Step-by-step instructions: how to open a profitable grocery store. How to open a grocery store, or a competent business plan is the key to success What you need to open a hypermarket

There are not many types of businesses that are not affected by the financial crisis and other material hardships. For example, a grocery store is a profitable business even in unstable times, when the market for service enterprises is narrowing, and some niches are completely curtailed until better times. Consider the steps you need to take to successfully open your grocery store.

Of course, grocery store is not the ideal type of business. It, like other formats, is subject to the same market laws of development, external and internal factors. And during the crisis, despite the stable demand for food, the purchasing power of the population still fell in this niche. Grocery store business owners were among the first to feel the decline in profits. Due to a shift in the consumer's focus of consumption. Simply put, the consumption basket has become cheaper and more modest.

But - good news from the site - demand for everyday goods and food will never be zero. Consumers change only the consumption pattern.

Given this rule, a food store can be made to break even. To do this, it is necessary to change and rebuild the assortment in a timely manner, look for new suppliers and manufacturers, consider cheap alternatives to expensive food products, introduce promotions and come up with other ways to increase customer loyalty.

The concept of opening a grocery business is quite simple. To open a grocery store, you need to collect a package of documents and permits, find and equip a suitable room, select and conclude agreements with suppliers, purchase special equipment for food storage and start advertising campaigns to attract buyers.

Choosing a location for a grocery store

The most optimal solution when choosing a room- find a ready-made, already equipped for food trading. It can even be considered the only correct solution, with some reservations.

This problem, of course, concerns only those who do not have their own premises. Owners, on the contrary, have an undeniable advantage in the form of premises and the ability to equip it the way they want. the site is not looking for easy ways, therefore, we will assume that the premises are supposed to be rented.

If the premises are not ready for the opening of a grocery store - re-equipment of the area for the sale of food products according to the norms, established by law is a rather complex process. He can "eat" a lot of money, nerves and time. Moreover, the time spent on registration and obtaining all the necessary permits will take the most. Need to be given Special attention engineering communications. SES, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other inspection bodies establish special requirements, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises for the store, for the fire extinguishing and fire alarm system, ventilation, lighting, and the serviceability of electrical wiring. Naturally, this will not happen in an unprepared room. And you have to do everything yourself.

If you manage to find a ready-made premises, it is imperative to check the availability and correctness of permits for the premises in accordance with all necessary standards. If there is no such documentation, or the owner of the premises offers to resolve this issue "later", then, without a doubt, the tenant will have to decide everything, at best, on their own. At worst, the further functioning of the grocery store will become simply impossible.

Of course, the reader of the site will say, a ready-made room for a grocery store will cost a pretty penny, but you still have to redo it to fit your needs. And he will be right. Moreover, it is very difficult to find a good ready-made premises for a specific purpose. Everything that will be offered on the market, one way or another, has problems, such as the need for cosmetic repairs, or, even worse, major repairs. Therefore, the search for a ready-made premises is the only right decision, with these very reservations that it will be very difficult to find a suitable one. Almost impossible.

The optimal solution to this dilemma is to find a room for the possibility of converting it into a grocery store. This means the following: the possibility of arranging the necessary engineering communications, the possibility of repairing any complexity, the possibility of arranging a separate exit. And, most importantly in this decision, the possibility of obtaining the necessary permits. All this, one way or another, will have to be done independently. Good landlords, as a rule, in this case go to meet the tenant - they give rental holidays for the required period, or they can take part of the costs for themselves, they also assist in obtaining permits - they provide the necessary certificates, extracts and other "bureaucracy".

Do not forget about store location is the foundation of any success retail. Placement in a passing place is a lot of luck and the best advertisement for a profitable business.

If you plan to rent the premises, then the following simple tips will be very helpful.

  • Treaty long term lease more profitable than a short-term contract, for a long-term lease they are more willing to give a discount.
  • The conditions for the renewal of the contract should be transparent and should not provide the landlord with a unilateral right to increase the cost of rent. Such an increase should be supplementary agreement with prior notice to the tenant. It is better to review all the terms of the contract together with a lawyer experienced in real estate transactions.
  • The terms of early termination must be included in the contract without fail. Despite the low risks of business loss, anything can happen and, for example, a large area will not be able to reach self-sufficiency. Conditions must suit the tenant.
Documents required to open a grocery store

The current rules for the use of checkout equipment assume that the new grocery store uses an online checkout (KKT-online). That is, a terminal that transmits information via the Internet. It is not difficult to purchase such a CCP, there are many companies specializing in the installation and maintenance of cash equipment and other accounting systems for goods turnover. They will take care of all the paperwork for this equipment. Owner retail outlet for the sale of food, it remains only to arrange the store itself. Of course, this design can also be delegated to third-party specialists for a separate cost, or save money and do everything yourself. Moreover, according to the site, not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance:

  1. . Takes 5 to 25 days. It is carried out at the tax office at the place of registration, or at the place where the store is opened. If the owner already has own LLC, allowing you to open a grocery store, it is enough to get a certificate of no debts from the Federal Tax Service (FTS).
  2. With a ready-made lease agreement (or proof of ownership, if the owner of the premises himself opens his own small grocery business) must be obtained from the SES and the State Fire Supervision Authority (or other similar municipal services and departments) the conclusion that the store premises complies with all standards. In SES it is also necessary to issue a sanitary passport for the premises.
  3. FROM local authority management (HOA, housing office) or a private company, you need to conclude an agreement on the removal of household waste.
  4. If you plan to sell strong alcohol, then you need to obtain a separate license for the sale of alcoholic beverages.
  5. It is also necessary to prepare a list of the full range of goods for the opening outlet.

To obtain a permit to trade in food products, the collected package of documents must be submitted to the local consumer market department. In a month, if all the documents are in order and pass the test, a trade permit will be issued.

After the permission is received, it is necessary to register cash register equipment and attestation of workplaces. Also, without fail, it is necessary to organize a consumer corner, where:

  • emergency phone numbers;
  • a book for complaints and suggestions, of the established form;
  • a copy of the current law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • copies of licenses for all products subject to licensing;
  • a copy of the trade license.
Grocery store equipment

For a grocery store, equipment is divided into two types - commercial equipment and, as noted above, cash registers. Installation of equipment is one of the most expensive items of expenses for opening a store. It's all about its high cost. Especially for new technology. And this item of expenditure cannot be avoided.

Because the organization of space inside the grocery store is regulated by the norms and laws of the state. Installing obviously unsuitable equipment can result in fines and sanctions, the total cost of which exceeds the cost of suitable equipment.

