Electronic state

The formation of e-government involves a comprehensive solution of the following tasks:

Full automation government controlled based on modern information technologies;

· Implementation of the reform of public administration institutions;

· Providing government web presence;

· Achievement of a high level of telecommunication infrastructure;

· Increasing the level of readiness of the population to use information services.

In turn, the government's web presence (according to the classification of the European Commission) is characterized by the sequential passage of five stages:

1. Information (Information) - means a 20% web presence and involves the creation of regularly updated government websites with the publication on them of basic government information ( regulations, orders, decrees, etc.) references to ministries and government departments (education, health, finance, etc.).

2. Interactive one-way (One way interaction) - assumes a 40% web presence and consists in organizing passive interaction between clients and the government. It implies, for example, providing electronic access to various forms of documents that are required by citizens and businesses to interact with the state. You can print the required form, but you will have to send it in the traditional way, and not over the Internet. Or, for example, searching for vacancies in government organizations based on user-specified criteria.

3. Two-way interaction - means 60% web presence and is realized through interactive two-way interaction. At this stage, online services acquire interactivity and it becomes possible to request information on certain speeches and discussions, contact government officials on e-mail, participate in online discussions or leave comments on message boards, etc.

4. Transactional (Transaction) - assumes an 80% web presence and is characterized by transactional interaction, which makes it possible to provide services that can be performed online at all stages. An example is the filing of applications in electronic form for obtaining licenses to conduct professional activities, filing tax returns, applications for the exchange of documents, etc. On this stage work safety is becoming one of the major problems.

5. Proactive (Targetisation) - means 100% web presence and differs in that the government not only provides services to citizens and commercial structures, but also involves citizens in decision-making and two-way dialogue based on interactive services. Shlyakhtina S. Internet in figures and facts / S. Shlyakhtina // Computer press. - 2003. - No. 2. -. 8-19

In general, “e-government” is defined as a specialized complex system of interaction between executive power structures with citizens, civil society and business structures via the Internet. The following levels of interaction can be distinguished:

C2B (customer-to-business) - between citizens and private companies;

B2B (business-to-business) - between private companies;

G2C (government-to-citizen) - between government services(at the level of government, departments and regions) and citizens;

G2B (government-to-business) - between the state and private companies;

G2G (government-to-government) - between government bodies. Prokhorov. A. Electronic government in figures and facts / A. Prokhorov // Computer-press. - 2006. - No. 5. - S. С.144-150

The concept “ e-government»The entire system of executive authorities functions as a single service organization designed to provide services to the population. E-government activities should be sufficiently open, transparent and accessible to citizens. Special attention focuses on the principle of feedback, speed and quality of service delivery, through the wide use of centralized systems The Internet. All this is intended to improve both the quality of the state's provision of services to the population and the efficiency of the functioning of the government itself. Irkhin Yu.V. "Electronic government": theory and practice // State service. - 2008. - N 4. - 163-173

The process of formation of the "e-government" system can be conditionally divided into three main stages-directions: "publicity", "participation" and "online transactions".

"Publicity" means the use of the latest communication technologies to expand the access of citizens and civil society institutions to the information they are interested in by public authorities and local self-government bodies.

“Participation” implies the expansion of opportunities for citizens to participate in the management of state and public affairs at all levels of government and throughout the cycle of preparation and political decision-making. It involves the publication on the relevant websites of state and municipal structures of contact e-mail addresses, as well as forms for feedback.

"Online transactions" - provide services to government and municipal institutions via the Internet - payment utility bills, filling out tax returns and collecting taxes, registering public associations, and in the future - entrepreneurs without education legal entity, small businesses, etc. At this stage, the "information economy" is formed, which is a new stage in terms of the economic effect obtained as a result of the constant interactive functioning of state portals.

The advantages of the e-government are obvious - simplification of bureaucratic procedures, a significant reduction in the time required for the preparation of the necessary documents, ensuring easily verifiable, strict tax accountability of legal and individuals through the introduction of a unified electronic accounting system, an increase in the level of budget revenues, a reduction in the scale of corruption and, accordingly, an increase in citizens' confidence in the institutions of power. Vasilenko L.A. Internet in the informatization of the state service of Russia. M., RAGS, 2000; Irkhin Yu.V. "Electronic government": theory and practice // State service. - 2008. - N 4. - 163-173; G.L. Kupryashin, A.I. Soloviev State management, (Section "Electronic government"). M., 2004.

For the reorganization of the public administration system in the “e-government” paradigm, a number of conditions are necessary. Among them:

1. Adoption of relevant government decisions;

2. A sufficient level of "internetization" of society (at least 30% of the country's amateur population and most state institutions);

3. Development of a rational concept of "e-government" and the creation of the necessary information and technological prerequisites and electronic forms (documents, signatures, etc.), financial support, training of new personnel in the algorithm of this government;

4. Taking into account the most complex social and administrative-legal problems arising from the introduction of new electronic-organizational management models in life, the traditions of the development of society, the peculiarities of its management, bureaucracy;

5. Removal of narrow technological approaches in the formation and operation of the "electronic state" ("information technology will solve all problems"),

6. Overcoming the possibilities of using it for antisocial purposes;

7. Rational and critical use of the accumulated foreign experience Irkhin Yu.V. "Electronic government": theory and practice // State service. - 2008. - No. 4. - 163-173.

