Improving the organization of the quality management system. Proposals for improving quality management at the enterprise and their effectiveness. Final qualifying work

For several years JSC "Karamel" has been associated with a good manufacturer. However, not all products correspond to the concept of "quality product". The point is not that the plant is a bad competitor, but an outdated quality control system. They are already accustomed to the latter at JSC "Caramel" and this habit interferes with a rational look at the discord in the old mechanism. The idea of ​​its elimination in December 1998 was prompted by the management of the plant by the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification, when it conducted a cycle of classes at the Mordovia Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification based on Craig's book "Guide to Obtaining ISO 9000 Certificate". And here the position of the committee completely coincides with mine. In order to conquer the market of consumers abroad and increase its volume within the country, a generally recognized standard is needed in the world. The most appropriate, in my opinion, is ISO 9000.

The quality system is created at the enterprise as a means of ensuring the implementation of a certain policy and the achievement of the set goals in the field of quality. Primary is the formation and documenting of the quality policy by the management of the enterprise.

The quality system is developed taking into account the specific activities of the enterprise. The ISO 9000 quality system is designed to ensure the quality of specific products, and therefore, at the same enterprise, which produces various types of products, the enterprise quality system may include quality subsystems for certain types of products. The quality system should cover all stages of the product life cycle, which is called the “quality loop” and is divided into smaller stages.

Product quality assurance is a set of planned and systematically carried out activities that create the necessary conditions for the implementation of each stage of the quality loop in such a way that the products meet certain quality requirements.

To determine the planned quality assurance measures, it is advisable to form target scientific and technical programs to improve product quality. The program is developed for specific products and should contain tasks for the technical level and quality of the products being created, requirements for resource provision at all stages of the quality loop, as well as measures at all stages of the quality loop that ensure the implementation of these requirements.

The systematically carried out quality assurance measures include those works that are carried out by the enterprise constantly or at a certain frequency. A special place among them is occupied by measures related to the prevention of various deviations. In accordance with the ideology of ISO 9000 standards, the quality system should operate in such a way as to provide confidence that problems are prevented rather than detected after they occur.

Quality management is an operational method and activity. These include: process management, identification of various kinds of inconsistencies in products, production or in the quality system and elimination of these inconsistencies, as well as the causes that caused them.

In the methodology of quality systems, measures to identify and eliminate deviations and their causes are known as a "closed management cycle", which includes control, accounting, analysis (assessment), decision making and implementation. Decisions can be made based on the results of current information obtained during control, accounting and analysis, as well as based on the results of processing and analysis of the accumulated information.

When designing quality systems, quality management must be considered as a mandatory principle in relation to all elements of the quality system at all stages of the quality loop.

Quality improvement is a constant activity aimed at improving the technical level of products, the quality of their manufacture, improving the elements of production and the quality system.

Any element of production or quality system can become the object of the quality improvement process. This area of ​​activity is associated with solving the problem of obtaining results that are better in relation to the originally established standards.

The ideology of continuous quality improvement is directly related to and follows from the trend of increasing the competitiveness of such products, which have the highest quality level at a lower price.

The development of quality improvement activities requires a dedicated organization. A typical organizational form of quality improvement work is quality groups (abroad - quality circles). In addition to this form, the organization can also be used rationalization activities, the creation of temporary creative teams, which in the practice of many foreign firms, when solving certain problems, include the heads of firms, etc.

Requirements for the main stages of the product life cycle:

Quality within marketing. Marketing should play a leading role in defining product quality requirements. It is intended: to determine the needs for a product (service) to give a definition market demand, consumer requirements, cost estimates and production times, provide enterprises with a detailed official report on the requirements for products. Such a description contains the wishes and requirements of consumers in the form of a list of technical conditions, which will serve as the basis for subsequent design work. Marketing should establish a constant system of feedback and control of the information received.

Quality in the design and development of technical specifications. The quality system is designed to ensure the creation of a project that meets the requirements of the consumer and the best world standards. Short description products obtained as a result of marketing are used as the initial requirements for the project.

Quality in logistics. To ensure the quality of deliveries, the quality system should at least include: clear establishment of requirements for purchased materials, semi-finished products, component parts and assemblies; incoming control; procedures for solving complex issues on the quality of purchased products, etc.

Quality in the process of pre-production and production of products. Preparation of production should be carried out in such a way that the technological process and the state of all elements of production ensure the manufacture of products in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation.

Post-production quality. The purpose of the quality system at the post-production stages is to ensure the quality of products during handling, storage, transportation, installation.

Accounting and analysis of quality costs. In the conditions of the formation of market relations, the transition of enterprises to cost accounting and their entry into the international market, the quality of products and the costs associated with them become an important factor in the economic situation of the enterprise and, in particular, such an indicator as profit.

The intensive efficiency of the quality system can manifest itself in reducing the cost of production by minimizing the total costs for all cost groups.

For practical solution For this task, it is advisable to initially determine all losses associated with product defects, then determine measures to prevent defects and strengthen (or weaken) control.

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education


Branch in Chelyabinsk

Department of Economics and Management

Final qualifying work

Improving product quality management systems on the example of OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit

Scientific adviser: Torgai N.Z.

Chelyabinsk 2012



1 The essence of quality and the importance of managing it in a market economy

2 Improvement of the product quality management system at industrial enterprise


1 Brief description of the enterprise

2 Technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

3 Characteristics of product quality management at the enterprise LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit"


1 Improvement of the quality management system of LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit"

2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed quality system of OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit"





Currently, there is a tendency in the economy in which such an indicator as quality plays one of the leading roles in the management of production and its subsequent movement. In developed countries, enterprise quality management attracts Special attention all divisions that affect the quality of products or services provided. For better interaction and, consequently, for a more effective result, enterprises are developing various approaches to quality management.

Product quality (including novelty, technical level, absence of defects in workmanship, reliability in operation) is one of the most important means competitive struggle, gaining and holding positions in the market. Therefore, companies pay special attention to ensuring high quality products, establishing control at all stages of the production process, starting with quality control of the raw materials and materials used and ending with determining the compliance of the released product with technical characteristics and parameters (not only during testing, but also in operation) ... Therefore, product quality management has become the main part of the production process and is aimed not so much at identifying defects or defects in the finished product, as at checking the quality of the product during its manufacture.

The most important source of growth in production efficiency is a constant increase in the technical level and quality of products. Technical systems are characterized by rigid functional integration of all elements, therefore, they do not have secondary elements that can be poorly designed and manufactured. Thus, the current level of development of scientific and technological progress has significantly tightened the requirements for the technical level and quality of products in general and their individual elements. The systematic approach allows you to objectively choose the scales and directions of quality management, types of products, forms and methods of production that provide the greatest effect of efforts and funds spent on improving product quality. A systematic approach to improving the quality of products makes it possible to lay the scientific foundations of industrial enterprises, associations, planning bodies.

The relevance of the topic under consideration is due to the fact that in a market economy, ensuring the quality of manufactured products is a guarantee that the enterprise will not cease to exist and will be competitive.

Improving the process of product quality management at the enterprise should be considered as the most important area of ​​increasing efficiency in general. From efficiency management decisions, taken at this stage, largely depends on the success of production, economic and financial activities enterprises.

Research object: OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit.

Research subject: product quality management of an industrial enterprise.

Purpose of work: To develop a program to improve the quality management systems of products of the industrial enterprise LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit".

This goal is solved by disclosing the following main tasks:

to reveal the essence of quality and the importance of managing it in a market economy;

consider methods for improving the quality management system of products at an industrial enterprise;

analyze the activities of the enterprise;

analyze the product quality management system;

propose measures to improve the product quality management system.

Structurally, this work consists of an introduction, a main part consisting of three chapters, a conclusion and a list of used literature.


1.1 The essence of quality and the importance of managing it in a market economy

Continuous improvement of the level of product quality during the transition to economic management methods based on the principles of economic independence and competition, necessitates a significant increase in the efficiency and validity of measures and decisions in the field of product quality assurance.

Industrial enterprises are one of the leading industries. Its characteristic feature is that it is a flow-mass production with a high level of mechanization and automation of technological processes.

Industry actively influences the development of other sectors of the economy in the creation of new progressive materials, components and equipment.

A special role in strengthening the position of an enterprise in a competitive environment is acquiring the issue of improving the quality and efficiency of management decisions.

Foreign and domestic science has achieved significant success in the development of theory and practice of management organization and the formation of quality systems at the enterprise. The experience of a number of countries (USA, Japan, Germany, etc.) convincingly testifies to the effectiveness of the use of scientific methods of PCD. It was thanks to the improvement of these methods that they managed to achieve significant growth in economic development... The main method for studying economic processes is the approach to the object of research (manufacturing enterprise) as a system. When using a systematic approach, an enterprise is considered as a set of elements focused on achieving certain goals in a changing external environment. Perturbations coming from the external environment affect production system... For an enterprise, this can be: violation of the delivery time of raw materials, changes in prices for semi-finished products or raw materials, changes in the terms of sale of products, and others. The ability of the enterprise to interact with the external environment (with competing enterprises, banks, higher-level management organizations) determines the existing form of management, the principles of pricing, lending, material and technical supply.

A special place in market conditions is allocated to the quality of products, since in a competitive market environment in the first place is not the quantity of finished products, but its quality. UCP in the management structure is implemented by performing special functions. But first, let's dwell on the very concept of "quality".

Product quality has developed in step with the evolution of production and management methods: from understanding quality as the degree of product parameters corresponding to the requirements of technical documentation, to focusing on the consumer orientation of products.

Quality is a capacious, complex and versatile category that has many features and different aspects. Depending on the purpose of use and consideration of quality, these main aspects include: philosophical, social, technical, economic and legal.

From a philosophical point of view, quality means the essential certainty of the object under consideration, due to which it becomes specific and differs from another object. At the same time, quality unites many objects in the aggregate, that is, makes them homogeneous. The category of quality expresses the corresponding level of human cognition of objective reality. On initial stage research object is distinguished primarily by some particular property or a number of properties. From a philosophical point of view, here a property is understood as a way of manifesting a certain side of the quality of an object in relation to other objects with which it can interact. In the future, quality acquires a number of properties. Since each object is interconnected with other things and phenomena, it can have an infinite number of properties. However, attempts to define quality as a set of properties will not be crowned with success. This fully applies to specific material objects. As for products, the category of quality cannot be reduced only to individual properties, it must express an integral characteristic of the functional unity of the essential properties of this object. Thus, with a philosophical approach, quality is determined by all that objectively constitutes a relatively stable, internally determined essence of an object.

The social aspect of quality is associated with the attitude of subjects and / or the whole of society towards the object under study, for example, with the perception and attitude of certain consumers towards the corresponding product or service. At the same time, quality can be considered as a category that meets the laws of supply and demand, depends on the level of culture, consumer income, etc.

The technical aspect of quality is due to quantitative and qualitative changes in the research object. So, if the philosophical aspect of quality consists in identifying a set of qualitatively homogeneous objects, then an engineer, considering the concept of quality, puts a specific meaning into its content. The object of research is the technical regularities in the formation and manifestation of physical, electromechanical and other properties of objects of the same purpose. From an engineering point of view, quality is investigated by comparing the set of properties of the selected object with a similar object, taken as a certain standard depending on the purpose of the study.

From an economic point of view, quality is considered as a result of consumption or consumer value of the object under study. Since the needs for the quality of this or that object are varied, so far as this quality is assessed by consumers in different ways. Consequently, from an economic point of view, it is important to know to what extent the quality meets the needs, otherwise not every high quality is a good, that is, there is a contradiction between the technical and economic understanding of quality. It is dialectical in nature and is due to the additional relationship between production and consumption of objects, therefore, it is advisable to consider jointly the technical and economic aspects of quality, especially since it is important when assessing the level of quality.

The legal aspect of quality refers to the development of scientific and technical documentation, the procedure for its development, approval, implementation and implementation, as well as accounting. From a legal point of view, quality acts as a set of properties of an object that meet the requirements established in scientific and technical documentation.