Shop equipment. The equipment is selected based on the needs of the owner and the capabilities of the outlet. The display of goods implies the presence of various racks and showcases suitable for placing suitable goods. The most expensive purchase refrigeration equipment. The way to save, in this case, is to rent or installment equipment. Many commercial equipment companies have such offers. Also, suppliers and food manufacturers can provide their own (branded) equipment for the entire period of the supply contract. Renting and branded equipment is a great way out for those grocery store owners who are on a budget.

Cash register equipment. Since 2018, the use of cash registers is mandatory for all UTII and PSN payers. The grocery store must be equipped with a cash register, a reader for plastic payment cards, scales and a label scanner. According to federal law N 54-FZ "On the application cash register equipment when making cash settlements and (or) settlements using payment cards » the CCP owner is not obliged to conclude an agreement for Maintenance cash register equipment. However, all the problems that arise in the operation of this equipment will have to be solved independently or to involve outside specialists. The same law allows you to register CCP yourself, without involving specialists and overpayment.

To register a CCP on your own, you must:

  • Equip the cash register with a fiscal drive;
  • Conclude an agreement with any fiscal data operator (OFD);
  • Submit an application for registration of your cash register with the Federal Tax Service (this can be done using the Internet, through the official website of the Federal Tax Service, for this you need to obtain an electronic signature);
  • After consideration of the application for registration, if successful, a unique registration number will be assigned, which must be entered in the CCP.
Recruitment of sales staff for a grocery store

A prerequisite for store employees is the presence of a valid sanitary book. In case of violation - the absence of sanitary books - the business owner faces a large fine. Also, in the state it is desirable to have movers, goods handlers and cleaners. If the store is small, the display of goods and cleaning of the premises can be occupied by sellers for an additional fee.

Suppliers of goods and work of a grocery store

The choice of suppliers is the secret to the success of any grocery store. Suppliers can be wholesale companies and manufacturers of goods. To select suppliers, you can use the services of a logistics specialist, he will help you select and organize the assortment of a grocery store for any format. If you plan to do everything yourself, then for this you need:

  • To study the demand of buyers and offers of the closest competitors;
  • Based on the data obtained, create a product matrix - a list of goods that are planned to be sold;
  • Based on the list, select suitable suppliers that will help form a competitive advantage.

Competitive advantages lie not only in selling prices, but also in the availability of goods or even some of its exclusivity. Even an expensive product makes a profit if it high demand exceeding the offers of neighboring competitors. Sometimes a low wholesale price is not the reason for serious savings, the benefit is facilitated by more convenient logistics of goods from the supplier, which can also cost a pretty penny.

The very same loyalty of customers - the preference of the audience of visitors to visit a particular grocery store - is formed not so much by promotions and a range of goods, but by the quality of products and the service provided. It is these two components that form the general trend of the store development and its further work.

Therefore, by finding the optimal combination of all factors, even a small grocery store can be profitable. And vice versa - a large trading network - barely reaches self-sufficiency .. It reacts vividly to changes in demand, the financial health of the population and other external and internal factors. An experienced store owner must and must take into account these circumstances.

"Newbies" in this business, as well as everyone else, can try to open a business selling products under any federal franchise. This will allow you to study all the processes from the inside, learn how to sell products, go through all the stages from choosing a premises to opening a retail outlet. In addition, the federal network of franchised grocery stores has an undeniable advantage - a sign and a well-known name that is well known to consumers. Which also plays on the loyalty of the audience. The downside, without a doubt, in this case is the lack of several degrees of freedom of behavior and choice in business. An experienced entrepreneur may not like this. On the other hand, this will save the “newbie” from imprudent steps and serious mistakes.

Opening your own grocery store, with the right approach, is a great way to establish a profitable and stable business. Own business!

I want to start a business, but I do not know which sector of activity to choose? This question is asked by every second person who wants to work for himself and receive stable income. The problem is solved when you see a competitive direction that promises stable profits in the future. People want to eat, even in a crisis, the demand for food does not fall. It is this fact that motivates entrepreneurs. How to open a grocery store and get profit?

Formula for success

There are several factors that ensure the profitability of a trading business:

  • Grocery store location.
  • Competition analysis.
  • Assortment formation.

A good start - position from the point right place, quality products and good service. Compliance with these points guarantees a positive result.

Where is the best place to open

The search for a retail space location is based on the following formats:

  1. Small shop in the center of the residential area. This option is successful for the outlet. A circle of potential buyers is immediately formed - residents of houses near the store. The second point is to get acquainted with the products of competitors, you need to make sure that your product is superior.
  2. A large outlet (mini-market - an area of ​​​​more than 100 sq. M.) Assumes distribution according to the self-service format.

Important: opening a large grocery store requires a lot of money, and places with high traffic of people.

According to the specifics, outlets are divided into:

  • Narrow range - trade in one type of product (sausage, cheese, wine, beekeeping, coffee and tea).
  • Specific specialization - vegetable, fish, meat or grocery store.
  • Combined point - meat and milk, bread and confectionery, wine and groceries.
  • A department store (market) includes all types of products.

It is profitable to open your store when there is room and the initial circle of buyers is formed.

Deciding on a business model

The entrepreneur must choose legal form enterprises. This will allow you to calculate further costs for registration and how much you need to spend on doing business.

  1. Franchise. The food market often offers to buy a business. The option is very convenient, as it eliminates the steps to promote the store.

Attention: franchising creates an impressive obligation for the entrepreneur under the terms of the contract.

  1. Medium or small business - revenue restrictions for 12 months (1 billion rubles and 500 million rubles).
  2. IP (micro-enterprise), including a small set of personnel (up to 15 people), and no more than 50 million rubles. revenue for the year.

Tip: you need to open an individual entrepreneur first, this is the easiest option that does not require unnecessary red tape with documents.


The organizational moment for any business is the mandatory registration of activities. A set of documents depends on the type of goods sold. List of required permissions:

  • Certificate of ownership of the premises (lease or sale agreement).
  • Registration of the form of activity (LLC or IP).
  • The conclusion of the SES, allowing trade in food products.
  • Information about the work on disinfestation.
  • Availability of health books for employees of the store.
  • Information about the observance of fire safety.
  • Certificates and licenses for the sale of all goods available in the store.
  • Settlement and cash receipts for servicing (cashier journal, technical and ordinary passport of the KKM version).
  • Equipment test document.
  • The book of reviews and suggestions is always in the trading room.

Important: the list is incomplete, so you should collect documents in accordance with the rules provided for by the law of the Russian Federation "On Retail Trade". A separate permit must be obtained for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products.


