What is the purpose of staff appraisal? Evaluation of labor results. Management by Objectives (MBO). Methods for assessing personnel competencies

Federal Agency for Education

Omsk State Pedagogical University

Department of Economics and Management in Education

Course work

on the topic: Assessment of the organization's personnel

Completed by: 3rd year student

group M-315 Koptireva D.R.

Checked by: Kovaleva O.P.


    1. Definition of personnel……………………………………….5

      Personnel management…………………………………….11

      Personnel assessment…………………………………………………………16

    Personnel assessment methods

2.1 Basic methods of personnel assessment………………………..23

3. Personnel assessment on the example of JSC "Akmolaturist"

3.1. Characteristics of the enterprise………………………………36




Organizations exist to achieve their goals. The degree of implementation of these goals shows how effectively the organization operates, i.e. how effectively organizational resources are being used.

In order for an organization to successfully cope with the tasks that it faces, people with certain abilities, profession, and professional experience are needed. And this means that such people should first be found in the labor market, their professional, business and personal qualities should be assessed, selected and included in the organization. To do this, managers carry out various management actions using various personnel technologies.

The basic personnel technologies are the assessment and selection of personnel.

Personnel assessment provides obtaining comprehensive reliable personal information about a person. It allows not only to obtain the necessary information about individual employees and identify how this or that employee corresponds to the position held, but also to increase the efficiency of management and staff motivation, as well as improve the psychological climate in the team. The staff is the greatest wealth of the company, the key to its success and prosperity. Effective personnel assessment is the basis of many procedures: hiring, moving in organizations, material and moral incentives, enrollment in the reserve for promotion, development and training of personnel.

Evaluation is carried out using various methods. A correctly chosen personnel assessment tool, personnel assessment methods, the methodology and process for assessing an employee, his personal and behavioral qualities, training needs, his performance and his potential are of great importance for making the only right decision. Therefore, the assessment of personnel and the methods applied are the basis for professional human resource management in any organization. This is the importance and relevance of assessing the organization's personnel. The value of the assessment is also high because it connects and unites all elements of the personnel management system into a single whole. It is impossible to carry out personnel management in any direction (personnel planning, selection, adaptation, labor stimulation, development of abilities, labor movements and career, team building, staff release, etc.), without assessing the relevant business, personal or professional qualities of employees .

The purpose of this work is to study the methods of personnel assessment.

The subject of the study is the technology of personnel assessment. The object of the study is the travel company OJSC "Akmolaturist" and the methods used to evaluate personnel.

The following tasks were set:

    To reveal the essence of the concepts of personnel and personnel management;

    Determine the essence of personnel assessment;

    Analyze the main research methods;

    On the example of the travel company JSC "Akmolaturist" to analyze the features of personnel assessment;

In preparing the course work, textbooks by A.Ya. Kibanova, Stadnik A., Lukash Yu.A. and others, as well as journals on personnel management.

    Theoretical foundations of personnel assessment

      Definition of personnel

The strategy of functioning and development of any enterprise is unthinkable without appealing to the staff. In order to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise, a strong team must be formed in it, capable of maintaining its high professional authority.

Personnel is the full staff of employees of the organization (with the exception of management) performing various production and economic functions. That part of the staff, which is officially listed in its states, is called personnel.

The composition and structure of personnel is constantly changing in accordance with changes in technology, technology, organization of production and management. The composition of personnel is characterized by the following indicators: educational level, specialty, profession, qualifications, work experience, age, the ratio of certain categories of workers. It is also characteristic that cadres are the most mobile part of the productive forces of an enterprise.

Usually, personnel is formed purposefully, which allows to establish its optimal professional and qualification structure, to ensure rational distribution and workload of employees.

The professional composition and number of employees of the enterprise is affected by:

First, the type of products produced (enterprise profile).

Secondly, the number of products produced (the scale of production). The greater the volume of output, the more workers must be involved. The impact of the growth in the scale of production on the professional composition of the staff is to attract specialists whose work is effective only at large enterprises. For example, personnel services specialists, employees involved in coordinating the activities of enterprise divisions (dispatchers). In small enterprises, the functions of these specialists are performed by managers on their own.

Regardless of the type and quantity of products manufactured at the enterprise, some employees are directly involved in the production of goods and services, others in management, and others in technical development and design.

Thus, all personnel can be divided into groups.

The grouping of personnel in accordance with the types of activities, functions performed and categories of positions is reflected in its statistical structure. In its section stands out:

    Personnel of the main types of activity - persons working in the main and auxiliary, development and research departments, management apparatus, engaged in the creation of products, services or servicing these processes, workers in auxiliary industries, etc.

    Personnel of non-core activities - employees of repair, housing and communal services, medical staff, employees of children's and health-improving and sports institutions.

According to the nature of labor functions, personnel are divided into workers and employees, as shown in Figure 1.

Production staff (workers)

Management personnel (employees)





Fig.1 Classification of personnel depending on the functions performed.

Workers, or production personnel, carry out labor activities in material production with a predominant share of physical labor. They provide production, its exchange, marketing and service. The production personnel can be divided into two components: the main personnel are workers, mainly employed in technological processes aimed at creating a “core” product for a given organization; auxiliary personnel - workers, mainly employed in auxiliary units - repair, tool, transport, warehouse.

The result of the work of production personnel is products in material form (buildings, cars, food products, etc.).

The workers also include junior service personnel engaged in the provision of services not related to the main activity. These are janitors, couriers, drivers of personal vehicles transporting employees.

Employees, or management personnel, carry out labor activities in the process of production management with a predominant share of mental labor. They are busy processing information using technical controls. The main result of their labor activity is the study of management problems, the creation of new information, changing its content or form, preparing management decisions, and after the manager chooses the most effective option - the implementation and control of the execution of decisions. Management personnel is divided into two main groups: managers and specialists.

Managers perform management functions, form management goals, plan work, make decisions, select and place personnel, coordinate the activities of departments and individual employees, and organize control over the production process.

According to the place in the enterprise management system, there are three levels of managers:



Low-level managers make up the largest group of managers in an enterprise. They are responsible for the execution of production tasks, for the direct use of the corresponding allocated resources. These include foremen, shift supervisors, heads of functional units in the workshops. Their work is connected with the solution of mainly operational, tactical problems. It is characterized by a variety of actions performed, frequent transitions from one task to another, a short time period for the implementation of the adopted installations, and constant communication with ordinary workers.

Middle managers coordinate and supervise the work of grassroots managers. These include, for example, the head of the department, the head of the shop, the director of the branch. Their work is dominated by the solution of tactical problems, but elements of strategic problems can also be solved.

Senior managers are the smallest category. This includes directors of enterprises, their deputies. They determine the general directions of the functioning and development of the organization as a whole or its major components, make key decisions regarding current affairs and the future of the organization. The company's goals and how to achieve them depend on top managers. Their activities are characterized by scale, complexity, priority of strategic and long-term orientation, the closest connection with the external environment, and a variety of decisions made.


Performance appraisal serves as a tool that can help the manager achieve the goals of the organization and the unit. However, at the same time, the manager must not only be well versed in existing assessment methods, but also be able to choose methods that are better suited, both in making administrative decisions and in making decisions related to the development of employees.

The relevance of studying issues related to the evaluation of the performance of the organization's personnel is due to the interest in solving the problem of improving the efficiency of personnel management, which is increasingly becoming a determining factor in the competitiveness of any enterprise.

In this regard, it is important not only to represent and control the work with personnel, but also to look for new ways to improve it. To achieve the latter goal, a personnel assessment system is designed to determine how successful a particular employee or staff of the organization as a whole is and how effectively they perform their duties.

To date, the problem of assessing the work of personnel does not yet have a specific generally accepted solution. There are many methods, standard and non-standard, that help to evaluate individual parameters of the activities of the organization's personnel. But the most complete and reliable amount of information can only be provided by a comprehensive personnel assessment system.

The place and role of personnel management and the effectiveness of its use based on the assessment of the performance of personnel in the management system modern enterprise, as well as the lack of knowledge of this problem predetermined the choice of the theme of graduation qualifying work and its relevance.

The object of the study was the personnel of the organization, and the subject was the assessment of the results of the activities of the employees of the enterprise.

Purpose of work: based on modern approaches and methods to analyze the enterprise personnel assessment system and develop proposals for its improvement using the example of CJSC Maslotorg.

To achieve this goal, the following specific tasks will be addressed in the course of work:

-consider the theoretical aspects and place of performance evaluation in the organization's personnel management system;

-identify the main goals and objectives of assessing the performance of employees;

-analyze methods for evaluating the performance of managers and specialists of the organization

-consider the evaluation interview as the main method for evaluating the results of the work of subordinates

-to analyze the current system for assessing the work of personnel and the assessment methods used in CJSC Maslotorg;

-Based on the analysis of documents and the study of the organization's activities, propose ways to improve the efficiency of using methods for evaluating the performance of personnel in CJSC Maslotorg.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that its provisions can be used to build and develop a personnel assessment system both in CJSC Maslotorg and in other commercial organizations.

In the process of work, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, study of literary and other sources devoted to the problems of personnel assessment, features of personnel management, theory and practice of personnel management, etc.; analysis of existing assessment methods and practice of their application.

1. Theoretical aspects and the place of performance evaluation in the organization's personnel management system

1.1 Concept and approaches to performance evaluation

Personnel work in each organization is aimed at the formation of the most efficient composition of employees. To achieve this goal, one can use various methods and procedures specific to the various stages of development of the organization and specific tasks of personnel management. However, no specific area of ​​personnel work, to one degree or another, can do without personnel assessment.

E. Shine, a classic of management consulting, wrote that an effective manager should pay equal attention to two areas of his activity: interaction with the external environment and improvement of the internal environment of the organization. In this sense, the assessment of personnel performance contributes to the development of intra-company relations. Therefore, increasing attention to the assessment and certification of personnel is not accidental at the present time. Managers thus strive to strengthen the internal ranks and ultimately to increase the resilience of the organization in adverse economic conditions.

Personnel assessment is the process of determining the effectiveness of employees' activities in order to consistently accumulate the information necessary for adoption in order to make further management decisions.

In this definition, attention should be paid to the following points.

First, we evaluate the performance of the employee, not the employee himself. We have no right in a business setting to evaluate the personal qualities of subordinates for their own sake. personal qualities. There are no good or bad people at work. There are people whose professional, behavioral and personal characteristics correspond or do not correspond to the work performed and the position held.

Secondly, the activity of employees is important not in itself, but in order to achieve the objectives of the organization.

Thirdly, as a result of the assessment, there is an accumulation of information that is needed to manage people.

Evaluation can be formal or informal. Evaluation can be carried out both regularly and irregularly, depending on the specific needs of the company. Evaluation may pursue various, sometimes quite narrow, not necessarily directly related to work standards.

Evaluation of employees is carried out in the following cases:


-certification on time (scheduled certification), or carried out selectively, in connection with the need (unscheduled certification);

-job transfers, i.e. promotion or demotion; a change in the range of tasks and responsibilities that does not entail promotion and salary growth, i.e. during rotation;

-nominations to the reserve for replacement of a managerial position;

-in other cases requiring an assessment of the various qualities of employees or at the request of the employee himself.

Person assessment cannot be considered in isolation from other components of the personnel management system.

Planning the number and quality of personnel is the alignment of the plans of the organization and the existing human resources. Staff appraisals are an excellent source of information about available resources. Depending on the goal, we can assess the potential of employees, the possibility of increasing labor productivity, the need for training - i.e. factors that are necessary in order to achieve the goals.

Personnel assessment, of course, is also connected with such a stage of personnel work as hiring in an organization. After a certain period of time, a beginner is evaluated. For greater objectivity, the assessment should be carried out in the same form as the personnel assessment. Such an assessment of the staff allows you to make a more informed decision about the future fate of the newcomer and, in case of a positive decision, outline plans for growth and improvement for him.

The traditional task of many companies -develop a staff training plan. At the same time, the plan should combine the interests of the organization and the real needs of employees.

Let's make a reservation right away that during the personnel assessment, the structure is not determined wages. Salary structure and compensation package -standalone project. Personnel assessment allows you to determine how, within the existing structure, to change individual remuneration in accordance with performance indicators. When a decision is made based on the results of personnel assessment, it is more balanced and objective and causes less conflict situations than a decision made behind the scenes.

Personnel motivation and effective communication in an organization largely depend on the competent construction of a personnel assessment system and its rational functioning. Staff appraisal, in the right hands, can be a powerful motivator. The employee is given the opportunity to communicate with his superiors, during which the results of the work for a certain period are summed up, achievements and shortcomings are noted. Personnel assessment provides an opportunity to convey to each employee the plans of the organization, and discuss these plans with him. The leader, in turn, receives the so-called feedback, i.e. learns the opinion of the employee about the current situation and plans for the future.

Personnel assessment helps to collect information for an informed decision on the dismissal of an employee from the company. And those who fired, and the dismissed, and colleagues will clearly understand the reasons. This will avoid unnecessary stress and possibly prevent further layoffs - employees are aware of what is considered unsatisfied work.

It is important to remember that personnel assessment is primarily a personnel management tool. Like all elements of the system, it must comply with applicable law.

Personel assessment -this is a system of periodic evaluation of the results of an employee's work in accordance with the objectives of the activity established for this position, or the compliance of the qualifications, skills and attitude of the employee with his duties, requirements of the job description, rules internal regulations for a set period of time.

Personnel assessment - a procedure carried out to determine the compliance of an employee with a vacant or occupied workplace (position) includes:

-assessment of the employee's potential professional knowledge and skills, production experience, business, moral and psychological qualities, health and performance, the level of general culture;

-assessment of individual contribution - allows you to establish the quality, complexity and effectiveness of work specific employee and its relevance to the place occupied;

-personnel certification - takes into account the potential and individual contribution of the employee to the final result.

The most important direction of personnel work is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivations and properties) with the requirements of the position and workplace. We will name only the main personnel situations in which personnel assessment is necessary:

-assessment of a candidate who is not working in the organization applying for a vacant position;

-ongoing periodic evaluation;

-assessment of an employee of the organization applying for a vacant position.

Currently, there is no approach to the problem of measuring the effectiveness of the work of personnel. The process of labor activity of personnel is closely related to production process and its final results, the social activity of society, the economic development of enterprises, etc. There are three main concepts for assessing the effectiveness of management.

