Job description of a geologist of the 1st category. Chief geologist job description. Description of work, tasks and job responsibilities


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"______" _______________ 20___



1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and official duties, rights and responsibility of a geologist [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the geological organization).

1.2. A geologist is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the geological organization.

1.3. The geologist belongs to the category of specialists and reports to the [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the organization.

1.4. A person with the appropriate qualifications is appointed to the position of a geologist:

Geologist: higher vocational (geological) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (geological) education and work experience as a geotechnical technician of category I for at least 3 years.

1.5. The geologist should know:

  • laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological study, use and protection of subsoil and environment;
  • organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials concerning the methods of conducting geological research;
  • geological knowledge and modern ideas about the geology of the work area (deposit, site);
  • prospects for the development of geological work in the region and in the geological organization;
  • basic status information mining industry in the region and the requirements for the studied types of minerals;
  • the procedure for designing, planning and financing exploration work;
  • modern methods, organization and means of conducting geological research;
  • types and methods of geological exploration, as well as the main parameters of equipment and technology for their production;
  • requirements for the quality of exploration work and geological materials;
  • methodology for testing and calculating the reserves of the studied types of minerals;
  • methods of exploration of minerals and rocks;
  • rules for accounting and storage of geological materials;
  • kinds, specifications, rules for the operation, maintenance and metrological support of equipment, instruments, equipment used in geological research;
  • rules for the maintenance and execution of geological documentation;
  • advanced domestic and overseas experience in the field of geological exploration;
  • fundamentals of economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration;
  • fundamentals of labor legislation;
  • fire protection rules;
  • labor protection rules.

1.6. The geologist must:

  • timely respond to requests from other employees in the direction professional activity provide the required information in full;
  • objectively treat other employees, evaluate their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals based on the results of their work, regardless of their personal relationship;
  • comply with the established deadlines for the execution of tasks and instructions;
  • to provide assistance to colleagues at work in solving the problems of their activities in the event that assistance can lead to a qualitative improvement in the results of activities;
  • continuously improve their professional level;
  • honestly and conscientiously fulfill the duties assigned to him;
  • keep the property in use safe and sound;
  • contribute in every possible way to the formation and strengthening of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team;
  • keep official and commercial secrets;
  • observe the rules of confidentiality when working with personal information of employees of the organization, the rules of internal work schedule, labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. The geologist in his work is guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of a geological organization;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions of the immediate supervisor;
  • real job description.

1.8. During the period of temporary absence of a geologist, his duties are assigned to [deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

The geologist performs the following labor functions:

2.1. Performs a complex of geological studies in the study of subsoil and solving other geological problems.

2.2. Participates in the development of planning and design and estimate documentation, as well as in the organization and liquidation of field work.

2.3. Performs geological research in field and office conditions during search and survey, geophysical and other works of a geological nature.

2.4. Carries out the collection of actual geological information and material, as well as their documentation.

2.5. Analyzes, systematizes, generalizes geological information and other factual materials, carries out geological interpretation of geophysical and geochemical data.

2.6. Compiles graphic materials characterizing the geological structure of the study area (diagrams, maps, sections, plans, diagrams, columns, etc.).

2.7. Independently and with the participation of specialists, he compiles reports on the geological results of work and develops other geological materials (technical and economic reports, draft conditions, reserves calculations, etc.).

2.8. Ensures and controls compliance with the methodological provisions, instructions and requirements for the geological study of the subsoil and the production of geological exploration.

2.9. Participates in the testing of minerals.

2.10. Carries out geological supervision over the technological research of mineral raw materials in industrial conditions.

2.11. Takes part in the implementation of experimental methodological and thematic work, in the calculation of mineral reserves, the development of new technical means and technologies.

2.12. Compiles reference collections of rock samples, determines the characteristics of rocks by their technological properties (drillability, strength, loosening, etc.) and categories of geological complexity of the areas of work.

2.13. Summarizes the materials of the geological fund on the geology of the study area.

2.14. Participates in the execution and obtaining of licenses for the geological study of subsoil, documents for land use during geological work, permits from other authorities (sanitary and epidemiological stations, basin supervision, forestries, etc.).

2.15. Compiles and submits, in accordance with the established procedure, accounting and reporting materials on geological research.

2.16. Ensures and controls compliance with the rules for accounting and storage of geological materials, legislation in the field of geological study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection rules for geological exploration.

2.17. Supervises the work of geotechnical technicians and other performers.

In case of official necessity, a geologist may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The geologist has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

3.3. Attend meetings of committees and working groups, other meetings of employees in the area of ​​activity.

3.4. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the activities of the structural unit.

3.5. Liaise with all employees as needed structural divisions organizations.

3.6. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

3.7. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.8. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the organization).

3.9. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

3.10. Act on behalf of the structural unit and represent its interests in relations with other structural units of the organization within its competence.

3.11. Represent the structural unit in relations with external organizations in the direction of activity within its competence.

3.12. Maintain official correspondence with the structural divisions of the organization and external organizations on issues related to advanced training, training and development of personnel.

3.13. Make independent decisions about scheduling your work time.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1 The geologist bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation - and criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of official instructions of the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work entrusted to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.

4.1.6. Not Enforcing labor discipline.

4.1.7. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.8. infliction material damage and / or losses to the enterprise or third parties related to the action or inaction during the performance of official duties.

4.2. Evaluation of the work of a geologist is carried out:

4.2.1. The immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the daily implementation of the employee's labor functions.

4.2.2. The attestation commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on the documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for evaluating the work of a geologist is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for by this instruction.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of work of a geologist is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization.

5.2. Due to production needs, a geologist may travel to business trips(including local values).

Familiarized with the instruction ___________ / ____________ / "____" _______ 20__

On approval of the qualification directory of positions of managers and specialists of organizations of geology and exploration of subsoil

Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation decides:

Approve Qualification guide positions of managers and specialists of organizations of geology and exploration of subsoil according to the appendix.

Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation A. Pochinok


to the decision of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation

Qualification directory of positions of managers and specialists of organizations of geology and exploration of subsoil

I. General provisions

1. This Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers and specialists of organizations of geology and subsoil exploration (hereinafter referred to as the Qualification Handbook) is intended to address issues related to the regulation labor relations, ensuring an effective personnel management system in organizations of geology and exploration of subsoil (hereinafter referred to as geological organizations), regardless of the form of ownership and organizational and legal forms of activity.

2. The qualification handbook consists of three sections: I - "General provisions"; II - "Positions of leaders"; III - "Positions of specialists".

The qualifications contained in the Qualifications Handbook should be used as normative legal documents direct action or can serve as the basis for the development of job descriptions containing a specific list of job responsibilities of employees of geological organizations, taking into account the specifics of the organization of production, labor and management, as well as their rights and responsibilities.

3. Qualification characteristics of each position consists of three sections.

The "Responsibilities" section lists the main functions that can be fully or partially entrusted to the employee holding the corresponding position. The section provides for the main types of work carried out in geological organizations, based on the division and cooperation of labor that has developed in them.

The "Must Know" section contains the basic requirements for an employee with regard to special knowledge, knowledge of legislation, regulations, instructions, other governing and regulatory legal documents, as well as methods and means that the employee must be able to apply in the performance of job duties.

The "Qualification Requirements" section defines the level and profile of the employee's professional training necessary to fulfill the duties assigned to him, as well as the requirements for work experience.

The levels of professional training indicated in the section "Qualification Requirements" are given in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1992, N 30, Art. 1797; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation , 1996, N 3, item 150).

4. The duties of derivative positions (deputy manager, junior, senior, leading specialists, etc.) are determined on the basis of the qualification characteristics of the respective positions of managers and specialists.

5. Establishment of the official title "senior" for specialists is possible provided that the employee, along with the fulfillment of the duties stipulated by the position held, manages the executors subordinate to him. The title "senior" can be established for an employee as an exception and in the absence of executors in his direct subordination, if he is entrusted with the functions of managing an independent work area (if it is not advisable to create a separate structural unit).

For positions of specialists for which qualification categories are provided (for example, a geologist of the I category, a geologist of the II category, etc.), the official title "senior" is not used.

Leading specialists are entrusted with the functions of a manager and a responsible executor of work in one of the areas of activity of the organization (structural unit), or duties of coordination and methodological leadership of groups of performers created in departments (bureaus), taking into account the rational division of labor in specific organizational and technical conditions. In this case, the requirements for the work experience of a specialist are increased by 2-3 years in comparison with the experience provided for him in the first qualification category.

The qualification characteristics of the positions of heads (heads) of departments serve as the basis for determining the job responsibilities, knowledge requirements and qualifications of the heads of the relevant bureaus when they are created instead of functional departments (taking into account industry specifics).

6. In the characteristics of the positions of specialists of geological organizations, within the same position without changing its name, an intra-position qualification categorization for remuneration is provided. Compliance of a specialist with a specific qualification category to a specific position is established on the basis of certification.

7. If necessary, the job duties included in the qualification description of a particular position may be distributed among several performers, and the employee may be entrusted with the performance of job duties provided for qualifications other positions related to the content of the work, i.e. related to the same management function, equal in complexity, the implementation of which does not require a different specialty, qualification, change of job title.

8. Employees who do not have special training or work experience established by the qualification requirements, but who have sufficient experience and knowledge to perform the duties assigned to them qualitatively and in full, on the recommendation attestation commissions can be appointed to the relevant positions in the same way as employees with special training and established length of service.

II. Leadership positions

Director (general director, head, manager) of a geological organization

Job responsibilities. Manages, in accordance with the current legislation and the charter of a geological organization, its production, economic and financial and economic activities. Coordinates and organizes the interaction of structural subdivisions of the geological organization for the implementation of plans and tasks, directs their activities to improve the efficiency and quality of geological exploration and related work. Ensures the conclusion, timely and high-quality execution of contracts (contracts, orders, obligations, etc.) by the geological organization. Determines the activities of a geological organization and manages the implementation of its geological, economic, financial, technical and personnel policy. Organizes and ensures the implementation of work on planning and designing production, as well as accounting and reporting. Provides development, conclusion and execution collective agreement. Approves organizational structure geological organization, rules of industrial discipline. Takes measures to comply with labor protection rules, create safe and favorable working conditions, improve the social and living conditions of employees of a geological organization. Ensures compliance current legislation and other regulatory documents relating to the activities of a geological organization. Represents the interests of the organization in the bodies state power and management, court and other organizations.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological study, use and protection of subsoil and the environment, as well as those regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of a geological organization; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials relating to the activities of a geological organization; the state of geological and mining operations in the region and the prospects for their development; methodology and methods of geological study of the subsoil; requirements for the quality of geological results; the procedure for acceptance, accounting, storage and presentation of geological information and materials; list, content and procedure for submission of established reporting; equipment and technology for conducting geological exploration work; the procedure for planning, designing and financing work on the study of geological subsoil and geological exploration; the procedure for the development and conclusion of contracts (agreements, contracts); advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geological study, use and protection of subsoil and the environment and geological exploration; economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Chief Engineer

Job responsibilities. Manages production and technical activities, determines the technical policy, directions of technical development of the geological organization. Ensures timely production of geological exploration and related work. Supervises the development of the production and technical part of the project of work on the geological study and use of subsoil. Organizes the development of long-term, current and operational plans for production, measures for the protection and safety of labor and monitors their implementation. Manages the activities of production and technical services. Coordinates and controls the activities of mechanical repair, energy and transport services, the provision of work objects with their services. Provides technical and technological preparation of production, monitors compliance with the technology of work. Carries out the distribution of equipment, mechanisms, apparatus and other technical means among the objects of work, controls their operation and maintenance. Organizes work to determine the needs of a geological organization in equipment, mechanisms and other material and technical resources and formalize their acquisition. Organizes technical economic analysis production activities geological organization. Provides development of technical documentation. Carries out interaction and conclusion of agreements (agreements, contracts) with third-party organizations on issues of production and technical activities. Organizes work to improve the organization of labor and production management, increase labor productivity, modernize existing and introduce new equipment and technology for the production of work, rationalization, invention and dissemination of best practices. Organizes training and advanced training of personnel of production and technical services of a geological organization, monitors compliance with labor and production discipline. Organizes the preparation of documentation and reporting on the production and technical activities of a geological organization. Controls compliance with the current regulatory legal acts in the field of production and technical activities, labor protection rules, fire protection rules, requirements of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, environmental, sanitary and other bodies exercising supervision.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological study, use and protection of subsoil and the environment, as well as those regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of a geological organization; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials relating to the activities of a geological organization; prospects for the production and technical development of a geological organization; the state of geological and mining operations in the region and the prospects for their development; types, technology of geological exploration and requirements for their quality; regulations technical operation equipment, apparatus and other technical means used in the production of geological exploration work; procedure for the development of technical documentation; the procedure for planning, designing and financing work on the study of geological subsoil and geological exploration; the procedure for the development, conclusion and execution of agreements (agreements, contracts); list, content and procedure for submission of established reporting; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geological study, use, protection of subsoil and the environment and geological exploration; economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in managerial positions in the field of geology and subsoil exploration for at least 5 years.

