Santa Claus as a business. Business idea: Santa Claus's reception room. Don't give up if it doesn't work out right away

Among the business areas in the industry Catering kvass production is one of the most undervalued. This drink is popular and rightly considered a healthy alternative to sweet soda. It is really useful if it is made from natural ingredients using natural fermentation technology. We will tell you whether such a business is relevant, what permits you need to obtain before starting work, how and from what kvass is produced.

Kvass is a popular drink, but demand for it varies seasonally. Sales are high in summer, but drop to zero in winter. When planning a business, you should definitely take this factor into account. Advertising and marketing companies can slightly reduce losses during the cold season, but do not compensate them in full. From this point of view, it is more profitable to organize the production of sweet carbonated drinks or drinking water.

Quite often a kvass enterprise is combined with a brewery. The demand for beer varies little throughout the year. The production technologies of these two drinks are largely similar, and the equipment is similar.

An additional challenge is the high level of competition. It will be difficult for a new manufacturer to compete with large enterprises operating under a well-known brand. Buyers trust them more. This shortcoming can be compensated for by actively selling draft kvass through a network of mobile outlets and kiosks.

Demand for kvass is high in the summer, but drops to almost zero in winter

Premises requirements and permits

Preparations for launching an enterprise will begin with the search for a suitable workshop and its arrangement. The workshop will have to undergo sanitary and fire inspections, so it is necessary meet hygiene and safety criteria:

  • Recommended area from 70 sq.m.
  • The walls and floor are finished with ceramic tiles. The ceiling is painted with water-based paint.
  • Ventilation and connection to all communications.

Specialized ones are good food shops, former canteens. The room is divided into 3 zones:

  • production area;
  • raw materials warehouse;
  • finished goods warehouse.

To get started on legally, It is required to register with the tax service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC and obtain the following permits:

  • lease agreement or certificate of the owner of the premises;
  • positive conclusion of the fire inspection;
  • positive conclusion of the Rospotrebnadzor inspection;
  • a certificate from the water utility confirming the quality of water used in production;
  • quality certificates for equipment;
  • technological flow diagram for the production of the drink, description of the work process, list of products and recipes;
  • employment contracts with employees and their medical records;
  • sanitary-epidemiological conclusion on finished products from Rospotrebnadzor.

Legal registration of the enterprise will take several months. Count on money to bring the workshop to compliance with requirements, medical examinations for employees and other expenses. To prepare technological maps, recipes and similar documents, you will need to involve a professional food technologist.

Communication requirements

The workshop must be connected to all communications. Heating provides employees with comfortable work, and products with the necessary environment for maturation and storage. All equipment runs on gas or electricity. Water for kvass is taken from the water supply, which is why it is so important to connect it to a drinking water supply. The quality of water is confirmed by a certificate from the water utility.

It's good if The workshop will be located in a place with convenient access roads. The company will have to regularly bring large quantities of raw materials and take away finished products. Choose a location with high transport accessibility for trucks.

Naturally fermented kvass is produced in fermenters

Equipment and raw materials

The basis of kvass production is fermentation apparatus. It is a cylinder-shaped vessel with a hemispherical lid. At the bottom of the housing there is a yeast separator and a horizontal stirrer. Carbon dioxide is removed through the pipeline. For business, it is recommended to choose devices with a volume of 100 liters or more. Modern models equipped with a temperature sensor and timer. Cost from 23 thousand rubles.

In addition to the fermentation apparatus, the workshop required:

  • dosing container made of polyethylene with a volume of 100 liters or more (must correspond to the volume of the fermentation apparatus);
  • wort storage containers;
  • packaging containers and a machine for screwing caps;
  • refrigeration chambers;
  • mobile barrels for kvass (if you plan to sell kvass in barrels) or kegs.

Equipment for the production of kvass will cost the owner about 60 thousand rubles. All equipment must have quality certificates and warranty cards. The capacity of such a production line will allow the production of 200 liters of kvass per day.

Raw materials for kvass:

  • clean drinking water;
  • sugar;
  • wort concentrate (from rye flour and sugar beets);
  • yeast.