In defining the term “quality”, various aspects of its understanding should be taken into account. However, due to the one-sided approach to this issue in the literature (both domestic and foreign), you can find many of its formulations. For example, in the ISO 9000 series, quality is defined as a set of properties and characteristics of a product or service that give them the ability to satisfy conditioned or implied needs. In a number of foreign literature sources, quality is considered as meeting the requirements of consumers, and sometimes quality is explained as serviceability. However, this approach to the definition of quality reflects only one side of it; which, as a rule, requires additional explanation.

The following formulation can be recognized as more preferable and corresponding to modern concepts of quality in relation to products and services: quality is a certain set of properties of a product or service, potentially or actually capable to some extent of satisfying the required needs when used for their intended purpose, including disposal or destruction.

In this case, products should be understood as the totality of the entire variety of material values, acting in the form of a significant result economic activity and designed to meet specific needs. Here, products are a generalized material concept and include products, products, technologies.

Services should be characterized as a result of the interaction of suppliers (performers, manufacturers) and their means of labor with consumers to meet the needs of the latter. The types of services include, for example, transport, information, telecommunications, etc.

Achieving the level of product quality that meets the requirements of consumers is carried out on the basis of quality management. To be engaged in quality management means to develop, design, manufacture and service quality products that are the most economical, most useful for the consumer and always satisfy his needs, which means: using quality control as the basis; realizes costs, price and income in a complex manner; controls the quantity (production, sales and inventory) and delivery times.

It is known that a significant number of products manufactured by industrial enterprises are of low quality, which is a natural consequence of the degradation of production potential with significant inflation rates and a sharp decline in investment activity, the lack of a developed market infrastructure and competitive environment, nevertheless, a certain “quality potential” has been accumulated in the domestic economy, which should be realized to the maximum extent. When the abrupt cuts government aid for enterprises, there is only a way out of the crisis situation: restructuring of the production structure, changing management methods, reducing their own costs, and changing the range and quality of products, in accordance with the needs of consumers. A significant obstacle in the modern economy for creating conditions for improving the quality of products is the weak mechanism of market competition among manufacturers, which significantly reduces their interest in improving the quality of goods and services.

Let's take into account the fact that the methods of management at enterprises are not clearly defined today. There is no unified concept of economic management in a transitional period at the state level, and the legal basis of management has not been fully formed either. The necessary changes have not yet taken place in the state and economic management of enterprises directly. Accordingly, there is no concept of product quality management on modern enterprises various forms of ownership.

With the development of market relations between the manufacturer and the consumer, the role and importance of the consumer in assessing the quality of the products created increases, therefore, the priority of the quality of products increases. This means that the development of a quality management mechanism requires a deeper understanding of the essence of the category "quality", the development of a modern market approach to the definition of the concept of "product quality". This becomes possible on the basis of a study of the relationship between the category of product quality and consumer value, needs, cost, etc., covering the relevant aspects of economic relations to meet needs. There is also a link between the category of quality and one of the most important categories of the market economy - profit. The struggle of enterprises for the greatest profit is the driving force behind improving the quality of their products, accelerating scientific and technological progress, reducing production costs.

1.2 Improving the quality management system of products at an industrial enterprise

In modern conditions, the goal of product quality management at an enterprise is to achieve a quality level that meets the requirements of the selected market, with minimal cost.

This goal assumes a sequential solution of two tasks:

determination of the degree of conformity of the quality of the investigated object to a specific need (quality assessment);

identifying ways to achieve the quality level required by the consumer with the lowest production costs.

The tasks set correspond to the modern management concept. The main provisions, which are as follows:

quality management is part of the overall management of the enterprise, it permeates all departments and affects all indicators;

it is necessary to adapt Total Quality Management (TOM) to the overall management of the enterprise, and not vice versa;

it is necessary to cover all aspects (cost, time, structure) and all functions (sales, production, testing, etc.).

The modern management concept is a three-dimensional model with three levels of management: regulatory, strategic and operational (current); three aspects: structure, activity and behavior; three components: cost, quality and time. Moreover, quality turns out to be the complex factor that ties together all the elements of the system.

The experience of foreign firms and corporations has shown that the concept of quality is an extremely complex task. Therefore, the decision to improve should not be reduced to the restructuring of any one subsystem of the enterprise. It depends on the development of both material factors of production and management structures and methods.

It is now generally accepted that the main way to ensure high quality products is to increase the technical level of production and its automation. In the process of developing a market economy, an important role is played by the problem of increasing the scientific substantiation of management decisions to ensure the quality of products.

Improving the methods of product quality management in market conditions is based on the economic independence of the enterprise, the rejection of directive management methods at all levels of management, the use of a scientific approach and world experience in solving product quality management problems.

The study of the processes of automation of product quality management and the study of the organization of these processes at industrial enterprises made it possible to conclude that their effectiveness was insufficient.

Issues solved in the process of product quality management are scattered across various functional subsystems, which does not ensure the complexity and efficiency of calculations. During automated calculations, the tasks of accounting for defects prevail, which do not contribute to identifying the causes of detected defects and making optimal decisions on quality management.

Based on this, it becomes necessary to separate a set of tasks for product quality management into an independent automated decision support system and rethink the composition of tasks with a focus on new economic conditions.

The main principle of the product quality system mechanism is to cover all stages of the product life cycle (quality loop); marketing, design and development of technical requirements; product development; material and technical supply; preparation and development of production processes; production, control, testing and inspection, product sales; operational, maintenance.

A quality loop methodological approach to quality assurance shows that quality assurance activities begin and end with marketing.

The essence of the modern understanding of marketing can be expressed by the formula: to produce and sell only what, undoubtedly, will find a sale, and not to try to force the consumer to take what he managed to produce.

The main direction of marketing in the quality system at the enterprise is to determine the market demand and the areas for the sale of products and services, the definition of requirements for the quality of products, the formation of the company's policy in the field of quality, the determination of the potential needs of consumers in the types of products and services, informing the managers and relevant specialists of the enterprise about the results marketing research in the field of quality, gaining consumer confidence through proper advertising and creating your image ( corporate identity), representing the interests of the enterprise in relations with consumers, studying the issues of pricing. Quality feedback provides the ability to more accurately determine the nature and extent of the consumer-related problem.

Based on the foregoing, the company's quality system should be based on the following provisions:

the quality system is developed and documented as a means of ensuring that the requirements are met.

the quality system functions in a characteristic way along with all other activities that affect the quality of products and interacts with them.

responsibility for the definition of the quality policy and for decisions regarding the development, implementation and operation of the quality system rests with the heads of the enterprise.

all elements and components of the quality system should be subject to continuous and regular internal inspection and evaluation.

the implementation of the goals of the quality system is ensured by technical, administrative and human factors that affect the quality of products.

the quality system should be properly documented.

Quality management is more influenced by the reliability and accuracy of control, timely detection of deviations in the technological process, traceability and identification.

The main reasons that determine the need to improve the quality of products in a market concept are: a constant increase in competition, both in the world and domestic markets, a continuous increase in personal, production and social needs, which accordingly causes a systematic increase in requirements for the technical level of our products, increasing the role and pace of scientific and technological progress in the development of science, technology, production, economics, management and the entire world community, complicating the designs of products and increasing the responsibility of the functions performed by them, consumer rejection of products with a relatively low level of quality, stricter requirements for increasing production efficiency, as a necessary factor for the successful existence of the enterprise.

Improving the quality of industrial products and, accordingly, ensuring their competitiveness is impossible without effective management, which should involve the concentration of all attention and resources on the most priority areas of product quality management.

In the works of domestic and foreign researchers, many ways to improve the quality system at enterprises have been considered. They consist in considering both private changes in the existing structures for quality management at the enterprise, methods, forms of quality accounting, and in fundamental changes in these areas. In this section, we will consider some of the most interesting options for improving quality management in an enterprise.

So, the concept of product quality management during the transition period should include three inseparable elements: two object management system, which is due to the difference in the forms of ownership and types of management objects that require different management methods.

The difference in the methods of enterprise management also predetermines the differences in the methods of managing the quality of products; quality management at two levels.

Solving the quality problem requires the implementation of a complex of radical measures at the macro and micro levels, their subtle combination. As the market develops, the economy stabilizes, and quality systems are established at Russian enterprises, the state regulation quality will gradually narrow, in turn, in the complex of measures of state influence on quality, the share of direct administrative levers will decrease and the importance of indirect regulators will increase; linking the forms of state influence on quality with the stages of the quality loop. Today state participation in one form or another should apply to all stages of the formation and maintenance of product quality.

In this case, the choice of the form of state regulation, in our opinion, should, if possible, be determined by the specifics of a particular stage of the quality loop, although it is not always possible to trace a clear unambiguous connection between them. Such a complex, contradictory phenomenon as quality is difficult to fit into a scheme; nevertheless, we tried to schematically depict the connection of individual forms of state influence with the stages of the quality loop.

The situation that has developed in the Russian economy during the transition period, the reduction and qualitative degradation of production potential with significant inflation rates and a sharp decline in investment activity, a high degree of monopolization of the economy and the lack of a developed market infrastructure and competitive environment, which restrain the inclusion of market mechanisms is not favorable for solving the problem of improving quality and the competitiveness of domestic products.

At the same time, the main obstacle to creating conditions for improving quality is the lack of a mechanism for market competition between manufacturers (both internal and external), which significantly reduces their interest in improving quality.

When solving the problem of improving the quality of Russian products during the transition to the market, it is necessary to rely not only on copying foreign concepts and approaches to quality management, but on the awareness, saving and effective use of the "quality potential" we already have.

Overcoming the problem of the quality of domestic products in the context of the transition to the market, with a change in the scale and methods of state regulation, property relations and organizational and legal forms of business entities, goals and conditions of their activities requires fundamentally different, focused on the changing economic mechanism, approaches. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the specific features of the Russian economy that have developed in the past decades and, to a certain extent, persist in our days.

In modern conditions, when the market is saturated, and the competition itself ensures the maintenance of the highest technical parameters of the product for achieving commercial success, it is not enough. It is necessary to ensure the maximum correspondence of its main characteristics to the specific needs of the given market. This requirement is most consistent with the understanding of quality as the degree of compliance with the consumer's needs.

The quality level of a product is determined by a specific market situation. In these conditions, the most important task of marketing used as effective tool ensuring the relationship between production and the market, adapting supply to constantly changing demand, targeting demand and creating advantages in the competitive struggle, is the definition of the so-called aiming quality for each of the considered market segments. It is this constant interaction with consumers that determines the paramount importance of marketing in product quality management.

With the entry of domestic enterprises on the path of market relations, the development of competition, the liberalization of foreign economic relations, the main condition for the sale of products, stable and profitable work, achieving the main market goals of most domestic enterprises becomes a solution to the problem of competitiveness of products.

The determining factor in the complex of elements of competitiveness is quality, without which the product does not exist. One way or another, all the main components of its competitiveness are connected with the quality of a product.


2.1 Brief description of the enterprise

The history of the creation of the enterprise LLC NPPP TEKHSERVISVERMIKULIT "is inextricably linked with the famous institute UralNIIstromproekt, created on July 17, 1957, when the Eastern Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Structures was established in Chelyabinsk by the order of the USSR Ministry of Metallurgkhimstroy.

A year later, the institute was incorporated into the Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the USSR and received the status of the Ural branch of the Academy. As an academic organization, the institute existed until March 26, 1963 and, in connection with the dissolution of the USSR Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, was transformed into the Ural Research Institute of Precast Concrete Products and Structures (UralNIIzhelezobeton) of the USSR State Construction Committee. On February 3, 1965, the institute was transferred to the jurisdiction of the USSR Ministry of Building Materials Industry as the Ural Research and Design Institute of Building Materials. (UralNIIstromproekt).

The developments of the institute gave life to hundreds of enterprises in the construction industry, the best developments carried out at the world level have found their recognition abroad as well.

The Institute was a recognized leader in the field of technologies and equipment for the production of mineral wool products, was engaged in the development of compositions and technologies for the manufacture of fast-hardening phosphate refractory aerated concrete compositions, the development of technological regulations for obtaining high-quality ceramic products, development on the use of industrial waste in the production of aggregates for building concrete and binders, and on the use of microwave energy for drying, firing ceramics, vermiculite and gypsum.