Chief geologist (geophysicist, hydrogeologist)

Job responsibilities. Manages the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities of a geological organization. Controls and ensures high-quality and timely execution of works on geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study of subsoil and subsoil use, geological exploration work on the reproduction of the mineral resource base. Leads the development of the main directions, promising and current plans geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities of a geological organization, as well as the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) part of projects for work on facilities. Organizes and controls the implementation of field and cameral work, laboratory and technological research of minerals. Coordinates and controls the solution of issues on the rational use of subsoil, obtaining and fulfilling the conditions of licenses. Manages the development and implementation of methods, methods and tools for conducting geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) research and exploration of minerals, the introduction of the latest scientific and technological achievements and best practices, and also monitors and analyzes the effectiveness of their use. Organizes and controls the preparation of design estimates, reports on the results of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) studies, feasibility reports and justifications, submission of materials for the development of conditions, calculation of mineral reserves, acknowledgment and delivery of work performed and writing off costs for them. Carries out interaction and conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations on issues of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities. Takes measures to improve the organization of labor, production and management of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) field and office work. Controls the correctness of the compilation of reference collections of rocks, the definition of rock categories and categories of complexity of areas of work, requirements for accounting and storage of geological materials. Provides the organization of events to improve the skills of specialists in the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) profile. Participates in the selection and placement of personnel. Controls compliance with current regulatory legal acts, environmental, sanitary and other bodies exercising supervision, labor protection rules, fire protection rules. Coordinates and controls the activities of subdivisions of the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) profile. Supervises employees of geological (hydrophysical, hydrogeological) subdivisions of a geological organization.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials relating to the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities of a geological organization; the state and prospects for the development of the mineral resource base of the geological region, the mining industry and the geological organization; the degree of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) knowledge of the area of ​​work; basic requirements for the quality of mineral raw materials; methodology and methods for conducting geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) studies; the procedure for planning, designing and financing geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works; the procedure for registering deposits and calculating mineral reserves; procedure for submission and approval of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) reports; types, technology of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works and requirements for their quality; types and purpose of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) equipment and apparatus, main technical characteristics and rules for their operation; rules for accounting and storage of geological materials; the procedure for compiling production and geological documentation; the procedure for the development and conclusion of agreements (agreements, contracts) in the field of geological activities; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study, use and protection of subsoil and the environment and geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) work; economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works; labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Head of Geological (Geophysical, Hydrogeological) Department

Job responsibilities. Organizes geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) research. Provides the choice of directions and areas of work for geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study of the subsoil, as well as methods, methods and means for their implementation, high-quality and timely execution of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) tasks (works). Organizes the development of promising and annual plans carrying out geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works, geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) assignments for research objects, draft plans for the growth of mineral reserves. Ensures the development of the geological and methodological part of the design and estimate documentation for geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) work, as well as the actuation and write-off of costs for them. Organizes keeping records of the movement of mineral reserves according to the balance of the study area. Provides organization of field and cameral work, as well as laboratory and technological research of minerals, controls their implementation. Organizes the implementation of decisions on the rational use of subsoil, licensing, accounting and reporting on geological materials. Provides methodological assistance to employees of the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) divisions of the organization on the issues of geological exploration, design and reporting. Organizes interaction and conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations on issues related to the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities of a geological organization. Coordinates and ensures the implementation of experimental, methodological and thematic work. Organizes and supervises the compilation of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) reports, reviews, projects of conditions, feasibility reports, calculations of mineral reserves and reference collections of rock samples. Ensures the implementation of measures to improve the organization of labor and management of the production of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) works. Takes part in the selection, placement and advanced training of personnel. Monitors compliance with and ensures compliance with legislation on subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection rules. Coordinates the activities of geological (hydrophysical, hydrogeological) divisions. Manages department employees.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the conduct of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) studies; the state and prospects for the development of the mineral resource base of the geological area under study, the mining industry and the geological organization; the degree of geological knowledge of the area of ​​work; the main requirements imposed by industry on mineral raw materials; methodology and methods for conducting geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) studies; the procedure for planning, designing and financing geological exploration work; the procedure for registering deposits and calculating mineral reserves; the procedure for submitting and approving geological reports with the calculation of mineral reserves; types, technology of geological exploration and requirements for their quality; types and purpose of geological exploration equipment and apparatus, main technical characteristics and rules for their operation; rules for accounting and storage of geological materials; the procedure for maintaining production and geological documentation and reporting; the procedure for the development and conclusion of contracts (agreements, contracts); advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) research; economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (geological) education and work experience in the positions of managers and specialists in the field of geology and exploration of subsoil for at least 5 years.

Head of Department of Geological Funds

Job responsibilities. Organizes work on assessing the state and prospects for the development of the mineral resource base on the basis of accounting and registration of geological survey, prospecting, exploration, geophysical, hydrogeological, engineering-geological and related research and other works on the geological study of the subsoil. Carries out accounting of identified deposits and manifestations of minerals, as well as boreholes for water and natural outlets of groundwater. Organizes work on maintaining the state cadastre of deposits and manifestations of minerals, groundwater. Participates in the organization of the compilation of consolidated balances of minerals, maps of geological, hydrogeological, engineering-geological, geophysical exploration of the territory. Controls the timeliness of submission of geological reports and other documentation on the results of the study of the subsoil, their compliance with the requirements of current instructions and other regulatory documents. Ensures the receipt, systematization and storage of geological reports and other documentation to be submitted to the geological funds. Organizes work to familiarize interested organizations with stock geological materials. Ensures and controls compliance with legislation on subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment. Controls compliance with current regulatory legal acts, rules and regulations for the storage of geological information and work with it, labor protection, fire protection. Ensures the preparation and submission of established reporting and documentation. Coordinates the activities of geological organizations in the field of work with geological information. Manages department employees.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to state registration and accounting, acceptance, storage and use of geological materials and information on the geological study of the subsoil; the state and prospects for the development of the mineral resource base and exploration work in the territory under its jurisdiction; provision with mineral reserves of existing, under construction and projected organizations of the mining industry of the region; the procedure for registering deposits and calculating mineral reserves; basic requirements for the quality of mineral raw materials; types, fundamentals of the technology for conducting geological research and geological exploration and the requirements for their quality; rules for the creation and maintenance of geological funds; the procedure for drawing up and submitting reports on the work carried out on the geological study of the subsoil; rules for accounting, systematization and storage of documentation and geological materials; advanced domestic and foreign experience in organizing the work of geological funds; economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (geological) education and work experience in the positions of managers and specialists in the field of geology and exploration of subsoil for at least 5 years.

Head of the Department for Expertise of Projects and Estimates

Job responsibilities. Organizes and coordinates the work on the examination of design estimates for the production of geological survey, prospecting, geological exploration, geophysical and other works on the geological study of the subsoil, as well as experimental methodological and thematic work carried out by geological expeditions and parties. Controls the quality of prepared expert opinions. Provides training necessary materials for consideration and approval of design estimates. Carries out checks and adjustments of budget and financial calculations, the correctness of the application of regulatory materials, reference books, price lists, instructions. It analyzes and summarizes the results of the examination of projects and estimates, as well as the development of guidelines for the units for drafting projects, estimates and cost estimates. Participates in the development of measures to reduce the cost of work. Ensures familiarization of employees of geological organizations with the current instructions and guidelines for the preparation of design and estimate documentation. Manages department employees.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to planning, design and financing of geological exploration of the subsoil; the procedure and methods for compiling design estimates and financial documentation and conducting its examination; methods of economic analysis of production and economic activities of geological exploration organizations; types, fundamentals of the technology for conducting geological research and geological exploration and the requirements for their quality; methodology for determining the economic efficiency of measures for the introduction of new methods, techniques and technologies for carrying out work; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the examination of projects and estimates of work on the geological study of subsoil; economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Head of a specialized laboratory

Job responsibilities. Organizes all types of laboratory, scientific, methodological and thematic work on the study of mineral raw materials, surface and groundwater. Determines the direction of laboratory research. Develops long-term and annual thematic work plans for a specialized laboratory. Provides research in accordance with the approved schedule for the receipt of samples and samples. Monitors and ensures compliance with the requirements of current instructions, procedures and specifications when performing laboratory tests, as well as the timing and quality of their conduct. Organizes work on generalization, systematization and analysis of the results of ongoing research. Manages the acceptance and presentation of research results. Ensures the development and implementation of new and improvement of existing methods and technical means laboratory work. Carries out work aimed at reducing the time, reducing the cost and improving the quality of research. Carries out interaction and the conclusion of contracts with the organizations. Provides monitoring of the state and operation of measuring instruments and their timely verification. Monitors the condition of laboratory equipment and workplaces of employees of a specialized laboratory and takes measures to eliminate identified shortcomings. Carries out accounting for the performance of tasks by employees and monitors the maintenance of laboratory journals. Provides preparation of applications for chemical reagents, materials and equipment. Organizes the accounting of the work performed by the specialized laboratory and the preparation of reports. Carries out the placement and expedient use of employees. Organizes work to improve the skills of employees of a specialized laboratory. Provides the study of best practices, the introduction of measures to improve the organization of labor and production during laboratory work. Monitors compliance with labor protection rules, fire protection rules. Supervises the staff of a specialized laboratory.

Must know:organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the activities of a specialized laboratory; the state and prospects for the development of the base of mineral raw materials and water resources in the region; fundamentals of technology and organization of geological exploration; organization and methods of conducting scientific research and experimental work; requirements for the quality of laboratory research; organization and technology of material selection for laboratory research; rules for acceptance, storage and accounting of samples; rules for the technical operation and maintenance of equipment, instruments and other technical means used in laboratory work; rules for compiling, recording and storing documentation, reporting and other laboratory research materials; procedure for the development and conclusion of contracts; the procedure for planning, designing and the basis for financing laboratory work; the procedure for maintaining production documentation and reporting; advanced domestic and foreign experience in laboratory research of mineral raw materials and water resources; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (geological) education and work experience in the positions of managers and specialists in the field of geology and exploration of subsoil for at least 5 years.