The composition of ingredients varies depending on the kvass recipe. For example, sometimes the drink is prepared with apples, pears, cranberries, cherries or lemon. This list applies to natural kvass. Nowadays, so-called “kvass drinks” are widespread on the market. They are made from carbonated water, sweeteners and flavorings. The manufacturing technology does not involve fermentation, and the finished product is devoid of any benefit to the body.

Production technology and recipe

Let's consider what the kvass production technology is. On the one hand, this is not the most difficult process; even workers without specialized education can master it. On the other hand, the quality of finished kvass depends on many subtleties that are known only to specialists with specialized education.

Each manufacturer produces professional experience, signature recipes and nuances. Production for all consists of approximately the same stages, but differs in duration, ratio of ingredients and other details. Below is a classic recipe for Soviet kvass from a barrel.

Business requires fermenters with a capacity of at least 100 liters

Water preparation

Preparation of the drink begins with preparing the water. Only clean drinking water is suitable for kvass using natural fermentation technology. It must match SanPin It must be boiled or treated with a filter with ultraviolet radiation. Such water should not contain pathogenic organisms that would harm fermentation. The requirements for the sterility of water for kvass are very high. All containers are disinfected.

Water will most likely have to be purchased, although some producers use drinking water. Spring, melt or alpine water will give the drink a richer taste and will be healthier than boiled tap water.

Making wort

Kvass wort is rye flour and sugar beets. Manufacturers buy wort concentrate ready-made briquettes. They are soaked in boiling water or boiled water at 60–70 degrees (depending on the recipe with added sugar. About 7.5 liters of water are required for 1 kg of briquette. All ingredients are mixed in a fermentation apparatus. For 100 liters of the finished drink, approximately 4 kg of wort will be consumed. Then warm water (about 35 degrees) and diluted yeast are poured into the mixture.

Fermentation process

Fermentation is the most critical stage in the preparation of kvass. It determines how strong and rich the drink will be. The temperature should be above 24 degrees - watch the sensor on the device. The process will take approximately 12 hours. At lower temperatures, fermentation occurs more slowly and the end result is different from what was expected.

Keep in mind that in natural kvass, fermentation does not stop even after bottling it into containers for 4–5 days.


After fermentation, the kvass is not yet ready. The drink takes time to mature. From the fermentation apparatus it is poured through filters into disinfected sealed containers. This can include plastic bottles, plastic food barrels and similar containers. Requires only 4 hours in a dark room.


Ripened kvass in kegs or other containers is cooled in the refrigerator. The drink is ready for consumption and sale. It is advisable to sell natural kvass in the same container in which it matured. Therefore, if an entrepreneur plans to sell a drink at retail in plastic bottles, it is in them that kvass should be poured from the fermentation apparatus.

Kvass vending machines are usually charged with 50-liter plastic bottles. With this sales option, the drink should be poured into these vessels. The quality of the product will be much higher, the taste will be richer and more complete.


If it is impossible to avoid bottling into new containers, you will have to buy additional equipment: a production line plastic bottles and a line for their sterilization. This will increase opening costs and likely have a negative impact on the quality of the drink. Therefore, it is recommended to initially bottle the product from the fermentation apparatus into the container in which it will be sold.

To preserve the taste of kvass, it is poured under isobaric conditions. This means that the equipment must provide constant pressure and mass to the gas. This way carbon dioxide is retained in the drink. If any of technological stages will be disrupted, butyric acid fermentation will begin. That is, it is not at all the process that kvass needs. The product will be spoiled.

Required Personnel

To configure equipment and organization production process, necessary food industry technologist. This specialist knows how to use the fermentation apparatus and other equipment with maximum efficiency, what ingredients to add and in what ratio. The technologist can be the entrepreneur himself or an invited specialist. His salary is at least 35 thousand rubles.

The company's staff will consist primarily of workers servicing the line. Since they come into contact with food, everyone undergoes a medical examination and sanitary and hygienic training. They work in overalls and shoes. Profile education is desirable, but not required - it is enough to follow the technological map.