S. Shlyakhtina in her work identifies the following conditions:

· Reorganization of internal structures and processes of state institutions through the automation of processes and taking into account the principles of accountability, transparency and efficiency;

· Secure access to services (deployment of identification systems, security policy support, etc.), without which the development of online services is doomed to failure;

The use of a wide range of channels for the effective provision of services, moreover, innovative channels (computer, mobile phone, digital TV, etc.) should not exclude, but complement the traditional ones, since not all categories of the population (for example, the elderly) will want to switch to new ways of receiving services;

· Standardization of services based on international standards and support for multilingualism, since services should be available to all citizens regardless of their nationality, language of communication, place of residence, etc .;

· Convenience and support, since the receipt of services should be designed for all categories of the population (regardless of the level of education, skills, physical abilities, etc.), while citizens should be able to consult at any time regarding the receipt of the service.

The websites of state bodies are not a tribute to fashion, they carry a large informational and legal burden. As I. Bachilo rightly notes, in the conditions of “information society ... the issue of transparency of the activities of executive authorities is of particular importance. These circumstances should affect the state of information and state security in general, on the reality of the institution of responsibility of both state authorities and civil servants ”Bachilo IL. Information law. - M., 2001.

State bodies are becoming more open and accessible to the society, focused on citizens. In the conditions of an "electronic state", society not only gains wide access to information, but also the opportunity to influence the process of making government decisions, to take interactive participation in their preparation, which ultimately also increases the transparency of the public sector. The "electronic state" as a whole creates new opportunities for the development of democracy. This is extremely important in conditions when "the globalization of the process of democratization of the world is accompanied by the problem of the crisis of modern democracy", expressed "in the exhaustion of the possibilities of self-development of democracy, its progress" Kovler A.I. A crisis of democracy? - M., 1997.

Thus, the electronic state (electronic government, e-government) is an Internet technology that provides informational interaction of government bodies with the population and civil society institutions. It appeared at the end of the 20th century due to the low efficiency of the work of government bodies. The process of formation of the "electronic state" system can be conditionally divided into three main stages-directions: "publicity", "participation" and "online transactions". The e-state is a system of interaction between executive power structures with citizens, civil society and business structures via the Internet.

The main features of the e-government are the introduction of ICT in the activities of governments of various countries, the openness and accessibility of state information, the principle of feedback between the population and public authorities, the responsibility of the state for the decisions made, and the decentralization of power.

  • Zakharova Anastasia Ivanovna, student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

The article is devoted to the problem of the development of the system of electronic interactions between the state and the population.

  • Development of the legal system of electronic interactions between the state and the population
  • Development of a system of electronic interactions between the state and the population
  • Methodology of civil society and its interaction with the state
  • Integrated land policy as an object of political science research

In the 21st century, Russia has entered a new stage information development... Electronic communication systems are coming to the fore, the Internet information and telecommunications network is becoming widespread. Meanwhile, the leading countries of the world are already switching to an innovative path of development and are introducing electronic systems in all spheres of state life, including in the sphere of rendering public services population appears modern concept introduction of the so-called "electronic government" (e-government). There is such a thing as electronic interaction between the state and the population.

This scientific work is based on the research of A.F. Garifullina, which has a number of scientific works on this topic.

Electronic interaction between the state and the population is a system of interaction between public authorities and the population, based on the widespread use of modern information technologies, including the Internet, to increase the availability and quality of public services, reduce the time for their provision, as well as reduce the administrative burden on citizens and organization associated with their receipt.

Every year information technologies are gaining more and more importance in the activities of government bodies. It is IT that is aimed at reducing the “gap” between the state and the population. This can be confirmed by the transition to an electronic municipality, which significantly reduces the time for the provision of state and municipal services, makes municipalities more accessible to citizens, and the activities of local authorities themselves - more transparent.

No one doubts the relevance of this topic today. After all, the special role of information support for management and the provision of electronic information services was even noted by the Chairman of the Government. Russian Federation Vladimir Putin: “We need to save people from the need to go to offices, to wag their nerves in queues when they need to get basic papers from BTI, social security, DEZ, passport offices and registries in polyclinics. In this regard, in the coming years we must completely rebuild the system of providing state and municipal services in in electronic format... We are talking about information and service portals, integrated communication channels, departmental and regional data banks ”.

In my opinion, the development of a system of electronic interaction between the state and society in Russia will depend primarily on the participation of citizens themselves. There are two main problems that hinder the development of civic participation in the development of e-government - the problem of access to technology and the problem of access to information.

In modern legal science, there are several approaches to understanding the term "electronic state":

  • the system of state bodies ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of informatization;
  • organization of state power based on the use of information and communication technologies;
  • organization of interaction between public authorities and society in order to provide public services and ensure the possibility of participation in the exercise of power by the population using information and telecommunication technologies.

The introduction of e-government implies that the activities of state bodies should be based on a powerful, effective and secure electronic system both in their internal activities and in interaction with citizens. So that the databases of various departments are compatible and can exchange information, so that a citizen can draw up the necessary documents from home, so that government purchases are made through open electronic bidding.

The role of the electronic state is to improve the mechanism of interaction between society and the state in order to resolve vital problems, simplify the procedures for the provision of public services and the exercise of power by the population, reduce the cost of maintaining the state apparatus, improve the quality of government decisions, ensure the principles of transparency and openness in the exercise of power, to raise the legal awareness of the population and ensure the exercise of power by the population through information and communication technologies, to match the image of the modern information society. Of course, the formation of an electronic state in our country is a necessary step towards improving power and management, ensuring the possibility of implementing an effective fight against corruption and paperwork in all state structures ah, maintaining Russia's position in the international arena in the field of information and communication technologies and e-government.

as a percentage of the total number of surveyed organizations)

Organizations that used:

personal computers

Computers of other types

local area networks


global information networks

of which network:


including broadband



Organizations that had a website on the Internet

Thus, we can conclude that the mechanism for creating electronic interaction between citizens and the state has been "launched", the main steps towards ensuring the presence of authorities and information about their activities on the Internet have already been taken. Further, it is necessary to place a special emphasis on creating conditions for the transition from the industrial model of "big government" - centralized, hierarchical and operating in a material economy - to a new model of governance based on self-organizing inter-institutional networks of cooperation that exchange knowledge and operate in the "digital economy".