Proponents of the first approach believe that the organization's personnel is a total public worker directly affecting production, therefore, the final results of production should serve as criterial indicators of personnel efficiency. Such indicators include the profit of the organization for the year or quarter, the cost of 1 ruble of products, the level of profitability, dividends per share, etc., i.e. numerical values ​​of the final results of the organization's work for a specific period (year, quarter, month). The disadvantage of this approach is that the activity of the personnel is influenced not only by the factor of the material development of the enterprise, but also by others:

-means of labor - the structure of fixed assets, the level of mechanization and automation of production, the coefficient of shift work, etc.;

-objects of labor - the cost of purchased materials, the quality of component materials, stocks of materials in warehouses, etc.;

-production technology - the level of specialization and cooperation, the duration of the production cycle, the rhythm of production, etc.

Proponents of the second approach to assessing the effectiveness of personnel work believe that criteria indicators should reflect the effectiveness and quality of living labor or work activity. These indicators include: labor productivity, labor productivity growth rates, specific gravity wages in the cost of production, loss of working time, mechanization of labor, etc. These indicators quite comprehensively reflect the effectiveness of the labor activity of personnel and can serve as the basis for choosing criteria.

But the disadvantage of this approach is that it does not characterize the level of organization of personnel work and social efficiency, which also affect the final results of production and are directly related to the organization's personnel.

Proponents of the third approach believe that the effectiveness of the work of personnel is largely determined by the organization of their work, labor motivation, and the socio-psychological climate in the team, i.e. depends more on the forms and methods of working with personnel. The criteria for evaluating the results of activities include: staff turnover, staff qualification level, level labor discipline, the ratio of workers and employees, the use of the working time fund, the social structure of personnel, etc.

The composition of the indicators of the third approach quite comprehensively reflects the organization and social efficiency of the work of the personnel, and some indicators are complex, requiring the collection of operational information based on specific sociological studies.

Thus, the analysis of approaches indicates a variety of criterial indicators. For enterprises, it can be advised to use an integrated approach to assessing efficiency from the standpoint of the significance of the final results of production, productivity and quality of labor and the organization of personnel work as a social system.

1.2 Goals and objectives of assessing the performance of the organization's personnel

Evaluation of personnel performance, and especially performance results, is necessarily carried out in order to increase labor productivity, increase sales and obtain the greatest profit, that is, it always pursues the objectives of the organization's development.

The opinions of specialists about the goals and objectives of the system for evaluating the performance of the organization's personnel differ to a certain extent. Below are some points of view on this issue.

E.V. Maslov in the textbook "Enterprise Personnel Management" notes the following main tasks of evaluating managers and specialists based on the results of work:

-identification of the employee's compliance with the position held;

-determination of the labor contribution in terms of collective wages in order to link the overall efficiency of the worker's work and the level of his official salary;

-ensuring an increase in individual returns from employees, their clear focus on the final result, linking the activities of specialists and managers to the main goal of the department, enterprise (firm).

At the same time, the author of the textbook distinguishes between the final grade at the end of a long inter-certification period (3-5 years) and the current one. -after a certain time within the inter-certification period. A phased calculation of indicators according to individual evaluation criteria makes it possible to identify trends in changes in various aspects of employees' activities (primarily in the results of labor and professional growth of an employee), take timely measures to improve skills, and predict changes in performance results. The results of the current assessment are also taken into account when summing up the results of the work for the entire inter-certification period.

S.V. Shekshnia, author of the educational and practical manual "Personnel Management modern organization”, gives other tasks for assessing the performance of personnel. Such a system improves the efficiency of human resource management of the organization through:

-positive impact on employee motivation. Feedback has a beneficial effect on the motivation of employees, allows them to adjust their behavior in the workplace and achieve increased productivity;

-vocational training planning. Personnel assessment makes it possible to identify gaps in the competencies of each employee and provide for measures to eliminate them;

-professional development and career planning. Employee evaluation reveals their strengths and weaknesses professional quality, which allows you to carefully prepare individual development plans and effectively plan your career;

-making decisions about remuneration, promotion, dismissal. Regular and systematic evaluation of employees provides the management of the organization with the information necessary to make informed decisions on salary increases (remuneration the best employees has a motivating effect on them and their colleagues), promotion or dismissal.

The authors of the training manual "Evaluation of the work of personnel, preparation and conduct of certification" M.I. Magura and M.B. Kurbatova, in turn, divide the goals of assessing the performance of personnel into five main goals:

-administrative purposes;

-assessment of the quality of management activities;

-providing employees with feedback on the degree of compliance;

-their performance to the requirements of the organization;

-employee development;

-improvement of the personnel management process.

The administrative objectives are that performance appraisal provides management with a rational basis for making such administrative decisions as pay, promotions and demotions, transfers within the organization and dismissal. To make administrative decisions, a general (integral) assessment of each employee is usually used, which helps to compare employees with each other. The evaluation system includes not only indicators that reflect the specifics of the work performed, the evaluation often involves taking into account the conditions in which the work being evaluated is performed. To obtain such integral estimates, you can use:

-calculation of the arithmetic mean of all grades received by the employee;

-adding up all grades to get an overall total grade;

-the final score can be obtained by adding or averaging the "weighted" scores obtained by multiplying each score by a certain coefficient, depending on the contribution that, according to experts, the evaluated side of the work makes to the overall effectiveness of the organization or unit.

Assessment of the quality of management activities - the second group of goals. Evaluation of the work of personnel is designed to find out, among other things, how successfully and how well the tasks facing managers of different levels are solved. These are primarily the following tasks:

-activity planning and resource allocation;

-management in critical situations;

-work with documents;

-innovative activity;


-motivation of subordinates;

-training of subordinates;

-ensuring a high level of cooperation between managers and subordinates;

-organization of interaction with other departments of the organization;

-formation in the team of subordinates of labor morality that meets the goals of the organization.

Informing employees about the compliance of their performance with the requirements of the organization is one of the goals of assessing the performance of personnel, as this enables the employee to receive feedback from the manager. This feedback is intended to guide employees in the right direction, clarifying the requirements for their work, and motivate them to improve their performance.

The next goal of assessing the work of personnel is the development of employees. A differentiated assessment of the work of subordinates allows you to identify what exactly in their professional activities needs improvement. For this purpose, the performance and work behavior of the employee are compared with the standards and norms established for this type of work, and the requirements for work behavior, and not with the results of other employees. Evaluation should work for the future, for the future, for the development of employees.

Improving the process of personnel management is the fifth group of goals. Performance evaluation can be used as one of the methods of monitoring the performance of staff in order to maintain established performance standards. If it turns out that the work of the staff does not meet these standards, then the organization, depending on the identified causes of unsatisfactory performance, can take the following steps:

-reorganization of the labor process: simplification of work, changes in the organization of labor, etc.;

-change in production standards;

-training or retraining of employees;

-development and implementation of programs aimed at increasing the level of motivation and commitment of the personnel of their organization;

-transfer of employees who are not coping with their duties to other positions;

-firing unsuitable workers and recruiting new workers.

Creating an effective system for assessing the work of personnel involves solving the following tasks:

1. Development of an assessment system. It requires the definition of indicators and criteria that will be used in evaluating the work of different categories of employees, as well as the coordination of this activity with other areas of work in personnel management (selection of personnel, adaptation of new employees, training, motivation, etc.).

2. Development or selection of methods and procedures that will be used to evaluate the performance of personnel.

3. Development, coordination and approval of relevant documentation: regulations, instructions, forms, reporting forms.

4. Leadership training. Managers must have a very clear understanding of the goals and objectives that are addressed in the course of performance appraisal, and have the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve these goals.

5. Control over the proper use of methods and procedures for assessing the work of personnel.

6. Collection and storage of information obtained as a result of the assessment. Entering the results of the next certification into the personal file of the employee.

7. Analysis of the results of personnel performance evaluation and preparation of reports for senior management. These reports contain materials summarizing the final results obtained in the evaluation of the work of different categories of personnel, and proposals aimed at increasing the return on the organization's human resources.

Thus, the goals and objectives of the system for assessing the performance of the organization's personnel are largely determined by the specifics of the company's activities, the features of the personnel policy, and the principles of personnel work in the organization. It is important to note that the objectives of the evaluation should be aligned with the objectives of the organization.

1.3 The place of performance evaluation in the organization's personnel management system

The fundamental condition for the effective operation of the assessment system is its comprehensive nature, taking into account the diversity of tasks solved by each specific organization in the overall system of personnel management.

The performance appraisal is designed to promote a better use of the organization's human resources by closely linking the tasks solved during the appraisal with other areas of work with personnel, primarily with the following areas:

-job analysis, definition of job requirements;

-staff training and development;

-search and selection of new employees;

-personnel planning;

-employee development and career planning;

-labor incentive system;

-formation of a personnel reserve and work with it.

The initial element of personnel assessment, necessary for making decisions on promotion, advanced training, etc., is the formal level of knowledge and experience, i.e. purely personal information. But the main areas of assessment are the assessment (accounting) of labor results and the assessment (analysis) of business and personal qualities that affect these results. In addition, the assessment of the potential of employees, as well as the assessment of their motivation, are specially highlighted.

Accounting for the results of labor covers almost all personnel, since it is the basis of the remuneration system. The results of the labor of workers and some employees are determined, as is well known, by the level of fulfillment of the norms. As for those workers whose work cannot be strictly standardized, the main criterion for evaluating its effectiveness is the compliance of the results of labor with goals set in advance for a certain period.

The work to identify this compliance includes the following steps:

1. Establishment of several main duties (functions) of the employee.

2. Concretization of each of these functions and their linkage with certain indicators (profit, costs, scope of work, timing and quality of their implementation, etc.).

3. Establishment of units of measurement (percentages, days, dollars, etc.) and a system of indicators reflecting the results of activities.

4. Establishment of minimum and maximum "performance standards" for each indicator.

5. Comparison of actual results of work with performance standards (above the maximum standard, at its level, below the minimum) and derivation of an estimated score for this indicator.

6. Derivation of the average score for all indicators.

Along with the above estimates, estimates of the “level of contribution” made by the employee to the activities of the organization are applied: the results of labor are not correlated with individual planned indicators (the latter are not defined in this case), but with more general formal requirements. The description of the "level of contribution" is carried out not by individual performers, but by job groups workers.

So, for example, in the Stanford Research Center (USA), in relation to research personnel, five areas of activity are distinguished, through which the employee participates in the decision common tasks: professional contribution (as a researcher), commercial implementation of ideas (contribution to the increase in the profit of the center), development of relationships with customers, management and coordination of research and development (role in the activities of complex project teams), performing the functions of a line manager. For each of the areas, six "levels of contribution" (assessment categories) are allocated, and for each there is an exact description, which is presented in the "matrix of professional maturity" of the center's specialist.

The "professional maturity matrix" reflects both the results of work and the general professional and qualification level. It is the basis not only for the current assessment, but also for the certification of employees.

Consider the relationship of the assessment system with other functions of personnel management.

1. Analysis of work. To assess the work of personnel, it is of great importance to develop criteria according to which the assessment will be made, that is, those indicators or characteristics of work that determine the success of this professional activity.

The development of evaluation criteria involves a thorough analysis of the work performed by specialists. The first step here is to fill out a special job analysis questionnaire (if such an analysis is necessary), analyze the information received and prepare job descriptions (or carefully study existing ones).

The result of the analysis of the work and the analysis of the requirements for the employee from the side of the work is the development of evaluation criteria. Evaluation criteria can be expressed both in quantitative and qualitative form. Examples of quantitative criteria are labor productivity, marriage rate, sales volume, that is, everything that can be expressed in the form of a number; examples of quality -attitude to business, quality of customer service, level of responsibility and independence of the employee, etc.

2. Personnel selection. One of the most important tasks in the selection of personnel is the development of multi-stage evaluation procedures in order to screen out applicants who do not meet the established criteria. Candidates who do not meet the requirements of the organization (for example, low scores on special abilities tests that determine knowledge and skills in the professional field in which the candidate is supposed to be used) are not invited to the next stage of selection.

Selection criteria may also be determined based on the establishment of a minimum acceptable level of productivity or operational efficiency for the organization. An effective evaluation system makes it possible to develop, refine and validate selection criteria and thus improve the selection methods used.

The results of the periodic assessment of the work of the personnel confirm (or do not confirm) the correctness of the forecast of the professional success of the candidates, made on the basis of the methods and selection procedures used. Without this kind of feedback, the improvement of the selection system is impossible.

The assessment system helps the organization in solving a whole range of tasks related to increasing the return on human resources. The information obtained as a result of the assessment can be used to form a personnel reserve by identifying employees with high managerial potential capable of performing more complex and responsible work.

In addition, the performance appraisal of subordinates helps managers in planning the career of employees and solving problems related to their training and development.

3. Training and development. Performance appraisal is important in determining the training needs of employees, identifying a lack of professional knowledge or skills that prevents the achievement of the requirements or performance standards established by the organization.

In many Russian companies specialists from the training departments determine the need for training intuitively rather than based on the assessment of the work of employees. Evaluation of results professional labor allows you to determine both the need for training of individual employees and the need for training of different categories of personnel.

This assessment provides information that can be used as the basis for the plan(s) for conducting training, developing appropriate plans at various levels. -from ordinary workers to top managers.

The results of personnel performance evaluation can also be used for the purposes of personnel planning helping to find out how the qualifications, knowledge and experience of employees correspond to the present and future needs of the organization.

4. Motivation of labor and stimulation of personnel. Evaluation of performance indicators, being organically linked with the remuneration system and programs aimed at increasing the level of labor motivation of personnel, allows maintaining the interest of employees in achieving high performance results at the proper level. As noted, the effectiveness of the labor incentive system is directly dependent on how much the amount of remuneration is linked to the contribution of employees to the achievement of the goals of the organization (subdivision), how fair those whose work is being evaluated consider it fair.

Thus, the most important task of the assessment system operating in the organization is to inspire the employee to improve his work, to interest him in mastering new approaches to work, to stimulate the achievement of new levels of professional efficiency. This task can be successfully solved by promoting the achievements of the best employees, bringing to the attention of employees the data showing how they cope with their work.

1.4 Personnel certification as a comprehensive personnel assessment

The main objectives of certification are:

-evaluation of the results of employees' work;

-determination of the compliance of their position (with the requirements of the job description, professionally - qualification requirements to the position);

-identification of shortcomings in the level of training (qualifications, work experience, practical knowledge skills) for the performance of the position;

-drawing up an employee development plan (development of measures to eliminate identified shortcomings, drawing up a career plan, forming a reserve for promotion).

Additional goals most often include goals such as: checking the compatibility of the employee with the team (the ability to work in a team);

-verification of motivation to work, to work in this position;

-determination of career development prospects for an employee;

The overall goals are to improve personnel management and increase the efficiency of personnel work and increase responsibility and performance discipline.