While the amount of work is small, it is permissible to do the accounting yourself or outsource it to a specialist. The fact is that a full-time accountant will require a salary of at least 25 thousand rubles. This relatively small amount will still slow down the payback and net profit.

Previously, kvass in barrels was popular, but now buyers prefer plastic containers

Financial calculations

When drawing up a business plan for kvass production, it is important to do financial calculations: Compare costs to potential return. Purchasing equipment for the production of 100 liters of kvass per cycle (16 hours) will cost an entrepreneur an average of 60 thousand rubles. These are small volumes. For example, the capacity of a kvass barrel is 900 liters. To fill this in one day of work, you will have to increase the cost of equipment by about 9 times - up to 540 thousand rubles.

In the first stages of work, this is completely optional. By producing even 100 liters per day, you can count on a good profit. To the cost of the equipment, add the rental of the premises, the cost of raw materials and transport, as well as the wage fund for the first 2-3 months. The final investment can fit into 300 thousand rubles.

How quickly will they pay for themselves? If you sell the drink at retail, the price of 1 liter will be at least 70 rubles. 100 liters - 7 thousand rubles. Add to this value 2-3 rubles per container, which is also sold with big markup. Thus in a day you can earn a little more than 7 thousand rubles, and in a month - 210 thousand rubles. Of course, this is not pure income. We need to continue buying food, rent, paying utilities and paying salaries. Recoup a small investment production line It will be done in 3-4 months.


For a small business with an investment of up to 300 thousand rubles, a small kvass production enterprise will be an excellent startup. The payback on all initial investments will take only 3-4 months, after which the entrepreneur will begin to receive net profit and will be able to invest money in increasing turnover. The demand for this drink is highly seasonal, which must be taken into account when planning your business.

Yeast, sugar, natural malt and water - the recipe for this healing drink is familiar to us from our grandmothers. Kvass surpasses all known carbonated drinks in its refreshing and taste qualities. In the late 90s, due to poor sanitation, the number of sales of the drink in barrels on the street and the popularity of kvass began to decline along with them. But modern PET containers and thermokegs have helped solve this problem. The niche of kvass producers in Russia is occupied by approximately 20%, so novice entrepreneurs have a great chance of succeeding in the production of this bread drink. We’ll tell you in more detail how to start kvass production from scratch and whether it’s profitable.


Kvass production is a small workshop where the drink is infused, fermented in large containers, bottled and sold in bulk from a warehouse. The drink can be infused based on various components:

  • Malt and rye bread – classic.
  • Berries and fruits (juice or puree) – non-traditional.
  • Ginger root with rose hips - ginger.

A budding entrepreneur needs to decide in advance on the range of his products. To do this, competitors' products, their demand in the market and cost are analyzed. Your products should stand out based on three criteria: cost, quality and range. By achieving balance, you can create a successful operation.

The most difficult point is to make the cost of production lower than that of large manufacturers. The fact is that a naturally fermented product has a short shelf life and must be stored at a certain temperature. To extend the life of products, many manufacturers use various preservatives and acids, such as citric acid. This reduces the taste characteristics and quality of the product, but the manufacturer has Extra time, and the price of such kvass is lower.

The live kvass that we propose to produce has an ancient recipe and a short storage time - no more than 10 days at a temperature of +1 to +8 degrees. Producing such a product in large quantities is risky. Therefore, discovery should begin with finding a source of sales for your drink. The main consumers may be:

  • Wholesale distributors.
  • Shops and retail chains(if the products are packaged in bottles).
  • Retail buyers (if you organize your own retail department).

