract system.


For violation of the deadline for approval of the procurement plan, procurement plan (changes made to these plans) or the deadline for posting the procurement plan, procurement plan (changes made to these plans) in the Unified Information System, Part 4, Art. 7.29.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability. Officials of the customer will pay a fine in the amount of 5,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Deadlines to be observed when determining a supplier.

Any procurement procedure can be divided into several stages: preparation of documentation, its placement in the Unified Information System, collection of applications or proposals, determination of the winner and conclusion of the contract. For almost every stage, Law No. 44-FZ defines the deadlines for performing certain actions for each type of procurement ( open competition, request for quotes, etc.) they are theirs.

As an example, consider the most common forms of determining a supplier: competition and electronic auction.

Competition stage


Placing a notice in the UIS

No less than 20 days before the date of opening the envelopes with applications for participation in the competition (Part 1, Article 49 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Making changes to the tender documentation

Five days before the deadline for submitting applications, and the deadline for submitting applications must be extended in such a way that from the date of amendments to the competition documentation until the end date for filing applications there remains at least 10 working days (Part 6, Article 50 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Cancellation of purchase

No later than five days before the deadline for filing applications (Part 1, Article 36 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Placing a protocol for opening envelopes in the UIS and opening access to applications in in electronic format

No later than the working day following the date of signing the protocol (Part 7, Article 52 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Review and evaluation of applications

No more than 20 days from the date of opening envelopes with applications and (or) opening access to applications submitted in electronic form (Part 1, Article 53 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Placement of the protocol of consideration and evaluation of applications in the Unified Information System

No later than the working day following the date of signing the protocol (one copy is kept by the customer, another copy is sent to the winner of the competition or the only participant within three working days from the date of signing) (Part 12 of Article 53 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Signing of the contract by the winner and sending it to the customer

Within 10 days from the date of posting in the Unified Information System the protocol for consideration and evaluation of applications (Part 3 of Article 54 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Conclusion of a contract

No earlier than 10 days and no later than 20 days from the date of posting in the Unified Information System the protocol for the consideration and evaluation of applications (Part 2 of Article 54 of Law No. 44-FZ)

Please note that when purchasing goods, works or services, information about which constitutes a state secret, closed methods of identifying suppliers are used, for example, a closed competition. When conducting it, it is important to pay attention to the following deadlines (Article 85 of Law No. 44-FZ):

    a notice of a closed tender is placed by the customer in the Unified Information System at least 30 days before the date of opening the envelopes with applications for participation in the tender. If notification is not required, the customer is obliged, no later than 20 days before the date of opening the envelopes with applications for participation in the competition, to send invitations to take part in the closed competition to persons who meet the requirements stipulated by Law No. 44-FZ and have access to information constituting state secret;

    Tender documentation must be sent to persons interested in participating in the procurement within three days from the date of receipt of their requests. If the request was sent by a person to whom an invitation was sent to take part in a closed competition, the documentation must be provided no later than two working days from the receipt of the relevant request;

    no later than 20 days before the date of opening the envelopes with applications for participation in a closed competition, the customer sends to the authorized federal executive body a list of all persons to whom the competition documentation has been sent at their request, and copies of all invitations to take part in such a competition;

    the protocol for opening envelopes with applications for participation in the competition, as well as the protocol for considering and evaluating applications for participation in it, no later than the working day following the date of their signing, are sent to the authorized federal executive body, that is, to the FAS. Within the same period, a copy of the protocol of consideration and evaluation of applications for participation in the competition must be sent to the participants of the closed competition who submitted applications for participation in it.

Procedure electronic auction somewhat more complicated, since one more thing is added actor(in addition to the customer and participants) - an electronic platform on which, in fact, the purchase is carried out.

So, as usual, competitive procurement begins with the posting of a notice:

    no later than seven days before the deadline for accepting applications - for NMCC up to 3 million rubles;

    no later than 15 days - with NMCC more than 3 million rubles.

If, during the collection of applications, any of the participants requests clarification of the provisions of the documentation on the electronic auction, the customer is obliged to provide them within two days (Part 4 of Article 65 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Customer by own initiative or in accordance with a received request for clarification of the provisions of the documentation on an electronic auction, has the right to make a decision to make changes to the documentation on such an auction no later than two days before the deadline for filing applications for participation in the auction. Within one day from the date of acceptance said decision changes must be posted in the Unified Information System. At the same time, the deadline for submitting applications for participation in such an auction must be extended so that from the date of posting the changes until the end date for filing applications, there remains at least 15 days (for NMTsK more than 3 million rubles) or at least seven days (for NMTsK less than 3 million rubles).

You can cancel an electronic auction no later than five days before the deadline for accepting applications (Part 1, Article 36 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Since the application for participation in the electronic auction consists of two parts, according to Part 2 of Art. 67 of Law No. 44-FZ, the customer may consider the first part of the application no more than seven days from the deadline for submitting applications. Based on the results of the review, a protocol is drawn up, which must be posted in the Unified Information System no later than the end date for consideration of applications. Two days after the deadline for consideration of the first parts of applications, the auction itself is held.

Review by the customer commission of the second parts of applications should not exceed three working days from the date of placement on electronic platform protocol for conducting an electronic auction.

For your information:

The final protocol must be posted no later than the working day following the date of its signing (Part 8, Article 69 of Law No. 44-FZ).

A contract is concluded with the winner of the auction. His draft without the customer’s signature must be posted in the Unified Information System within five days from the date of placement of the final protocol in the Unified Information System. Within five days from the date of posting the draft contract, the auction winner must post the signed contract in the Unified Information System.

According to Part 7 of Art. 70 of Law No. 44-FZ, within three working days from the date of posting in the Unified Information System the contract signed by the winner of the electronic auction, the customer is obliged to place the contract signed on his part.

Every step of the customer, every action (as well as the actions of the participants) are strictly regulated. Please note that we have considered general time frames without taking into account that the determination of the supplier may be suspended (for example, in connection with the filing of a complaint) or changes may be made to the notice.

Payment for goods, works or services.

It is not enough to comply with deadlines when conducting a purchase and concluding a contract with the winner. During the execution of the contract, Law No. 44-FZ defines many actions, the deadlines for which the customer is obliged not to violate.

