Enterprise social development plan. Social planning

51. Plan social development

Availability in this section social development plan the team will, among other things, be a clear confirmation of the effectiveness and prospects of your company’s activities (provided that your plans in this regard are not empty words, which must be confirmed by facts of previous periods).

The social development plan of the enterprise team is a scientifically based and materially supported system of measures aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious development of all team members based on progressive changes in the structure, living conditions of the work team, strengthening the social homogeneity of labor, and the most complete satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of team members.

The enterprise social development plan includes the following main sections.

1. Improvement social structure labor collective. This section provides for measures to improve the professional qualification structure of the employee, reduce the number of workers in manual, heavy physical and monotonous labor, as well as those employed in work with harmful conditions labor, to improve the ratio between unskilled and skilled labor, which leads to increased social homogeneity of labor.

2. Improving working conditions and health protection of enterprise employees. In this section Special attention is devoted to measures to improve the production environment.

3. Improving wages, improving the housing, cultural and living conditions of the enterprise’s employees. This provides for not only a general increase in the level of remuneration of workers, but also the establishment of the correct proportions in the level wages different categories of workers, differentiation of wage levels within categories of workers depending on the level of complexity and final results of work.

4. Personal development, increasing the labor and social activity of workers and expanding their participation in production management. These are, first of all, activities aimed at developing the social activity of workers and increasing their role in production management, its democratization; ideological and patriotic education, labor, economic, moral, legal. These types of education closely interact with each other.

The main objective of this section of the plan is to determine prospects for improvement educational work, creating conditions for its high efficiency.

This section of the business plan can also provide information about the legal aspects of the activity: information about registration, constituent documents, form of ownership, legislative restrictions, taxation features, patent protection, etc.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Psychology and Pedagogy. Crib author Rezepov Ildar Shamilevich

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Social Security Law SOCIAL SECURITY LAW - system legal norms regulating relations regarding material support and service as individual citizens of the Russian Federation (in old age, in case of illness, partial or complete disability, loss

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3.9. Biotechnology, cellular and genetic engineering, cloning. The role of cell theory in the formation and development of biotechnology. The importance of biotechnology for the development of breeding, Agriculture, microbiological industry, preservation of the planet's gene pool. Ethical

author author unknown

43. THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL CONTROL Social control (from the French controle, English control - domination, violence) - regulation of people's behavior in social systems, carried out by members of society according to special schemes; mechanism for maintaining public order, including norms and

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44. TYPES OF SOCIAL CONTROL. PUBLIC OPINION AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SOCIAL CONTROL Types of social control: a) economic; b) social; c) technical d) managerial (helps to implement planning and management, etc.); e) state (political,

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MECHANISMS OF SOCIAL CONTROL Stages of implementation of social control: establishment of social norms and standards; comparison of results with reference standards and identification of possible deviations; correction of deviations (but not all noticeable deviations from the norms

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18. THE CONCEPT OF A SOCIAL INSTITUTE A social institution is stable and repeating forms of social practice, with the help of which social life is organized and the stability of social relations is ensured. The development of social institutions is carried out

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60. FUNCTIONS OF A SOCIAL WORKER The main functions of a social worker: the implementation of the diagnostic function involves studying social worker characteristics of the group, layer, individual, the degree and focus of the microenvironment on them and the setting

From the book Urbanism. part 3 author Glazychev Vyacheslav Leonidovich

Strategic plan development of the city Unfortunately, in Russia we still have to talk about this most important document in the future tense. Even in cases where development strategies are being developed, as, for example, in Norilsk, which is faced with the task of optimizing

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LAWS OF COMPOSITION IN PHOTOGRAPHY SMALL PLAN, MEDIUM PLAN, CLOSE PLAN (FRAGMENT) These concepts are basic in photographic composition. If you take an image of a person or any object, then in a small plan they will be depicted completely against the background of some

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Section III. RESIDENTIAL PREMISES PROVIDED UNDER SOCIAL TENANCY CONTRACTS Chapter 7. BASES AND PROCEDURE FOR PROVIDING RESIDENTIAL PREMISES UNDER A SOCIAL TENANCY AGREEMENT Article 49. Provision of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement1. Under a social tenancy agreement

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Social security issues Payment of pensions and benefits to citizens of the USSR who are abroad on official or private business is carried out in accordance with Soviet legislation, the provisions of agreements concluded between the USSR and the host country or

From the book Enterprise Planning: Cheat Sheet author author unknown

29. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN OF THE ENTERPRISE The object of social planning at the enterprise is all personnel, their social groups, individual workers. Its main goal is to satisfy the various needs of employees through means and opportunities

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The program for ensuring the development of society involves solving the issue of the coincidence of the main trends and needs of social development with the means and methods of achieving the set goals and objectives. Therefore, the main criterion for the viability and progressiveness of social transformations and the effectiveness of management of social objects are: a) the degree of scientific character and b) the validity of reflecting the interests of the majority (society) in practice.

The formation of planning for social development problems dates back to the end of the 18th century. and is associated with representatives of utopian socialism: C. de Rouvroy (Saint-Simon), C. Fourier and R. Owen, who sought to substantiate a perfect social system on the basis of ahistorically understood principles - reason, justice, freedom, equality and fraternity. Among the ideas and guesses of the utopian socialists, in particular, were: the need to create a large social production; destruction of the opposition between city and countryside, mental and physical labor; the obligation of labor as a need and as a pleasure; the requirement for the unity of science and industry, scientific planning of the economy (economics); implementation of the distribution of available resources “according to abilities”. Some of their guesses are still relevant today.

Already at the beginning of the 19th century. their followers made attempts to implement individual ideas in practice - in the USA and Great Britain.

First mention of the term " social planning" attributed to the 32nd President of the United States F. Roosevelt when he carried out reforms (the so-called new course) in connection with overcoming the consequences of the overproduction crisis of the 1930s.

This phenomenon received further development during the implementation various forms and methods of implementation social policy, in particular in ensuring social protection of the population.

The theoretical and methodological foundations of social planning were first tested in the first years of Soviet power and the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy (1928–1932). This plan contained, in particular, a special section “Socio-economic problems”, various social programs (elimination of illiteracy, homelessness in the country), as well as measures to solve them. Let us note that in subsequent plans for the development of the national economy, up to the last five-year plan, such a section was not highlighted as an independent component.

Among the domestic scientists who contributed to the development of problems in the theory and practice of social planning, the following can be named: N. A. Aitov, V. G. Aseev, V. I. Gerchikov, V. M. Elmeev, N. I. Lapin, P. P. Luzan, V. G. Podmarkov, Zh. T. Toshchenko, Yu. L. Neimer, O. I. Shkaratan and etc.

The current rejection of the ideas of socialism has already led to the abandonment of centralized planning for the social development of society. The departure from the planned principles of regulation is explained by: the predominance of technocratic tendencies in the development of social production; hypertrophied resource distribution system; absolutization of methods of directive planning (command) to the detriment of indirect (regulation); a small “area of ​​freedom” for the development of potential social and personal opportunities; the dependence of social relations on the political and ideological guidelines of the state; lack of proper correspondence between economic and social parameters of development (increasing production volumes acted as a primary factor, meeting people's needs as a secondary factor) and taking into account the human element in planning and economics.