The normal functioning of the outlet depends on the equipment. It can be rented, bought or contracted with one manufacturer. It is profitable and economical to rent furniture and devices for goods. The process is divided into three stages:

  • Counters and racks should be universal for buyers. The availability and openness of the product attracts the client, and increases the chance of making a profit.
  • Freezers should be selected for economy (reducing energy costs).
  • Refrigerators, special containers for drinks, offal are best rented from trusted suppliers. It guarantees timely maintenance of equipment and the correct display of goods.

Important: in order to determine the amount of equipment and other trade components, you should know the total area of ​​​​the store. There is no need to clutter up the outlet with a lot of furniture, there should be room for the movement of staff and customers.

Don't forget the product

Where to start, forming an assortment. First of all, this is the order of essential goods. Bread, dairy products, pastries, meat are purchased from local suppliers. This will prevent product damage. The assortment of the store is from scratch, it has a variety: a confectionery department (at least 20 types of sweets and cookies), vegetables, you can add household chemicals. The main thing is that the buyer goes to the store and buys everything he needs to the maximum. Submission Requirements:

  • Exceptionally fresh appearance, products have normal production time.
  • Pastries and bread are in clean boxes or racks.
  • No dust and dirt on display cases.
  • The sale of goods takes place in polyethylene gloves.
  • The presence of a pleasant smell in the store.

You can diversify the service of a grocery store with the help of hot drinks (tea or coffee) on the spot, how much this service costs is determined by the cost of the goods. Additional profit is immediately formed, due to people who stopped for a bite to eat or just dropped in at lunchtime.

Tip: you need to place the product in accordance with its categories, you should not put the products in one pile. For the client, such a scheme will be inconvenient for perception.

Cooperation with food companies

In order to promote the business, suppliers of the goods, proven in practice, are selected. Criterias of choice:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the terms of delivery of products (schedule, cost of goods).
  2. Is it possible to return damaged products?
  3. How services are paid - installment plan, discount on the sale of goods of a particular company.
  4. Is it profitable to sell the goods of this supplier - the variety of assortment, the presence of well-known brands.
  5. How much money is needed for the wholesale purchase of products from the selected wholesaler.
  6. Availability of all related documents for the goods (license, quality certificate).
  7. Forms of conclusion of the transaction (permanent or temporary work).

Responsible supplier - effective work grocery store.

Personnel selection

The entrepreneur hires employees based on the volume of work in the store. It can be two or four salespeople with experience in the trade. The vacancy is placed by means of the announcement in the newspaper or on Internet sites.

Important: the employee must be neat, sociable and friendly. The activity of the staff affects the influx of people by 15%.

A small store provides for the hiring of an accountant, a security guard and a cleaner. A successful leader cares about the staff, so it would be useful to introduce a motivation system. Where to begin? First of all, offer employees piecework wages - a fixed percentage for the worked shift

Creating a "chip"

A large number of competitors forces entrepreneurs to take unusual business steps. There are grocery stores at every step, and the buyer is not surprised, except perhaps by the low cost of goods. Each point of sale has only one chance, on the path of generating income. To implement a successful business from scratch, non-standard ways of thinking are used. Advertising alone is not enough: a bright signboard, distribution of leaflets and attraction with discounts. The scheme is quite hackneyed in the retail market, and does not have much effect. Interesting offers:

  • The conversation with the client takes place in his language. The seller makes it clear to the person that he is offering a product that is beneficial only to him.
  • Sale of point of arrival and purpose of travel. Do not impose the product, but simply talk about what benefits the buyer will receive.
  • Creating inspiration for people - this rule works for all products in the retail market. The client receives a lot of positive emotions, which increases the percentage of visiting the store for the second time.

The marketing moves of entrepreneurs allow you to reach a new level and stay ahead of your competitors by a large number of steps.

Development of a financial plan

How much does it cost to open a grocery store from scratch? Where to get money? How to allocate start-up capital? These are the three main questions of doing business. We find a solution.

Formation of start-up capital includes costs:

  • Rent of retail space - about 100,000 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase (rent) of equipment - about 200,000 - 300,000 thousand rubles.
  • Production costs - about 500,000 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of activities - about 80 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses ( disposable tableware, accessories, advertising) - about 50,000 thousand rubles.
  • Salary to employees - about 200,000 thousand rubles.

Total: RUB 1,230,000 thousand

Sources of money. There is not always such a large amount, so you should choose options to support your business:

  1. Making loans. There are credit organizations that provide the required amount of cash. Advantages of this method: payment of the entire amount in installments. The downside is the high interest rate.
  2. Attracting investors. Develop a business plan, and start looking for founders who are willing to invest in trading.

Important: the idea of ​​​​promoting a store includes points - the total cost of opening, and the payback of the project. Experienced analysts and economists will check how profitable it is for them to cooperate with you.

  1. Participation in public funding. There is a special program that helps start-up entrepreneurs. To do this, register at the employment center, and provide detailed plan store opening.

Distribution of money. With a successful strategy, the promotion of a grocery store will not take much time - from 6 to 12 months. During this period, income and costs are carefully formed, where a mark-up of 50% is necessary, or vice versa, discounts on illiquid goods. Proper management of finances will prevent the occurrence of risks when opening a store from scratch.

There is no shortage of retail grocery outlets today. In any city, regardless of size, there is a serious struggle for the consumer. At the same time, the crisis buyer is no longer a cake. Is it a good idea for a small business to open a grocery store during a crisis? Will a single retailer be able to resist the networkers?

The situation in retail, including grocery, is not rosy: the crisis affected all, federal and regional chains, stand-alone stores, and markets. To successfully start in this area, you need to take into account a lot: the direction of retail development in a crisis, changing customer behavior, niche prospects, new legislation... Let's try to figure out how to open a grocery store from scratch in 2016 so as not to burn out.

Product Market - 2016

Situation and trends

Retail is storming. According to the Ministry of Economic Development report “On the results of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in 2015”, the retail trade turnover in January-December 2015 amounted to 27,575.7 billion rubles, i.e. 90% of the previous year. The fall was recorded in all federal districts, the saddest situation is in Sevastopol (-23.0%), Samara region (-19.1%), Karachay-Cherkess Republic (-18.1%), Chelyabinsk region(-17.3%). MED analysts consider the retail figures to be the worst since 1970.

Food products in 2015 ranked in the structure retail trade 48.6%. Conclusion - food retail is experiencing the same difficulties as other segments of the industry. In some regions, grocery retail "got" even more. Thus, in Bashkortostan, food retail fell by 14.6% over the year, the industry as a whole - by 12%.

