Electronic state: problems of legal regulation

Electronic state is the implementation of Internet solutions and basic infrastructure for the provision of information resources and information services to individuals and legal entities by government agencies in order to ensure transparency in the work of the public sector and ensure interactive participation among the first persons in decision-making.

Types of states at different stages of development of human society:

- control state - pre-industrial society;

- the rule of law - an industrial society;

– welfare state – post-industrial society;

– electronic state – information society.

The purpose of the e-government is to ensure the interactive participation of individuals and legal entities and the transparent work of the public sector.

The implementation of the ideas of the electronic state is carried out through the creation of state websites that: a) exercise the right of citizens to information, and the subject is fully responsible for the information posted on this site; b) perform a communicative function.

Features of government websites

1) filing applications, registration, filing customs declarations;

2) the elimination of paper document circulation and the restructuring of state archives;

3) creation of a single center to control activities for the collection of personal information and their automated processing.

Today in the Russian system government controlled the program "Electronic Russia" is used, within the framework of which such projects as "Electronic government", "Telemedicine", "Distance education" have been developed. Gradually, a modern information system of public administration is taking shape, which mainly uses information technologies for public domination.

Vasilenko I.A. identifies the following main characteristics of public administration in the XXI century:

– development of public policy using information and communication technologies, political analytics and forecasting;

– development, implementation and evaluation of government programs using modern methods socio-political and socio-economic diagnostics, identification and recognition of images, aggregation of information and its computer processing (using methods of mathematical modeling of social processes in the development of management decisions at the local, regional and national levels);

- forecasting and taking into account in practice positive and negative trends in the development of social phenomena, developing measures to localize and eliminate shortcomings, identifying the needs for changes and innovations and taking practical steps to implement them;

– analysis, generalization and interpretation of social, political and economic indicators characterizing the state of the region, region, country;

– organizing and conducting empirical research to study socio-political and socio-economic processes in the region (region, country) to find optimal management decisions, making such decisions;

- the use of rational methods of searching, processing, storing and using the necessary social, political, economic and scientific information.

e-Government is the concept of public administration inherent in the information society. This concept is based on the possibilities of information and telecommunication technologies and the values ​​of an open civil society.

In many countries, "electronic government" is just being created, and in some countries it has been successfully functioning for a long time.

The US Electronic Government Act of 2002 consists of five sections (titles).

1. Electronic public service of administrative and budgetary management.

2. Federal Office of Electronic Public Service.

3. Information security.

4. Approval of appropriations and deadlines.

5. Protection of confidential information and reliability of statistics.

Goals of creating an electronic state:

1) ensuring interdepartmental cooperation;

2) development of the spread of e-government;

3) expanding the participation of citizens in public administration;

4) raising the level of awareness of decision makers;

5) reduction of costs and expenses for state structures;

6) access to reliable state information. The system of authorities exercising powers in the field of creation and functioning of the electronic state:

1) information agencies;

2) information officer;

3) council of senior officials on information (interdepartmental character);

4) department for e-state issues;

5) administration administrator (appointed by the president);

6) administrative and budgetary management;

7) director of administrative and budgetary department;

8) interdepartmental commission on state information.

However, today "electronic government", with rare exceptions, has not yet become a reality. There are more and more examples of "government on-line" (government on-line), which is inherently not identical to "e-government". "Government on-line" is a static government sites that rarely contain anything other than general information about the work of this government structure and contact numbers. The most advanced of them offer citizens a small number of electronic transactions, such as paying taxes.

Naturally, among specialists there are different points of view on the content of the concept of "electronic government". Let us consider only some of the interpretations of this term. Thus, e-government is defined as follows:

- organization of public administration based on electronic means of processing, transmitting and disseminating information, providing services to state bodies of all branches of government to all categories of citizens (pensioners, workers, businessmen, civil servants, etc.) by electronic means, informing citizens about work by the same means government agencies;

– information technologies in public administration;

- automated public services, the main functions of which are: ensuring free access of citizens to all necessary government information, collecting taxes, registering Vehicle and patents, issuing the necessary information, concluding agreements and formalizing the supply of materials and equipment necessary for the state apparatus. This can lead to a reduction in costs and savings of taxpayers' funds for the maintenance and financing of the activities of the state apparatus, an increase in the openness and transparency of the activities of government bodies;

- the use of new technologies in government bodies, including Internet technologies.

According to some experts, these definitions represent e-government rather as a way to modernize existing structures and services, and not as an independent idea of ​​a comprehensive transformation of the very principles of organizing government management. From this point of view, this approach is wrong, because in the first place it is not economically justified. E-government as a security state structures modern information technologies that implement traditional services means additional budgetary costs aimed at simple duplication in in electronic format off-line (off-line) activities. But there is another approach. In many countries, primarily in the US and the UK, e-government is seen rather as a concept aimed at improving the efficiency of the state as a whole.

Consider the main provisions of the concept of e-government on the example foreign experience.

In the public life of any country, there are three main subjects - the state, citizens and commercial organizations. Therefore, ideally, e-government should consist of three main modules: G2G (government for government) - government to government; G2B (government to business) - government to business; G2C (government to citizens) - government to citizens.

E-government contains online services for citizens and businesses on a single portal, electronic document management in government and parliamentary structures, a common database for different government structures to prevent duplication of information and repeated costs, often a closed specialized information network for intra-government transactions (for example, Govnet), an extensive information and telecommunications infrastructure, cryptography systems and other ways to protect information, including personal data, digital signature, electronic key, smart cards, other means of authorizing access to information and operations with it.

In this way, e-government enables government agencies to use new technologies to provide people with better access to government information and services, improve the quality of these services, and better participate in democratic institutions.

Speaking about the improvement of the public administration system, among the main achievements of "electronic government" are the following.

1. Possibility of "economical public administration". The savings from replacing paper information flows with electronic ones are enormous. The US government alone spends about a billion dollars a year to print a number of documents that are also published online. The main circulation - 30 million copies of the federal register, 1 million copies of verbatim records of hearings and 65 million copies of the presidential budget - is intended for officials with access to the Internet. Thus, most of this printed matter is sent straight to the capital's dustbins.

Another example. Electronic publication of telephone numbers, postal and physical addresses of employees public institutions allowed the State of Florida to save $295,000 a year on replication and distribution of paper reference books, and also to solve the problem of updating this information, 30% of which is out of date in a year (from edition to edition). Multiply that by 50 states and add in the federal government apparatus guide, and you have another source of huge savings.

The U.S. Code of Federal Employment and Fire Regulations weighs 1,000 pounds in print, and lists requirements for military-grade livers at 15 pages. The publication of all government documents on the web will help to reduce costs and make information more accessible at the same time. In addition, the electronic form is much better suited to complex specifications. The printed documentation for the state competition for the creation of a new cargo aircraft weighs 3.5 tons, and in electronic form it could easily fit on a couple of CDs.

By moving its key structures to the Internet, the government itself, without the participation of any of the external allies, could give citizens a powerful incentive to adopt the web lifestyle. If the state - usually the largest "enterprise" in any country - takes the lead in introducing new technologies, this will automatically raise the technical level of the entire national economy and give impetus to the development of the information market. By an administrative order or various benefits, it can induce all companies that have at least some relationship with it to take the necessary steps.