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  5. Federal State Statistics Service // access mode: http://www.gks.ru/
  6. IMPROVEMENT OF HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT Musina A.F., Khatmullina L.R. In the collection: FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Managing editor A.A. Sukiasyan. 2015. pp. 115-117.
  7. STATE SUPPORT OF INNOVATION IN THE REGION Minibaeva G.Kh., Hannanova T.R. In the collection: Innovative development of society in the period of modernization: economic, social, philosophical, political, legal patterns and trends materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 3 parts. Executive editor V.I. Dolgiy, A.I. Karpovich. 2014.S. 113-114.
  8. PROBLEMS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT FLOW AND THE WAYS OF THEIR SOLUTION KA Bessilina, VM Knyazeva, RR Shaposhnikova. Economy and society. 2014. No. 1-1 (10). S. 180-183.
  9. INFORMATION SECURITY Vakhitova E.Ya., Garifullina A.F. Economy and society. 2014. No. 1-1 (10). S. 326-329.
  10. DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC RESOURCES IN LOCAL GOVERNANCE Garifullina A.F., Rakhimova I.K. Economy and society. 2014. No. 1-1 (10). S. 390-391.
  11. ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT AS A FACTOR OF STATE GOVERNANCE Mukhametshin A.R., Garifullina A.F. In the collection: Management of a modern innovative society in the post-crisis period (economic, social, philosophical, legal aspects) Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Editorial board: V.I. Dolgy (executive editor), A.E. Makhmetova, M.A. Eremeev. 2011.S. 52-53.
  12. ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN STATE AND MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION Garifullina A.F., Minnegulova A.R. site. 2015.Vol. 2.No. 30.P. 6-8.
  13. ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Rizvanova R.R., Garifullina A.F. In the collection: Development of information technologies and their importance for the modernization of the socio-economic system Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. 2011.S. 143-144.

Electronic state- is the implementation of Internet solutions and basic infrastructure for the provision of information resources and information services to individuals and legal entities by state bodies in order to ensure transparency in the work of the public sector and ensure interactive participation among top officials in decision-making.

Types of states at different stages of development of human society:

- the control state is a pre-industrial society;

constitutional state- industrial society;

- welfare state - post-industrial society;

- electronic state - information society.

The goal of the e-government is to ensure the interactive participation of individuals and legal entities and the transparent work of the public sector.

The implementation of the ideas of the electronic state is carried out through the creation of state websites that: a) exercise the right of citizens to information, and the subject bears full responsibility for the information posted on this website; b) perform a communicative function.

Features of government websites

1) submission of applications, registration, submission customs declarations;

2) liquidation of paper document circulation and restructuring state archives;

3) creation of a single center to control the collection of personal information and their automated processing.

Today at Russian system state administration uses the program "Electronic Russia", within the framework of which such projects as "Electronic government", "Telemedicine", "Distance education" have been developed. A modern information system of public administration is gradually emerging, which mainly uses information technologies for public rule.

Vasilenko I.A. highlights the following main characteristics of public administration in the XXI century:

- development of public policy using infocommunication technologies, political analytics and forecasting;

- development, implementation and evaluation of government programs using modern methods socio-political and socio-economic diagnostics, identification and pattern recognition, aggregation of information and its computer processing (using methods of mathematical modeling of social processes in the development of management decisions at the local, regional and national levels);

- forecasting and taking into account in practice of positive and negative trends in the development of social phenomena, development of measures to localize and eliminate shortcomings, determine the needs for changes and innovations and take practical actions to implement them;

- analysis, generalization and interpretation of social, political and economic indicators characterizing the state of the region, region, country;

- organizing and conducting empirical research on the study of socio-political and socio-economic processes in the region (region, country) to find optimal management decisions, making such decisions;

- the use of rational methods of searching, processing, storing and using the necessary social, political, economic and scientific information.

Electronic government Is the concept of public administration inherent in the information society. This concept is based on the capabilities of information and telecommunication technologies and the values ​​of an open civil society.

In many countries "electronic government" is just being created, and in some countries it has been successfully functioning for a long time.

The US Electronic Government Act of 2002 is divided into five sections (titles).

1. Electronic state service of administrative and budgetary management.

2. Federal administration electronic public service.

3. Information security.

4. Approval of appropriations and dates.

5. Protection confidential information and the reliability of statistics.

The goals of creating an electronic state:

1) ensuring interdepartmental cooperation;

2) development of the spread of electronic government;

3) expanding the participation of citizens in public administration;

4) raising the level of awareness of those who make power decisions;

5) reduction of costs and expenses for state structures;

6) access to reliable government information. The system of authorities exercising powers in the field of creation and functioning of the electronic state:

1) information agencies;

2) information officer;

3) advice from the highest officials by information (interdepartmental);

4) Department of Electronic Government Issues;

5) administration administrator (appointed by the president);

6) administrative and budgetary management;

7) director of administrative and budgetary management;

8) interdepartmental commission on state information.

However, today "electronic government", with rare exceptions, has not yet become a reality. There are more and more examples of “government on-line”, which is not inherently the same as “e-government”. "Government on-line" is a static site of government structures that rarely contain anything other than general information about the work of a given government structure and contact numbers. The most advanced of them offer citizens a small number of electronic transactions, such as paying taxes.