In 1992, a vermiculite laboratory named “Akhtyamov and Partners” was withdrawn from the UralNIIstromproekt Institute and transformed into a small enterprise, which was later transformed into LLC NPP “Techservicevermikulit”. The main directions of the enterprise's work are the production and sale of expanded vermiculite, the development of various types of refractory and heat-insulating construction products from it, the production of agrovermiculite for the needs of agriculture. In the future, the enterprise organized a design and engineering department that carried out projects ordered by enterprises for the production of equipment for expanded vermiculite and refractory products, which made it possible to significantly increase the production turnover and profit of the enterprise, which was used for its further development.

At the same time, administrative and production areas and fixed assets were rented from the UralNIIstromproekt Institute. In the first years of the company's existence, the number of employees was 15 people.

Thanks to the accumulated many years of experience and the intellectual potential of the employees, the company by the end of the 90s was able to increase its production capacity, expand the client base and staff.

In 2004, there was a division of the UralNIIstromproekt Institute and OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit, all laboratory research and experimental industrial equipment previously owned by UralNIIstromproekt, including a chemical and physical-chemical laboratory, a scientific and technical archive and a library , mechanical testing laboratory equipment and production workshop, with a total area of ​​3000 m2.

The company belongs to the construction industry.

The purpose of the enterprise LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit" is to make a profit as a result of its own economic activities and use it in the interests of society.

The mission of the organization is to meet the needs of customers by producing products that meet all standards of technology and quality.

The strategy of the enterprise LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit" is a differentiation strategy, its essence is to find ways to be the only one who offers customers additional features of the product that they want, and constantly maintain this advantage.

In its activities, OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit is guided by the Laws of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the enterprise.

Currently, OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit" has the status legal entity, has settlement and other accounts with credit institutions, including those in foreign currency, a round seal containing his full company name. The enterprise owns property ( material values and financial resources), recorded on its independent balance sheet. The property of the enterprise is formed at the expense of the personal funds of the founders invested in the authorized capital, from additional contributions to the property of the enterprise, income from production and economic activities, credit funds, as well as other receipts. Legal address enterprises: Chelyabinsk, st. Stalevarov, 5.

Currently, OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit" is developing its commercial and production activities in the following areas:

Production of various types of refractory and thermal insulation materials, including expanded vermiculite and products based on it, heat-resistant concrete, dry mixes for fire protection, sprayed thermal insulation power plants;

Performance of services for testing various building materials and products in order to determine their compliance with the requirements of standards and other regulatory documents;

Implementation of the entire cycle of work on the creation of new equipment for the building materials industry: from scientific research, development of design documentation, production of prototypes of equipment before the creation and launch of turnkey technological lines.

The types of products and services provided and their application in the national economy are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Characteristics of the products of OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit"

Product name Brand Scope of application Expanded vermiculite VV-150V in construction and metallurgy as a heat-insulating material, aggregate for concrete and raw materials in the manufacture of piece wall materials. agriculture and indoor floriculture to create a favorable microclimate for the development of the root system of plants for masonry mortars STS-5V construction, energy industry Dry heat-insulating mixture for plaster mortars STS-4V construction, energy industry chemical industry Chamotte filler ZSHB For the production and improvement of the quality of building mortars Fireclay mortar MSh-28 For the production and improvement of the quality of mortars Burner stones - For burning fuel in heating units Lining slabs for heating units POSH For the construction and repair of thermal units in the power industry Services for testing building materials for building materials and testing samples, samples and samples without laboratories of their own

The company conducts its production activities in its own building with a total area of ​​3000 m2. Of these, 1000 m2 is occupied by the administrative building and laboratory, and 2000 m2 - by the production workshop.

Production of products is carried out in several stages:

A) Purchase of raw materials and auxiliary materials.

B) Direct production of products in the workshop.

D) Checking samples of released products in the testing center

for compliance with GOST or TU.

E) Packing and packaging of manufactured products.

When selling, a quality certificate is issued by the testing center for each type of product.

Delivery of products to customers is carried out both by self-pickup and by our own or ordered road or rail transport.

The sale of finished products is carried out on the basis of concluded agreements and contracts.

The main suppliers of raw materials for OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit are: OOO Kovdorslyuda, OOO Mechel-materials, OAO Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant, OAO Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant, OOO Stroytorg, OOO Metallopt and others.

The main, most promising consumers of products are the enterprises of Kazakhstan - LLP "Ekibastuzskaya GRES", LLP "Vostokogneupor", JSC "United Energy Corporation", LLP "Ust-Kamenogorskaya GRES", Russian enterprises - the most important of them - JSC "United Generating Company", which includes several state district power plants and thermal power plants of Russia, JSC "Energozashchita", LLC "Energosystems" and others.

The main consumers of the services are LLC "Minmetalsengineering", CJSC "Chelyabinsk mine tunneling enterprise", LLC "Mechel-materials", LLC "Geological center Rodonit", LLC "Geolog" and others.

The company LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit" employs 73 people.

Of these, 24 people belong to the administrative and managerial apparatus, and 49 work as workers.

The organizational structure has a linear functional structure and is shown in Figure 1 (Appendix 1).

Linear-functional organizational structure of management is the most common type of hierarchical (bureaucratic) structure. Since NPP Techservicevermikulit LLC is a small enterprise with a low number of employees, this method of personnel management is one of the most acceptable for it. The advantage of such a structure is considered to be a clear system of interrelationships between functions and departments, a clear system of one-man command, clear responsibility, a quick reaction of executive departments to direct instructions from their superiors, coordination of actions of performers, efficiency in decision-making, simplicity of organizational forms and clarity of relationships.

Linear structure simple, easy to understand. Clearly outlined rights and obligations of all its participants create conditions for prompt decision-making.

2.2 Technical and economic indicators of the enterprise

Analyzing the production of LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit" for three years, we come to the conclusion that the main share in the work of the enterprise is occupied by the production of fire retardant and heat-insulating materials.

The production of products and works is presented in table 2 in comparison with 2009-2011.

Table 2 Sales volumes of products of OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit

Product name Brand Measured 2009 2010 2011 Expanded vermiculite VV-150m3402537.6 Agrovermiculite AV-150m337.266,372.4 Ceramic-vermiculite products KVIM3150,0351,519.1 Silica-vermiculite heat-insulating platesKVPm345,210,574.5 0Dry heat-insulating mixture for masonry mortars STS-5t160,298,265.32 Dry heat-insulating mixture for plaster mortars STSSH-4t36.0332.1404.8 Dry mixture for heat-insulating heat-resistant concreteSSVBt62.4139.0404.9 Chamotte filler ZSHBt16.04.030.0Melite stones-pieces 761583926 Fire-concrete lining slabs POSHsht-194040773 Services for testing building materials thousand rubles 1352.21967.42250.5 Design and engineering works thousand rubles 1680.01830.5560.0

The analysis of the main indicators of OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit for 2008-2010 is presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Analysis of the main indicators of OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit

Indicators (in thousand rubles) 200820092010 Absolute deviation of 2010 from 2008, thousand rubles Relative deviation of 2010 from 2008, thousand rubles Revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services, thousand rubles 7705714382416741590358217.3 Cost of goods sold , products, works, services, thousand rubles 5022619896912156571339242.0 Profit from sales, thousand rubles 268313485545850 19019170.9 Profit before tax, thousand rubles 3041811096536612317.4 Net profit of the reporting period, thousand rubles 1815635448213006265.6

Based on the data presented, it can be seen that the proceeds from the sale of goods in 2010 increased by 90,358 thousand rubles. or it increased by 217.3% compared to 2008 and amounted to 167415 thousand rubles.

The cost of production in 2010 increased by 71,339 thousand rubles. or it increased by 242.0% compared to 2008 and amounted to 121565 thousand rubles.

Sales profit for 2010 increased by 19,019 thousand rubles. or it increased by 170.9% compared to 2008 and amounted to 45850 thousand rubles.

Profit before tax for 2010 increased by 6,612 thousand rubles. or it increased by 170.9% compared to 2008 and amounted to 9653 thousand rubles.

Net profit for 2010 increased by 3006 thousand rubles. or it increased by 265.6% compared to 2008 and amounted to 4821 thousand rubles.

The enterprise operates annually profitably, and, despite the increase in the cost of goods sold due to the sharp rise in prices for raw materials, it has a stable annual profit.

The analysis of profitability indicators of OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit for 2008-2010 is presented in Table 4.

Table 4 Analysis of profitability indicators of OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit"

Indicators 200920102011 Absolute deviation of 2011 from 2009, thousand rubles (%) Revenue from the sale of goods, products, works, services, thousand rubles 7705714382416741590358 Cost of goods, products, works, services sold, thousand rubles 5022619896912156571339 Gross profit, thousand rubles 26831348554585019019 Net profit of the reporting period, thousand rubles 48215635 production ,% 53,417,537,7-15,7 Product profitability,% 2,44,42,90,5

Based on the presented data, it can be seen that the profitability of production in 2011 decreased by 15.7% in relation to 2009 and amounted to 37.7%. Product profitability in 2011 increased by 0.5% compared to 2009 and amounted to 2.9%.

The decrease in profitability is due to the following reasons:

growth of sales volumes due to the offer of additional discounts for clients;

an increase in production volumes occurred while maintaining the previous quality system, which in the new conditions does not meet the growing market requirements; this entails an increase in the number of rejects and product returns.

Thus, the analysis of the activities of OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit allows us to draw the following conclusions.

The enterprise has significant intellectual potential, scientific developments, modern equipment, which significantly increases its competitiveness.

The range of products offered by the company is quite large and allows you to work with various market segments (energy industry, industrial engineering, housing construction), which helps to strengthen its position in the market.

The organizational structure of the enterprise and the qualitative as well as the quantitative composition of the personnel contribute to the development of the enterprise and the implementation of core activities.

Analysis of technical and economic indicators indicates an increase in production and sales volumes, a steady increase in profits. Consequently, the products of OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit are in demand on the market. The decline in profitability requires a revision of the enterprise quality system.

2.3 Characteristics of product quality management at the enterprise LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit"

Over the past 4-5 years, in almost all areas, the market for goods and services in our country has become a “buyer's market”. The list of scarce goods and services that the buyer is willing to purchase for their functionality is decreasing. This is due to the reduction in the number of monopolies, delivery times, and the emergence of competition among domestic producers. The market is "not empty". This is felt by the enterprises of trade, food industry, repair services. the buyer, in turn, having felt the advantages of quality goods and services, is increasingly guided by the principle "less is more." Quality becomes a competitive advantage.

At present, all products of the LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit" company undergo mandatory certification for compliance with safety requirements. To increase the competitiveness of products and meet the requirements of consumers, voluntary certification is carried out by independent certification bodies, which, issuing certificates of conformity for safety, confirm that the quality of products manufactured by OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit meets the requirements of state standards and technical specifications.

The production process at OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit is as follows:

The office manager accepts orders for products from customers and submits them to the technical director for review. Technical Director prepares a draft agreement. After signing the contract by both parties, the procurement department purchases raw materials and auxiliary materials that ensure the manufacture of products. Raw materials and materials are purchased only with the availability of quality certificates. In the direct release of products, the control over the technological process is carried out by the chief engineer of the enterprise and the head of the shop.

Compliance with technological discipline is monitored during the performance of each operation, the organization of workplaces, the qualifications of the performers, the equipment used.

Then the finished product is controlled and tested.

The test results are documented in the protocols of the sample established at the enterprise, which are signed by the head of the test center.

The results of inspection and testing of finished products are used to provide operational feedback in order to carry out corrective actions in relation to the product, production process or quality system. The products shipped to the consumer are accompanied by documentation, which is evidence of the conformity of the actual characteristics of the products to the values ​​established by the contract. Confidence in the results of product testing on the part of its consumers is ensured by the accreditation of the company's testing laboratories for technical competence. Such accreditation is provided for by the State Standardization System of the Russian Federation (GOST R 5 1000.1-95). The test center accreditation certificate was received by the enterprise in 2009.