In order to sell your products at retail, you need to additionally organize a retail outlet, and this is an additional cost for a small business. Beginners are encouraged to focus their efforts on attracting wholesale buyers and try to promote their drinks through large retail chains.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other activity, this business idea has its pros and cons:

  • The product has a short shelf life, so it is better to produce large batches yourself by prior agreement with the buyer.
  • It is difficult to compete on the price of the finished product with large manufacturers.
  • Organizing the sale of your products in large retail chains is very difficult.
  • Beverage production requires obtaining a sanitary certificate from regulatory authorities, and it is difficult to obtain.
  • Buyers prefer to purchase a proven and well-known product; at first they will be wary of new kvass, and big sales You can't wait for the first month.
  • Seasonality. During the cold season, cold soft drinks are sold 70% less, but in the summer you can get revenue for the whole year. Especially if the region has a resort area.

On the way to the start

Where to start implementing a business idea if you have decided how you will sell your products? Everyone gets ready initially Required documents and registers legal form. Small production that does not plan to trade through large retail chains can be registered as an individual entrepreneur, but we recommend immediately choosing an LLC, since the business will develop in the future. For implementation you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  • LLC certificate, company charter, documents for premises, bank statement on the presence of authorized capital.
  • Certificate of registration common system taxation, simplification when organizing production is not applied.
  • Permit certificate from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, the following conditions are met: room area, exhaust hood equipment, fire protection system, availability of a stand with a shovel and fire extinguisher, and an evacuation plan.
  • A statement from your local water utility that the water you will use to make kvass meets safety standards.
  • Certificates for each element from which kvass is made.
  • Production flow diagram: list of equipment, its capacity and arrangement in the workshop.
  • Conclusion from regional ecologists about the safety of your production.
  • Product manufacturing program. which is certified general director. The document specifies the drink recipe, ingredients, and product range.
  • Passage result medical examination frames, list and dates.
  • Conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor on the quality of products.

To obtain expert opinions on the quality of the kvass produced, it is necessary to start up the equipment and make a test batch.

When registering an LLC, the application indicates one main activity and two additional ones. The following codes are suitable for the production of a foamy soft drink:

  • 11 “Production of mineral and non-alcoholic drinks.”
  • 11.07 “Making mineral water and other bottled soft drinks"
  • 11.07.2 “Manufacture of soft drinks with added sugar, except mineral water.”

While the documents are being processed by the tax office, we will independently order the LLC seal and equip the premises. This will make it possible to launch the production process and provide the first trial batch to commissions from Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary and epidemiological station and other government services.

Setting up the workflow

The size of the room depends on the amount of kvass that is planned to be produced. A large area is occupied by barrels and fermenters. On average, to accommodate 500 liters of drink you will need a free area of ​​85 sq. m. m.

The walls and floor of the room are finished with ceramic tiles, and the ceiling is covered with water-based paint. These requirements are imposed by the fire department, and the finish is easy to clean and disinfect. An exhaust hood and fire alarm are installed in the room. According to the standards, water and sewerage must be supplied to the premises.


On average, the price for equipment and rental premises will be 150-250 thousand rubles. To increase the profitability of the project, promotions are organized in the form of tastings for city residents. The cost of a product is calculated depending on the costs and prices of competitors. With the right marketing policy, you can earn from 450,000 rubles on ideas. per month. The payback period for production is six months. Detailed step-by-step instruction with calculations in the business plan on the topic.

In this article:

Kvass does not need advertising. Since Soviet times, our people have become accustomed to quenching their thirst with this foamy drink with the characteristic aroma of rye bread. And it's useful natural product Compared to carbonated sweet water with dyes and flavor imitators, it is undeniable. And thanks to the adaptation of beer equipment (PET bottles, thermoKEGs) for the sale of drinks, kvass lost its only drawback - huge unsanitary barrels, in which the drink often spoiled right during the sale.

Natural, refreshing, tasty kvass is increasingly expanding its segment in the soft drink market. Therefore, the production of bread kvass is very interesting idea for small and medium businesses.

Kvass market analysis

The kvass market in Russia is still far from saturation. Moreover, despite the annual emergence of new producers, kvass consumption is constantly growing. For example, for 2010 through retail chains About 500 million liters were sold in the country. kvass According to economists and analysts, in the next few years the kvass market will continue to grow by 10% per year in price terms, and up to 5% in physical terms.