* - with excerpts, only indicators affecting the retail market are presented

Source: MED report 2015

The product market is forced to change, while there are trends:

  • points of the "Hard discounter" format are multiplying;
  • large networks are actively experimenting with formats, occupying traditional niches of small businesses: the U Doma store, the Family store, etc.;
  • more and more specialized stores are in demand: meat and fish shops, eco-products, etc.;
  • optimization of retailers' costs leads to an increase in the local assortment;
  • retailers are introducing online trading as one of the sales channels.

Middle class crisis: the evolution of the buyer

Following the situation in the country, the buyer himself, his moods and behavior in stores are also changing. Yes, there are consumer groups that have not been affected by the crisis. However, the grocery trade stands on another whale - the mass segment, represented by the middle class (and it suffered significantly during this crisis).

In 2015, not only did consumer demand fall, but the dynamics and structure of consumption changed. “Middle peasants” began to visit grocery stores less often, but buy more, choosing goods carefully. Consumer trend - we buy more necessary and cheaper. Another trend is an increase in the promotional activity of buyers: the majority are ready to move around the city in search of bargains.

However, cheapness is not the main criterion for Russians when choosing products. According to a survey by the Romir research holding, more than half of the population appreciates the freshness and quality of food, and people are willing to pay more for this. Over the past three years, a group of “food patriots” has emerged who prefer domestic products. There are fewer and fewer people willing to pay for brand fame.

Networks vs Singles: Do Offline Stores Have a Chance?

Creation large networks beyond the power of small businesses: at best, "kids" manage to promote several geographically close shops, usually in the format "At Home" or a minimarket. Autonomous establishments with wine and vodka departments are in a worse situation today, the costs of which have increased following the change in the rules of the alcohol trade: they have to buy jobs in the EGAIS system.

Networkers and singles are in different weight categories. During a protracted crisis, it is easier for federal and large regional networks to survive. They have reserves, a better developed logistics system, more favorable terms of supply. Large retailers can afford attractive promotions and low prices, i.e. invest in "price marketing". In addition, many networks have been developing all possible formats for a long time, ousting small businesses from their traditional territories. As a result, large retailers “kill” offline stores, luring customers low prices, close location, rich assortment, more comfortable shopping conditions.

Small businesses have little chance of competing with networkers. But they are. Retail giants have a weak point: they are inert in terms of assortment, they are in no hurry to change large suppliers and push low-quality unclaimed goods off the shelves. At the same time, more and more consumers of the mass segment prefer products of the category "fresh" and organic products value freshness and quality. Small businesses can take advantage of this.

SMEs in food retail: components of success

In the current realities, a combination of factors brings success to a startup:

  • geographical proximity to the buyer and simultaneous remoteness from network points;
  • high-quality and demanded assortment;
  • perfect service, "face to customer" service.

As for the range, this is the cornerstone of success. Depending on the location of the store and its competitor neighbors, you can choose a wide assortment with the presence of fresh and takeaway categories, as well as specialization in one product group. Sometimes a combination works well: wide selection products with a focus on a particular category. For example, “only we have farm dairy products” (meat or poultry farms, organic vegetables, "healthy baking", etc.).

Despite the crisis and fierce competition with chains, small shops with a bakery, culinary, coffee shop, etc. are also promising. The main thing is the convenience and relevance of the concept.

The question “I want to open a grocery store, where to start” can be answered with advice:

  • first evaluate the viability and relevance of the business idea, analyze how it covers the needs of customers;
  • think about whether you can provide quality service and an original assortment, how;
  • choose the appropriate format for the concept.

If everything fits together, then go ahead.

Choosing a Grocery Store Format

Trade establishments selling food products, according to GOST R 51773-2009, differ in:

  • by form of ownership (private, municipal, unitary, etc.);
  • service format (full or partial self-service, through the counter, etc.);
  • method of organizing trade (network, branded, autonomous);
  • by specialization (universal, specialized, with a combined or mixed assortment);
  • by type (hyper-, super- or minimarket, grocery store, supermarket, Cash & Carry store, pavilion or store "Products", "Discounter", stores "Fish", "Vegetables and Fruits", etc.);
  • types shopping facilities(stationary and non-stationary);
  • according to the terms of sale (with trading floor or without).

Not all formats can be opened by small businesses. Among these, for example, are hypermarkets with an area of ​​more than 4,000 sq. m and supermarkets (600 - 5,000 sq. m.), i.e. stores with a wide range of products and a large share non-food items(30-40%). Consider the modern formats available for SMEs.

1 "Convenient Store"(convenience store), aka "Around the corner", "Next door" and "At home"

This format involves a low share of trade through the counter. Shop area - 50-400 sq. m. The assortment includes 1,500 - 3,000 positions, up to 60% of which are consumer goods, i.e. products of the weekly consumer basket. The share of non-food products - up to 15%.

There is an opinion that such points should offer both goods and services of average quality. However, following such a tradition in a crisis is a guaranteed failure. For U Doma stores, it is important to properly arrange equipment, ensure accurate display and high-quality service, and prevent delays in goods. The best location - sleeping areas and areas of new buildings.

"Convenient" today are developing in the direction of increasing the range of food to go and the category "fresh" (fresh, not frozen products and products own production). Here you can install coffee machines, equip service areas for selling tickets, paying for services, issuing Internet orders, and arranging eating areas. An entrepreneur who has chosen this format, depending on the city, will compete with the network projects Kopeyka, Perekrestok Express, Dixy, Every Day, etc.

2 Score healthy food (eco products)

Refers to specialized shops with a narrow range, but with great depth. It is possible to trade in one group of goods: dairy products, meat, honey. Trade area - 18-200 sq. m. The mark-up is usually higher than for analogues in non-specialized stores. Other parameters (location, mandatory traffic, share of trade through the counter) crucial do not have, but are determined only by the characteristics of the profile product.

By the way, about the unique product. If the store also sells everyday products, then when laying out and placing the emphasis should be on core products: give central racks for them, put them at eye level, etc.

A few figures on the well-known network of farm dairy products "Izbenka" in Moscow. For trade in 70 items, 15-20 sq. m area. Opening one point requires 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. investments. The main problem of the business is to find several reliable suppliers in order to ensure the stability of the price and quality of products in retail outlets.

Eco-product stores are relevant in large cities, where the economically active population is not burdened by their own gardening and horticulture. AT settlements up to 100 thousand people, the prefix "eco" is perceived as pampering. People in these cities have a place to put money besides organic carrots.

3 Score with a mini-bakery (cooking)

In fact, this is the format of "At Home" or "Traffic" stores located at traffic intersections, but with its own bakery production. The range may be limited to the actual pastries, and may include consumer goods. It is important to remember that in addition to administrative, warehouse and retail premises, production areas will be required (according to the law, they can not be placed everywhere).

How to choose a room, equipment and draw up all the documents for the bakery.

