What documents are needed for the sale of motor oils. Opening a car oil store is easier than you think. Choice of premises and equipment

Opening an automotive oil store is a complex, multifaceted process, like opening any other trade.

Trading motor oils is a business that involves a number of its hidden nuances, so you need to think through the plan to the smallest detail. It will hardly be possible to read about how to open a car oil store in any literature, because this area requires a peculiar approach.

This area of ​​business, namely sales engine oils, quite promising, because every year there are more and more cars. Therefore, a business related to automotive materials will bring you considerable profit.

Room location

The first feature of the automotive oil trade is, of course, its location. In the case of a commodity such as oil, the best place for the store there will be any road or avenue with active traffic. A crowded place where your store will be clearly visible is also suitable. In theory, this may be enough to start a business, but due to high competition, it may not be very successful. Therefore, it is better to look for those places where a large number of motorists accumulate. Such a place can serve as a large car market or a frequented auto parts center. Any place you visit that is in some way connected with the motor oil industry will do.

Here, your plan should also provide for one nuance. car market or shopping center, next to which you will trade, should not sell the same goods as yours. you must distribute similar products, but not the same ones. For example, if your business is located near the auto parts market, then you should not sell parts. In this case, it is much more rational to open a motor oil store or sell other spare parts for other cars.

If your plan includes such a clause, then something like the following will turn out. Any auto parts dealer also has an assortment of motor oils in stock. As a rule, oils are more expensive there, since the trade is specialized in spare parts. In addition to the price of the goods, you will also surpass your "neighbor" in assortment, then you will have three main advantages of trade on your side: assortment, price, availability. Most importantly, your plan should ensure that there are no direct competitors within walking distance of you.

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Product range

As for the assortment, you should think over this aspect as carefully as possible and have as many different motor oils as possible. If you specialize in motor fluids, then these should be the priority. Non-essential items such as spare parts and air fresheners also come in handy. The product range is what will make your store competitive. The assortment is not only the quantity of goods, so buy both budget oils and more prestigious ones. For example, recently poured motor oils in barrels have become very popular.

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Automotive oil suppliers

Once you have developed your list of goods, you can think about more serious cooperation with suppliers. In this case, it is better not to rush and meet with all suppliers, discuss all aspects of cooperation.

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Store Promotion

After you have a sufficient number of goods with acceptable quality in your assortment, you can think about advertising. You must have a high-quality advertising campaign that can be distributed in the future different ways: on TV, radio, on billboards. Here, too, there are "pitfalls" that you can master. For example, if you are going to distribute your advertisements on the radio, then it is better to choose road radio stations for this.

It remains only to sum up and understand how much money it will take to open such a store. In the regions of Russia, you won’t have to spend a lot of money on a car oil store at the start. For example, in Yaroslavl, this business will require 300,000 rubles. This money will be used to rent premises, repair, prepare documents, pay staff and purchase a range of goods. In order for your store to become profitable and return the investment, it will take no more than 1.5 years, again, using the example of Yaroslavl.

That is why everyone has the opportunity to open a motor oil store. Of course, the idea is not suitable for everyone, since for such a business idea you need to have a lot of promising ideas which will significantly affect the success of your business. And so let's look at some of the factors that can affect your business to develop successfully. 1. The first thing you need to pay attention to when opening a motor oil store is competitors.

G-energy service

G-ENERGY SERVICE is an international project of Gazpromneft- lubricants» to develop a network of authorized stations Maintenance. All stations are united by work in accordance with advanced international customer service standards and the use of high-quality lubricants from the G-Energy and Gazpromneft brands. assistance in designing service stations in accordance with the high standards of the program; assistance in the acquisition of high-quality oil change equipment; uninterrupted supplies of premium lubricants to the station; training and advanced training programs for personnel; global advertising and information support of the project.

FRANCHISE of the network of oil centers "Oil-Market"

Oil Market is a well-known and popular federal trading network, which ensures customer loyalty, high customer traffic and stable revenue, i.е. You join a ready-made, reliable and successfully operating and developing business. Franchise "Oil-Market" - gives you the opportunity to minimal cost and the risks of becoming the owner of a well-known brand store, opening a profitable and stable business with mature technologies.

Franchise engine oils

You do not need to create an online store from scratch, order design and layout separately, buy an “engine” for work, etc.

Spend money on buying or renting a server, renting spare parts catalogs and connecting additional options.