The most popular container for kvass is PET bottle(about 90% of sales) and KEGs(about 8%). The remaining 2% falls on barrel containers, but such packaging is gradually becoming obsolete, giving way to more modern technologies. The most common container is the 2 liter bottle (about 60% of sales volume).

There are different varieties of kvass: cranberry, pear, lemon, which are prepared from berry juice or jam without adding flour, but ordinary bread kvass has won real popular love. Recently, a “live” drink based on the natural fermentation of kvass wort and with a shelf life of up to 7 days is gaining more and more popularity.

Large manufacturers (mainly breweries) prefer to produce synthetic analogues, so-called “kvass drinks”, without fermentation, by mixing concentrates with sugar and subsequent saturation with carbon dioxide. Such drinks last much longer (about six months), but they have a rather controversial relationship with natural kvass.

We will consider the production of natural kvass, and not surrogates.

“Live” products have many advantages that can be used to advantage in advertising and attracting consumers, and one serious drawback - a limited shelf life and a special temperature regime for storage. Such kvass will not be stored in a warehouse until “better times”, therefore, before starting production, it is advisable to have preliminary agreements on sales. It is most profitable to sell through supermarket chains, retail stores And retail outlets, therefore, before starting production, you should realistically assess the competition, pricing policy, the possibility of cooperation and other conditions for successful implementation manufactured products.

Permits, certification and other organizational issues

To legally register your activity, you will need to select organizational form running a business - it can be an LLC or individual entrepreneur. To identify kvass production activities, the OKVED code 15.98.2 “Production of non-alcoholic drinks, except mineral waters” is provided.

An indicative list of documents required to start kvass production (may vary depending on the region, so it is better to check with the relevant authorities):

  • constituent documents(certificate of registration, charter), which indicate the main type of activity - production of soft drinks;
  • tax registration certificate;
  • document confirming ownership of production premises;
  • permits to operate a production workshop from Gospozharnadzor and form N 303-00-5/у from Rospotrebnadzor, certifying that the premises comply with the standards and can be launched for the production of a trial batch of products;
  • certificate from the water utility that the water for brewing kvass complies with SNiP standards;
  • certificates for raw materials;
  • technological scheme of kvass production: list of equipment, production capacity, technological map;
  • production production program, certified by the manager with a description of the technological process, indicating GOSTs, specifications, recipes and an assortment list of products;
  • list of employees of the enterprise (with the results of the medical examination);
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for products from Rospotrebnadzor in form N 303-00-3/u, obtained on the basis of laboratory analyzes of a trial batch of kvass.

Premises for the production of kvass

The premises must meet standard requirements and sanitary and hygienic standards:

  • have a connection to clean drinking water; - belong to category “D” (not explosive, not fire hazard);
  • divided into three zones: a room for production, for ripening and for storing finished products.

With a capacity of 500 l/day, recommended area production premises must be at least 70 m2, - the technological room must be equipped with good ventilation, electrical supply, heating and sewage drainage Wastewater. From a fire safety point of view, it is good if the walls and floor are finished with ceramic tiles and the ceilings are painted with water-based paint.

Former canteens are a good choice - they are often rented out, and obtaining permission to produce in such premises is easier than in basements, warehouses or production areas. The premises must have space for a refrigeration unit (or 2-3 regular refrigerators) in which the goods will be stored until sold.

Equipment for the production of kvass

To open a small production of kvass, you will need special equipment for the fermentation process. Main equipment – ​​fermenters. The quantity of products produced depends on their capacity.

Using a simple fermentation apparatus with a capacity of 100 liters. can be produced up to 6000 l. kvass per month.

Each device must be equipped with an electronic high-frequency temperature controller and a built-in timer to control and program the fermentation process.

The minimum set of equipment required for the production of 200 liters per day:

  • Fermenter – 23,000 rubles;
  • Dosing container – 6000 rubles;
  • A barrel with a tap (50 l) is intended for selling kvass on tap – 4 pcs. * 1350 rubles = 5400 rubles;
  • Cooling case to maintain the temperature of kvass – 2200 rubles;
  • Screwdriver and nozzle for twisting plugs – 4,700 rubles;
  • Thermal box for storing bottles – 3000 rubles;
  • Barrel for kvass wort concentrate (50 l) – 320 rub.