All measuring instruments used in the development, production, installation and servicing of the product are continuously managed to ensure that the decisions or measures taken based on the measurement results are correct. The enterprise has developed and maintains documented procedures for statistical regulation, maintenance, calibration and verification of control, measuring and test equipment.

Calibration is understood as a set of operations performed in order to determine and confirm the actual values ​​of metrological characteristics and suitability for use of a measuring instrument that is not subject to state metrological control and supervision (PR 50.2.016-94). Calibration results allow you to estimate the error in the reading of the measuring instrument.

Verification - a set of operations performed by the bodies of the State Metrological Service or other accredited organizations in order to determine and confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with the established technical requirements... Measuring instruments are verified upon release from production or repair.

One of the main tasks is to ensure the efficient operation of LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit", achieving a consistent reduction in production costs, increasing the competitiveness of products.

Quality assurance has always been a priority in the company. The organizational and technical basis of the quality management system is state standards and technical conditions.

The main GOSTs and TUs, which the enterprise is guided by in the manufacture of products, are:

GOST 12865-67 "Expanded vermiculite";

GOST 23037-97 “Refractory aggregates. Technical conditions ";

GOST 6137-97 “Refractory aluminosilicate mortars. Technical conditions ";

GOST 20910-90 “Heat-resistant concrete. Technical conditions ";

TU 5767-011-21628872-2001 "Silicon-vermiculite heat-insulating plates";

TU 21-RF-129-88 "Ceramic-vermiculite products";

TU 5767-005-21628872-00 "Vermivol" fire retardant coating;

TU 5712-001-21628872-99 "Expanded unfractionated vermiculite" (agrovermiculite);

TU 5767-010-21628872-2001 "Dry heat-insulating mixtures for light plaster mortars with vermiculite filler";

TU 5767-007-21628872-2001 "Dry heat-insulating mixtures for light masonry mortars with vermiculite filler";

TU 5767-004-21628872-2002 "Dry mixes for heat-insulating vermiculite concrete".

The mechanism of quality management at the enterprise must ensure the effective implementation of the basic functions of quality management. Let's analyze the implementation of quality management functions in OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit. Data on the percentage of implementation of quality management functions were obtained by interviewing heads of departments. Based on the results of the survey, the results were summed up and the average percentage was set.

Table 5 Implementation of quality management functions in OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit"

Quality management functions Implementation of functions in NPP Techservicevermikulit LLC Percentage of function implementation,% Forecasting market needs, technical level and product quality Absent 0% Planning to improve product quality Absent 0% Standardization of product quality requirements and standardization Produced by using state standards 100% Development and launch of products Practically absent 25% Technological preparation of production Insufficient 70% Organization of relationships on the quality of services between suppliers of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and components, manufacturing enterprises and consumers of products Insufficient, 30% of rejects occur due to low-quality raw materials 60% Ensuring the stability of the planned level of product quality at all stages of its life cycle Control and testing of finished products, equipment control 98% Quality control and product testing Control and testing of finished products 98% Pr Prevention of defects in production Control and testing of finished products, control of equipment 90% Intra-production certification of products, technological processes, workplaces, performers, etc. Control and testing of finished products, control of equipment, management of test measuring instruments 100% Certification of products, works, products, quality systems and Production accreditation of testing laboratories of enterprises for technical competence 100% Incentives and responsibility for the achieved level of quality Practically absent 21% In-process accounting and reporting on product quality Weakly developed 37% Feasibility study of changes in product quality Not produced 0% Legal support for product quality management Use of state product quality standards 99% Information support for product quality management Practically 19% Material and technical support of product quality Sufficient for the implementation of management functions quality 100% Metrological assurance of product quality Fully produced 100% Special training and advanced training of personnel Control of personnel qualifications 100% Organizational support of product quality management Not all functions of quality management are covered, therefore organizational management of product quality is not enough 79% Technological support of product quality control Equipment control, insufficient control of technological process 60% Financial support of product quality management No system 10% Average% of implementation of quality management functions 62%

Based on the results of the analysis of the table, we conclude that, on average, the percentage of implementation of quality management functions in OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit is 62%. The enterprise quality control process does not include:

forecasting market needs, technical level and product quality;

planning to improve product quality;

development and launching of products for production;

stimulation and responsibility for the achieved level of quality;

information quality assurance;

technical and economic analysis of changes in product quality;

planning of financial support for product quality management

Let us analyze the indicators of the quality of products under the existing product quality management system.

The quality of products is characterized by the following data, given in table 6.

Table 6 Analysis of rejected products for 2 years at the stage of "release of finished products"

Product name Unit of measure 2010 2011 Released Waste% Released Waste% Mixture STS-5t65,321,62,4530,01,03,3 Mixture Vermisolt 250,63,11,24340,02,80,82 Mixture Vermivolt72,01,41,9455,02, 74.9 Mixture of SSVBt404.95.61.38432.07.31.69 Mixture of STSSH-4t404.84.31.06 190.00.530.28 TOTAL 1197.6216.01.331047.014.331.37

This table clearly shows that the number of rejected products at the enterprise in 2011 compared to 2010 increased. The highest percentage of rejects is observed in the production of a mixture of Vermivol and a mixture of CTC-5, which indicates technological problems and the process of quality control of finished products.

We will analyze the complaints received and the claims of the finished products received by the buyers. The data are shown in table 7: the number of complaints and claims is shown in pieces. Complaints addressed to OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit are sent from enterprises - buyers. Complaints are prepared by the Purchasing Department.

BuyerProducts 2010 2011 Energozashchita OJSC Russia Vermisol mix 46 Biotech LLC Russia KVP12 slabs Vostokogneupor LLP Kazakhstan CTC 31 mix Ekibastuz GRES JSC Kazakhstan CSTS mix POSH4 -2 slabs POSH4 -2 slabs

The results shown in table 6 show that the number of claims for quality in 2011. compared to 2010 increased, with a greater number of claims filed by enterprises of Kazakhstan, which are the largest consumers of products.

The analysis of quality indicators made it possible to reveal a significant problem in the field of quality:

As a general trend, it was revealed that the enterprise does not conduct systematic work to improve and stabilize the quality of its products, the preventive actions taken, including to ensure the stability of technological indicators, are rather episodic. Information about manufactured products with inadequate quality in most cases is not properly recorded and analyzed, which leads to a distortion of the nature and distribution of quality assurance costs. In some cases, such products, identified before the completion of the technological process, are not recorded in any reports.

Analysis of the nature of inconsistencies and the reasons for their occurrence in most cases comes down to the incrimination and material punishment of the perpetrators. This, in turn, not only does not stimulate the prevention of inconsistencies by identifying them at early stages of the process, but also pushes personnel to conceal the very fact of production of products of inappropriate quality.

The main reasons for the quality mismatch are shown in Table 7.

quality management market economy

Table 7 Reasons for non-conformity of product quality

Reasons for inconsistencies Share in the total cost of products with inconsistencies (%) Poor quality or uncontrolled raw materials 35 Insufficient technical equipment workshops, equipment, transport 25 Negligence, dishonesty or lack of knowledge of the working personnel 20 Packaging that does not ensure the safety of products during transportation (in particular, stoves and burner stones) 15 Other reasons 5

Thus, analyzing the efficiency of the quality system of OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit", we conclude that the company still occupies a stable market position among companies for the production of refractory building materials in Chelyabinsk. Decent competition, i.e. competitiveness, achieved through following indicators efficiency: an extensive client base, long term relationship with partners, the mobility of the company, mutually beneficial cooperation with well-known partners (OAO Mechel, Ekibastuzskaya GRES), but still the quality of products can and should be better.

The analysis revealed that the quality management process at the enterprise does not cover all the functions of quality management. In the course of the company's activity, a certain percentage of rejects is noted. There is no analysis of the reasons and nature of marriage. From this, we can conclude that the quality management process at OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit is not a quality management system, but represents isolated unsystematic measures to maintain product quality.

The studies carried out at the enterprise to analyze the work on the quality of products, revealed the urgent need to improve the product quality management system at OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit.


.1 Improvement of the quality management system of LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit"

In order to improve the quality management system of OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit, we will carry out the following actions:

Let's highlight the shortcomings in quality assurance at the enterprise.

We will structure the identified problems, define the processes and departments in the enterprise that are associated with quality problems.

Let's build a problem tree.

We will determine which quality management system should be used in the enterprise.

Let's highlight the main elements of the QMS.

Let us formulate the basic principles of quality management, which should be adhered to when developing elements of the QMS.

Let's consider the mechanism of quality management at the enterprise.

We will formulate strategies for solving the quality problem in OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit, we will calculate the costs of the project.

We will define performers, supervisors and documents required to ensure the operation of the quality system at the enterprise.

Generalization and analysis of the experience of the enterprise LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit" in the development and QMS implementation allowed to identify along with the positive aspects and a number of shortcomings. Typical disadvantages of ensuring the quality of products at the enterprise LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit" are:

weak relationship between the quality of product manufacturing and the promotion of its improvement;

insufficient attention to the technological preparation of production, as an important factor in the formation of the quality of product manufacturing;

implementation of unrelated scattered measures to improve the quality of manufacture of dry refractory mixtures and refractory products at the production level;

imperfect organization of work on accounting for costs and losses caused by unsatisfactory quality of product manufacturing;

weak analytical work to identify the causes of marriage, search for reserves to improve the quality of manufacturing products, study the dynamics of indicators of the quality of labor and products;

violations of the technological process and control during production certain types products;

lack of a systematic approach to solving problems of improving product quality;

the presence of defects after product certification;

there is no quality planning.

We structure the problems:

Table 8 Analysis of quality problems

Problem The process in which there is a problem The department responsible for solutions Weak relationship between the quality of product manufacturing and stimulation of its improvement Personnel motivation process HR manager (in the accounting department) Insufficient technological preparation of production Production process Production workshop Violations of the technological process and control during the production of certain types of products Production process Quality system in the workshop Lack of production Enterprise management process General director, quality manager (no position) Poor analytical work to identify the causes of defects caused by unsatisfactory quality of product manufacturing Product quality control process Production workshop, testing center Weak analytical work to identify the causes of defects Product quality control process Production workshop, test center Defect after product certification Quality control process products Manufacturing workshop, test center Increased claims for export products Product quality control process Manufacturing workshop, test center No quality planning Enterprise management process CEO, quality manager (no position)

Analysis of quality problems in OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit showed that quality problems are associated with the activities of various departments:

manufacturing facility;

testing center;

general manager;

HR manager;

quality manager (no position).

Analysis of quality problems shows the need to improve quality management at the enterprise. After deciding to create a quality system, the organization's management must carefully analyze and, if possible, improve all elements of production, management and other subsystems, since attempts to manage quality in isolation from other aspects of activities are doomed to failure.

The enterprise LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit" should strive, first of all, not to obtain a certificate of conformity. It is more important in this case to make sure that the quality system has brought a decrease in production costs, an increase in production culture, etc. Otherwise, the implementation of the quality system will be limited by the introduction of a mass of unnecessary documents, which will only lead to bureaucracy.

Recently, documents confirming the stability, reliability and prospects of the company, such as reporting under IFRS or a strategic business plan, have been supplemented with a certificate for the quality management system compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001. The competent implementation of this system will provide a number of advantages: increase the company's manageability , competitiveness and quality of products and services, reduce costs, make the company customer-oriented.

A quality management system (QMS) is a system that ensures the efficient operation of an enterprise, including in the field of quality management of products. The most effective when creating a QMS are the requirements fixed in the international standards ISO 9000 series.

It should be noted that an effective QMS can be created without focusing on the ISO 9000 series standards. However, in order to certify this system, that is, to obtain a document confirming that the processes carried out in the organization are effective and aimed at continuous improvement of product quality (services), the system must meet the requirements of ISO 9001-2000. Therefore, we will consider the process of creating a QMS from the point of view ISO requirements 9001.

