What documents are needed for the sale of anti-freeze. Anti-freeze sale. There are two ways to implement the business idea of ​​selling anti-freeze.

When winter comes, anti-freeze becomes the most popular commodity among motorists. It can end at the most inopportune moment, so sellers who sell such products are often found on the track. They not only sell liquid, but also help pour it into the radiator. Selling anti-freeze on the highway as a business brings good income. We will talk about how to organize such a business in this article.

Activity registration

First of all, let's figure out what documents are needed to sell anti-freeze on the highway, otherwise you will have to constantly pay fines for illegal trade.

To obtain permission, you need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In addition, it is necessary to have certificates confirming the quality of the products.

Many start-up entrepreneurs are interested in what kind of fine they can impose for selling an anti-freeze product if they engage in entrepreneurial activity without state registration... In accordance with the law, a fine of 500-2000 rubles is provided for such an offense.

Some businessmen open such a business illegally. They hire people, unload the goods for them at the outlet, and at the end of the working day take the proceeds and unsold products. In this case, the seller is solely responsible for the sale of the anti-freeze.

Business specifics

If you decide to organize the sale of anti-freeze as a business, you need to learn how to adapt to external conditions. Unscrupulous sellers sell liquids of different quality on the track. The worst liquid freezes at -5 degrees, so they try to sell it while there is no severe frost. High-quality anti-freeze protection is displayed when it is very cold outside. Honest entrepreneurs don't cheat their customers. Usually the same motorists drive along the highway, so they do not want to spoil their reputation and lose regular customers.

There are two ways to implement the business idea of ​​selling anti-freeze:

  1. Buy 100-200 bottles of liquid and trade it on the highway yourself;
  2. Purchase a large consignment of goods and sell anti-freeze products in bulk from the manufacturer. Car services, shops, taxi companies and so on can become your clients.

The cost of one bottle of liquid largely depends on its quality and manufacturer. It is most profitable to buy products in bulk from 2000 pieces. In this case, one 5-liter canister will cost you 30-35 rubles. The retail price ranges from 100-150 rubles. Based on this, we can safely say that the business of selling anti-freeze on the road is highly profitable.

Financial calculations

If you decide to set up a roadside anti-freeze sale, the first step is to find reliable suppliers. They must provide you with all documents for antifreeze liquid. Without quality certificates, serious problems with the sale of goods can arise. Entrepreneurs interested in wholesale trade non-freezing, you should go around the nearest car services and shops in order to conclude an agreement with them for the supply of products. In addition, you can create your own website on the Internet and advertise in the media.

You will need 60 thousand rubles for the purchase of a wholesale batch of antifreeze liquid. For 5 thousand rubles it will be delivered by truck to your warehouse. If you plan to hire workers for trade, you need to allocate funds for wages... In addition, you need to buy gasoline in order to distribute the goods to retail outlets. In large cities, sellers of antifreeze liquid sell 150-350 bottles per day on the road, which is about 20 thousand rubles of net profit.

Anti-freeze production

To increase income, you can open. To do this, you will need a small room with an area of ​​15-20 sq. meters. It is advisable to involve a qualified specialist in the work who will develop a recipe and monitor the quality of the products. If your financial opportunities do not allow attracting a professional to the case, you can independently study all the nuances of this process and choose the correct ratio of components.

The technology for the manufacture of antifreeze liquid is quite simple. The purified water is mixed with alcohol, after which the liquid is subjected to heat treatment. The finished product is bottled and labeled.

Sales of finished products

Since there is a high level of competition in this area, it will take a lot of effort to promote your product. Large-scale advertising company in this case it is not advisable. You just need to advertise in the local media, emphasizing that you are offering completely safe, environmentally friendly products.

Most the best way- supply anti-freeze to trade enterprises. In addition, it is possible to organize an anti-freeze liquid delivery service to the specified address. To reach high performance the profitability of this business, first of all, you need to establish effective sales. This is the key to the success of any manufacturing enterprise.