Specific goals include determining the circle of employees and the list of positions subject to dismissal and reduction and improving the moral and psychological climate in the organization.

At the stage of preparation for certification, the following tasks come to the fore:

-development of a regulation on certification (or refinement of an existing provision, taking into account the requirements of today);

-selection of methods and standard forms for assessing performers and the assessment procedure itself;

-preparation of instructions for managers conducting certification;

-preparation of instructions governing the work attestation commission;

-preparation and reproduction of forms, standard forms necessary for certification;

-compiling a list of employees subject to certification;

-formation and approval of the composition of attestation commissions;

-preparation of the certification schedule;

-notification of employees about the timing of certification;

-training of persons responsible for personnel assessment during certification (heads and members of certification commissions).

Certification requires a number of preparatory activities and the preparation of the necessary documentation package.

The preparatory activities primarily include holding a meeting by the company's management to set certification goals for members of the certification commissions and heads of departments.

Objectives of certification, priorities that should be given the greatest importance, procedure and conditions for conducting certification interviews -these are the issues with respect to which the employees of the organization involved in the preparation and conduct of certification should have a common understanding.

Another important area of ​​preparatory work is the conduct of short-term training for members of the certification commissions and all managers, one way or another involved in the process of preparing and conducting certification. The content of this training is determined by the specifics of the goals and objectives to be solved during the certification. First of all, this is an acquaintance with what the main goals of certification are, how to correctly fill out standard forms and forms, how to avoid the most common mistakes.

All documentation used in the certification of personnel can be divided into the following groups:

-administrative (orders, regulations);

-organizational (approved lists of certified employees, certification schedules);

-evaluation tools (assessment forms, forms for the report of the person being certified and for preparing a review of the immediate supervisor for the person being certified, attestation sheets, etc.).

The effectiveness of certification largely depends on the quality of the documents required for its implementation, and on the clear regulation of the procedure for storing and analyzing the information collected. This work can be divided into four areas.

1. Preparation or adjustment of the regulation on the certification and its subsequent approval.

2. Preparation and signing of the order of the top management on certification. The order must indicate the head (with a rank not lower than the deputy first head of the organization), who is entrusted with the management of the certification. It can be the Deputy Chief of Staff for Human Resources or even the head of the Human Resources Department.

3. Preparation and approval of standard forms that will be used during certification:

-certification sheet;

-the structure of the written characteristics for the person being certified;

-form for assessing performance and business qualities of the person being certified;

-report of the certified on the work done;

-work plan of the certified person;

-conclusion of the attestation commission;

-structure of the report of attestation commissions based on the results of attestation.

4. Determining the procedure for processing, analyzing and storing information obtained as a result of certification.

The specific form of the certification sheet may be different depending on the developed requirements and professional group, which includes employees undergoing certification.

Personnel service during the preparation of the appraisal, may prepare materials to help the employee undergoing the appraisal, to explain the goals and procedures for the appraisal.

When preparing the appraisal, be sure to take care of the training of employees who will be responsible for assessing personnel. These are two categories of employees: managers and members of certification commissions. These people should have a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the assessment, the methods used, and the possible difficulties and errors associated with the assessment process. The training program for managers and specialists participating in the certification process includes the following issues:

-consideration overall strategy assessment process, goals and objectives pursued in the course of personnel appraisal. Development of a unified approach to the assessment procedure;

-familiarity with the assessment methods that are used in the certification;

-analysis of possible problems and errors that arise in the process of certification, and possible ways overcoming them. Emphasis is placed on the consideration of psychological errors in assessment (halo effect, errors of condescension, excessive severity, etc.).

Carrying out certification includes both the solution of a number of organizational issues and work with information received by the certification commission. In general, there are three major areas of work.

1. Preparation of information, which will later be submitted to the certification committee. Employees subject to certification, their immediate supervisors or experts fill out the required standard forms.

2. Collection and verification of information on the certified for the subsequent provision of the certification commission.

3. Holding meetings of the certification commission in accordance with the established schedule and preparing conclusions for each certified employee.

The greatest difficulty is the process of holding meetings of the attestation commission. This is due both to the need to ensure the proper level of preparation for the meetings of all members of the commission, and to ensure the optimal procedure for holding meetings.

The regulations for holding a meeting of the attestation commission often involve the presentation of the attested employee by his immediate supervisor. After that, a discussion of the materials submitted to the employee is held. Members of the attestation commission ask the employee questions that clarify his business potential. The duties of the Secretary of the Attestation Commission include taking minutes of the meeting. Based on the results of the attestation, an attestation sheet is filled out for each person being attested and the conclusion of the attestation commission is prepared.

Based on the current regulations and the established long-term practice of attestation of employees in organizations, the legality and fairness of the decisions made by the attestation commissions and, ultimately, the results of attestation as a whole, largely depend.
Based on the results of certification, one of the following assessments can be given:

-corresponds to the position held;

-does not correspond to the position held;

-promotion of an employee;

-on appointment to a position with a reduction;

-about the direction to study;

About promotion;

-on dismissal due to dissatisfaction with the results of certification.

The results of the attestation are communicated to the person being attested immediately after voting. After reviewing the records of the voting results and recommendations of the attestation commission, the attestation sheet is also signed by the employee who has passed the attestation.

Execution of decisions based on the results of certification. The final stage of the attestation is the implementation of the decisions made by the attestation commission. To do this, the commission sums up the results of certification, in particular:

-from the total number of those being certified, the number of employees called up to correspond or not correspond to the position held is established;

-employees who have not passed the approved certification schedule for various valid reasons are identified;

-a list of managers and specialists is compiled, subject to re-certification in a year.

The head of the organization, on the basis of the materials and recommendations submitted to the certification commission, issues an order (instruction), which analyzes the results of the certification, approves measures to implement the recommendations of the commission, the so-called certification algorithm.

Unfortunately, many organizations consider summing up the results of attestation as a pure formality. At the same time, it is often forgotten that the whole point of evaluating the performance of specialists and managers is to identify not only the untapped professional capabilities of those certified, but also the reserves that exist in the organization as a whole to increase the efficiency of the work of different categories of personnel. Debriefing may include the following steps:

1. Preparation of reports of individual attestation commissions based on the results of attestation (within the deadlines established by the regulations).

2. Preparation of a final report on the results of certification (for the organization as a whole).

3. Preparation and approval:

-personnel (administrative) decisions based on the conclusions of attestation commissions;

-a comprehensive plan of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of the work of the main categories of personnel of the organization
. Performance appraisal, when done correctly, has a number of potential benefits for both the organization and the people being assessed.

But if any mistakes are made during the assessment, then these potential benefits will not be realized, and the assessment may not give the expected results.

In recent years, there have been trends in developed countries that make it possible to avoid the danger of a formal approach and get the maximum benefit from the efforts expended at all stages of this complex and responsible work.

2. Instead of the traditional scheme, when the certification was carried out by the immediate supervisor, self-certifications were widely used, as well as the use of several higher managers, colleagues and even subordinates as attesters. At the same time, it is recommended to consult with those being certified about the principles for selecting experts (certifiers);

3. The leading role in the certification procedures is given to line managers; personnel services play the role of active assistants
. Thus, certification requires a very significant investment of time and material resources. Therefore, formal performance appraisal, when not only the goals are not clearly defined, but as a result, no specific actions follow that can improve the performance of certain categories of personnel and the organization as a whole -it is an unaffordable luxury.

The demand for certification results, the readiness of top management to make specific decisions based on its results - necessary condition the effectiveness of this work.

Conducting appraisals primarily for administrative decisions (demotion, dismissal, deprivation of salary increments and bonuses, etc.) and ignoring the goals of increasing the return on human resources of the organization and developing employees can negate all the potential benefits that management could receive from using this procedure.

2. Methods for evaluating the performance of the organization's personnel

2.1 Methods for evaluating the results of the work of the organization's specialists

Evaluation of the work of personnel allows, on the one hand, to ensure the normal functioning of individual departments and the entire organization and the successful solution of production problems, and on the other -more effectively use the potential of employees due to the fact that the assessment system allows you to increase the level of their motivation, determining the direction of their development and stimulating the need for training and advanced training.

There are several methods that allow you to evaluate the performance of employees of the organization. The main methods include:

-setting standards and regulations;

-assessment based on written characteristics;

-rating scales;

-ranking methods;

-given distribution;

-management by objectives as a method of performance evaluation;

-non-traditional assessment methods: "360 ° certification", psychological testing, etc.

Establishment of standards and regulations. In this method, performance appraisal consists of setting standards or guidelines and then comparing each employee's performance against those standards. This method is most often used in production conditions.

Normalization methods allow us to answer three main questions:

1. What are the real possibilities of each employee?

2. What is the best way to use the abilities of this or that employee in the performance of the task?

3. How long should individual operations take to complete?

Table 1 provides examples of working standards.

Table 1 -Sample Working Standards

Working standards Conditions of application Average productivity (daily output rate) of the working group / team When the tasks performed by all individuals are the same or almost the same Average labor productivity (production rate) of one worker time expenditures Amount of work performed per unit of time Works involving repetitive tasks Work standards for each type of work One-time work involving various tasks

Comparing the performance of employees with the standard allows you to compare employees with each other, as well as to identify whether the employee is suitable for performing given tasks or if he does not cope with his job.

Performance measurement provides an objective basis for comparing each employee's performance against a certain benchmark, as well as for comparing their performance with that of other employees. In addition, it enables management to have a real picture of the work of all employees of a particular specialty or qualification. This method is one of the most reliable means for determining and forecasting the need for labor.

There are a number of conditions for the successful application of labor rationing programs:

1. Standards should be determined on the basis of the most effective way performance of a particular operation (work);

2. It is necessary to pay due attention to the issues of maintaining a high level of labor motivation of employees;

3. Work must be organized and defined in such a way that each person clearly knows his duties and what management expects from him;

4. The program should be supported by ordinary performers.

After determining the standard indicators for specific types of work, it is possible to establish a correspondence between the level of performance indicators and one or another category.

The advantage of the performance standards approach is that in this case the evaluation of staff performance is based on objective indicators. In order to be able to successfully use standards (norms) to evaluate performance, they must not only be well founded, but also be perceived by employees as fair.

Evaluation based on written characteristics. A written characterization of an employee is usually prepared by his immediate supervisor. The need to standardize the characteristics provided to the certification committee requires that managers prepare them in accordance with an established form that determines the issues that should be covered.

Considering that the characteristic should be prepared by the immediate supervisor of the employee of the organization, he pushes the administrative apparatus to analyze the activities of subordinates and identify factors that positively or negatively affect the results of their activities.

The fact that the manager, when preparing a written testimonial for subordinates, has to give his suggestions and recommendations on remuneration, promotion, transfer to another job, or express his opinion about their training and advanced training, is in itself an important incentive to analyze the work. personnel and identifying factors that negatively affect the final performance.

Thus, the very use by managers of such an assessment method as writing written testimonials on subordinates pushes them to address the issue of more effective use of the potential of subordinates.

The main difficulties in evaluating work on the basis of written characteristics are as follows:

-the scope and content of the characteristics presented can vary greatly depending on the experience, attitudes and characteristics of the evaluator's personality. For example, one leader may write a lot about the potential and strengths of a subordinate and keep silent about his shortcomings. Another may direct all attention mainly to the shortcomings of the worker. The third can consider the issues of training and advanced training in particular detail. Evaluating employees and comparing their performance on the basis of such characteristics is sometimes very difficult;

-Evaluation can also be influenced by the writing skills of the evaluator. A leader who knows how to “submit” his subordinate well can, if desired, ensure that the average worker looks better on paper than he actually is;

-a serious problem for many organizations is the lack of practice in dealing with the information contained in written references. During certification, certification commissions accumulate mountains of materials with which no one works: there are no clear algorithms for their processing and subsequent systematization of the results.

To a certain extent, the above difficulties can be overcome by using standard forms, which not only clearly indicate what should be assessed in the work or work behavior of subordinates, but also offer specific guidelines ("tips") that facilitate the preparation of a written testimonial.

Assessment scales. Evaluation scales enable the manager to assess the degree of development of business qualities in employees, the propensity for certain types of work behavior or readiness to achieve certain work results. Evaluation scales involve the use of special evaluation forms. The assessment form (form) consists of a number of scales that evaluate various aspects of the work, such as professional knowledge, the quality and quantity of work, the ability to work independently, the level of development of professional skills, etc.

Rating scales should have the following characteristics:

1. The assessed characteristics and features of work behavior should be correlated with the content and key indicators that determine the effectiveness of the employees' professional activities.

2. The scales should be aimed at assessing such characteristics of employees, behind which there are specific behavioral manifestations that can be observed by the assessor.

3. Each item (gradation) of the scale should be concise, unambiguous and correspond to the indicator being assessed. At the same time, overly general characteristics should be avoided.

4. The scale indicators must be balanced and not shift to one pole. For example, "very good", "good", "average", "below average", and "poor".

5. The scales used should cover the full range of possible performance indicators.

A well-designed assessment tool features:

-the use of a standard evaluation procedure, which facilitates the comparison of employees;

-the relative ease of filling out the assessment form;

-such tools are well received by both assessors and assessees;

The use of work behavior rating scales can face a number of serious problems. The main problems are the following:

-one of the main disadvantages of using such scales is that their development requires a lot of time and high interest of the performers (developers, experts and managers who make the assessment);

-different people making an assessment, depending on education, experience and personal characteristics, can understand the content of assessment scales in different ways;

-a serious problem is the choice of assessed aspects of work behavior. The assessment form often includes such characteristics (patterns of labor behavior, professional knowledge, work skills) that are weakly related to the content of the professional activity of the assessed employees. At the same time, there is a danger of not including in the evaluation form such characteristics that form the core of professional effectiveness;

-when using rating scales, common psychological errors that arise in the evaluation process can also make a negative contribution: the halo effect, errors of the central tendency, condescension and severity.

Ranking methods. For the manager, it is important not only to compare the result of the work of a subordinate with the standard, but also to compare employees with each other. This can be done using ranking methods.

There are several types of rankings:

-direct ranking;

-rotating ranking;

-pair comparison.

Direct ranking requires the person who makes the assessment to rank the employees in the group being assessed according to some specific indicator (for example, professional competence, independence, leadership development level, etc.) from the worst to the best or from least efficient to most efficient. In this case, the most the best worker receives the highest rank, and the worst - lower.

Alternating ranking is applied in the following way: a list of all employees who need to be ranked is compiled, and the same names are written out separately, but in a certain order: from the most valuable (above) to the worst (below).