What is the advantage of the U Doma bakery? Bread, buns, pies are baked in small batches. You can quickly change the assortment, respond to customer requests, focus on "healthy bread" and interesting additives. This format of the store involves the sale of drinks, the organization of places for the use of pastries, the installation of a coffee machine.

How to open a grocery store


The competition in retail is huge, competent business planning is half the success. Decide on the format and location of the store, find several suitable options for premises, start negotiations on the lease. Make a business plan, make several options: optimistic, realistic and pessimistic.


It is better to register a grocery store in the form of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Keep in mind that individual entrepreneurs cannot sell strong alcohol (only beer and beer drinks). Therefore, LLC is the choice of those who plan to organize a wine and vodka department at a retail outlet. Select OKVED codes intended for retail trade in food products, from groups 52.1 - 52.27.

Decide on the taxation system, for retail trade the following are optimal:

  • patent - only for individual entrepreneurs with a trading floor of no more than 50 sq. m;
  • UTII - for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trading floor of the pavilion / store is up to 150 sq. m;
  • USN "income minus expenses" - LLCs and individual entrepreneurs can apply without restrictions on retail space.

The first two systems are introduced in the regions by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, therefore they are not available throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. STS is applied throughout the country without restrictions.

Premises selection and renovation

When looking for premises for a store, you should focus on the area and location required for the selected format. In addition, grocery retail outlets must comply with the rules of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES, this must be taken into account.

For example, fish and vegetable shops cannot be placed in residential buildings, as well as attached / built-in premises. There are requirements for the organization of an additional exit for evacuation in case of fire, the inadmissibility of oncoming flows of customers and personnel, etc. All these points are easier to take into account at the stage of selecting a room, its redevelopment and repair.

Obtaining permits and approvals

Entrepreneurs today are legally protected from excessive control of supervisory authorities, are relieved of many approval and licensing procedures. A clear knowledge of one's rights and obligations comes in handy in the case of bureaucratic "excesses on the ground."

  • Law N294-FZ of December 26, 2008 "On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control". Let's go through key points.

    Entrepreneurs in some activities must notify the supervisory authorities of the start of their work. Conclusions from the control authorities for starting activities (SES, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.) are licensing requirements established for specific types of business. If the activity does not involve obtaining a license, then conclusions are not needed. Scheduled and unscheduled inspections are strictly regulated, for the period 2016-2018. Supervisory holidays for small businesses have been established (Article 26.1.).

  • Decree No. 584 of July 16, 2009 "On the notification procedure for the start of certain types of entrepreneurial activity". The document lists the types of activities for which notifications must be submitted, and the procedure for submitting notifications is established.

From the above regulations it follows that the retail sale of products does not apply to licensed activities (except for the sale of alcohol), so the store owner:

  • after registration with the IFTS, but before starting activities, notifies Rospotrebnadzor (you need to send a standard form);
  • should not receive conclusions from the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Retail sale of alcohol according to the law No. 171-FZ of 11/22/95 is possible only for legal entities and only on the basis of a license. The list of licensing requirements is impressive, from the size authorized capital up to 1 million rubles (established by regional authorities) until available technical means for the transfer of information to EGAIS. But conclusions from the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are not required to obtain a license for alcohol retail. Individual entrepreneurs can only sell beer and beer drinks, but without a license.

Although the conclusions for grocery store you do not need to receive, the outlet must comply with fire safety rules and sanitary standards.

At the time of opening, the store must be equipped with a fire alarm and fire extinguishers, have separate emergency exits, and meet other requirements. Familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework regarding fire safety and the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for retail facilities.

On the issue of SES requirements. You need to focus on SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them." The main provisions of the document relate to the placement and device outlets, their water supply, ventilation and heating, issues of receiving, storing and selling products, sanitary and hygienic rules for personnel, etc.

There are many rules and requirements, but the vast majority of them are based on common sense and are aimed at protecting the life and health of customers and store employees.

Formation of assortment, selection of suppliers

Find out exactly who your customer is:

  • people who purchase goods for immediate consumption (students, schoolchildren, young people who prefer ready-made food);
  • who buy food once a week in hypermarkets and come to the U Doma store for perishable goods (fruits, milk, bread);
  • shoppers who do all their shopping close to home and don't have a car or time for long shopping trips.

Form an assortment based on the proportion of which customers will prevail among buyers. Do not overload the shelves with goods, do not compete in the breadth of assortment with hypermarkets. Be flexible, analyze sales, survey buyers, replace poorly selling items. Find your unique product category.

The main thing when choosing suppliers is that you must get a product that satisfies the quality, price and range. Interact not only with wholesale depots and small wholesale organizations (read: intermediaries), go to direct suppliers, manufacturers. This way you can get a big margin and choose what is really needed for the concept of the store.

The choice of commercial equipment

A grocery store will need a universal trading technique: KKM, lighting, ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems, scales, terminals for card payments.

In addition, you need to choose equipment that depends on the range, size and layout of the room:

  • shelving for the trading floor and warehouse;
  • packaging equipment, refrigeration and freezing (showcases, chests, chambers).

The refrigeration system in a grocery store is the main consumer of electricity and a significant cost item. Therefore, when choosing, pay attention not only to ergonomics, functionality and price, but also energy efficiency.

Hiring staff. Advertising and promotion

At the final stage, it is necessary to hire employees: salespeople, administrators, accountants - everyone who is necessary for the effective functioning of the chosen concept. The main thing to remember is that sellers are persons in direct contact with buyers. Their task is an attentive and friendly attitude to the client, fast and high-quality service.

Food retail is considered one of the fastest payback and profitable species business, as it offers to sell general and permanent consumer goods. Despite the fact that there is a rational grain in the idea, it is not easy to implement it and open a grocery store from scratch, you must follow many different rules and take into account important nuances. In this article we will talk about what to look for and how to avoid difficulties to the maximum.

To open a grocery store and make it successful, you need to take into account many working nuances. We offer you to consider a step-by-step instruction that guides you through each stage of preparation.

Step 1. We collect the necessary documents

In order for the business to be opened to have a legal basis and be able to be opened, it is necessary to draw up and collect a whole package of important documents. Let's take a closer look at what papers will have to be dealt with so that the legal component of the future business is in perfect order.