Trade in anti-freeze from vending machines

Recently, vending machines have become very popular. To organize profitable business, you can purchase a special machine for the sale of anti-freeze. The convenience of such vending machine obviously. Any motorist who uses this service can purchase required amount liquids. At the same time, he does not have to look for a canister and smear his hands, since it can be poured directly into the tank using a special pistol.

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These machines work around the clock, so you can make a purchase at any time of the day or night. Outwardly, the machine is somewhat reminiscent of a coffee machine. It is equipped with a small hose and a special gun. In addition, the device has a bill acceptor, a tank with a capacity of 100-200 liters and software, which controls the subsidy. The operation of such a machine can be controlled remotely via the Internet.

One machine can sell two types of liquid. About 400 liters of anti-freeze can be sold per month. Net income from one machine is 14 thousand rubles per month.

To make a good profit, you need to know the main secrets of selling anti-freeze through vending machines:

  • Place of visit;
  • Timely refueling;
  • Regular Maintenance machine gun;
  • Realization of high-quality anti-freeze liquid.

If you are also interested on the highway, you can immediately draw up a business plan for the sale of anti-freeze and its production in order to organize a sales point on the basis of a car repair shop for the sale of such products. It will bring good additional income to your company.


Now you know what you need to sell anti-freeze and how to properly organize such a business. It does not require large capital investments, but at the same time it allows you to get a good income. This is the most affordable and easiest option for those who are interested in

Unauthorized points of sale for "anti-freeze" - liquid for washing car windshields - appear on the capital's roads with autumn frosts. At the first sign of spring thaw, history repeats itself: intricate pyramids of blue bottles sprout like mushrooms on the roadside. There is no doubt that such trade is illegal, and the goods sold in this way are of dubious quality. However, sellers feel confident and openly display their products. Why it is not possible to suppress illegal business, how does it affect the situation on the roads, and is it possible to get rid of the transport infrastructure, the RIAMO correspondent figured out.


Most of the roadside mobile points of sale for blue liquid are far beyond the legal framework. Such trade usually violates several laws at once.

“Often,“ roadside entrepreneurs ”violate the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 2) on the need for state registration as individual entrepreneurs or legal entities in the implementation entrepreneurial activity... For this, the law establishes administrative responsibility (Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), ”explains Igor Valuev, a lawyer of the Malov and Partners Bar Association.

According to Valuev, antifreeze liquid sold at unauthorized points of sale often turns out to be of inadequate quality and is produced clandestinely, without observing technical regulations. For the trade in such products, administrative responsibility is also established (Article 14.43 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

At the same time, in order to save money, handicraft manufacturers most often add methyl alcohol - methanol to the "non-freeze".

“The sale of the washing liquid containing it is prohibited by the Decree of the Chief State sanitary doctor RF of 11.07.2007 N 47 ("On the cessation of the use of methyl alcohol in vehicle care products"). For such a violation, administrative (Article 6.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and criminal liability (Article 236 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) are provided, ”the expert adds.

Even if the "non-freezing" is made on the basis of permitted ethyl alcohol, then, according to the law, it must be sold exclusively at stationary points of sale (paragraph 2 of Article 16 Federal law from 22.11.1995 N 171-FZ "O government regulation production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic beverages ”).

There is also a third option: some of the washer fluid is made on the basis of isopropyl alcohol. However, its cost is high and it is hardly used in artisanal production.

Threat to life

The track record of anti-freeze traders does not end there. To increase sales, "entrepreneurs" are trying to get up on the busiest sections of roads with dense traffic, near large interchanges and along highways, where it is difficult to find alternative options for purchasing "anti-freeze". Wanting to buy "blue fluid", motorists slow down on the side of the road, which creates significant difficulties and interference for other road users.

"Mobile points, as a rule, are located close to the carriageway, which creates an additional threat of road accidents," says Andrey Mukhortikov, deputy head of the Probok.net expert and analytical center.

Agree with this opinion and Leonid Olshansky, vice president of the "Movement of motorists of Russia". According to him, sellers of illegal "non-freezing" install their points wherever they want, thereby becoming an indirect cause of an accident.