Head of thematic group, bureau, laboratory (geological and economic research)

Job responsibilities. Organizes geological and economic research and development. Carries out long-term and current planning of thematic works. Determines the directions of research and the methodology for their implementation, appoints executors for individual sections of topics. Leads the compilation terms of reference, methodological and work programs, other documentation and feasibility studies on thematic work, as well as carrying out calculations of economic efficiency from the implementation of their results. Organizes work on the collection, systematization, study and analysis of information on research topics. Ensures department participation in marketing research, in order to determine the possible increase in the competitiveness of the geological organization. Participates in the creation and improvement of the regulatory and methodological base of the geological organization. Supervises the preparation of research reports on topics and stages of work, as well as the preparation of documentation for completed work. Provides methodological assistance to employees of subdivisions of a geological organization in implementing the results of research and development in production. Carries out interaction with functional departments and subdivisions of the geological organization performing geological exploration work. Organizes the study of advanced domestic and foreign experience in accordance with the topic being carried out and its use in the practical activities of the group (bureau, laboratory). Controls compliance with production discipline, labor protection rules, fire protection rules. Supervises the employees of the group (bureau, laboratory).

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials relating to the production and economic activities of a geological organization and geological and economic research; the main directions and strategy for the development of geological and economic activities in the region and the geological organization; technical and economic indicators characterizing the potential and activities of a geological organization; geology, technique and technology of geological exploration; methods of geological and economic assessment and analysis of the activities of a geological organization; research methods; rules for the technical operation of equipment, instruments and other technical means used in research; the procedure for planning, designing and financing scientific research, development and their experimental verification; methods for assessing the economic efficiency of measures to introduce new methods, techniques and technologies for carrying out work; advanced domestic and foreign experience in conducting geological and economic research; economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (engineering, economic, geological) education and work experience in the positions of managers and specialists in the field of geology and subsoil exploration for at least 5 years.

Head of a geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) expedition (party) (as part of a geological organization)

Job responsibilities. Manages the production and economic activities of the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) expedition (party) to ensure the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study of the subsoil in the assigned territory. Organizes the planning of the expedition (party). Determines the organizational structure of the expedition (party) management. Organizes the work and interaction of production and other structural divisions of the expedition (party), directs their activities to achieve the efficiency and quality of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) work. Coordinates and participates in the choice of directions and methods of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) research, as well as in the development of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) tasks. Resolves issues related to the organization and liquidation of field work. Coordinates and controls the design of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works. Analyzes the production and economic and financial activity expeditions (parties). Coordinates the development and ensures the implementation of measures to reduce the cost of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) work, increase labor productivity through widespread implementation new technology and progressive methods of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, improvement of the organization of production and labor, rational use of material and labor resources. Controls and ensures the high-quality implementation of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) and production tasks in a timely manner. Approves the mode and order of work of production units, the distribution of financial and material resources, the regulation on the organization of payment and incentives for labor. Takes measures to comply with labor protection legislation, ensure the production of qualified personnel, rationally use them, create safe working conditions, improve the living and cultural conditions of the expedition (party) workers. Carries out interaction with third-party organizations and the conclusion of contracts. Controls compliance with the legislation on geological study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, rules of labor and production discipline. Participates in the development, conclusion and implementation of the collective agreement. Supervises and coordinates the work of accounting and reporting. Represents the interests of the expedition (party) in other organizations.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials relating to the production and economic activities of a geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) expedition (party), issues of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study, use and protection of subsoil; the state and prospects for the development of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) works and mining operations in the region; methodology and methods of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study of the subsoil; requirements for the quality of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) results; the procedure for acceptance, accounting, storage and presentation of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) information and materials; list, content and procedure for submission of established reporting; economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works; equipment and technology for geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works; the procedure for planning, designing and financing work on the study of geological subsoil; the procedure for the development and conclusion of contracts (agreements, contracts); advanced domestic and foreign experience in geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) work; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (geological, technical or engineering and economic) education and at least 5 years of work experience in managerial positions in the field of geology and subsoil exploration.

Head of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) area

Job responsibilities. Manages the production, economic and geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities of the geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) site. Ensures that the department fulfills planned targets on time. Participates in the planning of the work of the site, the development of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) assignments and design estimates, as well as in the preparation of the results and the delivery of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works. Manages and ensures the organization, conduct and liquidation of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) work. Establishes, in accordance with the approved plan, production tasks and work schedules for brigades and detachments, controls their implementation. Carries out a rational arrangement of brigades (detachments) and individual performers in accordance with their specialization and qualifications. Determines the need of the site for equipment, instruments, tools, equipment and other material resources, controls their receipt, accounting and storage. Carries out the distribution of technical means and other resources among the site facilities, controls their use, operation, maintenance and repair. Coordinates and participates in the selection of organizational, technical and technological solutions, as well as in the preparation of relevant production and technical documentation. Ensures and controls compliance with the technology and regulations for the production of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works. Analyzes the activities of the site and takes measures for the timely and high-quality performance of work. Manages and participates in the development of measures aimed at improving the organization and technology of work, increasing labor productivity and reducing production costs. Provides accounting for the volume and quality of work performed, as well as compliance with the rules for storing geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) documentation and materials. Carries out work on the organization of rationing and remuneration, ensuring the correctness and timeliness of the execution of relevant documents. Submits to the higher organization documents for wages, write-offs of material assets, as well as established reporting and other operational information about the activities of the site. Coordinates the work of department managers and departments. Carries out the selection of personnel, their placement and rational use, carries out work to improve the skills of personnel. Submits proposals on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of employees subordinate to him, on their material and moral incentives, as well as on disciplinary measures. Carries out interaction with the functional units of the geological organization (expedition, site). Ensures compliance with legislation and other regulatory legal acts on geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection legislation, safety regulations, fire protection rules, labor and production discipline, controls their implementation. Manages site workers.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials relating to geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) and production and economic activities of a geological organization and site; state and prospects of production, technical and geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) development of a geological organization and site; fundamentals of geology; basic methods of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) research, rules for accounting and storage of geological information and materials; requirements for the quality of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) results; list, content and procedure for the presentation of production reporting; types, organization and technology of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works and requirements for their quality; rules for the technical operation, repair and maintenance of the geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) equipment and apparatus used; basics of planning, designing and financing of geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works; advanced domestic and foreign experience in geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) work; fundamentals of economics of mineral raw materials and exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (geological or technical) education and work experience in the positions of specialists in the field of geology and exploration of subsoil for at least 5 years.

Head of the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) detachment

Job responsibilities. Manages the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) and production and economic activities of the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) detachment in accordance with its specialization (seismic, search and survey, etc.) in the geological study of the subsoil. Participates in the development of operational plans, schedules, design estimates, geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) assignments, as well as in the selection of methods and technology for the production of work. Ensures that the team fulfills planned tasks on time. Participates in the organization, conduct and liquidation of field work. Carries out the arrangement and issues tasks to performers of work and monitors their implementation. He is directly involved in the production process of the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study of the subsoil at the assigned work site, processing of field materials, writing a geological report on the studies carried out. Provides accounting for the volume and quality of work performed, as well as registration and storage of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) documentation and materials. Carries out timely provision of the detachment with the necessary equipment, instruments, tools, equipment and other material resources. Provides accounting and storage of material resources, as well as their distribution to workplaces. Ensures the use, operation and maintenance of technical means, compliance with the technology of work. Organizes the introduction of new equipment and technology, ensures the improvement of production processes and labor organization. Ensures the correctness, timeliness of registration and submission to the relevant divisions of the geological organization of production, financial, accounting and reporting documentation, as well as other operational information about the activities of the detachment. Participates in the selection and advanced training of personnel of the detachment. Ensures compliance with the legislation on geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment. Supervises and ensures that the employees of the detachment comply with production and labor discipline, labor protection rules, fire protection. Carries out interaction with functional divisions of the geological organization. Manages team members.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials relating to the geological and production and economic activities of a geological organization and detachment; state and prospects of production, technical and geological development of a geological organization (expedition, site) and detachment; geology and methods of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) research; rules for accounting and storage of geological information and materials; requirements for the quality of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) results; list, content and procedure for the presentation of production and geological reporting and materials; types, organization and technology of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) works and requirements for their quality; rules for the technical operation, repair and maintenance of the geological exploration equipment and apparatus used; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of planning, designing and financing of geological exploration works; advanced domestic and foreign experience in conducting geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) works; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (geological, technical) education and work experience in positions of specialists in the field of geology and subsoil exploration for at least 3 years or secondary professional (geological or technical) education and work experience in positions of specialists in the field of geology and subsoil exploration for at least 5 years.

Head of enrichment plant

Job responsibilities. Manages the production activities of the enrichment plant. Ensures efficient and smooth operation of the enrichment plant in accordance with production targets. Provides full loading and technically correct operation of equipment and instruments, economical use of energy resources and materials. Controls compliance with the technological process of enrichment of mineral raw materials, fixes deviations from the specified modes of operation of the executive apparatus and other violations in the operation of the enrichment plant, ensures their timely elimination. Determines the scope of repair and maintenance work and ensures the preparation of equipment and equipment for scheduled preventive and overhaul. Analyzes the results of production activities. Develops and implements measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the enrichment plant, labor productivity, the introduction of advanced equipment and technology, improving the organization and working conditions, reducing the accident rate. Ensures the correctness and timeliness of production and reporting documentation. Carries out quantitative and qualitative accounting of the results of processing minerals. Keeps records material assets used in the enrichment process, takes measures to ensure their safety and timely write-off. Carries out the placement of production personnel at workplaces in accordance with the technological process. Conducts production briefings for employees of the enrichment plant. Participates in work on professional development of personnel. Controls and ensures that employees of the enrichment plant comply with production discipline, labor protection rules, and fire protection rules.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production activities of the enrichment plant; prospects for the development of geological organization and exploration work in the study area; technological scheme chains of enrichment plant apparatuses and modes of their operation; rules for the operation and maintenance of the equipment used, technical equipment, instrumentation; organization and schemes for supplying the enrichment plant with water, electricity and other resources; physical and mechanical properties of minerals and associated rocks; causes of malfunctions of the enrichment plant, methods for their prevention and elimination; organization of the mineral processing process and the requirements for its quality; the materials used and the rules for their storage; the procedure and rules for maintaining and processing production documentation and reporting; norms and prices for the work carried out, the procedure for their revision; current regulations on remuneration of employees; requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for the operation and maintenance of the production equipment used; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of mineral processing; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical) education and at least 3 years of work experience as specialists in the field of geology and subsoil exploration or secondary professional (geological or technical) education and work experience as specialists in the field of geology and subsoil exploration for at least 5 years.

drilling master

Job responsibilities. Manages the production activities of the drilling crew for the construction of wells, carries out operational planning the work of the brigade, establishes and timely brings to the workers of the brigade production tasks. Ensures and controls the compliance of the drilling team employees with the requirements of the geological and technical work order and the drilling schedule. Organizes installation and dismantling works, transportation of a drilling rig to a new point, drilling and abandonment of wells, emergency and complex work during well drilling, as well as geophysical, hydrogeological and other special studies in wells. Determines the drilling crew's need for technical equipment, tools, materials and services support services and organizes the provision of material and technical resources. Ensures and controls compliance with well drilling technology, rules for the technical operation of equipment and power supply networks. Organizes and controls the repair, maintenance, inspection of equipment and other technical means. Participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of drilling operations and labor productivity, the introduction of advanced equipment and technology for the construction of wells, the protection of the environment and subsoil, the improvement of the organization and working conditions, and the reduction of accidents. Ensures and controls the correctness and timeliness of execution of production and reporting documentation by the members of the drilling crew. Carries out quantitative and qualitative accounting of work performed and hours worked by members of the brigade. Carries out analysis of the production activities of the drilling crew. Maintains the established documentation on the operation of the equipment, records of material assets, takes measures to ensure their safety and timely write-off. Ensures compliance with environmental and subsoil protection legislation, including land reclamation when drilling wells. Conducts production briefings for drilling crew workers, monitors and ensures their compliance with production discipline, labor protection rules, the requirements of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, and fire protection rules. Participates in the selection and advanced training of drilling crew workers.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of drilling operations; general information on the geology of the drilling area; direction, specialization and prospects for the development of drilling operations; types and methods of drilling wells, their purpose and design; fundamentals of geology; mining and geological conditions for drilling wells; types, technical characteristics and rules for the operation of equipment, instruments and tools used in the construction of wells; procedure, rules for maintenance and repair of drilling equipment; organization and rules for assembly and dismantling and transportation of drilling equipment; organization of production processes and technology of well drilling and related works; causes of geological and technical complications during well drilling, methods for their prevention and elimination; geological technical requirements to the quality of drilling operations; materials used in drilling and the rules for their storage; the procedure and rules for maintaining production documentation and reporting; norms and prices for drilling operations, the procedure for their revision; current regulations on remuneration of employees of drilling crews; requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for the operation and maintenance of the equipment used; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of equipment and technology for drilling wells; fundamentals of economics and geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and at least 3 years of work experience in drilling wells.