In order to build a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 standards, the following elements of the QMS must be created at the enterprise:

) a document in which it is necessary to formulate the goals and objectives of the QMS, as well as the principles of their achievement (quality policy);

) a system of interrelated and complementary processes corresponding to the "Quality Policy";

) regulatory documents describing and regulating the business processes of activities within the QMS;

) an effective mechanism for the implementation of the requirements regulated by the regulatory framework;

) trained personnel of the organization;

) responsible persons for the implementation of quality control processes

When forming all these elements, the basic principles of quality management, formulated in the ISO 9000 standard, should be taken into account:

Consumer orientation.

An organization depends on its customers for its products, so it must understand their current and future needs, fulfill their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations.

Leadership of the leader.

Leaders provide unity of purpose and direction for the organization. They should create and maintain external environment, in which employees can be fully involved in solving the problems of the enterprise.

Involvement of workers.

People at all levels are the backbone of the organization, and their full involvement in the work of the organization enables it to capitalize on their capabilities.

Process approach.

The desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and resources are managed as a process.

A systematic approach to management.

Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization's effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives.

Continuous improvement.

Continuous improvement of the organization as a whole should be seen as its permanent goal.

Making decisions based on facts.

Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.

Mutually beneficial supplier relationships.

An organization and its suppliers are interdependent, and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both parties to create value.

Formation of a quality management mechanism at an enterprise, it is advisable to use a widespread methodological approach to the structuring of complex economic systems, involving the allocation of this mechanism a number of general, special and supporting subsystems (Fig. 1).

Quality management mechanism composition

Mechanism of product quality managementGeneral subsystemsSpecial subsystemsSupporting subsystemsPrediction and planning of technical level and qualityStandardizationInformation supportProduct quality regulation in productionProduct testingMaterial and technical supportProduct quality controlPrevention of defects in productionMetrological supportAccounting and analysis of product changes

Among the general subsystems of the quality management mechanism, it is necessary to include subsystems for forecasting and planning the technical level and product quality, regulating product quality directly in production, product quality control, accounting and analyzing changes in the quality level, incentives and responsibility for quality. The structure of special subsystems of the service quality management mechanism includes subsystems for standardization, product testing, prevention of defects in production, certification and certification.

The supporting subsystems of the service quality management mechanism include subsystems of legal, informational, material and technical, metrological, personnel, organizational, technological and financial support for product quality management.

Based on the analysis of the quality system problems of OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit" officials responsible for the implementation of quality processes, we form strategies for solving problems based on the principles of ISO 9001.

Table 9 Identifying Strategies for Addressing the Root Problem

Root ProblemStrategyResponsibleCostsQuality ManagementFormulation of QMS goals and objectivesCo-GeneralNo additional costs, in this case, there is an additional burden on managersFormation of a system of complementary processesCo-General Director, heads of departmentsIt will be necessary to introduce electronic quality control systems. The cost of the program with installation and adaptation is 27 thousand rubles. Development of regulatory documents Quality manager / p quality manager - 15 thousand rubles. per month Development of a mechanism for implementing the requirements Quality manager, general director, heads of departments of a quality manager (costs have already been taken into account) Personnel training in new standards and requirements Quality manager, HR manager Required: seminars for heads of departments - 1.5 thousand rubles / person. There are 24 managers in total. Total - 36 thousand rubles. One-time Determination of persons responsible for the implementation of quality control processes Quality manager, CEO No additional costs, in this case there is an additional burden on managers

We will calculate the costs of implementing a project to improve the quality management system:

) Electronic quality control program - 27 thousand rubles.

) Salary of the quality manager (taking into account that the next revision of the quality management system will be required in two years)

15 thousand rubles x 24 months = 360 thousand rubles.

) Seminars for managers - 36 thousand rubles.

Total: 27 thousand rubles. + 360 thousand rubles + 36 thousand rubles. = 423 thousand rubles.

In the process of improving the quality management system, the following conditions must be observed:

everywhere and constantly reinforce the above approach by conducting a new investment and innovation policy, moving from the traditional increase in production volumes to reconstruction, re-equipment and renewal of fixed assets and the products themselves, which ensure a significant increase in product quality;

an enterprise must necessarily have and implement a rational system for collecting, accounting, processing, analyzing and storing information data on product quality for a certain period. To ensure the required quality of each type of product, the enterprise must operate a separate product quality management system;

improved logistics must be supported by opportunities for cooperation with reliable suppliers;

management actions should be effective and carried out in relation to all stages of the life cycle of products or services provided;

it is necessary to create a system of continuous training in the field of product quality management and educate all workers (students, students, craftsmen) in the spirit of respectful attitude towards consumers and customers. The product quality management system should be clear to everyone. It is necessary to send employees and workers to specialized centers for training and advanced training in the field of management and improving the quality of products, various schools and quality courses, in which specialists from other countries can also teach. After all, it is well known that high quality products can only be created by highly qualified specialists;

a product quality management system can be considered effective when the manufactured products meet customer requirements and the existence of an effective product quality management system is recognized by the customer.

Various physical properties important for quality assessment are concentrated in the use value of the product. Important properties for assessing quality are:

technical level materializing scientific and technical achievements in products;

the aesthetic level, characterized by a set of properties associated with aesthetic sensations and views;

operational level associated with the technical side of product use (product care, repair, etc.);

technical quality - harmonious coordination of the expected and actual consumer properties in the operation of the product (functional accuracy, reliability, durability).

We will define performers, supervisors and documents that are necessary for the implementation of quality control functions at the enterprise.

Table 10 Development of a new quality system for OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit"

Quality system functionsFunctions performersFunctions supervisorsDocuments regulating the implementation of the functionPredicting market needs, technical level and product qualityTechnical directorGeneral directorStrategic plan, marketing strategyPlanning for improving product qualityTechnical directorGeneral directorTactical plan, GOSTsStandardizing requirements for product quality and standardization Laboratory Chief Engineer Technical Regulations, GOSTs Development and launching of products for production Laboratory, testing center specialists, shop manager Chief Engineer, General Director Technical building, operational plan, Organization of relations on product quality between suppliers, manufacturers and consumers Suppliers, accounting department Chief accountant, procurement department managers reports on inventory balances, availability of accounts payable and receivable Quality control and testing of products Test center specialists Chief engineer, Deputy director for science Report on test results, report on activities Incentives and responsibility for the achieved quality level Human resources managers Headquarters divisions Staffing schedule, financial reports, orders on bonuses Product quality management Head of procurement department General director Financial reports, service sales reports Management information support Product qualitySupply department specialistsSupply department manager, chief engineerIn-house documentationProduct quality material and technical supportSuppliersSupply department managerFinancial indicators and financial reportingHuman training and professional development HR managers, divisional managersDepartment managersQuality management results Company documentation Technological support of product quality managementSupply department specialistsDeputy equipment directorTechnical tasks, performance reportsFinancing of product quality managementChief accountantGeneral directorFinancial reports, accounting documents, accounts receivable and payable reports

In the described quality system, we can distinguish the following basic provisions:

The main controlling element is the General Director, in some cases - the heads of departments. The CEO is responsible for the quality of the strategic functions. Quality current work monitored by the heads of departments.

All employees are involved in ensuring the operation of the quality system: managers and ordinary employees. This is a prerequisite for achieving maximum quality of work.

To ensure the quality of the performance of all functions of the enterprise, a well-organized document management system is required that regulates the performance of functions.

In the new quality system, all functions are taken into account, for each quality management function, performers, controllers are allocated and regulatory documents are described.

Based on the above provisions, we can conclude that the new quality system in LLC PNN Techservicevermikulit is quite effective.

3.2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the developed quality system of OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit"

The competent implementation of this system will allow you to get a number of advantages:

improve the manageability of the company;

competitiveness and quality of products and services,

reduce costs,

make the company customer-oriented.

Let's analyze the compliance of the new quality system with the needs of the enterprise.

New system complies with ISO 9001 standards, as it is developed taking into account the basic principles of quality management.

The development of the system is based on QMS elements that comply with ISO 9001 standards.

When developing measures to improve the quality management system at the enterprise, a widespread methodological approach to the structuring of complex economic systems was used, which implies the allocation of a number of general, special and supporting subsystems as part of this mechanism.

The new quality management system will make it possible to implement all the functions of quality management.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed measures is financial analysis. Let's calculate the economic efficiency of the project.

The calculation of the costs for the implementation of the project to improve the quality system at the enterprise LLC NPP "Techservicevermikulit" was made in the previous paragraph. Estimated costs are 423 thousand rubles. - calculated for two years, therefore, in terms of one year, the costs will amount to 216.5 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the profit from the project:

The marriage rate is 1.37%. Revenue for 2011 - 167.415 million rubles. Those. defective products for this 2.29 million rubles. Lost profit - 0.066 million rubles. Total costs associated with marriage - 2.356 million rubles.

Let's calculate the efficiency using the method of calculating net income:

where NP is the net income from the project, P is the profit from the project, Z is the cost of the project.

NP = 2,356 thousand rubles. - 215.5 thousand rubles. = 2 140.5 thousand rubles.

Thus, the net income from the project is 2,140.5 thousand rubles, therefore, it is effective.

Figure 3 - The effectiveness of the project to improve the quality management system in Techservicevermikulit LLC

Thus, the analysis of quality management at OOO NPP Techservicevermikulit showed a number of problems. Analysis of the problems and their causes made it possible to assess the need to improve the quality system at the enterprise. It was decided to introduce ISO 9000. Calculation of the costs of the project and the profit from the project revealed the undoubted economic efficiency of the indicated measures to improve the quality system at the enterprise.


The quality of the products manufactured at the enterprise is an important factor in the activity in the market conditions, since it ensures the expansion of market segments, the prosperity of the enterprise, and the growth of profits. International experience shows that it is advisable to carry out quality improvement work within the framework of system management, which covers the entire product life cycle - from design to consumption and disposal.

Product quality (including novelty, technical level, absence of defects in workmanship, reliability in operation) is one of the most important means of competition, gaining and maintaining positions in the market. Therefore, companies pay special attention to ensuring high quality products, establishing control at all stages of the production process, starting with quality control of the raw materials and materials used and ending with determining the compliance of the released product with technical characteristics and parameters not only during testing, but also in operation, and for complex types of equipment - with the provision of a certain warranty period after the installation of equipment at the customer's enterprise. Therefore, product quality management has become the main part of the production process and is aimed not so much at identifying defects or defects in the finished product, as at checking the quality of the product during its manufacture.

Product quality management should be carried out systematically, i.e. the enterprise must operate a product quality management system, which is organizational structure clearly assigning responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources needed to manage quality.

In recent years, a new approach has been formed, new strategy in quality management. It is characterized by a number of points:

quality assurance is understood not as a technical function implemented by any one unit, but as a systematic process that permeates the entire organizational structure of the company;

the appropriate organizational structure of the enterprise should correspond to the new concept of quality;

quality issues are relevant not only within the production cycle, but also in the process of development, design, marketing and after-sales service;

improving product quality requires application new technology production, from design automation to automated measurement in the quality control process;

all-encompassing quality improvement is achieved only by the motivated participation of all employees.

Product quality management is based on standardization, which is a regulatory and technical basis that defines progressive requirements for products manufactured for the needs of the national economy, population, defense, and export. The final assessment of the quality of production of products is carried out through certification, which means testing products, issuing a certificate of conformity, marking products (conformity mark) and monitoring the state of subsequent production using control tests. Establishment in Russian companies quality systems complying with the ISO 9000 series should be linked into a much more general and continuous quality cycle to restructure the entire corporate culture on the principles of Universal TQM quality. This approach will ensure maximum efficiency of the expended efforts and provide the company with a long-term strategic advantage over competitors.


1. Normative legal acts

1. GOST ISO 9000-2001 “Quality management system. Fundamentals and vocabulary ". - M: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2001.

GOST ISO 9001-2001 “Quality management systems. Requirements "-M: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2001.