For example, this applies to payment for goods delivered, work performed, services rendered, or individual stages of contract execution. Most recently (from May 1, 2017), the payment deadlines for government contracts were adjusted.

By general rule The payment period under the contract must be no more than 30 days from the date the customer signs the acceptance document, with the exception of certain cases (Part 13.1 of Article 34 of Law No. 44-FZ).

In particular, if the purchase was carried out among small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations, the contract concluded with such an organization must contain required condition on payment by the customer for the delivered goods, work performed (its results), services provided, individual stages of contract execution no more than within 15 working days from the date the customer signs the acceptance document (Part 8 of Article 30 of Law No. 44-FZ).

If the terms of payment by the customer for goods, works or services are not included in the draft contract and documentation, this may result in a fine under Part 4.2 of Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - in the amount of 3,000 rubles.

Deadlines for sending information for inclusion in the register of contracts.

After concluding a contract, the customer must send certain information regarding it to the federal treasury, the authorized executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government(Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 No. 1084 “On the procedure for maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers and a register of contracts containing information constituting a state secret”) for inclusion in the register of contracts.

This must be done no later than three working days from the date of conclusion of the contract. Within the same period, information on the changed terms of the contract must be reported to the treasury.

In addition, within three working days the customer is obliged to send to the treasury:

    information about the execution of the contract, including information about payment for the contract, the accrual of penalties (fines, penalties) in connection with improper execution obligations stipulated by the contract;

    information about termination of the contract indicating the grounds;

    acceptance document in the event of a decision to accept the goods delivered, work performed, or service rendered.


For violation of the deadlines for sending information to be included in the register of contracts, Part 2 of Art. 7.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability for officials - a fine of 20,000 rubles.

Register of unscrupulous suppliers.

According to Parts 4 – 6 of Art. 104 of Law No. 44-FZ, the customer must send to the control body (FAS, its territorial bodies) information about the procurement participant and supplier for inclusion in the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

Such information must be transmitted within the following terms (Article 104 of Law No. 44-FZ):

    within three working days from the date of conclusion of the contract with the participant whose application or proposal is assigned the second number, if the winner of the supplier selection has evaded concluding the contract;

    within five working days from the expiration date of the contract signing period specified in the procurement documentation, if sole participant procurement, who submitted an application or proposal and with whom the contract is concluded in the cases provided for in clauses 24, 25, part 1 of Art. 93 of Law No. 44-FZ, evaded its conclusion;

    within three working days from the date of termination of the contract by a court decision or due to the customer’s unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract.

Failure to comply with these deadlines is fraught with administrative liability under Part 2 of Art. 7.31 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: the official faces a fine in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

Contract performance report.

Let us recall that such a report is placed in the Unified Information System in accordance with Part 9 of Art. 94 of Law No. 44-FZ. The timing of its placement is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 No. 1093. The report is published by the customer in the Unified Information System within seven working days:

    from the day the customer pays the obligations and signs the document on acceptance of the results of the contract and (or) the results of a separate stage of its execution, and in the case of creating an acceptance committee - from the day such a document is signed by all members of the acceptance committee and approved by the customer for a separate stage of the contract execution;

    from the day the customer pays the obligations under the contract and signs the document on acceptance of the goods supplied, work performed and services rendered, and in the case of the creation of an acceptance committee - from the day such a document is signed by all members of the acceptance committee and approved by the customer;

    from the date of termination of the contract, that is, from the day determined by agreement of the parties to terminate the contract, the day the court decision to terminate the contract enters into legal force or the day the decision of the supplier, contractor or performer (hereinafter referred to as the performer) or the customer on unilateral refusal to perform comes into force contract.

Failure to comply with this deadline is qualified by controllers as an administrative offense in accordance with Part 1.4 of Art. 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for which a fine is imposed:

    for officials - in the amount of 15,000 rubles;

    on legal entities– in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

Deadlines to be observed when terminating a contract.

Note that in order to comply with deadlines, it is of interest to terminate the contract if the customer decides to unilaterally refuse to perform it. Cases where such a decision is made are necessarily mentioned in Art. 95 of Law No. 44-FZ.

So, the customer must, within three working days from the date of its adoption, make a decision on unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract:

    place in the EIS;

    send to the supplier (contractor, performer).

The date of proper notification to the supplier is the date the customer receives confirmation of delivery of the specified notice to the supplier or the date the customer receives information about the absence of the supplier at the address indicated in the contract. If it is impossible to obtain the specified confirmation or information, the date of such proper notification is recognized as the date after 30 days from the date of posting the customer’s decision on unilateral refusal to perform the contract in the Unified Information System.

The customer’s decision to unilaterally refuse to fulfill the contract comes into force and the contract is considered terminated 10 days from the date of proper notification by the customer to the supplier (contractor, performer) of the unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract (Part 13, Article 95 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Responsibility for violation of deadlines.

Fines for violation of deadlines during procurement are quite large, and the specific size of the fine often depends on how late the execution of a particular stage of the procurement is. So, according to Part 1 of Art. 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of the deadlines for posting information and documents in the Unified Information System, the placement of which is provided for by Law No. 44-FZ, when conducting a competition and auction for no more than two working days, entails the imposition on officials of an administrative fine in the amount of 5,000 rubles, and on legal entities persons – 15,000 rub. But if these deadlines are violated by more than two working days, the fine for officials will be 30,000 rubles, for an institution - 100,000 rubles. (Part 1.1 of Article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The maximum fine for violating the deadlines for posting information and documents when conducting a request for quotation, request for proposals, or purchasing from a single supplier (contractor, performer) is 10,000 rubles. for officials and 50,000 rubles. for the organization (part 1.2, 1.3 of article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The largest fine for an organization is 500,000 rubles. – provided for in Part 3 of Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. It is applied for failure to place information and documents in the Unified Information System, the placement of which is established by law. For example, the FAS Commission for Control in the Sphere of State Defense Orders in Decision dated August 3, 2017 No. PGOZ-190/17 considered: since the customer did not place it in the EIS project documentation during an auction for major renovation, an administrative offense has been committed that falls under Part 3 of Art. 7.30 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Other fines are much lower - up to 50,000 rubles. They are applied to officials for shortening the deadline for submitting applications for participation, violating the deadlines for signing protocols, and failing to comply with the deadline for posting a notice of procurement.