You do not need to hire a programmer to maintain and support the system.

With DvizhOK, you can start selling spare parts an hour after signing the contract. We have nearly 10 years of experience in auto parts sales.

Opening an auto oil store is easier than you think

Trading motor oils is a business that involves a number of its hidden nuances, so you need to think through the plan to the smallest detail.

It will hardly be possible to read about how to open a car oil store in any literature, because this area requires a peculiar approach.

This area of ​​business, namely the sale of motor oils, is quite promising, because every year there are more and more cars.

Affiliate program GUMMILAGER

The affiliate program is based on the principles of franchising. We invite entrepreneurs from all regions of Russia to take part.

For each partner there is a consolidation of the territory.

There is a down payment. There is a grace period and special conditions work. Online store with flexible functionality.

Competitive prices and a wide range of products. Current original catalogues.

Support and training.

Open your franchise business with the REAKTOR regional autocomplex network

REAKTOR is dynamic growing company with many years of experience, and this is more than 12 years successful work. Proof of this is the ever-increasing sales volumes, the number of vehicles serviced and the expanding range of services. Our franchise will allow you and your team to work actively, efficiently, quickly and smoothly, increasing profits.

If you are reading this text, then, undoubtedly, the time has come to do something and develop.

Business in the sale of motor oil in bottling

Unprecedented competition reigns in retail today, it is already difficult to find a product that is not represented in your city in sufficient quantities. Motor oil is no exception in this regard.

It is sold everywhere, anywhere - in stores, service stations, service centers, even on the roads.

However, open today new format trade in a similar product - motor oil in bottling. Car owners immediately benefited from the purchase of such a product.

How to start a car sales business

Every year the number of cars is growing, not only big cities, but also small towns are subject to this trend.

A real car enthusiast takes care of his car, which means he is ready to invest money in it to ensure its normal operation.

And, of course, many car owners want to show their individuality or simply decorate the car the way they want. In this regard, the market has long been a huge variety of car accessories.

Automotive oil trade is one of the most profitable areas of automotive retail. Spare parts are needed only in case of breakdowns, owners of new cars often do without buying spare parts at all, repairing the car under warranty at a service center. Additional equipment and other products, such as covers, are not bought by all car enthusiasts and not every year, in addition, these products are sensitive to economic crises: save on them first of all.

But every car owner needs motor oil: regardless of whether the car is new or old, it passes forty thousand a year, ten or even stands in the garage, leaving it once a month. At least once, and sometimes 2-3 times a year, engine oil is changed in each car. Therefore, no shortcomings, the main of which is being classified as excisable goods, cannot be considered sufficiently justified so that the store does not have motor oils in stock.

Motor oils are sold in two types: in packaging and in bottling. It is a common misconception that the sale of bottled oils, unlike packaged oils, is subject to excise tax. It is difficult to find the roots of this misconception, but it is possible that it is connected with the activities of certain dishonest tax inspectors. The legislation does not contain special instructions for taxation when selling bottled motor oils: accordingly, the requirements are the same as for oils in packaging. Moreover, the sale of draft oil does not require any special quality documents, compared to packaged oil.

More significant is another reason why auto shop owners are unwilling to deal with the sale of oil from barrels. The packaging of the manufacturer is a guarantee that the store does not bear any responsibility for the quality. The store will not accept any claims from the buyer, whose engine will jam due to oil, and not a single RFP department will file claims against the seller either.

In addition, draft oil has a very bad reputation, which is why the demand for it is lower than for packaged oil. A dishonest seller has the physical ability to dilute expensive oil of foreign brands with cheap Russian oil, and only an examination can prove the fact of such fraud. The effect of such a mixture on the engine is unpredictable: the interaction of some incompatible additives from different oils can, when heated to operating temperature, turn the oil into an acidic or alkaline slurry, due to which the engine will become unusable. After that, the car owner is provided with a major overhaul, and the store owner is provided with an inspection and a subpoena.

And finally, one more minus: the oil in barrels needs to be stored somewhere. When at least five or six brands of oil are available, and each barrel occupies about 1 m2, it is clear that the premises trading floor 8-10 m2 will be very small, visitors will simply have nowhere to turn around. Although car enthusiasts are picky about the design and internal logistics of a car dealership, this is part of the reputation, and it is necessary to take care of it.