Essential characteristics

  • 1) orientation of planning towards goals arising from objective trends in the organization of social development and providing for the satisfaction of current and future needs of people, their coordination with each other, the development of measures to enhance the creative activity of the person himself and the social institutions of society;
  • 2) the use, within the framework of social planning, of performance indicators for achieving set goals (timing, volumes, levels, rates, proportions, degree of achievement of planned milestones);
  • 3) detailed development and research of means of achieving the set development goals in the form of benefits (restrictions) or creating conditions for the rational development of the planned object;
  • 4) social planning is a continuous process of cognitive and transformative activity.

Generally social planning defined as scientifically based determination of goals, indicators and tasks for the development of social objects and the main means of their implementation in the interests of society, social institutions or large production associations.

The following are distinguished: levels social planning.

Society, for which long-term plans are being developed to solve the most significant social problems that determine its viability, integrity and sustainability.

Level of individual spheres of public life (economic, socio-political and spiritual), which provides for solving problems of improving working conditions and content; vocational training; prestige of areas of employment; structures of working and free time; satisfaction of material and spiritual needs; participation in political life.

On regional level planning is aimed at solving social problems of the republic, region (territory), other regional entity in terms of: equalizing social development in a territorial context; regulation of migration flows; rational use labor resources; development of national relations; distribution and consumption of cultural values.

When analyzing the planning features of economic regions it is necessary to determine the essence and specificity of each social object (phenomenon or process) in a given territory, as well as clarify their differences from similar objects in other territories.

Level of production organizations (work collectives) involves the implementation of a person’s motivation for creative work, providing conditions for his work and everyday life.

Main forms social planning are:

  • 1) targeted (direct) planning or development and justification of a system of tasks to achieve a certain level of social development. This concerns rational relationships in the development of social processes, reflecting their real state, trends of change, the level of use of science and technology, and people's needs;
  • 2) social (indirect) planning, in which the elements of the implementation mechanism are the specific conditions, capabilities and needs of the object itself, as well as its components and variables of an exo- and endogenous nature, in other words, amenable or not amenable to state and public regulation. Let us note that a number of social objects have limited conditions for their development, which implies the need to determine the “area of ​​freedom” in their planning.

An essential point in social planning is also taking into account the interests of the individual, individual social groups, society as a whole.

The duality of the planning process allows us to consider methods for its implementation as ways of: a) implementing programs and plans (planning as an activity); b) their development (planning as a science). General planning methods are characterized by answers to fundamental questions: what objective laws of social development are based on possible ways to achieve goals? what are they aimed at? in what organizational forms will they be embodied?

The leading planning method is balance method, or a way of providing connections between the needs of society and its capabilities when resources are limited. In modern conditions, methods related to the implementation of market relations are also extremely important, when it is necessary to foresee the social consequences of decisions made and the ability to harmonize the interests of all participants in social transformation programs.

Requirements normative method are the basis for compiling indicators (standards) of social development at various levels of social organization, ensuring its scientific character.

Essence analytical method consists in dividing social action into its component parts and determining directions for the implementation of the intended program of action.

The essence variant method (variant approximations) is to identify several possible ways to solve social problems and tasks in the presence of the most complete and reliable information possible.

Complex (software-targeted) method represents the development of targeted comprehensive programs taking into account all the main factors (material, labor and financial-economic), determining the performers and deadlines.

In development of the material presented in Chap. 4 (clause 4.2), we will consider the basic methodological concepts that characterize the tools for assessing a particular level of social development.

Social indicators – quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the state, trends and directions of social development, used in planning to assess the compliance of the actual situation with scientifically based requirements. In their most complete form, they are defined and calculated on the basis of statistical data.

To identify the degree of development or perfection of a specific object (phenomenon or process), the following indicators: a) general, when it is necessary to establish the level of development (lag, advance, compliance) of the process being studied in a particular society and take appropriate action; b) regulatory, when it is necessary to determine the compliance of the process under study with scientifically based requirements.

It is usually said that social planning is effective when several groups of indicators are used, in particular:

  • indicators that take into account the experience of planning social development in the form of quantitative characteristics and therefore allow planning for the future;
  • indicators in the form of qualitative characteristics of individual social phenomena;
  • indicators – assessments of the effectiveness of measures taken after the end of the planning period.

Let us note that the development, justification and application of social indicators are aimed at making scientifically based decisions aimed at increasing the efficiency of social planning and its effectiveness in solving both general and specific problems of social development.

Social standards – scientifically grounded quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the normative state of a social phenomenon (or one of its aspects), obtained on the basis of taking into account objective laws and opportunities for social development. They are aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the individual; have a specific historical character, i.e. reflect the possibilities and needs of social development at a given stage and, accordingly, may change in the future.

Social standards are clearly defined quantitatively and qualitatively through a value characterizing the ideal (desired) goal of development of the planned process. Therefore, in order to establish the most effective balance of needs and opportunities in social development, standards are tested first experimentally and then on a mass scale.

Social standards must be consistent with each other, and also differentiated depending on the specific national, natural, socio-demographic characteristics of the region based on various coefficients. In areas of social development where the definition of standards is difficult, it is legitimate to introduce the concept into planning practice social reference, by which it is necessary to understand the most possible (rational) value of the development of social processes, based on the existing indicators of the development of similar phenomena.

Classification of social standards and guidelines is possible by:

  • spheres of an individual’s life (work, socio-political life, culture, everyday life, interpersonal communication). Here they reflect the provision of material resources per 100 thousand people; can be expressed in specific requirements and tasks (for example, standards for architectural planning solutions or the organization of rational life of the population); can exist in the form of a norm in the “person-person” system (for example, the number of persons in a particular profession per 1000 people of the population or the availability of personnel per 1000 people by type of profession);
  • levels social organization society (for the country as a whole, territorial entity, sector of the national economy, group of organizations);
  • social structure of society (or by socio-demographic groups);
  • stages of development (society, region or individual production).

The following can be named as specific forms of implementation of social development: social map of the region And social passport of the organization , which state the diversity of social processes and changes at these levels and allow us to constantly analyze and compare planning objects, and take adequate measures to solve the problems posed.

The experience of social planning shows that a social card or passport characterizes the social composition of the population, the demographic situation, indicators of the labor, socio-political, cultural and family spheres, staffing social development and its mate

real-technical base (in areas of public life or independently).

Every organization can be considered as a social organization that

characterized by its territory, goals, leadership, social conditions.

Classification of social groups is carried out according to various criteria:

Conditional (uniting people on some basis for analysis purposes);

Formal and informal small groups. In a formal group for all its members

all positions are clearly stated, job descriptions, all roles are strictly distributed, structure

authorities. An informal group develops and arises spontaneously; there are no defined relationships in it.

vertical, this group is formed on the basis of mutual likes or dislikes;

Reference groups. They serve as a standard, performing comparative and normative

Each group is characterized by basic parameters: composition, structure, group

processes and norms, value system.

The composition of the group is characterized by such characteristics as age, profession, work experience,

the level of education..

The structure of a group can be characterized on the basis of such features as structure

communications, preference structure, power structure.

Group processes of a socio-psychological nature include adaptation,

communication, identification and integration.

Group norms are rules developed and accepted by a group. Norms are closely related to

values ​​that develop in each group based on attitudes towards certain

social phenomena.

Social processes in an enterprise must be managed; these goals are served by social

planning or planning for the social development of work collectives.