Self-made washer fluid sellers put the lives of motorists at risk, not only on the road. Often, their product, made from low-quality and prohibited chemicals, can cause serious harm to health, which is difficult to notice right away.

Thus, "roadside entrepreneurs" evade taxes, distribute products of inadequate quality, violate sanitary and legal norms. Pyramids lined up from blue bottles threaten security road traffic, and uncertified goods can harm the health of buyers. However, despite all the violations, outlets with "non-freezing" are very often found on the roadsides of the Moscow region.

Fighters of the invisible front

Suppression of unauthorized trade lies within the jurisdiction of the police. Control over compliance with the norms of legislation on doing business is entrusted to the Department for Combating Economic Crimes (OBEP).

A source in law enforcement agencies told RIAMO that work to identify and suppress activities related to the illegal production and sale of non-freezing liquid is initiated in two cases. Operational-search measures are carried out within the framework of raids, which are carried out according to the tasks from the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or spot checks are organized at the request of citizens.

In both cases, there are pitfalls. On the one hand, large-scale raids are an irregular phenomenon, occurring, as a rule, 2-3 times per season. After the end of the raid, the dispersed sellers often resume their activities, because they do not incur significant losses. When checking an unauthorized point of sale, an administrative offense report is drawn up. The seller is responsible and, in the absence of other violations, gets off with a fine. The business owner usually remains undetected.

According to Valuev, it is practically impossible to bring such “businessmen” to criminal liability, since for this it is necessary to prove serious damage or a large amount of their income from such activities - at least 1.5 million rubles (article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Single raids are clearly not enough for this.

When it comes to the statements of citizens who suffered from the purchase of "non-freeze" of inadequate quality, it becomes even more difficult to find a point and prove the seller's guilt. Mobile "shops" are constantly migrating and discover them on the same place not always possible. Plus, there are leaks. operational information, thanks to which illegal sellers have time to "disappear" before the arrival of law enforcement officers.

It turns out that the fight against the illegal sale of "non-freezing" is being conducted, but in practice it turns out to be ineffective, and its results are dubious. Numerous points of sale, which are freely located on the sides of the capital's roads, speak volumes about this.

According to Olshansky, there is another reason for the lack of noticeable results.

“The number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has significantly decreased. At the same time, we must not forget that the basis of their activity is the work on criminal cases. Unauthorized sale of non-freezing food, in the event of a primary violation, is an administrative matter that takes a lot of time, and does not bring sensitive punishments to violators at the exit. I think the problem here, among other things, is the lack of people and imperfect legislation, ”the expert said.

The traffic police will not help

Possible help from the traffic police seems to be an obvious tool in the fight against unauthorized points of sale of "anti-freeze" along the roads. However, they are excluded from the process of identifying and suppressing the activities of illegal traders.

“The State Traffic Safety Inspectorate is not empowered to initiate proceedings on administrative violations on the facts of illegal trade. Consequently, the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate are not entitled to carry out checks on this issue", - reported in the traffic police department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Moscow region.

Evaluate the impact of point-of-sale trade on road safety and throughput highways in the department found it difficult, informing RIAMO that the State traffic inspectorate of statistical accounting on this issue is not provided.

According to experts, assistance from the traffic police could significantly increase the effectiveness of the fight against illegal sellers of "non-freezing", but the possibility of its provision seems to specialists doubtful.

“It would be logical to involve traffic police officers in the fight against illegal sale of anti-freeze, because this phenomenon directly threatens road safety. However, given recent cuts staff in law enforcement agencies, I do not think that this idea will be easy to implement, "- said Mukhortikov.

The last hope is conscientious drivers

Experts see the activity of motorists with an active civic stance as one of the possible tools for clearing roadsides from sellers of "blue liquid".

“To solve the problem of shortage of personnel in law enforcement agencies and, as a result, to make raids regular and more effective will help the involvement of vigilantes. For example, inspections could be carried out by representatives of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights, accompanied by one police officer, ”suggests Olshansky.

Mukhortikov spoke in favor of the possibility of creating “ hotline", To which motorists will be able to send messages about unauthorized points with" anti-freeze ". However, the expert emphasized that such a method will work only in conditions of increasing the consciousness of the drivers themselves.