The main advantage of draft oils is the economic benefit from their sale. Now we are not even talking about "black" methods of earning. Oil in a barrel will cost an entrepreneur on average one and a half times cheaper than packaged oil per liter. Due to this, the margin on it will be much higher.

For example, the purchase price of Elf oil in a 4 liter package will be 1000-1100 rubles (250-260 rubles per liter), and it will be sold for 1500 rubles (375 rubles per liter). Excluding taxes and other expenses, the net income from one package will be about 350 rubles.

The purchase price of a barrel of the same oil is 40,000 rubles for 216 liters, that is, 185 rubles per liter or 740 rubles for 4 liters. Such oil is sold at a price of 300-320 rubles per liter or 1200-1300 rubles per 4 liters. The net profit will be at least 500 rubles, that is, the sale of draft oil is 40-50% more profitable than packaged oil. When selling cheap oil, the difference is even more noticeable: up to 80%.

To sell oil in barrels or not - the choice is exclusively specific entrepreneur: the economic plus is really significant and equalizes all possible minuses. Moreover, if you treat your work honestly, buy oil in barrels only from trusted suppliers and control its quality, there should be no complaints from dissatisfied buyers.

Currently, every second inhabitant of the country has a car, often not even one. That is why the business associated with the sale of spare parts and other components for the car is very profitable and relevant today.

The complexity of such a business is quite specific, as it is unidirectional. But, nevertheless, most auto oil stores also offer related services, thereby expanding the range and increasing the profit of the enterprise.

Competition will be a huge problem in the development of such a business, because this market niche is almost overcrowded. One of the ways out is to find a good location for the store, in places with a very busy movement of motorists. If there are already similar ones in the territory where your store will be located, then try to supplement its assortment, and not repeat it.

The main task of your business is to offer the buyer as much choice as possible of high-quality automotive oil. Take care of your advantages over competitors, develop a more efficient service system at the enterprise.

In the organization of the business itself, you will not have any problems, it is enough to choose the organizational and legal form of management and register your enterprise. As for capital investments, in this case they will be small, this is due to the fact that your activity will be mainly trading. According to statistics, the project can pay off within six months, with other positive conditions.

In order for a business to develop successfully and bring tangible profits, you must first take care of drawing up a business plan. You can find some examples below in our article.

Registration moments of a business project - contains a guide to opening your own auto oil store. A theoretical description of the nature of activity in general is presented. Sequential stages of creating and implementing a business have been developed. A list of documents required for registration and state registration business. Particular attention is paid to complex and specific moments to which special requirements are imposed. The most priority directions for the further development of the project have been developed.

An effective enterprise management strategy is presented.

A feasibility study of the enterprise - a business plan for an automobile store is presented, which, among other things, specializes in the sale of various oils. Contains a brief description of the VostokAvto store. Table designed staffing workers by profession. A list of advantages in managing a car dealership is presented. Distribution clearly defined official duties enterprise personnel. A SWOT analysis was made, a comparative description of the store with its competitors was presented, their strengths and weak sides. The main technical economic indicators by project.

Calculation of the main financial indicators of the project - a business plan for the Maslon enterprise was developed. Unlike the business projects described above, this Special attention given to the marketing policy of the organization. Produced a brief description of enterprises, developed and schematically presented organizational structure management in the enterprise. The main indicators of financial and economic activity of the project are described. The tables calculate the inflow and outflow indicators Money. The diagram shows indicators financial stability enterprises, including the current liquidity ratio, provision with own working capital and others.

Buy wholesale car oils and wholesale car chemicals

MaslaOptom.ru — Oils Wholesale, motor oils (wholesale car motor oils, gear oils, hydraulic oils, lubricants), coolants (antifreeze, antifreeze), car chemicals, car accessories, auto cosmetics ABRO, BODY, Turtle Wax and much more in bulk in Moscow and the region.

We have been selling automotive oils, auto chemicals and auto cosmetics for many years and can competently advise on all issues regarding the range and specifications. But, as practice shows, those who buy car chemicals and oils in bulk understand the product no worse than we do.

Our advantage is prices

Prices are of interest to wholesalers in the first place. The quality of the purchased goods is also important, on which your reputation as a seller (including ours) ultimately depends. Therefore, offering to buy motor oils, antifreeze, antifreeze, auto chemical goods and auto cosmetics in bulk, we have relied on high quality products, having developed a flexible pricing policy, so that it would be pleasant to work with us.