Naturally, among specialists there are different points of view on the content of the concept of "electronic government". Let's consider just some of the interpretations of this term. Thus, e-government is defined as follows:

- organization of state administration on the basis of electronic means of processing, transfer and distribution of information, the provision of services of state bodies of all branches of government to all categories of citizens (pensioners, workers, businessmen, civil servants, etc.) by electronic means, informing citizens about work by the same means government agencies;

- information technology in public administration;

- automated state services, the main functions of which are: ensuring free access of citizens to all necessary state information, tax collection, registration Vehicle and patents, issuance of the necessary information, conclusion of agreements and registration of supplies of materials and equipment necessary for the state apparatus. This can lead to a decrease in costs and savings of taxpayers' funds for the maintenance and financing of the activities of the state apparatus, an increase in the openness and transparency of the activities of governing bodies;

- the use of new technologies in government bodies, including Internet technologies.

According to some experts, these definitions represent e-government rather as a way to modernize existing structures and services, and not as an independent idea of ​​a comprehensive transformation of the very principles of organizing state governance. From this point of view, such an approach is incorrect, since, in the first place, it is economically unjustified. E-government as providing state structures with modern information technologies that implement traditional services means additional budgetary costs aimed at simple electronic duplication of off-line (off-line) activities. But there is also another approach. In many countries, primarily in the United States and Great Britain, e-government is viewed rather as a concept aimed at improving the efficiency of the state as a whole.

Let's consider the main provisions of the concept of electronic government on the example of foreign experience.

In the public life of any country, there are three main subjects - the state, citizens and commercial organizations... Therefore, ideally, e-government should consist of three main modules: G2G (government for government) - government to government; G2B (government to business) - government to business; G2C (government to citizens) - government to citizens.

Electronic government contains online services for citizens and businesses on a single portal, electronic document management in government and parliamentary structures, a database common to different government structures to prevent duplication of information and repeated costs, often - a closed specialized information network for intra-government transactions (for example, Govnet), an extensive information and telecommunications infrastructure, cryptography systems and other methods of protecting information, including personal data, digital signature, electronic key, smart cards, other means of authorizing access to information and operations with it.

Thus, e-government empowers governments to use new technologies to provide people with better access to government information and services, improve the quality of these services, and better enable them to participate in democratic institutions.

Speaking about improving the public administration system, the following are named among the main achievements of "electronic government".

1. Possibility of "economical public administration". The savings from replacing paper-based information streams with electronic ones are enormous. The US government alone spends about a billion dollars a year to print a number of documents that are also published on the Web. The main circulation - 30 million copies of the federal register, 1 million copies of verbatim records of hearings and 65 million copies of the presidential budget - is intended for officials with Internet access. Thus, most of this printed matter goes straight to the city's waste bins.

Another example. The electronic publication of telephone numbers, postal and physical addresses of employees of government agencies allowed the state of Florida to save $ 295 thousand a year on the reproduction and distribution of paper directories, as well as to solve the problem of updating this information, 30% of which in a year (from publication to publication) turns out outdated. Multiply by 50 states and add the federal government apparatus manual, and here's another source of huge savings.

The US Code of Federal Regulations on the Hiring and Firing of Workers weighs 490 kilograms in print and 15 pages of Liver Requirements for the Army. Publishing all government documents on the Web will help both reduce costs and make information more accessible. In addition, the electronic form is much better suited for complex specifications. The printed documentation for a government tender for a new cargo plane weighs 3.5 tonnes, and in electronic form it could easily fit on a couple of CDs.

By moving its key structures to the Internet, the government could itself, without the involvement of any external allies, provide citizens with a powerful incentive to adopt the web-style of life. If the state - usually the largest "enterprise" in any country - takes the lead in introducing new technologies, this will automatically raise the technical level of the entire national economy and give impetus to the development of the information market. By administrative prescription or various benefits, it can induce all companies that have at least some relationship with it to take the necessary steps.

2. Saving time. For example, South Australia used to publish its 50-page official vacancy list with a circulation of 5,000 every week. At the same time, announcements of the appeared free space reached the addressees with a delay for the time of replication of the booklet and its distribution to several hundred offices scattered throughout the state, so that the deadline for accepting applications from applicants began taking into account the time they were sent by regular mail.

Now the whole process is carried out in the automation system. electronic document management based on Microsoft Exchange software. Job vacancies are first reported to the human resources departments of government agencies and to a number of privileged recruitment agencies. If it turns out that a civil servant would like to transfer to the vacant position, the hiring manager will automatically receive an email notification and cancel the public announcement, so no one isted time offering their services. And if there are no such applicants, the ad will go to the press and the hiring manager will also receive notifications about its publication by e-mail, indicating the names and numbers of newspapers. Thus, the state government expects not only to save money through the implementation of new system 50-80% of their annual recruitment costs, but also significantly reduce the time to fill vacancies while unconditionally adhering to the principle of equal opportunity, including for employees of remote offices of government agencies.

3. Opening possibility government organizations their knowledge management and business accounting systems for public access. German Federal ministry Finance is developing an electronic system for managing the archives of public records. The project provides for the automatic routing, storage and publication of documents on closed or public websites, depending on the stamp.

Another example is the Massachusetts competition system. Conditions of participation, all documents that may be required for this, and subsequently information about the winners are published on the network. The result of the introduction of this system was not only a reduction in the cost of holding tenders, but also the emergence of a real opportunity for various public organizations to purchase the goods they need for more low prices... As in most states, in Massachusetts, municipalities, country governments and school districts can buy their products from manufacturers under the same conditions as the government. In the paper world, however, it is almost impossible to find traces of "state" prices for most of the necessary goods. Now, any city office or school can check the state's best price on the new system's website.