Valuev adheres to a similar opinion. When buying washer fluid at illegal points of sale, drivers rarely think about what origin it has, and whether its sale is in the legal field. Thus, they encourage the prosperity of this seasonal business, which brings considerable profits to its owners on a daily basis, and often jeopardizes the safety of traffic and the lives of car owners.

“Not all drivers are against such sales of products. Many people consider it convenient to purchase a "frost-free" in the direction of travel. In addition, it often turns out to be cheaper than offers in stores. Unfortunately, some motorists do not realize the harm of such trade and forget that the road is not a bazaar, it must meet all safety requirements. The carelessness of some drivers encourages offenders, because demand creates supply. As long as motorists themselves acquire “blue liquid” on the sidelines, there will always be those willing to sell it to them, ”sums up Mukhortikov.

Anna Semenova

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Selling anti-freeze as a business is seasonal business... There are several options for organizing of this project... Given the large number of vehicles on the roads, the sale of anti-freeze as a business will always be a success.

Purchase or manufacture of anti-freeze

Starting capital: 100 - 2000 thousand rubles;

Monthly profit: 20 - 100 thousand rubles;

Payback: 5 - 12 months.

First you need to decide whether you will buy an anti-freeze in bulk or make it yourself.

Buying an anti-freeze product involves finding quality suppliers at low prices. The amount for the purchase of goods depends on the market and competition, therefore, it is necessary to assess the business idea, analyze the number of points with the sale of anti-freeze, their prices and location. After already purchasing a certain batch of anti-freeze.

Making an anti-freeze also requires money. At a cost, it will cost less than purchasing from suppliers, but for its creation it is necessary to buy both raw materials and equipment. In addition, you need to correctly select the composition for manufacturing, take into account all proportions. To do this, you need to find a composition or a professional who could help you with the manufacture of anti-freeze.

The police catch sellers of low-quality "anti-freeze" every day

If the city is large and the competition is low, then having start-up capital, it is worth taking the risk of finding a professional in the manufacture of anti-freeze in advance and buy equipment. All expenses can be recouped already in the first season, if the anti-freeze sales are carried out correctly.

The approximate start-up capital for the creation of a mini-plant at home for the manufacture of anti-freeze will be about 1-2 million rubles. Such equipment can be used in the manufacture of not only anti-freeze, but also means for washing a car in the summer, again choosing the right composition for its manufacture.

Anti-freeze sale as a home business

After receiving the anti-freeze in one of the above two ways, you need to start selling. In the second case, when making at home, you can sell from home in bulk to suppliers in small towns and villages. Also establish sales directly to customers by setting low prices(lower than competitors). This way you will attract customers no matter where your plant is located.

Selling non-freezing from a stall

You can also put up a stall and sell anti-freeze from it, and in the summer, replace it with other fluids for cars. This business, like home sales, will need to be registered. And in order to increase the number of sales, it will be possible to create a website for a business.

Advertising the sale of anti-freeze as a business

Advertising in any of the ways of selling anti-freeze as a business is the same. Advertisement in the newspaper before the start of the season and during the season; placement of advertising banners in the city; outdoor advertising sign at home or at a stall; creation business card and the subsequent distribution, as well as the launch of word of mouth, using the method of low prices.

In any case, start-up capital and business registration are required, but all expenses will pay off in 1-2 seasons or in a year, depending on the choice of receiving and selling anti-freeze as a business, as well as combining it with the production and sale of other liquids.

Business plan creation

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Product promotion methods

The expansion of the customer base

Filling lines for non-freezing liquids

Winter in Russia is a long time. From October to March, our cars are forced to operate in subzero temperatures, so every motorist is faced with the use of anti-freezing liquids. Anti-freeze liquid business for transport can be considered a good investment for novice businessmen, given the climate of our country and the constantly growing number of vehicles on the roads.

The main property of non-freezing liquids, or as they are also called "antifreezes" - in conditions of extreme cold, they acquire a mushy consistency, which does not have a detrimental effect on the details, unlike, for example, water turning into ice.