However, it should be noted that socio-economic instability in society,

characteristic of Russia in the mid-90s, the struggle of enterprises for survival in the new market

environment, issues of planning social development at enterprises were relegated to the background. Them

However, this does not mean that the need for such work has lost its relevance, Strengthening

stabilization processes in the country will inevitably raise problems of social management

development into a number of priority ones. This is evidenced by the experience of economic developed countries peace.

Therefore, it is advisable to consider the issues of organizing social development management in


Changes in the social structure of the team are closely related to the movements of its workers,

some of which are planned in advance (retirement, study, etc.)

The most important process of social development of a team is improvement

production sector, which has a great impact on health and life expectancy

a person’s life, his performance, the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Improving working conditions creates the preconditions for more favorable social

processes in the sphere of labor - adaptation, motivation, labor movements, team building.

Transformation Russian economy affected the sphere of labor, property, systems

remuneration, relations between the enterprise administration and employees.

Trade union and collective agreement become real instruments for protecting rights and

interests of workers.

The following issues are usually included in a collective agreement:


Hiring and firing employees;

Operating mode;

Occupational Safety and Health;

Social sphere;

Protecting the interests of persons not currently working for


Social planning at an enterprise should be preceded by a comprehensive

sociological study of the workforce, the purpose of which may be to study

social structure of workers, identifying its weak links and areas for improvement.

The subjects to be studied are the issues of people’s attitude towards work, factors of attractiveness and

unattractiveness of work in the enterprise as a whole and in each of its divisions.

Particular attention should be paid to:

1) studying the degree of content of work,

2) its conditions and level of payment,

3) staff turnover,

4) labor discipline,

5) value orientations in the team.

Sociological research ends with the development of scientifically based recommendations

on changing the social parameters of the workforce, as well as specific proposals for

various areas of work within the enterprise team. Similar recommendations and suggestions

become the basis for social planning for the current period (year) and the future (3 - 5 years and

In parallel with the social development plan of the team, many enterprises

so-called social passports of enterprises were developed. This experience is advisable

still in use today.

The social passport of an enterprise is a set of indicators

reflecting the state and prospects of social development. It is characterized by:

1) social structure of the enterprise team,

2) its functions,

3) working conditions,

4) provision of workers with housing, preschool institutions,

social infrastructure units within the enterprise itself.

The passport reflects intra-collective relations, social activity of workers and

other questions. Data from the social passport is used when developing a social plan


In addition to social development plans, specialized

social programs, such as “Health”, “Women’s work”, “Youth”, “Housing”,

"Working conditions", etc.

Planning the social development of labor collectives ensures the growth of social

efficiency, which, along with economic efficiency, is the most important

a prerequisite and condition for the well-being of the enterprise and its employees.

Target: Social protection of students, their development, upbringing, education.


- ensuring social protection of the rights of minors;

- prevention of crime and deviant behavior of students, negative family education;

- strengthening the coordination of preventive and preventive activities of all departments solving this problem;

- increasing the level of educational and preventive work with adolescents in an educational institution through interaction with the Children's Supervision Committee and the Children's Education Center;

- organizing explanatory work among students and parents on issues of law and order and crime prevention;

- increasing students' self-awareness through various forms of events and promotions;

- development of a system of organized leisure and recreation for children" at-risk groups " during the holidays.

Preventive function.

- studying the conditions of child development in the family, at school, determining the level of his personal development, psychological and physical condition, social status of the family;

- legal, psychological, pedagogical education of parents, teachers,

Protective and security function.

- creation of a data bank of families about problems and conflict situations;

- preparation of documentation for pedagogical councils, to represent the interests of children in government and law enforcement agencies;

- individual conversations, group classes with participants in conflict situations, ensuring contact of children with parents and teachers in the event of a conflict

Organizational function.

- organization of group thematic consultations with the invitation of lawyers, psychologists, doctors, and KDN inspectors.

- providing individual consultations with parents, teachers and students.

- contact with local authorities and municipal services on social protection of family and childhood with law enforcement agencies, with public organizations.

- organization of leisure and recreation through communication with children's associations and institutions of additional education.






Preparation of analyzes and reports on the work done.

May, as needed

social teacher

Drawing up a work plan for the year.


social teacher

Participation in seminars, holding consultations.

as needed

social teacher

Participation in meetings, meetings, pedagogical councils.

according to plan

social teacher

Processing, analysis, generalization of activity results, interpretation of the results obtained.

as work progresses

social teacher

Work on requests from the administration, ODN, KND and ZP, students, parents, teachers.


social teacher

Celebration of the month« Dysfunctional family»


social teacher

Interaction with social service specialists to take measures for the social protection of students.

on request

deputy according to BP

Drawing up a card index« Social class passport»:

- collecting data by class for a social passport;

- briefing class. managers for reporting data on children and families at social risk;

- providing assistance to class teachers in collecting and analyzing materials from social cards of students at social risk.


social teacher

Diagnosis of characteristic behavioral characteristics of students, diagnosis of the social environment of students (family, social circle, interests and needs)


class teachers

Correction of the data bank and compilation of a list of children by social status:

  • Single-parent families
  • large families,
  • Low-income families
  • dysfunctional families,
  • Orphans,
  • Students who are registered in ODN and VSHU,
  • Disabled children.
  • Children in care


social teacher

Until 05.09

social teacher class teachers

deputy Director of HR

Participate in the work of class teachers’ educational activities, prepare speeches:

- Working with students" at-risk groups ", troubled teenagers

- Working with students on various types of registration (Why and how they register, the procedure for deregistration, working with students during registration)

- Working with children with deviant behavior.





social teacher

Participate in the work of the district control committee and labor force.

as needed

social teacher

Organizing a charity collection of items, stationery for students in need.



class teachers

1-11 grades.

school administration

Involving students in clubs, sections and other creative associations of children at school.


heads of circles and sections.

class teachers

deputy Director of VR

social teacher

Monitoring the employment of students on various types of registration during the holidays




social teacher

Speech at school-wide parent meetings and classroom hours, meetings of Prevention Councils.

on request

social teacher

Analysis of the work done

according to plan

social teacher


Correction of the data bank on difficult-to-educate students:

- studying the individual characteristics of children;

- study of social and living conditions;

- study of children's society.


social teacher

Individual conversations with students enrolled in the High School.


Conducting class hours on analyzing problem situations:

- Responsibility for violating the rules of conduct at school and in the classroom. School charter.

- We resolve conflicts in a civilized manner.

as needed

social teacher


- Legal responsibility,

- Stay of minors in in public places unaccompanied by adults.


social teacher

Inform parents about the temporary registration of their children.


social teacher

Keep records of the progress of students standing at the high school at the end of each quarter (conversations with the student, parents and class teacher).

1 time per quarter

social teacher

Keep records of offenses and crimes at school.

during a year

social teacher

Individual work with difficult-to-educate students and families to analyze emerging problem situations.


social teacher


Listen to students registered at:

- school prevention council,

- MO of class teachers.


social teacher

Home visits to registered students, conversations with their parents, establishing the causes of deviant behavior

as needed

class teachers psychologist

Help children organize their free time.


social pedagogue psychologist

class teachers

Compile a socio-psychological profile of registered students.

as needed

social pedagogue psychologist

class teachers

Identification of problems of adaptation of students and correction of antisocial behavior of adolescents.


social pedagogue psychologist

class teachers

Registration, interviews with class teachers, collection of characteristics, counseling based on the results of observation of students from" at-risk groups ".


class teachers, social teacher


according to plan


Study of psychological characteristics of personality



social teacher

Attendance at classes and lessons

as needed

social pedagogue psychologist

Visiting students at home

as needed

class teachers, social pedagogue psychologist

Exercising strict control over student attendance at school" at-risk groups " and students enrolled in high school

class teachers, social teacher

Conducting a meeting of the Prevention Council in order to prevent minors from vagrancy, committing illegal acts, and hooliganism.