mountain master

Job responsibilities. Supervises the production activities of mining teams during the tunneling of underground and open mine workings . Carries out operational planning of the work of mining teams. Issues monthly and shift tasks to mining teams, ensures and controls their implementation. Ensures and controls the implementation by mining teams of the mining schedule of mining and exploration works, the project of sinking, technology and work cycle schedules, passports of drilling and blasting and lining of workings, technical and geological requirements for the quality of work. Supervises the production process of driving mine workings. Ensures efficient use and monitors compliance with the rules for the technical operation of equipment and power supply networks. Organizes the relocation of mining teams to a new work site, laying and closing workings, carrying out emergency, special and other complex work. Organizes and controls the repair, maintenance, inspection of equipment and other technical means. Ensures the implementation of regulations, instructions, norms and other regulatory documents in force in the geological organization. Determines the need of mining teams for technical equipment, tools, materials and services of support services, organizes and controls their provision. Maintains the established documentation on the operation of the equipment, records of material assets, takes measures to ensure their safety and timely write-off. Provides and controls the accounting, use and storage of explosive materials. Participates in the development and implementation of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of mining operations and labor productivity, the introduction of advanced equipment and technology for sinking mine workings, the protection of subsoil and the environment, including land reclamation during mining operations, improving the organization and working conditions, reducing accidents work and injury. It monitors the serviceability of equipment, fences, fastening of mining exploration workings, safety and protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment, vehicles, sanitary installations, as well as the qualitative composition of the atmosphere in mine workings. Ensures and controls the correctness and timeliness of registration of production and reporting documentation in mining teams. Keeps records of hours worked by members of mining teams. Carries out quantitative and qualitative accounting of the work performed. Analyzes and summarizes data on the work of mining teams. Prepares and submits the necessary documents and reports in the prescribed manner. Ensures compliance with the legislation on the protection of subsoil and the environment, including land reclamation during mining operations. Conducts production briefing for employees of mining teams. Controls compliance by members of mining teams with production discipline, labor protection rules, the requirements of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, and fire protection rules. Participates in the selection and advanced training of personnel of mining teams.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of mining operations; mining and geological conditions, purpose and specifics of mining operations; purpose and design of mine workings; organization of production processes and technology of tunneling; technical and geological requirements for sampling and mining quality; safety requirements and rules for drilling and blasting; types, technical characteristics and rules for the operation of equipment, power networks, instruments and tools used in mining; procedure, rules for maintenance and repair of the equipment used; causes and conditions for the occurrence of geological complications, technical and technological violations and malfunctions, accidents in mine workings and methods for their prevention and elimination; materials used in the driving of mine workings, their consumption rates and storage rules; types and characteristics of explosive materials, rules for their use, transportation, accounting and storage; the procedure and rules for maintaining and processing production documentation and reporting; norms and prices for mining operations, the procedure for their revision; current regulations on remuneration of employees; requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for the operation and maintenance of the equipment used; safety rules in the production of blasting; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of mining operations; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Higher vocational (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and at least 3 years of work experience in excavation. When driving mine workings in an explosive way, the right to supervise blasting.

Explosives store manager

Job responsibilities. Supervises the work on the reception, storage, placement, accounting and issuance of explosive materials in the warehouse in accordance with the current instructions. Ensures timely placement of explosive materials in storage upon their receipt, as well as posting on the basis of shipping documents. Participates in condition assessment, testing, processing (drying, grinding, sieving, thawing, repackaging, etc.) and destruction of explosive materials. Ensures the safety of explosive materials, compliance with the modes of their storage, the rules for registration and delivery of receipts and expenditures. Carries out control over the accounting and safety of explosive materials. Organizes the issuance of explosive materials to explosives (explosive masters). Controls the timely delivery of reports by explosives about the spent explosive materials and their residues. Carries out storage and control over the transfer of seals, keys to the storage of explosive materials and sealing tongs. Controls the ratio of the amount of explosive materials in the warehouse and the installed storage capacity. Monitors the condition of the premises, the availability and serviceability of fire fighting equipment, equipment and inventory in the warehouse and ensures their timely maintenance and repair. Participates in the inventory of explosive materials. Supervises and organizes proper record keeping warehouse operations established accounting and reporting documentation. Organizes loading and unloading operations in the warehouse in compliance with the rules, regulations and instructions for their production. Participates in the acquisition and transportation of explosive materials. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to improve the organization warehousing and improving the safety of working with explosives. Supervises and ensures compliance with the rules on labor protection, fire protection, including in terms of storage and work with explosive materials.

Must know:organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the organization of the work of warehouses of explosive materials; instructions, state standards, specifications and other regulatory documents for the receipt, storage, placement, accounting, transportation, testing and issuance of explosive materials; types, arrangement, rules of operation and protection of warehouses of explosive materials; equipment, technical devices, tooling and instrumentation of the warehouse for explosive materials; types, purpose, characteristics, application technology and rules for handling explosive materials; consumption rates of explosive materials; the procedure for obtaining a permit for the right to perform blasting and work with explosive materials, purchase, transportation and storage of explosive materials; the procedure for drawing up contracts and documentation for the acquisition and transportation of explosive materials; the procedure, rules and conditions for the storage, decommissioning and destruction of explosive materials; rules for compiling production and technical and accounting and reporting documentation established for the operation of an explosives warehouse; types and technology of production of works in which explosive materials are used; unified safety rules for blasting; requirements and instructions of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of organizing the work of warehouses of explosive materials; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements. Secondary vocational (technical) education without requirements for work experience, additional training for the right to manage blasting operations or secondary (full) general education without presenting requirements for work experience, additional training for the right to perform blasting and manage a warehouse of explosive materials.

III. Specialist positions


Job responsibilities. Performs a complex of geological studies in the study of subsoil and solving other geological problems. Participates in the development of planning and design estimates, as well as in the organization and liquidation of field work. Performs geological research in field and office conditions during search and survey, geophysical and other works of a geological nature. Carries out the collection of actual geological information and material, as well as their documentation. Analyzes, systematizes, generalizes geological information and other factual materials, carries out geological interpretation of geophysical and geochemical data. Compiles graphic materials characterizing the geological structure of the study area (diagrams, maps, sections, plans, diagrams, columns, etc.). Independently and with the participation of specialists, he compiles reports on the geological results of work and develops other geological materials (technical and economic reports, draft conditions, reserves calculations, etc.). Ensures and controls compliance with the methodological provisions, instructions and requirements for the geological study of the subsoil and the production of geological exploration work. Participates in the testing of minerals. Carries out geological supervision over the technological research of mineral raw materials in industrial conditions. Takes part in the implementation of experimental methodological and thematic work, in the calculation of mineral reserves, the development of new technical means and technologies. Compiles reference collections of rock samples, determines the characteristics of rocks by their technological properties (drillability, strength, loosening, etc.) and categories of geological complexity of the areas of work. Summarizes the materials of the geological fund on the geology of the study area. Participates in the execution and obtaining of licenses for the geological study of subsoil, documents for land use during geological work, permits from other authorities (sanitary and epidemiological stations, basin supervision, forestries, etc.). Compiles and submits, in accordance with the established procedure, accounting and reporting materials on geological research. Ensures and controls compliance with the rules for accounting and storage of geological materials, legislation in the field of geological study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection rules for geological exploration. Supervises the work of geotechnical technicians and other performers.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials concerning the methods of conducting geological research; geological knowledge and modern ideas about the geology of the area of ​​work (deposit, site); prospects for the development of geological work in the region and in the geological organization; basic information about the state of the mining industry in the region and the requirements for the studied types of minerals; the procedure for designing, planning and financing geological exploration work; modern methods, organization and means of conducting geological research; types and methods of geological exploration, as well as the main parameters of equipment and technology for their production; requirements for the quality of geological exploration work and geological materials; methodology for testing and calculating the reserves of the studied types of minerals; methods of research of minerals and rocks; rules for accounting and storage of geological materials; types, technical characteristics, rules for operation, maintenance and metrological support of equipment, instruments, equipment used in geological research; rules for the maintenance and execution of geological documentation; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geological exploration; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Geologist: higher professional (geological) education with no requirements for work experience or secondary professional (geological) education and at least 3 years of experience as a geotechnical technician of category I.


Job responsibilities. Performs a complex of geophysical studies in the study of subsoil and solving other geological and geophysical problems based on the use of geophysical materials and their geological interpretation. Participates in the development of planning and design estimates for facilities geophysical works. Participates in the organization, conduct and liquidation of field and cameral geophysical works, as well as in the implementation of experimental methodological and case studies. Performs geophysical surveys in field and laboratory conditions. Provides reliable geophysical data and other information. Ensures compliance with the technology of geophysical work and the rules for the operation of technical equipment. Participates in the testing and development of new geophysical equipment, the introduction of more advanced methods of work and processing of geophysical data. Maintains field documentation. Systematizes, analyzes and processes geophysical data, provides their geological interpretation. Compiles graphic geological and geophysical materials (diagrams, maps, sections, plans, diagrams, columns, etc.). Prepares reports on the geophysical work carried out. Prepares established production documentation. Ensures compliance with the rules for accounting and storage of geophysical materials. Ensures and controls compliance with the current methodological provisions, instructions and requirements for the production of geophysical works. Summarizes the geophysical materials of the geological fund on the geology of the study area. Participates in the execution and obtaining of licenses for the geological study of subsoil, documents for land use during geophysical work, permits from other authorities (sanitary and epidemiological stations, basin supervision, forestries, etc.). Ensures compliance with legislation in the field of geological study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection in geophysical works. Supervises the work of geophysical technicians and other performers involved in geophysical work.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the conduct of geophysical work; up-to-date data on the geology of the area (deposit, area), its geological and geophysical knowledge; prospects for the development of geological and geophysical work in the region and in the geological organization; orientation, specialization and prospects for the development of geophysical work of the organization; methodology and technology of geophysical work; requirements for the quality of geophysical works and geophysical materials; rules for technical operation and metrological support of geophysical equipment; methods and ways of processing geophysical data; rules for accounting and storage of geophysical materials; procedure for maintaining geophysical documentation; fundamentals of general and structural geology; procedure for designing, planning and financing geophysical works; types and methods of geological exploration, as well as the main parameters of equipment and technology for their production; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geophysical work; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Geophysicist: higher professional (geological) education without requirements for work experience or secondary professional (geological) education and at least 3 years of experience as a geophysicist of category I.