Popular applications for antifreeze

  • Cooling the engine and maintaining its cooling medium in a liquid state. Antifreeze- one of the most popular types of antifreeze liquid for this area.
  • Glass cleaning and washers- the second common area where car owners use the anti-freezing properties of special fluids. To care for car windows, shampoos or detergent concentrates can be added to the anti-freeze liquids. Poured into the washer fluid reservoir.
  • Heating: to prevent defrosting of the heating system in emergency(boiler failure, long-term power / gas supply interruption).
  • Internal combustion engines cars and trucks as well as agricultural machinery. Antifreeze agents are poured directly into the expansion tank and radiator.

What is the attractiveness of the anti-freeze liquid business?

  1. Affordable and inexpensive raw materials;
  2. Simplicity of manufacturing technology;
  3. Relatively low capital investment in the production line;
  4. The possibility of "re-profiling" the business during the warm season;
  5. Large sales market.

What raw materials do you need?

Chemical liquids based on alcohol, glycol, glycerin and anti-corrosion additives are the basis of the composition of antifreeze and windshield washer fluids.

Anti-freeze sale

So, for the production of anti-freezing liquids, you will need funds and materials:

  • purified and filtered water, freed from salts;
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • ethylene glycol to impart cold fluidity (even down to -60˚C) and the ability to resist freezing when mixed with water;
  • fragrances for a pleasant aroma of the product;
  • surfactants (surfactants) to remove contaminants from the windshield;
  • dyes (more often bluish shades);
  • labels, plastic containers or bottles for spillage.

All of these funds are available for sale in finished form or as a concentrate.

What equipment will be needed?

The production line includes the following machines and apparatus:

  • stainless steel reactor for heating and cooling the mixture;
  • mixer with motor, gearbox and blades for better mixing;
  • tank for storing auto liquids;
  • compressor or pump;
  • filling machine;
  • capping machine;
  • automatic labeling machine;
  • piping system and intermediate tanks.

Additionally, you will need small tools for the planned maintenance of the main systems.

Anti-freeze technology and production lines

The technology for the production of antifreeze liquid will be understandable even to those who have never encountered production before. This technology contains simple operations:

  • water purification;
  • mixing ingredients;
  • heat treatment of the mixture;
  • packaging the product in bottles;
  • sticker of labels;
  • warehousing;
  • transportation of goods to the buyer.

With a competent approach, the production line for bottling non-freezing liquids is able to justify itself and reach the break-even point in six months or a year. The level of profitability of the business will depend on the volume of output, the sales system and distribution channels for the finished product and the pricing policy in the field of sales.

Legal aspects of business

To officially formalize your activities, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

If the final product contains less than 9% alcohol, the entrepreneur will have the opportunity to avoid paying the excise duty.

Any car washer fluid contains industrial alcohol. The degree of resistance of the liquid to frost depends on the degree of its concentration. Underground manufacturers of anti-freeze bottles use cheap, but poisonous methyl alcohol, which is dangerous not only when ingested, but even when inhaling its vapors (one sip is enough to die or become disabled).

Where to locate the workshop?

The area for the production line plus a small warehouse should be at least 200 sq. m. Preferred is the first floor and free entry and exit from the workshop. Any technical structures or premises of former garages with the presence of communications are suitable: gas supply, water and electricity.

Is this product seasonal?

Non-freezing flies from store shelves from about November to March. What to do the rest of the time? The advantage of this line is that 3 types of auto-fluids can be produced at once on the same equipment: antifreeze, anti-freeze for washing windows and car shampoos. A good assortment gives the best result when sold - in the summer, by slightly changing the composition of the liquid, you can start the production of cleaning liquid for washing glasses and headlights.

What should aspiring entrepreneurs consider?

In this area of ​​activity, as in others, there are enough competitors. To get ahead of competitors, which are sufficient in this area, and to take a strong position in the market of anti-freezing liquids, you need to organize continuous work and establish sales finished products.