When using paired comparisons, a list of subordinates is compiled and then each of the subordinates is compared according to specific characteristics. The first in the list is compared with the second, then with the third, fourth, and so on. Opposite the name of the subordinate who performs certain functions better, put "+". The employee who scored the largest number of pluses can be considered the most effective according to the selected criterion, and the one who has the fewest, -as the least efficient.

This method is the most cumbersome, since with a large number of subordinates, their comparison with each other increases exponentially.

Specified distribution method. Predetermined distribution is a form of comparative evaluation in which the manager assigns subordinates to a certain category according to a predetermined rule. In this case, it is assumed that the manifestation of the estimated performance is subject to the law of normal distribution. To evaluate subordinates according to the method of a given distribution, the evaluator needs to determine the characteristics and parameters of the distribution and enter in the appropriate cells of the table the names of employees who, in his opinion, correspond to the given parameters (Table 2).

The disadvantage of this method is that it can itself be erroneous. For example, if in a company all employees do their job well, then the definition of certain subordinates in the category of “bad employees” will turn out to be far-fetched, and therefore incorrect.

Goal management. One of the most popular employee assessment methods today, often used in addition to traditional appraisal, is the Goal Setting Management method (MBO stands for Management by Objectives).

table 2 -An example of using the specified distribution method

Distribution characteristics Assigned distribution Names of employees Outstanding results 5% High results 10% Average results 70% Below average results 10% Unacceptable results 5%

Evaluation of personnel through management by objectives is based on setting goals for the performers that must be achieved over a certain period of time (month, quarter, year). Most often, this method is used to evaluate the work of specialists and managers of various ranks.

The main elements of management by goals are:

-goal setting;

-work planning;

-current control;

-assessment of the achieved results and summing up.

Table 3 presents the main controls by objectives.

At the end of the attestation period, the employee and the manager evaluate the fulfillment of each goal, as a rule, as a percentage of the entire personal plan of the employee (set of goals).

Any goal facing the employee must be linked to the goals of the unit and / or organization. At the same time, it should be monitored that the goals set meet the following requirements.

1. Performance goals should be clearly quantifiable or qualitative. Those goals that cannot be verified (either by measurement or qualitative/expert judgement) should be discarded as far as possible.

Table 3 -Key Goal Controls

Core ElementsContentsGoal Setting Formulation of long-term strategic goals Formulation of specific tasks facing the entire organization Determining the goals of the unit Defining the tasks of each employeeWork planning Establishment of the main stages of the work Development of a plan of specific actions to achieve the set goals Identification of training needs Resource provisionCurrent control Development and implementation of control procedures Development of mechanisms for correcting undesirable deviations in work Establishment of a feedback mechanism Evaluation of achieved results and summing up Determining the procedure for debriefing at the end of work Evaluation of the performance of the performer Identification of factors that impede the performance of work Achievement Award

2. It is necessary to set rather complex, intense, promising goals. Setting too simple goals does not motivate employees and causes a formal attitude to work.

3. Goals must be specific. Goals should not be formulated in general terms, such as: "improve reporting", "improve communication", "work more attentively", "pay more attention to customers". These goals can be translated into specific work goals as follows:

-submit a progress report by the last Friday of each month;

-introduce compulsory practice general meetings team once every two weeks;

-make a list of mistakes that I often make and use it to check any work;

-Periodically (once every three months) call customers on the list and ask them how satisfied they are with our service.

4. The deadline must be clearly defined.

5. Goals should be realistic, that is, those that can be achieved by the performer.

6. They must be within the competence of the employee for whom they are supplied. If the situation does not depend entirely on the efforts of this employee, then he can always attribute his negligence to bad job other people or other services.

7. The employee must see that the achievement of the set goals is related to his career growth or development.

8. Goals should be written down in clear, understandable, precise language.

9. It is important that the implementers are actively involved in both the goal setting process and the development of the action plan. A high level of cooperation from subordinates is required.

10. The goals and action plan should form the basis for regular stocktaking. Regular meetings specifically dedicated to debriefing provide an opportunity for the manager and employee to discuss progress and, if necessary, -adjust goals
. One of the difficulties that many managers face when using management by objectives to evaluate the work of subordinates is that they have to act as consultants or assistants, which may conflict with their ideas of how a “real” person should behave. supervisor.

Another problem is that some employees feel uncomfortable in the role that they are given in management by objectives. They are often not ready to take the initiative in setting the goals of their work and in defining their areas of responsibility. Many employees prefer to have their boss tell them what to do and how to do it. In cases where employees adhere to this position, the use of management by objectives is difficult.

At the same time, there are managers who are not inclined to allow subordinates to independently set goals in their work. For this category of managers, management by objectives is not an effective tool.

The advantages of the goal setting method are:

-participation of the employee in the definition of key goals, which significantly increases the objectivity of the assessment process in his eyes, provides an understanding of the criteria by which he will be assessed, and also increases motivation;

-dialogue with an employee -increases the objectivity of the manager's assessment, strengthens the connection of individual goals with the tasks of the organization and department, as well as the target orientation of the employee's professional activities.

But there are also disadvantages to this method. The main thing can be called what is evaluated not the full range of work of the subordinate, but only the degree of performance of any tasks by him.

Non-traditional methods evaluation of the results of the activities of specialists. As mentioned above, each method has some drawbacks. Therefore, over the past 15 years, other, non-traditional methods for assessing the performance of personnel have begun to appear. The main ones include the method of "360 ° certification" and psychological assessment methods.

With the 360° appraisal method, an employee is evaluated by his manager, his colleagues and his subordinates.

The essence of the 360 ​​assessment, which follows from its very name (360 degrees), is a “circular” assessment of a person’s competencies and skills, that is, an assessment of him from different angles - from below (subordinates), from above (leader), from outside (colleagues, at the same level of government). In addition, a person's assessment of himself (self-assessment) is almost always taken, and external authorities (customers, suppliers, independent appraisers) are also often involved.

To apply this method, a number of conditions within the organization are needed:

low turnover in the company;

the absence in the company of expressed mini-groups "of interest" at the assessed level, etc.

The evaluation procedure consists of a number of steps.

Step 1. Goal setting. Possible goals for the 360 ​​evaluation could be:

-select employees who are most suitable in terms of competencies for some goals of the organization (further development in the personnel reserve, employment vacant position etc.);

-show a person his strengths and weaknesses through the eyes of different employees of the company;

-stimulate a person to develop and draw up for him (together with him) a plan for this development;

-identify training needs, both individual and group, for a particular level of management.

Step 2. Development of a competency profile, which includes knowledge of the specifics of the job, leadership, operational management, planning and risk forecasting, flexibility, innovation, loyalty, etc.

Step 3. Determination of evaluating groups, which usually include the immediate supervisor of the employee, the closest colleagues of the employee - from 7 to 10 people (depending on the proximity of interaction), the employee's subordinates (if there are a large number, selectively), the representative of the personnel service as an external authority, himself employee (self-assessment).

Step 4. Drawing up questionnaires for each category of appraisers.

Step 5: Conduct an assessment that can be more effective under the following conditions:

before the start of the survey, it is obligatory to give instructions on filling out the questionnaires, and preferably in oral rather than written form;

the room where the assessment takes place should be spacious enough, there should be free space between people, otherwise they will be constantly distracted or embarrassed to give a sincere assessment, hide assessments or try to “copy” from a neighbor;

a person from among the organizers of the assessment must be present along with the evaluators to answer questions from people that are likely to arise

Step 6. Processing the results of the evaluation, which may result in:

-a summary graph of the assessment results (diagram as a visual expression);

-summary table of evaluation results;

-the strongest blocks of competencies - with a detailed breakdown and specific wording (quotes from questionnaires);

-relatively weak blocks of competencies - with a detailed breakdown and specific wording;

-comparative analysis of assessments of different groups, as well as external assessments and self-assessment;

-development and training plan for the year.

Step 7. Report to the employee (feedback method).

"Score 360" -it is a method that takes a lot of time and effort to develop, conduct, analyze results, and report. At the same time, it is indeed a very interesting way of conducting an assessment of an employee of an organization, and its results are taken more seriously by the assessed themselves than the results of a single-instance assessment.

Psychological assessment methods are a kind of non-traditional assessment methods. With the help of special tests, interviews, exercises, professional psychologists assess the presence and degree of development of certain characteristics in an employee.

Psychological methods make it possible to achieve a high degree of accuracy and detail in the assessment, but the significant costs associated with the need to involve professional psychologists limit the scope of their application.

Thus, the organization can use the whole range of existing methods for evaluating the performance of employees. It is important to determine their set for each specific position, even for a specific employee. Such a specification will take into account the characteristics of the assessed employees and positions and increase the effectiveness of the assessment.

2.2 Methods for evaluating the performance of the leaders of the organization

The general methodology for evaluating the work of managers is based on the fact that their work is evaluated, first of all, according to the results of the work of their subordinate units. The specific set of criteria (indicators) for this kind of assessment is quite diverse and depends on the position of the head, the nature of the activities of the unit ( production unit, functional department, design work etc.). So, as the main indicators characterizing the results of the production activities of the unit, the following can be recommended:

fulfillment of the planned task in terms of volume and the most important nomenclature;

labor productivity;

product quality (work performed).

The main purpose of evaluating managers is to find ways to improve the efficiency of departments and the organization as a whole. This goal can be achieved only if, on the one hand, each leader will make the most of all the opportunities that open up before him and his unit (organization), and on the other hand, if the most worthy, most capable, most knowledgeable people.

Since the work of a manager involves solving a large number of tasks (working with people, efficient use of material resources, planning, high personal organization, etc.), it becomes obvious that behind successful managerial activity there is a significant set of very different characteristics and skills, the assessment of which involves the use of different methods.

An integrated approach to evaluating the work of managers suggests that the results obtained in the course of using one method, if they are not supported by information from the use of other methods, may be one-sided, incomplete. The use of such one-sided results in making decisions on appointments, for example, can lead to serious errors.

In the process of evaluating the activities of managers, various methods can be used, which give a greater effect if used in a complex manner.

The most commonly used methods for evaluating managers include the following:

-assessment of performance indicators of the unit;

-expert assessments;

-psychological testing;

-holding specialized seminars;

-annual performance evaluation;

Assessment centers.

Evaluation of performance indicators of the unit. Summing up the work of the unit headed by the assessed leader for a certain period of time (month, quarter, year), provides a good opportunity to evaluate its management activities. A summary of past performance is the basis for planning for the future. Managers in this case better understand the requirements placed on them, as well as what they must do in order to achieve better results.

Expert assessments have been used in the practice of assessing managerial work for a long time. Back in the USSR, for these purposes, methods of expert assessments were developed and widely used, when managers are evaluated simultaneously by several experts: three senior managers, three managers of his level (colleagues) and three of his subordinates. At the same time, in order to maintain confidentiality, the methodology involved coding not only the names of experts, but also the names of the assessed leader.

Psychological testing. Psychological tests can also be used as an aid in evaluating the work of managers. They are designed to evaluate personal characteristics, management style features, the level and characteristics of intelligence, motivation, attention, temperament, communication skills, etc. Tests allow you to identify people with certain intellectual, personal or psychophysiological characteristics. However, such tests cannot give an accurate picture of the dependence of the performance of managers on the psychological characteristics of the individual, so the role of tests has been declining over the past 20-30 years.

Conducting specialized seminars. In some cases, seminars involving managers and specialists can be used to determine the managerial potential of managers. For an organization, this is a good opportunity to combine training with assessing the potential of its employees. One of the most important goals of such seminars is to identify students with the highest potential, which allows them to be considered as candidates for inclusion in the talent pool or for higher-level positions. For the preparation and conduct of seminars, they usually use the services of external organizations that have sufficient experience in such work.

Annual evaluation of the work of managers and specialists. The certification of managers and specialists carried out in many organizations, unfortunately, does not always allow us to successfully solve the problems of increasing the efficiency of the work of the management team. The organization receives immeasurably more benefits if the result of the evaluation of the work of managers and specialists is not only a conclusion about their compliance or incompatibility with the position held, but also the annual solution of tasks:

-formation (or clarification of the composition) of the personnel reserve;

-determination of the needs of managers and specialists in training and advanced training (taking into account the strategy and goals of the enterprise);

-development of proposals aimed at improving the efficiency of the work of specialists and managers of the enterprise;

Assessment centers. They are designed to assist organizations in selecting employees who can perform effectively in the workplace. leadership positions. The essence of the method is to create exercises that simulate the key moments of the activity of the person being assessed, in which his professionally important qualities would be manifested.

The technology of assessment centers is based on the following principles: - modeling key points activities;

-development of a system of evaluation criteria specifically for each program in accordance with the specifics of the activity, rather than a standard set of professionally important qualities;

-testing with various complementary techniques and exercises (in each exercise several criteria are evaluated and each criterion is evaluated in several exercises);

-the assessment is carried out not only by specialists, but also by specially trained observers - employees of the same organization, which makes it possible to take into account such factors that are difficult to describe, such as, for example, the culture and philosophy of the organization;

-assessment of each AC participant by several observers and each observer of several participants allows minimizing possible bias and using cross-assessments to increase the level of reliability of the results;

-assessment of real behavior, and not hypotheses about its causes, identification and description of qualitative characteristics, features of the individual style of activity of the assessed, which allows assessing not only the current, but also the predictive state of the subjects.

Thus, the evaluation of the activities of managers has its own specifics, which consists in combining the evaluation of the performance of an employee and the evaluation of his performance of managerial functions. Here it is necessary to take into account the aspect of the subjectivity of the assessment and the one who acts as an appraiser. Of course, in assessing the activities of managers, a great place is given to the opinion of experts who act as external, independent appraisers.

2.3 Evaluation interview as the main method for evaluating results

The most important form of assessing the work of subordinates is an assessment interview. Assessment Interview -this is a structured interview with the person being assessed, solving quite specific tasks. You need to get answers to the following questions:

-what was planned for reporting period?

-what was planned?

-What was not done as planned?

-What prevented the implementation of the planned work?

Evaluation interviews with employees are also carried out in order to inform them of the result of the assessment of their performance. It allows the manager to take stock of the work of the subordinate, reinforce the desired behavior, point out shortcomings in the work and develop a plan for improving the work with him. In cases where regular certification is not entrusted to the certification commission, but to the immediate supervisor, the assessment interview acts as the main element of certification.

The basis for planning work for the future is usually a debriefing procedure, during which the manager has the opportunity to assess not only the level of professional achievements of the subordinate, but also the compliance of his work behavior with the established requirements. This helps employees better understand what is expected of them and what they must do to achieve the desired results.