Total: 44,620 rub.

The manufacturer encloses with the equipment a set of necessary documentation for the production of kvass: a passport and a certificate of conformity, an extract from TU 9185-001-50789493-2007 for the production of kvass, a recipe and technological scheme making kvass.

Technological process of kvass production

1. Water preparation

To prepare naturally fermented kvass, you will need drinking water that meets sanitary and hygienic standards, in accordance with the requirements SaNpiNa ideally, use water used in the production of soft drinks TI 10-5031536-73-90). The requirements for the sterility of products at all stages of production also apply to water - it should be boiled or passed through a special sterilizing filter with UV radiation.

2. Preparation of wort

To obtain kvass wort using the infusion method, special kvass briquettes made from rye flour and sugar beets are used. The briquettes are filled with boiling water (30 liters of water per 4 kg of briquettes). Sugar and kvass wort concentrate (fermented rye malt) are added to the fermentation tank, according to the recipe. Then 100 liters are poured. warm water (about 35°C) and a pre-diluted yeast mixture.

3. Fermentation

After adding the yeast mixture, the wort is thoroughly mixed, and the fermenter is tightly closed. The temperature (about 30°C) and fermentation time (at least 12 hours) are set.

4. Maturation

The fermented liquid is filtered through a filter and poured into sealed containers (plastic food barrels, KEGs, PET bottles) for further maturation. The containers are hermetically sealed, since carbon dioxide accumulates during the fermentation of the drink, and the packaging must withstand a certain level of pressure. Kvass is placed in a dark room, where it is kept at room temperature for 4 hours.

5. Cooling

After the kvass has matured and the drink has been saturated with carbon dioxide, the containers are placed in the refrigerator.

6. Implementation

Naturally fermented kvass is sold together with the container in which the ripening took place.

Kvass production scheme

Profitability of mini-production

Raw material consumption per 1 liter of classic bread kvass:

  • kvass briquettes – 0.0465 kg*130 rubles = 6.05 rubles;
  • kvass wort concentrate – 0.01163 kg*62 rubles=0.72 rubles;
  • sugar – 0.0581 kg*40 rubles = 2.32 rubles;
  • yeast 0.00058 kg * 30 rubles = 0.017 rubles;
  • electricity – 0.00233 kW*1.5 rubles = 0.0035 rubles.

The total cost of 1 liter of draft kvass is 9.11 rubles.

Total bottled kvass (the cost of a 1.5 liter and 2 liter PET bottle together with a cap and label is 7 rubles) – 16.11 rubles.

When producing 200 liters per day (one fermentation unit), the cost of production per month (24 working days) will be:

  • draft kvass 2400 l * 9.11 rubles = 21864 rubles;
  • bottled kvass 2400*16.11 rubles =38,664 rubles.

The selling price of draft kvass is 35 rubles/liter (84,000 rubles/month). The selling price of kvass in PET bottles is 45 rubles/liter (108,000 rubles/month).

Revenue – 192,000 rubles/month.

Profit – 131,372 rubles/month.

Other fixed payments (depending on the region, prices public utilities, rental conditions and chosen taxation system):

  • rent of premises with an area of ​​30 m2 – 10,000 rubles/month;
  • salary of 2 employees (worker and sales representative) – 27,000 rubles/month;
  • heating – 2,500 rubles/month;
  • other utility bills (water, garbage removal) – 1,000 rubles/month;
  • income tax 20% - RUB 26,274.

Total: 66,774 rub. When operating one fermentation unit with a capacity of 200 l/day, the net profit for the month will be 64,598 rubles.

Of course, few people limit themselves to purchasing only one fermentation apparatus, because 5 such installations will bring 6-7 times more profit. But to open a small production and start creating your own client network, this option is one of the most profitable. The initial capital investment in production is small, and the payback period for the equipment will be about a month.