In conclusion, we note that compliance with deadlines is almost always checked by a control body. Since their violation may result not only in administrative liability, but also in cancellation of the procurement, we recommend that the customer’s officials responsible for drawing up procurement documentation, its implementation and other procedures be more careful.

The information to be transmitted is specified in Art. 104 of Law No. 44-FZ, and some terms are specified in the Rules for maintaining a register of unscrupulous suppliers, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 25, 2013 No. 1062.

“On the procedure for preparing and posting in a unified information system in the field of procurement a report on the execution of a state (municipal) contract and (or) on the results of a separate stage of its execution.”


speaker: Tatyana Leontyeva

Basic requirements, regulations governing planning

From January 1, 2016, all state and municipal customers are required to justify and plan their purchases in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 44-FZ and special regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation. Planning functions are assigned to contract managers and contract services of customers (Part 4, Article 38 of Law No. 44-FZ). It is necessary to focus attention on this, since contract service employees or contract managers are responsible for drawing up and updating schedules.

Please note that from this year the schedule must contain the column “I approve”, which must be filled out. Accordingly, if your regional system does not have such a column in the electronic schedule, then you need to print out the plan form with this column.

What other regulatory legal acts does the customer need under 44-FZ when planning procurement?

Resolution Governments Russian Federation dated October 29, 2015 No. 1168 “On approval of the Rules for placing in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement plans for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, schedules for the purchase of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs.”

Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2015 No. 555 “On establishing the procedure for justifying the purchase of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs and the forms of such justification.”

Order Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 422 “On approval of the procedure for generating a procurement identification code.”

A number of amendments to these resolutions were introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2017 No. 73, according to which, from January 1, 2018, changes were made, including to the requirements for the form of procurement plans (RF PP 1043, RF PP 552):

The final volume of financial support provided for procurement in the current financial year, planning period and in subsequent years (if procurement is planned to be carried out after the expiration of the planning period) should be detailed by the volume of financial support for each budget classification code and the volume of financial support by each subsidy agreement.

Only individual customers are required to detail funds according to the BCC. For example, budgetary and autonomous institutions created by constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities do not detail the amount of financial support under agreements on the provision of subsidies from the relevant budgets.

The second change, which applies to all customers, is the requirements for schedules (changes in RF PP 553, RF PP 554):

The procurement schedule must contain annexes containing justifications for each procurement item, including: justification for the NMCC concluded with sole supplier, determined in accordance with Article 22 of the Federal Law, indicating the quantities and units of measurement of goods, works, services included in the procurement object (if any).

This change entailed an increase in the amount of work for customers, especially since there are no exceptions for small purchases under points 4 and 5. Accordingly, when creating a schedule, the customer must generate a calculation of the NMCC for each item and attach it to the schedule.

Terms for which they are formed procurement plans, remained the same and constitute a period corresponding to the validity period of the law (decision) on the budget for the next financial year and planning period, that is, as a standard we are talking about three-year planning. The plan is prepared in advance.

Thus, the period for which it is necessary to formulate a procurement plan depends on how many years the budget has been adopted for, and, accordingly, on the level of the customer. For customers federal level The acts that determine the planning period are the law on the federal budget and the law on the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation. For customers at the subject level - the subject’s law on the budget, the subject’s law on territorial extra-budgetary funds. For customers municipal level- municipal legal act on the budget.

Please note that the plan is formed for the period of the approved budget, regardless of the period and amount for which the limits of budget obligations were increased to the customer.

Terms of formation draft plans previously established procurements have been canceled and are now in line with regulations adopted at the regional level.

Deadlines for approval and placement of procurement plans

After approval of the budget and, accordingly, the completion of limits / approval of the plan (program) of financial and economic activities / customers are obliged to:

  • approve the procurement plan within 10 working days;
  • place it in the UIS within 3 working days.

Important! In accordance with Article 191 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the course of a period determined by a period of time begins the next day after the calendar date or the occurrence of an event that determines its beginning. The day of PG placement is not included in the calculation of 10 calendar days (counting starts from the next day).

If the deadline in the law is specified in calendar days and the end of the term falls on a weekend, then it is postponed to the first working day after the end of the term. If working days are indicated, then, accordingly, only working days are counted.

Example: if the financial and economic activity plan was approved by the founder on December 29, 2017, then the procurement plan must be approved before January 22, 2018 and posted in the Unified Information System before January 25, 2018.

Separately, RF PP 73 establishes deadlines for approval of procurement plans for unitary and autonomous enterprises:

  • for state unitary enterprises and municipal unitary enterprises - 10 working days from the date of approval of the PFHD;
  • for autonomous institutions - 10 working days from the date of concluding agreements on the provision of subsidies for capital investments in capital construction projects of state (municipal) property or the acquisition of real estate objects in state (municipal) ownership.


On January 1, 2016, provisions on rationing purchases came into force in accordance with Art. 19 of Law No. 44-FZ, and, therefore, procurement items in draft procurement plans must be included taking into account standard costs.

Justification for procurement

From January 1, 2016, customers must carry out justification for purchases when planning their purchases (RF PP dated 06/05/2015 No. 555). This applies to both the procurement plan and the schedule.

Algorithm for the formation and approval of the procurement plan for 2018 - 2020

Step one. Before forming a procurement plan, it is necessary to prepare its draft in the form established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 No. 1043, which contains clear requirements for filling out the procurement plan form.

Step two. Send the draft procurement plan to the bodies exercising the functions and powers of the founders, the main managers of budget funds, within the time limit established by local regulations

Government customers must submit procurement plans to the main managers of budget funds, and budgetary institutions to the founders). This usually happens in the summer.

Step three. After sending projects to higher institutions, they are adjusted if necessary. After this, based on approved plans for financial and economic activities or limits on budgetary obligations within ten working days the procurement plan is approved.

State customers must approve procurement plans within 10 working days from the date of reaching the limits of budget obligations, and budgetary institutions and unitary enterprises - after approval of the FCD plan.