On the other hand, it helps the manager to better see what can be expected from employees and what resources are needed to help them achieve these results.

Consider the main approaches to conducting an assessment interview.

The assessment interview comes from the manager's ideas about managing people and how to influence their behavior. These representations are realized in the structure of the interview and in the content of the questions asked. There are at least three approaches that can be used by the manager:


To convince;

-involve employees in decision making.

A manager in an assessment interview usually has to use all three approaches, but the best result in an assessment interview can be achieved if a collaborative atmosphere is created during the interview, if the manager takes into account the suggestions, opinions and assessments expressed by subordinates.

Involving a worker in decision-making provides significant benefits:

-both leader and subordinate -both contribute to the success of the system, and both benefit from the success of the system;

-are aligned with the goals of the organization and the goals of the subordinate;

-the subordinate knows exactly what the assessment will be based on;

-both parties agree on what the subordinate should achieve;

-this system improves the relationship between the leader and the subordinate;

-the need for training or additional training may be identified.

The task of the leader is to monitor the degree of involvement of the subordinate in the decision-making process, while paying attention to Special attention factors that affect the success of an assessment interview.

An assessment interview may be conducted:

-immediate supervisor;

-within the framework of regular certification by a certification commission specially created for this purpose.

The success of the evaluation interview depends decisively on the manager and members of the certification committee (if this interview is conducted as part of the certification). There are a number of factors that influence the extent to which the assessment interview solves the full range of tasks that the assessment system faces.

The preparation and conduct of an assessment interview largely depends on the approaches to assessing the work of personnel that have developed in a given organization. This may be an interview that is conducted by the manager with subordinates after certain periods of time (quarter, half year, year).

This may be an interview that is conducted by the certification committee as part of a regular certification.

In the process of preparing for an assessment interview, it is necessary that the supervisor conducting the interview and the subordinate should take an equally active part in its conduct. Therefore, both parties must be prepared for the interview.

Managers and specialists involved in the assessment procedure should be prepared to collect and analyze information, as well as to draw appropriate conclusions from it, which allow taking measures that can positively affect the employee's performance.

1. Set a day, time, and location for the interview that will suit everyone. This must be done well in advance so that both sides have enough time to prepare. Usually ten days are enough for preparation. Give the subordinate written confirmation of the date of the interview. If an interview date is set, try not to push it back.

2. Set aside enough time for the interview so you don't rush it. You should clearly plan the time and stick to the established schedule so that there is no haste or unreasonable delay. All assessed employees must be on an equal footing in terms of the time devoted to them. Usually, an interview is enough from half an hour to an hour, although it makes sense to plan time with a small margin to discuss some unexpected questions.

3. Organization of the interview venue (no interference and distractions, providing good conditions (sufficient size of the room, a sufficient number of tables and chairs, good ventilation and lighting), availability of office equipment and materials (pens, paper, etc.).

4. Development of a typical interview scenario, preparation of clear written instructions for all persons (managers and HR specialists) who evaluate, preparation of questions for the assessed employees.

5. List definition required documents. During the interview, job responsibilities and work plans of subordinates, personal files, materials from previous interviews and other documents and materials may be needed. Preparation (reproduction) of the required number of forms and forms, taking into account the number of employees undergoing an assessment interview.

6. Filling out the certification form for a subordinate, writing a review (characteristics). If the assessment interview is conducted as part of a regular assessment, then the manager needs to fill out the developed and approved assessment forms for the subordinate in a timely manner, write a description according to the established model.

The assessment interview process is a well-thought-out system that allows both parties to achieve their goals.

The success of an assessment interview depends critically on both the level of preparation of managers and their ability to solve the problems that arise during the interview.

An evaluation interview involves an assessment by the subordinate of the results of his work and his achievements during the reporting period. The manager's questions during the interview are designed to establish not only the true level of the employee's performance, but also to identify the factors that negatively affect his work.

After reviewing the results of the reporting period, you can move on to setting new goals and defining plans for the future. The assessment interview requires the manager not only to be able to listen, but to listen actively.

During the report of the assessed employee, the manager can use the following active listening techniques:

-listen and ask questions to clarify your understanding of what you hear;

-show how what is heard is understood in order to avoid misunderstanding or misinterpretation;

-use questions and pauses to allow the subordinate to speak;

-from time to time to summarize what has been said;

-point out to the subordinate questions that require further explanation or clarification;

-encourage the employee to talk about his most significant achievements;

-for a more accurate understanding of the attitude of the employee to the issues discussed, carefully monitor those manifestations non-verbal behavior(posture, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, etc.), which accompany the answers of the subordinate to the questions of the head.

You should strive to end the interview on a positive note so that the subordinate leaves the manager with a good attitude towards work. At the end, specific goals to be achieved in the future should be clearly formulated. In addition, it is necessary to determine the date when the next time the results of the work done will be summed up.

One of the main difficulties in conducting an appraisal interview is that the appraiser must simultaneously act as both a judge and a consultant in relation to the assessed employees. At the same time, managers conducting assessment interviews often seek to avoid negative assessments in order to support a good relationship with subordinates.

You can improve the assessment interview process by using the following techniques:

-regular informal monitoring and feedback prior to the interview to avoid unpleasant surprises during the evaluation interview itself;

-maximum involvement in the assessment of the assessed themselves. When assessing employees, the manager, on the one hand, relies on the employee's self-assessment (the employee's assessment of the results of his work), and on the other hand, -encourages the employee to analyze their omissions, discuss their causes and propose solutions;

-criticism of the actions of the subordinate should be constructive (that is, not limited to pointing out what is bad, but consider opportunities for improvement).

To conduct an effective assessment interview, managers must have a wide range of knowledge and skills necessary to successfully complete the following tasks.

1. Prepare a plan interviews, questions to subordinates and control over the course of the interview. Preliminary preparation of the interview plan, a clear formulation of its goals, monitoring the implementation of the tasks set (as opposed to unpreparedness, when the interview takes place without a clear plan or when the subordinate is given the opportunity to dominate during it).

2. Establishment and maintenance of psychological contact. Establishing and maintaining a favorable psychological climate from the very beginning of the interview, conducting the conversation in a benevolent manner, showing attention to the problems of the subordinate (as opposed to establishing a climate of distrust, alienation or excessive familiarity and familiarity, ignoring the problems of the subordinate). This kind of interviewing helps to create an atmosphere of cooperation and increases the willingness of subordinates to show initiative and responsibility.

3. Reaction to a tense situation. Calmness and goodwill even when the subordinate provokes a conflict, readiness to apologize in case of his own wrong, while not giving up his positions, the ability to defend his point of view in a situation of attacks or other negative reactions from the subordinate (as opposed to an inadequate reaction to emotionally intense situations irritability or defensive position in response to claims or accusations from the subordinate and excessive softness and compliance in the event of a clash of opinions).

4. Conflict management. Effective resolution of conflicts of any kind between a subordinate and other employees (the role of a mediator), setting realistic work goals for subordinates that prevent workplace conflict, help and advice that can prevent a conflict situation from arising (as opposed to overly rude or moralizing discussion when conflicts arise, failure to provide assistance or the proposal of such solutions that increase the confrontation and deepen the conflict of the subordinate with other employees, setting goals that deliberately provoke conflicts between subordinates).

5. Getting the necessary information. The ability to separate the essential from the non-essential, the ability to isolate reliable information, the ability to gather information on all key issues (as opposed to getting stuck on individual problems and details, asking irrelevant questions, failing to separate facts from opinions, failing to consider the problem from the point of view of a subordinate ).

6. Employee motivation. The choice of effective means of influencing the motivation of employees, improving their attitude towards the organization and encouraging them to conscientiously perform the assigned work; incentives to work with full dedication, to maintain the performance of personnel at the highest standards of productivity and quality (as opposed to the inability to offer the assessed employee incentives that will increase their satisfaction with work in the organization or force them to work with full dedication in the interests of the organization; lack of support for the efforts of employees aimed at achieving higher performance in their work).

7. Development of employees. Assistance to the employee in his professional development, showing interest in his professional growth; identifying the developmental needs of the subordinate and suggesting concrete measures that can positively reflect on the level of his professional achievements (as opposed to refusing to help the subordinate in matters of professional development, lack of interest in his professional growth, inability to give suggestions for the professional development of the employee or useless advice that does not take into account its real possibilities).

The employee being assessed must be well prepared for the interview. The date of the interview should be communicated to the employee so that he/she has the opportunity to prepare as best as possible. The more time they spend preparing, the more they can benefit from the assessment interview.

Among the factors influencing the success of the assessment interview on the part of the employee, the following are distinguished:

1. Employee activity. The more actively the employee participates in the assessment process, the higher his responsibility for the implementation of decisions made during the assessment interview;

2. Perception by the employee of the assessment of his work as fair and justified. The more fair the employee considers the assessment of his work, the higher his responsibility for the implementation of decisions made during the assessment interview, the more he is satisfied with the course of the interview, the more ready he is to agree with the final assessment, and the higher the likelihood that he will take real steps to improve the efficiency of their own work and their professional growth in the future;

3. Participation of employees in setting work goals leads to better results than coercion or criticism from the leader;

4. Employee participation in discussion and problem solving, influencing the results of his work, increases the level of his cooperation during the assessment interview;

5. Understanding the benefits to the organization. The better an employee understands how their performance relates to the achievement of the goals of the entire organization, the more results can be expected from the assessment interview.

In conclusion, it should be added that the evaluation process and evaluation criteria should be accessible and understandable not to a narrow circle of specialists, but also to evaluators, observers, and the assessed themselves. At the same time, evaluation activities should be built into common system personnel work in the organization in such a way as to really contribute to its development and improvement.

Thus, the existing methods for assessing the performance of personnel provide a wide range of opportunities for effective management of employees' activities. An important factor here is a competent selection of methods for each type of assessment, taking into account the specifics of the position and the employee who is the object of assessment.

In addition to traditional methods (testing, interviews), it is necessary to introduce more complex, but proven methods of assessment in organizations (assessment centers, 360 Assessment, etc.).

3. Increasing the efficiency of assessing the performance of personnel (for example, trade organization CJSC "Maslotorg")

3.1 a brief description of and organization structure

Closed Joint Stock Company "Maslotorg" is a legal entity and builds its activities on the basis of the Charter and current legislation Russian Federation.

Full corporate name of the Company: Closed Joint Stock Company Maslotorg. Abbreviated name: ZAO Maslotorg. Location and postal address of the Company: 305022, Kursk region, Kursk, st. 1st Shchigrovskaya, 52. The purpose of CJSC "Maslotorg" is to make a profit by expanding the market for goods and services.

CJSC "Maslotorg" has the right to carry out any activities not prohibited by law. The subject of activity are:

-trade and trade and procurement activities, including wholesale dairy products, eggs, edible oils and fats;

-investment activities;

-intermediary activity;

-provision of transport services;

-foreign economic activity;

-implementation of other works and provision of services that are not prohibited and do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to achieve the goals of its activities, the Company may acquire rights, bear obligations and carry out any actions that will not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of CJSC Maslotorg.

CJSC "Maslotorg" carries out its activities on the basis of any, with the exception of those prohibited by law, transactions, including by:

supply of products, performance of work, provision of services on credit, provision of financial or other assistance on terms determined by agreement of the parties;

participation in the activities of other legal entities by acquiring their shares or shares, making share contributions;

joint activities with other individuals and legal entities all forms of ownership to achieve common goals.

The organizational structure is functional. Figure 1 shows the organizational structure of ZAO Maslotorg.

The direct management of the enterprise is carried out by the director of ZAO Maslotorg. Directly reporting to the Director are the HR Director, Commercial Director, Logistics Director and Financial Director.

The main responsibility for the implementation of business processes for the sale of products from the warehouse lies with the commercial director, he is responsible for the purchase of products and their implementation. He alone is entrusted with the functions of finding suppliers and forming a client base, as well as the functions of negotiating and concluding contracts.

If at the first stage of the enterprise’s activity the efforts of one person in these areas were enough, then at the moment it is worth thinking about introducing the position of a sales manager who will take over the block for forming a client base, negotiations with potential clients and signing contracts. This will allow the commercial director to more thoroughly analyze proposals from suppliers, find more profitable options for cooperation, which will not only reduce the load on him, but also optimize the cost of sales from the warehouse. Executive functions in the considered business processes, such as the purchase, storage and sale of products from the warehouse, are distributed optimally.

Due to the fact that the enterprise belongs to small businesses, it does not have the ability to maintain additional employees to carry out supporting business processes. That is why such supporting processes as security and legal services have been outsourced.

Control over the operational and quality performance of supporting functions is carried out by the HR Director. He is also responsible for organizing the administrative and economic support of the company's activities. It calculates the optimal amount Money that the enterprise can afford to spend on the implementation of this business process. He also controls the intended use of the allocated funds.

The matrix of strengths and weaknesses of Maslotorg CJSC is presented in table 4.

Table 4 -SWOT-analysis matrix of CJSC Maslotorg

Strengths Opportunities: - good business relations with consumers of products and suppliers; - provision of a number of additional services to customers; - the organizational structure is optimal; - well-organized corporate style - high growth rates of the market; - sales growth rates exceed the general market growth rates; - industry leadership intentions for quality new products; - availability of all the necessary certificates; CJSC Maslotorg has both positive and negative aspects of its development. In order to achieve the competitive advantages of CJSC Maslotorg, it is necessary to conduct careful control not only within CJSC Maslotorg, but also to monitor negative trends in the market for these services.

As the main management methods at CJSC Maslotorg, they use economic methods management. The main methods of management of CJSC Maslotorg are the system of wages and bonuses. Moreover, the remuneration of a manager is directly related to the results of his activities in the area of ​​responsibility or to the results of the activities of the entire company.

An important role in the process of enterprise management is played by organizational and administrative methods of management based on discipline, responsibility, power, coercion.

Since people are the participants in the management process, social relations and the corresponding management methods that reflect them are important and are closely related to other management methods. As an example of the application of socio-economic management methods, the following elements of the personnel policy of CJSC Maslotorg can be considered:

-benefits are paid at the birth of a child;

-festive evenings are organized and held ( New Year, March 8), professional holidays (Trade Day, etc.);

-benefits are paid on the death of relatives.

According to the staffing table presented in Table 5, CJSC Maslotorg strictly monitors staff turnover.

Table 5 -Staffing table of CJSC "Maslotorg"

PositionNumber of peopleDirectors5Employees of the Human Resources Department4Employees of the Procurement and Sales Department1Employees of the Logistics Department7Accountants2Total:19

At present, CJSC Maslotorg must ensure that the level of training, qualifications, personal and business qualities of a candidate nominated for a managerial position, the nature of the activity and the profile of the managed object must correspond. For this, the position and qualities of the employee are evaluated.