Job responsibilities. Performs a complex of hydrogeological and engineering-geological studies in the study of subsoil, solving design and survey and other engineering problems. Participates in the development of planning and design estimates, as well as in the organization and liquidation of field work. Takes part in field work to obtain factual material on geology, hydrogeology and engineering geology of the study area. Organizes and conducts hydrogeological observations at a network of regime and observation wells, operating water intakes, as well as during the search and exploration of groundwater. Carries out single and cluster pumping of water from wells, sampling of water and soil for laboratory research, processes the results. He chooses the design of hydrogeological wells, participates in their laying and equipment with water-lifting means. Examines production wells and water intakes. Carries out a reconnaissance survey of the work area or its individual sections planned for the study, observation of exogenous geological processes. Ensures compliance with methodological recommendations, guidelines, instructions and requirements for carrying out hydrogeological and engineering-geological works. Maintains hydrogeological documentation. Participates in camera work. Processes, analyzes and systematizes the results of field work. Compiles graphic materials characterizing the geological, hydrogeological and engineering-geological structure of the study area (diagrams, diagrams, well sections, etc.). Participates in the preparation of materials to substantiate conclusions on hydrogeological and engineering-geological issues. Compiles reports on completed hydrogeological and engineering-geological studies. Participates in the implementation of experimental methodological and thematic work, as well as in the introduction of new equipment and technology. Summarizes the materials of the geological fund on the hydrogeology of the study area. Participates in the preparation and receipt of licenses and documents for land use in the course of hydrogeological work, permits from other authorities (sanitary and epidemiological stations, basin supervision, forestries, etc.). Compiles and submits, in accordance with the established procedure, accounting and reporting materials on hydrogeological studies. Ensures and controls compliance with the rules for accounting and storage of materials for hydrogeological studies, legislation in the field of geological study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection at hydrogeological works. Supervises the work of hydrogeological technicians and other performers employed in hydrogeological and engineering-geological works.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the conduct of hydrogeological and engineering-geological works; information about the geology, hydrogeology and engineering geology of the study area and the degree of its study; prospects for the development of hydrogeological work in the region and in the geological organization; the procedure for designing, planning and financing hydrogeological works; modern methods, organization and means of conducting hydrogeological and engineering-geological studies; requirements for the quality and results of hydrogeological and engineering-geological work; technology and methodology for carrying out hydrogeological and engineering-geological works; calculation of groundwater reserves; types of used geological exploration (geophysical, hydrological) equipment, instruments, equipment and rules for their technical operation; procedure for registration, accounting and storage of reporting hydrogeological and engineering-geological documentation; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of hydrogeological and engineering-geological work; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Hydrogeologist II category: higher professional (geological) education and work experience as a hydrogeologist for at least 3 years.

Hydrogeologist: higher professional (geological) education without any requirements for work experience or secondary professional (geological) education and at least 3 years of work experience as a hydrogeologist technician of the 1st category.


Job responsibilities. Performs work on the density of the planned network by various geodetic methods (triangulation, polygonometry, etc.), as well as the height base by leveling methods. Carries out a complex of geodetic works in solving various engineering and technical problems, including tying existing and transferring design objects (structures) to nature during construction and installation, geological exploration and other works. Carries out the necessary geodetic measurements and maintains field documentation. Participates in the preparation of the relevant sections of projects for geological exploration and other work. Carries out geodetic control over construction and installation works. Ensures compliance with established norms and rules, as well as accounting and safety of geodetic signs when performing topographic and geodetic works. Participates in the coordination and prepares geodetic materials for registration of land allotments for the construction of facilities. Prepares initial geodetic data and performs cameral processing of field data. Compiles topographic and geodetic maps, plans, diagrams, profiles and other graphic materials. Performs verification and adjustment of geodetic devices and instruments, ensures their proper operation and storage. Participates in the planning, organization and liquidation of geodetic works. Prepares production documentation and reports. Ensures and controls compliance with the rules for accounting and storage of materials for topographic and geodetic works, legislation in the field of geological study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection when performing topographic and geodetic works. Supervises geodetic technicians and workers during geodetic works.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of topographic and geodetic works; prospects for development and features of geodetic work in a geological organization; methods, rules, instructions, instructions and conditions for the production of geodetic works; procedure and technology for the production of geodetic works; types, technical characteristics, principles of operation and rules for the operation of geodetic equipment, instruments and instruments; rules for verification, adjustment and storage of geodetic equipment, instruments and instruments; order of conduct, rules and requirements for the design of field materials, geodetic documentation and reporting; methods for carrying out technical calculations and office processing of field materials; rules and requirements for the preparation of geodetic maps, plans, diagrams, profiles and other graphic materials; basic types and rules for using a drawing tool; the procedure for designing and planning topographic and geodetic works; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geodetic works; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Surveyor: higher professional (geodesic) education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (geodesic) education and work experience as a geodetic technician of category I for at least 3 years.

mine surveyor

Job responsibilities. Performs surveying work and calculations for the creation of a reference network, surveys and measurements of mine workings, cameral processing of survey materials. Carries out binding of projects of mine workings, structures, routes and other objects to the conditions of the area and transfers them to nature. Carries out the necessary geodetic measurements and maintains field documentation. Participates in the preparation of plans and relevant sections of projects for mining, geological exploration and other works, as well as monitoring their implementation. Sets directions for mine workings, controls compliance with their design directions, sections, slopes, dimensions and profiles. Carries out accounting of the movement and loss of mineral reserves, calculation of the size and construction of the boundaries of safety pillars for objects to be protected, as well as control over their observance. Keeps records of mined-out space, extraction of rock mass and minerals, losses and impoverishment during their extraction, the volume of mining and clearing works performed at the site. Prepares documentation and materials for technical calculations of blasting operations. Ensures compliance with technical and technological norms and rules in the production mine surveying. Monitors the condition, keeps records and ensures the safety of geodetic signs adjacent to the construction site or quarry within the mining allotment. Participates in the coordination and prepares geodetic materials for registration of land allotments for the construction of facilities. Performs verification and adjustment of geodetic devices and instruments, ensures their proper operation and storage. Carries out cameral processing of materials, performs settlement work, draws up plans, diagrams, profiles and other graphic materials. Prepares production documentation and reports. Ensures and controls compliance with the rules for accounting and storage of surveying materials, legislation in the field of geological study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection. Supervises mine surveying technicians and workers during mine surveying.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of mine surveying; prospects for development and features of mining operations; rules, instructions and conditions for the production of surveying work; organization and technology of mine surveying; types, technical characteristics, principles of operation, rules for operation, maintenance and storage of mine surveying equipment, instruments and tools; rules for verification, adjustment and storage of geodetic equipment, instruments and instruments; methods for monitoring the movement of the earth's surface and the state of protected objects; the procedure for accounting for the movement of reserves and losses of minerals in the bowels; the order of conduct, rules and requirements for the execution of mine surveying documentation; methods for carrying out technical calculations and office processing of mine surveying materials; rules and requirements for the preparation of geodetic maps, plans, diagrams, profiles and other graphic materials; basic types and rules for using a drawing tool; requirements for the execution and storage of surveying materials and reports; the procedure for designing and planning mine surveying work; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of mine surveying; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Mine surveyor: higher vocational (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a mine surveyor technician of category I for at least 3 years.


Job responsibilities. Performs work on the preparation of maps, plans and other topographic, geodetic and geological graphic materials. Carries out the selection of geological and geodetic data for the preparation of graphic materials. Determines the sizes of frames and diagonals of trapezoids, calculates the coordinates of points for cartographic grids and projections for inset maps. Composes the originals of the topographic (geographical) basis in the given projection and coordinate system. According to the author's layout, draws a special load of geological, geophysical, geomorphological and other maps, geological profiles and sections, stratigraphic columns, legends, conventions, various schemes and plans. Participates in the development of symbols and designations, selects fonts. Prepares for the publication (reproduction) of maps of various contents. Participates in the preparation of relevant reports and sections of projects for cartographic work. Ensures compliance with the current regulatory legal documents on cartographic work, labor protection and fire protection rules.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of cartographic works; technique and technology of cartographic works; requirements for the quality of cartographic materials; state standards, standards and other technical requirements for drawing tools and materials; Terms of use technical means when performing cartographic work; conventional signs; requirements for preparing maps for publication; technology for publishing maps and reproduction of graphic documentation; requirements for the preparation of technical reports, projects and estimates for the implementation of cartographic work; rules for the storage of cartographic and graphic materials; the procedure for using cartographic and graphic materials; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of cartographic work; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Cartographer: higher vocational (technical) education with no requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and at least 3 years of work experience as a cartographer of category I for at least 3 years.


Job responsibilities. Performs work on the creation of a planned high-altitude survey justification. Conducts scale, tachometric or combined topographic surveys, phototheodolite surveys, updating topographic maps and plans, field and cameral interpretation, marking and plan-altitude reference of identification marks. Carries out a breakdown of profiles, transferring design points to nature and planned-altitude binding of objects (structures) during construction, installation, geological and water management works. Carries out the necessary instrumental measurements and maintains field documentation. Participates in the preparation of the relevant sections of projects for geological exploration, water management and other works. Ensures compliance with established norms and rules, as well as the accounting and safety of geodetic signs when performing topographic work. Prepares initial topographic data and performs cameral processing of field data. Carries out the compilation and drawing of topographic maps and plans, relief drawing and preparation of original maps and plans on photogrammetric devices. Performs preparation for work, verification and adjustment of topographic equipment, devices and tools, ensures their proper operation and storage. Carries out control over compliance with the rules for accounting and storage of topographic (geodesic) materials. Participates in the organization and elimination of field work. Prepares and prepares topographic documentation and reporting. Ensures and controls compliance with the rules for accounting and storage of materials for topographic and geodetic works, legislation in the field of geological study of subsoil, subsoil use, protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection when performing topographic work. Supervises topographer technicians and topographic workers.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of topographic works; development prospects and features of topographic work in the organization; methods, rules, instructions, instructions and symbols in the production of topographic works; the procedure and technology for the production of topographic works and the preparation of maps and plans; types, technical characteristics, principles of operation and rules for the operation of topographic equipment, instruments and tools; rules for verification, adjustment and storage of topographic equipment, devices and tools; order of conduct, rules and requirements for the design of field materials, topographic documentation and reporting; methods for carrying out technical calculations and office processing of field materials; rules and requirements for the preparation of topographic maps, plans, diagrams, profiles and other graphic materials; basic types and rules for using drawing tools and devices; requirements for the execution and storage of geodetic materials and reports; the procedure for designing and planning topographic works; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of topographic work; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Topographer: secondary vocational (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience.


Job responsibilities. Performs research and methodological developments for the development and improvement various methods and equipment for laboratory study of mineral raw materials. Participates in work planning, preparation of technical specifications and work programs for methodological (thematic) work. Performs research on individual sections of topics. Participates in the preparation of reports on the work performed and the implementation of completed developments in the central laboratory and laboratories of geological organizations. Carries out the selection of methods for laboratory work and provides methodological assistance to laboratory workers during analysis. Controls the correctness of the application of the current instructions, methods and specifications in the performance of laboratory studies of mineral raw materials. Participates in the manufacture and determination of the composition of intralaboratory, standard samples, in the study of the causes of defects in laboratory studies and the development of measures to eliminate them. Participates in the generalization, systematization and analysis of the results of ongoing research, in their acceptance and execution. He studies domestic and foreign materials on new methods for the study of mineral raw materials, acquaints laboratory workers with achievements in this area. Participates in the development and implementation of new and improvement of existing methods and technical means of laboratory work, as well as in work to reduce the time, reduce costs, improve the quality and safety of research.