4. An opportunity for citizens to directly influence the adoption of management decisions. So, for example, in the case when a government structure is going to amend the procedure for the provision of a certain service, it will be able to post information about the proposed changes to its policy on its website on the Internet and invite interested parties to express their views on this service and the proposed new policies... The feedback received can then be used to improve this policy.

5. Improving the quality of services provided by government organizations to citizens. The implementation of government services over the Internet will allow citizens to use them from the comfort of their homes. This will increase the flexibility, speed and availability of government services, as well as possibly reduce their costs.

6. The ability to receive comprehensive services, as different government organizations can interact more effectively with each other. For example, as a result of an accident, a person needs to contact several different government organizations and in each state his situation and needs. If all these organizations had the opportunity to exchange information and integrate their services, a person would have to go through all the required procedures just once.

7. Raise awareness of the public to receive up-to-date and comprehensive information on government laws, regulations, policies and services... If you make this information about everyone existing regulations and regulations available on the Internet, people will have more opportunities to engage in any activity, both personal and professional, safely and within the framework of the law.

Naturally, the implementation of such a large-scale concept is associated with overcoming many difficulties. In order to stimulate citizen participation in government, the following points should be taken into account when developing ways to use information and communication technologies.

8. The possibility of dividing the population into those who have the skills and tools to use new technologies and those who do not. If citizens are not armed and do not own technology, then they are unlikely to be able to influence in any way on e-government. E-government should unite people, not separate them. Therefore, the "e-government" should be organized in such a way that, on the one hand, the usual ways of access to government services for those who need them are preserved, and on the other hand, public Internet access points are created and educational programs operate, the task of which is - to help citizens master new technologies.

As for the process of creating a government network infrastructure in the Russian Federation, it corresponds to the stages that all governments go through.

The first phase, which is characterized by the creation of the initial “departmental interfaces”, is almost complete. The overwhelming majority of federal executive authorities have established and functioned steadily Internet sites.

On the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation prepared and approved the List of regular mandatory information for placement by federal executive authorities in the Russian segment of the Internet. The list requires mandatory posting the following information:

- the official name of the federal executive body and official requisites (address, information service telephone numbers, e-mail address);

- regulations on the federal executive body;

organizational structure federal executive body (management, structure of the central office, territorial bodies, subordinate institutions and enterprises);

- regulations governing the activities of the federal executive body;

- regulatory legal acts affecting the rights and obligations of citizens and organizations, adopted by federal executive bodies in accordance with their competence;

- information on the state of affairs in the industry (sphere of reference);

- information on federal targeted programs in the implementation of which the federal executive body participates, including information on the implementation of the provisions of the programs;

- daily information of the press service (public relations departments) on the activities of the federal executive body;

- details of public reception offices of the federal executive body (address, telephones, procedure for working with citizens and organizations).

The above information must be provided in full, with the exception of information classified in accordance with the law as information with limited access.

To develop this List, the Department of Government Information developed in July 2001 "Recommendations for the creation and maintenance of the Internet site of the federal executive body" and maintenance of government websites.

The next stage is the deployment on the Internet of an infrastructure that provides users with possible services of a purely informational nature, working with the user in an external information circuit.

Today, as part of the work on the creation of the Internet portal of the Government of the Russian Federation, a more perfect infrastructure of the system of informing the public about the activities of state authorities is being formed. We are talking about the creation of horizontally and vertically integrated government news resources, supported by the information departments of various federal departments and local authorities.

Within the framework of the government network information circuit, mechanisms are being created that support online departmental communities, primarily information departments of ministries and departments (press services or public relations departments), which are more than others ready to master new technologies of the Internet ". As these network mechanisms and services are developed, experience and solutions can be transferred to other areas of the government control loop.

An infrastructure of network mechanisms of dialogue (interaction) between the government (departments) and citizens (communities) is being created in the form of specialized online forums on various socially significant issues. Forums can solve problems of supporting permanent expert communities. The portal contains a specialized interactive module that allows you to quickly support any dialogue task.

Online services are being created for journalists and media editors. We are talking about the creation of a virtual accreditation system that provides online access for journalists to events held in the Government House, ministries and departments (which is especially important for regional media).

The portal will have a modern Catalog of network resources of public authorities that provide a full-fledged search and other services. This is not only useful and convenient for users, but also allows you to monitor situations in the field of public network resources.

For users, a reference and information database of government documents has been created, which integrates the texts of more than 17 thousand government documents with interfaces, providing a convenient search.

The development of a network government infrastructure, which allows solving the problems of information support for the activities of the government, ministries and departments in non-standard (crisis, problematic) situations, may become promising. New technologies allow you to quickly create "virtual sites" for the task "", it is quite easy to administer them. But the most important thing is not to create additional off-line structures.

An infrastructure is being developed to support network projects for various government agencies, as well as an online training system and vocational training civil servants.

Since 2002, the "electronic government" project has been identified as a priority in the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia (2002–2010)".

In particular, the Program includes the tasks of ensuring information transparency of the activities of state authorities and openness of state information resources for civil society, creating prerequisites for effective interaction between state authorities and citizens on the basis of widespread use of information and communication technologies. It is envisaged to implement a set of measures to increase the openness of state information resources not only at the federal, but also at the regional and local levels (through the introduction of information and communication technologies).

In order to accelerate the formation of the infrastructure for interactive interaction between citizens and public authorities, a unified Concept of state policy in the development of the Russian segment of the infrastructure of payment cards and the use of electronic personal instruments v automated systems interaction of public authorities.

Of course, the implementation of this program will play important role for the development of the Russian Federation as a democratic, "information" state.