Employees of CJSC Maslotorg have a high level of satisfaction with their relationships with colleagues. This means that the employees have adapted to the team, they like the people working with them on the shift, they do not conflict and generally feel like part of the team.

The external environment of CJSC Maslotorg means all the conditions and factors that arise in environment, regardless of the activities of CJSC Maslotorg, but which have or may have an impact on its functioning and therefore require management decisions. Of the factors external environment CJSC Maslotorg is most influenced by: consumers, suppliers.

Competitors have little influence on the activities of CJSC Maslotorg, as they have low profitability and occupy an insignificant volume in this market.

Table 6 -Advantages and disadvantages of the personnel management system of Maslotorg CJSC

Advantages Disadvantages Training of personnel before accepting official duties; When hiring, preference is given to a candidate with experience, which allows you not to spend money on training; Rapid adaptation of staff in an informal setting; Accounting for the opinions of personnel. Lack of long-term personnel planning; Lack of a clear personnel policy; Lack of personnel reserve; Age limit; Lack of movement of personnel to ensure interchangeability in the workplace

The internal environment of CJSC Maslotorg includes:

-personnel: structure, potential, qualifications, number of employees, labor productivity, staff turnover, cost work force, interests and needs of employees;

-management organization: organizational structure, management system; level of management, qualifications, abilities and interests of top management; corporate culture; prestige and image of the company; organization of the communication system;

-marketing: goods produced by the firm, market share; the ability to collect the necessary information about the markets; distribution and marketing channels; marketing budget and its execution.

The shortcomings indicated in Table 6 are a minus of the organization of the personnel management system of CJSC Maslotorg. The elimination of these disadvantages could lead to the solution of many problems, such as sick leave, vacation.

Management needs to pay attention to the above shortcomings, because in the end, they affect the final result of the activities of CJSC Maslotorg.

3.2 Methods used to evaluate staff performance

The set of personnel assessment methods depends not only on the current goals set for personnel management, but also on the scale of the organization.

For small organization as CJSC Maslotorg with a staff of up to 100 people, the main task of personnel assessment is to select the “right” people for the organization. Moreover, in this case, the main emphasis is not so much on professional qualities, but on the ability to "fit" into the team, to work in accordance with the real needs of the organization. After a candidate is hired, the HR manager monitors his adaptation to the organization and performance, which helps to clarify the criteria when evaluating other candidates.

Over the 10 years of the existence of CJSC Maslotorg, a comprehensive assessment of personnel has never been carried out; we have proposed attestation as the main method for assessing the performance of personnel.

In the process of certification, the real results of the employee's activities are evaluated. The central place in the appraisal is occupied by the personal communication of the employee with the immediate supervisor and the HR manager. During such a conversation, held in a friendly businesslike atmosphere, the results achieved are evaluated, plans for the next period are agreed upon, possible obstacles and ways to overcome them are predicted, plans for training and professional development for the year are outlined.

As with any project, certification begins with the definition of a goal. The right goal -a necessary condition for building a system and achieving results.

What conditions must meet the purpose of certification?

-the goal must be clearly articulated;

-the goal must be measurable;

-the goal must be realistic;

-the goal must take into account the time interval;

-the purpose of attestation should be the purpose of attestation, and not replace flaws in other areas;

-The purpose of the appraisal should be agreed upon and shared by all employees involved in the appraisal process.

The purpose of personnel assessment at CJSC Maslotorg -determination of training needs. Therefore, the result should be a list of training programs and a list of those who will study under these programs.

The HR manager of CJSC Maslotorg has two tasks:

-obtaining feedback from employees for planning training programs;

-a list of those who will be trained under these programs.

Consider the basic conditions for certification. All employees of sales departments who have worked in the organization for at least 6 months are subject to certification. At the same time, certification is carried out no more than once a year, but at least once every two years.

No matter how important it is from the point of view of management (most often) or personnel as an opportunity to declare their professional capabilities (less often), we must not forget that attestation is a subjective assessment by management of its personnel. The leader involuntarily (and naturally) during the certification shows more sympathy for like-minded people.

The preparatory stage is the most important stage in the organization of certification. The final results of the certification at CJSC Maslotorg largely depend on how timely and in accordance with the developed regulation on the conduct of certification the relevant preparatory work provided for at this stage is carried out.

Preparation for certification should be carried out systematically and include the following steps:

-organization of explanatory work in the team about the goals, objectives and procedure for attestation of personnel in CJSC Maslotorg;

-clarification of the circle of employees subject to certification;

-approval of schedules and terms of certification;

-creation of an attestation commission;

-preparation of the necessary documents for those being certified (the employee's certification report, if any, and the certification sheet and the submission of these documents to the certification commission;

-checking the availability and familiarization of the members of the attestation commission with the job descriptions of the attested.

Preparation for certification should begin with the issuance of an order by the head of the organization. Taking into account the specific dates for the certification, the head of the organization draws up and approves the schedule for the certification, which should indicate:

-the name of the department in which the certified person works;

-his surname, name, patronymic;

-position held;

-date, time and place of certification;

-the deadlines for submitting the necessary documents for the certified person to the certification commission.

One of the important preparatory stages of the attestation is the creation of an attestation commission, where the necessary documents of the attestees are submitted for consideration.

Preparation of the necessary documents, as a rule, provides for the provision of feedback (characteristics). The legal significance of the review (characteristics) is expressed in the fact that it is one of the main written documents, confirming to a large extent the fact that the certified employee has fulfilled or failed to fulfill the labor duties assigned to him in accordance with his position.

Feedback (characteristics) on the certified employee is compiled directly by the head and signed by the head of the unit in which the certified employee works. The review must contain, first of all, objective information about the work of the person being certified for the position held, a list of issues in which he personally or in a team took part, a motivated assessment of professional, personal qualities and results official activity. It is also advisable to reflect the timeliness of the fulfillment of tasks and instructions related to the work of the person being certified, the quality and complexity of the work, the degree of independence in its implementation, initiative, the presence of elements of creativity and the use of effective methods of work. The review should also note shortcomings in the work of the person being certified.

Upon completion of all the necessary preparatory work, the certification commission, in accordance with the approved certification schedule, proceeds to its implementation, guided by the regulation. Certification should begin with the organization of a meeting of the certification commission. It must be carried out on the days and hours specified in the certification schedule.

The main document containing information on the course and results of certification is the minutes of the meeting of the certification commission. It is conducted in accordance with the established procedure by the secretary of the commission. The protocol states:

date of the meeting;

-present members of the attestation commission;

-surname, name, patronymic, position held, questions asked to him and answers to them.

Without fail, the protocol reflects the evaluation of the performance of the person being certified and the results of voting, the number of votes “for” and “against” a specific assessment of the work of the person being certified, as well as the recommendations of the certification committee addressed to him. Properly drawn up minutes are signed by the chairman and the secretary. The attestation commission considers the documents submitted for the person being certified, then hears his report (and, if necessary, his immediate supervisor) on official activities. The questions of the members of the attestation commission of the person being certified can only relate to his professional activities.

The most responsible part of the meeting of the attestation commission is the preparation of a decision on the evaluation of the work of the person being certified. The assessment of professional activity should be based, first of all, on its compliance with the qualification requirements for the position held, the definition of its role and degree of participation in solving the tasks set, the complexity of the work performed by him, and its specific effectiveness.

On the basis of the indicated data and taking into account the discussion of the results of the work and personal qualities of the person being certified, the commission gives an appropriate assessment of his activities. The decision of the commission on the merits is the final legal action, since it is in this decision that the results of the attestation are summed up in the final form. Voting based on the results of the discussion of the results of work and personal qualities of the assessed person is carried out in the absence of the assessed person. Members of the attestation commission present at the meeting participate in the voting.

At least two thirds of the members of the approved composition of the certification commission must participate both in the certification and in the voting. Voting is carried out for each of the ratings separately. Members of the attestation commission have the right to vote only once. The score with the most votes is accepted. With an equal number of votes in the assessment of the work of the person being certified, a more positive assessment is accepted.

The assessment accepted by the commission and recommendations are entered by the secretary in the attestation sheet. The results of the attestation are communicated to the person being attested immediately after voting. After reviewing the records of the voting results and the recommendations of the attestation commission, the attestation sheet is signed by the certified person who has passed the certification. Attestation materials after its completion are transferred to the head of the organization for making appropriate decisions.

The final stage of the attestation is the implementation of the decisions made by the attestation commission. To do this, the commission summarizes the results of certification, in particular:

-from the total number of those certified, the number of employees called up by the relevant and inappropriate positions is established;

-employees who have not passed the certification according to the approved certification schedule for various valid reasons are identified;

-the accounting of the proposals of certified workers on improving the conditions and organization of work, working with personnel, etc. is summarized.

The head of the organization, on the basis of the materials and recommendations submitted by the certification commission, issues an order (instruction), which analyzes the results of the certification, approves measures to implement the commission's recommendations aimed at improving work with personnel.

-improvement of job descriptions of employees, as well as regulations on departments;

-planning the performance of employees, purposeful development of their professional capabilities;

-development of an effective system of material and moral incentives for work;

-formation and improvement of an integral system of training workers;

-development and implementation in practice of a methodology that provides for assessing the quality and capabilities of an employee, his personal contribution to the results of the work of the workforce. The execution of the decisions of the attestation commission completes the attestation process.

3.3 Ways to improve the effectiveness of methods for assessing the performance of personnel

Having studied the activities of the personnel department at CJSC Maslotorg, we can say that the personnel assessment system is represented by only one method - certification.

Employment in an organization in an organization is carried out on the basis of a concluded employment contract. Upon admission, the HR manager conducts a face-to-face interview with a potential employee. From him learns the place previous work, the reason for dismissal, work experience, education, why he wants to get a job in this particular organization.

The employee is required to have the following documents:

-work book, drawn up in the prescribed manner, except in cases where labor contract is concluded for the first time;

-passport or other identity document;

-insurance certificate of pension insurance;

-military registration documents;

-a document on the education received, on qualifications or the availability of special knowledge - when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training;

-other documents in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

In order to more full assessment professional and business qualities of the hired person, the personnel manager requires a brief written description (summary) of the work performed earlier.

After that, the candidate is agreed with the Director, who can reject or approve the admission of a particular person. If a candidate for vacancy approved by the Director, all documents are filled in, an employment contract is drawn up, the employee gets acquainted with job description, internal regulations and documents necessary for the performance of labor functions.

Employment in the organization is carried out, as a rule, with the passage of a probationary period. lasting 3 months.

Personnel assessment is not carried out directly in the process of activity. Advanced training is carried out only with individual employees, the company pays for training 50 percent.

The certification carried out has significant drawbacks:

-rather high subjectivity of assessments, which strongly depended on the attitude of the immediate supervisor to the employee;

-little influence of the members of the attestation commission on the results of the attestation, since the members of the attestation commission mainly relied on the opinion of the head;

-ambiguous understanding of the criteria for assessing the personal qualities of employees by their managers;

-insignificant opportunities for an employee to influence the results of certification;

-the laboriousness of filling out attestation forms, a significant amount of time that managers spent on assessing employees.

In particular, such an important area of ​​personnel assessment as the assessment of labor and workplace has been neglected, which leads to irrational planning and use of working time, as well as to a decrease in labor productivity.

The organization does not have documentation that would reflect the procedure for conducting personnel assessment by other methods.

The director of the organization and heads of departments are deprived of comprehensive information about the activities of their subordinates and are unable to manage the organization as a whole as efficiently as possible.

To improve this situation, it is necessary to take effective measures to introduce a full-fledged personnel assessment system, which includes the entire set of existing forms and methods.

To eliminate the above shortcomings of the employee appraisal system, it is proposed to make the following changes:

-new evaluation forms;

-the introduction of another attestation criterion - the employee's characterization and assessment of himself (a similar form for an employee, with criteria slightly modified in form).

This approach will make it possible to understand where the assessments of the employee and the manager differ, it will allow to evaluate the manner of management (it became obvious which employees the manager highly appreciates and why), the employee also got the opportunity to influence his own assessment;

-the introduction of such a component as the goals and objectives of the employee for the next attestation period. Thanks to this, it became possible at the end of the next attestation period to compare the planned results with the real ones;

-removal of all criteria that are difficult to evaluate, leaving in the form to fill out only those that allowed, albeit at a qualitative level, but quite accurately reflect the attitude of the manager to the subordinate.
Entering criteria such as: overall employee satisfaction, employee readiness for work -if necessary, regardless of time and personal plans, attitude to work, etc.

These criteria, to a greater extent, characterize the types of employee relations and interaction with him.

To facilitate assessments, in addition to points (on a 10-point scale), the introduction of the "Rating of an employee in the unit" (only the head of the unit puts the rating).

As part of this assessment, the head of the department needs to rank all the employees of the department according to a given criterion. The total score is calculated using a formula that takes into account the manager's assessment, the employee's assessment, the employee's rating, as well as the integral assessments of some criteria. At the same time, this assessment will identify cases where the assessment of an employee by a manager coincides with his place in the team, according to the assessment of the same manager.

It can also be recommended to expand the set of personnel assessment methods in the organization. To assess the activities of employees, you can use the 360 ​​° Evaluation method, the purpose of which is to obtain data on the actions of a person in real work situations and on the business qualities shown by him.

The main objectives of the 360° assessment are:

formation of a personnel reserve;

identification of training needs;

assessment of learning outcomes;

creation of individual training plans;

behavior correction.

The assessment according to the 360 ​​° system in CJSC Maslotorg should be subjected to middle managers.

The evaluators are:

immediate supervisor - assessment by the immediate supervisor of his subordinate for compliance with functional duties, the quality of the implementation of plans and tasks;

heads of related departments - assessment of the communication qualities of the head, integration into management team, usefulness and efficiency of the function for related units.

The organization of 360-degree evaluation of managers can be improved by using information technologies when conducting a survey, this will make the survey anonymous, which in turn will give an objective result, because subordinates will not be afraid to evaluate their leader. To do this, it is necessary to hold a tender among providers with mandatory automated assessment tools.

The 360-degree evaluation should include: the manager being evaluated, subordinates, superiors and work colleagues.

The use of information technology will make it possible to involve direct subordinates in the evaluation of the head. The proposed improvements will reduce the time spent on the evaluation and processing of the results, as well as give a more objective result.

It should be noted that this improvement is not without drawbacks. The main drawback is the lack of non-verbal information. Another drawback is the lack of the ability to add questions.