Step four. Approved plans are posted in the Unified Information System within three working days from the date of approval. The procurement plan must contain the distribution of the full volume of planned purchases for the entire planning period.

The procurement plan does not contain each specific purchase, but includes information in aggregated form - the amount of funding for specific purposes. Each specific purchase is deciphered in a schedule, which is drawn up on the basis of the procurement plan.

Features of filling out the procurement plan form

In order to form a plan, you must fill out the prescribed form.

Firstly, when drawing up a procurement plan, it is necessary to justify the procurement object and the compliance of this object with the purpose of the procurement and the established requirements for goods, works, and services.

When forming a schedule for the financial year, the NMCC, the method of determining the supplier and additional requirements for procurement participants (if any) are justified.

The procurement plan consists of fifteen columns:

  1. Identification code.
  2. Purchasing purposes.
  3. Name of the procurement object.
  4. Volumes of financial support.
  5. Planned year of publication of the notice/contract.
  6. Volume of financial support.
  7. Timing (frequency) of planned purchases.
  8. Information about the COU and 2-stage competitions (yes/no).
  9. Information about mandatory public discussion of the procurement (yes/no).
  10. Date, content and rationale for changes.

Purchase identification code (line 2)

Although the procurement identification code (PIC) is generated automatically by the system, you need to understand how it is generated and what goes into it.

Year of placement

1-2 categories

The last two digits of the year of publication of the notice of procurement, or the sending of an invitation, or the conclusion of a contract with a single supplier are indicated. Even if the purchase was for 2018, but the purchase notice was posted in 2017, then the number “17” should be entered, and this purchase will be included in the schedule of the previous year.

Customer code

3-22 digit

The customer identification code (ownership code + INN + KPP) is taken from the registration data in personal account in the EIS.

Purchasing plan number

23-26 category

The procurement plan is drawn up for three years. Each year has its own numbering. The IKZ indicates the number of the purchase included in the procurement plan generated (approved) by the customer for the next financial year and planning period (values ​​from 0001 to 9999 are assigned in in ascending order within a year, in which it is planned to place a notice of procurement, conclude a contract with the EP).

In ascending order within a year: 1,2,3. With the new year - new numbering.

Number according to plan

27-29 digits

The number of the purchase included in the procurement plan formed (approved) by the customer for the next financial year is indicated (values ​​from 001 to 999 are assigned in ascending order within the corresponding serial number of the purchase in the procurement plan).

At the stage of drawing up a procurement plan, zeros are entered.

Catalog object code

30-33 digits

Information about the code of the procurement object according to the GWS catalog, generated on the basis of OKPD2, with detail down to the group of goods (works, services):

30-31 digits - class;

32nd category - subclass;

33rd category - group. With the exception of “larger purchases” *

“... in the event of the acquisition of several goods (works, services) related to different groups according to the OKPD2 code, the customer, when forming an IKZ in 30 - 33 digits, indicates the value “0000.”

Letter from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated April 24, 2017 N OG-D28-5071

Consumption code

34-36 digits

Code of the type of expenses according to the budget classification of the Russian Federation

* “Enlarged” information for each BCC code (Contracts within one clause have one IKZ)

Procurement information is indicated on one line in relation to each of the following procurement items:

  • medicines purchased in accordance with clause 7 of part 2 of article 83 of the Federal Law;
  • goods, work or services in an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles (if the customer concludes a contract in accordance with clause 4 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law);
  • goods, work or services in an amount not exceeding 400 thousand rubles (if the customer concludes a contract in accordance with clause 5 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law);
  • services related to sending an employee to business trip, (if the customer concludes a contract in accordance with clause 26 of part 1 of article 93 of the Federal Law);
  • teaching services provided by individuals;
  • guide services provided by individuals.
  • services for the maintenance and repair of non-residential premises transferred for free use or operational management to the customer, water, heat, gas and energy supply services, security services, removal services household waste in the event that these services are provided to another person or other persons using non-residential premises located in the building in which the premises are located, transferred to the customer for free use or operational management (clause 23 of part 1 of Article 93)
  • procurement of services from individuals for the purposes of Rosstat (clause 42 of part 1 of article 93)
  • services for granting the right to access information contained in documentary, documentographic, abstract, full-text foreign databases and specialized databases of international science citation indices (clause 44 of part 1 of article 93).

Documents containing an indication of IKZ

The documents in which the IKZ must be indicated are listed in Part 1 of Article 23 of Law No. 44-FZ. These include:

  • procurement plan
  • schedule
  • notice of procurement, invitation to participate in the selection of a supplier, carried out in a closed way
  • procurement documentation
  • contract (IKZ is indicated by the customer, including in contracts concluded in accordance with clauses 4, 5, 26 and 33 of part 1 of Article 93 of Law N 44-FZ. Moreover, in such IKZ in categories 30 - 33 the value 0 is indicated. Letter from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated March 15, 2017 N D28i-1118)
  • other documents provided by law

This list is open.

In fact, the IKZ is also indicated in other documents: reports on the execution of the contract (IKZ is entered automatically), acceptance documents under the contract, external examination reports, contract registry entry (automatically), register of dishonest suppliers (FAS Russia), Register of bank guarantees (affixed by the bank) , agreements on joint (centralized) procurement, etc.

The IKZ is also indicated:

  • when holding joint tenders and auctions (subclause 1.1 of clause 1 of part 1 of article 25 of Law No. 44-FZ);
  • in the register of contracts concluded by customers (clause 12 of part 2 of article 103 of Law No. 44-FZ);
  • in the register of dishonest PPI (clause 5 of part 3 of article 104 of Law No. 44-FZ);
  • in supplier identification protocols.


Failure to indicate the IKZ in the documents provided for by Law No. 44-FZ may entail liability established current legislation. According to Part 1.4 of Article 7.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, administrative liability is provided for the placement in the Unified Information System of documents that are subject to placement or direction, in violation of the requirements stipulated by law.


Make sure that the IPC is always indicated correctly. If the IPC is formed incorrectly, then it is impossible to change it without canceling the procurement procedure itself.