Slowly but surely the New Year celebrations are approaching. And again the main New Year's characters are relevant - Father Frost and his permanent granddaughter, Snegurochka. Many businessmen are looking forward to this holiday, trying for such short term get the maximum possible profit. How to competently organize a New Year's business to extract maximum profit?

Preliminary preparation

All organizational issues should be taken care of in advance. This seasonal business, so the period New Year's holidays you need to work out as efficiently as possible, and think through every little detail in advance.

First of all, you need a team. Usually people go to New Year's business creative professions: actors, musicians, singers. Also, students and others who are not employed at their main job during this period can be considered as candidates for assistants to Santa Claus.

The second point, which will require from you not only a creative approach, but also financial investments, is the preparation of costumes. In addition to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, you can come up with a lot of interesting and original characters in their “retinue”. These are Snowflakes, Snowmen, fairy-tale Elves and a lot of other heroes traditional tales.

Be sure to carefully consider your presentation program. An original plot and an interesting presentation will create for you good advertising. After all, rumors spread very quickly, people will recommend you - and this is already a success.

And, of course, advertising. It is better to distribute advertisements about yourself in advance. Today, advertising blocks in newspapers have a rather small effect. Another thing - social media and thematic forums. Advertising in social groups and on sites where mothers often visit – your main target. It would also be a good idea to print leaflets and distribute them in children's institutions.

To “build up” your reputation, it won’t hurt to work at “Christmas trees” in some companies, kindergartens or schools in December. If your performance is liked, you will get the “word of mouth” effect. Orders will not keep you waiting!

Others organizational issues

Every business has its own nuances, and New Year’s too. Let's talk about the little things that can affect your business.

Schedule. You should consider your own employment, if you have a main place of work. In this case, you will be able to work in the evenings and on weekends. At this time, orders are most often received from private customers at home.

If New Year's business is your main job, then feel free to consider offers for corporate parties and children's matinees.

Also, in advance, at the preliminary meeting, discuss how the gifts will be formed. In addition to the main gifts, it is worth considering various little things - sweets, Christmas tree decorations or small keychains. Even if your main audience is children, do not ignore adults, especially when making a private house call. A small surprise for the apartment owners will leave a pleasant impression of you.

It is also worth taking care of such nuances as your own driver with a car and your own musician. Offer to your clients additional service in the form of a professional shooting or photo shoot. Few people would refuse to keep it as a souvenir. beautiful pictures or video.

After the season closes

Whether your company will exist after the New Year is up to you. You can disband your team before the next holiday, although it is not a fact that you will gather later with the same composition. It will be especially a pity if a good team is selected.

You can consider an option to maintain your business in the off-season, such as changing your profile. Try organizing anniversaries and celebrations by developing other scenarios and creating new programs.

And don't forget about your clients. Remind them of yourself occasionally - congratulate them on the holidays, send them postcards, keep them in touch. Update your customer base regularly.

New Year's business can bring big earnings - with proper organization and a competent approach to our clients. Don't stop there. Compose new programs, introduce new “chips” into the scripts. Be one step ahead of your competitors!

Mezentseva Vasilisa

Let's talk a little about how you can make money on the eve of the New Year, which is already here.

New Year's fuss and traditions are valued all over the world. There are many different types of businesses that are seasonal, but the most magical and massive festivities attract many enterprising people to organize some kind of New Year's, unusual and outstanding business.

If we go to the source New Year's Eve, then it will be clear that this holiday was initiated by entrepreneurs of that time (XVIII century) so that the New Year's fair would bring profit.

You can still make money from Santa Clauses by providing a traditional service - calling Santa Claus to a matinee, to an event, to your home.

Santa Claus is not expensive

Moms and dads of our country are looking for affordable prices for the service. All family forums begin to look for a New Year's wizard for their children in another month and a half. Discussions raise issues such as prices, scenarios, and people are looking for the best place to order Santa Claus.

Children's faith in a fairy tale remains as long as their parents support it, and Russian Santa Claus is the most awaited wizard who will bring the desired gift and turn life into fairy-tale magic.