But the main advantages cover these shortcomings. Indeed, as a result of improving the organization of a 360 ° assessment, the effectiveness of the assessment and its objectivity will increase.

Thus, the results of the business assessment of the employees of Maslotorg CJSC can be used to solve the following tasks:

assessment and analysis of the personnel situation (formation of a personnel reserve);

choice of location in organizational structure and establishing the functional role of a particular employee;

comparative assessment of employees (for example, when optimizing the number of staff - to identify "extra" employees");

development of possible ways to improve the business and personal qualities of an employee, development of his competencies;

development of a personality-oriented system of motivation and remuneration.


Evaluation of personnel performance is a purposeful process of determining the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivations and properties) with the requirements of a position or workplace. Many managerial decisions regarding the personnel of the organization are based on the results of the assessment.

The choice of personnel assessment methods for each specific organization is a unique task that can only be solved by the management of the organization itself (possibly with the help of professional consultants). The evaluation system should take into account and reflect a number of factors: the strategic goals of the organization, the state of the external environment, organizational culture and the structure, traditions of the organization, the characteristics of the workforce employed in it.

Based on the foregoing, a number of conclusions can be drawn.

Personnel assessment is the process of determining the effectiveness of employees' activities with the aim of consistently accumulating the information necessary for adoption in order to make further management decisions.

As practice shows, regular and systematic assessment of personnel has a positive effect on employee motivation, their professional development and growth. At the same time, the results of the assessment provide the organization's management with the opportunity to make informed decisions regarding remuneration, employee promotion, training and development, and dismissal.

The goals and objectives of the system for assessing the performance of the organization's personnel are largely determined by the specifics of the company's activities, the features of the personnel policy, and the principles of personnel work in the organization. It is important to note that the objectives of the evaluation should be aligned with the objectives of the organization.

One of the most common types of personnel assessment is personnel appraisal. Certification is a procedure for a systematic formalized assessment according to the specified criteria for the compliance of the employee's activity with the standards for performing work at a given workplace in a given position for a certain period of time.

The organization can use the whole range of existing methods for evaluating the performance of employees. It is important to determine their set for each specific position, even for a specific employee. Such a specification will take into account the characteristics of the assessed employees and positions and increase the effectiveness of the assessment.

The evaluation of the performance of managers has its own specifics, which consists in combining the evaluation of the performance of an employee and the evaluation of his performance of managerial functions. Here it is necessary to take into account the aspect of the subjectivity of the assessment and the one who acts as an appraiser. Of course, in assessing the activities of managers, a great place is given to the opinion of experts who act as external, independent appraisers.

The interview is the most accessible method of assessing an employee and is therefore used everywhere. Note that, for all its simplicity, this method has its own characteristics, specifics and scope. The interview should be used in combination with other methods, which will increase the effectiveness of assessing the performance of employees.

The evaluation process and evaluation criteria should be accessible and understandable not to a narrow circle of specialists, but also to evaluators, observers, and the assessed themselves. At the same time, the conduct of evaluation activities should be integrated into the overall system of personnel work in the organization in such a way as to really contribute to its development and improvement.

An analysis of the current personnel assessment scheme at CJSC Maslotorg showed that the traditional methods used are too inefficient, because they do not take into account the need to assess not only the results of labor, but also the potential of the employee. In addition, such assessment methods cannot assess the qualities that are required from employees of modern organizations: creativity, initiative, stress resistance, flexibility, etc.

Having studied the activities of the personnel department at CJSC Maslotorg, we can say that the personnel assessment system is represented by only one method - certification. The organization does not have documentation that would reflect the procedure for conducting personnel assessment by other methods.

Another important aspect of personnel assessment -the study of the results of labor activity of employees is also not used in CJSC Maslotorg, thus, control over the activities of personnel is greatly weakened, and its interest in the results of labor is reduced.

In order to improve the system for assessing the performance of personnel in an organization, it is necessary to optimize the process of attestation of employees, apply other assessment methods, and improve the regulatory framework. Unconventional methods are effective methods assessment of personnel in an unstable external environment, fierce competition, the need to introduce innovations, when employees are required to be creative, creative, initiative, flexibility, willingness to change, and the ability to work in a team.

Thus, the business assessment of the personnel acts as feedback from the management, according to its results, they evaluate, among other things, the effectiveness of the implemented personnel policy, personnel management systems, etc.

The assessment system allows you to track what happens to an employee after joining the company, plan his development and training, and work on creating a personnel reserve for managerial positions.

The choice of personnel assessment methods for each specific organization is a unique task that can only be solved by the management of the organization itself (possibly with the help of professional consultants). The evaluation system should take into account and reflect a number of factors - the strategic goals of the organization, the state of the external environment, the organizational culture and structure, the traditions of the organization, the characteristics of the workforce employed in it.

In stable organizations with a stable hierarchical structure, as a rule, traditional methods of evaluation can be used effectively; for dynamic organizations operating in a changing environment, non-traditional methods are more suitable.

When choosing an assessment system, it is necessary to pay special attention to its compliance with other personnel management systems. -compensation, career planning, vocational training, to achieve synergies and avoid conflicts and contradictions.


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For successful development organizations need to know their perspectives, correct mistakes, continuously improve. These tasks are effectively solved with the help of personnel assessment. Its capabilities allow HR departments to more effectively conduct personnel policy and managers to make competent management decisions aimed at improving the performance of staff. How to apply personnel assessment to achieve high performance is described in the article.

The assessment is used both in relation to working employees and in relation to applicants. One of the tools to help quality assessment, is the profile of a successful employee. As practice shows, compiling it is not so simple. After all, each head of the department may have their own ideas about this.

Personnel assessment: what is it for?

After the manager has decided to conduct a personnel assessment procedure, it is necessary to analyze existing methods and, on its basis, choose the one that will be applied. Next, you need to create working group on personnel assessment, whose responsibilities will include the development of an action plan for the development and implementation of the assessment system. After the plan is approved, you need to prepare documents:

Create assessment requests for each employee or group of workers.

Prepare an evaluation sheet to complete during the review process.

regular interview.

Method #4

Pairwise comparison method

Often used for group assessment. At the same time, a group of employees working in the same position is taken into the sample, and their performance indicators are compared. Then the pairs are changed and the comparison is made again. As a result, a total is summed up for each participant, it is determined how often he was the first in his pair, and according to these data, a rating of his success is compiled.

Method #5

Method of decisive situations

This term usually denotes typical working moments in a particular position. During the evaluation process, the employee is monitored to find out how he can act in this situation, and to assess the correctness of his decisions. It is important to note that this technique gives the best result when the evaluation is carried out not by a colleague or HR specialist, but by the immediate supervisor of the employee. Moreover, this can be done even in working order, without informing the employee.

Method #6

Comparison method

Often used in evaluation, it is very useful and important in the case when it is necessary to assess how an employee fits the position he occupies. First of all, you need to make a list with the criteria that must be met this employee. Then he is given a number of specific tasks, for the fulfillment of which it will be necessary to demonstrate the qualities selected for evaluation. When analyzing the results, it is recommended to take a 7-point rating scale. You can compare the obtained values ​​with a certain reference result or determine the best among the specialists of the same position by a simple comparison.

Method #7

Observation Method

Behavior tracking can be more effective than other methods of assessing management and rank and file workers. But its implementation requires much more resources, since the observer will have to perform this evaluation work for a rather long period of time. The peculiarity of the method is that in such a study, cases are tracked when the behavior of an employee was somewhat specific, and both positive and negative points are important. The minus of the technique is spending a lot of time to obtain an accurate result and the need for increased concentration of the observer's attention.

Method #8

Situation Modeling Method

Creation of close to real working conditions and management situations, for example, development of draft documents, selection of business papers, interviews. The evaluation criteria in this case will be the ability of the employee to organize work, plan. Work style, flexibility, resistance to stress are also evaluated.

Method #9

Psychological methods

ratings are very popular today. However, when planning to use them in personnel assessment, you need to clearly understand that only a qualified psychologist can conduct and interpret any such method. Professional psychologists, using special tests, exercises, assess the presence and degree of development of certain characteristics in employees. It is important to understand that it is not the results that are evaluated here, but the potential of the employee. In modern companies, these methods are often used to determine the leadership potential of employees, with an eye on future leaders.

Method #10

Case interview method

employees are given descriptions of identical situations, and then asked questions about their solution.

There are also the least common methods of personnel assessment, with which you can comprehensively analyze the employees of any enterprise. Among these methods are:

  1. 360-Degree Evaluation Method. The employee must be assessed not only by colleagues and immediate supervisor, but also by customers, company partners, suppliers, etc. They fill out the same assessment forms, which then undergo computer processing.
  2. Business game method more often used not for one employee, but for the whole team. Employees are given a virtual task to which it is necessary to choose solutions. So in a playful way, a variety of work skills and professionalism are evaluated.

use the results of personnel assessment? directly depends on the goals and objectives of the employer. As a rule, the primary tasks are to increase labor productivity and product quality, determine the vector of employee development, develop new technological systems, increasing staff motivation. With the help of the results of the assessment, the potential of employees with the necessary skills and abilities for career growth can be identified.

PwC Director, Head of Talent Management

You can promote excellent students based on the results of the assessment. If it is thoughtful and complex

After all, the assessment reveals the real achievements of employees and their competencies. When running an assessment center, meet four requirements. First: establish qualitative evaluation criteria, link them to the strategy and corporate culture companies. Second, carefully prepare the evaluators so that they judge objectively. Third: explain the purpose of the assessment to employees, otherwise they will treat it dismissively and will not open up. Fourth: consider the personal characteristics of people. For example, extroverts often take advantage of business games and group assignments. But in real life, introverts are often stronger and more successful.

Based on the results of the assessment, a meeting is usually held, to which the employee himself, and his immediate supervisors, as well as a specialist in the HR department are invited. Before the conversation, the manager or HR specialist draws up a final assessment sheet based on the results of certification. In a conversation, it makes sense to discuss the assessments in which the employee and the manager have the greatest differences, comments and suggestions are spoken out.

The manager introduces the employee to the development plan, agrees and discusses new tasks. If a decision is made to transfer an employee to another position, a change in salary or the appointment of an allowance is negotiated.

The efficiency of any enterprise depends on how competent its staff is. In order to establish the effectiveness of the performance by each employee of the company of their duties, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each member of the team, as well as to fulfill the requirements for confirming the qualifications of employees, it is necessary to assess the personnel. To this end, the enterprise should develop a personnel assessment system that allows not only to assess their skills, abilities, experience, but also to draw up a program to improve work with personnel, improve their qualifications, professional selection and create a personnel reserve.

Personel assessment. Why is this needed?

In the process of working at the enterprise, each employee not only applies his existing skills, but also gains experience that is necessary to solve new, more complex tasks. Accordingly, it is necessary that the assessment of personnel be carried out in a comprehensive manner, with the study of the features of a particular labor process. This allows you to determine, first of all, the compliance of an employee with his position, and also helps to identify his potential, which should be rationally used to solve the main goals and objectives set for the company.

An employee is hired in accordance with certain requirements established for qualifications and experience, which are confirmed (or not confirmed) exclusively during labor activity. Already in the process of joint cooperation, the skills of the employee declared upon admission to work, additional knowledge are revealed, the characteristics of his personality are manifested. Only in practice it is possible to determine how these data correspond to the criteria of the organization's production goals.

It is also important that the employee himself evaluates his abilities on his own. As a result of such an analysis, it will be possible to establish how the real abilities of employees coincide with the needs of the enterprise, and what contribution to its success can be made by the activities of each individual.

Only carrying out a personnel assessment allows you to create a rationally working structure, distribute the company's labor resources in the most efficient way, and also increase their efficiency. Constant monitoring and opportunities that open up for each employee as a result of assessing his work allow optimizing the work of each member of the team, stimulating them to perform their work duties with great zeal.

To evaluate the work of employees, you can use not only programs for monitoring working hours. A multifunctional DLP system helps to see who and what is doing during working hours .

Objectives of personnel assessment

Evaluation of the work of personnel allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • match costs, aimed at performing a specific amount of work, and funds allocated for the maintenance of the employee, his workplace. If a certain specialist has low labor productivity, his content becomes unprofitable for the employer. In this case, it is necessary to reshuffle personnel as soon as possible so that this employee takes a job in accordance with his real capabilities and skills;
  • identify the functional role of a particular employee throughout the organization according to his skills. There is a possibility that a certain employee does an excellent job of working in a team, actively develops, strives to show his best working qualities. Such a person can become a valuable link in a certain direction of the company's activities. This can positively affect the economic component of the success of the enterprise, if the appropriate conditions are created;
  • assess the potential of an employee, which can be applied in favor of the enterprise without additional investments. A certain number of ordinary employees over the years of work acquire experience, knowledge, and skills that are important for the company, which become a strong base so that such people can work effectively in leadership positions. In this case, the owner of the enterprise does not need to spend money on finding and training new management personnel.

Tasks of personnel assessment

During the assessment of personnel performance, important production tasks are solved:

  • a strong personnel reserve is created, consisting of full-time employees of the enterprise, which reduces the cost of recruiting new personnel;
  • training of specialists with a high professional level is carried out, potential middle managers are identified directly within the company, their retraining or advanced training is carried out;
  • methods of enterprise management are being improved, control of production discipline is being strengthened, the interest of personnel in increasing labor productivity is increasing;
  • optimized staffing thanks to the rational distribution of functions and responsibilities based on the results of the assessment: transfer of employees to other positions, reduction in accordance with the negative indicators of labor productivity identified during the assessment of work;
  • introduction of additional motivational levers capable of stimulating employees to improve their production competence and qualifications. The result may be career, improvement financial situation, realization of the potential of employees in terms of the implementation of their proposed projects.

Evaluation of the work of the company's personnel performs administrative, informative, motivational functions.

  1. Administrative function is performed to close vacancies by means of personnel reshuffling, as a result of which:
  • the employee can be transferred to another position in accordance with the results of the assessment;
  • an employee is promoted;
  • a vocational training plan is drawn up;
  • a decision to dismiss is made;
  • workers are rewarded.
  1. informative function is implemented to improve management methods for working with personnel by informing about the existing requirements for qualitative and volumetric labor indicators. In this direction:
  • the degree of loading of production personnel is revealed;
  • the effectiveness of his work, the degree of compliance of qualifications with the requirements of the company is determined;
  • opportunity to increase wages.
  1. Motivational function allows you to increase the interest of each member of the team in increasing labor productivity. Evaluation of production personnel has a positive effect on the development of not only each employee, but also the company, since the presence of feedback is a powerful tool for improving the efficiency of the enterprise.