1 time per month

social teacher

Conducting testing of problem students in order to determine individual characteristics and personal orientation;

finding out the reasons and problems of the student

as needed


Student Engagement" at-risk groups " and those participating in school-wide activities and events at the Higher School of Management, etc.

continuously throughout the academic year

class teachers, social teacher


Make changes and additions to the file of disadvantaged families.


Conduct individual conversations with parents:

- about the responsibilities for raising and maintaining children,

- about family relationships,

- about living conditions and their role in education and training.


social teacher

Visit disadvantaged families at home.

according to plan and

as needed

social teacher, class teachers, school inspector

Listen to parents about the upbringing, education, and financial support of children

- at the Prevention Council,

- at KDN meetings


social teacher, class teachers.

International Family Day.

Conversations, cool watch.

deputy Director of VR

social teacher class teachers

Provide assistance in organizing

- keeping children busy during the holidays,

- providing free trips to sanatoriums and camps during the holidays,

- free food,

- activity in free time.


social teacher

psychologist class teachers senior organizer

Assistance in organizing summer recreational activities for children.

April May

class teachers, social teacher

Parent lecture:

- Law, family, child (moral and legal education of children in the family).

- Raising a healthy child in the family,

Child and street.

- A teenager in a world of bad habits.


social teacher


Visiting children under guardianship at home, drawing up acts and reports.

October, January

social teacher

Invitation of children's parents" at-risk groups " to a meeting of the School Prevention Council, for individual conversations.

according to plan and

as needed

Interview with parents who avoid raising teenagers;

Familiarization with the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Issuing an official warning to them about their responsibility for raising and educating children

continuously throughout the academic year

class teachers, social teacher, school administration


Introducing students to the school charter, their responsibilities and rights.


class teachers of grades 1-11

Conduct meetings with law enforcement officials.


social teacher, school administration

Operation "School"


social teacher, school administration

Conduct discussions with students during class hours on the following topics:

- Petty hooliganism, damage to someone else's property, liability.

- Responsibility for not attending school, missing classes without good reason.

- Responsibility for violating the rules of conduct at school and in the classroom.

- Fighting and obscene language are punishable offenses.

- The ability of a minor to exercise his rights and bear responsibility.

according to plan

social teacher inspector ODN

class teachers


Meeting of the MO of class teachers:

- moral education of students,

- the role of the class teacher in increasing the level of development of the class team and the education of each student

- universal human values ​​and their place in education.




social teacher


Deputy Director for HR

Individual consultation on the problem that has arisen

as needed

class teachers, social teacher

Joint activities with children"at-risk" and "difficult" children

during a year

class teachers, social teacher

Collaboration on the program« Individual psychological and pedagogical support in educational process children with deviant behavior».

during a year

class teachers, social teacher

Joint visits to families to study social and living conditions.

as needed

class teachers social teacher



Chairman of the Commission for Acting Affairs Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 1

minors and protection of their rights _________________D.P. Yarkov under the administration of the Moscow Region "_____"________20___

"Maikopsky district"

Fedoseev A.Zh.

With the Commission on Minors' Affairs and Protection of Their Rights.

for the 2017-2018 academic year.


Improving the system for preventing child neglect and homelessness,

Increasing the effectiveness of efforts to prevent child abuse,

Prevention of crime and delinquency among minors.


Create effective system socio-psychological support for children and adolescents at risk;

Involve parents in the educational process;

Promote social rehabilitation, adaptation of children and adolescents, protection of their lives and health;

Conduct ongoing preventive work to prevent crime among school students;

Increase the legal culture and socio-pedagogical competence of parents;

Cooperate with services and departments to solve problems of neglect and delinquency among children and adolescents;

Carry out work to improve the educational function of the family and ensure the adjustment of education in the families of individual students;

Carry out measures to provide comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, medical, social, socio-legal support, provide leisure and recreation for children and adolescents in a socially dangerous situation.




Identification of dysfunctional families; children from families at risk, as well as children who systematically miss school for unexcused reasons.


Studying the situation in these families, examining the living conditions of minors, drawing up inspection reports.

Social teacher

September (as needed)

Adjustment of the database and compilation of a list of children by social status (large families, single-parent families, in difficult life situations, dysfunctional families, families at risk, children of unemployed parents, families with children under their care, children with disabilities)


Adjusting the data bank of children on all types of registration, identifying their interests, needs, difficulties in learning, employment outside of school hours.


Maintaining individual student cards and a log of work with children.

Social teacher


Involving at-risk students, registered students, and children with deviant behavior in clubs, sports clubs, and school events.


Familiarization of students and parents with the school Charter, rules of conduct for students, uniform requirements At school.

Class teachers.


Providing all possible assistance in the upbringing, training, and organization of recreation for at-risk students, registered students, and children with deviant behavior.

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Participation in conflict resolution.


Conducting individual conversations with students, classes, classes with training elements.

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Conducting a survey.

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Organization of cycles of conversations for parents and children (on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, instilling sanitary and hygienic skills; on gender and age characteristics of development; on the prevention of drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism)

Social teacher, educational psychologist, class teachers

KDN staff


Providing assistance in organizing children's recreation during the holidays.

Social teacher


Participation in promotions and sports competitions.

Social teacher


Meetings of the Prevention Council.

Members of the Prevention Council

Monthly as planned.

Consultation with class teachers on working with children and deviant behavior.

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Monitoring the attendance and performance of at-risk students, registered students, and children with deviant behavior.


Participation in school-wide parent meetings.

Participation in school-wide parent meetings with the invitation of KDN staff.

Social teacher, educational psychologist

Once every quarter as planned.

Participation in round tables, seminars, events.

Social teacher


Joint holding of round tables, discussions, lectures with the invitation of KDN employees.

Social teacher


Conducting joint raids on disadvantaged families and families at risk.

Social teacher

KDN staff

September-May (as planned and as needed)

Participation in KDN meetings, provision of necessary information, reports, characteristics.

Social teacher


Conducting thematic classes and discussions.

Social teacher, educational psychologist, class teachers.


Month for the Prevention of Negative Phenomena.

Deputy Director for VR

Departments of the prevention system.


Deputy VR Director ____________________________ Peshkova T.N.

Social teacher ____________________________ Shustova N.Yu.

Executive Secretary of KDN and ZP ________________________ Chernyshenko E.N.



Head of Education Department Acting Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 1

Administration of the Moscow Region _______________ Yarkov D.P.

"Maikopsky district"

Rotova E.P.

Joint work plan of MBOU secondary school No. 1

With guardianship and trusteeship authorities for the 2017-2018 academic year.


● creation of an integral system of moral, social, psychological and legal support for each child in solving school problems;

● ensuring and protecting the constitutional rights of minors to receive basic general education and legitimate interests of other participants in the educational process;

● establishment of the school as an institution for gaining experience of democratic behavior and interaction.