Why our prices for motor oils are lower than those of many competitors:

  • we work under direct contracts with leading manufacturers and distributors of motor oils and auto chemicals, which allows us to significantly reduce financial costs included in the cost of goods;
  • we buy oils in bulk (prices are also pleasantly low). The same rule applies to auto accessories, cosmetics, chemicals;
  • large areas storage facilities allow you to maintain a constant stock and ensure 95% availability of the assortment at the time of order.

    Willingness to ship any batch of goods saves you time (and money, respectively).

That is why (and because we just good people and we share all the problems of motorists) you can buy wholesale chemicals, cosmetics and motor oil from us with tangible benefits, cheaper than from many well-known large suppliers.

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We work with a professional calculation. But in a human way

95% of catalog items are in stock. If the necessary goods were not in stock, established direct deliveries allow you to quickly respond to the order and deliver it as soon as possible.

A personal manager works with each client, who will answer all questions and take over the fulfillment of the order "from and to". All our specialists are competent in matters of price, range, properties and chemical characteristics of oils and car chemicals, they are always ready to help choose the best delivery method, orient the buyer on the terms of shipment, the time of delivery of the order.

About delivery.

Today you bought from us car oils, car chemicals, car cosmetics or car accessories in bulk - tomorrow we will deliver the order! The offer is relevant for buyers from Moscow and the nearest suburbs. We also work with regions, but the terms and cost of delivery are negotiated individually.

Oils wholesale and only?!

You can buy antifreeze, antifreeze, coolant from us, and offer favorable price for any auto chemical goods and cosmetics wholesale and retail. The priority activity of our company is, of course, wholesale trade automotive oils and auto chemicals. Auto shops, car markets, maintenance services, gas stations and specialized enterprises are our main customers. Nevertheless, we will always find time for those who want to buy high-quality motor oils, even if only one canister with a capacity of, for example, 4 liters.

We continue a series of articles on starting a business in a narrow niche and today we will touch on auto topics. Most of us are motorists, and we know perfectly well that replacing consumables for a car is a common thing. We change the engine oil at least once a year, usually every 10,000 km. In this article, we will talk about how to open a motor oil store in your city and where to scale this business in the future.

Business features

We can say for sure that selling only oils will not work, you need to definitely sell filters and other auto chemicals. Only in this case you will be able to make a profit and by launching a niche store in this direction, you need to gradually go into the field of auto parts sales. We can say that oils can be the starting point in this line of business, after that you will need to think about increasing turnover and auto parts are a great option.

Move on. Now let's talk about competition. Of course, it is high, since almost every auto destination store sells these expendable materials. In this regard, you need to correctly select a place for retailing motor oil. We will talk about this a little lower. To stand out from the competition, you need to have a good range of these products, which would cover various price segments. You can also organize the sale of oil for bottling. To do this, metal barrels with taps are installed in the store, and with the help of a watering can you can sell motor oil of any volume, both a liter and five liters.

Another point is that you, or your seller, must understand this product so that you can advise the client on the option he needs.

Choice of premises and equipment

Since the competition in this direction is high, you need to look for places where your main the target audience. In big cities, these are auto bazaars. It is quite difficult to rent a place there, but you can be sure that sales will go up, since such markets are usually promoted, and with an adequate target policy, each outlet on it gets its own regular customers. And if you organize a system of discounts, then you can lure most of them.

If the town is small, you need to look for trading places near the markets or in the city center. People there usually buy everything near the markets, especially those who come from the village, they will not look for your oil shop somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

The area of ​​the trading premises can be from 10 sq.m. and higher.

From the equipment for the motor oil trade, you will need:

  • shelving.
  • showcases with shelves.
  • equipment for the sale of oil on tap.
  • if there is a sale of components, including filters, then you need computer technology for their correct selection by catalogs.
  • furniture for the workplace of the seller.
  • cash machine.

Rules for the sale of motor oils

Now let's talk about what documents and type of taxation will need to be issued and what permissions to have on hand.

Here is a basic list of everything you need:

  • you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur.
  • specify OKVE. For Russia, these are 50.30.3, 50.30.2, 50.30.1, 50.30 50.30.3, 50.30.2, 50.30.1, 50.30, 50.50. For Ukraine - 46.90.
  • have on hand all the quality certificates for the goods.
  • obtain permission to trade from the SES and the fire service.
  • arrange a corner of the buyer.