2. Saving time. For example, South Australia used to publish its 50-page official job listing with a circulation of 5,000 copies weekly. At the same time, announcements of a free place that had appeared reached the addressees with a delay by the time the booklet was replicated and distributed to several hundred offices scattered throughout the state, so that the deadline for accepting applications from applicants began taking into account the timing of their forwarding by regular mail.

Now the whole process is carried out in the automation system. electronic document management based on Microsoft Exchange software. First, information about opening vacancies goes to the personnel departments of government agencies and to a number of recruitment agencies in a privileged position. If it turns out that any of the government employees would like to transfer to the vacant position, the hiring manager will automatically receive a notification by e-mail and cancel the wide publicity of the announcement, so that no one will waste time offering their services in vain. And if there are no such applicants, the announcement will go to the press and the hiring manager will also receive notifications by e-mail about its publication indicating the names and numbers of newspapers. Thus, the state government expects not only to save 50-80% of its annual recruitment costs through the introduction of the new system, but also significantly reduce the time to fill vacancies while unconditionally observing the principle of equal opportunity, including for employees of remote offices of government agencies.

3. The possibility for government organizations to open their knowledge management and business accounting systems to the public. The German Federal Ministry of Finance is developing an electronic management system for archives of public records. The project provides for automatic routing, storage and publication of documents on closed or public web sites - depending on the signature.

Another example is the Massachusetts government competition system. Participation conditions, all documents that may be required for this, and subsequently information about the winners are published online. The result of the introduction of this system was not only a reduction in the cost of holding competitions, but also the emergence of various public organizations a real opportunity to purchase the goods they need at lower prices. As in most states, in Massachusetts, municipalities, village governments, and school districts can buy their products from manufacturers on the same terms as the government. In the paper world, however, it is almost impossible to find traces of "state" prices for most of the necessary goods. Now, any city agency or school can check out the state's best rate on the new system's Web site.

4. Opportunity for citizens to directly influence the adoption of managerial decisions. So, for example, in the case when a government structure is going to make changes to the procedure for providing certain service, it will be able to post information about the proposed changes to its policy on its website on the Internet and invite interested persons to express their opinion about this service and the proposed new policy. The feedback received can then be used to improve this policy.

5. Improving the quality of services provided by government organizations to citizens. The implementation of government services via the Internet will allow citizens to use them without leaving their homes. This will increase the flexibility, speed and availability of government services, and possibly reduce their cost.

6. The ability to receive integrated services, as different government organizations will be able to interact more effectively with each other. For example, as a result of an accident, a person needs to contact several different government organizations and in each state their situation and needs. If all these organizations had the opportunity to share information and integrate their services, a person would have to do all the required procedures just once.

7. Raise the level of public awareness, which will be able to receive up-to-date comprehensive information about government laws, regulations, policies and services. By making this information about all existing rules and regulations available on the Internet, people will be more able to engage in any activity, both personal and professional, safely and within the law.

Naturally, the implementation of such a large-scale concept is associated with overcoming many difficulties. In order to encourage citizen participation in government, the following points should be taken into account when developing ways to use information and communication technologies.

8. The possibility of dividing the population into those who have the skills and tools to use new technologies, and those who do not. If citizens are not armed and do not own equipment, then they are unlikely to be able to influence e-government in any way. E-government should bring people together, not divide them. Therefore, “electronic government” should be organized in such a way that, on the one hand, the usual ways of accessing government services for those who need them are preserved, and on the other hand, places of public access to the Internet are created and educational programs are operating, the task of which - help citizens to master new technologies.

As for the process of creating a government network infrastructure in the Russian Federation, it corresponds to the stages that all governments go through.

The first stage, which is characterized by the creation of initial "departmental interfaces", is almost completed. The vast majority of federal bodies The executive branch has created and steadily operates websites.

By order of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation prepared and approved the List of Regular Mandatory Information for Posting by Federal Executive Authorities in the Russian Segment of the Internet. The list requires mandatory placement of the following information:

- the official name of the federal executive body and official details (address, phone numbers of the reference service, e-mail address);

- regulation on the federal executive body;

- organizational structure of the federal executive body (leadership, structure central office, territorial authorities, subordinate institutions and enterprises);

- normative acts regulating the activities of the federal executive body;

- regulatory legal acts affecting the rights and obligations of citizens and organizations adopted by the federal executive authorities in accordance with their competence;

– information on the state of affairs in the industry (field of reference);

- information on federal targeted programs in the implementation of which the federal executive body participates, including information on the implementation of program provisions;

– daily information from the press service (public relations departments) on the activities of the federal executive body;

- details of public reception offices of the federal executive body (address, telephone numbers, procedure for working with citizens and organizations).

The above information must be provided in full, with the exception of information classified in accordance with the law as information with restricted access.

In the development of this List, the Department of Government Information developed in July 2001 "Recommendations for the creation and maintenance of the Internet site of the federal executive body", which take into account the experience in creating an "electronic" infrastructure by the leading governments of the world, detail many of the tasks and issues related to the development and maintenance of government websites.

The next stage is the deployment of an infrastructure on the Internet that provides users with possible services of a purely informational nature that work with the user in an external information loop.

Today, as part of the work to create an Internet portal of the Government of the Russian Federation, a more advanced infrastructure of the system for informing the public about the activities of the authorities is being formed. state power. We are talking about the creation of horizontally and vertically integrated government news resources, supported by the information departments of various federal departments and local authorities.

Within the framework of the government network information circuit, mechanisms are being created that support online departmental communities, primarily information departments of ministries and departments (press services or public relations departments), which are more ready than others to master new technologies of the Internet. ". As these network mechanisms and services are developed, experience and solutions can be transferred to other areas of the government control loop.

An infrastructure of network mechanisms for dialogue (interaction) between the government (departments) and citizens (communities) is being created in the form of specialized online forums on various socially significant problems. Forums can solve problems of supporting permanent expert communities. The portal contains a specialized interactive module that allows you to quickly support any dialog task.

Online services are being created for journalists and media editors. We are talking about creating a virtual accreditation system that provides journalists with online access to events held at the Government House, ministries and departments (which is especially important for regional media).

The portal will have a modern catalog of network resources of public authorities, providing a full-fledged search and other services. This is not only useful and convenient for users, but also allows you to monitor situations in the field of state network resources.

A reference and information database of government documents has been created for users, integrating the texts of more than 17 thousand government documents with interfaces, providing a convenient search.

It may be promising to develop a network government infrastructure that allows solving the problems of information support for the activities of the government, ministries and departments in non-standard (crisis, problematic) situations. New technologies make it possible to quickly create "virtual sites" for the task "," it is quite easy to administer them. But the most important thing is not to create additional off-line structures.

An infrastructure is being developed to support network projects for various government agencies, as well as an on-line system for training and vocational training civil servants.

Since 2002, the e-government project has been identified as a priority in the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)".