Aspects of a successful anti-freeze liquid business:

  • connection to the case of a qualified specialist who will work out the formulation of a high-quality liquid;
  • regular monitoring of product quality;
  • uninterrupted work in three shifts;
  • original, memorable product name;
  • promoting your brand;
  • memorable label with detailed composition, since any adequate motorist reads the annotation in order to take care of his health and the performance of the car.

A novice entrepreneur has 2 ways: either to buy equipment for the production of antifreeze liquid separately, or to equip the workshop with an already completed line. The company "Khimstroyplus" offers turnkey bottling lines for non-freezing liquids. Our production lines take into account your wishes and possibilities. Productivity ranges from 500 to 1500 liters of non-freezing liquid per hour. The cost of a complex of equipment from its manufacturer and the degree of automation.

units of equipment in production
all around Russia

MR-02/6 rods - semi-automatic filling non-freezing (non-freezing liquid)

Video of a semiautomatic device in an anti-freeze filling line in PET containers

Customer acceptance of equipment

general description

The filling machine "MR-02/6 rods" was developed with a specific purpose, namely, for filling an automobile glass washer antifreeze fluid (antifreeze). During the development, the group of designers set clear and very specific tasks:

1. The lowest possible cost

To achieve this, a very simple and inexpensive filling MP-02 was taken as a basis.

Non-freezing on the track

And with all the modifications of this machine, as far as possible, they kept its simplest and most understandable design, not an expensive control system.

2. Descending rods for bottling

The lowering system by the rods had to be designed reliable, designed for many millions of operations, and at the same time cheap and not requiring the use of an expensive programmable controller in control with all accompanying devices, a power supply, etc. For the rods, a rigid power frame was made of of stainless steel, polypropylene rods are fixed on it, a pneumatic cylinder is installed to lower the frame with rods. All this moves along two guides. The whole design turned out to be simple and not expensive to manufacture.

The only expensive units, which they decided not to save on, are the rack guides and special bushings sliding along them, fixed to the frame with rods. They did not save money for the reason that the multimillion-dollar resource of lowering, the absence of distortions and jamming during lowering, the normal operating mode of the pneumocyllinde depend on these two nodes.

3. Maintainability and the ability to restore the machine to work on its own in any reasonable operating conditions. For any reasonable service life (7-10 years)

This task was set on the basis that we live in a huge country, and bottled products are often needed not later or tomorrow, when there is a spare part, but right now and immediately. Often the truck is already standing and waiting for shipment.

The solution was found as follows. All specialized units and parts are made in the most reliable and high-quality performance. So the lowering units of the rods are taken from the expensive ones completely automatic installations filling, used electronics of the company "Omron" (Japan), all pneumatics are installed "western" and protected by the same branded air filters. Thanks to this design, any of the remaining parts can be repaired or replaced by our own specialists, which is called "on the knee" within half an hour.


Parameter Meaning
Container capacity, liters 3,0 / 5,0 / 8,0
Filling performance in containers with a capacity of 2.0 / 5.0 / 8.0, pieces / hour not less than 600
Filling heads 6
Power supply, V / Hz 220/50
Installed power, kW up to 2.0
Power consumption, kW from 0.7 to 1.5
Degree of protection under the order
Operating temperature range in the filling room, ° С +5…+35
The pressure of the supplied liquid, Atm from 0 to 2.5
Dosing principle temporal
Filling accuracy in% of dose ± 2, optional ± 1
Flushing the apparatus analogue of operating mode
Service staff, people 1
Filling machine type linear semiautomatic device
Fluid type calm, incl. with increased foaming
The viscosity of poured liquids according to the comparison method from water to car oils
Control type electronic, Mitsubishi microprocessor
Poured liquid temperature range, ° С +5…+35
Type of container used PET bottles, plastic cans, glass products
Floor-standing dimensions (LxWxH), mm 1450 x 600 x 1800
Weight, kg no more than 100
Air pressure at the inlet of the pneumatic system, atm 8…16
Air consumption, liters / hour no more than 565


Price: from 218 730 rub. *

* standard complete set

Attachments: from 23,000 rubles

Payback: from 7 days

With the onset of cold weather, when the air temperature drops below zero, all car owners are faced with the need to purchase antifreeze liquid. In addition, stocks this tool very often end at the most inopportune moment. That is why the business associated with the sale of anti-freeze on the highways is profitable.