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Figure 1. Organizational structure of management of OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit"

Tags: Improvement of product quality management systems on the example of OOO NPP "Techservicevermikulit" Diploma in Management

Analysis and improvement of the enterprise product quality management system in modern conditions (on the example of OAO Nizhnekamskshina)

  • Introduction
    • 1. The role of quality in ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise and its sustainable development
    • 1.1 The theoretical essence of product quality
    • 1.2 Product quality management system
    • 1.3 Assessment of the effective operation of the product quality management system
    • 2. Analysis of the product quality management system at the OJSC "Verkhnekamskshina" plant
    • 2.1 Characteristics of the enterprise
    • 2.2 The structure of the quality management system of JSC "Verkhnekamskshina"
    • 2.3 Analysis of efficiency in the field of quality management at JSC "Verkhnekamskshina"
    • 3. Proposals for improving the product quality management system of OJSC "Verkhnekamskshina"
    • 3.1 Areas of improving activities to improve the quality of products manufactured by JSC "Verkhnekamskshina"
    • 3.2 Rationale for proposed activities
    • Conclusion
    • List of sources and literature used
    • Applications
Introduction Relevance of the research topic. The 20th century was a century of revolutionary changes. In its early days, the main means of communication was radio, and the main means of transport was the horse. The 21st century generation uses cell phones and flies. Technological breakthroughs of the past century, which became the basis of progress, led to drastic changes in infrastructure and lifestyle. Quality has become an essential feature of the goods and services supplied to consumers. At the beginning of the XX century. there has been a fundamental change in the way quality is assured. If the artisan, fulfilling individual orders, knew exactly the desires of the consumer, then in mass production they proceeded from the assumption that the needs and desires of all buyers are the same. The essence of the new approach was figuratively formulated by Henry Ford, who argued that “the buyer can purchase a model of goods of any color, as long as it is black.” It is believed that for the first time the idea of ​​standard quality was quite consistently implemented at the Samuel Colt arms factories in the 70s. XIX century. Products here began to be assembled not from individually fitted to each other, but from randomly taken (interchangeable) parts of the batch. Before assembly, all parts were checked using gauges, rejecting unusable ones. Inspection and rejection were carried out by specially trained inspectors, however, as the volume and complexity of production increased, inspection began to make an increasingly significant contribution to the cost of products. Already by the 20s. XX century the number of special controllers in high-tech industries began to reach 10-40% of the number of workers employed in the sphere of production itself. An instrument that made it possible to focus not on how to detect and remove unusable products before they are shipped to the consumer, but on how to increase the yield of suitable products in the technological process, have become statistical methods. The first successes in this area were achieved in the 1920s. XX century in the American firm Bell Telephone Laboratories by a specially created group. An employee of this group, Walter Schuhart, developed control charts, and X. Dodge and X. Roaming developed sampling charts. W. Schuhart shifted the emphasis from the "tolerance" approach to quality management to ensuring the stability of production processes and reducing their variations. It was a revolutionary idea, which only half a century later gained a strong position in the industry, when compliance with the requirement of stability of production processes became part of the concept of quality along with the necessary compliance with the requirements of standards. The relevance of this topic is that the strategic decision of senior management to deploy an effective management system quality management (quality management aimed at the fullest satisfaction of customer needs), allows you to implement the following TQM principles: "there is no limit to improvement"; "striving for zero defects"; "zero overhead" (Quality cost analysis); "delivery exactly in term". Thus, the cost of production is reduced, there are no cases of providing low-quality services, product failure or inconsistencies in their production and, as a result, the cost of product quality is reduced. The degree of development of the problem. The introduction of statistical methods has made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of mass production by replacing continuous control with selective control with a sufficiently high quality of products. At the same time, it was found that each production process has a certain yield limit, which is determined not only by the process itself, but also by the entire system of the enterprise's activities. from the technical control departments not to sort out products, but to check the performance of the quality assurance system in production. The modern approach to quality management involves combining all areas of organizational improvement into a single system in order to achieve the satisfaction of all stakeholders. The Russian economy is getting stronger and stronger every year. market rails ". The rules established by the global market determine the principles of doing business now for domestic entrepreneurs. Despite the fact that socialist methods of management are still quite clearly visible in approaches to management, both in large companies and in medium and small enterprises, modern trends in management are gradually spreading to the Russian business environment. Top managers today understand that the main condition for maintaining the competitiveness of an enterprise is high product quality. The purpose of the final qualification work is to study the problems of organizing and developing effective product management quality. Achieving this goal required the formulation and solution of the following tasks: to reveal the theoretical essence of the concept of "product quality "; consider the structure of the product quality management system; examine the experience of product quality control at OJSC" NShZ "; suggest directions for improving the product quality management system at OJSC" Verkhnekamskshina ". The subject of the research of the final qualification work is the product quality management system. OJSC "Verkhnekamskshina". The theoretical and methodological basis for the study of the service, works of domestic and foreign authors, legislative and regulatory acts. The information base was the data published in economic literature and periodicals. The final qualification work consists of an introduction, three chapters containing 8 paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of sources and literature, applications. The introduction defines the relevance of the topic, the subject and object of research. The chapter discusses the issues of product quality, features of the formation of a quality system, considers the methodology of self-assessment of the effective work of the product quality management system. The second chapter analyzes the product quality control system at the OJSC "Verkhnekamskshina" plant, examines the structure of the quality management system and the achievement of goals in the field of product quality In the third chapter, measures are developed to improve the quality control system of products at the enterprise. In conclusion, both theoretical and practical material are summarized, conclusions are drawn and proposals are made to improve the quality management system pr production. 1. The role of quality in ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise and its sustainable development 1.1 The theoretical essence of product quality In Russian dictionaries and in more recently existing regulatory documents, quality is traditionally associated with the suitability of the corresponding product for certain purposes. Therefore, in our country, almost exclusively attention was paid to quality based on the requirements of regulatory documents (standards) - standard quality. However, in world practice, the concept of quality has long been interpreted differently. Currently, quality is interpreted as " compliance with the requirements of interested parties and, above all, as compliance with the requirements of consumers. " - the degree of compliance with the requirements of the inherent characteristics of an object (a characteristic is a permanent distinctive property, an object is everything that can be individually considered and described) Quality requirement is a need or expectation that is established (customer requirements), is usually assumed (society requirements) or is mandatory ( government requirements) According to ISO 9000: 2000, “generally assumed” means that it is a generally accepted practice for the organization, its customers and other interested parties. Stakeholder - A person or group with an interest in the performance or success of an organization. The concept of quality can be applied to a product, a process, a system. A system is a collection of interrelated and interacting elements. A process is a collection of interrelated or interacting activities that transform inputs and outputs. A product is a result of a process. A distinctive characteristic of a product arising from requirements , process or system is called a quality characteristic. Compliance with specified requirements, in ISO terminology, is called conformity. To ensure that a certain product (process, system) complies with this regulatory document, it is possible to perform an action independent of the supplier and consumer (the so-called third party), which is called certification of conformity or, in short, certification. By developing norms (standards) with subsequent certification of conformity on their basis, the state ensures that the requirements of society are met. Based on the above, we will try to formulate the concept of product quality, moving away from the "dry" formulation of ISO. Product quality is a set of product properties that determine its suitability to meet certain needs in accordance with its purpose. The property of a product is an objective feature that manifests itself during its creation, operation or consumption. Depending on the manifestation of one or another property that makes up the quality of the product, its assessment changes. The degree of manifestation of each product property is assessed by means of characteristics called quality indicators. Quality indicator is a quantitative characteristic of the properties of products that are part of its quality, considered in relation to certain conditions of its creation, operation or consumption. The name of the indicator determines the property being characterized: strength, power, reliability. The coordinated activity of directing and controlling an organization in relation to quality is called quality management. According to ISO 9000: 2000, activities in this area typically include: developing quality policy and objectives; quality planning; quality management; quality assurance; quality improvement; A quality policy is the overall intentions and direction of an organization's quality activities, formally stated her top management. Typically, the quality policy is consistent with the overall policy of the organization and provides the basis for setting quality objectives. Goals are the results of activities, the achievement of which is desirable and possible in the foreseeable future. In contrast to goals, objectives are results of activities, the achievement of which is calculated and planned within a certain time frame. The part of quality management aimed at setting quality goals and determining the operational processes and corresponding resources necessary to achieve these goals is called quality planning. part of quality management aimed at fulfilling quality requirements. Quality assurance is a part of quality management aimed at making sure that quality requirements will be met. Quality improvement is a part of quality management aimed at increasing the ability to meet quality requirements. As an integral part of the activity in The quality management area should also consider control - a procedure for assessing conformity by observation and judgment, accompanied by appropriate measurements and testing. Testing - determination of one or more characteristics according to a specified procedure Quality management in the modern world is considered in the context of two approaches: total quality management or total quality management (TQM) and standards for quality systems ISO 9000. The concept of TQM was formed, first of all, as a development of E. Deming's ideas and generalization experience of their implementation in industry. It is believed that the impetus for the formation of the concept in the 70s. of the last century, the need to protect the American and European markets from the economic expansion of Japan became. XX century which developed the systemic principles of quality management, called Total Quality Control (TQC) and which later formed the basis of TQM. Total quality management assumed that all employees should be involved in quality issues within the framework of internal management: from the bottom to the top. However, if they say that everyone is engaged in quality, in most cases it means that no one is involved in quality. Therefore, for the implementation of TQC, it is necessary to clearly establish and distribute three elements of system management: responsibility (duties); authority; interaction. This should be reflected in the relevant documents describing the quality management system and at all stages of the product life cycle. Development of TQC in the West has led to a decrease in attention to statistical methods - perhaps due to the fact that the widespread use of statistical methods requires special knowledge. However, in Japan, the abbreviation TSQC was quite often used - total statistical quality control, thereby emphasizing the effectiveness of the application of statistical methods in industry in the new economic conditions. The movement of so-called "quality circles" played a large role in the Japanese mastery of statistical methods. In accordance with the international standard ISO 8402: 94, total quality management is a quality-oriented approach to the management of an organization, based on the participation of all its members and with a view to achieving long-term success. as a result of satisfying customer requirements, as well as achieving benefits for members of the organization and society as a whole. Strong and persistent leadership from the top management, education and training of all members of the organization are essential points for the successful implementation of the above approach. In total quality management, the concept of quality is related to the achievement of all management objectives. "Benefit to society" means meeting the requirements of society. As a new scientific-practical approach to quality assurance, the concept of TQM took shape by the mid-1980s. XX century and, thus, historically somewhat ahead of the emergence of ISO 9000 series standards. A great influence on the development and implementation of the TQM concept was exerted by the activities of the managers of the Japanese automobile company Toyota. The main difference between TQC and TQM is the concentration of attention on different processes: in the first case - primarily on production, in the second - on management processes. Within the framework of the "internal language" the concept of TQM is interpreted as follows: First Total - everyone is responsible for quality and quality - this is a requirement for all activities of the company; Second Quality - products and services must meet the needs of external and internal customers, products and services must be constantly improved, and these improvements must be constantly reflected in the documentation; Third - Management - commitment and attention of management is absolutely necessary and management, based on employee involvement and delegation of authority, are necessary condition achieving overall quality. The TQM approach is not regulated by a specific set of requirements, as quality systems based on ISO 9000, using TQM, organizations choose the most important and acceptable aspects of management for themselves in order to ensure long-term success in the market. This is a certain difficulty in implementing TQM, since an informed choice of alternatives is impossible for organizations that do not have knowledge and experience in the field of quality management. Therefore, the modern approach involves the initial creation of a quality system according to ISO 9000 standards as the basis for the subsequent implementation of the TQM concept. The resulting relationship between the two approaches to quality management is clearly demonstrated in Figure 1.1 Figure 1.1 - Relationship between the two fundamental concepts of quality management A key component of the TQM business is quality management aimed at the fullest satisfaction of customer needs. The TQM philosophy is based on the principle "there is no limit to improvement". When it comes to quality, TQM has a zero defect target; in relation to costs - "zero overhead"; in relation to deliveries - "just in time." Gradually, however, the experience of individual organizations in this area has led to the formation of a fairly general TQM model. Its most frequently recurring elements can be combined into seven main groups: First, the distribution of responsibility: quality assurance is the task of all employees; participation in the task of quality assurance of employees of all levels : managers and subordinates; integration of efforts. Secondly, organizational aspects: quality assurance in accordance with the product life cycle - from marketing research and development of a product concept to its service at the consumer and disposal; development of a system for assessing and fixing the level of quality using statistical methods; planning activities to improve quality along with other activities; structuring activities by breaking it down into interrelated technological processes and operations. Third, continuous improvement: organizing systematic quality improvement as an integral part of the work process; documenting improvements and accumulated experience; constant application of new technologies and quality assurance methods by all employees - their own for each process. Fourth, prevention of defects: the main emphasis is on preventive measures; careful accounting and analysis of the costs of defective products. Fifth, the organization of management: focusing the efforts of the top management of the organization on creating an entrepreneurial strategy and corporate culture; commitment of senior management personnel to manage the enterprise - leadership in the field of quality; teamwork and responsibility of managers In general, TQM goes far beyond product quality assurance - this system changes the very essence of management. Competition is an element of the market mechanism, which is implemented in the form of interaction between market actors and struggle between them for the most favorable conditions for capital investment. In market conditions, competition is the main mechanism for the formation of economic relations and a way to improve the economy. Competition in the market takes various forms and is carried out different methods ... It can be intra-industry and inter-industry. Intra-industry competition is a rivalry between entrepreneurs of one branch of the economy for more favorable conditions for the release and sale of goods. Interindustry competition is a type of competition between manufacturers operating in different sectors of the economy. The incentives for cross-sectoral competition are based on the desire of entrepreneurs to maximize profits, to find the most profitable areas for capital investment. Thus, intersectoral competition affects the change in the direction of capital investment, its distribution among the spheres of the economy, i.e. regulates investment flows. Free competition implies free, unrestricted entry and exit from the market for any commodity producer. In a competitive environment, developed countries of the world perceive high quality as a strategic commercial imperative and the most significant source of national wealth. Quality largely determines the prestige of the state, serves as the basis for meeting the needs of each person and society as a whole, is the most important component of competitiveness. Only on its basis an enterprise can survive in a competitive environment and receive the necessary profit, therefore it seems quite objective that activities to improve and ensure quality in market conditions should be a priority. With the transition to market relations, the process of introducing new products to the market has become rapid and, often unpredictable. All household items, tools, machines, buildings, and even land and labor, acquired in the labor market of the owner of the means of production, have become commodities. In this regard, contradictions between production, distribution, exchange and consumption are often revealed. Competition forces the manufacturer to constantly increase capital and improve production, which contributes to the rapid development of productive forces, constant revolutions in technology, which are accompanied by an increase in the scale of production, as well as a deepening division of labor. In this regard, the analysis of the competitiveness of a product becomes a necessary process in the system of product quality management, analysis of the competitive status of a company, resource markets]. True competitiveness is based on the establishment of long-term continuous relationships with consumers, allowing to collect information about the quality of products and apply the knowledge gained at the same time to stimulate innovation and the creation of new products and services that are of even greater value to consumers. With the development of competition in terms of quality (non-price competition), more and more attention is paid to methods and techniques of legally prohibited unfair (dishonest) competition, which violates and undermines the norms and rules of competition accepted in the market. The goal of any enterprise is to create sustainable advantages for itself over competitors. This means that the company must be profitable and thus meet the short-term needs of its investors, and in the long term - to maintain the won positions in the market and jobs for its employees. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction by offering them excellent products and services. One of the key business problems is the lack of proper alignment of the approaches of enterprises to the development and manufacture of products with the interests and views of consumers. If the supplier is primarily interested in improving the efficiency of the enterprise, then consumers are more concerned about the properties and characteristics that the products they have purchased. Thus, the priorities of suppliers and consumers are significantly different. Consumers are mainly interested in the ease of use of products for their intended purpose, in the timeliness of deliveries, in the stability of characteristics, in reducing the cost of purchasing and operating them, in a variety of parameters and the possibility of choosing products with the characteristics they need. Most suppliers are concerned with very different issues, for example, improving productivity, adhering to production schedules and standards, reducing manufacturing costs and increasing production volumes. The excellence of a company in maintaining competitiveness is characterized by its ability to increase its sales revenues, both by increasing the number of transactions. with already existing consumers, i.e. by expanding the turnover within the existing sales base, and by offering their products to new consumers, i.e. by expanding its market share by attracting an additional number of consumers. The profitability of a company is determined by how successfully it copes with the simultaneous solution of the problems of reducing the cost of the supplied products and increasing the volume of its sales. Thus, the quality of products in conditions modern production- this is the most important component of the efficiency, profitability of the enterprise and therefore it must be given constant attention. 1.2 Product quality management system In the modern quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001: 2000, five consolidated strategically important areas of activity are distinguished within which the requirements for the system are grouped - a total of more than 200. International standards ISO 9000 proceed from the continuity and mutual influence of all activities in the management system - a systematic approach to activities organizations. Contents modern system quality management in accordance with ISO 9001: 2000 is largely determined by a set of "eight key quality management principles" laid down by ISO as the basis for the formation of a new version of quality system standards. First customer focus: organizations depend on their customers, and therefore must accept current and future needs, fulfill their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations. Second Leadership of Leaders: Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization; they should create and maintain an internal environment in which people can become fully involved in the task at hand. Third, employee involvement: people at all levels are the backbone of the organization, and their full involvement enables the organization to capitalize on their capabilities. process approach: the desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and associated resources are managed as a process Fifth systems approach: identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as systems contribute to the organization's effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives Sixth continual improvement: Continuous improvement of overall performance should be seen as its unwavering goal: Seventh fact-based decision making: Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information. Eighth mutually beneficial supplier relationships: The organization and its suppliers are interdependent and mutually beneficial relationships between them enhance the ability of both parties to create value. Product quality is of paramount importance for consumers, since it is the quality that determines its use value. At the same time, an increase in product quality is often equivalent to an increase in its quantity; in addition, an increase in quality is usually achieved at lower costs than an increase in the volume of production. At the highest value of the integral indicator of product quality, the highest beneficial effect is obtained per each ruble of costs, that is, the maximum efficiency for a company / society. Product quality management is the achievement of a certain (necessary) level of production by establishing, ensuring, maintaining. An important role in this is played by economic methods, which cover such systems of production activities as planning, incentives, pricing. Planning for quality improvement, setting reasonable targets for the release of products with certain values ​​of indicators that must be achieved by a given moment or for a given period of time. Requirements for product quality are included in the system. state standards Russian Federation and include: standards of general technical conditions, which contain General requirements to groups of homogeneous products; standards of technical specifications, which contain requirements for specific products. The values ​​of quality indicators can be formed on the basis of: calculated (predicted) values; values ​​recommended by authoritative organizations; the best existing values ​​in world or national practice; standards or norms. Quality level product consists of the technical level of the product or the quality of the model. For example, for machines and equipment, the quality level is determined by: equipment performance; standardization and unification of models, reliability, simplicity and safety in use, as well as technical novelty and patent purity, durability, service life without repair. When assessing the level of product quality, both technical and economic data are used. Justification of the choice of the nomenclature of quality indicators is made taking into account: the purpose and conditions of use of products; analysis of customer requirements; tasks of product quality management; composition and structure of the characterized properties; basic requirements for quality indicators. Quality assessment is based on indicators reflecting functional properties, fashion, style , reliability, maintainability, preservation. Analysis of product quality includes: quality characteristics according to established indicators / plans; study of the main factors affecting quality; calculation of the impact of quality on the volume of products in monetary terms. Among economic indicators, the price of consumption is of particular importance, which consists of the sale price and costs associated with the consumption of the product for the entire life of the customer. Complex indicators are used in various levels of company management in the economic support of measures to improve product quality, assess the competitiveness own and other people's products. Generalizing quality indicators are used at the level of national economies, calculations. As such, the share of competitive products in the total volume of industrial production in the country is used. On the basis of product quality indicators, their values ​​are compared for individual products and their aggregates with reference (base) values, i.e. the level of product quality is assessed according to one of the following formulas: (1.1) (1.2) where HaveTo- product quality level; NSf, NSNS - the actual and reference value of the product quality indicator. Formula (1.1) is used when assessing the useful properties of the desired (planned) properties of the product, and formula (1.2) when assessing the harmful, excessive properties (undesirable states) of the product. In addition to product quality indicators, labor quality indicators are used that do not directly reflect the quality of products in the economic sense of this category, but characterize the level of their manufacture in comparison with the requirements fixed in the normative and technical documentation. These indicators are: the percentage of detection of defective products in the factory; the percentage of products with manufacturing defects identified during the operation of the products. All the considered indicators are important elements in product quality management systems designed to ensure compliance of product parameters with the dynamics of market needs. specific control object. In product quality management, the direct objects of management are, as a rule, the processes on which the product quality depends. They are organized and proceed both at the pre-production stage and at the production and post-production stages of the product life cycle. Development of control decisions is based on comparing information about the actual state of the controlled process with its characteristics specified by the control program. Normative documentation regulating the values ​​of parameters or indicators of product quality ( technical assignments for product development, standards, specifications, drawings, delivery conditions) should be considered as an important part of a product quality management program. The main task of each enterprise or organization is the quality of products and services provided. The successful operation of the enterprise should be ensured by the production of products or services that: meet clearly defined needs, scope or purpose; satisfy customer requirements; comply with applicable standards and specifications; meet current legislation and other requirements of society; offered to the consumer at competitive prices; aimed at obtaining profit. Product quality management should be carried out systematically, i.e. the enterprise should have a product quality management system, which is an organizational structure that clearly distributes responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources necessary for quality management.In recent years, the ISO 9000 series standards have become widespread, which reflect the international experience of product quality management at the enterprise ... In accordance with these documents, a quality policy is highlighted - directly a quality system, including ensuring, improving and managing product quality. The quality policy can be formulated in the form of a principle of the enterprise or a long-term goal and include: improving the economic situation of the enterprise; expansion or conquest new sales markets; achieving a technical level of products exceeding the level of leading enterprises and firms; focusing on meeting the requirements of the consumer of certain industries or certain regions; mastering products, the functionality of which is implemented on new principles; improving the most important indicators of product quality; reducing the level of defectiveness of manufactured products; extension of product warranty periods; development of service. An important element in product quality management systems is standardization - a rule-making activity that finds the most rational norms, and then fixes them in regulatory documents such as standards, instructions, methods requirements for product development. The main task of standardization is to create a system of regulatory and technical documentation that defines progressive requirements for products manufactured for the needs of the national economy, population, national defense, export, as well as control for correct use of this documentation. In the Russian Federation, normative documents on standardization are divided into the following categories: state standards of the Russian Federation (GOST R); industry standards (OST); technical specifications (TU); standards of enterprises and associations of enterprises (unions, associations, concerns, joint-stock companies, intersectoral, regional and other associations) (STP); standards of scientific and technical societies and engineering unions, associations and other public associations (STO). Product certification at the time of purchase allows you to verify that the product meets the requirements of the standards. Certification establishes that a product has been tested, verified sufficiently objectively. Certification of conformity is an act of a third party that demonstrates that it provides the necessary assurance that a properly identified product, process or service complies with a specific standard or other normative document. Certification is based on testing and assessment of the production conditions of certified products, control of the implementation of these procedures and supervision of product quality by an independent body. The combination of all these operations makes it possible to establish in the normative and technical documentation and control any product characteristics important for the consumer. Therefore, certification is not only a reliable guarantee of their strict compliance with the established requirements and a source of reliable information about such compliance, but also an effective means and incentive to improve product quality. The existing number of approaches to quality management can be divided into two main areas: administrative and economic approaches. the approach assumes an increase in the quality of products up to 100%. Product quality control is divided into stages of the life cycle of products, products. The life cycle of a product begins with marketing research and development, and includes production, sale, operation and disposal or consumption. The greatest attention is paid to the stages of the operation that contribute to the formation of defects. Defects that arise are broken down by type. For all types of defects, measures are proposed to prevent the formation of defects and bring the quality level up to 100%. With the administrative approach, the receipt of a marriage is considered as an emergency that must be eliminated at any cost. The essence of the economic approach to the problem of improving quality is as follows: the work to prevent the formation of defects is carried out in the same way as in the administrative approach, however, the calculated level of product quality is set depending on the economically feasible cost to achieve it (i.e. the achievement of 100% quality level is not always set as a guideline). An economic approach to the problem of quality assurance is based on the fact that one monetary unit invested in quality assurance, at some initial stage of work, can bring tens, if not hundreds, of monetary units of income. As the cost of quality assurance continues to increase, the corresponding return on the monetary unit invested decreases, i.e. an increase in the cost of quality assurance leads to the fact that for each invested monetary unit, the effect obtained will also be equal to one monetary unit of additional income. At higher costs, investments will give less return. This limit at economic approach allows you to choose the optimal level of quality. Product quality should guarantee the consumer satisfaction of his needs, product reliability and cost savings. These properties are formed in the course of the entire reproductive activity of the enterprise, at all its stages and in all links. Together with it, the value of the product is formed, which characterizes these properties from planning product development to its implementation and after-sales service.Modern economics shows that organizations faced with ever-increasing requirements in the field of product and service quality can only meet customer expectations if if their top management pursues a tough and effective financial policy aimed at achieving certain financial results... Data on the relative share of quality costs in the company's overall cost structure should clearly indicate that cost savings are not due to product quality or a decrease in customer satisfaction, but due to the rational use of resources and an increase in labor productivity. two kinds. The first is the “cost of non-conformity” - direct losses due to the production of non-conforming products to the consumer's requirements, the second is the “cost of conformity” costs of preventing production or withdrawal of low-quality products before they reach the consumer. Quality costs can also be attributed to the following categories: error prevention costs; quality assessment costs; losses from marriage (losses). The cost of assessing quality is a means aimed at preventing the appearance of low-quality products or services from the consumer. This category of quality costs is associated with measurement, inspection, testing and evaluation of products or services in order to confirm that they meet quality or specified specifications. Quality assessment costs are the costs of inspections, product testing, audits, calibration of test equipment, monitoring of service comments, and customer satisfaction surveys. fulfill regulatory requirements for quality or customer requirements. Many companies classify costs into four broad categories: First, costs due to internal; Second, costs due to external failures; Third, estimated costs; Fourth, preventive costs. Scientific, technical and managerial prepare, provide and control the conditions for the production of quality products, i.e. as it were, predetermine the availability and value of production costs. If the development and design of new products is carried out by external organizations, then the costs that ensure quality at this enterprise will include only the costs of implementation. In some cases, especially in the production of new products, design departments are responsible for monitoring their preparation and development. general case management costs associated with product quality assurance include: transport - external and internal transportation of components and finished products; supply - the purchase of planned types, quantity and quality of raw materials and components; costs of departments that control production; costs associated with the work of economic services, on whose activities the quality of products depends: planning department , the financial department, accounting; the costs of the activities of other services of the enterprise management apparatus, which are to varying degrees associated with and affect the assurance of product quality, especially personnel management, whose functions include recruiting personnel, improving their qualifications and checking compliance with the required level and conditions. costs, in turn, can be divided into material, technical and labor. And all of them are attributed to the cost of production. And if the value of management costs in quality costs can be determined only conditionally, the amount of material production costs lends itself to direct calculation. The classification of costs by purpose corresponds to the modern understanding of the company's activities in the field of quality according to the recognized content of the terms "quality assurance", "quality improvement" and " quality management. "The cost of quality assurance should be understood as all costs incurred to meet the requirements set by the consumer for the quality of products or services. The cost of improving quality is the cost aimed at meeting the expected requirements of the consumer. The costs of quality management include the costs of developing and implementing corrective and preventive measures necessary to eliminate identified or prevent potential nonconformities of products (services) with the imposed or expected requirements for it. Based on the requirements of the ISO 9000 family of standards for various models of the quality system, the leading role in the classification group under consideration is, of course, the costs of quality assurance, the composition and structure of which may include separate elements of costs for improving and managing quality. to current and one-time. One-time, in addition to capital investments for the purchase of equipment, measuring instruments and other property necessary to improve, ensure or manage quality and included in tangible assets, should include the costs of product development and manufacturing technology. Current includes all costs for quality that are reproducible in the manufacture of products (for example, costs for quality control and testing of products, for maintenance and repair of equipment). Classification by type of costs for productive and non-productive allows you to identify their effectiveness. All costs that can be used to achieve the performance of functions related to ensuring, improving and managing quality can be classified as productive. Waste is costs that are unnecessary or unnecessary; they are revealed in the analysis and cost estimation. Such costs should not be equated with losses from inadequate product quality or poor manufacturing quality. For example, with a high level of organization of production and effective self-control, the costs of monitoring technological discipline may be unnecessary. At the same time, the cost of fixing a non-conforming or defective product is a waste and is classified as direct or indirect by the costing method. Direct costs can be directly calculated and accounted for for a specific type of product or activity; indirect - according to one or another accepted criterion. When organizing cost accounting, it is necessary to strive to ensure that most costs can be determined by direct count, since the possibility of their correct planning, analysis and assessment depends on the completeness of cost accounting. 1.3 Assessment of the effective operation of the product quality management system In modern conditions, the work of any organization cannot be successful without continuous improvement of activities aimed at improving the quality of products or services provided. However, success can be achieved by realizing that striving for quality is a continuous process that requires constant movement forward. Evaluate the level of your performance, compare yourself with leaders, determine the strengths and weak sides, plan activities to improve performance and ensure the effectiveness of their implementation, involve all employees of the enterprise in this work - all this is possible thanks to self-assessment. In the process of self-assessment there is an important stage - direct measurements. However, in order for the measurement results to be usable, they must be interpreted. Without appropriate interpretation, measurements are of no value in themselves. Measures that have a negative trend are certainly good candidates for improvement, but such a decision to include a specific indicator in the plan is influenced not only by its change over time, but also by the degree of importance of the business in question. -process to ensure competitiveness. Selective overlay of trends demonstrates that with a clear increase in sales, profits and a decrease in production costs today, the identified area requires identifying the reasons for the decline in profits and further analysis. Revealing the reasons will require the imposition of additional trends in indicators of a possible impact on the decline in profits.