  1. Registration of the future owner of a grocery store in (IP) or legal entity (LLC). When making a choice between one or another form of registration for maintaining official commercial activities, the scale of the planned enterprise should be assessed and potential risks should be assessed. In the event that you are not going within the scope of the reference this business to resort to the help of banking systems or private creditors, and the risks involved are minimal, as an opportunity to remain heavily in debt, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you get a simplified procedure. lamentation of the activities of the "IP" is carried out in accordance with Article 23 of the Civil Code, as well as various legislative acts Russian Federation. When opening a business, an individual entrepreneur can come with a request for legal support and financial assistance (almost 60 thousand rubles) to the employment center of the city of residence. In addition, the tax system individual entrepreneurs much more forgiving than legal entities. However, the advantage of "LLC" is: becoming a legal entity, you significantly reduce the degree of responsibility for the activities of the enterprise, its employees, etc. In the case of IP individual is 100% responsible.

  2. Giving a choice to a legal entity, you need to take care of the availability memorandum of association and statute.
  3. A document certifying that the entrepreneur has been registered with the city tax office, as well as that the taxpayer has been assigned a TIN. For each entrepreneur, the chosen model of taxation of the enterprise is of particular importance. For "IP" this is a model of a simplified nature, the registration of which is carried out according to the submitted application.
  4. Statement of registration in the Unified state register legal entities or individual entrepreneurs (USRLE or EGRIP). It is also issued by the tax office. Which register you belong to is up to you.
  5. Information letter from Federal Service state statistics, with collections of OKVED codes. Their classification is not influenced by the chosen form of ownership or the source of incoming investments, only the activities of the organization are important. It is advisable to select codes during registration without errors, since subsequently the procedure for changing or adding them will be very complicated.
  6. A document confirming the registration of the owner of the establishment in pension fund Russian Federation.
  7. An agreement regarding the lease of a premises suitable for the sale of products, or a document confirming the ownership of the said premises.
  8. The official conclusion of the Federal State Fire Supervision, which is issued on the basis of:
    1. application submitted by the owner of the premises;
    2. presented certificate of completion of the business registration procedure;
    3. drawing from the Bureau of Technical Inventory;
    4. confirmation of the installation of the fire alarm system;
    5. accident insurance.
  9. Conclusion from the local Department of Rospotrebnazdora, issued after checking the premises on the basis of:
    1. businessman's statements;
    2. registration certificate;
    3. agreements on taking premises for rent or possession of premises;
    4. sanitary information from a special passport of the premises;
    5. a compiled list of goods to be put up for sale;
    6. agreements on the removal from the territory of the enterprise of garbage and other household waste.
  10. Certificate confirming the registration of the cash register. To receive it, you must provide:
    1. completed application;
    2. agreement on the lease of premises and their possession;
    3. business registration certificate;
    4. passport for cash equipment;
    5. hologram from the service provider.
  11. A document certifying the full attestation of each workplace is obtained from the local office of the Ministry of Social Health.
  12. A certificate issued by the administration of the city where the business is located, on entering the enterprise into Commercial register, that is, permission to maintain trading activities.
  13. Admission to placement outdoor advertising, also obtained from the city administration.
  14. Medical books for each employee of the enterprise.

  15. A book of complaints, reviews and suggestions, with numbered pages and affixed seals in the appropriate places, as well as with the signature of the head.
  16. The exact text of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" in the latest edition.
  17. A clear plan of escape routes in case of a fire.
  18. Certificates of standards and compliance with the norms for the products sold.
  19. Licenses for the sale of tobacco and alcohol products.

As you can see, many of the documents required for opening are tied directly to the premises in which the trade will be carried out. This means that choosing a platform for selling products is, in fact, the most important step for business success. Let's see what characteristics of the premises affect the development of the enterprise and what to choose.

You will find step-by-step instructions for opening an IP in the article on our portal. Learn more about required documents, links to download them, and design requirements.

Step 2. Choose a room for a grocery store

It is necessary to approach the choice of a place for placing a trading shop consciously, since, in the end, the correctness decision will seriously affect the level of sales of goods. Of course, this grocery store will not be the first in a city, village or town, therefore, all best places have long been dismantled by competing companies. We'll have to choose the best of what's left. Let's start with consideration of factors of suitability of a place.

A large base of premises for a store is located on the website of our partners Roomfi.Ru.

  1. First of all, pay attention to such an indicator as patency potential clients. It will be at an acceptable level if all of the following conditions are met.
  2. At least 2-2.5 thousand people live within the radius of the supposed location of the shop. Simply put, approximately 7-8 standard five-story panel houses or 6 nine-ten-story houses are located near it. The condition is especially necessary for opening a "shop near the house", where they do not come for the entire grocery basket, but run on the way home to buy sweets or cereals for a side dish.
  3. It is best to locate a retail outlet near:
    1. public transport stops;
    2. metro stations in big cities;
    3. railway and bus stations;
    4. children's and adult polyclinics;
    5. clothing markets;
    6. schools and universities;
    7. sports stadiums, etc.
  4. Location close to crowded places is always beneficial, but also involves a high level of competition. In addition, legal restrictions regarding the opening of outlets selling tobacco and alcohol products in the vicinity of educational institutions should be taken into account.
  5. You should not compete with chain stores, supermarkets, hypermarkets located within a radius of up to two kilometers from the intended location of your shop. It is not hopeless if your shop is located closer to a residential area, however, it will not bring much profit.
  6. It is necessary to study the assortment of goods in competing stores and become leaders by selling products that are not available there. The difference can be surprisingly small, for example, expand your confectionery range or sell frozen fish and find your buyer. More precisely, take it away from competitors.
  7. You need to be attentive to the needs of your target audience. Do not rely only on adults, working people, as is now customary among marketers. Believe me the lion's share income is brought by such seemingly insolvent segments of society as:
    1. pensioners;
    2. teenagers;
    3. children.
  8. Related products are the key to success, especially if they are properly placed on the shelves. In order to trade them, in many cases it is necessary to obtain special permits, but it is definitely worth it.
  9. Single form style store - plus 100 points to reputation. It consists not only of external paraphernalia, such as uniforms, color scheme in the decoration of the hall, the symbolism of the store, but also:
    1. courtesy of the staff;
    2. ability to advise the buyer.
  10. The presence of elements of customer comfort and working infrastructure is mandatory. This is about:
    1. platforms for unloading goods;
    2. driveways;
    3. sufficient parking space;
    4. warehouses for food storage with refrigeration equipment;
    5. electrical networks of sufficient capacity;
    6. sewerage and water supply system;
    7. telephone line, etc.
  11. Despite the fact that for the absence of one of the above components, you can safely demand from the landlord big discount, it is better to avoid getting into such a situation, because, in the end, you still have to eliminate the drawback that has arisen.
  12. In some cases, installation on a rented land plot modular buildings can be more profitable than renting a ready-made one. In addition to financial advantages, independent determination of the size and location of the future store will allow you to get closer to a potential buyer, as well as adjust the amount of specialized equipment required for installation.