As motivation, stimulating levers of influence are used:

  • career;
  • the possibility of self-realization.

When is a staff appraisal needed?

In order for the personnel assessment system to give a significant result, it is necessary to determine before its development and implementation:

  • what parameters will be evaluated, on what scale to measure them;
  • what methods to use to collect realistic information;
  • to whom to entrust the work of personnel assessment, whether there are competent employees for this;
  • what to do with non-measurable aspects of processes;
  • how to avoid the influence of personal sympathies.

The need for personnel assessment with the development and implementation of the system is most often caused by:

  • the appearance of a stable outflow of personnel;
  • lack of a personnel assessment system at the enterprise;
  • the need to make management decisions on the company's HRM;
  • planned more intensive development of certain areas in the company's work with the allocation of investments for these purposes;
  • change (shift planning) of the team of the management sector of the enterprise;
  • change (planning change) of strategic directions in the work of the company;
  • the need to form a project team designed to solve strategic problems;
  • the emergence of legal priority grounds for the movement of employees within the company;
  • changes in the structure of the enterprise, optimization by reducing the number;
  • the importance of optimizing processes in the company;
  • the need to restructure the company;
  • the need to understand for the formation of the program and training plan how competent the staff is;
  • the need to form a personnel development plan, create a reserve of personnel;
  • decrease in indicators of labor discipline;
  • increased conflicts between employees;
  • complaints of the company's employees against the employer to the relevant inspections;
  • the need to change or create an incentive system for employees.

Personnel assessment methods

To assess the working staff, a variety of methods are used to evaluate each employee most accurately. These methods include:

  • documentation analysis: familiarization with resumes, written recommendations, documents on education, qualifications, characteristics of managers, etc. The reliability of the submitted materials is assessed based on the determination of actual performance indicators related to the duties performed, skill level, experience, achievements, etc.;
  • analysis of established requirements normative documents, standards, requirements for internal processes production, the quality of manufactured products and the fulfillment of these requirements by personnel. To do this, a standard rating scale is being developed;
  • psychological testing to obtain the results of the assessment of personality characteristics in a quantitative and descriptive way. By quantitative results, it is possible to compare the specific qualities of employees. A survey on personality tests can be conducted by a specialist familiar with the methodology, the processing of the results should be carried out by a specialist trained in the methodology of using specific questionnaires;
  • assessment of working behavioral characteristics, an interview with an employee for his assessment;
  • professional testing for specific working professions, positions, basic skills and knowledge. The development of tests is usually entrusted to the immediate supervisors of the assessed personnel, it is possible to involve external experts who are specialized specialists;
  • business essay- assessment for the possibility of solving a certain problem within a limited time period production problem, identifying the employee's strategic vision abilities, the ability to find an algorithm for solving specific work issues;
  • ranging- holding comparative analysis employees in a specific division, between structures connected in processes, building a rating chain in accordance with pre-selected criteria;
  • assessment of personnel by competencies- selected characteristics of behavior, showing how well the tasks are performed in a particular position at the enterprise;
  • 360 degrees- processing information about the actions of the employee in the natural working environment, the presence of the necessary business qualities. This data comes from employees, clients, colleagues, subordinates, etc.;
  • comprehensive assessment of competencies according to the Assessment-center method, at which a set of positions is evaluated. The monitoring team monitors the performance of the group's various tasks. During this process, the actions and behavior of each member of the group are evaluated against pre-prepared, work-related scenarios of behavior. The results obtained are discussed jointly, after which decisions are made;
  • MBO (Management by Objectives)- management by goals, involving joint (boss-subordinate) setting of key goals for an employee for a certain period of time (from six months to a year). The number of goals should not be large, the main thing is that they reflect the most significant tasks inherent in the position of the employee for the planned period. It is necessary to adhere to certain criteria when setting goals - specificity, measurability, significance, time orientation, achievability of the tasks assigned to the employee;
  • KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) evaluation of personnel performance according to the main performance criteria. It is necessary to establish how this assessment works as a monitoring of results and improving the performance of staff. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the main goals of the enterprise, the evaluation criteria should be understandable for any employee for whom this method of evaluation is applied;
  • personnel audit- allows you to assess the state of human resources at the enterprise, how effectively the personnel management system works in terms of implementing the strategy, tasks, achieving the goals set for the company. This method also allows you to identify areas of risk and development;
  • attestation- it is assessed to what extent the employee's activity meets the standard requirements for performing work at a particular workplace in accordance with the position held;
  • test cases- a methodology that is a structured description of a specific production situation that an employee must analyze in order to find the most acceptable solutions. This allows you to train or evaluate an employee on certain parameters. In this case, the real state of professional knowledge, skills, competence, personal characteristics is determined.

The choice of personnel assessment method depends on the motivation system that is implemented in the organization. On the theory and practice of employee motivation ...

What is the use of personnel assessment in an organization

The results of the assessment of personnel performance should be systematized, structured in order to obtain a real picture of the state of human resources in the organization. This procedure allows:

  • establish the current state of personnel competence;
  • determine the compliance of the qualifications of labor resources with the tactical tasks and goals of the enterprise;
  • evaluate the professional contribution of staff to the effective operation of the organization;
  • to apply in adequate amounts the remuneration of employees in accordance with their qualification level;
  • identify the compliance of the employee's area of ​​responsibility with his job duties;
  • identify the functional imbalance of the organization in terms of human resources;
  • identify priorities during the next performance appraisal;
  • identify possible legal risks (labor disputes, penalties from inspecting authorities) in accordance with certain regulations;
  • analyze weaknesses and strengths procedures used for personnel assessment;
  • develop recommendations to eliminate the violations identified during the assessment;
  • develop recommendations for improving work on personnel training;
  • outline directions for development, pay attention to risk areas of human resources in the organization.

Implementation of a personnel assessment system: mistakes and difficulties

During the implementation of personnel assessment, it is necessary to choose the right methodology, since often the chosen methods in practice do not correspond to the level of maturity of the organization. Often the assessment system is not tied to the system of motivation - material and non-material. In addition, employees may have a negative attitude towards the implementation of these activities, and managers do not want to spend time on their implementation. Often, the feedback from the managers conducting the evaluation with the employees is low, and the latter cannot perceive it. Some employees have overestimated or underestimated self-esteem, which sometimes makes it difficult to identify real skills and competencies.

The implementation of personnel assessment measures is a serious step that allows you to optimize the activities of the enterprise in each of its areas. As a result, the efficiency of the work of employees and their motivation increase, the staff becomes more competent and productive.

Personel assessment- this is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of the personnel (abilities, motivations and properties) with the requirements of the position or workplace.

The personnel assessment process consists of the following elements:

    Theory and practice of evaluation.

    Evaluation of the individual contribution.

    Personnel certification.

    Evaluation of the employee's potential.

Based on the degree of this correspondence, the following tasks are mainly solved:

    choosing a place in the organizational structure and establishing the functional role of the assessed employee;

    development of possible ways to improve the professional or personal qualities of an employee;

    determination of the degree of compliance with the specified criteria for remuneration and the establishment of its value.

In addition, the business assessment of personnel can help in solving a number of additional tasks:

    establishing feedback with an employee on professional, organizational and other issues;

    meeting the needs of the employee in assessing their own work and quality characteristics.

Business appraisal is an essential component of the personnel selection and development process. There are two main types of business valuation:

    evaluation of candidates for a vacant position;

    ongoing periodic evaluation of the organization's employees.

Both types of assessment allow solving basically similar (from the above) tasks, therefore, in their wording, the word “employee” should also be understood as “candidate for the position”.

Domestic and foreign practice of business evaluation of candidates for a vacant position allows us to talk about four main stages that determine the content of the evaluation process of this type.

These typical steps include:

    analysis of personal data;

    making inquiries about the tested worker (at the place previous work or study)

    verification tests;


The current periodic assessment of the organization's employees is reduced, as a rule, to two main stages:

    evaluating the results of work and the factors determining the degree of achievement of these results;

    analysis of the dynamics of labor productivity over a certain period of time, as well as the dynamics of the state of factors (conditions) that affect the achievement of results.

The organizational procedure for preparing a business assessment involves the following mandatory activities:

    development of a business valuation methodology (if appropriate, such a methodology can be acquired) and binding to the specific conditions of the organization;

    formation of an assessment commission with the involvement of the immediate supervisor of the tested employee, specialists of a higher, equal and lower level of the hierarchy, as well as specialists of the organization's personnel management service or specialized assessment centers;

    determining the time and place of the business assessment;

    establishing a procedure for summing up the results of evaluation;

    elaboration of issues of documentation and information support of the assessment process (formation of a complete set of documentation in accordance with the assessment methodology, its reproduction, distribution and identification of channels and forms of information transfer);

    advising appraisers on the part of the developer of the methodology or a specialist who owns it.

chief actor in personnel assessment is the line manager. He is responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base necessary for the current periodic assessment, conducts an assessment conversation with the employee. The opinion of the future immediate supervisor is decisive when assessing candidates for a vacant position. When forming the current periodic assessment, the opinions of colleagues and employees who have structural relationships with the assessed employees, subordinates, the results in the field of business assessment and the results of the employee's self-assessment are summarized.

In some cases, the commission includes the head of a higher level of the organizational hierarchy (for example, the head of a functional subsystem, the overall management system of the organization).

The central issue of any business evaluation is the establishment of its indicators. They can characterize both general points that are equivalent for all employees of the organization, and specific norms of labor and behavior for a particular workplace or a particular position. In the first case, the evaluation indicators determine the employee's belonging to a specific organizational and social system; in the second - the employee's compliance with professional requirements.

    Personnel decisions should not differ for the persons in question of different sex, age, nationality and religion.

    The firm's formal complaints and review system should be accessible to those who disagree with those decisions.

    More than one independent assessor should be used.

    In all actions, it is important to be guided by the official system of personnel decision-making.

    Persons making the assessment should have access to materials characterizing the performance of the worker being assessed.

    Evaluation of such qualities as "reliability", "energy", "ability" and "personal attitude" should be avoided.

    Performance data should be tested empirically.

    Performance standards must be made known to employees.

    Assessors should be provided with guidance on how to conduct performance appraisals.

    Evaluation should be carried out on individual specific job skills, and not in “general”.

    Employees should be given the opportunity to get opinions about their qualities.

With all the variety of assessment indicators, they can be divided into several groups:

    labor productivity;

    professional conduct;

    personal qualities.

In assessing labor productivity, one should distinguish between the so-called " hard" and "soft" indicators.

"Hard" indicators are quite easily measurable and are covered, as a rule, by the organization's information system. Indicators of this type can be formulated subjectively by the developer of the assessment methodology, but they must be amenable to fairly objective quantitative assessment, for example, by the manager. The production system of the organization, as well as divisions in the management system that have pronounced relationships with the external environment, are most consistent with “hard” indicators: the marketing department, the logistics department, the chief mechanic department, etc.

“Soft” evaluation indicators are determined by the dependence of the subjective opinion of the evaluator and are used in a unit with a limited ability to measure a specific result (for example, in research units).

With all the importance and priority of performance indicators, you should always remember the following rules:

    do not give clear preference to any one indicator and, in general, to this group of indicators, as this leads to the neglect of other, often no less important, aspects of activity by employees;

    determine the necessary and sufficient number of indicators so that, on the one hand, they cover all the essential aspects of labor productivity, but, on the other hand, do not overload the assessment.

These rules are important not only for this, but also for subsequent groups of indicators.

Indicators of professional behavior are conditionally divided into factors (or conditions) for achieving labor results and indicators of direct professional behavior.

The factors (or conditions) for achieving the results of labor are mainly understood as the ability or desire to perform general management functions both in relation to other objects of influence and in relation to oneself: activity planning, organization and regulation of the process, accounting and control of work progress. In other words, these indicators characterize the degree of creation by the employee of his functional role.

Indicators of direct professional behavior cover such aspects of activity as cooperation and collectivism in work, independence in solving certain problems, readiness to take on additional responsibility or additional workload, etc.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the moment that directly observed behavior is really necessary when performing work and that its inclusion as an evaluation criterion does not interfere, but contributes to the achievement of certain results (in some cases, these results can be considered as joint for the interacting parties). When developing these indicators, it is important to specify them, which will reduce or eliminate the possibility of multiple interpretation by the appraiser.

The third group of evaluation indicators is personal qualities. Despite its apparent simplicity, this group of indicators is associated with big problems in their selection, formulation and accounting. This is due to a wide range of personal qualities, significant subjectivity in their perception and an increased likelihood of violating the rules for choosing criteria that were formulated earlier when considering labor productivity indicators. The main problem lies in the lack of the possibility of direct observation of personality traits.

If we observe people when they perform certain work, then we can talk mainly about their behavior and results achieved, and to a lesser extent about personality traits. The difficulty lies in the fact that any way of behavior can be the result of the action of unmanifested personality traits. The unambiguous assessment of these properties is possible with repeated fairly constant monitoring of the employee, which in fact is a very difficult matter and often leads to a distorted perception of the employee by the appraiser, since the assessment is not systematic. At the same time, a certain personal property can be considered as a potential for achieving a result for another person, and for another, it may not be.

These features of the use of personal properties as indicators of personnel assessment require a cautious and balanced approach with a mandatory combination with other groups of indicators.

One of the most important issues in conducting a business assessment of personnel is the choice of methods by which certain indicators are evaluated.

In any case, the method or method of assessment should ensure the greatest possible objectivity in measuring specific values ​​of the indicator. It should be pointed out the importance of observing the following condition in the assessment methodology: the need for a detailed description of the quantitative and qualitative interpretation of the possible states of the indicator. At the same time, we are talking about the desire to minimize the subjectivity of assessments, since it is hardly possible to find a way to achieve their complete objectivity. Various methods for assessing personnel are given in Appendix 14.1.

The principles for distinguishing two groups of assessment methods can be formulated as follows:

    assessment indicators are predetermined (testing, expert assessments, the method of comprehensive labor assessment, etc.);

    the appraiser is free to choose these indicators (business game, self-report, method of analyzing a specific business situation).

When using methods with a preliminary establishment of evaluation indicators, the developer of the evaluation system determines what should be evaluated, what signs to focus the appraiser on.

When assessing, several methods are used that determine the features of highlighting specific values ​​of indicators:

    the value characteristic is set on the scale for each employee (scaling method);

    several estimates are given in a ranked series with respect to one value (rank ordering method);

    an individual employee is characterized in terms of the presence and absence of the proposed value of the indicator (method of alternative characteristics).


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