The next step in opening a motor oil store is compiling an assortment of goods. So, you must indicate all positions, while you can analyze competitors and sit on specialized forums to decide which is a more popular solution in this direction.

  • motor oils;
  • gearbox oils;
  • technical fluids;
  • autochemistry;
  • filters;
  • accessories and more.

Over time, this list can be expanded.

What start-up capital is needed?

There are many factors to consider when deciding how much money you need. Since all these factors will vary depending on your location, we will only provide a basic list of the costs of starting an oil sales business.

  • Room rental - $150 - $200
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salary to the seller - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods - $5000 - $7000
  • Purchase of equipment - $800 - $1000
  • Purchase of promotional items and signs - $150
  • Transport calculations - $60.

What profit can you expect?

Everything will depend on whether you can rent a good retail space, offer customers more choice or a lower price bar. In each case, these indicators will be different.

Average markup on motor oils:

- draft oil - 90% - 100%;

- packaged - 40% - 50%.

For accessories, there is also a margin of about 40% - 60%.

We indicate only these figures and with the help of them you can approximately draw up a sales plan for the store to become a plus.

Conclusions. Opening a motor oil store can be a good first step towards launching a full-fledged big store auto parts and auto chemicals. Of the difficulties is the choice of location.

Do you work in this market segment? Give some advice for readers of our site.

Online car oil store: organization online sales+ market analysis + formation of an assortment range + 6 types of lubricants + advice on increasing turnover + financial indicators of expenditure / income.

Small business is attractive to almost everyone, because it is always better to work for yourself than for someone else. But what idea to adopt? good option is an online car oil store.

It is much easier to organize the sale of this type of goods in the virtual space than in an offline environment. And what exactly is needed for this, read in this article.

Organization of a business for the sale of motor oils on the Internet

A person who decides to trade motor oils on the Internet should start with. This document will help you throughout the entire process of becoming.

Objectively assess your capabilities, analyze the market, competitors, calculate necessary costs. Even opening a car oil store on the Internet is accompanied by registration. Prepare all the necessary papers and register as an individual entrepreneur by selecting the tax regime.

The following documents should be issued:

Please note: it is impossible to profitably organize the sale of motor oils both on the Internet and in standard store without knowledge of the specifics of their use for a particular brand of car.

It is necessary to decide which motor oils you are going to sell via the Internet. It is better to immediately make the assortment large and varied, if possible. At least 100 items must fit your store. Moreover, types of motor oils are purchased from different segments, from budget to premium class.

When the selection of motor oils is made, proceed to the search for suppliers. This is a painstaking process, but a very important one. You will have to spend several hours, or even all day, surfing the Internet, calling the most suitable companies, and agreeing on cooperation.

You may be able to handle the technical part of the software, but it is unlikely that you will do everything right. Therefore, do not spare money for the development of the site by professionals. By the way, the most ordinary store on the Internet can cost a reasonable amount (from 15 thousand rubles).

After the store is done, it is necessary to fill it with auto oils for sale, descriptions for them, add useful functions, a basket, etc.

Think about where you plan to store the goods. Even under the condition that motor oils will be sold in the online store on order, the minimum inventory the most popular types of products should be available.

The organization of delivery falls on the shoulders of the owner of the business selling motor oils via the Internet. There should be several ways to streamline logistics.

It can be:

  1. Own Courier service. In this case, the entrepreneur will need additional work force. However, all reliable online stores choose this option. For the delivery of one order, you can set the cost within 500 rubles.
  2. Self-delivery, when it is convenient for the client to independently pick up the car oil from the warehouse.
  3. Transport companies, Russian Post, etc. services, the services of which must be used if the buyer is a resident of another subject of Russia.

Immediately after creating an online car oil store, you need to start implementing the previously thought-out advertising campaign, business promotion.

1. Market analysis of motor oils.

The idea of ​​​​opening an auto oil store on the Internet can be called profitable, since such is the niche itself. This is due to the growth in the level of motorization in Russia.

Naturally, every machine needs proper maintenance. Therefore, there will always be a demand for motor oils, spare parts, auto cosmetics, and accessories. However, as the level of automation grows, so does the level of competition. The market dictates strict rules, therefore, you need to have advantages in order to beat the competition.