● improving the system for increasing the level of legal literacy of students, teachers and parents;

● interaction between an educational institution and a family in order to form a civic position and legal self-awareness of participants in the educational process;

● creating conditions for the active participation of children in solving issues that matter to them;

● carrying out information, educational and educational work to prevent violence against minors.




Continue work to identify children and adolescents left without parental care. Clarification and adjustment of the list of children under guardianship.

Class teachers, social teacher.


Compiling a list of children from large, single-parent families, at-risk families, dysfunctional families, socially dangerous and socially vulnerable families.

Social teacher, class teachers.


Studying the situation in families, examining the living conditions of minors, drawing up inspection reports.

Social teacher

October, March.

Working with foster families to identify early disadvantage.

Social teacher


Identifying facts of child abuse.

Social teacher, educational psychologist, class teachers


Carrying out medical examination children in care.



Identifying interests, needs, and learning difficulties of children and adolescents under their care.

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Involving students in clubs, sports clubs, and school events.

Social teacher, educational psychologist, class teachers


Providing all possible assistance in the upbringing, training, and organization of recreation for wards.

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Participation in resolving conflicts with wards and timely provision of social support to them.

Social teacher, educational psychologist, class teachers.


Conducting individual interviews with students and guardians.

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Consulting guardians on issues of education, creation favorable climate in the family, protecting the rights of children under guardianship

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Conducting surveys, individual classes, classes with training elements.

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Providing assistance in organizing recreation for children under their care during the holidays.

Social teacher


Providing assistance in drawing up reports for guardians on the expenditure of guardianship benefits and pensions.

Social teacher, guardians.


Consultation with class teachers on working with children under guardianship.

Social teacher, educational psychologist


Monitoring the attendance and progress of supervised children.

Social teacher, class teachers


Conducting lectures, conversations, seminars with the participation of specialists from the Department of Education for Guardianship and Trusteeship on the topics:

Legal literacy,

Responsibility of parents for raising children.

Specialists of the Department of Education for guardianship and trusteeship


Conducting conversations, parent meetings, teacher councils on the prevention of abuse and suicidal behavior.

Social teacher, educational psychologist

September-May (as planned)

Preparation of materials for presentation to court and participation in court hearings.

Social teacher


Summing up results, drawing up reports, drawing up a work plan for the next year.

Social teacher


Social teacher ____________________ Shustova N.Yu.




Work plan

Council for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

for the 2017-2018 academic year

Goal of the work:

a comprehensive solution to the problems of crime prevention, neglect and drug addiction among school students, the formation of law-abiding behavior, legal culture, social adaptation and rehabilitation, protection of the rights of the child.

Job objectives:

  • organize interaction between subjects of the prevention system in solving problems of minors;
  • create conditions for successful social adaptation minors, the disclosure of their creative potential and life self-determination;
  • organize social patronage for children and adolescents and (or) their families considered at the meeting of the Council;
  • provide targeted socio-psychological and legal influence on the behavior and activities of children and adolescents of an educational institution.



Areas of work



1. Approval of the work plan for the year.

2.Updating and adjusting the “data bank”, updating the composition of social groups, drawing up a social passport for each class

3.Working with students who have not started classes.

4.Work according to the ideas of class teachers.

5. Formation of a data bank of children at risk.

6.Carrying out the month “Dysfunctional Family”.

Identification of families who find themselves in a socially dangerous situation, dysfunctional families.

7.Meeting of the Prevention Council

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Class teachers


2. Involvement of “at-risk” children in sports sections and clubs.

3. Monitoring the behavior of registered students.

4.Conversations on formation and propaganda healthy image life among students.

5.Identification of children prone to crime.

6.Meeting of the Prevention Council

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Teacher psychologist

Class teachers


1. Work with students who have not started classes in the 2nd quarter.

3. Monitoring the attendance and progress of “at-risk” students.

4. Conversations on crime prevention.

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Teacher psychologist

Class teachers


1. Work with students who have absences from classes without good reason, and their parents.

2. Work with underachieving students based on the results of the 1st half of the year.

3.Report on work with students at the High School.

4. Conversations on the prevention of bad habits.

5.Meeting of the Prevention Council

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Teacher psychologist

Class teachers


1. Work with students who have not started classes in the 3rd quarter and their parents.

2.Working with students with deviant behavior according to the ideas of their class teachers. Individual conversations.

3. Report on the work done for the 1st half of the year.

4. Meeting of the Prevention Council

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Class teachers


1.Working with students who violate the rules of conduct at school.

2. Working with students who have absences for unexcused reasons and unsatisfactory grades.

3.Meeting of the Prevention Council

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Class teachers


1.Final meeting on working with students who are unsuccessful in the 3rd quarter.

2.Work according to the ideas of class teachers.

3.Working with students under guardianship.

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Class teachers


1.Preliminary summer employment of registered students.

2. Work with students who have not started classes in the 4th quarter.

3. Conversations on the prevention of crimes and delinquencies.

4.Meeting of the Prevention Council

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Class teachers


1.Work according to the ideas of the class teachers.

2. Report on the work of the Prevention Council for the academic year.

3.Organization of summer work and recreation for children

4.Meeting of the Prevention Council

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Teacher psychologist

Class teachers

During a year

Place under the control of the Prevention Council:

  1. Consideration of offenses committed by students (as necessary)
  2. Conducting raids to check the living conditions of students at risk (once a year)
  3. Review of student behavior and performance as reported by class teachers and subject teachers (as needed)
  4. Organizing lectures for school students together with a traffic police inspector, a narcologist, a psychologist (according to the work plan)

Deputy Director

Social teacher

Class teachers


“I approve” “Agreed”

And about. Director of MBOUSOSH No. 1 Acting Head of the Municipal Formation

Yarkov D.P. "Tula rural settlement"

Kshnyakov A.A.

PLAN of joint events

on the prevention of crimes and delinquency among minors.

Goal: a comprehensive solution to the problem of preventing neglect and delinquency of children and adolescents, their social rehabilitation in modern society.


Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children and adolescents;

Reducing juvenile crime;

Prevention of neglect and homelessness of minors;

Ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children without parental care;

Social and psychological assistance to disadvantaged families;

- coordination of the activities of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency;

- identification and suppression of cases of involvement of minors in the commission of crimes and antisocial actions.






Formation and verification of the database:

Number of children aged 6 to 15 years who are not in school.

List of children registered in the Children's Children's School, the Children's School at the High School, the "risk" group.

Low-income, large, single-parent families.

Guardian children.

Disabled children.

Families with refugee status.

Social teacher


Continue the formation and adjustment of the data bank and its timely replenishment for identified families who are in a socially dangerous situation and in need of state support, dysfunctional families where parents do not fulfill their responsibilities in raising and educating children, negatively influence their behavior, or abuse them.

Social teacher


Drawing up a plan for joint activities of the MBOU secondary school with the ODN, KDN, guardianship and trusteeship authorities, and the village administration for the prevention and prevention of delinquency and juvenile crimes.

Social teacher, deputy director for VR


Meetings of the Prevention Council and participation in meetings of the Control Committee.

Social teacher


Analysis of the state of crime and delinquency, identification of causes and conditions conducive to the commission of crimes and neglect among minors.

Social teacher


Carrying out the month “Dysfunctional Family”.

Social teacher

Together with the village administration, the ODN inspector.


In order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of children and adolescents under guardianship and trusteeship, checking their living conditions, drawing up acts, reports, providing them with social rehabilitation assistance.

Social teacher


Constantly conducting raids to check dysfunctional families with minor children.