In particular, the Program includes the tasks of ensuring the information transparency of the activities of state authorities and the openness of state information resources for civil society, creating prerequisites for effective interaction between state authorities and citizens based on the widespread use of information and communication technologies. It is planned to implement a set of measures to increase the openness of state information resources not only at the federal, but also at the regional and local levels (through the introduction of information and communication technologies).

In order to accelerate the formation of an infrastructure for interactive interaction between citizens and public authorities, a single concept state policy in the development of the Russian segment of the infrastructure of payment cards and the use of electronic personal instruments v automated systems interaction between public authorities.

Undoubtedly, the implementation of this program will play an important role in the development of the Russian Federation as a democratic, "information" state.

Chapter 5. Legal regimes of information resources

  • Zakharova Anastasia Ivanovna, student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

The article is devoted to the problem of development of the system of electronic interactions between the state and the population.

  • Development of the legal system of electronic interactions between the state and the population
  • Development of a system of electronic interactions between the state and the population
  • Methodology of civil society and its interaction with the state
  • Integrated land policy as an object of political science research

In the 21st century, Russia set foot on new stage information development. Electronic communication systems are coming to the fore, the information and telecommunication network Internet is becoming widespread. The leading countries of the world, meanwhile, are already moving to an innovative path of development and are introducing electronic systems into all spheres of state life, including the provision of public services population, appears modern concept implementation of the so-called "electronic government" (e-government). There is such a thing as electronic interaction between the state and the population.

This scientific work is based on the research of A.F. Garifullina, who has a number of scientific papers on this topic.

Electronic interaction between the state and the population is a system of interaction between public authorities and the population, based on the widespread use of modern information technologies, including the Internet, to increase the availability and quality of public services, reduce the time for their provision, as well as reduce the administrative burden on citizens and organizations associated with their receipt.

Every year, information technology is becoming increasingly important in the activities of government bodies. It is IT that is aimed at reducing the "chasm" between the state and the population. This can be confirmed by the transition to an electronic municipality, which significantly reduces the time for the provision of state and municipal services, makes municipalities more accessible to citizens, and the very activities of local authorities more transparent.

The relevance of this topic today no one doubts. After all, the special role of information support for management and the provision of electronic information services was even noted by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin: “We need to save people from the need to go to offices, wring their nerves there in queues when you need to get elementary papers from BTI, social security, DES, passport offices and registries in polyclinics. In this regard, in the coming years we must completely rebuild the system for providing state and municipal services in electronic form. We are talking about information and service portals, integrated communication channels, departmental and regional data banks.”

In my opinion, the development of a system of electronic interaction between the state and society in Russia will depend primarily on the participation of the citizens themselves. There are two main problems that impede the development of civic participation in the development of the electronic state - the problems of access to technologies and the problems of access to information.

In modern legal science, there are several approaches to understanding the term "electronic state":

  • a system of state bodies that ensure the implementation of state policy in the field of informatization;
  • organization of state power based on the use of information and communication technologies;
  • organization of interaction between public authorities and society in order to provide public services and ensure the possibility of participation in the exercise of power by the population using information and telecommunication technologies.

The introduction of e-government implies that the activities of state bodies should be based on a powerful, efficient and secure electronic system both in their internal activities and in interaction with citizens. So that the databases of various departments are compatible and can exchange information, so that a citizen can apply from home Required documents, to state procurements were made through open electronic trading.

The role of the electronic state is to improve the mechanism of interaction between society and the state in order to resolve vital problems, simplify the procedures for the provision of public services and the exercise of power by the population, reduce the cost of maintaining the state apparatus, improve the quality of government decisions, ensure the principles of transparency and openness in exercise of power, increase the legal awareness of the population and ensure the exercise of power by the population through information and communication technologies, correspond to the face of modern information society. Undoubtedly, the formation of an electronic state in our country is a necessary step towards improving power and governance, ensuring the possibility of effectively combating corruption and paperwork in all government structures, maintaining Russia's position in the international arena in the field of information and communication technologies and electronic government.

as a percentage of the total number of organizations surveyed)

Organizations that have used:

personal computers

Computers of other types

local computer networks


global information networks

of which network:


including broadband access



Organizations that had a website on the Internet

Thus, we can conclude that the mechanism for creating electronic interaction between citizens and the state has been “launched”, the main steps towards ensuring the presence of authorities and information about their activities on the Internet have already been taken. Further, it is necessary to place special emphasis on creating conditions for the transition from the industrial model of the "big government" - centralized, hierarchical and operating in the material economy - to a new management model based on self-organizing inter-institutional cooperation networks that share knowledge and work in the "digital economy".


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  5. Federal State Statistics Service // access mode: http://www.gks.ru/
  6. IMPROVING THE MANAGEMENT OF THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM Musina A.F., Khatmullina L.R. In the collection: FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS OF SCIENCE Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Managing editor Sukiasyan A.A. 2015. P. 115-117.
  7. STATE SUPPORT OF INNOVATION IN THE REGION Minibayeva G.Kh., Khannanova T.R. In the collection: Innovative development of society in the period of modernization: economic, social, philosophical, political, legal patterns and trends materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 3 parts. Managing editor V.I. Dolgiy, A.I. Karpovich. 2014. S. 113-114.
  8. PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT FLOW AND THE WAYS OF THEIR SOLUTION Bessilina K.A., Knyazeva V.M., Shaposhnikova R.R. Economy and society. 2014. No. 1-1 (10). pp. 180-183.
  9. INFORMATION SECURITY Vakhitova E.Ya., Garifullina A.F. Economy and society. 2014. No. 1-1 (10). pp. 326-329.
  10. DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC RESOURCES IN LOCAL GOVERNMENT Garifullina A.F., Rakhimova I.K. Economy and society. 2014. No. 1-1 (10). pp. 390-391.
  11. ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT AS A FACTOR OF STATE MANAGEMENT Mukhametshin A.R., Garifullina A.F. In the collection: Management of a modern innovative society in the post-crisis period (economic, social, philosophical, legal aspects) Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Editorial Board: V.I. Long (responsible editor), A.E. Makhmetova, M.A. Eremeev. 2011. S. 52-53.
  12. THE ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN STATE AND MUNICIPAL GOVERNANCE Garifullina A.F., Minnegulova A.R. site. 2015. V. 2. No. 30. S. 6-8.
  13. THE ROLE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Rizvanova R.R., Garifullina A.F. In the collection: The development of information technologies and their importance for the modernization of the socio-economic system Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. 2011, pp. 143-144.
Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5

Development of a system of electronic interaction between the state and the population