Step 3. We calculate the starting capital

So, to open a good grocery store filled with everything necessary equipment and goods, on average, a certain amount of money will be needed, which we will now calculate based on the cost of all the necessary elements.

  1. The official registration of an enterprise and the execution of documents authorizing the conduct of trading activities will cost a businessman a price of 25 to 35 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase necessary equipment, its installation and communication systems will cost about half a million rubles, plus or minus 100-150 thousand.
  3. Installing a burglar alarm and fire prevention system will cost between 60,000 and 70,000.
  4. The initial assortment of goods needed to launch the enterprise will cost about 650-800 thousand.
  5. The cost of transport and other expenses related to the life of the enterprise will total about 90 thousand units of Russian currency.

In total, adding up the maximum received values, we get the amount of starting capital: 1 million 600 thousand rubles.

It must be remembered that this amount does not include periodic expenses necessary for:

  • payment for renting a room (about 30,000-40,000 for a room up to 45-50 m²);
  • staff salaries (for two people you will need at least 30,000 rubles);
  • payment utilities and taxes (20,000 rubles).

It turns out to start-up capital it is necessary to attribute almost 100,000 additionally per month.

In order for the costs listed above to pay off, during the first 12 months after opening the store, the net profit received should be about 250,000 per month. The average trade margin for a food product is 30% of the original cost, so it is quite realistic to do this.

Video - How much does it cost to open a grocery store

Step 4. Installing equipment in a grocery store

The equipment necessary for opening and operating a grocery store is divided into two groups:

  • main;
  • additional.

The first is necessary from the moment the enterprise is launched, the second is acquired directly during operation. Consider the components of each group. The main ones include:

  1. Equipment for installing dry products in the hall:
    1. shelves;
    2. racks;
    3. slides, etc.
  2. Equipment for food storage in the back room and in the warehouse:
    1. racks;
    2. refrigerators;
    3. freezers.
  3. Equipment for exhibiting frozen or perishable products in the hall:
    1. showcases-refrigerators;
    2. showcases with ice for seafood;
    3. freezer chests.
  4. Show-windows for storage of confectionery and bakery products.
  5. Counters, including cash registers.
  6. Inventory:
    1. scales;
    2. containers;
    3. boards;
    4. knives;
    5. baskets and carts for products;
    6. packages;
    7. containers, etc.
  7. After the store successfully opens and becomes popular with customers, the technical base is expanded with tools to create working comfort:
    1. slicers;
    2. files for meat;
    3. vacuum packers;
    4. refrigerators for storing drinks;
    5. ice cream tanks;
    6. camera surveillance systems;
    7. climate control, etc.

As a result of the choice of equipment and its installation, the grocery store creates the most convenient conditions for the interaction of staff and customers, as well as for making a purchase. The range of goods offered for sale significantly affects the starting set of equipment necessary for opening.

Step 5. Decide on the product range of the grocery store

Even on a small retail space of a modest grocery store near the house, almost 4-5 hundred items of various goods can be placed. There are elements that are mandatory for sale, without which the institution is unlikely to receive the desired increase in clientele. Let's see what we are talking about.

Table 1. Approximate assortment of goods

Top priority productsDaily Demand ProductsSeasonal Demand Products
breadbuckwheatsoft drinks;
milkmilletice cream, etc.
kefircanned food
meat products, etc.spices, etc.

As you can see, the main group of goods has three main directions. High-priority products include goods purchased a little more every day, which are not staple foods. Of these, the most popular of course is bread, because people eat bread at least several times a day, if they do not adhere to a special menu. Everyday demand means buying side dishes, teas, coffees, etc., nothing special and nothing overly expensive, to run to the big store and buy cheaper. Seasonal demand suggests the popularity of drinks, alcoholic or non-alcoholic, as well as ice cream and other similar products. All this should always be in stock, but by the onset of summer, you can get a few new flavors of soda loved by children and fill refrigerated chests with delicious ice cream.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the increase in demand for specific goods, as important events for society approach, for example, before the new year, the demand for champagne and red caviar increases, before Easter for eggs, before March 8 and February 14 for Raffaello sweets and etc.

After launch and throughout life cycle establishments, it is necessary to constantly monitor consumer demand and respond to requests in a timely manner, that is, as quickly as possible. In addition, even “pointing your finger at the sky”, that is, by adding product positions at random, based on your own assumptions, you can significantly increase the attendance rate, and as a result, the profitability of the store.

Step 6. We conclude agreements with product suppliers

Finding suppliers in your city is quite simple. Bread and bakery products are supplied by bakeries and confectionery factories, meat products are brought from meat processing plants and farms. By the way, finding out about the opening of new grocery stores is the direct responsibility of suppliers. Most often they find you on their own and offer great options cooperation.

The lion's share of attention will have to be paid not to finding suppliers, but to monitoring their reliability, as well as the established reputation and price / quality ratio for each product.

When concluding agreements with suppliers on the supply of food to the opening store, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • establish a delivery schedule;
  • determine the timing of the delivery of products;
  • payment for goods is made before or after delivery;
  • what are the conditions for deferred payments;
  • how to return an item that is not in demand, etc.

Upon receipt of the goods, pay attention to viewing the documents for it, at least:

  • overhead;
  • quality certificates, etc.

On the packaging of each product must appear:

  • date of manufacture;
  • best before date;
  • compound;
  • caloric content;
  • the presence of food additives, etc.

In addition to checking the reputation and compliance of your suppliers with it, develop your own for them in order to receive more profitable cooperation offers. So, it follows:

  • timely pay for the delivered consignment of goods;
  • do not cancel orders at the last moment;
  • conduct business diplomatically and professionally.

After the launch of the enterprise, the organization will have to work on a prepaid basis, when trust is built up, you can pay for the receipt of products after the fact. The good name of a grocery store in business is important for the clientele, and for the suppliers. When you feel approved, you will understand that it is time to expand.

Step 7. We hire staff

It would seem that it is easier to select experienced workers for a grocery store. However, this is hard work, it is necessary to conduct daily and painstaking work with hired personnel from the first day of admission. To set desired level motivation and provoke conscientious labor activity, it is necessary to establish an acceptable system of remuneration, as well as regular bonus payments to those who have distinguished themselves.

It is important to correctly draw up a work schedule and prevent violations of labor laws. The distribution of vacations is an item that should be taken seriously if you do not want a constant staff turnover. It is necessary to control the timely extension of the validity of workers' medical books, this condition is mandatory, because people are in direct contact with the goods used for food.

Check knowledge of available products and prices before sending staff to work.

It is better to start hiring employees based on the basic needs of the enterprise. Find a key minimum of people, such as a sales assistant, storekeeper and cashier, while expanding the staff at the same time as expanding the store and changing its mode of operation.