As needed

Social teacher

together with the village administration, ODN inspector, and KDN employees.


Raids on places where young people gather.

Social teacher

Together with the village administration, ODN inspector, and KDN employees.


Carrying out the annual campaign “Operation School”. Day of legal knowledge.

Social teacher

With the involvement of various specialists: KDN, ODN, prosecutor’s office, narcologist, Cossacks.


A study of the leisure time of minors who are members of the High School, in the department of emergency services, the police department, and the Children's Committee for Children from Disadvantaged Families. Ensuring the involvement of this category of minors in the activities of clubs and sections.

Social teacher, class teachers.


Organization of employment for teenagers during the holidays.

(vacation time)

Social teacher, class teachers.


Conducting individual preventive work with students enrolled in various types of accounting. Maintaining individual cards.

Social teacher, psychologist, class teachers.


Conversations “Ways of effective communication”,“Make happiness with your own hands!”, “Conflicts in life modern man", "Prevention of abuse in the family."

Educational psychologist


Involving “at-risk” children and troubled teenagers in classroom and school-wide events.

Social teacher, deputy director for VR, deputy director for circle work, class teachers.


Conversations “Types of drug addiction”, “Smoking mixtures. Mixes”, “Health is more important than anything else”.



Conversations, round tables, parent meetings with the invitation of specialists from the Central District Hospital, ODN, KDN, prosecutor's office: “Risk Factors”, “The Phenomenon of Extremism and Terrorism among Youth”.

Social teacher.


Conversations, class hours: “The concept of legal responsibility”, “The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation”, “My rights and obligations”, “Safe space”, “Rules of conduct on the roads”

Social teacher, class teachers, ODN inspector, traffic police inspector, KDN, village administration.


Individual conversations, consultations with students from the “risk group”

Social teacher, psychologist, ODN inspector.


Regular meetings of the Crime Prevention Council.


Members of the Prevention Council.


Working with students who regularly violate discipline at school.

Social educator, deputy director for VR, psychologist.


World AIDS Day. Conversations, classes, promotions.

Social educator, narcologist.


Sports competitions, competitions for difficult teenagers, passing GTO standards.

Physical education teachers, village administration, social worker, youth department.


Action plan for the prevention and prevention of child suicide

among children and adolescents for the 2017-2018 academic year.


- prevention of suicide cases among children and adolescents through the formation of positive adaptation to life.


-Identification of children in need of immediate help and protection and provision of emergency first aid, ensuring the safety of the child, relieving stress.

-Studying the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of each student, families, with the aim of timely prevention and effective solution of problems arising in the mental state, communication, development and learning and social status of the teenager and family.

-Creation of a support system for children, adolescents and families who find themselves in difficult life situations.

-Attracting various government agencies And public associations to provide assistance and protect the legal rights and interests of the child.

-Inculcation of existing social norms of behavior in society, the formation of children's charity, the development of value relations in society.

-Formation in children and adolescents of a positive self-image, uniqueness and originality not only of one’s own personality, but also of other people.



carrying out



Approval of the PMPK work plan for the year.

social teacher


Identification and recording of children prone to suicide. Maintaining personal cards.

during a year

social teacher



Participation in the month “Dysfunctional Family”

social teacher


Identification of disadvantaged children and families. Making lists.

during a year

social teacher class teachers



Working with students from “at-risk” families, disadvantaged families, conducting comprehensive parental education:

- “Relationships with parents and adults.”

- “Problems of adolescence”;

- “Behavior in a conflict situation. Conflict resolution through joint

decision making".

- “Protecting children from negative influence online communities, groups in social networks"

during a year

social teacher class teachers



Home visits to disadvantaged families.

according to plan and as needed

social teacher class teachers



Individual conversations with students who find themselves in difficult life situations.

during a year

social teacher class teachers



Regulating relationships and conflict situations among students. Suppression of all cases of hazing.

social teacher, class teachers



Participation in seminars on the problem of suicidal behavior in children and adolescents.

1 time per year

social teacher



Design of exhibitions, stands, production of information posters promoting the value of human life

during a year

social teacher class teachers



Conducting “Psychological Health Week”

social teacher class teachers



Carrying out One lesson security on the Internet.

computer science teachers


Celebration of Children's Legal Aid Day

Deputy Director for VR


Conducting an essay competition “I love you, life”

teacher of Russian language and literature


Participation in an interdepartmental round table

Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance


Participation in the republican competition for the best methodological development on organizing the prevention of suicidal behavior in children and adolescents



Conduct conversations, classes, classes on suicide prevention:

"Prevention of abuse in the family"

“Prevention of conflict in adolescents”

"Children's helpline";

« Aggressiveness, insecure behavior and behavior with confidence.”

"Negative emotions and how to cope with anger."

“Criticism, critical attitude skills.”

"Ability to make decisions."

“I am special and I respect myself.”

"How to make friends."

“Tolerance is the path to peace”;

“Happy family, family and family values”;

social teacher class teachers



Participation in events aimed at:

-formation of healthy lifestyle,

-implementation of the GTO complex,

Participation in mass sports, physical education and recreational activities.


Meeting of the Moscow class teachers

“Prevention of family dysfunction and suicidal behavior in children and adolescents.”

according to plan

social teacher



Carry out diagnostics:

-level of conflict

-level of aggression

- level of anxiety

according to plan


social teacher


Drawing up characteristics, conducting surveys, monitoring.

according to plan

social teacher



Organization of work with students during the holidays

Deputy Director for VR

social teacher class teachers


Speech at meetings of the Prevention Council, meetings, parent meetings:

-Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Article 117 “Torture”, Article 110 “Incitement to suicide”, Articles 131-134 on crimes of a sexual nature);

-Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Article 164 “On the rights and responsibilities of parents”);

-UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (Articles 6, 8, 16, 27, 28, 29, 30);

-regulatory documents on the prevention of neglect and crime against n/l, on the protection of their rights, etc.

Deputy Director for VR

social teacher


International Family Day


Deputy Director for VR

social teacher class teachers


Immediate reporting to the Department of Children's Education, the Department of Children's Education, the Department of Education (guardianship department) about facts of violence against a child by parents or other adults.

during a year

social teacher


Chapter 1. The concept and essence of social planning

Chapter 2. Social planning at the national level

Chapter 3. Social planning at the regional level

Chapter 4. Social planning in enterprises


List of references


On modern stage In its development, Russia continues to face various social problems. These include unemployment, the spread of alcoholism and drug addiction, uncontrolled migration and other consequences of social and economic reforms.

As the main subject of governance, the Russian state must solve current problems in the social sphere. It carries out its functions through government bodies. One of these functions is social planning.

Social planning can be classified as one of the four main functions of government, which also include organization, motivation and control.

Taken together, they make it possible to purposefully and systematically manage the social sphere, systematically, taking into account the future, to apply various methods and current regulation instruments.

Social planning is the main socio-economic basis of the normal budget process; it allows us to more accurately determine the role of the budget in the social development of the country and region, specific sources of budget revenues and directions of budget expenditures for all items of budget classifications, which determines the relevance of our work.

To carry out social planning, certain conditions must be present. Firstly, the system of state regional management must be able not only to develop plans, but also to ensure their implementation. Secondly, a modern information base is needed. All this is present in the Russian Federation.

But now it is necessary to take a closer look at social planning in order to confirm that it belongs to the functions of public authorities.