Of the total consumption of lubricants, motor oils account for over 1.5 million tons. This is almost 75% of the Russian market. At the same time, the car park is growing high speed. About 500 new cars appear daily on the streets of the capital alone.

About 230 million liters of motor oil are consumed by the passenger segment. About 650 million liters are used for public transport, etc. The demand for lubricants (LU) in 2015 exceeded 350 million liters (cars). More than 130 million liters of motor oils were purchased for trucks. This creates a high demand for motor oils for diesel engines.

There are changes in consumer behavior. Increasingly, vehicle owners are buying motor oils in specialized stores, hypermarkets and less often turn to the service.

Lukoil is considered the most recognizable brand. This car oil is bought by 70% of consumers. For six months at least once it is purchased by 40% of motorists. This is due to the high quality of products and effective promotion brand.

Consumers of motor oils are mainly men aged 25 to 54 years. The female gender visits standard and online stores of goods for cars to a lesser extent.

A large percentage of consumption is observed in the Central Federal District (72 million liters), Volga Federal District, Siberian Federal District. Lubricants are purchased mainly by middle-income citizens. In Moscow and the region, consumers are more often employees, persons occupying leadership positions, experts in different fields.

In addition, potential buyers are characterized by: the presence of a family, employment in the construction, industrial, and transport sectors. If you look at the picture as a whole in the country, then the consumers of motor oils are first workers, then managers, pensioners.

Marketing research shows that motorists try to buy oils from the same manufacturer so as not to flush the engine once again. It also affects brand loyalty.

If they decide to buy a new car oil in a store, they will be guided by:

  • recommendations from friends;
  • promotional offers;
  • advice from a qualified salesperson;
  • information in thematic publications.

The cost factor is perceived by citizens of all social groups differently. The quality of motor oils is a key and complex indicator when choosing a product. According to buyers, domestic and imported motor oils practically do not differ from each other.

Lubricants produced in Russia are attractive due to their cost. Therefore, in terms of quality, everyone has their own requirements. Therefore, the assortment of an online car oil store must be formed taking into account the opinion of each consumer group.

The choice of motor oil is also influenced by the aesthetic appearance of the packaging. More confidence is caused by those products, on the canisters of which there is complete information about the manufacturer, as well as the standard, marking, characteristics, etc.

Experts say that the production of motor oils in Russia will increase in the coming years.

The main Russian enterprises-manufacturers of motor oils are:

The competition is online stores:

  • https://motoroil24.ru
  • https://planetamasla.ru
  • https://liga-m.pro
  • https://msboy.ru
  • https://auto-run-group.ru
  • https://www.rmasla.ru and others.

You can independently and in more detail analyze economic indicators, volumes of supply / demand, prices for motor oils, competitive environment and other key aspects.

Use sources:

2. What products to fill the "showcases" of the online car oil store?

The assortment of the store should be based on consumer preferences. Carefully analyze the offers of competitors using the Internet.

It turns out that many car owners find it difficult to find a car oil that is recommended by technical documentation specifically in their case. Sometimes the necessary goods cannot be bought, because it is rarely found on the domestic market, or is very expensive.

Therefore, you must compile a product catalog in such a way that it contains analogues that can replace similar motor oils, and are minimally different from the original.

Modern vehicles need motor oils of a liquid consistency. More revenue for the online store will be brought by goods from manufacturing plants, expensive brands such as BP and Shell.

Use the filters to implement a convenient selection of motor oil for certain car brands. Then the client, having chosen the model of his car, indicating additional parameters, for example, the type of oil and engine required, viscosity, country of origin, will be able to easily find the desired product and place an order.

But if a motorist needs advice, you must provide it, like the service as a whole, at the highest level.

Of course, your range of motor oils will in many ways resemble the nomenclature list of competitors, but it is worthwhile to supplement your own with other types of products in order to surpass it.

Since the sale of motor oils on the Internet is a highly specialized activity, it would not hurt to supplement the assortment with related products (candles, filters, antifreeze, brake fluid, antifreeze, etc.).

Make sure that all motor oils are in the presence of an online store, regularly replenish stocks.

Variety of cars.

All motor oils are divided according to such a criterion as viscosity into the following varieties:

  • winter (W), used at low temperatures;
  • summer, designed to lubricate the power unit of the machine at high air temperatures;
  • all-weather, distinguished by their versatility.