Must know:organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to laboratory research; technology and organization of laboratory research; requirements for the quality of laboratory research; methodology, organization and technology of sampling for laboratory research, as well as the rules for their storage and accounting; rules for the technical operation of equipment, instruments and other technical means used in laboratory work; methods and means of performing technical calculations, computational and graphic works; rules for compiling, recording and storing documentation, reporting and other laboratory research materials; fundamentals of planning and designing laboratory research; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of laboratory research of mineral raw materials; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Methodist: higher professional (geological, technical) education without requirements for work experience or secondary professional (geological) education and work experience as a technician of category I for at least 3 years.

Drilling Engineer

Job responsibilities. Provides technical and technological support for drilling operations. Participates in the planning of drilling operations and the development of the production and technical part of the design and estimate documentation. Participates in the organization and liquidation of drilling operations. Draws up well construction schedules, participates in the placement of drilling crews at sites and determining their equipment with technical means. Develops the design and technological parameters well drilling, as well as schemes of installation and dismantling works. Develops technical documentation (geological and technical orders, regime and technological maps, etc.) for the construction of wells and controls its implementation. Summarizes, processes and analyzes data on the work of drilling and rigging crews, the use of drilling equipment and drilling tools. Analyzes the causes of downtime, accidents and defects in the construction of wells. Develops measures to improve the organization of carrying out and increase the efficiency of drilling operations, the rational use of the working time of drilling crews, the prevention of accidents and complications in the drilling process. Participates in planning and organizing the provision of drilling crews with material and technical resources and controls the rationality of their use. Controls the compliance of drilling crews with industrial and technological discipline, equipment operation rules, requirements for the quality of work, safety regulations, labor protection, fire protection, measures for the protection of subsoil and the environment. Participates in the scheduling of repair and maintenance of drilling equipment and monitors their implementation. Takes part in the work on the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization, invention, labor rationing. It studies and analyzes advanced domestic and foreign experience in drilling operations and participates in its dissemination. Maintains records and prepares required reports. Participates in advanced training of workers at drilling operations.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of drilling operations; fundamentals of geology; general information about the geology of the area of ​​work; mining and geological conditions for drilling wells; direction, specialization and prospects for the development of drilling operations in a geological organization; types and methods of drilling wells, purpose and design of wells; requirements and procedure for the development of design and production documentation for drilling wells; organization and technology of drilling and well testing; organization and rules for assembly and dismantling and transportation of drilling equipment; geological and technical requirements for the quality of drilling and well testing; rules for the technical operation and maintenance of drilling equipment, instrumentation, tools; causes and conditions for the occurrence of technical problems, accidents and complications during drilling, methods for their prevention and elimination; rules for accounting and storage of geological material (core, samples, etc.); the procedure and rules for maintaining production and reporting documentation; procedure for planning, designing and financing drilling operations; norms and prices for drilling operations, the procedure for their revision; current wage regulations; requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for the operation of equipment and drilling operations; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of equipment and technology for drilling wells; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Drilling engineer of category I: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a drilling engineer of category II for at least 3 years.

Drilling engineer of II category: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a drilling engineer for at least 3 years.

Drilling engineer: higher vocational (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a technician of category I for at least 3 years.

mining engineer

Job responsibilities. Provides technical and technological support for mining operations. Participates in the planning of mining operations and the development of the production and technical part of the design and estimate documentation. Participates in the organization and liquidation of mining operations. Draws up schedules for the construction of mine workings, participates in the placement of mining teams at work sites and determining their equipment with technical means. Develops designs and technology for driving mine workings, passports for drilling and blasting and fixing workings, as well as other technical documentation for driving mine workings and controls its implementation. Summarizes, processes and analyzes data on the work of mining teams and equipment. Analyzes the causes of downtime, accidents and rejects in the production of mining operations. Develops measures to improve the organization of the conduct and increase the efficiency of mining operations, the rational use of the working time of mining teams, the improvement of safety and the prevention of accidents and complications in mining operations. Controls compliance by drilling crews with industrial and technological discipline, requirements for the quality of mining operations, rules for the operation of mining equipment, labor protection, fire protection, measures for the protection of subsoil and the environment. Together with the mining mechanic, he develops schedules for the repair and maintenance of mining equipment and monitors their implementation. Participates in planning and organizing the provision of mining teams with material and technical resources and controls the rationality of their use. Ensures the preparation of the necessary documentation for obtaining permits for the storage, transportation of explosive materials and drilling and blasting. Participates in the preparation of requests for the required explosive materials, mining equipment, tools and safety equipment, as well as their distribution to facilities. Carries out control over the condition, storage and operation of mining equipment, tools and other technical means. Participates in the work on the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization, invention, labor rationing. He studies and analyzes advanced domestic and foreign experience in mining operations, participates in its dissemination in mining operations. Maintains records and prepares required reports. Participates in advanced training of workers in mining operations.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of mining operations; fundamentals of geology; general information about the geology of the area of ​​work; mining and geological conditions, focus, specialization and prospects for the development of the area of ​​work; purpose and design of mine workings; requirements and procedure for the development of design and production documentation for the sinking of mine workings; organization of production processes and technology of tunneling; the procedure for issuing documents for the performance of work in conditions and with materials requiring special permits, registration and approval; technical and geological requirements for sampling and mining quality; rules for the technical operation and maintenance of mining equipment, instrumentation, protective equipment, tools; causes and conditions for the occurrence of geological complications, technical and technological violations, malfunctions, accidents in mine workings and methods for their prevention and elimination; procedure and means of control over the state of mine workings; safety requirements and rules for conducting drilling and blasting operations; consumption rates and storage rules for materials used in the driving of mine workings; types, characteristics of explosive materials, rules for their use, transportation, accounting and storage; sampling technology, requirements for sampling and quality of samples; rules for accounting and storage of geological material (core, samples, etc.); forms and procedures for maintaining production and reporting documentation; the procedure for planning, designing and the basis for financing mining operations; norms and prices for mining operations, the procedure for their revision; current regulations on remuneration of employees; requirements of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for the operation of mining equipment and mining operations; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of engineering and mining technology; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Category I mining engineer: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a category II mining engineer for at least 3 years.

Category II mining engineer: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a mining engineer for at least 3 years.

Mining engineer: higher vocational (technical) education without any requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and at least 3 years of experience as a technician of category I.

Drilling and mining mechanic

Job responsibilities. Ensures the technical readiness for operation of drilling (mining) equipment and other technical means used in drilling (mining) operations, their correct operation, timely quality repair, Maintenance. Develops calendar plans (schedules) for inspections, inspections and repairs of drilling (mining and sinking) equipment, and also organizes their timely and high-quality execution, taking into account the plan for geological exploration. Ensures unscheduled repair work. Determines the need and organizes the receipt of spare parts, parts, tools and materials necessary for the repair maintenance of drilling (mining) equipment. Participates in the organization and execution of documents for the implementation of repair work by third parties. Participates in the acceptance and commissioning of new (restored) and decommissioning of worn-out drilling (mining and tunneling) equipment. Carries out certification and accounting of technical means. Analyzes the state and operating conditions of drilling (mining and sinking) equipment, individual components and parts in order to identify the causes and prevent their premature wear. Participates in the development and implementation of advanced methods of repair and restoration of components and parts of mechanisms, as well as measures to increase the service life of drilling (mining) equipment, prevent its breakdowns, reduce labor intensity, cost and improve the quality of repairs. Carries out accounting of works on repair, maintenance and modernization of drilling (mining and sinking) equipment. Participates in the investigation of the causes of accidents in drilling (mining) equipment. Prepares lifting mechanisms and other objects for presentation to the inspection of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia state supervision. Carries out technical supervision over the condition, operation and repair of protective devices, as well as electric power systems and drilling (mining) equipment. Provides technical guidance and organizes the work of fuel and lubricants. Maintains the established production and reporting documentation, records of material assets, takes measures to ensure their safety and timely write-off. Controls compliance with the norms of consumption of material resources used in the operation and repair of drilling (mining) equipment and other technical means. Conducts production briefing of employees on the operation and maintenance of drilling (mining and tunneling) equipment. Participates in the work on the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization, invention, mechanization of manual and labor-intensive work, organization and standardization of labor, as well as the dissemination of best practices in repair work. Controls compliance with the requirements of fire protection, technological and labor discipline, technical safety rules in the production of repair work and in the operation of drilling (mining and sinking) equipment. Supervises employees involved in the repair and maintenance of drilling (mining and sinking) equipment and maintaining it in working condition at the objects of geological exploration.

Must know:organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the work of the repair service of a geological organization, including the operation, maintenance and repair of drilling (mining and sinking) equipment; prospects for the technical development of the organization; organization of repair and technical service and technology of repair work; instructions and regulations on the system of preventive maintenance; purpose, technical characteristics, design features, operating modes and operating rules of drilling (mining and sinking) equipment; methods of installation, adjustment and adjustment of equipment; order and documenting commissioning, putting into repair, acceptance after repair and decommissioning of drilling (mining and sinking) equipment; the procedure for compiling passports for drilling (mining and tunneling) equipment, operating instructions, sheets of defects, specifications and other technical and reporting documentation related to the operation and repair of equipment; organization of fuel and lubricants; types, purpose and fundamentals of the technology for the production of geological exploration work in a geological organization; requirements of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia for the operation and maintenance of drilling (mining and sinking) equipment; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the repair and maintenance of technical equipment; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; rules and regulations on labor protection.

Qualification requirements.

Mechanic for drilling, mining works of the 1st category: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a mechanic for drilling, mining works of the 2nd category for at least 3 years.

Drilling and mining mechanic Category II: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as a drilling and mining mechanic for at least 3 years.

Drilling and mining mechanic: higher vocational (technical) education without requirements for work experience or secondary vocational (technical) education and at least 3 years of experience as a mechanical technician of category I.

Technician Geologist

Job responsibilities. Takes part in the performance of work on the geological study of the subsoil and the solution of other geological problems. Participates in the implementation of experimental-methodical and thematic work. Participates in the organization, carrying out and liquidation of field geological work, receiving and depositing necessary equipment, devices, tools and field equipment, cameral processing of field materials. Conducts description and measurements of objects of geological observations (outcrops, ditches, pits, wells, etc.). Carries out sampling of rocks, cores and all types of samples, as well as their design, packaging and shipment for further study and analysis. Maintains primary geological documentation and carries out its processing, accounting and storage. Participates in the preparation of text, tabular and graphic materials. Performs technical correction of the text and design of geological reports, as well as other reporting materials. Participates in the preparation and execution of design estimates, production documentation, reporting and operational information on the progress of geological work. Controls compliance with the requirements for the quality of geological work, measures for the protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection by employees engaged in geological work.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of geological works; types, purpose and fundamentals of the technology of geological exploration; information about the geology of the studied object (area) of work; requirements for the quality of geological exploration work and geological materials; rules for the technical operation of the equipment, apparatus, instruments used; rules for the selection, accounting and storage of rock samples and all types of samples; the procedure and methods for processing field materials; rules for the execution and maintenance of geological documentation and reports; methods and means of performing technical calculations, graphic and computational work; the basics of planning and designing works on the geological study of the subsoil; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geological exploration; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Technician-geologist of category I: secondary vocational (geological) education and work experience as a technician-geologist of category II for at least 2 years.

Technician-geologist II category: secondary vocational (geological) education and work experience as a technician-geologist for at least 2 years.

Technician-geologist: secondary vocational (geological) education without presenting requirements for work experience.