Chapter 1. The concept and essence of social planning

Each state, caring about the prospects of its population, constantly plans and implements all kinds of social development programs. It is important in this process that the means and methods used in the social development of society correspond to its needs and requirements. In this regard, there is a need for a scientific validity, a system of criteria for social needs in a state or a certain region. All social changes must be tested for effectiveness and expediency. Social planning can provide such validity.

Social planning is a form of regulation of social processes in society related to the life of the population. The main task of social planning is to optimize the processes of economic and social development and increase socio-economic efficiency.

The object of social planning is social relations at all levels, including social differentiation, social structure; quality and standard of living of the population, including the level of real income in general and by social groups; quality and level of consumption; provision of housing, its comfort; provision of the population with the most important types of goods and services; development of education, healthcare, culture; determining the volume of these services provided to the population on a paid and free basis, etc.

Social planning since the mid-50s. XX century was the most important element of indicative planning in countries with developed market economies, and from the late 70s to the early 80s. In connection with the transition of these countries from indicative planning to program-targeted methods of regulation, social planning has become an important component of strategic national programs. An example is the five-year development plan of France, the five-year development plan of Japan, which are essentially the general concept of the country's socio-economic development.

Extensive experience in social planning was accumulated in the USSR, but planning in those conditions was of a directive nature.

Social planning has a multi-level nature: national, regional, enterprise (company) level.

Social planning focuses on the technical process of solving social problems. The core of this model, which relies on programmatic development, is a rational, carefully planned and controlled process of change designed to provide services to members of a society or a specific territorial body.

Since planning is both a science and an activity, the method must be understood not only as a method of implementation, but also as a way of developing programs or tasks.

General planning methods are characterized by what objective laws of social development the possible ways of achieving goals are based on, what they are aimed at and in what organizational forms they are embodied.

For a long time, the leading method of planning was the balance sheet, which arose as a way to ensure connections between the needs of society and its capabilities with limited resources. Currently, methods related to the existence of market relations are coming to the fore, when it is especially important to see the social consequences of decisions made, to be able to coordinate the interests of all participants in the transformation, providing them with favorable conditions for the manifestation of creative activity.

The scientific nature of social planning largely depends on the use of the normative method. Its requirements serve as the basis for compiling indicators of social development at various levels of social organization of society. It is the standards that make it possible to carry out calculations and justify the reality of planned targets, and to determine guidelines for the development of many social processes.

The analytical method combines analysis and generalization. Its essence boils down to the fact that during planning, social progress is divided into its component parts and on this basis the directions for implementing the intended program are determined.

The method of options is becoming increasingly important, the essence of which is to identify several possible ways to solve social problems in the presence of the most complete and reliable information possible. Its variety is the method of variant approximations: first, on the basis of the available initial data, a possible path is determined in the order of the first approximation, and then successive refinements are made. The use of this method is associated with the search for the optimal solution to a particular social problem, with the correct choice of priorities.

The integrated method is the development of a program taking into account all the main factors: material, financial and labor resources, performers, deadlines. Its application requires compliance with the following requirements: determining the pace and proportions of development of the social process, its statistical and dynamic model and developing the main indicators of the plan.

In social planning, the problem-target method has become increasingly used, which is usually associated with solving key urgent problems of social development, regardless of their departmental affiliation.

A social experiment has received wide recognition, during which the mechanism of action of objective laws and the features of their manifestation on the basis of one or more social institutions are clarified. The conclusions obtained help to correct the course of development of the planned process and test the predicted provisions and conclusions in practice.

Economic and mathematical methods occupy an important place in social planning. This name is in a certain form conditional. In reality, we are talking about quantitative analysis using the planning methods already listed above. Mathematical methods do not cancel social analysis, but rely on it and, in turn, influence its further improvement.

Currently, quantitative analysis relies on methods such as linear programming, modeling, multivariate analysis, game theory, etc. But all these formal-logical quantitative procedures are assigned the role of a specific tool necessary for solving various problems.

In planning theory and methodology, it is important to be able to apply quantitative characteristics. After all, formal logic (and mathematics, respectively) is a means of obtaining new knowledge. But the practical implementation of this knowledge requires not only truth in the mathematical sense, but also the correct interpretation of the results. Only through the integrated use of these planning methods with the help of quantitative analysis is it possible to develop an optimal solution. Quantitative analysis must always be compared with common sense so that there is no absolutization of quantitative characteristics. Thus, quantitative analysis and economic and mathematical tools play an important, but not self-sufficient role in planning. They need constant development and improvement, in constant correlation of their results with social goals society.

As we know, the essence of the state is manifested in its functions, which are the main directions of the state’s activities. The functions of government bodies are divided into internal (economic and organizational, cultural and educational, regulation of production and consumption, protection of all forms of property, law and order, nature and environment, fight against crime, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, etc.) and external (struggle for peace and peaceful coexistence, commonwealth with other countries, defense of the homeland, sovereignty and independence of the state, state participation in international humanitarian, cultural ties, etc.).

Social planning can be classified as internal functions, since it simultaneously promotes the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens, and also forms an economic and organizational system at all levels.

Social planning has its own objects and subjects.

The subject of social design (i.e. the one who carries out the design) are various media management activities, - both individuals and organizations, work teams, social institutions etc., setting as their goal an organized, purposeful transformation of social reality. A necessary feature of the subject of design is his social activity, direct participation in the design process.

The main subject of social management is the state. Thus, social planning is one of the management functions of the state.

The object of social design (i.e. where or on whom the design process is carried out) refers to systems, processes of organizing social connections, interactions included in project activities, exposed to the influence of design subjects and serving as the basis for this influence. These can be objects of a very different nature:

1) a person as a social individual and a subject of the historical process and social relations with his needs, interests, value orientations, attitudes, social status, prestige, roles in the system of relations;

2) various elements and subsystems of the social structure of society (work collectives, regions, social groups, etc.);

3) varied public relations(political, ideological, managerial, aesthetic, moral, family and everyday life, interpersonal, etc.).

In a broad sense, the objects and subjects of social planning are the entire totality of people in society, which is not a homogeneous mass. This is a set of social communities, large social groups and classes, representing the entire palette of social stratification structure.

Another important proof that social planning is a significant function of government is that it is inherently complex, which is achieved only at the level of action of government structures. This will require combining the efforts of both specialists from management subjects and representatives of science (from sociologists and economists, lawyers, political scientists, etc.). The state, represented by legislative and executive bodies authorities.

Chapter 2. Social planning at the national level

Legislative bodies, in carrying out their functions, have adopted a number of laws regulating social planning: for example, The federal law on “On minimum state social standards” dated June 11, 2003, “National standard of the Russian Federation Social services for the population Main types social services» GOSTSTANDARD OF RUSSIA Moscow GOST R 52143-2003.

Based current legislation Federal social development programs are being developed through social planning.

Also at the national level, forms of social planning are selected. Specific, or, as is now commonly said, that similar planning includes the formulation of a number of tasks, the execution of which is delegated to various state and public institutions.

Social planning in its essence is designed to determine the optimal timing for solving these problems. And, naturally, the more complex the problem, the longer it will take to achieve the goal. This time will be spent on theoretical justification of planning goals and on implementing the necessary measures to improve the social situation. The general period of social planning cannot be set initially; it is selected taking into account a set of qualitative and quantitative criteria. Targeted planning, although it has a number of advantages, is associated with some negative factors, including the frequent use of team methods, combined with ignoring scientifically based areas of social development.