Winter motor oils are, depending on the density and temperature characteristics, 6 classes. They are designated as follows: 10W, 5W, 0W, etc. The number in front of the letter indicates the class of the oil and at the same time the temperature at which it retains its performance.

The digital value of the oil after W indicates the degree of density or viscosity. Summer lubricants have 5 classes and are simply indicated by numbers (for example, 20, 40, 60).

All-season motor oils, combining the advantages of both summer and winter, are marked as follows: SAE 10W-30 or SAE 5W-40.

By chemical composition motor oils are classified into:

  • mineral (produced from petroleum products);
  • semi-synthetic (a mixture of mineral and synthetic);
  • synthetic (manufactured by organic synthesis).

The manufacturer on each canister notes which type the oil belongs to. Also, the store must have lubricants selected in accordance with the mileage of the car.

By type of engine, motor oils are distinguished:

  • for petrol (S),
  • energy saving motors (EC),
  • diesel (C).

If you meet the API SN / CJ designation, this indicates that motor oils can be used for diesel engines and those that run on gasoline.

Car oils with ACEA marking come in 3 classes:

It is desirable that there are more commodity items with SAE classification in the online store. Auto oils of such brands as Shell, Lukoil, Xado, Castrol, Total, G-Energy, Mobil, etc. are in demand.

3. Selection of suppliers for supplying the online store with motor oils.

Finding suppliers on the Internet and in the real world is an equally important and challenging task.

They are selected according to the following criteria:

  • low purchase cost,
  • reliability,
  • long period of work
  • high quality cars.

You can establish contacts with car oil suppliers or directly with manufacturers. It is advisable to consider the option of cooperation with Favorit Oil. This is a reliable supplier of domestic, imported motor oils, an order from which is made via the Internet or through negotiations with the manager.

It is better to look for contractors on the Internet, since prices in regular stores are slightly higher.

4. Employees of an online car oil store.

For an online car oil store to function normally, at least 3 employees are needed:

  • One is hired as a salesperson. Choose a consultant based on the level of his qualifications. Of course, a man is better suited for this role. He must be well versed in various types avtomasel to help with the choice, add content.
  • The second person will perform the duties of a sales manager, operator.
  • The third is needed as a courier.

You can take care of accounting for the sale of motor oils on the Internet.

5. What do you need to increase sales in an online store?

It is possible to increase sales of an online car oil store if the business owner is focused not only on maximizing profits, but also on meeting the needs of motorists. The introduction of a discount system will help to increase competitiveness, and at the same time increase turnover.

In order for buyers to visit your online store, returning again and again, the sale of motor oils should be beneficial for both you and them. Therefore, do not overcharge, make special offers.

For example, you can give a set of car oils to those who buy goods in a store for a certain amount, or make a 5.7% discount on all commodity items subject to a re-order.

Carefully monitor the quality of the supplied motor oils. Check each new batch by the possible methods. It is worth making a mistake in this once, and the reputation of the store will be damaged. A dissatisfied buyer on the Internet can write a negative review about you than to discourage others potential clients make purchases in your store.

When things go uphill, expand the range of motor oils. By increasing the number of suppliers, you will provide an outlet on the Internet with different brands of motor oils, so that every driver will find the necessary product.

After opening an online store, it is imperative to engage in its promotion. The customer acquisition strategy and advertising campaign must be thoroughly developed.

Use all known methods for auto oils as much as possible:

  • banner, contextual advertising;
  • social networks;
  • reference books for motorists of various kinds, etc.

Benefit from sales of underdeveloped motor oils.

Which brand of engine oil to choose? markup
for engine oil.

6. What investments are needed to launch an online car oil store?

To start, you will need at least 290-300 thousand rubles. The amount of investment required to launch an online store depends on the range of motor oils, the cost of renting a warehouse space. Also, part of the funds will go to the wage fund, registration, taxes, website development and content, advertising, promotion.

  • purchase of goods - 80-100 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises for a warehouse (5-10 sq. m.) - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • salary - 60 thousand rubles;
  • registration - 3-4 thousand rubles;
  • tax fees - 6 thousand rubles;
  • creation of an online store - 15-50 thousand rubles;
  • promotion, advertising campaign - 50 thousand rubles.

The markup on motor oils can be 50-80%. Revenue at good sales reaches 200 thousand rubles, and the net monthly income at first is about 50 thousand rubles. Over time, the online store will develop and generate higher profits (100 thousand rubles). Payback - from six months or more.