Purchasing goals (lines 3-4)

In the line “Purpose of the purchase” information about the purpose of the purchase is indicated. To do this, first fill in the “Target Type” field by selecting one of the values ​​from the drop-down list:

  1. achievements of goals state program(including a federal target program, departmental target program, other strategic and program-target planning document)
  2. fulfillment of international obligations
  3. performance of functions and powers government agencies

The most often chosen value is “achieving the goals of the state program.” Then you need to select the program itself from the program directory (more than 700 positions), and enter the result yourself using the keyboard.

For example: Prevention of infectious diseases, including immunoprophylaxis. The result is a reduction in the incidence of infectious diseases.

Lines 5 - 12

5.The name is indicated arbitrarily and can be formed: stationery, office furniture, medicines, wired communication services, etc.

6.Year of publication of the notice: Indicate the year when it is planned post a notice or conclude a contract (if the notice is not generated).

7 - 11. Volume of financial support: this is not the NMCC, but the volume of financial support for each year, for example, for medicines.

12. Timing, frequency of procurement: The frequency of procurement and receipt of GWS is indicated (Daily, as necessary, monthly, once a year, etc.).

Lines 13-15

13. Additional information: Information about purchases that, due to technical or technological complexity, innovative, high-tech or specialized nature, can only be supplied by suppliers (contractors, performers) with the required level of qualifications, as well as Scientific research, research, design work. Format: YES or NO.

14. Information about mandatory public discussion. Format: YES or NO.

Reasons for making changes to the procurement plan using the example of Resolution No. 552 for federal customers

Bringing plans into line due to changes:
  • procurement purposes,
  • requirements for purchased products (including maximum prices) and (or) standard costs for providing customer functions;
  • Changes to the law (decision) on the budget;
  • Implementation of laws (local regulations), decisions (instructions) of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, supreme executive authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • Changes in established limits;
  • As a result of mandatory public discussion;
  • Using savings;
  • Issuance of an order;
  • Changes in the timing and (or) frequency of acquisition of goods and materials;
  • The occurrence of circumstances that cannot be foreseen at the date of approval of the procurement plan.

Rollover purchases

There are often procurements for which contracts are concluded in one year and executed in the next (for example, food products, communication services, etc.). The question arises as to which year such purchases should be included in the procurement plan. Of course, they should be included in the 2017 procurement plan. But the amount is reflected in the 2018 payments (planned payments).

Form for justifying the purchase of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs when forming and approving a procurement plan

N p/p IKZ Name of the procurement object Name target program The name of the action of the state program, the functions of the state body, the management body of the state extra-budgetary fund, the municipal body and (or) the name of the international treaty of the Russian Federation Justification of compliance of the object and (or) procurement objects with the measures of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) international treaty of the Russian Federation Full name, date of adoption and number of regulatory legal (legal) acts approved in accordance with Article 19, establishing the determination of standard costs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The following data is entered into the justification form:

Column 2. Identification code.(The procedure for the formation of IKZ is established by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 422 of June 29, 2015).

Column 3. Name of the procurement object. It practically corresponds to what is called in existing schedules “the name of the subject of the contract” - for example, Personal computer

Column 4. Name of the state program, program of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal program. Including a target or departmental target program, another document of strategic and program-target planning, if the purchase is planned within the framework the specified program. At the moment, in accordance with budget legislation, which provides for the widest use of the program-target method of management and budgeting, the activities of state and municipal institutions are usually carried out within the framework of state and municipal programs. Within the framework of these programs, budget expenditures for the activities of institutions are also formed (Part 4 of Article 21, Article 179 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation).

For example, in the Moscow region, the activities of regional government institutions of medium vocational education is carried out within the framework of the regional State program of the Moscow region “Education of the Moscow Region” for 2014 - 2018 (subprogram “Vocational education”).

Column 5. Name of the event of the state program, program of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal program. Including a target or departmental target program, another document of strategic and program-target planning), the name of the function, the powers of the state body, the management body of the state extra-budgetary fund, the municipal body and (or) the name of the international treaty of the Russian Federation. As procurement goals, federal legislation provides not only for the implementation of state or municipal programs, but also for the fulfillment of international obligations of the Russian Federation, the functions and powers of state bodies of the Russian Federation, management bodies of state and territorial extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation, state bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal bodies, with the exception of those performed in within the framework of state and municipal programs.

Example of an event name

Improving the material and technical base government agencies vocational education

(if the purchase was planned at the expense of budget funds transferred to the institution in the form of a subsidy for purposes not related to the implementation of government assignments)


"implementation educational activities under contracts for the provision of paid educational services V educational organizations professional education"

(if the purchase is made at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of the institution, received by it for the provision of paid educational services).

If the purchase is carried out in accordance with Law No. 233-FZ, then justification is not required.

Column 6. Justification of compliance of the object and (or) procurement objects with the measures of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) international treaty of the Russian Federation. In this paragraph, it is necessary to indicate how the procurement corresponds to the above-mentioned measure of the state or municipal program.

Column 7. Full name, date of adoption and number of approved regulations establishing standardization requirements or an indication of the absence of such an act for the corresponding procurement object. For example, if you plan to purchase a car for the head or deputy head of a federal government agency with personal assignment, then such a car may cost no more than 2.5 million rubles, if for the head (deputy head) structural unit of this body - no more than 1.5 million rubles. If you plan to purchase industrial and technical materials for which such rationing will be established, you must indicate in the column the details of the relevant regulatory legal act or write that the act has not been approved.