Chapter 5. Legal regimes of information resources

Development of a system of electronic interaction between the state and the population

Safin Ruslan G

This scientific work is based on the research of A.F. Garifullina, who has a number of scientific papers on this topic.
Electronic interaction between the state and the population is a system of interaction between public authorities and the population, based on the widespread use of modern information technologies, including the Internet, to increase the availability and quality of public services, reduce the time for their provision, as well as reduce the administrative burden on citizens and organization associated with their receipt. ...
In other words, it is a system for the provision of public services by simplifying the processing of citizens' applications and providing them in a “one window” format. Electronic interaction between the state and the population is implemented through the introduction of the institution of "electronic government". "Electronic government" (e-Government) - Internet technologies that provide informational interaction of government bodies with the population and civil society institutions. ...
By the middle of 2013, the lag in the implementation of a large-scale plan for transferring federal, regional and municipal services to electronic rails on the EPGU + SMEV platform became chronic and growing; As a result, this problem was specially considered at a meeting of the Government Commission on the implementation of information technologies in government bodies. The chairman of the commission D. Medvedev expressed his opinion at the meeting that the transfer of services to electronic form can be accelerated by solving the following tasks.
  1. Formation of a unified federal structure for the provision of services, including both online and offline services. This structure means not only a single portal of public services, on which more than 4 million citizens are currently registered, but also a network of multifunctional centers. At the time of the meeting, about 700 centers were created, by 2015 about 3 thousand will open. Another element is branch network"Russian Post", of course, subject to the modernization of the branches themselves, and there are more than 40 thousand of them, and training of the relevant personnel so that they are ready for this work,
  2. A clear definition of the concept of “providing a service in electronic form”. Behind it should not be the web page of the relevant department, but "a normal, modern, full-fledged interface that would simplify communication with officials." The interface should be understandable not only for “advanced” users, but also for ordinary people, including the elderly, who, nevertheless, are trying to master electronic services.
  3. Creation of a system that allows receiving state and municipal services throughout the country, regardless of place of residence or stay.
The Russian government renamed the Governmental Commission for the Implementation of Information Technologies in the Activities of Government Bodies. It is now called the Government Commission on the Use of Information Technology to Improve the Quality of Life and Conditions of Conduct entrepreneurial activity; at the same time, its powers have been significantly expanded.
At the first meeting of the renamed Government Commission of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the Ministry of Economic Development - after discussing the situation with the slowdown in the development of the system for the provision of electronic services, it was concluded that it was necessary to develop, agree and approve the "Concept for the development of mechanisms for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form" (Protocol No. 1 p. 4 p. 1 of 19.09.2013). The draft Concept on October 16, 2013 was presented to the public for discussion on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications.
The concept sums up the previous development of electronic government in Russia and sets tasks for a new period in order to optimize the most successful and proven solutions. However, the issues of semantic integration of ministries and departments, the creation of a truly unified information space of all levels of government, the implementation of seamless design technologies and the provision of electronic services, as it seems to the author, are not clearly reflected in it, which requires more detailed consideration and formulation of requirements that are absent in the Concept.
For 2016, among the priority tasks for optimizing e-government are:
  • improving the convenience and simplification of the use of electronic services on the gosuslugi.ru portal;
  • popularization of the advantages of receiving public services in electronic form;
  • improving the quality of the operation process to ensure the availability of electronic services for key departments at a level of at least 97 percent;
  • mass distribution of the system of pre-trial appeal against the quality of public services (do.gosuslugi.ru).
In addition, the portal is planned to implement the opportunity to subscribe to electronic notifications on traffic fines and enforcement proceedings; to partially complete the optimization of business processes for 15 federal and 20 regional services in electronic form; develop e-government infrastructure for interaction with non-governmental organizations.
In general, although electronic services are available in Russia, they are still quite complex for mass use. It takes time for departments and regions to realize that e-services are a combination of both technologies and new business processes, and take active steps to optimize them.
First of all, the user interface was simplified, which will increase the number of citizens who not only want to use electronic services, but also implement them in practice, that is, get the final result.
Secondly, in new version the integration of a single password to the EPGU and the user's personal account with regional and departmental portals has been ensured. So, for example, the entrance to Personal Area taxpayer (for certain user accounts).
Third, will apply new technology"widgets" and "open platform" EPGU, in order to transfer electronic government services to trusted sites of departments and commercial organizations.
Thus, federal services will become available on a variety of portals, and not only on the portal of state services. Since technologically access to third-party sites will pass through the portal of public services, this will also significantly expand the audience of the portal.
Since January 1, 2016, citizens have the opportunity to pre-trial appeal against decisions and actions committed by civil servants of federal executive bodies and state non-budgetary funds in the provision of public services. This can be done through information system pre-trial appeal, developed by us as part of the implementation state program"Information society". The system is integrated into the e-government infrastructure and is represented by a separate portal at do.gosuslugi.ru.
The system will receive complaints filed directly through the websites of departments that provide public services, as well as through multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services. The creation of this system will allow to centralize all methods of filing complaints, combining them into single register complaints of the Russian Federation, the conduct of which will strengthen control over their consideration. Now the process of connecting departments to the system is underway.
Today, the development of electronic interaction between the state and the population in Russia is undergoing a stage of formation, therefore it is important to adopt any positive experience in this environment. foreign countries and

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The transition to a post-industrial society presupposes an inevitable transformation of political institutions and public administration, taking into account the requirements of the information age. New information integrative technologies are becoming more widespread, have become the basis for globalization, and have a significant impact on social development. The number of individuals and institutions that have access to the Internet and are using it to meet their growing needs is growing rapidly.

Under these conditions, overly centralized structures are unable to react with the required speed to the diverse changes in the surrounding world. There is a growing need for greater flexibility and mobility of public services based on the principles of flexibility, transparency, political neutrality, etc. Opportunities for the use of political and social technologies in governance are expanding (with mixed results). In the context of deepening globalization processes, national governments are forced to respond to the latest information technology advances and trends to ensure or support the required level of international cooperation.