Business concept

Selling anti-freeze fluid on the roads between settlements is a lucrative business. To obtain a sufficiently high income, you need to understand the nuances of doing this business and follow the instructions when organizing it. It should be noted that one of the important advantages of such a business is that it will be relevant even after several decades.

In the future, not only the owners can become clients Vehicle for which you can set retail trade, but also roadside car services and gas stations - wholesale buyers. It is also possible to open your own production.

What is required for implementation?

Having decided to sell antifreeze liquid, an entrepreneur needs to decide from the very beginning which implementation option suits him best:

  1. You can buy about 100-200 bottles of finished products and independently sell stocks. In this case, customers are usually drivers who drive past the “point”;
  2. You can buy “non-freeze” in larger quantities, and then sell it in bulk from the manufacturing company. With this implementation option, customers will be auto chemical stores, car services, taxi companies, as well as other enterprises that buy goods in bulk.

For the successful and quick sale of antifreeze liquid, regardless of its method, it is necessary to take care of the presence of regular customers in advance. This is especially important when choosing the second sales option - experts recommend signing long-term contracts for wholesale supply... If an entrepreneur intends to sell liquid on his own, then he should choose a place that is located at a considerable distance from car services, specialized stores auto chemicals and gas stations to avoid too much competition.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a business

If an entrepreneur decided to start selling anti-freeze for cars on the highway, then in order to achieve success, he must follow the recommended instructions:

  1. First of all, you need to find a company that manufactures antifreeze liquid, and conclude an agreement for the wholesale purchase of goods for favorable price... In this case, it is imperative to control the quality of products, because the success of the business directly depends on this.
  2. Find a storage room to store your products. This can be any dry garage.
  3. Find wholesale buyers or choose a profitable place for self-realization.

Financial calculations

One of the points of the business plan is the implementation of financial calculations. This will allow not only to determine as accurately as possible the initial amount that will be required to open a business, but also to determine the approximate size of the profit and the payback period.

The starting capital is about 23,000 rubles:

  1. Purchase of a trial batch - 10,000 rubles;
  2. Buying a car that will stand on the highway - 10,000 rubles.
  3. Additional expenses - 3,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  1. Gasoline (freeze-free delivery to the point of sale) - 5,000 rubles;
  2. Replenishment of "non-freezing" stocks - from 150,000 rubles (3000 bottles);
  3. Payment of rent warehouse- about 5000 rubles;
  4. Salary for the seller - 30,000 rubles;
  5. Various additional expenses - 3,000 rubles.

Profit is usually calculated as follows. So, on the highway between large settlements, you can sell from 100 to 300 bottles per day. The cost of purchasing 1 bottle is 50 rubles, sale - 120 rubles. From one bottle the profit is 70 rubles. In total, at least 7,000 rubles per day. 7,000 * 30 days = 210,000 rubles per month.

Subtract expenses (we no longer take the purchase price into account): 210,000-43,000 = 167,000 rubles per month.

The payback period depends directly on the amount of products sold. With a properly organized business, all investments pay off in less than 7 days.

Risks and business features

A fairly high income can be earned from the sale of antifreeze liquid on the highway. However, in this business, in addition to a number of advantages, there are also some features:

  • You can choose not a good place to open a "point" of sale of anti-freezing liquid. To avoid such a problem, you need to responsibly approach this issue. It is better to give preference to tracks with high traffic. In addition, it is recommended to create a "point" at a considerable distance from large settlements and roadside gas stations - this will significantly increase product sales and reduce the number of competitors;
  • Seasonality. Anti-freeze fluid is usually used from November to April, and only a few drivers use it during the rest of the year to clean their windows. In order not to incur losses from such a business in the spring-summer season, it is recommended to expand the range with other auto chemicals.

Organization of sales of the so-called "non-freezing" - profitable business... If you think carefully about the concept of the business and treat it responsibly, it will only take a few weeks to start earning a good income.


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