Please study before filling out the rationale. Regulatory regulations applicable in your region

An example of justification for SGOZ from the EP according to clauses 4.5 in accordance with the Rules for Justification of Procurement (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 5, 2015 No. 555)

Purchase identification code Name of the object and (or) procurement objects Name of the state program or program of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal program (including target program, Name of the event of the state program or program of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal program (including target program, departmental target program, other strategic and Justification of compliance of the object and (or) procurement objects with the measures of the state (municipal) program, functions, powers and (or) international treaty of the Russian Federation Full name, date of adoption and number of regulations approved in accordance with Article 19 of the Law
2 3 4 5 6 7
Purchases of goods, works, services in an amount not exceeding 100 (400) thousand rubles (in accordance with clause 4 (clause 5) part 1 of article 93 of the Federal Law) Municipal program "Development of Education" for 2016-2020. Expenses for supporting the activities of municipal educational institutions“School and preschool nutrition”, “Ensuring the safety of educational institutions... municipal district", Subventions to provide students in primary grades (1-4 inclusive) with free meals. The purchase is carried out in order to implement the corresponding subprogramme activity NLA not approved

How to correctly formulate a schedule for 2018, the timing of drawing up and adjusting the plan

When talking about the schedule, you should remember three postulates:

  1. The schedule is the basis for procurement.
  2. Purchases not provided for in the schedules cannot be carried out (Part 11, Article 21).
  3. Formed by the customer in accordance with the procurement plan (Part 2, Article 21)

Timeframe for preparation of the schedule

Government customers

Budget institutions

Unitary enterprises


AU and others

(Part 4 and Part 6 Article 15)


Draft schedule plan within the time limits established by:


after the budget law was submitted to the State Duma for consideration


after the budget law was submitted to the State Duma for consideration

after the budget law was submitted to the State Duma for consideration


Draft plan

Clarification and updating of limits

Clarification and approval of the FCD plan

clarification and conclusion of an agreement / transfer of funds to the account

Approval period within 10 working days

From the date the limits are set

From the date of approval of the PFHD

From the date of approval of the PFHD

From the day the funds are transferred to the account or the agreement is concluded

Schedule structure:

  • SGOZ (for reference);
  • name and description of the procurement object, its characteristics (Article 33)
  • NMCC (thousand rubles)
  • Advance amount (%)
  • Payment stages (planned payment amounts) for the entire period
  • Unit of measurement and code according to OKEI (if it can be measured)
  • Quantity for the entire period
  • Frequency (daily, once a month, etc./number of execution stages (month, year)
  • Amount of bid and contract security
  • Planned period for posting the notice/concluding the contract (month, year)
  • Completion date of the contract (month, year)
  • Purchasing method
  • Advantages of Article 28 and Article 29
  • SMP and SONKO
  • Prohibitions, restrictions, conditions of admission Art. 14
  • Add. requirements and their justification
  • Mandatory public comment
  • Information about banking support of the contract/treasury support of the contract*
  • Information about the authorized body/institution
  • Information about the organizer of the joint competition/auction
  • Date, content and rationale for changes

Features of drawing up a schedule

The rules for describing the procurement object are set out in Article 33 of Law No. 44-FZ. When describing the procurement object in the procurement documentation, the customer must be guided by the following rules:

  • The description of the procurement object shall indicate the functional, technical and quality characteristics, operational characteristics of the procurement object (if necessary).
  • The description of the procurement object may include specifications, plans, drawings, sketches, photographs, results of work, testing, requirements.

Catalog of goods, works and services

Please note that on January 1, 2018, paragraph. d clause 10 pp. b clause 1 3 of the RF PP dated 02/08/2017 N 145 “On approval of the Rules for the formation and maintenance of the GWS catalog in the UIS.” The description of GWS, in accordance with the requirements of Article 33 of the law, includes the following information:

A) consumer properties and other characteristics of the GWS, including functional, technical, quality characteristics, operational characteristics (if necessary).

The following information will appear in the catalogue:

The following obligation also arises: in the schedule, the name and description of the procurement object must correspond to the positions of the GWS catalog if this object is present in the directory.

If there are no corresponding items in the catalog, the customer provides a description of the product, work, or service in accordance with the requirements of Article 33 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ. The catalog code for GWS for which there is no corresponding item in the catalog is indicated by the code of such GWS in accordance with OKPD2.

If there is a position in the TRU catalog, and the customer wishes to indicate Additional information according to the position, additional consumer properties, including functional characteristics, then he is obliged to include in the description of the GWS a justification for the need to use such information.

It must be remembered that the procurement plan and schedule are two interrelated documents. There may be one position in the procurement plan, and several in the schedule, but the opposite cannot be the case: it is technically impossible to combine purchases from the procurement plan in the schedule.

Changing the schedule

Reasons for changing the schedule:

  • adjusting the schedule;
  • change in volume and (or) cost, NMCC;
  • change in the start date of procurement, timing and (or) frequency of acquisition of goods, performance of work, provision of services, method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer), payment stages and (or) amount of advance payment and contract execution period;
  • cancellation by the customer of the purchase;
  • use of savings;
  • issuance of orders by control authorities;
  • results of mandatory public discussion;
  • the occurrence of other circumstances that were impossible to foresee at the date of approval of the procurement schedule.

It is important to remember that changes to the procurement object must be made no later than 10 days before the day the procurement notice is posted in the Unified Information System. After making changes.

Termination, change of contract and schedule

The customer’s obligation to make changes to the procurement plan and schedule when changing or terminating the contract is not regulated by law. However, if the contract price decreases, the “payment planning” column must be adjusted to free up funds. If the limits have been revoked, then the contract must be terminated.

Features of filling out the purchase justification form

On January 1, 2018, an innovation came into force (RF PP dated January 25, 2017 No. 73), according to which the justification for the NMCC must be attached, including those concluded with a single supplier, which indicates the object of purchase, quantity and units of measurement of goods, works and services .

The question arises: How to place in the Unified Information System the justification for the NMCC in the schedule, taking into account the new rules, if there are restrictions on the number of characters, and there are several positions in the specification and for each you need to indicate the unit of measurement and quantity?

Example of filling out justification

Name of the procurement object Initial (maximum) contract price, contract price concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) Name of the method for determining and justifying the initial (maximum) contract price, the price of a contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) Justification for the impossibility of using the methods specified in Part 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) to determine and justify the NMCC, CKEP, as well as the justification of the method definitions and justification of NMTsK, TsKEP, not provided for in Part 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law Justification of the initial (maximum) price of the contract, the price of the contract concluded with a single supplier (contractor, performer) in the manner established by Article 22 of the Federal Law Method for determining the supplier (contractor, performer) Justification of the chosen method of determining the supplier (contractor, performer)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Grocery RUB 110,000.00 method of comparable market prices (market analysis). The method of comparable market prices (market analysis) is a priority for determining and justifying the initial (maximum) contract price for identical goods, in accordance with Part 2 of Article 22 of Law No. 44-FZ. - The initial (maximum) price of the contract is determined in accordance with the requirements of Article 22 of Law No. 44-FZ from and taking into account Methodological recommendations on the application of methods for determining the initial (maximum) contract price approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 2, 2013 No. 567. The calculation is made in Appendix No. 1 Request for quotations (Part 2 of Article 72 of Law No. 44-FZ) NMCC does not exceed the established limit of 500 thousand rubles. and the customer has a limit (no more than 10% of the SGOZ) on requesting quotes.