Safin Ruslan G

This scientific work is based on the research of A.F. Garifullina, who has a number of scientific papers on this topic.
Electronic interaction between the state and the population is a system of interaction between public authorities and the population, based on the widespread use of modern information technologies, including the Internet, to increase the availability and quality of public services, reduce the time for their provision, as well as reduce the administrative burden on citizens and organization associated with them. .
In other words, this is a system for the provision of public services, by simplifying the processing of citizens' applications and providing them in the "one window" format. Electronic interaction between the state and the population is implemented through the introduction of the institution of "electronic government". "Electronic government" (e-Government) - Internet technologies that provide information interaction of authorities with the population and civil society institutions. .
By the middle of 2013, the backlog in the implementation of a large-scale plan for the transfer of federal, regional and municipal services to electronic rails on the EPGU + SMEV platform became chronic and was growing; as a result, this problem was specially considered at a meeting of the Government Commission on the introduction of information technologies in government bodies. Chairman of the Commission D. Medvedev expressed the opinion at the meeting that the transfer of services to electronic form can be accelerated by solving the following tasks.
  1. Formation of a unified federal structure for the provision of services, including both online and offline services. This structure means not only a single portal of public services, on which more than 4 million citizens are registered today, but also a network of multifunctional centers. At the time of the meeting, about 700 centers were created, by 2015 about 3 thousand will open. Another element is the branch network of the Russian Post, of course, subject to the modernization of the branches themselves, and there are more than 40 thousand of them, and the training of the relevant personnel to be ready for this job,
  2. A clear definition of the concept of “provision of services in electronic form”. Behind it should be not the web page of the relevant department, but “a normal, modern, full-fledged interface that would simplify communication with officials.” The interface should be understandable not only to “advanced” users, but also ordinary people, including the elderly, who, nevertheless, are trying to master electronic services.
  3. Creation of a system that allows receiving state and municipal services throughout the country, regardless of place of residence or stay.
The Russian government has renamed the Government Commission for the introduction of information technology in the activities of government bodies. Now it is called the Government Commission on the use of information technology to improve the quality of life and conditions of reference. entrepreneurial activity; at the same time, its powers have been significantly expanded.
At the first meeting of the renamed Government Commission of the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Economic Development - after discussing the situation with the slowdown in the development of the system for the provision of electronic services - it was concluded that it was necessary to develop, agree and approve the "Concept for the development of mechanisms for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form" (Minutes No. 1 item 4 p. 1 dated 09/19/2013). On October 16, 2013, the draft Concept was presented to the public for discussion on the website of the Ministry of Communications.
The concept sums up the previous development of e-government in Russia and sets tasks for the new period in order to optimize the most successful and proven solutions. However, the issues of semantic integration of ministries and departments, the creation of a truly unified information space of all levels of government, the implementation of seamless design technologies and the provision of electronic services, as it seems to the author, are not clearly reflected in it, which requires more detailed consideration and formulation of the requirements that are not in the Concept.
For 2016, among the priority tasks for optimizing e-government are:
  • improving the convenience and simplification of the use of electronic services on the gosuslugi.ru portal;
  • popularizing the benefits of receiving public services in electronic form;
  • improving the quality of the operation process to ensure availability electronic services for key departments at a level of at least 97 percent;
  • mass distribution of the system of pre-trial appeals against the quality of public services (do.gosuslugi.ru).
In addition, the portal plans to implement the ability to subscribe to electronic notifications on traffic police fines and enforcement proceedings; partially complete the optimization of business processes for 15 federal and 20 regional services in electronic form; develop an e-government infrastructure for interaction with non-governmental organizations.
In general, although electronic services in Russia are available, they are still quite difficult to mass application. It takes time for departments and regions to realize that electronic services are a combination of both technologies and new business processes, and take active steps to optimize them.
First of all, the user interface was simplified, which will increase the number of citizens who not only want to use electronic services, but also put them into practice, that is, they will receive the final result.
Secondly, the new version provides integration of a single password to the EPGU and the user's personal account with regional and departmental portals. So, for example, access to Personal Area taxpayer (for certain user accounts).
Thirdly, it will apply new technology"widgets" and "open platform" EPGU, in order to transfer electronic public services to trusted sites of departments and commercial organizations.
Thus, federal services will become available on a variety of portals, and not just on the public services portal. Since technologically access to third-party sites will pass through the public services portal, this will also significantly expand the audience of the portal.
From January 1, 2016, citizens have the opportunity to pre-trial appeal against decisions and actions taken by civil servants of federal executive bodies and state non-budgetary funds in the provision of public services. This can be done through the information system of pre-trial appeal, developed by us as part of the implementation of the state program "Information Society". The system is integrated into the e-government infrastructure and is represented by a separate portal at do.gosuslugi.ru.
The system will receive complaints filed directly through the websites of departments that provide public services, as well as through multifunctional centers for the provision of public and municipal services. The creation of this system will allow centralizing all methods of filing complaints, combining them into single register complaints of the Russian Federation, the conduct of which will strengthen control over their consideration. Now the process of connecting departments to the system is underway.
Today, the development of electronic interaction between the state and the population in Russia is in its infancy, so it is important to adopt any positive experience in this environment foreign countries and

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In the collection: Topical issues of education and science Collection scientific papers Based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 14 parts. 2014. S. 152-154.

Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of public services in the modern information society.

1.1. The role and place of the service sector in the modern development of society.

1.2. The system of regulatory legal regulation areas of public service provision.

1.3. Goals, objectives and features of administrative reform at the regional level.

Chapter 2. Study of factors and trends in the development of the system of public services.

2.1. The state of development of the service sector in the context of informatization.

2.2. Evaluation of the effectiveness of existing forms and methods of regulation of public services.

2.3. Study of rational foreign approaches to the provision of public services in Russian practice.

Chapter 3. Formation of an effective system for the provision of public services.

3.1. Methodology for monitoring official sites executive bodies state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and multifunctional centers in the performance of state functions.

3.2. Analysis of the content of official websites of multifunctional centers for the provision of public services.

3.3. Prospects for the development of the system for the provision of public services in the conditions of modern Russia.

Recommended list of dissertations

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  • State policy in the field of information technology: the experience of the Russian Federation 2012, doctor of political sciences Ustinovich, Elena Stepanovna

  • Development of administrative regulation in the context of reforming public administration 2012, doctor of economic sciences Keil, Yakov Yakovlevich

  • Political leadership in the development of public services at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation 2011, candidate of political sciences Shevchenko, Viktor Mikhailovich

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Development of the system for the provision of electronic public services to the population: on the example of the Kurgan region"

E-government is a single complex of technologically interconnected government information systems and elements of the information technology infrastructure, providing a new level of efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of public authorities.

Public services, in response to the expectations of citizens in obtaining high-quality and responsive services, are striving to improve their activities, using new technologies and various solutions that simplify relationship management and access to information. In addition, informatization is becoming an important component of optimizing processes within the state structures themselves, playing a special role in connection with the ongoing administrative reform in the country, the reform of the education system, pension and other reforms.

strategic goal e-government is a change in the relationship between government and society - improving the scope of services to the population and business, as well as expanding the degree of participation of all citizens in the processes of managing society and the state.

E-government as an effective tool of public administration solves numerous problems of information interaction - it helps to eliminate the bureaucratic barrier between the public service and the individual, improving access to public information resources, simplifying the receipt of necessary information and services.

Determining the principles and basic approaches for the transition to electronic services today is one of the key points in the development of a system for the provision of public services in electronic form.

As part of the implementation of administrative reform, analyzing the reasons for reforming the public sector in different countries, we can conclude that the incentive for administrative reform will be to increase the level of information and provision of services provided by the state in electronic form, the desire to reduce public spending, increase transparency in the work state and municipal authorities.

The administrative reform is a program for the modernization of the executive branch, affecting changes in its functionality, organizational structure, technologies of work, the nature of interaction with civil society.

The reform should not be seen as something imposed from above on civil society, but as an ongoing process that directly affects the improvement of management efficiency and the achievement of final results. Today, a systematic approach is needed to the provision of services to the population in an electronic version (form), involving the solution of organizational, economic, legal and a number of other issues.

Of particular relevance at present is the task of automating communication between citizens and the state in the provision of public services, obtaining a unique opportunity to interact with the state 24 hours a day in self-service mode, determining the quantitative characteristics of the public availability of information related to the provision of public services and the implementation of public functions on the basis of existing administrative regulations, as well as the availability of electronic interaction functions on the official websites of the executive authorities.

During the formation of centralized programs for the informatization of regional information systems, many of them are implemented within the framework of separate programs and have no connection with each other. Thus, information systems are closed to serve a limited range of tasks, and informatization processes in the regions are of a departmental nature.

In order to improve the quality of life of citizens when transferring public services to electronic form, it is necessary to form new mechanisms for intellectual and creative activity, identify the best foreign practices, improve the legal framework governing the procedures for the provision of public services, and constantly monitor the quality of services provided.

These circumstances determined the choice of the dissertation topic, determined its purpose, objectives, subject, object and research methods.

The purpose of the study is to develop forms and methods for developing interaction between the state represented by its executive bodies and officials with citizens and organizations in the provision of public services in electronic form.

The implementation of this goal required the solution of a number of tasks: - the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations, principles and mechanisms for regulating the provision of public services to the population in electronic form, clarifying the features of the formation of a system for informing potential consumers about public services and their provision through the development of the appropriate infrastructure (formation of databases on public services and the introduction of advanced information and communication technologies, as well as the creation of information centers);

Determining the possibilities and rational directions for applying world practice in the provision of public services to the population in electronic form;

Analysis of the effectiveness of the creation and modernization of information systems of authorities in the transition to electronic services;

Justification of proposals for the transition to electronic services, taking into account the development electronic method obtaining services, generating demand electronic statements, removing barriers to receiving services, reducing the cost of public services to citizens who receive them electronically;

Development of an approach to create the necessary prerequisites for the provision of services in electronic form, the formation of demand for services provided in electronic form, with the preparation of recommendations for the development of a system of public services to citizens in electronic form.

The subject of the research work is a set of measures for the effective and high-quality provision of public services to the population in electronic form.

The object of the study is public services provided to the population at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation in electronic form.

The scientific novelty of the study as a whole lies in the development of organizational and methodological foundations and a system of practical recommendations for the formation of effective provision of services in electronic form.

The most significant results of the dissertation research are as follows: the sequence of implementation of the gradual transition of state executive bodies to the provision of public services in electronic form is scientifically substantiated; a system of indicators for assessing the quality and accessibility of electronic public services has been developed, factors that have a negative impact on the quality and accessibility of public services have been identified; a methodology for assessing consumer satisfaction with the quality of the public service provided is proposed, on the basis of which the final coefficient of readiness for electronic interaction is calculated, reflecting the level of electronic interaction of the state body, as well as showing the degree of its readiness for the provision of services in electronic form;

A set of organizational and economic recommendations has been developed for the development of methods for express analysis of an e-government project, the essence of which is reflected in the constant monitoring of the current situation, which provides for a scoring assessment of public satisfaction with the quality of services provided in electronic format and allows to identify factors that can contribute to increasing citizens' satisfaction with quality and accessibility services.

theoretical and methodological basis research served as the development of domestic and foreign scientists and specialists in the field of economic development, information technology, public and municipal government.

The information base of the work was made up of data from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws of the Russian Federation, target programs, resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation and its subjects, the Ministry of Communications and mass communications RF, results of sociological research, Internet information resources. Reference and methodical literature, materials of specialized periodicals were used.

Practical significance and approbation of the research results.

The main provisions of the dissertation were discussed and tested in published articles and in a presentation at the scientific and practical conference: “Problems of integrating education, science and business in the face of new challenges of the global economy” (Moscow, 2013).

Suggested by the author practical advice for the development of methods for express analysis of the e-government project and for assessing satisfaction with the quality of the public service provided, have been introduced into the practice of the State Budgetary Institution of the Kurgan Region "MFC". Completed scientific developments are also used in educational process when teaching economic disciplines in the Kurgan branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

Using the recommendations and conclusions of the dissertation will improve the efficiency and quality of public and municipal services provided. The main provisions of the dissertation research can be used in the performance of state functions and the transfer of public services to the population in electronic form by the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as the development of administrative regulations of executive authorities.

The structure and content of the work are determined by the goals, objectives and logic of the dissertation research. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references. Scope of work - 126 pages of the main text, including tables and figures.

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  • Administrative and legal regulation of public services 2008, candidate of legal sciences Beschastnova, Liliana Vladislavovna

  • Development of public services in the modern economic system 2006, Candidate of Economic Sciences Seleznev, Petr Ivanovich

  • Economic value of information electronic services of local governments 2012, Candidate of Economic Sciences Zholud, Alexey Alexandrovich

Dissertation conclusion on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy: the theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics”, Zhidkova, Oksana Sergeevna


Improving the quality of the provision of public services should become an integral part of public administration capable of ensuring the effective development of socio-economic processes in Russia. The provision of services has played a significant role in the socio-economic development of society since ancient times. The presence of services as a form of interaction between people determines the formation and construction of a modern economically developed society.

The social significance of information about the activities of state bodies is as follows: firstly, at the stage of modern development of society, state authorities are carriers and holders of the largest amount of socially significant information, environmental, legal, information about emergencies and incidents, which causes constant increased interest the whole society; secondly, today for society the most significant and essential will be the information resources of public authorities; thirdly, the implementation of the possibility of gaining access to such resources is relatively new for the Russian Federation, and the legislation in this area is the youngest; fourthly, the Internet is the most effective modern means of disseminating information among a wide range of the population.

Thus, not only providing interested persons with access to information about the activities of state bodies, but also the entire public will contribute to the development of state publicly available (electronic) information resources that allow: - to improve the quality of public administration; - to achieve transparency in making managerial decisions;

Create a system of control over the activities of government bodies by society itself.

However, government bodies still do not effectively use the capabilities of information technology in order to move to a qualitatively new level of interaction with the population.

Today, a systematic approach is needed to the provision of services to the population in an electronic version (form), involving the solution of organizational, economic, legal and a number of other issues.

An important task is the formation and development of the industry and the corresponding infrastructure that increases the level of demand for electronic services targeted at the mass consumer using information (electronic) resources that ensure a high level of quality, accessibility and efficiency in the provision of electronic public services. It is necessary to establish a unified system for the provision of services in electronic form throughout the Russian Federation, including the creation of a single database, the requirement for the composition and content of information about the service provided in electronic form, and the mechanism for authorizing service users.

Of particular relevance at present is the task of automating communication between citizens and the state in the provision of public services, obtaining a unique opportunity to interact with the state 24 hours a day in self-service mode, determining the quantitative characteristics of the public availability of information related to the performance of functions and the provision of public services on the basis of existing administrative regulations. , as well as the development of opportunities for electronic interaction on the official websites of executive authorities.

Today, it is necessary to create and develop state interdepartmental electronic interaction that allows exchanging data and making decisions in real time, while ensuring the security of the recipient and the representative of services provided electronically.

Despite the existing differences between the subjects of the country in informatization, as well as the level of information and communication infrastructure of public authorities, most of them are striving for a phased transition to electronic interaction, the provision of information resources via the Internet. Based on this, the paper proposed a method for calculating the final coefficient of readiness for electronic interaction, which reflects the level of electronic interaction of the state body and shows the degree of readiness of the state body to provide services in electronic form.

In the ongoing study, a questionnaire "Quality of public services through the eyes of the population" was developed, consisting of several blocks: the first block of questions of the questionnaire - the position and opinion of the population on interaction with executive authorities in the provision of public services. This block includes questions aimed at clarifying:

Problems that may arise for individuals and legal entities when receiving public services in a public authority;

The reasons why citizens have to refuse to receive public services;

social institutions, which citizens trust more when filing a complaint against the actions (inaction) of officials in the provision of public services;

The desire of citizens to use the services of intermediary organizations in obtaining public services; the second block of questions in the questionnaire is the availability of an appropriate infrastructure available in public authorities that provide and provide public services. Intended respondents are invited to answer questions that arise when applying to a public authority for obtaining the necessary public service; the third block of questions in the questionnaire is the wishes of citizens about what needs to be done to improve the work of civil servants at all levels and improve the quality and accessibility of public services. the fourth block of questions of the questionnaire is to determine the indicators of the quality and accessibility of public services, allowing satisfaction of the needs and desires of the population in the provision of public services.

Based on the questionnaire, the main reasons for the dissatisfaction of the population with the quality of the provision of services in electronic format and factors that can improve the quality and accessibility of the provision of public services to the population in any region of the country can be identified.

At present, the reality is that Russia does not have a sufficient number of specialists, as well as specially designed information programs in the provision and development of public services to the population in electronic form. In order to narrow the gap, our country has to do a lot of work, in which people interested in the accelerated informatization of the country should participate. Serious support is needed from the government and public authorities at different levels, their close interaction.

Another problem is the qualification of specialists called to implement the Electronic Russia program. Unfortunately, in our country there are not enough specialists capable of working with modern information technologies, and one cannot but take into account the ongoing so-called "brain drain" abroad, where they offer a better standard of living and well-being.

Opportunities and implementation of financing programs, interaction between the state and society, coordinated actions of public authorities at all levels are also among the priority issues in building an electronic state.

With modern opportunities for the development of information and communication technologies and the implementation of interaction both between state authorities within state structures, and directly with consumers of services (individuals and legal entities), continuous process interconnections before the implementation of specific decisions in the country. Today, the proposed and adopted decisions by public authorities are directly subordinate to the executors of state structures and can only be approved by the top management, without taking into account the opinions and criticism of society.

An open information society, in our opinion, is:

Permanent operation Internet portals of public authorities;

Well-coordinated feedback process;

The ability of the population to take a direct part in assessing the effectiveness of the work of public authorities in decision-making;

Development and approval regulatory legal documents regulating access to information resources;

Organization of continuous and uninterrupted work of sa11-centers, consulting receptions;

Development of measures that implement the conduct of public examinations;

Formation of a system of standards for public services, allowing the provision of services to citizens and businesses in electronic form.

The implementation of the concept for the introduction of e-government in the region will increase the budget expenditures for organizing the work and activities of the executive authorities of state structures, however, it should be noted that the total budget expenditures for the organization of the new public administration will decrease.

The introduction of e-government should lead to a reassessment of values ​​and awareness of the modern and effective level of interaction not only for certain categories of citizens of our country, but for the entire society as a whole, including civil servants at all levels. At the same time, civil servants and employees of state departments of a functioning public administration system need to understand that not adopting a new system of interaction between authorities, authorities with citizens and organizations will contribute to the displacement of such officials from the outside and the arrival of new ones who implement and understand the prospects for interaction by means of information and communication technologies.

The main elements of the e-government of the region should be the following:

Information and analytical subsystems that increase the socio-economic development of the region through monitoring, analysis, forecasting and planning in the work of state authorities in the region;

Functional subsystems that implement the measurement of information between citizens and state authorities of the region in the provision and provision of public services in electronic form;

Integration subsystems that implement the functioning of interdepartmental interaction of authorities of the electronic government of the region between different levels of government;

Common information technology infrastructures that implement the interconnected existence of various subsystems of the electronic government of the region.

The methods for regulating the provision of public services are as follows:

Increasing the number of Internet users due to: support from the state to create the possibility for all categories of citizens to receive reference and special information upon request about the activities of public authorities, legal documents in public and most visited places;

Ensuring uninterrupted operation of the Internet in hard-to-reach and remote places, such as towns, villages, etc.;

When planning the budget, allocate subsidies for the implementation of building a network of access to Internet resources in remote areas;

Raising public awareness about e-government services: creation and organization of training programs on the use of public online services in schools, employment centers; conducting monitoring and information activities;

As part of the implementation of the e-government system, attract independent organizations to implement the planned projects.

In order to participate independent organizations was effective:

Continuous training of internal personnel and personnel reserve and adoption of the experience of employees of third-party organizations;

Assess the feasibility of using independent organizations instead of their own state structures and departments;

Formation of priority public services provided at the initial stage of the implementation of the e-government system. At the same time, the services provided at this stage from the list must meet the following criteria:

Rendering on the principle of "one window". For the consumer of services, it should not matter which of the state institutions will provide him with a service;

When developing an online version, the entire process of providing each of the services must be streamlined.

The introduction of e-government should be facilitated by the ease and mass access to public services in electronic form by individuals and legal entities. Responsible for documents submitted to public authorities will not be citizens, but civil servants.

The dissertation outlines the methodology for monitoring the official websites of executive authorities. Monitoring the content of official websites is monitoring the work of state bodies in distributing information and services of electronic interaction on their websites on the performance of state functions and the provision of public services in order to identify whether the current level of electronic interaction corresponds to the desired result.

This technique can be used:

For annual independent monitoring of the current state of readiness for electronic interaction on the official websites of the executive bodies of state power of the subject, the MFC in connection with the adoption and application of administrative regulations;

To introduce new developments to improve the analysis of the content of official websites of authorities,.

The methodology for monitoring the content of official websites of the executive authorities of the region of the Russian Federation and the MFC presented in the dissertation research is based on determining the quantitative characteristics of information and services posted on official websites.

The quantitative characteristic of information and services is determined using the criterion of the presence / absence of information and services posted on the official website of the state body, for each administrative regulation, taking into account the total number of administrative regulations.

The thesis proposes a methodology for assessing consumer satisfaction with the quality of the public service provided, on the basis of which the final coefficient of readiness for electronic interaction was developed, reflecting the level of electronic interaction of the state body, as well as showing the degree of readiness for the provision of services in electronic form.

The problem of informatization of the public administration system was given a significant place in the dissertation. This allows us to talk about the applied nature of the study.

Thus, the development of a socio-economic society is currently closely related to the developing Internet technologies, which should allow public authorities to provide high-quality, popular and affordable electronic services. Revealing negative influences on the quality and ubiquity of public services, determined on the basis of indicators for assessing the quality and accessibility of electronic public services, allowing public authorities to continuously analyze and improve the provision of public services to the population.

Using the recommendations and conclusions of the dissertation will improve the efficiency of management and the quality of public services provided. The main provisions of the work can be used by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the formation of administrative regulations for the execution of state functions and in the course of transferring public services to the population into electronic form.

Through the introduction into everyday life of special devices and software that allow you to work at home and provide public services in electronic format quickly and conveniently for the population. This is necessary in order for society to realize and accept the organization of the creation of a new public administration - the provision of electronic public services.

To implement interactive interaction, specialists in the field of information and communication technologies should develop and improve existing software products for public authorities, their clients, citizens and businesses, as well as create special programs for certain categories citizens (pensioners, people with disabilities and with disabilities).

Today, state authorities must ensure not only the high quality of the provision of electronic public services, but also the continuity of their provision.

In order to create efficient functioning electronic region it is necessary to conduct among the users of public services an analysis of the provided public services of electronic form and official information, which are the most popular and frequently requested citizens in a particular region of the country, since Russia is a huge country with different territorial features and a specific mentality.

In the dissertation research, an analysis was made of the proposed and demanded public services provided to the population in electronic form in the territory of the Kurgan region. The most significant and in demand for the population are services that have a social orientation. High rates demand for public services are the Department of Health and the General Directorate social protection population in the Kurgan region.

Particularly important, in our opinion, the implementation of the program of the electronic region will be the creation and existence of access to the Internet in the region among the municipalities of district settlements and settlements. To do this, it is necessary to create special conditions for attracting highly qualified specialists to work who are able to create a system for the provision of public services to the population in electronic form, who are able to train available personnel on the ground in villages remote from the center, and also organize the possibility of control and supervision in the region over the activities of local authorities municipal levels. In turn local authorities authorities municipality should organize among their citizens, future recipients of public services, new opportunities for obtaining official information about the activities of public authorities and a new way of providing public services in electronic form.

The introduction of information technologies into the public administration system should provide a new level of economic, social and educational development in Russia.

Thus, it will be fundamentally important that citizens (individuals and legal entities), when sending a request for the provision of the necessary information, as well as within the framework of the provision of public services, will be able to control the possibility and progress of its provision.

Very important and unique in the implementation of the e-government program will be the equality, without exception, of all categories of citizens and customers who will be provided with electronic services.

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The transition to a post-industrial society implies the inevitable transformation of political institutions and public administration, taking into account the requirements of the information age. New information integrative technologies are becoming more and more widespread, have become the basis for globalization, and significantly affect social development. The number of individuals and institutions that have access to the Internet and use it to meet a growing number of their needs is growing rapidly.

Under these conditions, overly centralized structures are unable to respond with the necessary speed to the diverse changes in the surrounding world. There is a growing need for greater flexibility and mobility of public services on the principles of flexibility, transparency, political neutrality, etc. Opportunities for the use of political and social technologies in management are expanding (with mixed results). In the context of deepening globalization processes, national governments are forced to respond to the latest information technology achievements and trends in order to ensure or maintain the required level of international cooperation.

Internet technologies that provide information interaction between authorities and the population and civil society institutions have received the stable name of “electronic government” in modern literature. (E-Government). It is considered as a single socially responsible and informationally open institution (institution) with constant feedback.

In general, "electronic government" is defined as a specialized complex system of interaction between executive authorities and citizens, civil society and business structures via the Internet. In this semantic series, single-order concepts are used: "electronic business" ( e-business), "electronic citizen" ( e-citizen), "electronic democracy" ( e-democracy), "electronic self-government", etc.

The model of the concept of "electronic government" implies three types of interaction: between the state and citizens (G2C-govemment-to-citizen), government and business G2B - government-to-business), various branches of government (G2G-government-to-government).

The implementation of the concept of "electronic government" is closely related to the reform of public administration. On the one hand, the need to transition to e-government requires a certain restructuring of the foundations of the administrative system, and on the other hand, the transition to "e-government" to a certain extent contributes to an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of management decisions; reducing the cost of maintaining the state apparatus, increasing the productivity of civil servants; fight against corruption in government structures, etc.


"Electronic government" should be considered as a phenomenon that gives a new quality to management institutions, and its genesis - as a kind of process of their further institutionalization. The government itself can also be seen as a political institution. Accordingly, for its analysis, it is necessary to use institutional and neo-institutional approaches, the potential of the concepts of new public administration (management), network theory and other aspects of communication science, qualitative (value and target) approaches, expert assessments of the quality of public policies and management. citizens (E-Citizen) are considered as consumers of electronic services of the state with the corresponding rights and obligations. "Electronic government", as it were, makes the institutions work in a new way and, by creating new rules of the game, acts as a moderator of the new institutionalization.

"Electronic government", on the one hand, is considered as a technology that should improve the work of existing structures. On the other hand, it is designed to organize in a new way the system of interactions between the traditional structures of the federal, regional, municipal levels, therefore, it brings with it new institutional rules of the game.

The main institutional and technological features and characteristics of "electronic government" are formed depending on the political and economic systems of specific countries, government initiatives, programs and the sequence of actions for its deployment, the economic and social resources involved, information and communication tools, etc.

The analysis of the "electronic government" system is expedient in the following areas:

  • 1) stages of its development (stages);
  • 2) the level and nature of the development of electronic media, especially the Internet;
  • 3) features of the socio-cultural foundations and principles of the functioning of "electronic government";
  • 4) general and special in its country (national) model;
  • 5) the relationship of e-government with the nature of administrative reforms;
  • 6) monitoring the feedback of "electronic government", its interaction with civil society and business structures, etc.;
  • 7) the nature and quality of training of managers in state and other structures 1 .

The process of formation and transformation of the "electronic government" system can be divided into five ideal stages-directions (Table 6.2).

Table 6.2

Stages of formation and genesis of "electronic government"

Stage name

Initial Presence

It is characterized by the presence of a website and basic information on it, links to other authorities, departments of the government itself and non-governmental organizations

Advanced Presence

The stage of developed information presence of the authority on the Internet, measured by indicators of the presence on the site of archives of documents (laws, regulations, etc.), current information, databases (statistical and other information), a news section, a department of frequently asked questions, the availability of services search, help, download files and site maps. This is the stage of one-way interaction, involving the flow of information from the state to the population

Interactive Presence

It is characterized by the ability to download and fill out forms for various services, the availability of contact information and the ability to contact representatives of a government body, interactive interconnection between all authorities (and at all levels) with common databases, etc.



The stage of two-way interaction of authorities with the population and business, involving the use of the Internet to carry out the entire transaction - paying taxes and fines, requesting and receiving documents, paying for services using various payment systems, electronic signature etc.


It is characterized by the presence of special tools and opportunities for engaging citizens in discussion and decision-making - web forms for comments, tools for online consultations with the population, discussion forums on policy and government actions, online surveys, opportunities to get answers to requests by e-mail or through web forms (with an indication of the response time) and subscribe to receive information by e-mail

A source: Political science: a textbook for academic undergraduate studies / ed. V. S. Komarovsky. M.: Yurait Publishing House, 2017. S. 280-282.

The creation of "electronic government" is in line with the reform of the entire system of public administration. It implies greater openness and responsiveness; introduction of competitive and contractual principles; creation of separate specialized management structures with increased responsibility for performance results; increasing the role of ethical requirements for management, active interaction with civil society, a greater orientation of state interests to the needs and requirements of citizens, etc. and individuals through the introduction of a unified system of electronic accounting, an increase in the level of budget revenues, a reduction in the scale of corruption and, accordingly, an increase in citizens' confidence in government institutions.

A number of conditions are necessary for the reorganization of the public administration system in the “electronic government” paradigm. Among them: the adoption of appropriate government decisions; a sufficient level of “internetization” of society and state institutions; development of a rational concept of "electronic government" and the creation of the necessary information technology prerequisites and electronic forms (documents, signatures, etc.), financial support, training of new personnel in the algorithm of this government; taking into account the most complex social and administrative-legal problems that arise when new electronic organizational management models are introduced into life; “removing” narrow technological approaches in the formation and operation of “electronic government” (“information technologies will solve all problems”), overcoming the possibilities of its use for anti-social purposes; rational-critical use of accumulated foreign experience, etc.

There are a number of social, political, psychological, financial and organizational factors that hinder the formation of "electronic government". Among them: the competition of the new "information-public" and traditional methods of public administration; significant costs for informatization of state management structures; changing the managerial mentality and improving the ICT skills of civil servants; insufficient effectiveness of certain technological programs; problems of ensuring information security, a sharp increase in the volume of information and its optimization, social and digital inequality, etc.

As part of the online e-government activities, many types of public services have become accessible and convenient in a number of countries. Among them: requests to government agencies, the ability to check the stages of passage, receiving a response indicating the result and those responsible for its adoption; payment of various payments electronic forms(from rent to fines and taxes), receiving common forms of official documents, filling them out and sending them (including receiving tax returns, registering with the employment service); admission to universities on distance, interactive forms education; statements to the police (in case of theft or theft of a car) (Table 6.3). In the Republic of Korea, for example, the official web portal allows the applicant to get acquainted with the stages of passing 54 types of citizens' appeals, to control this process at any time.

Table 63

Examples of improved management efficiency as a result of the implementation of electronic services

Service type

before implementation

Time after implementation


Electronic forms of documents

Several days

Electronic forms for paying taxes

Electronic registration of commercial entities

Registration of property

Several days

Registration of land plots

Making changes to real estate ownership

Certificate of ownership of real estate

Electronic customs


Electronic customs

from 4 to 48 hours

A source: Irkhip Yu. V. Problems of the effectiveness of "electronic government" // Russian state and socio-economic challenges of our time // Sat. articles of the international conf. IGSU RANEPA. T. 1. M.: Prospekt, 2015. S. 41-47.

The American and European models and dominant theories of information and communication technologies are somewhat different. In Europe as a whole, more emphasis is placed on the role of ICT in administrative reform and service to citizens, seen as buyers. In the US, in addition to improving administrative activities, more attention is paid to the impact of ICT on political participation, improving the functioning of the political system as a whole.

In principle, each country has its own characteristics of the formation, development and implementation of the concept of "electronic government".

Numerous problems of using information and communication technologies in management are known. Thus, the insufficiency of the “Internetization” of many states, their institutions, and populations is obvious. The appropriate training of citizens is weak. Even if there is a necessary information database, the necessary skills are required to understand it. Becoming a truly “electronic citizen” (and not just a user of individual services) who understands the problems of public administration is no easier than becoming a conscious participant in political processes. Serious questions arise about the role of "electronic administrators" who have direct access to the technological mechanisms of infocommunications, information theft, technological failures, viruses, etc.

The European Union has introduced a system for continuous monitoring of the availability and status of the following e-services for citizens and businesses.

For citizens: income tax, declaration; job search through the employment service; social help, unemployment benefits, per child, reimbursement for medical services, tuition fees; personal documents (passport, driver's license; car registration; construction applications; informing the police (thefts, etc.); public libraries (catalog accessibility, search tools); birth certificates, marriage certificates (requests and submissions); filing applications for admission to universities; informing about the change of residence; services related to medicine (interactive consultations, applications for treatment in specific places, availability of services in the hospital).

For business: social contributions for workers; corporate taxes and declaration; value added tax; registration of a new legal entity; submission of statistical data; Customs declaration; obtaining security-related permits environment; state procurements.

Finland was the first country in the world to adopt an e-services law (2001). The law contains provisions on the rights, duties and responsibilities of public administration bodies and their clients in the field of electronic services, on key requirements for electronic identification of the identity of citizens. In accordance with the Law, the authorities must provide the public with the choice of electronic delivery of notices, invoices and other similar documents and messages. Authorities and clients can certify their decisions with an electronic signature.

The official web portal of Singapore (http://www.gov.sg) unites all spheres of life: public administration, business, education, science, medicine and even the entertainment industry (the state allocates up to $ 0.5 billion per year for the program) . The portal is divided into four interrelated areas: government; resident citizens (permanent residents); business; non-residents. A large number of information services are provided through them in the current time mode, and interactive communication operates. To do this, you must first register (specify a password, login and user code) and receive the necessary information in any of the directions 1 .

A consumer-centric approach is essential to the organization of public services. In general, there is a formation of a model of public administration focused on the efficiency of business processes, the idea of ​​distinguishing between policy and practice, and the multiplication production indicators. At the same time, laptops and smartphones are increasingly being used, making it possible to carry out online transactions without being tied to a specific place.

"Electronic governments" contribute to a certain openness of states, appropriate reporting, reducing the level of corruption and irresponsibility of officials, improving financial management. In general, managerial thinking is changing for the better. Implementation of reforms in a number of countries has improved due to information technology, increasing confidence in the government, qualitative processing of the growing flow of

data and knowledge. Activity " e-government” implies rapid and profound changes in a number of legal documents. In the Republic of Korea, over a few years, up to 40% of the regulations governing public administration and service have been changed. In general, the document flow is being improved. To the guide public services as a rule, young cadres of managers come more widely, and it is possible to increase salaries based on the final results of their work.

At the same time, there are numerous problems of using information and cybernetic technologies in management. The appropriate training of citizens is weak. Even if there is a necessary information database, then to understand it, the necessary preparation is required. Becoming a truly “electronic citizen” (rather than a user of individual services) who understands the problems of public administration is no easier than becoming a conscious participant in political processes.

  • See: Yakunin V.I., Sulakshin S.S., Bagdasaryan V.Eorlov I.B., Stroganova S.M. Quality and success of public policies and management. M., 2012. S. 5.
  • During a visit to Singapore, D. A. Medvedev (as an experiment) from his laptop submitted to the EP of this country several documents necessary for opening a cafe (registration sheet, application, passport data and dead accounts), immediately received a response from the EP about their receipt, and a week later, an electronic notice of permission for the requested activity.


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