The online auto oil store will become a source stable income taking into account the key nuances of the activity and make every effort to increase its competitiveness.

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This statement fully applies to motor oil, which is sold everywhere: in stores and just at street stands, gas stations and service centers.

However, now the trade in such products has received a new format, namely - bottling of motor oil (motor oil). Customers immediately saw the benefits of such an acquisition. They consist not only in an attractive price and decent product quality, but also in Free oil change options, which is provided by retail outlets whose specialization is the sale of oil for bottling.

Draft oil trade: assessment of business attractiveness

AT Russian realities bottling trade in motor oils is considered quite a promising direction. As a comparison, you can look at Western countries. There, about 80% of motor oils are purchased by car owners at branded service centers, where they are immediately replaced. In our country, the situation is reversed: only 10% of car owners buy and change motor oil at service centers, while the remaining 90% purchase it in cans and then change it themselves.

It is also worth noting that the markup on motor oil, when it is sold in bottling, can be 100% or higher, especially for oils of inexpensive brands. Agree that now there are quite a few goods, the sale of which at retail allows you to make such cheats.

Certainly another positive moment is the constant growth of the total number of cars (according to statistics by 5-10% annually). This greatly increases the number of potential clients and many of them are women. It is women who are the gold vein in such a business, since outlets that sell draft motor oil quite often offer customers who have bought products from them a free oil and filter change in a car. This marketing ploy very successful, because most women are simply not able to make such a replacement on their own. So it turns out that car enthusiasts will come to your store with pleasure, and the main thing here is to attract their attention before a competing company does.

As for competitors: there are more of them in this business every year, and in almost every city there are already stores that specialize in selling motor oil for bottling from barrels. However, it is too early to say that the market for this direction is overcrowded.

Premises for business organization

The minimum area of ​​the room should be 25-30 m² because oil barrels take up a lot of space. You will also need a warehouse (area from 10-15 m²). Depending on the region, renting a suitable room will cost from 15 thousand rubles per month.

At the same time, you should not invest heavily in interior design. A little cosmetic work is enough to make the store look neat, although some merchants do without repairs at all.

The location of such outlet is of no fundamental importance. You can stay both in the immediate vicinity of the road and in a residential area. The consumer will be able to find you on their own, for this it is worth spending a little money on advertising the future store.

Additionally, you should find a room where you will carry out a free replacement of the oil purchased from you and a master who will do this. To this end, you can try to go to a regular garage.

Amount of required investment

For the normal functioning of the store, it will be necessary to purchase engine oil in barrels (7-10 varieties), including both expensive and affordable brands. It is better to start with the purchase of 5 barrels of inexpensive oil (total cost of 70 thousand rubles) and 5 expensive (total cost of 200 thousand rubles).

To expand the range offered, standard cans of engine oil should also be purchased, as customers will come who want to purchase it. It will have to spend about 50 thousand rubles.

An additional cost item will be the purchase of related products (filters, flushing oils, brake fluid, candles, antifreeze, additives and other auto chemicals). About 100 thousand rubles will be spent on this, but the presence of such goods can significantly increase the turnover of the outlet.

Consequently, it will take about 420 thousand rubles to create a decent assortment line of the store. Added to the main cost is the cost commercial equipment(about 20 thousand rubles) and expenses for carrying out (if necessary) cosmetic repairs in the room (30 thousand rubles).

Thus, the total cost of opening a store will be about 500 thousand rubles. This amount can be significantly reduced if it is possible to take motor oils for sale or with a deferred payment.

Required Documentation

To trade in motor oil, you should open an individual entrepreneur (800 rubles and 5 working days) indicating the OKVED code 50.50 (“ retail motor fuel).

This type of activity does not require licensing, but it should be borne in mind that motor oil belongs to the group of excisable goods, which excludes the use of UTII. It will be possible to use a simplified taxation system in the form of 15% of profit or 6% of revenue (optional).

You will also need to install cash register to be registered with the FTS.

Personnel search

To work in a store, you should look for not just a person who has experience in sales, he must be well versed in both engine oils and cars in general. At the same time, it is desirable that the future seller has good communication skills and can speak the same language with any of the customers, while giving practical advice.

You can motivate the seller by assigning him a small salary and a bonus, which will be a good percentage of the store's revenue.


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