An example of a calculation indicating for each specification item (Rationale for calculating the initial (maximum) price of a contract for the supply of food products)

Name of product

(works, services)

price for 1 unit rub.

Price monitoring

Average unit price, rub

Contract price, rub.,

NMCK = V*ts

The coefficient of variation, %

Commercial offer

Organization 1

Commercial offer

Commercial offer i=3

1 Buckwheat kg 70 15,6 17,2 18 15,93 318,6 7,7
2 Semolina kg 15 21,50 25,00 27,00 19,50 292,5 14,3
3 Peas kg 10 15,00 20,00 22,00 19,00 190,6 18,1
4 Hercules kg 15 15,6 17,2 18 15,93 318,6 7,7
5 Lentils kg 10 15,00 20,00 22,00 19,00 190,6 18,1
6 ETC.

Features of procurement justification

In relation to purchases carried out in accordance with clause 7 of part 2 of Article 83, the justification for purchases is carried out in accordance with the decision of the medical commission.

In relation to purchases carried out in accordance with paragraphs 4, 5, 26 and 33 of part 1 of Article 93, the annual volume of these purchases is subject to justification.

The justification form for the formation and approval of the schedule plan is attached to the procurement schedule plan.

If changes are made to the procurement plan (schedule), changes are made to the relevant procurement justification forms

Administrative responsibility

The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for 36 grounds for bringing to administrative liability, the amount of which, for a number of reasons, depends on the size of the NMCC.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to enter a position in the PP for several OKPDs (for example, medicines), and in the PG to divide this position into separate purchases with different OKPD2? Yes. You made a mistake with the OKPD2 code, can you change the purchase code in an already placed procurement plan item without canceling the purchase? Since this field is tied to the IKZ, it is not corrected. In this case, you need to cancel this position and re-enter it indicating the correct OKPD2 code. Are we obliged to comply with any deadlines for updating the procurement plan if changes are made to the PPCD? The deadline for making changes to the PP if there is a need to adjust it is not established by law. The main thing is to adjust the plan before making changes to the schedule and posting notices (concluding contracts). There is no regulated period between making changes to the institution’s performance indicators and the procurement plan. There is also no direct administrative punishment for failure to make changes to the procurement plan or violation of the deadline for making such changes after a change in the institution’s performance indicators. The first version of the PG may not contain all planned purchases? Is it possible to indicate in the first edition of the PG not all funds provided for in the estimate (PFHD) (only for individual items)? Formally, there is no prohibition, but based on the principles of the formation of planning documents, the first edition should contain all purchases as much as possible (all funds should be “distributed”). Also, the grounds for making changes to the procurement plan include only those that allow changes to already placed purchases.

The customer does not agree with the presence of violations when placing information in the Unified Information System when planning purchases

1. Procurement planning is carried out through the formation, approval and maintenance of schedules. Purchases not provided for in the schedules cannot be carried out.

2. Schedules include:

2) name of the object and (or) names of procurement objects;

3) the amount of financial support for procurement;

4) timing (frequency) of planned purchases;

5) information on mandatory public discussion of procurement of goods, work or services in accordance with Article 20 of this Federal Law;

3. The Government of the Russian Federation establishes:

1) requirements for the form of schedules;

2) the procedure for the formation and approval of schedules, amendments to such schedules;

4. The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to establish the specifics of including in the schedule information about centralized procurement, joint competitions and auctions, procurement in which closed methods of identifying suppliers (contractors, performers) are used, as well as individual purchases provided for in paragraph 7 of part 2 of article 83, paragraph 3 of part 2 of article 83.1, part 1 of article 93 and article 111 of this Federal Law.

5. Schedules are formed for a period corresponding to the validity period of the federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period, federal laws on the budgets of state extra-budgetary funds of the Russian Federation for the next financial year and planning period, the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation Federation, laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the budgets of territorial state extra-budgetary funds, municipal legal act of the representative body municipality about the local budget. The schedules include, taking into account the provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, information on purchases, the implementation of which is planned after the expiration of the planning period. In this case, the information specified in Part 2 of this article is included in the procurement plans for the entire period of the planned procurement.

6. The schedule is formed by the state or municipal customer in accordance with the requirements of this article in the process of drawing up and reviewing draft budgets budget system of the Russian Federation, taking into account the provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation and is approved within ten working days after the scope of rights in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation is communicated to the state or municipal customer.

7. The schedule is formed by state, municipal institutions, state, municipal unitary enterprises in accordance with the requirements of this article when planning the financial and economic activities of state, municipal institutions, state, municipal unitary enterprises and is approved within ten working days after approval of the financial plan accordingly -economic activities of state, municipal institutions, plan (program) of financial and economic activities of state, municipal unitary enterprises.

8. Schedules are subject to change if necessary:

1) bringing them into compliance in connection with changes in the requirements established in accordance with Article 19 of this Federal Law for goods, works, services purchased by customers (including the maximum price of goods, works, services) and (or) regulatory costs for ensuring the functions of state bodies, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, municipal bodies;

2) bringing them into compliance in connection with a change in the volume of rights communicated to the customer in monetary terms to accept and (or) fulfill obligations in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, changes in the indicators of plans (programs) of financial and economic activities of state, municipal institutions, state , municipal unitary enterprises, changes in relevant decisions and (or) agreements on the provision of subsidies;

3) implementation of the decision made by the customer based on the results of mandatory public discussion of the procurement in accordance with

The government procurement plan is the main document reflecting the customer’s needs for the long term. It contains the goals and timing of planned purchases, the amount of funds allocated for their implementation and plays important role in the customer's activities. However, the requirements for this document under 44-FZ and 223-FZ differ.