Geophysical Technician

Job responsibilities. Participates in the performance of work on geophysical research and processing of geophysical materials. Takes part in the implementation of experimental methodological, thematic and other special geophysical works. Participates in the organization, conduct and liquidation of field geophysical work, receipt and deposit of the necessary instruments, tools, field equipment and cameral processing of field materials. Participates in the preparation for operation and installation of instruments and other technical means for conducting geophysical surveys and their maintenance. Fixes and formalizes the results of registration of data of geophysical observations. Maintains primary geophysical documentation and carries out its processing, accounting and storage. Performs engineering works in the processing and interpretation of geophysical data. Participates in the preparation of design estimates. Participates in the preparation of textual, tabular and graphic materials, as well as performs technical correction of the text and preparation of reports based on the results of geophysical surveys. Participates in the preparation of production documentation, reporting and preparation of operational information on the progress of geophysical work. Controls compliance with the requirements for the quality of geophysical works, measures for the protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection by employees engaged in geophysical works.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of geophysical works; theoretical foundations of geophysical methods; types, purpose and basics of technology of geophysical works; prospects for the development of geophysical work in the study area (object) of work; geological and geophysical information about the study area (object) of work; types, purpose and design of the applied geophysical equipment, apparatus, instruments and rules for their technical operation; requirements for the quality of geophysical surveys and materials; the procedure and rules for maintaining, recording and storing registration materials, geophysical documentation and reports; procedure and methods for processing field geophysical data; methods and means of performing technical calculations, graphic and computational work in the processing and interpretation of geophysical data; fundamentals of planning and designing geophysical works; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geophysical works; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Geophysicist of category I: secondary vocational (geological) education and work experience as a geophysicist of category II for at least 2 years.

Geophysicist 2nd category: secondary vocational (geological) education and work experience as a geophysicist for at least 2 years.

Technician-geophysicist: secondary vocational (geological) education without presenting requirements for work experience.


Job responsibilities. Takes part in the performance of work related to the study of geological, hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions at the objects under study. Participates in the implementation of experimental and thematic work, special hydrogeological and engineering-geological studies. Takes part in organizing, conducting and liquidating field hydrogeological works, obtaining and depositing the necessary instruments, tools, field equipment and cameral processing of field materials. Conducts a description of observation objects, maintains primary hydrogeological documentation and processes it. Conducts water level measurements and other special hydrogeological measurements. Carries out the selection, registration, accounting and sending for laboratory studies of samples (samples) of water and soil. Participates in work on pumping water from wells, hydrogeological observations of the groundwater regime. Maintains primary hydrogeological documentation and carries out its processing, accounting and storage. Participates in the preparation of textual, tabular and graphic materials, as well as performs technical correction of the text and preparation of the geological report. Participates in the preparation and execution of design estimates and production documentation, reporting and preparation of operational information on the progress of hydrogeological work. Controls compliance with the requirements for the quality of hydrogeological works, measures for the protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection by workers engaged in hydrogeological works.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of hydrogeological and engineering-geological works; prospects for the development of hydrogeological work in the study area; organization and technology of work on hydrogeological and engineering-geological study of the subsoil; requirements for the quality of hydrogeological works; types, purpose and design of the used equipment, apparatus, devices and rules for their technical operation; rules for the selection, accounting and storage of water and rock samples; the procedure and methods for processing field materials; procedure and rules for drawing up and maintaining hydrogeological documentation and reports; methods and means of performing technical calculations, graphic and computational work; the basics of planning and designing work on hydrogeological and engineering-geological study of the subsoil; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of hydrogeological works; fundamentals of the economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Technician-hydrogeologist of category I: secondary vocational (geological) education and work experience as a technician-hydrogeologist of category II for at least 2 years.

Technician-hydrogeologist II category: secondary vocational (geological) education and work experience as a technician-hydrogeologist for at least 2 years.

Technician-hydrogeologist: secondary vocational (geological) education without presenting requirements for work experience.

Surveyor Technician

Job responsibilities. Takes part in the performance of geodetic works, including tying existing and transferring to nature design objects (buildings, structures, boreholes, geophysical profiles, mine workings, etc.) during geological exploration, construction and installation and other works . Participates in the organization, carrying out and liquidation of field geodetic works, obtaining and depositing the necessary instruments, tools and field equipment. Fixes points on the terrain with long-term and temporary geodetic signs. Carries out the breakdown of profiles and exploration lines and their binding to the starting points. Sets directions for cutting clearings and sights. Determines the planned coordinates and heights of points according to the project of work and the established task. Performs cameral processing of field measurements. Maintains primary geodetic documentation and carries out its processing, accounting and storage. Participates in the preparation of textual, tabular and graphic materials of geodetic works. Participates in the preparation and execution of design estimates and production documentation, reporting and preparation of operational information on the progress of geodetic work. Controls compliance with the requirements for the quality of geodetic works, measures for the protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection by employees engaged in geodetic works.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of geodetic works; prospects for the development of geodetic works in the study area; organization and technology of geodetic works; types, purpose and design of the equipment, apparatus, devices used, as well as the rules for their technical operation and storage; the procedure for performing verification of instruments and instruments; procedure and rules for registration of geodetic documentation and reports; procedure, methods and means of processing field materials; methods and means of performing technical calculations, graphic and computational work; requirements for the quality of geodetic works and materials; fundamentals of planning and designing geodetic works; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geodetic works; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Technician-surveyor of the 1st category: secondary vocational (geodesic) education and work experience as a technician-surveyor of the 2nd category for at least 2 years.

Technician-surveyor II category: secondary vocational (geodetic) education and work experience as a technician-surveyor at least 2 years.

Technician-surveyor: secondary vocational (geodetic) education without presenting requirements for work experience.

Cartographer Technician

Job responsibilities. Takes part in the implementation of cartographic work, including the selection of initial data for the preparation of maps, plans and other graphic materials. Draws topographic bases according to the drafting original prepared by the cartographer, as well as a special load of geological, geophysical, geomorphological and other maps. Colorizes closed contours according to the legend or according to the drafting original. Draws the corners of trapezoidal frames, points of geographic grids and projections for inset maps by coordinates. Carries out inscriptions, mounts stickers of conventional signs and inscriptions. Draws symbols, as well as originals for printing forms (line and background load). Participates in the preparation and execution of production documentation and reporting materials. Controls compliance with the requirements of the current regulatory legal acts for the implementation of cartographic work and storage of cartographic materials.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of cartographic works; organization and technology of cartographic works; types, purpose and design of equipment, apparatus, devices used in cartographic work, as well as the rules for their technical operation and storage; requirements for the quality of cartographic materials; types and characteristics of materials used in the performance of cartographic work; state standards, industry standards and other technical requirements for drawing tools and materials; rules for the use of technical means in the performance of cartographic work; procedure and rules for registration of production and reporting documentation and its storage; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of cartographic work; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Technician-cartographer of category I: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a technician-cartographer of category II for at least 2 years.

Technician-cartographer II category: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a technician-cartographer for at least 2 years.

Technician-cartographer: secondary vocational (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience.

Surveyor Technician

Job responsibilities. Takes part in the implementation of surveying work. Participates in the binding of projects of mine workings, structures, routes and other objects to the conditions of the area and their transfer to nature. Fixes points on the ground with long-term and temporary signs, determines the planned coordinates and heights of points according to the project of work and the established task. Carries out the necessary measurements to control the penetration of mine workings, compliance with the design sections and slopes and dimensions. Carries out mine surveying services for driving mine workings, measurements of warehouses and dumps. Performs ground topographic survey, cameral processing of measurement materials. Maintains primary geodetic documentation and carries out its processing, accounting and storage. Participates in the preparation of textual, tabular and graphic materials for mine surveying. Draws mining plans and performs other graphic work. Prepares documentation for recording the movement and loss of mineral reserves, building the boundaries of safety pillars for objects to be protected. Participates in the preparation and execution of design estimates and production documentation, reporting and preparation of operational information on the progress of mine surveying. Participates in the receipt and deposit of the necessary instruments, tools and other equipment. Controls compliance with the requirements for the quality of mine surveying, measures for the protection of subsoil and the environment, labor protection rules, fire protection by employees engaged in mine surveying.

Must know:laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological exploration, use and protection of subsoil and the environment; organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials related to the production of mine surveying; fundamentals of organization and technology of mining operations; prospects for development and features of mining operations in a geological organization; organization and technology of mine surveying; types, purpose and design of the equipment, apparatus, devices used, as well as the rules for their technical operation and storage; the procedure for performing verification of instruments and instruments; procedure and rules for registration of mine surveying documentation and reports; the procedure, methods and means of processing materials, performing technical calculations, graphic and computational work; the basics of accounting for the movement of reserves and losses of minerals in the bowels; requirements for the quality of mine surveying work and materials; basic rules and requirements for the preparation of geodetic maps, plans, diagrams, profiles and other graphic materials; basic types and rules for using a drawing tool; requirements for the execution and storage of mine surveying materials; fundamentals of planning and designing mine surveying; advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of mine surveying; fundamentals of the economics of geological exploration and mining; fundamentals of labor legislation; fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

Qualification requirements.

Technician-mine surveyor of category I: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a technician-mine surveyor of category II for at least 2 years.

Technician-mine surveyor II category: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a technician-mine surveyor for at least 2 years.

Technician-mine surveyor: secondary vocational (technical) education without presenting requirements for work experience.

* Specialized laboratories include: chemical-analytical, spectral, assay, mineralogical, coal-chemical, engineering-geological, enrichment technologies, nuclear physics, hydrochemical

Organization name I APPROVE

INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization

N ___________ Signature Explanation
Place of compilation Date



1. The chief geologist (deputy director for geology) belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed from work by order of __________________________________________.
2. A person with a higher technical education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty in positions of managers and specialists is appointed to the position of chief geologist (deputy director for geology).
3. In his activities, the chief geologist (deputy director for geology) is guided by:
— normative documents on the issues of the work performed;
- methodological materials related to relevant issues;
- the charter of the organization;
- labor regulations;
- orders and orders of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);
- this job description.
4. The chief geologist (deputy director for geology) must know:
- regulatory legal acts, other guidance, methodological and regulatory materials of higher authorities related to the activities of the geological service;
— technology for the production of geological exploration work and requirements for the quality of their implementation;
— prospects for expanding the mineral resource base of the geological area under study;
- development prospects gas industry district;
— endowment with mineral reserves (increase in oil and gas production) of existing, under construction and planned organizations;
— economics of mineral raw materials and geological exploration;
— the procedure for accounting for deposits and calculating mineral reserves;
— field development technology;
— types and design of exploration and production equipment and rules for its technical operation;
— the procedure for designing and financing exploration work;
— rules for accounting and storage of documentation and geological materials;
— current standards for mined minerals;
— best practices in the field of exploration and production of oil and gas;
— economics, organization of production, labor and management;
— basics of labor legislation;
— The Code of the Republic of Belarus on subsoil, the Law “On Environmental Protection”;
— rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.
5. During the absence of the chief geologist (deputy director for geology), his duties are performed in accordance with the established procedure by the appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the chief geologist (deputy director for geology) must:
6.1. Manage all types of geological prospecting and exploration work, as well as geological services for organizations.
6.2. Lead and implement the rational development of oil and gas fields.
6.3. Manage the development of assignments for geological prospecting, exploration, geophysical work, the growth of oil and gas reserves.
6.4. Ensure control over the correct conduct of work during the prospecting, exploration and development of deposits and, if necessary, suspend work.
6.5. Organize geological control over drilling and testing of wells, the efficiency of oil and gas field development, issue recommendations for further improvement of these works.
6.6. Provide processing, generalization of materials of prospecting, exploration and development of deposits, compilation and refinement of geological maps.
6.7. Analyze geological materials and evaluate the results of geological prospecting, exploration and geophysical work, the quality of drilling of production and exploration wells.
6.8. To ensure the introduction into production of rational methods of prospecting, exploration and development of oil and gas fields.
6.9. Develop geological and technical measures aimed at ensuring tasks for the growth of oil and gas reserves, improving technology and methods of influencing productive strata, increasing the recovery of strata.
6.10. Assess the readiness of deposits for development and make a decision on their acceptance for industrial development.
6.11. Ensure the preparation and approval of standard and individual projects for the construction of wells.
6.12. Determine the main directions of research and design work in the field of prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields, the creation of an effective technology for their development and control their implementation.
6.13. Organize work to improve the methods of geological exploration and the introduction of new technology.
6.14. Ensure timely accounting of the state and movement of oil and gas reserves, theological and technical documentation, core, samples.
6.15. Manage the preparation of established reports.
6.16. Monitor compliance with the Law "On Environmental Protection" and the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Subsoil.
6.17. Organize control over the spending of funds allocated for geological exploration.
6.18. Consider and distribute applications for geological equipment.
6.19. Participate in the preparation of tasks for drilling wells.
6.20. Conduct an analysis of the production and economic activities of the organization.
6.21. Develop measures to improve the skills of employees of geological services, organize creative seminars.
6.22. Manage the geological service, coordinate the activities of units related to the geological support of work.
6.23. Exercise control:
- fulfillment by subordinate employees of their duties on labor protection;
— compliance by employees with the requirements of labor protection legislation.
6.24. Conduct, in accordance with the established procedure, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor protection with employees.
6.25. To carry out in due time measures for labor protection, instructions of state supervision and control bodies, labor protection services.
6.26. Train workers in safe work practices and practices.
6.27. In the event of an accident at work, organize first aid to the victim, report the accident to the immediate supervisor, and take other measures provided for by the Rules for the Investigation and Recording of Accidents at Work and Occupational Diseases.
6.28. Carry out self-control of compliance with labor protection requirements.