Holiday agencies honestly admit that New Year's requests significantly exceed the capabilities of the animators available on staff.

That is, people want to receive the service and are willing to pay for it. Only with a caveat - not just any money. Speak to professional agencies Only a certain category of people can, the rest, having heard an amount exceeding their level of expectation, refuse the application. High prices in holiday organizations are due to the necessity of life; taxes need to be paid from something, so they cannot provide services at reduced prices.

Where to get money to start own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In this article we have revealed the most current ways to obtain starting capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

This is where opportunities open up for non-professionals, since average and large companies this market is unprofitable. The niche of services available to the population to call Santa Claus will allow enterprising people with good business inclinations to earn money.

"Small format" and costs

Even though you don't have big company entertainment direction, you need to register as an entrepreneur, an individual entrepreneur is enough. There are several options for the development of such a company:

  • Closing after New Year's holidays;
  • Submit a declaration with zero income until the next New Year;
  • Expand by providing services for organizing holiday events other than New Year's themed.

If you are committed to seasonal part-time work, it is better to close your individual entrepreneur after the end of the holiday festivities. The costs of opening/closing an individual entrepreneur are the amount of the established state duty for the relevant procedures: 800 and 160 rubles at the moment. It is not necessary to order a seal, nor is it necessary to open a separate current account.

The costs won't stop there. For reference New Year's business We need appropriate attributes - costumes for Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter. The average cost of ready-made suits is approximately 5-10 thousand rubles. It is believed that you need to have about 5 pairs of animators (an excellent solution is to hire students, since they are active, energetic and resilient) for the profit to be more or less noticeable.

You can deal with organizational issues yourself - advertise, hire performers and come to conclude contracts. Mobility during busy times will work to your advantage, since consumers do not like to go to the office, even if it is located within walking distance. When you arrive to fill out documents at a customer’s home, draw up directions – this will be useful for the actors who will be working on the application.

Advertising and other expenses should also be taken into account. If enough people know about you, advertising costs will pay for itself many times over. So, let's talk about everything to start a small temporary holiday agency you will spend about 70 thousand rubles.

Margins and tariffs

This year prices for services fairy tale characters have already been made public and you can take a closer look at them. The price list for Santa Claus's visit varies depending on the date to which you are invited fabulous guest with my granddaughter. 15 minutes of festive performance will cost:

  1. 2600 rub. – when ordering animators before December 15;
  2. 3100 rub. – for the presence of Santa Claus at the holiday after December 25;
  3. 9000 rub. - on New Year's Eve immediately after the chimes strike.

Prices vary everywhere, and only approximate tariffs are given. Regional specifics and saturation of the services market can significantly adjust these amounts.

If we calculate all the initial data, it turns out that for a month of work, if there are 5 pairs of actors, the profit of the New Year's holiday agency will not be less than 200,000 rubles. But this amount appeared after the tariffs were reduced by 40% from those indicated above and taking into account transport costs, payment of work to employees (up to 7 thousand rubles per day for each couple) with the animators being fully loaded - up to 14 addresses per day.

Good to know

New Year's businessmen who have already spent these holidays in a working environment shared their experience.

  • It is not necessary to buy suits or have them sewn; renting is the best solution to save money. The deposit can be quite high (some companies require up to 100% of their value as a deposit). You need to understand that you should not count on a refund of the entire amount, since “production costs” in the form of minor damage to clothing are quite likely. And still, these costs are lower than buying sets of New Year's costumes.
  • For the role of Santa Claus, choose men with a booming, sonorous voice. The realism of the hero will support your reputation and will leave children and their parents happy.
  • If potential employees have a craving for alcohol, they will regularly drop out of the work process. Bad habits should be banned. During the holidays, you won’t have to sit still; you will have to supervise your employees between trips to conclude new contracts.
  • Remember, a serious approach to the entertainment industry, even if it is seasonal, can bring serious profits. Don’t miss all the nuances, and next year you will receive even more orders, which means net profit.


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