Internet technologies that provide informational interaction of government bodies with the population and institutions of civil society have received a stable name in modern literature as "electronic government" (E-Government). It is viewed as a single socially responsible and informationally open institution (institution) with constant feedback.

In general, “e-government” is defined as a specialized complex system of interaction between executive power structures with citizens, civil society and business structures via the Internet. In this semantic series, one-order concepts are used: "electronic business" ( E-Business), "Electronic citizen" ( E-Citizen), "E-democracy" ( E-Democracy), "Electronic self-government", etc.

The model of the concept of "electronic government" implies three types of interaction: between the state and citizens (G2C -govemment-to-citizen), government and business ( G2B - government-to-business), various branches of government (G2G -govemment-to-govemment).

The implementation of the concept of "electronic government" is closely related to the reform of public administration. On the one hand, the need for the transition to e-government requires a certain restructuring of the foundations of the administrative system, and on the other hand, the transition to "e-government" to a certain extent contributes to an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of management decisions; reducing the costs of maintaining the state apparatus, increasing the productivity of civil servants; fight against corruption in government structures, etc.


It is expedient to consider “electronic government” as a phenomenon that gives a new quality to administrative institutions, and its genesis - as a kind of process of their further institutionalization. The government itself can also be seen as a political institution. Accordingly, for its analysis, it is necessary to use institutional and neoinstitutional approaches, the potential of the concepts of new public administration (management), network theory and other aspects of communication science, qualitative (value and target) approaches, expert assessments of the quality of public policies and management. Citizens (E-Citizen) are considered as consumers of electronic services of the state with corresponding rights and obligations. “Electronic government” makes institutions work in a new way and, creating new rules of the game, acts as a moderator of new institutionalization.

"Electronic government", on the one hand, is seen as a technology that should improve the work of existing structures. On the other hand, it is called upon to organize in a new way the system of interactions between the traditional structures of the federal, regional, municipal levels therefore brings with it new institutional rules of the game.

The main institutional and technological features and characteristics of "electronic government" are formed depending on the political and economic systems of specific countries, government initiatives, programs and sequence of actions for its deployment, involved economic and social resources, information and communication tools, etc.

The analysis of the "electronic government" system is advisable in the following areas:

  • 1) the stages of its development (stages);
  • 2) the level and nature of the development of electronic media, especially the Internet;
  • 3) features of socio-cultural foundations and principles of functioning of "electronic government";
  • 4) general and specific in its country (national) model;
  • 5) the relationship of e-government with the nature of administrative reforms;
  • 6) monitoring the feedback of "electronic government", its interaction with civil society and business structures, etc .;
  • 7) the nature and quality of training managers in government and other structures 1.

The process of formation and transformation of the "electronic government" system can be conditionally divided into five ideal stages-directions (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2

Stages of formation and genesis of "electronic government"

Stage name

Initial presence

Characterized by the presence of a website and basic information on it, links to other authorities, departments of the government itself and non-governmental organizations

Advanced presence

The stage of the developed information presence of a government authority on the Internet, measured by indicators of the availability of archives of documents (laws, regulations, etc.), current information, databases (statistical and other information), a news section, a department of frequently asked questions, availability of services on the saiga search, help, download files and sitemap. This is the stage of one-way interaction, involving the flow of information from the state to the population.

Interactive presence

It is characterized by the ability to download and fill out forms for various services, the availability of contact information and the ability to contact representatives of the government body, interactive communication between all authorities (and at all levels) with common databases, etc.



The stage of two-way interaction of authorities with the population and business, which involves the use of the Internet to carry out the entire transaction - paying taxes and fines, requesting and receiving documents, paying for services using various payment systems, electronic signatures, etc.


Characterized by dedicated tools and opportunities for citizen engagement in discussion and decision-making - web forms for comments, online consultation tools with the public, discussion forums on policy and government action, online surveys, opportunities to respond to inquiries by email or via web forms (indicating the response time) and subscribe to receive information by e-mail

A source: Political Science: Textbook for Academic Bachelor's Degree / Ed. V.S.Komarovsky. M .: Yurayt Publishing House, 2017.S. 280-282.

The creation of "electronic government" is taking place in line with the reform of the entire system of public administration. It presupposes great openness and responsiveness; introduction of competitive and contractual principles; creation of separate specialized management structures with increased responsibility for the results of activities; increasing the role of ethical requirements for management, active interaction with civil society, greater orientation of state interests to the needs and requirements of citizens, etc. The advantages of "electronic government" are obvious: simplification of bureaucratic procedures, a significant reduction in the time required for processing documents, ensuring easily verifiable, strict tax accountability of legal and individuals through the introduction of a unified electronic accounting system, an increase in the level of budget revenues, a reduction in the scale of corruption and, accordingly, an increase in citizens' confidence in government institutions.

For the reorganization of the public administration system in the paradigm of "electronic government", a number of conditions are required. Among them: the adoption of relevant government decisions; a sufficient level of "internetization" of society and state institutions; development of a rational concept of "electronic government" and the creation of the necessary information and technological prerequisites and electronic forms (documents, signatures, etc.), financial support, training of new personnel in the algorithm of this government; taking into account the most complex social and administrative-legal problems arising from the implementation of new electronic-organizational management models in life; “Removal” of narrow technological approaches in the formation and operation of “electronic government” (“information technologies will solve all problems”), overcoming the possibilities of using it for antisocial purposes; rational and critical use of accumulated foreign experience, etc.