Step 8. Getting ready to launch

Launching a grocery store implies the presence of ready-made elements:

  • selected and equipped premises;
  • purchased goods;
  • hired staff.

In addition, it is necessary to arrange the decoration of the store, because the appearance is another point in the success of the institution. The walls must be clean and at least plastered, but preferably decorated by department, the following elements should not be placed:

  • pointers;
  • flags;
  • information plates, etc.

Sales assistants and other personnel who flicker in front of visitors must be dressed up in uniform. If there is no money for a uniform, but there is a desire to unify the style of the establishment, pay attention to the purchase and issuance of branded aprons with the logo or name of the store. You can also improvise a unified style by buying the cheapest t-shirts for women and men that have the same shade and ask the sellers to come only in them.

In addition to external paraphernalia for staff, there is also an ethics of behavior. You should also teach it to employees who came to work so as not to get into a mess and not lose customers due to ordinary household rudeness, for example. Many sellers wonder why their good shop products, with a wide range, there are so few visitors, but they go to the neighboring stall for bread and beer. And he incurs losses because he put an impudent lady behind the counter, rudely talking to customers. To avoid unpleasant communication, all residents of neighboring houses avoid entering the store.

It is necessary to lay out products on the shelves carefully, if possible “figuratively”, with a hitch, making slides of cheeses, rows of sausages, etc. Not only should the product smell and attract the visitor with its appetizingness, it is also necessary to take into account the positive impact on sales. appearance and packing of goods.

What problems may arise

Thinking of opening a grocery store and relaxing while the work gets done? No matter how! With the launch of the enterprise, you will forget about the availability of personal time for a long time, since you will have to tightly control all aspects of its activities every day if you want to achieve success as soon as possible. So, you need to track:

  • the level of consumer demand;
  • products of interest to consumers;
  • ups and downs of competitors, as well as their causes;
  • the behavior and performance of staff;
  • vacations, decrees, hospital staff;
  • current turnover Money shop;
  • changes in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation corresponding to your activities;
  • timing and timeliness of making payments, renewing licenses and other documents, filing papers with the relevant departments, etc.

Remember, the first time, and the next, the business for the most part rests only on you and your efforts. Not a single employee burns with all his heart for the work of a grocery store, because he receives a completely standard wages, works hard and, in the end, always has the opportunity to go to competitors. You cannot leave, because you have invested your own strength, money, experiences, time, etc. into the creation of the enterprise.

Among all aspects subject to strict control, documentation traceability is the most important. Not submitting reports on time, not renewing the license to sell alcoholic products, tobacco or other products, you run the risk of becoming a criminal by committing an administrative violation, and incur consequences for this of varying severity, from a fine to a complete closure of the enterprise. The most important thing that can be lost in this case is the good name, the organization as a whole and its owner personally.

Soberly assess the strength of competitors and do not rely on the old Russian “maybe”. It is imperative to respond to the expansion of their range or the entire store, because you risk not only losing a high level of demand, but the whole thing as a whole. While the outflow of funds will flow to the neighboring store, its owner will not only be able to open an additional department, but will also “crush” you completely.

Summing up

As you can see, opening a grocery store is a step-by-step process. Competently approaching each part of it, you will surely complete the event with a well-deserved success.

We examined in this article a small store, in the format "near the house". The bottom line is that it's the easiest to open. You can expect to open a larger enterprise, for example:

  • minimarket;
  • supermarket;
  • hypermarket, etc.

However, in this case, you will have to add related products in large quantities to the assortment of food products, for example:

  • household chemicals;
  • packaging materials;
  • care cosmetics;
  • textiles, etc.

To combine these varieties of products, you will need to invest more more money in the preparation of the necessary documentation, rental of premises, purchase of equipment, etc. It is not cost-effective to do this if there is not enough money and experience in sales. Start small and work your way up!

How to open a grocery store? The idea of ​​opening a small grocery store often comes up as an idea. profitable business in small town or in the village. Indeed, even a small grocery store can become a source of stable income.Not so long ago, to make money on trading, it was enough for small investments, unsuitable premises and unobtrusive service. Now the retail sector is very competitive, so the approach to organizing the work of the store must be serious.

Opening a grocery store in a residential building is not always easy. If there is no special retail space in a high-rise building, then for this you will have to buy a couple of apartments and transfer them to the category of non-residential premises. This can be a difficult task as you will have to make a separate entrance, coordinate with the meeting of residents on the use of common property(facade, roof, basement), obtain permission for redevelopment, etc. In some cases, renting a store space will be the best option.

The choice of premises for the store is one of the key issues, with the solution of which you must begin the implementation of your idea. But that's not all. In our guide, you will learn about other important retail factors that directly affect your entrepreneurial success. So, we open a grocery store.

Own store: how to open a grocery store from scratch

Are you planning to start your own business? Do not forget about the current account - it will simplify doing business, paying taxes and insurance premiums. Especially now, many banks offer favorable conditions for opening and maintaining a current account. You can get acquainted with the offers on our site.

How to open a grocery store from scratch: step by step instructions

If you want to learn how to open a grocery store, then our step-by-step instruction will help you with this. Where to begin? Marketers are sure that the choice of the location and assortment of the store will be the most important for the success of the retail trade, so the first point of our step-by-step instructions will be the choice of the place.

  1. Select a store location. You can open a store in a separate building, in a residential multi-storey building or on the territory shopping center. Each option will have its pros and cons, but you need to focus on the expected customer flow. It is preferable to choose a more expensive premises with more traffic than a cheap one, but where there are few potential buyers.
  2. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you can find out the full description of these organizational and legal forms in the article ""? Please note that if you want to sell alcohol, you must register an LLC.
  3. Select the taxation mode and calculate. You will have some time after state registration to decide on the choice of regime, otherwise you will remain on common system taxation. And this is difficult and unprofitable. In addition, the need to purchase a cash register depends on the chosen tax regime.
  4. Do technical project and get permits to open a grocery store. Above, we have already told what permissions are needed for this.
  5. Purchase and install commercial equipment.
  6. Define your target audience. Who will be your buyer: housewives of several nearby high-rise buildings; business center employees; picky gourmet consumers? The solvency of your category of potential buyers must be taken into account when choosing an assortment for a store.
  7. Select several suppliers of goods for your store, find out on what conditions they work: delivery time, minimum purchase quantity, availability of quality certificates. Buy the first batch of goods to start the store.
  8. Report the opening of the store to Rospotrebnadzor by submitting a notification.
  9. Conclude with your employees.
  10. Run ads and arrange store opening.

Video: "How to open a grocery store from scratch?"


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