Trend A - Costs of production costs; Trend B - Sales of commercial products to the outside; Trend C - Profit from the production of commercial products. Figure 1.2 - Analysis of trends for three indicators the relationship between the requirements and the means of their satisfaction, and also provides a method for analyzing these relationships. This feature is implemented by building a special table that has the shape of a house. It is called the "home of quality". This is where the research results are accumulated. They are used to improve the business process. In the areas of the "house" are placed the investigated elements.

Figure 1.3 - An example of the placement of elements in the premises of a "quality house"

In what?" contains a set of requirements for the process. The most important of them are those presented by external consumers. Requirements from external suppliers, internal customers and suppliers, and other interested parties can also be posted here.

The "Degrees of Importance" contains the importance of specific requirements.

In "How?" elements are placed, which are the means used to satisfy various requirements. If, for example, it is required to shorten the time of customer service, then the corresponding means, placed in "How?", Could be, for example, increasing the bandwidth during peak periods.

In the "Matrix of correspondences (relations)" in the center of the quality house are placed elements that directly reflect the relationship between results or requirements and the means of their satisfaction.

In "How?" against "How?" on the roof of a quality house, elements are placed that represent the interrelationships between different means of satisfying requirements. Suppose, for example, that the means to improve the service process is to cut staff. But this, in turn, is also a means of reducing the costs incurred by the company. There is a conflict situation that is easily revealed when considering the "roof". In "Why?" hosts elements that can be used for benchmarking processes. Process benchmarking is similar to product benchmarking.

The "How many" contains the analysis results. For this, the importance of the consumer requirement under consideration is multiplied by the corresponding weight value. The sum of such products is placed in the cell under the corresponding column of the matrix. The larger the sum of these products, the more requirements can be met in a specific way corresponding to this column.

For example, in the tire industry, you can use the quality function structuring (QF) method to select the most efficient way to reduce quality costs. This process analysis can be performed by a group set up to improve the process.

Product quality is the foundation of business competitiveness. It should be remembered that quality is not an end in itself, quality is a process during which a certain product is developed. Therefore, you should firmly know what results the company wants to get, for whom they are designed.

The analysis carried out in the previous chapter showed that Omskshina OJSC has an effectively working quality management system that meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001: 2000, which is confirmed by the quality certificates presented in Appendix 9. The implementation of the quality management system gave Omskshina OJSC the following benefits :

The quality management system of JSC "Omskshina" complies with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000, is the guarantor of the stability of the enterprise and creates confidence in it from the side of consumers (according to the statistics available at JSC "Omskshina", more than 95% of buyers require the enterprise to have a certificate of the International ISO standard);

The manageability of the company has increased; the company has a clearly defined responsibility and authority of its employees;

The joint-stock company demonstrates the ability to produce products of the required quality;

When concluding contracts, they began to establish requirements for products more clearly; improved traceability of contracts;

The incoming quality control of purchased materials has been tightened; JSC "Omskshina" gives preference to suppliers with a certified quality management system;

Operational control has been strengthened at all stages of production.

The introduction of the quality management system was reflected in the economic results of the enterprise: the sales volumes increased, the profit of the enterprise increased.

At the same time, the analysis made it possible to identify a number of problems that impede the successful functioning of the quality management system at JSC Omskshina:

Resistance of the employees of the enterprise to the changes taking place in JSC "Omskshina", employees are not fully involved in the process of implementation of the quality management system at the enterprise. The system of individual and collective participation in quality management of ordinary workers has not been fully formed;

The system of personnel training in the field of quality is not well thought out;

The quality of incoming raw materials and materials does not always meet the requirements;

Significant moral and physical wear and tear of equipment, which prevents the release of high-quality products, etc.

Thus, a quality management system in accordance with ISO international standards is not enough to continuously improve quality, ensure the growth of product competitiveness and achieve success in the market. The quality management system at Omskshina OJSC based on MS ISO 9001: 2000 made it possible to fix a certain level of management and opened the way for the company to the external and internal markets. In order to take a stable position in the market and solve economic and social problems in a complex, it is necessary to orient the enterprise to work according to the principles of TQM (Total Quality Management), which will make it possible to work more successfully in market conditions, use modern approaches and management methods.

The main elements of TQM that Omskshina should strive for are:

Revaluation of values, i.e. a more critical assessment of the activities of employees and the enterprise as a whole, a focus on continuous improvement of the quality of all operations and the interaction of all employees to achieve these goals;

The process of constantly monitoring inconsistencies with the norms and rules in the company's activities (defects, mistakes, etc.) and finding ways to correct them (improve the quality of work), in which all employees of the company are involved;

Changing and improving training systems and career growth in the company to adequately motivate employees to cooperate and improve the quality of all operations;

Building such a system of work with suppliers and customers of the company, which would be focused on the process of continuous quality improvement.

The human aspect in these changes is fundamental, since it is the behavior of people in the organization that ultimately determines what and how can be changed, what benefits it will bring.

The analysis carried out on the second chapter of the thesis showed that, despite all the efforts of the top management, the principle of full involvement of employees of all levels in the process of implementing the quality management system at the enterprise has not yet been fully implemented in Omskshina. It can be concluded that today in a joint-stock company there is a situation when the need to implement a quality management system, its maintenance and improvement is fully realized only by a part of employees - top management and quality representatives. At the same time, a third of them believe that the company has implemented a quality management system due to the pressure of customers and competition in the industry. However, most of these workers associate these efforts with the possibility of systematizing organizational actions. Workers often perceive the implementation of a quality management system as an imposed leadership idea. The main reason that impedes the involvement of employees in the product quality management process is the lack of awareness of the importance and the need to implement a quality management system. Activities related to documenting the quality management system, attracting quality initiative groups, are carried out by the management of the enterprise, often by administrative methods. The system of individual and collective participation in quality management of ordinary workers is not fully formed.

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