There are a number of social, political, psychological, financial and organizational factors that impede the formation of e-government. Among them: the competition between the new "information-public" and traditional methods of government; significant costs for informatization of state management structures; changing management mentality and improving ICT qualifications of civil servants; lack of effectiveness of certain technological programs; problems of securing information security, a sharp increase in the volume of information and its optimization, social and digital inequality, etc.

As part of the activities of "electronic government" online in a number of countries, many types of public services have become accessible and convenient. Among them: requests to government bodies, the ability to check the stages of passage, receive an answer indicating the result and those responsible for its adoption; payment of various payments by electronic forms (from rent to fines and taxes), receiving common forms of official documents, filling them out and sending them (including accepting tax returns, registering with the employment service); admission to universities for distance learning, interactive forms education; statements to the police (in case of theft or car theft) (Table 6.3). In the Republic of Korea, for example, the official web nortal allows the applicant to get acquainted with the stages of passing through 54 types of citizens' appeals, to control this process at any time.

Table 63

Examples of improving management efficiency as a result of the implementation of electronic services

Service type

before implementation

Time after implementation


Electronic forms of documents

A few days

Electronic tax payment forms

Electronic registration of commercial entities

Property registration

A few days

Registration of land plots

Changes to real estate ownership

Property ownership certificate

Electronic customs


Electronic customs

from 4 to 48 h

A source: Irkhip Yu.V. Problems of the effectiveness of "electronic government" // Russian state and socio-economic challenges of our time // collection of articles. articles of international. conf. IGSU RANEPA. T. 1.M .: Prospect, 2015.S. 41-47.

The American and European models and the dominant theories of information and communication technologies are somewhat different. In Europe as a whole, more emphasis is placed on the role of IKT in administrative reform and services for citizens viewed as buyers. In the United States, in addition to improving administrative activities, more attention is paid to the influence of ICT on political participation, improving the functioning of the political system as a whole.

In principle, each country has its own characteristics of the formation, development and implementation of the concept of "electronic government".

There are numerous known problems of using information and communication technologies in management. Thus, the lack of "internetization" of many states, their institutions, and the population is obvious. The appropriate training of citizens is weak. Even if the necessary information database is available, it takes the necessary skills to understand it. To become a truly “electronic citizen” (and not just a user of certain services), who understands the problems of public administration, is no easier than becoming a conscious participant in political processes. Serious questions arise about the role of "electronic administrators" who have direct access to the technological mechanisms of infocommunications, information theft, technological failures, viruses, etc.

The European Union has introduced a system of continuous monitoring of the availability and status of the following electronic services for citizens and businesses.

For citizens: income tax, declaration; job search through the employment service; social help, unemployment benefit, per child, reimbursement of medical services costs, tuition fees; personal documents (passport, driving license; car registration; submitting applications for construction; informing the police (theft, etc.); public libraries (availability of catalogs, search tools); birth certificates, marriage certificates (inquiries and submissions); submission of applications for admission to universities; informing about a change of residence; services related to medicine (interactive consultations, requests for treatment in specific places, the availability of services in the hospital).

For business: social contributions for workers; corporate taxes and declarations; value added tax; registration of a new legal entity; submission of statistical data; Customs declaration; obtaining permits related to security environment; state procurements.

The first country in the world to adopt a law on electronic services was Finland (2001). The law contains provisions on the rights, duties and responsibilities of government bodies and their clients in the field of electronic services, on the key requirements for the electronic identification of the identity of citizens. In accordance with the Law, the authorities must provide the public with a choice of electronic delivery of notices, invoices and other similar documents and messages. Authorities and clients can electronically sign their decisions.

The official web portal of Singapore (http://www.gov.sg) unites all spheres of life: government, business, education, science, medicine and even the entertainment industry (the state allocates up to $ 0.5 billion per year for the program) ... The portal is subdivided into four interrelated areas: government; resident citizens (permanent residents); business; non-residents. A large number of information services are provided on them in the current time mode, interactive communication operates. To do this, you need to register in advance (specify the password, login and user code) and receive the necessary information in any of the directions 1.

A customer-centered approach is essential to the organization of government services. In general, there is a formation of a public administration model focused on the efficiency of business processes, the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bdividing policy and practice and multiplication performance indicators... At the same time, laptops and smartphones are increasingly used, which make it possible to carry out online transactions without being tied to a specific location.

"Electronic governments" contribute to a certain openness of states, appropriate reporting, a decrease in the level of corruption and irresponsibility of officials, it improves financial management... In general, managerial thinking is changing for the better. The implementation of reforms in a number of countries has improved thanks to information technology, increased confidence in the government, and high-quality processing of the growing flow of

data and knowledge. Activity " e-governments"Assumes rapid and profound changes in a number of legal documents... In the Republic of Korea, up to 40% of the regulations governing public administration and service were changed over several years. In general, the workflow is being improved. As a rule, young cadres of managers come to the leadership of public services more widely, it is possible to increase salaries according to the final results of their work.

At the same time, there are numerous problems of using information and cybernetic technologies in management. The appropriate training of citizens is weak. Even if the necessary information database is available, it takes the necessary preparation to understand it. It is no easier to become a truly “electronic citizen” (and not a user of certain services) who understands the problems of public administration than to become a conscious participant in political processes.

  • See: Yakunin V.I., Sulakshin S.S., Bagdasaryan V., Eorlov I. B., Stroganova S. M. The quality and success of public policies and management. M., 2012. P. 5.
  • During a visit to Singapore, D.A.Medvedev (as an experiment) from his laptop submitted to the electronic signature of this country several documents necessary for opening a cafe (registration sheet, application, passport data and account died), immediately received a response from the electronic signature about their receipt, and a week later - an electronic notification of permission for the requested activity.


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