7. The chief geologist (deputy director for geology) has the right to:
7.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.
7.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
7.3. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
7.4. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions of the organization, receive information and documents necessary for the performance of official duties.
7.5. Submit for consideration by the head of the organization submissions on the appointment, transfer, dismissal of employees subordinate to him, proposals for their encouragement or the imposition of penalties on them.
7.6. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.
7.7. Take part in the discussion of labor protection issues submitted for consideration by meetings (conferences) labor collective(trade union organization).


8. Chief geologist (deputy director for geology) reports to

9. Chief Geologist (Deputy Director for Geology)
interacts on issues within its competence, with
employees of the following structural divisions of the organization:


- With _________________________________________________________________:


10. The work of the chief geologist (deputy director for geology) is evaluated by the immediate supervisor (another official).
11. The chief geologist (deputy director for geology) is responsible for:
11.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.
11.4. For non-compliance with the rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Head of structural

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

Familiarized with the instructions:

(signature) surname, initials

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The Job Description section contains the necessary information on how a job description is written. Here you can find typical job descriptions for various specialties. Our bank of job descriptions includes more than 2500 different documents. These job descriptions were compiled and edited in 2015, which means they are relevant today.

From this article you will learn:

  • what duties, powers and rights reflect the job description of the chief geologist;
  • what provisions are contained in the typical job description of the chief geologist;
  • what areas of work under this job description is the responsibility of this specialist in your organization.

Society with limited liability"Alpha"

_________ A.V. Lviv

Job Description No. 88
chief geologist

Moscow 01.10.2015


1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the chief geologist of the Geology Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The chief geologist belongs to the category of managers, is a deputy CEO on economic issues.

1.3. A person who has a higher professional (geological) education and at least 5 years of work experience in the positions of managers and specialists in the field of geology and subsoil exploration is appointed to the position of chief geologist.

1.4. The chief geologist is appointed and dismissed by the General Director of the Company.

1.5. The chief geologist should know:

– laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study, use and protection of subsoil and the environment;

- organizational and administrative documents and methodological materials relating to the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities of a geological organization;

- the state and prospects for the development of the mineral resource base of the geological region, the mining industry and the geological organization;

- the degree of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) knowledge of the area of ​​work;

- the main requirements for the quality of mineral raw materials;

– methodology and methods for conducting geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) studies;

- the procedure for planning, designing and financing exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works;

– the procedure for accounting for deposits and calculating mineral reserves;

– procedure for submission and approval of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) reports;

- types, technology of exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works and requirements for their quality;

- types and purpose of exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) equipment and apparatus, main technical characteristics and rules for their operation;

– rules for accounting and storage of geological materials;

- the procedure for compiling production and geological documentation;

- the procedure for the development and conclusion of agreements (agreements, contracts) in the field of geological activities;

– advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study, use and protection of subsoil and the environment and geological exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) work; economics of mineral raw materials and exploration (geophysical, hydrogeological) works;

– labor legislation;

– fire protection rules; labor protection rules.

1.6. The Chief Geologist reports directly to the General Director.

1.7. During the absence of the chief economist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a duly appointed person who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.


Chief geologist:

2.1. Manages the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities of a geological organization.

2.2. Controls and ensures high-quality and timely execution of works on geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) study of subsoil and subsoil use, exploration work on the reproduction of the mineral resource base.

2.3. Manages the development of the main directions, long-term and current plans for the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities of a geological organization, as well as the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) part of projects for work on facilities.

2.4. Organizes and controls the implementation of field and cameral work, laboratory and technological research of minerals.

2.5. Coordinates and controls the solution of issues on the rational use of subsoil, obtaining and fulfilling the conditions of licenses.

2.6. Manages the development and implementation of methods, methods and tools for conducting geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) research and exploration of minerals, the introduction of the latest scientific and technological achievements and best practices, and also monitors and analyzes the effectiveness of their use.

2.7. Organizes and controls the preparation of design estimates, reports on the results of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) studies, feasibility reports and justifications, submission of materials for the development of conditions, calculation of mineral reserves, acknowledgment and delivery of work performed and writing off costs for them.

2.8. Carries out interaction and conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations on issues of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) activities.

2.9. Takes measures to improve the organization of labor, production and management of geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) field and office work.

2.10. Controls the correctness of the compilation of reference collections of rocks, the definition of rock categories and categories of complexity of areas of work, requirements for accounting and storage of geological materials.

2.11. Provides the organization of events to improve the skills of specialists in the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) profile. Participates in the selection and placement of personnel.

2.12. Controls compliance with the current regulatory legal acts of environmental, sanitary and other bodies exercising supervision, labor protection rules, fire protection rules.

2.13. Coordinates and controls the activities of subdivisions of the geological (geophysical, hydrogeological) profile.

2.14. Supervises employees of geological (hydrophysical, hydrogeological) subdivisions of a geological organization.


The chief geologist has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Company's management relating to its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

3.3. Within the limits of its competence, report to the Deputy Director for Economic Affairs on all shortcomings identified in the course of its activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head).

3.5. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the Company from the heads of structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.

3.6. Require the management of the Company to provide assistance in the performance of their duties and rights.


The Chief Geologist is responsible for:

4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. The job description is reviewed, amended and supplemented as necessary, but at least once every five years.

5.2. With the order to make changes (additions) to the job description, all employees of the organization who are subject to this instruction are familiarized against receipt.

The job description was developed in accordance with the order of the General Director dated March 11, 2015 No. 71.

Name of organization APPROVED OFFICIAL Name of position INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of the signature Place of compilation Date TO THE GEOLOGIST


1. A geologist belongs to the category of specialists, is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization.

2. A person who has a higher technical (geological) education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary specialized education and at least 3 years of work experience as a geotechnical technician of category I is appointed to the position of a geologist.

A person with a higher technical (geological) education and at least 3 years of work experience as a geologist is appointed to the position of a category II geologist.

A person with a higher technical (geological) education and at least 3 years of work experience as a geologist of the II category is appointed to the position of a category I geologist.

3. In his activities, the geologist is guided by:

Regulatory documents on the issues of the work performed;

Methodological materials relating to relevant issues;

the charter of the organization;

Labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the organization (direct supervisor);

This job description.

4. A geologist should know:

Regulatory legal acts, other guiding, methodological and regulatory materials of higher bodies relating to the geological and production activities of the organization;

Geology of the oil and gas bearing area and deposits;

Rules for the development of oil and gas fields;

Industry requirements for the type of raw material extracted;

Existing methods of field and geophysical studies of wells;

Methods of drilling and operation of wells and characteristics of the equipment used;

Fundamentals of drilling technology, maintenance and workover of wells;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Rules for the preparation of geological documentation;

Principles and methods for constructing graphic, geological documentation and processing of logging material;

Accounting and storage rules for geological materials;

Fundamentals of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on subsoil, fundamentals of the Law "On Environmental Protection";

Basics of labor legislation;

Rules and norms of labor protection and fire safety.

5. During the absence of a geologist, his duties are performed in accordance with the established procedure by an appointed deputy who is fully responsible for their proper performance.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the geologist is obliged:

6.1. Monitor the state of development and development of oil and gas fields and underground gas storages (UGS).

6.2. Control the position of the oil-bearing contours and the rise of the oil-water contact at the oil fields, the gas-water contact at the UGSF, ensure timely measures are taken to ensure the correct location of the gas-water contact contour at the UGSF.

6.3. Maintain primary documentation based on incoming information on oil and gas production, well drilling, geophysical and hydrogeological studies.

6.4. To carry out operational geological control over the progress of injection and withdrawal of gas from underground storage facilities, drilling, testing, quality and scope of implementation research work, overhaul, technological mode of operation in oil and gas wells.

6.5. Carry out constant geological monitoring throughout the entire well construction cycle to complete the geological part of the project and the theological and technical order.

6.6. Control the implementation of the declared geophysical complex and the quality of field geophysical surveys.

6.7. According to the geophysical survey data, determine areas of complications in wellbores, intervals for installing packers during well testing during drilling.

6.8. Timely update the current reservoir pressures and drilling fluid parameters before opening productive horizons and issue information to the technological service and drilling rigs.

6.9. Compile documentation of mining drilling allotments for subsoil development, geological reports, plans (schedules) of field and geophysical studies of wells, sampling for chemical analysis.

6.10. Process well logs.

6.11. Conduct monthly analysis of the work of the well stock.

6.12. Participate in the development and implementation of technological modes of well operation, the development of geological and technical measures.

6.13. Prepare the geological part of the geological and technical order for drilling wells.

6.14. Compile graphic materials characterizing the geological structure of the studied areas of work (schemes, maps, sections, diagrams).

6.15. Organize accounting, storage and reproduction of geological materials in the prescribed manner.

6.16. Prepare documents for the liquidation, conservation and return of wells.

6.17. Participate in the exchange of experience and professional development of personnel.

6.18. Maintain established statistical reporting.

6.19. Stop work on the construction of wells in case of violation of the rules for the protection of subsoil and the environment.

6.20. Assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately inform the immediate supervisor about each case of industrial injury and occupational disease, as well as emergency situations that pose a threat to health and life for him and those around him, discovered deficiencies and violations of security labor.

6.21. Take necessary measures to limit development emergency and its elimination, provide first aid to the victim, take measures to call an ambulance, emergency services, fire brigade.


7. A geologist has the right:

7.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

7.2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.

7.3. Notify the immediate supervisor of all shortcomings in the production activities of the organization (its structural divisions) identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make proposals for their elimination.

7.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the organization and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

7.5. Involve specialists from all (separate) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to it (if it is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the management).

7.6. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

7.7. Take part in the discussion of labor protection issues submitted for consideration by meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

8. The geologist reports to _______________________________________________. 9. The geologist interacts on issues within his competence with employees of the following structural divisions of the organization: - with _________________________________________________________________: receives: ________________________________________________________________________________; represents: __________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________; represents: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. The work of a geologist is evaluated by the immediate supervisor (another official).

11. The geologist is responsible:

11.1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For non-compliance with the rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Name of the position of the head of the _________ _______________________ of the structural unit Signature Full name of the signature of the Visa I am familiar with the instruction _________ _______________________ Signature Full name of the signature _______________________ Date


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