If social processes are planned using indirect levers, then specific opportunities and needs are analyzed in detail. During the next stage, those elements are sought out that are not subject to social regulation by the state or society. They need to be quantitatively measured and their development options predicted. Then find probable ways to neutralize their negative impact on the social sphere and the consequences that have already emerged under their influence.

An example of the practical application of social planning can be given by the example of improving the system of providing social services. The system of social services that exists in Russia today is ineffective and extremely fragmented. Since social services are provided by institutions subordinate to a number of different ministries. They are financed from budgets different levels, and financing schemes differ significantly depending on the system of which budget fund manager this or that institution belongs to.

Almost no one is seriously assessing exactly what social services are needed in a particular region and in what quantities, but such an assessment is necessary.

To do this, you can use a system of targeted, specific planning. Tasks are set upon reaching a certain level of provision of social services. Based on the assigned tasks, working groups are created under the ministries. A program for providing mini-grants is being developed and implemented, designed to create and implement innovative social services for specific institutions providing social services. The developed program is transferred to regional social planning bodies: bodies local government and others.

Chapter 3. Social planning at the regional level

Social planning at the level of a territorial community aims to analyze social conditions, set goals and evaluate the activities of existing services for their improvement and the development of new institutions.

Social planning, together with local development and social activities, is considered one of the three key models of social work in local governments, aimed at balancing the living conditions of vulnerable groups of the population and achieving social stability.

The strategy of action within the framework of social planning comes from the fact that it is necessary to find facts that indicate the relevance of a particular problem for the population, and logically come to possible alternatives for solving these problems (by identifying appropriate services, programs and activities). The social planning model provides for: involving the public in identifying needs and ways to solve them, and in many cases, in implementing activities. It also includes assessing the needs of the region's population; assessment of the resources and capabilities of local authorities in general, existing social services and organizations; development of plans that meet the key principles of organizing the provision of services in the territorial unit and which are supported by the local authorities themselves; social contracting (social agreement), aimed at attracting public and private organizations to provide services for budgetary funds (in many cases), the client’s right to choose a social service.

All stages of social planning work are coordinated by local authorities, which also implement their functions. For example, it involves non-governmental organizations in social planning and implements the function of interaction with public associations.

Planning and initiation of social programs in the regions also includes determining the content of changes. TO key elements This process includes: the creation of an initiative planning committee, the election of a local coordinator or organizer; choice organizational structure which can ensure public participation: an advisory committee or supervisory board, working group or coalition, lead agency or organization, informal network, etc. As well as searching, selecting and attracting members for the organizational structure that will implement programs in the region; defining the goals and objectives of the program, assigning roles and responsibilities, and providing training.

Social planning at the regional level is that territorial bodies get the opportunity to independently choose a method for defining a social problem, what they should work on local authority. To achieve this, various methods can be used to attract the public to discuss development plans. settlement, namely:

In-depth interviewing of key people to identify specific issues to work on and build the basis for further consensus, creating an organizing committee;

Selective and/or complete surveys about attitudes towards a specific problem, which makes it possible to identify the main problems and possible ways their decisions;

The next stage of social planning is the development of plans (local social programs that take into account both the needs and resources of the region, the general vision of members of the municipality of certain social problems, the vision of local officials). Often local programs are regional organization federal social programs developed in the process of national social planning.

Social planning at the local level is classified according to the changes it makes to the lives of the population of the region when introducing social programs:

Passive planning (social programs being developed are aimed at maintaining the status quo, preventing possible or anticipated changes);

Reactive planning (developed social programs must satisfy identified social needs in the region);

Proactive, advanced planning (social programs are aimed at preventing social difficulties in the future);

Active planning (the goal of the programs is to achieve social justice in the future, a focus on significant changes in the system).

At the same time, these plans must reflect certain principles for the provision of social services at the local level and be subject to the local legislative framework, which regulates social standards.

Important principles include:

1. Refusal of the biological and adherence to the holistic approach (English whole - whole, holistic), i.e. such an approach, which involves treating users of social services not as pathological subjects, but first of all as individuals. According to this relationship, the provision of services should take place with the most complete consideration of all the needs of the individual.

2. Continuity of custody. This principle is to ensure

supporting service users at all stages of their lives, i.e. organizing schemes and programs according to the needs of people of each age group. The curator of one social service transfers the client at a certain stage to the curator of another organization.

2. Deinstitutionalization – narrowing the sphere of influence of social institutions.

3. Normalization (“social vaporization”) and integration into society. Based on the opinion that staying in closed institutions is undesirable for people with any type of pathology; Almost all persons, even those with persistent disabilities, can and should have, as far as possible, a normal and fulfilling life in society.

Social planning at the local level makes it possible to implement the economic functions of government bodies. Since it provides for the opportunity for members of the municipality to receive services in different organizations (diversification of social services), i.e. involving various representatives of social services in the implementation of local social programs, while saving budget funds.

In many European countries there is a so-called “contractual” system of relations between the state and non-government. government organizations. This means that from those organizations that have been issued licenses by the local government, certain categories of the population can be entrusted with social services. In Russia, spending on social programs has increased in recent years, which confirms the presence of state management in the country. If in the USA public management is a constantly modified function of the state, based on the federal budget, the federal contract system(FCC) and the federal tax system, then in Russia state management should also be based on similar mechanisms.

Chapter 4. Social planning in enterprises

Planning for the social development of work collectives constitutes the third level of social planning. Different kinds production teams require different methods when planning their development. The experience of social planning suggests that at the enterprise level it is most effective to use plans that are based on the principles:

Principle 1. The abilities and capabilities of each employee that influence the development of production and self-improvement must be taken into account first of all.

Principle 2. The effectiveness of social planning directly depends on the conditions created at the enterprise or organization for workers, individual advantages that they can receive in the distribution of material and intangible benefits. All resources and efforts made by the state should be combined to improve the standard of living of workers and the resources available to a particular region. No less important factor the implementation of this principle is the improvement of material and moral stimulation. In recent years, many proposals have been made and a number of experiments have been conducted to increase people's interest in the final results of their work.

Principle 3. Processes of human interaction with production organization, city or region (and, consequently, with the whole society) should not occur spontaneously, accidentally, spontaneously, but should be an expression of conscious activity.

The development of these principles and the implementation of social planning at the enterprise is helped by the system labor law Russian Federation. The formation of labor legislation also belongs to the primary functions of the legislative authorities.


When performing this work, the concept of social planning and its essence were considered. As a form of regulation of social processes, social planning belongs to the components of public administration. The latter, in turn, is the main function of the state.

The powers of the state are vested in the authorities. They implement the full scope of its functions, including social planning. Thus, they influence the work of many social institutions, implementing the internal economic and organizational functions of government.

Social planning is an integral competence of government authorities, since it affects the fundamentals of society and cannot be decided by anyone else.

The social planning system consists of national planning, regional planning and social planning in enterprise teams. Legislative authorities provide the legal framework for social planning. And executives, during planning, develop and monitor the implementation of social programs.

Federal social programs are also implemented at the regional level, where the municipality, carrying out social planning, adapts them to local needs and the needs of the population in the regions.

The provision of social services to the population may not be carried out by state organizations, but social planning is the prerogative of the state. Although the public is widely involved in it at the regional level to clarify current social problems and ways to overcome them.

List of references

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