Planning goals

A well-drafted document will help to formulate a procurement plan, a procurement period, and also determine a target for the customer’s activities, which greatly simplifies the work. Plus, thanks to preliminary information to the business community, the conclusion of more profitable contracts is ensured. This article will help you accurately fulfill your responsibility for planning procurement operations.

One of the main criteria for the speed of goal fulfillment is the procurement period in the procurement plan - this is the period during which the activities must be implemented and the result required by the customer is achieved, that is, the start date of the procurement in the procurement plan and its end are displayed.

Planning is necessary for:

  • implementation of activities provided for in strategic and program-target planning documents;
  • fulfillment of the international obligations of the Russian Federation;
  • fulfilling the powers of state, municipal bodies and constituent entities.

How to fill out the procurement purpose in the procurement plan (sample) is shown in the image. Other examples can be viewed on the EIS website.

Plan according to 44-FZ

Planning is carried out in accordance with Article 16-17 44-FZ. Duration of action normative act on the budget determines for what period the document must be approved: 1 or 3 years in accordance with Parts 3-4 of Article 169 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, or for the entire period of the purchase, if the period of its implementation exceeds the period of the budget law.

When starting a conversation about planning the customer’s activities in the field of procurement to meet state and municipal needs, first of all it should be noted that the very process of planning the procurement of goods, works, services by state and municipal customers is determined by the fundamental goals and principles Federal Law No. 44. Therefore, planning is aimed primarily at increasing the efficiency of use financial resources and the effectiveness of procurement, ensuring openness and transparency of procurement, as well as preventing corruption and other abuses in the field of procurement to meet state and municipal needs.

From the beginning of the entry into force of Federal Law No. 44, that is, from January 1, 2014, to the present, when planning their procurement activities within the framework of the law on the contract system, customers are responsible for the formation of a single document reflecting the customer’s needs for goods, works, services, and also containing the expected timing of procurement. We are talking about a schedule.

However, as is known, from January 1, 2016. the procedure comes into force two-stage planning, which is mentioned in Part 1 of Art. 16 Federal Law No. 44. Two-stage planning represents the formation, approval and maintenance by customers of two documents mandatory for the implementation of procurement activities: in addition to the schedule, customers will have to form, approve and post within the established time frame another document - the procurement plan.

Procurement plans

We remind you that Art. 16 “Procurement planning” and art. 17 “Procurement Plans” of Federal Law No. 44 come into force from January 1, 2016. In this case, procurement plans must be formed for a period corresponding to the validity period of the federal law (municipal legal act) on the relevant budget for the next financial year and planning period taking into account the provisions of the budget legislation of the Russian Federation (Part 4 of Article 17 of Federal Law No. 44). Let's look at this in more detail.

Customers should begin work on developing draft procurement plans as early as mid-2016. Due to the fact that the procurement plan, as already noted, according to budget legislation must be drawn up for a period of three years, it must reflect information about all purchases that the customer expects to make from 2017 to 2019 inclusive.

Thus, the first procurement plans for a three-year period should be developed and approved by customers as early as 2016.

Many customers are concerned about the fact that it is quite difficult to objectively predict the needs for goods (works, services) to meet their needs for a period of 3 years. On the one hand, this is true. However, we should not forget that if there is a justified need, the customer has the right to make changes to the already approved and posted procurement plan. Moreover, the grounds for making such changes are contained in the document defining the procedure for maintaining the procurement plan.

Requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2013 No. 1043 “On the requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans for goods, works, services to meet the needs of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipal needs, as well as requirements to the form of procurement plans for goods, works, services” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 1043).

Thus, clause “a” part 4 of the Requirements for the formation, approval and maintenance of procurement plans approved by Resolution No. 1043, it is established that state and municipal customers within the time limits established by the main managers of budget funds of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (local budget), but no later deadlines established by the highest executive bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation (local administrations), formulate procurement plans and submit them no later than July 1 of the current year the main managers of budget funds of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (no later than August 1- the main managers of local budget funds) to formulate on their basis, in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation, justifications for budgetary allocations for procurement.

Similar, but slightly different requirements from the specified deadlines are established for budgetary and autonomous institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal entities).

Besides, from January 1, 2016 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2015 No. 552 “On approval of the Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a plan for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of a plan for the purchase of goods, works, services to meet federal needs” comes into force needs" (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 552).

Resolution No. 552 approved:

- Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a procurement plan goods, works, services to meet federal needs;

- requirements for the form of the procurement plan goods, works, services to meet federal needs.

Thus, from January 1, 2016 formation, approval and maintenance of a procurement plan - duty customer, stipulated by law.


As for the order in which the customer works on schedule, we note the following.

The procedure for maintaining schedules is regulated by Article 21 of Federal Law No. 44, which comes into force from January 1, 2016(except for Part 11, which comes into force on January 1, 2017).

So, first of all, the customer needs to know that the schedule contains a list of goods, works, services expected to be purchased to meet state and municipal needs, and is formed for the financial year in accordance with procurement plans.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 112 Federal Law No. 44, the procedure and features of placement, as well as the form of schedules for 2015 - 2016, are determined:

1) by joint Order of the Ministry economic development Russia and the Federal Treasury No. 761/20n dated December 27, 2011 “On approval of the procedure for posting on the official website schedules for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of customers and forms of schedules for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the needs of customers”;

2) joint Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Federal Treasury No. 182/7n dated March 31, 2015 “On the features of placement in a unified information system or before the commissioning of the specified system on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services, ordering plans and schedules for 2015 and 2016" (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 182/7n), which entered into force on May 23, 2015.

Please note: Order No. 182/7n declared invalid:

Joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury dated September 20, 2013 No. 544/18n “On the specifics of posting on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services plans - order placement schedules for 2014 and 2015";

Joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury dated August 29, 2014 No. 528/11n “On amendments to the Features of posting on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network for posting information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for order placement plans for 2014 and 2015, approved by joint order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury dated September 20, 2013 No. 544/18n.”

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06/05/2015 No. 553 “On approval of the Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs, as well as requirements for the form of the schedule for the purchase of goods, works, services to meet federal needs" (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 553).

Resolution No. 553 approved:

Rules for the formation, approval and maintenance of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs;

Requirements for the form of a schedule for the procurement of goods, works, and services to meet federal needs.


It might be useful to read: